
Recipes of the most delicious Easter cakes with step-by-step photos. The best recipes of Easter cakes

Cooks are preparing at night from Wednesday for Thursday, and on the night of Saturday on Sunday - sanctify. Tasty and original are transmitted to the family from generation to generation. In order for Easter baking to be fame, you need to knead the dough in the room at a temperature of at least 25 0.

Flour must necessarily sift several times, and the yeast to breed in warm milk. Because of the time until it starts to lag behind the hands (40 minutes). The dough should stand in a warm place, and it cannot be overloaded raisins, candied fruits, nuts and dried fruits, otherwise the yeast will not work well. Prepare dough in large volume.

The dough must be literally cherished, protect from drafts, wrap and cook with complete silence. The finished cakes are watered with icing, decorate and apply the letters "Holy".

Pask "Family"

  • 1.5 liters of milk
  • 1400 Sakhara
  • 15 YIITS
  • 300 g. Creamy oil
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 400 g. cream margarine
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sololi.
  • 0.5 glasses of vegetable oil
  • 3 packs of vanillin
  • 1.5 packs of fresh yeast
  • 1 glass of raisin.
  • 1 cup of sugar powder + 2 protein \u003d for glaze
  • confectionery decorations.

How to cook Easter cake

  1. Prepare opar: In 1 cup of warm milk, drag yeast and 1 tbsp. Spoons of sugar and flour. Leave to approach.
  2. Yolks to be confused with sugar and connect with a blind and remaining milk, salting, add vanilla sugar. Pitch flour.
  3. Pour whipped proteins and melted butter and margarine. Add sour cream. At the end of adding a raisin spheam.
  4. Thoroughly knead and put in a warm place for several hours.
  5. Pour the dough into a large saucepan, wrap in a blanket, and leave for a few hours to rose well. 1-2 times the dough must be deposited.
  6. Lubricate shape with vegetable oil, send by parchment paper. Landing the dough on 1/3 of the height of the shape, glomerulum. Put in a warm place. When suitable in forms. Bake until ready for about 40 minutes at moderate temperature.
  7. Cooking the glaze: beat 2 protein well, gradually pour sugar powder, beat a mixer to a white thick foam.
  8. Ready to make it cool, lubricate with icing. Decorate with confectionary decorations and apply "KH".

I found this recipe in the old culinary notebook. I decided to try it! It is not difficult prepared at all, but turned out to be delicious, air and fragrant! From this set of products, there are 2 large slices!

Pask "Economical"

  • 100 g. Yeast
  • 2 glasses of milk
  • 10 yolks
  • 300 g. Sakhara
  • 1100 G. Flour
  • a pinch of salt
  • 100 g. Isauma
  • chipping Vanilli.
  • 1 tbsp. l. Margarine
  • 100. Creamy oil

For glaze:

  • 2 protein
  • 1 cup of sugar powder

How to cook economical easter cake

  1. Yeast, sugar, a walnut of a glass of warm milk and 1 tbsp. l. Flour is carefully stirred by a whisk. Put in a warm place for 20 minutes.
  2. Flour 2 times to sift so that it is filled with oxygen.
  3. Seven yolks from proteins. To be confused with sugar, combine from the second half of milk, add a pinch of salt, to thoroughly stir the wedge.
  4. Floor to connect with the egg mixture, gradually plug the flour and wash the dough. Mix 30-40 minutes.
  5. Add a melt margarine and butter gradually on a tablespoon gradually on the dough. If necessary, to plunge a bit of flour so that it was easier to knead. Add a pinch of vanillin and raisins, pre-closed and dried. It is another 10 minutes.
  6. Put the dough into a bowl, cover the food film and put for 2-3 hours in a warm place. When the dough rises well, throw it and leave for 1 hour to rise again.
  7. After the second lift - to put the dough into a lubricated smaltian shape or laid out washed bakery paper. Forms to fill on a third of the form.
  8. When the dough in the form is twice as much as an hour, bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 220 0 and another 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 0.
  9. Cooled cake to lubricate with icing and decorate.
  10. In order for the glaze to be a lush and snow-white, you need to cook it in this way. Take a non-separated protein, but an egg. Remove the protein, beat it for 6-7 minutes, to lush foam, then whipping gradually pour sugar powder.

And for cakes it turns out even better and more paints, it is still worth it on home eggs, milk and butter.

Julia Bondareva, Artemovsk, Donetsk region

And 200 grams of yeast.

Heat milk slightly. So that it was a little glazy. Divorce in the milk yeast. To do this, I was finely crumbled and added to the milk. There you need to add 1 tsp. Sugar and half glass flour.

All is well stirred, cover with a lid and put in a warm place for half an hour.

For a larger heat, I covered a saucepan with a warm blanket and my opara began to climb out of the pan in half an hour. Therefore, I think that it will be enough and 20 minutes to be selected in the volume of dishes.
Now you need margarine and oil.

As long as we are suitable, you need to melt margarine - let it cool while cooling. Now we get up for eggs. 7 eggs break, and from the eighth in the dough only add yolk, and protein leave for fondations.
Self-protein immediately in the refrigerator, as it will be better to be better.
Add sugar and beat with eggs.

Add cooled margarine to eggs.

Soft butter need to spin and add vanillin, turmeric, cinnamon and a little flour.

All mix well before the fact. By the way, Kurkuma gives Kulich a very beautiful yellow color.

We add this oil to eggs and margarine, interfere. We add sunflower oil and stir well.

By this time, the opara is ready. Here it is a full pan.

We add it all to the test and interfere very well. I did it a mixer. So it turns out a homogeneous test state.

Now add flour. I left more than 2 kg.

You are looking at the dough consistency, this is an approximate amount of flour. The dough should be easily separated from the hands.

So we are kneading the dough. We put it in a warm place. I doubled the blanket. Leave for about 40-50 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare raisins. It is necessary to stay from garbage, pour warm water and give to stand for 15-20 minutes. Then decompose on the towel to miss.

Time came up and the dough already looks out of the bowl.

Exceeded raisins need to be cut into flour and add to the test.

I will form the dough along with raisins.

Now you can decompose in formats. You can use tin jars or silicone forms. But I make it the last years in special paper molds. They do not need to lubricate and cut different circles. In addition, they are beautiful and comfortable.

Unlock the dough into each mold a little less than half.

Now they need to be put in a warm place for approach. I turn on the oven, and put the molds with the dough on top to the stove, cover with a towel and blanket and leave for half an hour.

Dough has grown almost to the edges. Now you can only send it to the already preheated oven.

Culberies were baked somewhere 1.5 hours. Smoothed - you can get it.

While the cakes are cooled, make a fondant. To do this, we get out of the refrigerator our cooled protein and whip it with a mixer in a thick foam.

We add gradually sugar powder and whipping the mixer all the time.

It turns out a thick beautiful sweet.

The cakes are not needed from beautiful molds. And this is also a plus of these molds - the cakes do not dreet and do not dry out. The top is lubricating the icing.

And sprinkle.

Lubricate all the cakes. Here is such beauty.

And that's the same cake that we have done. That's the way it turned out to be in fire.

Thanks to the dressing and vanilla, this product has a very tasty fragrance. Beautiful yellow color - thanks to turmeric. And the home taste of the scene of course will not compare with any cake from the store.
With the holidays of you Great Easter!

Time for preparing: PT08H00m 8 h

The best recipes of Easter cakes.

1. Traditional Easter cake


Vanilla sugar - 1 bag
Milk - 0.5 liters.
Eggs - 6 pcs.
Raisin - 350 g
Flour - 1-1.5 kg.
Creamy butter - 220 g
Yeast Dry - 11
Sugar - 2.5 tbsp.
Squirrel of two eggs

How to prepare traditional Easter cake:

First, we need to dissolve yeast. It cannot be done without warm milk, so it is necessary to warm it up slightly on the stove. Then 11 g of yeast pour into the milk and mix.
To the dairy - yeast mass slowly, we hurt two glasses of flour. Again you need to mix everything. In general, the mixing process you need to produce after each stage, so that for avoiding the repetitions we will not write it every time.
We put the layer into the heat and be sure to cover with linen or other natural towel.
Half an hour you should not touch the peas. At this time, you need to separate yolks and proteins. Do not forget that two squirrels you need to leave for decoration of the crumb.
The wedge is slightly sweeping yolks and sugar. Add vanilla.
Proteins you need to beat before the formation of foam, here without a mixer nowhere.
The first thing in the pole add yolks and sugar, then soft oil and proteins.
Now add the remaining flour to the resulting dough and smear it for 20 minutes.
Cover the dough with a towel and leave in silence for one hour.
Meanwhile, bring a raisin to a normal state, seeing it in water.
Waving the required amount of time, add raisins to the Easter Round Dough.
Lubricate all molds with butter and fill half or slightly less.
Cover each form of the food film and leave to climb another 30 minutes.
Bake about half an hour, but it all depends on the form and size of the future slices. So it is better to look at him during baking.
For glaze, just whisk proteins and sugar. Warm cakes Down with icing, sprinkle with candied and enjoy a delicious and traditional dish.

2. Recipe for cottage cheese Easter


Sour cream - 200 g
Milk - 500 ml.
Vegetable oil - 50 g.
Cottage cheese - 200 g
Eggs - 6 pcs.
Margarine - 250 g
Sugar - 3 tbsp.
Fresh yeast - 50 g.
Flour of the highest grade - 1.5 kg.
Raisins, Orekhi

How to cook cake with cottage cheese:

Fresh yeast You need to grind your hand into the crumb, add a couple of sugar spoons into it and three tablespoons of warm water.
Five minutes later, take a large saucepan in volume and heat the milk in it to a warm state.
Then pour yeast into milk and add a couple of sugar spoons.
Grind nuts and pour raisins.
After 40 minutes, add other ingredients to the opar.
Take 6 eggs and divide them. Further, as usual, you need to confuse sugar with yolks, and whiskers beat with salt. Do not forget to pour vanilla sugar in yolks.
Soft margarine Add to the dough and mix it well.
Make the same with yolks.
In the next step, you need to put all sour cream and cottage cheese in the dough. Be sure to place the dough after this stage.
Now pour sunflower oil and proteins.
Next you must add raisins and nuts.
Now start adding flour to the dough, evenly distributing it and smelting well.
Bake the cakes should also be baked as in the previous recipe.

3. Recipe for royal


Flour - 1.5 kg.
Manna Crupes - 100 g
Eggs - 8 pcs.
Yeast - 110 g
Sugar - 0.5 kg.
Milk - 0.5 liters.
Creamy butter - 500 g.
Tsukata - 100 g
Almonds - 200 g.

How to cook royal cake:

Heat 300 ml of water to warm state. In it dissolve yeast and add one glass of flour.
While the opara rises, warm the milk and pour into it the rest of the flour.
Break the eggs into separate dishes, add a slight salt and sugar, mix.
Connect the opar and egg mixture.
Creamy oil is softened. Cut into small pieces and add to the previously obtained dough.
Leave the dough again for 1 hour.
After that, add nuts, tunicats, cardamom and vanilla sugar into the dough.
Pretty kneading dough for Easter cakes.

4. Kulich, which always turns out!

There are a lot of cake recipes, but this very simple, and oh-o-chen delicious ... And the main thing is always it turns out even in inexperienced owners!

- 500 ml of milk
- 11 g of dry yeast (or 50-60 g of raw yeast)
- 1-1.3 kg of flour
- 6 eggs
- 200 g of butter or margarine
- 250-300 g sugar
- 300 g of raisin
- 1 tsp. Vanilla sugar

- 2 protein
- 100 g of sugar

From the specified number of ingredients, 3 slices with a height of 11 cm and a width of 17 cm and 6 small cakes height 7 cm and 6 cm wide are obtained.

Milk to warm up a little (so that it was a little warm), dissolve yeast in it.
Add 500 g of flour, stir well. Put in a warm place.
I pour warm water into a bowl, I put a tank with a test.
Cover with a towel. Opara should double (it will take about 30 minutes).
Separate proteins from yolks. Yolks to be confused with sugar and vanilla sugar.

In the approached, add yolks, mix.
Following add softened oil, mix.
Add proteins, mix.
Add the remaining flour (flour may need a little more or less, it depends on the quality of flour), knead the dough.

The dough is necessary to knead well, it should not be steep and should not stick to the hands.
Put the dough into a warm place again.
Give the test well to climb (it will take 50-60 minutes).

Raisins Soak in warm water for 10-15 minutes, then drain all the water.
In approached the dough, add raisins, mix and put the dough again into a warm place. The dough should go well.

Forms to lubricate with oil, put the dough on 1/3 of the altitude of the form.
Cover with a film or towel.
Give the test again to rise in the form.

Put the oven to 100 degrees preheated, bake 10 minutes.
Then the temperature is added to 180 degrees, bake until readiness (I have a cake of 11 cm high and a width of 17 cm baked 35 minutes, 10 minutes at a temperature of 100 degrees and 25 at 180 degrees).
To check the readiness of the scene, pour it with a match (or toothpick), if it is dry - culich is ready.

Preparing the glaze.
Squirrels beat with a pinch of salt in the foam.
Add sugar, beat to stable peaks.

Finished hot cakes to lubricate with icing and sprinkle with confectionery sprinkled or decorate with candied with candied with candy.

5. Quick cooking cake

Ingredients for recipe

On 4 glasses of flour:
3 eggs
100 g of butter or margarine
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of milk
50 g yeast
salt to taste

Yeast for fast cooking is in warm milk, mix thoroughly with eggs, melted oil or margarine, sugar, salt and flour. This dough immediately lay out the shapes in lubricated oil (you can pre-add a tunica) and put for 3-4 hours in a warm place, after which you can furnace cake. Bake at 170-180s from 40 minutes to 1 hour (depending on the size of the scene). Readiness Checking a wooden stick

Light Easter!

When a large amount of milk accumulates during the post, a completely logical solution will be baked on it of Easter cakes. Knowing the volume of fluid, you can calculate the number of other components in advance that may be required when baking. For the unit of measurement take a liter.

Select any silence recipe from the table. Do not forget to add 1 liter of milk to the listed composition.

Kulich Flour, kg. Sugar, G. Yeast, G. Drain. Oil, G. Eggs, pcs. Additionally
Without manual kneading (interfere with a tablespoon). 2 700 80 600 20 yolks 1 kg of isa
Alexandrian (milk takes fuel). 2,5 1000 150 500 10 200 g of gasy raisin
3 Package of vanilla sugar, 2 tbsp. l. Cognac
Almond. 2 400 100 600 10 400 g of peeled almond, 2 lemon, 2 raisin glasses
Easter. 2 670 80 530 14 yolks 1 job of water, 130 g of raisins, zest, brandy 35 g
Transparent (without powders). 1,6 500 250 500 40 yolks -

Similarly in all cases. First, take some part of sugar, milk (warm and boiled) and flour and mix with yeast. This opara is as long as it stops to increase in the amount (about two hours). If you are going to oven Culich "Transparent", this stage can be skipped. Singing the pole connect with the remaining components and slightly satisfy. Emboss the dough and put a suitable for another 2-3 hours, then decompose in forms (by one third of the volume) and give the test once again to rise.

Bake the oven at the bottom lattice at a temperature of 180 ° (for large cakes) or higher (for small).

Nuances of cooking Kulukhai

Mix the dough as long as possible. So it will become more uniform and tasty. It is not worth remarking with flour, but the dough should not be liquid. The desired test density is determined: if at cutting it does not stick to the knife - the flour is enough. If it is still not thick enough, do not hesitate to add more flour.

Carefully avoid drafts. Provide a warm place in which it can calmly climb. Temperature should be in the range of 30 ° - 45 °.

Preparing to baking, too, need carefully. Put the container with water in the oven so that steam is formed around the crumb. Many check the preparedness of baking with a dry stick. But Kulich is very gentle, so the wand sticks to it before baking. After a certain time, it is removed and inspected for dryness. Dry wood - symptoms of herigament. But what time can you not touch it?

It all depends on the weight of the Kulich:

  • less kilogram bake half an hour
  • 1 kg - 45 minutes,
  • 1.5 kg - an hour,
  • 2 kg - 1.5 hours.

The top of the baking can be covered with paper, it will prevent burning. Hot cakes are removed from the mold and put on the side for cooling.

Dairy Easter

There is an Easter recipe on a liter of milk. He is very unusual, because the milk replaces his cottage cheese. Or rather - itself turns into it in the process of preparation. This feature of the recipe gives Easter the taste of filling ice cream.

List of ingredients:

  • a liter of milk;
  • polkilogram sour cream;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 130 g of sugar powder;
  • 120 g of butter;
  • vanillin;
  • salt.

Eggs with salt to puff, add a fatty sour cream (25% and higher) and take it once again. Milk with fatty from 3.5% boil. Dog fire to a minimum and pour egg mix gradually into the milk, without ceasing to stir. When the first sign of "white boiling" appears (the first bubble) - remove the dishes from the fire. The temperature of the resulting mass must be no higher than 90 °.

You will notice that the milk contained in the sour cream will be treated: soft flakes separated from serum will appear. It will seem rather on the omelet than on cottage cheese. Let it cool to room temperature, and then drain the serum through 3-4 layers of gauze. If you go to the colander, the whole milk mass can be left there and leave watches for five. Set the colander to a two-liter pan. This time the future Easter can spend in the refrigerator so as not to spoil. It turns out about 800 ml of serum. In Easter, she will no longer go, but you can bake delicious pancakes.

Custard with sugar, butter and vanilla. You can add a little raisin, favorite candied or nuts. Then shift the mixture into a folded and coated gauze. Top also cover gauze. Put the assault row on the pallet (plate) and put in the refrigerator.

The first three hours the moisture remaining in Easter can drain and without cargo, the remaining 14 hours let Easter be under the nest. Then you can carefully remove Easter and proceed to tasting.

I admit honestly, I went for a long time around this recipe for a crush. He immediately seemed interesting in the plan of an unusual cooking process, and also bribed the foiled milk in the recipe.

I, as the sophisticated cook, became very curious, and here with trepidation in the shower, I decided and prepared this Easter cake with the addition of baked milk. The recipe is quite easy to prepare, you can safely leave for the oily pole. I did it in an electric oven, at 35 degrees.

And how to taste?

And to taste, the cake turned out simply wonderful: moderately wet (not clay), soft, medium density, slightly damaging. Milk and creamy liqueur attached to Coulich as soon as possible, but such important festive notes.

I can safely promise that Kulich melts in the mouth, and does not look like an Easter baking from the supermarket. Since I twice the cakes, then this cake will be my # 2 in the list of loved ones and successful recipes. I hope I convinced you to cook these wonderful cakes? Then we go to the kitchen!

Ingredients will be required

  • 500 ml. Milk shaken
  • 250 gr. butter
  • 5 pieces. Yaitz
  • 500 gr. Sahara
  • 10 gr. Vanilla sugar
  • 50 gr. Alive yeast
  • 50-100 gr. Izyuma
  • 4 tbsp. Creamy liqueur, or 2 tbsp. Cognac
  • 1,250 kg of flour

Cooking: step by step

Eggs connect with sugar in a deep bowl.

And whipping a mixer to completely dissolve sugar.

The foiled milk is heated slightly (up to T body 36-37 degrees), crumbling in milk yeast, then stir so that the trembles dissolve in milk.

Clean the butter.

And now we connect the egg mixture with foam milk and butter, in a large deep bowl, where there will be enough space to rose the dough three times.

Carefully break the spoon, cover with a towel, and we send to a warm place for 10-12 hours. You can leave to approach the poultry for the night, or prepare everything in the morning and go to work.

After the specified time, it should be in my photo. The egg-oil mass wandered, and most time to start kneading the dough for our Easter Merchant.

Add half flour, and stir. I interfered with a spoon, everything is perfectly stirred.

Now add raisins, liquor, vanilla sugar. We mix with a spoon, and gradually, portions, add the rest of the flour.

It should be thick, the dough that lipates to the hands. Cover the dough with a towel, and send it to the frozen in a warm place for 2-2.5 hours.

After the specified time, the dough will ride well three times, as in my photo.

Forming and last proof

At this stage, I will form the dough with your hands (your hands should be abundantly lubricated with vegetable oil). It should be noted that, despite the fact that the dough is liquid enough, and it is not at all like the dough for the classic herch, it is easy to work with such a test. It is very militant, as if alive, so asking for a form for cakes!

Now fill the forms for cakes with a 1/3 dough, and we again send it to the frozen in a warm place.

How to bake in the oven

When the dough in forms is raised, we put our future cakes in the oven. The temperature of the oven is 180 degrees, baking time is about 1.5 hours, depending on the volume of forms. After 20 minutes, the cakes need to be smeared with an egg.

If at this stage the Makushka Kulichi shook, you need to turn off the top heating of the oven, or cover the cakes with foil.

I like to use for baking cakes of medium size, 1.2 liter volume. In such forms, the cakes are not overproed, wellcrose well, and inside a lot of pulp.

Ready cakes get out of the forms, and leave alone until completely cooling.

Recipe beautiful protein glaze

For the decoration of Kulich, I prepared my favorite protein icing, which looks very impressive and beautifully on Easter baking! And this icing is very fragile, and straight "flies" from the rush after touching the knife.

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