
Loan for housing in Belinvestbank. Under what conditions does Belinvestbank issue consumer loans? Belinvestbank lending

Consumer credit is one of the types of credit provided to citizens or households for the purpose of purchasing consumer goods.

In Belarus, consumer loans are issued by JSC "Belinvestbank". With their help, every citizen can purchase the necessary things for their needs. A consumer loan is issued for a period of five years, its maximum amount is thirty million Belarusian rubles. Head office "Belinvestbank" is located in the city of Minsk.

The client is given the opportunity to choose a classic type of loan or a revolving line of credit. A floating interest rate is linked to a consumer loan, which interacts with the refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. For more favorable conditions, the borrower is reduced this rate by 2%, provided that he simultaneously chooses life and disability insurance.

Citizens also have the opportunity to receive a consumer loan to pay for education. Cash loans can be obtained for the entire period of study and an additional five years. To obtain this type of loan, a guarantee is required.

If the borrower has already repaid at least two loans in Belinvestbank, then he will not need to take a guarantee for the next loan, otherwise it is mandatory.

JSC "Belinvestbank" has extensive experience working with clients in the field of consumer loans. Specialists have rich experience in the field of lending and are highly qualified, they will help customers choose the most advantageous type of loan, talk about the requirements and conditions for a loan, and also help to document everything.

Consumer loans "Belinvestbank" issues to adult individuals who are citizens of the Republic of Belarus, or foreign citizens (non-residents, but permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Belarus), who are registered at the place of residence or stay in the Republic of Belarus and have an officially confirmed stable income in the country of receipt.

Based on the assessment of the borrower's creditworthiness and his needs, the loan amount is determined. To assess the creditworthiness of individual entrepreneurs wishing to take out a consumer loan, no more than 50% of net profit is taken into account. For non-working pensioners, no more than 10% of the pension is taken into account.

If the borrower has a negative credit history (overdue debt, outstanding loans, etc.), the bank has the right to refuse to issue a loan.

Consumer loans "Belinvestbank" are issued to individuals only in Belarusian rubles.

Under the terms of the loan agreement, the fulfillment of various types of loan obligations is ensured by:

  • - the ability of the creditor to dispose of the property and property rights of the borrower;
  • - a surety;
  • - a guarantee;
  • — other options provided by law in the Republic of Belarus.

The borrower must fulfill its obligations under the loan agreement in the above ways (one or more).

Consumer lending program "Belinvestbank" provides for the possibility of withdrawing a cash loan by transferring it to a bank card.

Program conditions:

  • – loan term from 6 months to 7 years;
  • - the loan rate varies from 34 to 41 percent, depending on the loan term.

Loan amount individually.

Belinvestbank individually selects possible ways to ensure loan repayment in each specific case, taking into account the peculiarities of its credit policy.


Credit term Name of loan Delivery method Maximum loan amount Type of provision Provision method Interest rate
6 months For consumer needs One-time issuance Guarantee 34%
1 year For consumer needs Cash withdrawal Calculated based on the solvency of the applicant One-time issuance Guarantee 36%
4 years For consumer needs Cash withdrawal One-time issuance Guarantee 40%
5 years For consumer needs Cash withdrawal Calculated based on the solvency of the applicant (up to 50 million Belarusian rubles) One-time issuance Guarantee 41%
2 years For consumer needs Calculated based on the solvency of the applicant Guarantee, forfeit 38%
3 years For consumer needs Using a bank payment card Calculated based on the solvency of the applicant Non-revolving line of credit Guarantee, forfeit 40%
4 years For consumer needs Using a bank payment card Calculated based on the solvency of the applicant (up to 50 million Belarusian rubles) Non-revolving line of credit Guarantee, forfeit 40%
5 years For consumer needs Using a bank payment card Calculated based on the solvency of the applicant (up to 50 million Belarusian rubles) Non-revolving line of credit Guarantee, forfeit 41%
4 years For consumer needs Calculated based on the solvency of the applicant (up to 50 million Belarusian rubles) One-time issuance forfeit 40%
5 years For consumer needs Cashless transfer of funds Calculated based on the solvency of the applicant (up to 50 million Belarusian rubles) One-time issuance forfeit 41%
5 years For consumer needs Cashless transfer of funds Calculated based on the solvency of the applicant One-time issuance Guarantee, forfeit 39%
5 years For consumer needs (with simultaneous insurance against accidents and diseases) Cash withdrawal Calculated based on the solvency of the applicant (up to 50 million Belarusian rubles) One-time issuance forfeit 39%
7 years For consumer needs Non-cash transfer of funds in payment for goods (works, services) of domestic production on the basis of a settlement document submitted by the borrower Calculated based on the solvency of the applicant One-time issuance Guarantee, security deposit, penalty 36%

To purchase your own living space, it is easier for a citizen with an average salary to use the services of credit organizations.

In Belinvestbank, a loan for the purchase of housing is available under several programs, including a preferential one for persons in the queue for improving housing conditions.

To buy an apartment or house, Belinvestbank customers can take advantage of several targeted offers:

This program allows clients to apply for a cash loan for the purchase or construction of residential and other real estate on the following terms:

  • Amount - up to 90% of the appraised value of housing (within the creditworthiness of the borrower).
  • The term is up to 20 years.
  • The rate is 14.9%.
  • Initial payment - from 10%.

The application is considered by the bank within 10 working days. Under the terms of the loan agreement, early repayment of the debt without paying a fine is allowed.

2. Apartments from a partner

This offer is for clients who are ready to purchase real estate directly through a developer cooperating with Belinvestbank. At the same time, lending conditions depend on the choice of partner, as well as on the desired amount and term of the loan. All provisions of the contract are developed individually for each borrower.

You can get acquainted with the list of companies on the official website of the bank in the section with the selected lending program. It also indicates the conditions under which the bank issues a loan in cooperation with a particular organization. To date, the choice of developers is limited to Minsk, Minsk and Mogilev regions.

This program is designed specifically for participants in the state program to improve housing conditions. A loan for clients from the queue is issued on the following conditions:

  • Amount - from 500 rubles to 100% of the cost of building a house (within the creditworthiness of the borrower).
  • The term is up to 20 years.
  • The rate is 13%.
  • Collateral - a pledge, a guarantee of individuals.

The application is considered within 3 working days.

As a guarantee for the bank, customers are invited to attract guarantors before putting the facility into operation. Only after all the documents are drawn up for the house, it is transferred as a pledge to the creditor until the obligations under the contract are fulfilled.

Requirements for the borrower

Belinvestbank puts forward standard requirements for its customers. The organization is ready to cooperate with able-bodied citizens of the Republic of Belarus who, at the time of application, have a total work experience of at least 1 year and work experience at the current place of work for at least 6 months.

Required documents

Belinvestbank issues loans for the purchase of housing in 2018 upon submission of the following documents:

The list is supplemented by documents at the request of the bank, for example, the following may be requested:

  • information about the housing that is planned to be bought with borrowed funds;
  • documents for a land plot for the construction of a house and other real estate;
  • confirmation of participation in the program to improve housing conditions;
  • consent of the spouse (s) to the transfer of real estate as collateral and others.

The final list of required documentation to the client will be called in the structural unit of the bank, in which the loan agreement will be concluded.

For detailed advice on Belinvestbank products, you can fill out an online loan application on the official website of the institution. During the working day, the manager will call you back and answer all your questions or invite you to the nearest branch to fill out a detailed application for a loan.


Other banks

In addition, the borrower can apply for a mortgage in another financial institution. Consider the main options and proposals.

Ways to get: Mortgage from Tinkoff Bank up to 25 years term from 6% to 14.5% per year interest rate up to 100,000,000 rubles loan amount from 10% to 40% an initial fee 15 minutes application processing time Go Ways to get: Selection of a mortgage loan through Beregu.Ru up to 25 years term from add per year interest rate up to 20,000,000 rubles loan amount from 0% to 80% an initial fee 15 minutes application processing time Go


In addition, the borrower can apply for a loan at a microfinance organization, where you can receive funds by providing only documents confirming the identity of the client. Getting a loan in such an organization is quite easy, sometimes it is not even required to provide collateral.

Ways to get: 3-336 days term up to 98,000 rubles 1st loan up to 98,000 rubles repeated loan from 0.16% to 2.1% per day rate for new customers 4 minutes application processing time Go Ways to get: 1-30 days term up to 10,000 rubles 1st loan up to 15,000 rubles re-loan 2.24% per day rate for new customers 15 minutes application processing time Go Ways to get: 7-21 days term up to 30,000 rubles 1st loan up to 30,000 rubles re-loan from 0% to 2.1% per day rate for new customers 10 minutes application processing time Go

General terms

Loans for consumer needs from VTB Bank are credit lines in the amount of up to 5,000 rubles, which can be issued without an income certificate and a guarantee.

Credit calculator

In addition, the calculator will help you determine the amount of savings on interest, if you are ready to keep the amount of the loan payment at the same level.

Online loan processing

Using the order form, you can apply for a loan in 1 minute, after which the bank will contact you and inform you of the decision and determine the place (branch) for processing all the necessary documents.

Documents for obtaining a loan

  • Passport or residence permit;
  • Certificate of income (for a loan amount over 3,000 rubles).

Basic requirements for the borrower

  • Resident of the Republic of Belarus. Confirmed by a passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus or a residence permit in Belarus.
  • Seniority. Confirmed by information about the employer (the name of the organization and the phone number of the accounting department or a certificate of income if the loan amount exceeds 3,000 rubles.

Loan repayment

  • Through the cashier at the bank branch
  • Via internet and mobile banking
  • With the help of Internet banking and mobile banking of other banks, if they are connected to ERIP
  • Through ATMs and infokiosks of other Belarusian banks connected to the ERIP system.

The acquisition of living space in most cases is associated with the attraction of credit funds. Belinvestbank offers several loan housing programs for the population of the Republic of Belarus.

Real estate financing loan

You can get borrowed funds for the construction of a residential building, or other real estate, or for the purchase of finished housing.

The loan amount depends on the assessed value of the property, while the borrower must contribute at least 10% of his own funds to pay for housing. The solvency of the main borrower and co-borrowers is taken into account.

Guarantees are allowed not only for individuals, but also for legal entities.

Partial or full early repayment is allowed at any loan term without penalty.

Package of documents

To obtain a housing loan, you will need to prepare the following documents:

application of the main borrower, indicating personal data;

  • borrower's passport;
  • passports of guarantors;
  • income statement for the last 6 months of the borrower and guarantors;
  • written consent of the borrower and its guarantors to provide a credit report.

The Bank has the right to request additional documents of the borrower or guarantors.

The procedure for obtaining a loan

You can leave an application for a loan for the purchase of housing at a branch of Belinvestbank, or on the official website of the organization. The borrower does not receive the loan. The bank transfers money by bank transfer to the account of the developer of the object, or the seller of the finished property.

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