
Avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis or hypervitaminosis: what is more dangerous. Avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis and hypervitaminosis - causes and symptoms of hypovitaminosis avitaminosis hypervitaminosis clinic

Lack and oversupply of vitamins in our body lead to the development of serious health problems. Little children can become a factor contributing to the lag in physical and mental development. Adults in extreme cases face malfunctions and systems.

What is avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis, hypervitaminosis?

Vitamins are simple organic compounds, vital to every person. They enter the body together with food, but are contained in a small amount. One of their main functions is catalyst. Without vitamins, it is impossible to complete the absorption of nutrients.

What problems may face people? With an insufficient number of received beneficial substances begins hypovitaminosis. Correct the situation with it simply by adding your diet with products containing the required amount of vitamins.

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This vitamin helps maintain adrenal operations and provides the normal operation of the CNS. It is an important component of enzymes for metabolism.

The source of this substance is nuts, mushrooms, pumpkin, tomatoes. The body does not need too much such vitamins.

But against the background of taking antibiotics and other drugs, symptoms of hypovitaminosis may appear. These include chronic fatigue, migraine, muscle weakness. If not to fill the shortage, complications affecting the nervous system, the skin and the intestinal tract are developing.

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Folic acid is contained in animals and vegetable products. Basically participates in the process of digestion. The missing amount of vitamin is formed in the intestine of a person.

Vitamin is especially important during pregnancy and for the development of infants. Folic acid participates in fat metabolism and blood formation processes.

Folic acid sources

With hypovitaminosis, fatigue arises, anxiety. Language becomes red, problems with memory arise. The appearance of defects in newborns is possible. Older children have a slowdown in growth, in adults - gray appears.

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Vitamin comes with animal products, milk and seafood. The first signs of the hypovitaminosis refers to the nesting itching and tingling in the fingers and legs. Gradually begins to darken her palms.

The growing feeling of numbness and the feeling of goosebumps is a sign of developing anemia.

Possible problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The person complains about the absence of appetite, constipation or diarrhea. With an aggravated deficit, an ulcer disease may develop. The main reason for the development of lack of vitamin B12 is an unbalanced diet.


The source of vitamin is vegetables, fruits, rosehip, lemons, meat. It takes part in redox processes, participates in the synthesis of different acids. Vitamin is needed for collagen synthesis.

With hypovitaminosis, weakness occurs, irritability. Muscle pain and joints appear. Insufficiency often flows hidden, but constantly developing violations of the structure of connective tissue, dentin. The gums become edema, bleeding.


Calciferol contains several biological active compounds. One of the most dangerous problems is the softening of bone tissue due to insufficient mineralization and Rahit.

Clinical manifestations include: sleep disorder, appearance of a feeling of burning in the oral cavity and in the throat, deterioration of appetite, reducing body weight.

Rickets may occur with a sufficient content of vitamins in food. In this case, the disorder of digestion at an early age leads to the fact that there is a violation in the suction process.


The lack of this vitamin is distributed in developing states. The main features include hemolytic anemia and various neurological disorders. The deficit can lead to the development of retinopathy premature. In this case, the risk of intraventricular hemorrhage increases.

In adults, the problem rarely leads to serious problems, since the fat layer has large reserves of vitamin E.


Hypovitaminosis is developing mainly due to diet violation. An explicit feature of the manifestation is caused by skin damage. It may appear dandruff, peeling, various rashes. The brittleness of nails and hair is developing. In extreme cases, the sign is the baldness.

Chronic vitamin deficiency leads to nervous disorders and depression. Blood vessels suffer, because they become fragile, thinned.


Hyovitaminosis can develop both due to endogenous and due to exogenous causes.

In newborns, the lack of vitamin can cause the development of hemorrhages.

Especially often occurs after birth, because in the first day the intestine is not yet able to synthesize this vitamin.


Symptoms depends on which vitamins are in the body in insufficient quantity. The general belongs to:

  • fatigue
  • irritability,
  • nausea,
  • drowsiness.

Hypovitaminosis in many cases has a negative impact on the state of the skin. If she has become dry or appeared spots, you should consult a doctor.


If you do not correct the situation on time, the avitaminosis is developing. It leads to changes in the body that is difficult to correct.

Especially they are noticeable in children, a delay in development is observed, a violation of cognitive functions. Acute diseases can grow into chronic.

When forming a disease against the background of a shortage of one or more vitamins, treatment is often delayed.

Some drugs violate the metabolism, destroy the useful elements. Sometimes hypovitaminosis lasts for years. This leads to a gradual formation of failures in the body, so often doctors are difficult to establish the true cause of the occurrence of the ailment.


With suspected hypovitaminosis, you need to visit not only the therapist, but also a gastroenterologist. Today, in many cities of Russia, there are laboratories in which the blood test can be accurately installed, which vitamin is not enough in the body.

In the presence of related problems that can lead to hypovitaminosis, it is assigned a feces for helminthiasis, intragastric studies.

The doctor necessarily clarifies whether the operation was carried out that could lead to a violation of the absorption of vitamins. This refers to the small intestine.


In the hospital is treated only by vitaminosis. Hypovitaminosis usually passes quickly with adequate selection of drugs. The main direction in the treatment is the introduction of missing vitamins into the body. Special attention is paid to the diet.

With food, vitamins are better absorbed, and also complemented by other nutrients.

In hypovitaminosis, ordinary polyvitamins are usually prescribed in the form of tablets. But monopreparations are used mainly to treat avitaminosis, since they can disrupt the exchanged process and are the means of "heavy artillery".


Need and correct culinary processing. Vegetables should be cast in boiling water, where salt has already been added. The correct cooking allows you to maintain most vitamins.

In the spring and autumn, take preventive vitamin complexes. They contain a daily dose of essential substances. Medical prevention is needed in the case of reliably suffered hypovitaminosis. In this case, drugs are prescribed twice a year in small doses.

Video transmission about hypovitaminosis:

The role of vitamins for the body is impossible to overestimate - they are catalysts, and simply put by the launcher mechanisms of most physiological reactions. Without vitamins, it is impossible to look good and feel healthy. Without vitamins, human fabrics become fragile in the literal and figurative sense, as well as highly sensitive to the slightest negative impact.

Avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis are the serious pathological conditions of the body. The absence or significant drawback of a certain vitamin in its own body is difficult to notice, sometimes these states are masked for other diseases. But with normal nutrition, the deficit of vitamins should not occur (see).

The difficulty represents the diagnosis of a- and hypovitaminosis, since it is not pleasure from cheap, it is not always carried out - in most cases the doctor's appointment is based on the clinical picture.

However, such a tactic is incorrect - knowing accurate figures of a shortage of specific vitamin, conducting control of laboratory indicators after a treatment, one can unambiguously talk about the effectiveness of therapy. The symptoms of avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis should be known to recognize these states on time or in their loved ones.

Avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis - what is the difference?

Avitaminosis or monoavitaminosis

Full absence of a certain vitamin in the body. Polyavitaminosis - if we are talking about the absence of several vitamins


Disadvantage of certain vitamin or vitamins in the body

Also the condition of the body, referred to as foreigvitaminosis. In essence, this is the initial stage of hypovitaminosis, but clinically not manifested. In this case, the deficiency of vitamin can be detected only laboratory.

Avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis vitamin A

Vitamin A, the second name of which retinol belongs to a group of vitamins soluble only in fats, and is formed from carotene coming from food. Vitamin A is prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy, is not recommended for jade and cardiac decompensation.

Symptoms Symptoms of vitamin A Avitaminosis and clinical picture of hypovitaminosis A:
  • night blindness on the background of dystrophy of the retina sticks involved in twilight vision;
  • dry conjunctiva with the formation of opaque white plaques on it;
  • softening the cornea and the formation of ulcerations;
  • stains on the bulbar conjunctiva;
  • dry, peeling of the skin and pale, atrophic changes in sweat and sebaceous glands;
  • the tendency to rotten lesions of the skin, infectious diseases of the respiratory, urinary, digestive system - frequent symptoms of the hypovitaminosis of vitamin A.
  • symptoms in children of avitaminosis A is a slowdown in growth, anemia and a loss of appetite.
Diagnostics Diagnostics is based on a typical clinical picture and data of laboratory research typical for hypovitaminosis:
  • retinol level in serum to 0.4 μmol / l and less, carotene - less than 0.8 μmol / l;
  • the shortening of the response time of the dark adaptation (ophthalmic study).
Treatment Diet therapy with enrichment of the diet:
  • liver of sea fish and animals, fish fat, cream, cheese, butter, egg yolk (vitamin A)
  • carrots, green onions, sweet pepper, sorrel, parsley, spinach, salad, apricots, black currant, rosehip fruits, sea buckthorn (in carotene)

Medicate therapy with vitamin A drugs:

  • with a minor deficit in the form of oral drugs
  • with pronounced - intramuscularly
  • The daily dose for the treatment of adults ranges from 10,000 to 100,000 me, treatment is carried out 2-4 weeks. With chicken blindness, dryness of the skin and mucosa is additionally assigned riboflavin for 20 mg daily

Avitaminosis Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is a representative of a group of fat-soluble vitamins and is formed directly in the skin under the action of UV irradiation, and also enters the body with food.

The deficiency of vitamin D increases the risk of late), leads to osteoporosis (see), reduces muscle strength, is one of the provoking factors of diabetes and the development of oncology.

The study of manchester specialists, for example, 2300 men, determined that men with a lack of vitamin D suffer from common chronic pains (which were associated with neurological disorders or rheumatism) 2 times more often than people with a normal and high concentration of vitamin D.

As a rule, men with vitamin E deficiency are fat, lead a low-effective lifestyle, suffer from depression and other neurological disorders.

Symptoms Symptoms in children of hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis D is a clinical picture of Rakhita, the beginning of which falls for 2-3 months after birth (see):
  • easy excitability, anxiety, alarming sleep;
  • muscular dystonia;
  • increased sweating;
  • slowdown in psychomotor development;
  • osteomation of bone tissue (acute period): softening of the occipital bone and thickening of the nape, swelling of the sternum and a change in the shape of the chest, the ribs in the attachment line of the diaphragm, valgus and the varestly curvature of the heads, the escape pelvis;
  • osteoid fabric hyperplasia: an increase in dark and frontal bugs, the thickening of the ribs on the border with a cartilage cloth, the thickening of the wrist, thickening the phalanx of the fingers, the incorrect teething of the dairy teeth;
  • changes in internal organs: tachycardia, muffling of cardiac tones, hepatosplegegaly, rigid breathing, intestinal paresis.

In adults, hypovitaminosis D is manifested by increased fatigue, muscle weakness, insomnia, slurn in the mouth and throat, a decrease in appetite and weight loss, silent of muscles of legs and hands, frequent fractures and bone cracks due to osteomalysis.

Diagnostics The diagnosis is based on the visible clinical picture of osteomalysis and rickets, as well as x-ray data: signs of osteoporosis and osteomalysis of bones, osteoidal tissue hyperplasia.
  • Diet pattern

For babies, it is preferable to HB or a transition to adapted milk mixtures. Support is introduced a month before the deadline. For adults, it is necessary to enrich the diet with fish oil, egg yolk, liver, butter, meat.

  • Medical therapy

For the treatment of vitamin D deficiency, oral synthetic analogues of this vitamin are prescribed. Vitamin D-3 is used as an alcohol, oil or aqueous solution: the first two are prescribed in the therapeutic dose from 1000 to 5000 IU daily for 45 days, an aqueous solution is from 3,000 to 10,000 meters daily 4-6 weeks. After the treatment is completed, anti-rectivable prophylactic reception of vitamin D-3 is prescribed: 400-500 meters of oil or alcohol solution or 500-1500 meters of aqueous solution are daily during the year.

  • Physiotherapeutic treatment

in the form of UV irradiation, it is used in intolerance to vitamin D preparations - about 20 sessions for 1-2 months. In parallel, potassium, magnesium, calcium preparations are used.

  • Massage and leafc are shown in the presence of muscular dystonia.

Lack of vitamin E.

Vitamin E, otherwise, the currently called tocopherol belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins. Enters the body with food.

Symptoms Symptoms of hypovitaminosis E:
  • hemolysis (destruction) of red blood cells;
  • deposition in the muscle tissue of sphingolipids responsible for cell recognition;
  • creatinuria;
  • peripheral neuropathy, body instability, equilibrium loss, violation of the sense of movement of hands and legs in space - these symptoms of avitaminosis E are associated with the demyelinization of nerve fibers.
Diagnostics Diagnostics is based on the history of the history and laboratory studies of the level of tocopherol in the blood plasma: not more than 0.8 mg% in adults and up to 0.4 mg% in children.
Treatment Dietherapy - inclusion in the diet of products enriched with vitamin E (liver, unrefined vegetable oils, eggs, legumes and cereals, seedlings of cereals, milk, meat). Medical therapy: With myocardiodestrophs and neuropathy vitamin E dose of up to 100 mg / day inside, with mallabsorption (disorders of intestinal suction) - tocopherol acetate inside or in / m dose of 30-100 mg / day. After treatment, prophylactic treatment with vitamin E is prescribed in a daily dose of 8-10 mg of adults and 3-7 mg children.

Avitaminosis Vitamin C.

Vitamin C, known to all acid ascorbic, is a representative of water-soluble vitamins, comes to a man with vegetable food. When they say about the spring avitaminosis Symptoms, most often relate to hypovitaminosis, since in winter a person consumes little fresh vegetables and fruits.

With caution with C-vitamitation is carried out pregnant, people with stones oxalate in the kidneys and diabetes mellitus.

Symptoms Symptoms of hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis C are manifestations of the state, referred to as the qing, in different degrees of severity:
  • general weakness, weight loss, muscle and articular pains;
  • gumper hyperemia, swelling and bleeding;
  • hemorrhages in the zone of hair follicles of the skin of the legs, under the conjunctive;
  • anemia;
  • slow healing of macerations, wounds;
  • swelling on the legs;
  • arthritis on the background of intra-articular hemorrhages;
  • signs of hypovitaminosis with children:, anemia, weakness, white tongue, diarrhea, small hemorrhages in the skin and mucous membranes.
Diagnostics Diagnosis of hypovitaminosis with based on clinical manifestations of pathology.
  • Dietherapy - inclusion in the daily diet of high-content products with (rosehip, sea buckthorn berries, black currant, tangerines, lemons, apples, cherries, rowan, strawberries, cabbage, green). It is important to use vegetables and fruits extremely fresh or with minimal heat treatment.
  • Drug therapy - inside 100-500 mg of vitamin C daily within a month, with severe current - parenteral therapy with vitamin C.

Vitamin K. deficiency

Vitamins of group K represent a group of fat-soluble vitamins, come from outside and synthesized in the intestine. Vitamin C treatment is not carried out pregnant women due to its likely toxic effect on the fruit.

  • nasal, subcutaneous, intradermal, gastrointestinal bleeding, bleeding gums;
  • intracranial hemorrhages in newborns.
Diagnostics Based on a clinical picture, PC data and coagulograms, indicating a blood coagulation impairment.
Treatment Treatment - stationary: diet and therapy - the use of products rich in vitamin K (Cabbage Brussels and color, salad, spinach, zucchini, beef liver).
Medicatically adults are prescribed phytomenadion at 10 mg of p / k or / m or at 5-20 mg three times-four times a day - before improving blood coagulation indicators. Vikasol inside every period of 15-30 mg / or V / m in a dose of 10-15 mg / day. Newborn - 0.5-1 mg of phytomenadion in / m or p / k.

Vitamin B1 Avitaminosis

Vitamin B1, the second name of which thyamine belongs to the group of vitamins soluble only in water.

Symptoms Symptoms of Avitaminosis B1 (Bury Bury's disease):
  • general weakness, headaches, fast fatigue, shortness of breath with load - primary manifestations of vitamin failure;
  • dry form of the disease: bilateral paresthesia stop, cramps of ICR, pain in the legs and significant fatigue when walking, gait with focus on heels, muscular atrophy;
  • cerebral form of the disease: memory disorders, blood circulation disorders, encephalopathy, nystagm, ophthalmoplegia, in severe cases - coma and death;
  • wet form of the disease: myocardiodestrophia, impaired peripheral vessel resistance. There is a hypodynamic form when the cardiac emission is low (metabolic acidosis and low blood pressure) and hypendynamic form, when the heart emission is high (high systolic blood pressure, swelling internal and peripheral, sweating);
  • in childhood, the clinic is dismantled, the first plan is: heart failure, lack of or lubrication of deep tendon reflexes, Aphony.
Diagnostics It is based on a clinical history and determination of the level of thiamine in the daily volume of urine.
Treatment Diet therapy - introduction to the diet of products enriched with vitamin B1 - liver, bread from coarse processing flour, cereals, legumes, yeast.
Medical therapy Vitamin B1, depending on the severity of hypovitaminosis in a daily dose of 10 to 100 mg, more often orally, less often intravenously. In parallel, the vitaminotherapy of the group B is assigned, in addition to B1.

Avitaminosis Vitamin B6.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine enters a group of water-soluble vitamins, comes with animal and vegetable food. In the treatment of tuberculosis with tuberculosis drugs (cycloserine, ethionamide, isoniazide, etc.), under therapy with penicillalamine, hydraulzine, estrogen-containing oral contraceptives, glycocorticoids are assigned to the reception of vitamin B6, since these drugs accelerate its excretion and lead to hypovitaminosis B6.

Symptoms Symptoms of avitaminosis B6:
  • weakness, inhibition, fatigue, insomnia, irritability;
  • seborrheic dermatosis of the scalp, face and neck skin;
  • stomatitis;
  • glossitis;
  • peripheral paresthesia, in children - cramps:
  • anemia;
Diagnostics based on the data of the clinical picture and blood changes (normurelastic hypochromic or megaloblastic anemia).
Treatment Diet patterns with products rich in B6 (legumes of crops, grains of cereals, bananas, meat, liver, fish, animal kidneys, yeast).
Medicate Purpose of adult vitamin B6 - inward 50-100 mg daily or intravenously from 30 to 600 mg per daily infusion. Children - 10-100 mg vitamin B6: in / m or in / c.

Vitamin Avitaminosis B12.

Vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin refers to water-soluble vitamins and in the main mass comes with animal food.

Symptoms Symptoms of avitaminosis B12:
  • weakness, tachycardia, pallor, shortness of breath, noise in the ears;
  • muscle atrophy, paresthesia, polyneurite, pathological reflexes;
  • visible breach of coordination;
  • atrophic glossitis, anorexia;
  • vitiligo, hyperpigmentation of the skin;
  • depression, confused;
  • related diseases: hypothyroidism, diabetes, iron deficiency anemia, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease.
Diagnostics Based on clinical manifestations and change in blood pattern (iron deficiency anemia).
Treatment Treatment is appointed for the rest of the world: diet and therapy with the enrichment of dietary products with high content B12: liver, kidneys, red meat, fish, egg yolk, cheese, seafood, soybean.
Drug vitamin B12 is assigned 100 μg for daily subcutaneous administration during the week, then once after 7 days and then once a month (life).

Lack of vitamin B9.

Vitamin B9 or folic acid enters a group of vitamins soluble only in water, comes with vegetable and animal products, and also synthesized in the intestine.

Vitamin R deficiency

Vitamins of group P or flavonoids belong to the group of water-soluble vitamins and are contained in the form of compounds of glycosides in plants.

Vitamin failure is the serious and pathological condition of the body, which in a short time can lead to irreversible destructive tissue changes, so it is very important to follow the usefulness of its diet and not get involved in diets, especially by the monodulations. As for the new-fashioned multivitamin complexes and bids - their appointment must be justified and controlled by the doctor!

Symptoms of overdose of vitamins (hypervitaminosis)

Overdose of vitamin preparations is no less dangerous than its deficiency. Moreover, the symptoms of the excess of vitamin (for example, vitamin A) may be mistaken for the symptoms of its deficiency (dry skin, nail fragility, etc.). With an uncontrolled admission of "Vitamins", especially in doses, much more than therapeutic - instead of improving their condition, a person begins to celebrate various symptoms that are different from the expected. Special danger hypervitaminosis is for weakened and older people, children, pregnant women. Therefore, it is impossible to independently begin the reception of vitamin preparations, as many consider - for prevention.

Instead of absorbing bright multivitamin pills, it is better to enrich their diet with rich vitamin and mineral composition. The risk to overnourish the body with vitamins in this case is minimal.

Hypervitaminosis is two types:

  • Acute hypervitaminosis Threatens human life, so it should be stopped in resuscitation or hospital. It develops in rare cases with random or deliberate use / introduction of large doses of the vitamin drug, tens of times greater than the daily recommendations.
  • Chronic hypervitaminosis Inevitably leads to changes in the internal organs and systems and requires not only the abolition of the drug, but also the concomitant treatment to restore the functional state of the body.
Vitamin A / sharpSymptoms of overdose signals the body intoxication:
  • nausea, indomitable vomiting;
  • increase in arterial and intracranial pressure;
  • sharp headache;
  • confusion or loss of consciousness;
  • fever;
  • allergic reactions in the form of rashes, itching the skin and mucous membranes, swelling of quinque.
Symptoms are similar to those in adults. Special clinical picture develops in infants under the age of 1 year:
  • protrusion of big springs;
  • fever;
  • permanent crying;
  • failure to eat;
  • vomiting.
Vitamin A / chronicIt occurs with uncontrolled long-term (about six months) the use of drugs with vitamin A or products, when more than 500,000 MM vitamin arrives in the body:
  • sleep disorders, plasticity, aggression, insomnia;
  • loss of hair, eyebrows, eyelashes;
  • dry skin, sections of maceration and cracks;
  • nail fragility;
  • solid and painful seals in the soft tissues of the hands and feet due to the development of the periostite tubular bones;
  • stiffness of movements in the joints, pain and edema against the background of arthropathies;
  • generalized edema, forming due to increased synthesis of mineralocorticoids in adrenal glands;
  • hypercholysteriname.


  • Pregnant women: various anomalies for the development of the fetus.
  • In the elderly and weakened people: The exacerbation of all chronic diseases, renal and liver failure, a drop in view, arrhythmia of varying degrees of severity.
It is noted with regular admission to the body of more than 100,000 ME vitamin per day:
  • decline in appetite;
  • dry skin, impaired skin integrity;
  • bleeding gums;
  • nose and other bleeding.
Vitamin d / sharp
  • tremor hands;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • sharp pain in the back and limbs;
  • symptoms of dehydration: dry skin and mucous membranes, the ware of eyeballs, loss of consciousness.
  • clonic-tonic convulsions;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • fever.
Vitamin D / chronicDeveloped with regular reception more than 10,000,000 me vitamin per day:
  • weakness and fast fatigue;
  • subfebrile;
  • hypertensive crises;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • headaches;
  • significant weight loss;
  • muscle weakness;
  • calcifications in various organs and structures resulting in disruption of their function (in kidneys, vessels, lungs, etc.);
  • deforming arthrosis (due to gradual washing out calcium from bones and accumulation of it in peripheral tissues);
  • bursitis;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • muscular weakness.


In pregnant women: the high risk of developing the anomalies of the bone system in the fetus.

It develops with prolonged exceeding the daily dose of vitamin D, even in minor numbers, for example, 2-3 times:
  • decline in appetite, up to full loss;
  • weight loss;
  • permanent thirst;
  • subfebrile;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • tachycardia;
  • pallitude of the skin, sulphous or yellowish shade of skin;
  • reducing the tissue turgora and muscle tone;
  • cardiomyopathy.

In the future, after the relief of hypervitaminosis, dystrophy, the lag in physical development, anorexia, the decrease in immunity, is preserved in children for a long time (several years). Cordiosclerosis and chronic renal failure is possible.

Vitamin E / sharpNonspecific symptoms:
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • hemorrhage in the retina eye (severe cases).
Vitamin E / chronicRarely develops with regular reception more than 10,000 vitamin per day. The tocopherol is characterized by low toxicity, but with a long overdose, leads to the following symptoms:
  • headaches;
  • twilight violation;
  • weakness, loss of disability;
  • diarrhea;
  • weakening potency in men;
  • falling libido in women;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • increase risk of bleeding;
  • violation of the absorption of vitamins D, A;
  • an increase in the level of thyroxine in the blood.
  • thrombocytopenia.

In severe cases, the development of myocardial infarction, sepsis, irreversible violations of the CNS, the blockage of the vessels is possible.


Pregnant women are possible the development of the anomalies of the fetus.

  • weakness, poor performance;
  • headaches;
  • apathy;
  • muscle weakness;
  • breathing;
  • muscle pain;
  • spasmodic pain in the projection of the heart and stomach;
  • reduced immunity.
Vitamin C / sharp
  • an increase in blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • redness of the skin;
  • an increase in blood clotting and an increase in the risk of thrombosis and blood clogs.
Allergic type reactions:
  • rash on skin and mucous membranes;
  • redness of the skin;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • convulsions;
  • sweet Qincke et al.
Vitamin C / chronic
  • progressive impaired view;
  • insomnia;
  • dizziness;
  • an increase in the tendency to stone formation (in the urinary, bustling bubble);
  • dyspepsia;
  • dysmenorrhea in women;
  • hormonal disorders.
The foregoes come to the fore:
  • dizziness;
  • incredit weakness;
  • pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, disorder of digestion;
  • reducing visual acuity.
Vitamin K / sharpIt is not characteristic of adults (not toxic and is not accumulated by the body). In rare cases, the development of blood coagulation is possible.Developing in newborns and conducts to the formation of hemolytic syndrome. The reason is the use of vitamin C drugs with the insufficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase:
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • hyperbilirubinemia;
  • nuclear jaundice.
Vitamin K / chronic-
Vitamin B1 / sharpIt is extremely rare, more often with intramuscular administration. Allergic type reactions:
  • rash on code and mucous membranes;
  • redness of the skin;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • disorder of the kidneys, liver;
  • sweet Qincke et al.
Vitamin B1 / Chronicviolation of the enzymatic function of the liver
  • liver dystrophy;
  • an increase in blood pressure;
  • an increase in the risk of atherosclerosis.
Vitamin B6 / sharp
Vitamin B6 / ChronicRegular dose of vitamin more than 1000 times:
  • pain and paresthesia of hands and legs along the blood vessels;
  • violation of all types of sensitivity.
  • violation of coordination of movements;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • allergic reactions.
Vitamin B12 / acute
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • heart failure and lung swells (in severe cases).
Vitamin B12 / Chronic
  • adhesive hepatosis of the liver;
  • allergic reactions (rash, itchy skin);
  • stagnant heart failure;
  • leukocytosis.
  • pain in the heart;
  • tachycardia;
  • rash on the skin by type of urticaria;
  • increased blood coagulation;
  • violations of the CNS;
  • liver damage;
  • leukocytosis in the blood.
Vitamin B9 / sharpIt is extremely rare. Allergic type reactions (see above)
Vitamin B9 / Chronic
  • tonic convulsions of the calf muscles;
  • slowdown in the onset of menopause (ethane-like);
  • hypovitaminosis B12;

State budgetary educational institution

Higher professional education

North Ossetian State Medical Academy "

Ministry of Social Development and Health of the Russian Federation

Department of General Hygiene

Vitamins and their imbalance

Educational and methodological manual for independent work of students of therapeutic, pediatric and dental faculties

A.R. Kryov - head. Department of General Hygiene Professor Dokt.Med.Nuk

PER. Perisaeva - Senior Laboratory


Z.R. Alikova - Professor of the Department of Public Health and Health Dokt.Med.Nuk.

L.Z. Boliev - head. Department of General Pharmacology Professor Dokt.Med.Nuk.

CCUMS GBOU VPO North-Ossetian State Medical Academy "North-Ossetian State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Social Development and Health of the Russian Federation

Objective:introduce students with the biological role of vitamins; Clinical manifestations of vitamin failure and their alimentary prevention.

The student should know:

· Biological role of vitamins;

· The main reasons for the development of hypo- and avitaminosis;

· Clinical manifestations of insufficiency of fat - and water-soluble vitamins;

· Prevention of hypovitamin states.

The student must be able to:

· Analyze nutritional adequacy for vitamins;

· Diagnose manifestations of hypo - and avitamin states;

· To own the basics of prevention of vitamin failure;

· Evaluate products from the point of view of their vitamin value.

Official literature:

1. Pivovarov Yu.P., Koroleik V.V., Zinesevich L.S. Hygiene and the basis of human ecology. M., 2004.

2. Rumyantsev G.I. Hygiene XXI century., M., 2005.

3. Lakshin A.M., Kataeva V.A. General hygiene with the basics of human ecology. M., 2004.

Additional literature:

1. Pivovarov Yu.P., Koroleik V.V. Guide to laboratory exercises on hygiene and the basics of human ecology. M. 2006.

2. Kataeva V.A., Lakshin A. M. Guide to laboratory, practical and independent occupations on hygiene and the basics of human ecology. M., 2005.


In 1880 N.N. Lunin showed that natural foods contain additional, not yet known nutritional factors. This provision was based on the creation of the theory of vitamins.

Vitamins are a group of organic compounds with low molecular weight, necessary in small quantities to maintain normal cellular metabolism and energy transformation.

Vitamins are absolutely necessary for all life processes and biologically active in small quantities.

Vitamins have the following oversized properties.

1. Biosynthesis of vitamins occurs mainly outside the human body. Endogenous biosynthesis of some of them, carried out by intestinal microflora, is not able to cover the need of the body, so the person gets them from the outside, with food.

2. Vitamins are not plastic material and do not serve as a source of energy.

3. The need for the body in vitamins depends on the nature of work, age, physiological state, living conditions, etc. factors.

4. When entering the body, vitamins affect the biochemical processes occurring in various tissues and organs.

5. Insufficient admission to the organism of individual vitamins or a violation of their assimilation leads to the development of pathological processes in the form

specific hypo- and avitaminosis. 6. In elevated doses, vitamins are used in therapeutic purposes as powerful nonspecific pharmaceutical agents.

Hypovitaminosis, avitaminosis, hypervitaminosis.

Insufficient receipt of a vitamin with food leads to its deficiency in the body and the development of the appropriate disease of vitamin deficiency.

Typically distinguishes two degrees of vitamin failure: avitaminosis and hyovitaminosis. Under avitaminosis Understand a deep shortage of a vitamin with a deployed clinical picture of the painful state of failure: with a deficiency of vitamin C - qing, Vitamin D - Rakhit, Vitamin B 1 - Pari-take disease, vitamin RR - Pellagra, Vitamin B 12 - pernicious anemia.

TO hyovitaminosam The states of a moderate deficit with erased nonspecific manifestations, such as loss of appetite, fast fatigue, irritation, and separate microsimptoms: the bleeding of the gums, oiled skin diseases, hair fragility, etc. Along with a deficit of some kind of vitamin, often meet polygipovitaminosisIn which the body lacks several vitamins. However, in these conditions, the insufficiency of one of the vitamins is usually the leading, and the rest - accompanying. The main reason hypo and avitaminosis - Insufficient flow of vitamins with food. In such cases, hypo- and vitaminosis are called primary, or exogenous.

The shortage of vitamins may occur in their sufficient admission to food products. In this case, insufficiency is developing due to a violation of their disposal in the body or with a sharp increase in the need for vitamins. Such hypo- and avitaminosis Wear a name secondary, or endogenic. A special group of such states is congenital, genetically determined violations of the exchange and function of vitamins. Reception of a number of vitamins in doses, significantly exceeding the physiological need, can give unwanted side effects, and in some cases lead to serious pathological disorders denoted as hypervitaminosis. Especially dangerous in this regard, fat-soluble vitamins A and D.

The most important causes of hypo - and avitaminosis.

1 . Insufficient admission of vitamins with food :

Loss and destruction of vitamins in the process of technological processing of food, their storage and irrational culinary processing;

Anorexia (loss of appetite);

The presence of vitamins in some products in difficultly utilized form.

2 . Infertility of intestinal microflora producing vitamins :

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

The effects of chemotherapy (dysbacteriosis).

3 . Violations of the assimilation of vitamins :

Impaired absorption of vitamins in the gastrointestinal tract for diseases of the stomach, intestines, etc.;

Violation of vitamins and the formation of their biologically active (coefactant) forms under various diseases, the action of toxic and infectious agents, chemotherapy and a number of drugs.

4. Increased need for vitamins:

Special physiological states of the body (intensive growth, pregnancy, lactation);

Significant neuropsychic load;

The impact of harmful factors of production and the environment;

Special climatic conditions, in particular the conditions of the Far North;

Infectious diseases and intoxication;

Diseases of internal organs and endocrine glands;

5. Congenital violations of the exchange and function of vitamins:.

Congenital disorders of suction in the intestines;

Congenital violations of the transport of vitamins with blood and through cell membranes;

Congenital disorders of vitamin biosynthesis (nicotine acid);

Congenital disorders of the transformation of vitamins in coenchant forms, prosthetic groups and active metabolites;

Strengthening catabolic of vitamins;

Congenital disorders of reabsorption of vitamins in the kidneys;

Increasing the need of the body in one or another vitamin due to structural or metabolic disorders that are not directly related to the exchange of this vitamin.

Currently, several dozen vitamins are known, but only 20 of them are used in medical practice. Classically vitamins are classified on:

- water soluble- C, P, B 1, B 2, in 6, B 12, RR, in 9, N;

- life-soluble- A, D, E, K;

- Vitamin-like compounds -choline, inosit, lipoic acid, carnitine, orotic acid, bioflavonoids, para-aminobenzoic acid, etc.

Water soluble vitamins

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

1st group Food products containing over 100 mg% vitamin C: rosehip, black currant, red pepper, Siberian sea buckthorn berries, Brussels cabbage;

2nd group products with vitamin content from 50 to 100 mg%: Cabbage red and color, strawberry, rowan berries;

3rd group Products, with vitamin C content of 50 to 10 mg% and including medium-sized vitamines: white cabbage, green onions, all citrus fruits, apples Antonovskiy, green peas, tomatoes, raspberries, lingonberries, and animal products (kums, liver).

To sources of vitamin with weak activity (up to 10 mg%) include: potatoes, onions, carrots, cucumbers, beets.

The distribution of ascorbic acid in various parts of plants is fluctuated. Vitamin C is contained more in the peel than in the pulp, more in the leaves than in a cut or stem. Even in the leaves of one type of plant, such as cabbage, there may be different amounts of ascorbic acid (in the outer leaves more than in the internal).

Saline.In the human body, the synthesis of vitamin C is impossible due to the absence of enzymes that ensure the synthesis of ascorbic acid from glucose.

Vitamin C performs a number of very important functions in the body:

1. Participates in the formation of intercellular substances, cartilage, dentin and bones, especially collagen. Ascorbic acid contributes to the formation of punctured and transition to collagen, which helps to maintain the normal permeability of the capillaries;

2. Participates in the synthesis of protein part of all enzymes, which explains the wide range of its biological action;

3. takes part in metabolic processes, being a hydrogen carrier;

3. Controls various phases of protein metabolism;

4. It affects the rate of formation of the DNA of the cell nucleus;

5. Controls complex biochemical reactions in the cells of the central nervous system.

6. Promotes the most complete creation of glycogenous liver reserves and increasing its antitoxic function.

7. Participates in the synthesis of steroid hormones of adrenal cortex and in the exchange of thyroxine - the hormone of the thyroid gland.

8. Increases the phagocytic properties of blood mainly due to the increase in the phagocytic activity of leukocytes, contributes to the production of interferon.

9. Participates in blood formation (contributes to the absorption of iron).

10. It is a natural antioxidant.

11. It has an antiblastomogenic effect associated with the blocking property of ascorbic acid in the formation of nitrosamines in the intestine.

12. affects the exchange of other vitamins.

Exogenous and endogenous failure. In humans, in case of incomplete shutdown of vitamin C from the power, in cases of increased need for a body, with impairment of suction and (or) assimilation develops hypovitaminos S. It can reach the years without the manifestation of clear clinical symptoms: general weakness, apathy, drowsiness, pallor and dry skin, muscle pain, a small bleeding of gums, skin hemorrhages, caries, reduced resistance to colds and infectious diseases. The earliest clinical microsype of the deficiency of vitamin C is point hemorrhage on the skin (petechia), due to the reduced capillar storage resistance. C-Avitaminosis grief (qing) Developed in the absence or insufficient content of vitamin C in food with defective monotonous nutrition of carbohydrate food. The early symptom of cings is the bleeding of gums, pain in the muscles, especially in the calf, depressed mental state, lethargy. The main clinical symptom is bleeding. There are pronounced changes in the oral cavity. The mucous membrane of the cheek becomes eases, petechial rashes and hemorrhages appear in the places of mechanical irritation. The gum nipples swell, become bluish, easily bleeding, loosened. Often marked the ulceration of the gum edge. The teeth are loosened and falling out. On the skin there is a large number of small point hemorrhages near the hair follicles. The skin is dry, it is easily peeling, often rough due to the energization of hair bags. Hemorrhage can be in the internal organs. They occur due to the increased permeability of the walls of the capillaries, as well as the drop in blood thromboplastic activity.

Along with hemorrhages, hypochlorogide or ahlorhydria, initial constipation, and then diarrhea, hypochromic anemia are developing with hemorrhages. When avitaminosis with healing of wounds and bone fractures proceeds extremely unsatisfactory.

Need.Daily consumption of vitamin C should be: for men - from 70 to 100 mg (depending on physical activity); For women - from 70 to 80, pregnant women - 90-100, nursing - 110-120, for the people of the elderly and senile age - 80 mg; For children from 40 to 70 mg (depending on age).

The factors that increase the need for this vitamin include: smoking (increases the need of vitamin C 1.5 times), work in a cold climate, in harmful production, severe physical activity, neuromous-emotional stress, pregnancy, breastfeeding, rehabilitation after heavy diseases, operations, the need to strengthen the body's immune system.

Prevention of C-vitamin deficiency. The main activities for the prevention of C-hypovitaminosis are regularly consumed by fresh vegetables and fruits rich in this vitamin (4-5 portions daily, i.e. about 500 g daily), the proper storage of food-vitamin carriers, their rational technological processing. Important preventive measures include regular intake of vitamin preparations containing ascorbic acid, and inclusion in the diet enriched with vitamins of food, in particular, vitaminized drinks and juices.

Tiamine, Anti-Vitamin Anti-Vitamin (Vitamin B 1,)

Thiamine is widespread in nature. It is present in microorganisms, plants, all the fabrics of the animal organism. Vitamin B 1 is synthesized by plants and many microorganisms. Man and animals are not capable of synthesis of thiamine (in the amounts of quantities meaningful) and should receive it with food.

From food products are richer than vitamin in 1: bread and bakery products made of coarse grinding flour or vitamined flour; Cereals, especially buckwheat, oatmeal, millet; grain and legumes; Liver, low-fat pork. Tiamine beer yeast wheat germs. Milk and dairy products, as well as most vegetables, poor thiamine. Normal temperature processing affects the content of thiamine in food, but heating in an alkaline medium leads to significant losses. A large amount of thiamine is lost with bran upon receipt of the flour of higher grades.


1. Participates in carbohydrate and protein exchange.

2. Participates as a coenzyme of TDF in a pentosular cycle (in the splitting of peyrogradic acid).

3. It is an important factor in the transfer of nerve impulses.

4. Adjusts the activity of acetylcholine as a physician of the nervous system.

5. Participates in the synthesis of nucleic acids.

6. The carostatic property of thiamine is established, as well as its participation in the process of absorbing fluorine.

Thiamine plays an important role in the activity of the nervous system, providing the normal course of metabolic processes in the core of a large brain and peripheral nerves.

Exogenous and endogenous failure.One of the reasons hypovitaminosis in 1. It is a systematic nutrition of bread from highly purified varieties of flour and excess carbohydrates in food.

Insufficient admission to food leads to incomplete combustion of carbohydrates and an increase in the content in the body of peyrograd and lactic acids, which has an adverse effect on the functional state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. For hypovitaminosis of Tiaminfirst of all, neurological symptoms are developing: the decline of strength, irritability, paresthesias, polyneuritis, muscle pain appear, their atrophy occurs, may be paralysis of limbs, paresis, swelling. The disease stretches for years. Some patients have mental disorders, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation.

There is evidence that the disadvantage in the food of vitamin B 1 causes a violation of the tissue trophics and the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. The hypovitaminosis in the oral cavity is manifested by the burning of the language, the loss of taste, dryness, thirst, the paresthesia of the cavity mucosa, loosening the teeth, there is a decrease in the sensitivity in the circumference of the oral cavity, the trophic changes of the mucous membrane occur. Cases of atrophic glossite with sharp papilla atrophy, burning in language and lips appears.

Cases avitaminosis in 1. They are extremely rare. The complete absence of vitamin B 1 leads to the development of a heavy form of avitaminosis - Take-take diseases (alimentary polyneurite). This disease is distributed in those countries where the main food product is rice (south of Vietnam, Korea, Japan, etc.), and may also meet people who have exhausted by any infection. The victims of this disease suffer from mental disorder, lose their skin sensitivity, heart anomalies, paralysis and respiratory disorders arise. Young and externally healthy people die terrific quickly.

Along with the insufficiency of thiamine alimentary origin, diseases caused by congenital, genetically determined defects for the exchange of thiamine and TDF - dependent enzymes are known. These diseases develop with sufficient thiamine admission to the body. These include: concurring necrotizing encephalomelopathy, or lei disease, in which the formation of TTF brain tissue is broken; Intermittent ataxia; Thiciami-dependent megaloblastic anemia and a tyamin-dependent form of "urine with the smell of maple syrup".

Need. The need for tyamine in adults affect the work and level of physical activity. The daily need for tyamine adult is 0.6 mg per 1000 kcal of daily diode, or from 1.5 to 2.5 mg / day depending on the energy motor. The need for vitamin in 1 also affects a large neuropsychic tension.

Among the endogenous factors affecting the need for thiamine is the most important: pregnancy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, smoking, various infections, intoxication with antibiotics, mercury poisoning, tallium, arsenic, methyl alcohol. With all these states it is necessary to assign thiamine in an amount, significantly exceeding the daily need.

Prevention in 1 -Vithic insufficiency.An important preventive event is the enrichment of group vitamins in food consumption, primarily the wheat flour of the highest and 1st grade, very poor thiamine, and other food products, as well as regular reception of multivitamin drugs. This is especially important for representatives of labor types associated with professional hazards - workers of hot shops, tobacco factories, etc.

Riboflavin (Vitamin B 2)

Riboflavin is widespread in nature. It is synthesized by most plants, yeast, as well as some bacteria. In the gastrointestinal tract of many animals and humans contains bacteria that produce (in small quantity) riboflavin.

It is believed to be the best sources: eggs, milk and dairy products, especially cottage cheese, meat, liver and kidneys, buckwheat cereals, yeast. Purified rice, pasta and white bread are poor riboflavin, as well as most fruits and vegetables.

Riboflavina losses with thermal and culinary processing of food products are insignificant if they are protected from light effects. Riboflavin is well maintained in pasteurization, sterilization and freezing of food in closed dishes.

Hypovitaminosis is a pathological condition associated with a disadvantage of vitamin in the body.

Avitaminosis is a pathological condition caused by the absence of vitamin in the body.

Polygipovitaminosis is a pathological condition associated with a disadvantage of several vitamins in the body.

Hypervitaminosis is a pathological condition associated with an excess of any vitamins in the body (usually vitamins A or D).

More often present insufficient vitamin security. There are no characteristic clinical manifestations, but only reduced performance, drowsiness increased, the frequency of colds and their severity increases, diseases of the cardiovascular system appear, etc.

Causes of hypovitaminosis

1. Primary: lack of vitamin in food.

2. Secondary:

A) decline in appetite;

B) increased flow of vitamins;

C) disorders of suction and disposal, for example, enterocolites, bile-stone disease;

d) chemotherapy (antibiotics, aspirin - lack of folic to-you);

E) surgical interventions;

E) physiotherapy, etc.

3. Congenital: the absence of enzymes catalyzing the transformation of provitamin into vitamin (eg, carotene does not turn into retinol - vitamin A).

Causes of insufficient vitinal security in modern conditions

Czech researchers found out that with an optimal diet, a person does not receive a sufficient amount of vitamins. The reasons:

1) reduction of energy from 3500-4000 kcal / day to 2000-2500 kcal / day in a hundred years, which is why the decrease in the number of food and, consequently, a decrease in the number of vitamins;

2) the use of poor product vitamins (refined and high-calorie: sugar, white bread, alcohol);

The use of refined products;

Insufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits;

The lack of a centralized vitaminization system.

Thus, the diet of the modern person is sufficient by calories, but does not satisfy its needs in vitamins.

Fat-soluble vitamins

Vitamin A

Vitamers: A1 - Retinol and A2 - Retinal.

Clinical name: Antiquesophthalmic vitamin.

In the chemical nature: cyclic uninhabited single andomic alcohol based on the B-ionone rings.

Can collapse with oxygen, i.e. is an antioxidant.

The role of vitamin A in metabolism:

Participates in the growth and differentiation of embryo cells, developing the body. Participates in dividing and differentiation of rapidly proliferating tissues (cartilage, bone, epithelial tissues), because Vitamin A can initiate replication and participates in the formation of chondroitin sulfate.

2. Participates in the photochemical process vision. The composition of the visual pigment Rhodopsin includes 11-cis-retinal, which, when lighting, passes into 11-trans-retinal, activating the phosphodiesterase, which splits the CGMF, as a result of which the membrane ion channels are closed, the membrane hyperpolarization occurs and a nervous impulse is generated. At the same time, Rhodopsin decomposes on protein of OPSIN and 11-trans-retinal. In the dark, the regeneration of Rhodopsin is observed: trans-retinal® (alcohol-dg, over · n2 → over) trans-retinol® (isomerase) cis-retinol® (alcohol-dg, over · n2 → over) cis-retinal® (+ OPSIN) rhodopsin

Hyovitaminosis A. manifests disruption of dark adaptation. If it is observed in the growing body, then there is a height delay. Hypovitaminosis and can grow into avitaminosis A.manifested by hemerolopy ("night blindness"). With a lack of vitamin A, epithelialization is disturbed, there is an excessive oroging epithelium (dry skin, dry eye cornea - xerofthalmia). Xerofthalmia can lead to the development of microflora, keratomaging (softening of the cornea), then to its turbidity and ambleopia (blindness).

Causes of hypo- and avitaminosis A:

- disadvantage of food

- impaired suction in the intestine

- diseases of the liver, under which provitamin (keratin) does not turn into vitamin

- Increased need for vitamin A - in a growing body, pregnant women, night drivers)

The daily need of vitamin A 1.0 - 2.5 mg, and provitamin A (carotene) 2.0 - 4.0 mg.

Carotine (Provitamin A) - Vitamin A. dimer is contained in plant products. (Distinguish alpha, beta and gamma carotene.)

Vitamin A sources:

- animal fats (fish oil, liver, egg yolk, butter);

- Carotine of plant origin (carrots, beets, tomatoes, green peas).

With a long and almost complete absence of vitamins in nutrition, pathological conditions are developing, called avitaminosis . Violation of a functional nature coming in case of incomplete, partial failure of vitamins in nutrition is called hypovitaminosis .

In the past, the outbreaks of vitaminosis were often found during wars both among the troops and among the civilian population, especially in the blockade of cities and fortresses, for example, with Leningrad blockade in 1941-1943. Avitaminosis was often met in prisons and camps for prisoners of war. The cause of avitaminosis often served natural disasters and associated crop failures. They constantly arose among the crews of ships during long-term offshore travels and expeditionary personnel in remote areas, especially on the extreme north, due to the long-term disposal of nutrition, mainly dried and canned products.

For a more accurate determination of vitamin failure to the Word "Avitaminosis" add notation of vitamins, such as avitaminosis A, C, B, etc.

In hygienic and clinical practice, there may be simultaneous insufficiency of several vitamins - polyavitimiosis . But in these conditions, one of the vitamin deficiencies is complete and leading, and the rest of the incomplete and related. For example, when avitaminosis with the lack of vitamins R and A.

Currently, avitaminosis, which are rare, and hypovitaminity are much greater importance. They occur with partial failure of vitamins in nutrition and in most cases differ in seasonal character and long flow (from several months to several years). As well as avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis arising from insufficient content of vitamins in nutrition, is called primary hypovitaminosis. They also develop with seemingly sufficient content of vitamins in nutrition (relative). The reason for them can be an increase in vitamin need under the influence of some external environmental factors (low and high air temperature, increased physical or neuropsychic stress, oxygen fasting, work with harmful substances). The need for vitamins also changes during pregnancy and feeding. Treatment of vitamin deficiencies is carried out by appointing diets with the inclusion of products rich in the missing vitamins and the reception of the corresponding vitamin preparations.

The belonging of vitamins to edibles led to a wide purpose of vitamin preparations in preventive and therapeutic purposes. With the expansion of the prophylactic and especially therapeutic use of vitamins, there were cases of intoxication by these substances, called the name hypervitaminosis (due to incorrect dosage and duration of treatment courses). Vitamins soluble in fats and less toxic - vitamins soluble in water turned out to be more toxic. From fat-soluble most toxic vitamin D.

The problem of hypervitaminosis is associated with complex reasons, including those such as seasonal fluctuations in the content of vitamins in food, the effect of improper storage and imperfect technological treatment on the content of vitamins in products, the effect of incorrect skills and traditions in nutrition.

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