
Steamed minced beef cutlets. Steam cutlets recipe. How to make steam cutlets in a slow cooker

Even the healthiest person would not be superfluous to remember about dietary steam. May you be completely healthy. But in order not to face an unpleasant diagnosis one day, it is better to take care of yourself in advance. And, in the end, the opinion that steamed foods are not interesting, insipid and can only satisfy the wildest hunger is simply wrong. In any case, delicious steam cutlets from are not uncommon. Even the average hostess can cook them.

Steam is better!

We, accustomed to frying (in extreme cases, boiling or stewing), forget that there is such a wonderful culinary approach as steaming. It is resorted to reluctantly and only when necessary. Meanwhile, dietary beef steam cutlets can greatly diversify the table and delight in taste. They are much softer and juicier, easily digested, even if there are problems with digestion, contain a minimum of fats and carcinogens - after all, there is no frying stage. At the same time, they retain all the useful qualities inherent in meat. So such a dish will come to the court and kids who have barely learned to chew, and ladies in position, and the elderly, and those who intend to lose a couple of extra pounds. And if necessary, adhere to medical prescriptions, dietary beef steam cutlets are simply irreplaceable.

The simplest minced meat

The steam cooking method itself in the main stages is simple. But no one interferes with creating the basis for cutlets to be creative. But you can start with a primitive, well-known composition. For ordinary minced meat, a pound of beef is taken; this meat usually includes quite a lot of films and veins - they need to be removed. An onion is ground together with beef; those who wish can add a garlic clove here. A slice of bread (necessarily yesterday, it has less gluten) is freed from the crust and soaked in milk. If you are planning steam diet beef cutlets, give preference to black bread. Squeezed bread is kneaded with minced meat; the egg is driven in there. The mass is salted and peppered, and you can proceed to the next step.

More savory cutlets are obtained if bread is replaced with oatmeal. They take a spoon with a small slide for every 100 grams of beef. Flakes are poured with boiling water and left to swell. The meat is turned twice with a meat grinder with an onion. Flakes and chopped greens of your choice are introduced into the minced meat. For splendor and juiciness, a spoonful of warm milk and a teaspoon of olive oil are poured in (again, the calculation is for 100 g of beef). Salt, mix - and start sculpting.

Such dietary beef steam cutlets are especially good for pancreatitis. Unless garlic and herbs will have to be removed from the list of components.

Cooking process

It is most convenient to cook beef steam cutlets in a double boiler. are made somewhat smaller than usual; often they are given a round and even spherical shape - but this is a matter of personal preference. Formed cutlets are rolled in breading. Both crackers and flour are suitable as it. And in the case when you replaced bread with oatmeal, roll the cutlets in them. To do this, the flakes need to be crushed or loaded into a coffee grinder.

The cutlets are put into the "sieve" of the double boiler, water is poured into the container (according to the instructions), and the device is switched on to the cooking mode. It will take from half an hour to 45 minutes, it depends on the model of the unit.

Fish + meat

If you do not follow a diet, but simply like steam food, we suggest trying simply unique cutlets that combine both meat and fish notes. Seven hundred grams of beef is chopped as finely as possible. You can, of course, grind, but a certain part of the flavor charm will be lost. A spoonful of starch is poured into the minced meat (corn is needed), a little salt and pepper. In addition, a spoonful of soy sauce is poured in. From this mass is formed a large advises to make one, but you can adapt it to your tastes. Small pieces of salted fish are laid out on top. The design is sprinkled with ground ginger and placed in a double boiler. She should work until the beef is ready, about three quarters of an hour. The dish is always eaten hot, and rice will be the most harmonious side dish.

Steam diet beef cutlets in the oven

Suppose you don’t have a double boiler, but you don’t want to build a structure from a pan with a colander. However, this is not a reason to refuse steam cutlets. The oven will quite successfully replace the double boiler.

A pound of beef, washed, dried and freed from films with tendons, is turned with a meat grinder to the state of minced meat. Two onions and a couple of garlic cloves are rubbed on a fine grater. The lazy ones can scroll them along with the meat, but they will lose their zest in taste. Two large potatoes are peeled and also rubbed (no substitution is allowed here). All the resulting masses are combined in a deep bowl; minced meat is kneaded and salted. You can add spices if you wish. Cutlets are formed from the mass. Each of them is laid out on a suitable piece of foil and carefully wrapped. It is better to do something like a knot, collecting all the ends of the foil from above: then the juice will not seep out, and the cutlet will languish in its own steam. The bundles are laid out on a baking sheet and hidden in a hot oven until the cutlets are ready.

Cutlets are a familiar and favorite dish on any table. They are great for lunch and dinner, and sometimes even breakfast. It is not difficult to choose a side dish for cutlets - they go well with any pasta, potatoes, all kinds of salads and sauces. We are all used to fried cutlets with a golden crust. But cutlets can also be cooked in a double boiler, so they will be much more useful. Many do not know how to cook tasty steamed cutlets and thereby combine business with pleasure.

Steamed cutlets: recipe

You will need:

  • 300 gr. chicken or veal fillet;
  • 1 slice of white bread;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt;
  • pepper.


  • Soak white bread in water and squeeze.
  • Rinse chicken or veal fillet thoroughly, dry. Pass the meat through a meat grinder twice and add bread to it.
  • Salt and add spices to taste.
  • Form small meatballs from minced meat. They steam for about half an hour.
  • Chopped onions can be added to the cutlets if desired.
  • If you want to cook diet cutlets, then it is better not to add spices and limit the amount of salt.
  • Non-spicy and unsalted steamed minced meat patties are recommended to be included in the diet for stomach ulcers or cholecystitis.

Steamed baby cutlets

You will need:

  • 400 gr. chicken fillet
  • 1 slice white bread
  • Milk
  • 1 small onion


  • Put a pot of water on the fire, wait until it boils. Place a special grate over boiling water and cover it with gauze.
  • Pass the chicken fillet through a meat grinder several times.
  • Add bread and onions soaked in milk to the meat.
  • Pass the minced meat through the meat grinder again.
  • Add salt to minced meat. You can add some herbs, such as basil. Mild and aromatic spices such as oregano and nutmeg are also great for baby cutlets.
  • Roll the minced meat into small balls and place on a wire rack. Steamed meatballs take 20 minutes.
  • Steamed cutlets are usually not breaded. Breadcrumbs under the influence of steam will get soggy and lose their properties. The appearance of the dish will also suffer, so it is better to do without breading.
  • It is preferable to use minced meat or pass the meat through a meat grinder several times.
  • Since steamed cutlets are very often used as a dietary dish, it is best to choose lean meat, for example, chicken, veal, lean pork.
  • It is better to add mild spices to steamed cutlets that will add flavor: basil, nutmeg, parsley, marjoram.
  • If you are cooking in a double boiler, then lay the cutlets in one row.
  • If you do not have a double boiler, then you can build it yourself by covering a pot of boiling water with a special grate. Instead of a grate, you can use a colander, but this is not so convenient. Both the grate and the colander must be covered with a lid so that the steamed cutlets cook properly.

Meat cutlets are a hearty everyday dish, without which it is difficult to imagine a cozy home cooking. However, fried minced meat products are too high in calories, therefore they are not recommended by nutritionists for problems with the digestive system and being overweight. An excellent alternative is steam cutlets, which can even be used in the diet of sick people and young children. If you cook a hot dish correctly, it will delight you with softness, juiciness and delicate taste.

List of recipes in the article:

How to cook diet steam cutlets

How to cook diet cutlets in a double boiler

The most delicious steam cutlets are obtained by mixing different types of meat, such as beef and pork. If children's food is being prepared, it is recommended to combine dietary veal and chicken fillet (breast). It is very useful to combine meat with grains.

For 0.5 kg of minced meat you will need:

  • onions (2 heads)
  • egg (1 pc.)
  • oatmeal (3 tablespoons)
  • table salt to taste
  • freshly ground black pepper (for adults) to taste
  • frozen onion feathers (1 bunch)
  • vegetable oil for lubrication

Scroll the onion in a meat grinder, put in minced meat. Beat in a raw egg, add salt and pepper to your taste. Instead of the traditional bread crumb, put small oatmeal - they are healthier, besides, this additive will give the cutlets an unusual rich taste. To make meat products juicier, add very finely chopped onion feathers to the minced meat. It is recommended to pre-wash them, chop them and put them in the freezer (use without defrosting!). Mix everything thoroughly.

Scientists have calculated: 100 g of breaded fried beef cutlets provide approximately 364 kcal. If the same food is steamed, then the calorie content of the product will be only about 180 kcal!

Form cutlets and put them in a double boiler, the bottom of which should be lightly greased with vegetable oil. If you do not have a special device, make an impromptu one: fill a pot of a suitable diameter with water by a third, place a colander on top and cover tightly with a lid. Steam cutlets for 30 minutes.

Cooking chicken steam cutlets

Delicious and satisfying cutlets can be prepared from chicken fillet and potatoes. If desired, minced meat products can be lightly rolled in breadcrumbs before being placed in a double boiler - cutlets will not stick to hands and will not retain their shape better after heat treatment.

  • Main dishes Many people prefer to eat the second course for dinner, but children like to eat it instead of soup in order to quickly get to dessert or their favorite pastries. On the site Delicious food you will find a wide variety of recipes for main courses from simple steam cutlets to exquisite rabbit in white wine. Delicious fry fish, bake vegetables, cook a variety of vegetable and meat casseroles and your favorite mashed potatoes for a side dish will help our recipes with step-by-step photos. Even beginners will cope with the preparation of any main dish, whether it be meat in French or turkey with vegetables, chicken schnitzels or pink salmon in sour cream, if they cook according to our recipes with step-by-step photos. Delicious food site will help you prepare the most delicious dinner for your loved ones. Choose a recipe and cook for health!
    • Vareniki, dumplings Ah, dumplings, and varenniki with cottage cheese, potatoes and mushrooms with cherries and blueberries. - for every taste! In your kitchen, you are free to cook whatever your heart desires! The main thing is to make the right dough for dumplings and dumplings, and we have such a recipe! Cook and delight your loved ones with the most delicious dumplings and dumplings!
  • Dessert Desserts are a favorite section of culinary recipes for the whole family. After all, here is what children and adults adore - sweet and tender homemade ice cream, mousse, marmalade, casseroles and delicious sweets for tea. All recipes are simple and affordable. Step-by-step photos will help to prepare any dessert even for a novice cook without any problems! Choose a recipe and cook for health!
  • canning Homemade preparations for the winter are always tastier than store-bought ones! And most importantly, you know exactly what vegetables and fruits they are made from and never add harmful or dangerous substances to winter canned food! In our family, they always preserved for the winter: As a child, I remember my mother always cooked tasty and fragrant jam from berries: strawberries, strawberries, blueberries. We prefer to make jellies and compotes from currants, but gooseberries and apples make excellent homemade wine! The most delicate homemade marmalade comes out of apples - unusually bright and tasty! Homemade juices - no preservatives - 100% natural and healthy. How can you say no to something like this? Be sure to make winter spins according to our recipes - useful and affordable for every family!
    • Pork - 300-400 grams;
    • Salo - 100 grams;
    • 1-2 bulbs;
    • 1 carrot (optional)
    • 1 egg;
    • 0.5 multi cups of semolina;
    • Garlic - 1-2 cloves;
    • Salt and spices to taste.

    Cooking step by step:

    Minced meat can be bought at any supermarket, but I always cook it myself.
    Wash pork and lard under running water and cut into small pieces. We clean the onion and garlic and cut into four parts, carrots - in circles or large straws.

    I always put carrots in minced meat, but if you do not like this vegetable, you can exclude it.
    Each housewife knows her meat grinder or food processor, so we cut vegetables and meat so that they do not get stuck. We pass everything through a meat grinder.

    Salt the minced meat, pepper it, add some spices and an egg.
    Mix it all well.

    It happens that the minced meat turns out to be too juicy and there is a risk that the cutlets may fall apart during cooking.
    In this case, I add 0.5 multi cups of semolina. You can also use breadcrumbs for this purpose.

    We form cutlets from minced meat.
    Pour 3 multi-cups of water into the bottom of the multicooker pan.
    We put a basket for steaming and lay out the cutlets. Previously, they can be lubricated with vegetable oil.
    We turn on the multicooker, select the "Steam cooking" program for 40 minutes.

    Before I had time to get what was cooked from the slow cooker, my youngest child began to ask for a cutlet!
    This is what homemade and delicious food means!

    Steamed cutlets are cooked in the Panasonic SR-TMH18LTW multicooker. Power 670 watts.

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