
Cooking pilaf with raisins serving. The recipe for pilaf with raisins step by step with a photo. Pilaf with raisins - general principles of cooking

The classic pilaf with meat is familiar to everyone, but besides it, there are many different variations of the sweet Asian pilaf with dried fruits. Such a dish is undoubtedly healthy and satisfying, perfect for breakfast and for baby food. The process of cooking pilaf takes a little time and does not require special culinary skills.

The benefits of sweet pilaf components

Various dried fruits can be added to the dish: prunes, dried apricots, dates and even nuts, sugar can be replaced with honey or served separately to taste. Various spices are suitable for sweet pilaf, it is best to add turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg or vanillin.

  • Pilaf is considered an Asian dish, in each country it is prepared in its own way, for example, in Thailand, in addition to dried fruits, bananas and coconuts are added, and served in a banana peel or in thin pita bread. Some vitamin mixture is cooked on a fire, sometimes baked in the oven, after adding a few eggs.
  • Rice contains more than 80% of complex carbohydrates and approximately 8% of essential AA for each person. Therefore, dishes from such cereals are very satisfying and popular. Rice should be eaten to improve the functioning of the central nervous system, the brain. it contains trace elements, B vitamins, lecithin, potassium. Also, it is worth emphasizing that gluten (gluten) is not included in rice grains.
  • Dried fruits are a unique product that has practically no contraindications, does not cause an allergic reaction, and can also be eaten as an independent dessert or added to main dishes.
  • Despite the fact that raisins are a sweet product, they have absolutely no sugar, but only glucose and fructose, which does not increase the level of insulin in the blood, and is also useful for diabetics. Raisins are a high-calorie product, so you should not overeat, because. excessive consumption threatens obesity.
  • Raisins are rich in potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, B1, B2, B5, PP. Thanks to group B vitamins, the functioning of the nervous system improves, it affects the body as a sedative, and also, raisins are recommended for people with insomnia. The product contains various antioxidants, especially oleanolic acid, which stops the growth of bacteria that cause oral diseases.
  • Dried apricots are a product that is obtained by drying an apricot. You can eat as a separate dessert, or adding it to meat, fish dishes, side dishes and desserts. Also, dried apricots are often added to sauces. Dried apricot contains vitamin A, B1, B2, C, PP, minerals, potassium, calcium, magnesium, fiber and AA.

Proper consumption of dried fruit in the daily diet, stabilizes the hormonal balance, is a preventive measure for the development of anemia, heart attack, stroke, and heart disease. The use of dried apricots helps to remove toxins from the body, and also, due to the fact that dried apricots contain pectin, heavy metals are removed along with toxins.

Sweet pilaf with raisins and dried apricots

One of the simplest and most popular recipes for sweet pilaf with dried fruits, for its preparation you will need:

  • Rice - 1 tbsp
  • Dried apricots, raisins - 0.5 cups each
  • Melted butter - 0.5 cups
  • Sugar, salt - to taste

Melt the butter in a pot. Put dried fruits on the bottom and simmer for 30 minutes. Rinse the rice several times, put it in a cauldron, salt and pour water 2 cm above the level of the rice. Add sugar.

  • Without stirring, bring to a boil, close the lid and simmer over low heat until all the moisture has evaporated.
  • Wrap the pan with a blanket and let it brew for 15 minutes.
  • Cover the cauldron with pilaf with a serving plate and turn it upside down so that the dried fruits are on top of the rice.
  • It is worth remembering that pilaf should not have the consistency of porridge, and rice should be crumbly.

In addition to raisins and dried apricots, you can add other ingredients, dried fruits, as well as fresh fruits to hearty pilaf.

For example, a very tasty and satisfying pilaf with the addition of carrots or onions:

  • Rice round grain - 1.5 cups
  • Medium carrot - 2 pcs.
  • Dried apricots - 1 cup
  • Raisins - 1 cup
  • Olive or sunflower oil - 3 tbsp.
  • Spices - to taste

Dried apricots and raisins, pour warm water for 30 minutes to swell. This is necessary in order for the dried fruits to be soft.

  • Rinse the rice about 5 times until the water runs clear.
  • Grate carrots, also cut dried apricots into 3-4 parts, depending on the size of the fruit.
  • In a container with a thick bottom, or a cauldron, add oil, when it heats up, put the carrots, fry lightly. Add the rest of the ingredients.
  • Pour in water, lightly salt, add sugar and bring to a boil.
  • When the moisture boils away to the level of rice, reduce the heat. Simmer under the lid for 20 minutes.

Serve the dish hot. Sweet pilaf is a vitamin mixture, especially beneficial for people who are on a diet or fasting, all ingredients help to saturate the body with energy and useful substances. In addition, the dish will perfectly decorate any holiday table, and is also perfect for the everyday menu of the family.

The mistress of my kitchen is my wife, she cooks excellently, and she can easily cook pilaf herself. But once a week, it just so happened, I am in charge of the kitchen, and at the insistence of my family I cook pilaf myself.

Having purchased the necessary products, having carefully prepared for the upcoming process, I begin to cook, trying not to miss not the slightest error. I won’t say big words, but according to the reaction of others, I seem to be able to do it not badly ...

Immediately I want to clarify and clarify that this is not the legendary "Sophie Osh", which has no equal, and I think that plov connoisseurs will agree with this. Indeed, even in Bukhara itself, there are several types and methods of cooking, and this pilaf recipe what we will cook with you will somehow resemble Sophie Osh, but only in a more simplified version.

Pilaf with raisins recipe with step by step photos

    To prepare pilaf, we need:
  • Cottonseed and linseed oil - 600-700 gr.
  • Meat - 500-800 gr. (Maybe more)
  • Lamb fat tail - 200 g.
  • Onions - 2-3 heads
  • Carrots - 1 kg.
  • Garlic - 2 heads
  • Rice - 1.5 kg.
  • Round peas - 100-200 gr. (Approximately half of a 200 g glass)
  • Yellow raisins (special for pilaf) - 50-100 g.
  • Zira - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - 4 tbsp. spoons

First of all, in order not to forget to put something in the process, we prepare the necessary products and put a kettle of water on to boil to further soak the rice...

In a very hot oil, fry the meat together with fat tail, cut into large pieces. It is important to know that meat retains juiciness more when coarsely chopped. Roasting of meat and fat tail occurs quite quickly, 2 - 3 minutes, until a faint ruddy color is formed.

Next, put the chopped onion not very thin and reduce the heat to a minimum, close the lid tightly and leave to simmer for 5 minutes. Do not overcook the onion, releasing moisture in the process of cooking pilaf, the onion will not allow the meat to burn.

Then we put the carrots, previously cut into strips, close the lid tightly and leave to simmer over low heat - 30 minutes.

By this time, boiling water should already boil, which we set at the beginning. Before pouring boiling water, put 2 tablespoons of salt on a cup of rice, pour hot water just above the surface of the rice and immediately put the water to boil again in the kettle, for further pouring into the cauldron. Leave for 20-30 minutes while the carrots languish.

After 30 minutes after laying the carrots, put the pre-soaked Peas and Raisins, Zira and Garlic. Peas are soaked at least 3-5 hours before cooking. Closing the cauldron tightly with a lid, we simmer for another 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, rinse the rice with cold water 3 times. Then we put rice in a cauldron, add a little more cumin, put salt - 2 tablespoons ...

Pour boiling water over the ladle in order to avoid partial boiling of rice. We put the fire on maximum and patiently mix only the rice.

As soon as the water is absorbed, close the lid of the cauldron and rapidly steam the rice - 5 minutes. Then, having slightly reduced the fire, we open the lid of the cauldron and, having thoroughly mixed only the rice, we round it in a spherical manner, we make through holes with a long knife in order for the steam to circulate ...

Tightly close the lid of the cauldron, reduce the heat to a minimum and leave for 20-30 minutes. Patiently, without opening the lid, we courageously wait for the time. In the meantime, we prepare salads for pilaf and set the table.

After mixing the required amount of rice, first we put the rice in a not very thick layer, put the carrots on top of the rice, after the fat tail meat and garlic

As for drinks, the dish is served with “correctly” brewed green tea from selected varieties.

It turns out with a certain sweet aftertaste - this radically changes the usual taste. And to know all the charm of the true and magical taste, you should try this wonderful dish.

I promise, after such calories, the Children will be obedient and will not disturb, and the Wife will remain satisfied ...

According to this recipe, we have mounted a demo video clip, in which, without words, in practice, the whole process is shown. Guided by this recipe and reviewing

Adding raisins to pilaf is far from new.

In eastern countries, this has been done for a long time and dishes with an unusual taste are obtained.

Moreover, raisins go equally well with both meat pilaf and dessert options.

Therefore, such a dish can be prepared for both a man and a child.

Will we please the household with pilaf with raisins?

Pilaf with raisins - general principles of cooking

Rice is the basis of any pilaf. The type and taste of the dish depends on the quality and variety. Long-grained cereals are often used, but round rice can also be used for sweet dishes. Before cooking, it is always washed until the water is completely transparent.

Any raisins can be used for pilaf. But raisins are especially appreciated. The product is washed and then dried with a towel. If there are branches on the grapes, then they need to be pinched off.

In addition to rice and raisins, other dried fruits are often added to pilaf: dried apricots, prunes, you can put nuts, candied fruits. If pilaf is with meat, then besides it there are vegetables, mainly carrots, onions and garlic. Well, all kinds of spices, the number of which is unlimited.

Uzbek pilaf with raisins and lamb

The recipe for Uzbek pilaf with raisins and lamb, which will surprise you with its unique taste and incomparable aroma. It is better to use raisins.

150 grams of raisins;

800 grams of rice;

0.6 kilograms of carrots;

3 large onions.

1. Rinse the lamb, dry it and cut into large pieces.

2. In a cauldron, heat the oil to a haze, about a glass and lower the meat. Fry until brown, make a large fire, do not reduce.

3. Cut carrots into strips, onions into large cubes.

4. First, send the onion to the meat, fry for a minute.

5. Add carrots, cover and simmer under the lid for five minutes.

6. At this time, you need to rinse the raisins and rice, you can combine them. Rice is washed at least 7 times until the water is completely transparent.

7. Add spices to the cauldron: saffron, zira, turmeric and all the rest.

8. Next, spread the rice with raisins, salt.

9. Pour boiling water from the kettle so that the water is 2.5 centimeters higher than the food level.

10. Now we take the washed head of garlic and stick it in the center of the dish.

11. Put a bay leaf on top, cover the cauldron.

12. After boiling, we simmer the pilaf on a minimum heat for 20 minutes, then turn it off and, without opening, leave it for another half an hour.

Sweet pilaf with dried apricots and raisins

It doesn’t take much time to cook sweet pilaf with raisins and dried apricots. The dish is very simple, but quick and tasty. Ideal for breakfast, afternoon snack and just to feed the little fussy. If desired, you can also add a little prunes to it.

70 grams of dried apricots;

70 grams of raisins;

50 ml refined vegetable oil;

1. Wash the rice immediately. You can use a long or rounded cereal, it does not really matter. We take the one we like.

2. Lightly dry the rice.

3. Heat the oil in a frying pan.

4. Add rice and fry until golden brown, periodically stir the cereal.

5. We wash dried fruits. Dried apricots can be cut into cubes or strips.

6. We shift the rice from the pan to a saucepan or cauldron.

7. In the same pan, fry raisins with dried apricots and also transfer to a cauldron, stir.

8. Add two cups of boiling water, salt a little so that the dish shows taste, cover and simmer until tender.

9. Turn off after 20 minutes and let it stand for the same amount.

10. When serving, you can sprinkle sugar on top.

Pilaf with raisins, nuts and meat "Padishah"

Another amazing oriental dish that you should definitely try. The name alone is worth it! In the East, they use lamb or beef, but we can also take pork. In general, any meat, but only walnuts.

500 grams of meat;

100 grams of oil;

150 grams of nuts;

150 grams of raisins;

3 cloves of garlic;

2 bay leaves;

Also added to the dish: barberry, marjoram, cumin. I leave them at my discretion.

1. Cut the onion, throw it into hot oil, cook for a minute.

2. Cut the carrots into strips and also fry with onions.

3. Now it's the turn to lay the meat, which we cut into small cubes. Fry together with vegetables. If beef is laid in pilaf, then you can cover the lid and stew the dish a little.

5. We wash the rice with raisins, put it in a cauldron.

6. Salt, add boiling water, about 1 centimeter above the rice, put the garlic and bay leaf.

7. Cover and simmer for half an hour.

8. Turn off, let stand for half an hour.

Sweet pilaf with dried apricots and raisins in a slow cooker

Another option for a dessert dish that is cooked in a slow cooker. To taste, you can add cinnamon, more sugar and even vanilla to it. It is better to use steamed rice, it turns out tastier with it.

100 grams of raisins;

100 grams of dried apricots;

1 multi-cup steamed rice;

1 multi-glass of water;

30 grams of butter.

1. We wash rice and dried fruits. We cut the dried apricots into strips, leave the raisins whole.

2. Put oil in the slow cooker, add dried fruits and fry in the baking mode for 10-12 minutes.

3. Put rice, sugar, you can add sweet spices, stir.

4. Pour in water and put on the pilaf mode for half an hour. Similarly, you can cook on the extinguishing program.

5. After the signal, we do not immediately open the multicooker and let the pilaf stand for another half hour, the heating can be turned off.

Pilaf with raisins and apples

Another version of sweet pilaf with raisins and apples. Some have been familiar with this dish since childhood. It is really tasty, fragrant and worth attention. You can take any apples, but round rice is better.

100 grams of raisins;

3 tablespoons of butter;

1. We wash the rice and put it in a saucepan.

2. Pour 2 cups of boiling water and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, cover with a lid.

3. We wash the raisins and throw them into the pan, put sugar with it. Cover and cook for another 5 minutes.

4. Cut the apples into cubes. The peel can be removed or left, do it to your taste.

5. We throw apples into almost ready rice, mix and simmer for another 5 minutes. Pilaf is ready!

Sweet pilaf with dried apricots, raisins and prunes

Another recipe for a sweet pilaf with raisins and dried apricots, which also includes prunes, nuts and carrots. Yes, it is she who makes this dish unusual and adds bright colors.

100 grams of rice;

50 grams of dried apricots:

50 grams of nuts;

50 grams of raisins;

50 grams of prunes;

40 grams of oil;

1. We wash all dried fruits, cut prunes and dried apricots into small strips.

2. Chop the nuts and fry.

3. Shred carrots into strips or cut into cubes, but not small.

4. Put oil in a cauldron and fry the carrot until golden brown.

5. Add dried fruits, fry for a couple more minutes.

6. Put well-washed rice, a pinch of salt.

7. Pour a glass of boiling water, cover and simmer until the rice is ready.

8. When serving pilaf, sprinkle with nuts. Sugar can also be added to taste, but dried fruit is usually sufficient.

Even sweet pilaf requires salt. It gives the rice flavor, makes the dish rich. If you do not add salt, it may appear "empty".

Repeated washing of rice is the norm for pilaf. But the sweet dish is often cooked and viscous. And sometimes round rice is specially used so that the pilaf looks more like porridge.

Raisins are different. And not only in appearance, but also in taste. If the berries are sour, then add a little sugar to the pilaf. If, on the contrary, they are very cloying, then you can reduce the amount of sugar in the recipe.

Both sweet and regular pilaf take time to fully develop the taste. Therefore, do not rush to lay it out on plates and let the dish brew under the lid. It will become much tastier.

Delicious pilaf is obtained only in dishes with thick walls. Basically, a cauldron is used for cooking. But, if it is not there, then you can use a cast-iron skillet or stewpan. But in a Teflon pan, pilaf does not turn out the way it should be.

Sugar increases the stickiness of rice. Therefore, it is better to add it to the finished dish, unless, of course, according to the recipe, it is intended to cook porridge.

Adding raisins to pilaf is far from new.

In eastern countries, this has been done for a long time and dishes with an unusual taste are obtained.

Moreover, raisins go equally well with both meat pilaf and dessert options.

Therefore, such a dish can be prepared for both a man and a child.

Will we please the household with pilaf with raisins?

Pilaf with raisins - general principles of cooking

Rice is the basis of any pilaf. The type and taste of the dish depends on the quality and variety. Long-grained cereals are often used, but round rice can also be used for sweet dishes. Before cooking, it is always washed until the water is completely transparent.

Any raisins can be used for pilaf. But raisins are especially appreciated. The product is washed and then dried with a towel. If there are branches on the grapes, then they need to be pinched off.

In addition to rice and raisins, other dried fruits are often added to pilaf: dried apricots, prunes, you can put nuts, candied fruits. If pilaf is with meat, then besides it there are vegetables, mainly carrots, onions and garlic. Well, all kinds of spices, the number of which is unlimited.

Uzbek pilaf with raisins and lamb

The recipe for Uzbek pilaf with raisins and lamb, which will surprise you with its unique taste and incomparable aroma. It is better to use raisins.


1 kg lamb;

150 grams of raisins;

800 grams of rice;


head of garlic;

Bay leaf;

0.6 kilograms of carrots;

3 large onions.


1. Rinse the lamb, dry it and cut into large pieces.

2. In a cauldron, heat the oil to a haze, about a glass and lower the meat. Fry until brown, make a large fire, do not reduce.

3. Cut carrots into strips, onions into large cubes.

4. First, send the onion to the meat, fry for a minute.

5. Add carrots, cover and simmer under the lid for five minutes.

6. At this time, you need to rinse the raisins and rice, you can combine them. Rice is washed at least 7 times until the water is completely transparent.

7. Add spices to the cauldron: saffron, zira, turmeric and all the rest.

8. Next, spread the rice with raisins, salt.

9. Pour boiling water from the kettle so that the water is 2.5 centimeters higher than the food level.

10. Now we take the washed head of garlic and stick it in the center of the dish.

11. Put a bay leaf on top, cover the cauldron.

12. After boiling, we simmer the pilaf on a minimum heat for 20 minutes, then turn it off and, without opening, leave it for another half an hour.

Sweet pilaf with dried apricots and raisins

It doesn’t take much time to cook sweet pilaf with raisins and dried apricots. The dish is very simple, but quick and tasty. Ideal for breakfast, afternoon snack and just to feed the little fussy. If desired, you can also add a little prunes to it.


70 grams of dried apricots;

70 grams of raisins;

1 glass of rice;

50 ml refined vegetable oil;

Sugar to taste.


1. Wash the rice immediately. You can use a long or rounded cereal, it does not really matter. We take the one we like.

2. Lightly dry the rice.

3. Heat the oil in a frying pan.

4. Add rice and fry until golden brown, periodically stir the cereal.

5. We wash dried fruits. Dried apricots can be cut into cubes or strips.

6. We shift the rice from the pan to a saucepan or cauldron.

7. In the same pan, fry raisins with dried apricots and also transfer to a cauldron, stir.

8. Add two cups of boiling water, salt a little so that the dish shows taste, cover and simmer until tender.

9. Turn off after 20 minutes and let it stand for the same amount.

10. When serving, you can sprinkle sugar on top.

Pilaf with raisins, nuts and meat "Padishah"

Another amazing oriental dish that you should definitely try. The name alone is worth it! In the East, they use lamb or beef, but we can also take pork. In general, any meat, but only walnuts.


1 glass of rice;

500 grams of meat;

100 grams of oil;

2 carrots;

1 onion;

150 grams of nuts;

150 grams of raisins;

3 cloves of garlic;

2 bay leaves;

Salt pepper.

Also added to the dish: barberry, marjoram, cumin. I leave them at my discretion.


1. Cut the onion, throw it into hot oil, cook for a minute.

2. Cut the carrots into strips and also fry with onions.

3. Now it's the turn to lay the meat, which we cut into small cubes. Fry together with vegetables. If beef is laid in pilaf, then you can cover the lid and stew the dish a little.

5. We wash the rice with raisins, put it in a cauldron.

6. Salt, add boiling water, about 1 centimeter above the rice, put the garlic and bay leaf.

7. Cover and simmer for half an hour.

8. Turn off, let stand for half an hour.

Sweet pilaf with dried apricots and raisins in a slow cooker

Another option for a dessert dish that is cooked in a slow cooker. To taste, you can add cinnamon, more sugar and even vanilla to it. It is better to use steamed rice, it turns out tastier with it.


100 grams of raisins;

100 grams of dried apricots;

1 multi-cup steamed rice;

1 multi-glass of water;

2 spoons of sugar;

30 grams of butter.


1. We wash rice and dried fruits. We cut the dried apricots into strips, leave the raisins whole.

2. Put oil in the slow cooker, add dried fruits and fry in the baking mode for 10-12 minutes.

3. Put rice, sugar, you can add sweet spices, stir.

4. Pour in water and put on the pilaf mode for half an hour. Similarly, you can cook on the extinguishing program.

5. After the signal, we do not immediately open the multicooker and let the pilaf stand for another half hour, the heating can be turned off.

Pilaf with raisins and apples

Another version of sweet pilaf with raisins and apples. Some have been familiar with this dish since childhood. It is really tasty, fragrant and worth attention. You can take any apples, but round rice is better.


1 glass of rice;

2 apples;

100 grams of raisins;

5 tablespoons of sugar;

3 tablespoons of butter;

Water 3 cups.


1. We wash the rice and put it in a saucepan.

2. Pour 2 cups of boiling water and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, cover with a lid.

3. We wash the raisins and throw them into the pan, put sugar with it. Cover and cook for another 5 minutes.

4. Cut the apples into cubes. The peel can be removed or left, do it to your taste.

5. We throw apples into almost ready rice, mix and simmer for another 5 minutes. Pilaf is ready!

Sweet pilaf with dried apricots, raisins and prunes

Another recipe for a sweet pilaf with raisins and dried apricots, which also includes prunes, nuts and carrots. Yes, it is she who makes this dish unusual and adds bright colors.


100 grams of rice;

1 carrot;

50 grams of dried apricots:

50 grams of nuts;

50 grams of raisins;

50 grams of prunes;

40 grams of oil;


1. We wash all dried fruits, cut prunes and dried apricots into small strips.

2. Chop the nuts and fry.

3. Shred carrots into strips or cut into cubes, but not small.

4. Put oil in a cauldron and fry the carrot until golden brown.

5. Add dried fruits, fry for a couple more minutes.

6. Put well-washed rice, a pinch of salt.

7. Pour a glass of boiling water, cover and simmer until the rice is ready.

8. When serving pilaf, sprinkle with nuts. Sugar can also be added to taste, but dried fruit is usually sufficient.

Even sweet pilaf requires salt. It gives the rice flavor, makes the dish rich. If you do not add salt, it may appear "empty".

Repeated washing of rice is the norm for pilaf. But the sweet dish is often cooked and viscous. And sometimes round rice is specially used so that the pilaf looks more like porridge.

Raisins are different. And not only in appearance, but also in taste. If the berries are sour, then add a little sugar to the pilaf. If, on the contrary, they are very cloying, then you can reduce the amount of sugar in the recipe.

Both sweet and regular pilaf take time to fully develop the taste. Therefore, do not rush to lay it out on plates and let the dish brew under the lid. It will become much tastier.

Delicious pilaf is obtained only in dishes with thick walls. Basically, a cauldron is used for cooking. But, if it is not there, then you can use a cast-iron skillet or stewpan. But in a Teflon pan, pilaf does not turn out the way it should be.

Sugar increases the stickiness of rice. Therefore, it is better to add it to the finished dish, unless, of course, according to the recipe, it is intended to cook porridge.

How often do you cook pilaf with raisins? Many of us have not even tried this combination of flavors. In this article, your attention will be presented with a recipe for pilaf with raisins. On the Internet, you can also find many cooking options - pilaf with raisins, a recipe with a photo. Pilaf is a very frequent guest on the table of every hostess and there are many options for its preparation, each hostess has her own, like borscht.

Rice is a very popular and beloved by many cereal crops, you can get confused in the assortment of rice varieties. No other culture can boast such a highly occupied place on store shelves. For cooking pilaf, the Basmati variety is best suited, it has a special aroma that will give the pilaf a special note.

Step by step video recipe

You can choose any meat for pilaf, be it pork, beef or chicken. Some peoples cook pilaf only with lamb. But raisins should be used only pitted and the larger, the better for pilaf. The color of the raisins does not matter, some housewives even mix light and dark raisins in one recipe. You can see in some recipes for pilaf with raisins a recipe with a step-by-step photo of how different varieties of raisins are mixed.

Ingredients for the dish

  • Rice - 400 g.
  • Beef, chicken or pork - 500 g.
  • Raisins - 200 g.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Black pepper - to taste
  • Sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Other seasonings - - to taste

Cooking step by step

Wash the meat well under running water, cut into small cubes. Prepare a deep thick-walled saucepan. Heat up a pan with oil and fry the meat in it. When a golden crust appears on the meat, pour it (about 2 cups) of water, and simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes.

Peel carrots and onions, wash. Cut the onion into a cube, and the carrots are not thick straws. When the meat boils away virtually all the water, add the carrots and onions. Salt, pepper and simmer for 5-10 minutes under a closed lid.

Rinse the rice well, changing the water several times until it is no longer cloudy. Rinse the raisins too and in no case do not pour boiling water over them.

Sprinkle the washed rice over the meat and then the raisins. Salt and place the peeled head of garlic in the middle of the future pilaf. Pour all this with boiling water so that it covers the surface of the pilaf by 1.5 centimeters.

Boil the rice until cooked, the cooking time will depend on the type of rice you have chosen. When the rice is fully cooked, mix all the ingredients, cover and leave on the stove for about another 10 minutes. Rice must be fluffy. That's all, pilaf with raisins and meat is ready.

If you remove the meat from this recipe, you get a great lean pilaf with raisins. And you can also cook sweet pilaf with raisins and dried fruits in case of fasting days.

In the Uzbek pilaf with raisins, in recipes with photos, you can see the use of spices such as zira. This spice is used when preparing pilaf with lamb. Pilaf in Turkic means boiled rice. And there are many cooking options, but there is a classic recipe for preparing lamb pilaf. The principle of cooking pilaf originated in the Middle East in India, but at the same time, rice itself as an agricultural crop appeared much earlier in China. But in Chinese cuisine, rice is preferred as a separately cooked dish.

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