
Children of Belarusian officials: who are they? Rumas' career zigzag Sergey rumas Chairman of the Board of the Development Bank

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus (since August 18, 2018).
Chairman of the Belarusian Football Federation.
Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Sergey Rumas was born on December 1, 1969 in the city of Gomel, Belarus. Later, together with his family, he moved to Minsk, where he studied at secondary school No. 44. He served in the military in the Far East. In 1990 he graduated from the Military Financial and Economic Institute with a degree in financial support for the troops. Later she received additional education at the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus with a degree in organization and management of foreign economic activity. He has a PhD in Economics.

From 1992 to 1994, Rumas headed various departments of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus - accounting and operational, credit, economic. Then he worked for some time in commercial banks. In 1995, he headed branch No. 7 of ASB Belarusbank, and soon became the first deputy chairman of the board of the bank. In 2005 he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Belagroprombank.

On December 28, 2010, Sergei Nikolayevich was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus, oversaw economic policy. Before, during and after the financial crisis of 2011, he repeatedly made proposals aimed at developing market relations, but they were not always implemented in practice. During this period, he criticized the activities of the National Bank. In autumn, under his leadership, a draft of structural economic reforms was drawn up, which was criticized by Alexander Lukashenko.

In July, Sergei Rumas became Chairman of the Board of the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus. On April 25, 2013, as Chairman of the Board, he was the representative of Belarus in the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission and was vested with the powers of the Deputy Prime Minister for the activities of the Republic within the framework of the main integration associations. Under his leadership, the Development Bank was engaged in investments in domestic industry and infrastructure, attracting foreign loans, supporting exports and entrepreneurship.

Rumas advocated more active privatization of state-owned enterprises and for attracting more foreign investment. He spoke out against preferential lending to unprofitable sectors of the economy. He supported raising the retirement age.

On August 18, 2018 Sergei Nikolayevich Rumas was appointed as the new Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus. Confirmed by the House of Representatives on October 5.

Sergei Rumas is the chairman of the Belarusian Football Federation. While working, he appeared in financial and economic journals with a number of articles, published the monograph “Development Banks: a New Role in the 21st Century” together with M. M. Kovalev.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus Sergei Rumas and Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev December 6, 2019 held talks in Sochi. During the conversation, topical issues of Russian-Belarusian cooperation, as well as the acceleration of the integration of countries in the format of the Union State of Russia and Belarus, were discussed.

Head of the Belarusian government Sergei Rumas December 14, 2019 held a telephone conversation with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. During the conversation, which took place at the initiative of Minsk, the parties considered bilateral cooperation in the integration direction and in the trade and economic sphere, including a number of issues of the energy dialogue. Also, the Heads of Government discussed the schedule of further contacts through the government line.

Sergei Rumas and Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev January 4, 2020 held telephone conversations. During the conversation, the parties exchanged congratulations on the New Year and the coming Christmas, and also discussed topical issues of bilateral cooperation. In particular, the topic of oil supplies to Belarusian refineries was touched upon. The conversation took place on the initiative of the Belarusian side.

Sergey Rumas Awards

Alexander Lukashenko fired Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Rumas, one of the few government officials who publicly advocated market principles. Now Rumas has been appointed to lead the newly created Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus.

Professional banker Sergei Rumas, before joining the government, headed one of the largest banks in Belarus - Belagroprombank, Radio Liberty reports.

His father, former Deputy Finance Minister Nikolai Rumas, was a good friend of Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich. The latter took the initiative in 2010 to invite 40-year-old Sergei Rumas to the post of Deputy Prime Minister.

The young Deputy Prime Minister stood out with energy and was not afraid to express his own opinion. This became especially noticeable during the currency crisis of 2011, when many in the government and Lukashenka's administration remained at a loss.

In late 2011, Rumas got into an argument with Lukashenka's economic aide, Sergei Tkachev, over too high GDP growth rates being proposed in the presidential administration. But in this dispute, Lukashenka supported his assistant. Since then, Rumas has not made any more loud statements. The other day, Prime Minister Myasnikovich spoke about plans for GDP growth in 2013 in the amount of 8.5 percent. The prime minister will prepare the budget for this growth and fulfill it without Rumas.

Former Chairman of the National Bank of Belarus Stanislav Bogdankevich, despite the market rhetoric of Rumas, did not notice any real effect from his work in government:

“He didn’t do anything. Anyone who gets into this planned administrative system cannot do anything. The model needs to be changed. But I regret that he was removed, since he created an element of publicity that the government lacks. At least At least he talked about many correct things, about the normalization of the foreign exchange market, about the fact that the main indicators are not quantitative, but qualitative, about the problems of inflation, macro stabilization ... I thought that he would become prime minister. But he did not. "

Bogdankevich calls the appointment of Rumas to the Development Bank a clear demotion, a transfer to a state bank, in fact an appendage of the Ministry of Finance. Rumas will do what the Ministry of Finance tells him to do there.

The Development Bank was created to withdraw funding for government programs from commercial banks. This is a market step that has to improve the financial system of Belarus, the economist believes Sergey Chaly:

"The Development Bank is one of the key instruments that the IMF insisted on creating. Its task is to radically change this entire system of preferential state programs. So, in principle, the fact that it is sent there - I would not say that this is a downgrade. Formally - yes, but in fact there is much more interesting work for him."

Mr. Chaly does not rule out that Rumas himself wanted to return to the banking sector. The Development Bank was established a year ago, it has no branches yet, only a central office with 40 employees. The position of the head of the bank was vacant for a whole year.

Deputy Head of the Department of Active Banking Operations of the Development Bank Nadezhda Pletsiazhova says that their bank is already lending to government programs and over time it will mainly deal with this: "The scale is now like this - about 500 billion loans are located only by us, the development bank, plus we also work through agent banks."

Sergey Rumas has not yet come to the bank, but he is well known there, says Pletsyazhova: "He was the chairman of the Bank's Supervisory Board, so we worked with him during the year of our activity." Appointing Sergei Rumas to a post at the bank, Lukashenka admitted that his departure from the government was "a colossal loss," but added that Rumas himself was more drawn to specific work. Lukashenka promised to transfer funding for state programs and investment projects under the control of the new bank.

Sergei Rumas, who has headed the Development Bank for the past six years, has become the new prime minister. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" has collected five facts about the new head of government.

On Saturday, August 18, Alexander Lukashenko appointed a new leadership of the government. The prime minister, and vice-premiers, and heads of some ministries - economy, industry, architecture and construction, communications and informatization - have also changed.

The career of 48-year-old Sergei Rumas began in Soviet times, where he worked in the special department of the Belarusian office of the State Bank of the USSR, which financed the Belarusian military district, and rose to the rank of "captain". Then he moved to commercial banks, headed one of the branches of Belarusbank (he was considered one of the best), and from 2005 to 2010 he was the chairman of the board of Belagroprombank.

From 2010 to 2012, Sergei Rumas served as Deputy Prime Minister under Mikhail Myasnikovich, in charge of economics and finance. In 2012, he was appointed chairman of the Development Bank, which is responsible for financing various government programs.

Fact number 1: Sergei Rumas' father also worked in the government

Sergei Rumas' father, Nikolai Rumas, was Deputy Minister of Finance under Vyacheslav Kebich, and then Alexander Lukashenko. He was friends with ex-premier Mikhail Myasnikovich (whose deputy at one time was Sergei Rumas). Nikolai Rumas died in 2001.

Fact #2: Alexander Lukashenko called his departure from the post of Deputy Prime Minister a colossal loss for the government

Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Rumas was one of the most liberal members of the government. He even outwardly stood out in the Council of Ministers - a well-delivered speech, modern manners. His first speech in the parliament of deputies, if not shocked, then definitely surprised.

The Deputy Prime Minister, who was responsible for the economy in the government, said that free prices are waiting for us, that businesses should be helped, enterprises should be privatized, and that the state should stop supporting unprofitable enterprises with free loans.

The most efficient industries today are in the private sector of the economy - in fact, Sergei Rumas announced in the parliament that market reforms will begin in the country. - From my past work, I can give hundreds of examples when a private enterprise took a loan at market interest rates and built an efficient production. At the same time, there are many examples when a state-owned enterprise received a soft loan and mastered capital investments, as a result, they built something that, in principle, cannot work effectively (...) The government will limit the free distribution of money to everyone.

And during the 2011 crisis, Sergei Rumas was not shy about publicly criticizing the government's economic policy and arguing with Sergei Tkachev, presidential aide for economic affairs, about financing state programs, privatization, and financial and economic policy. As a result, both disputants lost their posts. And Alexander Lukashenko called the transfer of Sergei Rumas to the Development Bank a colossal loss for the government.

Fact #3: Sergei Rumas is an avid football fan…

Back in the 80s, he constantly went to the matches of Dynamo Minsk, and when the opportunity arose to watch European football live (foreign business trips helped), he even attended games at the Milan San Siro. In 2010, Rumas turned his hobby into work - he headed the Belarusian Football Federation, and in 2015 he was re-elected to this post. His term expires next year. Whether Rumas will continue to be responsible for Belarusian football is still unknown.

Alexander Lukashenko has appointed Sergei Rumas as the new prime minister. site studied his biography and asked the experts what to expect from him.

Who is Sergey Rumas?

The head of Belarus accepted the promised personnel appointments. After a two-day visit to the Orsha region, which the government was supposed to raise "from ruins and ashes" but failed due to "indifferent attitude to the instructions of the president", a 48-year-old banker appointed as the new prime minister Sergey Rumas.

He was born in 1969 in Gomel. In 1990 he graduated from the Yaroslavl Military School with a degree in financial support for the troops. In 1995 - the Academy of Management with a degree in organization and management of foreign economic activity. He is a candidate of economic sciences.

Sergei Rumas began his career back in Soviet times. In particular, he worked in the special department at the Belarusian office of the State Bank of the USSR, which financed the Belarusian military district, and rose to the rank of "captain". Later, he spent some time in commercial banks until he moved to Belarusbank. The branch of this institution headed by him was one of the best, according to the government website.

Then his career took off. In 2005, Sergei Rumas headed Belagroprombank, and in 2010 he became Deputy Prime Minister in the government Mikhail Myasnikovich, where he oversaw economics and finance, but did not work there for long. In 2012, he headed the Development Bank, where he worked until his current appointment. In my time Alexander Lukashenko called his departure from the Council of Ministers "a colossal loss for the government".

It is possible that his father contributed to the promotion of Sergei Rumas on the career ladder. Nicholas Rumas who is in government Vyacheslav Kebich served as First Deputy Minister of Finance. He was very close to ex-premier and now head of the Council of the Republic Mikhail Myasnikovich.

“I knew his father well, who was the first deputy finance minister in the Kebich government. He was very close to Myasnikovich. They were very friendly. I think this affected the fact that Sergei Rumas appeared in the government, then headed the Development Bank. Myasnikovich was always distinguished by the fact that he tried to put his people in important positions in the state. I think he played a role here as well.”, - said site former head of the National Bank of Belarus Stanislav Bogdankevich.

Sergei Rumas has liberal views on the economy. As he said in Parliament after his appointment to the post of Deputy Prime Minister, private business should be helped, but unprofitable state enterprises should be limited to free distribution of money.

During the 2011 crisis, Rumas criticized the authorities' economic policies and got into an argument with the president's economic assistant. Sergei Tkachev, who has repeatedly been published in the media with harsh criticism of liberals and, in fact, advocated turning on the printing press.

“Sergey Nikolayevich is a high professional economist and a profound diplomat as a person and manager. Of course, it will not be easy for him, but in any case, this is one of the best candidates in the country.”, - said in a comment for site Chairman of the Republican Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, member of the Council for the Development of Entrepreneurship Alexander Shvets.

What to expect from the new prime minister?

With the appointment of Sergei Rumas as Prime Minister, the business community is hoping for more active changes.

“We hope that the speed of change will be more significant. Sergei Nikolayevich is able to convey ideas in a very constructive, friendly and diplomatic manner. As far as I understand, the head of state treats Sergei Nikolayevich with a fairly high level of recognition of his potential.” Shvets noted.

Stanislav Bogdankevich, on the contrary, does not expect cardinal reforms in the economy from the new prime minister, although he himself is a capable and talented leader.

“He is a modern specialist, but in order to change the system of economic management in Belarus, it is necessary to change the first person in the country. Since it remains in power, then any prime minister will be forced to carry out the policy and adhere to the system of economic management that the president has established, so I do not expect any cardinal changes capable of a breakthrough.- said the ex-head of the National Bank.

He suggested that Sergei Rumas would not be given carte blanche to carry out reforms in the country, and he himself would not insist on reforms.

“If the current Belarusian ambassador to China, Kirill Rudy, was appointed prime minister, he would be a more staunch supporter of reforms. Rumas, of course, would also go for transformations, but I don’t think he will put pressure. He is an easygoing person. Lukashenka appointed him, because he understands that he will be ready to adhere to the management model that is established in Belarus.”- said Bogdankevich.

In his opinion, the current model of economic management will not change, Rumas will not receive special powers.

“And since there is no authority to expand its right to change the system of economic management, then we will continue to trail along with Russia, and our development rates, unfortunately, will be lower than the world ones”- summed up the ex-head of the National Bank.

Where did the children of Georgy Kobyakov, daughter of Natalya Kochanova, son of Alexander Kosinets, Lydia Yermoshina study and work now… The Nasha Niva newspaper collected information about the children and grandchildren of the nomenklatura elite of Belarus.

Few of the officials, even the youngest ones, have accounts on social networks, because such openness is uncharacteristic of the Belarusian political culture. But the children of the nomenklatura do not deny themselves such pleasure. They are happy to share personal photos with other Internet users and talk about their hobbies.

So, the main family of the country is a 60-year-old Alexander Lukashenko and his three sons. senior, Victor turns 40 this year. For the last decade, he has been helping his father in the field of national politics. In family Victor Already have four children. Daughter Victoria became famous after shooting the comedy "On the back of a black cat", now she is seventeen years old. ten year old Alexander this year he won the Christmas tournament in martial arts for the prizes of Metropolitan Filaret. Valeria and Yaroslav they don't go to school yet.

Family of Viktor Lukashenko

Dmitry Lukashenko heads the Presidential Sports Club. He is also a father of many children. older children, Daria and Anastasia, the year before last, they won the competition of Belarusian fairy tales, as well as the competition of instrumental music "Young Talents of Belarus". younger daughter, Alexandra so far less than a year.

Family of Dmitry Lukashenko

The youngest son of the President of Belarus Nicholas, as you know, so far a student.

Alexander Lukashenko with his son Nikolai

Second face of the country, Prime Minister, 54-year-old Andrey Kobyakov. The life of an official is closely connected with Russia: his parents are from there, his wife and himself were born there. In Moscow, Kobyakov studied at the Aviation Institute, and in 2011-2012 he worked as the Belarusian ambassador. In the profile of his 29-year-old daughter Faith in the social network "Vkontakte" it is noted that she graduated from the 24th linguistic Minsk gymnasium and studied at the geological faculty of Moscow State University. In absentia, Kobyakova received a diploma from the instrument-making faculty of the BNTU and got a job ... at the National Bank. There she worked as a leading economist, and in 2012 she moved to the position of a specialist expert at BPS-Sberbank. Kobyakov said that his daughter had already married.

The younger son of the Prime Minister, Georgy Kobyakov, won gold in the CIS Taekwondo Cup (non-Olympic version) in December 2014. This year the young man will be 17 years old.

New Head of the Presidential Administration Alexander Kosinets a surgeon by profession. Now he is 54 years old, and at 34, the current official has already defended his doctoral dissertation on the treatment of purulent complications in the abdominal organs. His son Vladimir received the same degree at an even more “tender” age - at 31. Kosinets Jr. specializes in plastic surgery. Vladimir entered the medical faculty of Vitebsk Medical University when his father was the rector of this educational institution. Over time, Alexander Kosinets was transferred to Minsk to the post of Deputy Prime Minister, and his son remained to finish his studies in Vitebsk. Vladimir graduated from graduate school, and then went to Russia - there he became a doctor of medical sciences. Now he heads the aesthetic clinic of the European Medical Center in Moscow. Breast augmentation surgery at Vladimir Kosinets clinic costs about $3,500, facial plastic surgery costs $2,500.

The only son of the First Deputy Prime Minister Vasily Matyushevsky and his wife, Doctor of Economics Elena Davydenko, is preparing to become a financier. This year Jan graduates from BSU.

Prior to her appointment as Deputy Prime Minister responsible for the social sphere of the country, the 54-year-old Natalia Kochanova was the chairman of the Novopolotsk city executive committee. Biography of Natalia Ivanovna can be read. The youngest daughter of Kochanova, Elena, graduated from the Polotsk gymnasium, and now studies at the Faculty of History and Philology of the Polotsk State University. For academic success, the girl was awarded a personal scholarship by the University Council.

Elena's older sister Olga- studied in Minsk as a doctor. In medical school, she met her future husband. Both of them are pediatricians, now they live in Novopolotsk and raise two sons.

60-year-old Deputy Prime Minister Mikhail Rusy - the head of the country in agriculture. There are two daughters in his family: the eldest, Tatyana, graduated from the Faculty of Technology of Organic Substances of BSTU, and the youngest, Julia, studied to be a financier at BSEU.

In government Anatoly Kalinin responsible for transport and construction. His daughter Elena- Head of the Department of Medical Genetic Consulting, Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Mother and Child". Her younger brother, Vitaly, according to relatives, is engaged in business.

Eldest son of the Minister of Foreign Affairs VladimirMakeI am - diplomat. Before Vitaly worked in Vienna and now in New York. He is an adviser on economic and environmental issues in the representation of Belarus to the UN. Interestingly, Vitaly chose a strange transcription of his last name, different from his father's - Mackay. Together with my wife margarita he is raising his daughter Mary. The minister's daughter-in-law used to work as an economist at the Belavia company, defended her Ph.D. thesis with proposals for improving the work of airlines. The second time Vladimir Makei married actress and TV presenter Vera Polyakova. Their son Artem This year he will be in first grade. The minister's mother-in-law is a vice-rector at the Institute of Physical Education.

Vitaly Makei

Defense Minister Andrei Ravkov, 47, is from and has only been in office for a few months. The 25-year-old daughter of the minister entered the Belarusian State Economic University and got married while still studying. Now Julia raises a little daughter. Her hobby is making jewelry out of felt. After Ravkov became a minister, Yulia changed her last name on social networks.

The only son of the chairman of the Central Election Commission Lydia Yermoshina , as before, works in the Minsk Regional Bar Association. Alexei now lives separately from his mother. Yermoshina does not forget about her son: “ I deliver part of the food in containers to my son ... I bring the main dishes that can be reheated for two to three days».

Chairman of the board of the National Bank Pavel Kalavra and the chief accountant of the Moscow-Minsk bank, Larisa Kalavr, two sons. Both work in the banking industry. Vladimir 29 years old, together with his wife Irina, he is raising two daughters. Alexei, BSEU graduate, one year younger. His name appeared as the chief manager of BPS-Sberbank. For some time the banker worked in Russia.

Vladimir Kalavr, with his wife and daughter. Photo from social networks

In the family of the head of the State Development Bank Sergei Rumas and the dentist of the private medical center "Crown" Zhanna Rumas have four sons. According to Narodnaya Volya, the eldest son, Valery, graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Belarusian State University, and then, together with his wife Anastasia, studied at the London Cass Business School. Now the young family has returned to their homeland. Sergei and Maksim Rumas are schoolchildren, and Philip- still quite small.

On the left, Sergei and Maxim Rumas. Photo site TUT.BY

Former Minister of Education and Head of the Presidential Administration Alexander Radkov now heads the Office of the President of the country. Radkov has two daughters. He said about the junior official that she graduated from a foreign language and works at the Belarus radio station. Older, Natalia Ignatenko, lives in Moscow and works as a teacher at a music school. And her works are published in the Motherland, last year the book “How Two Brothers Became Sportsmen” was published. The children of the writer are actually connected with sports. Pavel Ignatenko, although he lives in Moscow, he plays for Belarus. He is the best skater in the country, however, at the European Championships he took only 21st place among 24 participants. Parallel Paul studies at the Russian State University of Physical Culture and Sports. The second grandson of Alexander Radkov, Kirill plays hockey. The boy dreams of playing for the national team of Belarus.

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