
Examination in the discipline “healthy person and his environment. Online Test "Analysis and assessment of the lifestyle and health of the body" with a health improvement program Healthy person and his environment final test

discipline "Healthy person and his environment
SD, LD, AD – 2nd year, 4th semester



2 course, 4 semester

  1. Make up a condition of the problem for a boy of 6 months, where the answer is: macrosomatotype, disharmonious development; NPR corresponds to age, except for the lines Do, Dr, according to which the child is ahead of development (I group NPR); in behavior, attention is paid to the nature of wakefulness.
  2. A child weighing 3400 g, 54 cm long. The skin is pink, the extremities are cyanotic. Weak cry. Is the baby premature? Assess the child's condition on the Apgar scale. List and characterize the features unnamed in the task. Describe the condition of the child. Your tactics (pre-medical).
  3. A child weighing 2500 g, 50 cm long. Apgar score - 10 points. Is the baby premature? Name its indicators: respiratory rate, heart rate, blood pressure sis, muscle tone, reflexes, skin color. Name the characteristics of the signs on the Apgar scale when assessing 10 points. How would you describe the child's condition? Describe the care plan for this child.
  4. Determine the circumference of the chest in a teenager (boys and girls). Assess physical development: a 15-year-old boy: height 170 cm, weight 60 kg, chest circumference 78 cm.
  5. Determine the size of a large fontanel in a newborn. Name the features of the development of the skeletal system in a newborn.
  6. Determine the respiratory rate and heart rate of the newborn. What are the indicators of respiratory rate and heart rate in children different ages. What are the indicators of CBC (general blood history) for children of different age periods.
  7. Umbilical wound care.
  8. Breastfeeding rules. Breast preparation during pregnancy for breastfeeding
  9. Determine the head circumference of the newborn. Monthly increase in head circumference in an infant. Determine the physical development of a 5-month-old boy: height 65 cm, weight 7 kg, chest circumference 43 cm, head circumference 42 cm.
  10. Prepare 10% oatmeal for a 6 month old baby. Determine the daily volume (Vday) of nutrition for an 8-month-old child (weight 8 kg.).
  11. Hygienic bath for a premature newborn.
  12. Prepare cottage cheese for a 10-month-old baby. Determine Vday. nutrition for a child of 5 months, weighing 7 kg.
  13. Natural feeding. Make a nutrition plan for a child of 5 months (body weight - 7 kg).
  14. Primary toilet of the newborn.
  15. Child weighing 3600 g, length 53 cm Apgar score 7 points. Is the baby premature? Name and describe the signs on the Apgar scale. Describe the child's condition. First aid for a child.
  16. The child was born with a weight of 3500 g, a length of 50 cm.
  17. On the films after urination, a sediment in the form of sand is found, the urine is cloudy, the number of urinations is 5-6 times a day. What physiological states do you detect? The reason for their appearance. Tactics.
  18. Determine the height and weight of a 1 month old baby. Patterns of development of growth, weight for children of different age periods.
  19. A child weighing 2100 g, 40 cm long. The skin is smooth, fluffy hair all over the body, the nail plate does not reach the tip of the fingers, the head occupies 1/3 of the growth. Whether the baby is full-term, grade, gestational age. Name some other signs of a child. What are the main indicators of the child: heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure sis, cry, reflexes, etc.
  20. Care of the umbilical cord (stump).
  21. Hygienic bath for a full-term newborn.
  22. Determine the anthropometric data of the newborn at the primary toilet.
  23. Swaddling (closed). AFO skin and s / c fatty tissue.
  24. Morning toilet of a newborn.
  25. Swaddling (closed). AFO skin and f/f fiber
  26. Determine the height of the newborn; child m/f; teenager. Determine the physical development of the child: a 5-year-old girl: height 100 cm, weight 16 kg, chest circumference - 53 cm.
  27. Determine the physical development of a teenager (working with centile tables).
  28. A child weighing 3400 g, 50 cm long. On the 4th day of life, swelling of the scrotum, engorgement of the mammary glands is detected. The mass during examination was 3200 g, the temperature rose to 380C. What transitional states are defined? The reason for their appearance. your tactics. timing of these conditions.
  29. A girl weighing 2500 g, 43 cm long. Yellowness of the skin and sclera is detected on the 3rd day of life, regurgitation during feeding, weight upon examination is 2300 g, the temperature rises to 380C. What transitional states are defined? The reason for their appearance. your tactics. timing of these conditions.
  30. A girl weighing 1000 g, 35 cm long. The auricles are shapeless, the skin is wrinkled, there are no reflexes. Is the baby premature? Gestational age. Name some other morphological features of the child. What are the main vital signs: heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, cry, reflexes, muscle tone, skin color.
  31. Girl weighing 3200 g at birth, 50 cm long. In the first days of life stool in the form of a dense dark green mass, odorless. Hyperemia of the skin is found. What transitional states are defined? The reason for their appearance. your tactics. Timing of manifestation.
  32. The girl was born with a weight of 3200 g, a length of 50 cm. On the 2nd day, hyperemia of the skin was detected. On the 4th day, bloody discharge from the vagina. Weight during examination - 3000 g (on the 3rd day of life). What transitional states are defined? The reason for their appearance. your tactics. timing of these conditions.
  33. Natural feeding. Draw up a nutrition plan for a child of 7 months (body weight - 8 kg).
  34. Natural feeding. Draw up a nutrition plan for an 8-month-old child (body weight - 8 kg).
  35. Natural feeding. Make a nutrition plan for a child of 6 months (body weight - 8 kg).
  36. Girl 2 months old, weight 4500 g, length 54 cm, chest circumference 35 cm, head circumference 37 cm. She watches the toy for a long time. Smiling at an adult's speech. Tries to raise and hold his head while lying on his stomach. Produces individual sounds. Appetite is good, sleeps calmly, while awake is capricious. Assess physical development. Assess NPR. Note the behavior.
  37. A child weighing 3200 g, 50 cm long. The skin is pink, the cry is loud, the movements are inactive. Is the baby premature? Assess on the Apgar scale, characterize the unnamed signs. Care plan.
  38. Swaddling (free). AFO skin and f/f fiber
  39. Make a recommendation health worker on behavior with an elderly patient with a "dependent" life position.
  40. To give a recommendation to a medical worker on behavior with an elderly patient with a “constructive” life position.
  41. Advise an elderly patient on a rest regimen.
  42. Advise an elderly patient on physical activity.
  43. Give advice to an elderly patient on the care of appearance.
  44. Give a recommendation to the health worker on how to behave with an elderly patient with a “protective” life position.
  45. To give a recommendation to a medical worker on behavior with an elderly patient with a life position of "hostility to the world."
  46. Psychological support for a dying person and his loved ones.
  47. The main problems of the patient in old age. Diet therapy.
  48. Advise an elderly patient on diet therapy.
  49. Based on the given anamnesis of an elderly person, determine his main problems.
  50. The concept of death. Stages of dying and death.
  51. To give a recommendation to a medical worker on behavior with an elderly patient with a life position of "hostile to the world"
  52. Determine the date of the upcoming birth using the Negele formula, if it is known that the last menstruation was from January 15 to 20.
  53. How to keep a menstrual calendar?
  54. How to use oral contraceptives?
  55. Periods of childbirth, their duration and characteristics.
  56. What is the uterine cycle? Characteristics of the phases of the uterine cycle.
  57. Doubtful and probable signs of pregnancy.
  58. Diet of a pregnant woman.
  59. Reliable signs of pregnancy, ancestral expelling forces.
  60. What is the ovarian cycle, signs of ovulation.
  61. Methods of external obstetric research.
  62. Determine the date of the upcoming maternity leave, if the last period was from 08 to 13 June.
  63. Classification of contraception.
  64. Calculate the fertile days if it is known that the last menstruation was from June 10 to 14. The cycle is regular 21 days.
  65. Determine the date of birth by the day of the first movement of the fetus - February 20 (primiparous woman).
  66. Measurement of the circumference of the abdomen, the height of the fundus of the uterus (VVDM) at different stages of pregnancy.
  67. The location of the fetus in the uterine cavity (articulation, presentation, position, type of position, position). Define and demonstrate on a model.
  68. External conjugate \u003d 18 cm, diagonal - 11 cm. Determine p. uera
  69. Calculate the fertile days if it is known that the last menstruation was from June 10 to 14. The cycle is regular 28 days.
  70. How to use the "rhythm method" of contraception.
  71. Intrauterine device(IUD) as a method of contraception.
  72. Rules for the use of mechanical contraceptives.
  73. The location of the fetus in the uterine cavity: cephalic presentation, I half of the anterior view (demonstrate on the dummy).
  74. To determine the severity of menopausal syndrome, if it is known that a 49-year-old woman complains of hot flashes up to 15 times a day, frequent urination, dryness of the external genitalia, pain in the mammary glands.
  75. Menopause, menopausal syndrome (definition). The severity of the climacteric syndrome according to E.M. Vikhlyaeva.
  76. Measure the outer dimensions of the pelvis.
  77. Hormonal contraception.
  78. To determine the severity of the menopausal syndrome, if it is known that a 49-year-old woman complains of hot flashes 10 times a day, frequent urination, dryness of the external genitalia, pain in the mammary glands.
  79. Measuring the circumference of the abdomen, RVDM at the end of pregnancy.
  80. Childbirth. period of exile. Demonstrate the biomechanism of childbirth on the model.
  81. The location of the fetus in the uterine cavity: transverse position II position, rear view (demonstrate on the model).
  82. Method of lactational amenorrhea.
  83. Breastfeeding rules. WHO principles of successful breastfeeding.
  84. Measurement of the external conjugate and determination of the true conjugate from it.
  85. Determine the date of the upcoming maternity leave, if the last menstruation was from March 10 to March 14.
  86. Measure the diagonal conjugate on the model, determine the true conjugate by the size of the diagonal conjugate.

Test tasks for the exam
discipline "Healthy person and his environment"
for students of specialties: "Medicine", "Nursing", "Obstetrics"
2 course, 4 semester

Section 1 Introduction

1. Main indicators of population statistics:
1) fertility;
2) mortality;
+3) population;
+4) the composition of the population (sex, age, social status, etc.).

2. Indicators characterizing the health of the population:
1) fertility;
2) mortality;
+3) physical development;
+4) morbidity;
5) demographic indicators.

3. The birth rate is calculated by the formula:
1) (number of live births per year) / (average population) x 1000;
2) (number of live births per year) / (number of delivered births) x 1000;
+3) (number of pregnant women per year) / (number of delivered births) x 1000.

4. The total fertility rate reflects the number of children that each woman must give birth to:
+1) simple reproduction of the population;
2) population growth by 10%;
3) population growth by 20%;
4) population growth by 30%.

5. For simple reproduction, the total fertility rate should be:
2) 2,0;
+3) 2,17;
4) 3,0.

6. Indicators reflecting the mechanical movement of the population:
1) fertility;
2) mortality;
+3) emigration;
+4) migration.

7. Indicators of the natural movement of the population:
+1) fertility;
+2) mortality;
+3) natural increase;
4) migration;
+5) infant mortality.

8. Child (infant) mortality rate:
1) mortality of children under 14;
+2) mortality of children under 1 year old;
3) mortality of children under 1 month;
4) mortality of children up to 28 days of life.

9. The infant mortality rate is calculated using the formula:
+1) (number of deaths of children under 1 year of age) / (number of live births) x 100;
2) (number of deceased children under the age of 1 year) / (number of all births) x 100;
3) (number of live births per year) / (number of deaths of children under the age of 1 year) x 100.

Section 2. Healthy child. periods of childhood.

1. The first attachment to the breast after the birth of a healthy newborn is carried out:
1) after 2-3 hours;
+2) immediately into the genus. hall;
3) after 6 hours;
4) after 10-12 hours.

2. The term for the appearance of physiological jaundice:
1) 2-3 hours after childbirth;
2) 6-8 hours after delivery;
+3) 2-3 days after childbirth;
4) 5-6 days after delivery.

4. The main cause of diaper rash in a newborn on the 4th day of life will be:
1) overheating;
+2) transitional chair;
3) cooling the child;
4) active sucking of the child.

5. A newborn baby is considered premature at the gestational age:
1) 41 weeks;
2) 39 weeks;
+3) less than 38 weeks;
4) 20 weeks.

6. Weight of a child of the 1st degree of prematurity:
1) 1700 g;
2) 1400 g;
3) 1900;
+4) 2100

7. The cause of prematurity will be:
1) irregular visits to the clinic;
2) the second blood group in the mother;
+3) multiple pregnancy;
4) a long stay in the fresh air.

8. The average weight gain in the first half of life is:
1) 1000 g;
+2) 800 g;
3) 500 g;
4) 600 g.

9. The increase in the length of the child in the first year is made up:
+1) 25 cm;
2) 15 cm;
3) 10 cm;
4) 5 cm.

10. The weight of a child per year is:
1) 15 kg;
2) 8 kg;
+3) 10 kg;
4) 12 kg.

11. To assess physical development, it is necessary to determine:
+1) somatotype;
+2) harmony;
3) acceleration;
4) child's skills.

12. Measurement of body weight and length of a child under 1 year old is carried out:
1) 2 times a month;
2) 3 times a year;
3) 1 time in 3 months;
+4) once a month.

13. Indicators of body length, weight, chest circumference are called:
1) actual;
2) due;
+3) anthropometric;
4) secondary.

14. The tone of which muscles prevails in newborns:
1) extensor;
+2) flexion.

15. Indicate the period of eruption of all milk teeth in children:
1) 1 year;
+3) 6-7 years;
4) 4 years.

16. Colostrum is secreted from the mammary gland:
1) within the first month after childbirth;
+2) at the end of pregnancy and the first days after childbirth;
3) during the whole pregnancy;
4) during the first 3 weeks.

17. Before each feeding it is necessary:
1) give the child a teaspoon of water;
2) hold vertically for 3-5 minutes;
+3) swaddle;
4) treat the oral mucosa.

18. The daily amount of milk for a child of 1 month is:
1) 1/6 of body weight;
+2) 1/5 body weight;
3) 1/4 body weight;
4) 1/7 body weight.

19. A child of 2 months, if the mother does not have enough milk, m / s will advise
1) 5% porridge;
2) juice;
3) whole milk;
+4) with an adapted mixture.

21. For the first complementary foods, it is better to give a child:
1) 5% semolina;
+2) vegetable puree;
3) whole kefir;
4) fruit puree.

22. The third complementary foods with artificial feeding are administered with:
1) 5 months;
2) 9 months;
+3) 7 months;
4) 4 months

23. Daily amount of food for a child of 6 months. is:
1) 800 ml;
2) 500 ml;
+3) 1000 ml;
4) 600 ml.

24. Whole cow's milk is given as complementary foods:
1) from 2 months;
2) from 5 months;
+3) from 7 months;
4) 4.5-5 months.

25. The main means of hardening include:
1) massage;
+2) air;
3) hot steam;
4) rational nutrition;
5) water;
6) gymnastics;
7) the sun.

26. Air temperature during an air bath in a child of 1 year
must be:
+1) 20 degrees;
2) 24-26 degrees;
3) 18 degrees;
4) 40 deg.

27. What rays of the sun can be used to harden infants:
1) straight;
+2) scattered;
3) reflected.

28. When performing a massage for children of 1 year of age, they cannot be used the following tricks:
+1) stroking;
2) vibration;
+3) rubbing;
+4) kneading;
5) wiggle.

30. The number of respiratory movements in children 1 year old:
1) 40-60 per minute;
2) 25-30 per minute;
+3) 30-35 per minute;
4) 20-22 per min.

31. The physiological volume of the stomach in a child aged 1 year is:
1) 40-50 ml;
+2) 200-250 ml;
3) 100-150 ml;
4) 400-600 ml.

32. Head circumference in a child of 12 months. is:
+1) 46-47 cm;
2) 50 cm;
3) 35 cm;
4) 55 cm.

33. The frequency of respiratory movements in a child at the age of 5 is:
+1) 25 per minute;
2) 30-35 per minute;
3) 16-18 in mi.

35. As a result of the AFO nervous system and increased stress in schoolchildren often develops:
1) change in handwriting;
+2) overwork and fatigue;
3) sharpening of memory;
4) weight change.

36. After school, the student should:
1) quickly prepare homework;
+2) take a walk in the fresh air;
3) read a book;
4) watch TV.

37. Rational nutrition of schoolchildren includes the following points, except for:
+1) high fiber content;
2) the presence of vegetable and dairy dishes;
3) 4 single meal;
4) availability of hot breakfasts.

38. Change is designed to maintain performance and rest
children in order to prevent overwork:
+1) yes;
2) no.

40. Is the statement true:
Subjects requiring work (mathematics, Russian) should be alternated with oral lessons (reading):
+1) yes;
2) no.

Section 3. Healthy man and woman of mature age.

1. The external genital organs of a woman include:
1) uterus;
2) vagina;
+3) clitoris;
4) ovary.

2.Internal female genital organs:
1) clitoris;
2) Bartholin's glands;
+3) uterus;
4) pubis.

3. Normal environment in the vagina:
1) neutral;
+2) sour;
3) alkaline;
4) slightly alkaline.

4. The inner lining of the uterus:
1) perimetry;
2) myometrium;
+3) endometrium;
4) parametrium.

5. Hormone produced in the corpus luteum:
1) esterone;
2) insulin;
3) oxytocin;
+4) progesterone.

6. Average duration menstrual cycle:
1) 21 days;
2) 35 days;
3) 15 days;
+4) 28 days.

7. Rupture of the follicle and release of the egg into abdominal cavity:
+1) ovulation;
2) menstruation;
3) proliferation;
4) secretion.

8. Female sex hormone:
1) testosterone;
+2) folliculin;
3) pituitrin;
4) oxytocin/

9. Phase of the uterine cycle:
1) ovulation;
2) persistence;
+3) proliferation;
4) atresia.

10. Male external genitals:
1) testicle;
2) spermatic cord;
3) prostate gland;
+4) scrotum.

11. Spermatozoa are produced in:
+1) testicle;
2) prostate gland;
3) seminal vesicles;
4) bulbourethral glands.

12. Hormones produced in the testicle:
1) progesterone;
2) estrone;
+3) testosterone;
4) prolactin.

13. Physiological pregnancy continues:
+1) 280 days;
2) 250 days;
3) 380 days;
4) 180 days.

14. A primiparous woman feels the first movement of the fetus in:
1) 15 weeks;
+2) 20 weeks;
3) 30 weeks;
4) 40 weeks.

15. Shells of the fetal egg:
1) visceral and parietal;
2) internal and external;
+3) amnion and chorion;
4) endometrium, myometrium.

16. Fusion of germ cells of a man and a woman:
1) implantation;
+2) fertilization;
3) ovulation;
4) secretion.

17. Introduction of a fertilized egg into the endometrium:
1) fertilization;
2) secretion;
3) ovulation;
+4) implantation.

18. Afterbirth is:
1) amnion, chorion, umbilical cord;
2) placenta, umbilical cord;
3) placenta, membranes;
+4) placenta, membranes, umbilical cord.

19. In the physiological course of pregnancy, weight gain:
+1) 10-12 kg;
2) 15-17 kg;
3) 5-6 kg;
4) 20-21 kg.

20. Vessels are located in the umbilical cord:
1) three arteries;
+2) two arteries, one vein;
3) two veins and one artery;
4) three veins.

21. Sexually transmitted diseases:
1) peritonitis, adnexitis;
2) endometritis, fibroids;
+3) gonorrhea, trichomoniasis;
4) endometriosis.

22. Diseases transmitted through the patient's blood:
+1) syphilis, HIV;
2) gonorrhea, trichomoniasis;
3) gastritis, colitis;
4) adnexitis. Colpitis.

23. Chemical contraceptives:
1) Navy;
2) luteonurin;
+3) morvelon;
4) condom.

24. Hormonal contraceptive:
+1) tri-regol;
2) diaphragm;
3) Navy;
4) vaginal sponge.

25. Changes in a woman's body during pregnancy:
1) impaired bowel function;
2) hypertension;
+3) enlargement of the uterus;
4) fever.

26. Expelling forces in the 1st stage of childbirth:
+1) contractions;
2) attempts;
3) contractions, attempts;
4) none of the above.

27. The 2nd stage of labor ends:
1) full opening of the uterine os;
+2) the birth of a fetus;
3) the birth of the placenta;
4) outpouring of amniotic fluid.

28. The 1st stage of childbirth is the period:
+1) disclosures;
2) exile;
3) sequential;
4) early postpartum.

29. A woman after the birth of the placenta is called:
1) pregnant;
2) a woman in labor;
+3) a puerperal;
4) none of the above.

30. The beginning of labor activity should be considered:
1) outpouring of amniotic fluid;
+2) regular contractions and changes in the cervix;
3) the birth of the fetus;
4) the birth of the placenta.

31. Normal number of fetal heartbeats:
1) 110-120 beats. in minutes;
+2) 120-140 beats. in min. ;
3) 150-160 beats. per min;
4) 160-180 beats. in min.

32. On the first day after the birth of lochia:
1) white;
2) yellow;
+3) red;
4) green.

33. The external os of the cervix closes after childbirth through:
1) 3 days;
2) 10 days;
3) 8 weeks;
+4) 3 weeks.

34. Duration of the postpartum period:
1) 3-4 weeks;
2) 5-6 weeks;
+3) 6-8 weeks;
4) 9-10 weeks.

35. The uterus daily decreases during the physiological course of the postpartum period by:
1) 2-4 cm;
2) 6-7 cm;
+3) 1.5-2 cm;
4) 4-5 cm.

36. The border between the outer segment and the body of the uterus is called:
1) contact belt;
2) fetal bladder;
+3) contraction ring;
4) internal pharynx.

37. For a week, normal body weight gain is:
1) 200-300 gr.;
+2) 300-350 gr.;
3) 400-450 gr.;
4) 600-700 gr.

38. The “risk group” for HIV infection includes:
+1) drug addicts;
2) postoperative patients;
3) pregnant women;
4) patients with hepatitis.

39. Sexual coldness of a woman:
1) lesbianism;
2) homosexuality;
+3) frigidity;
4) masochism.

40. Measures to prevent pregnancy:
+1) contraception;
2) ovulation;
3) induction;
4) implantation.

41. After what method of contraception the partner is not able to conceive:
1) hormonal;
2) chemical;
3) barrier;
+4) sterilization.

Section 4. Persons of the elderly and senile age

1. The naturally occurring final period of age development is called:
1) aging;
2) gerontology;
3) vitaukt;
4) + old age.

2. The types of aging include all but one:
1) premature;
2) natural;
3) slow;
4) + social.

3. Biological age:
1) the number of years lived;
2) + a measure of the aging of the body;
3) species life expectancy;
4) the rate of intellectual regression.

4. Older people belong to the following age group:
1) 75-89;
2) 45-59;
3) 65-85;
4) +60-74.

5. Long-livers include people aged:
1) 75-90 years;
2) older than 80;
3) + over 90;
4) over 100.

6. Geriatrics is a science that studies:
1) patterns of aging in higher animals and humans;
2) the influence of living conditions on the process of human aging;
3) + features of the course of diseases in the elderly and old people;
4) ways to increase human life expectancy.

8. To prevent early aging from the diet should be excluded:
1) vegetable protein;
2) coarse fiber;
3) + cholesterol-containing products;
4) dairy products.

9. Mandatory equipment of the department of gerontological profile:
1) heart monitors;
2) air conditioners;
3) + means of signal communication with the sister;
4) blinds.

10. Anatomical and functional features of the respiratory system in elderly and senile people:
1) expansion of the lumen of the bronchi;
2) increase in the vital capacity of the lungs;
3) + development of emphysema;
4) hyperplasia of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi.

11. Anatomical and functional features of the musculoskeletal system in elderly and senile people:
1) muscle hypertrophy;
2) + decalcification of bones;
3) proliferation of cartilaginous tissue;
4) connective tissue atrophy.

12. Anatomical and functional changes in the digestive system in elderly and senile people:
1) increased intestinal motility;
2) hypertrophy of the parietal cells of the stomach;
3) +development of putrefactive microflora of the large intestine;
4) decrease in the length of the intestine.

13. One of the provisions of geriatric pharmacology:
1) appointment on the first day of treatment of a loading dose of the drug;
2) + rejection of polypharmacy (multiple drug therapy) ;
3) appointment for oral administration of predominantly liquid dosage forms;
4) potentiation by alcohol intake of action medicines.

14. Elderly patients are prescribed medications based on:
1) in the usual therapeutic dose of an adult;
2) in an increased dose;
3) + in a reduced dose;
4) always in half dose.

15. Optimum room temperature for a geriatric patient on general mode:
1) 16-18;
2) 24-25;
3) +22-23;
4) 28-30;

16. Typical physiological problem of elderly and senile people:
1) sweating;
2) + constipation;
3) drowsiness;
4) acute urinary retention.

17. Typical psychosocial problem of elderly and senile people:
1) + loneliness;
2) alcohol abuse;
3) suicidal tendencies;
4) refusal to participate in public life.

18. Unconditional sign of the onset of biological death:
1) pupil dilation;
2) lack of breathing;
3) + clouding of the cornea;
4) absence of a pulse in the carotid artery.

19. When caring for a geriatric patient, the nurse should first of all ensure:
1) rational nutrition of the patient;
2) carrying out personal hygiene measures;
3) + patient safety;
4) maintaining social contacts.

20. Active Euthanasia:
1) the right of the patient to die in peace and with dignity;
2) the patient's right to refuse medical care;
3) + the right of a doctor to end the life of a doomed patient with his consent;
4) the right of a doctor to terminate the life of a doomed patient at the request of his relatives.


1. The child should already walk independently at the age of:
-1) 10 months
+2) 12 months
-3) 1.5 years
-4) 2 years

2. The revitalization complex appears in a child at the age of:
-1) 1 month
-2) 2 months
+3) 3-4 months.
-4) 5 months

3. The child smiles at the speech of an adult already at the age of:
-1) 1 month
+2) 2 months
-3) 4 months
-4) 5 months

4. The hypertonicity of the flexors of the lower extremities disappears in a child at the age of:
-1) 2-2.5 months
+2) 3-4 months.
-3) 4-6 months
-4) 7 months

5. The hypertonicity of the flexors of the upper extremities disappears in a child at the age of:
+1) 2-2.5 months
-2) 3-4 months.
-3) 4-5 months.
-4) 6 months

6. The child begins to drink from a cup held by an adult of age:
-1) 2 months
-2) 3 months
-3) 5 months
+4) 6 months

7. The child bends over without squatting, already at the age of:
-1) 3 months
-2) 10 months
-3) 12 months
+4) 1.5 years

8. The first teeth appear in a child at the age of:
-1) 3-4 months
-2) 4-5 months.
+3) 6-7 months.
-4) 8-8.5 months.

9. A large fontanel closes in a child aged:
-1) 6-8 months
-2) 10-12 months
+3) 12-15 months
-4) 2 years

10. Lumbar lordosis is formed in a child aged:
-1) 5 months
-2) 8 months
+3) 12 months
-4) 2 years

11. Thoracic kyphosis is formed in a child aged:
-1) 3-4 months
+2) 6-7 months
-3) 10-12 months
-4) 1.5 years

12. Cervical lordosis in a child appears at the age of:
-1) 1 month
+2) 2 months
-3) 6 months
-4) 8 months

13. The bone tissue of a child contains:
-1) a lot of water, organic matter, mineral salts
-2) little water, organic matter
+3) a lot of water, organic substances, few mineral salts
-4) little water, a lot of organic matter

14. At what age does a child already hold his head well for 1-2 minutes:
-1) 1 month
+2) 2 months
-3) 3 months
-4) 4 months

15. The child holds his head well in an upright position in:
-1) 1 month
-2) 2 months
+3) 3 months
-4) 4 months

16. The child starts to walk in:
-1) 1 month
-2) 2 months
+3) 3 months
-4) 4 months

17. The child can sit, but not yet sit down on his own in:
-1) 2 months
-2) 4 months
+3) 6 months
-4) 7 months

18. The child stands without support in:
-1) 7 months
-2) 9 months
-3) 10 months
+4) 11 months

19. The child already sits on his own in:
-1) 5 months
-2) 6 months
+3) 8 months
-4) 10 months

20. A child pronounces 8-10 words at the age of:
-1) 10 months
+2) 12 months
-3) 1.5 years
-4) 2 years

21. Bladder in young children:
+1) located high, adjacent to the abdominal wall
-2) located low
-3) adjacent to the kidneys
-4) lies behind the peritoneum

22. Number of teeth in a child per year:
-1) 4 teeth
-2) 6 teeth
+3) 8 teeth
-4) 10 teeth

23. Type of breathing in a child in infancy:
+1) diaphragmatic
-2) costal
-3) mixed
-4) breast

24. At 10 months. a healthy child receives food no more than:
-1) 500 ml
+2) 1000 ml
-3) 1500 ml
-4) 2000 ml

25. At 3 months, the child receives nutrition in volume equal to:
-1) 1/5 body weight
+2) 1/6 body weight
-3) 1/7 body weight
-4) 1/8 body weight

26. Full-term baby at 1 month. life receives an amount of milk equal to:
+1) 1/5 body weight
-2) 1/6 of body weight
-3) 1/7 body weight
-4) 1/8 body weight

27. More in colostrum than in mature mother's milk
-1) protein
-2) salts
-3) vitamins

28. Colostrum is secreted from the mother up to:
+1) 3-4 days
-2) 5-7 days
-3) two weeks
-4 months

29. The growth of a full-term baby for the 1st year of life increases on average by:
-1) 10-12cm
-2) 20cm
+3) 25 cm
-4) 30cm

30. Weight gain of a child in the third month of life:
-one. 700
+2. 800
-3. 900
-4. 950

31. The stomach in children in the 1st year of life is located:
+1) horizontal
-2) vertically
-3) in an oblique position

32. The capacity of the bladder in a newborn is:
-1) 10-20ml
-2) 30-35ml
+3) 50 ml
-4) 60-70 ml

33. Uric acid infarction in children occurs:
-1) for 1-2 days of life
+2) on 3-4 days of life
-3) on 7-10 days of life
-4) 10-14 days of life

34. Stool in infants is normal:
-1) 1-2 times a day
+2) 3-5 times a day
-3) 6-8 times a day
-4) up to 10 times a day

35. In children on breastfeeding main flora in the intestines:
+1) bifidum bacterium
-2) E. coli
-3) staphylococcus aureus
-4) all of the above

36. It is necessary to wean a child from the breast in:
-1) 10 months
+2) 12 months
-3) 1.5 years
-4) 15 months

37. Nutrilon mixture is:
-1) sour milk
+2) adapted
-3) unadapted
-4) soy

38. With mixed feeding frequency of feeding:
+1) like breastfeeding
-2) more often than breastfeeding
-3) less often than breastfeeding
-4) like bottle-fed

39. From the nutrition of a nursing mother, it is necessary to exclude:
-1) bow
-2) garlic
-3) black coffee
+4) all of the above

40. Contraindications to breastfeeding on the part of the mother are:
-1) mental disorders
-2) purulent mastitis
-3) cardiovascular insufficiency
+4) all of the above is correct

41. Contraindications to breastfeeding in a child are:
-1) runny nose
+2) cerebrovascular accident in a child, galactosemia
-3) hyperactivity
-4) uric acid infarction

42. In the treatment of hypogalactia, the following are used:
+1) prolactin, UVR on the mammary glands
-2) acetylsalicylic acid
-3) caffeine
-4) tincture of garlic

43. The child receives the third complementary foods at the age of:
-1) 1 month
-2) 5 months
-3) 6 months
+4) 8 months

44. First complementary foods for a healthy baby breastfeeding administered at the age of:
-1) 3 months
+2) 5 months.
-3) 6 months.
-4) 7 months.

45. In the first half of the year, the child receives juice in the amount of:
-1) 10-20ml
-2) 20-30 ml
+3) 30-50 ml
-4) 50-100 ml

46. ​​With five meals a day, a child is fed through:
+1) 4 hours
-2) 3.5 hours
-3) 3 hours
-4) 2.5 hours

47. In the pubertal period, boys are dominated by:
+1) abdominal type of breathing
-2) chest type of breathing
-3) mixed type of breathing
-4) different type of breathing

48. In the pubertal period, girls are dominated by:
-1) abdominal type of breathing
+2) chest type of breathing
-3) mixed type of breathing
-4) different type of breathing

49. The volume of the stomach reaches 1 liter in children aged:
-17 years
+2) 8 years
-39 years
-4) 10 years

50. The structure of the liver becomes the same as in adults at the age of:
-17 years
+2) 8 years
-39 years
-4) 10 years

51. In the pubertal period, the sleep of children should be at least:
-1) 7 hours
+2) 8 hours
-3) 10 hours
-4) 11 hours

52. More often obesity in children in prepubertal and pubertal periods is associated with:
+1) with overeating of carbohydrates, hypodynamia
-2) with overeating of proteins
-3) with beriberi
-4) with all of the above

53. At school age, a child should eat:
-1) 3 times a day
+2) 4 times a day
-3) 5 times a day
-4) 6 times a day

54. Physiological jaundice of premature babies persists:
-1) 1-2 days
-2) one week
+3) 2-3 weeks
-4) 4 weeks

55. A miscarriage is a fetus born with:
-1) weighing 1500 g
-2) body length 35-40cm
+3) with a body weight of less than 1000 g, with a body length of up to 35 cm
-4) with a mass of 2100g, with a body length of 45 cm

56. Sanitary treatment of the incubator is carried out:
-1) 10% bleach solution
-2) 5% chloramine solution
-3) 3% chloramine solution
+4) 1% chloramine solution

57. A premature baby with a birth weight of 2150 g is:
-1) in a closed flask
-2) in an open couveuse
-4) in an open crib

58. A premature baby (birth weight 2200g) must walk
-1) from 8 months.
-2) from 10 months.
+3) from 1 year
-4) from 2 years old

60. A premature baby weighing from 1500 grams to 2000 grams should be:
-1) in a closed flask
-2) in an open couveuse
+3) in an open bed with heating
-4) in an open crib

61. A premature baby has no swallowing and sucking reflex with body weight:
-1) 2500 g
-2) 2000
-3) 1700 g
+4) less than 1500 g

62. Signs of premature baby:
-1) birth tumor
-2) umbilical ring in the middle of the abdominal wall
+3) muscular hypotension
+4) the head is 1/3 of the body length

63. In the structure of child mortality, premature babies are:
-1) 25%
-2) 25-50 %
+3) 50-75%
-4) 75-90%

64. Gestational age 28 weeks. What is the degree of prematurity?
-1) I
-3) III
+4) IV

65. The growth of a premature baby:
-1) 25 to 45 cm
+2) 35 to 45 cm
-3) 35 to 50 cm
-4) up to 35 cm

66. A premature baby (birth weight 1400 g) will catch up with his peers in psychomotor development:
-1) by 6 months of age
-2) by the end of the first year of life
+3) during the 2nd year of life
-4) by the end of the 3rd year of life

67. The temperature in a closed flask is maintained at:
-1) 25-30 degrees
+2) 30-35 degrees
-3) 35-40 degrees
-4) 40-41 degrees

68. A premature baby is discharged home with a weight:
-1) 3000 g
+2) 2000
-3) 1700 g
-4) 1500 g

69. You can bathe a premature baby at the water temperature:
-1) 36-37 deg.
+2) 37.5-38 degrees.
-3) 38.5-39 degrees
-4) 39.5-40 deg.

70. A permanent (reusable) probe when feeding a premature baby is changed:
-1) in a day
+2) in 2-3 days
-3) in 5-6 days
-4) after 6-10 days

71. The weight of a premature baby, having a body weight of 2 kg at birth, increases by the year:
-1) 2-3 times
-2) 3-4 times
+3) 5-6 times
-4) 7-8 times

72. To the breast of a premature baby is applied when reaching body weight:
-1) 2500 g
-2) 2000
+3) 1700 g
-4) 1500 g

73. Language in newborns:
+1) wide, short
-2) narrow, long
-3) wide, long
-4) narrow, short

74. The nervous system of the unborn child is laid already on:
+1) 1-2 weeks of pregnancy
-2) 3-4 weeks of pregnancy
-3) 5-6 weeks of pregnancy
-4) 7-8 weeks of pregnancy

75. The mass of the brain in a newborn is from body weight:
-1) 1/3 part
-2) 1/4-1/5 part
+3) 1/8-1/9 part
-4) 1/20 part

76. A child's hearing can be tested:
+1) in the neonatal period
-2) at 3-4 months.
-3) at 6 months.
-4) at 12 months.

77. Physiological weight loss in a full-term baby is maximum for:
-1) 1-2 day life
+2) 2-4 days of life
-3) 4-7 day life
-4) 8-12 day life

78. The average head circumference of a newborn is:
-1) 30-33cm
+2) 34-36 cm
-3) 35-37cm
-4) 35-38cm

79. The length of the head of a full-term newborn child is:
-1) 1/3 height
+2) 1/4 height
-3) 1/5 height
-4) 1/6 height

80. The air temperature in the ward of premature babies is maintained within:
-1) 21-22 degrees.
-2) 22-23 degrees.
+3) 24-25 degrees.
-4) 20-22 deg.

81. Puberty in girls begins:
-1) later than boys
+2) earlier than boys
-3) at the same time in boys and girls

82. Secondary sexual characteristics in girls are manifested:
-1) simultaneously with the boys
-2) 1-1.5 years later than boys
+3) 1-1.5 years earlier than boys

83. Functional disorders of the nervous system, cardiovascular, endocrine, etc. are more common in:
-1) the period of milk teeth
-2) prepubertal period
+3) puberty

84. The bone tissue of a child is the same in structure as in adults, in
-17 years
-2) 10 years
+3) 12 years old
-4) 14 years old

85. The formation of the chest completely ends at the age of:
-1) 7-8 years old
-2) 9-10 years old
-3) 10-11 years old
+4) 12-13 years old

86. The structure of blood vessels becomes the same as in adults, at the age of:
-1) 7-8 years old
-2) 9-10 years old
-3) 11 years old
+4) 12 years old

87. In a newborn baby, the heart lies:
+1) horizontal
-2) vertically

88. In young children
+1) the lumen of the veins is equal to the lumen of the arteries
-2) the lumen of the veins is greater than the lumen of the arteries
-3) the lumen of the veins is less than the lumen of the arteries

89. Pulse rate of a full-term newborn:
-1) 180 bpm
+2) 140 bpm
-3) 110 bpm
-4) 100 bpm

90. Dimensions of a large fontanel in a newborn:
-1) 1x1 cm square.
-2) 2 x 1-1.5cm sq.
-3) 2x2.5 cm square.
+4) 3 x 3-2.5 cm square.

91. In a newborn child:
+1) low secretory function of the glands of the gastrointestinal tract
-2) high secretory function of the glands of the gastrointestinal tract

92. The volume of the stomach in a newborn:
-1) 10-15 ml
+2) 30-35 ml
-3) 50-60 ml
-4) 60-65 ml

93. The composition of gastric juice in a newborn child includes:
+1) pepsin
+2) rennet
+3) lipase
-4) trypsin

94. Length of the esophagus in a newborn:
-1) 5 cm
+2) 10 cm
-3) 17cm
-4) 20cm

95. Sexual crisis of newborns includes:
+1) breast engorgement
-2) uric acid infarction
+3) swelling of the scrotum in boys
-4) transient proteinuria

96. When weighing a newborn, the scales process:
-1) 10% solution of bleach
-2) 5% solution of chloramine
+3) 1% solution of chloramine
-4) 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide

97. A post-term baby has a gestational age:
-1) 38 weeks
-2) 40 weeks
-3) 41 weeks
+4) more than 42 weeks

98. Meconium is excreted in a newborn:
+1) in the first 1-2 days
-2) during the first week
-3) up to 2 weeks of life
-4) during the first month of life

99. Physiological jaundice in a newborn appears:
+1) for 2-3 days
-2) by the end of 1 week
-3) by the 10th day of life
-4) sometimes by the end of the 2nd week

100. For the daily toilet of the umbilical wound is used:
-1) 3% solution of bleach
-2) 5% solution of iodine
+3) 5% solution of potassium permangant
-4) all of the above

101. The eyes of a newborn child are washed:
-1) boric alcohol - 3% solution
+2) furatsilin 1:5000
-3) hydrogen peroxide - 2% solution
-4) albucid - 30% solution

102. From the maternity unit to the neonatal unit, the child usually enters after childbirth through:
-1) 1 hour
+2) 2 hours
-3) 3 hours
-4) 4 hours

103. The length of the head of a premature baby is:
-one. 1/4 of height
+2. 1/3 of height
-3. 1/2 of height

104. The number of lobes in the lungs in children:
-1) 2 lobes on the right, 3 lobes on the left
+2) right 3 beats, left 2 beats
-3) 2 beats on the left, 1 beat on the right
-4) 1 beat on the left, 2 beats on the right

105. The number of breaths in a newborn child:
-1) 20-25 in 1 minute
-2) 30-40 in 1 minute
+3) 40-60 in 1 minute
-4) 60-80 in 1 minute

106. In newborns, breathing
+1) superficial
-2) deep

107. Monthly increase in chest circumference for a child of 1 year of age:
-one. 1 cm
+2. 1.2m
-3. 2 cm

108. Listening to fetal heart sounds in a pregnant woman is possible:
-1) from the first two weeks of pregnancy
-2) from 2 months of pregnancy
-3) from 3 months of pregnancy
+4) from 4-5 months of pregnancy

109. Hemoglobin at birth in a child is:
-1) 100 g/l
-2) 120-140 g/l
+3) 170-240 g/l
-4) more than 240 g/l

110. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate in newborns is normal:
+1) 2-3 ml/h
-2) 3-4ml/h
-3) 4-5ml/h
-4) 6-8ml/h

111. Psychophysical differences between boys and girls are manifested in:
-1) infancy
+2) preschool period
-3) puberty

112. Puberty in girls:
-1) 10-12 years old
+2) 12-16 years old
-3) 16-17 years old
-4) 17-18 years old

113. Secondary sexual characteristics appear earlier:
+1) in girls
-2) in boys
-3) simultaneously appear in boys and girls

114. Mother feels fetal movement:
-1) 2 months pregnant
-2) 3 months pregnant
+3) at 4-5 months of pregnancy
-4) just before childbirth

115. Critical period formation of the nervous system (especially the brain):
-1) 5-6 weeks pregnant
+2) 10-18 weeks of pregnancy
-3) 18-22 weeks of pregnancy
-4) 22-30 weeks of pregnancy

116. Fetal length at 7 months. pregnancy (on average):
-1) 25cm
+2) 35 cm
-3) 45cm
-4) 40cm

117. The average weight of newborns is:
-1) 2500-3500g
-2) 2800-3800g
+3) 3200-3500 g
-4) 3000-4000g

118. The gestation period for a full-term baby is:
-1) 30-42 weeks
-2) 35-37 weeks
-3) 28-38 weeks
+4) 38-42 weeks

119. Cord remnant in a newborn falls off on:
-1) 2-3 days
+2) 4-5 day
-3) 5-9 day
-4) 10 day

120. Physiological erythema in a newborn persists:
+1) up to 2-3 days
-2) up to 7-8 days
-3) up to 10-12 days
-4) up to 2 weeks

121. Physiological weight loss in a newborn is:
-1) 20-25% weight
-2) 10-15% weight
+3) 6-8% weight
-4) less than 1% of the weight

122. Uric acid infarction occurs in newborns on:
+1) 3-4 days of life
-2) 7-10 day life
-3) 3rd week of life
-4) one month after birth

123. Causes of uric acid infarction:
-1) increase in the amount of urine
+2) excretion of a small amount of urine
-3) low content of salts and uric acid in the urine
-4) high content of salts and uric acid in the urine

124. Prevention of transient fever:
+1) overheating prevention, proper feeding
-2) hygiene
-3) fluid restriction
-4) all of the above

125. Physiological weight loss is associated with:
+1) meconium excretion, urination
-2) lack of appetite
-3) jaundice of the newborn
-4) with all of the above

126. The period of intrauterine development is:
-1) 260 days
-2) 270 days
+3) 280 days
-4) 300 days

127. Transitional (physiological) states of newborns are observed:
-1) during fetal development
+2) during the neonatal period
-3) during infancy
-4) during the period of milk teeth

128. The neonatal period is:
+1) first 28 days of life
-2) the first 29 days of life
-3) the first 30 days of life
-4) first 7 days of life

129. In the period of infancy, growth normally increases by:
-1) 15cm
-2) 20cm
+3) 25 cm
-4) 30cm

130. Assessment on the Apgar scale is carried out:
+1) 1 and 5 minutes after birth
-2) 5 minutes after birth
-3) 1 minute after birth
-4) 2 minutes after birth

131. Growth in girls stops:
-1) at the age of 16
-2) at the age of 17
+3) at 18
-4) at 23

132. Children with chronic disease in the stage of decompensation belong to the health group:
-1) IV
-2) III
+4) V

133. Increase in height for the first month of life:
-1) 2cm
-2) 2.5cm
-3) 1.5cm
+4) 3 cm

134. Normal reflexes in a child with weight:
-1) 2500 g
-2) 2000
-3) 1000 g
+4) 3200 g

135. Apgar score 6 points, with heart rate:
+1) 100-120 bpm
-2) 100-90 bpm
-3) missing
-4) 100-80 bpm

136. Coloration of the skin in full-term newborns with zoenka on the Apgar scale 5 points:
-1) pink
-2) cyanotic
-3) pale
+4) pink, blue limbs

137. The circumference of the head is 2 cm less than the circumference of the chest:
-1) in a newborn
-2) in a child of 6 months.
+3) at 12 months. child's life
-4) at 3 months. life

138. Monthly weight gain for the fifth month of life:
-1) 750 gr
+2) 700 gr
-3) 600 gr
-4) 800 gr

139. Monthly increase in chest circumference:
-1) 1cm
+2) 1.2 cm
-3) 2 cm
-3) 2.5cm

140. In a full-term newborn, the head takes from growth:
+1) 1/4 part
-2) 1/3 part
-3) 1/8 part
-4) 1/7 part

141. Apgar score 5 points, while the cry:
-1) loud
+2) squeak
-3) missing

142. Growth at 2 months. the average life of a child is:
+1) 56 cm
-2) 50 cm
-3) 52cm
-4) 48cm

143. Reduced physical and mental stress for children from the health group:
-2) III
-3) IV
+4) V

144. Increase in height for 11 months of life:
-1) 3 cm
-2) 2 cm
+3) 1.5 cm
-4) 2.5cm

145. At the birth of a child, the posture of "embryo":
+1) full-term
-2) premature

146. Apgar score 10 points, with heart rate:
+1) 100-120 bpm
-2) 100-90 bpm
-3) 90-80 bpm
-4) 80-70 bpm

147. The color of the skin in full-term newborns is normal:
-1) pale
-2) cyanotic
+3) pink
-4) hyperemia

148. Monthly weight gain for the 4th month of life:
-1) 650 gr
-2) 600 gr
-3) 550 gr
+4) 750 gr

149. The circumference of the head is 2 cm more than the circumference of the chest:
-1) in a child of 6 months.
-2) in a child of 3 months.
+3) in a child at birth
-4) at 12 months. life

150. Monthly increase in head circumference for a child of the first year of life:
+1) 1 cm
-2) 2 cm
-3) 3cm
-4) 3.5cm

151. The shape of the chest in a newborn:
-1) funnel-shaped
+2) barrel-shaped
-3) chicken
-4) "chest shoemaker"

152. The state of the child when assessed by sh. Apgar for 10 points:
-1) satisfactory
-2) moderate
+3) good
-4) heavy

153. The science that studies the aging of living organisms is called:
-one. geriatrics
-2. social gerontology
+3. gerontology

154. Geriatrics is
-one. study of the influence of social conditions on a person
+2. disease of the elderly
-3. study of the aging process of living organisms

155. The cause of aging is:
-one. genetically programmed
-2. environmental influence
+3. all of the above

156. Elderly age from
+1. 60-74
-2. 45-60
-3. over 90
-4. 50-90

157. Average age:
+1. up to 45 years
-2. from 45 to 59 years
-3 60 to 79 years old

158. Centenarians are people
-one. over 75 years old
+2. over 90 years old
-3. under 100 years old
-4. over 80

159. Old age is
-one. destructive process under the influence of endo- and exogenous factors
+2. final period of age development
-3. early development age-related changes

160. Aging is
-one. pathological process
+2. natural process of age-related changes
-3. consequence bad habits

161. Signs of old age include
-one. increase in working capacity
-2. fatigue reduction
+3. weakening of attention, memory

162. Premature aging
-one. delayed development of age-related changes
+2. earlier development of age-related changes
-3. process leading to an increase in the strength of immunity

163. Number of years lived:
-one. physiological old age
+2. chronological old age
-3. social old age

164. Physiological old age:
-one. number of years lived
+2. physical aging process
-3. when a person begins to realize himself as old

165. Psychological old age
-one. number of years lived
-2. physical aging process
+3. when a person himself begins to recognize himself as old

166. Social old age
-one. physical aging process
+2. depends on the age of the society as a whole
-3. when a person himself begins to recognize himself as old

167. Life expectancy can be increased by:
-one. favorable environmental conditions
-2. rejection of bad habits
+3. all of the above

168. The main cause of arterial hypoxemia is:
+1. decrease in arterial oxygen saturation
-2. barrel-shaped chest
-3. decreased mobility of the costovertebral joints

169. Characteristic ECG changes
+1. decrease in myocardial contractility
-2. increase in myocardial contractility
-3. tachycardia

170. Age changes of cardio-vascular system
-one. bradycardia, increased blood pressure
-2. decrease in circulating blood volume
+3. all of the above

171. Circulatory failure in old age is associated with:
+1. formation of atherosclerotic plaques
-2. increased vascular tone
-3. with vasoconstriction

172. The main reason for the unregulated arterial pressure:
-one. decrease in the number of functioning capillaries
+2. loss of elasticity in large arterial vessels
-3. heart rate slows down

173. Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the musculoskeletal skeleton of the chest are noted:
+1. after 60 years
-2. after 70 years
-3. after 90 years

174. Chest to old age
-one. deformed, loses normal mobility when breathing
-2. becomes barrel-shaped
+3. all of the above

175. Age-related changes in the upper respiratory tract
+1. mucosal atrophy
-2. tonsil hypertrophy
-3. constriction of the glottis

176. Mucous atrophy leads to:
+1. their dryness
-2. increase in protective properties
-3. proliferation of the epithelium

177. Senile changes in lung tissue
+1. decrease in lung tissue stretching
-2. increased stretching of lung tissue
-3. increase in VC

178. Changes in the intestinal microflora leads to:
-one. decrease in the enzymatic flora of the intestine
-2. to intensification of putrefactive processes, to the disappearance of lactic acid bacteria
+3. all of the above

179. In old age in the stomach occurs:
-one. increase in the level of secretion
+2. decrease in secretion
-3. pylorus gap

180. Senile changes in the esophagus
+1. elongation, curvature
-2. shortening
-3. thickening

181. The main reason for the decrease in the volume of the oral cavity:
-one. due to yellowish teeth
+2. due to worn teeth
-3. atrophy of the chewing muscles

182. The main cause of increased urge to urinate in old age:
-one. nephrosclerosis
+2. thickening of the bladder wall
-3. weakening of the function of the locking apparatus

183. Regeneration, healing of wounds in old age occurs:
-one. faster
+2. slower
-3. at the same level as mature person

184. Causes of senile dementia
-one. hyperthyroidism
-2. cerebrovascular atrophy
+3. involution of brain matter

185. Signs of changes in higher nervous activity in old age
-one. performance decline, sleep disturbance
-2. emotional stability, impaired attention, memory
+3. all of the above

186. The period of the most intensive changes in the hormonal apparatus:
+1. 45-60
-2. 61-70
-3. 71-80

187. The main reason for the change in height in old age:
-one. rarefaction of bone tissue, a decrease in the amount of bone substance
+2. increased curvature of the spine, decreased height of the vertebral discs
-3. all of the above

188. Aging of the osteoarticular apparatus of the apparatus occurs due to
+1. ca++ deficiency
-2. fat deficiency
-3. excess ca++

189. Older people have
-one. increase in the threshold of perception of high-frequency sounds
+2. lowering the perception threshold of a high register
-3. increased threshold for low frequency sounds

190. Senile changes in the eye
+1. cataract
-2. myopia
-3. strabismus

191. Violation of accommodation is:
+1. the ability of the lens of the eye to change its curvature
-2. dystrophic changes in the retina
-3. optic nerve disease

192. Diseases of the optic nerve in old age are associated with:
+1. pathological state of blood vessels
-2. visual acuity
-3. senile cataract

193. Hygienic baths or showers in old age are recommended:
-one. 7 times a week
+2. 2-3 times a week
-3. 1 time per month

194. At what age do all layers of the skin become thinner:
-one. 40 years
+2. 75 years old
-3. 60 years

195. Features of personal hygiene in old age:
+1. periodic treatment of the skin with a nutrient solution
-2. not required due to atrophy of the skin glands
-3. take hot baths more often

196. With prolonged bed rest, it is necessary to carry out
-one. antibiotic therapy
+2. pressure ulcer prevention
-3. intensive exercise therapy

197. In the gerontological aspect, atrophy is
-one. increased cell nutrition
+2. a decrease in the volume of cell function due to a lack of their nutrition
-3. circulatory disorder

198. In old age, the leading general pathological process is
-one. glandular hypertrophy
+2. atrophy
-3. inflammation

199. Atrophy is manifested:
+1. a decrease in the functional activity of cells
-2. myocardial enlargement
-3. an increase in glucose levels in the urine

200. Clinically, atrophy manifests itself
-one. hyperesthesia
-2. improvement of neuropsychic activity
+3. hyposecretion, adynamia, atony

201. Age-related changes in the sense organs
+1. decreased tactile sensitivity
-2. acquiring tactile sensitivity and smell
-3. increased pain sensitivity

202. A large share in the nutrition of older people should be occupied by:
+1. vegetables, fruits, wholemeal bread
-2. animal fats, meat
-3. bakery products from premium flour

203. The combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet of an elderly person should be as follows:
+1. 1: 0,8: 3,5
-2. 1: 2
-3. 3,5: 0,1: 0,8

204. The aging process is accompanied by
-one. increased metabolism
+2. weakening of metabolism
-3. increased efficiency

205. The sleep duration of an elderly person should be
-one. men 5-6 hours, women 6-7 hours
+2. men 7-8 hours, women 8-9 hours
-3. men 10-11 hours, women - 12-13 hours

206. Sleep is
-one. natural recovery process
-2. processing of accumulated information per day
+3. all of the above

207. The main medical and social task for the elderly
-one. ensuring material well-being
+2. maintaining social connections and physical activity
-3. provision of entertainment programs

208. The category of the elderly at increased risk includes:
+1. groups that have high risk deterioration in health, social and economic status
-2. persons under the age of 80
-3. persons without diseases

209. A medical and social institution whose tasks include palliative care for cancer patients whose diseases cannot be cured is
+1. hospice
-2. geriatric hospital
-3. department of medical and social assistance

210. Clinical death:
-one. the presence of cadaveric spots
-2. rigor
+3. lack of respiration and circulation

211. Terminal state
-one. state after death
+2. borderline between life and death
-3. decomposition of protein bodies

212. Biological death
+1. cessation of brain activity
-2. respiratory arrest
-3. heart failure

213. Resuscitation in old age
+1. sudden onset of clinical death
-2. biological death
-3. cardiac arrest within 1 hour

214. Termination of the vital activity of an organism and, as a result, its death is
-one. agony
+2. death
-3. terminal state

215. Death in old age is a consequence
-one. old age
+2. age-related changes and related diseases
-3. genetically programmed

216. Is it possible to tell a dying person about his approaching death
-one. yes, you can tell the dying man everything frankly in any case
-2. no, you can't talk about it
+3. how and what to say to a dying person will depend on his physical and mental state

217. Deliberately accelerating death or killing an incurable patient in order to end his suffering is:
+1. euthanasia
-2. geriatrics
-3. dementia

218. Leading need in old age
+1. communication, transfer of accumulated experience
-2. treatment
-3. Job

219. Focusing on a narrow circle of interests
-one. due to increased time for self-service
-2. due to a decrease in the level of information
+3. due to all of the above

220. Normal age personality changes
-one. inadequate perception of personality
-2. hypertrophic perception of personality
+3. all of the above

221. Adequate perception is
-one. understanding of the age-related changes that are taking place
+2. subjective assessment of the possibilities
-3. misunderstanding of what is happening

222. Decreased working capacity in the elderly is associated with:
-one. declining standard of living, loss of loved ones
-2. change in social status
+3. with all of the above

223. Intellectual abilities in the elderly depend on:
-one. initial level of intelligence, education
-2. living conditions
+3. all of the above

224. To improve digestion it is necessary
+1. perform oral hygiene
-2. flush the gastrointestinal tract
-3. take a laxative
-4. all of the above

225. Internal female genital organs include:
-1) small pelvis
-2) clitoris
-3) labia minora
+4) ovaries

226. The vagina is called:
-1) Vuiva
-2) Salpinx
+3) Colpos

227. The epithelium lining the vagina is called:
-1) cubic
-2) cylindrical
-3) prismatic shimmer
+4) multilayer flat keratinizing

228. Salpinx is
-1) ovary
-2) uterus
-3) oil seal
+4) fallopian tube

229. The mucous membrane of the fallopian tube is covered with:
-1) stratified squamous epithelium
-2) cubic epithelium
-3) germinal epithelium
+4) cylindrical ciliated epithelium

230. The part farthest from the uterus is called
+1) ampoule
-2) isthmic
-3) intramural
-4) interstitial

231. The widest part of the fallopian tube
-1) isthmic
-2) interstitial
-3) intramural
+4) ampoule

232. In the uterine cavity, the reaction of the environment:
+1) alkaline
-2) sour
-3) neutral
-4) pH 5.5

233. The shape of the cervix of a nulliparous woman:
-1) cylindrical
-2) prismatic
+3) conical
-4) spherical

234. The external pharynx of a nulliparous woman has the form:
+1) point
-2) slit-like
-3) T-shaped
-4) crescent

235. During menstruation, rejection occurs
-1) the entire mucosal layer
-2) whole endometrium
+3) functional layer of the endometrium
-4) basal layer of the endometrium

236. Duration of normal periods
+1) 3-5 days
-2) 7-8 days
-3) 6-10 days
-4) 1-2 days

237. The phase of the uterine cycle is
-1) follicle maturation
-2) ovulation
+3) regeneration of the endometrium
-4) formation of the corpus luteum

238. After the regeneration phase in the uterine mucosa comes the phase
-1) desquamation
+2) proliferation
-3) secretions
-4) regeneration

239. The secretion phase of the uterine cycle corresponds to the ovarian cycle:
-1) follicular
+2) luteal
-3) ovulation

240. Ovulation is called
-1) immersion of the egg in the endometrium
-2) fusion of gametes
+3) release of the egg from the Graafian vesicle
-4) crushing of the zygote

241. The function of the testicles in men is:
+1) sperm formation
-2) semen excretion
-3) secretion of fluid that protects the mucous membrane of the urethra
-4) the formation of leukocytes

242. Follicular fluid contains hormones:
+1) estrogens
-2) progesterone
-3) androgens
-4) follicle-stimulating

243. Progesterone is produced in
-1) hypothalamus
-2) pituitary gland
+3) ovary
-4) uterus

244. Semen does not contain secret:
+1) Bartholin's glands
-2) testicles
-3) prostate gland
-4) cooper glands

245. Fertilization normally occurs in
-1) uterus
-2) ovary
+3) ampullary part of the tube
-4) cervix

246. After the first division, zygotes are formed:
-1) gametes
+2) blastomeres
-3) morula
-4) follicles

247. Number of chromosomes in each gamete:
-1) 46
-2) 36
-3) 26
+4) 23

248. Immersion of the embryo in the uterine mucosa is called:
-1) ovulation
-2) fertilization
+3) implantation
-4) placentation

249. At the time of implantation, the uterine mucosa is in the phase:
+1) secretions
-2) proliferation
-3) regeneration
-4) desquamation

250. The villous shell of the egg is:
+1) chorion
-2) amnion
-3) decidua
-4) embryoblast

251. The decidua is formed from
-1) chorion
-2) amnion
+3) endometrium
-4) trophoblast

252. The maternal part of the placenta is the area:
-1) chorion
-2) amnion
+3) decidua
-4) allantois

253. During pregnancy, besides the ovaries, progesterone is also produced by:
-1) pituitary gland
+2) placenta
-3) uterus
-4) thyroid gland

254. The diagonal conjugate of a normal pelvis is equal to:
-1) 9 cm
-2) 11cm
+3) 13 cm
-4) 21cm

255. The distance between the lower edge of the symphysis and the most prominent point of the promontory is called the conjugate:
-1) true
+2) diagonal
-3) outdoor
-4) anatomical

256. The distance between the upper edge of the symphysis and the upper corner of the Michaelis rhombus is called:
-1) Solovyov index
-2) cristarum distance
+3) external conjugate
-4) true conjugate

257. To calculate the true conjugate, you need:
-1) subtract 1.5-2 cm from the outer conjugate
+2) subtract 1.5-2 cm from the diagonal conjugate
-3) add 1.5-2 cm to the diagonal conjugate
-4) subtract 9 cm from the diagonal conjugate

258. When measuring the external conjugate of the pelvis, a woman lies:
-1) on the back with outstretched legs
-2) on the back with bent legs
-3) on the side with the overlying leg bent
+4) on the side with the lower leg bent

259. Nausea is a sign of pregnancy
-1) reliable
-2) probable
+3) dubious
-4) obligatory

260. A likely sign of pregnancy is:
-1) drooling
+2) delayed menstruation
-3) vomiting
-4) taste quirks

261. A reliable sign of pregnancy is:
-1) uterine enlargement
-2) delayed menstruation
-3) breast enlargement
+4) listening to the fetal heartbeat

262. Prenatal maternity leave issued:
-1) at 26 weeks
-2) at 28 weeks
+3) at 30 weeks
-4) at 32 weeks

263. Postpartum maternity leave in the absence of complications:
-1) 56 days
+2) 70 days
-3) 86 days
-4) 140 days

264. Duration of normal pregnancy:
-1) 250 days
+2) 280 days
-3) 350 days
-4) 380 days

265. Examination in the mirrors and taking smears for the study of the vaginal flora in a healthy pregnant woman is carried out in the LCD:
-1) once upon registration
-2) at each appearance in the LCD
+3) three times during pregnancy prophylactically
-4) only if there are complaints

266. Urinalysis for protein for examination of a pregnant woman in the GI is prescribed:
-1) three times per pregnancy
-2) only in the presence of dysuric phenomena
-3) once every 1-2 months
+4) to each turnout

267. Three times during pregnancy each woman gives:
+1) blood for Australian antigen and syphilis
-2) blood per group and rhesus
-3) feces on worm eggs
-4) smears for staphylococcus aureus

268. In the second trimester, a pregnant woman visits the LCD
-1) 1 time per month
+2) 1 time in 2 weeks
-3) every week
-4) 2 times a week

269. In the last month of uncomplicated pregnancy:
-1) a pregnant woman may not attend the LCD
+2) you need to visit the LCD every 7-10 days
-3) visiting the residential complex in 2-3 weeks
-4) you need to visit the LCD every other day

270. Typical complaints of a pregnant woman in the 1st trimester:
-1) head pain and blurred vision
+2) nausea and change in taste
-3) fetal movement
-4) swelling

271. Fluorography of the lungs in pregnant women:
-1) is assigned once upon registration
-2) is carried out in the 1st and 2nd half of pregnancy
+3) not indicated for desired pregnancy
-4) is prescribed three times during pregnancy

272. The optimal weight gain of a pregnant woman in 1 week is:
-1) 30 g
-2) 50 g
+3) 300 g
-4) 700 g

273. To determine the date of birth using the Naegele formula, from the date of the beginning of the last menstruation:
-1) take away 3 months
-2) take away 4 months
-3) subtract 4 months and add 7-10 days
+4) subtract 3 months and add 7-10 days

274. Multiparous women begin to feel fetal movements most often starting with:
-1) 8 weeks
-2) 12 weeks
+3) 18 weeks
-4) 22 weeks

275. Pregnancy period from which the fetal heartbeat can be heard with an obstetric stethoscope:
-1) 12 weeks
-2) 18 weeks
+3) 22 weeks
-4) 28 weeks

279. Ultrasound examination at 30 weeks is the most difficult to detect:
-1) the sex of the fetus
-2) location of the placenta
-3) pronounced malformations
+4) fetal skin color

280. Early preeclampsia is characterized by:
-1) swelling
+2) weight loss
-3) hyperthermia
-4) weight gain

281. With vomiting of moderate severity
-1) treatment can be outpatient
-2) urgent termination of pregnancy is always required
+3) hospital treatment is indicated
-4) due to the risk of embryopathy medicines do not appoint

282. To combat dehydration, apply:
-1) magnesium sulfate
-2) eufillin
-3) hypothiazide
+4) chlosol

283. Antiemetic action has:
-1) tseporin
+2) cerucal
-3) digital
-4) cefamizin

284. Normal by the end of pregnancy is the volume of amniotic fluid:
-1) 100-300ml
+2) 1000 ml
-3) 1.5 - 2l
-4) 2-3 l

285. The position of the fetus is the ratio of its back to
+1) lateral surfaces of the uterus
-2) anterior surface of the uterus
-3) the entrance to the small pelvis
-4) the bottom of the uterus

286. Physiological is the presentation of the fetus:
-1) pelvic
+2) head
-3) gluteal
-4) foot

287. Physiological is the position of the fetus:
-1) transverse
-2) unstable
+3) longitudinal
-4) oblique

288. During each visit to the antenatal clinic, a pregnant woman is given everything except:
-1) BP measurements
-2) weighing
-3) urinalysis for protein
+4) blood test

289. The fourth reception of external obstetric examination allows to determine:
-1) the position of the fetus
-2) balloting the head
-3) the height of the fundus of the uterus
+4) standing level of the presenting part

290. During an external obstetric examination of a pregnant woman, pain may occur when determining:
-1) presenting part
-2) fetal positions
-3) the level of standing of the bottom of the uterus
+4) balloting heads

291. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen, short and irregular contractions of the uterus are:
+1) harbingers of childbirth
-2) the beginning of the first stage of labor
-3) the beginning of the II period of childbirth
-4) attempts

292. The beginning of childbirth is considered:
+1) the appearance of regular contractions of the muscles of the uterus
-2) outpouring of amniotic fluid
-3) the appearance of contractions of the abdominal muscles
-4) appearance aching pains lower abdomen

293. In the first stage of labor occurs:
-1) the appearance of attempts
+2) dilation of the cervix
-3) the birth of the placenta
-4) head eruption

294. The second period of childbirth is the period from:
-1) the onset of contractions until the cervix is ​​fully dilated
+2) full disclosure of the cervix before the expulsion of the fetus
-3) the birth of the fetus before the expulsion of the placenta

295. When monitoring a woman in labor in the first stage of labor, blood pressure is measured:
-1) during fights
+2) out of combat
-3) doesn't matter
-4) at the request of a woman

296. Normal duration of labor in a nulliparous woman:
-1) 3-4 hours
-2) 5-6 hours
+3) 8-12 hours
-4) 14-20 hours

297. In normal childbirth, the fetal bladder ruptures at the end of the period of childbirth:
-1) harbingers
+2) cervical dilatation
-3) expulsion of the fetus
-4) serial

298. Obstetric benefit during childbirth is provided at the time of:
-1) the appearance of attempts
-2) the appearance of contractions
-3) embedding head
+4) head eruption

299. A nurse can independently anesthetize childbirth by:
+1) physical tricks
-2) oxygen inhalation
-3) nitrous oxide inhalation
-4) promedol injections

300. The objectives of the obstetric benefit during childbirth are to contribute to:
-1) dissection of the perineum
+2) gentle removal of the head
-3) faster expulsion of the fetus
-4) slower removal of the head

301. Signs of separation of the placenta include:
-1) lack of urge to push
-2) retraction of the umbilical cord when straining
+3) elongation of the outer segment of the umbilical cord
-4) retraction of the umbilical cord when pressing the edge of the palm on the bottom of the uterus

302. The placenta consists of:
-1) placenta and umbilical cord
+2) placenta, umbilical cord, membranes
-3) placenta and membranes
-4) two arteries and one vein

303. It is most rational to cut the umbilical cord in uncomplicated childbirth:
-1) immediately after the birth of the child
-2) after separation of the placenta
+3) after the cessation of pulsation of the vessels of the umbilical cord
-4) after 20 minutes

304. Attaching a child to the mother's breast in the absence of complications is rational:
+1) in the delivery room
-2) after transfer to the postpartum ward
-3) 6 hours after delivery
-4) on the second day after birth

305. A bracket is applied to the umbilical cord:
-1) on the border of the skin and the umbilical cord
-2) at a distance of 1-2 mm from the border of the skin
+3) at a distance of 3-5 mm from the skin border
-4) at a distance of 2 cm from the border of the skin

306. The stump of the umbilical cord after the imposition of a bracket is processed:
-1) 5% iodine
-2) furatsilin
-3) iodinol
+4) 5% potassium permanganate

307. For the prevention of gonoblenorrhea use:
+1) 30% sodium sulfacyl solution
-2) penicillin
-3) furatsilin 1:10 000
-4) chloramphenicol

308. Prevention of gonoblenorrhea is carried out:
-1) immediately after birth and after 5 minutes
+2) immediately after birth and 2 hours later
-3) 4-5 days of life
-4) immediately after birth, once

309. The maximum total score of a newborn on the Apgar scale:
+1) 10 points
-2) 12 points
-3) 8 points
-4) 2 points

310. An indicator of the Apgar scale is not:
+1) body temperature
-2) heart rate
-3) muscle tone
-4) skin color

311. Primary treatment of a newborn begins with:
-1) prevention of gonoblenorrhea
+2) suction of mucus
-3) separation of the fetus from the mother
-4) filling out documentation

312. Secondary treatment of a newborn begins with:
-1) anthropometry
-2) leather processing
+3) processing of the umbilical cord
-4) filling bracelets

313. The most rational in last years recognized:
-1) separate stay after the birth of mother and child
-2) joint stay of mother and child in a multi-bed ward
+3) joint stay of mother and child in a separate room with all amenities
-4) discharge of the puerperal home on the 2nd day after childbirth

314. A full-term healthy newborn has a weight of at least:
+1) 2500 g
-2) 2800 g
-3) 3200 g
-4) 3500 g

315. The cause of transient fever in a newborn is:
-1) the presence of hormones in mother's milk
-2) infection
-3) birth trauma
+4) violation of the drinking regimen

316. The cause of physiological jaundice is:
-1) infectious disease
+2) breakdown of fetal hemoglobin
-3) incompatibility of the blood of the mother and fetus
-4) congenital malformations of the biliary system

317. Physiological states do not include:
-1) transient fever
-2) toxic erythema
-3) sexual crisis
+4) loss of 20% of body weight at birth

318. An excess of sex hormones after childbirth is not the cause of:
+1) toxic erythema
+2) uric acid infarction
-3) mastitis
-4) spotting from the vagina

319. The most rational is:
+1) free attachment to the breast at the request of the child
-2) feeding by the clock in 3-4 hours
-3) feeding by the hour every 3-4 hours with a nightly 6-hour interval
-4) feeding by the hour with a nightly 9-hour interval

320. The duration of the early postpartum period:
+1) 2 hours
-2) 12 hours
-3) 1 day
-4) 5-6 days

321. A postpartum woman remains for observation after a normal delivery in the maternity ward:
-1) 1 hour
+2) 2 hours
-3) 6 hours
-4) day

322. Inspection birth canal after childbirth is carried out:
+1) to all women
-2) only primiparous
-3) only multiparous
-4) only women at risk

323. For normal involution of the uterus after childbirth rationally:
+1) get up a few hours after giving birth
-2) get up after giving birth for 2 days
-3) stay in bed for 3 days
-4) stay in bed for a week

325. The main mechanism of action of contraceptives containing only progesterone:
-1) suppression of ovulation
-2) occlusion of the fallopian tubes
+3) thickening of cervical mucus
-4) spermicidal action

326. The introduction of the IUD is contraindicated in women:
-1) overweight
+2) nulliparous
-3) with heart disease
-4) with endocrine disorders

327. Norplant is a contraceptive:
-1) oral
-2) mechanical
-3) intrauterine
+4) implantation

328. The most rational method of contraception for a nulliparous woman:
-1) scheduling basal body temperature
-2) implantation
+3) taking hormonal pills
-4) intrauterine

329. The manifestations of menopause in a woman include:
+1) menopause
-2) weight gain
-3) abdominal pain
-4) decreased appetite

330. Oral contraceptives include:
-1) Trichopolum
-2) dibazol
+3) Marvelon
-4) baralgin

331. Induced abortion - termination of pregnancy for a term up to:
-1) 6 weeks
-2) 3 weeks
+3) 12 weeks
-4) 24 weeks

332. Induced abortion is contraindicated in:
-1) increased blood pressure
+2) temperature increase
-3) gestational age 10 weeks
-4) after measles rubella

333. Medical records of women's consultations include:
-1) birth history
-2) dispensary card f. OZO
+3) exchange card
-4) the history of the development of the newborn

334. Anti-tuberculosis vaccination is carried out:
+1) on 4-5 days of life
-2) on the 1st day of life
-3) in the 1st month
-4) at 3 months

335. BCG vaccination is introduced:
-1) intramuscularly
-2) subcutaneously
+3) intradermally
-4) intravenously

336. BCG vaccination is introduced:
-1) in the upper third of the right shoulder
+2) in the upper third of the left shoulder
-3) under the shoulder blade
-4) in the forearm

337. Local vaccination reaction after the introduction of the BCG vaccine appears through:
-1) 1 day
-2) a week
+3) 4-6 weeks
-4) 3 months

338. Current disinfection in the wards of newborns is carried out by:
-1) 0.5% chloramine solution
+2) 1% chloramine solution
-3) 3% chloramine solution
-4) 1% bleach solution

339. Pasteurization of expressed breast milk is carried out:
-1) in a dry-heat oven, the temperature is 180 degrees. - 1 hour
+2) in a water bath, the temperature is 65 degrees. - 15 minutes.
-3) boil milk for 15 minutes
-4) in the autoclave, the temperature is 120 degrees. - 45 min.

340. Women who gave birth in an ambulance go to:
-1) physiological maternity ward
-2) physiological postpartum department
+3) observation department of the maternity hospital
-4) to the infectious diseases hospital

341. When a child is born in severe asphyxia, the first thing to do is:
-1) umbilical cord treatment
-2) prevention of gonoblenorrhea
+3) suction of mucus from the respiratory tract
-4) inject glucose with vitamins

342. When measuring the first three external dimensions of the pelvis, a pregnant woman lies:
+1) on the back
-2) on the side with the back to the midwife
-3) on the side facing the midwife
-4) on the side with the lower leg bent

343. When processing hands according to the Spaso-Kukotsky-Kochergin method, use:
-1) sublimate
+2) ammonia
-3) chloramine
-4) furatsilin

344. You can use clean non-sterile gloves:
-1) for the treatment of the umbilical cord
-2) for obstetric assistance in childbirth
-3) for vaginal examination
+4) for processing tools

control unit

Discipline "Healthy person and his environment"

Section "Healthy child"

A) after 2-3 hours

6) immediately into the genus. Hall

B) after 6 hours

D) after 10-12 hours

2. The main cause of diaper rash in a newborn on the 4th day of life is

A) overheating

B) transition chair

B) cooling the baby

D) active sucking of the baby

3. A newborn baby is considered premature during pregnancy

A) 41 weeks

B) 39 weeks

B) up to 37 weeks

D) 20 weeks

4. Weight of the child of the 1st degree of prematurity:

D) from 2000 to 2500 g

5. The average weight gain for 3 months of life is:

6. The increase in the length of the child in the first year is made up:

B) 10 cm
D) 5 cm

7. The weight of the child per year is:

8. Measurement of body weight and length of a child under 1 year old is carried out:

A) 2 times a month

B) 3 times a year

C) 1 time in 3 months

D) once a month

9. Indicators of body length, weight, chest circumference are called:

A) actual

B) due

B) anthropometric

D) secondary

10. The tone of which muscles prevails in newborns:

A) extensor

B ) flexion

D) transverse

11. Indicate the period of eruption of all milk teeth in children:

B) 2 years

12. Before each feeding it is necessary:

a) give the child a teaspoon of water

B) hold vertically for 3-5 minutes

B) swaddle

D) treat the oral mucosa

13. The daily amount of milk for a child of 1 month is:

A) 1/6 of body weight

6) 1/5 body weight

B) 1/4 body weight

D) 1/7 body weight

14. For a 2-month-old baby, if the mother does not have enough milk, the nurse will advise to supplement:

A) 5% porridge

B) whole milk

D) an adapted mixture

A) apple

B) strawberry

B) blackcurrant

D) tomato

16. For the first complementary foods, it is better to give a child:

A) 5% semolina

B) vegetable puree

B) whole kefir

D) fruit puree

17. The third complementary foods with artificial feeding are administered with:

18. Daily amount of food for a child of 6 months. Is:

19. Patronage to a premature newborn is carried out:

A) + on the day of discharge from the hospital

B) during the first week

C) in the first two days after discharge

D) 1 month

20. What rays of the sun can be used to harden infants:

A) straight

B) scattered

B) reflected

D) none can

21. The term of the appearance of milk teeth

A) 6 months

B) 8 months

B) 10 months

D) 12 months

22. The number of respiratory movements in children 1 year old:

A) 40-60 per minute

B) 25-30 per min.

C) 30-35 per minute

D) 20-22 per min.

23. The frequency of respiratory movements in a 5-year-old child is:

A) 25 per minute

B) 30-35 per minute

C) 16-18 per min.

D) 14-16 per min.

24. The weight of a child aged 5 is

25. As a result of increased workload, schoolchildren often develop:

A) change in handwriting

B) tiredness and exhaustion

B) sharpening of memory

D) weight change

26. Rational nutrition of schoolchildren excludes:

A) high in carbohydrates

B) the presence of vegetable and dairy dishes

C) 4 meals a day

D) hot breakfasts

27. Change Is Destined

A) to maintain the working capacity and rest of children in order to prevent overwork

b) short distance running

C) to put the class in order before the next lesson

C) 20% sodium sulfacyl solution

Test tasks OP.0102 Healthy children

1. The first attachment to the breast after the birth of a healthy newborn is carried out:
1) after 2-3 hours;
+2) immediately into the genus. Hall in the first 30 minutes;
3) after 6 hours;
4) after 10-12 hours.

2. Anthropometry for a child under 1 year old is carried out:
1) 2 times a month;
2) 3 times a year;
3) 1 time in 3 months;
+4) once a month.

4. For the first feeding, it is better for a child to give:
1) rice milk porridge porridge;
+2) vegetable puree;
3) whole kefir;
4) fruit puree.

5. The child should already walk independently at the age of:
+2) 12 months
-4) 2 years

6. The revitalization complex appears in a child at the age of:
-1) 1 month
-2) 2 months
+3) 3-4 months.
-4) 5 months

7. The hypertonicity of the flexors of the lower extremities disappears in a child at the age of:
.5 months
+2) 3-4 months.
-4) 7 months

8. The first teeth appear in a child at the age of:
+3) 6-7 months.
.5 months

9. A large fontanel closes in a child aged:
-1) 6-8 months
+3) 12-16 months
-4) 2 years

10. Lumbar lordosis is formed in a child aged:
-1) 5 months
-2) 8 months
+3) 12 months
-4) 2 years

11. Thoracic kyphosis is formed in a child aged:
+2) 6-7 months
-4) 1.5 years

12. Number of teeth in a child per year:
-1) 4 teeth
-2) 6 teeth
+3) 8 teeth

13. The growth of a full-term baby for the 1st year of life increases on average by:
+3) 25 cm

14. Weight gain of the child for the third month of life:
+2. 800

15. In breastfed children, the main flora in the intestines:
+1) bifidum bacterium
-2) E. coli
-3) staphylococcus aureus
-4) all of the above

16. The temperature in the closed flask is maintained at:
+2) 30-35 degrees

17. You can bathe a premature baby at a water temperature:
+2) 37.5-38 degrees.
-3) 38.5-39 degrees
-4) 39.5-40 deg.

18. The volume of the stomach in a newborn child:
+2) 30-35 ml

19. Sexual crisis of newborns from the above includes:
+1) breast engorgement
-2) uric acid infarction
-3) meconium excretion

20. Meconium is excreted in a newborn:
+1) in the first 1-2 days of life
-2) during the first week
-3) up to 2 weeks of life
-4) during the first month of life

21. The number of breaths in a newborn child:
-1) 20-25 in 1 minute
in 1 minute
+3) 40-60 in 1 minute
in 1 minute

23. Prevention of transient fever:
+1) overheating prevention, proper feeding
-2) hygiene
-3) fluid restriction
-4) all of the above

24. The neonatal period is:
+1) first 28 days of life
-2) the first 29 days of life
-3) the first 30 days of life
-4) first 7 days of life

25. In a full-term newborn, the head takes from the length of the body:
+1) 1/4 part
-2) 1/3 part
-3) 1/8 part
-4) 1/7 part

26. Apgar score 10 points, with heart rate:
+1) 100-120 bpm

27. The child's condition when assessed according to sh. Apgar for 10 points:
-1) satisfactory
-2) moderate
+3) good
-4) heavy

28. Until what age does the breast period last:
-1) up to 10 months
+2) up to 12 months
-3) up to 1.5 years
-4) up to 2.5 years

29. What is the pulse rate of a newborn baby:
+2) 120-140 bpm

30. What are the average weight of a newborn baby:
+4) g

Healthy child

1 option

1. The frequency of prenatal patronage by a nurse:

2. The first prenatal care is carried out by a nurse at the gestational age up to (weeks):

3. The duration of the neonatal period is (in months):

4. The child sits independently at the age (month):

5. A large fontanel in a newborn is located between the bones of the skull:

A) frontal and parietal;

B) parietal;

C) occipital and parietal;

D) temporal and parietal.

6. The first milk teeth appear in children aged (months):

7. The newborn has physiological:

A) hypertension of the extensor muscles;

B) hypertension of the flexor muscles;

C) hypotension of the flexor muscles;

D) muscle normotonia.

8. A large fontanel in a child closes at the age (month):

9. Thoracic kyphosis occurs in a child aged (months):

10. The number of milk teeth in a child of 1 year:

11. The frequency of respiratory movements in a healthy infant is
in 1 min:

12. The pulse rate of a 1-year-old child is 1 minute:

13. Formula for determining the number of milk teeth in a child aged 6-24 months.
(P- number of months):

BUT) P – 1 ;

B) P - 2 ;

IN) P - 3 ;

G) P - 4.

14. The change of milk teeth to permanent ones begins in a child at the age (years):

15. Formula for determining daily diuresis in children aged 1-10 years. ( P– number of years):

A) 600 ml - 100 ( P – 1) ;

B) 600 ml + W0 ( P– 1);

C) 400 ml - 100 ( P –1) ;

D) 400 ml + 100 ( P – 1).

16. The first physiological crossover in the leukocyte formula occurs in a child:

A) on the 5-6th day of life;

B) on 1-2 days of life;

C) in 1-2 years;

D) at 5-6 years old.

17. The second physiological crossover in the leukocyte formula of a child occurs:

A) 1-2 days of life;

B) on the 5th 6th day;

C) in 1-2 years;

D) at 5-6 years old.

18. It is preferable for a child of the first year of life to provide feeding:

A) natural (breast);

B) mixed;

B) artificial

D) parenteral.

19. The advantage of breast milk over cow's:

A) high protein content;

B) high content of vitamins;

B) high calorie content;

D) the optimal ratio of nutrients.

20. The first attachment of a healthy newborn to the mother's breast is carried out:

A) immediately after birth

B) after 6 hours;

B) after 12 hours;

D) after 24 hours.

21. The duration of breastfeeding should not exceed (min.):

22. Control feeding of the child is carried out to determine

A) body weight

B) the amount of sucked milk;

C) the amount of complementary foods;

D) the amount of supplementary feeding.

23. Egg yolk is entered in terms (months):

24. Cottage cheese is introduced into the diet of an infant from the age (months):

25. Fruit juices give the child the first half of life:

A) before breastfeeding;

B) after breastfeeding;

C) between breastfeedings;

D) overnight.

26. Fruit juices and applesauce are introduced into the diet of an infant to provide him with:

A) proteins

B) fats;

27. Egg yolk is given to an infant to provide him with:

A) proteins

B) carbohydrates;

B) water soluble vitamins

D) fat-soluble vitamins.

28. The introduction of new food, gradually replacing breastfeeding, is:

A) supplementary feeding;

B) complementary foods;

C) artificial feeding;

D) mixed feeding.

29. Chopped meat introduced into the diet of an infant aged (months):

30. The third complementary food for an infant is:

A) fruit juice

B) vegetable puree;

B) milk porridge;


Option 2

1. The first complementary food (complementary food dish) for natural feeding is introduced to a healthy child: (months)

2. The purpose of the introduction of complementary foods:

A) meeting the increased needs for nutrients;

B) ensuring the need for fats;

C) ensuring the need for carbohydrates;

D) meeting the need for table salt.

3. The second complementary food (complementary meal) for an infant is:

A) fruit juice

B) vegetable puree;

B) milk porridge;

4. The second complementary food (complementary dish) is introduced to an infant aged (months):

5. The third complementary food (complementary food dish) is administered to an infant aged (months):

6. With artificial feeding, the following are used as substitutes for women's milk:

A) fruit juices

B) vegetable puree;

B) fruit puree;

D) milk mixtures.

7. A sign of underfeeding of an infant is:

A) a small increase in body weight;

B) frequent urination;

B) plentiful stools;

D) fever.

8. The capacity of the stomach in a newborn is (in ml):

9. The capacity of the stomach in a child of 1 year old is (in ml):

10. The tendency of children to spit up is due to:

A) poor development of the cardiac sphincter;

B) good development of the cardiac sphincter;

C) poor development of the pyloric sphincter;

D) good development of the pyloric sphincter.

11. With natural feeding, the intestines of the child are dominated by:

A) bifidobacteria;

B) E. coli;

B) lactobacilli;

D) enterococci.

12. With artificial feeding, the intestines of the child are dominated by

A) bifidobacteria, lactobacilli;

B) intestinal chiffchaff, enterococci;

B) staphylococci, pneumococci;

D) proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

A) fluid restriction;

B) protein restriction;

C) fluid intake 20 minutes before feeding;

D) taking spices 20 minutes before feeding.

14. Indication for the transfer of a child to artificial feeding:

A) spontaneous outflow of milk;

B) lack of milk;

C) difficulty in milk secretion;

D) fast flow of milk.

15. Indication for the introduction of supplementary feeding to a child:

A) hypogalactia;

B) paratrophy;

B) regurgitation

D) dysphagia.

16. Supplementary feeding begins to be given to the child:

A) before breastfeeding;

B) after breastfeeding;

C) completely replacing one breastfeeding;

D) between breastfeeds.

17. The purpose of introducing supplementary feeding to a child is to ensure:

A) the missing amount of nutrients;

B) increase the intake of table salt;

C) reduce the intake of salt;

D) increase the intake of fats.

18. A full-term child is considered to be born at the gestational age (per week):

19. The umbilical cord falls off in a newborn at term (day of life)

20. For the prevention of ophthalmic rhea, a solution is used:

A) furatsilina;

B) sodium chloride;

B) sodium sulfacyl;

D) polyglucin.

21. The initial weight loss of a newborn is observed in the first (days of life):
a) 1-2;

22. Physiological weight loss of a newborn is up to (in%):

23. Sexual crisis in a newborn is manifested:

A) an increase in body temperature;

B) an increase in body weight;

B) an increase in the mammary glands;

D) decrease in body temperature.

24. The air temperature in the neonatal ward should be (in °C):

25. For the prevention of diaper rash, the folds of the skin of a newborn are treated:

A) sterile vegetable oil;

B) saline;

C) a solution of furacilin;

D) polyglucin solution.

26. To cleanse the nasal passages of a newborn, use:

A) cotton flagella lubricated with sterile oil;

B) dry cotton flagella;

B) cotton balls

D) gauze balls.

27. The first application of a healthy, full-term newborn to the breast is carried out:

A) immediately after birth

B) after 2-3 hours;

C) after 6-8 hours;

D) in 10-12 hours.

28. The frequency of feeding a child at the age of three months on breastfeeding:
a) 6;

29. Adapted sweet milk formulas include:

A) "Bona";

B) "Narine";

C) 2/3 cow's milk;

D) whole kefir.

30. Water temperature for the first hygienic bath for a healthy newborn

Is (in °C):

Sample answers to test questions.

Healthy child 1.

1b, 2a, 3a, 4c, 5a, 6c, 76, 8c, 9b, 10c, 11c, 12b, 13d, 14b, 15b, 16a, 17d, 18a, 19d, 20a. 21b, 226, 23d, 24d, 25c, 26c, 27d, 28b, 29a, 30d.

Healthy child 2.

1d, 2a, 3c, 4c, 5c, 6d, 7a, 8a, 9d, 10a, 11a, 126, 13c, 146, 15a, 16b, 17a, 18d, 19b, 20c. 21b, 22a, 23c, 24c, 25a, 26a, 27a. 28ba, 29a, 30c.


Choose the correct answer:

Exercise 1


The number of respiratory movements in children of 1 year is:

1) 20-22 per min.

2) 25-30 per min.

3) 40-60 per min.

4) 30-35 per min.

Task 2


Sour-milk products are introduced to children as complementary foods at the age of:

1) 5 months

3) 7 months.

4) 4.5-5 months.

Task 3


The first complementary foods for a child of 1 year of age are administered in the form of:

1) whole kefir

2) fruit puree

3) vegetable puree

4) 5% semolina

Task 4


Before each feeding of a newborn baby, you must:

1) treat the oral mucosa

2) hold vertically for 3-5 minutes

3) change the baby

4) give your child a teaspoon of water

Task 5


1) reflected

3) scattered

4) refracted

Task 6


A newborn baby is considered premature at the gestational age:

1)+ less than 38 weeks

2) 39 weeks

3) 41 weeks

4) 20 weeks

Task 7


Third complementary foods with artificial feeding

A newborn child is administered at the age of:

Task 8


The head circumference of a 12 month old child is:

Task 9


The respiratory rate in a 5 year old child is:

1) 25 per min.

2) 30-35 per min.

3) 16-18 per min.

Task 10


The daily amount of food for a child at the age of 6 months. is:

Task 11


During breastfeeding, colostrum is secreted from the mammary gland:

1) during the first 3 weeks

2) within the first month after childbirth

3) at the end of pregnancy and the first days after childbirth

4) throughout the pregnancy

Task 12


The increase in body length of a child in the first year of life is:

Task 13

1) with strawberry

2) with tomato

3) from apple

4) from blackcurrant

Task 14


The frequency of prenatal patronage by a nurse per year is:

Task 15


Physiological jaundice in newborns appears on time:

1) 6-8 hours after delivery

2) 2-3 hours after delivery

3) 5-6 days after delivery

4) 2-3 days after delivery

Task 16


If the mother does not have enough milk for a child of 2 months of age, the m / s will advise to supplement:

1) adapted mixture

2) 5% porridge

3) whole milk

Task 17


The first attachment to the breast of a healthy newborn is carried out after childbirth:

1) after 6 hours

2) after 2-3 hours

3) immediately in the delivery room

4) after 10-12 hours

Task 18


Indicators of body length, weight, chest circumference are called:

1) actual

2) anthropometric

3) minor

4) due

Task 19


In newborns, physiological:

1) hypertonicity of the flexor muscles

2) hypotonicity of the flexor muscles

3) hypertonicity of the extensor muscles

4) hypotension of the extensor muscles

Task 20


The first antenatal visit is carried out by a nurse at the gestational age up to (in weeks):

1) 10-12 weeks.

2) 20-22 weeks.

3) 23-25 ​​weeks.

4) 26-28 weeks.

Task 21


The air temperature during an air bath in a 1-year-old child should be:

1) 24-26 degrees.

Task 22


A large fontanel in newborns is located between the bones of the skull:

1) parietal and occipital

2) frontal and parietal

3) temporal and parietal

4) parietal and temporal

Task 23


The period of eruption of all milk teeth in children is:

Task 24


The average weight gain in the first six months of a child's life is:

Task 25


The cause of prematurity is:

1) irregular visits to the clinic

2) mother's blood type

3) multiple pregnancy

4) prolonged exposure to fresh air

Task 26


To assess the physical development of the child, it is necessary to determine:

2) harmony

3) somatotype

4) child skills

Task 27


The physiological volume of the stomach in a child aged 1 year is:

Task 28


Measurement of body weight and body length for a child under 1 year old is carried out:

1) 1 time per month

2) 3 times a year

3) 2 times a month

4) 1 time in 3 months

Task 29


The number of heartbeats in a child of 1 year of life in 1 minute is:

Task 30


Control feeding of the child is carried out to determine:

1) body weight

2) the amount of sucked milk

3) the amount of complementary foods

4) the amount of supplementary feeding

e-alons of answers:

Developed on the basis of the Federal State

educational standard in the specialty of secondary vocational education 060501 Nursing.

Compiled in accordance with work program professional module PM 01.



State budgetary vocational educational institution of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow

"Medical College No. 2"

(GBPOU DZM "MK No. 2")

Structural unit 4

Differentiated account.

Tasks in test form (60 tasks)

PM 01. Carrying out preventive measures

MDK 01.01. A healthy person and his environment.

For specialty 060501 Nursing

(according to the basic training program)

Moscow 2016

Developed on the basis of the Federal State

educational standard in the specialty of secondary vocational education 060501 Nursing.

Compiled in accordance with the work program of the professional module PM 01.

Considered at the meeting

Cycle methodological commission

Professional cycle

Minutes No. _____ dated _______ 20___

Chairman ____________ O.N.Stegantseva

I approve

Deputy Director

for academic work

N.Yu. Sheptalina

Compiled by: teacher of professional modules of the VKK O.N.Stegantseva.


Choose the correct answer,mark the correct answer with any icon:

1. Fontanelles are areas filled with:

a) bone tissue

b) cartilage tissue;

c) connective tissue membrane;

d) fibrous tissue.

2. With the normal development of an infant, a revitalization complex appears in him to:

a) 2 months old;

b) 3 months old;

c) 4 months old;

d) 5 months of age;

e) 6 months of age;

3. Subtle finger movements for preschool children are not successful due to:

a) poor development of small muscles of the hand

b) poor training of the muscles of the arm

c) untrained children in small movements

d) low growth and development of the spinal cord

4. The breathing features of preschool and preschool children include

a) decrease in the frequency of respiratory movements

b) transition to diaphragmatic breathing

c) the dependence of the frequency of respiratory movements on physical activity

d) transition to chest type of breathing

e) arbitrary change in the frequency of respiratory movements

5. More favorable conditions for blood circulation in children compared to adults are due to

a) higher heart rate

b) lower blood pressure

c) relatively smaller mass of the heart

d) wide lumen of blood vessels

6. When forming the child's day regimen, one should

a) impose a certain regime on him

b) take into account its biological rhythms

c) adapt it to your own daily routine

d) focus on family traditions

7. The increase in body weight in primary school age is associated with

a) a predominant increase in adipose tissue

b) increased appetite

c) the development of muscle tissue

d) exercise

8.Compared to body weight, height is actively increasing

a) spring and summer

b) autumn

c) in winter

d) these processes are not related to the time of year

9. The only period when the indicators of muscle strength of girls exceed those of boys is

a) the beginning of the preschool period

b) the middle of the preschool period

c) the end of primary preschool age

d) mid-high school age

10. Formation and growth of muscle fibers ends:

a) by 7-8 years;

b) 12-14 years old;

c) 15-18 years old;

d) 20-23 years old;

e) 25 years old.

11. Thoracic kyphosis in an infant appears at the age of:

a) 4-5 months;

b) 5-6 months;

c) 6-7 months;

d) 8-9 months;

12. The formation of lumbar lordosis in an infant occurs at the age of:

a) 4-5 months;

b) 7-9 months;

c) 9-12 months;

d) after 12 months;

13. Reducing the frequency of breathing in primary school age is associated with:

a) the emergence of the ability to control physical activity

b) the development of the respiratory center

c) an increase in the area of ​​the alveoli

d) improvement of the central nervous system

14. At what age do back small molars:

a) 11-12 months

b) 20-24 months

c) 9-10 months

d) 12-13 years old

15. Formula for determining the number of teeth:

a) 4x n - 20 (n - the age of the child, starting from 13 years old)

b) 4x n - 22 (n - the age of the child, starting from 13 years old)

c) 4x n - 20 (n - the age of the child, starting from 12 years old)

d) 2x n - 20 (n - age of the child, starting from 13 years old)

16. What is another name for the second large molars

a) second molars

b) prepaints

c) repainters

d) big painters

17. The highest rates of muscle recovery are at the age of:

a) 7-9 years old

b) 9-10 years old

c) 10-11 years old

d) 11-12 years old

18. At what age is the complexity, accuracy, coordination of small muscles improved.

a) after 7 years

b) after 8 years

c) after 9 years

d) after 10 years

19. What is the number of respiratory movements in a child aged 5-6 years

a) up to 18-20 movements

b) up to 20-22 movements

c) 25 movements

d) 30 movements

20. Heart in the period of primary school age:

a) grows slowly

b) growing fast

c) stops growing

21. The structure of the liver becomes the same as in an adult:

a) by the age of 8

b) by the age of 7

c) by the age of 9

d) by the age of 10

22. In adolescence, the most characteristic is

a) intensive development of muscle tissue

b) intensive development of the respiratory system

c) an increase in the size of the heart

d) a significant increase in the size of the stomach

23. The appearance of juvenile acne is associated with:

a) increased estrogen secretion

b) increased secretion of androgens

c) increased functioning of the sweat glands

d) change in sweat reaction

24. Early sexual development in boys is considered the appearance of signs

a) up to 10 years

b) up to 9 years

c) up to 12 years old

d) up to 11 years old

25. Late sexual development in boys is considered the absence of signs

a) up to 13.5 years

b) up to 9.5 years

c) up to 12.5 years

d) up to 11.5 years

26. A sign of puberty in boys are

a) regular discharges

b) periodic bouts of tachycardia

c) hair growth in the armpit

d) hair growth of the pubic area

27. The menstrual cycle is:

a) bloody discharge from the genital tract;

b) the release of the egg from the ovary;

c) the sequence of certain reactions of the genital organs and the organism as a whole;

d) insertion of a spermatozoon into an egg

28. Phases of the menstrual cycle:

a) follicular, uterine;

b ) uterine, ovarian;

c) luteal, follicular;

d) ovarian, folliculin;

29. After ovulation, the egg remains viable:

a) 2 days;

b) 1 day;

c) 3 days;

d) 5 days;

30.Sperm fertility:

a) 1 day;

b) 2 days;

c) 3 days;

d) 6-7 days;

31. Ovulation is:

a) egg maturation;

b) the release of the egg from the follicle;

c) spotting from the genital tract;

d) penetration of the sperm into the egg;

32. Ovulation occurs:

a) at the beginning of the menstrual cycle;

b) in the middle of the menstrual cycle;

c) at the end of the menstrual cycle;

d) during menstruation;


Match the information in the right and left columns:

33. Muscle hypertonicity:

1) on the upper limbs;

2) on the lower limbs.

34. Fontanelles:

1. small fontanel;

2. large fontanel.

35. Milk teeth:


2. medial incisors;

3.lateral incisors;

4.rear small indigenous;

5. front small indigenous.

36. Curves of the spine:

  1. cervical;
  2. chest;
  3. lumbar.

Disappear time:

a) by 1 month;

b) in 2-2.5 months;

c) at 3-4 months;

d) by 6 months.

Localization between bones:

a) occipital and parietal;

b) frontal and parietal;

c) temporal and parietal;

d) frontal and temporal.

Cutting times:

a) 12-16 months;

b) 16-20 months;

c) 20-30 months;

d) 6-8 months;

e) 8-12 months.

Appearance time:

a) 15 days;

b) 2 months;

c) 6-7 months;

d) 12 months;

e) 1.5 years.

37. Fontanelles:

  1. small fontanel;
  2. big fontanel.

38. View of the fontanelle of the skull:

  1. big fontanel.

39. Curves of the spine:

1. cervical;

2. chest;

3. lumbar.

Closing dates:

a) to birth;

b) by 3 months;

c) by 12-16 months;

d) by 2 years.

Size measurement:

a) between the corners horizontally;

b) between the corners vertically;

d) between the parties.

Due to the ability of the child:

a) stand

b) hold your head

c) sit down

d) take a toy.


fill in the gaps with missing information.

40. Pre-preschool or ____________ continues from ______ to ______ At the 2nd year of life, _____ sub-periods are distinguished with an interval of _____ months. On the 3rd year, ____ sub-periods are distinguished with an interval of ____ months.

41. preschool age from ____ to ____ years

42. The first __________ of growth in girls (after ___ years) falls on primary school age. For boys, the first __________ of growth falls on the preschool period.

43. The second period of _________ growth: in girls at ____ years with a maximum at the age of ___ years. In boys in this period, there is a uniform traction.

44. For the period of senior school age, there is a ______ phase of puberty, which begins on ________ and is characterized by the completion of the development of _________ sexual characteristics and the establishment of a _______ cycle.

45. Mature age: in women from _______ to _____ years,

46. The period of adulthood is the longest in a person's life and is divided into 2 sub-periods: from _____ to ____ and from ____ to ____. Mature age is the period of _________ revealing a person's abilities. Period __________ health.

47. The curve of the spine backwards is called ______, forward - _______.

48. The rudiments of teeth are formed in the ______ trimester of pregnancy.


Do you agree with the statement:

49. Preschool age is characterized by intense

milk teeth growth.

Yes. No.

50. By the age of 1 year, a child has 8 teeth.

Yes. No.

51. The front small molars are called molars.

Yes. No.

52. Anterior small molars appear at 12-15 months

Yes. No.

53. Canines appear at 12-15 months;

Yes. No.

54. Back small molars appear 20-24 months.

Yes. No.

55. The hot climate and conditions of the highlands can somewhat slow down the growth of children, but accelerate their maturation.

Yes. No.


Set the correct sequence (order):

56. Set the sequence of muscle development.

a) muscles of the forearm;

b) muscles of the hand;

c) neck muscles;

d) small muscles;

e) shoulder muscles.

57. Set the order of eruption of permanent teeth.

a) front small indigenous;

b) the first large molars;

c) fangs;

d) second large molars;

e) third large molars;

f) rear small root;

g) lateral incisors;

h) medial incisors.

58. Determine the correct sequence in the menstrual cycle:

a) follicle ovulation corpus luteum white body;

b) ovulation follicle corpus luteum white body;

c) corpus luteum ovulation follicle white body;

d) follicle ovulation white body corpus luteum;

59. Set the order of eruption of milk teeth.

a) front small indigenous;

b) fangs;

c) rear small indigenous;

d) medial incisors;

e) lateral incisors.

60. Set the order of age periods.

a) chest;

b) elderly;

c) a newborn baby;

d) senile;

e) intrauterine;

e) longevity;

g) junior school;

h) mature age;

i) preschool age;

j) senior school;

k) preschool age.

Sample answers.



















33- 1-b 2-c

34- 1-a 2-b

35- 1-b 2-d 3-d 4-c 5-a

36- 1-b 2-c 3-d

37- 1-a 2-c


39- 1-b 2-c 3-a

40- Preschool (early childhood) from 1 to 3 years

At the 2nd year of life, 4 sub-periods are distinguished with an interval of 3 months

On the 3rd year, 2 sub-periods are distinguished with an interval of 6 months.

41- Preschool age lasts from 3 to 6-7 years

42 - The first acceleration of growth in girls occurs at primary school age (after 6 years, for boys, the first acceleration of growth occurs in the preschool period).

43- The second period of accelerated growth: in girls at 8.5 years with a maximum at the age of 11-12 years. In boys in this period, there is a uniform traction. The growth of children during this period is mainly due to the lower extremities. From 11-12 years old, the peak of body growth begins.

44 - The period of senior school age accounts for the second phase of puberty, which begins with menarche and is characterized by the completion of the development of secondary sexual characteristics, the establishment of the ovulatory cycle. The correct cycles are established within 0.5 -1.5 years.

45- Mature age in women from 20 to 55 years

46- The period of adulthood is the longest in a person's life and is divided into 2 sub-periods: from 20-21 to 35 and from 35 to 55-60. Mature age is the period of maximum disclosure of a person's abilities. Period of maximum health.

47- kyphosis, lordosis

48- first trimester

49- yes

50- yes

51- no



54- yes


56- c e a b d

57- b g a c e d e


59- d e a b c

60-d v a l f k s b g e.

GAOU SPO NSO "Iskitim Medical College"


Control and evaluation tools for intermediate certification

PM Carrying out preventive measures

MDK Healthy person and his environment

Specialty 060501 "Nursing"

Type of control - exam

Form of control material - test tasks

Purpose: to assess the level of assimilation of OK No. 1-14 and PC No. 1.1-1.3

Carry out activities to preserve and improve the health of the population, the patient and his environment

Conduct sanitary and hygienic education of the population

Participate in the prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases

Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it

Organize their own activities, choose typical methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their performance and quality

Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them

Search and use the information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development

Use information and communication technologies in professional activities

Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers

Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), for the result of completing tasks

Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan and implement advanced training

Navigate in the conditions of changing technologies in professional activities

Carefully treat the historical heritage and cultural traditions of the people, respect social, cultural and religious differences

Be ready to take on moral obligations in relation to nature, society and man

Organize the workplace in compliance with the requirements of labor protection, industrial sanitation, infectious and fire safety

Lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise physical culture and sports to improve health, achieve life and professional goals

Perform military duty, including with the application of acquired professional knowledge (for young men)

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State

educational standard

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the student must

have practical experience:

carrying out preventive measures in the implementation of nursing

be able to:

educate the population on the principles of a healthy lifestyle

conduct and implement health and preventive


advise the patient and his environment on issues


advise on rational and dietary nutrition

organize outreach activities


Modern ideas about health in different age periods,

possible factors influencing health, directions of nursing

health promotion activities;

Fundamentals of immunoprophylaxis of various population groups;

Principles of rational and dietary nutrition;

The role of nursing staff in conducting medical examinations

The population and the work of "schools of health"

KOS characteristic:

KOS contains theoretical tasks drawn up in accordance with

minimum requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and covers the main topics of the PM

"Preventive activity" MDK "Healthy person and his environment".

Theoretical knowledge is evaluated by test tasks. Made up bank

Tasks in the amount of 323 in electronic form (in the AST shell)

Test Control Evaluation Criteria

Success percentage

( correct answers)


( mark)

Verbal analogue

100 -90



89- 80



79 -70



Less than 70



Approved at the meeting of the Central Committee of Special Disciplines

Minutes No. ______ dated ____________ 2013

Chairman of the commission Ivanova N.V. ________

Test control of knowledge on the Professional module

"Prevention Activities"

MDK 01 "Healthy person and his environment",

specialty "nursing".

Section 1 Introduction

1. Main indicators of population statistics:
1) fertility;
2) mortality;
+3) population;
+4) the composition of the population (sex, age, social status, etc.).

2. Indicators characterizing the health of the population:
1) fertility;
2) mortality;
+3) physical development;
+4) morbidity;
5) demographic indicators.

3. The birth rate is calculated by the formula:
1) (number of live births per year) / (average population) x 1000;
2) (number of live births per year) / (number of delivered births) x 1000;
+3) (number of pregnant women per year) / (number of delivered births) x 1000.

4. For simple reproduction, the total fertility rate must

2) 2,0;
+3) 2,17;
4) 3,0.

5. Indicators reflecting the mechanical movement of the population:
1) fertility;
2) mortality;
+3) emigration;
+4) migration.

6. Indicators of the natural movement of the population:
+1) fertility;
+2) mortality;
+3) natural increase;
4) migration;
+5) infant mortality.

7. Indicator of child (infant) mortality:
1) mortality of children under 14;
+2) mortality of children under 1 year old;
3) mortality of children under 1 month;
4) mortality of children up to 28 days of life.

Section "Children's Health"

1. The child should already walk independently at the age of:
-1) 10 months
+2) 12 months
-3) 1.5 years
-4) 2 years

2. The revitalization complex appears in a child at the age of:
-1) 1 month
-2) 2 months
+3) 3-4 months.
-4) 5 months

3. The child smiles at the speech of an adult already at the age of:
-1) 1 month
+2) 2 months
-3) 4 months
-4) 5 months

4. The hypertonicity of the flexors of the lower extremities disappears in a child at the age of:
-1) 2-2.5 months
+2) 3-4 months.
-3) 4-6 months
-4) 7 months

5. The hypertonicity of the flexors of the upper extremities disappears in a child at the age of:
+1) 2-2.5 months
-2) 3-4 months.
-3) 4-5 months.
-4) 6 months

6. The child begins to drink from a cup held by an adult of age:
-1) 2 months
-2) 3 months
-3) 5 months
+4) 6 months

7. The first teeth appear in a child at the age of:
-1) 3-4 months
-2) 4-5 months.
+3) 6-7 months.
-4) 8-8.5 months.

8. A large fontanel closes in a child aged:
-1) 6-8 months
-2) 10-12 months
+3) 12-15 months
-4) 2 years

9. Lumbar lordosis is formed in a child aged:
-1) 5 months
-2) 8 months
+3) 12 months
-4) 2 years

10. Thoracic kyphosis is formed in a child aged:
-1) 3-4 months
+2) 6-7 months
-3) 10-12 months
-4) 1.5 years

11. Cervical lordosis in a child appears at the age of:
-1) 1 month
+2) 2 months
-3) 6 months
-4) 8 months

12. The bone tissue of a child contains:
-1) a lot of water, organic matter, mineral salts
-2) little water, organic matter
+3) a lot of water, organic substances, few mineral salts
-4) little water, a lot of organic matter

13. At what age does a child already hold his head well for 1-2 minutes:
-1) 1 month
+2) 2 months
-3) 3 months
-4) 4 months

14. The child holds his head well in an upright position in:
-1) 1 month
-2) 2 months
+3) 3 months
-4) 4 months

15. The child starts to walk in:
-1) 1 month
-2) 2 months
+3) 3 months
-4) 4 months

16. The child can sit, but not yet sit down on his own in:
-1) 2 months
-2) 4 months
+3) 6 months
-4) 7 months

17. The child stands without support in:
-1) 7 months
-2) 9 months
-3) 10 months
+4) 11 months

18. The child already sits on his own in:
-1) 5 months
-2) 6 months
+3) 8 months
-4) 10 months

19. The child says 8-10 words at the age of:
-1) 10 months
+2) 12 months
-3) 1.5 years
-4) 2 years

20. Bladder in young children:
+1) located high, adjacent to the abdominal wall
-2) located low
-3) adjacent to the kidneys
-4) lies behind the peritoneum

21. Number of teeth in a child per year:
-1) 4 teeth
-2) 6 teeth
+3) 8 teeth
-4) 10 teeth

22. Type of breathing in a child in infancy:
+1) diaphragmatic
-2) costal
-3) mixed
-4) breast

23. At 10 months. a healthy child receives food no more than:
-1) 500 ml
+2) 1000 ml
-3) 1500 ml
-4) 2000 ml

24. At 3 months, the child receives nutrition in volume equal to:
-1) 1/5 body weight
+2) 1/6 body weight
-3) 1/7 body weight
-4) 1/8 body weight

25. Full-term baby at 1 month. life receives an amount of milk equal to:
+1) 1/5 body weight
-2) 1/6 of body weight
-3) 1/7 body weight
-4) 1/8 body weight

26. More in colostrum than in mature mother's milk
-1) protein
-2) salts
-3) vitamins

27. Colostrum is secreted from the mother up to:
+1) 3-4 days
-2) 5-7 days
-3) two weeks
-4 months

28. The growth of a full-term baby for the 1st year of life increases on average by:
-1) 10-12cm
-2) 20cm
+3) 25 cm
-4) 30cm

29. Weight gain of a child in the third month of life:
-one. 700
+2. 800
-3. 900
-4. 950

30. The stomach in children in the 1st year of life is located:
+1) horizontal
-2) vertically
-3) in an oblique position

31. The capacity of the bladder in a newborn is:
-1) 10-20ml
-2) 30-35ml
+3) 50 ml
-4) 60-70 ml

32. Uric acid infarction in children occurs:
-1) for 1-2 days of life
+2) on 3-4 days of life
-3) on 7-10 days of life
-4) 10-14 days of life

33. Stool in infants is normal:
-1) 1-2 times a day
+2) 3-5 times a day
-3) 6-8 times a day
-4) up to 10 times a day

34. In breastfed children, the main flora in the intestines:
+1) bifidum bacterium
-2) E. coli
-3) staphylococcus aureus
-4) all of the above

35. It is necessary to wean a child from the breast in:
-1) 10 months
+2) 12 months
-3) 1.5 years
-4) 15 months

36. Nutrilon mixture is:
-1) sour milk
+2) adapted
-3) unadapted
-4) soy

37. With mixed feeding frequency of feeding:
+1) like breastfeeding
-2) more often than breastfeeding
-3) less often than breastfeeding
-4) like bottle-fed

38. From the nutrition of a nursing mother it is necessary to exclude:
-1) bow
-2) garlic
-3) black coffee
+4) all of the above

39. Contraindications to breastfeeding on the part of the mother are:
-1) mental disorders
-2) purulent mastitis
-3) cardiovascular insufficiency
+4) all of the above is correct

40. Contraindications to breastfeeding in a child are:
-1) runny nose
+2) cerebrovascular accident in a child, galactosemia
-3) hyperactivity
-4) uric acid infarction

41. In the treatment of hypogalactia, the following are used:
+1) prolactin, UVR on the mammary glands
-2) acetylsalicylic acid
-3) caffeine
-4) tincture of garlic

42. The child receives the third complementary foods at the age of:
-1) 1 month
-2) 5 months
-3) 6 months
+4) 8 months

43. The first complementary foods for a healthy child with natural feeding are introduced into

-1) 3 months
+2) 5 months.
-3) 6 months.
-4) 7 months.

44. In the first half of the year, the child receives juice in the amount of:
-1) 10-20ml
-2) 20-30 ml
+3) 30-50 ml
-4) 50-100 ml

45. With five meals a day, a child is fed through:
+1) 4 hours
-2) 3.5 hours
-3) 3 hours
-4) 2.5 hours

46. ​​Puberty in boys is dominated by:
+1) abdominal type of breathing
-2) chest type of breathing
-3) mixed type of breathing
-4) different type of breathing

47. In puberty, girls are dominated by:
-1) abdominal type of breathing
+2) chest type of breathing
-3) mixed type of breathing
-4) different type of breathing

48. The volume of the stomach reaches 1 liter in children aged:
-17 years
+2) 8 years
-39 years
-4) 10 years

49. The structure of the liver becomes the same as in adults at the age of:
-17 years
+2) 8 years
-39 years
-4) 10 years

50. In the pubertal period, the sleep of children should be at least:
-1) 7 hours
+2) 8 hours
-3) 10 hours
-4) 11 hours

51. More often obesity in children in prepubertal and pubertal periods is associated with:
+1) with overeating of carbohydrates, hypodynamia
-2) with overeating of proteins
-3) with beriberi
-4) with all of the above

52. At school age, a child should eat:
-1) 3 times a day
+2) 4 times a day
-3) 5 times a day
-4) 6 times a day

53. Physiological jaundice of premature babies persists:
-1) 1-2 days
-2) one week
+3) 2-3 weeks
-4) 4 weeks

55. Language in newborns:

1) wide, short
-2) narrow, long
-3) wide, long
-4) narrow, short

56. The nervous system of the unborn child is laid already on:
+1) 1-2 weeks of pregnancy
-2) 3-4 weeks of pregnancy
-3) 5-6 weeks of pregnancy
-4) 7-8 weeks of pregnancy

57. The weight of the brain in a newborn is from body weight:
-1) 1/3 part
-2) 1/4-1/5 part
+3) 1/8-1/9 part
-4) 1/20 part

58. A child's hearing can be tested:
+1) in the neonatal period
-2) at 3-4 months.
-3) at 6 months.
-4) at 12 months.

59. Physiological weight loss in a full-term baby is maximum for:
-1) 1-2 day life
+2) 2-4 days of life
-3) 4-7 day life
-4) 8-12 day life

60. The average head circumference of a newborn is:
-1) 30-33cm
+2) 34-36 cm
-3) 35-37cm
-4) 35-38cm

61. The length of the head of a full-term newborn child is:
-1) 1/3 height
+2) 1/4 height
-3) 1/5 height
-4) 1/6 height

62. The air temperature in the ward of premature babies is maintained within:
-1) 21-22 degrees.
-2) 22-23 degrees.
+3) 24-25 degrees.
-4) 20-22 deg.

63. Puberty in girls begins:
-1) later than boys
+2) earlier than boys
-3) at the same time in boys and girls

64. Secondary sexual characteristics in girls are manifested:
-1) simultaneously with the boys
-2) 1-1.5 years later than boys
+3) 1-1.5 years earlier than boys

65. Functional disorders of the nervous system, cardiovascular,

endocrine, etc. are more common in:
-1) the period of milk teeth
-2) prepubertal period
+3) puberty

66. The bone tissue of a child is the same in structure as in adults, in
-17 years
-2) 10 years
+3) 12 years old
-4) 14 years old

67. The formation of the chest completely ends at the age of:
-1) 7-8 years old
-2) 9-10 years old
-3) 10-11 years old
+4) 12-13 years old

68. The structure of blood vessels becomes the same as in adults, at the age of:
-1) 7-8 years old
-2) 9-10 years old
-3) 11 years old
+4) 12 years old

69. In a newborn baby, the heart lies:
+1) horizontal
-2) vertically

70. In young children
+1) the lumen of the veins is equal to the lumen of the arteries
-2) the lumen of the veins is greater than the lumen of the arteries
-3) the lumen of the veins is less than the lumen of the arteries

71. Pulse rate of a full-term newborn:
-1) 180 bpm
+2) 140 bpm
-3) 110 bpm
-4) 100 bpm

72. Dimensions of a large fontanel in a newborn:
-1) 1x1 cm square.
-2) 2 x 1-1.5cm sq.
-3) 2x2.5 cm square.
+4) 3 x 3-2.5 cm square.

73. In a newborn child:
+1) low secretory function of the glands of the gastrointestinal tract
-2) high secretory function of the glands of the gastrointestinal tract

74. The volume of the stomach in a newborn:
-1) 10-15 ml
+2) 30-35 ml
-3) 50-60 ml
-4) 60-65 ml

75. Sexual crisis of newborns includes:
+1) breast engorgement
-2) uric acid infarction
+3) swelling of the scrotum in boys
-4) transient proteinuria

76. When weighing a newborn, the scales process:
-1) 10% solution of bleach
-2) 5% solution of chloramine
+3) 1% solution of chloramine
-4) 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide

77. A post-term baby has a gestational age:
-1) 38 weeks
-2) 40 weeks
-3) 41 weeks
+4) more than 42 weeks

78. Meconium is excreted in a newborn:
+1) in the first 1-2 days
-2) during the first week
-3) up to 2 weeks of life
-4) during the first month of life

99. Physiological jaundice in a newborn appears:
+1) for 2-3 days
-2) by the end of 1 week
-3) by the 10th day of life
-4) sometimes by the end of the 2nd week

79. For the daily toilet of the umbilical wound is used:
-1) 3% solution of bleach
-2) 5% solution of iodine
+3) 5% solution of potassium permangant
-4) all of the above

80. The eyes of a newborn child are washed:
-1) boric alcohol - 3% solution
+2) furatsilin 1:5000
-3) hydrogen peroxide - 2% solution
-4) albucid - 30% solution

81. From the maternity ward to the department of newborns, the child usually comes

after childbirth through:
-1) 1 hour
+2) 2 hours
-3) 3 hours
-4) 4 hours

82. The length of the head of a premature baby is:
-one. 1/4 of height
+2. 1/3 of height
-3. 1/2 of height

83. Number of lobes in the lungs in children:
-1) 2 lobes on the right, 3 lobes on the left
+2) right 3 beats, left 2 beats
-3) 2 beats on the left, 1 beat on the right
-4) 1 beat on the left, 2 beats on the right

84. The number of breaths in a newborn child:
-1) 20-25 in 1 minute
-2) 30-40 in 1 minute
+3) 40-60 in 1 minute
-4) 60-80 in 1 minute

85. Monthly increase in chest circumference for a child of 1 year of age:
-one). 1 cm
+2). 1.2m
-3). 2 cm

86. Listening to fetal heart sounds in a pregnant woman is possible:
-1) from the first two weeks of pregnancy
-2) from 2 months of pregnancy
-3) from 3 months of pregnancy
+4) from 4-5 months of pregnancy

87. Hemoglobin at birth in a child is:
-1) 100 g/l
-2) 120-140 g/l
+3) 170-240 g/l
-4) more than 240 g/l

88. The rate of erythrocyte sedimentation in newborns is normal:
+1) 2-3 ml/h
-2) 3-4ml/h
-3) 4-5ml/h
-4) 6-8ml/h

89. Psychophysical differences between boys and girls are manifested in:
-1) infancy
+2) preschool period
-3) puberty

90. Puberty in girls:
-1) 10-12 years old
+2) 12-16 years old
-3) 16-17 years old
-4) 17-18 years old

91. Secondary sexual characteristics appear earlier:
+1) in girls
-2) in boys
-3) simultaneously appear in boys and girls

92. Mother feels fetal movement:
-1) 2 months pregnant
-2) 3 months pregnant
+3) at 4-5 months of pregnancy
-4) just before childbirth

93. The critical period of the formation of the nervous system (especially the brain

-1) 5-6 weeks pregnant
+2) 10-18 weeks of pregnancy
-3) 18-22 weeks of pregnancy
-4) 22-30 weeks of pregnancy

94. Fetal length at 7 months. pregnancy (on average):
-1) 25cm
+2) 35 cm
-3) 45cm
-4) 40cm

95. The average weight of newborns is:
-1) 2500-3500g
-2) 2800-3800g
+3) 3200-3500 g
-4) 3000-4000g

96. The gestational age of a full-term baby is:
-1) 30-42 weeks
-2) 35-37 weeks
-3) 28-38 weeks
+4) 38-42 weeks

97. Cord remnant in a newborn falls off on:
-1) 2-3 days
+2) 4-5 day
-3) 5-9 day
-4) 10 day

98. Physiological erythema in a newborn persists:
+1) up to 2-3 days
-2) up to 7-8 days
-3) up to 10-12 days
-4) up to 2 weeks

99. Physiological weight loss in a newborn is:
-1) 20-25% weight
-2) 10-15% weight
+3) 6-8% weight
-4) less than 1% of the weight

100. Uric acid infarction occurs in newborns on:
+1) 3-4 days of life
-2) 7-10 day life
-3) 3rd week of life
-4) one month after birth

101. Causes of uric acid infarction:
-1) increase in the amount of urine
+2) excretion of a small amount of urine
-3) low content of salts and uric acid in the urine
-4) high content of salts and uric acid in the urine

102. Prevention of transient fever:
+1) overheating prevention, proper feeding
-2) hygiene
-3) fluid restriction
-4) all of the above

103. Physiological weight loss is associated with:
+1) meconium excretion, urination
-2) lack of appetite
-3) jaundice of the newborn
-4) with all of the above

104. The period of intrauterine development is:
-1) 260 days
-2) 270 days
+3) 280 days
-4) 300 days

105. Transitional (physiological) states of newborns are observed:
-1) during fetal development
+2) during the neonatal period
-3) during infancy
-4) during the period of milk teeth

106. The neonatal period is:
+1) first 28 days of life
-2) the first 29 days of life
-3) the first 30 days of life
-4) first 7 days of life

107. In the period of infancy, growth normally increases by:
-1) 15cm
-2) 20cm
+3) 25 cm
-4) 30cm

108. Assessment on the Apgar scale is carried out:
+1) 1 and 5 minutes after birth
-2) 5 minutes after birth
-3) 1 minute after birth
-4) 2 minutes after birth

109. Growth in girls stops:
-1) at the age of 16
-2) at the age of 17
+3) at 18
-4) at 23

110. Children with a chronic disease in the stage of decompensation belong to the health group:
-1) IV
-2) III
+4) V

111. Increase in height for the first month of life:
-1) 2cm
-2) 2.5cm
-3) 1.5cm
+4) 3 cm

112 Reflexes are normal in a child with a mass:
-1) 2500 g
-2) 2000
-3) 1000 g
+4) 3200 g

113. Apgar score 6 points, with heart rate:
+1) 100-120 bpm
-2) 100-90 bpm
-3) missing
-4) 100-80 bpm

114. Coloration of the skin in full-term newborns with zoenka on the Apgar scale 5 points:
-1) pink
-2) cyanotic
-3) pale
+4) pink, blue limbs

115. The circumference of the head is 2 cm less than the circumference of the chest:
-1) in a newborn
-2) in a child of 6 months.
+3) at 12 months. child's life
-4) at 3 months. life

116. Monthly weight gain for the fifth month of life:
-1) 750 gr
+2) 700 gr
-3) 600 gr
-4) 800 gr

117. Monthly increase in chest circumference:
-1) 1cm
+2) 1.2 cm
-3) 2 cm
-3) 2.5cm

118. In a full-term newborn, the head takes from growth:
+1) 1/4 part
-2) 1/3 part
-3) 1/8 part
-4) 1/7 part

119. Growth at 2 months. the average life of a child is:
+1) 56 cm
-2) 50 cm
-3) 52cm
-4) 48cm

120. Reduced physical and mental stress for children from the health group:
-2) III
-3) IV
+4) V

121. Increase in height for 11 months of life:
-1) 3 cm
-2) 2 cm
+3) 1.5 cm
-4) 2.5cm

122. At the birth of a child, the posture of "embryo":
+1) full-term
-2) premature

123. Apgar score 10 points, with heart rate:
+1) 100-120 bpm
-2) 100-90 bpm
-3) 90-80 bpm
-4) 80-70 bpm

124. The color of the skin in full-term newborns is normal:
-1) pale
-2) cyanotic
+3) pink
-4) hyperemia

125. Monthly weight gain for the 4th month of life:
-1) 650 gr
-2) 600 gr
-3) 550 gr
+4) 750 gr

126. Monthly increase in head circumference for a child of the first year of life:
+1) 1 cm
-2) 2 cm
-3) 3cm
-4) 3.5cm

127. The shape of the chest in a newborn:
-1) funnel-shaped
+2) barrel-shaped
-3) chicken
-4) "chest shoemaker"

128. The state of the child when assessed according to sh. Apgar for 10 points:
-1) satisfactory
-2) moderate
+3) good
-4) heavy

129. The science that studies the aging of living organisms is called:
-one. geriatrics
-2. social gerontology
+3. gerontology

130. Geriatrics is
-one. study of the influence of social conditions on a person
+2. disease of the elderly
-3. study of the aging process of living organisms

131. The cause of aging is:
-one. genetically programmed
-2. environmental influence
+3. all of the above

132. Old age with
+1. 60-74
-2. 45-60
-3. over 90
-4. 50-90

133. Average age:
+1. up to 45 years
-2. from 45 to 59 years
-3 60 to 79 years old

134. Centenarians are people
-one. over 75 years old
+2. over 90 years old
-3. under 100 years old
-4. over 80

135. Old age is
-one. destructive process under the influence of endo- and exogenous factors
+2. final period of age development
-3. early development of age-related changes

136. Aging is
-one. pathological process
+2. natural process of age-related changes
-3. consequences of bad habits

137. Signs of old age include
-one. increase in working capacity
-2. fatigue reduction
+3. weakening of attention, memory

138. Premature aging
-one. delayed development of age-related changes
+2. earlier development of age-related changes
-3. process leading to an increase in the strength of immunity

139 Number of years lived:
-one. physiological old age
+2. chronological old age
-3. social old age

140. Physiological old age:
-one. number of years lived
+2. physical aging process
-3. when a person begins to realize himself as old

141. Psychological old age
-one. number of years lived
-2. physical aging process
+3. when a person himself begins to recognize himself as old

142. Social old age
-one. physical aging process
+2. depends on the age of the society as a whole
-3. when a person himself begins to recognize himself as old

143. Life expectancy can be increased by:
-one. favorable environmental conditions
-2. rejection of bad habits
+3. all of the above

144. The main cause of arterial hypoxemia is:
+1. decrease in arterial oxygen saturation
-2. barrel-shaped chest
-3. decreased mobility of the costovertebral joints

145. Characteristic ECG changes
+1. decrease in myocardial contractility
-2. increase in myocardial contractility
-3. tachycardia

146. Age-related changes in the cardiovascular system
-one. bradycardia, high blood pressure
-2. decrease in circulating blood volume
+3. all of the above

147. Circulatory failure in old age is associated with:
+1. formation of atherosclerotic plaques
-2. increased vascular tone
-3. with vasoconstriction

148. The main cause of unregulated blood pressure:
-one. decrease in the number of functioning capillaries
+2. loss of elasticity in large arterial vessels
-3. heart rate slows down

149. Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the musculoskeletal skeleton of the chest are noted:
+1. after 60 years
-2. after 70 years
-3. after 90 years

150. Chest to old age
-one. deformed, loses normal mobility when breathing
-2. becomes barrel-shaped
+3. all of the above

151. Age-related changes in the upper respiratory tract
+1. mucosal atrophy
-2. tonsil hypertrophy
-3. constriction of the glottis

152. Mucous atrophy leads to:
+1. their dryness
-2. increase in protective properties
-3. proliferation of the epithelium

153. Senile changes in lung tissue
+1. decrease in lung tissue stretching
-2. increased stretching of lung tissue
-3. increase in VC

154. Changes in the intestinal microflora leads to:
-one. decrease in the enzymatic flora of the intestine
-2. to intensification of putrefactive processes, to the disappearance of lactic acid bacteria
+3. all of the above

155. In old age in the stomach occurs:
-one. increase in the level of secretion
+2. decrease in secretion
-3. pylorus gap

156. Senile changes in the esophagus
+1. elongation, curvature
-2. shortening
-3. thickening

157. The main reason for the decrease in the volume of the oral cavity:
-one. due to yellowish teeth
+2. due to worn teeth
-3. atrophy of the chewing muscles

158. The main cause of increased urge to urinate in old age:
-one. nephrosclerosis
+2. thickening of the bladder wall
-3. weakening of the function of the locking apparatus

159. Regeneration, healing of wounds in old age occurs:
-one. faster
+2. slower
-3. at the same level as an adult

160. Causes of senile dementia
-one. hyperthyroidism
-2. cerebrovascular atrophy
+3. involution of brain matter

161. Signs of changes in higher nervous activity in old age
-one. performance decline, sleep disturbance
-2. emotional stability, weakening of attention, memory
+3. all of the above

162. The period of the most intensive changes in the hormonal apparatus:
+1. 45-60
-2. 61-70
-3. 71-80

163. The main reason for the change in height in old age:
-one. loss of bone tissue, decrease in the amount of bone substance
+2. increased curvature of the spine, decreased height of the vertebral discs
-3. all of the above

164. Aging of the osteoarticular apparatus of the apparatus occurs due to
+1. ca++ deficiency
-2. fat deficiency
-3. excess ca++

165. Older people have
-one. increase in the threshold of perception of high-frequency sounds
+2. lowering the perception threshold of a high register
-3. increased threshold for low frequency sounds

166. Senile changes in the eye
+1. cataract
-2. myopia
-3. strabismus

167. Violation of accommodation is:
+1. the ability of the lens of the eye to change its curvature
-2. dystrophic changes in the retina
-3. optic nerve disease

168. Diseases of the optic nerve in old age are associated with:
+1. pathological state of blood vessels
-2. visual acuity
-3. senile cataract

169. Hygienic baths or showers in old age are recommended:
-one. 7 times a week
+2. 2-3 times a week
-3. 1 time per month

170. At what age do all layers of the skin sharply become thinner:
-one. 40 years
+2. 75 years old
-3.60 years

171. Features of personal hygiene in old age:
+1. periodic treatment of the skin with a nutrient solution
-2. not required due to atrophy of the skin glands
-3. take hot baths more often

172. With prolonged bed rest, it is necessary to carry out
-one. antibiotic therapy
+2. pressure ulcer prevention
-3. intensive exercise therapy

173. In the gerontological aspect, atrophy is
-one. increased cell nutrition
+2. a decrease in the volume of cell function due to a lack of their nutrition
-3. circulatory disorder

174. In old age, the leading general pathological process is
-one. glandular hypertrophy
+2. atrophy
-3. inflammation

175. Atrophy is manifested:
+1. a decrease in the functional activity of cells
-2. myocardial enlargement
-3. an increase in glucose levels in the urine

176. Clinically atrophy manifests itself
-one. hyperesthesia
-2. improvement of neuropsychic activity
+3. hyposecretion, adynamia, atony

177. Age-related changes in the sense organs
+1. decreased tactile sensitivity
-2. acquiring tactile sensitivity and smell
-3. increased pain sensitivity

178. A large share in the diet of older people should be:
+1. vegetables, fruits, wholemeal bread
-2. animal fats, meat
-3. bakery products from premium flour

179. The combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet of an elderly person should be as follows:
+1. 1: 0,8: 3,5
-2. 1: 2
-3. 3,5: 0,1: 0,8

180. The aging process is accompanied by
-one. increased metabolism
+2. weakening of metabolism
-3. increased efficiency

181. The duration of sleep for an elderly person should be
-one. men 5-6 hours, women 6-7 hours
+2. men 7-8 hours, women 8-9 hours
-3. men 10-11 hours, women - 12-13 hours

182. Sleep is
-one. natural recovery process
-2. processing of accumulated information per day
+3. all of the above

183. The main medical and social task for the elderly
-one. ensuring material well-being
+2. maintaining social connections and physical activity
-3. provision of entertainment programs

184. The category of the elderly at increased risk includes:
+1. groups at high risk of deterioration in health, social and economic status
-2. persons under the age of 80
-3. persons without diseases

185. A medical and social institution whose tasks include palliative care for cancer patients whose diseases cannot be cured is
+1. hospice
-2. geriatric hospital
-3. department of medical and social assistance

186. Clinical death:
-one. the presence of cadaveric spots
-2. rigor
+3. lack of respiration and circulation

187. Terminal state
-one. state after death
+2. borderline between life and death
-3. decomposition of protein bodies

188. Biological death
+1. cessation of brain activity
-2. respiratory arrest
-3. heart failure

189. Resuscitation in old age
+1. sudden onset of clinical death
-2. biological death
-3. cardiac arrest within 1 hour

190. Termination of the vital activity of an organism and, as a result, its death is
-one. agony
+2. death
-3. terminal state

191. Death in old age is a consequence
-one. old age
+2. age-related changes and related diseases
-3. genetically programmed

192. Is it possible to tell a dying person about his approaching death
-one. yes, you can tell the dying man everything frankly in any case
-2. no, you can't talk about it
+3. how and what to say to a dying person will depend on his physical and mental state

193. Deliberately accelerating death or killing an incurable patient in order to end his suffering is:
+1. euthanasia
-2. geriatrics
-3. dementia

194. Leading need in old age
+1. communication, transfer of accumulated experience
-2. treatment
-3. Job

195. Focusing on a narrow circle of interests
-one. due to increased time for self-service
-2. due to a decrease in the level of information
+3. due to all of the above

196. Normal age personality changes
-one. inadequate perception of personality
-2. hypertrophic perception of personality
+3. all of the above

197. Adequate perception is
-one. understanding of the age-related changes that are taking place
+2. subjective assessment of the possibilities
-3. misunderstanding of what is happening

198. Reduced working capacity in older people is associated with:
-one. declining standard of living, loss of loved ones
-2. change in social status
+3. with all of the above

199. Intellectual abilities in older people depend on:
-one. initial level of intelligence, education
-2. living conditions
+3. all of the above

200. To improve digestion it is necessary
+1. perform oral hygiene
-2. flush the gastrointestinal tract
-3. take a laxative
-4. all of the above

201. Internal female genital organs include:
-1) small pelvis
-2) clitoris
-3) labia minora
+4) ovaries

202. The vagina is called:
-1) Vuiva
-2) Salpinx
+3) Colpos

203. The epithelium lining the vagina is called:
-1) cubic
-2) cylindrical
-3) prismatic shimmer
+4) multilayer flat keratinizing

204. Salpinx is
-1) ovary
-2) uterus
-3) oil seal
+4) fallopian tube

205. The mucous membrane of the fallopian tube is covered with:
-1) stratified squamous epithelium
-2) cubic epithelium
-3) germinal epithelium
+4) cylindrical ciliated epithelium

206. The part farthest from the uterus is called
+1) ampoule
-2) isthmic
-3) intramural
-4) interstitial

207. The widest part of the fallopian tube
-1) isthmic
-2) interstitial
-3) intramural
+4) ampoule

208. In the uterine cavity, the reaction of the environment:
+1) alkaline
-2) sour
-3) neutral
-4) pH 5.5

209. The shape of the cervix of a nulliparous woman:
-1) cylindrical
-2) prismatic
+3) conical
-4) spherical

210. The external pharynx of a nulliparous woman has the form:
+1) point
-2) slit-like
-3) T-shaped
-4) crescent

211. During menstruation, rejection occurs
-1) the entire mucosal layer
-2) whole endometrium
+3) functional layer of the endometrium
-4) basal layer of the endometrium

212. Duration of normal periods
+1) 3-5 days
-2) 7-8 days
-3) 6-10 days
-4) 1-2 days

213. The phase of the uterine cycle is
-1) follicle maturation
-2) ovulation
+3) regeneration of the endometrium
-4) formation of the corpus luteum

214. The phase of regeneration in the uterine mucosa is followed by the phase
-1) desquamation
+2) proliferation
-3) secretions
-4) regeneration

215. The secretion phase of the uterine cycle corresponds to the ovarian cycle:
-1) follicular
+2) luteal
-3) ovulation

216. Ovulation is called
-1) immersion of the egg in the endometrium
-2) fusion of gametes
+3) release of the egg from the Graafian vesicle
-4) crushing of the zygote

217. The function of the testicles in men is:
+1) sperm formation
-2) semen excretion
-3) secretion of fluid that protects the mucous membrane of the urethra
-4) the formation of leukocytes

218. Follicular fluid contains hormones:
+1) estrogens
-2) progesterone
-3) androgens
-4) follicle-stimulating

219. Progesterone is produced in
-1) hypothalamus
-2) pituitary gland
+3) ovary
-4) uterus

220. Semen does not contain the secret:
+1) Bartholin's glands
-2) testicles
-3) prostate gland
-4) cooper glands

221. Fertilization normally occurs in
-1) uterus
-2) ovary
+3) ampullary part of the tube
-4) cervix

222. After the first division, zygotes are formed:
-1) gametes
+2) blastomeres
-3) morula
-4) follicles

223. Number of chromosomes in each gamete:
-1) 46
-2) 36
-3) 26
+4) 23

224. Immersion of the embryo in the uterine mucosa is called:
-1) ovulation
-2) fertilization
+3) implantation
-4) placentation

225. At the time of implantation, the uterine mucosa is in the phase:
+1) secretions
-2) proliferation
-3) regeneration
-4) desquamation

226. The villous shell of the egg is:
+1) chorion
-2) amnion
-3) decidua
-4) embryoblast

227. The decidua is formed from
-1) chorion
-2) amnion
+3) endometrium
-4) trophoblast

228. The maternal part of the placenta is the area:
-1) chorion
-2) amnion
+3) decidua
-4) allantois

229. During pregnancy, besides the ovaries, progesterone is also produced by:
-1) pituitary gland
+2) placenta
-3) uterus
-4) thyroid gland

230. The diagonal conjugate of a normal pelvis is equal to:
-1) 9 cm
-2) 11cm
+3) 13 cm
-4) 21cm

231. The distance between the lower edge of the symphysis and the most prominent point of the promontory is called the conjugate:
-1) true
+2) diagonal
-3) outdoor
-4) anatomical

232. The distance between the upper edge of the symphysis and the upper corner of the Michaelis rhombus is called:
-1) Solovyov index
-2) cristarum distance
+3) external conjugate
-4) true conjugate

233. To calculate the true conjugate, you need:
-1) subtract 1.5-2 cm from the outer conjugate
+2) subtract 1.5-2 cm from the diagonal conjugate
-3) add 1.5-2 cm to the diagonal conjugate
-4) subtract 9 cm from the diagonal conjugate

234. When measuring the external conjugate of the pelvis, a woman lies:
-1) on the back with outstretched legs
-2) on the back with bent legs
-3) on the side with the overlying leg bent
+4) on the side with the lower leg bent

235. Nausea is a sign of pregnancy
-1) reliable
-2) probable
+3) dubious
-4) obligatory

236. A likely sign of pregnancy is:
-1) drooling
+2) delayed menstruation
-3) vomiting
-4) taste quirks

237. A reliable sign of pregnancy is:
-1) uterine enlargement
-2) delayed menstruation
-3) breast enlargement
+4) listening to the fetal heartbeat

238. Prenatal maternity leave is issued:
-1) at 26 weeks
-2) at 28 weeks
+3) at 30 weeks
-4) at 32 weeks

239. Postpartum maternity leave in the absence of complications:
-1) 56 days
+2) 70 days
-3) 86 days
-4) 140 days

240. Duration of normal pregnancy:
-1) 250 days
+2) 280 days
-3) 350 days
-4) 380 days

241. Examination in the mirrors and taking smears for the study of the vaginal flora in a healthy pregnant woman is carried out in the LCD:
-1) once upon registration
-2) at each appearance in the LCD
+3) three times during pregnancy prophylactically
-4) only if there are complaints

242. Urinalysis for protein for examination of a pregnant woman in the GI is prescribed:
-1) three times per pregnancy
-2) only in the presence of dysuric phenomena
-3) once every 1-2 months
+4) to each turnout

243. Three times during pregnancy each woman gives:
+1) blood for Australian antigen and syphilis
-2) blood per group and rhesus
-3) feces on worm eggs
-4) smears for staphylococcus aureus

244. In the second trimester, a pregnant woman visits the LCD
-1) 1 time per month
+2) 1 time in 2 weeks
-3) every week
-4) 2 times a week

245. In the last month of uncomplicated pregnancy:
-1) a pregnant woman may not attend the LCD
+2) you need to visit the LCD every 7-10 days
-3) visiting the residential complex in 2-3 weeks
-4) you need to visit the LCD every other day

246. Typical complaints of a pregnant woman in the 1st trimester:
-1) head pain and blurred vision
+2) nausea and change in taste
-3) fetal movement
-4) swelling

247. Fluorography of the lungs in pregnant women:
-1) is assigned once upon registration
-2) is carried out in the 1st and 2nd half of pregnancy
+3) not indicated for desired pregnancy
-4) is prescribed three times during pregnancy

248. The optimal weight gain of a pregnant woman in 1 week is:
-1) 30 g
-2) 50 g
+3) 300 g
-4) 700 g

249. To determine the date of birth using the Naegele formula, from the date of the beginning of the last menstruation:
-1) take away 3 months
-2) take away 4 months
-3) subtract 4 months and add 7-10 days
+4) subtract 3 months and add 7-10 days

250. Multiparous women begin to feel fetal movements most often starting with:
-1) 8 weeks
-2) 12 weeks
+3) 18 weeks
-4) 22 weeks

251. Pregnancy period, from which the fetal heartbeat can be heard with an obstetric stethoscope:
-1) 12 weeks
-2) 18 weeks
+3) 22 weeks
-4) 28 weeks

255. Ultrasound examination at 30 weeks is the most difficult to detect:
-1) the sex of the fetus
-2) location of the placenta
-3) pronounced malformations
+4) fetal skin color

256. Early preeclampsia is characterized by:
-1) swelling
+2) weight loss
-3) hyperthermia
-4) weight gain

257. With vomiting of moderate severity
-1) treatment can be outpatient
-2) urgent termination of pregnancy is always required
+3) hospital treatment is indicated
-4) due to the risk of embryopathy, drugs are not prescribed

258. To combat dehydration, apply:
-1) magnesium sulfate
-2) eufillin
-3) hypothiazide
+4) chlosol

259. Antiemetic action has:
-1) tseporin
+2) cerucal
-3) digital
-4) cefamizin

260. Normal by the end of pregnancy is the volume of amniotic fluid:
-1) 100-300ml
+2) 1000 ml
-3) 1.5 - 2l
-4) 2-3 l

261. The position of the fetus is the ratio of its back to
+1) lateral surfaces of the uterus
-2) anterior surface of the uterus
-3) the entrance to the small pelvis
-4) the bottom of the uterus

262. Physiological is the presentation of the fetus:
-1) pelvic
+2) head
-3) gluteal
-4) foot

263. Physiological is the position of the fetus:
-1) transverse
-2) unstable
+3) longitudinal
-4) oblique

264. During each visit to the antenatal clinic, a pregnant woman is given everything except:
-1) BP measurements
-2) weighing
-3) urinalysis for protein
+4) blood test

265. The fourth reception of external obstetric examination allows to determine:
-1) the position of the fetus
-2) balloting the head
-3) the height of the fundus of the uterus
+4) standing level of the presenting part

266. During an external obstetric examination of a pregnant woman, pain may occur when determining:
-1) presenting part
-2) fetal positions
-3) the level of standing of the bottom of the uterus
+4) balloting heads

267. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen, short and irregular contractions of the uterus are:
+1) harbingers of childbirth
-2) the beginning of the first stage of labor
-3) the beginning of the II period of childbirth
-4) attempts

268. The beginning of childbirth is considered:
+1) the appearance of regular contractions of the muscles of the uterus
-2) outpouring of amniotic fluid
-3) the appearance of contractions of the abdominal muscles
-4) the appearance of aching pains in the lower abdomen

269. In the first stage of childbirth, the following occurs:
-1) the appearance of attempts
+2) dilation of the cervix
-3) the birth of the placenta
-4) head eruption

270. The second stage of childbirth is the period from:
-1) the onset of contractions until the cervix is ​​fully dilated
+2) full disclosure of the cervix before the expulsion of the fetus
-3) the birth of the fetus before the expulsion of the placenta

271. When observing a woman in labor in the first stage of labor, blood pressure is measured:
-1) during fights
+2) out of combat
-3) doesn't matter
-4) at the request of a woman

272. Normal duration of labor in a nulliparous woman:
-1) 3-4 hours
-2) 5-6 hours
+3) 8-12 hours
-4) 14-20 hours

273. In normal childbirth, the fetal bladder ruptures at the end of the period of childbirth:
-1) harbingers
+2) cervical dilatation
-3) expulsion of the fetus
-4) serial

274. Obstetric benefit during childbirth is provided at the time of:
-1) the appearance of attempts
-2) the appearance of contractions
-3) embedding head
+4) head eruption

275. A nurse can independently anesthetize childbirth by:
+1) physical tricks
-2) oxygen inhalation
-3) nitrous oxide inhalation
-4) promedol injections

276. The objectives of the obstetric benefit during childbirth are to promote:
-1) dissection of the perineum
+2) gentle removal of the head
-3) faster expulsion of the fetus
-4) slower removal of the head

277. Signs of separation of the placenta include:
-1) lack of urge to push
-2) retraction of the umbilical cord when straining
+3) elongation of the outer segment of the umbilical cord
-4) retraction of the umbilical cord when pressing the edge of the palm on the bottom of the uterus

278. Afterbirth consists of:
-1) placenta and umbilical cord
+2) placenta, umbilical cord, membranes
-3) placenta and membranes
-4) two arteries and one vein

279. It is most rational to cut the umbilical cord in uncomplicated childbirth:
-1) immediately after the birth of the child
-2) after separation of the placenta
+3) after the cessation of pulsation of the vessels of the umbilical cord
-4) after 20 minutes

280. Attaching a child to the mother's breast in the absence of complications is rational:
+1) in the delivery room
-2) after transfer to the postpartum ward
-3) 6 hours after delivery
-4) on the second day after birth

281. Brace is applied to the umbilical cord:
-1) on the border of the skin and the umbilical cord
-2) at a distance of 1-2 mm from the border of the skin
+3) at a distance of 3-5 mm from the skin border
-4) at a distance of 2 cm from the border of the skin

282. The stump of the umbilical cord after the imposition of a bracket is processed:
-1) 5% iodine
-2) furatsilin
-3) iodinol
+4) 5% potassium permanganate

283. For the prevention of gonoblenorrhea use:
+1) 30% sodium sulfacyl solution
-2) penicillin
-3) furatsilin 1:10 000
-4) chloramphenicol

284. Prevention of gonoblenorrhea is carried out:
-1) immediately after birth and after 5 minutes
+2) immediately after birth and 2 hours later
-3) 4-5 days of life
-4) immediately after birth, once

285. The maximum total score of a newborn on the Apgar scale:
+1) 10 points
-2) 12 points
-3) 8 points
-4) 2 points

286. An indicator of the Apgar scale is not:
+1) body temperature
-2) heart rate
-3) muscle tone
-4) skin color

287. Primary treatment of a newborn begins with:
-1) prevention of gonoblenorrhea
+2) suction of mucus
-3) separation of the fetus from the mother
-4) filling out documentation

288. Secondary treatment of a newborn begins with:
-1) anthropometry
-2) leather processing
+3) processing of the umbilical cord
-4) filling bracelets

289. The following has been recognized as the most rational in recent years:
-1) separate stay after the birth of mother and child
-2) joint stay of mother and child in a multi-bed ward
+3) joint stay of mother and child in a separate room with all amenities
-4) discharge of the puerperal home on the 2nd day after childbirth

290. A full-term healthy newborn has a weight of at least:
+1) 2500 g
-2) 2800 g
-3) 3200 g
-4) 3500 g

291. The cause of transient fever in a newborn is:
-1) the presence of hormones in mother's milk
-2) infectious disease
-3) birth trauma
+4) violation of the drinking regimen

292. The cause of physiological jaundice is:
-1) infectious disease
+2) breakdown of fetal hemoglobin
-3) incompatibility of the blood of the mother and fetus
-4) congenital malformations of the biliary system

293. Physiological states do not include:
-1) transient fever
-2) toxic erythema
-3) sexual crisis
+4) loss of 20% of body weight at birth

294. An excess of sex hormones after childbirth is not the cause of:
+1) toxic erythema
+2) uric acid infarction
-3) mastitis
-4) bleeding from the vagina

295. The most rational is:
+1) free attachment to the breast at the request of the child
-2) feeding by the clock in 3-4 hours
-3) feeding by the hour every 3-4 hours with a nightly 6-hour interval
-4) feeding by the hour with a nightly 9-hour interval

296. Duration of the early postpartum period:
+1) 2 hours
-2) 12 hours
-3) 1 day
-4) 5-6 days

297. A postpartum woman remains for observation after a normal delivery in the maternity ward:
-1) 1 hour
+2) 2 hours
-3) 6 hours
-4) day

298. Inspection of the birth canal after childbirth is carried out:
+1) to all women
-2) only primiparous
-3) only multiparous
-4) only women at risk

299. For normal involution of the uterus after childbirth rationally:
+1) get up a few hours after giving birth
-2) get up after giving birth for 2 days
-3) stay in bed for 3 days
-4) stay in bed for a week

301. The main mechanism of action of contraceptives containing only progesterone:
-1) suppression of ovulation
-2) occlusion of the fallopian tubes
+3) thickening of cervical mucus
-4) spermicidal action

302. The introduction of the IUD is contraindicated in women:
-1) overweight
+2) nulliparous
-3) with heart disease
-4) with endocrine disorders

303. Norplant is a contraceptive:
-1) oral
-2) mechanical
-3) intrauterine
+4) implantation

304. The most rational method of contraception for a nulliparous woman:
-1) basal temperature charting
-2) implantation
+3) taking hormonal pills
-4) intrauterine

305. The manifestations of menopause in a woman include:
+1) menopause
-2) weight gain
-3) abdominal pain
-4) decreased appetite

306. Oral contraceptives include:
-1) Trichopolum
-2) dibazol
+3) Marvelon
-4) baralgin

307. Induced abortion - termination of pregnancy for a term up to:
-1) 6 weeks
-2) 3 weeks
+3) 12 weeks
-4) 24 weeks

308. Induced abortion is contraindicated in:
-1) increased blood pressure
+2) temperature increase
-3) gestational age 10 weeks
-4) after measles rubella

309. The medical records of the women's clinic include:
-1) birth history
-2) dispensary card f. OZO
+3) exchange card
-4) the history of the development of the newborn

310. Anti-tuberculosis vaccination is carried out:
+1) on 4-5 days of life
-2) on the 1st day of life
-3) in the 1st month
-4) at 3 months

311. BCG vaccination is introduced:
-1) intramuscularly
-2) subcutaneously
+3) intradermally
-4) intravenously

312. BCG vaccination is introduced:
-1) in the upper third of the right shoulder
+2) in the upper third of the left shoulder
-3) under the shoulder blade
-4) in the forearm

313. Local vaccination reaction after the introduction of the BCG vaccine appears through:
-1) 1 day
-2) a week
+3) 4-6 weeks
-4) 3 months

314. Women who gave birth in an ambulance go to:
-1) physiological maternity ward
-2) physiological postpartum department
+3) observation department of the maternity hospital
-4) to the infectious diseases hospital

315. When a child is born in severe asphyxia, the first thing to do is:
-1) umbilical cord treatment
-2) prevention of gonoblenorrhea
+3) suction of mucus from the respiratory tract
-4) inject glucose with vitamins

316. When measuring the first three external dimensions of the pelvis, a pregnant woman lies:
+1) on the back
-2) on the side with the back to the midwife
-3) on the side facing the midwife
-4) on the side with the lower leg bent


1. General provisions

1.1. This Interim Assessment Program is designed in accordance with:

Regulations on the intermediate certification of students in the State Budgetary Institution of Economics and Economics of the Special Educational Institution "Yoshkar-Ola Medical College",

Federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education in the specialty 060101 General Medicine (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2009 N 472),

1.2. The purpose of the intermediate certification is to determine the compliance of the level and quality of training of specialists in this professional module (general and professional competencies) with the Federal State Educational Standards of Secondary Vocational Education.

Carrying out intermediate certification and debriefing

2.1. The form of interim certification is an interdisciplinary comprehensive exam

2.2. The interdisciplinary comprehensive exam consists of two parts (theoretical and practical), conducted on the same day

2.3. Conducting the theoretical part of the interdisciplinary comprehensive exam

The bank of tests contains 727 test questions. Of these, test tasks are formed for each student in the amount of 100 test questions (response time - 1 minute for each test question)

Performance evaluation criteria test items:

90-100% - correct answers - "excellent"

80-89% - "good"

67-79% - "satisfactory"

66% or less - "unsatisfactory"

Collections of test items in human anatomy and physiology, a healthy person, Latin are in the college library.

2.4. Conducting the practical part of the interdisciplinary comprehensive exam

The practical part of the interdisciplinary comprehensive exam is conducted on tickets. Each exam ticket contains 3 questions:

· healthy man- solution of a situational problem with subsequent demonstration of practical manipulation;

· human anatomy and physiology - two questions requiring a detailed answer;

· Latin language– explanation of the origin and meaning of terms, writing prescriptions.

Sample ticket

Question number 1. A healthy person and his environment

The child is 8 months old. On examination, the skin is pale pink, clean, of moderate moisture, tissue turgor is normal. Zev and mucous membranes are clean. The subcutaneous fat layer is well developed. Peripheral The lymph nodes not enlarged. On the part of the skeletal system: a large fontanel 2 x 1.5 does not bulge. Head circumference 46 cm. No scoliosis. Muscle tone and strength are normal. Static skills: the child crawls, with support - stands, sits independently, with the help of adults - gets up. Weighs 8 kg, 500 g, height 70 cm. In the lungs percussion sound is pulmonary, breathing is puerile. Respiratory rate 35 breaths in 1 min. The abdomen is soft and painless. The liver and spleen are not enlarged. Stool up to 3 times, yellow, thick slurry. Enough to urinate. The child is breastfed. In the neuropsychic development does not lag behind.

3. Make a feeding plan for an 8 month old baby. Feeding is artificial.

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