
Food stabilizer E451 Triphosphates. Harm and properties of the stabilizer E451. Stabilizer E450: influence on the body E 451 food additive

It is difficult to find a product that does not include the food additive E 450. Appetizing pieces of sausage without fatty smudges, elastic cheese, soft confectionery fudge - all this gastronomic splendor is created using synthetic substances based on pyrophosphoric acid.

The additive has antimicrobial activity. This does not make it safe for human health.

In 2014 was put into operation GOST R 55054-2012 prescribing the name - E 450 pyrophosphates, as well as the technical conditions for its use in the food industry.

Index "E" denotes the product code in the European classification system.

An international synonym is Pyrophosphates (or Diphosphates).

The product combines several substances similar in structure and technological functions:

  • 2-substituted sodium pyrophosphate (E 450i), synonyms: disodium pyrophosphate, sodium dihydropyrophosphate (international name Disodium diphosphate); formula Na 2 H 2 P 2 O 7;
  • 3-substituted sodium pyrophosphate (ii), synonyms: trisodium pyrophosphate, sodium monohydropyrophosphate, (Trisodium diphosphate), formula Na 3 HP 2 O 7;
  • 4-substituted sodium pyrophosphate (iii), synonyms: tetrasodium pyrophosphate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, (Tetrasodium diphosphate); formula Na 4 P 2 O 7 ;
  • 2-substituted potassium pyrophosphate (iv), synonyms: dipotassium pyrophosphate, potassium dihydropyrophosphate, (Dipotassium diphosphate); formula K 2 P 2 O 7 ;
  • 4-substituted potassium pyrophosphate (v), synonyms: tetrapotassium pyrophosphate, tetrapotassium diphosphate, (Tetrapotassium diphosphate); formula K 4 P 2 O 7 ;
  • calcium pyrophosphate 2-substituted (vii), synonyms: dicalcium pyrophosphate, calcium dihydropyrophosphate, dicalcium pyrophosphate, (Dicalcium diphosphate), formula CaH 2 P 2 O 7;
  • calcium pyrophosphate 4-substituted (vi), synonyms: calcium dihydrogen pyrophosphate, calcium dihydrogen pyrophosphate, (Calcium dihydrogen diphosphate), formula Ca 2 P 2 O 7.

In German, the product is designated as Dinatriumdihydrogendiphosphat, in French - diphosphate de disodium.

Substance type

Additive E 450 is sodium, potassium and calcium salts of pyrophosphoric acid. Pyrophosphates according to the main technological function are included in the group. In practice, the additive is used as a baking powder, water-retaining agent, acidity regulator.

For the production of food pyrophosphates, sodium and potassium hydroxides, calcium oxide and hydroxide are used (GOST 10678, grade A).

The product is obtained by dehydration of hydroorthophosphate with the appropriate acid.


Indicator Standard values
Color colorless or white
Composition pyrophosphoric acid, salts
Appearance granules, crystalline powder of fine or medium fraction
Smell missing
Solubility pyrophosphates of sodium and potassium are readily soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol; calcium pyrophosphates are insoluble in water, good solubility in hydrochloric, nitric acids
The content of the main substance 90–95% (after drying); content of phosphorus oxide (P2O5) from 42 to 64.5%
Taste sourish
Density not determined
Other pH 3.7–4.4 (1% solution)


Food pyrophosphates are packed in polyethylene film bags (thickness from 0.08 mm). To ensure tightness, the bags are welded, less often tied with twine made from natural fibers.

The outer packaging is:

  • three-layer paper bags;
  • synthetic fiber grocery bags;
  • cardboard or plastic drums.


Pyrophosphates are mainly used in the production of household chemicals: the substances are part of most antibacterial detergents.

In food production, I mainly use sodium pyrophosphates. The leading consumers of the additive are the meat and fish processing industries. The substance is necessary for the production of minced meat (permitted rate is not more than 0.3% of the total mass), canned food, sausages. It is added during the heat treatment of the product to swell proteins. This helps to retain moisture, improve structure, increase juiciness and increase the yield of the finished product. Pyrophosphates can play a role, as they slow down the oxidative processes of fats, extend the shelf life.

Depending on the technological task set, the E 450 additive can act as:

  • emulsifying salt in the production of young and processed cheeses (9 g/kg) to prevent delamination of the emulsion, wrinkling of the product;
  • water-retaining agent (3 g/kg) in confectionery flour and sugar products, concentrated syrups: retains a given consistency, prevents drying, slows down the crystallization of sucrose;
  • texturizer in vegetable-based cream, sandwich spreads, dairy desserts, sauces, batter to obtain a homogenized mass (up to 5 g/kg); dry mixes and concentrates, milk, baking and egg powders (up to 10g/kg);
  • acidity regulator in soft drinks (artificially mineralized, flavored), fruit products, dry teas (including herbal ones), berry ice cream;
  • flour improver in pasta and bread products to improve dough structure;
  • turbidity stabilizer in chocolate and barley milk drinks to prevent particle settling, to prevent liquid stratification.

Additive E 450 is included in the production of frozen potatoes: the additive protects the product from browning, helps to preserve the structure during cooking.

Pyrophosphates as an emulsifier are included in protein shakes for sports nutrition (20 g/kg).

In the Codex Alimentarius, the additive is allowed by the standards for meat and fish products, processed cheeses, dry broths, frozen vegetables (from 1 to 9 g / kg).

Pyrophosphates with limited allowance (70 mg/kg) are approved for use in all countries.

The cosmetic industry uses food additive E 450 as a buffer. Commonly used in toothpastes to prevent plaque formation.

Benefit and harm

A synthetic additive does not have a beneficial effect on human health.

Independent experts (Kedr group) classify pyrophosphates as substances that provoke the development of oncological diseases.

Official structures recognize the additive E 450 as safe (class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007), but emphasize the need to comply with the allowable norm.

The advice is good, but it is difficult to follow: the percentage of chemicals added is not indicated on the packages. The consumer can only rely on the integrity of the manufacturers.

A high concentration of pyrophosphates can cause a number of negative consequences:

  • violation of the digestive tract;
  • joint diseases (for example, pyrophosphate arthropathy caused by the deposition of calcium pyrophosphate crystals in the tissues);
  • imbalance of macro- and microelements, which leads to the development of osteoporosis and other ailments;
    an increase in the level of LDL-cholesterol (“bad”), this can cause the formation of vascular plaques, disrupt blood supply, and provoke a stroke.

As part of cosmetics, the additive E 450 can cause an allergic rash, irritation of the mucous membranes.

Main manufacturers

The world leader in the production of pyrophosphates is the Belgian company Prayon S.A.

Food supplement E 450 is produced by:

  • OAO REATEKS, created on the basis of the Pilot Plant. L. A. Kostandova (Moscow);
  • the Nord Plus company, which is part of the NORD group (St. Petersburg);
  • Gebex 24 Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschraenkt), Germany;
  • Langfang Huinuo Fine Chemical Co., Ltd., China.

Food pyrophosphates are not as harmless as it seems at first glance. It is important to prevent their accumulation in the body. To do this, it is enough to exclude sausages, low-calorie fats and broth concentrates from the daily diet.

In the manufacture of food products, many enterprises use food additives. And this is no accident. They allow you to keep the presentation for a long time, enhance the aroma, give a more saturated color, improve some product qualities.

Food supplement E 450: what is it?

Such an additive refers to stabilizers. Substances of this type are inorganic compounds that allow you to maintain the structure of the product for a long time. When using stabilizers, goods remain fresh and ready to eat for more than one week. At the same time, the products do not become viscous and slippery over time. They last longer on store shelves.

This component is obtained by oxidizing a solution of sodium pyrophosphate. The process is carried out using hydrochloric acid. As a result of oxidation, liquid is removed from the solution. At the same time, the resulting substance retains moisture well. Food additive E 450 is found in most foods.

Areas of use

E 450 additives are used in the manufacture of many products. In the food industry, this substance is added to canned meat, cheese and dairy products, some confectionery, juices and minced meat.

The properties of this component allow it to be used as an antioxidant and degreaser. Therefore, pyrophosphate E 450 is often used in the production of household chemicals, preparations intended for the destruction of harmful insects. This substance prevents the ignition of building combustible materials. E 450 is used in the production of anti-corrosion compounds and various paints.

Features of the substance

Is food additive E 450 dangerous or not? If we consider the substance from the point of view of chemistry, then these are esters, as well as salts of pyrophosphoric acid. The component is designated by the following formula: H 4 R 2 O 7.

Similar substances are used as stabilizers. In addition, pyrophosphates can be used as water-retaining agents, baking powder, complexing agents, emulsifiers, and acidity regulators. Under the microscope, additive E 450 appears as a powder with a crystalline structure or as white granules.

In the meat processing industry, pyrophosphate is used to increase the volume of muscle fibers. Because of this, the mass of finished products becomes larger. Additive E 450 is added to all semi-finished meat products. This is not prohibited according to GOST R55054-2012.

What is it used for?

In addition to increasing the mass of muscle fibers, food supplement E 450 is used in industry for:

  • imparting uniform color to products;
  • consistency improvement;
  • freezing of oxidative natural processes;
  • increasing the shelf life of food products;
  • improving the taste properties of products.

These qualities of the supplement explain its popularity. E 450 has special chemical properties. Potassium and sodium pyrophosphates bind various elements together, forming a single consistency. In addition, the substances are able to inhibit the growth of bacteria, as well as keep food fresh for a long period.

Is it dangerous?

Pyrophosphates are on the list of permitted food additives in Russia and Ukraine, as well as in some EU countries. An exception is dimagnesium pyrophosphate: E 450 VIII. In European countries, this substance has not been used for a long time. However, in our country it is not prohibited. All salts and esters of pyrophosphoric acid have a third degree of harmfulness. This suggests that substances can harm the body.

The use of additive E 450 in small quantities may not cause damage. However, each person's reaction is individual. Pyrophosphates can lead to the development of allergic reactions, poor digestion, increased blood pressure, and can also reduce the level of absorption of useful components from food.

Therefore, it is important to exercise caution when buying and using products that contain such a stabilizer.

Calcium and fluoride imbalance

Is the food additive E 450 harmful? In the food industry in the US and the European Union, this compound is prohibited. However, in Russia this preservative is actively used. The E 450 marking can be found on almost every food package. Regular use of such a substance can adversely affect human health.

First of all, it is manifested by an imbalance of calcium and fluorine. Because of this, serious diseases develop. An excess of fluoride leads to problems with the absorption of calcium. The concentration of one substance in the blood is constantly increasing, and the second is decreasing. Calcium is simply flushed out of the body. This leads to the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The most common is osteoporosis. With such an ailment, the bones lose their stability and strength, become brittle. Therapy of the disease is to follow a strict diet and nutrition rules. At the same time, an increased intake of calcium and vitamin D is recommended.

This imbalance affects the cardiovascular system. A lack of calcium causes relaxation of the heart muscle and its rhythmic contraction. In addition, the substance is necessary for the formation of insulin.

Formation of cholesterol plaques

The negative impact on the body of the food additive E 450 has been proven for a long time. The constant use of products that contain this stabilizer causes the formation of cholesterol plaques in the lumen of blood vessels. Recently, studies have been carried out that have proven that pyrophosphates are carcinogenic substances. In other words, such additives cause the development of malignant tumors.

What products contain the most

To reduce the consumption of the E 450 supplement, you need to know which foods contain it most often. In the meat industry, it is added to many semi-finished products. These are sausages, sausages, a variety of dumplings, sausages, minced meat and all kinds of delicacy cuts.

The dairy industry does not do without this additive. She is very popular here. E 450 can be found in some dairy products, as well as processed cheeses. Often this component is found in the composition of cheap low-quality cottage cheese.

Unfortunately, many bakery manufacturers have begun to add pyrophosphates to their products. This allows you to make the goods heavier, while reducing the consumption of flour and other baking components. Therefore, do not be surprised if the bread does not go stale for a whole week.

Food additive E 450 is added to many popular and common food products: popsicles and chocolate ice cream, frozen potatoes, carbonated drinks, liquors, crab sticks, butter, dry cereals, herbal teas, instant soups and broths, sweet buns, syrups etc.

How to avoid problems

It is even difficult to imagine the food industry without the E 450 stabilizer. After all, consumers want to see products on store shelves that have a sufficient shelf life. After all, this allows you to stock up for the future.

Despite its widespread use, the E 450 stabilizer remains a dangerous additive. Excessive use of it threatens the emergence of many serious diseases, which are very difficult to cure. To reduce health risks, it is recommended to reduce the amount of processed meats in the diet. It is better to use natural poultry, beef and pork.

It is also not recommended to frequently purchase processed and sausage cheeses. As for bakery products, it is better to buy them from trusted manufacturers who do not add chemical components to their products.

Sodium triphosphate is a substance marked in the classification table of food additives with the number E 451i.

It is an artificially obtained white granular powder, belonging to the group of food stabilizers and acidity regulators with an average level of danger to human health.

Origin: synthetic;

Danger:middle level;

Synonymous names:E 451i, sodium tripolyphosphate, E-451i, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium triphosphate (5-substituted).

​General Information

The physical characteristics of E 451i, in addition to white color and granular friable powder form, can also include its good solubility in the aquatic environment and high resistance to the ethanol environment.

In fact, the substance E 451i is the result of the process of thermal processing of phosphoric acid. That is, in order to obtain sodium triphosphate, it is necessary to conduct thermal dehydration of a mixture of orthophosphoric acids and then impart it to vacuum crystallization.

The additive E 451i itself differs from its analogue substances in the degree of deep cleaning, that is, it is an improved substance E 451, especially for food production. E 451i is purified from impurities remaining after the processing of phosphoric acids. Heavy metals, arsenic and other harmful substances are extracted from it. And then used as an additive as an emulsifier, binding agent, flour improver and texturizer.

In the form of a molecular chemical formula, pentasodium triphosphate will look like this: Na 5 P 3 O 10.

Effect on the body


In view of its artificial origin, the additive E 451i has harmful properties and can cause various symptoms. In addition, products with this substance are not recommended for people who are diagnosed with generic.


No useful properties have been found in the additive E 451i.


Additive E 451i is available in two forms - for food production and for technical applications.

The first type of pentasodium triphosphate is used in meat and fish production, in the manufacture of processed cheeses (as a melting salt), in powdered cream, powdered milk, condensed milk, and in some types of confectionery production.

The second type of E 451i additive is a technical one, used in the coal and plastic industries, in the manufacture of thick pastes, in the chemical industry as a pH regulator in various media, in detergents, bleaches and disinfectants, in the paper industry, leather and other artificial materials, in pharmacology and cosmetology.


To the additive E 451i, the attitude in different countries is different. In the bulk of the EU countries, it is prohibited for adding to food products. But in Ukraine and the Russian Federation, E 451i is used in food products in certain norms specified in special documents.

Food additives triphosphates are substances with pronounced stabilizing properties. As part of food products, they are designed to preserve their taste, smell and color in their original form during the shelf life. The feedstock from which triphosphates are obtained is tripolyphosphoric acid, a derivative of. Of course, there is no question of any natural origin of the additive; moreover, one of the varieties of phosphorus is generally poisonous. However, the food stabilizer with the code E451, obtained in laboratories as a result of several stages of chemical procedures, did not show pronounced toxic properties as a result of long-term studies, so it is often added to food products. However, there is no definitive answer as to whether this supplement is completely safe.

The origin of triphosphates, their chemical properties

The main types of phosphorus found in nature are white, black and purple. Modifications of these species are yellow and red. In the process of burning phosphorus, phosphoric anhydrite is formed - a substance from which, by hydration, tripolyphosphoric acid is obtained. The synthesis of salts, which are triphosphates, comes from a mixture of phosphoric acids and some other components - they are subjected to dehydration by heating. The resulting substance then goes through the process of crystallization. The food supplement is in the form of a white powder or granulate. It does not dissolve in ethanol, but is highly soluble in ordinary.

Due to their properties, triphosphates have a wide range of applications in the food industry. They are used as structurators, that is, components designed to improve the structure of the product; as acidity regulators - they can establish and maintain a certain level of acid-base environment in the product; as stabilizers - triphosphates contribute to the preservation of the appearance, shape, color and smell of food; as emulsifiers - elements with surface activity, helping to create mixtures of normally immiscible products.

Subspecies of food additive E451

Since elements such as and can participate in the process of synthesis of a substance, several types of triphosphates are distinguished in the industry, respectively.

For their extraction, slightly different initial mixtures are used, therefore, as a result of the reaction, it can turn out:

  • sodium triphosphate (E451i);
  • potassium triphosphate (E451ii).

The chemical formulas of substances differ from each other, as well as their level of safety for the human body: potassium triphosphate is considered a more harmful additive.

The role of the substance in industry

On the largest scale, the E451 stabilizer is used in the production of meat and fish products: sausages, sausages, canned food, preserves. The triphosphates used in this case have an alkaline reaction, and, when added to meat and fish, they lead to an increase in the acidity of the feedstock. Because of this, the muscle fibers of meat accumulate a large amount of water, and the mass and volume of the product at the outlet increases. If you subject the meat or fish processed in this way to heating, their volume and mass will decrease again. The permissible content of triphosphates in meat and fish is up to 5 g per 1 kg. In various dairy products, the food additive is used because of its emulsifying properties.

In addition to these products, the substance is used for the preparation of:

  • (no more than 9 g per 1 kg of product mass);
  • bread from flour, frozen blanks pre-fried (up to 100 mg per 1 kg);
  • specialized drinks for athletes, artificially mineralized drinks (less than 500 mg per 1 kg);
  • fruit products, canned food, glazed fruits (up to 800 mg per 1 kg);
  • cheese, concentrated, ice cream, popsicles, minced fish “surimi”, milkshakes, pasta (no more than 2 g per 1 kg of product weight);
  • desserts, dry soups and broths, syrups (up to 3 g per 1 kg);
  • , whipped batter, breakfast cereals, shrimp paste, potato products (up to 5 mg per 1 kg).

Also, triphosphates are found in the compositions of baking powder, various bakery products, powdered sugar, desserts, many convenience foods, minced fish, canned seafood. They are often combined with other phosphates and citrates.

In addition to food, the component can be found in detergents, it is used in the production of cement, in the cosmetic, perfumery and textile industries, as well as to protect surfaces from corrosion.

Safety and impact on human health

Experiments on laboratory animals and long-term studies have confirmed the fact that the food supplement E451 cannot be considered completely safe for health. If we talk about positive findings, there are only a few of them: the substance does not affect reproductive function and does not cause infertility. Science does not yet have information about possible mutagenic reactions, as well as any dependence on the number of offspring or their ability to survive.

Regarding the effect on the body, it is known that the E451 stabilizer is not excreted in the process of life, that is, it has the property of accumulating in organs and cells. It can negatively affect the mucous tissues, and therefore its constant use will cause the appearance of inflammatory processes in them. This is especially true of the digestive system, so people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are especially advised to avoid products with this substance in their composition.

Orthophosphates, into which the additive breaks down in the human stomach, can change the alkaline-acid balance in the body towards increasing acidity, and can also disrupt metabolic processes.

The accumulation of a substance obtained from food causes digestibility disorders. As a result, calcium and phosphorus begin to be deposited in the kidneys by sand and stones, osteoporosis develops.

The additive also negatively affects the nervous system, in large quantities causing its sharp overexcitation.

Allergy sufferers and asthmatics should be doubly careful about this component in food, as it has the properties of an allergen, can provoke asthma attacks, reddening of the skin and a rash.

For food workers who encounter triphosphates at work, special precautions are provided, since interaction with substances can cause harm to the body. It is forbidden to work with triphosphates without a respirator, and the premises in which any processes with substances are carried out must have a powerful and constantly working ventilation system. If the additive gets on the mucous membranes or skin, the place should be washed very thoroughly with water and immediately seek medical help to neutralize the consequences.

Despite the known danger, triphosphates are allowed for use in Ukraine, Russia and some countries of the European Union.

The stabilizer and emulsifier under the code E451 is a well-known component of meat and fish products: preserves, canned food and minced meat. With its help, manufacturers manage to save on the quality and quantity of raw materials, since the use of triphosphates allows you to increase the weight of the product that will go on sale due to water. Because of this, the consumer buys water at the price of meat or fish, and this is not the only disadvantage of using triphosphates. According to studies, the substance negatively affects various processes in the body, causes a violation of the absorption of calcium, and contributes to its deposition in organs. The cumulative property of the supplement over time can cause inflammatory processes in the body, provoke the growth of tumors. For children, pregnant women and the elderly, it is better to refuse to eat food with these elements in the composition. A healthy adult is also not recommended to abuse foods processed with the E451 food additive.

Food stabilizer E451 Triphosphates, like many other chemicals with similar properties, are used in the industrial production of food products to maintain their viscosity level and the required consistency. In addition, another property of the food stabilizer E451 Triphosphates, which is considered very valuable, is the ability to prevent oxidation processes and stabilize the color of meat products and fats.

According to the conclusion of experts, after conducting numerous tests and studies, the food additive was recognized as dangerous to human health due to the obvious harm to the body of the food stabilizer E451 Triphosphates. Nevertheless, its use is not prohibited by law in many world powers, including the EU countries, Russia and Ukraine. Most often, food stabilizer E451 Triphosphates is used in the meat processing and sausage industries.

In appearance, the additive is a hygroscopic powder or white granulate, and the physical properties of the food stabilizer E451 Triphosphates are determined by the method of its preparation. To do this, the initial mixture is subjected to thermal dehydration, during which anhydrous sodium triphosphate is extracted, and then it undergoes vacuum crystallization.

In the production of sausages and frankfurters, the addition of the food stabilizer E451 Triphosphates contributes to the fact that the muscle fibers of meat accumulate a large amount of water. It is due to this that there is a significant increase in the mass ratio of the output of finished products. So, meat products due to the special properties of the food stabilizer E451 Triphosphates can more than double their volume.

It is noted that when defrosting products with the addition of E451 in the composition, a much smaller volume and a significantly worse consistency of products are obtained. However, despite the many adverse properties and the obvious harm of the food stabilizer E451 Triphosphates for the human body, today this chemical is found in almost all types of sausage products.

Harm of food stabilizer E451 Triphosphates

Relating to dangerous additives, the food stabilizer E451 Triphosphates, when consumed excessively, can provoke the development of severe inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes, especially the digestive system. For children, the harm of the food stabilizer E451 Triphosphates also manifests itself in a state of nervousness and acute shortage. In addition, triphosphates can cause acute stomach upsets. It is believed that E451 raises cholesterol levels and even acts as a cancer-forming agent.

It is also noteworthy that the food stabilizer E451 Triphosphates negatively affects the skin. The fact is that this additive is the strongest allergen, therefore, when in contact with E451, increased safety measures should be observed.

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