
What the culture is the most ancient. The five most highly developed ancient civilizations of the Earth, which should be known about everyone. Cultural heritage of the Empire

65 million years ago, a giant asteroid fell to the territory of Yucatan, the star wound left them on the surface of the Earth today is clearly visible from space. Yucatan is rich in sulfur deposits. And a strong blow raised billions of tons of flammable dust into the atmosphere. The terrible fires began, the lack of sunlight caused the effect of nuclear winter.

The fall of the asteroid to the Yucatan area and events, which then occurred, is considered to be the death of dinosaurs. This hypothesis has always had many supporters. But was the giant lizards inhabited our planet? And maybe at that time there are much more reasonable creatures on the planet. Mahabharat says that many creatures disappeared, such as nagi. It says about the global extermination of NGOs - Divine Bees.

One of the most high-profile archaeological discoveries of the 20th century was in Turkmenistan, traces of dinosaurs were discovered on the Khohapil Plateau. The size of their paws reached 60 centimeters. But most of all that the feet of human feet were near the giants. Nakhodka shook the scientific community when a reasonable question was first sounded, and maybe people existed in the era of the existence of dinosaurs?

These tracks, we, for some reason we want to consider human, but it should be assumed that 65 million years ago it was not a person, but perhaps a human-like being that could speak could communicate. Moreover, according to the nature of these traces, scientists determined that it was not just the divas of dinosaurs or reasonable creatures, but some reasonable movements aimed at what would take something or it is possible that these creatures, like today's shepherds graze these dinosaurs.

Suchumero-akkada civilization is considered the most ancient on Earth, according to the generally accepted version, agriculture, religion and science originated in the Middle East. Thanks to this civilization, the civilization of the Mesopotamia, we use the circle divided by 360 degrees, we also use a seven-day week thanks to it.

For the point of reference, scientists took the moment when the ancient people managed to domesticate wild animals, began to develop cattle breeding and agriculture. The official historical doctrine and says that this was the beginning of modern civilization. Scientists believe that the territory of domestication of animals and plants was wider than the territory of Mesopotamia. It was from Palestine, Syria to Central Iraq. This is the so-called fertile crescent.

Suchmers Ancient people, who settled the tiger interference and Euphrates on clay signs, recorded completely different information about the emergence of their civilization. Agriculture and architecture, mathematics and astronomy, they considered the gift of gods, and not the result of the progressive development of their society. After all, this can not be that an extremely developed civilization appeared in the ancient world. Sumerians sincerely believed that their civilization appeared as a result of a certain unique event that occurred in antiquity. The fact that they are descendants of ancient people. They believed that these people arrived from other stars, and they shared with her knowledge with her knowledge. Sumerians called representatives of this highly developed race by Anunaki, aliens from heaven. Moreover, one of the Sumerian myths says that, before flying to Uruk, the capital of Sumer, one of the goddesses of Inanna visited Arata, a certain neighboring state. Moreover, the goddess managed to be married to the king of Arata. According to Sumerian myth, the neighboring country was famous for its fabulous wealth. There was a lot of gold and silver. To leave Arat Inanna decided only because of the love for the king Uruk to Enimkar. According to scientists, the first highly developed civilization appeared on Earth at all 6 thousand years ago. If we summarize several archaeological schools, take into account the change in the climate of the Earth, astronomical data, then another chronology of historical events is created. The ancient world, according to this theory, preceded the dopup civilizations. On the historical card, it is already time to apply the civilization of Arat. Evidence of its existence, has already been collected, not enough. Arata is the pranodina of later cultures of Eastern Europe. But the relationship of the line, there is no continuity. Because the inhabitants are replaced, nomads come, even other races come, and thus other cultures are formed.

In the middle of the 19th century, Russian scientist Peter Köppen in his work "Inventory of antiquity" first mentions a stone grave, the ruins of the ancient sanctuary in the Valley of the Rockey River in the Zaporizhia region of Ukraine. Köppen writes that his conductor saw on the stone blocks the inscription, one of which was long in Arshin and more, that is, exceeded seventy centimeters. However, before the ancient petroglyph will be discovered and studied, the whole century will pass. Already the Soviet Orientalist Anatoly Kiphishin will declare that in petroglyphs the stone grave there are traces of protocutal writing. Today, a number of historians support the hypothesis that the north of Sumer existed an even more ancient state. His culture and scientific knowledge and could inherit the peoples of the Middle East. Often, the oldest state is called Arata. During the heyday of this ancient civilization, its territory occupied half of Eurasia. The territory was interconnected from the Danube to India. And it developed from 20-30 thousand years before our era to 5-6 millennia BC, when the invasion of Ariev began, that is, the Indoary core began to form.

Ancient civilizations of Mironov Vladimir Borisovich

The origin of the first civilizations. Who are Sumerians?

Where did the first civilization originate? Some consider the land of Sennar (Sumer, Akkad, Babylonia), which is located in the valley of the Tiger River and Euphrates. Ancient inhabitants and called this land "the house of two rivers" - Bit-Nakhrein, Greeks - Mesopotamia, other peoples - Mezrechy or Twire. The Tiger River originates in the Armenian Mountains, south of the Van Lake, the origins of Euphrates lie east of Erzermum, at an altitude of 2 thousand m above sea level. Tiger and Euphrates tied Mesopotamia with Urartua (Armenia), Iran, Malaya Asia, Syria. The inhabitants of Southern Mesopotamia called themselves the "people of Sumer". It was established that the Sumer was located in the south of the two-ranges (south of the current Baghdad), Akkad occupied the average part of the country. The border between the Sumer and Akkad ran slightly above the city of Nippura. According to the climatic conditions of Akkad closer to Assyria. The climate here was more severe (in the winter it often fell enough snow). The time of appearance of the shoemer in the Tiger Valley and Euphrates - near the IV Millennium BC. e. Who are they and from where they came from, despite the many years of persistent surveys, it is difficult to say exactly. "A place of the appearance of mankind, Sumerians considered the country of Dilmun, corresponding to the modern Islands of Bahrain in the Persian Gulf," writes I. Kaneva. - Archaeological data allow you to trace the connection of the Sumerians with the territory of the ancient elama, as well as with the cultures of the northern two-frequencies. "

G. Dore. global flood

Antique authors are very often talking about Egypt, but there are no information about Sumer and Sumera. Sumerian language is peculiar and absolutely unlike the Semitic languages, which during his appearance was not at all. He is far from developed Indo-European languages. Sumerians are not seven. Their writing and language (the name of writing in 1700 gave Professor Oxford University T. Heid) is not related to the seven-Khamita ethno-speaking group. After the decryption of the Sumerian language at the end of the XIX century, the Schumer's country traditionally began to bind the name of this country in the Bible - SIN, AR.

It is still unclear what was the reason for the appearance of Sumerians in those places - the World Flood or something else ... Science admits that the Sumerians were most likely not to be the first settlers of the central and southern two-frequencies. On the territory of the southern two-frequencies, the Sumerians appeared no later than the IV millennium BC. e. But from where they came here, it is not known so far. There are a number of hypotheses regarding the place where they appeared from. Some believe that it could be the Iranian Highlands, distant Mountains of Central Asia (Tibet) or India. Others recognize the Caucasian people in Sumera (Sh. Otten). Third consider them by the original residents of the two frequencies (Frankfort). Fourth talk about two waves of the migration of Sumerians from Central Asia or from the Middle East through Central Asia (B. Grozny). Patriarch of modern "world history" V. Macnil believed that the Sumerian written tradition is consistent with the presentation, according to which the founders of this civilization came from the south of the sea. They conquered the indigenous population, "black-headed people" who first lived in the Tiger Valley and Euphrates. They learned how to dry the swamp and irrigate the earth, for the words L. Willi are hardly accurately about the fact that the two-range has previously lived in the setting of the Golden Age: "It was a blessed mounted land. She called, and many responded on her call. "

Although according to the legend, there was no time to be edema. In the Book of Genesis 2, 8-14 its location is indicated. Other scientists argue that Eden Gardens could be in Egypt. There is no indication of the traces of the earthly paradise in Mesopotama literature. Others saw him at the origin of the four rivers (Tiger and Euphrates, Fison and Geon). The anti-accesses believed that the paradise is somewhere in the east, perhaps somewhere where the Earth converges with heaven. According to Efrem Sirin, paradise should have been located on the island - in the ocean. The ancient Greeks represented the finding "paradise", that is, the posthumous monastery of the righteous, on the islands in the ocean (the so-called islands of blissful). Plutarchs in life writing Code described them: "They are separated from each other very narrow strait, are in ten thousand stages from the African coast." Here is a favorable climate due to the temperature and lack of sudden changes at all times of the year. Paradise was an earth covered by an evergreen garden. It was so that the image of the land promised, where people are fed and happy, fell in the shade of gardens and cool streams.

Presentation of the paradise land (according to A. Kehuri)

The imagination of people complemented these fabulous features of well-being with new and new paints. In "Life of St. Brandan "(XI century) The picture of the Paradise Island is drawn like this:" There were a lot of herbs and fruits growing there ... We went around it for fifteen days, but could not discover its limit. And we did not see any grass, which would not bloom, and not a single tree that would not be fruitful. Stones are there - only precious ... "

Map Bahrain

Studies of scientists gave food for new guesses and hypotheses. In the 50s of the 20th century, the expedition of the Danes headed by J. Bibby discovered on the island of Bahrain traces of the fact that others were immediately called the Pranodina Sumerian civilization. Many considered that it was here that the legendary dilmun was located. In fact, after all, such ancient sources as the poem about the adventures of the gods (Mother of Ningursag and Enki, the child of the most ancient among the cities of Meternrech - Erid), rewritten in the IV millennium BC. e. With an even more ancient source, it already mentions a certain Arabian country Dilmun. The poem begins lines of glorification of this country:

Sacred cities Give Enki,

Sacred country dilmun

Holy Shumer Darui him.

Sacred country Dilmun,

Immaculate country dilmun

Clean country dilmun ...

This "sacred and immaculate country", apparently, was once on the island of Bahrain in the Persian Gulf, as well as on the nearby lands of the Arabian coast. It is no doubt that it was famous for its wealth, developed trade, luxury of its palaces. In the Sumerian poem "Enki and the Universe" is also celebrated as a well-known fact that Dilmun's ships were brought to the forest, gold and silver from Mellah (India). It also speaks of a mysterious country Magan. Dilmunitsy traded copper, iron, bronze, silver and gold, ivory, pearl, etc. Truly it was a paradise for the rich. Let's say in the second century BC. e. Greek traveler described Bahrain as a country where "doors, walls and roofs of houses were inlaid by ivory, gold, silver and precious stones." The memory of the amazing world of Arabia remained very long.

Oannes - Fish Man

Apparently, this circumstance was caused by the expedition of J. Bibby, which described his Odyssey in the book "In Search of Dilmuna". He on the site of the Portuguese fortress (Portugal took possession of these places and stayed here from 1521 to 1602) found the remains of ancient buildings. Nearby found a sacred well in which the mysterious "throne of God" was stood. Then the memory of the sacred throne of Dilmuna passed from the people to the people and from the era to the epoch, finding a reflection in the Bible: "And the Lord gave the Lord Paradise in Eman in the East; And placed the man there, which was created. " So there was a fairy tale about this magic country, where the human expulsion was and, if it took place, of course.

K. Krvelli. The wealth of land dilmun

Symbols of paradise everywhere similar: the presence of characteristic features of the "paradise civilization": the abundance of products, fertile natural conditions, luxury items. In the peoples of Mesopotamia, the magic kingdom of Suduri seems to be in the form of a place where plants grow from precious stones, which bring the "beautiful ones and magnificent" juicy fruits to people. Interestingly, all these legends were known in Russia. In the message of the Novgorod Archbishop Vasily Kaliki to Tver Bishop Feodoro Dobro (was drawn up around 1347) it is reported that the Novgorod travelers reached the allegedly some kind of island where he was paradise. They arrived there on three delicates, one of whom was killed. The place of this is located near the High Mountains, the image of the "Deesus Lazor Chudny" seems on the mountain. Everything around is illuminated by the wondrous light, which words you do not pass, and from the mountains of the allections of babysitting. In 1489, the John de Hose traveler also described a similar island near India, on which Mount Eden was located. The ancient Greeks of the island of bliss were identified with the actual existing Isles of the Atlantic Ocean (Azores or Canary). It is worth remembering the famous story of Plato about Atlantis.

Thus, we see that each people represented their own land as a paradise abode. Paradise was transferred from the south to the Far East, then to the North Pole, to America, even beyond the land. John theology gave a description of Heavenly Jerusalem, the walls of which are laid out precious stones. The Egyptians in the "fairy tale about the shipwreck" described the journey through the Red Sea. There is talking about the island of the ghost, the island of the Spirit, populated by some ghosts. Paradise and hell are most likely the ghosts that people brighten the grayness of their existence.

Looking at the lifeless and dead space of two-frequencies, where sandy storms are raging, the bright sun is mercilessly, somehow it is difficult to relate it with a paradise that you should please the gaze of people. Indeed, as M. Nikolsky wrote, it is not easy to find a more unwriting country (although the climate could be different before). For the usual greenery of the Russian and European gaze here, there is nothing to delay the eyes - some deserts, hills, dunes and swamps. Rain rare. In the spring and summer, the appearance of the bottom Mesopotamia is especially sad and gloomy, for everyone is tangled from the heat. As in the fall and in winter, this region is a sandy desert, but in the spring and summer it turns into a water desert. In early March, the tiger spreads, and in mid-March the Euphrates begins to break. The waters of the rained rivers are connected, and the country in a significant part turns into one solid lake. In the myths of Sumer and Babylonia, this eternal struggle of the elements was reflected. In the poem about the creation of the world ("Enuma Elish") read:

When the sky is not named,

And the land was unnamed at the bottom,

Apsse is the original, the violation of

Pramatery Tiamat, that everything spawned,

Water interfered with each other ...

The nature of Mesopotamia was described by many ancient authors, and she is sufficiently dry. Among the sources, we call the most famous: "History" of Herodotus, "Persian History" of Ktesia of the Book, "Historical Library" of Diodorus, Kyropydia Xenophon, "Cylinder Kira", "Geography" Strabo, "Jewish Wars" Joseph Flavia. In these works, it was extremely scarce about the life of the people, for the language of Babylonian and Assyrians did not know these writers. The book of the Babylonian Priest Beros, who lived 100-150 years after Herodota was of interest. He wrote in Greek a large essay about Babylon, using genuine guards of priests, scientists of Babylon. Unfortunately, this work died almost entirely. Only passages are preserved, which leads the church writer Eustian Caesarian.

G. Dore. The death of all living things

There will be centuries and a century, until finally, thanks to the excavations of Lyard, Velli, Gilbrecht, Fresnel, Opeper, Grothende, Rowlinson, etc., these clinical texts succumbed to decoding. But first, readers were forced to constitute the impression of life in Mesopotamia on biblical texts. As N. Nikolsky wrote, "Assyrius seemed severe, bloodthirsty conquerors who drink human blood, almost cannibals; The Babylonian kings and Babylonians were drawn by vicious, ramped people accustomed to luxury and sensual pleasures. There were no idea that these beaches of the ancient Israel and Judah could be highly cultured peoples, even the teachers of the Greeks and Romans. " For a long time, all stories about crowded cities and powerful ruler of Assyria and Babylonia seemed to be exaggerated, and the main source of information was the Bible. But from the middle of the XIX century and especially intensely in the 20th century, lands of ancient Babylon and Ninevei lands started to more or less regular excavations.

Portrait of an ancient Sumer.

Mesopotamia was a type of agricultural civilization based on irrigation. If in Egypt, the role of the Tsar agriculture was performed by the Nile, then here is a tiger and Euphrates. The dedication of the marshes made it possible to receive quite stable yields, and as a result of this, the first settlements and cities began to occur. Seating seating allowed the inhabitants of these places to bring the necessary building materials, tools and raw materials from other regions, often worthy of hundreds and even thousand kilometers from them. At the same time, the inhabitants of Egypt and the Indus Valley erected their own civilizations - partially due to the borrowed experience and the ideas that they were acquired by them through their contacts with Mesopotamia. The custody of the decisive historical movements lay two main reasons - these are migration of tribes and peoples changing the picture of the world, and certain changes in natural-climatic conditions. This is a kind of milestones of historical evolution.

It would be natural to assume (if McNeill was right, saying that clashes with foreign people - a propulsion of social change) that the earliest complex societies emerged in the river valleys of Mesopotamia, Egypt, North-West India, adjacent to the land bridge in the old light, where they are connected The largest land arrays of the planet. "Continental grouppiness and climatic conditions made this region the main node of the land and sea communications in the old world, and it can be assumed that it is for this reason that civilization first arose here."

English Archaeologist L. Velli

Many believed that Sumerian culture was a derivative culture. Englishman L. Velli, Researcher of royal burials in ure (by the way, the creator of the city of Ur and the temple-zikkurat consider Ur-Namma), for example, expressed such a gueside: "There is no doubt that the Summer civilization originated from the elements of three cultures: El Obeid, Uruka And the jade-scam, and finally took shape only after their merger. Only starting from this point on the inhabitants of the bottom Mesopotamia can be called supervision. Therefore, I suppose - writes L. Velloli, - that under the name "Summerians" we must mean the people whose ancestors, each in its own way, was created by the shift, but by the beginning of the dynastic period, individual features merged into one civilization. "

River Euphrates

Although the origin of the Sumer ("Chernogolov") still remains a mystery to this day, it is known that in the middle of the IV millennium BC. e. There were settlements - Principality Cities Eredu, Ur, Uruk, Lagash, Nippur, Eshnunna, Nineve, Babylon, Ur. As for the ethnic roots of the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, we can only say about the presence here at various times of different peoples and languages. Thus, the well-known researcher of the East L. Openheim believes that since the beginning of the invasion of nomads with a flatbed and deserts and before the final Arabic conquest, most likely seven were the vast majority of the population of this region.

Clay statuette of a goddess mother. Uruk. 4000? G. BC e.

Tribal groups in search of new pastures, hordes of warriors who strived for the wealth of "Gardarika" ("land of cities", as long as Norman Russia), they all moved by a continuous flow, mainly from the upper Syria, using regular ways leading to the south, or through the tiger, east. These seven groups differed not only in languages, but also by their attitude towards urban culture, which was a feature of social and political life in Mesopotamia. Some of them were inclined to make cities, and thus have made a rather significant contribution to the urbanization case; Others preferred to walked freely, not settling, not engaged in productive work - "wander, no one is like."

Wolniks died from military and labor service, from paying taxes and generally represented an unstable, forever inadvertent or rebellious material. A kinder of amoreyev tribes was particularly noticeable on the nature of political processes in the region. Openheim believes that the transition from the concept of city-states to the idea of \u200b\u200bterritorial states is associated with them, the growth of trade relations at the expense of private initiative, expanding the horizons of international policies, and within the states there is a quick change of power and orientation among the rulers. Then (probably around the XII century. BC) came here the tribes who spoke in Aramaian, they settled in the upper Syria and along the Euphrate. Aramey spoke on the side of Babylonia against Assyria. Then the Aramaic alphabetical letter slowly, but inevitably began to push the clinical tradition of the letter. You can also talk about the influence of elalam and other peoples. At least there is no doubt that during almost three thousand years Mesopotamia was in constant contacts and conflicts with neighbors, which was confirmed by numerous written documents. The region with which the inhabitants carried out connections are direct or through certain intermediaries - stretched from the Indus valley through Iraq (sometimes even significantly goes beyond its limits), right up to Armenia and Anatolia, to the Mediterranean coast and further, right up to Egypt .

"Standard from Hurray": scenes of the world and scene of war. Shumer. OK. 2500? BC e.

Others consider Sumerians the side branch of the ethnic trees of Slavs, and, more precisely, the superethnos of Russia in the Middle East. "Apparently, the Sumerians became the first rules that have lost their main subspecies, and the second ethnicity elected from the superethnos of Russia," writes Y. Petukhov, who studied the genesis of Indo-Europeans, Russian, other Slavic peoples. What is nominated as a justification and confirmation of this point of view? According to his version, the majority of protorusov another 40-30 thousand years ago could be settled in the Middle East and in Malaya Asia. Although they have not yet possess writing, but already had a rather developed culture. It is clear, not immediately appeared in Mesopotamia "Brilliant and written Sumer". It was preceded by an allegedly many agricultural cattle-breeding villages of these the most "Indo-European Rules".

Figurine Ibi-El from Marie

Childbirth, evicting the rules of the Nagornas and Rusovs of Palestine-Suri-Russia moved along the rivers for the south of hundreds of years, reaching the middle of the 6th millennium BC. e. The most southernmost points of the two, that is, it is the places where the Euphrates falls into the Gorky River, to a narrow branch of the Persian Gulf. Sumerians were not strangers in the Middle East. They were, in his opinion, the generality of the birth of Middle Eastern rules with insignificant affordments of the Russes of the Valley of Indus and Russia of Central Asia. The aforementioned culture was the succession of Khalaf and Samarra's cultures and the predecessor of the famous Sumerian culture. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe cheers have already found over 40 cavity settlements. In the Uruka area - 23 settlements, each area over 10 hectares. These ancient cities, and it is significant, have nonhoshumer names. Rus from Armenian Highlands, and then Rusa from Central Asia and the Indus Valleys, rushed here.

Zigarat in Agar-Cofa. III thousand BC. e. Modern view

Sumerians managed to create an extensive state with the capital in ure (2112-2015 BC). The kings of the third dynasty did everything possible to lose the gods. The founder of the dynasty, urnamma, participated in the creation of the first codes of ancient two-frequencies. No wonder S. Kramer called him the first "Moses". He became famous for both a magnificent builder, erecting a number of temples and zigkurats. "In the glory of the lords of their Ningal, urnamma, a mighty husband, king Hurray, King Sumer and Akkada, erect this magnificent Gypar." The tower was completed by sons. In the capital was the sacred quarter, which was devoted to the God of the Moon Nanna and his wife Ningal. The ancient city is nothing, of course, did not resemble modern cities.

The UR represented the incorrect oval length of just about a kilometer and a width of up to 700 meters. He was surrounded by a wall with a slope of raw bricks (something like a medieval castle), which water was observed from three sides. Inside this space, zigkurat were erected, the tower with the temple. She was called the "heavenly hill" or "the mountain of God". The height of the "Mount of God", at the top of which stood the temple of Nanna, was 53 meters. By the way, Zikkurat in Babylon ("Babylonian Tower") - a copy of zikkurat in ure. Probably, from all such zigkurats in Iraq, the one that in ure was in the best condition. (The Babylonian tower was destroyed by the warriors of Alexander Macedon.) Urinsky zikcurate was a temple-observatory. It took 30 million bricks on its manufacture. A little survived from the ancient cheers, the tombs and temples of Ashchura, Assyrian palaces. The fragility of the structures was due to the fact that they were created from clay (in Babylon, two buildings were erected from stone). Sumerians - skillful builders. Their architects invented the arch. The material of the Sumerians were covered from other countries - the cedar was delivered from Aman, stones for statues from Arabia. They created their letter, an agrotechnical calendar, the world's first fishing, first forest plantation, library catalog, first medical recipes. Others believe that their ancient treatises were used by the writers of the Bible when writing texts.

Externally, the shortcomers differed from the Semitic peoples: there were befelling and insane, and the semites wore long curly beards and hair to the shoulders. Anthropologically, Sumerians refer to a large European divided race with elements of a small Mediterranean race. Part of them came from Scythia (on Rosilson), from the Peninsula of Industan (according to I. Dyakonov, etc.), part of the same - from the island of Dilmun, the current Bahrain, the Caucasus, etc. It is also argued that because the Sumerian legend tells about mixing Languages \u200b\u200band that "In the good old days, they were all in one people and spoke in the same language," it is likely that all nations came out of one historian (superethnos). Y. Petukhov believes that this origody of the shumen was the Rus, the first farmers of Sumer. Then underline the general and similar names of the gods (Sumerian "God of Air" En-Lill and God of Slavyan Lel, whose name stores our ritual poetry). They were common, he believes, the heroes of the bandwidth, who conquering a snake dragon. He passes with the rules (or their sons of ethnic groups) through the centuries and the Millennium: Ning Hirsa-Mountain Horse-Georgy Victorious ... "Who could give the noise and Egypt one deity Mount Kharost-khirsu?" - Asked by our researcher and answers himself: "Only one ethnos. The one that became the basis and Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations - the superethnos of Russia. All "mysterious" peoples are solved, all the "dark centuries" are evilted, if we study the story from a scientific point of view, and not with a political, in which the reference to the Rus earlier IX century. n. e. Strong taboo. "

Sumerian beauties

The emergence of documents (approx. 2800 BC. E.) preceded a long period, a thousand years or more. None of the countries of the Ancient East there is no such abundance of documents as in Mesopotamia. For that time, this is a high level of civilization. In the III millennium BC. e. A significant part of men in this country was able to read and write. Ruins and inscriptions Mesopotamia told about many. As A. Openheim wrote, thanks to these documents, we learned hundreds of names of the kings and other outstanding people, starting with Lagas rulers who lived in the III Millennium and up to the kings and scholars of the era of Seleucidov. There was also the opportunity to observe the lifting and decline of cities, to evaluate the political and economic situation, trace the fate of entire dynasties. Documents are written not by writs-professionals, but by ordinary people, which indicates a high level of literacy of the population. Although the mass of texts and died (the cities of Mesopotamia were destroyed during wars, other of them were destroyed by water or sand), but what came and comes to explorers (and this is hundreds of thousands of texts), represents invaluable material. Fortunately, clay plates on which texts were written were used as a building material during the construction of walls. Therefore, the Earth, over time, absorbing them, and saved entire archives.

Reconstruction of the temple in Tepo-Gaurus near Mosulus. Iraq. IV thousand BC. e.

A great success for science was the discovery of ancient economic archives of Uruk and a jamet-scat (tables with acts of accounting for income and issuing products, the number of workers, slaves). Moreover, much more documents came from the II and I Millennium BC. e. First of all, these are temple and royal archives, merchant paper, receipts, judicial protocols. Tens of thousands of "books", written by Cleinfish found. Therefore, it is unlikely that you can agree with the opinion of the respected R. J. Collingwood, who believes that Suchmers "there was no present story": "Ancient Suchmers did not leave anything after themselves, which we could call the story." He believes that to these texts, at best, the definition of as a historic Erzac, a document, a fragment of historical canvas. The author refuses to see the Sumerum and in the presence of historical consciousness: "If they had something like historical consciousness, nothing was preserved, which would testify to its existence. We could argue that they would certainly have to possess them; For us, the historical consciousness is so real and the all-permissive property of our being, that it is not clear to us how it could have no anyone else. " However, she came to adhere to the facts, the collingwood continues, such a consciousness acted in the form of a "hidden entity." I believe that this "hidden entity" will be opened and decrypted, our idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of the history of the Sumerian civilization can change.

Stone statue of Gudea - Ruler Lagas

And now in the museums of Europe, Asia, America, Russia already has about a quarter of a million Sumerian plates and fragments. Ancient place (or "city"), where Sumerians settled (if you take the version of migration), was an Ereda (the modern name - Abu-Shahrion). In the "royal list" it is said: "After the royalness has shown from heaven, Ereda became the place of royality." Perhaps lines and spawned an extravagant point of view. Others read the word "Sumer" as a "superior" ("Shu" - from above and "measures" - a man): Allegedly Americans with the help of the latest computers made decryption and "found out": Suchmers - with another planet, from the double of the earth, not detected Astronomers. In confirmation, it was even given lines from the legend of Hilgamesh, where the hero calls himself superholecom. In the Eredra, as the myth read, allegedly located the palace of God Ekni, erected at the bottom of the ocean. Ereda became Schumer to the place of Cult of God Enki (Eya).

Stone Figurine Bogomolez from Lagas

Gradually, the Sumerians began to move north. So they captured and began to develop the Urupet, the biblical era (now - Cooking). The temple of God Ana ("White Sanctuary") was also discovered, a portion of the bridge from raw limestone blocks is the oldest stone structure of Mesopotamia. Impressive sizes (80 to 30 m), the perfection of the architectural form, vaulted niches, framing the courtyard with a sacrificial table, the walls focused on the four sides of the world, the stairs leading to the altar - all this did the temple of the real miracle of architectural art even in the eyes sophisticated archaeologists. In the Sumerian temples, M. Belitsky writes, there were dozens of premises, where they lived with their families of the prince-priests, ensee, rulers, officials and priests, who kept the Supreme Soviet and spiritual power in their hands. In the cultural layers of Uruk, the first signs with a pictographic letter were discovered, one of which is stored in the Hermitage (2900 BC). Later the pictograms were replaced by ideograms. There were about 2000 such badges. Their meaning is extremely difficult to solve. Perhaps for this reason, despite the huge number of tables, the story is still poking. Traces of influence of Uruk culture on the culture of the countries of the Mediterranean - Syria, Anatolia, and others were found.

Board game Sumerov

In Egypt (Nagada II, corresponding to Uruk IV culture), luxury objects, vessels with handles, etc., were found on the shale tile of the oldest ruler of the Upper and Lower Egypt, the legendary Menes, there is a typical Sumerian motive, ascending back to the era of Uruk, - Fantastic species animals with long necks. On the knob of the dagger found in Jebel-El Arak, not far from Abidos, in Upper Egypt, there is an extremely curious motif - scene of battles on land and sea. Scientists came to the conclusion: on the handle related to the era of the Gemdet-Nasra (2800 BC), depicted the battle, which was playing between the Sumeris, which arrived in the Black Sea and the local population. All this means that even in such a long-distance, the Sumerians not only could have come to Egypt, but also had a certain impact on the formation of Egyptian culture. The hypothesis, according to which not only the hieroglyphic letter arose thanks to the Sumerians, and the very idea of \u200b\u200bcreating written signs was born in Egypt under their influence, there is already a considerable number of supporters. In short, the talented people of builders, artists, organizers, warriors, scientists appeared before us.

White temple in Uruk. Reconstruction

So how did life flow in the city of the Schmers? Take as an example of the Uruk, which was in the south of Mesopotamia. In the middle of the 3th millennium BC e. Grad this occupied an area over 400 hectares. It was surrounded by double walls from raw bricks, 10 kilometers long. The city had over 800 watchdog towers and the population from 80,000 to 120,000 people. One of his rulers, whom "En" or "Enci", apparently, was the legendary guilgamesh. German scientist H. Shmekel in the book "Ur, Assyria and Babylon" reconstructed the life of the city. On the streets of the city, in residential areas, movement, noise, fuss. The sultry, silent day ended. The long-awaited evening coolness has come. Along the deaf of clay walls, the monotony of which are broken by small openings, leading inside houses, walk, returning from workshops in the temple, blacksmiths and potters, gunsmiths and sculptors, bricklayers and cutters. Women are visible with water jugs. They hurry home to cook dinner for husbands and children. In the crowd of passersby noticeably and quite a few warriors ... Slowly, as if afraid to drop the dignity, important priests, palace officials, scribes walk down the street. Elegant fashionable skirts make them more noticeable. After all, in the social hierarchy, they stand above artisans, workers, farmers, shepherds. Noisy, mischievous boys After the long day of exhaustive study at the school scribes, there were signs and a caravan of donkens with carefree laugh. Those are loaded baskets with goods from ships unloaded on the pier. Suddenly, from somewhere from afar, a cry comes from afar, then another, third. These are all approaching, becoming louder.

Goat eating tree leaves. Decoration from URA

Street in the Sumerian city

The crowd on the street is broken down, forming a wide corridor and humbly losing his head: in the direction of the temple rides Enshi. Together with the family and the courtiers, he worked all day on the construction of a new irrigation canal and now after a labor day returns to the palace, which is located next to the temple. Easmed on a high platform, gone wide, leading to the highest stairs, this temple is proud of the inhabitants of Uruk. Along its indoor courtyard, eleven halls stretched long and 12 m wide. In economic premises there are storage rooms, barns, warehouses. Here the priests are put in order signs: on them, the storms, perfect in the morning in the temple, all incomes incoming the revenues of the last day, which even more will increase the wealth of God-Lord and the Lord of the city. And Enci, Prince-Priest, the ruler of Uruk, - only the servant of God, on whose care is the land-owned land, wealth and people. So reconstruct the life of the city.

Head of the statue of Gudea from Lagas

Guide Statue (Enshi)

In the III-II millennia BC. e. The main pathways of the economic development of the region were determined. The upper layer of state people (officials, the highest ranks of the army, priests, a number of artisans) performed the owner of community lands, had slaves and slaves, exploiting their work. Civilization Sumer (sometimes it is considered to be the beginning of Western civilization) developed, having two sectors: one sector is conditionally called "state", the other - "Protential". The first sector included largely large farms (they owned temples and the top of the nobility), in the other - the Earth of Main Communities (led by their patriarchs). The farms of the first sector were later the property of the state, the second were owned by territorial communities. People on the lands of the public sector had the right to own land. It was a kind of sovereign fee. The resulting harvest was going to feed families. However, the land could also be selected, and many of the employees of the public sector were not at all. It seems to us a symptomatic and important fact of peaceful coexistence at the dawn of the history of two economic sectors - state and community-private (with a noticeable predominance of the first). The land tenants paid off with the owners. They were paid to submit a state based on income tax. Their land was treated by hired workers (for shelter, bread, clothes).

Yard of a rich resident Hurray in the II thousand to n. e.

With the distribution of irrigated agriculture and technology (pottery circle, weaving machine, copper, iron, water supply machines, tools) grew and productivity. As in Egypt, there are a lot of channels. Herodotus pointed to serious differences between the Northern Twire - Assyria, and the South - Babylonia: "The land of Assyrius irrigated a little rain; Rainwater is enough only to power the roots of bread plants: sowing grows and bread ripens with irrigation from the river; This river is not spilled, however, in the fields, as in Egypt; They irrigate here and with pumps. Babylonia is all, as well as Egypt, cut off by channels; The greatest of them, shipping, stretches from Euphrate to the south to another river, tiger. " Creating this kind of channels, it is clear, demanded great efforts.

Transportation of winged bull

The other dilemma was also in front of the residents: there are crops flooded too abundant water or drought from her lack and drought (Strape). As you can see, all or almost everything in Mesopotamia depended only on whether or not to support the system of agriculture and irrigation in the working and good condition. Water is life. And it is not at all by chance that the king of Hammurapi in joining the Code of the famous laws emphasized the special importance that he "gave Uruk's life," "the water in abundance delivered people." The system worked under the non-gravity control of the "Warders of Channels". The breakthrough channels could serve simultaneously and by transport means, reaching 10-20 m wide. This allowed to go through the ships of a rather large tonnage. The banks of the channels were framed by brick masonry or wicker mats. At high places, water was overflowing from the well to the well with the help of waterproof structures. This land has been treated with ordinary hoes (the hoe often depicted as the emblem of the land of Marduk) or a wooden plow.

A married couple from Nippur. III thousand BC. e.

Enlil - "The Greatest God" Sumer, Son Sky and Earth

Works required huge labor costs from the mass of people. Without irrigation and agriculture, life would be impossible here at all. Ancient understood this perfectly, rewarding a dealer of agriculture, workers, hoe and a plow. In the work of the "dispute between the hoe and plow", it is emphasized that the hoe - the "child of the poor man". With the help of the hoe, a huge amount of work is performed - digging the earth, the creation of houses, canals, the construction of the roof and launching the streets. Days of the work of the hoe, that is, the farmer or the builder, "twelve months." If the plow is often idle, then the drunicle of the hoe does not know no one or the day of rest. He builds "hands with palaces" and "gardens for kings." He is obliged to be unquestioned to fulfill all the work on the orders of the king or his dignitaries, in particular, have to build strengthening or transporting the figures of the gods to the right place.

The population of Mesopotamia and Babylonia consisted of free farmers and slaves. Theoretically, the land in Babylonia belonged to the gods, but practically the kings, temples and major landowners who leased it. N. M. Nikolsky noted that during the entire ancient history of the two-frequencies "a separate person the land owner is temporarily and conditionally, as a member of the collective, and the private owner of the Earth never. It happened, the kings were placed on the land of warriors, they handed it to officials, etc. All of them were supposed to pay the state of the state (tenth of income). The main mass of slaves was then local origin. The slave was not a full-fledged citizen, being the full owner's property. He could sell, pass in a deposit or even kill. Source of replenishment of slaves - debt slavery, prisoners and children of slaves. As in Egypt, abandoned children could be addressed to slaves. Such practice was widespread in antiquity.

Such orders existed in Babylonia, Egypt, in ancient Greece. The slaves paid prisoners of war captured during wars from other countries. Slaves of those who suffered from theft, made the thieves themselves. The same fate waited for the killer family. It is curious that the laws of Hammurapi allowed her husband to sell and walking or a wasteful wife. Slaves and slaves. Their life was hard. They are hungry, drank from hunger and cold. Therefore, to get to work, they were stuck in the shackles, often imprisoned.

In some cases, poor married couples, not having the opportunity to feed juvenile days, threw them into a pit or in a basket in the river, twin on the street. Anyone could choose a princess and grow, and then enroll with him as it wishes (adopting, to adopt or include in the dowry, to sell into slavery). The custom of persecuting the child or save the baby from an imminent death was called - "throw a child in the mouth of the dog" (or "snatch out of her grazing"). Openheim cites the document in which it says, as one woman in the presence of witnesses held her son before the mouth of the dog, and some Nur-Shamash managed to snatch him from there. Anyone could pick it up and grow, make a slave, adopt or adopt. Although the adoption of girls, apparently, was resorted relatively rarely. There was a firm rule: the adoptive children were required to supply the former owners of food and clothing to the end of life. The fate of the adoptive children was different. Some of them became full family members and even became heirs, others were waiting for an unenviable fate. Laws somehow regulated this process.

Goddess of death, master "Countries without refund" - Ereshkigal

The work of the agriculture, the farmer or the builder, undoubtedly, was serious ... Oversions we encounter in the "Tale of Atrahasis", which came to us from Starovalon Time (1646-1626 BC. E.). It is stated in poetic form about the time when the gods ("Igigi" were forced to work, like a simple mortal. "When the gods, like people, buried, tuskled baskets, the baskets of the gods were huge, hard work, greatness of adversity." The gods themselves dug up rivers themselves, cut the channels, deepened the route of the tiger and Euphrates, worked in aqueous depths, built a dwelling for ENKI, etc., etc. So they worked for years and years, day and night, "Two and a half thousand years". Immensely tired of such an unbearable work, they began to fill angrily and shout at each other. After long and hot controversy, they decided to go to the main, enclosure, to complain about his bitter fate. They "burned their shelly," "burned their shovels, betrayed their flames of their baskets" and, holding hands, moved "to the holy gates of the Warrior Enlil." In the end, there they arranged the Council of the Higher Gods, where they reported to the enlil, that such an unbearable burden kills Igigs.

Victory Stela king Naramsina

For a long time, they were conscuted, until they decided together - to create a genus of people and impose a heavy and religious burden on him. "Let the man bears the need of God!" So they did ... Since then, a person persogently began to fulfill the labor of the gods. He builds, Roet, removes, getting food to himself and gods. Twelve hundred years have not passed, as the country has grown, people were broken in it. And the gods began to disturb the mass of people: "Their gomon is worried about us."

And then they sent the wind to the ground to drain her, and shower, flushing yields. The gods stated: "Destroy the people of deprints and hunger. The extreme land on them will rise! Herbs will not rise, cesks will not go! May it be sent to people! The uterus will be squeaked, babies will not be called! " Why do people such gods?! In the most complete list of the Assyrian era, over 150 names of various deities are mentioned. And at least 40-50 of them had their temples and cult in the Assyrian era. Approximately in the III millennium BC. e. The priest's board came to agreement and created the myth of the Triad of the Great Gods: Ana, Enliele and Ea. The sky went to Ana, Earth - Enlil, the sea - Ea. Then the old gods presented the fate of the world into the hands of their young son - Marduk. So the coup in the kingdom of the gods was accomplished. Remembering Sumerian myths, Babylonian priests put Marduk to the place of Enlil. Obviously, the earthly hierarchy of the kings and their surroundings should be consistent with this Divine Hierarchy. This goal served as the cult of the first kings of his cheer. The legendary King Uruk - Gilgamesh, announced by the son of Anu was deified. Many rulers were deified. King Akkada Naramsin called himself a god of Akkada. The king of Isina and the king of Lars, the king of the third dynasty (Schulgi, Bursin, Gimilsin) were primarily important. In the era of the first Babylonian dynasty, Hammurapi equated himself to the gods and became known as the "God of Kings".

To the same category include the legendary ruler Uruku - Enmercar. He becomes king and coping 420 years old, actually created the city of Uruk. It must be said that the emergence, the existence of these cities-states, as well as in ancient Greece (at a later time), will be held in constant rivalry with nearby settlements and education. Therefore, it is not surprising that ancient story is filled with incessant wars. At that time, everyone was aggressors among the Vladyk and there was no (almost no) peace.

The epic poem, conditionally named S. N. Kramer "Enmermar and the ruler Arrat", refers to an acute political conflict, which arose in antiquity between Iraq and Iran. The poem tells how in ancient times the city-state Urukom, located in Southern Mesopotamia, the rules of the glorious Sumerian hero of the Enmermar. And far in the north of Uruk, in Iran, there was another city-state called Aratta. He was separated from Uruk by the seven mountain ranges and stood so high that it was almost impossible to get to it. Aratta was famous for its wealth - all sorts of metals and a building stone, that is, exactly what was so lacking the city of Uruck, located on a flat flange plain of two frequencies. Therefore, there is nothing surprising that the Enmermar with the lust looked at Arathu and her treasures. He decided in order to subjugate the people of Aratta and her ruler. To this end, he began against them a kind of "war of nerves". He managed to intimidate the Lord of the Aratta and its inhabitants, that those submitted to Uruku. Tsar Uruka threatened to destroy all cities, devastate the earth, so all Aratta would cover dust, like a city, cursed by God Enki and turn into nothing. Perhaps it is these long-standing, almost forgotten sensations, strengthened by religion and geopolitics, forced the ruler of Iraq in the current times to attack Iran.

Yemelyanov Vladimir Vladimirovich

Where did the Sumerians come from right to say that we do not have any accurate answer to this question. For a century of development of Sumerology, a variety of hypotheses about the relationship of the Sumerian language were expressed. So, another father of Assyriology Raulinson in 1853, determining


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The birth of a person is the birth of spirituality spirituality - as an ancient phenomenon, as well as the person himself. Since the beginning of his evolution, a person possessed spirituality. Actually, this is obvious, because spirituality is a distinctive characteristic of a person. There is spirituality - there

The history of mankind can be compared with the biography of one family - over time, the household leaves, others appear on the light, and everyone lives life in its own way, leaving certain memories of themselves. In the case of the Global "family" Homo Sapiens, whole civilizations are in the role of its members - some of them have been able to exist thousands of years, and some of them are not given to stretch and several centuries, but one way or another, the place of the deceased civilization immediately takes the following - in This great justice and great meaning of history.

1. Civilization Olmekov

Olmeki is one of the most ancient civilizations of Central America, with an outstanding culture and unusually high for its time level of development of science and technology.

The "calling card" of Olmekov is gigantic sculptures in the form of heads located in modern Mexico. The flourishing of the Olmek state came for the period between the 1500th and 400th to our era, according to historians, this people reached impressive success in architecture, agriculture, medicine, writing and other branches of knowledge. Olmekov had a pretty accurate calendar and a mathematical system in which the figure "0" was used, which can be considered a real breakthrough.

Having existed for more than a thousand years, the civilization of Olmekov on unexplained reasons has been declining until now, but other states arose on its ruins, such as ...

2. Aztec Empire

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The "golden age" of the Aztec civilization is the period between the 1428th and 1521 months - at this time the empire covered the huge territories where they lived, according to some estimates, about 5 million people, while the population of its capital, tenochtitlan, located on the site of modern Mexico City, amounted to about 200 thousand.

Aztecs borrowed a lot from the civilization of Olmekov, including religious beliefs, ritual games, the traditions of human sacrifice, language, calendar and some achievements of science and culture. The Aztec Empire was one of the richest and highly developed states of Decolumbovy America - it suffices to mention at least about the most complex activists designed to irrigate the famous floating gardens.

With the isolation of the Aztec state from the rest of the world, and at the same time with the state itself, it was encountered when Ernan Cortez's Spanish Conquistador's squad was allowed to enter the tenochtitlan. You can imagine the surprise of Spaniards who were waiting for a meeting with "primitive barbarians" - their eyes appeared a huge rich city with wide streets and amazingly beautiful architecture.

Probably greed, envy of the Spaniards to the wealth of citizens, as well as European diseases and contemporary weapons of conquistadors and led to the destruction

the Aztec state and the genocide of the Great People, and in just a few years the victim of European invaders fell another Indian Civilization ...

3. Empire Incov

The state of the Inca, which occupied the territory of modern Peru, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador, existed for more than three centuries - from the beginning of the XIII to the end of the XVI, when conquistadors came to the country under the head of the Spaniard Francisco Pizarro.

The capital of the Empire Incas was located in the mountains, on the site of the modern city of Cusco. Thanks to the extraordinarily high in the same time, the level of development of Inki technologies managed to build an effective agricultural system, turning the mountain slopes into fertile fields and developing their irrigation technologies. The highest mastery of Incan architects is evidenced by the construction of Machu Picchu and other facilities. On the basis of astronomical observations and its mathematical system, the Inca created an accurate calendar, they developed their own writing, achieved notable success in medicine and other sciences. Scientists still break their heads like people who did not have modern tools and adaptations, managed to build architectural and engineering masterpieces.

Familiarity with European civilization has become for the Inca (as well as for other indigenous peoples of the American continent) of the real tragedy - most of the population was destroyed by European diseases, conquistadors weapons and began various tribes, and their cities were looted.

Such is the sad fate of the once powerful country, the sizes of which were comparable to the largest Eurasian states, for example, what we call ...

4. Persian Empire

The Persian Empire for several centuries was among the main players on the global political arena. Possessing outstanding technologies and knowledge, the Persians built a unique in its extensiveness and quality of a network of roads that binding the most developed cities of the empire, which did not have any analogues of the sewage system, created the alphabet and numbers. They were the first to begin to use the assimilation of conquered peoples instead of their extermination, trying to make religious and cultural traditions of inomes part of their culture, thanks to which they managed to create one of the largest and most influential states on the planet, such examples in the history of humanity are quite rare and one of them ...

5. Macedonian Empire

With its existence, this state, by and large, is obliged to one person - Alexander Great. His empire covered part of modern Greece and Egypt, the territory of the former state of the achemenidov and part of India. Alexander was able to subjugate a lot of countries thanks to his talent of the commander and a high level of training for troops. The assimilation of the peoples of the captured territories - marriages between the soldiers of the Macedonian troops and representatives of the local population also played a latter role in creating the empire.

After the death of Alexander the Macedonian empire existed for about three centuries. As a result of numerous conflicts between the heirs of the legendary conqueror, the country broke up and its most part entered into a major state, called ...

6. Roman Empire

Roman civilization originated in the cities-states on the territory of modern Italy, the main of which was, of course, Rome. The empire was formed under the strong influence of Greek civilization - the Romans borrowed from the Greeks, many ideas of the state and public apparatus, which they managed to fully implement in

zNN, as a result of which one of the greatest empires in the history of humanity appeared on the world map. Under the rule of Caesar, the scattered areas of Italy united, and at the expense of the success of the Roman military leaders, the young state gradually turned into the most influential Empire of the world, which included modern Italy, Spain, Greece, France, significant parts of Germany and the United Kingdom, the Area in North Africa (including - Egypt) and extensive territories in the Middle East.

The victorious procession of the Romans in the world prevented the collapse of the empire to the Western and Eastern part. The history of the Western Roman Empire ended in the 476th year, the Eastern Roman Empire, which is also called Byzantine, existed almost a thousand years longer - until 1453 years.

The United Roman Empire was one of the largest states in the entire history of mankind, in magnitude, only some giants exceeded, for example ...

7. Mongolian Empire

The state that covered the most extensive in the history of the adjacent territory was born in the will of the Great Mongolian commander, whose name became practically synonymous with successful gaining policies. The history of the Empire of Genghis Khan lasted a little over a century and a half, from 1206 to the 1368th - during this time, under the rule of the first great Khan and his successors, were the territories of modern Russia, India, China and some countries of Eastern Europe, a total of the area of \u200b\u200bcaptured lands was about 33 million km2. Military successes of Mongols are explained, first of all, the use of cavalry - their opponents simply did not have a chance to cope with countless hordes of skillful riders who appeared as if they had anything and smashed infantry in the fluff and dust.

From the continuation of the conquest policy of Mongols held the death of the great Khan Ugheda, the Third Son of Genghis Khan. Who knows - if it were not for circumstances, perhaps Western Europe would acquaint with all the "charms" of the Mongolian invasion. During the struggle for the power of several Mongolian political leaders, the empire broke up into four states - the Golden Horde, Ilhanat in the Middle East, the Yuan Empire in China and Chagatai Ulus in Central Asia.

It is worth noting that the Mongols were not brainless barbarians, what they are often trying to present Western historians in their works. In the captured territories, they were injected quite humane laws in relation to the indigenous population - for example, it was strictly forbidden to persecute local residents for their religious beliefs. Such progressive domestic politics would have to learn for example, the elite of such a state as ...

8. Ancient Egypt

Located in the River Valley, the state in various forms existed for more than 4 thousand years. The history of Egyptian civilization is devoted to countless studies, thousands of books, artistic and documentary films, but scientists continue to argue about the technologies and knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, which allowed them to create, for example, the famous pyramids of Giza and other wonders of architectural thought.

The period of the heyday of ancient Egypt is characterized by the highest level of development of traditional religion, Egyptian language, medicine, architecture, agricultural technologies, mathematics and various types of arts. Egypt enters the top three ancient states on the planet, among them - Sumerian and

India civilization, the latter is also called ...

9. Harappa civilization

The India civilization is far from so well known as the ancient Egypt, although both states have formed an approximate at one time - in the middle of the fourth millennium BC. The period of the existence of civilization located in the territory of modern Pakistan, covers more than one and a half thousand years.

One of the distinguishing features of the Haratpian civilization can be considered a peaceful, creative policy of the authorities, and both internal and external.

As long as the rulers of other countries led the war and intimidated their own citizens, considering the main tool for strengthening the authority, the first persons of the Harapp state all forces were sent to the development of society, strengthening the economy and improve technologies.

Archaeologists argue that during the study of the settlements of the India civilization, they found only a small amount of weapons, while there were completely absent human remains with signs of violent death, which makes it possible to conclude about the peacefulness of the Indoch state.

Harappz lived in clean, well-planned cities with sewage and water systems, in almost every house there was a bathroom and a toilet. Unfortunately, it is known to us about the Indian civilization, however, the available information indicates that it was one of the most progressive countries of that era.

Goodwill and peacefulness were peculiar to the people who created the state on the caribbean islands - we know it under the name ...

10. Aravaki

Aravaki is the collective name of a whole group of peoples who inhabited the islands of the Caribbean Sea and the northern part of South America. It was Aravaki first of the Indian tribes who became acquainted with Christofore Columbus on his arrival in a new light. According to different estimates, during the first expedition times

Columbus The number of island Aravakov was from 300 to 400 thousand people, although in some sources other numbers are given - up to several million.

Possessing a developed culture, Aravaki were very friendly to each other and to foreign countries - according to the evidence of the participants of the expedition, the aborigines shouted to the European Courts approaching their islands: "Taino!", That in the translation from the local adverb means "peace". From here, the second common name of the island Aravak tribes is Taino.

Taino was engaged in trade, agriculture, fishing and hunting, unlike many other Indian tribes, they practically did not participate in military conflicts. The only people with whom Aravaki was begged were cannibals who lived in the territory of the modern state of Puerto Rico.

Aravakian civilization is characterized by a highly organized structure of society, its hierarchy, as well as the commitment of population with universal values \u200b\u200b- for example, Aravak women had the right to refuse a man in concluding marriage, which for the Indians was unheard of, however, as for many Europeans of that time.

With the arrival of conquerors, the state of Aravakov quickly came into decay - the population of several times was reduced due to the lack of immunity to diseases of old light and armed conflicts with the Spaniards. Currently, Taino is considered extinct, although the remains of culture of this once highly developed civilization have been preserved in some of the Caribbean Islands.

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So that we can learn a reliable history of the development of the most ancient world civilizations, scientists had to make huge efforts with relevant studies. Thanks to the titanic work of historians and archaeologists, we know not only most of the customs, but we can build them in chronological order, from the most ancient to relatively "young".

Knowledge of the culture of the ancient peoples helps us understand how the formation of modern society occurred. In the study of the life and lifestyle of the oldest peoples, historians helps the detection of fossils, artifacts and ruins of cities, which are silent witnesses of events that took place many centuries ago. Knowing his story, humanity will be able to learn from the errors of the ancestors, not allowing them to continue.

However, before moving to the list of the top 10 of the oldest civilizations of the world, it is worth considering the formation of humanity from the first stage. The evolution of man began approximately 55 million years ago, as a result of which during a long evolutionary formation from other hominids and man-like monkeys, a view that we call Homo Sapiens were separated. In the image below you can watch the course of evolution.

But before the person rose two legs, many more years have passed. The adoption of the vertical position by our ancestors occurred about 5.8 million years ago. It should not be assumed that from this point on the evolution "suffered" with the speed of light. Humanity developed very slowly, step by step approaching the first civilization. The last step occurred about 5500 years ago. This period was marked by the development of agriculture.

When people realized that for normal life, it is not necessary to deal with only hunting and gathering, they left their caves, and began to settle small groups and family clans. This gave impetus to the emergence of the first settlements in Asia and Africa. All of them began in river valleys - ideal for growing crops. Now people did not have to lead a nomadic lifestyle in search of food. Instead, they settled in one place, which gradually grown to a large settlement, gradually turning into the city. Over time, the wheel, writing, government and other attributes of modern society appeared. So the civilization began!

Chavinian civilization (900 - 250 years BC. E.)

Chavin is one of the oldest South American cultures of the pre-colombian epoch, located in the territory of modern Peru. As the Middle East was the center of many great cultures of the old world, and South America "shelted" civilization of two Western continents. In the image of many ancient cultures, Chavin civilization was a religious society. The name itself comes from the religious city of Chavin de Untar, the former capital of all settlements.

Hittite civilization (1600 - 1178 years BC. E.)

Hetta is considered the first tribes that managed to extract iron and make weapons and tools from it. Basically, the first settlements of Hettites were located on the territory of modern Turkey (Anatoly). Despite the broader framework of the existence of the Hittch kingdom, the flourishing period of their culture is dated 1600 - 1178 to N. e. Hittite power depended directly from the skills in the processing of iron, which made it possible to form the strongest army of that time.

And also they are attributed to the invention of combat chariot, for many years has become the main weapon in the wars. At the peak of his power, the ruler of Hettov Muvatalli II began a military campaign against Egypt to capture the lands of modern Palestines and Syria. The war lasted about 15 years, ending with the signing of a peace treaty, which became the first in the history of mankind such a document.

The decline of the Hett kingdom is associated with the concept of a bronze collapse (transition period from the bronze to the Iron Age), when the so-called peoples of the sea began their relocation in the territory of the Egyptians and Hettov, in the same time conquering all opposing settlements. The most significant role in the end of the Hett domination in Malaya Asia was played by Frigians, who captured their lands in the 1200s to N. e.

Mayan civilization (1200 BC e. - 900 years. E.)

Maya, perhaps, were the most developed meso-American civilization, passing the period of formation, flourishing and decline. Maja prosperity dated 1200 - 250 years BC. e. Their settlements were located in the modern territories of Mexico, El Salvador, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras. Maya's Indians belong to the invention of hieroglyphic writing - the only known in the territory of mesoamer.

In addition to manuscripts, Maya is known for their calendar, which made a lot of noise at the end of 2012, because it was supposed to end in December that many interpreted as a hint at the end of the world. In fact, everything turned out to be myth or improper interpretation of contemporaries. Maya were pagans, there were about 160 in their pantheon, each of whom personified one of the aspects of everyday life.

The period of sunset of this culture is dated 800 - 900 years. e. At this time, the tribes leave their stone cities. Scientists and historians still can not come to a common opinion, why it happened. Despite the wreck of the Mayan civilization, she left behind the impressive monuments of architecture and works of art. The Europeans who came after the discoveries, considered the local population of savages, however, 3 out of 10 ancient civilizations on our list belonged to the American continents, which speaks about the opposite.

Nubian civilization (2000 - 1000 years BC. E.)

Nubia was located on the territory of modern, Sudan and South Sudan. This African culture is the first major state of internal Africa. The ancient Egyptians called their land kingdom kush. You can safely be called Kush's successor Kerma's kingdom, which was equal to Egypt, as a result, was conquered by one of the Egyptian pharaohs. Kush also conflict with the northern neighbor. During the permanent wars, they alternately captured each other's territory.

India civilization (3300 - 1300 years BC. E.)

In some sources, the India civilization can go in third place in the "antiquity", being after Egypt. However, scientists managed to prove that the culture of the peoples of the Valley of the River Indus developed before the ancient Egyptian. This civilization is also called Harapp, and its origin occurred almost 5300 years ago. Of his heyday, the India civilization reached in 2600 BC. e. She stretched out a lot of kilometers along the Indus Valley, located on the territory of the modern states of Pakistan, India and Afghanistan. Archaeologists managed to find the ruins of the ancient cities of the Harapp of Civilization, among whom Mohenjo Daro was the largest. It is located in modern Pakistan and literally translates as the "Kurgan of the Dead". This settlement is considered one of the first cities in the history of mankind. The size of the city was approximately 200 hectares, which is 5 times the Vatican area.

Residents of the Harapp state have developed an effective drainage system that protects settlements from flooding, built a lot of public baths and wells with fresh water. Study Mohenjo Daro allowed historians to answer many questions about the development of the social and economic life of India civilization.

Civilization of ancient Mesopotamia (3500 - 500 years BC. E.)

The oldest civilization of the world - Mesopotamia was located on the territory of modern Iraq, Kuwait and Syria. She is rightfully considered a cradle of civilization, since the first cities and empires appeared in Mesopotamia. The Greek word Mesopotamia means "between rivers", so it is often possible to meet the name of the international culture. Ancient Mesopotamia began its origin between the valleys of the Tiger River and Euphrates, surrounded on both sides by the Persian Bay and Malaya Asia.

The region is part of a fertile crescent, rich lands, ideal for agriculture. Such conditions allow developing multiple civilizations. It is worth it to lead exactly about several cultures that replace each other in Mesopotamia. Among them are the Babylonian, Sumerian, Akkada and Assyrian civilization. The most ancient was the kingdom of Sumer, which later connected with Akkad. Sumerums belongs to the championship in the invention of the wheel and the construction of the ship. This allows them to trade with other nations, which ultimately makes come up with a system of calculating for shopping and sales.

Due to soil fertility, the territory of Mesopotamia has always been a "tidacity" for conquerors. Misondrocheus moved to the possession of various peoples, which had a positive effect on the development of mankind, as Sumer-Akkada culture quickly spread and influenced future civilizations.


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The whole history of the world is represented by large accomplishments and great dates, and it all began not so much. So, the nearest ancestors of a person - Australopitek - survived not one million years of evolution, mastering agriculture, hunting, gathering and passing to inventing all new tools. And only when all the stages of development were passed, the series of civilization was passed. This stage was characterized by local wars and intersubs, the development of religion, architecture and social classes. One civilization came to shift another.

In general, the term "civilization" occurs from the Latin language and means "civil" or "state". The epoch, in which ancient civilization existed, is not one thousand years old, and many medieval scientists even use this term to separate the civilized society from primitive. If we talk about the signs characteristic of civilization, they are quite a lot due to the fact that every historian sees them from a subjective point of view.

Over the past few billion years, the world map has undergone significant changes. According to geologists, initially on the planet there was a single continent who wore the name of Pangea and was in the middle of a huge ocean. Later, this continent broke up into several separate formations: Laurelasia, which included modern North America, Central and North Asia, Europe, and the Gondwan, which included Africa, South America, India, Antarctica, Australia. The Mediterranean Sea flew between these continents, which was called Tetris at that time. For many centuries, these two continents threw forests, which later were destroyed due to sharp climatic changes. Later, under the influence of glaciers and underground pressure caused by changes in the magnetic field of the planet, huge plates of the cortex began to crack and separate apart from each other until the modern form has reached.

Ancient people were confident that the very first earthly civilization appeared in the extreme north, and this happened many years before he was covered with eternal ice. Here was the so-called kingdom of gods. According to the Chinese, the emperor of this kingdom received power from the Dragon's God, who was in the heavenly Northern Pole and was the personification of the King of Cosmos. The ancient Egyptians worshiped some shining beings that stood behind Osiris and focused the Great Pyramid on the brightest star of the Constellation of the Dragon Tuban, which in those years was a polar star. There is a legend that the "Mahabharat" and "Vedas" contains astronomical data that can be understood only if there is on the North Pole.

In the memory of Eskimos, the shining spirits of the North are preserved. In the Indians, SIU has preserved stories about the North Isle, the cradles of the ancestors, which was absorbed by the waters. And even in the modern world, Santa Claus, according to legend, lives in the North Pole.

In addition, researchers of abnormal phenomena, in particular, UFOs, note that these objects are usually appearing in the north. Perhaps they pass through some passages in planetary radiation belts, or are sent to the underground civilization of the agarta, which exists on multi-kilometer depth.

Scientists are confident that in the ancient times of the North Pole, which were then tropics, extremely attracted residents of space, as it was the most real cradle of humanity, idyllic edem.

The second Great Ancient Civilization is a fabulous hyperborea. It was a salaring continent, over which the sun did not come. It was in Hyperbore that Apollo was periodically visited on his winged chariot. According to ancient testimonies, the hyperborers were very high, had light skin and hair, blue eyes. Thus, it can be assumed that they were a kind of perfect norrive type. According to legends, the hyperborers were cosmic aliens who colonized this part of the planet. Polar region, which, as mentioned above, was tropical. And the choice of aliens fell on it only because she very much resembled their own planet. It was the hyperborers that later became the progenitors of the human race.

In the legends of many nations, information is preserved about the terrible cataclysm, which led to the emptying of beautiful northern land. Legends suggest that the sun has changed the course of his movement, and the moon or a comet that fell to the ground, shifted the planet axis. Thus, one of the ages of the Earth was completed. And in the legends of Hindus and Maya, it is information that a nuclear war has occurred between the magicians of Lemuria and the gods of Hyperbores, shook the entire planet, which caused the climatic changes and the onset of the ice age.

Sacks of hyperboreans Scythians have erected mysterious mengir their ancestors. And the Divine kings taught people to art and sciences, as people could not live on Earth, which turned into a piece of ice.

New civilization appeared on the continent, which is known as Lemuria. She was located to Himalayas north to Antarctica and Australia south. The first population of Lemuria consisted of gigantic hermaphrodites. For several millions of years of development, they turned into women and men and decreased in growth from 365 to 215 centimeters. Lemurians were very reminded by the external appearance of the red-walled Indians, even though their skin was a bluish shade. The forehead was given forward, and in the middle of him - there was a large bump, reminding the walnut (the so-called third eye, which testified to the developed mental strength).

According to the ancient legends, teachers who arrived from Venus were transmitted to dedicated to the residents of Lemuria, cosmic secrets, which subsequently formed the secret knowledge of the East. Already after many centuries, men became like the gods, acquired the color of the rising sun, and women became graceful and bright, developed female intuition, which has many times higher than scientific logic. Marriage was considered as sacred bonds, sex - as spiritual communication, and the divorces were not at all.

Death was considered a transition to a higher world, so the lemurians could die when they wanted. Legends say they did it often, because the world in which they dwells was imperfect, devastated by natural cataclysms. Ultimately, after the next eruption of the volcano, their continent split in half and disappeared in the ocean depths. It is likely that the part of the Lemurians returned to other planets with the knowledge gained, which became unavailable to earthlings.

Lemurians erected enormous cities, from underground lava and marble, they made divine sculptures in their own way and likeness and worshiped them. The houses of the residents of Lemuria were high, had a rectangular shape and a wide protruding roof, which gave a lot of shadows. Temples and palaces were huge, they were built of durable white stone. By the way, they did not completely collapsed over time and until now they can still be seen in Asia and America.

This people had a lot of silver and gold, but the precious metals were not used for coin chasing, and exclusively in decorative purposes. Diamonds were very widely widespread, therefore they were appreciated not higher than ordinary glass. Most of all, brightly colored rare feathers were valued among Lemurries.

The lemuri scientists were engaged in studying the Radionics based on space and solar energy, and brought heat and light into the dwellings.

But soon the civilization began to destroy itself. Strength and great knowledge gave rise to excessive pride. Black and white magicians struggled with each other until they destroyed civilization.

In some legends of the peoples of Asia, data is preserved that space ships flew from Venus and Mars to save the elected. Meanwhile, the continent was split and went deep into the sea waters. After him, only the peaks of the mountains remained, which are currently a series of Pacific Islands (Malekules, Caroline Islands, Easter Island).

The remains of civilization were hidden under the guidance of Manu in the Western tip of Lemuria. From there, they presumably could get to the Atlantis, which only appeared from the ocean depths. Some lemurries moved to America, China and India, where they revived the culture of their deceased country.

Note that the considered civilizations are the most majestic and significant. For many thousands of years, they had a great influence on the culture of mankind. Later, civilizations appeared, better for earthlings. This is Olmeki, who invented the calendar and hieroglyphs, created a trade and communications networks. This is the Mayan civilization, which, according to modern standards, was the most primitive civilization of the Stone Age, but which, nevertheless, built dozens of wonderful cities, the basis of which constitutes the pyramids committed on sophistication and beauty. In addition, Maya invented hieroglyphic writing and a sunny calendar, able to predict moon and solar eclipses. This and Aztec, which in just two centuries passed a difficult path from the nomadic tribe to the terrible rulers of a large area. This is the civilizations of South America (Chavin, Parakas, Naska, Matching, Chimu, Inki, Machu-Piccue). This is the well-known Atlantis, Celts, Scythians, Phoenicians, Hitty. Each of these civilizations had a great influence on the development of humanity. But this, as they say, is already another story ...

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