
Divination with a ring of thread. The most truthful fortune telling on the ring at home. Fortune telling on four rings

The indisputable advantage of this method divination is a high degree of truthfulness of the information received. In addition, such a magical rite is quite simple to perform, so divination on wedding rings can be performed even at home.

In magical practice, there are several types of fortune telling: for personal life, for marriage, for welfare, etc. For magical sessions, married women should only use their own wedding rings. Divination for unmarried girls and unmarried men is carried out using the wedding rings of their closest relatives. Before the divination procedure, the wedding ring should be subjected to "energy cleansing". To do this, the wedding ring is dipped into well or spring water and kept in it for several days.

Preparing for divination on a wedding ring

Fortune-telling with the help of wedding rings is allowed on any weekday, except Monday. Friday evening is considered the best time among fortune-tellers to make predictions based on this method.

Before the fortune-telling, the room is covered with dark dense curtains, the lights are turned off and natural wax candles are lit. Then a few minutes are devoted to meditation, body and spiritual relaxation. For fortune-telling, they remove all jewelry and things with religious paraphernalia, change into light, free and light-colored without any belts, belts and fasteners.

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Divination process on a wedding ring

The most popular way of fortune telling is fortune telling with the help of several rings. In this case, a small amount of any dry friable cereal is poured into a deep plate or bowl. Wedding rings are thoroughly mixed with cereals. After that, they collect a handful of cereals in left hand and try to find the coveted ring in it.

The most interesting variation of this method of divination is a magic session with a wedding ring and water. This method allows, under certain circumstances, the image (reflection) of the intended person. To do this, a wedding ring is lowered to the bottom of a bowl with clean spring (well) water. Then they gaze intently at the water until some human image appears. At the moment of the appearance of the image, they firmly close their eyes and turn their backs to it. These actions will contribute to the fact that the appeared image will remain in the memory of the fortuneteller for a long time.

Interpretation of divination on a wedding ring

The explanation of the results obtained in the process of divination on wedding rings depends on the purpose and method of divination, the number and gender of the participants, the material of magical attributes. For example, when fortune-telling with the help of a ring and cereal, the results obtained are explained quite simply: if someone else's wedding ring is found in the cereal, the groom will appear in the near future. Revealing your ring speaks of a future long and happy marriage. If the ring cannot be found, the wedding will not be possible in the near future.

Fortune telling with a ring and a thread is very old and is known to almost everyone. Our ancestors also resorted to this fortune-telling to resolve various life issues. It is quite simple in execution and does not require something supernatural - you need a thread (in the original you used your own hair), and, in fact, the ring itself, sometimes a container with water is also used for fortune telling, but this is not necessary.

Preparing for fortune telling

The ring, in theory, should belong to the fortuneteller, but you can take any other. If someone else's ring is taken, then first you need to charge it with your own energy, and this is why you need a container with clean water. The ring is immersed in water for a while - a couple of hours is enough. The ring itself should be made of precious materials, ideally gold, it should be without engravings and should not be decorated with stones. A wedding ring is ideal, but single people can use ordinary rings, as long as they fit in all parameters.

The best day for this fortune-telling is Friday, but fortune-telling can be done on days other than Monday. The ritual is best performed in the evening, and ideally at night. The room must be empty and the electric lighting must be turned off, only dim candle light is allowed. Before the fortune-telling itself, the fortuneteller must take off all jewelry, as well as church accessories, no rings, no chains, no bracelets should remain on the body. If a woman is wondering, then it is best to loose the hair and, in general, remove all the belts and belts - nothing should tie the clothes.

Next, an ordinary thread is taken, according to tradition, in general, they used the hair from the fortuneteller's head, but if the length of the hair does not allow this, then a simple thread will do. With a thread fifteen to twenty centimeters long, a ring is tied on one side, and the other part of the thread is left free, thus, a kind of fortune-telling instrument is obtained - a pendulum. The resulting pendulum must first be tuned and charged with the energy of the one to whom they are guessing. To do this, you need to hold the finished pendulum in your palms for several minutes, thinking about something specific.

The interpretation of fortune-telling

Further, for a correct interpretation, it is necessary to adjust the work of the pendulum itself, that is, to determine which movement will correspond to a certain answer - positive or negative. To do this, you need to take a ring with a thread in such a way that one free end of it is stretched over flat surface hand, and the other end, on which the attached ring is located, was above the surface itself and took a calm position and did not move.

First, you need to ask a few simple generalized questions, the answer to which will be unequivocal - "yes" or "no". As simple questions, such questions are suitable, the answers to which are obvious and known, for example, if a woman is wondering, then she asks: - "Am I a woman?" or - "Do I have children?" After the question is asked, you need to observe the reaction of the pendulum - namely, how it moves to a question with positive and negative answers - in a circle or in a straight line. If the movement is not definite, and it is impossible to understand a clear answer, then this means that there is still no answer to this question, fortune-telling should be postponed for another time.

Divination technique

When the pendulum is tuned, and everything is ready for the very fortune-telling, then you need to bring the pendulum to its original position and mentally clearly formulate the question of interest and then carefully follow in which direction the pendulum is moving. When the movements of the pendulum become clear and definite, then we can assume that the response to the question asked received.

It is not worth asking too many questions in one fortune-telling session, the information can be confused, and a reliable answer will not work. At a time, it is enough to ask a couple or three questions, the answers to which haunt.

Before each new question, you need to stop the movement of the pendulum and return it to its original position. You need to carefully concentrate on a specific issue, mentally imagine the circumstances, time and its participants. There is no doubt that with such concentration and with the observance of all conditions, the answers to the questions posed will be given correctly and definitely.

Thus, fortune telling on a ring and a string is simple and accessible to everyone. In addition, it is really interesting and do not forget that a pendulum constructed in this way is the most common thing for psychics, it is a traditional object that has won a worthy place in their activities.

Fortune telling in Russia from time immemorial. Different methods were used for this, people passed on the essence of each rite to each other. One of them is fortune telling on the ring. With his help, they tried to find out and predict the future. And now this popular and truthful method of our ancestors has not been forgotten, in order to console curiosity and look into the eyes of our fate.

Prophet ring

What did our glorious ancestors want to know, guessing on the ring? How many years are left to live? To be wealthy or not? Probably, they wanted to know this too, but nevertheless, it is recognized that fortune-telling on a wedding ring was the best way to learn about a spouse and love.

It is not difficult to perform a fortune-telling rite by this method, but, nevertheless, there are rules, non-observance of which can distort information. Fortune telling with a wedding ring and a glass and a thread is not difficult. But it also requires compliance with the rules. And in order to be completely confident, guessing on the ring, you should strictly adhere to the norms and recommendations given below.

What and how to do, guessing on the ring.

Monday has always been considered and is considered a "hard" day. This is probably why, when fortune-telling on the ring, the first day of the week should be excluded. Fortune-telling will not bring the desired result on Monday. On other days, whether it is Tuesday or Thursday, you can guess. But still, the most suitable day to look into the future is Friday. Try to guess on this particular day.

So, we have decided on the day of the week, now it remains to choose the most suitable time. Evening time is considered the best. But here, too, there are certain rules. In order to get the most truthful result possible, one should try to perform the ritual late at night. At the same time, there is no light, you should forget about bulbs - only candles, moreover, made of natural wax.

If you wear various jewelry, then before you start fortune-telling you need to remove all of them for a while. You should not be wearing earrings, rings, bracelets, or any other valuables. Even religious items are recommended to be removed for the duration of the ritual.

Before you start fortune-telling, you need to free yourself from any encircling objects, for example, remove the belt if you are wearing it.
Hair must be unbound and combed.

You should concentrate as much as possible. And devote yourself to meditation for a few minutes. Focus on what interests you the most.
Particular attention should be paid to the ring on which you are going to guess. It is not
Must be engraved and have any patterns on it. It is better for the ring to be gold, but it must be made of precious metal.

If a woman who is not married is going to guess, then she can borrow a wedding ring from a close relative. It is not forbidden to take your girlfriend's ring. When this is not possible, it is not forbidden to guess on a simple (not wedding) ring. The main thing is that all other requirements are met.

When using a ring of a friend or close relative, it must be rid of someone else's energy. There is a special rite for this. Clean water also cleans. The ring should be lowered into it for an hour or two.

With a ring and thread

For those who are going to find out when they are lucky enough to go down the aisle, how many children are waiting for them in marriage, The best way- fortune telling on a ring with a thread. The ceremony is also simple. To complete it, you need a glass of crystal clear water, a black thread and a gold ring. Fill the glass to a quarter. Then take a gold ring in your hand and tie a black thread to it. It should be no more than 20 centimeters long.

Fortune telling with a wedding ring and a glass requires maximum concentration. When carrying out this rite, it is necessary to try to catch every, slightest, movement of the ring. This is whether you can feel his answer. Otherwise, fortune telling with a ring and a glass of water will not bring the desired result.

Holding the glass in one hand, slowly lower the ring tied to the thread into it to the maximum depth, but only so that it does not touch the water. The ring will start twisting, it will hit the vessel.

The main thing here is how many blows there will be on the glass. The result of fortune-telling will depend on the quantity. One blow to the wall - one year before your marriage. The same applies to the number of children.

Divination methods

There are several ways of fortune telling. Each has its own specifics. Let's try to dwell on some of them.


For this we need to have, of course. The most important attribute of fortune telling is a wedding ring. And also two pairs of small pieces (pieces) of fabric, preferably made of natural fibers, and two pairs of deep plates. And for the purity of fortune-telling, you need to invite your girlfriend. This ritual is possible only for a couple with someone you fully trust.

After all the conditions are met, you will need to temporarily leave the room in which you are going to guess. During your absence, your friend will have to perform a number of simple actions: put a ring in one of the plates on the table and cover with a cloth. When you return, you must guess where the ring is. Whether you guess it or not, your marriage depends.

To do this, make the first attempt and choose a plate. If you are lucky - there is a ring in the plate - it means that fate is giving you a sign, and you will get married in the very near future. If the first attempt is unsuccessful, then do not despair. Luck on the second try isn't bad either. Because marriage is likely. Only the third unsuccessful attempt postpones the wedding indefinitely, and certainly, it is not worth counting on this event in the near future.

Condition and four rings

To tell fortunes in this way, you also need to invite a friend whom you completely trust and ask her to help you perform the ceremony. But here you will need 4 rings. Two of them must be made of precious metals. The third ring will be copper, and the fourth with any semi-precious stone.

Prepare the rings and place them on the table. A friend will blindfold you with a thick cloth, through which you cannot see anything, and will take you away from the table. When this is done, your friend should crank you at least three times. This must be done clockwise. Then, by the hand, she returns you to the table, on which rings are already lying, ready for fortune-telling.

You should bring up and, set your hand parallel to the table, slowly lower it and take a ring that comes under your hand. Each of the four rings portends something.

If you have a gold ring in your hand, it means that a great fortune awaits you. You will no longer have a need, money problems will leave you forever.

A silver ring will not bring momentary wealth, but, nevertheless, it will give hope for it. By choosing this ring, you have a great chance to get rich. At the same time, one must remember: the chance will have to be used skillfully and not to miss it.

The copper ring does not promise wealth, but you will not have any serious financial problems in the near future. So, the copper ring you have chosen is not to be feared. There is even hope that there will be positive aspects in financial matters.

It's another matter if your choice falls on a ring with a stone. This is a sign that you need to be careful with your money. Material losses are almost inevitable.

The ring will tell who your fiancé is

In this fortune-telling, you will need a ring of only those who are close to you by blood: mother, grandmother or sister, and a glass of crystal clear water. You need to throw a ring into it and wait a little. When everything has settled down in the glass, you will have to carefully look into the ring. If all actions are performed correctly, fortune-telling with a ring and a glass will bring results - you should see the image of your future husband.

There is another option for fortune telling. Here you will need for the ceremony - a wedding ring, thread and the names of applicants for your hand and heart, written on small pieces of paper. These name sheets should be kept closed. Guide the thread with the ring onto each sheet. If it is immovable on one of them, it means that relations with this gentleman will not work out. Where the swing of the "pendulum" will be greatest is your destiny.

Find out the gender of the child

Using this method, you can determine who the mother will have, a boy or a girl. For this, in addition to the ring, you will need a natural fiber thread. We tie the ring to the thread, and hold it over the belly of the expectant mother. The gender of the child will indicate the action of the "pendulum". If a pregnant woman is expecting a boy, then the ring will spin, if a girl - she will swing to the right - to the left.

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Kan Victoria Vladimirovna

Specialist in divination and spiritual practices. For 2 years she traveled to Tibet and India. Conducts fortune-telling sessions for the readers of our resource for free.

Articles written

Ancient fortune telling on precious rings is an ancient ritual with the help of which women wanted and want to find answers to their innermost questions. Thanks to this magical method, absolutely anyone can look into the future.

There are many options for how you can guess on silver rings, and on gold, and on wedding rings, using a thread, and even on several at once.

Divination on the wedding ring

Since ancient times, girls who want to know when they will get married have used fortune-telling on a wedding ring. After all, it was from time immemorial that it was considered a symbol of loyalty and endless love.

With rings and saucers

To carry out this ritual, you need to ask a woman for help. She will take four pieces of cloth and four saucers. He will hide the decoration in one of the plates and cover them all with a cloth. Depending on how quickly you managed to find the ring and you should interpret the result.

If everything worked out the first time, then marriage is expected this year. If the second time, then the dream will come true in a year. The ring, discovered on the third try, means a wedding within two years. Well, the decoration, found the fourth time, testifies to the fact that it is not destiny to go to the altar for now.

Using a glass ring

Take a glass without chips and defects, wash it. It is correct to start fortune-telling strictly at midnight. Fill half with water and place by the lighted candle. Place the jewelry horizontally in water and slowly lower it. They say that, peering into the bottom, you can see the facial features of the future spouse.

For an alliance with a certain man

So that with a certain person you need to take a ring on a string and hang it over his photograph. In the case of movement in a circle, the likelihood of marriage is very high. A happy marriage with the appearance of children promises a clockwise movement, but counterclockwise oscillations predict an unsuccessful union. Immobility foreshadowed loneliness for the coming year.

Divination for love

Love fortune telling on the ring will allow you to find out whether the guy of interest is experiencing cherished feelings.

Male names

This is a popular fortune telling on a gold ring for a cherished marriage. In this way, you can find out the name of a man who will become a spouse in the future. Write the names on the sheets and turn them backwards, put them on the table. Thread a ring through the thread and bring it to each piece of paper one by one.

The more the jewelry rotates, the higher the likelihood that this particular person will become a husband. A young man is not at all suitable if the ring is frozen.

Do not be upset, perhaps other fortune-telling will tell you how soon it will turn out to find your soul mate.

The alphabet and divination by the ring for a probable marriage

One of the options can be considered this quick way... Having written the letters of the alphabet in a circle, it is necessary to hang the ring above them in the center and you can safely proceed to fortune telling. Ask questions with the answer "yes" or "no". Next, you need to fold the letters that the decoration points to into words.

With hair

If it is necessary to clarify whether there is, resort to fortune telling using hair.

You need to take three women's hair and your personal jewelry. Hang it by hairs, go outside exactly at midnight and turn towards the north. Say in a whisper: "Show your rival the porch." It was believed that the ring began to swing and the side where it pointed meant the place where the rival was.

The look of the dear

There is a very unusual fortune-telling on the ring for the upcoming marriage, in which you can see the appearance of a sweetheart in tongues of flame. Exactly at midnight, you need to take a candle and light it. Peer into the flames through the ring. They say that after a while the image of the future spouse will appear.

Rite of passage with a ring on a thread

Before you start fortune-telling on the ring, you need to prepare everything you need in advance. Since the process requires concentration. Excessive fuss will prevent you from getting answers to your questions.

Fortune telling on a ring with a woolen thread

Only woolen threads are used in fortune-telling. A sheet of paper is taken and a circle is drawn on it, divided into sectors. These sectors, as it were, symbolize the spheres of life and events. The hand with the ring on the string moves to the center of the circle. You need to ask a question and watch. The decoration will begin to move like a pendulum. In the direction where it rushes, and will mean what change awaits in the future.

Fortune telling on a ring with a woman's hair

For this method of fortune telling, you will need a glass 2/3 filled with water. Thread a hair into the ring, holding the tips in two fingers so that they are not visible from the outside. Bring the decoration and dip it in a glass for a couple of seconds. If the jewelry moves in a circle, this indicates a positive answer. If from side to side, then negative.

The ritual with the ring is considered complete if the tip of the hair slipped out of the pinch.

Fortune telling on four rings

There is an opinion that people are tied by an invisible red thread. One way or another, many girls dream that their husband is rich, wealthy and the thread is made of gold and other precious metals. Therefore, there are several types of predictions of the material condition of a man.

The fortuneteller must have 4 rings with her: an engagement ring, a silver one, with a pebble, and simple jewelry. Fortune telling by a ring of different products will allow you to find out how much money the future husband will have. Place the rings in a bowl of grain and,
in spite of getting one. Interpret this way: with a stone - the marriage will be successful, and the spouse is very prosperous; silver product - there are chances of a rich husband; engagement - marriage for love and wealth will not matter much; simple copper - unfortunately, the groom will be extremely poor.

Divination with a ring to fulfill a wish

Every person dreams and expects that his cherished desire will come true. It is the following fortune-telling on the ring that will help determine whether a dream is destined to come true.

"Well no"

Whether the plan is realized or not, fortune-telling with a gold ring and a glass will clarify.

Take a glass of water, cut off a black or scarlet woolen thread 30 cm long. If there are no threads, you can use your own hair.

Tie one end to the ring, and hold the other with your hand. Take a glass filled to the brim with water and hanging a ring, start asking innermost questions aloud. The decoration slides in and slowly touches the walls of the glass.

The immobilized ring indicates that fortune-telling should be postponed, and the question should be asked after the lunar month.

Perhaps next time the fortune-telling attempt will be crowned with success.

Christmas divination with rings and grain

Divination with a ring and grain is very interesting.

Put the ring in the middle in the bottom of a deep bowl. Fill a bowl with grains soaked in water and set aside overnight
in the refrigerator. The result is assessed in the morning. When the ice is frozen uniformly and evenly, it expects happy marriage... If cracks with depressions are seen on the surface, then this is an omen of an unhappy family. While the appearance of ice bumps speaks of the appearance of several children in the family.

Divination by children

Since ancient times, fortune-telling on the floor of the desired child has been used on the wedding ring. After carrying out this magical ritual of a woman, it was assumed who would be born a boy or a girl.

Divination by the ring on the sex of the child

Nowadays, fortune telling on the sex of the unborn child is one of the most common and popular among girls.

They filled a basin with water, hung the ring over the cent so that it barely touched the water. If the jewelry moved around, then the girl was expected. If it rotated from side to side - a boy.

Divination by the number of children

To find out how many children there will be in the family, fortune-telling was carried out exactly at midnight. For this, the wedding ring, previously put in a glass of water, was removed overnight in the freezer. In the morning they took him out and looked at the ice. They drew a conclusion: the mounds symbolize the sons, and the hollows of the daughters.

Since ancient times, rings have been attributed magical properties... This decoration was worn as a talisman or talisman, and was also used in fortune telling. Fortune telling on the ring is the most common and effective method find out your future. Let's look at some types of divination with a ring that can answer any of your questions.

Divination with a ring on a string

This ritual is suitable for those who want to know the answer to any question. You will need a ring, woolen thread, and paper with a pen. Divide a piece of paper in two. Write “yes” at the top of the sheet and “no” at the bottom. Then hang the ring on a string, the length of which should be about 30 centimeters, light two candles and tune in to fortune telling. Write in advance the questions that you will ask the ring. They should be clear and understandable. Questions should be formulated in such a way that they can be answered with either yes or no.

Lift the ring by the string and hold it over the piece of paper, preferably in the center of it. Try not to move your hand. Ask your question and observe which answer the ring is leaning towards. If it moves towards "yes", then the answer is positive, if towards "no" - negative.

Divination with a ring and a glass

This divination is similar to the previous ritual. It can also answer any of your questions in a yes / no format. Pour water into a clear glass, take a ring and hang it on your hair. Dip the ring in water and then lift it up to the edge of the glass. Ask your question. If the ring moves back and forth or left and right, then the answer will be negative, if it moves in a circle, then the answer will be yes. If it stands still, then this is a sign of the uncertainty of your fate on this issue.

Divination on the ring for marriage

This ancient fortune-telling was usually carried out in a large company. Unmarried girls, who wanted to know when they would get married, poured grain into a small bag and buried a ring in it. After that, each girl took turns taking a handful of grain from the bag. The one who has a ring in her hand along with the grain will be the first to marry.

There is another way of divination for marriage. This ritual can tell about the future family life. Take your ring and place it in a small, deep saucer. Add a teaspoon of any cereal there. The saucer with all the contents must be taken out into the cold for the night, or put in the freezer.

In the morning, you need to get a saucer and carefully look at the surface of the water. If the ice is even, then family life will be long and happy. If dents are clearly visible on the surface, the marriage will be unsuccessful and bring a lot of trouble. If the ice on the surface of the saucer is covered with bumps, there will be a lot of money and children.

Divination on the wedding ring

For fortune telling, you must use only a wedding ring. Put it in a saucer of water, light two candles. Then lean a small mirror against the edge of the saucer so that you can see the ring in its reflection. Then ask your question and look closely at the reflection. In a few minutes, a clear outline of your future may appear there.

We hope that our fortune telling on the ring will tell you about future events and answer all your questions. Believe only the best and do not forget to press the buttons and

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