
Baby food Heinz: Brand history, reviews and products. Red king ketchup "Heinz". HISTORY OF SUCCESS OF THE BRAND "HEINZ"

I do not need to say that if you are sitting on a diet (or you try not too much), then all sorts of sauces and ketchups are those products from which it is worth refrangiving. I know ... But still I want to diversify the diet at least such not very harmful things. For a long time I walked chose what ketchup take. Calve disappeared by himself (although they are delicious), got a choice between Ketchups Heinz - ordinary and with its variations. The damn jumbled is not classic, but Italian. It seems I have already bought it, but somehow did not pay attention to the taste ... after all, activities on Airere makes it pickily treat everything and find out the dignity and disadvantages ... and now it has suffered.

The packaging is written "100% natural ingredients" (2 times), "does not contain artificial flavors, dyes and preservatives"(1 time). Pay attention to the word" preservatives ".

We look at the composition. It would seem that everything is really natural. But ... What is "vinegar" as part of it is not a preservative? For a minute, the shelf life of this "natural" ketchup is 12 months at room temperature!

Vinegar in the composition is simply indicated as "vinegar", and in fact, vinegar happens both "natural food" and synthetic. What same uses heinz? Mystery of the century! Can someone solve? Well, okay, it's not the main thing. My taste (and my tongue and stomach do not deceive me) vinegar in Italian ketchup so much that the taste of ketchup and tomato paste is not felt at all. Some solid acid. Well, after some time after meals, heartburn arises ... In general, I will not buy it anymore. Write vinegar - Bakhnu Pelmushkov. It will be tastier than this acetic border.

Packing 350 g. The price in the window without discounts - 52 rubles per pack. Produced in Russia (in the Leningrad region) according to GOST 32063-2013 "Ketchup. General technical conditions."

I do not recommend Italian ketchup from Heinz, since it is very sour and I have heartburn from him, as well as due to the inconsistency of the manufacturer's promises ("No preservatives") and the actual composition (the presence of vinegar in the product). In addition, Italian ketchup Heinz refers to the ketchups of the "first category" (indicated on the package), which implies the use of the "flavors, flavoring drugs, dyes, thickeners, stabilizers" (clause 4.2 GOST 32063-2013). If Ketchup was "natural", he would refer to the ketchups of the "Higher Category", in the production of which the use of dyes, thickeners and stabilizers is not allowed.

Sincerely yours, Andy Goldred

Henry John Heinz, the creator of the brand of Ketchup and Heinz sauces, is a bright example of Self Made Man. Without a special education and based exclusively on congenital business flair, Heinz was able to come up with original ways to promote the product and develop unique and unusually literate, even in modern standards, marketing and promotional moves in order to interest the maximum possible number of potential partners and consumers.

This year, the Heinz brand turns 145 years old, and the site decided to recall the stages of the formation and development of the legendary trademark, the value of which, according to the latest report of Interbrand, exceeded $ 7.6 billion.

Heinz & Noble.

All began in the distant 1869, when the 25-year-old son of German emigrants, together with his friend Clarence Nobel, founded Heinz & Noble And engaged in the production of ready-made vegetable dishes. Despite his youth, heinz had many years of experience in hard work in its own plot of land, the diploma of one of the best educational institutions of Pennsylvania - Duff's Business College and even a successful conclusion from the crisis of the father's brick factory. However, the further expansion of the well-established construction business, Heinz, preferred food production.

The fact is that in the second half of the 19th century, the small town of Pittsburgh, in which the parents of the future magnate settled, began to turn into the steel capital of the United States rapidly. Hundreds of workers came there from the province in the hope of getting on a large industrial enterprise.

Henry John Heinz

Heinz realized that all these people needed nutrition, and they would be more willing to prefer their homework. And really produced in a small factoryHEINZ & NOBLE Traditional vegetable blanks had a deafening success, providing a young company a stable income growth. As Heinz himself wrote in his diary« i always competed only with housewives, trying to ensure that the factory pickles and marinades are not inferior to family cuisine» .

However, besides the developed commercial alone, the entrepreneur had such advantageous to the development of business qualities as pedanticity and accost. Since childhood, he observed the process of harvesting vegetables on maternal cuisine, Heinz was absolutely convinced that the combination of perfect cleanliness in the production and natural traditional methods of fruit conservation guarantee the safety of products over long months.

It is extremely scrupulously referred to the production of products, on the label of which he stood his last name. Heinz wrote: "At some point my name on the package has become for people a guarantee of product quality." As a result, the number of permanent buyers "Heinz & Noble" grew by day: people did not want to trust dubious producers capable of the sake of profit, bring them to the hospital bed.

Soon, among the customers, the company turned out to be not only ordinary consumers, but also the owners of large restaurants of the city, whose regulars had to taste homemade pickles and marinades.


For six years, Heinz & Noble has brought a stable income. The only thing that slowed down the expansion of the business is the progressive urbanization of Pittsburgh: the lands that vegetable cultures have previously cultivated, were given under the industrial development, and the companions had to order raw materials in the nearest agricultural states - Michigan and Iowa. As a rule, they immediately allowed the development of production immediately, and the farmers were calculated using bank loans.

However, in 1875 the financial crisis collapsed in America: banks were closed, and the loans stopped providing. As a result, the companions were forced to recognize themselves insolvent and declare a bankrupt company, so failing to pay farmers.

Heinz factory, 1900

Henry Heinz was hard to experienced his financial inconsistency. The cases were so bad that he was literally not what was to feed the family. A heavy stone was lying on the soul and the fact that he could not pay with creditors: despite the fact that the recognition of the company's bankruptcy freed Heinz from any debt obligations, he swore to pay off with everyone at the first opportunity.

More than once, making sure the honesty and decency of the entrepreneur, many oldest suppliers were ready to continue working with him. It remained only to find funds to register a new company and launch production from a clean sheet.

The required amount lent the mother of the manufacturer: Anna Margaretta Heinz. decided to give accumulated on the "black day "To help your son again stand up. Its modest savings were enough for the organization of a new business, and a family enterprise appearedHEINZ FOOD COMPANY , registered with the mother and brothers Henry Heinz. He himself as bankrupt did not have the right to head the company and officially took the place of the ordinary employee, while actually implemented the full guide to the process.

The first heinz sauces

To return to himself a good name and pay as soon as possible with creditors, Henry John worked, not to give up his hands, "he controlled the process of growing vegetables, provided perfect order at the factory, agreed with suppliers and wholesale buyers.

Still, putting all the profits in expanding the business, he himself cut literally in everything. So, for example, felt the need to acquire our own transport, so as not to spend the precious time on hiking from the factory to plantation and back, Heinz allowed himself only the purchase of blind, and therefore cheap, mares, which became its means of movement for long months.

American national seasoning

Having barely putting a company on his feet, the entrepreneur seriously thought about expanding its range. Every free minute he spent in an improvised culinary laboratory at home kitchen, seeking to create a dish with an ideal combination of flavors and flavors. And after some time, he managed to prepare an excellent tomato sauce, which received the approval of the mother and immediately launched into production.

New seasoning - ketchup "Heinz "Instantly gained wide popularity and became one of the essential products in each kitchen. In the 1896th newspaper"The New York Times" called ketchup " american national seasoning» , and his creator Henry Heinz received a unlaxed title from grocersKing Ketchup.

By the way, many food companies made an attempt to promote various tomato sauces in those years. While the product created by Heinets possessed a bright memorable taste and was prepared from natural products using traditional home canning methods. The entrepreneur was confident in the commercial potential of his brainchild and did everything possible for his further popularization.

Design Ketchup Heinz, 1880-1910

Putting naturalness to the chapter of the corner, he focused on finding ketchup. So, realizing that the buyer fears to pay for an unfamiliar product, Henry John decided to show his face and began to pour the product into a glass container, previously used only for packaging branded grated Khrena. Saturated red ketchup looked at the shelf of any store, eclipsed products of competitors, "hidden" to tin cans or dark glass.

In addition, not to embarrass the buyer naturally with a dark upper layer of sauce, Heinz gave an orders to wrapping the necks of the bottles with a colorful label - such a non-standard design also provided the product with additional attention from potential consumers.

It is said that a talented person is talented in everything: History of Henry John Heinz Complete this statement. For the least short time after bankruptcy, he managed from scratch to establish the release of not only the "running" previously assortment and create a new bright sauce, but also to develop a distribution system unprecedented for the end of the 19th century.

Reasoning that it is necessary to use the railway network under construction for transportation of raw materials and delivery of finished products to all cities where the rails have already laid, Heinz organized a unique tasting system in large stores. Now buyers, before you pay for the goods, could try and appreciate it: the entire range of the company was presented at the special tables in deep plates, and a disposable cardboard spoons performed on a special order were preserved. The manufacturer was confident as his products and in that, barely trying, it will begin to actively buy it. And it turned out, as always, right.

Conquest Europe

Finally won the love of Americans, Heinz is accepted for Europe. In 1886, he goes on a steamer to the UK and appears in the office of the respectable and very influential London Store "Fortnum & Mason".

The manufacturer knew that the chance to conquer the conservative consumers of the old world was extremely small: in those years, American goods did not use in Europe or the slightest demand. Therefore, Heinz decided to play large and made a bet on Fortnum & Mason: the appearance of a product in the assortment of this store - the unlawful legislator of the gastronomic fashion and the supplier of the Royal Court - could have been reversed the situation.

Taking with me to meet the samples, in the taste of which Henry John did not at all doubt, he literally insisted on tastings, at the end of which, indeed, a contract was signed to implement each of the products presented. From this historical event began successful brand conquest"Heinz" countries of old world.

However, it was not the only course used by Heinz to conquer the world.

Gold Flyers.

In 1893, the company took part in perhaps the most large-scale exposition of his time - the World Chicago Trade Exhibition dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the opening of America and called by Columbian - World "S Columbian Exposition. Heinz really counted to conclude many contracts in the course of the event and Purchase a lot of new consumers. However, the unprofitable placement of the company's stand is on the third floor of the exhibition complex - threatened to disrupt the acquaintance with representatives of financial circles and potential buyers.

Such a position in the root did not suit the manufacturer. And in order to change it, Heinz comes up with a brilliant move - he orders in printing house printing cardboard cards, peculiar covered with gold foils. On these postcards who rushed into the eyes, it was written that everyone wishing to get a free souvenir is invited to the HEINZ pavilion on the third floor.

The idea worked: not only the owners of large food networks rushed to the stairs, but also hundreds of ordinary visitors. Observing under the very dome of the exhibition complex, they saw the luxuriously decorated shelves, on which impressive pyramids were treated from a variety of cans and bottles with the inscription "Heinz".

Figure as logo

Despite the fact that in America the case went as never well, Heinz preferred to personally control the sales process and for some time it was constantly running on trains from one state to another, recording all interesting ideas on the road, which could later go to the benefit of the company.

Once the attention of the entrepreneur attracted an advertising poster with the inscription "We - 23 Liasonian shoes." The idea of \u200b\u200busing a specific figure to give the buyer to feel the breadth of the company's range, it seemed to the businessman extremely interesting.

Sitting in the train car, he began to count his products, but, despite the fact that the list has long passed for a hundred, Heinz decided to stop on the figure 57 - it seemed to the manufacturer with a rather throw and memorable. This number was the first and only logo of the company, which to this day is placed on the labels of all products manufactured under the Heinz brand.

Heinz logos

Arriving in his native Pittsburgh, the entrepreneur gave an order to place the emblem where only was allowed, - on billboards, walls of buildings, trams and omnibuses. It came to the point that huge numbers laid out of white stones were decorated with hills on both sides leading to the city of highways.

For the sake of promoting their goods, Heinz used any information reasons. If they did not arise naturally, the manufacturer simply came up with an interesting event, steadily falling on the first bands of the newspapers.

For example, he once announced that he rents the building in which the first conveyor line of HEINZ & NOBLE was worked, and is going to fuse him on the rafts along the Allegine River to place close to his current office. The large-scale action, of course, gathered on the banks of the river a huge number of spectators and, thus, provided a free mention of the name Heinz, as well as the brand of the same name, in all publications devoted to an interesting event.

Frames decide everything

Seriously fascinated by advertising and marketing, Henry Heinz, however, tirelessly controlled and order in production. At that time, the company was already officially led by several factories, which worked hundreds of people. And, despite the fact that Heinz did not recognize trade unions in his enterprises, and the disciplinary demands on the production belonging to him were extremely tough, people dreamed of getting this job.

The fact is that the factors of Heinz reigned almost a family structure. He was the only entrepreneur of his time, providing workers with full medical care and lifelong insurance. For them, shower cabins and recreation rooms, physical education halls and pools were equipped. And on holidays, the hardships rode the park in the crews, and again - at the expense of the company.

HEINZ plant shop, 19th century

Both outside, and inside the Khaign Factory, the root differed from the rest of the production premises of the late 19th century. Here, the ideal purity was put in the chapter, which the businessman considered the key to the prosperity of the food company. For example, the conveyor workers daily, before the start of shifts, received a freshly-headed uniform and, if necessary, went to a free hygienic manicure. Is it worth saying that all the surfaces were cleared to shine.

Relying on the principle of transparency, the entrepreneur encouraged excursions to production, during which dozens of potential consumers could see with their own eyes the conditions in which food under the brand "Heinz" was made.

Heinz against Roosevelt

However, not in every food company took care of the purity and ultimate security of consumers. The American Food Industry has been actively developed, but clear legislative norms are still not spelled out. And, using their absence, unscrupulous producers were packaged in an opaque container and issued everything for canned food that they would like, actively scoring the taste and smell of the retained ingredients with trendy artificial additives.

The current situation was prematched Henry Heinz. He himself always adhered to the principle of naturalness and introduced at his production a categorical ban on any synthetic "enhancers". The manufacturer sincerely wondered: why spoil quality products with artificial additives, if they are perfectly stored, thanks to traditional home canning methods.

Not wanting to stay aside, Henry Heinz on the rights of a large industrialist appealed to Theodora Roosevelt With the requirement to bring order in the food industry. However, the American president was in no hurry to interfere with the "free" market relations and, in fact, ignored the request of the businessman.

Grocery set Heinz.

Not embarrassed, Heinz decided to expand the active campaign for taking stringent legislative measures across the country and addressed to promote several media. Among them was the influential magazine "Good Housekeeping", thousands of subscribers of whose subscribers were outraged by the authorities.

As a result, a wave of protests rolled around the country, forced Roosevelt in 1906 to sign the law on the control of food production. Heinz was rightly proud of made, in his diary he wrote that, without becoming a priest, as his mother wanted, he still found a way to bear good mankind.

As it should be expected, the inspections and proceedings revealed a complete inconsistency of many enterprises with the introduced sanitary standards - such factories were closed. And, meanwhile, nor to the recipe, nor to the conditions of production, Henry Heinz was impossible to complain, and thus his enterprises continued to work, as if nothing had happened, turning the company in the largest manufacturer of the industry.

Moreover, the campaign "for the purity of the series" has widely illuminated in the press of the campaign led to the fact that only the word "Heinz" was now associated in the minds of housewives with naturalness, quality and security.

For the preparation of ketchup, the fruits of special varieties will be involved, since 1936, derived by painstaking selection in a special division of the company. Selected seeds are sent well-proven to farms: in particular, for the production of Ketchup"Heinz" Tomatoes selling in Russia, tomatoes are grown in the grateful Mediterranean climate - on Plantations of Spain and Portugal. Selected varieties and now allow you to prepare ketchup required density without the use of additional synthetic components.

Properly pack

At the same time, as in the times of Henry Heinz, the company develops all new means of promoting the product, in particular, using updates to its packaging. So, after the innovative, patented in 1882, a glass trapezoidal bottle with a lumber hugging in 1890, its octaigrated analogue appears on the shelves. The screw cover produces another exercise among consumers, and the label in the form of the cornerstone is appreciated by Heinz's native state of Pennsylvania, nicknamed "Key Stone".

In 1968, the company once again shows care of buyers, packaging the "national American seasoning" into the portion packages from foil, which can be taken with you, wherever, and the name "Ketchup on the go!".

Dip & Squeeze Packaging

It can be said that each next packaging of Ketchup "Heinz" becomes a sensation on the modern food market: to taste to consumers and released in the 1983th innovative plastic bottle, and followed by it in the 1990th fully processed packaging.

And at the beginning of the current century, HEINZ technologists decided to enrich the color palette of Ketchup, in 2000 prepared green, and then orange, blue and yellow sauces in EZ Squirt bottles, especially those who loved children. One of the limited series into a joke offered to buyers to combine food and painting - in each bottle of the famous seasoning contained several colors at once.

But on this in "Heinz" decided not to stop, in 2002 turning over the already familiar plastic bottle of legs on the head, that is, on the lid and, thereby, alleviate the process of consumption of seasoning. And in 2009, the ketchup label was subjected to changes - the Kornishon previously depicted on it lost to the tomato cluster, accompanied by a slogan "grown, and not simply produced", designed to remind the consumer about painstaking work at all stages of making ketchup - from the selection of tomatoes, to the packing of the finished Product.

HEINZ commercial, Super Bowl-2014

In 2010, seeking to take into account the preferences of most consumers, seasoning is produced in the "Dip & Squeeze" packaging: it satisfies as a desire to make mecking food in the sauce, and water the dishes. And from 2011, the innovation was touched by 600-milli gram packs "Heinz", by 30% of PlantBottle renewable natural materials consisting of renewable natural materials.

At the same time, to connect buyers to the development of packaging design favorite seasonings, the company periodically holds the competition "The Heinz Ketchup Creativity Contest" competition, whose winners in the style of pop art then decorate millions of bottles. Professional designers also work on improving the product label, not in the hands. The result of their creation is such exclusive festive packaging, such as, for example, released at the end of last year, stylized under the shopping bag 450-gram series of crafted paper, decorated with Victorian typography, designed to emphasize the rich history of the "Heinz" brand.

The Heinz brand continues to develop, mastering new markets, offering new products using the most modern marketing tools. But after 145 years, it is based on the principles laid down by Henry John Heinz, no doubt, one of the greatest businessmen in world history.

The editorial board thanks for the help of the preparation of the material Press office Heinz in Russia

What is hiding under the colorful packaging of ketchups? Is only a concentrated tomato puree with seasonings or the composition of Ketchup is much more diverse? The studies conducted by the test center have shown that not every ketchup manufacturer adheres to the GOST R 52141 2003 "Ketchup. General specifications. "

The most "weak" place of the composition of Ketchupov was the mass fraction of dry matter - the main indicator of the quality of any tomato puree, tomato sauce or ketchup. In other words, this indicator informs about one or another degree of concentration of the product, the number of tomatoes in Ketchup. Unfortunately, Russian regulatory documents (GOST and TU) are too liberal and allow the manufacture of ketchups with the addition of thickeners, preservatives and flavors.

Therefore, the overwhelming majority of Russian tomato products are replete with unauthorized additives making Ketchup cheaper, more durable and more attractive. So, if the color of Ketchup is saturated red, it does not mean that it was produced from selected, ripe tomatoes. Most likely, a dye added a generous hand in Ketchup. If starch or gum has been added, it means that the manufacturer of Ketchup saved on the number of tomatoes and put in the product of a pretty water.

Other business European countries - there is no presence in tomato products of dyes, preservatives and flavors. Ketchup is allowed to prepare only with the use of water, tomatoes, salt, spices. Such a severity in Russia is valid only in relation to the composition of Ketchups category "Extra", and in ordinary, you can add anything.

The testing center also investigated such indicators as the proportion of chlorides (that is, the volume of salt) and the presence of a toxin pathulin (occurs during storage), but all samples have successfully sustained this test.

Another important indicator of the quality of Ketchup is the content of preservatives, which, with an excess of stuffing in Russian tomato products. Preservatives were even in Ketchup "Heinz", which advertises itself as a natural product and silent about benzoic and sorbic acid in its composition.

Studied samples

Ketchup "Maheyev"

  • Mass fraction - 23%
  • : water, tomato paste, sugar, starch, salt, acidity regulator - acetic acid, red pepper, chili pepper, dried peppers, Dried garlic, preservatives: Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Satriot.

Ketchup "Calve"

  • Structure: Water, tomato paste, sugar, thickener Modified starch, salt, acetic acid, ketchup flavor identical to natural, chili pepper, Sakharin sodium sweetener.

Ketchup Tomato "My Family"

  • The mass fraction of dry matter is not determined
  • : drinking water, tomato paste, sugar, thickeners (modified corn starch, guar gum, xanthop gum), salt, vinegar, preservatives (potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate), lemon acid, paprika, natural flavors and identical natural, red pepper, Pepper black, artificial dye (carmazine).

Ketchup "Heinz"

  • : tomatoes, vinegar, sugar, salt, spice and herbs extracts (celery contains), spices.

Ketchup "Baltimore"

  • : water, tomato paste, sugar, acidity regulator Acetic acid, sweet pepper ground, chile flavor natural, stabilizer guar gum, preservatives: Potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate, pepper red ground sharp, Sakharin sodium sweetener.

Tomato Paste - Consultation of the nutritionist

"Test Purchase". Ketchup "Tomato". Release dated 03/27/12

With children's nutrition, Heinz is familiar, perhaps, all Russian parents. A large set of fast-looking children's cas with a wide range of fruit and cereal additives, natural cans vegetable, meat and fruit puree, cookies, puddings, vermicells - a large selection of quality products.

Children's products from Heinz can be used for the first dust, and can be a pleasant addition to the table of already grown toddler. About HEINZ products for the smallest today and talk.

History and Geography Brand Heinz

Heinz is one of the largest manufacturing companies (including children's) in the world with headquarters in American Pittsburgh. It was founded in the distant 1869 and since then it is guided by the principle: "Making ordinary things is unusually well." Heinz is known for its ketchups, sauces, pickles, soups and frozen products. No less popular products that firm produces for baby food - they are supplied in more than 100 countries of the world.

In Russia, the company appeared in 1993, it currently owns a factory for baby food in the city of Georgievsk Stavropol Territory. It is there that there are instant cereal and puddings. It is worth noting that their recipe is developed by Heinz experts together with leading Russian pediatricians and nutritionists.

Puree, cookies, vermicells and tea produce Heinz plants located in Italy, near the Tyrrhenian Sea.

HEINZ Quality Guarantees

Heinz positions itself as an enterprise with high quality products, in which GMOs, artificial flavors, preservatives and dyes are not used. Only natural, proven and high-quality ingredients go to children's products.

Heinz has its own agronomists who are busy with the choice of farms-suppliers and control the future raw materials from the moment of landing before harvesting. They monitor whether they do not apply pesticides on the fields and whether the use of antibiotics and growth hormones in livestock farms is not allowed.

Each product batch that enters the Heinz plants is controlled in accordance with single sanitary requirements. Accredited Laboratories of Rospotrebnadzor investigate raw materials in safety indicators, and certified laboratories of the enterprise - on physico-chemical and microbiological standards. Adults of the company are trying finished products, and the final expert assessment exposes RAM.

Benefits of the Heinz brand in the market

  • The company's fundamental refusal from the use of GMOs, preservatives, dyes, flavors and starch.
  • The wide range of porridge, taking into account the characteristics of different kids. For example, the company has hypoallergenic porridge without gluten, sugar and milk, silent porridge, which can eat children with lactose intolerance, porridge for children from year to year, in which there are pieces of flakes and fruits that can be chewing.
  • All Cache Heinz includes the Vitamin and mineral premix from 12 vitamins (A, D, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, C, B2, B2, B6, B12, PP, C, Folic Acid, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid) and 4 minerals (calcium, zinc, iron, iodine). In addition, they are enriched with prebiotics, helping digestion and reduced risk of dysbiosis

Assortment of brand

Heinz offers products for both kids feeding (from 4 months) and to feed growing children. The range of the brand has a variety of cereal, cookies, vegetable, fruit and meat puree, puddings, ready meals with meat and fish, herbal teas.

The assortment of Kash from Heinz is very wide and designed for a variety of age categories, taste addictions and nuances of digestion kids. In the catalog of the company there are porridge low-allergenic, unpleasant, dairy, vegetable, drinking, with impressions of flakes and pieces of fruit for children from year.

The raw materials for children's porridge is first carefully sifted and passed through special magnets that will not miss any unnecessary elements. The mixture is then cooked at 100 * s, after which it enters the dryer, in which the extra moisture evaporates. The resulting product is crushed and sieved. At the output, an instant porridge is obtained that does not require cooking.

  • HEINZ low-allergenic porridges do not contain milk, sugar and ingredients with gluten, so that when they use, the risk of allergic reactions is reduced. They are created without taste additives, dyes, preservatives and are enriched with vitamins, minerals and prebiotic fibers. Children from 4 months will suit low-allergenic buckwheat and rice porridge, from 5 months can be added to the Cornpap menu. This line is produced in cardboard boxes of 200 grams.
  • HEINZ silent porridges are suitable for children suffering from allergies on protein of cow milk or lactose intolerance. In this line, there are the following porridges: buckwheat with an apple, buckwheat with omega 3, oatmeal, wheat-oatmeal with fruits, a multi-aware of 5 cereals and a multi-Visor of 3 cereals with lime and chamomile "overnight". Unlike low-allergy, there are already sugar in these porridge. They are also enriched with prebiotic fibers and a complex of minerals and vitamins. Packing - Cardboard boxes of 200 grams.
  • HEINZ Milk Kashi is recommended by the RAMS Institute - these are products without gluten, preservatives and taste additives. But, as it is clear from the title, there are milk in their composition. Porridge is enriched with a vitamin and mineral complex, such as iron, which is necessary for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia in 4-6 month old kids. Pack in packing from multi-layer foil 250 grams.

The following porridge is presented in this line: corn, buckwheat, oatmeal, oatmeal with milk and peach, oatmeal with milk and banana, 5 cereals milk and banana-apple, wheat with milk and pumpkin.

For children from 5 months, a separate series of Milk Kas Heinz "Lacoma" is offered, which is characterized by a higher content of milk and fruits. It is produced in cardboard boxes of 200 grams. In the assortment of this porridge line: buckwheat with pear, apricot and currant, corn with pumpkin, prune and carrots, rice with apricot and prunes, wheat with peach, apricot and cherries, a multi-amen visant with an apple and cherries, oatmeal with an apple, blueberry and black currant , Wheat-corn with peach, banana and cherry.

  • HEINZ vegetable porridges for children from 5 months are prepared from two types of croup, contain prebiotics that have favorably affecting the intestinal microflora, calcium, zinc, iodide potassium, iron and 12 vitamins. Available in cardboard 200 grams in two types: wheat-rice with zucchini and wheat-corn with pumpkin. The product contains gluten.
  • HEINZ drinking porridges for children from six months ready to eat - you can drink them through the tube. Do not contain dry milk and vegetable fats. In stores they can be found in cardboard boxes of 0.2 liters. The HEINZ assortment presents the following drinking porridges: Dairy 5 cereals without adding sugar and salt for young children, dairy rice and dairy oatmeal. Thanks to the convenient packaging, they can be taken with themselves for a walk or visit.
  • Heinz Kashi series "Cudcle" are designed for children older than a year and combine several cereals, rather large pieces of fruits and flakes. These cereals contribute to the development of chewing skills. In the range of firms - a multi-Visor dairy porridge "Apple, Raspberry and Black Curr", a multi-Visor milk porridge "Plum, carrots, cherry and black currant", a multi-Visor milk porridge "Plum, Apricot, Blueberry", a multi-Visor porridge Yoghurt banana, strawberry, a multi-Visor porridge Yoghurt "plum, apple, raspberry, blueberry."
  • The Kashe Heinz series "Big" is designed for children from 1 year, it must be boiled 2-3 minutes. In this line there are porridge 5 cereals, buckwheat, oatmeal. Sold in packaging from multilayer foil for 200 grams.

For the convenience of parents and babies, Heinz produces most of their porridge not only in large packages, but also in 20 gram packs that are convenient to take on a sample or with you.

Heinz baby food puree

As the manufacturers themselves say, the process of producing their fruit and vegetable puree Heinz is similar to the preparation of home billets. The collected vegetables and fruits after washing and preparation are boiled, and then crushed to a homogeneous state (homogenize). Next, the mashed potatoes are bottled and clocked, after which they are processed again to ensure microbiological safety of products. The puree does not contain dyes, preservatives, flavors, GMOs, milk protein, gluten, modified starch, sugar. There are only 100% natural vegetables, fruits and cereals.

  • Heinz produces fruit hippallerized mashed potatoes for the first dust of 4 months (apple, pear, prunes) and mixed fruit purees for children from 6 months: apple-fruit salad, fruit mix, pear with blueberries and cookies. All of them are sold in glass jars at 120 grams. In a comfortable scraping package, 100 gram packs mashed the following types: apple, pear, fruit salad, blueberry apple, apple mango, fruit salad and cereals, prunes and cereals and cereals, apple-strawberry and cereals, mango-peach apple -banana.
  • HEINZ dessert masters from the "Useful Sweet" series come out in 90 grams spacing. They can be given to a child from 6 months. The assortment features an apple and cream, a pear apple and cottage cheese, a pear apple and cream, an apple-peach and cream, strawberry and cream apple.
  • HEINZ vegetable puree are made without adding starch and salt. In 80 gram glass banks, the company produces a homogenized puree of hypoallergenic broccoli, zucchini and cauliflower, which are well suited for the first dust with 4 months, as well as carrot and pumpkin puree. In the more voluminous 120 gram glass jars, you can find mashed potatoes "Vegetable Mix" (carrots, broccoli, potatoes).
  • Heinz meat purees prepares from purified pulp meat without bones, which is grinding, mixed with water and boil. Then the product is homogenized, it is packaged by banks, closes and sterilized. In this line, there are hypoallergenic ramp and turkey, as well as puree from chicken, beef, veal and chicken with veal. Everything comes out in glass jars with a volume of 80 grams.

Ready dishes with meat and fish

In addition to ordinary purees, Heinz has and ready meat dishes For children from six months - beef in a peasant with vegetables, stew from vegetables and turkey, a honeycomb from pumpkin with chicken, veal in rustic and even children's pasta in the fleet. In stores they can be found in 120 gram glass jars. The combination of meat with vegetables twice increases the digestibility of iron and organic acids from plant products.

Ready dishes with fish From Heinz are represented in 120 gram glass jars two types: Vegetables with trout and hake with potatoes. Suitable for food of children from 8 months. Contain Omega 3 and Omega 6.


HEINZ puddings are useful delicacy containing cream and fruits, natural cereals and vitamins.

For children from six months, the company offers pudding with a banana and an apple in cream, as well as pudding "fruit assortment in cream." We are produced in cardboard boxes of 200 grams.


Vermicelli from Heinz "Stars" and "Figures" in cardboard boxes of 340 grams is designed for children from 10 months.

It can be an independent dish, and can be used as an ingredient for cooking soups or second dishes. Vermicell is made of soft varieties of wheat, not welded and does not stick when cooking.


Heinz cookies due to a special recipe completely soluble in milk or mouth at the kid.

It is made without adding eggs to reduce the likelihood of food allergies. 100% natural, enriched vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP and Minerals Ca, Na, Fe. Sold in cardboard boxes of 180 grams and in separate small packs of 60 grams. Heinz makes ordinary children's cookies, as well as cookies with 6 cereals, apple, banana and apple.


Children's Heinz tea is an instant drink for children from the 4th month of life to school age. Present in the range of companies tea with chamomile is a natural soothing agent and well affects the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Tea with Fennel can be used as a means that improves digestion and helps with colic and increased gas formation. Tea with richness and raspberry increases the body's resistance to colds.

The instructions notes that as an additional drinking for children of young children, it is recommended to use for 2-3 weeks with a subsequent break at the same time interval. It is implemented in stores in cardboard tubes of 200 grams.

HEINZ baby food cost

HEINZ products are located on average price segment. It is more expensive than "Agushi", "Frutonian" and "themes" and keeps almost on the same level at the price of children's puree with Gerbert and Hipp and at the price of porridge with Nestle.

Average prices for August 2017:

  • The porridge is the silent "Mainland with 5 cereals" 200 gr. - 90-99 rubles
  • Porridge "Laccoming" "buckwheat with pear, apricot and currant" 200 gr. - 115-126 rubles
  • Porridge "I am big" oatmeal-rice 250 gr. - 91-99 rubles
  • Puree fruit "juicy apple" 120 gr. - 42-52 rubles
  • Puree vegetable "cauliflower" 80 gr. - 38-44 rubles
  • Mashed meat "chicken" 80 gr. - 62-73 rubles
  • Vermicell "Figures" 340 gr. - 126-127 rubles
  • Pudding "Fruit Assorted Cream" 200 gr. - 155-159 rubles
  • Tea "Chamomile" 200 gr. - 213-224 rubles
  • Children's cookie with an apple 160 gr. - 106-130 rubles

The view that imported analogues are much better than domestic goods, exists in our country since the 90s, just from the moment when foreign products for the first time massively appeared on the counters of Russian stores. Until now, many of our compatriots still compare the taste of the usual products of global brands made in Russia and abroad. And they usually say that the difference is, it is especially true for dairy products, chocolate and alcohol. At the same time, manufacturers, as a rule, occupy the opposite position: the quality everywhere corresponds to international standards, which means it should not differ taste. Ranking as part of one of the fan studies carefully studied the goods made by the well-known world leader in the production of Ketchupov. Brand, volume, container and the type of sauce (tomato) were absolutely identical. The difference consisted only that one sauce was made in England, and the other - near St. Petersburg. As it turned out, the difference between them really is!

Preservatives and starch

Ketchup is usually sold in small packages of 350-500 g, and therefore it will end during moderate consumption in the average family during the month. The term is small, but nevertheless, any manufacturer intends to increase the time during which the sauce will be suitable. The struggle for improving the shelf life of Ketchup around the world goes on two fronts: some manufacturers use preservatives, others are more expensive, modern production technologies. Approximately the same approach and the naturalness of the sauce: some manufacturers in the manufacture of Ketchup honestly use tomato paste, and some are diluted with her starch. On packaging and "English", and "Russian" large font, information was allocated that in the product of preservatives and starch is not contained. After laboratory analysis, the experts carried the verdict: the information on the label is true. Both ketchup can be called natural.


The Ketchup usual to us should hardly shake out of the bottle, be sure to drop past the plates and, of course, have a rich red color, otherwise what has tomatoes? However, the world of business in this sense does not blush and feel free to use dyes to give the ketchup of the presentable appearance. Just with the help of synthetic dyes, the color of the starch is given the color of tomato paste. Therefore, their presence in the composition of Ketchup should alert. Our participants in the part of the dyes have become a sample of honesty again. They promised to do without "chemistry" - and cost. Regardless of the place of origin.


The composition of the natural ketchup will never be printed with a spare list. On the label it will fit in several lines. And everything in it will be organic - sugar (and not a sugar substitute!), Water and, of course, salt. Sodium chloride in itself is a good natural preservative. It is important to make a reservation that the salt content in these two ketchs was on the level safe for the Russian market. By the way, it is a ceiling of 2.5% chloride in the composition. Our "compatriot" in this framework met the most strictly as possible - it contained the same 2.5%, but the English sauce, which was not adjusted to local standards, was less salted - only 2.2% of salt. Given the fact that the Russians are generally preferred more salty food, there is a loss of the English food industry.

Nitrates in vegetables do not please nobody, but it is worth understanding that they are always present in various cultures. Nitrate nitrogen falls into any plant from the soil - it does not matter whether it is treated with chemicals or is in an environmentally friendly area. The problem of nitrates - at their concentration: with high content, they can really be dangerous to the human body, with low-unchalled nitrates. It is important to immediately say that in two ketchups the content of nitrates was at the lowest level. With a dangerous check, in 150 mg / kg, a Russian sample contained 27 mg / kg, and in English - 20 mg / kg. It is worth noting that the method of determining nitrates allows an error of +/- 4 mg. So, theoretically nitrates could be larger in the English sample. Taking into account the error of Ketchup, made in England, receives +0.5 points.


Both participants in the competition were completely safe for humans. They did not contain toxic elements, mold, yeast, fungi and other pathogens of microorganisms. The only thing that differed sauces in this part was the content of cadmium. Its concentration, however, was also quite safe. However, if you look at this heavy metal, it was all more in imported ketchup. With a permissible norm of 0.03 mg / kg, the Russian "Russian" contained 0.017 mg / kg, and "foreigner" - 0.022 mg / kg of cadmium. But here the error interferes again - it here is +/- 0.011 mg / kg. So, again the result could be different, but nevertheless, the Russian ketchup receives its 0.5 points.

Mass fraction of soluble substances

Dry soluble substances are the most important ingredient of Ketchup. Ideally, the maximum volume of dry soluble substances should be tomato paste. In the worst case, the starch will be in her place, but his absence in two samples was proven by the first round. According to the results of laboratory tests, the most generous for tomatoes was recognized by "British": it contained 29.9% of dry substances, in the domestic analogue - by 1.7% less, total - 28.2%. England lines the bill.


Despite minor differences in the composition, the most important, determining characteristic of the ketchup for the consumer will taste. It is he who gives an answer to the main question of the test: what are our worse imports? Lab tests give a response that someone may disappoint: nothing. Russian ketchup was hardly solon, but this distinction does not recognize by a single consumer during tasting. The rest of the taste, color, the consistency of ketchups were recognized as identical and fully relevant product category "Ketchup Tomato".

In the final - draw

Despite a number of details that distinguish one ketchup from another, both of them successfully passed all laboratory tests, showed the highest quality and were worthy of the Russian quality sign. True, and here there are differences between the two "brothers". The right to awarding the Russian quality mark has only a product produced in our country. About other best ketchs of the country read.

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