
The coat of arms of famous knights. Introduction to history - Heraldry. What kind of science is

The invention and the use of all kinds of signs and symbols is characterized by a person. The custom of elections for themselves or for a kind and tribe of a special distinctive sign has very deep roots and distributed everywhere in the world. It comes from the generic system and a special world-seed peculiar to all peoples in the primitive period of their history.

Generic signs and symbols are called totems; They are the closest relatives of the coat of arms. The term "totem" comes from North America, and in the language of the Indians of Ojibv, the word "drop" means the concept of "his genus". The custom of totemism is to be elected or a tribe of any animal or plant as a progenitor and patron, from which all members of the tribe lead their origin. This custom existed among the ancient peoples, however, and today adopted among the tribes leading the primitive lifestyle. The ancient Slavs also had totems - sacred animals, trees, plants - from the names of which, as expected, some modern Russian surnames occur. Among the Asian peoples of Turkic and Mongolian origin there is a similar custom "Tamga". Tamga is a sign of a generic accessory, an image of an animal, bird or weapons taken by each tribe as a symbol, which is depicted on banners, emblems, burned on the skin of animals, and even applied to the body. Kyrgyz has a legend that Tamga was assigned to some kind of gengis khan themselves, together with "uranas" - combat screens (which were used by European knights, which came on the coat of arms in the form of mottos).

Expressing coat of arms - various symbolic images placed on military armor, banners, rings and personal belongings - used in antiquity. In the works of Homer, Virgil, Plinia and other ancient authors there are evidence of the use of such signs. And legendary heroes, and real historical personality, for example, kings and commander, often had personal emblems. So, the helmet of Alexander Macedonsky decorated the sea horse (Hippocampus), the helmet of Achilles - Eagle, the helmet of the king of Numibia Masinissa - Dog, the helmet of the Roman emperor Karacalla - Eagle. Shields were also decorated with a variety of emblems, for example, by the image of the cut-off jellyfish gorgon. But these signs were used as an ornament, arbitrarily changed by the owners, were not inherited and did not obey any rules. Only some of the emblems of the islands and the cities of the ancient world were constantly used on coins, medals and seals. The emblem of Athens was Owl, Corinth - Pegasus, Samos - Peacock, Rhodes Islands - Rosa. This is already possible to see the descendants of the State Heraldry. Most ancient civilizations had some elements of heraldry in their culture, such as a system of seals or stamps, which will continue to be inextricably associated with heraldry. In Assyria, the Babylonian Empire and in the ancient Egyptian prints were used in the same way as in medieval Europe - to identify documents. These signs squeezed out in clay, cut out in stone and imprinted on a papyrus. Already in the third millennium, the coat of arms "of Sumerian states with a lion's head existed BC. Egypt's emblem was a snake, Armenia - crowned lion, Persia - Eagle. Subsequently, the eagle will be the coat of arms of Rome. The "coat of arms" of Byzantine was actually a double-headed eagle, borrowed later by some European states, including Russia.

Ancient Germans painted their shields in different colors. Roman legionnaires had on shields emblems for which it was possible to determine their belonging to a certain cohort. Special images decorated with Roman banners - Vexilla (hence the name of science about flags - anexillology). To distinguish the legions and cohort in the troops, Icons were also used - SIGNA - in the form of various animals - Eagle, Vepry, Lion, Minotaur, Horse, Wolf, and others who were worn in front of troops on long trees. According to these figures, often relating to the history of the city of Rome, military units sometimes received names.

So, various signs of the differences and emblems have always existed everywhere, but Geralda actually as a special form of symbolism arose in the process of developing a feudal system in Western Europe.

The bright and colorful art of Heraldry developed in the gloomy times of the decline of culture and the economy that occurred in Europe with the death of the Roman Empire and the approval of the Christian religion, when feudalism arose and the system of hereditary aristocracy appeared. Several factors contributed to the appearance of coat of arms. First of all, feudalism and crusades, but gave rise to their destroying and life-giving fire of war. It is believed that the coat of arms appeared in the X century, but it is difficult to find out the exact date. The first coat of arms depicted on the seals attached to the documents belong to the XI century. The oldest stamp prints are placed on the marriage agreement of 1000 years, concluded by Sancho, Castilian infanta, with Wilhelmina, Gaston II daughter, Baarn Viscount. It should be borne in mind that in the era of the magnitude illiteracy, the use of the eraser for the signature and to refer to the property was for many the only way to assure the document by his name. Such an identification mark was clear and an illiterate person (it is possible that the emblems appeared first in the seals, and then on weapons and clothing).

Undoubted evidence of the existence of heraldry appear only after crusades. The earliest such testimony is a French enamel drawing with the grave of Joffroy Platagenet (died in 1151), Count Anjou and Maine, depicting Joffroy himself with an emblem shield, where there are four raised gold lions in the Lazorian field (the exact number of lions is difficult to determine due to the position What the shield is drawn). The graph was the son-in-law of Heinrich I, the king of England, which was ruled in 1100-1135, which, according to the chronicle, and complained to him this coat of arms.

The first English king who had a personal coat of arms was Richard I Lion Heart (1157-1199). Its three gold leopards were used since all the royal dynasties of England.

"Who is slamming here and is poor, there will be rich!"

Crusades that lasted from 1096 to 1291 were a whole epoch in European history. The beginning of this two-year war was provoked by the Turks established in Palestine - fanatical Muslims, which armed with their irreconcilable religion began to defile the shrines of Christianity and repair the obstacles to Christians who wanted to make pilgrimage to Palestine and Jerusalem. But true reasons were more deeply and concluded in the centuries-old confrontation of Europe and Asia, continuing so far. The Asian tribes, united under the banner of Islam, began a grand expansion, which conquered Syria, Palestine, Egypt, North Africa, Spain, threatened Constantinople and were already selected to the heart of Europe. In 711, the Arab army of the number of 7,000 people under the leadership of Tarika ibn Niyad crossed through the Strait of Gibraltar to the European Continent. Thus began the conquest of the Pyrenean Peninsula (the rock in the Spanish coast has been referred to as the Mount of Tarika, or in Arabic - Jabal-Tarik, that in the Spanish pronunciation turned into Gibraltar). By 715, the Muslims were almost the entire Pyrenean Peninsula. In 721, the army of the Omeyadov, which ruled the huge caliphate in 661-750, moved through the Pyrenees, captured Spain and began to conquer southern France. They mastered the cities of Narbonne and Carcassonon. So there were new reference points for attacks on Aquitain and Burgundy. The ruler of Frankov Karl from the genus Caroling (689-741) defeated the Arabs when they reached the Loire. This happened in 732 in the battle of Poit. The victory brought him the nickname Martell - "Hammer" because he stopped promoting Muslims in Western Europe. But the Arabs held the power in Provence for several more decades. Military expansion of Muslim conquerors contributed to the penetration of Arab art and philosophy into Europe in a short period of their heyday. Arab culture gave impetus to the development of medicine and natural sciences in Western Europe. In Byzantium, Muslims threw the emperor Lion III ISAVR. The further spread of Islam was stopped by the political decomposition of the Muslim world, until then, strong and terrible with his unity. Caliphate was stripped into parts who were hostile with each other. But in the XI century, the Selzhuky Turks began a new offensive to the West, stopping under the most walls of Constantinople.

By that time, the land of Western Europe was divided between the secular and church feudals. The feudal stroke was strengthened by replacing the community with his military democracy. Increased the oppression and impoverishment of the people - free landpashings practically did not remain, the peasants were fixed and crushed by tribute. Feudals came up with all new and new taxes, competing in charges with the church - the largest feudal owner, whose greed did not know the borders. Life became unbearable, why the population of Europe, which was looking forward to the cessation of his torment in connection with the incident to the church, the end of the world and the onset of paradise on Earth, was in a state of religious exaltation, expressed in the desire to all sorts of spiritual fets and in readiness for Christian self-sacrifice. Pilgrim stream increased. If the Arabs in former times treated them tolerably, now the Turks began to attack the pilgrims and destroy Christian temples. This decided to take advantage of the Roman Catholic Church, who has tried plans of world domination, for which, first of all, it was necessary to subordinate the await oriental - the Byzantine - Church and increase their income through the acquisition of new feudal possessions - the dioceses. In the last interests of the church and the feudalists, they completely coincided, as the free lands and peasants, they were no longer left on them, and according to the "Mayoita" rule, the land went to inherit the father only for the eldest son. So the call of Pope Urbana II to the protection of the coffin of the Lord fell on the fertile soil: the dignity socio-economic conditions in Europe led to the emergence of many desperate people who had nothing to lose, and who were ready to go to a risky journey to the edge of light in search of adventures, wealth And the glory of the "Warriors of Christ". In addition to movable concrete motives of large feudalists, the idea of \u200b\u200ba campaign to the east perceived numerous small feudals-knights (the younger members of feudal families who could not count on receiving an inheritance), as well as merchants of many shopping cities, hoping to destroy their main competitor in trade with the rich east - Byzantium . But the biggest enthusiasm experienced, of course, the simple people brought by poverty and deprivation to despair. Huge masses of people were inspired by the speech of Pope Urban in Clermont on November 24, 1095 and gave vow to go to war against the unfaithful liberation of the coffin of the Lord and the Holy Land. They climbed into the clothes crosses, carved from the matter (often taken from the robe themselves of the priests who called on the masses on the feat), because of which they got the name of the "Crusaders". Under the screams "God wants!" Many went on the path right from the Clermont Plain, following the propaganda call of the Pope: "The land that you inhabit, it has become close with your numerous. From here, the fact that you bite each other, and you fight with each other ... now you can stop your Hate, wiggle a feud and a coast of civil divorce. Take the way to the coffin holy, pull out that land at the wicked people and subordinate it to yourself. ... who are slamming here and is poor, there will be rich! ".

The first crusade took place in 1096, but the coat of arms could well appear somewhat earlier. The problem is that the first documentary evidence of the coat of arms appeared at least two hundred years after their occurrence. Perhaps the close connection of cross hikes with the birth of heraldry is explained by the fact that it was during this period that the use of coat of arms was massive. It demanded the creation of an ordered system of symbolic images as a means of communication, for the coat of arms served as an identification mark that carry some information about the owner and is well distinguishable at a distance.

From the XII century, the armor becomes more and more complex, the helmet covers the whole face of the knight, he himself dresses in armor entirely, from his head to toe. In addition, with some differences, all the armor were the same type, so I did not only identify the knight, but it was impossible nearby. This situation gave pulse to the mass use of the coat of arms as an identification mark. In addition to the emblem depicted on the shield, additional stamp signs gradually appeared, which were called upon to help knights to recognize each other at a distance and in the heat of the battle: imagine (Cleeno) - a decoration of animal horns and bird feathers (this element received Development during knightly tournaments), as well as heraldic pennants and standards. The combination of two types of generic signs - the shield and impoverished - amounted to the financial basis of the emblem.

But back to the crusades. Much in Heraldry indicates that it has developed during the conquest of the East by Crusaders. Here are these signs. The term enamel, which is indicated by heraldic colors, has east origin. The word comes from the Persian "MINA", meaning the blue color of the sky (the first enamels were blue). The unique technique of enamel painting came to Europe from Persia, Arabia and Byzantium. It is in this way that the imposition of enamel - steel lats, shields and special coat boards, which Geroldov put on tournaments were painted. Blue or azure - "Azur" - was brought to Europe from the East - his modern name Ultramarine itself (Zamar Sineva) reminds of this. The heraldic name "Azur" comes from the Persian "Azurk" - blue. From here there is the name of Lazurit (Lapis-Azure), a stone that lies mainly in Afghanistan, from which this paint receives. The name of the Red Color - "Gueulez) - originated from painted purple paint fur, which the Crusaders crushed their hiking clothes around the neck and sleeves (in the section" Geraldry Rules "will be described that heraldic figures were often made of pieces of fur stuffed on the shield). The name comes from the word "GUL" - red, on the Persian language indicating the color of the rose. The origin of green - "vert", also called "Sinople", is probably from dyes producing in the east. Orange color, which is more common in English Heraldry, is called "Tenne" - from the Arabic "Henne". So called a vegetable yellow-red dye, known to us as Henna. The Asian and Arab leaders have an ancient custom of painting a hneaya mane, tail and belly of their battle horses, and the right hand, compressing weapons. In general, the inhabitants of the East paint the hair and nails. Eastern origin has the name of a shield with a special semicircular neckline from one or both edges where the spear is inserted. This shield is called "Tarch" - just like his Arab prototype.

For their origin, two important details of the heraldic design are owned by the cross campaigns. In the first crusade, dozens of knights died every day from heat, as their steel armor was rare in the sun. The crushers had to borrow a method used by the desert residents to this day: to escape from the hot sun and prevent the heating of the helmet, the Arabic and Persian warriors used a piece of matter, thrown on the head and shoulders and fixed on the head of a wovel of a woven camel hawk; threads. The so-called Kufya and today constitute an integral part of the Arab costume. From her and there is a dream or lambrequin ("Lambrequin", from the Latin "Lambellum" - a block or a piece of matter), as well as the burlets (from the French "Burrelet" - wreath). It is a mandatory part of the coat of arms, and is depicted in the form of capes with fluttering ends fixed on a helmet with a burlet or crown. It makes it easily or whole, with an ornamentally carved edge (especially in early coat of arms) or excised, with long, whimslessly intertwined flaps (probably dissected with saber blows, it pointed to the courage of the coat of arms - the participant of the hottest bouts).

During the crusades, European feudals, who were well known to everyone in their homeland, joined a huge international army and, in general, lost the vividly expressed foreign personality, which was usually a pronounced external individuality, because of which the need had to somehow allocate themselves from the mass of the same knights , demonstrate your national, generic and military affiliation. The conquest of the Crusaders was always accompanied by terrible shaking and robbery, therefore the rule was established, according to which the knight, the first burst into any house taken in the city, was declared the owner of everything that was in it. The knights had to somehow mark the loot to protect him from the encroachment of comrades. With the advent of the coat of arms, this problem was solved by navigation to the door of the house of the shield with the coat of arms of his new owner. Not only individual crusaders, but also large military leaders were, the inhabitants of the houses taken by the detachments of houses and quarters highlighted the banners of these troops, so as not to be robbed by other feudalists. It should be noted here that conflicts because of the separation of mining, clashes and disputes for the honor of taking one or another city arose in the crusader's environment constantly. You can also add that all crosses were very poorly organized. In the preparation of military operations reigned complete confusion, and during the battles there was a universal dump. All its discord, greed, deceit and cruelty, from which Europe moaning, secular and church feudals brought with them to the east. Later, this (like traditionally the treacherous policy of Byzantium) will lead to the collapse of the crusading movement and the expulsion of Europeans from the captured territories, and so far there is a need to somehow streamline the situation. An example was before our eyes: Arab warriors used panel emblems, as a rule consisting of inscriptions or drawings of flowers and fruits. This custom, as well as many others, was borrowed by the crusaders and became one of the stones in the foundation of the nascent heraldry.

The consequence of the crusades was the extinction of many noble birth of Europe, all the men's representatives of whom were situated during campaigns. Noncent names whose roots went to the era of the conquest of Rome barbaric tribes, just disappeared. As a result, European monarchs were forced for the first time to complain the nobility, creating a new aristocracy. The coat of arms played a crucial role, since often the only reason to claim the nobility and documentary proof of noble origin was the stamp shield brought from the Holy Land.

So, the accumulation in one place of many feudalists from different countries (unusual situation for Europe), the international nature of the crusader troops, the need to identify each other and (in illiteracy and language barriers) to approve their own name, as well as the characteristics of weapons, the way of warning war and Borrowing of the set of inventions of Eastern civilization - all this was the cause of the occurrence and design of heraldry.

Knight's coat of arms must not be less than crossed hiking. Tournaments appeared before the crusades. In any case, there is a mention of military games that took place in 842 in Strasbourg during the negotiations of Karl Bald and Louis German. Probably, tournaments took shape in France in the middle of the XII century and then spread to England and Germany. In some chronicles, the inventor of tournaments is called the French Baron. Delas, but most likely he only developed the first rules for tournaments.

Tournaments for a long time became an integral part of Western European life. Only knights with a flawless reputation were allowed to participate in them. Violation of the Knight Code threatened terrible shame. About 1292, new, safer rules for tournaments were introduced - "Statutum Armorum". It was possible to use only blunt weapons. Each knight was allowed to have only three squires. In the fights now used special spears, easily breaking when hitting. It was forbidden to fight out the queue, wander the opponent's horse, to strike a blow otherwise than in the face or chest, to continue the battle after the enemy rose took, act as a group against one. The violators were deprived of weapons, horses and were imprisoned for up to three years. Special tournament armor appeared so massive that the knight and his horse hardly withstand their weight. Horses themselves from the XIII century also dressed in armor. Just like the shields of the knights, the poppons of horses had a heraldic coloring. It should be said about two important details. The knight should have been clearly visible from above, from the stand, especially during the total fight. That is why they appeared (or in any case it was widely spread) already mentioned already impoverished - strengthened on the top of a helmet shape made of light wood, leather and even from papier-mâché (later - from more expensive materials). The famous Germanist wandering knight of the XIV century Ulrich von Liechtenstein, who took part in several tournaments dressed as the legendary king of Arthur, introduced the fashion for complex screws: he wore a helmet decorated with the Venus figure, in one hand holding a torch, and in another - the arrow. Tents or tents in which knights were preparing for competitions were kept weapons and rested in breaks between the battles (they used the same tents in the camouflages), in the future they will also be reflected in the art of heraldry - they will turn into a heraldic mantle and the Sen's tent.

From the wild bloody, tournaments were evolved into colorful theatrical ideas, where the formalities were increasingly important, and the struggle became less important and more conditional. For example, in the "World Tournament", conducted in the Windsor Park in England in 1278, swords made from whale covered with parchment, and silver plated, helmets from boiled skin and lightweight shields. For certain achievements in the competition, the knight received glasses (for example, premium glasses were charged for hitting blank). The winner was determined by crowned personnel, the oldest knights or specially designated judges (often Gerold), sometimes the question of the winner was decided by the ladies, in honor of whom Knights fought. Tournaments were traditionally imbued with a reverent attitude towards a woman who was hardly the founding of the Knight's Code. The award winner in the tournament got from the hands of the lady. Knights performed decorated with some badge obtained from their ladies. Sometimes the ladies brought their knights with the tied chain - the chain was considered a symbol of a special honor and delivered only to the chosen. In each contest, the last blow was applied in honor of the lady, and here the knights were especially trying to distinguish. After the Tournament, the ladies led the winner to the palace, where he was disarmed and arranged in his honor, on which the hero occupied the most honorable place. The names of the winners were entered into special lists, their feats were transferred to the descendants in the songs of Mestrels. The victory in the tournament brought and material benefits: sometimes the triumph was selected from the opponent's horse and weapons, took him a prisoner and demanded a ransom. For many poor knights, it was the only way to produce livelihoods.

From Friday to Sunday, when the tournaments were resolved by the Church, every day there were fights, and the dances and festivities were arranged in the evenings. There were several types of competitions: horseback rhysthenia, when the knight was supposed to knock out the opponent from the saddle with a blow of a spear; battle with swords; throwing copies and arrows; Siege of wooden locks built specifically for tournaments. Another, in addition to the tournament, the way to show courage was "passage protection". The knights group declared that in honor of his ladies would defend any place from everyone. So, in 1434, with orbigo, in Spain, ten knights defended the bridge from sixty eight rivals during the month, spending more seven hundred fights. In the XVI century, hiking fights were popular on short spears, boulaans and secrets. In Europe, only the faces of noble origin were allowed to participate in tournaments. In Germany, the requirements were more liberal: sometimes to get permission, it was enough to refer to ancestor who participated in the Knight's tournament. It can be said that the main passage to the tournament was the coat of arms, proving the high origin of the owner and his position in the generic hierarchy. For experts, what were Gerold, the coat of arms were contained all the necessary information. That is why the most important part of the tournament etiquette was the coat of arms that were so much that it was time to bring order in this area.

Herolds systematized knowledge about herbs, developed general principles and rules for their preparation and recognition and eventually created the science of "Hercob" or "Heraldik"
There are two options for the terms of the term "Heraldry" and "Gerold": from Latelatinsky Heraldica (from Heraldus - Herald), or from German Herald - spoiled Heeralt - veteran, as they called in Germany in the Middle Ages, people who had a reputation of the valiant and brave warriors who were invited As honorable guests and judges at different celebrations, and, in particular, on tournaments. These veterans were to maintain the customs of the knights, to generate rules of tournaments, as well as monitor their observance.
The predecessors of Geroldov were representatives of several related professions, whose duties were united and clarified, which led to the emergence of Geroldov in the classical understanding of this word - heralds, courtiers and wandering minesters, as well as veterans mentioned above.
Heracks or parliamentary were used in the ancient armies, as used and now - for negotiations with the enemy, for the announcement of decrees and various types of ads.

Menestrels (Franz Menestrel, from medieval Latin ministerialis) are called medieval singers and poets. In any case, this meaning has acquired this term in France and England in the late middle ages. Initially, in all feudal states, ministerial people were called the persons held in the service of Senior and who fulfilled any special duty (Ministerium). Among them were poets-singers, unlike their wandering fellows on the craft constantly under the court or high-ranking face. In France, in the XII century, Messenters were sometimes called employees of the king at all, and sometimes its court poets and singers. The function of court minesters consisted in angry and glorify the exploits of their Lord-feudal. And hence it is not far to the function of managers of court ceremonies and, in particular, knightly tournaments. It is likely that the wandering minesters, whose art was in demand with the courtyards of European feudalists, have accumulated experience in the recognition of the coat of arms, constantly surrounding them. The oldest famous Gerold poets was Konrad Würzburg, who lived in the XIII century. On the functions of veterans, by the nature of their activities that had a direct attitude towards the arms were already said.

It is possible that representatives of all three professions were called at a certain historical moment with one common term - Gerold. One way or another, but the spread of knightly tournaments contributed to the emergence of special officials who had to proclaim the opening of the tournament, develop and comply with the ceremonial of its holding, and also declare all the fights and the names of their participants. This required special knowledge - Herold was to know well the genealogy of noble families, whose representatives took part in the battles, and be able to recognize the coat of arms of the knights, gathered at the tournament. So gradually the profession of Geroldov acquires a purely heraldic character, and in tournaments the Geralda actually is born.

The French name of Heraldry - "Blason" - comes from the German "BLASEN" - "cut into the horn" and is explained by the fact that when the knight approached the barrier, which fencing the venue of the tournament, he is a pipe in the horn to hear his arrival. Then Gerold came out and at the request of the judges of the tournament described out loud the emblem of the knight in the proof of his right to take part in the tournament. From the word "Blasen" and the French "Blasonner", the German "Blasoniren", the English "Blazon", Spanish "Blasonar" and the Russian word "blusonite" - that is, to describe the coat of arms. Heroldov created a special jargon to describe the coat of arms (and today used by Heraldry specialists), based on the Starofranzian and medieval Latin, since the temptation itself, like a lot of connected - Knight's code, weapons, tournaments, and finally, heraldry - originates From France, or rather, from the Empire of Charles Great (747-814), inhabited by Franco-German tribes. Most of the heraldic terminology is denoted by quasi-frenched, outdated words. In the Middle Ages, French was used by ruling classes in most Western countries, so the rules of Heraldry should have been drawn up in this language. However, some heraldic terms are so suitable that they seem to be deliberately designed to pose uninitiated. The special terms developed by the Gerolds will be discussed below.

It is assumed that the Russian word "coat of arms" is borrowed from the Polish "HERB" and is found in many Slavic and German adverbs (Herb, ERB, IRB) in the sense or inheritance. The Slavic name of this identification mark directly indicates its hereditary character. The English term "coat of arms" denoting the coat of arms occurred from the name of a special object of clothing "surcoat" - a linen or silk cape, protecting the armor of the knight from the sun and rain (the word "knight" comes from the German "Ritter" - rider).

So, the coat of arms are becoming increasingly important in Western Europe. In England from the XII century, Herolds are used by honor at the court of kings. Eduard III (1312-1377) established a heraldic board operating to this day (this is the establishment - "The College of Arms" - is located in London on Queen Victoria Street). In France, Louis VII (1120-1180) set the charges of Geroldov and commanded all the royal regalia with heraldic lilies. With the French king, Philip II August (1165-1223), Geroldov begin to wear in a knightly dress with the coat of arms of the owner and lay on them some responsibilities in tournaments. Heroldov duties are definitely formulated by the middle of the XIV century. Herold's title becomes honorary, it is elevated only after any battle, tournament or ceremony. For this, the sovereign to the head of the wine Cup (sometimes) and gave him the name of the city or a fortress associated with the initiation ceremony, which Gerold kept until the next highest degree of the title of the Armory King (Fr. "Roi D" Armes ", it. "WAPPENKOENIG"). The responsibilities of Gerold were divided into three main groups: 1) Announcement of war, the conclusion of the world, the proposal for the commissioning of the fortress and the like, as well as the expense of the killed and wounded during the battle or tournament and the assessment of the valor of the knights; 2) they They were obliged to be present at all solemn ceremonies - on coronation or burial of the sovereign, when erected into knightly dignity, solemn receptions, etc.; 3) they had purely heraldic duties - the preparation of coat of arms and pedigrees.
Heroldov's work was paid very well, there was a tradition not to let himself be sent by Herold without a gift, so as not to show disrespect for his sovereign.

Each state was divided into several heraldic brands, under the supervision of one "Armory King" and several Geroldov. For example, France in 1396 was divided into eighteen such brands. In Germany, in the XIV century, individual provinces also had their Geroldov.
True, from the XVIII century, Gerolds lose their medieval importance, but do not disappear without a trace, and still used on solemn ceremonies - coronations, marriages, etc.

A century after the appearance of the arms, the first scientific work on Heraldry and actually the Hercobs are beginning to appear, the very early of which seems to be "Zuricher Wappenrolle", compiled in Zurich in 1320.

In France, Yakov Bretex at the end of the XIII century describes tournaments and coat of arms of their participants. But the very early work with the statement of the rules of Heraldry is considered the monograph of the Italian lawyer Bartolo, whose "Tractatus de Insigniis et Armis" was published in 1356.
Berry, the main Gerold France at the court of Charles VII (1403-1461), on the instructions of the king, traveled the whole country, visiting castles, abbey and cemeteries, studying the images of the arms and constituting pedigree antique noble surnames. On the basis of the survey, he was the work of "Le Registre de Noblese". After him, French Gerolds began to conduct regular genealogical records. A similar task was obtained from kings in the period from Heinrich VIII (1491-1547) to James II (1566-1625) English Gerolds, which carried out the so-called "heraldic visits" - inspection rides in the country for the purpose of census of noble families, registration of coat of arms and verification of their eligibility . It turned out that most of the old emblems that appeared until 1500 were assigned to the owners of themselves, and not complained by the king. Invent a simple coat of arms did not constitute a job. A situation in which three non-related bonds between their nobleman had the same emblems, was not rare, but only argued that these coat of arms were accepted arbitrarily. When a dispute arose between the owners of the same coat on this basis between the owners of the same coat of arms, everyone appealed to the king as the last instance. It is noteworthy that when the dispute was allowed, the nobleman, forced as a result, to abandon his coat of arms, consoled himself that he independently invented himself a new one.
Materials collected during "heraldic visits", formed the basis of English genealogy and heraldry.

Urban coat of arms

At the heart of urban and state coat of arms - the press of the feudalists, certified by the authenticity of the documents sent by them from their possessions. The generic coat of arms of feudal, thus transfers first to print the castle, and then to print the lands belonging to him. In the event of new cities and the formation of new states, the requirements of time and legal norms led to the creation of coat of arms, or completely new, not borrowed from the birth noble coat of arms, and carriers of symbolic images pointing to local attractions, historical events, an economic profile of the city, or mixed. As an example, the coat of arms of Paris can be brought, in which the ship and the Lazorovo field with gold lilies are adjacent. The ship symbolizes, on the one hand, lying in the heart of the city of De la Sita on the Seine River, having the shape of the ship, and on the other - trade and trading companies, the main component of the urban economy. The Lazorian field with gold lilies is the old emblem of the dynasty of capeting, under which Paris was the patronage of which was.

From the end of the XIII and during the XIV centuries, Heraldry penetrates into all areas of public life, and heraldic terminology becomes common in the cultural layers of society. Heraldry is in fashion in literature, art, everyday life. The coats of arms appear everywhere, starting with knightly armor and ending with the collars of favorite dogs. The knights started from the crusades began, imitating the luxurious clothes of the eastern rulers, wearing special coat of gerbes, corresponding to their coat of arms and decorated with embroidered coat of arms and devises. The servants and squires get clothes with the coat of arms of their Lord, ordinary nobles wear a dress with the coat of arms of their senors, noble ladies begin to wear dresses with images of two coats: on the right - her husband's coat of arms, on the left - their own. With the French king, Charle V wise (1338-1380) included clothes, painted by half alone, half of other color. From the nobles and their squires, this fashion moved to representatives of urban classes. Thus, heraldry becomes an important component of the culture of Western Europe.

Along with individual heraldry, the other areas of its destinations were developed in the Middle Ages - urban and corporate, including church. Urban artisans and merchants created guilds recorded as "legal entities" and supplied by respectively coat of arms. It was adopted that the members of the Guild wore the clothes of heraldic colors of their association - special liveries. So, for example, members of the London meat of the company wore white-blue liveries, bakers - olive-green and chestnut flowers, wax candles traders wore white-blue coloring livrey. The London Speed \u200b\u200bCompany was allowed to use the ermine fur in their arms, although, in accordance with medieval norms, this heraldic color could only be used by the royal and noble families as a sign of their exclusivity and superiority. The corporate coat of arms were placed mainly to implement labor.

Similar coat of arms, called vowels - "Armes Parlantes", in which the name of the craft was transferred to heraldic symbols, get many goals and guilds. Here, for example, what did the coat of arms of the Ghent workshops looked, one of the largest handicraft centers of the Middle Ages: Bondari was portrayed on the shield of their coat of arms working tools and a row, butchers - bull, fruit traders - a fruit tree, and a razor and scissors, shoemakers - boots, fish-trades - Fish, shipboards - the ship under construction. Golden Masters of Paris Masters received from King Philip VI (1293-1350) Coat of arms depicting royal gold lilies connected to the Golden Cross and emblems of their crafts - golden sacral vessels and crowns, with the motto "in Sacra Inque Coronas". Pharmacars are depicted on herbs scales and lancet, nails - hammer and nails, wheys - wheels, manufacturers of playing cards - symbols of cardas. In addition, images of the saints of the respective crafts met in corporate coat of arms. The French king Louis XIII, wanting to raise the meaning of the merchant, granted the six merchant guilds of Paris herbs, in which the ship from the Parisian urban coat of arms adjacent to the symbols of the respective crafts and devises.

Those who want to imitate the aristocracy rich citizens used the name signs like the coat of arms, although they were not official. But the French government needed in the money decided to turn the spread fashion for the benefit and allowed to acquire the coat of arms to everyone, but for a fee. Moreover, the greedy officials even obliges citizens to acquire coat of arms. As a result of the introduction of the tax on the right to have a personal coat of arms in 1696, the treasury began to receive significant income, since the coat of arms registered a huge amount. But as a result, the value of the coat of arms in France was very difficult - incredibly broken coat of arms depreciated.

Educational institutions also used coins. Universities often received the coat of arms of their founders, such as Christ College in Cambridge, founded by Lady Margaret Boufort. In 1449, the Yatonic College in 1449 received the coat of arms from its founder of King Heinrich VI (1421-1471), a devout hermit, whose inability to rule became one of the reasons for the war of the scarlet and white rose. Three white lilies on this coat of arms symbolize the Virgin Mary, in honor of which the college was founded. Many private and commercial firms and today seek the coat of arms today, since the presence of such a coat of arms gives the company solidity and reliability. For example, a well-known English trading company Herrod as relatively recently received.

From the first days of its existence, the Church claimed the highest and absolute power in this world, therefore, he assigned all the attributes of secular power, including the coat of arms. The coat of arms of the papacy in the XIV century became crossed golden and silver keys of the Apostle Peter - "permissive" and "knitting", tied up with a golden cord, on a shrill shield under papal tiara. These characters received various interpretations on which we will not stop here. We only say that the coat of arms indicates all the cases of the church and the fact that these rights inherited the successors from him - Dads received by Peter. This coat of arms today is the official coat of arms of the Vatican, but each dad receives its own coat of arms, in which the keys and tiara are framing the shield. For example, the acting Pope John Paul II has the emblem received by him even by the Archbishop of Krakow from the hands of Geralda Specialist Archbishop Bruno Khaima. The cross and litera "M" on the coat of arms symbolize Christ and the Virgin Mary. It should be said that accommodation in the coat of inscriptions, except for the motto, is considered a bad tone, but the author of the coat of arms is justified, referring to the traditions of the Polish Heraldry (which will be discussed further), where manic letters were originally used. Indeed, the letter "M" reminds the rune of a similar drawing.

On the flag of the Vatican depicted a small coat of arms of the city-state, in which there is no wormless shield, but this color is transferred to the cord bonding the keys. Obviously, the colors are chosen for the flag - gold and silver.

The church that was the most largest faeel of the Middle Ages, early began to use the coat of arms for practical purposes - to identify and demonstrate the territorial affiliation of church organizations. The coat of arms are found in the seals of abbey and bishops from the XII century. The most common symbols of church heraldry - the keys of St. Peter, eagle sv. John and other signs symbolizing various saints, details of church everybody, and a variety of crosses. In the UK, there are certain rules for the coat of arms of the heads of the Church, showing their status in the church hierarchy. For example, the coat of arms of the archbishop and the bishops are decorated with mitra (the coat of arms of the Pope crowns Tiara), and on the coat of arms of priests lower rank are placed, in accordance with their status, special hats of different colors, equipped with multi-colored cords and brushes. Dean, for example, can have a black hat with two violet single cords with three red tassels on each of them. The priests of the Roman Catholic Church are not included in the jurisdiction of official heraldic bodies, but they used by the coats of arms are regulated by a special order since 1967. For example, the emblem of the Catholic archbishop may contain a green hat with two green single cords, each of which is supplied with ten green tassels.

The basis of all state coat of arms of European countries was the generic shelters of the ruling dynasties. In many modern European state coat of arms, lions and eagles are present in one form or other, the traditional symbols of power and statehood.

On the coat of arms of Denmark - three Lazorus leopards on a golden field, decorated with cherry hearts - so about 1190 looked the coat of arms of Korn Vi Valdemarson. Along with English, this coat of arms can be considered the oldest European state coat of arms. On a large royal coat of arms of Sweden, Lions support the shield, and also present in the second and third quarters of the shield. Around 1200, the ruler of Norway appeared his coat of arms, which depicts the crown lion of St. Golden in the wormless field. Olafa, in the front paws compressing the battle ax. The Lion of the Finnish coat of arms was gradually formed to the XVI century. On the arms of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, the Lion also settled - the old emblem of the Dukes of Burgundy. On the coat of arms of the Netherlands - the golden lion with a silver sword and a beam of arrows in the paws. This is the union emblem of the Republic of the United Netherlands, which has gained independence in 1609. The Republican coat of arms is generally preserved after the creation of the Kingdom in 1815. The modern appearance of the coat of arms in 1917, when, on the initiative of the prince-consort of Heinrich Mecklenburg (1876-1934), the royal crown on the head of the lion was replaced by the usual, gowns appeared with a canopy and lion shield holders. By decision of the Vienna Congress, which established a new European order after the collapse of the Napoleonic Empire, the Netherlands received independence. The King of the Netherlands under the name of Wilhelm I became the son of the last village of the Netherlands Republic Wilhelm VI Orange. But the southern provinces of the Netherlands decided to defend their own independence. In 1830, the Brabant had an uprising in Brabant, and since then, the Brabant Golden Lion has become perceived as a symbol of the independence of the Union of Southern Provinces. In 1831, the Kingdom of Belgium was proclaimed, whose coat of arms was the coat of arms of Brabant. The coat of arms of Luxembourg was approved by the King of the Netherlands Wilhelm I in 1815, since he was also a great Duke of Luxembourg. Lion can be seen on other state coat of arms. In the international state heraldry, the lion is adjacent to another symbol of the highest power - an eagle. It can be seen on the arms of Austria, Albania, Bolivia, Germany, Indonesia, Iraq, Colombia, Libya, Mexico, Poland, Syria, USA, Chile and many other countries. Unfortunately, the volume of this article does not allow to pay attention to each of them, so here we will consider only some examples.

The Austrian three-band (red-white-red) shield was the coat of arms of the dukes of Babenberg, rules for this country until 1246. Its image appeared on the seals of the dukes in the 20s and 30s of the XIII century. Earlier, in the second half of the XII century, the printing of the first Austrian Duke of Heinrich II Babenberg, a black eagle appears for the first time - a very common heraldic emblem. The Austrian knights led by the Duke Leopold V went to the third crusade under the flag with a black eagle. Soon, in 1282, Austria passed under the authority of the new Dynasty of the Habsburgs, whose generic coat was the red lion in the golden field. From 1438 to 1806, Habsburgs almost continuously occupied the throne of the Sacred Roman Empire, whose emblem traditionally had a double-headed eagle. He became the coat of arms of Austria, and later the Austrian Empire (1804) and the Austria-Hungarian Empire (1868). The same eagle can be considered on the shield of the Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire of Friedrich Barbarossa.

At the base of the coat of arms of Great Britain, plants can be noticed. These are the sleepers (silent) motto or symbols of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. In different versions of the coat of arms, they can be pictured individually and assembled into one fantastic plant, a kind of hybrid consisting of roses of Tudors, Caledonian thistle of Scotland, the tribal of the Irish clover and the Welsh Luke.

The rose of Tudors was formed from the scarlet rose of Lancaster and the White Rose of Yorks, fought among themselves for the English throne. After the "war of scarlet and white rose", which lasted from 1455 to 1485, the founder of the New Dynasty of Heinrich VII (1457-1509) combined the emblems of hostile houses into one. The trillery joined the "hybrid" of roses and thistle in 1801 with the formation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

Rose, thistle, shaded and bow illustrate another heraldry region. A variety of icons attached to the clothes that could symbolize a particular person, a country or some concept, appeared before the coat of arms, in antiquity, and in the Middle Ages, gained great popularity. With the development of heraldry, these icons began to acquire a heraldic character. The icon as a rule represented one basic emblem of the generic coat of arms, many of which were very complex and consisted of a variety of details. These badges were called on to show the owners of their owners to surround any person or to a whole family. During the war, the scarlet and white rose, many soldiers, especially foreign mercenaries, dressed in the heraldic colors of their Mr.. For example, in the battle of Bosworth in 1485, the soldiers of the army of Count Richmond were worn by white and green jackets, Sir William Stanley Army soldiers - red, and so on. In addition, they wore personal icons of their commander. It was a sample of a military form. In all modern armies, along with Heraldry elements there are special icons. The owner of the coat of arms could have several icons, as well as arbitrarily change them at their request.

In addition to Western Europe, only Japan by the XII century developed a similar heraldic system called "MON". In some European languages, it is mistakenly translated as "coat of arms", although it is not a coat of arms in the European understanding of this word. As an example, you can consider the emperor family in the emblem - a 16-petal chrysanthm. Such signs were also placed on helmets, shields and armor bodies, but unlike the coat of arms were never depicted so large so that they could be recognized at a distance. If such identification was required, "MON" was depicted on flags. Just like the European coat of arms, "MON" is used in art - for clothing, furniture, interior. Just as in European royal families, the junior members of the Japanese imperial surname had an image of chrysanthemum modified according to a certain rules. Also, as in Europe, in Japan, it was necessary to legally arrange "MON". Both hereditary heraldic systems arose independently of each other, but their similarities are not surprising, as feudal societies developed in one scheme. Like the European, Japanese Heraldry experienced the era of the knighthood and is widely used in our time.

Some considerations

In Europe, as well as in the United States and other former colonies, Heraldry continues to live, despite the fact that feudalism has moved into the past, and the coat of arms themselves play a purely decorative role. But in these countries, Heraldry, which has a centuries-old history, has become a good tradition and is largely democratized. Many people who have not yet have any attitude to the nobility, finding among their ancestors of the coat of arms, hurry to decorate their homemaker with a certificate in a beautiful frame. As a result, new coat of arms are constantly appearing. In many countries, there are official heraldic societies involved in the development and approval of the coat of arms, and genealogical studies. A large number and solid status of these organizations indicates the real needs of society in Heraldry, which today is not a suede fragment of history, but part of modern culture. Obviously, there are people interested in past a kind, and interest in the coat of arms - witnesses of cruel wars, heroic crusades and luxurious knightly tournaments (to make sure that it is enough to familiarize themselves with the incomplete list of national and International heraldic organizations that can not even read, but simply run through the eyes).

Unfortunately, the present and future of heraldry is not as optimistic in Russia, where the soil itself is practically absent for its existence. In addition, the old Russian heraldry is not too rich in the material: it includes several thousand nobles and several hundred provincial and urban coat of arms, most of which appeared approximately at one time and in one place - in the relevant administrative institution, that is, in the Senate Department of Geroldia. "The overall gerbank of the noble childbirth of the All-Russian Empire", which consisted of 20 volumes by 1917, contained only about 6 thousand coat of arms with a total number of noble birth about 50 thousand. Of course, it is a drop in the sea compared to European heraldry resources. Although all sorts of emblems were used by the Slavs in antiquity, real emblems appeared in Russia for five hundred years later than in Europe, and not because of the practical necessity, but as a beautiful toy from the West. Therefore, not having time to root, Russian heraldry was carried out by the vortices of history.

In the process of creating materials, sometimes the question arose - how detailed they should be? What to tell in general terms, and what to consider in detail? The degree of details was determined by common sense, because the purpose of the site is to give the reader only a general idea of \u200b\u200bHeraldry, which is to some extent reflected in his name. The "excursion to Heraldik", of course, cannot claim to complete the coverage of this extensive area, as there are only the basic principles illustrated by some examples. Nevertheless, the authors believe that these materials may be of interest to those who have just started interested in Heraldry and is needed in basic information on this topic.
The efforts of modern heraldry as auxiliary scientific discipline are aimed at studying the coat of arms, namely to identify their owners, clarifying the history of their origin and establishing the time of their creation. For serious historical surveys, it will certainly take more detailed information and more solid sources than the "excursion to Heraldik". But in order to understand what the coat of arms is, from which it consists, which means and what its main elements are called, and, finally, to try to independently create the coat of arms, guided by the principles outlined and focusing on the examples given, you can successfully use our review. In any case, the authors hope that they mentioned here about all the main points necessary for the first steps to the practical study of heraldry.

List of some foreign heraldic organizations:

  • Australia: The Heraldry Council of Australia; The Heraldry Society (Australian Ranch); The Heraldry Society of Australia Heraldry AustraliaInc.
  • Austria: Heraldisch-Genealogische Gesellschaft.
  • England and Welts: The College of Arms; The Heraldry Society; Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies.
  • Belgium: Heraldique Et Genealogique de Belgique; Musees Royaux D "ART ET D" Histoire; L "Office Genealogique Et Heraldique de Belgigue.
  • Hungary: Magyar Heraldikai es Geneologiai Tarsasag.
  • Germany: Der Herold; Genealogisch-heraldische Gesellschaft; WAPPEN HEROLD; Deutsche Heraldische Gesellschaft.
  • Denmark: Heraldisk Selskab, Koebenhavn; DANSK GENEALOGISK INSTITUT; Nordisk Flaggskrift.
  • Ireland: The Chief Herald of Ireland "S Office; The Heraldry Scoiety of Ireland.
  • Italy: Aradico Collegio; Istituto Italiano di Genealogia Ed Araldica.
  • Canada: Canadian Heraldic Authority; Heraldry Society of Canada.
  • Luxembourg: Conseil Heraldique de Luxembourg.
  • Netherlands: Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap Voor Geslact En Wapenkunde; Central Bureau Voor Genealogie.
  • Norway: Heraldisk Forening Norsk; Norsk Vapenring; Norsk Slekthistorik Forening; Kunstindustrimuseet i oslo; MiddelalderForum; Universitett I Oslo, Historisk Institut; Universitett I Oslo Ethnografisk Museum.
  • New Zealand: The Heraldry Society of New Zealand; The Heraldry Society (New Zealand Branch).
  • Poland: Heraldic Records Archive.
  • Portugal: Institutio Portuges de Heraldica.
  • Scandinavian society: Societas Heraldica Scandanavica.
  • USA: NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY; North American Institute of Heraldic and Flag Studies; American College of Heraldry; THE AUGUSTAN SOCIETY INC; Genealogical and Heraldic Institute of America; National Genealogical Society.
  • Finland: Heraldica Scandanavia; Suomen Heraldinen Seura; Finlands National Kommitte for Genealogi Och Heraldik; Genealogiska Samfundet i Finland; Heraliske Sallskapet i Finland.
  • France: Federation des Societes de Genealogie, D "Heraldique et de Sigillographie; La Societe Franeaise D" Heraldique et de Sigillographie; La Societe du Grand Armorial de France.
  • Scotland: Lord Lyon King Of Arms, And The Court of Lord Lyon; The Heraldry Society of Scotland; The Scottish Genealogical Society.
  • Switzerland: Heraldische Schweizersche Gesellschaft.
  • Sweden: Swedish State Herald: Clara Neveous, Riksarkivet - Heraldiska SEKTIONEN; SVENSKA Heraldry Society of Sweden; Heraldiska samfundet; SKANDINAVISK VAPENRULLA (SVR); SVENSKA NATIONALKOMMITTEN FOR GENEALOGI OCH HERALDIK; Voestra Sveriges Heraldiska SaellskaP; Riddarhuset; Genealogiska Foereningen Genealogical Society).
  • South Africa: The State Herald; Bureau of heraldry; The Heraldry Society of Southern Africa.
  • Japan: The Heraldry Society of Japan.
  • International organizations: ACADEMIE INTERNATIONALE D "Heraldique; Confederation International De Genealogie et d" heraldique; International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Studies; International Felship Of Armorists (Heraldry International); International Genealogical Institute; Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints.

The coat of arms of the Knights of the Middle Ages leave their roots in deep antiquity. They were symbolic signs, with the help of which during the battle and military conflicts were recognized their leaders, warriors, detachments and peoples.

The emergence and development of knightly heraldry

The first coat of arms, in principle, were already in the X century. There are similar signs on aristocratic seals, which the documents or marriage bonds were bonded. Specifically, the coat of arms of medieval knights appeared on their shields in the XII century. By the beginning of this century, the development of a military business was satuned by the army of European powers, and the warriors chained in armor became difficult even for their associates. It was then that the first coat of arms of the Middle Ages knights appeared on the shields, composed of elements of combat banners, which have already been many centuries. It should be borne in mind that the feature of their distinction from strangers was performed far from only this element. On the one hand, it slowed down the development of heraldry, but the coat of arms of the Knights of the Middle Ages, thanks to this fact, with time, became the personification of all that we attribute to them - the embodiment of noble origin, personal courage, combat merit and nobility. The Middle Ages, a significant impact on the coat of arms of the Knights, rendered in the Holy Land, which began from the end of the XII century.

In large-scale for this time, the armies occur the rapid evolution of heraldic symbols. Many different allegoric signs are introduced into the coat of arms (foxes symbolizing wisdom, oak trunks - solid and unshakable and so on). Almost all created during this period, the Christian crosses are based on their heraldic signs. Why were called crusaders. With centuries, such heraldic signs have become wide-applied throughout Europe not only by the symbols of warriors and military clans, but also aristocratic genera, geographical territories and even cities. They made their coat of arms, relying on their inherent in their features. For example, the historic center of Paris has a peculiar shape of the ship, which is reflected on his symbol. Italian Bologna perpetuated swans on his coat of arms, as these noble birds in huge quantities live in her canals and lakes.

The value of the coat of arms

In order to be able to correctly explain the heraldic sign, it is necessary to carefully examine its background with engraving and figures, colors, the location of the figures and even the metals from which all this is done. In the modern world, there is even a science of Heraldry, which studies the coat of arms of the Knights of the Middle Ages: pictures of that era, age-old icons, archaeological artifacts and so on. The upper part of the coated sign is called the head, and the bottom - fit. All that is in its field has a definite value.

Objectives lesson:

  1. To acquaint students with Heraldry as a science of creating coat of arms.
  2. To acquaint with the coat of arms of Kuzbass, his distinctive features.

I. Training:

  1. To give the concept of heraldry

II. Developing:

  1. Develop creative interest

Sh. Ripping:

  1. Education of love for Prokopyevsk, Kuzbass, Russia, Motherland.

Spectator: Vintage coat of arms of Russian cities, shapes of shields, shield holder - for crossword, the meaning of new words, the color value of symbols, children's work "coat of arms of my family"

Music series: French medieval music sounds, Music Vivaldi.

Materials: White and colored paper, scissors, glue, markers, templates, the composition is performed on A3 format.

Theatrical element: high school students play the role, ladies and knight from the Middle Ages<Рисунок 1>

Lesson plan

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Formation of new knowledge.
  3. Practical assignment.
  4. Knight Tournament.
  5. Summarizing.
  6. Task at home.


I. Organizational moment.

(Vivaldi music sounds)

Check, friend.
All in place, all right,
Is everything right?
All lies look carefully?
Friends, then the lesson will begin
And our conversation behave
Oh coat of arms, shields and their owners.

II. Formation of new knowledge.

Teacher: Guys, in the first lesson you met with coat of arms of their forms.

His coat of arms have cities and states, noble families, knights.

The homework was, to perform the "coat of arms of my family"

Best work on the stand.<Рисунок 6>

Our second lesson we dedicate Heraldry.

Today you will get acquainted with the coat of arms of the Kemerovo region and spend the knightly tournament.

Before talking about Heraldry, tell me what indicates the word "coat of arms" when and for what arises arose?

Pupil: The concept of coat of arms comes from the German word "inheritance or heritage" and is a sign of differences, the most important emblem of the state, city, region, as well as individuals and childbirth.

Its image is placed on flags, coins, seals, blanks, stamps and other objects.

Teacher: What do you think when the first coat of arms appeared?

Student: The coat of arms appeared a long time ago in foreign countries.

Teacher: In the Middle Ages in Europe, when knightly castles were built and tournaments were arranged.

At the same time, new art and new science appeared - Heraldry.

The coat of arms - the distinguishing sign of the knights who organized the tournaments and competed in force and dexterity.

On the shield and flag depicted a personal coat of arms of the knight

He served in order to be distinguished from each other of soldiers chained into the iron armor.

The coat of arms was the sign of the family and his military valves.

Gerolds were present at the knightly tournaments - people who study the emblems, they gave a description of the coat of arms, followed their correct preparation.

According to the symbols on the shield, they determined who participates in the tournament and which family belongs to the knight.

All in the composition of the coat of arms was important and carried information about the owner. A whole system was developed by strict rules for which the coat of arms was made.

Teacher: Shows a visual row.

For example, the shape of the shields could be diverse - the Varangian (triangular), Italian (oval), Spanish (flat top and rounded bottom), French (flat on top, at the bottom with a rectangular oval in the center of the center), Germanic (bizarre form).

The surface of the coat of arms was either one color, or was divided into several fields of a certain color. These multicolored fields were called heraldic figures.

The selected color was symbolic meaning:

golden color - a symbol of wealth and justice;

silver - a symbol of innocence and purity;

screaming (dark red) - a symbol of love, courage;

blue - symbol of beauty and greatness;

green - symbol of abundance, hope and freedom;

magenta (red with a tint of blue) - dignity, strength, courage, (power);

black - modesty, education, wisdom and sadness;

red courage.

On the arms were allowed to portray : composition

The composition on the field of the coat of arms was made up of neguclear figures - images of man, animals, plants, ships, buildings, household goods, weapons, as well as fantastic animals (dragons, unicorns, vultures). They fell on the coat of arms not by chance.

Each image carries a definite meaning:

lion - symbol of power, courage, generosity;

eagle - power, generosity;

snake - a symbol of eternity;

leopard - courage, courage;

oak, the bear meant - strength, fortress, prudency;

horse - combines the courage of the lion, the vision of the eagle, the power of the ox, the speed of the deer, the dexterity of the fox;

torch, opened book - Knowledge;

bee - hardworking; LAVR - glory;

winged snake - evil, confusion;

dragon - power;

hand in glove - courage;

the dog is a symbol of dedication and obedience;

deer - the symbol of the warrior, in front of which, runs the enemy;

the sun is light, wealth, abundance;

star - Night, Eternity;

staff - spiritual power.

The composition of the coat of arms is usually symmetrical. The most important information part of the coat of arms was placed in the center and called the shield.

Parties to the shield support shapes - shield holders - people, birds, animals.

The coat of arms decorate the tape with the motto.

The motto is an expression reflecting the vitality of the knight.

Corn crown coat of arms.

(Music sounds)

Teacher: Now imagine: Middle Ages, Castle ...

In peaceful days, life in the castle flowed monotonously and boring, long sleep, lunch, hunting - and all the leisure, in the evenings the inhabitants of the castle were going in the front room by the fireplace, played bones and chess. The event was the arrival of guests. It happened infrequently, and if it happened, the owner tried in might and arranged the feast and knightly tournaments.

Teacher: So who is such a knight? The word "knight" happened from the German "Ritter" - rider. So what is the person we call the knight today?

Pupil: Knight is ready for any minute to rush to the help of others, and a noble heart beats him in his chest.

Teacher: So, who are such knights, we found out, but now we will proceed to the ritual. I ask the knights - the tournament participants rise. And now, according to the tradition, the knights in front of the tournament give an oath. Knights, are you ready?

Swear in the knightly tournament to win
Move bold, brave we be.
Do not hide behind the shields
The swords are sharp not afraid!
True to be the best lady
The title of the knight is extracted!

Knights (chorus): kneading knights to be!

Once in the middle of the century
Knights lived everywhere.
And life was not easy
In iron ammunition.
Knights were proud of themselves,
Swords and armor.
Played knights fate
And on tournaments we were driving.
Valiant, knight, where are you from?
From what edges you arrived to us.

Knight: I am a resident of Kuzbass cities. I arrived in the lady of the heart to express your admiration.

Lady: And I immediately guessed, according to the emblem, that you are from the Great Hoody, Miners. On your emblem a lot of black. What does he mean?

Knight: Or maybe these questions will answer young knights, will you help us?

Teams are responsible for chorus: YES

- Black triangle, symbolizes? (coal industry)

- Red triangles, (hot metal)

- Green symbolizes (agriculture and natural wealth, as well as the color of youth and hope).

- Molot and Kirk, denote (industrial affiliation)

- Three wheat spices, (agriculture)

- Crown, symbolizes (the richness of Kuzbass)

- The lower part of the wreath is intertwined by the Order of the Order of Lenin, which the Kemerovo region was awarded twice: in 1967 and 1970.

Lady: What are the numbers in the bottom of the coat of arms?

Answer: Year of education Kemerovo region.

Answer: This year is special, anniversary, Kuzbass 65 years.

Teacher: Today you have the opportunity to create your symbolism of the coat of arms. Imagine that you are ancient knights and are members of one family. Each family is 6-8 people.

You must agree on what form your emblem will be. Choose the color of heraldic figures, come up with symbols of negrolegal figures and make a composition.

In it, you must take into account the symmetry principle and the laws of the combination of colors. Remember that contrasting colors are mutually emphasized and highlight each other. Come up with the motto that most reflects your views on life, goals and aspirations.

III. Practical assignment.

Task: Collective-group work (2 teams perform the composition of the coat of arms).

Materials: Colored paper, glue, scissors, templates, composition on A3 format.

<Рисунок 2, Рисунок 3>

IV. Knight Tournament.

1. Protect your coat of arms and motto.

First, each team will present its coat of arms and protect it.

Representatives of each team go out, declare the name of the team, talk about the symbols of the coat of arms that they chose, and explain why. Consider the motto of the team and explain its meaning.<Рисунок 4, Рисунок 5>

2. Evaluation of team coat of arms.

Teacher: We got acquainted with the teams and now proceed to the tournament.

V. Summing up.

Task: Team "Knights Camelota" and the "Crusaders" team in turn answers questions and from these answers will get a new word .

Teams answer the questions of Crossword "Heraldry",

Knight: Answers fasten on the chisther holder.

Lady: Evaluates the responses of pennants.

Questions for crossword

  1. The distinctive sign transmitted by inheritance. (Coat of arms)
  2. The name of the warrior-defender shown on the coat of arms of Moscow. (George)
  3. Special signs on the shield - the coat of arms that are talking about his owner, his advantages. (Figures)
  4. What is the yellow color (gold) and white (silver) called in heraldry? (Metals)
  5. The royal animal, the emblem of the kings. (A lion)
  6. Brave, valiant. (Knight)
  7. Part of the coat of arms on which the winged words are written. (Motto)
  8. The basis of the coat of arms. (Shield)
  9. What is the coat of arms? (Crown)
  10. An image of birds, animals, man supporting the shield. (Shield holder)<Рисунок 7>

Teacher: Valorous Knights, you successfully coped with the knightly tournament and met with the new word, Heraldry.

Heraldry - this science about the preparation of coat of arms

We are in class one big family.

Let's create your heraldic shield.

If you feel good, you liked the lesson, you have a good mood, then take a coniferous token and secure it on the shield.

If you stay indifferent, you didn't really like the lesson, then take the yellow token.

If you did not like the lesson, then attach a blue-colored token.

Thus, we see that we have a bright festive shield, it means that everyone has a good mood and a desire to make a lot of new things.

And I appreciate the work at the knightly tournament for "5".

Thanks to everyone for creativity, and guests for attention.

Vi. Task at home

Consider suits of different times and determine their owner.

Analysis of the lesson

Your attention was offered a lesson on the topic "What the coat of arms and emblems are talking about

This is the second lesson on Heraldry according to thematic planning under the program B.M.Nensensky.

The lesson was set targets:

  1. Education of love for Prokopyevsk, Kuzbass, Motherland
  2. Develop creative interest, cognitive activity, figurative thinking.

To achieve the goals, tasks were delivered:

I. Training:

  1. Give the concept of heraldry
  2. Intensify knowledge of students on the symbols of coat of arms, emblems.

II. Developing:

  1. Develop creative interest
  2. Develop cognitive activity, figurative thinking.

III. Raising:

Education of love for Prokopyevsk, Kuzbass, Russia, Motherland.

The lesson is built with the age and psychological characteristics of the five-graders.

In this class, two children from the center of rehabilitation of minors, 4 of low-income families, 10 unfavorable families.

The family theme, the preparation of the homemade coat of arms, allowed the guys to look at family relationships on the other hand.

I hope that I got brought together children and parents at least for the fulfillment of homemade gerbes.

The lesson was held in the form of a knightly tournament. The volume of educational material is taken into account, reference schemes, illustrations, patterns, musical accompaniment, all this contributed to the creative activity of students.

The theatrical element contributed to the residence of the Knight's tournament, the atmosphere of the Middle Ages.

The structure of the lesson, planned issues, tasks, the practical activity of students contributed to their cognitive activity, independence, and the main development of creative abilities.

The attention of students was activated during the entire lesson, as a result of the change of activities, oral, written, group, individual, creative work.

During the lesson, feedback was tracked, which is very important for the occupation of the aesthetic cycle.

The following methods were used in the lesson:


  • illustrative, story,
  • algorithm for the preparation of coat of arms,
  • practical work on the preparation of the coat of arms,
  • comparison of two coat of arms;

Reproductive method:

  • performing a design task work with a pattern, templates,
  • reproduction of two similar coat of arms by stern;

Problematically reporting methods:

  • explanation of the theme of Heraldry with a support for clarity,
  • coat of arms (use of family symbols);

Partially Search Methods:

  • heuristic conversation
  • selection of symbols;

Research methods:

  • design of coat of arms,
  • the self-analysis of the work performed.

I think important for myself: I tried for everyone at the lesson to create a situation of success, which allows the child to reveal his creative abilities, to form proper self-esteem.

The origin of the emblems

The coat of arms take their beginning in the deepest antiquity. This is a special kind of symbolic signs on which the leader, a tribe, people learned during the fight. The coat of arms were invented not from one vanity, they can be considered not otherwise as a fair reward for personal merits. These special symbolic signs differed both individuals and knees, cities, kingdoms, peoples; The coat of arms are noble from the ignorable, notable from the dormant. But most of all, especially during hostilities, the coat of arms served to recognize their other people; In the arms, scattered troops were collected in one of any conditioned place.

Symbols of coat of arms

But the symbolic military signs that were often used as symbols or as decorations were not exactly the fact that they were used to calling coat of arms, that is, the constant differences of the notable origin of a person and heritage, which was complaining or another. Such the value of the coat of arms is a new time institution, which, according to Marshages (Louis-Antoine-Francois de Marchangy) (in its "Gaule Poetique"), can be attributed to the time of crusades.
The ladies always treated with special respect for the courage and courage of men, and to express their surprise and respect, they embroidered various adestrate and expressive symbols not only on the furniture of their castles, but also on the robes of their fathers, brothers and husbands. The fences were also images of these symbolic signs; They were drawn on the ceilings and on the walls, on the shields and on the gravestone monuments, they were sanctified in churches; During the celebrations, they served as the best decoration of the Feasts Hall; They were worn on their robes, squires, fiction, warriors and all the faces of the Knight's castle. All these different signs of knightly feats were formed a special hieroglyphic language.

The cross is simple, double, blamed, toothed, served, from a heated, the cross of flowers was blocked everywhere in various species and was a symbol of that holy target for which crusades were taken. Lhasen in his "History of Europe" says: "Palma reminded Iduma; Arch - taken or defended bridge; Tower - taken by the attack of the castle; helmet - weapons of the formidable and bold enemy; Star - night battle at the light of the moon and stars; Sword - ordinary battle; Crescent - Defeat Muslim; peak, bandage, fence, two stripes converging at an angle - taken and destroyed obstacles; Lion or tiger - fading valor; Eagle is a high valor and courage. Here hence and began the system of origin of the coat of arms. "

Such coat of arms approved and complained by the sovereign never changed and became an integral ownership of the family and the family. There were a special kind of people whose duties were to study these differences and especially to observe the execution of the rules of the rules regarding the integrity and immutability of the coat of arms; Such people were called Guerolds, and the knowledge necessary for sending such a duty was called Heraldry.

For the coat of arms on the shields used two metal (gold - color yellow - and silver-color white), four paints or colors (blue, green, red and black), two fur (ermine and squirrel). In addition, Heraldry attributes special names and values \u200b\u200bcolors. So, the blue is called azure and means air, green - jasper, red - fire and black - earth. Some writers assigned to these metals and colors are also symbolic meaning. In their opinion, gold is the emblem of wealth, strength, loyalty, purity, constancy; silverness, purity; Blue color is the emblem of magnitude, beauty, clarity; red-courage, courage, fearlessness; green and hopes, abundance, freedom; Black modesty, education, sadness. The field of the coated shield was divided into several compartments with horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines; In these branches, paints and symbols were placed; They sometimes corresponded to each other and were wavy, with recesses, cut off, connected, intertwined, persistent, and so on. Outside the field of the coat of arms, other figures were depicted; Ornaments were three kinds: decorations at the top, with sides and circle.

Above the coat of arms depicted crowns, caps, helmets, mats, fabrics, sometimes motto or military cry and burletes. The latter comes from the French word Le Bourrelet, it was a flavacy from the fabric stuffed with wool, which was superimposed on the helmet. It was stained with the same colors as the shield; In the coat of arms of simple unlotted nobles, such a burvel, or a flagel, was called fresco. Helmets and chisha painted on herbs or in profile, or in the FAS with lowered, with a half-open or with a completely raised pick-up and with a large or smaller number of lattices on it, depending on and in antiquity of the origin of the genus. The top of the decoration of the coat of arms was a fabuliem; It was made up of all kinds of colors, figures and feathers, animals, trees and other things. The custom also placed motto and crying over the coat of arms. Parties were images of angels, people, gods, monsters, lions, leopards, unicorns, trees and other items; Such figures were called shield holders. There were also other decorations assigned to famous titles and denoted special advantages.

In order to correctly explain the coat of arms, it is necessary to study its background, on which the figures are engraved or drawn, and then the figures themselves. The background is called in a heraldry field, and figures - signs. The field of coat of arms is always covered with one of the metals, fur or color; Next follows the main figure, or the main sign; Colors or paint signs are the same as the color or paint of the field, with the exception of only the case when natural color is required.

Coat of arms of Prussia and Mecklenburg

The heraldry is based in the following rule: if the field is covered with some paint or fur, then the figures, or signs, must be coated with metal; And on the contrary, if the field is covered with metal, the figure, or a sign, is covered with paint or fur. This rule is explained as follows: it is impossible to put metal on metal and paint on the paint. To do otherwise, it means to completely pervert the science of Heraldry.

Coat of arms of Marcgraf Joseph Schwarzenberg

The upper part in the coat of arms is called the chapter (Le Chef), and the lower part - fit (La Pointe). All placed in the coat of arms hugs the following: First, all sorts of weapons; secondly, not only all sorts of animals, but even birds, fish and insects - in a word, from an elephant to the ant; Thirdly, all sorts of plants, ranging from oak and ending with the easiest field flower; Fourth, all brilliant - from the lights of heaven to metals and stones, which are in the depths of the Earth; Fifth, all mythical and fantastic creatures, such as monsters, vultures, phoenixes, double-headed eagles, and so on. If the herbs depict animals, they always look left.

Arma Carlo Alberto.

In addition, the symbols of religion are depicted on herbs; But most often depict the cross in a wide variety of forms, as mentioned above. Read the coat of arms is to explain the stamp signs. To do this, you should first call the field, then a sign and its color, while consuming the well-known formula. The coat of arms represent the largest variety, and, of course, each sign has its own symbolic meaning.

The experts of Heraldry divided the coats of arms into several discharges, so as not to be confused in this labyrinth of all sorts of arms. We will analyze these discharges in order.

1) defendant coat of arms (Armoiries de Concession). Often, as a reward for any special exploits, the sovereigns complained to distinguished their coat of arms or added new honorary emblems to his former.

3) Corporate coat of arms (Armoiries de Communaute). These coat of arms of various institutions of Western Europe are: archbishopans, bishops, capitals, universities, societies, companies and corporations.

4) Protective coat of arms (Armoiries de Patronage). Often, officials who managed areas, knightly castles and the like, added various emblems as a sign of their advantage, their rights and the advantages of them from their ammunition.

5) Family coat of arms (Armoiries de Famille). Such coat of arms are inherited and serve the honors of one house or one last name from the other.

6) worst coat of arms (Armoiries de d'Alliance). These are the coat of arms when surcharge attributes are inserted into the main coat of arms to mean related links, when one surname through marriage comes to relatives with another genus.

7) Arms in succession (Armoiries de Succession).
In addition to the transition of the coat of arms in a straight line of the inheritance, the coat of arms could be assigned to the face completely someone else or not having a direct inheritance; These coat of arms switched to such persons or quite, or connected to their original coat of arms; But it always required the resolution of the supreme power.

8) Arms on the choice (Armoiries de Choix). The persons who received the nobility for special merits in front of the state, of course, did not have their own coat of arms and therefore elected a special kind of emblem, who reminded them by that kind of activity or classes in which they had consisted of themselves.

But heraldic signs occur also from thousands of other reasons. Sometimes they serve as a symbol of merit; Then, there were also such signs that mean the key to zealous compassion, then the memories of the journey to the holy places, the vow, then the symbols of values, talents and pleasures; Two winding hands mean consent and loyalty, a pillar and anchor - unshakable hope, a ball or bread - charity, honeycombs - church holidays and hospitality.

The original signs of tenderness and love in the French heraldry were the following: two cranes, holding in the beaks ring or mytov branch; the heart pierced by the arrow; Rings, rose with spikes or non-spikes, wood, wearing ivy branches, and the like symbolic signs. "

Cities borrowed their emblems and emblems from their characteristics. So, for example, Friesland, low-lying countries, were in the coat of arms. Leaves and wavy dressings. Bologna, where many swans are found on the waters, placed this bird and on his coat of arms. As you know, the Center of Paris has the shape of the ship, and therefore in the coat of arms of the capital of France depicts a ship with slurred sails under the sky, licked lilies.

Eliminated emblems in the coat of arms in Western Europe during internecine breakdowns and crusades. The struggle that took place between York and Lancaster, gave rise to two rivals - white and alway rose. The times of the league and fronds gave rise to a mass of emblems in the emblems of the French nobility. In Eastern Europe, incl. And Russia, did not slow down to take over the best traditions of Heraldry. But thanks to the crusades, many allegoric signs were introduced into the emblems. In a significant number of the coat of arms of the Crusaders, crosses, sinks, poultry without legs and beak and all sorts of coins are found. But the cross, who portrayed the clothes of the participants in crusades as a symbol of the holy goal, for which a hiking was taken, was depicted in most of the coat of arms and served as if the memories of these religious wanders.

Initially, noble people living in Western Europe had no coat of arms. Going in the military campaign, they painted some image on the panels to distinguish their own from strangers. But soon it became taken to reflect the number of battles won and defeated enemies on the shields. That is, the images gradually acquired a symbolic character, and they no longer changed. Gradually, such images and transformed into knightly coat of arms. It happened at the end of the XI century. And in the XII century, this symbolism reliably occupied his place among other significant characters.

Looking only once on the drawing depicted on the shield, anyone could make an idea of \u200b\u200bits owner. At the same time, it became strictly to ensure that she accidentally did not turn out to be 2 absolutely identical patterns. And for this we developed special rules. They rigidly regulated, which means this or that image, and to whom it can belong.

Knight's coat of arms on shields

All these trends began to spread from France. Therefore, signs and emblems were called in French. Did not make himself wait and special science called heraldic. Pretended her Gerold. These were high-class specialists. They perfectly knew all the rules, traditions and performed by managers at Knight's tournaments.

Sometimes they took over the duties and arbitration judges. It happened in cases where disputes arose between the knights due to some kind of sign or symbol. Gerold intervened in a dispute and solved it in accordance with generally accepted rules and norms. But at the same time, he had to have untreated knowledge to competently and convincingly prove to the debaters correctness of his decision.

The first time on the shields were applied very simple characters. Those who participated in the crusades painted large white crosses. If a person showed excessive courage on the battlefields, then he, with general approval, drew a lion. But the power and power personified the eagle.

As can be seen, there are few similar characters, and many wanted them. Therefore, they began to invent crosses of the most different form. The same applies to Lviv. They were portrayed in different poses. Lion running, standing on the hind legs, lying, growling and even sleeping. On the shields also painted flowers, some plants, household items.

Knight's coat of arms were inherited from the Father to the Son, and in more rare cases they complained about the king or major feudal. In the image inherited from the parent, the son could add some kind of sign. Therefore, over time, the drawing was becoming more complicated, and herolds were monitored so that the changes were not unauthorized, but corresponded to the rules of Heraldry.

The basis of any coat of arms was the shield. It was a "field", which was divided into parts. The most honorable was the right side. It was on it that the most important signs were depicted. Left was less honorable. It could depict the same signs, but in a narrower, and sometimes more shallow form.

Colors used ordinary - 7 rainbow colors. At the same time they tried to alternate bright tones with dark. Such contrast contributed to a better visual perception. From the shields symbols gradually moved on clothes. Then they began to draw on horseback opponents, sidlands, signs and pennants. Vassals were applied to his wife's coat of arms of his Mr.

By the end of the XII century, all the knights acquired with their symbolism. She was both kings and small nobility. Then the fashion touched the servants of the Church, merchants, artisans and peasants. That is, every family, regardless of the origin, could come up with a symbolism, coordinate it with Herold and enjoy the property rights.

Knight's coat of arms left indifferent and women. Many are valued ladies applied to clothing symbols immediately and husband, and father. It emphasized their status and noble origin. Typically, the symbols of the husband were on the right, and the elements were located the characters of the parent.

Clothes, embroidered with the names of herbs, dressed only in particular solemn cases. These are knightly tournaments, the royal reception, some important family event. Those knights who consisted in a retinue of more noble seeds, put on raincoat under the color of the coat of arms of these specials.

Thus, Heraldry was very important in secular life. These were certain rules, violate which was not allowed. The shelter symbolism itself characterized not a specific person, but all his pedigree. Therefore, the shameful actions were unacceptable. Since in this case the stain fell a stain for all the way - at all ancestors and future descendants.

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