
Why foot swell and what to do in this case? Swelling of legs - causes and treatment, including folk remedies why legs swell

If one leg swells, the reasons for this can be the most different. The human body by 70% consists of a liquid. The liquid is mainly concentrated inside the cells of various organs and tissues. Under edema, the liquid can be detected in space between cells. Most often this happens in diseases of the heart and kidney. What are the reasons for edema legs, and how to get rid of them?

Foot swelling is a frequent complaint of patients when accessing a doctor. At the edema, it is often found that one leg is more different. Not always legs swell under any diseases. It can happen to a healthy person. One lower limb can enemy when using a large amount of fluid. The swelling of the feet may be a consequence of a long static voltage. It occurs with continuous walking or standing. Elek may be weak or sharply pronounced. In the first case, a small swelling of the leg is determined.

If the foot swells, it is only a manifestation of the disease. This pathology may occur under the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • kidney diseases (glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis, renal failure);
  • heart failure;
  • varicose disease;
  • violation of the outflow of lymph;
  • elephantia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • allergic reactions;
  • arthritis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • traumatic damage to the leg;
  • hypertensive disease;
  • alcoholism;
  • diabetes mellitus.

If one leg swells or both at once, the reason can be wounded in the use of certain drugs (hypotensive, hormones, glucocorticoids). There are a number of predisposing factors, the presence of which increases the likelihood of the appearance of edema syndrome. They include overweight, a sedentary lifestyle, a long stay in an uncomfortable posture, wearing incorrectly selected shoes. Physiological reasons include a period of pregnancy.

When entering the child, the vessels in the area of \u200b\u200bthe small pelvis are squeezed out, which leads to the swelling of the legs. Often pregnant pulls on salty food. As you know, the salt contributes to the fluid delay in the body.

Swelling with clogs of lymph

Why is there a leg swelling? Such a condition is the main sign of elephantism (elephantism, lymphedems). The disease is due to a violation of the outflow of lymph. The latter is a colorless liquid, which contains many lymphocytes. Lymph flows on the lymphatic vessels from the bottom up and flows into the upper hollow vein. The main purpose of lymph is a refund of various substances (electrolytes, proteins, tissue exchange products, toxic substances) from tissues to blood for subsequent elimination from the body. With elephantia, there is a stagnation of lymph.

With an innate form of sickness, the edema initially occurs in the foot area. The process then extends to the hips. At the acquired form of edema extends from top to bottom. In most cases, swelling is one-sided. When palpation after pressing the skin there remains a fossa, which is not lounted for a long time. This is an important distinctive feature from heart and renal edema.

Heart and kidney pathology

Entry syndrome is a sign of heart failure. With this pathology, it occurs in a large circulation circle. Blood accumulates in blood vessels, which leads to their stretching. Against the background of all this, the permeability of the vessel wall increases, and blood rushes in the tissue. Heart failure in the absence of proper treatment is a consequence of cardiosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, pericarditis, amyloidosis, congenital heart defects, rheumatism. Cardiac swelling have the following features:

  • are formed on the ankles, after which they are applied up;
  • cold with palpation;
  • have a blue shade;
  • dense;
  • painless;
  • arise gradually.

Edema can be manifestation of renal pathology. A frequent cause is glomerulonephritis. Evenkers are a sign of amyloidosis, renal failure. With these diseases, the filtering process is violated. Edems on the legs for kidney disease are diagnosed only in severe cases. At the same time, the edema is movable, warm. They can appear unexpectedly and also unexpected disappear.

Diagnosis and treatment

Treatment of edema on foot is carried out after the establishment of the underlying disease. Diagnostics includes a patient's survey, an external inspection, palpation of the lower limbs, blood test and urine, conducting sound doppler, electrocardiography, heart and kidney ultrasound, angiography of foot vessels. If the leg hurts and swells against the background of thrombophlebitis, surgical treatment may be required. If thrombophlebitis is associated with infection, antibiotics are prescribed. In heart swells, treatment is aimed at the main disease.

Thus, the swelling of the lower limb is a reason to appeal to the doctor.

Entrance syndrome (foot swelling) is a cluster of fluid in some tissues and the intercellular space of the lower limbs, in which they increase in the volume against the background of changes in elasticity and the turgora.

Such pathological changes occur most often in the legs due to the strong load on them during the day. The possibility and degree of edema growth are depending on the balance of fluid in the body between vessels and intercellular space.

Why legs swell, the causes of the swelling of the lower extremities and the signs of what diseases it may be - consider in the article.

Causes of legume of legs with acute manifestation of pathology

  • local (local) edema is usually associated with a violation of fluid circulation on a specific area;
  • common swelling is a manifestation of fluid imbalance in the patient's body.
Why foot swell? This question worries even absolutely healthy people when in a hot climate or abundant salty food, they face swelling of the legs

Note! To find out the origin of edema, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination and determine the causes of the painful state.

A small swelling of the legs is most often, is a temporary phenomenon and appears for several reasons:

  • edema in the evening may be the consequence of fatigue, transferred per day of high load on his feet, but it is better to seek advice to the therapist in order to prevent varicose veins that affects the leg veins;
  • consumption of a large volume of liquid in the evening or before bedtime It is often a moving factor of why legs swell;
  • the reasons for the swelling of the lower limbs can be hidden in a long seat in an uncomfortable posture (with crossed legs, on a low or too high chair);
  • foot injuries can often cause a local edema form together with pain in the damage zone (bruises, tensile ligaments, fractures);
  • allergic diseases As a rule, they are manifested not only by swelling, but also with a rash, sneezing, coughing and shortness of breath, increased tearing and dizziness - they will be held after the reception of anti-allergenic drugs and termination of contact with the allergen caused;

  • small feet edema in the last trimension of pregnancy are a reason for consulting with a female doctor to eliminate gestosis (late toxicosis during pregnancy);
  • sideproof with drugs (hormonal, hypotensive, etc.);
  • swelling after a disease caused by acute infection May be an indicator of complications on the kidneys.

Causes of legume of legs in chronic manifestation of pathology

With a long swelling of the lower extremities, it is necessary to find out why legs swell, and the medical examination should be passed, determine the causes of this symptom. Such edema shows, most often, about severe chronic disease.

There is a classification of edema by systemic diseases that they accompany:

1. Cardiac - manifest with heart disease, also manifests symptoms of cardiac disorders (severe heartbeat, shortness of breath, chest pain), which develop gradually.

Localization location: symmetrical swelling of the ankles, the legs (if the patient is walking), in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt (for lying patients).

2. Renal swelling It appears gradually or quickly, localized on the face, legs, lower back, etc., sometimes accompanied by an increase in pressure, they are symptoms of glomerulonephritis and nephropathy.

With an ultrasound examination, an increased kidney size is recorded, and other signs of the disease are manifested: Pain in the lower back, the presence of blood in the urine, an increase in blood pressure, anemia.

3. Escapes for liver diseases Inherent in patients with severe pathologies, manifest themselves as the following symptoms: the yellowness of the skin, swelling in the zone of the abdomen, various disorders of digestion (diarrhea, constipation, flatulence), the state of general weakness, weight loss, high temperature, memory deterioration and time orientation (encephalopathy), hepatic coma .

4. Venous diseases of the legs (thrombophlebitis, varicose extension, etc.) - the reason is often the blockage of the vein thrombo, when one leg swells (which shines and hurts), or in a chronic form, when swelling in the lower third of the lower leg disappears in the morning and increases in the afternoon due to vertical body position;

5. Inflammatory diseases of the joints (Arthrosis and others) - manifest themselves with local swelling over the affected joint, and this zone is characterized by increased temperature and soreness when driving.

6. Lymphostasis - violation of circulation in the body of lymphs, in which the symmetric swelling of the legs is manifested from the bottom from the foot up; In the secondary lymphodeme, the leg deformation and the development of elephantism is possible.

The pathological causes of swellows are diverse, so you should not diagnose yourself

7. Endocrine swelling It is possible in hypothyroidism, accompanied by other symptoms of the disease of the thyroid gland: bradycardia, reduced metabolism, depression, deaf voice, etc.

Diseases as the cause of the swelling of the lower extremities

To diagnose the cause of the enemy syndrome, a comprehensive examination is carried out, including:

  • visual inspection and patient poll by a doctor;
  • blood tests (general and biochemical), urine;
  • Ultrasound examination of organs;
  • tests for hormones and blood sugar;
  • electrocardiogram.

Table. Diseases whose symptoms are swelling of the legs

Types of diseases Names of disease Symptoms and consequences
CardualArterial hypertensionHigh blood pressure
Light diseasesAccompanied by high pressure in their vessels
Vices of the heartThere are congenital or appeared after such diseases as rheumatism, etc.
AnginaLack of blood coming in the heart that breaks his work
MyocarditisCandy muscle inflammation
CardiomyopathyHeart disease due to violations and changes in metabolism
ArrhythmiaIncorrect reduction in the heart muscle due to rhythm violations, which reduces the bloodstream
Venous diseasesVaricose footElevated varicose foot pressure and veins
ThrombophlebitDefeat deep vessels
Lung diseaseChronic lesions of light obstructive natureBronchitis in smokers, etc.
Vices in the development of the pulmonary respiratory systemCongenital diseases
Infectious diseasesSarcoidosis
Bronchial asthma
Frequent inflammatory diseases in the lungsPneumonia
Kidney diseasePyelonephritisInflammatory Renal Lohanok
GlomerulonephritisInflammation of kidney tissues
TumorsGood and malignant
Injuries of the kidneysHave such symptoms as the swelling of the legs, why and require the provision of timely help of the doctor
Diseases of the liverChronic hepatitis, tumors and cirrhosisHeavy types of pathologies that cause the swelling of the lower extremities
Allergic swellowsQinkieFacial waste and other parts of the body, a strong response after contact with an allergen
Swelling for diseases of the jointsRheumatic arthritisThe limbs swell in the zones of large joints, movements are difficult and painful, often occur after 2-3 weeks after acute angina
Jet ArthritisThe lesion of the knee joints and the genitourinary system, the increase in temperature is accompanied by conjunctivitis, tearing, separation from genital organs
Rheumatoid arthritisIt has autoimmune nature, small joints are affected in the zone of the foot limbs and hands
Infectious arthritisCaused by the penetration of infection into the articular cavity after injury through blood and lymphatic vessels
Gogress arthritisIt is expressed in the edema of the joints of the limbs and strong painful pains, most often in the area of \u200b\u200bthe thumb, the pain takes place in a few days
Infectious diseases (purulent-inflammatory)ErysipelasThe lesion of the skin of streptococci, red spots appear with an edema, accompanied by general malaise
LymphadenitInflammatory process in lymph node under the skin
Furunkula (Chiraia)Inflamed affectionate with his skin and fiber in her
OsteomyelitisAn purulent inflammatory process in the bone, accompanied by an edema, malaise and pain with a violation of motion

Medicinal preparations causing edema feet

Some medicinal medical preparations are causedempty of the lower limbs. Why is this happening? Chemical preparations contribute to the detention of fluid in the human body, excess it is formed in swelling.

Feet most often swell at regular reception of the following medicines:

  • Glucocorticosteroid groups, which are prescribed by a doctor in allergic diseases, with bronchial asthma, with inflammation of the joints and the treatment of malignant tumors (prednisone, dexamethasone, etc.).

  • Contraceptives containing sex hormones that take women; Similarly, men containing testosterone are prescribed for the treatment of sexual system and obesity diseases; All these drugs can also cause eundle syndrome.
  • Preparations included in the complex of treatment and normalization of increased pressure ( aPF inhibitors).

It's important to know! If you adhere to the correct dosage of drugs and the recommendations of the doctor, then the edema will not appear and will not be disturbed during the period of therapy.

Causes of lymphatic edema of lower extremities

Why legs swell, causes the swelling of the lower extremities in patients suffering from impaired lymphottock in the body, consider below. The consequence of this is the cluster of lymph in the tissues, which provokes swelling.

The lymphatic edema is congenital and acquired and called lymphostasis or elephant disease.

There are several types of lymphatic edema, which depend on the various reasons for their appearance:

  • hydremes that are caused by pathologies in the kidneys;
  • kakhetical - appear due to the exhaustion of the body and heart disease;
  • stagnant caused by vascular impermeability, an increase in capillary pressure and a decrease in the level of albumin in the circulatory system;
  • mechanical - consequences of injuries, as well as during pregnancy or during the expanding of tumors;
  • neuropathic caused by diabetes or chronic alcoholism.

There are 2 types of lymphostasis:

  • primary - congenital, which manifests itself after the child's birth or during the period of puberty in adolescence;
  • secondary - The reasons for its appearance there may be a variety of factors: excessive loads on the legs, consumption of a large volume of liquid, changes in metabolism, varicose disease, etc.

The initial 1st stage of lymphostasis proceeds easily: Periodic appearance of leg swelling in the evening, which in the morning after rest disappear. At the 1st stage, with timely treatment and control of the doctor, the disease can be overcome.

The second stage is already noted, as a disease of moderate gravity, and is characterized by swelling of the lower extremities, which does not pass. At the same time, the process of growing connective tissue, painful sensations on the skin, are possible, and fastest fatigue.

The third degree means the development of an elephant disease, The irreversible process, in which the fibrous-cystic change in damaged tissues occurs.

Be careful! The lymphostasis of the 3rd stage is the cause of not only the swelling of the lower extremities, but also their deformation.

The strong swelling of the legs and irreversible disorders in the lymphatic system of the patient's body can lead to sepsis or oncological disease, why is it so important to begin treatment at 1-2 stages of the disease.

Causes of swelling of legs in the evening

The feet swelling is found in many people who, after a severe and intense labor day, which they spend a lot of time in a standing position, discover in their evening such an unpleasant painful manifestation that delivers certain inconveniences.

To avoid such negative sensations, it is necessary to find their cause.

The most common causes of the swelling lies in a long-term and strong load on the lower limbs, in the use of water in a large volume (especially in the evening), overweight patient, sitting in an inconvenient position during the day or when wearing a high-heeled shoe, squeezing the feet, with flatfoot.

After a night recreation, such a swelling decreases, but it may appear in the evening. To eliminate various unpleasant diseases (varicose veins, kidney disease, etc.), it is better to contact a specialist for advice.

The main causes of female female

In addition to the above reasons for leg edema, in women, such symptoms are often associated with a hormonal cycle:

  • during the premenstrual period with a decrease in the level of progestin;
  • in women after a climax in the form of idiopathic edema, which are manifested by stagnation of liquids in the limbs and on the face, as well as they are accompanied by depression and the possible increase in body weight;
  • pregnant women in the last trimester;
  • in the postpartum period, when pregnancy contributed to the emergence of acute venous insufficiency and other diseases of the veins.

The main causes of the swelling of the legs in men

In men, the most common causes of swelling of the legs may be:

  • chronic venous insufficiency (sometimes transmitted by inheritance and is a family disease);
  • entry syndrome after severe physical work, which combined with a strong sweating;
  • in the hot season with a lack of water, close shoes, with long-term sports.

Rare causes leading to the edema of the lower extremities

The reasons for the appearance of edema, which is rare enough, includes exchange disorders that are associated with sharp or chronic losses of protein in the patient's body:

  • enteropathy (protein absorption process) - this phenomenon is observed in the chronic stage of enteritis, hyrshprung diseases and crowns, during starvation for a long time, accompanied by atrophy of the gastrointestinal mucosa, diarrhea and causes dispensenemic swelling;
  • miksedema with hypothyroidism (thyroid disease) - a strong drop in the number of hormones, causing a decrease in exchange protein processes, manifested by dense edema, accompanied by dry skin, injecting, nail fragility, and other symptoms;
  • restrictive pericarditis or cardiomyopathy - Development in myocardium excess connective tissue, preventing blood flow and causing heart failure, which is accompanied by swelling of the foot and above.

Feet edema can be a manifestation of very severe chronic diseases of many important organs of the human body. Therefore, accurate answers to questions about why legs swell, the causes of the swelling of the lower extremities and the symptoms of what diseases they are, it is better to entrust the doctor's doctor.

Why legs swell. Causes of the swelling of the lower extremities:

Edema on the legs - 8 causes:

Edema foot - Anomalous accumulation of fluid in the ankles, footsteps and legs. This may be a temporary state or a chronic problem associated with a serious disease.

Edema is usually observed in the legs and ankles, due to the effect of gravity, swelling is especially noticeable in these places. Feet swelling is a fairly common phenomenon, especially in women.

But many consider it only a cosmetic problem arising from consumption of a large amount of fluid. Meanwhile, there are many reasons for the occurrence of feet edema and not all of them are harmless.

Causes of edema legs

The most elementary reasons for leg edema:

  • fatigue feet
  • heat,
  • the consequence of the harmful habit of throwing a foot on the leg,
  • pregnancy.

More serious reasons:

  • flatfoot,
  • stagnation lymph
  • phlebeurysm,
  • starting problems with kidneys.

Finally, if it swells mostly ankle legs - this is a reason to conduct a serious medical research, as they can be the first disturbing symptom of such a serious illness as heart failure.

Most often, such edema are found in the elderly people who suffer from chronic cardiological diseases. For the young more characteristic causes of feet edema, problems with vessels are becoming.

It is possible to suspect varicose veins of veins in the presence of such heredity in the family, visible extended capillaries or veins on the legs, or if the edema is accompanied by weight in the legs.

If the edema appeared on the back side of both legs, but there is still a light itching, then they will have to examine first of all the kidneys. Take a look in the mirror. Will you see dark circles under the eyes? If so, then everything is most likely, a preliminary diagnosis for the disease of the renal system will be correct.

If not so long ago, you had to postpone the respiratory disease, then get ready for the fact that the feet edema will overcome you for a while. The fact is that complications that appear after the body's defeat by any infection relate to the kidneys that immediately manifests itself on the shape of the legs.

In any case, instead of self-diagnose yourself and look for the cause of edema, it is better to take advice from a doctor. And even better, in a few - therapist, fluball, cardiologist.

Swells of feet may be a symptom of diseases:

What to do when swelling legs

Drugs from medicinal plants

In order to remove excess liquid from the body, you can use decoctions from medicinal plants. A very effective means for swelling legs and kidneys is an infusion of bark and berries. With already available varicose nodes on the legs, you can apply sparkled elder leaves on them.

Also, a good diuretic, birch leaves and kidneys, from linden flowers, and wild-chest extract.

It will be useful to decoine flax seed. Seeds are poured with boiling water and boil about twenty minutes, after which over the hour the decoction insisters and cools. To make the taste of the ragland more pleasant, it is allowed to add a few drops of lemon or any other fresh juice from fruit. It is recommended to use hot at half a glass of at least six times in the knocks.

Ice and cold water

You can help the tired and echoing legs, rubbing them with pieces of ice or making a foot bath. For 5-10 minutes, lower the legs into the cold water, then with light tweems to massate the steady areas from the bottom up.

In cold water, you can add a sea or table salt, at the rate of 2 tbsp. Spoons per 1 liter of water, or several tablespoons of coniferous extract. Place your legs in a healing bath for 15-20 minutes - the swelling will disappear, and the fatigue immediately removes your hand!


Garlic can be used to remove feet edema. Garlic head shredtit, and pour boiling water cup. Lovely cooled cashematizes, soda sweeps, and after 30 minutes, rinse with cool water. It is very important, in the presence of varicose veins, avoid making hot baths or hot soul. Such water expands the vessels and promotes blood stag.


Very help in the fight against legs, the use of special ointments:

  • droksevazine
  • heparin ointment,
  • escalent Gel,
  • lyoton et al.


Reducing the edema of the legs will help the shoes correctly selected for long wearing. High heel or absolutely flat sole will contribute to the fact that the swelling will appear permanently. Not close, comfortable, on the middle heel, is the perfect shoes for everyday wearing.

Medicinal compression tights or golf

A large help in solving the problem of varicose veins and its accompanying edema can be the daily use of therapeutic compression tights or golf, which help the vessels to be in a tone, preventing stagnation of blood and contributing to its best outflow.

They are manufactured in such a way that the strongest compression is on the bottom of the legs, and the weak - on the upper part of them, which contributes to the natural circulation of blood.

Manufacturers prefer precisely tights and golfers, since wearing stockings in varicose veins are contraindicated, as they are dragging the hips and, in effect, the vessels of the legs, thereby creating an additional problem for the circulatory system.

Treatment of edema legs

The treatment of foot swelling should be started with identifying its causes, and then take measures to eliminate them. Ask you this can only qualified specialist.

You can independently reduce excessive consumption of water and salt, which contributes to the fluid delay in the body. If there are no contraindications, the doctor may recommend folk remedies: herbal teas, which includes a lingonberry, lemon, jasmine, cranberries, mint.

In addition, the use of shoes on high heels should be excluded and it is more likely to give the position above the level of the heart. It must be remembered that diuretic drugs, including folk remedies, are made exclusively for their intended purpose and under the control of the doctor, since their reception can lead to potassium deficiency in the body, which can cause violations in the work of the cardiovascular system.

Preparations for swelling of feet:

Treatment of feet edema by folk remedies

A variety of folk remedies for the treatment of feet edema implies the adoption of baths and rubbing, and not just techniques inward.

For example, baths are considered useful, in which sea salt is added. The water temperature should be no higher than thirty-five degrees. Instead of sea salt, you can use stone. It is also necessary to dissolve in water, to hold the legs in it, and then moisten the towel in the remaining water and wrap them with the field of shin and ICR.

The towel can be mixed with the same solution, but warm, in order to attach to the lower back. At the same time, abundant urging begins, swelling quickly pass. You can add ragners from chamomile, clover, sitney fragrant in the bath. These herbs relieve the swelling well and calm the skin at the same time.

As folk remedies for edema, ragners from figs are popular. Its fleshy juicy fruits are drunk in water, add soda, Dubrovnik. Take the resulting tool is recommended on one spoon three or four times a day.

Useful teas from mint and melissa, as they are good relaxing drinks, useful at the end of the working tense day. Mint helps to remove edema, improve blood circulation.

For rubbing, folk treatment facilities are suitable in the form of beams from calangean. The leaves of this plant must be filled with a can of half liters. Pour to vodka to the top, leave for two weeks to appease in a dark place. Then the finished means can be used for rubbing legs.

It is useful to make compresses for legs at edema. For example, from birch leaves. It will be necessary to sew small bags that will be in size to fit the size of the foot area to the knee level. They need to fill the leaves from the birch and insert into the legs of the legs. The leaves should facilitate the surface of the legs a sufficient thick layer, not less than a finger.

With this procedure, a very abundant sweating will begin, keep the compress for at least five hours. Throughout this time, but not earlier than four hours, it will be necessary to replace the leaves from sweat. No change to do a lot. It is enough a couple of times to change the compresses to come off swelling of the legs.

Compresses are useful to do, using both folk remedies like a decoction of chamomile. It is wetted by cotton fabric, it wind up legs to the knee level.

You can prepare at home folk treatments in the form of creams and lotions. For example, you can boil in vegetable oil chopped nettle roots. Then the decoction cool and insist. They can lubricate their feet at edema, preferably for the night, strongly rubbing the oil until full absorption.

It is recommended to drink decoction from parsley with strong edema. Previously, the greens are recommended very finely cut, then pour boiling water. Interest fifteen minutes before use. If you add a chamomile, dill, then you can use it as a means for a row on the legs of the legs.

It is useful to drink during swelling of the legs dry wine mixed with honey. Wines must be twice as much than honey. Such a recipe is also useful in obesity, for those who wish to get rid of excess weight. The agent is taken in the treatment of edema fifty grams, three or four times a day. It is advisable to use the tool before meals.

Upon swelling of the legs, contrary to all convictions, it is not recommended to drink products contributing to the acceleration of urinary. With too abundant leaning fluid, it is removed from the vessels, and not at all of those tissues that we are trying to direct the effect of therapeutic agents. Therefore, such treatment is fraught with the formation of blood clots in blood vessels.

Remember, the listed funds are called only to help removing edema. If there are diseases, they will not be cured with the help of these people's ways. In the absence of positive results in the treatment of edema, cease to experience the action of nature and turn to the doctor to clarify the true cause of the disease.

Swelling feet during pregnancy

The appearance of edema during pregnancy occurs as a result of the fact that the needs of the body of a pregnant woman in liquid are constantly increasing. In addition, sodium accumulates in vessels and other tissues of the body, which contributes to the water delay in the body.

Most often, legs swell their legs during pregnancy, and the first sign of the edema of the legs can be a trace on the ankle from socks. Most often, the edema of the feet during pregnancy occurs in the third trimester and do not constitute a serious danger.

However, they may turn out to be a sign of late toxicosis, which is dangerous for both the fetus and a woman. Therefore, with the appearance of swells of legs during pregnancy, you must consult a doctor. If there are hands, face, belly and loin hide, then turn to the doctor immediately.

Treatment of leg edema during pregnancy begins with the normalization of sleep and recreation, as well as the use of diet. In addition, it is necessary to control the gain in weight and monitor the amount of consumed and the released fluid. Much depends on the results of the analyzes.

If protein will be found in the urine, especially against the backdrop of shortness of shortness of breath and increased blood pressure, then a woman is recommended stationary treatment aimed at eliminating the causes of feet edema, improving the work of the heart and kidney, as well as uterine-placental blood flow.

Drug treatment of leg edema during pregnancy is necessary when they are accompanied by dysfunction of liver, kidney or heart, since diuretic drugs during pregnancy can only be used in exceptional cases due to the large number of contraindications, possible side effects and toxic effects on the fruit.

Treatment of feet swelling during pregnancy should only be prescribed by the doctor according to the results of the survey and analyzes.

Questions and answers on the topic of "swelling of the legs"

Question: Hello. I am 32 years old, did not give birth. I have problems with swelling legs, especially in summer. Last year, the edema was only in the field of the feet, and in this - the legs swell already even in the femoral parts. Shoes and pants begin to seem narrow at the age of half the day. Tell me please, what tests must be taken to start. The heart seems to be normal, made a son of heart, and ECG, then vascular looked, said it was not vessels. I do not know what to do.

Answer: Hello. You need to make the lymphoscintigraphy of the lower extremities, visit the physician, fluball and endocrinologist.

Question: How to remove the edema of the legs in varicose veins?

Answer: In order to remove the edema of the legs due to the varicose veins, various methods can be applied, including: preparations that contain venotonic components, such as Votonon, Assklezan A, wearing special stockings recommended for varicose disease. In any case, in the presence of varicose veins, adequate treatment can be prescribed by Phlabog's doctor.

Question: I have 26 week of pregnancy, a week ago, my heels began to hurt and swell their legs, the reasons are not clear to me. Tell me, please, what should I do? What means to take advantage of me?

Answer: You need to consult with a gynecologist and a nephrologist. It is necessary to eliminate the defeat of the kidneys and the development of edema as a result of this pathology, as well as gestosis of pregnant women. Only after the personal inspection and surveys, the doctor will put an accurate diagnosis and appoint adequate treatment.

Question: The child is a girl of 15 years old - anorexia (deliberately decided to lose weight). Lose weight for 2 months by 15-20 kg. After half a year, legs began to swell. Does not complain about anything. Analyzes are normal (blood, urine). Now it has become normal (restriction only in fatty food). He began to gradually gain weight. But swelling do not pass. It was sent to the hospital, but it was categorically refused to go to the examination. What to do?

Answer: Such a sharp weight loss could not not affect the work of all organs. In such a situation, the menstrual function could be broken. Be sure to persuade her to complete a full examination. As far as I understand, you did only a common blood test. She needs to make a proteinogram, see the level of general protein and its fractions, because with a lack of protein can be swelling. Be sure to check the heart, when the heart is impaired, there may be edema, especially on the lower limbs. Perhaps this manifestations of thrombophlebitis of deep veins of the limbs. Versions can be much, but only after a detailed examination, you can put the correct diagnosis and appoint effective treatment.

Question: Hello, my problem is that in the hot season (especially), in the evening I strongly swell my legs and hurt, I can't wear shoes on a high rise. I examined the kidneys, surrendered tests - there are no problems. If this is a problem with vessels, please tell me which research and what are the preparations? Thank you.

Answer: Hello! Edema may be due not only to kidney disease. Your problems may be associated with heart disease and vessels. You need to undergo a survey, including ECG, ECCG to identify the pathology of the heart, as well as the WESDS of foot vessels to identify veins and the arteries of the lower extremities. To do this, contact the therapist, cardiologist and vascular surgeon. Treatment can be prescribed only after diagnostic measures and diagnosis definitions.

Question: By the afternoon or by the end of the working day, legs swell. Icres are becoming more and hard, stop, fingers are also edema. I am 23 years old, scary, suddenly Varicosis? The predisposition is available.

Answer: Feed swelling can be in case of insufficiency of venous valves, initially such a disease as varicose veins. Also, the edema can be in lengthy in the same position. If there is a regular feet of the legs, I recommend you to visit your phlebologist's doctor to establish the cause of this symptom. The doctor will appoint you additional research that will help you find out the cause of the feet of legs. If you have a predisposition to varicose veins, you can take a series of measures yourself. You need to move more, walking well on the stairs, swimming, frequent body position shifts, increase the use of vegetable fats instead of animals, give up smoking if you abuse it. In addition, pay attention to the opening of the intestine, since constipation is one of the factors affecting the development of varicose veins. When sit, do not throw the leg on the leg, as it is an obstacle blood flow. Try to rest on the evening, placing limbs into a high-end position.

Most of the excellent creations from 20 to 90 complain about swelling of the legs, the causes of women differ from the causes of the swelling in men. Women have their own "ladies".

Why feet swell in women, and what to do, tells the doctor Gynecologist Alla Garquash.

The most common cause of feet swells in women during pregnancy and after menopause is venous failure or varicose, and non-empty representatives of weak gender in the period between Menarche and Menopause - idiopathic swellingassociated with the menstrual cycle. The hormone of the second phase of the menstrual cycle - progesterone - has a property of delaying liquid. Such a phenomenon is observed before and in the first days of menstruation. The same hormone is present during pregnancy. Even normal pregnancy accompanied by a fluid delay in the body.

Special cause - obesity(and alimentary, and hormonal), not that very feminine, but women meet more often than in men. Obesity coexists with venous insufficiency, idiopathic edema, lymphede, lipid and mixed.

Often the reason - in full women - pulmonary hypertensionwhich occurs against the back of breathing in a dream.

The concept of edema

The swelling is defined as a tumor or an increase in the volume of the limb or organ caused by an excess of the intercellular fluid.

The most likely causes of leg edema in women over 50 years old is venous insufficiency, pulmonary hypertension or heart disease. Heart failure It may declare herself with swelling of the lower extremities, earlier than other symptoms will appear.


There are 2 main types of leg edema: venous swelling and lymphedema, they must be distinguished from lipidhema and myxedema:

  • Venous edema consists of a liquid with a small amount of protein due to increased capillary filtering. A simple swelling is most often found, but it must be distinguished from the lymphatic edema, lipidhema, mixedma.
  • The lymphedem consists of a rich in protein of the intercellular fluid in the skin and subcutaneous tissue as a result of lymphatic dysfunction, the disease is called elephantism, it is relatively rare, the lymphidem is similar to the mixture (mucous membrane case during thyroid disease), but this is not the same.
  • Sometimes for the swelling of the lower extremities, an unevenly distributed fat-lipidem is taken. This is a pseudo edema, but it is often found.
  • Myxedema - the mucous elastic edema is associated with deposits in hyaluronic acid tissues with hypo-. hyper-, eutheroid.

Eveniness can be limited to specific areas: for example, in the ankles, legs, or it can spread to large parts of the body. Employment edema, feet is peripheral Edema. The symptom is associated with the presence of various (more often vascular) diseases. In itself, swelling is usually not a serious medical problem, but venous edema can progress, causing trophic tibia ulcers.

Why do swelling appear on the legs?

There are functional and organic reasons for women's edema in women. If a woman stands too long in one pose, an orthostatic swelling occurs. Such a functional swelling is exacerbated with hot weather. Evenkers associated with hypokinesia appear after traveling in the car, the aircraft for a long time. High heels or uncomfortable shoes can be a specific cause of feet swelling in women.

Venous insufficiency - The most frequent female cause of swelling of the lower extremities. The answer to the question why feet swell in women with varicose veins, lies in violation of venous valves in extended veins. Tiny valves in the legs of the legs are the necessary element of the circulatory system. Thanks to their friendly work, the blood is moving on the veins from the bottom - up, from the fingers of the legs to the heart. When women are aging or under the influence of pregnancy, these valves become weakened, and as a result, blood is deposited at the bottom of the legs, forming a varicose extension of the vessels. The blood pressure on thin venous walls leads to the fact that the liquid part of blood - the plasma is seeping into the surrounding tissues, forming swelling. Such a cluster of fluid at the bottom of the limbs has an organic cause: chronic venous insufficiency, but the condition is aggravated during a long walk or standing. Varicose edema appear at the end of the day, and in the morning after sleeping the leg look healthy. A similar mechanism of education and the swelling of legs in women as a result of lifting weights.

To treat varicose veins by carrying compression stockings is necessary at the first signs of the disease, since the untreated varicose varicose is progresses and the operation may be required.

Specific cause of feet swelling in women - reception of hormonal contraceptivescontaining estrogen or progesterone; The above preparations provoke blood thickening, fluid delay in the body and secondary swelling on the legs.

Eveniness is one of the symptoms of menopause. Restaurant hormonal therapy under Klimaks may also be the cause.

Entrances of the ankles and legs usually arise during pregnancy. Since the uterus increases, it presses on a hollow vein - a large vessel that returns blood to the heart from the bottom of the body. When the outflow is violated, an increase in blood pressure in the legs and ankles occurs. Ultimately, this pressure causes a liquid to leak through the wall of the vessels. And if the varicose varicose is diagnosed before pregnancy, then the edema may appear immediately after the woman becomes pregnant. Pregnant in the occurrence of a small swelling in the field of ankle joint should report this to the doctor.

Very feminine cause of edema - thyroid dysfunction (more often than hypofunction). Hypothyroidism - A condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce hormones. These substances are extremely important for the regulation of metabolism processes in the body, that is, they affect each cell cell for rational energy use. Disorder is more encountered in women than in men and can be caused by immunodeficiency, respiratory infections or a reception of certain drugs, such as lithium and amiodar. Sometimes pregnancy or its various complications can also be caused by the insufficient function of the thyroid gland. At the same time, the consistency of the tissues of the tissues (more in the field of the lower leg) is dense, elastic, is not connected so much with the heating of the liquid in the tissue, as with deposition in the tissues of a special substance - hyaluronic acid, the generalized swelling is developing at the launched stage.

In addition to swells of legs, hands and faces, with hypothyroidism there may be such symptoms:

  • depression;
  • articular or muscle pain;
  • constipation;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • reducing the feeling of taste and smell at late stages of the disease;
  • hair loss;
  • weight gain;
  • voting change

Why still swell their legs in the ankles in women without affecting other areas of the legs?

  • This symptom can accompany the gout or polyarthritis.

Other more rare causes of feet swells in women

  • uncontrollable reception of diuretic means for the purpose of weight loss;
  • anorexia, Bulimia

as well as general systemic causes: allergic reactions, solar burns, malabsorption syndrome, injury or stasis in the lymphatic system as a result of infection, inflammation or cancer, the impact of large heights (rarely), receiving some medicines. Nephrotic syndrome, cirrhosis and stagnant heart failure are equally common in men and women.

What to do?

Patients are often asked about foot swelling: how to treat? Do not treat yourself, for this there are doctors. Only a doctor can decide how to treat swelling, accompanying various diseases:

  • For example, venous insufficiency or varicose varicose can be treated conservatively, taking drugs that strengthen the wall of vessels and elastic knitwear, and if conservative treatment is useless, an operation may be required;
  • Edems appearing before menstruation can not be treated at all, although the diuretic products containing spironolactone are prescribed;
  • Women who complain about sleeping, daylight drowsiness or snoring, and having a neck circumference more than 40 cm must be examined for pulmonary hypertension;
  • Feet edema associated with the pathology of the heart, kidneys, liver, the thyroid gland is treated with the corresponding specialists.

You can not independently take diuretic products!

Here are some tips, what to do with the legumes of the legs in varicose veins. They can be used only to non-embled women. Edems at pregnant women must configure the patient to a more detailed examination to prevent the development of eclampsia - severe and terrible complication of pregnancy.

  • learn in bed - lift the legs above the heart level on the pillows or blankets;
  • sit for a long time - knead the legs, especially when you are long in one pose;
  • avoidgolfs, stockings, leggings or panties, which, like rental, drag down the thigh or shin and shoes, which squeezes the foot, because the bloodstream suffers;
  • choosing new shoes, go on shoe stores at the end of the day when the feet slightly emitted. give preference to shoes with laces or velcro so that they can be made rarely;
  • if the diagnosis of varicose veins is set, you can wear;
  • in nutrition reduce salt consumption;
  • also make sure that we eat products rich in potassium - bananas, dark greens, white beans;
  • relieve ten kilograms - it is much more useful than torturing yourself with a question, how to treat swelling of the legs;
  • regular exercise in the fresh air, such as running or cycling, the most reasonable ways to combat the lymphede.

If the symptom is present for a long time and does not particularly bother you, then you can in a planned order to meet with a doctor And decide how to treat swelling on the legs.

However, in some situations, emergency medical care is required. If the swelling appeared suddenly, accompanied redness of the limb, pain, shortness of breath or temperature, we must urgently consult a doctor .

About such a sudden edema of the feet, read the clinical case given in the article about. The patient did not even suspect that it was on the verge of death!

Also, if the legs emitted suddenly without visible reasons and without pain or other symptoms, and not passed through 72 hours, It is necessary to carry out a comprehensive examination, sometimes this is the first sign of a tumor in a small pelvis!

Bibliography: Approach to Leg Edema of Unclear etioLogy; John W. Ely, MD, MSPH; Jeromea. OSHEROFF, MD; M. LEE CHAMBLISS, MD, MSPH; Mark H. Ebell, MD, MS American Journal of Family MediCine 2006

What to do if they swell, swell and hurt?
If the legume of the legs first appeared without visible reasons, then the reasons should be found out.
Surveys are needed: ultrasound kidneys, thyroid gland, test vessels of lower extremities, ECG. Women need to visit the gynecologist.
Many people know why legs swell in their case.
The causes of edema can be the following:
1. Cardiovascular diseases - vascular system
2. Pathology of kidneys
3. Varicose veins.
In this article, we will look at the treatment of edema feet of people in prescriptions and reviews from the newspaper "Vestnik Zozhe".

In the summer, with the beginning of warm days, especially in the evening, feet of women often swell. What to do, what is the reason how to remove the edema of the feet of the folk remedies? The chief physician of the Moscow Clinic "Medsi" Guseynova Zulfia Huseinovna is responsible for these issues.
In order not to have an excessive thirst, cut the use of saline, sharp, fatty dishes, sweets, spices, give up carbonated drinks.

Why feet swell in women in summer.

The swelling is closely related to the amount of fluid being drunk. In the summer we drink more, so swelling appear.
The swelling of feet in women is also directly related to hot weather, since under the influence of the sun they activate the hormonal background, which is the cause of fluid delay in the body of a woman.
What to do to avoid puffiness in the heat? Not so much less to drink, how much to limit products that can cause the enhancement of thirst: if you dramatically reduce the flow of fluid into the body, the water on the contrary will be postponed in the tissues about the reserve, which will cause edema legs.

What to do if legs swell. How to quickly remove swelling of legs at home.

If legs swell, first of all it is necessary to undergo surveys, refine the diagnoses of their diseases to understand and eradicate the causes. Before clarifying the diagnosis, you can quickly remove the edema of the legs at home with diuretic drugs. But it must be remembered that this is a rather powerful medicine, moreover, diuretic products increase the removal of useful trace elements from the body, especially potassium.

Effective diuretic agents from edema

Ure course hypothiazide It is applied by one and no more than 12.5 mg.
Now much more often applies a diuretic drug - veroshpiron. It refers to potassium-saving, apply it is 25 mg daily, but not more than 7-8 days.
Diuretic drugs are better taken in accordance with the human biological rhythm, and this is 5-6 am for kidney, and strictly on an empty stomach. But before being grabbed for pills, take advantage diuretic herbs: Taspberry, corn strokes, brushroom sheet, ready renal fee. All these folk remedies can be bought at the pharmacy. Infusions of diuretic herbs can be taken 1-2 months.
External means will help: Gel Lioton 1000 and Troksevazin Ointment. These funds are especially good if the cause of the edema is a varicose disease.

What to do if the legs swell and hurt. Why there arises pain during swelling.

Medicinal preparations from pain during swelling legs.

If legs hurt and swell, it means that the body does not cope with the elimination of excess fluid. The pain appears because the flushed tissues squeeze not only vessels, but also nervous endings.
Remove pain at edema will help non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments: Diclofenac, Ketanol. Apply an ointment on empty places with light movements from below. If the pain is very strong, take an anesthetic inside, and better antispasmodics - papaverine or but-shu.
In summer heat it is useful to take vascular drugs with a duration of 1-2 months: Detralex, Troksevazin, Trental, Askorutin.

Why legs swell from summer houses. Prevention of swelling.

Tips from the newspaper "Vestnik Zozhev" 2013, №11, p. 12-13.

  • The reason for the edema of feet in Dachnikov is mainly vascular pathology, women and men in the country spend a lot of time in static uncomfortable poses. It slows down blood outflow from the blood vessels of the lower extremities. Vienna and femoral arteries are squeezed. So that this does not happen, it is better to work, sitting on a low stool.
  • Every half an hour need to take a short break, knead the muscles, walk along the site.
  • Every 2 hours do a break more and perform the exercises: Mahi, shocking the feet, rise to the socks, pull the socks on yourself. The calf muscles will begin to shrink and pushed the venous blood back to the bed, the stagnation of blood and swelling will not be.
  • The contrasting baths and a cool shower are very helpful. Watering the beds, do not forget to pour your feet with cold water. This contributes to a sharp reduction in muscles and vessels, the excess liquid is derived from the lower extremities.
  • Instead of tea, drink parsley decoction, it has a light diuretic effect, and a mass of other advantages. It is very useful to eat fresh cucumbers from beds, they are well quenched thirst and remove the swelling.
  • Do not wear socks with tougy rubber bands, from this in the evening the legs swell greatly, cramps may occur. And compression stockings with varicose disease are necessarily.

What to do if legs emitted strongly. How to remove the swelling of the flaxed seed.

If legs emitted, linen seed will help to remove swelling quickly and effectively.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Zhelena V. V. Advises to accept the readers of the newspaper "Vestnik Zozhzh", suffering from this problem a decoction of linen seed for such a recipe: 4 tbsp. l. Seed pour 1 liter of water and boil 10-15 minutes, insist 1 hour. Drink hot on half a cup of 6-8 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, but the result will be noticeable after 10-12 days. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozzh" 2011, №9 p. 19)

Feedback on the treatment of linen seed.

The woman had strong edema legs. A decoction of a flaxseed seed helped them. It brewed 4 tbsp. l. Flax seed 1 liter of water and boiled 10 minutes. Hanging a saucepan with a decoction, insisted 1 hour. Saw, without turning 100 ml every 2 hours. On the day, 6-8 receptions were obtained. After 2 weeks, the swelling completely passed. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozzh" 2013, №17 p. 30)

Linen seed will help to get rid of feet edema.

Remove swelling of feet at home a man managed for 3 weeks. He took 4 tbsp. Spoons of linen seed, poured with 1 liter of hot water, boiled 10-15 minutes. Insisted in a warm place for 1 hour. It is possible to strain, but the man drank a flaxed seed blade, without turning, every 2 hours a few sips are moderate hot. For taste added lemon juice into the decoction. But you can and any other. The result is excellent. (Recipe from the newspaper "Herald Zozzh" 2015, №14 p. 29)

Remove swelling on the legs at home will help parsley

Parsley is the most effective folk remedy, helping to remove swelling on the legs at home. Parsley helps to get rid of the swelling of any localization. It is used in the form of inside inside and externally in the form of masks on empty places. Numerous reviews of readers of the "Herald Zozh" prove the effectiveness of such treatment.

Treatment of edema with a simple folk agent - Pruxian and Lemon Nast.

To cure swelling on the legs of a man managed with the help of a folk agent. He scrolled about 200 g of parsley on the meat grinder together with roots. 1 glass of this mass poured with two glasses of steep boiling water, looked and insisted until the morning. In the morning, the infusion was led and added juice, pressed from one lemon.
He drank a cure for 1/3 cup 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. After 2 days of reception - 3 days break. Treatment to continue to complete recovery. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozzh" 2011, №10 p. 32)

How to cure swelling feet with parsley and lemon.

In the mornings began to appear edema of the feet of a woman. Cerencing the edema of the legs helped a folk remedy that a woman read in the Zoz in 2011 No. 10 (see above). Everything made exactly the recipe. Saw homemade medicine for the same scheme. Feet quickly came to normal. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozhe" 2015, №2 p. 13)

Treatment of swelling seeds parsley.

Very effective means for the treatment of edema during heart failure - parsley. It is best to use powder from parsley seeds in a dry form of 0.5 g 3 times a day with food. Or decoction of seeds - 1 tbsp. A spoon for 1 cup boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, insist the night, take 1 tbsp. l. 5 times a day, regardless of meals. (Source: Newspaper "Vestnik Zozhzh" 2002, №19, p. 11)

How to get rid of leg edema with a burdock.

Treatment of swelling by buckthorn at home.

The man managed to quickly get rid of the edema of the legs with the help of leopa leaves. He applied them with a light side on his legs, wrapped with an elastic bandage from above. Held 3 hours. After three procedures, the swelling decreased, after ten - passed at all. And for a whole year there are no relapses. So helped the leaf leaves. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozzh" 2010, №17 p. 30)

How to remove swelling with legs

The woman began to swell down his legs, she tied the leaf leaves by Schellus side to the skin, to get rid of the swelling, managed for several procedures. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozzh" 2009, №18 p. 32)

Treatment of cardiac edema after stroke and infarction

Legging patients after stroke and infarction often swell their feet. In this case, the leopa leaves will help. In winter, you can use dry leaves. The leaves should be pouring boiling water and warm to be warm for several hours. Before going to bed, get the leaves, slightly squeeze, wrap the problematic places with them, then slaughtered with wide ribbons x / b fabrics, top polyethylene and elastic bandage.
In the summer, use fresh leaves - wrap in 2-3 layers, wrap.
In this treatment, the main thing is to be hot. By morning the sore limb becomes the same as well as healthy. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozzh" 2006, №15, p. 33)

Swelling of feet in women with varicose

Get rid of varicose swelling helped a simple massage

For many years, a woman had varicose veins and feet swelling in an ankle with a bluish spotting veins was. Doctors have always noticed this, but no recommendations were given. Somehow a woman read that after the bath or kneading legs, it is necessary to massage them with light movements from the feet to the groin, and then lubricate with heparin ointment or children's cream. The woman began to make this procedure every day, the main thing here is a systematic. Dark spots have long disappeared, swelling.

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