
Scorpio I'm in love with the girl of the Taurus. What you need to know the scorpion man about the woman-taurus. Are you compatible in love

If we are talking about lovers, such relationships may well take place. However, with a long-term marriage, a couple of Taurus-Scorpio is somewhat more complicated. These signs are really attracted to each other, because they are opposite on the zodiac wheel, they simply feel each other, so they have written on the genus. But all that binds them is a bright erotic passion, but problems inevitably arise problems. It is difficult to maintain the severity of initial feelings after several years and a woman-woman, like a scorpion-man inevitably begin to present mutual claims. Which, however, are quite substantiated.

For example, partners have a completely different idea of \u200b\u200bmaterial supply and a different approach to money, but also in one and another extremely many ambitions. A scorpion-man is a romantic mysterious nature, in no way accommodate in the usual framework. The girl-woman, on the contrary, does not represent life without strict regulations and order, as a result, a woman born under this sign, methodically imparting his spouse with petty and tedious from his point of view. At the same time, all its efforts remain completely in vain, since the scorpion is almost impossible to releasing on their own. As a result, a scorpion-man begins to start the novels on the side, and when the woman's Taurus finds out about it, it is usually a gap.

Sexy Compatibility Woman Taurus and Scorpio Men

But in the bedroom, these two partners are just perfect. A scorpion-man gives a woman to a woman much more than she could expect, on the other hand, his abilities arose from her earthly beauty and incredible researchers, besides, both partners are extremely loved sex, although somewhat differently. So, the woman's taurus belongs to this process as a kind of entertainment, a way to enjoy, a scorpion-man needs to furnish this process as a sacred, in order to fully experience all the nuances and completely skip them through yourself. . In general, Taurus and Scorpio mutually inspire each other, which takes their sexual relations to the unprecedented height.

Business Taurus Woman Compatibility and Scorpion Men

Women to women inherent confidence in their forces, male scorpions can always rely on them in performing any task. However, as a manager, the Tauris is sometimes unnecessary despotic, and with scorpions such a number will not pass, they quickly come frustration. As a result, the work is either at all is done, or something is done. The best way to maintain the business activity of scorpion is encouraging. But if the scorpion is in the role of the head, he can fully rely on his subordinate, the calves are diligent and conscientious workers, whereas excessive control will only spoil the whole thing. As for joint business transactions, these two partners are unlikely to work out, since careful and accustomed to all count the calf is unlikely to agree to take part in those adventures to which scorpions are like that.

What a woman woman needs to know about the scorpion man

Scorpions from nature are endowed with incredulusity and suspicion towards other people. This becomes especially noticeable in male scorpions who already know what however in this life. Maybe therefore, they may sometimes seem sullen, and sometimes even cruel. In fact, the scorpions are reluctant to move their sting into the course, only if it is really necessary in order to protect themselves or to who they have patronage. And Scorpions are always ready to provide patronage weaker and protect it from injustice. Either - punish the traitor.

That scorpion man needs to know about the body of a woman

What the best characterizes the calf is constant. If such a woman decides that she finally found her man, then it would be almost impossible to change her point of view. Therefore, you can be sure that the woman's taurus will remain faithful to you under any circumstances. On the other hand, she expects the same loyalty from you. No, the woman's taurus will not make you with his jealousy, it does not go down to suspicion. But if I encounter treason, it is unlikely that it will be able to forgive it.

Woman's Taurus Compatibility and Scorpion Men: Future Chances

First of all, these partners associate an ordinary earthly passion, especially since they have excellent compatibility in intimate relations. Of course, this is a very strong cementing factor, but the daily life has high corrosive properties. Although, if both partners are configured to preserve their relationship, the marriage, despite everything can take place, and it can really last for a very long time, sometimes - all his life. Especially - if they learn to forgive.

How compatible Taurus woman in love relationship with other signs of the zodiac

Stars promise an interesting, promising compatibility of a man Taurus and a scorpion woman in love relationships and marriage. Despite the whole difference, partners in time will be able to understand how well they come to each other.

At the Star Sky, the constellation of these signs of the zodiac is located exactly opposite each other. At first glance it seems that their horoscope compatibility simply has no chance - it is manifested even in behavior manners: he is calm as a boa, and she is just a fast river, constantly changing directions, he is slow, and she runs ahead of the locomotive, he is a few, and Her gift of literature would envy any writer.

But these contradictions are largely lying on the surface. Partners themselves will understand this when they will get acquainted with each other closer. It must be said that at first the difference between the elements will show themselves in all its glory. Earth Taurus may seem too simple water scorpion that is used to getting everything here and now. The girl of this sign loves to light, she has a lot of fun friends who will never let her bother. But for these externally windy and bold beauty, actually hides a very large ocean of emotions and dreams that are completely devoted to the same - first created image, and then a real person.

A male Taurus has every chance of becoming this real person and create a good basis for compatibility in love with a scorpion with a girlfriend. The fact is that it is a classic male sign. In Taurus, reliability is always felt, prudence and stability. What to say - he even picks up his friends, and even more so the companion of life. You can be sure that if he meets with you for a long time, the intentions are the most serious.

It seems that he is slow, always late, but in fact the Taurus is simply not in a hurry. He believes that the only impartial judge of human relationship is time. And you see, it is difficult to argue with this.

Of course, scorpion can be understood: it is emotional, romantic, is simply filled with feelings. Probably, it is this sign that came up with a beautiful legend of love at a glance. Any typical scorpion will tell you that it happened to him more than once and not two. Another thing is Taurus - he slowly harnesses, but quickly drives.

That is why the difference in the energy sector, the worldview at first will not play their compatibility in love. But the pair will certainly manage to survive this stage and stay together. Just the strength of their attraction is really great. The male pride of the Taurus incredibly flashes the fact that his society now shares such a passionate panther and a real charm as scorpion. He likes that she is a sample of real femininity and the most lively, fun and bright female character, which inspires on the feats of any man.

And she subconsciously wants to see a strong, but at the same time a soft, good man. Its ideal is rather, a person with a decent patronage, which can be rejected even at 3 am. And the scorpion, by the way, will very often need such insurance. Her passion for adventure can lead to an unexpected call with a request to come and urgently take money. And the Taurus will not refuse - he is reliable, it is his reputation, the promoted brand, which he is not going to question.

So it turns out that these two as a magnet stretch over to each other. Perhaps this is a purely natural connection of two classical opposite beginners. And perhaps almost a fateful event. By the way, both scorpions, and the calves tend to believe in signs, let them not be all life in predestous, but at least - key events. If both come together on the fact that their meeting is at least silent, it will put another powerful stove into the foundation of their compatibility in love and family relationships.

And they will be incredibly well prevented together. Taurus does not like noisy companies at all, and Girl Scorpio, who probably knows all the decent establishments of the city, sooner or later it will be very tired and wants to suddenly relax the soul. And next to a cozy boy, she will certainly be done to do it.

In a magnitude turning point, the candidate-bought period will be familiar with the parents. The fact is that the Taurus, and Scorpio highly appreciate the family highly, they dream of their home, and another half dedicate the realization of this big plan. Therefore, a visit to the house is, as a rule, an event for the Taurus. He probably provides all the details and will try to give this phenomenon a real family character, thereby showing that you are not just a girlfriend, but the lady of the heart.

Scorpiosol will appreciate such an attitude, but the more amazing for it will be why the bold so long pulls with a proposal. Do not despair: just think how old Taurus has already communicated with a long-time buddy, who considers the best friend. And then ask how long he grew up in his eyes to take the honorary status. Taurus necessarily matures for the wedding, just need to give him time. But when the offer is received, you may not doubt: it is serious and for a long time.

Marriage compatibility: happy together

Stars promise a fairly strong compatibility of a Male Taurus and a scorpion woman in marriage. The whole thing is that they are approaching such an important stage already to be very extended personalities with understandable life goals and quite real plans.

So for whom, you will not find a visit to Aist. Cheerful children's laugh and scattered toys everywhere will only strengthen this union. A deep maternal feeling will be waging in Scorpio, and the Taurus will especially take care of the spouse from everyday adversity and take all the difficult responsibilities for themselves. And never and will not complain - who needs to be patient.

In the Union of Taurus and Scorpio, there is another pleasant side: these are two business people who always live with a loaf of the past, but with a careful look in the future. If they have a family business, common career plans, they will certainly be able to achieve their incarnation, and even to such an extent, as they did not expect.

Taurus is a specialist on earthly issues, and Scorpio is the personification of ambitions, this leadership, and this impulse of inspiration will undoubtedly charge the spouse. That is why such family pairs almost never live on one pension alone. With age, they appear solid accumulations, which, by the way, they are not tranny, but give children and then spend their loved ones.

Disagreements in a pair will not occur very often - they are generally preferred in small things, and in large affairs there are always cherished compromises. The army of scorpion is easy to quit calm, balanced by the character of the guy of the Taurus. He forgives her any outbreaks, whims and simply mood swings, which the lady of this sign, frankly speaking, is frequent.

The only serious test for spouses is jealous: here in this capacity, neither the other will definitely not refuse. Although they do not give a special occasion, but partners may be too suspicious. It is important to learn to trust each other. Of course, over time it will be much easier. Therefore, the stars advise not to be angry with trifles and do not create an elephant from fly. Understand - perfect people do not happen, but in this and there is a taste of life. After all, what is the joy of what everyone will all be started to perform everything according to the scheme, not allowing any errors?

Therefore, it is necessary to be more condescending to small misunderstandings and more praise the Taurus - he just adores it, although it is hardly somehow show. When you find a fabulous approach, you can easily rest: the Taurus changes little during life, so your methods will work seriously and for a long time.

Sex compatibility: Ocean feelings

It will not be an exaggeration to say that the calf literally comes down from his scorpion, and even if they break up, he will keep the memory of such a beauty all his life.

Scorpio is a very passionate lady who knows how to play well with a man, because it is a real manipulator and a tempter. And the Taurus will gladly succumb to these games. Sex for him is not just a process, but weakness of all life. It can be said that many Tales are the real fans of the carnickers, and when there is such a captive girl near such a captive girl, it is impossible to think about something else.

Both partners have good compatibility in bed also because they prefer the quality of the process - this is where the Tentov slowness will play his positive role. Scorpio ignites, and the Taurus constantly throws the firewood into the fire. All their nights are one big ocean, which is known, slowly warming up, but then gives warmth all year round.

Compatibility at work: inexplicable difficulties

As for the working issues, here the stars cannot say anything about the favorable compatibility of the Male Taurus and the Scorpion Women. They will not easily work together regardless of who will take the chair of the head. And it is just as hard to seem to achieve success in the team.

Sometimes they themselves do not understand what the reasons for a rather difficult attitude towards each other. Not that this is an antipathy: just the calf and scorpion suspiciously relate to people suspiciously and tend to see the foundations for excitement than for calm. In a word, they will be not easy for business issues, and it will manifest almost immediately.

The compatibility of the Male Taurus and the Scorpion Woman promises them a big chance of creating a long-term relationship. Just hardly you will be easily at first. But believe me, the game is worth the candle.

There is nothing surprising in love with each other. The female Taurus dreams of a sensual man nearby - it is often difficult for her, it is often difficult to show their emotions, to give a way out to be deep inside. Male Scorpio will give her the opportunity to look at the fact that she herself hides from herself. It can be said, he will introduce her on her other side - tender, passionate, changeable, unbalanced and idealistic. A woman-to-tank is undoubtedly very curious to look at himself true. Male Scorpio needs a reliable support, in a woman who can stop the storm of his feelings with a simple reasonable phrase. In fact, a male scorpio needs not in calm, and the grounding - and who, how nor a woman can give it to him? Their relationship will be rich, sometimes unstable (affects the influence of a scorpion man), deep and gentle. And they will always have something to eat - guess whose merit?

Sex between a woman-taurus and a scorpion man is almost perfect. If the partners find a common language in bed, consider their relationships are doomed to success. The initial spark will bring, of course, a male scorpion. The female Taurus skillfully recognizes his sexy signals and will prepare everything to spend time as comfortable as possible. Male Scorpio will shoot the situation so that what happened to what they are waiting for. In the future, when they already understand that they are very suitable for each other, they will be able to be constantly surprised at how much desires read it: he is her, she is him. Sometimes misunderstandings may occur between them - different rhythms, different habits, but still this couple can achieve complete harmony in sexual relations.

Family and marriage

The female Taurus, undoubtedly, wants clear and simple relationships, so the marriage is what she subconsciously seeks. A male scorpio, as a representative of the water element, also wants to find a family in which he will become a loving husband and, perhaps, the Father. If the relationship between a woman-taurus and a man-scorpion is successful, these two will not remain anything but to get married. Of course, their family life will not be too smooth: the temperament of the husband-scorpion will give itself to know, but the patience and peace of the wife-Taurus will be able to smooth out any contradiction. In this union, loyalty and dedication appreciates, so that they can be with each other until the very end - in general, they plan.

Friendship between the woman-Taurus and the Scorpio Men will be strong enough. They will not interfere with each other daily chatter, but if something happens, which requires attention, they will definitely share it with each other. Woman Taurus will provide his friend-scorpio support in difficult, emotional-saturated times, he also will not leave her in upset feelings. As for practical assistance, the tauris woman will show himself a good and faithful girlfriend, able to give a good advice on how to establish the current situation.

Work and business

In the working union, the Male Scorpio will perform the role of a generator of ideas and mood, the woman's female will be able to direct this energy into the row needed. It will also be able to cut out promising, applicable to the practice of ideas from empty opposites, which sometimes sin male scorpion. The female Taurus will play the role of harsh, but a fair critic, a leader who wisely distributes the resource. By the way, the head may be a scorpion man, then he will direct the efforts of a woman-taurus, depending on what kind of potential he sees - in it personally and in their general project.

In this love alliance, perhaps everything is from change to disappointment. But only from one Taurus, who does not see anything bad in a variety. But another partner suffers, keeps loyalty and requires increased attention. On the financial soil of conflicts between Taurus and Taurus is not expected. Here they are in all solidar.

Male Scorpio and Woman Taurus

Relations with a man Scorpio can change the life of a woman's female in many ways. Pluto, Managing Scorpio Sign, makes an element of depth and transformation into love. If she has nothing against the halo of mystery, which surrounds this man, communication with him can become unforgettable. They both devoted to each other and are responsible, which creates the basis of their union. Among the minuses of their compatibility is that both are stubborn, but even if the opinions are diverted, they will be able to find a general approach.

Men Scorpio Some of the most passionate in the zodiac, but this quality usually does not demonstrate, opens only with those who feel true proximity. Taurus woman is also passionate, although her passion of a different kind. It often happens that they attract each other as magnets, and if it happened, then there are no strength capable of dividing them. If they themselves do not wish, of course. Woman Taurus can charm a man of scorpion, and he will quickly feel like that she is the one who he has been looking for a long time. In love and marriage she owned, but he usually does not mind it.

The scorpion guy attracts constancy and responsibility. Unlike representatives of other signs of the zodiac, it does not provoke him to jealousy, as well as on her part there is no obviousness. The girl is also interested in an active and decisive young man, especially since he is attentive and knows how to carefully care.

The first time lovers are just fascinated with each other, but the different degree of their activity once will give themselves to know. Taurus girl does not like to change something in his life, she perceives changes as a threat of stability, but it does not recognize it out loud. The scorpion guy is more moving, he always tries to improve the living conditions, needs new emotions, but it is not extreme and does not risk without need. Nevertheless, his beloved does not support it. If the guy plans their collaboration on vacation, a trip to a party, or will offer her to meet his circle of communication, the girl immediately there is a thousand reasons to refuse him. At first, the young man will endure, but soon he will be bored. It is unlikely that these relations may be continued.

A complex and conflicting combination, which expressed the attraction of opposites. Scorpio and Taurus set themselves completely different goals, however, if they are able to overcome all the difficulties of their union, it will be very successful for them.

These signs are opposite to each other, even despite the compatibility of water and earthly elements. Scorpio and Taurus think completely differently and extremely rarely experiencing common interest and love to each other. The female Taurus appreciates home comfort, she is able to endure a lot from his chosen one, can sacrifice personal interests for the sake of a strong and friendly family, although in some cases it strives for material achievements or infamous that can irritate scorpion.

Men of this sign put higher goals than just material wealth, they need excitement and passion for adventure, intrigue, which is difficult to achieve from a woman seeking to vote a cozy family nest. Therefore, between such partners, relations can be harmonious only if both have similar goals, interests and views on relationships.

To comfortably live together, such people need a lot of time. The ticking period can be complicated and elongated, longer than the rest of the pairs, but their attitude cannot be called boring and routine. Therefore, despite all obstacles, Taurus and Scorpio will make a beautiful pair associated with friendly and durable relations.

For the harmonious life of the Tales and Scorpions, it is necessary to overcome many difficulties, obstacles and temptations and only love is able to help it make it easily and without too much effort.

Pluts Road: Muzchina-Skropoin and In-Taurus

Despite the opposite of these signs, they may experience strong and passionate interest in each other. Obstacles and difficulties can only strengthen it, which contributes to the personal growth of both partners. Scorpio can become a true friend and a passionate man with which is never boring. A woman-to-taurus sometimes sometimes is needed, since she, habitable to a measured life, can stop personally and professionally grow, and follow their attractiveness.

If both partners have similar purposes and can overcome all obstacles, they are waiting for a wonderful future. These signs have something to learn to each other.

The advantages of this union include:

  • mutual desire for a beautiful, secured and bright life;
  • attraction of opposites;
  • the inexhaustible interest of partners to each other, which over the years is only enhanced;
  • very good sexual compatibility;
  • Scorpio introduces a variety of taurus, filling it with bright colors and sharp emotions;
  • Taurus contributes stability, tenderness and constancy;
  • These people are never bored with each other;
  • the ability to find unexpected solutions of household and personal issues;
  • personal and professional growth of both partners, they have something to learn to each other;
  • the ability to overcome external obstacles, freedom and independence.


Alas, in this union there is a lot of obstacles to happiness, the main of which are different goals of partners. Male Scorpio, in search of personal happiness, can relate to Taurus only as a mistress, without planning anything serious with her, which sooner or later can lead to conflicts and misunderstanding. Therefore, these partners should immediately arrange all the points so that later not to fall into conflict situations.

Another obstacle pops up in personal life - the jealousy of both partners and various views on life questions, including the raising of children. Often, the main obstacle to happiness becomes not a combination of the desire of Taurus to the comfort and comfortable, secured lives and passionate and changeless nature of scorpion, ready for adventures and adventures.

The disadvantages of this union include:

  • different views on life, aspirations and values;
  • miscellaneous attitude to family life and distribution in it roles;
  • scorpion Cunning: If it is not configured to serious relationships, it is almost impossible to melt the ice in his heart;
  • if a woman becomes a book for scorpion, he can dramatically lose interest to it;
  • over time, the interests of partners can finally disperse;
  • patientity and secretion of the Taurus can complicate and delay conflicts;
  • the inability to build an equal relationship in the absence of love;
  • a woman may not support the desire for reassembly and adventures of Scorpio and prevent the implementation of its plans;
  • the jealousy of both partners can strongly complicate relations;
  • The calf is difficult to adapt to scorpion and change their many years of habits, aspirations and desires.

How to find a common language in a pair: Muzchina-Skropoin and Zhaenschin-Taurus

The main points of support in this union can be common goals and love to each other. Only she can overcome all pitfalls and bring both partners to beautiful and harmonious life, complete mutual understanding. Scorpio need to be patient to help the calf overcome conservatism and annoying habits. In the incentive for this can only be love, especially passionate. The Taurus should take the change of scorpion's change, learn to adapt to its rhythm of life, aspirations, goals and not resist change.

If such a couple can cope with his own jealousy, find common goals, interests and contribute to the personal and professional growth of each other, the relationship will become harmonious and beautiful for both partners.

Taurus they will give the cool wind of the change, which, in the ingenuity and maximal of scorpion, can become a prelude to a beautiful fairy tale for two. If Scorpio dreams of a beautiful, sensual and constant girlfriend, and not to submit the wind of fleeting hobbies, he does not find better selection. A woman born under the sign of Taurus is what is needed for a serious self-defined man and a successful man.

The main thing is that it can prevent the happiness of these signs, the conservatism of the Taurus and the unwillingness of change. To overcome this, a woman needs to constantly expand their own horizons and overcome their desire for constancy. The man will need a special ability to beautifully present her plans for the future, keeping her sense of security that scorpions are completely under power.

Intertime in Piazza: Muzchina-Skropoin and Zhigschina-Taurus

Intimate relationships and bright emotions are the best that people born under these signs can give a friend. Taurus and Scorpio are passionate to the same extent, therefore, if they are in the same bed, they will be able to give each other real happiness. With mutual sexual interest to each other, such people seem to be an ideal pair.

A courageous, strong and charismatic scorpion perfectly applies the tenderness and sensuality of the Taurus, which allows them to discover new features every day and rejoice at discoveries. Love relations between these signs can be quite long and romantic, even if both partners are not free.

Relationships can change for the worse only if the man will lose interest or deliberately interrupting the relationship if the Taurus feels like. Such a woman dreams of a real man, so she will surely want to let the scorpion not only in bed, but also in his destiny. If it does not fit into plans of a man, it is unlikely to restore the relationship. The woman is prone to tied to lovers, especially if he wants to create a family. If it does not have this desire, then non-serious relationships between these signs can last quite a long time and contribute to the development of both partners.

For the Taurus, the situation is important. The woman of this sign draws attention to the candles, lace, a pleasant dinner and the absence of obstacles, but most of all disgusting it from a partner is capable of unpleasant smell and rude manners. Therefore, before a date, do not forget about perfumes with her, even if they are not used to use it.

IntertimeTime Paras in Break: Muzchina-Cropoen and In-Taurus

Such signs are best to marry love: any material calculations are capable of turning in conflicts and quarrels soon. It is important for this couple to have common goals and values, therefore, in addition to mutual love, they can bring together a general desire for success.

Tales do not throw words to the wind, it is important for them to achieve the goal and feel comfortable, and only a loving and understanding partner is capable of helping this. Scorpio may well be, if it shares the views of the Taurus and seeks to the same goal as this woman.

Such people will be able to overcome many obstacles and misunderstandings, especially external. Relative intervention, difficult household conditions, unwanted children will not be able to destroy their happiness, but the mainest destroyer becomes increasing misunderstanding of each other, especially if the woman chose the role of a housewife.

If the Taurus stays at home and begins to engage in children, it becomes jealous and suspicious, prone to winding itself and exaggerating the danger for scorpion. This may prevent his success that in the future may and completely destroy marriage. So the Taurus remains nothing, how to constantly expand its horizons and develop in all directions to keep up with a successful and purposeful scorpion.

Come on a friend in friendship: Muzchina-Cropoen and Innigal-Taurus

Friendly relationship between these signs is possible only if there are common interests and goals. The scorpion ulceration may not be like a body, so she is unlikely to trust him with his heart secrets. In his youth, such relationships can be very tense, but over the years, the Taurus and Scorpio will be able to find a common language, unless there will be more than anything else. After all, a woman born under the sign of Taurus is very feminine, seductive, flirting, especially if it is used to dress beautifully, so before her charm to resist the voluptuous scorpion will not be easy.

Such friends are contraindicated quarrels and disputes. Especially if Scorpio considers himself right and underestimates the advantages of the Taurus. A woman until a certain point can tolerate his irony, however sooner or later her patience will burst and it will stop relationships on their own initiative. But if a man has enough tact and wisdom not to raise over it, the relationship will become warm and trust. In such a situation, a woman will reveal his heart secrets to him first and get a wise and effective advice. Despite the ironiness and some kind of cynicity, scorpions appreciate friendship and good attitude, so it is better not to lose such a friend.

Best friendly relations between these signs add up in adulthood or after the end of the institute. Most often, friendship is formed as a continuation of institutional friendly relations or thanks to common friends, relatives and acquaintances.

Intertime Paras in Biznese: Men-Skropoin and In-Taurus

In business and joint work, these people perfectly complement each other. This is a rare case when both partners know what they want and know how to achieve it. They are perfectly soldered, both in the relations "head-subordinate" and on one official stage.

Scorpions set themselves high goals, they are perfectly understood in people and can engage in organizational activities, even if formally are not managers. It often lacks self-confidence, support, although they can not show it. A landed and practical woman born under the sign of the Taurus helps Scorpio to embody his plans to life, so their relationship will be harmonious in any situation, whoever is a boss.

If the partners are equal to each other, they can handle quick and practical tasks perfectly. A quarrels and disagreements between them may arise if the Taurus does not approve the high scorpion plans and will consider them too risky, but not at all real. On this basis, constant clashes, which will not lead to anything good, so long and close interaction are contraindicated with these signs.

What you need to know a woman-tore about a scorpion man

Male Scorpio often remains in the shade and does not always strike with eloquence or external data from the first time. But just in the shadow, he collects most of the applause, remaining inaccessible and inaccessible. Before his magnetism and confidence in himself, it is difficult to resist, but he will give the key from his heart.

Before this man finds a couple, he will break a lot of female hearts. His charismaticness and success attracts many, women often fight, about whose feelings he or does not know, or pretends to him anyway. Therefore, seeking its location, it is worth preparing yourself for tough and, sometimes, fierce competition that will not subscribe, even if he preferences you.

Scorpio does not like to throw words to the wind and scatter promises. He has very high demands for women, he often changes preferences, so it is very difficult to make it get married. He himself must choose a woman and make it it may not cut, but after a long time. Therefore, you need a lot of patience to win in a love race. Moreover, he will reveal his heart far from each.

Be prepared for the fact that, even being married, Scorpio may unexpectedly leave you. He likes to be in sight and juggling with female hearts, which only confirms his high self-esteem. But, if he chose you, you can gladly: such a man will not be lazy to lie on the sofa, but will do everything for a strong and successful family.

To conquer his heart, try to learn the type of his woman's type and adjusted to him. But note that you should not pretend and lie, give out yourself not for the one you are, as Scorpio feels false per kilometer.

What you need to know a male scorpion about a woman woman

Female-calorie calf, beautiful, often endowed with nature with a variety of talents. She is able to conquer the heart of almost any man, and many want to see in her not just a mistress, and his wife. Such a woman loves male attention, but the windiness and impermanence is not peculiar to it, even if she chooses a man for a long time. Most often, the Taurus seeks to relax and secured, constant and can be very conservative and faithful to its predensions and habits.

If you want exactly such a companion of life, better candidates than this woman will be difficult for you to find. However, prepare for the fact that it will disapprovingly treat unreasonable, in her opinion, the waste of money and hobbies. Such a woman does not like extreme sports and is unlikely to approve the activities associated with constant risk and danger. Therefore, it can impede your career and success, especially if you have not achieved the desired vertex.

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