
Installment cards in Belarus which are better. Installment cards: in which banks they can be issued for free. Installment card "Favorite card" from Paritetbank

Paying with overdraft funds.

1. The Bank has the right to unilaterally change the Rules and/or Conditions of the Program (the list of trade (service) organizations in which the bonus is accrued when making non-cash debit transactions; the size of the bonus; the minimum amount of one non-cash debit transaction; the maximum amount of the bonus during the period ( month/calendar year, etc.) and/or terminate the Program.

Cashback up to 12%

If the Magnit installment card, in addition to the overdraft, has its own funds, the purchase is made at the expense of its own funds, and then at the expense of the overdraft.)

Cashback calculator



This calculation is indicative and is not the bank's obligation to pay cashback in the specified amount. The amount of the refund is reflected taking into account the current tax legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Overdraft calculator

Dear customers of the bank!

The calculation of the maximum loan amount is based on the average monthly income and expenses of the borrower.

Step 1 of 4: Calculating the Overdraft Amount ReceivableCalculator for calculating the possible amount of overdraft on the Magnit installment card

That's not all

30 days grace period

Use bank money at 0.0001% per annum. the grace period is provided once for the period of validity of the account, starting from the date of the 1st debit transaction at the expense of an overdraft outside the bank's partner network, including such operations as withdrawing funds from ATMs / bank institutions, making transfers, payments, payment utilities and other services (including in the "Settlement" system (AIS ERIP)

Is free

In case of termination of the agreement on the use of the card or putting the card on the stop list at the initiative of the client without re-issuing it before the expiration of the card, the remuneration for its service, subject to monthly payment, is charged at a time for the entire remaining period of the card (applied in terms of charging remuneration upon termination of the agreement on the use of the card - for cards issued from 15.08.2017, in terms of charging remuneration when put on the stop list - for cards issued from 01.05.2018).

“I will buy / take as a gift a rat, any, for myself ...”


The installment card is a relatively new financial offer with which Belarusian banks are entering the consumer market. The product is distinguished by the ability to make payments and purchases within the available limit, followed by a breakdown of the principal amount into several equal parts. Unlike a loan, an installment card does not imply additional interest charges (with the exception of violations of payment terms), that is, the buyer optimizes his expenses without the risk of overpayment.

Given the consumer interest of customers, banks are expanding the functionality of cards, providing the opportunity to use cash-back (cashback), make payments abroad, keep own funds on the account and receive interest on the balance.

Installment card "Halva"

Installment card "Halva" - MTBank's offer, allowing you to make purchases in the absence of your own funds. The terms of the card make it possible to install payments for up to 12 months. When paying by card, no initial payment is required. With the timely repayment of payments, the purchase is free of overpayment. An additional plus is the right to a refund of up to 1.5% of the purchase price (valid in partner stores). Card service - 9.90 rubles. in year.

Installment card "Purchase card"

Belgazprombank offers to issue a "Purchase Card". Installment payments are allowed for up to 24 months, which allows you to optimally remove the budget burden. The bank does not provide for commissions and overpayments, while providing an additional bonus - the ability to keep your own funds on the account and receive 2% cach-back (cashback) when paying for purchases. Maintenance and issuance of the card is free of charge.

Installment card "Favorite"

Installment card "Favorite" is a product of Paritetbank. Registration is free. The card is issued for a period of up to 2 years, and no service fee is charged.

The presence of the card allows you to use it as a simple cash consumer credit, with a limit of up to 10 thousand rubles at 15% per annum. Installments are available for up to 12 months. The minus of the card at the moment is a small number of partners.

Installment card "SMART card"

Installment with the Smart card is provided by the Moscow-Minsk Bank. Its use eliminates the accrual of interest and overpayment when paying for goods and services at the bank's partner points, the number of which is almost 8,000. The issuance and maintenance of the card is free of charge. You can order plastic online. The installment period can be up to 2 years.

The cardholder can spend funds within the framework of a regular consumer loan, the maximum amount of which is set within 15 thousand rubles.

Installment card "Turtle"

VTB Bank (Belarus) issues the Turtle installment card, which allows you to spend funds in the form of a consumer loan with a limit of 5 thousand rubles. You can use the overdraft for both settlement transactions and cash withdrawals. The maximum installment period is 2 years, which optimally meets the budgetary expectations of a wide range of buyers.

To apply for a card, meet the age criteria set by the bank, as well as provide information about income (for opening a credit limit).

Installment card "Magnet"

Favorable settlement transactions are facilitated by the Magnit installment card, which is issued by Belarusbank. The presence of a card allows you to make purchases with installment payments for up to 12 months. The holder is not required to make a down payment, and there is no overpayment on interest.

The Magnit card provides for a refund of a part of the purchase price in the amount of up to 12% of the amount. Upon activation of the credit function, a 30-day grace period is provided.

Installment card "CardaFUN"

BPS-Sberbank is ready to equip customers with a convenient payment instrument - the FUN Card installment card. It provides the opportunity to pay for the purchase in stages (up to 12 months). In this case, the first installment can be deferred for a period of up to 2 months. Additional card functionality:

  • cash-back (cashback) 1%;
  • possibility of payment abroad;
  • credit line activation.

Installment card "E-Vacations"

Statusbank initiates the issuance of E-holiday installment cards free of charge and without income statements. The period of interest-free use of borrowed funds can be up to 12 months. Additional credit limit on the card is up to 2 thousand Belarusian rubles at 35% per annum.

Timely payments save the buyer from overpayments on interest.

The choice of installment card is determined by your needs and possibilities. You can compare installment plans with credit cards in more detail on this page. A preliminary comparison of the conditions and requirements of domestic banks allows you to make the right choice of a financial product.

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With the E-Vacation bank card of StatusBank, you can purchase goods in Euroopt stores and network partner organizations on credit in the amount of 100 to 2000 BYN. The uniqueness of the product is a grace period of 360 days, during which the interest rate is 0% per annum. The credit card can be used for two years, the issue and maintenance of the product is completely free. Order an E-Vacation card of the BELKART payment system at StatusBank today and start receiving daily financial benefits!

Card "Favorite installment card Visa Classic in BYN" Visa

Paritetbank offers you to pay with your favorite installment card of the Visa Classic payment system and get the maximum benefit. You will be able to use the entire limit of funds available on the card for your purchases. The peculiarity of the Favorite installment card is that it can also be used as a loan product. The installment limit on the card is up to 10,000 Belarusian rubles, while you will not be charged a commission for early repayment.

Card "SMART CARD" Mastercard

Rate "SMART CARD" from Dabrabyt Bank. This bank loan product allows you to use the installment feature when making purchases. The cardholder has access to a loan in the amount of 500 to 20,000 BYN. At the same time, the terms of lending range from 1 to 24 months with installments, as well as 24 months with a revolving credit line. If necessary, the funds are transferred to the bank's client to the Mastercard Standard Instant card. You can get money not only at the branch of Dabrabyt Bank, but also at its ATMs, which greatly simplifies and facilitates the procedure.

Card "Turtle (installment card)" Visa, Mastercard

VTB-Bank is pleased to present a special payment product. This is a plastic installment card "Turtle", issued in Belarusian rubles. The card is offered for use in the MasterCard payment system, which allows it to be used not only in Belarus, but also abroad for instant payments. With the help of the Turtle card, it will be possible to make important purchases, and pay for them in Belarusian rubles gradually, within the limits and terms established by the bank. You can get a card for 5 years. The installment limit is 5,000 BYN with a loan term of 2 years. Check the details on the VTB Bank website or the program page.

Payment cards

Card "X Card" Mastercard

"X Card" of MTBank is a unique payment instrument. It combines the main features of other cards with installment features, etc. Cashback up to 10% allows you to save personal funds on purchases in partner stores of the bank. "X Card" is the best option for using the main advantages of bank cards of any type. By issuing this payment instrument, you will be able to turn your own smartphone into a convenient and practical means of making contactless payments. You can order and receive an ICS card at any branch of MTBank.

Installment cards

Card "Installment card No. 1 "Halva"" Mastercard

The Halva No. 1 card from MTBank guarantees the opportunity to make purchases in installments up to 2 years without a down payment and overpayments in partner stores of a financial organization throughout Belarus. For transactions, the Mastercard payment system is used. When using the card, the credit limit of the bank is applied, but if desired, the holder can replenish the account and use the funds at his discretion, including abroad. At the same time, cashback for purchases with your own money is 1.5%.


The "FUN CARD" of the VISA payment system, offered in 2019 by the Belarusian BPS-Sberbank, provides a profitable process of paying for goods and services in installments. Using this banking product, you can make purchases today, and pay for them in several stages, and without additional commission. The maximum installment period for the "FUN Card" is up to 2 months, and in partner stores of BPS-Sberbank - up to a year. When paying for purchases with your own money, there is a 1% cashback. The card allows you to pay online without any restrictions.

Card "For daily purchases" Mastercard

You can get a credit card "For daily purchases" of the MasterCard payment system from the Belarusian Priorbank free of charge. With this payment product in Belarusian rubles, it is possible to issue a loan with an interest rate from 0.01% to 20%. The maximum loan amount provided by the card is 14,100 BYN. The card is issued to the owner for use for a period of 4 years. In addition, the card "For daily purchases" MasterCard guarantees free withdrawal of funds in national or foreign currency through Priorbank ATMs.

In the coming holidays, installment cards will come in handy - you can buy gifts for loved ones and please yourself. It will not be difficult to issue them (often you can even without a certificate of income), and on average there will be about 10,000 stores where you can buy goods without overpayments. the site found out which banks now offer installment cards, under what conditions and how many partner stores for profitable purchases.

In most cases, to apply for an installment card, you only need a passport (residence permit), official employment within the last three months and a certificate of income for the same period.

Here are the options now available in Belarusian banks.

Bank and card name

Description (rate in partner stores / in other stores; number of partners, etc.)

Cost, cash withdrawals and the need for proof of income


"Installment Card No. 1 "Halva"

Installment from 1 to 24 months.

Alfa Bank,

Visa "Red Card"

Free for 3 years.



For calculation on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

The rate is 0.000001%.

VTB Bank (Belarus),

Mastercard World Turtle


"Favorite Installment Card"

Payments must be made by the 27th day of the month following the month in which the card was used.

Can be used as a loan.

Free for 3 years.

Up to 4000 rubles, a certificate of income is not needed.


FUN card

The rate is 0.000001%;
for an overdraft loan - 12.89%.

More than 15,000 partner stores.

All over the world when buying - deferred payment for 2 months.

Payments must be made by the 15th day of the month following the month in which the card was used.

When calculating with your own funds - 1% cashback.
Can be used as a credit (term - up to 3 years).

Free for 3 years. Up to 5000 rub. - No proof of income.

Bank and card name

Description (rate in partner stores / in other stores; number of partners, etc.)


Mastercard "Halva"

Installment from 1 to 24 months.

The maximum limit is 6000 rubles.

More than 27,000 partner stores across the country.

The rate is 0.000001% on card debt.

For 3 years. The issue is free of charge, the annual service maintenance of the card is 9.9 rubles.

Alfa Bank,

Visa "Red Card"

Free for 3 years.

With a loan amount of up to 5,000 rubles, a certificate of income is not required.

Installment from 2 to 12 months (from 20 rubles).

The maximum limit is 5000 rubles.

All stores in the world (and online stores), as well as goods on discounts and promotions.

Up to 300 rubles. per month you can withdraw without commission.


Mastercard Standard Magnit installment card

Issue - 4 rubles, 1 ruble - monthly. The validity period is 3 years. In the month in which non-cash transactions were in the amount of 50 rubles or more, no commission is charged.

Installment plan up to 12 months in partner stores (19,484 organizations).

Cashback up to 12% if you buy goods in partner stores with your own money.

The rate is 0.0001%, the grace period is 30 days. The overdraft rate (outside the partner network) is 12.89% per annum (refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus + 3.89%).

The overdraft must be repaid within 6 months following the month in which the debt was incurred.


Mastercard Standard "Purchase card"

Free for 3 years, without income statement up to 2000 rubles.

For calculation on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Installment plan in the amount of 200 to 10,000 rubles, up to 24 months.

Partner enterprises - almost 27,000.

The rate is 0.000001%.

The first payment is made from the next month after using part of the loan amount. Payment is made to the card before the 20th day of each month.

When buying with your own money - 2% cashback.

VTB Bank,

Mastercard World Turtle

Service — 9.90 rubles. monthly. The validity period is 3 years. In the month in which non-cash transactions were in the amount of 200 rubles or more, no commission is charged.

Up to 5000 rub. without proof of income.

Installment period up to 24 months (outside the partner network - up to 36 months).

The rate is 0.0001%, in other stores and when withdrawing cash - 12.8% per annum. More than 5000 partner stores.

Payments must be made by the 25th day of the month following the month in which the card was used.


"Favorite Installment Card"

Installment period up to 12 months (up to 10,000 rubles).

The rate is 0.000001%, in other stores - 23.99% per annum (21.99% with a certificate of income).

Payments must be made by the 27th day of the month following the month in which the card was used. Can be used as a loan.

Free for 3 years. Up to 4000 rubles, a certificate of income is not needed.


FUN card

Installment plan up to 12 months (up to 10,000 rubles).

Rate - 0.000001%; ​​for overdraft loan - 12.89%. More than 15,000 partner stores.

All over the world when buying - deferred payment for 2 months. Payments must be made by the 15th day of the month following the month in which the card was used.

When paying with your own funds - 1% cashback. Can be used as a credit (term - up to 3 years). Free for 3 years. Up to 5000 rub. - No proof of income.

Please note that the table includes installment cards, for which it is not necessary to receive a loan.

Dabratyt and Priorbank also have credit cards with installment option. These are Mastercard Standard "Smart Card" and Mastercard Standard "Card for daily purchases". They are issued free of charge, in Dabrabyt the rate in partner stores (more than 9700) is 0.000001% per annum, in other cases - 12.89%, the maximum limit is 20,000 rubles; in Priorbank - 0.01% per annum, in other cases - 12.88%, the maximum limit is 14,900 rubles. Installment up to 24 months.

What are installment cards in Belarus and what is their difference? They are a credit card with a minimum interest of 0.000001 per annum. Therefore, in fact, the amount is issued by the bank at 0%, which is usually indicated in the information about the card. Some banks provide cash back - a refund when paying with your own money. The card can be topped up not only for a refund, but also used as a regular payment card. The difference between an installment card and a credit card is that you can pay with it in partner stores of the bank, and you can pay with a credit card everywhere.

What is the advantage of the installment card?

It is very convenient to distribute the family budget after receiving a salary. At the beginning of the month, you usually already know what you need to spend money on. But unplanned purchases, gifts for the birthdays of relatives, an urgent visit to a paid doctor can undermine the plan of the month. And here the installment card helps out - because it makes it possible to pay the entire amount for the desired product at once, and the money for it can be returned in installments. Some banks provide installments for several months, and some for a year. Advantages over a credit card - you do not need to pay additional interest for using a large amount of the bank at once. However, if you do not repay the debt on time, then a significant interest is charged. Today installment cards are very popular in Belarus - nine banks offer them. Let's consider them in more detail and compare where the conditions are more attractive.


An installment card from MTBank "Halva" can be issued without a certificate of income. Installment plan for "Halva" is possible in 23419 stores. No initial deposit is required for registration, and the annual percentage is actually 0% (0.000001%). When paying with your own money, up to 1.5% of the money is returned to the card (cashback). Payments must be made by installments by the 15th of each month. Halva also offers the possibility of a MasterCard PayPass contactless payment card for 3 years with a limit of up to 6,000 rubles, depending on the average monthly income. Payments for using the card, Internet banking, SMS are not needed. But after the second year of use and further maintenance of the card is 9.9 rubles per year.

"Smart Card"

The MasterCard card is offered by Dabrabyt Bank (formerly Bank Moscow-Minsk). It is issued free of charge, only a passport is required. Installments for up to 24 months at 0% (0.000001%) depending on the conditions of one of the 8712 partner stores. Installment is possible for up to 20,000 rubles. The card is serviced by the bank free of charge. A convenient bonus - you can withdraw cash from ATMs and cash desks of Dabrabyt Bank. On the sixth day, an SMS notification arrives about the amount required for repayment.


VTB Bank offers a MasterCard installment card. Its advantages - to pay anywhere in the world. Installment plan for up to 24 months at 0% (0.000001%) in partner stores of the bank. In fact, this is a credit card with the possibility of installments. For registration of "Turtle" you will need an identity document. It is also important that there is a residence permit in Belarus, a continuous work experience of at least 3 months at the current workplace and an age of 21 to 62 years.

"Map of purchases"

The MasterCard installment card is offered by Belgazprombank. Installments are issued free of charge - you only need a passport. If you need an amount of more than 3000 rubles, then you need a certificate of income for 3 months. Installments for up to 24 months at 0% (0.000001%) in 21066 stores. Cashback up to 2% when paying for purchases at your own expense. The purchase price must be paid no later than the 20th of each month. Monthly maintenance is free. Reissue of the card costs 22 rubles.

"Red Card"

The VISA installment card is provided by Alfa-Bank. It is issued without a certificate of income with a loan amount of less than 3,000 rubles. The maximum possible is 10,000 rubles. It is accepted all over the world. Goods in installments from 2 to 12 months. Unlike any other RB installment card, you can choose the amount of payment and installments yourself using NSYNC.BY and SMS. You can withdraw cash from an ATM. If an installment payment is missed, the money will be deducted from the credit card. You can withdraw up to 300 rubles per month without interest.


The Magnit MasterCard card is provided at 0.0001% per annum from Belarusbank and is valid for 3 years. It is convenient that she can pay for purchases around the world. You can make a purchase in installments from 1 to 12 months, it all depends on the conditions offered by the stores. Installment payments must be made every month. Refunds are possible up to 12 percent.

"Favorite Card"

Paritetbank offers installments at 0.000001% per annum. For use, a non-registered Visa Classic Instant card is issued, which significantly speeds up the issuance procedure. If the loan amount is not more than 4000 rubles, then a certificate of income is not needed. The maximum amount with a certificate of income is 10,000 rubles. Installments are issued for a period of 1 to 12 months. Loan payments must be made by the 27th of every month. In the partner stores of the bank, goods are sold by installments, and in all the others you can use the card as a credit card.


The VISA installment card is offered by BPS-Sberbank. It is provided without a certificate of income for amounts up to 5,000 rubles. With a certificate of income, you can get up to 10,000 rubles. Installment is possible up to 12 months. When paying with your own money, the cashback will be 1%. Credit on the same card is provided for up to 3 years.

"For daily shopping"

Priorbank provides a MasterCard card, which can be used to make payments abroad. The card offers installments for a period of 1 to 12 months. Cashback when paying with your own money up to 20%. The same card provides a loan with a certificate of income with interest from 13 to 20 for up to 48 months.

What kind of installment card to issue? You decide. The easiest way is to choose from those cards that have the most partner stores. Please note that some banks offer both an installment card and a credit card at the same time. Often they even specially issue an installment card for purchases in a particular store. The conditions of the cards are similar, but some banks have more profitable cashbacks. It also matters for someone whether the card is valid abroad, it is Visa or Mastercard. For mothers on maternity leave, installment cards are very convenient. Even on kufar you can pay some of them. It is easy to afford a large purchase and you do not need to overpay for it, as for a product on credit. Money is distributed evenly, but you don't need to save very much for the sake of significant spending.

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