
How to give a name to a child? Is it possible to name a child after the father How not to name a child

The question of what name to name a child often becomes a real problem for parents. Sometimes a child is called by a name, following the trends of fashion and prestige, sometimes the name most commonly used at the present time is chosen so that no one doubts its beauty and acceptability.

However, it is better to choose an original, interesting, non-standard name in order to somehow distinguish your child from the crowd. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so that it would not be difficult for the child to live with such an unusual name later. For example, in our country there are several girls with the original name Russia. The name, of course, is beautiful and original, but it is not a fact that when receiving a passport, the girls will not want to change this name.

You can never predict the nature of a child. Will the child have such qualities as originality, courage, sufficient strength of character to easily live with an unusual name? So, for example, if there is a desire to name a child with a name similar to the name of our country, it is better to limit yourself to an option similar in pronunciation: Rossana, Rosina or something like that, close in spelling and pronunciation to Russia, but still not so obvious indicating the specific name of our homeland.

By law, you can call a child by fictitious names. Well, let it be original and unusual, but familiar in sound and type. However, the original name can still bring its owner a number of unpleasant situations, especially in childhood and adolescence.

The laws of some countries oblige parents to give the name of the child right in the delivery room immediately after birth. We were a little more lucky - we have a whole month to get to know our baby better and decide on a name. During this period, parents are required to register the child in the registry office.

Often, not only parents, but also grandparents are included in the exciting process of choosing a name. Disagreements often arise at family councils and heated arguments flare up. Fathers and sons have heated debates and defend their point of view, and the choice of a name is delayed.

Ways to choose a name for a child?

1. According to the calendar: Parents look at the calendar, find the date of birth of the child and see which names are entered on that day (or the next few days after the date of birth). Among the proposed options, the one you like is selected.

2. In honor of someone: Often a child is called the name of a person who left a deep mark on the life of one of the parents. This may be one of the older relatives, friends or famous people - figures of culture, science and sports. For example, after the dizzying success of the Russian football team at the 2008 European Championship, several newborns in Russia were named Gus, after coach Guus Hidding. It happens that babies are named after the heroes of books, movies or TV shows. After the first release of the Latin American soap opera on our screens, many newborn girls received the name Isaura.

3.By etymology (origin), the meaning of the name: Previously, people gave children names, having only a superficial understanding of the origin and meaning of these words. However, over time, dictionaries of names began to appear on the bookshelves, containing information about their etymology and meaning. Today, most parents, before making a final choice, be sure to look into one of these dictionaries.

Of particular interest to parents is the mystery (characteristic) of the name. By choosing a name with a positive characteristic, parents thereby put a special meaning into it - the name becomes a kind of code with which parents want to program the child for certain qualities that he may not have. Parents may subsequently be disappointed in a child who does not live up to their expectations, so psychologists do not advise blindly relying on the interpretation of names.

4. Esoteric: Astrology and numerology prove the influence of the name on the fate of a person. To choose a good name for a child, you need to do an astro-numerological analysis of the name, trace its connection with the date of birth. Official science is known to be skeptical of such things, but many parents (especially mothers) consider it necessary, just in case, to ask the opinion of not only relatives, but also stars.

5. By fashion: From time to time, certain names become fashionable - as a result, three Nastya and four Danilok gather in one sandbox. At the same time, many parents are sure that they choose the name themselves, without regard to the opinion of outsiders. However, later it turns out that their "original" thought for some reason coincided with the opinion of the majority. This is the trick of fashion.

So, in recent years, there has been a general craze for old Russian and church names - Emelya, Luka, Adama, Trofima, Mirona, Pelageya appeared in groups of kindergartens. For several years now, Anastasia and Alexander have remained the most popular names in Russia. In Belarus - Anastasia, Daria, Artem, Vladislav. In Ukraine - Anastasia, Alina, Alexander, Daniel.

6. Originality: Other parents, on the contrary, give the child not a fashionable, but an original name. Sometimes mothers and fathers become creative beyond measure and come up with names for children that are not very different from Dazdraperm and Kukutsapol. For example, a girl from the Moscow region was named Viagra, and a boy from Nizhny Tagil was called Prahlada. It's great when a child has a rare name, but it's hardly worth crossing the boundaries of reason.

When choosing a name, there are several important points to consider:

1. The combination of a name with a patronymic: At the junction of the name and patronymic, there should not be many consecutive vowels or consonants - such a combination often distorts, which many carriers of a difficult name and patronymic do not cause delight. For example, Yulia Yuryevna is often called Yulia Yuryevna or Yury Yulyevna. And Alexander Alexandrovich is simply called San Sanych. "Yakov Lvovich" is generally difficult to pronounce without distorting.

However, it's not just the sounds. The name and patronymic should not be discordant with each other - this often happens when they are different "by nationality" or by the time of appearance. Agree, the combinations of Ivan Washingtonovich, Madison Petrovna or Pelageya Richardovna do not sound very harmonious. If the father of the child has an old Russian name, then when choosing a name for the child, it is better to opt for a variant of the same type. The same applies to foreign, exotic and new names. Combinations of Pelageya Nikitichna, Ernest Genrikhovich, etc. sound good.

2. Combination of first and last name: The name and surname, as well as the first name and patronymic, should sound harmonious. The rules are the same - pay attention to the sound and the absence of dissonance. You should not give a child with a simple Russian surname an exotic name. For example, combinations of Juliet Sidorova, Jeannette Lozhkina, Juan Carlos Gorshkov are hardly successful.

Exotic names go well with surnames that are rare for Russians, often short ones - for example, Matthew Rom sounds more harmonious than Matthew Polyakov. Another important point - the name should not rhyme with the surname. Sergey Sparrow, Vita Kmyta, Emelyan Shabalyan - such combinations are considered ugly and often comical.

3. Nickname: It is desirable that the chosen name has several euphonious diminutive options. For example, Anna - Anya, Anyuta, Nyura. If there is no short name, the children will come up with it anyway - and it’s not a fact that the bearer of the name will like this notion.

4. Initials: A trifle, but it can be very unpleasant. Parents need to pay attention to whether the initials add up to something ugly or even indecent. Most likely, Borisova Lilia Yakovlevna will not be delighted with her initials.

Psychologists who study the influence of a name on a person’s character recommend naming a child born in winter with soft, melodious names containing many vowels and sonorants (r, l, m, n, d). For example, Yesenia, Arseny, Liliana, Vitalina, Miroslav, Veniamin, etc. Such a name is intended to smooth out the "severity" of winter children.

But it is better to call a child born in the spring with a tougher name in order to give confidence and strength. Hard names are those in which the sounds D, G, Zh, R, Z stand out. These are, for example, Robert, Grigory, Bogdan, Gleb, Rostislav, Zlata, Kondrat, Bozhena, Bogdana, etc.

A child born in the summer will suit sonorous and unusual options (Zlata, Maryana, Nazariy) - such a name will add activity and determination to the child. It is better to call those born in the fall with calm, simple names (Vadim, Antonina, Ippolit, Polina) - an autumn realist child will like a calm, warm name.

There are many beautiful names, and the choice of parents is often difficult. However, do not be too zealous and enter into a heated debate with relatives about how to name the child. It should be remembered that it is not the name that makes the person, but the person makes the name!

Good afternoon, we really need your help. During pregnancy, they were waiting for their son and while he was in the stomach they called Sashenka (the father of the child is also called Sasha), when, due to superstitions, they decided to change the name, the child was born much ahead of schedule on her husband’s birthday, thinking that the child himself decided to be Sasha, they still gave him this name, but the surnames with his father are different, since we are not married and do not live together. And now, doubts still gnaw, because they heard that it is impossible to call fathers and children the same, and there are personal examples when the father died early, and the son bore his name, and the question is to change the name of the child, he is still 1.5 months old and he will not baptized. At the moment, little Sasha is in the hospital, and the older Sasha also began to feel unimportant, but maybe these are just coincidences. I would like to hear whether it is worth changing the name and whether all superstitions apply to fathers and children who have different surnames and do not live together. Ekaterina.

Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko answers:

Hello Ekaterina!

Congratulations on the birth of your son!
You rightly call your doubts and fears superstitions - that is, vain, vain faith - there is nothing wrong with the fact that the child bears the name of the father, no, this cannot negatively affect the life of your son. So baptize your son, raise him as an Orthodox Christian, and don't be afraid of fear where there is none! But the fact that you became the mother of your Sasha without being married is a sin. In this sin you repent and confess in the church. May God bless you all with health and happiness! The Lord is with you!

We are planning a child: everything that young parents need to know Nina Bashkirova

Is it possible to name a child by the name of the father or grandfather

Family traditions of naming babies in honor of their father or grandfather still exist. And in the old days it was a kind of ritual that carried a huge semantic and energy load. Along with the name, the baby received an informational and emotional message: what he should be and who he would become in the end.

The tradition of naming sons after the father or grandfather, and daughters after the names of relatives in the female line has both pluses and minuses.


1. The child turns out to be energetically protected from all the troubles of the outside world by his relatives, feels himself involved in a large family.

2. Children grow up bold and internally free, they perceive the whole world around them as safe and interesting.

3. A model of strong family relationships is formed in a child from childhood, and he will create his own family based on this model.


1. Parents are subconsciously or consciously guided by the example of a relative with a certain character and destiny, and the child can inherit his worst qualities.

2. All personality traits brought with the name will fall on the child's own character, strengthening or breaking it. As a result, it does not always work out what the parents wanted.

3. The influence of the name of a relative, from whom one must take an example, means high demands that are made on the baby. He simply must become like his grandfather or great-grandfather. As a result, the child does not have the opportunity for personal development, which is destined for him by nature, cannot realize himself and is forced to live according to someone else's scenario, which will inevitably lead to a psychological crisis.

4. If the decision to name the daughter after the mother, and the son after the father is made not due to family traditions, but simply at the request of one of the parents or both at once, then the influence of the name on the child is even more enhanced. It energetically "presses" on him, forcing him to be the same as the parent, and not allowing his own individuality to develop.

This text is an introductory piece.

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Many parents after the birth of a child begin to be more attentive to signs, especially if they concern the baby. As you know, the name has a strong influence on the life of a person and on his fate, so his choice should be approached responsibly. A common theme is why you can’t call your son like a father. Many mothers, in honor of gratitude, would like to name their child in honor of their husband, but the sign raises many doubts that should be sorted out.

Such a sign has several meanings, for example, the most popular option is that the same names of the father and child will contribute to the fact that the first will repeat the fate of the second. Speaking about whether it is possible to name a child by the name of the father, one more meaning should be mentioned - if two people with the same name live together, then they will have one guardian angel. This means that both the father and the son will have weakened energy protection, which means that the risk of various troubles will increase significantly.

There is another interpretation of the sign, why it is impossible to call the son the name of the father, according to which a bad character is transmitted to the child. There is an opinion among the people that such children are impressionable, irritable and do not know how to communicate with people around them.

Psychologists also have their own opinion about whether it is possible to call a child by the name of the father, and so they believe that it is not worth doing such actions, since there is a big risk that the son will not perceive himself as a separate person, or he will strive all his life be better than your parent.

There are also other prohibitions to consider when choosing a name for your child:

  1. Many choose for their child the name of a saint whose memorial day is closest. In this case, you should not choose the name of the martyr.
  2. It is forbidden to choose for your child the name of one of the deceased family members. It is believed that the child can repeat the fate of relatives. Do not choose the name of a deceased baby in the family for the child, as the situation may repeat itself.
  3. It is not recommended to choose not only the name of the father for the baby, but also the name of the mother, and other close relatives. According to the sign, one of them will die.

Another sign is widespread among people, according to which you cannot tell anyone the name of your child before christening, so that they do not jinx it.

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Why can't children be named after their parents?

Why don't beliefs scare us? But when it comes to the future fate of the little man, few risk disregarding folk wisdom. So, life experience shows that the name will largely determine the fate of a person. Therefore, the choice of the latter parents are responsible. Often, adults are afraid to call a child by the name of the father or mother, and there are several explanations for this.

Can children be named after their parents?

So, let's figure out what signs prophesy for families in which children are named after their parents. The first, and most innocuous, prophecy is that a child named by the same name as his closest relative will repeat his fate. However, if the baby's mom and dad are successful healthy people, why not take a chance.

But, there is another belief why it is impossible to name children by the names of their parents. Allegedly, two people with the same names living in the same house will not be able to “share” the guardian angel. It is also possible that one of them will have to die prematurely, giving way to his namesake.

There is also an opinion that by naming a daughter by the name of the mother or a son by the name of the father, parents predetermine the bad character of their child. They say that such children are emotionally unstable, impressionable, irritable, they do not find a common language with the parent after whom they are named.

By the way, psychologists have their own opinion about whether children can be named after their parents and why. They argue that it is undesirable to do this, since the son or daughter, named after the father or mother, will not perceive himself as an individual or, on the contrary, having matured, will try with all his might to surpass his parent.

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Why is it wrong to name a son after his father?


The correct choice of a name for newborn children, according to parents, predetermines his fate and good luck. Many of them are interested in the answer to the question why it is impossible to call sons by the names of their fathers. Let's try to understand this problem and understand where such a prejudice, inference or ordinary superstition came from.

There is an opinion that there is an invisible connection between the names given to boys after birth, their characters and their future fate. Ancestors knew about it, but could not find a correct explanation for such a phenomenon. Nowadays, the riddle greatly excites modern people. Choosing a name for a boy is considered a very difficult and responsible task.

To properly solve such a complex problem, parents often turn to astrologers, numerologists, people who have embarked on the path of esotericism, psychologists for help, and also try to study in detail the secrets of the meaning of the names they like and the description of the qualities and characteristics of their carriers.

But after all, each of us on the path of life met Ivan Ivanovich, Nikolai Nikolaevich, Pavel Pavlovich, Vasily Vasilyevich, etc. And no one thought about whether their parents did the right thing? Did they want to harm their children?

No one has yet provided a definitive answer to this question. How many people in the world, so many opinions. According to the well-known professor of psychology B.Yu. Khigira, who has been studying the nature of the connection between names, patronymics, dates of birth, the character and fate of their carriers for more than 30 years, concluded that it is undesirable to call sons by the names of their fathers.

He argues that the relationship between such people will be complex and will be accompanied by difficulties in finding a common language. The same sound of the name and patronymic of the boy can lead to his increased emotionality, excessive irritability, instability and the appearance of negative character traits.

But the psychologist immediately declares that he gives only general information about the key features inherent in a particular name. After all, each person is different and unique. In addition to the name, patronymic, date of birth, the formation of his character and fate is influenced by various factors, including heredity, the environment of relatives and friends, the social environment in which he grew up and was brought up.

Therefore, we can conclude that the ban on naming sons after their fathers has no scientific evidence base, but is only a subjective opinion of individuals. If parents wish their sons the best destinies, then so be it.


Is it wrong to name a child after their father? - Orthodox magazine "Foma"

Reader question:

Hello, father. Tell me, is it possible to name a son by the name of his father? I am 9 months old, the child will be the second, also desired. My husband and I are married (not married). We want to name our son, like our husband, Mikhail. This is not connected with any family traditions, we just like this name, for us it brings kindness. But from all sides, from relatives and friends who read the prayers of grandmothers, we hear that it’s bad to call by one name, that in a leap year you can’t call it that, or something about the fate of a child. Tell me, is this all superstition or is there something going on? Maybe give this name to the child, as "worldly", and baptize under a different name?


Archpriest Andrey Efanov answers:

Hello Anastasia. What you are talking about is superstition. So call the child calmly by the name you want, and baptize in the temple of God. And then by all means bring your son to the temple for Communion.

An archive of all questions can be found here. If you have not found the question you are interested in, you can always ask it on our website.

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3 names that children should not be called. How not to name a child so as not to spoil his fate

Everyone knows the saying: "Whatever you call a ship, so it will sail." And this is not a colloquial expression, but centuries-old observations and experience of our great-grandfathers. The same applies to children. A lot in his life depends on what name will be given to the baby. In this article, I would like to consider 3 names that cannot be called children, and also tell you how to choose the right name for your child.

About prohibitions

First of all, I would like to say that today the concern for choosing a name for their own child lies solely with the parents. There are no prohibitions in domestic legislation. And therefore, relatives of a newborn can choose even those names that are unusual for others to hear. Moreover, today parents are trying to choose the most rare and unusual name for their child, thereby wishing an interesting and extraordinary fate for their child. But if the legislation does not contain any prohibitions on this matter, the church has its own opinion on this matter.

Prohibition 1. Divine Names

Considering 3 names that children cannot be called, first of all I would like to say that it is not recommended to call babies by divine names. And this applies not only to the Muslim religion, where it is strictly prohibited, but also to Orthodox church canons. So, the priest will never baptize a baby whose name is Jesus or God. This is considered the highest blasphemy. After all, it is unlikely that a child will be able to repeat the fate of the great teacher and prophet Jesus Christ. In addition, no one knows who this baby will become in the future. In childhood, it can be a little mischief, and at an older age, it can be a criminal element in general.

Prohibition 2. Devilish names

We further define 3 names that cannot be called children. So, the clergy will also never christen the baby, whose name is Demon, Lucifer, the Devil, etc. After all, the name already outlines the path of the crumbs in this world. And in this case, a pious and calm life definitely does not shine for the child.

Prohibition 3. Names of negative coloration

We choose further 3 names that cannot be called children. What else can be included in such a list? So, you should not call your kids names that are clearly negative. It is unlikely that a good person will raise a child whose parents will call "Idiot" or "Maniac" (there are such cases!) This list can be continued indefinitely. As for baptism, the priest will give a baby with such a worldly name a new, church one, which he will choose at his discretion.

Close relatives

It should also be said that the choice of a name for a baby should be based on certain principles. Among the people, there are many “not allowed”, which is still better to adhere to, deciding on the name of your child. So, it is not recommended to call your child the name of a close relative (mother, father, sister or brother, grandparents). It is believed that one person with that name will have to die. You can’t name your child’s father or mother also because people say: the child will be naughty and will not find a common language with his native namesake. And the next point, why this is not recommended: grandmothers and traditional healers say that if two people with the same name live under the same roof, they will have one guardian angel for two. And this is not good.

There are a few more “don’ts” that you should adhere to if you are choosing a name for a child:

  1. Girls should be given only female names, boys - male. Otherwise, the baby runs the risk of growing masculine, and the guy is weak and fragile. Example: girls should not be called Alexander, Eugene, it is better for boys not to give names such as Julius or Valentine.
  2. It is not necessary to name the children according to the events taking place in the country. It was fashionable at one time in the Soviet Union. Therefore, many Olympics, Dazdraperm and Oktyabrin appeared. The names are strange to say the least.
  3. You can not name children the names of relatives who died not by their own death or due to serious illnesses. It is believed that babies "pick up" the fate of their ancestors.
  4. You should not name your kids in honor of foreign actors, singers, TV stars and other currently famous personalities. Not only are such names simply unusual for the ear of others, they are often simply inconsistent with the patronymic and surname (example: Petrova Sher Vladimirovna).

About the meaning of the name: a little history

It is also very important for parents to know the meaning of the Russian name that they want to name their baby. After all, as already mentioned above, only this can already predetermine the path to your child. I would like to say a few words about how our ancestors chose the names for their babies. Ancient Slavic history will be very interesting and entertaining. At that time there were a lot of names and you could choose a name for your baby according to any criteria.

  1. Children were often named simply in the order of their birth in the same family: Pervusha, Vtorak and Tretyak.
  2. At that time, it was possible to call children by the names of gods and goddesses - Lada, Yarilo.
  3. If they wanted a child of a certain fate, they called him in a special way: Brave will definitely be a protector, and Lyubava will be a beauty.
  4. Well, the most relevant at that time were double names that could fully characterize a person (Bogdan - given by God, Velimud - a great and wise man).

Today, some names of the Old Slavic world have been preserved. And, by the way, they are still very popular. However, such principles for choosing a name in the modern world, unfortunately, have been lost.

Naming Rules

I would also like to say that the choice of a name for a child can be based on some rules that are best followed.

  1. The name of the baby should be consonant with the surname and patronymic.
  2. It is good to choose a name for the child by date of birth. To do this, it is enough to carry out only certain calculations.
  3. You also need to remember that each name means something. Having decided on how you want to name the child, it is best to read the characteristics of the chosen name in order to understand whether the baby wants a similar fate.
  4. When choosing a name for your child, you need to think about the simplest things: how others will treat a baby with that name. After all, the baby can be teased even for this reason.

About fate

Scientists have long proven that name and destiny - these two components of a person's life - are tightly connected by one thread. A lot of works have been written on this subject and a lot of various statistical data have been collected. So, it is believed that Ediki, for example, are jokers and jokers. And Innas are excellent housewives and loving wives. However, at the same time, everyone must also take into account the date of birth of the child, as well as many other factors that affect the fate of a person.

Date of Birth

Numerologists actively advise parents to choose a name for their child by date of birth. After all, if everything is done correctly, you can guarantee your baby an easy fate and an interesting life. And vice versa. In addition, you can also choose a name and according to the time of year when the baby was born.

  1. Winter kids. They are already too strict and gloomy, so it is better for them to choose “easy” names. These will be excellent Alekseys, Mikhails and Ninas.
  2. Spring babies are very difficult to keep in one place, they are restless and always strive somewhere. The names Victor, Elena, Yulia are suitable for such kids.
  3. Summer guys are often very open-hearted, vulnerable. Therefore, they need to be given tougher names that will correct their fate. It is good to call such children Matvey, Arkady or Anna.
  4. Autumn crumbs are able to suffer from frequent changes in character. Often these are rather passive personalities for whom the following names are suitable: Lyudmila, Natalya, Ivan, Dmitry.

First and middle name

It is also important not only the meaning of the Russian name, but also how it is combined with the patronymic. And not only in harmony. Here, for example, the name Nikolai goes well with the patronymic Vladimirovich. However, Nikolai Igorevich will be a rather tough person, with whom it will be difficult to negotiate. Not very good names as patronymics: Dmitry, Semyon, Konstantin. Excellent - Vladimir, Mikhail, Peter, Pavel.

World practice

The fact that the meaning of the name and the fate of a person are closely related is known to many people in all countries of the world. Residents of developed countries are especially scrupulous in this matter. So, there parents can be forbidden to call a child by a certain name if it can offend the baby in the future. So, the rating of banned names in various countries of our planet:

  1. New Zealand. There it is forbidden to call babies names that can simply offend them. Example: Talulah, Hot Fruit.
  2. Italy. The court of this country forbade parents to name the baby by the name Venerdi, which translates as "Friday". There was also a ban on the female name Andrea, since it is exclusively male in this country (and can bring confusion to the social life of many citizens).
  3. In Sweden, before registering a baby with the state authorities, you must obtain permission from the tax authority.
  4. Norway officially bans names that mean curses, diseases, or sexual terms.
  5. In Malaysia, those names that go against religious traditions are prohibited.
  6. In China, the police must either approve or ban a name. This body there is endowed with similar power, because it issues identity cards.
  7. In Germany, there is a special department that is responsible for the names of children living in this country. For example, there was a ban on the name Miatt (the authorities considered that there would be a problem with determining the sex of a person in absentia).
  8. In Denmark, there is generally a special state list of 7,000 names. Parents cannot deviate from it when choosing a name.
  9. In Portugal, they did not understand what the name of the child Ovnis means (in UFO translation), so it was banned. In general, in this country, before choosing a name, you need to familiarize yourself with a special treatise that will tell you how to name a baby.
  10. In Japan, the child's name can be made up of the allowed 2232 characters ("kanji names").

Everyone knows the saying: "Whatever you call a ship, so it will sail." And this is not a colloquial expression, but centuries-old observations and experience of our great-grandfathers. The same applies to children. A lot in his life depends on what name will be given to the baby. In this article, I would like to consider 3 names that cannot be called children, and also tell you how to choose the right name for your child.

About prohibitions

First of all, I would like to say that today the care of choosing a child lies solely with the parents. There are no prohibitions in domestic legislation. And therefore, relatives of a newborn can choose even those names that are unusual for others to hear. Moreover, today parents are trying to choose the most rare and unusual name for their child, thereby wishing an interesting and extraordinary fate for their child. But if the legislation does not contain any prohibitions on this matter, the church has its own opinion on this matter.

Prohibition 1. Divine Names

Considering 3 names that children cannot be called, first of all I would like to say that it is not recommended to call babies by divine names. And this applies not only to the Muslim religion, where it is strictly prohibited, but also to Orthodox church canons. So, the priest will never baptize a baby whose name is Jesus or God. This is considered the highest blasphemy. After all, it is unlikely that a child will be able to repeat the fate of the great teacher and prophet Jesus Christ. In addition, no one knows who this baby will become in the future. In childhood, it can be a little mischief, and at an older age, it can be a criminal element in general.

Prohibition 2. Devilish names

We further define 3 names that cannot be called children. So, the clergy will also never christen the baby, whose name is Demon, Lucifer, the Devil, etc. After all, the name already outlines the path of the crumbs in this world. And in this case, a pious and calm life definitely does not shine for the child.

Prohibition 3. Names of negative coloration

We choose further 3 names that cannot be called children. What else can be included in such a list? So, you should not call your kids names that are clearly negative. It is unlikely that he will grow up from a child whose parents will call "Idiot" or "Maniac" (there are such cases!) This list can be continued indefinitely. As for baptism, the priest will give a baby with such a worldly name a new, church one, which he will choose at his discretion.

Close relatives

It should also be said that the choice of a name for a baby should be based on certain principles. Among the people, there are many “not allowed”, which is still better to adhere to, deciding on the name of your child. So, it is not recommended to call your child the name of a close relative (mother, father, sister or brother, grandparents). It is believed that one person with that name will have to die. You can’t name your child’s father or mother also because people say: the child will be naughty and will not find a common language with his native namesake. And the next point, why this is not recommended: grandmothers and traditional healers say that if two people with the same name live under the same roof, they will have one guardian angel for two. And this is not good.

There are a few more “don’ts” that you should adhere to if you are choosing a name for a child:

  1. Girls should be given only female names, boys - male. Otherwise, the baby runs the risk of growing masculine, and the guy is weak and fragile. Example: girls should not be called Alexander, Eugene, it is better for boys not to give names such as Julius or Valentine.
  2. It is not necessary to name the children according to the events taking place in the country. It was fashionable at one time in the Soviet Union. Therefore, many Olympics, Dazdraperm and Oktyabrin appeared. The names are strange to say the least.
  3. You can not name children the names of relatives who died not by their own death or due to serious illnesses. It is believed that babies "pick up" the fate of their ancestors.
  4. You should not name your kids in honor of foreign actors, singers, TV stars and other currently famous personalities. Not only are such names simply unusual for the ear of others, they are often simply inconsistent with the patronymic and surname (example: Petrova Sher Vladimirovna).

About the meaning of the name: a little history

It is also very important for parents to know the meaning of the Russian name that they want to name their baby. After all, as already mentioned above, only this can already predetermine the path to your child. I would like to say a few words about how our ancestors chose the names for their babies. Ancient Slavic history will be very interesting and entertaining. At that time there were a lot of names and you could choose a name for your baby according to any criteria.

  1. Children were often named simply in the order of their birth in the same family: Pervusha, Vtorak and Tretyak.
  2. At that time, it was possible to call children by the names of gods and goddesses - Lada, Yarilo.
  3. If they wanted a certain fate for the child, they called him in a special way: Brave will definitely be a protector, and Lyubava will be a beauty.
  4. Well, the most relevant at that time were those who could fully characterize a person (Bogdan - given by God, Velimud - a great and wise man).

Today, some of the world has survived. And, by the way, they are still very popular. However, such principles for choosing a name in the modern world, unfortunately, have been lost.

Naming Rules

I would also like to say that the choice of a name for a child can be based on some rules that are best followed.

  1. The name of the baby should be consonant with the surname and patronymic.
  2. It is good to choose a name for the child by date of birth. To do this, it is enough to carry out only certain calculations.
  3. You also need to remember that each name means something. Having decided on how you want to name the child, it is best to read the characteristics of the chosen name in order to understand whether the baby wants a similar fate.
  4. When choosing a name for your child, you need to think about the simplest things: how others will treat a baby with that name. After all, the baby can be teased even for this reason.

About fate

Scientists have long proven that name and destiny - these two components of a person's life - are tightly connected by one thread. A lot of works have been written on this subject and a lot of various statistical data have been collected. So, it is believed that Ediki, for example, are jokers and jokers. And Innas are excellent housewives and loving wives. However, at the same time, everyone must also take into account the date of birth of the child, as well as many other factors that affect the fate of a person.

Date of Birth

Numerologists actively advise parents to choose a name for their child by date of birth. After all, if everything is done correctly, you can guarantee your baby an easy fate and an interesting life. And vice versa. In addition, you can also choose a name and according to the time of year when the baby was born.

  1. Winter kids. They are already too strict and gloomy, so it is better for them to choose “easy” names. These will be excellent Alekseys, Mikhails and Ninas.
  2. Spring babies are very difficult to keep in one place, they are restless and always strive somewhere. The names Victor, Elena, Yulia are suitable for such kids.
  3. Summer guys are often very open-hearted, vulnerable. Therefore, they need to be given tougher names that will correct their fate. It is good to call such children Matvey, Arkady or Anna.
  4. Autumn crumbs are able to suffer from frequent changes in character. Often these are rather passive personalities for whom the following names are suitable: Lyudmila, Natalya, Ivan, Dmitry.

First and middle name

It is also important not only the meaning of the Russian name, but also how it is combined with the patronymic. And not only in harmony. Here, for example, the name Nikolai goes well with the patronymic Vladimirovich. However, Nikolai Igorevich will be a rather tough person, with whom it will be difficult to negotiate. Not very good names as patronymics: Dmitry, Semyon, Konstantin. Excellent - Vladimir, Mikhail, Peter, Pavel.

World practice

The fact that the meaning of the name and the fate of a person are closely related is known to many people in all countries of the world. Residents of developed countries are especially scrupulous in this matter. So, there parents can be forbidden to call a child by a certain name if it can offend the baby in the future. So, the rating of banned names in various countries of our planet:

  1. New Zealand. There it is forbidden to call babies names that can simply offend them. Example: Talulah, Hot Fruit.
  2. Italy. The court of this country forbade parents to name the baby by the name Venerdi, which translates as "Friday". There was also a ban on the female name Andrea, since it is exclusively male in this country (and can bring confusion to the social life of many citizens).
  3. IN Sweden before registering a baby with state bodies, you must obtain permission from the tax authority for this.
  4. IN Norway names that mean curses, diseases, or sexual terms are officially prohibited.
  5. IN Malaysia forbidden are those names that run counter to religious traditions.
  6. IN China the police must either approve or ban the name. This body there is endowed with similar power, because it issues identity cards.
  7. IN Germany there is a special department that is responsible for the names of children living in a given country. For example, there was a ban on the name Miatt (the authorities considered that there would be a problem with the definition in absentia).
  8. IN Denmark in general there is a special state list of 7000 names. Parents cannot deviate from it when choosing a name.
  9. IN Portugal they did not understand what the name of the child Ovnis means (in UFO translation), so it was banned. In general, in this country, before choosing a name, you need to familiarize yourself with a special treatise that will tell you how to name a baby.
  10. IN Japan the child's name can be made up of the allowed 2232 characters ("kanji names").

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