
Give at least the last tenderness to cover. Lilichka!: The Story of Vladimir Mayakovsky's Most Passionate Poem. Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "Lilichka!"

An uncompromising fighter for communist ideals, a tribune of the revolution - this is how Vladimir Mayakovsky is seen in the minds of many modern readers. And there are good reasons for this - in the creative heritage of the poet, a significant share is occupied by patriotic works that combine harsh criticism of enemies and undisguised pathos. Against such a background, the lyrical masterpiece “Lilichka! Instead of a letter. Like no other work by Mayakovsky, it exposes his true, vulnerable, loving soul.

Echoes of mad love

The creation of the poem was preceded by a meeting between Vladimir Mayakovsky and a woman who became his lyrical muse and the main love of his life. In the hot summer of 1915, Mayakovsky's fiancee Elsa brought him to visit her sister Lily, who was married to Osip Brik. Lily did not differ in beauty - some contemporaries even saw a monster in her. However, she had a hypnotic, almost mystical effect on men. Today, psychologists explain this feature of Brik by her hypersexuality.

Photographs serve as indirect confirmation - without hesitation, she posed naked in front of the lens. The fate of the victim of the fatal woman did not bypass Mayakovsky either. He falls in love with Lily at first sight and can no longer leave her. In the fall, he moves to a new place of residence - closer to Brik's apartment and introduces married couple with my fellow writers.

There is a kind of salon where creative "cream of society" gathers, and Mayakovsky gets the much-desired opportunity to see Lily regularly. The presence of a spouse does not interfere with the development of a stormy romance. To imagine the torment Mayakovsky endured while in this still classic love triangle, one can jump ahead and draw parallels with the subsequent period of “threesome life”.

In 1918, Mayakovsky could not stand the intensity of feelings and turned to Lily and Osip with a request to accept him into their family. Defiant of all moral norms, the couple agreed. Subsequently, Lily convinced others that she lived with her lawful spouse under the same roof only out of pity for him, and was devoted to Mayakovsky in body and soul. However, this was not the case.

From Lily's memoirs it follows that she made love with her lawful spouse, and Volodya was locked in the kitchen for this time. Screaming, crying and scratching the door, he tried to break through to them ...

Lily, on the other hand, did not see anything wrong with Mayakovsky's love suffering and believed that it was after such shocks that brilliant works were born. Probably, something similar happened in May 1916, when in the poem "Lilichka!" Mayakovsky threw out the whole storm of his emotions. Moreover, at the time of the creation of the masterpiece, the lovers were in the same room.

Out of the rules

Having exhausted oral convictions in the sincerity of his feelings, Mayakovsky turns to his beloved in poetic form. If among adherents of romanticism even unhappy love is depicted with the help of bright images, then the avant-garde artist Mayakovsky uses completely different techniques. Despite the gentle title, in the poem itself the poet expresses his feelings with rude, contrasting epithets.

His words rumble like falling rocks and clang like iron. He compares his feelings with a heavy weight, feels that his heart is chained in iron. Love for him is bitterness, which can only be “bellowed out”. Separate refined epithets, speaking of a blossoming soul and tenderness, only emphasize the rudeness of the rest of the phrases.

Like most of Mayakovsky's works, Lilichka! written according to the canons of futurism, the main of which is the rejection of all the usual canons. And it seems symbolic.

Disregarding the traditions of marital relations, choosing free love, Mayakovsky uses equally free and unconventional tools to reflect his feelings. Their dissimilarity, non-standard, uniqueness is emphasized by a multitude of distorted words and neologisms: fried, krunykhovsky, excised, I will go crazy ...

Already during the creation of the poem, Mayakovsky sees a way out of the intricate love triangle in his suicide. But he immediately refuses death, which will not allow him even just to see the woman he loves. According to its emotional intensity, “Lilichka!” knows no equal. At the same time, the genius manages to express the ultimate passion, using an exclamation point only once - in the title.

Path to the reader

The first publication of the poem took place in 1934 - only 4 years after the death of the author. The non-trivial behavior of Lily Brik was the reason for subsequent censorship bans that were in effect until the end of the Soviet era. Only in 1984, in Chelyabinsk, another collection was released, including the poem "Lilichka!".

The lyrical masterpiece also inspired composers - Vladimir Mulyavin and Alexander Vasilyev wrote the music for it. Combining boundless melancholy and undisguised despair, touching tenderness and sentimentality, Mayakovsky's frank confessions allow even today to feel almost tactilely, on a physical level, how strong and tragic his love was.


Few people know about the Parisian muse of Mayakovsky Tatyana Yakovleva and that.

Instead of a letter

Smoke tobacco air has left.
Room -
head in krunykhovsky hell.
Remember -
behind this window
for the first time
your hands, frenzied, stroked.
Today you sit here
iron heart.
Another day -
you will expel
you can be scolding.
In the muddy front will not fit for a long time
trembling broken arm in the sleeve.
I'll run out
I will throw the body into the street.
go crazy
vanishing in despair.
Don't need this
Let's forgive now.
Does not matter
my love -
heavy weight after all -
hanging on you
wherever you run.
Let me roar in the last cry
the bitterness of offended complaints.
If the bull is killed with labor -
he will leave
thaw in cold waters.
Except your love
to me
there is no sea
and from your love and crying you will not beg for rest.
A tired elephant wants rest -
regal will lie down in the scorched sand.
Except your love
to me
no sun,
and I don't know where you are and with whom.
If so the poet was tormented,
I would exchange my beloved for money and fame,
and me
not a single joyful ringing,
except for the ringing of your favorite name.
And I won’t throw myself into the span,
and I won't drink poison
and I can’t pull the trigger over my temple.
over me,
except for your gaze
the blade of no knife has no power.
Tomorrow you will forget
who crowned you
that the soul blooming with love burned out,
and vain days swept carnival
ruffle the pages of my books...
Are my words dry leaves
make you stop
greedily breathing?

Give me at least
spread the last tenderness
your outgoing step.

Smoke tobacco air has left.
The room is a chapter in the Krunykhovsky hell.
Remember - behind this window for the first time
Your hands, frenzied, stroked.

Today you sit here, heart in iron.
Another day - you will expel, you can be scolded.
In the muddy front will not fit for a long time
A broken arm in a sleeve.

I'll run out, I'll throw the body into the street.
Wild, I will go mad, I will be cut with despair.
Don't need it, dear, good,
Let's say goodbye now.

All the same, my love is a heavy weight, after all,
Hanging on you wherever you run.
Let me roar in the last cry
The bitterness of offended complaints.

If the bull is killed with labor -
He will leave, unwind in cold waters.
In addition to your love, I have no sea,
And your love and crying can not beg for rest.

A tired elephant wants rest -
The royal will lie down in the scorched sand.
Except your love, I don't have the sun,
And I don't know where you are and with whom.

If so the poet was tormented,
He would exchange his beloved for money and fame,
And I do not have a happy ringing,
except for the ringing of your favorite name.

And I won’t throw myself into the span, and I won’t drink poison,
And I can’t pull the trigger over my temple.
Above me, except for your gaze,
The blade of no knife has no power.

Tomorrow you will forget that you were crowned,
That the soul blooming with love burned out,
and vain days swept carnival
Rip the pages of my books...

Are my words dry leaves
Forced to stop, greedily breathing?
Give at least the last tenderness to cover
Your outgoing step.

Other articles in the literary diary:

  • 20.07.2012. Mayakovsky Lilichka

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"Lily!" Vladimir Mayakovsky

Instead of a letter

Smoke tobacco air has left.
Room -
head in krunykhovsky hell.
Remember -
behind this window
for the first time
your hands, frenzied, stroked.
Today you sit here
iron heart.
Another day -
you will expel
you can be scolding.
In the muddy front will not fit for a long time
trembling broken arm in the sleeve.
I'll run out
I will throw the body into the street.
go crazy
vanishing in despair.
Don't need this
Let's forgive now.
Does not matter
my love -
heavy weight after all -
hanging on you
wherever you run.
Let me roar in the last cry
the bitterness of offended complaints.
If the bull is killed with labor -
he will leave
thaw in cold waters.
Except your love
to me
there is no sea
and from your love and crying you will not beg for rest.
A tired elephant wants rest -
regal will lie down in the scorched sand.
Except your love
to me
no sun,
and I don't know where you are and with whom.
If so the poet was tormented,
I would exchange my beloved for money and fame,
and me
not a single joyful ringing,
except for the ringing of your favorite name.
And I won’t throw myself into the span,
and I won't drink poison
and I can’t pull the trigger over my temple.
over me,
except for your gaze
the blade of no knife has no power.
Tomorrow you will forget
who crowned you
that the soul blooming with love burned out,
and vain days swept carnival
ruffle the pages of my books...
Are my words dry leaves
make you stop
greedily breathing?

Give me at least
spread the last tenderness
your outgoing step.

Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "Lilichka!"

The poet Vladimir Mayakovsky experienced many stormy novels in his life, changing women like gloves. However, his true muse for many years remained Lilya Brik, a representative of Moscow bohemia, fond of sculpture, painting, literature and foreign translations.

Mayakovsky's relationship with Lilya Brik was rather complex and uneven. The poet's chosen one preferred free love, believing that marriage kills feelings. Nevertheless, literally from the first days of their acquaintance, she became an ideal woman for the poet, to whom he dedicated his poem on the very first evening. Subsequently, there were a great many such dedications, but the most striking of them is considered to be the letter-poem "Lilichka!", Created in 1916. It is noteworthy that it was written at the moment when the poet's muse was in the same room with him.. However, Mayakovsky preferred not to express his thoughts and feelings aloud, putting them on paper.

The poem begins with a description of a smoky room, which became a short-term refuge for Mayakovsky. Lilya Brik filmed it with her brother, and the poet often lived with them for a long time. Mayakovsky's friends even jokingly called such relationships "threesome love." Indeed, the author of the romantic and bitter poem Lilichka! was madly in love with his muse. And although at first she reciprocated, over time, the poet's ardent passion turned into a burden for her. Realizing this, Mayakovsky, who subtly felt the change in the mood of his beloved, in his appeal-letter asks that she not expel him just because she is in a bad mood - "heart in iron." Apparently, a similar scene was repeated more than once, so Mayakovsky knows exactly how events will develop. “I’ll run out, I’ll throw my body into the street, I’m wild, I’ll go crazy, I’ll be cut with despair,” the poet experienced such feelings more than once. To avoid a humiliating scene, Mayakovsky turns to Lila Brik with the words: "Let's say goodbye now." He no longer wants to torment his beloved, and is unable to endure her ridicule, coldness and indifference. The only desire of the poet at this moment is “to bellow the bitterness of offended complaints in the last cry.”

With inherent figurativeness, playing with every word, Mayakovsky tries to prove his love to Lila Brik, arguing that this feeling owns completely and undividedly. But there is much more in the soul of the author of jealousy, which makes him suffer every minute and at the same time hate himself. “Besides your love, there is no sun for me, and I don’t know where you are and with whom,” the poet claims.

Arguing over the current situation, Mayakovsky in the poem tries on various ways suicide, however, he understands that his feelings are much higher and stronger than voluntary departure from life. After all, then he will forever lose his muse, for the sake of which he "burned out the soul blooming with love." But at the same time, the poet is also clearly aware that next to his chosen one he can never be truly happy. Yes, and Lilya Brik is not ready to belong entirely to him alone, she is not created for a boring and routine family life. Of course, Mayakovsky still hopes in his heart that perhaps this touching and sensual poem-letter will help change everything. However, he understands with his mind that he has no chance of reciprocity, so his last request is to “line your outgoing step with the last tenderness.”

The poem "Lily!" was written about a year after Brik and Mayakovsky met. However, their strange and sometimes even absurd relationship lasted until the death of the poet. The author of this work fell in love and parted with women, after which he again returned to Lila Brik, unable to forget the one who became main character his lyric works.

Lyrics of the song Spleen - Lighthouse

Smoke tobacco air has left. The room is a chapter in the Krunykhovsky hell.
Remember - outside this window for the first time your hands were frantically stroked.
Today we sit here, the heart is in iron. Another day - you will expel, you can be scolded.
In the muddy hall, a trembling broken arm will not fit into a sleeve for a long time.

I'll run out, I'll throw the body into the street. Wild, I will go mad, I will be cut with despair.
No need for this, dear, good, let's say goodbye now.
All the same, my love is a heavy weight, because it hangs on you, no matter where you run.
Let the bitterness of offended complaints roar out in the last cry.

If the bull is killed with labor, he will leave, lie down in cold waters.
Apart from your love, I have no sea, and your love cannot beg for rest even by crying.
If a tired elephant wants to rest, the regal one will lie down in the burnt sand.
In addition to your love, there is no sun for me, and I don’t know where you are and with whom.

If she tormented the poet like that, he would exchange his beloved for money and fame,
And I am not happy with any ringing, except for the ringing of your beloved name.
And I won’t throw myself into the span, and I won’t drink poison, and I won’t be able to pull the trigger over my temple.
Above me, except for your gaze, the blade of not a single knife has power.

Tomorrow you will forget that you were crowned, that you burned your blooming soul with love,
And the swept up carnival of vain days will ruffle the pages of my books...
Will dry leaves make my words stop, breathing greedily?
Give at least the last tenderness to cover your outgoing step.

Splin - Mayak - lyrics


Instead of a letter

Smoke tobacco air has left.
Room -
head in krunykhovsky hell.
Remember -
behind this window
for the first time

Today you sit here

iron heart.
Another day -
you will expel
maybe scolded.

I'll run out
I will throw the body into the street.
go crazy
excised with despair.
Don't need this
Let's forgive now.
Does not matter
my love -
heavy weight after all -
hanging on you
wherever you run.

the bitterness of offended complaints.
If the bull is killed with labor -
he will leave
thaw in cold waters.
Except your love
to me
there is no sea

A tired elephant wants rest -

Except your love
to me
no sun,

If so the poet was tormented,

and me
not a single joyful ringing,

And I won’t throw myself into flight,
and I won't drink poison

over me,
except for your gaze

Tomorrow you will forget
who crowned you

and vain days uplifted carnival

Are my words dry leaves
make you stop
greedily breathing?
Give me at least

your outgoing step.

The above rap poem Vladimir Mayakovsky known to many, especially after setting it to the music of rock bands "Pesnyary" and "Spleen", but I want to talk about it again.

Poem-letter-despair poet ( lyrical hero and eat myself Mayakovsky) - insane in its essence, it can even be argued of a suicidal nature, although it says there that a desperate poet and will not commit suicide (in the end, he did commit suicide in his life).

Madness - how passion when, apart from the object of "love", you see nothing in life. This is common and suicides on this basis are not rare, when it seems that you can no longer live without a “beloved” person.

Shown feeling poet tragic, it unrequited "love", this is torment and experience, this is something infernal(“Head in the Krunykhovsky hell”), dependent, material (look, ringing voice, hands, etc.)

But let's look at it line by line...

Smoke tobacco air has left.
Room -
head in krunykhovsky hell.
Remember -
behind this window
for the first time
your hands, frenzied, stroked.

They ( poet and "beloved" poet) smoke in the room, smoke a lot, the room resembles hell (“the head in the Krunykhovsky hell” ... - This refers to the poem A. Kruchenykh and V. Khlebnikov"Game in Hell"). They don't talk, they talk all the time, turn to their beloved Lilichkapoet, but there is no answer in the course of the whole conversation, a verse between them.

Poet tortures himself, saying to her: do you remember how for the first time outside this window I stroked your hands in a frenzy? Enrage - a state of demonic, possessed ...

Today you sit here
iron heart.
Another day -
you will expel
maybe scolded.
In the muddy front will not fit for a long time
trembling broken arm in the sleeve.

psycho poet she yells about her torments, and she sits, heart in iron(dead, indifferent to his cries), and after a while, he feels that she will kick him out completely (she will get bored completely). He will find himself in a muddy antechamber, his hands trembling...broken by the shiver of cold he tries to tuck into his sleeves to keep warm...

I'll run out
I will throw the body into the street.
go crazy
vanishing in despair.
Don't need this
Let's forgive now.

He will run out, and it can be seen that this has already happened many times - such madness, he foresees the continuation of the attack. Wild, insane, slashed by despair(like a knife or razor) will be on the street. But he wants to say goodbye right now, to close this “topic”, not to drag out the flour, to forget about it.

Does not matter
my love -
heavy weight after all -
hanging on you
wherever you run.
Let me roar in the last cry
the bitterness of offended complaints.

"Love" poet- a heavy weight for her, Lilichki, but he is still offended, he cries right in front of her eyes, or rather roars like a child who is deprived of a toy.

If the bull labor will die -
he will leave
thaw in cold waters.
Except your love
to me
no seas,
and from your love and crying you will not beg for rest.

Farther poet compares himself to bull who toils to death, he wants relax in cold waters. Here's "love" Lilichki- it's cold for a madman maritime water, but in it he cannot even cry (!!!) recreation. And he does not need anything else good.

Tired wants rest elephant -
regal will lie down in the scorched sand.
Except your love
to me
no sun ,
and I don't know where you are and with whom.

So elephant- the same story. Again he is tired, he wants to rest in the sand (by the way, “fired”, burnt out), but “love” poet, lilichka, - and there is Sun (relaxation, happiness, the meaning of life), and at the same time he does not know where she is and with whom she hangs around. Wants sun in the sky, but it is not there, it has disappeared behind the clouds.

Interesting Mayakovsky speaks of himself as a bull, a royal elephant ... something big, but an animal ( poet lives animals feelings). Bolshoi Mayakovsky with a speaking name!

rhymes "they will die - the seas" bear opposition: how death and life(rest) like sea ​​Lilichka is deadly for Mayakovsky. with rhymes "Elephant - the sun" such a similar situation: the elephant wants life, rest through the sun Lilichka, which is actually lifeless, has gone behind the clouds, is absent.

If so the poet was tormented,
I would exchange my beloved for money and fame,
and me
not a single joyful ringing,
except for the ringing of your favorite name.

Poet so exhausted that he doesn’t even need money, because they no longer ring for him, as the name of “beloved” rings - lilichka!

And I won’t throw myself into flight,
and I won't drink poison
and I can’t pull the trigger over my temple.
over me,
except for your gaze
the blade of no knife has no power.

Poet says that he will not commit suicide, that weapon not powerful over him, but powerful sight Lilichki, and she leaves him, drives him away, they part, which means that all the same, according to the logic of the poet, death awaits through suicide. cunning O something like madness.

Tomorrow you will forget
who crowned you
that the soul blooming with love burned out,
and vain days uplifted carnival
ruffle the pages of my books...

He is bitter that, despite his suicide, she will still forget him, the fool who cheered her queen, and burned his soul to ashes with "love". Days (time) will ruffle, scatter the leaves-pages of his poems. He feels sorry for himself. selfish condition.

Are my words dry leaves
make you stop
greedily breathing?
Give me at least
spread the last tenderness
your outgoing step.

They are in the room, he tells her everything, he says ... but his words for her are like dry leaves ... she will leave and will not stop, even though he thirsty and breathing(greedy for her, does not want to lose her as an object for pleasure). But he is also a romantic romantic poet: he tenderly asks Lilichka line her outgoing step. I remember Jesus Christ entering Jerusalem on a donkey, they also lined his step.

But she still leaves lilichka, his personal personal Jyzhas.

P.S. Vladimir Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik painfully met with 1915 on 1930 a year before the death of the poet, who, according to official figures, shot himself.

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