
Causes of tension headache in children. A child's head hurts: reasons what to do. Infectious diseases include


The situation when the child has a headache, does not always indicate the presence of organic or physiological problems. In half of the cases, this is the consequence of overwork or emotional stress, but it is not worth to leave the symptom. If older children complain about unpleasant feelings and can somehow describe them, then in the case of infants everything is more complicated. Headache in the child of the baby rarely proceeds imperceptibly and is usually accompanied by additional features. The health and well-being of the baby often depends on the care of parents. At the very first signs, the problem should be referred to as a pediatrician.

How to understand that baby has a headache

Usually parents are able to understand at a glance, if something is wrong with their chal. Any negative changes in the toddler behavior must be alarmed. In childhood, even minor failures in the work of systems and organs are quite dangerous, so if suspicion has arisen for the presence of a problem, it is better to turn to a professional.

To suspect that the child's child has a headache in such signs:

  • prolonged crying, lack of reaction to familiar reassuring factors;
  • breaking sleep, lethargy, capriciousness, decline in interest in the world around;
  • stormy negative response to touch to the head;
  • student joining;
  • throwing the head back, the appearance of convulsion;
  • veins of the veins on the surface of the skull;
  • bad appetite, rejection of food, meteorism and other malfunctions in the work of the organs of the digestive tract.

Listed symptoms may have a different degree of severity. Some children have a headache as strong that they involuntarily get silent, taking a forced pose, but do not cry. When meningitis, kids are so apathetical that they are constantly sleeping. They try not to open their eyes even in the process of meals.

Why the child often hurts head

The most common cause of headaches in adolescents and children over 5-6 years old is physical or mental overwork.

When symptom appears, it is not necessary to eliminate the likelihood of the presence of pathological processes in the body. In the case of the presence of a child with a strong headache or its conservation within 1-2 days, consult a doctor should be consulted, even when the reasons for the state seem obvious.

ENT disease

On chronic or sharp diseases of the ears, throat and nose, children react particularly violently. The toxic effect of inflammatory processes on the body of minors negatively affects the shells and tissues of the brain, causing intense and long-term attacks of cephalgia. It is enough to find out what the baby appeared with a symptom, and eliminate the source of the problem with the help of profile therapy. About 3 years old, children begin to actively watch TV and play computer games. It can also cause a periodic or permanent headache due to excessive eye load.

Migraine in a child

The disease is mainly found in children from 7 to 11 years, more often the girls suffer. In this case, the disease hurts the head on one side or temple, there may be a return to the eye area. The sensations are pronounced and pulsating, strengthen under the influence of odors, bright light, loud sounds. At the peak of the strongest pain in migration appears nausea. The next vomiting for her brings relief, after which children usually fall asleep. Attacks last from half an hour to 4-5 hours.

Often, adolescents have a head with migraine not so much as in children of 7-8 years. This is due to the strengthening of vascular walls and increasing their functionality. By 18 years, adolescent migraine syndrome in most cases passes or subsides to a minimum.

More about child migraines you will learn.

Brain tumors

The neoplasms may appear in humans of any age. Their formation and growth are accompanied by a headache, which is enhanced with sharp movements. The symptom is especially expressed after the morning awakening or day sleep. The picture is complemented by nausea and vomiting, which does not bring relief. Depending on the location of the tumor, its type and size is joined by other specific symptoms - from reducing the functions of individual organs and systems to mental disorders.

Meningitis in children

The inflammation of cerebral shells provoked by viral or bacterial infection is always accompanied by a headache. The condition develops against the background of increasing the temperature and deterioration of the general state of a small patient. The child appears in the back of the head or other parts of the cranial box. It is so strong that makes a person take a forced position - on the side, with the legs with the legs and the back head. The kid negatively reacts to loud sounds and bright light, touching the skin. If vomiting begins, it does not bring relief. Often on the skin appears characteristic rash.

Tension headache in children

Characteristic for kids is 7-10 years old, can occur in adolescents. At this age, almost 80% of headaches are made such a diagnosis. Attacks arise on the background of mental or physical overvoltage in the evenings, sensations are concentrated in the dark or frontal parts of the cranial box. The symptom resembles strong pressure, passes after rest. Frequent headaches in a child of 12 years and older often turn out to be the consequence of the long-term work at the computer, the abnormal viewing of the TV, the wrong position of the body at the training table. Sometimes they arise against the background of the spinal curvature.

Poisoning in children

In cases where the child has a headache against the background of nausea, vomiting or diarrhea and is accompanied by weakness, you can suspect food poisoning. The listed symptoms are often accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, the deterioration of the overall health of the baby. The pain in the head is acute and does not have a specific localization. Due to intense loss of fluid, dehydration can develop. The patient must often be water, giving it small portions.

Epilepsy in children

Headache, which arises suddenly, nightmares, moonatism and sharp rise in heart rate can be the primary symptoms of epilepsy.

As the illness is developed, additional features will be joined depending on the type of disease. Pathology does not always proceed with focus on convulsive seizures, so parents should carefully follow the patient and celebrate all changes in its condition.

At an early stage of the development of neurosis, children may decline, unfortunate irritability, mood differences, sleep problems, and weakness even immediately after a complete rest. If the child has sharply fell ill against the background of the listed predisposing factors, this indicates the progression of the ailment. Feelings are most often intense, unbearable. They can occur in response to a slight touch to the head, changing body position, hair combing or without reason.

Congenital malformations

If the child has eyes and head sores of visible reasons, it may be a consequence of the abnormal development of the brain vessels, the result of intrauterine hypoxia, generic injuries. The clinical picture is often accompanied by the delay in the physical and mental development of the kid, the failures in the work of the internal organs, the change in its psycho-emotional background.

HRD syndrome

In children of 7-9 years, frequent and resistant headaches are often the result of changing the tone of the brain vessels. The risk group includes all children who are susceptible to overwork and stress.

In most cases, the cause of problems becomes oxygen starvation of brain tissues. Because of it, the patient simultaneously hurts the head and torments the yawning. In rare cases, the problem provoke liver diseases, kidneys or heart diseases. As the emotional background stabilizes, getting rid of the main ailment or eliminate the symptoms of symptoms.

What to do if the child has a headache

Headache in children is a serious symptom that cannot be ignored or treated with its own. Regardless clinical picture And the severity of the problem of parents should turn to a specialist. The pediatrician or himself will help the patient or collect primary history and gives the direction to the desired doctor.

Single and unsalted headaches in adolescents and children can be removed in such ways:

  • the conditions of complete rest are created, the influence of all possible stimuli is borne;
  • rooming of the room in a complex with a cool compression well removes a symptom caused by hypoxy;
  • with headache and nausea or vomiting you can give a patient a warm drink;
  • to remove headaches quickly and without health risks, it is necessary to offer ascorbic acid in the form of tablets or tea with lemon;
  • valerian and dying decoctions - drinks, relieve diseases against the background of fatigue, stress and overvoltage;
  • when the child at the same time hurts the stomach and head, a cleansing enema can help. It is especially useful against the background of poisoning or long constipation. The main thing is to maintain the water balance in the children's body;
  • if the pain is weak, but constant, the patient should walk more and for a while to give up computer games and watching TV.

Do not even think about what to give a patient or how to help your baby yourself, if he got sick and very much and very much. Increased danger represents a symptom that is enhanced by changing the position of the body or accompanied by noise in the ears. With the emergence of signs of confused, the children immediately cause ambassadors.

Prevention of headaches in children

The best way to prevent the development of an unpleasant symptom of the baby is to make a clear, but gentle daily routine. Proper alternation of periods of study and recreation, regular walks, the normalized eye load and the nervous system will contribute to its development and health promotion.

If a child often or systematically hurts a head, you need:

  • revise the nutrition of the baby - it should be a variety of rich vitamins and minerals;
  • protect it from stressful situations, physical and emotional exhaustion;
  • to regularly air the patient's room, to work by hardening;
  • diversify the lifestyle of a little man - his day should not be limited to studying and games.

Cefalgia in childhood is an alarming bell even in cases where the symptom is not associated with organic or functional pathologies. Regular or resistant headaches are able to reduce the quality of perception in humans, change his mood and attitude towards others, to cause neuroses and psychosis.

Citation:Nesterovsky Yu.E., Zawadenko N.N., Shipilova E.M. Head stress pain in children and adolescents // RMW. 2015. №22. P. 1348-1352

Head pains of tension in children and adolescents

Headache belongs to common complaints in children and adolescence. According to studies, the frequency of occurrence of headaches increases from 3-8% among preschoolers to 57-82% - in adolescents. Therefore, in the WHO expert report "Headaches and Public Health" as one of the priorities are called "Improving the effectiveness of the treatment and prevention of headaches in children." At the same time, primary headaches are detected in pediatric practice in 18.6-27.9% of children and adolescents, mainly in the form of migraine and stress headaches (GBN).

In children and adolescents, as well as adult patients, the diagnosis of primary headaches are the criteria for the international classification of the headaches of the 3rd revision (beta version) (MKGB-IIIB), which in relation to the GBN of the same type with the previous edition of the IGMS II. Based on these criteria from 7 to 10% of children and adolescents suffer from migraine, up to 15% - probable migraine and 20-25% - GBN.
The most common forms of primary headaches are migraine and GBN. Both migraine and GBN are more common in patients with a burdened family history according to diseases. In most cases, headaches in children and adolescents have a favorable forecast if the exact diagnosis is made and the appropriate therapy is appointed and correctly.

GBN - Light or moderate repeating bilateral headache of a compressive, gulling or noctive character, which has a significant duration. The duration of the attack is from 30 minutes to several days (with some oscillation of the intensity of pain), but less than a week. The GBN may be accompanied by light or sound-friendly (but not both of these signs at once) is not intensified under the influence of everyday physical activity and is not accompanied by vomiting. Provocating factors for the appearance of headaches are usually mental fatigue, visual stress, especially related to computer games, a stressful situation, sleep deprivation, which are often found today in children's and adolescence.
In the ICGB-IIIB, depending on the frequency of attacks, the GBN is divided into the following options: infrequent episodic (less than once a month, with at least 10 previously transferred episodes); frequent episodic (more than one, but not more than 15 times in 1 month); Chronic (more than 15 times a month for more than 3 months). In case of an insufficient number of episodes of headaches or in case of incompletely, diagnostic criteria is diagnosed with "possible GBN". According to N.Yu. Budshanova et al. who conducted a study of the frequency of gibbn in Moscow schools, the structure of the GBN looks like this: an infrequent GBN was noted in 21.8% of patients of children's and adolescent age, frequent GBN - in 53.3%, chronic GBN - in 15.2%, possible GBN - in 9.7%.

Pathogenesis GBN is not fully found out and includes a complex of interrelated mechanisms. Previously accepted the designations of the GBN were "muscular stress headache", "psychomogenic headache", "stressful headache", "simple headache", which reflects the idea of \u200b\u200bthe leading role of psychological factors in the pathogenesis of the GBN. A significant factor in the risk of GBN is a family predisposition to headaches, especially from the mother. GBN is provoked by chronic psycho-emotional overloads, stress, conflict situations. The pathogenetic feature of the GBN in children is the immaturity of psychological protection mechanisms, which causes the manifestation of the disease when influential in terms of adult stressful factors. Under the influence of psychotrambulating situations, anxiety disorders (phobic alarm disorder, generalized alarming disorders, school phobia, social phobia) are formed. In some patients, anxiety in the form of an alarming reaction, anxiety disorder or anxious-pedantic personality accentuation is primary. These situations lead to uncontrolled myofascial phenomena, denoted as an increased sensitivity of pericranial muscles. The influence of psychological status in patients with GBN is implemented through changes in the state of the limbic-reticular complex, involved in the regulation of vegetative functions, muscle tone, and perception of pain through common neurotiator mechanisms. The central mechanisms of pathogenesis of GBN are associated with the dispensing of antinocyptive relay systems.
The pain under the GBN is described as a constant, pressing. In most cases, it is localized in the forehead area, temples with irradiation into the occipital area and the rear surface of the neck, then it can become diffuse and described as a feeling of compression of the head of the hoop, the symptom of "helmet, helmets". Although the pain usually happens two-sided and diffuse, the localization of its greatest intensity during the day can alternately move from one half of the head to another. Persistent one-sided headache (hemikrania) is usually associated with increased sensitivity pericranial muscles. Usually pain appears during the day (after 2-3 lessons) or in the afternoon and continues until the evening. It may occur in the morning, after waking, if the headache was celebrated on the eve of the evening. Headache does not enhance with conventional daily physical exertion. In patients, various temporal patterns of the flow of headaches can be seen - from rare, short-term episodic attacks with long-term remissions to a wave-like flow characterized by long periods of daily pains alternating with short-term remissions. Transient neurological symptoms are not characteristic.

Characteristic clinical manifestations of GBN and migraine, allowing differentiate these forms of primary headaches in children and adolescents, are presented in Table 1.
"Neigrenous" signs of headaches, such as its character (pressing or tightening), intensity (light and moderate) and the absence of concomitant symptoms are more specific to GBN in children (compared to migraine) than localization or duration.
Diagnostic criteria for episodic GBN:
A. At least 10 episodes that meet the criteria in d.
B. Headache duration from 30 minutes to 7 days.

bilateral location;

lack of nausea or vomiting (it is possible to reduce appetite);
Only photophobia or only phobia.
Infrequent episodic GBN - headache occurs with a frequency of not more than 1 day per month (no more than 12 days a year).
Frequent episodic GBN - headache occurs with a frequency of 1 to 15 days a month (from 12 to 180 days per year).
Diagnostic criteria for chronic GBN:
A. Headache, arising at least 15 days a month over an average of more than 3 months. (not less than 180 days per year) and corresponding to criteria in d.
B. Headache continues for several hours or has a permanent character.
S. Headache has at least two of the following features:
bilateral location;
compressive / pressing (non-executing) character;
Intensity of pain from easy to moderate;
Headache does not amplify from the usual physical exertion.
D. Both symptoms from the following:
Only one symptom of three: photophobia or phoby or light nausea;
Headache is not accompanied by a moderate or strong nausea nor vomiting.
It should be noted by the predisposing GBN features of the personality: emotional disorders of varying degrees of severity (increased excitability, anxiety, tendency to depression), demonstrative manifestations, hypochondriac syndrome (fixation on their pain), passivity and reduction in the desire to overcome difficulties. Children with complaints on the GBN are shy, well adapt to the new setting. They may have outbreaks of stubbornness, whims, which are more likely to carry the nature of protective reactions against the background of discontent with themselves.
In the intergenial period, in contrast to migraine, most patients make complaints of pain and a sense of discomfort in other organs of somatoform type (pain in the legs, cardialgia, difficulty breathing, difficulty in swallowing, discomfort in the abdomen), characterized by impermanence and sufficiently uncertain character However, during the examination of pathological changes is not determined. For patients with GBN, sleep disorders are characteristic of sleeping: the difficulty of falling asleep, surface sleep with a multitude of dreams, frequent awakens, reduces the overall duration of sleep and especially its deep phase, there is an early final awakening, the absence of a feeling of cheerfulness after night sleep and daylight drowsiness.
In modern publications, attention is drawn to the high frequency of occurrence in patients with GBN cerebrastic (and / or neurasthenic) disorders and cognitive violations. The manifestations of cerebral syndrome are found in many children and adolescents with GBN. One of its main features is the so-called "irritable weakness". The causes of cerebral syndrome include the pathological course of pregnancy and childbirth, suffered by somatic diseases, cranial and brain injuries, neuroinfection. On the one hand, for these children is characterized by general passivity, lethargy, slowness in thinking and movements, even with minor neuropsychiatric loads there are increased fatigue, deaptability, reduction of the mood background. The dedication of attention and thinking is accompanied by a rather pronounced and long-term decrease in mental performance, especially with intellectual loads in school children. It is often noted a reduction in memory. On the other hand, an increased irritability is observed, a tendency to affective outbreaks, insufficient criticality.

According to our observations, the combination of GBN with cerebral syndrome in children and adolescents contributes to the weighting of the flow of headaches. Functional pain syndromes are joined: Malgia of various localization, cardialgia, abdominal pain. More pronounced complaints are becoming complaints of meteo-sensitivity, intolerance to vestibular loads, periodic short-term episodes of non-system dizziness. Such manifestations of vegetative disorders are enhanced as the instability of blood pressure with a preferential tendency to a decrease in the associated orthostatic phenomena, the feeling of cooling of the distal departments of the hands and legs. Some patients join the symptoms of the central thermoregulation in the form of periodic subfebrile hyperthermia or hypothermia.

Among the predictors of headaches in childhood, disorders of the concentration of attention, a slow pace of cognitive activity, emotional instability, hyperactivity, tense relations in school are indicated. According to a population study T.W. Strine et al. It covered children and adolescents for 4-17 years, in those of those who suffered frequent headaches, violations and hyperactivity were 2.6 times more often.
Considering the issues of GBN's therapy in children, we emphasize that at the first stage it is necessary to identify the presence of a psychotrauming situation for a child, which is not always able to do immediately. If such a situation is detected (parental divorce, physical violence, a conflict situation at school), headaches should begin with eliminating or minimizing the psychotrauming situation through classes with qualified psychologists or psychotherapists.

The combination of drug therapy with various methods of psychotherapy and relaxation using a biological feedback model (BOS) is effective. Such treatment requires professional experience and an individual approach, which may limit its accessibility. Trainings using BOS are fully applicable for patients of children's and adolescence. The effectiveness of the HBN of the electromyographic bos training of the front muscular group is shown.
According to modern European recommendations, the GBN drug therapy uses tools both to relieve headaches and for its prevention. Symptomatic treatment with non-receptible analgesics can be used in patients with episodic GBN at the frequency of pain episodes no more than 2 times a week. The use of analgesics should be one-time or conducted by short courses. At the same time, it is necessary to remember the inadmissibility of the abuse of these drugs. Analgesics are recommended to use no more than 8-10 times a month. The use of stronger analgesics or a combination of analgesics with muscle relaxants in childhood does not have significant efficiency, but it causes unwanted symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system. Paracetamol is recommended for pain relief (one-time dose - 10-15 mg / kg, the maximum daily dose is not more than 60 mg / kg of body weight) or ibuprofen (one-time dose - 5-10 mg / kg, maximum daily dose - no more than 30 mg / kg, the interval between receptions is 6-8 hours).
With an episodic GBN with a frequency of more than 2 days a week, preferable treatment is preferable compared to the relief of attacks. In chronic GBN, pain relief preparations have dubious efficacy and increase the risk of drug-induced headaches.

Preventive therapy for infrequent or frequent episodic GBNs should be started with plant preparations of sedative effects in combination with group vitamins B and magnesium preparations that reduce the rate of excitability of the CNS and increase the reserve of neururlasticity. In case of ineffectiveness of plant preparations and predominance in the clinical picture of anxiety disorders, emotional disorders are recommended to use anxiolytic and light neuroleptics allowed for use in childhood.
Chronic GBNs do not necessarily deprive patients with everyday activity, but bring them emotional discomfort, chronic feeling of fatigue, "breakdowns". The optimal approach to the treatment of this form of headaches is to apply funds affecting a psycho-emotional sphere and chronic muscle tension. In chronic GBN, preventive amitriptyline courses are used - non-selective antidepressant, which theoretically possesses an analgesic effect. It is recommended to start therapy with small doses (5-10 mg) before bedtime. The need to increase the dose rarely arises, which is due primarily by daylight and difficulty learning material. In the study of L. Grazzi et al. The effectiveness of 3-month courses for the treatment of patients with GBNs at the age of 8-16 years old with the effectiveness of relaxing trainings and pharmacotherapy amitriptylin, appointed daily at 10 mg / day, was compared. Clinical improvement was achieved in both groups. In the group of the treated amitripletin, the initial frequency of the GBN was 17 ± 11 attacks per month and after 3 months. decreased to 5.6 ± 6.7 per month. These results are comparable to the results of the group, in which relaxing trainings were carried out: the initial frequency of seizures 12.1 ± 10.1 per month decreased to 6.4 ± 9.6 per month.

Traditionally, for the preventive GBN courses in order to remove muscle tension in pericranial and occipital muscles, Miorosanta (Tolperison, Tizandine) is prescribed.
Often in children with GBN there are manifestations of cerebral syndrome. Tirelessness can be expressed so much that the children are contraindicated to a long stay in the team of peers. The main thing is that adults should remember: these children need help, it is impossible to be considered harmful, stubborn, lazy and fight these qualities. The emergence of cerebralism contributes to the weighting of the flow of headaches.

Therefore, the additional direction of the prophylactic therapy of GBN in children and adolescents, especially in combination with asthenic manifestations and a decrease in school performance, is to appoint drugs metabolic actionwhich improves metabolic processes in the central nervous system and have a positive effect on the indicators of cognitive functions, increase the "wake level" and the stability of the CNS to the loads. These drugs include riboflavin (vitamin B), Coenzyme Q10, magnesium preparations, drugs of nootropic series.
This group of medicines includes the drug Nooklerin (deanola Acegelumat). This is a nootropic drug, in a chemical structure close to natural brain metabolites (GABA, glutamy acid). It has a neuroprotective effect, contributes to improving memory and the learning process, has a positive effect in asthenic and adamantic disorders, increasing the motor and mental activity patients. The drug is allowed to use in children from 10 years. The healing daily dose in children of 10-12 years should be 0.5-1.0 g (1/2-1 teaspoon) Nooklerin, in children over 12 years old - 1-2 g (1-2 teaspoons). The duration of the course of treatment is 1.5-2 months. 2-3 times a year.
High therapeutic techniques for taking Nooclerin in adolescents 14-17 years old with neurasthenia was proved by L.S.chutko and et al. : There was a distinct reduction in the manifestations of general, physical and mental asthenia, as well as an increase in the concentration of attention.
The relief of symptoms of asthenia with GBN helps to increase stability to the loads and the formation of the more correct adaptive reactions of the organism on the stress factors that underlie the occurrence of the HBN.


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Complaint on headache - One of the most common in children.
The symptom occurs due to irritation of sore receptors of vessels and brain shells, muscles, mucous membranes, as well as the nerves of the face or neck. In the tissue of the brain of pain receptors, there is no, so the brain "hurt" cannot.

It arises from the most different reasons, and there may be several reasons that caused its causes.

Frequent reasons headache in a child

  • Vascular headache.
  • Inflammation of brain vessels.
  • Congenital videos of brain vessels.
  • Increase or decrease in intracranial pressure.
  • Toxic brain damage.
  • Intoxication with sharp (, cortex, etc.) and chronic ( chronic diseases kidneys, liver, etc.) diseases.
  • medicines, chemicals, alcohol, carbon monoxide, etc.
  • Card-brain injuries (shaking or bruise, brain, bones of skull, etc.).
  • , .
  • Inflammation of the brain shells (, arachnoiditis).
  • Diseases of ENT organs (, etc.) and eyes.
  • Pains associated with voltage (head pains of stress, the tension of the eye muscles at myopia) and muscle inflammation (myiositis).
  • Neuritis (inflammation of the nerves) of the facial and trigeminal nerves.
  • Different processes in the brain, peeling on the brain volume (tumors, cysts, abscesses) or magnifying brain volume (encephalitis).
  • Some heart defects and blood disease. I wrote about heart disease in this article
  • Deformation of the bones of the skull and cervical department Spine (Exoprose - bone grown, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, etc.).
  • Neurosis and other reasons.

Clinical manifestations of headaches

Headacheit may be a grain, buttering, pulsating, cutting or compressing, occur in the morning, in the afternoon or after sleep. Localizes in various departments, it happens one-sided (left or right half of the head). It may depend on the position of the body or head, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and other unpleasant symptoms. Headache It is often provoked by various external factors: emotional tension, physical exertion, weather change, inhalation of sharp odors or listening to spending music. Attentive parents usually notice the features of the occurrence and current headache in a childWhat helps a doctor in setting the correct diagnosis.

Vascular headache with vegetative dysfunction syndrome

The headache leads various changes in the brain vessels: spasms, stretching due to the reinforced blood flow to the brain or its bad outflow. Vascular changes in children are most often associated with violations of the regulation of the vegetative nervous system, the department responsible for the operation of internal organs (heart, intestines, stomach, lungs, various glands, etc.) and including vascular tone. Children with vegetative dysfunction are prone to an increase or decrease: blood pressure. Sometimes the tone of the blood vessels is unstable, it can increase, then decrease. It is important to understand that with vegetative dysfunction, the structure and anatomy of the vessels is not changed, only mechanisms regulating their tone suffer.

The causes of vegetative dysfunction may be injuries and damage to the brain (, tumors, toxic lesions, etc.), various diseases (diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver, mental disorders, etc.). The hereditary factor plays a big role. Provisible to the development of vegetative dysfunction. Features of the physique and psychological organization of personality (high anxiety, fears, tendency to hypochondria, depression), stress, disorders, overwork, reduced physical activity, unfavorable emotional psychological situation in a family or school.

Children with hypotension, reduced arterial pressure, usually suffer to pulsating or stupid, goded headaches, and children with hypertension, an increase in blood pressure, - with cutting or yases accompanied by nausea and dizziness. For children with a violation of venous outflows from the skull cavity, morning headaches and meteo-sensitivity (reactions to weather changes) are characteristic.

In addition to headaches and changes in blood pressure, vegetative dysfunction accompany violations in the work of a variety of organs and systems (respiratory, gastrointestinal disorders, impaired urination and thermoregulation, etc.). Typical symptoms: A feeling of air shortness, yawning, sudden deep breaths, heart pains, heartiness, nausea, lack of appetite, heartburn, vomiting, or, Icota, frequent urination with small portions or, on the contrary, rare large portions, thermoneurosis. Children often have weakness, lethargy, sleep disorders, schoolcharacterium performance, learning ability can decrease. Different emotional disorders are characterized: unfortunately, fears and internal tensions; Hysterical bursts and apathy, plasticity, tendency to depression, and hypochondria. Often, such children have something hurts all the time: it is in the left side, it is in the right, then the heart will grab, then the head will be spinning. However, during the examination, no serious organic pathology is found.

Treatment of vegetative dystonia complex, it includes the moderation of the regime (healthy sleep, walks, moderate physical exertion, full nutrition, etc.), the creation of a favorable psychological situation in the family and school, medication, massage, physiotherapy (electrophoresis, electrosone, solarium, Baths, Sharcot shower, Circular shower, paraffin or ozocenite appliques for the cervical region, etc.), psychotherapy, autotraining, hypnosis treatment, etc. Medical treatment is selected in accordance with an option for the stream of vegetative dystonia, the nature of the symptoms and individual characteristics of the child. Soothing means are prescribed (dyeing, Valerian, Persen, etc.), drugs, normalizing blood pressure, vitamins (neuromulititis, benffamma, alvilitic, alphabet), nootropic drugs, improving metabolic processes in the brain (nootropyl, pantogam, piracetam, phenibut, encephol , Aminalon, etc.), means that improve the blood circulation of the brain (oxiram, cavinton, cinnarizin, tanakan, etc.).

Fitotherapy is widely used. A child with vegetative dystonia is observed and treated by a pediatrician, a neurologist, a cardiologist.

Raising or decreased intracranial pressure

Through the thickness of the human brain is thin sliding cavities - brain ventricles. The ventricles and the space between the cranial box and the brain are communicated to each other by the system of holes and filled with the spinal fluid (liquor). The liquor is produced by brain cells, freely circulates by cavities and creates a certain constant pressure in the skull cavity. This is intracranial pressure. Various pathological conditions (inflammatory processes in the brain and its shells, injuries, tumors, cysts, congenital vices of brain development, vascular diseases) change the pressure of the liquor on the brain.

Intracranial hypertension - an increase in intracranial pressure. The volume of fluid increases and puts pressure on pain receptors of shells and vessels of the brain. At the same time, the sawing pain that felt in the depths of the head is characteristic. The symptom can change from the position of the body (intensify or pass when changing the poses, flexion of the neck), is often accompanied by vomiting. With a significant increase in intracranial pressure arise. Breast kids have large spring and seams of skulls. Intracranial hypertension can be accompanied by an increase, empty and pulsation of a large spring, the discrepancy between the seams of the skull, the rapid increase in the scope. Breast children with elevated intracranial pressure are usually restless, sleep badly, slightly jerk. Moderate intracranial hypertension, even if it begins at an early age, does not affect the intellectual abilities of the child, their mental backwardness is rare and is usually associated with any accompanying diseases.

With increasing intracranial pressure headache It is stopped by diuretic preparations (diakrab, triampur, glycerin, etc.). In the event of progression of the disease leading to a significant expansion of the brain ventricles, which represents a serious threat to the child's mental and motor development, perform a surgical operation. The skull cavity is combined with a heart or abdominal cavity with a tube (shunt), which removes an extra liquid.

Intracranted hypotension - a decrease in intracranial pressure - it is relatively less common. Due to the reduction of fluid in the brain cavities, the vessels and brain shell are stretched, and their stretching leads to headache. Usually the pain passes with a simple flexion of the neck and in the lying position.
A child with changes in intracranial pressure is observed and treated by a neuropathologist.

Headache with infectious diseases

Infectious diseases, including most ORVI, begin with headache. Its reason is intoxication - the body poisoning to the toxic substances resulting from the life of microbes and viruses. Together with the headache with intoxication, weakness, drowsiness, deterioration of well-being, decline or absence of appetite and other symptoms are occurring. Headache In case of infection, it is usually conjugate with increasing temperature, so if the child suddenly fell ill with the temperature, measure the temperature, maybe he just fell ill.

Stress headache

Schoolchildren are common. The cause of headaches Serves the tension of the muscles of the head and neck during a concentrated physical, intellectual or emotional work. It is usually localized in the frontal and occipital regions, passes after rest and relaxing muscles. With a long irregular position of the head in relation to the body, the blood circulation of the brain is hampered, the nerve endings are pushing. Therefore, the occurrence of headaches often contributes to the incorrect landing of the student at the table. If necessary, the stress of the eye muscles in children with poor eyesight occurs, if they do not fit without glasses or glasses. Eyes can also get tired of a child with normal vision as a result of a multi-hour stay in front of the computer monitor or TV screen.

Headache Voltages can be regarded as an unhealthy habit that can be eliminated by tracing the child with muscle relaxation techniques. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the harmful effects (achieve a good posture, correctly pick up glasses, watch TV no more than an hour per day, rest, etc.). Purposeful treatment consists of gymnastics and relaxing procedures (massage, autotraining, needleflexotherapy, physiotherapy, etc.).


Migraine Headache Appears as a result of expansion and pulsating oscillations of blood vessels of the brain. The tendency of the vessels to the sudden change in the tone is inherited. Clinically manifests as attacks (paroxysms) of the strongest headaches, usually one-sided (hurts right or left half of the head). Between the attacks, the child feels good, his condition is satisfactory.

Attentive parents and adult children know how to distinguish the upcoming attack migraine: in a childsleeping, attention, performance, drowsiness appear; Thirst, the appetite is reduced. Immediately before the attack, the appearance of aura is typically. These are rapidly passing visual, sensitive or olfactory sensations (sparks, flickering, "checkers", zigzags before eyes, loss of sight, feeling of numbness in the tips of the fingers and face, various odors and others). At the aura, the attack of the strongest pulsating (as if the pulse knocks in the head) headachethat no painkillers are removed. Feature children's migraine In the fact that the attacks are rarely unilateral in nature, as usual in adults. As a rule, children have a bilateral pain. At the peak of the attack there may be vomiting, after it comes relief and the child falls asleep. The duration of the attack is from 15 minutes to 2 hours, the frequency of occurrence is individual. Neuropathologist is engaged in the treatment of migraine.

Meningite Headache

Headache It may be caused by inflammation of brain shells with infectious agents: meningococcus and other bacteria, viruses (vaporotitis, tick-borne encephalitis, poliomyelitis, etc.), mushrooms (Candida). When meningitis, the strongest occurs headache, increasing when changing the position of the body and with any external irritation (bright light, loud sounds, touches).

Accompanied by vomiting, light-in-friendly, increased skin sensitivity. Characterized by a certain position of the patient in bed, the so-called "Pose of Legal Dog": the child lies on the side with the trapped head and the elongated torso, the belly is drawn, the hands are pressed against the chest, the legs are bent and pressed to the belly.

An attempt to bend the head of the patient and press it to the chest is impossible due to the sharp tension of the muscles. Meningitis is also accompanied by specific neurological symptoms that the doctor finds when inspection.

Meningitis treatment is carried out in the hospital due to the difficult state of the child, seriously threatening his life and health.

Inflammation of a trigeminal nerve

Triple nerve is responsible for the sensitivity of the face. The cause of its inflammation (neuritis) may be overcooling, injury and infection (often - virus). Clinically manifested by the attacks of cruel pain in the cheek, jaws, heads, can imitate dental pain. Sometimes accompanied by tears and saliva. If such symptoms occur, the child needs to contact a neuropathologist.

Headache treatment with a child

Headache treatment Depends on the cause caused its cause. With strong headaches, analgesic drugs are used: paracetamol, Ehelevgangan, Nurofen, Ibufen, and others. Of the additional "home" funds, the following recipes can be recommended. Is it possible to give paracetamol to the child read.

  • Soothing action is the grass of mint, souls and melissa. They can be prepared separately or add to tea.
  • Recipe. One art. l. Mint's mixtures, souls and cyprea brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist, shook, 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 / 2-1 glasses several times a day during headache.
  • It tones well and removes the headache with fatigue black and green tea.
  • For headache during a cold Menthol oil helps well. You need to smear their forehead, whiskey, skin behind the ears and the back.
  • Recipes for migreen-like headache. Mix 6 pieces of dill seeds, 3 pieces of the grass of the donon and flowers of the Pijmas, 4 pieces of grass Melissa. 2 tbsp. l. Calculate in a thermos 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 1-1.5 hours, strain and drink 1 / 4-1 / 2 cup 3-4 times a day. You can add honey.
  • Mix in 4 pieces of valerian roots, dill seeds, 3 pieces of pyzhma and linden flowers, grass rebel and melissa. Recipe for cooking and reception as in the previous case.
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    Good day. Daughter in 2 months will be 12, today the school has a pulsating headache with numbness of the left hand, which is
    Maybe angry and is it worth worrying?

    • Hello.
      If numbness is accompanied by headaches, there may be a number of reasons here:
      - pinching of nerve endings, due to hernia or osteochondrosis,
      - neuralgia,
      - multiple sclerosis,
      - forerunners stroke (but due to so young age, it is unlikely),
      - strong stress,
      - Dental treatment (for example, after anesthesia or surgical interventions).
      The permeation of the limb is not always associated with severe diseases, sometimes this may be due to the incorrect posture, when the blood flow to the tissues and organs is disturbed, and due to this, sensitivity is lost. Then this problem is solved by a light massage and warm-up.
      In any case, it is better to see a doctor and make surveys to eliminate serious diseases.

    hello, please tell me the daughter of 9 years old complains of headache in the field of the backbone and temperature 37.6. What could be ??? Thanks in advance

    Can you help us? For God's sake, help, tell me. Daughter 13. For 6 years, she has pulsating compressive and stitching pain then over the left eye over the right. Under eyebrows. Once or twice a week. From an hour to four lles lasted. Now every day. Feelings intensified. Loins the clock. For 3 weeks already. As fores began to do, Massage Sho and LFK

    Hello. My girl is 8 years old .. She is already a week to complain about headaches, it hurts her constantly right rally, pains start in the evening ... From what it can be .. Tell me please (((

    Hello. The child is 5.5 years old for 6 days to suffer from a sharply starting headache shooting in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose, a duration of 5-10 minutes. The pain occurs during sleep, no matter the day or night. Before that, 4 days had a high temperature. Were from the doctor made MRI showed a novice front sinusitis. Not what was not prescribed. How to help the child will cope with the headache. Thanks! Regards, Anna!!!

    Hello! Please tell me the boy is 3.4 years old! Approximately 2 weeks complains of pain or her head, or her eyes, or cheeks on the right side! Pain every day for a few seconds, then he let go. There were Pediatricians, Laura, dentist, a jewish, neuropathologist. Where to go? Or do MRI, even though it is harmful.

    • Hello. It is impossible to determine the likely pathology without an inspection of a child, but in symptoms is very similar to the neuralgia of a trigeminal or face nerve or migraine. Also one of the probable pathologies may be encephalitis. Important nuances are the scrupulous collection of complaints and anamnesis. Only in this case can be clarified - all these pathologies do not give neurological symptoms and only clarifying features help determine the diagnosis. MRI can be done, and I probably advised you to pass this examination to fully eliminate complex pathologies - encephalitis, neoplasms, aneurysms and other diseases. Sometimes similar symptoms are also manifested with ordinary VG or neurosis. Find a knowledgeable neurologist who wants to help the child.

    Hello! My daughter is 10 years old. She has headaches, accompanied by vomiting and it complains that it becomes frying. After she gets out of her, it becomes easier for her, ceases to hurt his head. The next day is repeated by headache, but not so strong and weakness. The neuropathologist recommended to fame the worms, Magnesium B6 during the month. Tell me what about my child? The doctor did not answer anything concrete. And the child continues to suffer with headaches. Thanks!

    • Hello. Starting hormonal perestroika sometimes causes first migraine attacks or cerebrenetic attacks - very similar clinical manifestations. It is impossible to exclude various types of intoxication (glides invasion, sluggish dysbacteriosis), lack of trace elements and vitamins. Therefore, first of all refer to the pediatrician and go through the course of anthelmintherapy (better than 3-5 days by Albendazole, but the dose must calculate the doctor!). The course of vitamin and mineral complexes, probiotics and sorbents, consultation of the endocrinologist, minimum of computer and television (if possible), to be in the fresh air. From the food completely eliminate long-term storage products (yogurts, sausages, especially smoked, sausages), citrus, nuts, concentrated tea and coffee, chocolate, solid cheeses. All these products can provoke migraine attacks. When recuiting the repetition of attacks, consult a neurologist again and go through the necessary instrumental examinations. But perhaps even these drugs and preventive measures will change the frequency and complexity of bouts of headaches. I want to add that the migraine is practically not treated, but it is all these techniques that the child's condition can be improved - often even tea with lemon and cheese sandwich and smoked sausage Causes the attack of headaches after lunch.

    Hello my daughter is 12 years old, about a year ago, she began not constant headaches on the left side of the head closer to the temple, while it hurts her, but soon everything passes. Tell me with what it can be connected and what to do to me.

    • Hello. Very often, the causes of the appearance of such symptoms is a hormonal imbalance that provokes a change in the tone of the brain vessels - ICC with cerebrosthenic syndrome or hypotension. First of all, it is necessary to consult with your Pediatrician Pediatrician and undergo standard surveys (blood test, urine, ECG, blood sugar), consultation of the neurologist. In the future, experts will appoint further examination (if necessary). Before visiting the doctor, you need to check blood pressure - daily in calm state in the morning and in the evening, on the back pain. It is possible to consult an endocrinologist and an ultrasound of the reproductive sphere. In any case, it is necessary to determine the cause of the appearance of headaches.

    Good day. My son is 5.8 years old in January, headaches appeared. For the first time it was against the background of the beginning of the disease. Periodically, he begins to stroke his head in one place or another. There may be pain in the temples, or in the back of the head, or in the frontal part. The child describes the pain as "burning" a little. For the first time I was prescribed ibuprofen, but we had an allergy to it. The child has found the cyst of the right Silviyev gap. We made tomography in summer again, no changes, did not increase. But before the child did not complain about pain, and now complains. Another X-ray showed the nestability of the cervical vertebra. There were an oculist, the pressure of the eyeball is normal. What can it be? Why did headaches appear? What can you recommend?

    • Hello. The causes of headaches may be instability in the cervical spine - in most these are headaches without clear localization and periodically emerging. If the cause was a cyst - these are local long-term pains with other manifestations. But to accurately answer your question you need to watch the child - consult the neurologist and orthopedic. Unstable must be treated - with age, it can be exacerbated, and the cervical department gives unpleasant symptoms - headaches will be exacerbated and accompanied by nausea, vomiting, numbness, dizziness. Typically, massage courses, physiotics, spa treatment are prescribed.

    Live my daughter is very frequent (might be 1-2 times in weeks), strong (she begins to cry at anything much, it takes about her head, she tastes the vessels on the eyeball, immediately want to sleep, give her Ibufen and It can sleep up to 10 hours) Headaches in the forehead. A week ago, I already made a CT goal of the brain, the changes were not found that it could be that I would grant, tell me !!! The child suffers
    Thank you in advance and really waiting for an answer
    Sincerely, Elena
    PS Doca is studying in grade 1, but headaches began to bother 2 years ago were rare 2-4 times a year, now they have frequent and strengthen.

    • Hello. Judging by the clinic - the child develops from a cerebrosthenic syndrome or migraine attacks. These are complex pathologies that are practically not amenable to treatment. Now there is an aggravation of the clinic against the background of psycho-emotional loads - the first class is always not just for children (fatigue, experiences, perhaps additional loads in the form of a music school, circles). It is necessary to decide on the background of which the attack develops and, if possible, remove provoking factors. It takes as long as possible in the fresh air, to normalize the mode of sa and wakefulness, limit the watching of the TV and working with a computer, limit or so far to completely eliminate chocolate, cocoa, nuts, citrus, bobbies, solid cheeses, products rich in gluten (dob, manka , Baton), smoked, marinades, mayonnaise, ketchup and all long-term storage products and containing preservatives, especially E12, Sodium glutamate. Sometimes even tea with lemon or sandwich with smoked sausage under certain conditions can cause an attack. Therefore, it is precisely normalization of nutrition and a day of the day first. In the future, the child to learn how to live with it, but at this age you must follow all these moments. Gradually, the attacks will be intensified (with the change of weather, hormonal restructuring, seasonally - most often attacks are registered in December and March, against the background of fatigue, experiences), so it is necessary to protect the child from these provoking moments. In most cases, attacks are reduced or completely disappeared after the end of puberty or the start of sexual life, but not always. Take patience and maintain a child - weakness and drowsiness after the attack is normal. But other pathology of the brain should not be excluded (even with normal CT) - follow the well-being and possible advent of other symptoms, with a change in the clinical picture - pass additional surveys.

    The child often has a headache, almost every other day, made an MRI, said the narrowing of the vessels to the right. Littlely during an attack, he got her eyes, began to vomiting. In the last time the vomiting disappeared, but he complains of weakness in the legs and dizziness. Neurologist appointed diakarb and Finlepsin. Tell me how to cure a child or at least alleviate his suffering?

    • Hello. Your child has a cerebrosthenic syndrome with frequent attacks of cepalgia. All the symptoms are due to one side by the narrowing of the brain vessels with another of their periodic spasms, which aggravates the circulatory disorder in the brain. This is quite complex pathology, therefore the treatment does not always give the desired results. As the vessels grows and the stabilization of their neurohumoral regulation, in most cases, the symptoms are smoothed and improving well-being, but sometimes there is a deterioration and appearance of new symptoms. In this case, it all depends on the degree of narrowing and the likelihood of a decrease in spasm. First of all, it is necessary to decide on the background of which the child's well-being deterioration is and completely eliminate the provoking spasm factors, streamline the mode, ensure a full-fledged rest and sleep, eliminate any sound and visual irritants. The child should be in the fresh air for a long time, if necessary, - sanatorium-resort treatment. In most cases, in the absence of aggravation of chores - as symptoms increase, it is significantly reduced and can be disappeared completely - observe the neurologist and fulfill all the recommendations of the specialist. Consult about the course techniques of cortexin, vetonic, nootrops and vitamins.

    Hello. Daughter 11 years old. Over the course of 2.5 years, lead pains with vomiting occur 1 time per week. Pain occurs in the first half of the day and ends only the next day. No deeperating help. During this time, everything was examined: MRI, Doppler blood vessels, heart, kidney, stomach (everything is normal, visited several osteopaths, a manual therapist, a homeopath, an ophthalmologist, Laura, were among several neurologists, a course was held at a psychologist. Everyone shrugged, they are diagnosed Mignery-like headaches. I discharged different nootropics - it does not help. You have to skip school, because after a child's vomiting weakness the next day. Tell me please - is it really going after puberty or do I continue to look for doctors? Thanks in advance.

    • Hello. This is really complex pathology - I can say with confidence from my own experience (I have a migraine from 8 years old and the attacks occur periodically now). The reason for this disease is not fully established at the moment, so it is difficult to treat it. The symptoms, the development and dynamics of migraine are diverse, and one can say, individual, especially in children. To say with confidence that it will be passed after puberty, it is impossible, but gradually you can learn to feel, control and smooth. In most cases, such a pronounced clinic is associated with the hormonal perestroika of the body and as the hormonal background stabilizes decreases in the frequency of appearing attacks, the severity of pain, the duration of pain syndrome. All these manifestations have decreased only in the first year of the institute and gradually disappeared. Repeated resumption occurred against the background of chronic stress, fatigue, and then during pregnancy, but at least as in childhood. Typical Migraine is not amenable to treatment, so it is not worth looking for doctors with the diagnosis. After 17-18 years and in the future, even if the attacks remain - a girl learn to feel their appearance and take a timely medicine and not always these contrarous drugs, often it is ibuprofen or aspirin. All this is individually due to different factors, but typical treatment, as you yourself convinced - does not help, so try simply take a pause and resume the search for doctors after aggravating the disease, the appearance of new manifestations, if everything gradually decrease - type patience and hope for fast and Full recovery spontaneously.

    Good day! Daughter 11 years and 1mes. The temperature has already been held on the 5th week. He herself rises, herself drops throughout the day. From 36.5-37.7. It all started with vomiting in the morning with the remnants of untapped food. The first 37.4 and further 3 weeks did not fall at all. Max.37.7. Not knocked.
    Headaches are moderate. Dizziness, easy weakness. No more symptoms! There were Pediatricians, Laura, Georonovg, a neuropathologist, an endocrinologist, an oculist, a dentist, a gastroenterologist. No one finds pathologies. Yesterday he was healing tooth with sharp pulpitis. The swamp in the norm is normal all the indicators, urine the overall normal. Cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis was excluded. The worm on the eggs and enterobiosis of the dedication. passed Caprology today. The ultrasound of the abdominal cavity without pathologies. The hour has not yet been deciphered, but not perfect. There were still many blood tests, for the Epstein and TD virus. Nobody prescribed Mr. Mart Brain .. Tell me why the temperature can be kept so long, is it possible to go to school with such indicators. What time can you get and what tests? Is it dangerous?

    • Hello. The diagnosis of subfebristite unknown etiology is always a difficult task. Increasing the body temperature is quite common and can appear with any pathology - from BPC to complex endocrinopathy. Therefore, it is necessary to ride all the tests that your attending physician appoints. It may have occurred the nervous regulation failure after a transferred viral infection, but such a long subfebilite is an alarming sign, therefore it is necessary to seek the cause of the unstable thermoregulation or the sluggish inflammatory process in the body. I think the assignment of MRI is still unreasonable, but in the absence of other reasons - you may have to spend this examination. Regarding school visits - consult your attending physician, it all depends on the general state of the body and the well-being of the child. I think everything will depend on analyzes and ECG indicators. Additionally, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist, pass tests for hormones (if necessary), ultrasound of the reproductive system and kidney organs. Also consultation of ENT doctor, neurologist.

    Hello!!! Please tell me to my child for 7 years, the last 3 days complains about the headache. In the first day I went to bed early and slept all night. And today simply the roof thugs runs, jumps, yell, and says that he has a headache. How can I be and what to do? Thank you in advance!

    • Hello. A pronounced headache in a child is a reason to turn to a specialist (the better, the better!). There may be many reasons, so you need to scrupulously search for all possible options. Be sure to check the arterial pressure indicators (control daily in the morning and in the evening). First, it is necessary to refer to the precinct pediatrician, pass the blood tests (general analysis + deployed formula), urine analysis (required) - renal pathology quite often provokes stubborn and intensive headaches. Refer to the neurologist - the cause of a pronounced parole pain is often the attacks of migraine. Also, the headache appears in viral infections, which proceed with neurotoxicosis or with other inflammatory pathological processes in the body (sinusitis, encephalitis ....). Show the child by a specialist and decide on the tactics of surveys and treatment.

    Hello. The child of 6 years periodically complains of headaches in the forehead, the pain is not acute. There were a neurologist, says this because of the posture disorders. Osteopath says no posture violation. Tell me where else to go and what are probable reasons?

    • Hello. Questions about the presence or absence of a disorder of posture in a child are not solved by osteopath, but a children's orthopedist, which, if necessary, clarify the diagnosis prescribes a spinal x-ray. When the posture is disturbed, periodic headaches are possible, but they can also develop with vegetative dystonia, meteo sensitivity, anemia and other both functional and organic pathologies that need to be diagnosed. You need a comprehensive examination of the child, measuring blood pressure in the morning and in the evening, observation in the dynamics. Often, at this age, the cause of headaches is overwork, lack of physical activity, long-term finding of a computer or viewing of a telecast and a small stay in the fresh air, violation of vision!, Low hemoglobin or hypovitaminosis, functional disorders of the digestive system, adenoid vegetation and other problems. And often eliminating certain mode disorders, rational nutrition and physical activity of the child in the fresh air - completely eliminates this symptom.

    Hello. Week three years ago My daughter (8 years old) began to complain about fatigue and headaches two or three times a day, but it happened briefly and did not interrupt her classes. I wrote off it for fatigue in recent days before holidays. But the holidays were held, she walked a lot, slept enough, the food is full, but the complaints were left, and last night the head got sick so that I had to lie down for a whole hour, and today in the morning (hurts the frontal part of the attacks) and weakness, I want lie down.
    We have a big employment: the usual school, music school and choreography - except the usual school everywhere good progress and do not want to give up something. Tell me what to do, how to help your child? Thanks.
    Another point: this year we had to change school, a new teacher strict, and the daughter is often afraid to get bad estimates. Maybe part of the reason in this? Thanks again.

    • Hello. In this case, first of all, a complete examination of the child is necessary, because with time without treatment, the situation will only be exacerbated. Complete the full examination - the blood test with the calculation of the formula, urine analysis, ultrasound of the thyroid gland, consultation of the pediatrician, neurologist, eyepiece and, if necessary, other specialists. Perhaps the cause of malaise is the overwork, hormonal restructuring of the body and additional psycho-emotional factors (new school, teachers ...). In this regard, the nervous system made a failure, which manifested itself with these symptoms, but above all, it is necessary to exclude the development of vascular problems and hypotension, which over time and without adequate treatment will only be exacerbated. Consult and experts, decide for the reason and eliminate it. It is often sufficient to reduce the load, streamline the mode and reduce stressful mood - all this in your hands, including the health of the child.

    Hello, my son is 9 years old often complains of headache, explains what the head hurts inside, the pain is not acute, I understand that the tests passed the EKG cardiogram, it seems all right, the pediatrician said that we have such vessels as a flower is normal, Once and started, but they say nothing terrible, pains are not passing out, which we still do and where to go, it becomes scary, help

    • Hello. At this age, headaches are often arising, associated with the hormonal perestroika of the body, a change in the regulation of the tone of vessels, including the brain. At the same time, symptoms of meteo-sensitivity are manifested, pain syndrome develops against the background of overwork, lack of sleep, increased visual load and exposure to the organism of other stressful factors (even if it transfers these loads before without problems). First of all, it is necessary to normalize the mode of work and recreation, limit extra loads, follow the child to spend less time at a computer or TV and more extinguished in the fresh air. Control blood pressure with mandatory fixation in the notebook and respond to the frequency of headaches and probable reasons. Does not focus on this and the child's attention - these are the problems of active growth and physiological hormonal imbalance, which right respect And the observations will definitely pass. Consult the neurologist, after control the blood, it is possible to need some supporting drugs, vegetable adaptogens or amino acid preparations and vitamin-mineral complexes. If necessary, passes additional surveys to eliminate the organic pathology during the participation of headaches or the appearance of other symptoms. To be exacerbated during vegetative-vascular dystonia, previously transferred crank and brain injuries, infections and other somatic diseases were aggravated (pay attention to this neurologist during inspection). In most cases, these symptoms are held as the child grows.

    Hello! The child began to complain about the pain in the back of the head, when he sits for a long time. Made a collar zone massage. The complaints decreased, but still remained, mainly when the whole day clips, then complains of pain in the head. We are 3 years old. Very capricious feet. Maybe it's on the background of emotional tension?

    • Hello. The child is small and will not be able to accurately tell the intensity and localization of pain, capriciousness may indicate the constant presence of discomfort. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a neurologist. It is possible that the cervical miositis, the sublinks of the cervical vertebrae with the infringement of the nerve, the instability of the cervical spine, vascular disorders or simply emotional overvoltage. But emotional fatigue without correction at this age can lead to the development of neurosis, which are difficult to tremble, especially against the background of the immaturity of the nervous system or perinatal problems (complex or rapid birth, chronic hypoxia, and other problems during pregnancy and childbirth). The earlier decide on the reason - the sooner the child's health improve.

    And my daughter has headaches recently appeared. Walked to the doctor. I was explained that very often, in children at the age of 14, there is awesome-seeming dystonia. The main thing is that prevention and treatment is prophylaxed. I am now I drive my daughter to the pool, forcing her forcing her more. From medicines - Eltacin is now accepting. I see noticeable improvements in its condition. Yes, and she says that he feels better that the head stopped disturbing, the weakness does not appear.

    • Hello. Indeed, quite often with active hormonal restructuring of the body, vegetative-vascular dystonia develops with various manifestations from headaches to rhythm disorders. All this functional changes and under the right mode, reducing elevated loads, long-term stay in the fresh air and, if necessary, the need for drug treatment - there is a significant improvement. The sanitation of chronic infections (caries, tonsillitis) is considered a prerequisite. You are all right, follow my well-minded + vitamin and mineral complexes, plant adaptogens: ginseng, Echinacea, Eleutherococcus (after consulting with your doctor), it is possible to need a course reception of iodomarine.

    Hello! Tell me for my daughter for 9 years already 4 days hurts a head of light pulsing pain in the field of Temkin, what could it be? thanks in advance.

    Good afternoon, son is 6 years old and he complained about his headache a couple of times, over the right ear, for the first time it was visiting a bunch of children's noise gami .. and he said that he had a headache from this noise, but after min 10 she was in their own He passed, and yesterday he was visiting and again complained about the headache, too, over the right ear .. and something I began to worry about it ... There is no development in development. It's strange in the car. He includes the music on the entire volume and it does not hurt from it. It doesn't hurt. Only when he was a year on the frontal part of the head fell a coffee table ..Things, vomiting was not and the child after this fall behaved normally (fusiness, irritability It was not observed. The same evening was shown by the eyepiece looked after he said everything with the child normally.)

    Hello. My daughter (5 years 9 months) began to often complain about headache in the forehead and irritation from bright light. There is a problem with END adenoids puts 2 degree adenoids. Appetite is normal, activity too. What could be the reason?

    Hello. After the injury of the cervical spine The child has strong headaches. Pain describes as squeezing pulsating and whiskey. Can this be due to the china spine department. Headache arose after the electrophoresis with Novocaine. Also, the child has baby encephalopathy.

    • Hello, Anastasia!
      Headaches often begin to disturb the children at this age. The reasons may be somewhat and we need to understand individually and scrupulously. Most often, the cause of headaches in girls from 9 to 12 years old is the beginning of a hormonal restructuring of the body and a change in the tone of the vessels in both the body as a whole and a brain: vegetative-vascular dystonia with cerebrosthenic syndrome, meteo-sensitivity and other signs of hormonal instability. And, of course, it needs to be corrected. First refer to your district doctor, pass the tests to exclude other causes of headaches: anemia, renal pathology, hypoglycemia, melting invasion (blood test, urine and feces). The specialist will determine the need to consult a child neurologist and / or endocrinologist.

  1. Hello. The daughter of 4.5 years old was twice the attack of a sharp headache in the forehead (a little less than the center of the forehead), which lasts half a minute. At the same time, she grabbed his head, often blinked. Vision did not violate. The overall condition is normal, no temperature, nor vomiting, no other symptoms. Good mood.
    What could it be? What experts to contact? What tests and research is fashionable to do?

    • Hello Anna!
      Any painful syndrome is an alarming sign, so the child needs a complete examination - the volume must define the attending physician. The first thing to be done is to contact the precinct pediatrician, pass the tests (general blood test, better with the deployed formula, the overall analysis of urine, blood for sugar, feces analysis on the eggs of worms). According to the clinic, symptoms are similar to cerebreenic syndrome or vegetual-vascular dystonia, so a neurologist is needed to eliminate the organic pathology and determine the presence or absence of neurological signs. Perhaps experts will offer you a more in-depth examination - EEG or MRI brain - do not refuse (this is not carried out without the need, only if there are doubtful signs, to clarify the diagnosis). Also, this symptom may occur in renal pathology or endocrinopathy - if necessary, a specialist will appoint an ultrasound kidneys, a small pelvic organs, possibly thyroid gland. Causes concerns repetitive attacks, so examine the child as early as possible.

    Hello, his daughter - 9 years old headaches have become more frequent. When she went to school she had rare migraines with nausea. As the summer holidays of migraine began, but they were changed their headaches in the forehead area, the pain is not constant, it comes, then it goes - the waves. Headache moved into the light, but almost everyday. You could not help the Council, what to do, to what doctors to contact?

    • Hello! These are signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia, but not excluded cerebrenenic syndrome. Migraine does not go anywhere, simply in certain periods is transformed into another disease. This condition needs consultation of a specialist - first a pediatrician, and then a child neurologist, if necessary, instrumental examination methods (at the discretion of specialists). Also, be sure to hand over a general blood test (to exclude anemia), general urine analysis (often renal pathology proceeds with headaches) and blood for sugar. The transformation of symptoms can be held on the background of the beginning of the hormonal restructuring of the body, and this aggravates all the problems available. It is also possible to develop the pathology of the thyroid gland, so just in case, show the girl an endocrinologist.

    Good day! We ask your advice. A week ago, the child stumbled and fell and fell, on the dark bone, there was a small bump and an abundance over the ear. The son of course bleak, but quickly forgot and played on. We decided to watch my husband, because they were not at home. There were no changes in the behavior, I drove, I slept, everything is as always. Decided that everything is fine. But after three days, the son woke up at night with crying and says that he hit. They decided that he had a bad dream. Succeed

    • Hello Yulia! In this case, nothing can be said for sure: the cranial and brain injuries and the bruises of the heads in children can manifest themselves with different symptoms and are delayed in time. The only way out is to be observed, and when the minimum symptoms (concerns, headaches appear, a decline in appetite, which may indicate nausea, lethargy, increased fatigue) - contact a specialist, better than a neurologist to exclude pathology.

    Hello! The child hurts whiskey not very much. Her whiskey hurt her often. She has drowsiness. Tablets does not accept. There is no vomiting and temperature. What could it be?

    • Hello! Periodic pain in the temporal area can talk about a rather large spectrum of different states. And, absolutely not necessarily, diseases. Physical and / or psycho-emotional overvoltage, exposure to direct sunlight, change in atmospheric pressure or air temperature, exposure to the pressure of large volumes of water (with diving) and still a number of others are only external causes that may contribute to their occurrence.
      From the very body itself, the essence may be hidden in the unbalancement of the actions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic departments of the autonomic nervous system, affecting the overall tone of the body as a whole and, to the narrowing and expansion of vessels (including brain), in particular. This symptom complex is known as awesome-vascular dystonia.
      There is a situation of violation of cerebral blood circulation as a result of a decrease in blood flow on the spinal arteries. They pass in the channels formed by holes in the process of cervical vertebrae. And, with different orthopedic changes in this spine (C maybe because of problems in the underlying), arteries can be shifted by their structures around them. As a result, the bloodstream decreases (the volume and speed coming to the brain, blood), which leads to oxygen deficiency. Very sensitive to this bark of large hemispheres and creates situations of oppression of consciousness (drowsiness, lethargy, inhibition), accompanied by pain. Including in the temporal area.
      It is quite problematic to head for a specific diagnostic path, not knowing the age of your daughter, nor the pretty of these symptoms, nor the circumstances of their occurrence. You should examine the girl from the neurologist and orthopedic.

    Hello! Headache (7 years old) began to train headaches. It seems to be in the afternoon, closer to the evening with frequency 2-3 times a week. They noticed that this is due to violation of the day. We try to adhere to it strictly, but the slightest disorders lead to headaches. Checked the brain on the MRI- Everything is purely. The heartologist prescribed a phenibut with glycine. Special changes after acceptance of drugs did not notice. The heart was checked, the same is fine. Duplex scanning of brachiocephalic arteries are made. The conclusion: the echographic signs of the bend of the BCA on the left without impairment of hemodynamics. Minor stenosis and strain deformation on the right, not more than 30%. Maybe you will advise.

    • Hello! In addition, the neurologist has already advised you, you can add not just adherence to the day mode, but its clear operational. The girl is required, in addition, day rest is a break in affairs. In particular, with the beginning of the school. Do not overvolt it with the implementation of intensive mental and physical tasks. We are not talking about the walk-in-law, it will be enough to alternate activity and rest, a change of activity. Then, the manifestations of neuro-circulaton dystonia will not be so apparent or completely stop disturbing.
      Since during the study (duplex), stenosis was revealed by the right vertebral artery, it makes sense to advise the girl from orthopedic. Perhaps there are problems with the cervical spine. Typically, the cervical department in the kids on planned inspections does not cause suspicion. "Digging" begin when they come with complaints. Including, and on headaches of tension.
      Usually, in children of this age, the installation type of broken posture is revealed. It is manifested in the form of a lusted back, lowered shoulders, serving the tummy. At the same time, to restore the balance, the head is located a little kepeneda. What creates the conditions for the partial relocation of the vertebral arteries.
      And, do not forget about the possibility of exposure to direct sunlight on the girl's not covered the girl's head.

      • Doctor, thanks for such a complete answer. The last week is very strictly observing the day of the day, headaches are not worried. We hope that they will gradually come to no. And with the cervical department, we really have problems: dislocate the cervical vertebra and a violation of the posture. But a neurologist said that he could not hurt from this head (although I doubt it). Very afraid of the school year, we go to grade 1, I'm afraid of the advent of mental and exercise, our problems will be aggravated. What do you think, should you repeat the course of Phoenibut and Glycine at the beginning of the school year or even before studying?

        • Good day! Your neurologist was really wrong. First you need to deal with the fusion of the spine, since it is possible to infringe the main arteries and nerve trunks. This is naturally accompanied by a circulatory impairment with headaches, arterial pressure instability, dizziness. You need to refer to the traumatologist in order to examine. Try to do it before the school year. Most likely, the child will have to wear a chant collar, in order to correct the problems with the spine and remove the muscle tension. Your problems with the time and with the beginning of the school year can really be aggravated. The drug phenibut may cause braking and drowsiness, in addition, it is not recommended to take a long-term course of those who have problems with the stomach, so at the beginning of the educational process, it is better to refuse to better. Pinibut Try to replace with piracetam or its analogues, but for this you need a full-time consultation of the neurologist. The reception of glycine will not bring any harm, but if you have taken a long period, then the course of treatment is better to repeat in six months. If you all want to re-conduct the course of treatment with Phoenibut, then it is better to do it before the start of the school year. Neither Phoenibut, nor glycine on the routines can not influence the spine, so you need to eliminate the main cause of the disease.

    Hello the daughter of 2 years old, she had vomiting after yesterday once, and today the temperature is 37Gradus and how the head hurts and does not want ????

    • Hello! A minor increase in body temperature (up to 38 degrees) in small children, accompanied by vomiting, headache, weakness, decline in appetite and a number of other general signs of malaise may become a consequence of any intoxication. This may be the beginning of an infectious cold illness (not necessarily the gastrointestinal tract). It can talk about the presence of other sources of inflammation in the body. Such a state may be observed in the glitter invasion. And it can be the result of nervous and physical overwork, including a thermal (solar) impact.
      Moderately elevated body temperature, vomiting (without a description of its character), headache and appetite decrease - too general features for which it is absolutely impossible to bow down to one or another problem. This may well be a transient reaction (acclimatization) if not only the region of residence, but also time zone, and the nature of the food (not characteristic of the usual diet) was replaced.
      To correct such states, you should protect the child from high activity and staying in the open sun, adjust the power mode (eliminate new products for the girl), translate to a gentle diet. But not forcibly feeding. But the abundant drink in the form of unsweetened compotes, hills, brass (for example, chamomiles and linden) will be only good.
      No medicines, including sorbents (coal, smect, etc.) do not give. If the condition per day does not improve, consult medical attention to the purpose of inspection and examination of the child.

    Good day! 2.5 years baby. Healthy girl, there were no problems, and recently (about a month) began attacks. Wakes up at night from the desire to sign, but it does not go to the pot as it was before, and crying, I am afraid ... like a panic. It takes place in a few minutes, complains that the head across the side of the right above the eye. This happens not every night. It can sleep well and goes normally on the pot. The first time this was three nights raised. Then passed, today the same thing happened after day sleep.

    • Hello! The situation described by you is very similar to one of the manifestations of restless sleep in children of early (from2-x) and younger school age (up to 8 years), called "night fears". They arise as a result of a sudden psychomotor arousal in time. At the same time, the child, waking up, does not remember the dreaming, and does not come to contact even with the most close relatives!
      The situation does not have clear rhythms of repetition, but it is more possible with the day, and especially before bedtime. Children with high emotional lability are most susceptible to night fear ("from laughter before crying and on the contrary - one second"). Provocates the occurrence, as a rule, strong fright. Remember whether there was any such case about a month ago.
      Also, children are very sensitive to the slightest change in their familiar lifestyle. Any changes in the family, a change in residence, etc. Can provoke an increase in the emotional perception of the child.
      As a rule, night fears are resistant to any medication (incl. And herbs) effects. Pass independently when you get acquainted with the child to new living conditions.
      For state correction, strictly follow the day mode. At night make relaxing baths. Tell me instead of a fairy tale, what will dream of a child (flowers, butterflies, etc.) - this reception is called "programmable dreams".
      If the situation does not improve, consult a neurologist.
      And the pot (if he is not terrible) nothing to do with it. Complaints on "Pain over the right ear", most likely ... the child on the right side prefers to sleep?

    Already about 6 months, the child (4 years) is often complaining of headache in the backache of the nape closer to the neck. Tied it with overwork because Late falls asleep (in the area of \u200b\u200b23:00). In addition, there is a tendency to be a tendency to elevated intraceracting pressure. For a year and a half he was transferred to the fracture of the skull bone. Some time ago, nausea was added to the headache, thought he was telling in the car (every morning about 40 minutes I eat in kindergarten) But now the complaints of nausea will appear before the trip. Can these two symptoms be a sign of a serious disease? What doctor will you turn to?

    • Hello! I think that nausea is in no way connected with headaches. As the child is still small, he can simply be afraid of the upcoming unpleasant sensations associated with nausea from the tech during a trip to kindergarten. That is why he can talk in advance about nausea, and this does not mean that his sick.

      Headaches in the occipital region in the morning can be connected both with overwork and with a stuffing or too dry air in the bedroom of a child at night. Be sure to ventilate the room at least than 30-40 minutes before laying a baby to sleep. In the warm summer months it is advisable to sleep with an open window. If the room is too dry microclimate, then I recommend purchasing an electric humidifier and leave it working for the whole night. This is especially true at a time when steam heating works in the room, as well as in the hot summer months. If you have to purchase an electroplating capability of the opportunity, dry the baby in the bedroom a few wet diapers, one of them is best to hang on the baby's bed.

      Also make sure that the kid follow the day of the day. You need to lay a child in bed no later than 21 hours 30 minutes. Let the baby fall asleep not immediately, but 30-60 minutes before bedtime it is best to spend in bed. Read the child a book, turn on listening to the audio fairy tales. This will help the boy tune in to sleep. But view the TV, noisy moving games, the computer before bedtime is not recommended. It is to watch cartoons or electronic games before bedtime can provoke headaches immediately after awakening.

      If, in compliance with these tips, during one or two months, the baby will not cease to complain about headaches in the morning, then I recommend to visit the child neurologist with him and, if necessary, to surveys. Good luck!

    Hello, son in August will be 8 years old, complains of pain in the head, in the frontal part, but not often. Once at the beginning of the school year, and today. Dali Nurofen 10 ml and fell asleep through time, tell me from what a head can hurt.

    • Hello! Headaches in school children can have different reasons. The most frequent one is the beginning of ARVI. Usually per day or two before the appearance of the first symptoms of the respiratory disease, the child may begin to complain about pain in the occipital or frontal area, it may also complain that he "knocks the temples". Also a frequent cause of headaches at a schoolboy - overwork during the day. If such pains arise no more than once a month, then you should not panic. Make sure that the child observed the day of the day, poured out, rested at least one hour after school classes before proceeding to perform homework. With complaints of headache, give a child anesthetic - a nooofen or pandol. You can try to do half the age dose recommended in the instructions, and if the medicine does not help, then in an hour to give a second half of the dose. Consider that the headache tolerate the children is not recommended, so do not be afraid to give an anesthetic medicine.

      If headaches have a permanent character, if an anesthetic helps poorly or does not help at all if headaches are accompanied by weakness, vomiting, loss of consciousness, then you need to show the child to a child neurologist. Such pains may be associated with elevated intracranial pressure, vegetative dystonia, transferred earlier injury, which a child silent or forgot to tell you. In this case, the doctor will appoint an examination (encephalogram, brain ultrasound), which will help to identify the cause of headaches from a boy and appoint adequate treatment.

    My daughter is 7 years old. For a week now, she has a headache in the morning, at the same time. She immediately begins to be a clone into sleep, but because of the headache, in the left temporal part of the head can not sleep. You have to give nurofen. Next, passes and all is well.
    There were a pediatrician, but she leans to ORVI, but no explicit signs of her. Neither cough, no snot, pure throat. Literally, a week to headaches, treated from cystitis. The first urine analysis showed leukocytes. Today passed again. 1.06, at the reception.
    Is the headache like that is associated with cystitis? How to help my daughter?

    • Hello. Yes, most likely in your case headache - residual phenomena after cystitis or its treatment. Very frequent headache may occur in a child after treatment with antibiotics. I can't advise anything else, except to remove the pain Nurofen. If the pain does not pass within the next week, then I recommend you to contact the neuropathologist to pass the survey. Here are possible a variety of options - from increased intracranial pressure to a vegetative dystonia. In the meantime, try to provide a child a calm healthy dream. After checking the room in the evening, as much as possible, the girl is as possible - the liquid will help to remove toxins from the body, the appearance of which could cause drugs during cystitis or the sickness itself. Recover!

    Hello! Daughter 2 years old, after the evening walk began to complain that the head hurts, he was very crying. When it broke out. In the course of the night she pulled 5 times, there was no diarrhea. It was 37,5 temperatures when she rose to 38 I was shot down. They decided that this poisoning and treated the corresponding one. On the next day, there was again abundant vomit. 7 times a day with a temperature of 37.3.Dealous controversial injection. On the next day, the child felt excellent. And the appetite and the chair is good, the temperature was 37.2 she herself It was declining. The next 3 days everything is fine, but the temperature still rises to 37.2.A. And for the fifth day, the child again complains about headaches, and the temperature is 37.5. Tell me what tests do we need to do? We need to live in a small town of good specialists Not. Thank you for your answer!

    • Hello! It looks like the child suffered Rotavirus. The sharp phase of the disease (multiple vomiting) has already passed. Headaches and temperatures may be caused by intoxicating the body, which was caused by the virus. Therefore, the child is as much as possible, it is also necessary to give him any absorbent to help bring toxins from the body (smect, polysorb, as a last resort activated carbon). I advise you to pass a common blood test to make sure that the disease is indeed caused by a virus, not an intestinal infection. Correct!

    Hello! Daughters are 6 years old, often in the morning it complains about headaches. Please tell me what we need to do and what tests should I take?

    • Hello! Headaches in children - the phenomenon is not rare. Often this is the first sign of a starting ARVI. If respiratory symptoms do not join, and the child continues to complain about the headache, then the reason must be sought in the other.

      Periodic megren-like pains may mean that the child is overwhelmed. Make sure that the girl did not spend a lot of time at the computer or the TV, hung out, spent enough time outdoors. If the pains come after awakening and do not leave the child the first half of the day, it may mean that he sleeps in a stuffy room. Also excessive dryness of air during sleep can cause headaches in the morning. Try well to ventilate the room before bedtime and use the air humidifier and, perhaps, the child will cease to complain about pain.

      In addition, headaches in preschool children may be a sign of increased intracranial pressure. It can manifest itself as a result of the presence of a child, injuries obtained in the process of childbirth, congenital pathologies. As a result of these factors, the baby may have problems with brainwood, which manifest a few years after birth. As a result, excess the spinal cerebral fluid (liquor) is formed, which presses the brain causing pain.

      If the headaches do not pass within 2-3 weeks, be sure to tell the pediatrician about them. Perhaps he will send you to the children's neurologist for further examination to clarify the causes of the head pain in the child in the morning.

    Hello! My son is 7 years old (this year I go to school), the 5th day complains about the headache, only in the first half of the day, in the morning. No temperature. Pain in the field of left temple and above the left eyebrows (the son says "inside hurts"). On the first day, when the head got sick, complained about the abdominal pain, then it turned out and it became easier, everything went at once (I thought that poisoning). In the following days, headache without vomiting. Given nurofen from pain. With all this, he has a runny nose, nozzles thick when they are high and there are a lot of them. Tell me please, what can it be? What doctor to contact?

    • Hello! Apparently, your child is sick orvi. The appearance of headaches in the temporal area during this disease is a completely natural phenomenon. This occurs for several reasons: an increase in the amount of intracranial fluid that presses on the brain, inflammation of the apparent sinuses, intoxication of the body caused by viruses or bacteria.

      If the headache during ORVI is accompanied by an increased body temperature or vomiting, then this may be a sign of severe disease - meningitis. The pain that lasts a few days and amplifies under slopes, movement, but the body temperature of the child is not raised - may be the cause of neurological disorders and requires a speedy appeal to a specialist - a children's neurologist. Also, the resultant cause of headaches accompanied by a rhinoceron with green (purulent) secretions is a sinusitis, which without treatment can lead to severe complications. Therefore, my advice to you - do not postpone the visit to the doctor. First of all, you need to contact the Plot pediatrician, which, if necessary, will send you to other specialists - neurologist and Laura. Recover!

    Healthy. My child, who is 5 years old, headaches happen. It can be once every half a year, once every three months, once a month. The headaches are not rapidly, but they can occur for example once in half a year , then again in half a year or after a few months. And it happens so that the child runs, it is played, in general, it is very active and here he says that he has a headache, then he hurts stronger and he goes to rip out 5-6, he throws in sweat And he goes to bed and after sleeping a dream healthy child. A surcharge lasts about 20-30 minutes and may happen at any time of the day, but mostly closer in the evening or in the evening. Please tell me what it can be?

    • Hello! Headaches in children can have a wide variety of reasons. Your child's pain has an attacking character, they may be associated with overwork. Often, young children begins to hurt head if they spend a lot of time at a computer or TV. Sometimes such pains can be so strong that the child is tearing. After a full rest (sleep), such pains usually pass. Also, parole headaches may indicate an increase in intracranial pressure, which, in turn, may be a sign of a serious illness. Be sure to show the baby to the child neurologist. Perhaps he will appoint additional surveys.

    Hello. My daughter is 9 years old. Approximately 2 weeks complains of headache. Attimes all day. Especially during music or lessons. Night sleeps fine. Worried about still color and lips. That is normal, then suddenly the face is pale, and the lips shine. Made Rag. The result is not very good. One is increased, the other is low. In all departments, the violation of venous outflows? What does it mean? Neurologist prescribed massage, glycine, reduced loads, compliance with the mode of sleep and recreation. Another neuropathologist registered Caventon and Nesurobex. All this still does not help. The blood test showed the presence of worms. Speed \u200b\u200bvermocus 2 weeks ago. The headache hurts and pallor is preserved. We will now drink the second course of Vermox. What else to do in such a situation?

    • Hello! Violation of the venous outflow of the brain is a disease that arises as a result of a decrease in the tone of vessels, their improper work. Very often this happens from schoolchildren due to violation of the day, lack of sleep, high mental loads, stress. Also, often the cause of violation of venous outflows becomes cranopy and brain injuries, for example, a transferred brain shaking in a child, which was not observed by their parents. The symptoms of this disease are headaches (especially in the mornings and in the process of mental loads), the pallor of the skin, weakness, dizziness. Often the disease occurs during the off-season, in spring or autumn.

      Since on the basis of the Rag, your child has already been diagnosed, then quietly fulfill the prescriptions of doctors, and most importantly, try to normalize the child's mode, increase the duration of sleep, protect against stress. Headaches will not pass in one day, because the pathological process itself also developed not instantly, and the time will also need to eliminate. Recover!

    Son 30.05.2015 will be 6 years old. He is sick, from the birth of laryngitis, which lead to hospitalization. Breaking from birth on hormones and antibiotics. And now a headache has been added to the right eye. It's just a sharp tracheoobronchita. What could be the cause of headaches?

    • Inessa, tracheobronchitis is accompanied by a stubborn cough.
      This leads to overflow blood vessels, including heads.
      There may be a violation of the integrity of the wall of small capillaries, which is accompanied by an insufficient intake of oxygen into a certain portion of the brain.
      Due to temporary hypoxia, a headache arises.

      During the disease, the penetration of bacteria in the nasopharynx often occurs and inflammation of the frontal sinus of the nose causes inflammation, which is accompanied by the appearance of headaches.
      The temperature and selection of the nose in the initial period of the disease may be absent.

      If during the week, the headache will not disappear, show the child to a child neurologist and a otolaryngologist.

    Hello! My daughter has 10 years old headaches repeating every 6-7 days. The child was examined, all diagnostics passed, MRI, Doppler vessels, examined the kidneys, heart, stomach, did not find anything. I read previous comments, probably it is really the restructuring of the body, but why such frequency? We are trying to observe everything: walk a lot, the pool, but nothing helps. Tell me if it is possible to determine how the hormones influence the hormones and somehow facilitate these states. thanks in advance

    • Hello, hope!
      The frequency in the occurrence of headaches may be explained by the fact that the girls are repeated weekly days requiring great mental and physical exertion.
      At school, one of these days has a large number of lessons.
      The disciplines studied may require increased attention and concentration.
      If a pool visit is added to this, then the body's need for oxygen is largely increasing.

      Oscillations of the number of hormones during puberty are accompanied by a change in the tone of blood vessels.
      The flow of blood into separate parts of the brain can decrease, respectively, the phenomena of hypoxia occur.

      The blood test on the content of hormones in this situation will not be quite reliable.
      The number of hormones can quite correspond to the age of the child.
      However, the moment of changing their quantity cannot be caught, as these oscillations can occur at different times of the day and throughout individual days.
      The state of the girl will improve after establishing the menstrual cycle.

    • Olga, the emergence of a headache in a child against the background of low body temperature can have several reasons.
      The most frequent of them is to reduce blood pressure.
      In this case, there is a slowdown in blood circulation on the blood vessels and an increase in heat transfer.

      The presence of helminth leads to the phenomena of intoxication of the body and the deterioration of the suction of nutrients necessary for the production of thermal energy.

      The emergence of anemia is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of oxygen entering the tissue.
      It also contributes to the violation of metabolic processes.

      The possible cause of such a state is the insufficiency of the liver function and the thyroid gland.

      We regularly measure the girl level of blood pressure, make a common blood test, a three-time analysis of feces on eggs worms, ultrasonic examination of internal organs and thyroid gland.
      Research results will assign appropriate treatment.

  2. Hello. Son 9 years. At the same time, a strong headache at one point arises closer to the dinner. Above eyebrows with bridges. Fifth day. After paracetamol immediately disappears and it falls asleep. No temperature. Nausea too. What could it be? Help

    • Hello, Madina!
      Headache in the boy may occur due to the mental load in school and long stay in non-refined rooms with reduced oxygen content in the air.
      Perhaps, in recent days, a stressful situation arose, leading to a spasome of blood vessels.
      The provoking moment in the occurrence of headaches is the development of spring avitaminosis, which significantly worsens the exchange processes in the cells of the brain.

      At this age, the child can begin a hormonal restructuring of the body, which is accompanied by a change in the tone of blood vessels and changes in blood pressure indicators.

      The development of anemia is also accompanied by oxygen starvation of brain structures.

      You can think about infecting with helminths, which leads to the phenomena of intoxication of the body.

      Disorders of the liver and thyroid gland are often manifested by headaches.

      Measure daily boys blood pressure on the background of the appearance of headaches.
      Make a general blood test, feces analysis for the presence of worm eggs three times in a day, carry out an ultrasound examination of internal organs and thyroid gland.
      The results will help determine the treatment tactics of this state.

Headache (Cefalgia) in children is observed quite often and can serve as the main, and even the only symptom of more than 50 different diseases. Cefalgia is any unpleasant sensations arising in the area of \u200b\u200beyebrows to the nape (the term is derived from the Greek Words cephal - Brain I. algos. - pain).

It is known that 80% of adult Europeans suffer from headache (GB). It can be assumed that among children the prevalence of Cefalgia is approximately similar. Until 7 years of age, 75% of patients have a headache on the type of migraine; Nevertheless, the most common type of cephalgia is the headache of the voltage.

The classification of the International Headache Society provides for the following cefalgia: Migraine; GB voltage; cluster (beam) GB and chronic paroxysmal hemicrane; GB, not related to the structural damage of the brain; GB due to head injury; GB due to vascular diseases; GB due to intracranial non-visual diseases; GB due to the reception of some substances or their cancellation; GB due to born infections; GB due to metabolic disorders; Head or face pain due to the pathology of the skull, neck, eyes, ears, nose, apparel sinuses, teeth, mouth, as well as other facial or cranial structures; Cranial neuralgia, pain in the pathology of nerve trunks and deafferentation pain; Unclassified GB. All these types of cephalgia can be celebrated in children, although in practice migraine, voltage headache and cluster (beam) headache are more common.

In general, in the etiopathogenesis of cefalgia, the sources of pain can serve as a solid cerebral sector; arteries of brain base and intracranial arteries; Fabrics covering the skull; Nerves (among them cranial nerves - a triple, languagehilic, wandering, as well as the first and second cervous spinal roots). The morpho-functional basis of the peripheral department of the system responsible for pain sensitivity is the triangular nerve and the core of his cerebrospinal path. The solid brain shell and large blood vessels and large blood vessels have painful receptors, as well as sensitive finishes of the fibers of the second neck root of the spinal cord. The described systems form various headaches.

Headache can be called intracranial lesions, such as subdural and intracerebanic hematomas, subarachnoid hemorrhages, thrombosis, arteriovenous malformations, brain abscess, meningitis, encephalitis, vasculitis, obstructive hydrocephalus, condition after lumbal puncture, ischemic violation of cerebral circulation, stretching or inflammation of large intracranial vessels , damage to the solid shell base of the brain and sensitive cranial nerves. From extracranial causes, the headache is caused by sinusitis, damage to the cervical spine, the syndrome of the temporal-mandibular joint, the gianthole artery, glaucoma, neuropathy of the optic nerve and diseases of the teeth. There are also "common" causes of headaches: fever, virusemia, hypoxia, hypercapnia, arterial hypertension, allergies, anemia, as well as the effect of vasodilating substances (nitrites, carbon monoxide, etc.).

Below are the pathophysiological features of the three main varieties of headaches in childhood patients, since it is precisely these features of various approaches to treatment.

Migraine. For classical migraines, two phases of the attack are characterized: in the first phase, vascular spasm arises, causing cerebral ischemia and various focal symptoms that run the attack; In the second phase (transcranial and extracranial vasodilation), the pulsating GB begins, which is distributed in the field of innervation of the trigeminal nerve and the upper cervical roots. With migraine with aura in the mechanism of development of GB, paroxysmal depolarization of neurons of the cerebral cortex is involved. In the first phase of the attack in the field of the occipital pole of the brain, there is a circular depression propagating at a speed of 2 mm per minute. In the field of wave propagation, deep changes of the ionic distribution arise, leading to a decrease in the level of brain blood flow. Cerebral ischemia is the result of arteriolestrosis. Most characteristic sign Classical migraine is general hypovolemia in the back of the brain. GB is caused by the effect of propagating depression on the fibers of a trigeminal nerve on the brain shells, while the vasoactive intestine peptide is released, the substance P and some other peptides. Factors that launch the mechanism of propagating cortical depression are very numerous. Among them, any disorders of potassium homeostasis, genetic predisposition, stress, alimentary factors, as well as the release of vasoactive peptides from the trigemin-vascular system.

With a simple migraine (without aura) there are no significant changes in cerebral blood flow, and the mechanisms of its development themselves are difficult to explain. In addition to vascular changes (characteristic of classical migraine), with simple migraines, metabolic disorders and the concentration of neurotransmitters (serotonin and its metabolites) are noted.

The reason for the development of migraine can serve as prostaglandin E1, Tiramine or Phenylethylamine (the last two amines are contained in chocolate and cheese).

Voltage headache. Earlier it was believed that this type of headaches is a direct consequence of repeated cuts of the muscles of the neck and temples leading to local ischemia of these structures. AT last years Consider a number of other patterns of pathogenesis, including the involvement of "trigger" points of some muscles (trapezoid, sternosal-curable-bed-like, podental, temporal, etc.), compression of the vessels with a spashed muscle with venous stagnation, the propagation of pain on the temporal, parotid and occipital area due to dysfunction The temporomandibular joint, disruption of the closure of teeth of the upper and lower jaws, etc.

Cluster (beam) headache. The pathogenesis of the disease is still little studied and is not quite clear, although it is known that the type of GB in the outer jugular vein there is an increase in the content of some pain peptides (calcitonin of the general and intestinal peptide). As a result, it is assumed to the neurogenic origin of the cluster headache with the activation of the sensitive fibers of the trigeminal nerve. A certain role can be played by the defect of chemoreceptors of carotid tauris on the side of pain, as well as violations of the secretion of individual humoral factors (melatonin, cortisol, testosterone, β-endorphine, β-lipoprotein, prolactin).

Symptoms of headaches. In each case, the symptoms of headaches are determined by the type of cephalgia. Below are the features of various types of chronic and recurrent headaches on a number of indicators (the nature, localization, the duration of the attack, the frequency concomitant symptoms). Simple Migraine: Character GB - Pulsing; Localization is one- or bilateral; The duration of the attack is 6-48 hours; frequency - sporadic attacks (up to several times a month); Related symptoms - nausea, vomiting, malaise, light-free. Classical Migraine: Character GB - Pulsing; Localization is one-sided; The duration of the attack is 3-12 hours; frequency - sporadic attacks (up to several times a month); Related symptoms - visual aura, nausea, vomiting, malaise, light-friendly. Facial Migraine: Character GB - dull or pulsating; Localization is one-sided, in the lower half of the face; The duration of the attack is 6-48 hours; Periodicity - sporadic attacks; Related symptoms are nausea, vomiting. Cluster headache (Histamic Cefalgia Horton): Character GB - acute, drilling; Localization is one-sided (mainly in the field of the eye); The duration of the attack is 15-20 minutes; Periodicity - periods of daily attacks alternate with long remissions; Concomitant symptoms - on the pain of pain can be seized, hyperemia of the face, nasal congestion and a horn symptom. Psychogenic headache: the character of GB is stupid, compressing; Localization - diffuse bilateral; The duration of the attack is often constant; frequency - often constant; Related symptoms - depression, anxiety. Neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve: the character of pain is shooting; Localization - in the innervation zone of a trigeminal nerve; The duration of the attack is short-term (15-60 seconds); frequency - many times a day; Related symptoms - revealed trigger zones. Atypical facial pain: the character of GB - stupid, localization is one- or bilateral, the duration of the attack is often constant; frequency - often constant; Related symptoms - depression, sometimes psychosis. Headache with sinusitis: character GB - stupid or acute; Localization is one- or bilateral, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe apparent sinus; The duration of the attack - varies; Periodicity - sporadic or constant; Related symptoms - discharge from the nose.

Diagnostics. A specific diagnosis in children is established mainly on the basis of clinical signs and the aforementioned criteria of cephalgic syndromes. Diagnostic assistance can provide so-called headache diaries, some laboratory and instrumental research (skull radiography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance tomography of the brain, EEG, transcranial doppler studies of the brain vessels). An important diagnostic event is the counseling of the eyepiece, and in suspecting the presence of a patient depression requires a children's psychiatrist consultation.

The diagnosis of "Migraine" is usually established on the basis of the collected anamnesis, while any pronounced changes with careful physical, neurological and ophthalmologic inspections cannot be identified. The diagnosis of most other cephalgic syndromes is carried out using a similar algorithm.

Approaches to the treatment of headaches

Not all means used in the treatment of GB in adults can be used in pediatric practice due to age limitations. Analgin (sodium metamizole) is a classic example, which in world practice is not appointed to children up to the age of 14 (in the Russian Federation - up to 6 years). Another means, to be used which in patients up to the age of 16 should be careful, is an unriccotic analgesic naproxen (Nalixane).

Below we list modern approaches to the treatment of three main cefalgic syndromes - migraine, cluster headache and headache of tension.

Migraine treatment. Preventive treatment is carried out only with recurrent cefalgies, resistant to used urgent therapy. Migraine attacks are treatable only when it comes to frequently repeated severe attacks that interfere with the active life of the child. In some cases, it is necessary to calculate only on the partial effect, although the purpose of ergotamine and / or caffeine type vasoconstrictors at the first symptoms of the attack can help to stop it (in the Russian Federation, a coffee maker combining both of the components mentioned) is widely used). It is prescribed to children over 10 years old twice, with an interval of 30 minutes, 1 tablet for reception (in each tablet 0.1 g of caffeine and 0.001 g of ergotamine tartrate). The appointment of simple (nonarcotic) analgesics (paracetamole, etc.) is often no less effective.

With an acute attack of migraine, the mode of interest should be combined with the reception of analgesics: a child's vacation in bed (in a dark room) and reception of paracetamol or acetylsalicylic acid. The latter in pediatrics is used with caution (in children under 2 years old - only according to life indications) in order to avoid the development of the residence syndrome. It is paracetamol (at a dose of 15 mg / kg / day) - the most efficient and safe means appointed during migraine attacks of moderate and strong severity. Acetylsalicylic acid is effective only with light attacks. Other preparations for the treatment of strong attacks are naproxen, ibuprofen, phenacetin or caffeine (separately or in combination with other drugs).

Ergotamine is considered over 10 years old for children. It is prescribed orally at the very beginning of the attack (the dose depends on the used dosage formThe duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 7 days). The drug is contraindicated to children who in which hemianopsy or hemiparepsy is observed in the attack phase.

Penacetin, like paracetamol, refers to non-numbercotic analgesics. It is used 2-3 times a day in combination with such means as analgin (taking into account age), caffeine, etc. Its use is limited due to the presence of side effects (allergic reactions, "fenacetin" jade, methemoglobinemia, anemia, etc. .). Penacetin is prescribed from the calculation (single dose) 0.15 g - for 3-4-year-old patients, 0.2 g - for children 5-6 years, 0.25 g - for 7-9 year old and 0.25-0 , 3 g - for 10-14-year-old children (for patients up to 1 year - at 0.025-0.05 g, up to 2 years - 0.1 g at the reception). In the Russian Federation, phenacetin is produced mainly in tablets containing 0.25 g of actual fenacetin and acetylsalicylic acid, 0.05 g of caffeine). Penacetin is part of the combined means (asphane, the camphoring, Novomigrofen, pyrcoophen, sealalgin, citraon, etc.).

Ibuprofen (Bruphen) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent (NSAID). Children are assigned at the rate of 20-40 mg / kg / ducts (3-4 times a day, Per OS or rectally).

Naproxen - another NSAID, assigned to children under the age of 5 years at the rate of 2.5-5 mg / kg / day in 1-3 reception (the duration of the medical course - up to 14 days), and patients over 5 years of age - at a dose 10 mg / kg / day.

Caffeine - psychomotor stimulator, is used in combination with other medicinal substances (analgesics, etc.). For children over 2 years old (before this age, the drug is not prescribed) caffeine doses at 0.03-0.075 g at the reception (2-3 times a day). Caffeine is part of the combined tablets (coofetamine, Askofen, Novomigrofen, Qature, Pyramine, Citra, etc.).

Sumadapan (selective 5-NT1 receptor agonist) is effective in the treatment of migraine attacks in adults. However, in the treatment of children with migraine, Sumadapan does not have any benefits compared to ibuprofen.

Preventive treatment.Propranolol Children are prescribed inside in the initial dose of 0.5-1.0 mg / kg / day 2 times a day, supporting dose - 2-4 mg / kg / day. In the presence of heart failure or bronchospasm, the drug does not apply.

Flunarizin - calcium channel blocker. Children with a weight of up to 40 kg are prescribed at a dose of 5 mg 1 time per day. The rest of the categories of children flunarizine are prescribed as an adult (20 mg 1 time in the first 2 weeks of preventive treatment, then 5-10 mg / day in 1-2 reception).

Anticonvulsants of the phenobarbital class or valproic acid in some cases make it possible to prevent the attack, but are prescribed only with frequently repeated attacks. Dosages for both anticonvulsants are selected individually (under the control of the doctor).

Tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline et al.) Are rarely used to prevent migraine (more often these drugs are used for tension head pain).

Symptomatic means.With nausea and vomit, metoclopramide (Cerukal, Raglan) is used at a dose of 0.5 mg / kg (intravenously, intramuscularly or inside). In this case, chlorpromazine (neuroleptic from the group of phenothiazine derivatives) and Prokhlorperazine are also used.

Chlorpromazine. To achieve a quick effect, you can use up to 3 age doses of the drug (intravenous) every 15 minutes. In parenteral administration in children over a year, one-time dose is 250-500 μg / kg (maximum dose in children under 5 years of age or with a body weight up to 23 kg reaches 49 mg / kg / day, and aged 5-12 years or with Body mass 23-46 kg - 75 mg / kg / day). When taking into the patients aged 1-5 years, the drug is prescribed in a daily dose of 500 μg / kg (every 4-6 hours), children over 5 years old - from 1/3 to 1/2 dose of an adult (one-time dose for adults is 10- 100 mg, daily-25-600 mg). Maximum dose for children up to 5 years old when taking inside - 40 mg per day, for patients older than 5 years - 75 mg per day.

Non-Migration Migration Treatment Methods

Dietherapy. Since food allergies often plays the role of a launcher of migraine and in children, it is recommended to exclude a child from the diet suffering from migraine, a number of products (milk, cheese, eggs, chocolate, oranges, wheat and rye flour products, tomatoes, etc.). To avoid products with such food additiveslike glutamic sodium and nitrites.

Among other non-drug approaches to the prophylactic treatment of migraine should be mentioned by Wushu classes, karate, yoga, training system of "biological feedback", igloreflexotherapy.

Treatment of cluster headaches. In the therapy of acute attacks of the disease, Sumadapan is widely used. Less effective means NSAIDs and derivatives of ergotamine are considered. Inhalation of pure oxygen is also among therapeutic measures in the development of seizures of cluster headaches (inhalation of 100% oxygen).

The prophylactic treatment of the beam headache provides for the purpose of β-adrenobloclars (propranolol, etc.), carbamazepine, lithium preparations, and prednisone (a course of no more than 5 days) and calcium channel blockers (verapamila). The dosage of propranolol is given above.

Carbamazepine (Tegretol, Finlepsin) is an anticonvulsant (derivative of iminolben). The average daily dose of the drug (inside) is 20 mg / kg / day (on average in children up to a year - 0.1-0.2 g, 1-5 years - 0.2-0.4 g, 5-10 years - 0.4-0.6 g, 10-15 years - 0.6-1.0 g / day).

Lithium carbonate (contempidol, sedalitis) is often used from lithium preparations. This normologic remedy is taken during meals, drinking it with water or milk. At the same time control the content of lithium blood, maintaining its concentration of 0.5-1.0 mmol / l. At a dose of lithium carbonate, a component of 1.0 g / day, the normalization of the concentration of lithium should be expected in 10-14 days. The course of preventive monotherapy with carbonate lithium drugs should be at least 6 months.

Prednisolone. If necessary, in the first days of treatment, this corticosteroid hormone is prescribed (PER OS) at the rate of 1-1.5 mg / kg of body weight / day, then the dose is reduced and the drug is canceled.

Verapamil (isoptin, phenoptin) - calcium channel blocker. It is accepted inside during or immediately after eating (in 2-3 receptions). The drug is powered by sufficient liquid. For children aged 1-15 years, the dosage is 0.1-0.3 μg / kg / day (one-time dose no more than 2-5 mg).

Treatment of tension headache. With this disease, the leading role belongs to the treatment of NSAIDs. In addition, a combination of NSAIDs with diazepam (sadocent, relainium) can be used. The latter is prescribed (when taking inside) in the next one-time dosage: 1-3 years - 0.001 g, 3-7 years - 0.002 g, 7 years and more - 0.003-0.005 g.

Tizandine (Sirdalud) - Miorolaksant of the central action, widely used in the therapy of the GB of voltage in adults. The experience of its use in children is limited.

Tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline, imipramine). Regardless of age and the path of administration (inside, intramuscularly, intravenously), amitriptyline is prescribed from 0.05-0.075 g / day, gradually increasing the dose by 0.025-0.05 g before reaching the effect. Imipramine (Melipramine, Imizin) Children are prescribed from 0.01 g 1 time per day, gradually (within 10 days) dose increase to 0.02 g of children 1-7 years, to 0.02-0.05 g - children 8-14 years old (patients over 14 years old - up to 0.05 g or more day).

  1. Yakhno N. N., Parfenov V. A., Alekseev V. V. Headache: Reference Guide for Doctors "R-DOCTOR". Series "Nosology". M., 2000. 150 s.
  2. Chu M. L., Shinnar S. Headaches in Children Younger Than 7 Years of Age // Arch. Neurol. 1992. Vol. 49. P. 79-82.
  3. Headache Classification Committee of The International Headache Society. Classification and Diagnostic Criteria for Headache Disorders, Cranial Neuralgias and Facial Pain // Cephalalgia. 1988. V. 8. Suppl. 7. 96 p.
  4. GoAdsby J. P. Update of the Anatomy and Physiology of Headache // abstr. Of 2-D Congress EUR. Fed. Chapt. of IASP. Barcelona. 1997. P. 79.
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  6. DALESSIO D. J. WOLFF "S Headache and Other Head Pain. Oxford University Press. New York. 1980.
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  8. Lauritzen M. Pathophysiology of the Migraine Aura. The Spreading Depression Therapy // Brain. 1994. Vol. 117. P. 199-210.
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  19. Wilkinson M. Migraine and headaches / lane. from English K.: "Sofia". 1997. 112 p.
  20. Clinical recommendations based on evidence-based medicine / per. from English Ed. I. N. Denisova, V. I. Kulakova, R. M. Khaitova. M.: Gootar-Med, 2001. 1248 p.

The child of preschool age is weakly differentiates the source of pain and can complain about the headache for diseases of the ears, eyes, with pain in the neck, etc. The child of younger age can not complain about pain in the head, but about the presence of pain can be guessing on suffering The expression of the face, on the winding head or, on the contrary, on its intense fixation. Sometimes the headache is expressed by crying, increased irritability of the child. Often, children when headaches are trying to squeeze their heads with their hands, jerk themselves. And only at school age as a headache complaint can be considered reliable.

To clarify the causes of headaches, the observation of the child close to the characteristics of the child is very important. It is necessary to try to clarify the localization of headaches: in the frontal, temporal, dark, occipient departments, in the eye, ears, nose. It is important to find out the prevalence of pain: one-sided or diffuse. The characteristic of the headache is important: a sudden or gradually increasing, acute or stupid, passing independently or after receiving painkillers or soothing means. Parents may notice related manifestation headaches: pale or redness of the face, weakness, lethargy, or excitement, nausea, vomiting, dizziness. And of course, it is very important to try to catch the connection of the appearance of a headache with some circumstances: a stressful situation, physical activity, fatigue, traveling in transport, receiving some drugs.

A huge number of diseases accompanied by headache can be combined in 3 large groups: common diseases of the child, brain disease and diseases of non-injury heads.

The headache in a child may be at various diseases: with adenoid dissections, meningitis, encephalitis, arachnoid, with inflammation of the apparent sinuses, in poisoning, fainting, with a cold, etc. Often, the headache occurs in a child with a feverish condition, with an excessively long stay in the sun. Often headaches in the child arise as a result of physical or mental overwork (for example, the child played a very long time with other children into some mobile games, it was long in a state of mental stress, performing homework, etc.). Since the headache in most cases is just one of the symptoms of the underlying disease, the cure of the child from this disease immediately leads to the fact that the headache disappears. The elimination of other causes of headaches also quickly leads to an improvement in the child's well-being. .

Under what common diseases does the child have a headache?

Many acute infectious inflammatory diseases are accompanied by headaches: influenza, angina, pyelo and glomerulonephritis, sophisticated inflammation, lung inflammation, etc. Headache in these cases occurs against the background of intoxication during the high body temperature, is characterized by a spilled character, decreases against the background of the reception Antipyretic funds with and an anesthetic effect (Calpol, paracetamol, Panadol, Efferoralgan, etc.), continues for several days and passes as the child's well-being improved.
Some school children have seizures of very intense headaches localized in one half of the head, accompanied by light-friendly, nausea and vomiting, - migraine. After vomiting, the headache usually passes. Sometimes such attacks of headaches in children are combined with vision disorder, abdominal pain. The attack lasts several hours and ends with a dream. During the headache, the child needs maximum peace (darkened room, silence), abundant fractional alkaline drink, means of improving the brain circulation (vasogram, nicerholine), painkillers (barallgyin, cavelgin, etc.). For children with migraines, a dairy-plant diet is preferable, restriction in the diet of animal fats, exclusion of by-products (liver, kidneys, brains), cocoa, coffee, chocolate, spinach, green peas. Such children are protected from excess psycho-emotional loads, stress. In order to prevent migraine attacks, pisotype, lysuride, methisrigid are used.

What is fainting?

One possible manifestations of the NCD are fainting - short-term loss of consciousness due to a sudden deterioration in the blood supply of the brain. Funnyhounds can occur in children with a labile nervous system with strong emotions, fright, during starvation, in a stuffy room, with a sharp body transition from a horizontal position to vertical, with a quick turn of the head. Often the loss of consciousness is preceded by weakness, headache, dizziness, darkening in the eyes, noise in the ears, dizziness, nausea, numbness and legs. The child's face is usually pale, covered with cold later, the muscles are weakening (the tone decreases), pupils are expanding, breathing and pulse are rapidly, the blood pressure is reduced, consciousness is reduced. In addition to the NCD, the cause of fainting can be a serious brain disease, cardiovascular system. Therefore, in the case of repeated frustrations, a child must be examined by a neuropathologist, cardiologist, an oculist.

When fainting, causing a doctor, put a child without a pillow with raised legs; Free breasts from the shy breath of clothing; Carry the room; Squint the child's face with cold water; Vatka, moistened in the ammonia alcohol, bring to the nose and scroll through the whiskey of the child. When the child comes to himself, drink it strong sweet tea.

What brain diseases should be eliminated if the child often has a headache?

If a strong headache appeared suddenly, it is localized in the temporal, frontal regions or covered the entire head, if multiple vomiting has begun at the same time, a chill appeared and a very high temperature appeared, it was not excluded that a child inflammatory disease brain ( encephalitis) or his shells ( meningitis). If the child has aware of consciousness and convulsions arise, this diagnosis is very likely. Children complain of severe pain in the rear sections of the neck. Attempting to hunch the baby's head to the chest is accompanied by a strong pain and tension of the muscles of the neck. Often, children lie, throwing the head back.

Meningitis and encephalitis are very serious diseases that can end the safest way. Urgently call the doctor, and if the suspicions are confirmed, the child will have to urgently put into an infectious hospital for intensive treatment.

Headache, which appeared after the injury of the head, accompanied by nausea, and maybe vomiting, allows you to suspect a child shakeor brain injury. There may be other symptoms: dizziness, violations. The appearance of these symptoms is due to the edema of the brain, and maybe hemorrhage into the brain. The child needs to be put in a horizontal position, attach cold to the head area and call a doctor. Perhaps the child will have to be placed in the hospital at least 10 days during which it will be in bed. After extracting from the hospital for 1-2 months, the child will have to take preparations that improve the power of the brain cell (pyridoxine, glutamic acid, etc.) and the blood supply of the brain (Cavinton, Vinpocetin). In the absence of timely treatment, post-traumatic encephalopathy can be formed, in which headaches may continue for months.

Headache - a permanent satellite of increased intracranial pressure ( intracranial hypertension), which may be due to the increased products of the spinal curtain fluid, which reduces it with resorption or violation of its circulation. These increments in children over 3 years, as a rule, have acquired in nature and develop after damage to the brain in childbirth, after concussion, or after the brain infections. The diagnosis can be confirmed by a radiological study of the skull, neurosonography, computed tomography of the brain. Treatment will be appointed neuropathologist depending on the mechanism of increasing intracranial pressure.

At what other diseases do the child have a headache?

Frequent cause of headaches in a child is inflammation of the incomplete sinuses (Lobnaya, Gaimore). Moreover, at the same time, the headache appears in the morning due to the filling of the sinuses in the pus and increase pressure in them. Characterized with headaches with lowered down head. Sometimes headache is one-sided character - on the side of the defeat. Typical nasal congestion and mucous-purulent discharge from the nose, mainly from the same side. It is possible to increase body temperature. Child should show an otorinolaryngologist. The diagnosis can be confirmed by a radiographic study of the sinuses of the nose. The treatment is aimed at improving the outflow from the sinuses of the nose (Nasivin, Galazoline, vibration), the ignition of the nasal mucus (rino-floimimucil), with an antibiotic purpose, it is possible to wash the sinuses of the nose.

Children of junior preschool age are often complaining of headache with the inflammation of the middle ear ( acute otitis). Usually otitis in children is a complication of a cold, accompanied by an increase in body temperature. The pain is localized on the side of the inflamed ear. The child turns his head, twisters the patient with his hand. The diagnosis will help to establish an otolaryngologist, the volume of treatment will depend on the form of otitis (catarrhal, purulent, hemorrhagic).

Before examining the doctor, you can drip a drop in the nose drops that reduce the edema of mucous membranes (Galazoline, Nazivin, Tizin, etc.) and, if there are no discharge from the ear, you can drip painkillery drops in the auditory pass (otinum, otipax). For strong pain The child should be given painkillers (paracetamol, analgin) and "put" in the ear of a semipart compress. To do this, the gauze napkin is wetted by vodka or heated alcohol and through a pre-made slot to wear on the ear shell. From above, the napkin is closed with compressor paper or cellophane (also with a slot), then the wool layer is applied and tied with a handkerchief. Compress put for 4 hours.

Not frequent, but very unpleasant cause of headaches may be Neuralgia of the upper branch of the trigeminal nerve. The pain is very intense, one-sided, enhanced with the slightest touch to the skin and even to the hair. Characteristically enhanced pain when pressing in the temporal area (the place of the release of this branch of the trigeminal nerve from the skull). The child should give an anesthetic, make a dry warm compress on the temporal area and need to contact the neuropathologist.

The child may complain about the head-pain herpetic rashes on the scalp. The pain may be so intense that the child does not allow to touch the hair. When examining the skin of the head under the hair, you can detect the elements of the rash. Elements are treated with zovirax cream, you should contact the dermatologist.

Occasionally in children the cause of headaches happens erysipelas Skin of the scalp. At the same time, a redness and swelling of the skin can be discovered under the hair with clearly limited circuits. Characterized body temperature, chills, intoxication. The disease occurs hard, it is often necessary to treat the child in the infectious compartment.

The basis of therapy is antibacterial agents.

Headache in children can occur when violation of vision (myopia, astigmatism). It is characteristic that the pain appears after classes requiring voltages. Pains appear in attacks, localized in the field of forehead or eyeboards and accompanied by impaired vision. The diagnosis can confirm the oculist. Treatment consists in vision correction.

Of course, we reviewed only the most frequent causes of headaches in children. As you have convinced, the headache can be both an episodic symptom and manifestation of severe disease. It should not be forgotten that some children have headache complaints may be just a reason for evasion from school classes. But even in this case, this complaint cannot be ignored. A child with headaches needs a compulsory medical examination.

  • it is mandatory to remove any physical or mental load from the child, provide him with the opportunity to lie down, relax (but resting should be lying on a high pillow so that the blood does not pour into the head). You can make a brief walk in the fresh air. If the cause of headaches in an overly debt stay in the sun, the child is recommended to relax in the shade, in the coolness;
  • organize a calm atmosphere around the child, give him the opportunity to sleep. The most heated with a headache is a dream in the fresh air - on the veranda, in the garden. When a child stacked to sleep in the room, it follows this room to ventilate. If you allow the time of year and weather, the child should sleep when an open window is open or when the window is open;
  • talk with a child about pleasant, dream, distract him from thoughts about headaches. You can promise a new toy to the child; You can give him something delicious (but a little, because the headache is often accompanied by nausea, and food intake can cause vomiting);
  • before resorting to the help of painkillers, the mother can try to apply other means that facilitate headache or can eliminate it completely. So, for example, a massage may be very effective. It is recommended to slightly massate the child whiskey, forehead, the occipital region, the rear surface of the neck, adapter;
  • a child over 6 years old suffering from headaches, to give an inward painful tools. These funds include analgin, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), ascofen, citrate, paracetamol, etc. can help the child get rid of headache and but-shp;
  • resort to distracting therapy. As very effective distracting procedures, it is possible to recommend warm shaft baths, hot hand baths, hot foot baths Hot shower on the neck area (on the so-called "collar zone"), a warm common shower, cold to the forehead area, etc. The named procedures cause The redistribution of blood in the body - blood varies from the head, and the Gallinal pain either decreases or disappears the Council. Mustache can be used as distracting agents; In case of severe headache, they are recommended to put on the occipital region or on the back surface of the head; You can wash the child with very warm water, this procedure also has a distracting effect, and very fast. If you put a child on the forehead with a hot compress, the headache can also quickly go to no;
  • often the cleansing enema helps to quickly get rid of the headaches. This is explained as follows: toxic substances are removed from the large intestine, which, sucking with water, could cause headaches or could enhance the headache;

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