
Myths about Testosterone. Myth: Testosterone is a male hormone

Testosterone (Testosterone) - Male Pop Norm.

Testosterone - steroid, main androgen hormone, which causes the development of secondary sexual signs, puberty and normal sexual function in men. In the men's body, testosterone is synthesized mainly in the testicular, its high local concentration is necessary for normal spermatogenesis. A smaller amount is formed by cells of the net layer of adrenal cortex and when transforming steroid precursors in peripheral tissues. In women, testosterone is formed in the process of peripheral transformation of steroids, as well as in the synthesis of steroids in the cells of the inner shell of the follicle of the ovaries and the mesh layer of the adrenal cortex. Monitoring of testosterone products is carried out by the mechanism of tonic feedback by a hypothalamic-pituitary-gonodnaya system with the participation of a luteotropic hormone (LH) pituitary gland.
In the blood, testosterone circulates predominantly associated with globulin, binding sex hormones (GSPG), and less with albumin. Changes in blood concentration in blood can be due to the shifts of the concentration of the GSPG, so if necessary, these two studies are carried out in the complex, with the calculation of the free testosterone index. At the level of androgen-dependent tissues, testosterone acts mainly in the form of its more active derivative - dihydrotestosterone.
During the intrauterine development, the presence of fetal testosterone determines the gender differentiation of the male type. In men, the testosterone level rises in the pubertal period and is preserved at a high level, on average, up to 60 years. Testosterone provides the development of male secondary sexual signs in the pubertal period, activates the sexual attraction, participates in the regulation of spermatogenesis and potency, is responsible for the psycho-physiological features of sexual behavior. Testosterone has anabolic effects, increasing muscle mass, contributes to the ripening of bone tissue (although excess androgens can lead to low-speed). The level of hormone in blood plasma varies during the day. Maximum concentration is observed in the morning hours, at least - in the evening.
In women, the maximum concentration of testosterone is determined in the lutein phase and during the period of ovulation. In pregnant women, testosterone concentration increases to the third trimester, exceeding almost 3 times the concentration of non-remote women (in parallel an increase in the concentration of the GSPG). During the menopause, the testosterone concentration is reduced.

Indications for assay analysis:

  • Both sexes:
  • Infertility.
  • Baldness.
  • Acne.
  • Fat seborrhea.
  • Aplastic anemia.
  • Adrenal tumors.
  • Control when taking glucocorticoids and androgen-containing preparations.

In a female:

  • Girsutism.
  • Virilization.
  • Anovulation.
  • Amenorrhea.
  • 0Ligomorian.
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
  • Unbearable pregnancy.
  • Adrenogenital syndrome.
  • Myoma uterus.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Breast neoplasms.
  • Hypothalamic-pituitary syndrome of puberty period.
  • Androgensecreating ovarian tumors.

In men:

  • Violation of potency.
  • Reduced libido.
  • Male Climax.
  • Primary and secondary hypogonadism.
  • Chronic prostatitis.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Klyinfelter syndrome.

Reference values:

Paul, age

Testosterone, nmol / l

1 year - 6 years

6 years old - Pubertat, period

after a puberty period

6 months - 1 year

1 year - 6 years

Package Stages:

Improving values:

  • Syndrome Stein-Levental.
  • Adrenogenital syndrome (women).
  • Drawing testosterone neoplasms of eggs (men).
  • Chromosomal set XYY (Men).
  • Virilizing Lutheoma.
  • Premature puberty boys.
  • Ectopic secretion of gonadotropins.
  • Testicular feminization (androgen referee).
  • Idiopathic girsutism.
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome.
  • Tropofoblastic diseases during pregnancy.
  • Reducing the level of globulin binding genital hormones (GSPG).
  • Physical exercise.
  • Tumors of adrenal cortex.
  • Extragonade tumors in men, Arrenoblastoma.
  • Reception of such drugs, Cakdanazole, Dehydroepiyndrosterone, Finasterin, Flutamide, Gonadotropin (in men), Gozerellin (in the first month of treatment), Levonorgestrel, Mithofriston, Moklobemoid, Nilutoumid, Oral contraceptives (women), Phenitoin, Handustatin (women), Rifampin, Tamoxifen .

Reduced values:

  • Primary or secondary hypogonadism (including, Kleinfelter syndrome and Callman syndrome).
  • Down syndrome.
  • Motonic dystrophy.
  • Liver failure.
  • Cryptorchism.
  • Uremia.
  • Reception of androgens, glucocorticoids, drugs such as: Danazole (low doses), buzerin, carbamazepine, cimetidine, cyclophosphamide, ciproteron, dexamethasone, dipiridoglutortimide, dexameline, ketoconazole, levonorgestrel, magnesium sulfate, methandrone, methylprednisolone, metrapon, nafarelin ( Women), Nandrolon, octreotide, oral contraceptives in women, Handustatin (men), prednisone, pyridoglutortimide, spironolactone, staozolol, tetracycline, thiuridazine.

Testosterone free

Free (non-protein) testosterone is independent of changes in the concentration of main transport protein testosterone - globulin-binding hormones. With those situations where SHBG is often elevated (for example, hyperthyroidism, hyperstroyment states, including pregnancy, reception of oral contraceptives, as well as the introduction of antiepileptic drugs) or reduced (for example, hypothyroidism, excess androgen, obesity), free testosterone may be more It is advisable than measuring the total testosterone. The magnitudes of the free testosterone obtained using the equilibrium dialysis of the labels coincide with the obtained methods of membrane ultrafiltration and gel filtering. Alternative free testosterone estimates include bioavailable testosterone (definition of free and weakly knitted testosterone).

The introduction of a large amount may increase the main exchange by more than 15%. If the seeds produce the usual amount of testosterone in adolescent or at a young age before sexual maturity, it increases the level of the main exchange by 5-10% compared with its possible value against the background of the absence of the activity of the semennikov, with other things being equal. Such an increase in the level of the main exchange is possible, is a consequence of the anabolic effect of testosterone, leading to an increase in the amount of protein in cells or, in other words, to an increase in the number of enzymes that determine the overall level of activity of all organism cells.

Impact on red blood cells. When the normal amount of testosterone is injected with a neutered adult, the amount of red blood cells in 1 ml of blood increases by 15-20%. On average, men in approximately 700,000 red blood cells in 1 ml of blood are greater than that of women. This difference may be explained by a higher level of basic exchange, noted against the background of testosterone, and not the direct influence of testosterone on the products of red blood cells.

Effect on electrolyte and water balance. Many steroid hormones can increase sodium reabsorption in the distal kidney channels. Testosterone also has this influence, but to a lesser extent compared to the mineralocorticoids of adrenal cortex. Nevertheless, after a puberty period, the volume of blood and extracellular fluid in a man in relation to body weight increases by 5-10%.

Testosterone action mechanisms

Most of the influences testosterone It is the result of an increase in the rate of protein formation in target cells. This process was intensively studied in relation to prostate - one of the organs most susceptible to testosterone. Testosterone enters the prostate cells a few minutes after the start of secretion. Then, under the influence of the intracellular enzyme the reductase turns into dihydrotestosterone, which, in turn, is associated with the cytoplasmic protein-receptor. After that, the combined shape of the hormone and its receptor penetrates the core of the cell, where interacts with the nuclear protein and induces DNA and RNA transcription.

After 30 min rNA polymerase activated, And the concentration of RNA in prostate cells begins to increase, which leads to a gradual increase in the number of proteins in the cell. A few days later, the amount of DNA begins to grow in the prostate with a simultaneous increase in the number of prostate cells themselves.

Testosterone Proteins stimulates in almost all organism cells, although its influence on an increase in the number of proteins in cells is particularly specific to the cells of target organs or tissues responsible for the development of both the primary and secondary sexual signs of the male organism.

Earlier research It was found that testosterone, like other steroid hormones, can enjoy a rapid, not mediated genome effect that does not require the synthesis of new proteins. The physiological role of testosterone influences, not related to the genetic apparatus, has not yet been clarified.

Testosterone and anabolic steroids are doping drugs, according to order 705/2002, which defines a list of doping drugs, in accordance with section 44, §16, poses 1 of the Criminal Code.

By classification, these substances relate to prescription drugs, the use of which is allowed only for the treatment of diseases confirmed by drug control bodies. These diseases include, among other things, testosterone deficiency syndrome (SDT), which develops due to the violation of the function of pituitary glands or testicles, various types of anemia, osteoporosis and chronic diseases with protein deficiency, as well as slowing down tissue healing. Testosterone is also used to treat the symptoms of the male equivalent of menopause.

Testosterone is used in an injection form in the form of a mixture of different testerone esters (for example, testosterone propionate, testosterone enanthate, testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone isocaproat, testosterone, deanoate testosterone, testosterone) or inside, in the form of capsules containing testosterone Unecanoate. Anabolic steroids are available in the form of injections and capsules.


The most important reason for the use of testosterone preparations and anabolic steroids is the desire to improve the athletic form. On the other hand, people also use steroids, trying, for example, to improve the results in power sports.

Abuse of anabolic steroids is characterized by periodic application. The duration of the use of steroids varies from two weeks to several months. Between courses can be reworing for several months. In the initial phase of applying the dose of steroids increases gradually. In the final phase, the use of steroids gradually stops within 1-2 weeks. In abuse, excessive doses of anabolic steroids can be used.

Side Effects: Hormonal Violations

With the introduction of testosterone and anabolic steroids in quantities that exceed the needs of the body, hormonal disorders are developing.
In men, side effects develop as a result of reducing the products of their own hormones. There are shrinking of hormoneproductive glands and organs, such as testicles. After the courses of the use of hormones, infertility can develop and reduce sexual function.

In women, the use of testosterone and anabolic steroids cause excess hair growth on the body, voices lamination, decrease in the size of the mammary glands, baldness, increase the size of the clitoris, skin disease, and menstrual disorders. Some of these symptoms are stored even after the use of these substances.

In adolescents, as a result of the use of testosterone and anabolic steroids, growth can be stopped, which can lead to the development of low-speed.

Side Effects: Heavy Diseases

Testosterone and anabolic steroids used in excess doses can lead to significant deviations of the content of body fat to levels hazardous to health. Thus, the long-term use of these hormones can lead to an increase in the risk of heart disease and vessels, myocardial infarction and stroke. Steroids weaken the contractile ability of the heart and lead to the degeneration of the heart muscle, which can lead to arrhythmia of the heart and sudden death.

The abuse of anabolic steroids and testosterone preparations increases the risk of diabetes mellitus. The use of the same syringes with different people increases the risk of blood transmitted with blood to which hepatitis and HIV infection relate. Testosterone preparations and anabolic steroids also increase the risk of cancer and liver damage.

Anabolic steroids taken in the form of tablets are more dangerous to liver than steroids used in injecting form. Liver diseases can vary from reversible lightweight cellular disorders to jaundice and malignant liver tumors with a bad outlook, despite the treatment.

Side Effects: Mental Disorders

Testosterone preparations and anabolic steroids also affect the central nervous system. Plots in the brain, which they influence, are closely related to centers regulating mood, sexual attraction and aggressiveness.

Against the background of using steroids in 20-30% of people applying excess doses of testosterone and anabolic steroids, there are obvious disorders of mood, which can comply with the criteria for the classification of mental diseases, which include depression, excitation, psychotic reactions with hallucinations and a decrease in cognitive function.

Approximately 30% of people against the background of the use of excess doses of testosterone and anabolic steroids, aggressiveness, hostility and irritability are noted. In several cases of cases, it has been shown that hormones can weaken the control over the motives. In medical literature, among other things, cases in which people with a normal psychological state became aggressive after the start of the use of hormones are described.

According to a study conducted at the Finnish population, the risk of premature death in people abusing anabolic steroids and testosterone is 4.6 times higher than in the control group.

Timo Seppälä (Timo Seppala)
Medical director
Finnish Anti-Doping Committee FINADA

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Mechanism of action of steroid hormones
Natural sex steroid hormones are estrogens, androgens and gestagens. According to modern representations of the first step of the hormone, their binding to specific receptors in the cells of target organs. Hormone receptors of the steroid structure (sex hormones, corticosteroids) are located in the cytoplasm of cells, the receptors of the peptide and protein hormone receptors (insulin, oxytocin, etc.) - on the outer membrane of the effect cell, the hormones of the thyroid gland have its own specific receptors in the cell core. Effector cells have a certain number of receptors. By chemical structure, receptors relate to proteins and perform two functions: they recognize this hormone among other numerous molecules in contact with the cell; Provide proper cell response.
Although specific receptors were found for all steroid hormones classes, each steroid hormone can react with the receptors of other steroid classes. So, androgens at high concentrations can compete with estrogen. Gestagens can imitate the effects of androgens, potentiation or inhibiting their action. For example, progesterone is a weak androgen under action on the prostate gland cells, while the progesterone derivative is ciprosteronacetate acts as an antagandrogen. On the cells of hepatoma progesterone acts as anti-glucocorticoid, and on the kidneys like mineralocorticoid.
Under the action of steroid hormones on target cells, not only interaction with receptors, but also a change in the number of receptors is occurring. For example, the number of receptors in the cytoplasm for estradiol in the uterus (about 20,000-40,000) under the action of physiological doses is reduced by approximately half. Reducing the content of cytosolic receptors stimulates their new synthesis, as a result, after 18-24 hours, their initial level is achieved. Steroids regulate not only the number of their own receptors, but also modulate the number of other steroid receptors. Thus, estrogens stimulate receptors for progesterone, while progesterone, as a rule, lowers their concentration. Androgen receptors are modulated by estrogens. Since the binding of cytosolic receptors with steroids (receptor occupation) is a prerequisite for the functions of hormone-dependent cells, then conclusions that have a certain practical value for therapy of hormone-dependent tumors can be drawn. This applies, for example, to breast cancer. Approximately 25-30% of patients with progressive breast cancer are found objective remission in endocrine therapy. It is known that about 90% of patients who have the content of estrogen receptors above a certain value (about 30% of all breast tumors), endocrine therapy (the use of larger doses of androgens, extensions or anti-estrogen) can cause remission. Tumors with a large number of receptors have a smaller probability of recurrence than those that have little receptors.
The steps of transport and interaction, such as estrogen in the target cell, are as follows: the receptor complex - the hormone is transported from the cytoplasm into the kernel and interacts with the cell genetic apparatus, causing the synthesis of specific proteins DE NOVO, which determine the physiological response of the cell, followed by a cascade of various metabolic (anabolic ) Processes in the cell. The response of the cell to the effect of steroid hormone is determined not only by receptor, genetic factors, but also by sex, age, as well as environmental conditions (time of day, season, temperature, power), preceding or accompanying diseases, the effects of other hormones and drugs.
Pharmacodynamic effects of sex steroid hormones are diverse. The specific effect of data of hormones is reflected in the physiological response of target organs (uterus, vagina, ovaries, mammary glands, pituitary glands, placenta) and maintaining relevant functional states: the development and appearance of secondary sexual signs, ripening egg and ovulation, fertilization and development of pregnancy, occurrence , the formation of lactation and other functions. Women's genital steroid hormones cause other pharmacodynamic effects that belong to the discharge of non-specific, but having a certain clinical value for the treatment of certain diseases and forecasting side effects. So, it became possible to use gestagens for the treatment of hyperplastic processes in endometrial, and the presence of receptors for estrogen in the wall of the arteries is discussed in the context of the development of atherosclerosis.
The effect of estrogen and gestagens on the uterus is mainly considered synergistic and at the same time according to some characteristics - antagonistic. Their action is carried out in close relationship, their specific impact is impossible or not expressed. The action of the ethane in the menstrual cycle, for example, precedes the accumulation of gestagens, and not vice versa. In the quantitative ratio of estrogens prevail in the first half of the menstrual cycle, and the gestagens in the second one. The development of pregnancy occurs with several other ratios of the data of hormones. With a general increase in their level in the first half of pregnancy, gestagens prevail, and at the end of pregnancy - estrogens. Physiological synergism of hormone data does not correlate with a spectrum of metabolic effects in cells. These differences are often justified by the multidirectionality of indications for the use of hormone data in some pathological conditions (for example, estrogens are immunostimulants, and gestages - immunosuppressants).
The main clinical indication for the appointment of androgen is therapy of androgenerate states, i.e. Androgens are applied with the purpose of hormone therapy. Another pharmacological aspect of the use of androgens is their use in the treatment of anemia, osteoporosis, hormonally dependent breast cancer, endometriosis, a number of hereditary muscle diseases. With these non-specific testimony, androgens are used to symptomatic treatment and their place in the therapy of these diseases is due directly to the clinic of the underlying disease.
Hypogonadism has a prevalence in approximately 5 cases per 1000 men (in most Western European countries), which allows us to consider hypogonadism as the most common hormone-deficiency condition in men. Since hypogonadism does not always have pronounced clinical symptoms, it is not often possible to reveal it in a timely manner, which does not allow to prescribe effective hormone-hormone therapy to patients, which is largely a means of improving the quality of life of patients with hypogonadism.
The main purpose of androgen replacement therapy is the restoration and maintenance of the normal level of men's hormones in the target tissues. Since most androgenerate states are irreversible, then a life-long hormone-plating therapy is necessary.
The perfect androgen for long-term hormone-plating therapy should be effective, safe, convenient for use and possess certain pharmacokinetic parameters to maintain stable physiological concentrations of androgens in the blood plasma. In terms of safety, greater acceptability and treatment of treatment, testosterone preparations are significantly more preferred than synthetic androgens. Despite the fact that currently there is a large number of different androgenic drugs, few of them meet the pharmacological requirements for long-term hormone-plating therapy.
The main routes of administration of androgens used in clinical practice are oral, parenteral (intramuscular and subcutaneous) and transdermal.
When orally intake, testosterone is completely inactivated in the liver, therefore, to increase bioavailability in the test pharmaceutical molecule, additional groups of.17-alpha alkyl derivative testosterone have a short aliphatic group (methyl or ethyl). However, due to severe hepatotoxicity, these drugs are practically not applied at present. Another approach to an increase in the bioavailability of Androgen is the use of 5-alpha reduced drugs that cannot be inactivated by the flavoring reaction. These include the drug Mesterolon (1-Alpha Methyl-17-beta Hydroxy Androstan-3-He), which has weak androgenic activity. It is absent from this drug, however, in high doses required for the androgen effect, Mesterolone reduces the endogenous level of testosterone due to the braking of LG activity, the purpose of increasing the bioavailability of androgen is also used to add a long chain of fatty acids into the testosterone molecule due to the esterification reaction. The drugs thus obtained belongs to Testosterone Andriol. Due to the high lipophilism of Testosterone of the Andecanoat, the drug is associated in the intestines with chylomicron and is absorbed in therapeutic quantities into the lymph system, without exposed to primary hepatic inactivation. After admission, 45-48% of the drug is absorbed inside the small intestine. The maximum concentration is achieved between 2.5 and 5 h after one-time reception. As a result of the hydrolysis of Testosterone of the Andecanoate, free testosterone is released, the action of which is similar to the action of endogenous testosterone. In the future, active testosterone metabolites are formed: 5-alfadigidrosterone and estradiol, which, binding to the appropriate receptors, determine the full range of Androgenic activity of Testosterone of the Andecanoate. An important feature of the drug is the absence of induction of hepatic enzymes during prolonged use, in addition, due to the creation of physiological concentrations in the blood plasma of Testosterone, the Andecaniat does not lead to the suppression of the production of its own endogenous hormone. Therefore, it is currently the main drug for conducting oral androgenic substitution therapy.
The most common means of administering androgenic drugs is the deep intramuscular administration of testosterone esters in an oil solution. Pharmacokinetic parameters that are achieved with such a route of administration are caused by the chemical characteristics of the side ether chain, which determines the rate of release of testosterone ether from the oil depot. It is also important to introduce injection and volume of the injected solution. Testosterone preparations containing short aliphatic side chains, such as testosterone propionate, have a short duration of action and therefore should be applied daily, which is convenient for long-term therapy. In the same time, another testosterone ester - Testosterone enantanate, containing a longer aliphatic chain, has significantly A longer action that allows it to apply it once every 10-14 days. However, during this dosing mode, adequate testosterone concentrations in the blood plasma is not created: Suguraphysiological testosterone levels are initially achieved, and then significant fluctuations are noted, up to subterapeutic testosterone concentrations in the blood, which also does not make it convenient to use the drug in clinical practice.
One approach to solving the problem of the balanced use of androgens with intramuscular administration is to use a testosterone ester combination with a different duration of action. The most common preparation of this type is Suston - 250 (contains testosterone propionate, phenylpropionate, osokaproat and deck). The components of the drug have different speed and duration of action, in connection with this, SUNON-250 has a quick occurring (immediately after administration) and a long (within 3 weeks) effect. The drug is introduced once every 3-4 weeks, which allows it to apply it with long hormone therapy. However, in this case, the testosterone concentration in the blood plasma is significantly varied from supraphysiological to the subphysiological values, which reduces the reliability of the expected therapeutic effect and leads to a number of undesirable effects, such as a decrease in the production of its own endogenous testosterone due to the oppression of FSG activity and LH on the background Supraphisiological concentrations created by the drug.
The subcutaneous implantation of unchanged testosterone is used in clinical practice for more than 50 years as the most effective means of uniform testosterone intake in a blood plasma. After one-time implantation, when using this method, it is possible to obtain stable physiological concentrations within 6 months. However, although the use of subcutaneous implants of testosterone at first glance seems to be a practically ideal means for hormone-plated androgenic therapy, in practice it does not find wide use due to a number of serious complications associated with the procedure for administration (infection of the place of implantation, bleeding, implant loss). In addition, the preservation of the effect for 6 months makes it difficult to cancel or take breaks in treatment if necessary. Therefore, at present, subcutaneous implants are presented more promising for male contraception, and not for androgenic substitution therapy in the case of hypogonadism.
The last method of using androgens for hormone-plating therapy, which has a clinical value is the use of a transdermal route of administration. For this purpose, companies have been developed by special skin gels, which are used testosterone, which are used in the form of special stickers or patches. Such stickers can be fixed on the surface of the scrotum or on any other skin surface. With this form of use, the physiological concentrations of testosterone in the blood plasma is ensured, however, it takes daily use and a disproportionate increase in the level of dihydrosterone due to the reaction of the 5-alpha testosterone reduction in hair follicles during testosterone transdermal passage. In addition, there are a number of technical inconveniences associated with the need to daily sharing the surface of the scrotum and a relatively large sticker size, which is necessary to provide therapeutic testosterone concentrations. In the case of applying skin gels on the surface of the body of the body, inconvenience can be associated with an annoying local action, as well as the possibility of a virilizing effect of a partner with sexual contacts. Nevertheless, due to the softness of the clinical effect, due to the creation of stable equilibrium testosterone concentrations, patients often prefer a transdermal way to use a more unpredictable and unstable effect of androgens with intramuscular administration.
Thus, for the final decision on the choice of one or another of the listed methods and drugs, it is necessary to estimate a number of factors, such as ease of use, the achievement of a stable effect, the lack of an imbalance effect on its own hormonal profile of the patient, the absence of hepatotoxicity and the small severity of side effects. In general, it can be said that the use of natural testosterone preparations is more preferable to synthetic analogues, as it provides a more predictable and soft therapeutic effect with a smaller number of side effects on the background of long therapy. In addition, in the face of growth in the consumption of androgenic drugs in clinical practice recently, there has been a tendency to use modern oral preparations and further improvement of testosterone dosage forms for transdermal use.

Although doctors openly advocate the use of testosterone or hormone therapy testosterone (and men, and women who suffer from the deficit of this hormone), many of us are shy or fear of using it. The reason for this may be associated with testosterone negative publications in the media, but can we depend today from tabloids? Although testosterone is often associated with masculby, not many know that it is also an important hormone for women. In fact, per day in the body of a young healthy woman produces almost 300 testosterone micrograms.

Testosterone - This is the sensation of our days. In addition to the fact that it is one of the most important hormones produced in the human body, it is often its name on false grounds takes an honorable place on tabloid covers. Thanks to the essential scandals associated with the use of doping with such Olympic athletes like Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens, currently hormone testosterone is considered forbidden.

In fact, testosterone helps the body to form the necessary proteins that contribute to the performance of some important functions of the body. For adults, it is needed for a normal sexual function, proper cutting and muscle development. New data also suggest that testosterone is very important to control diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, people with a normal level of testosterone usually live longer and happier than others.

Myth: Testosterone is a dangerous steroid.

Yes, Testosterone is a steroid, but he is not as dangerous, as the media argue. The word "steroid" is used to designate an organic fat-soluble compound, which has 17 carbon atoms forming 4 articulated rings. It can be shocked, but in addition to testosterone in addition to testosterone, there are many other steroids, such as progesterone, cortisol, estrogen and cholesterol. In the world of sports, when an athlete is accused of using "doping" or "steroids", under both these terms imply "anabolic steroid hormones", which are obtained by synthetic means for use in order to increase muscle and bone mass. Nevertheless, scientific evidence that testosterone is dangerous (even in large doses) is not available.

Myth: Testosterone makes man above.

In this myth there is some truth. Testosterone can make a person above, but only if you take this hormone in adolescence. This is because after puberty, long bones (femoral bone, shoulder bone, bones of forearm and lower leg) cease to grow. During the period of puberty, the cartilage cells located in the zones of growth (or epiphysear plates) are divided and multiplied with them. The only formed cells absorb calcium from food and turn into bone tissue, thereby increasing the bone length. When a person comes out of adolescence, these cartilage cells cease to grow up, and growth zones turn into a bone. After that, the bones can no longer be lengthened.

Myth: Application Testosterone illegally.

How mentioned, testosterone is an important hormone present in the body of all men. It is necessary for the development of men's genital organs, the implementation of physical changes, which occurs in adolescence, and performing other functions, such as the production of sperm, the formation of sexual attraction and maintenance of muscle tone and bone health. Testosterone taking to the appointment of a doctor is absolutely legal. Various sports committees nominate strict rules regarding the use of testosterone, as it is known that it affects the actual indicators of athletes.

Myth: Testosterone causes gynecomastia in men.

The myth that testosterone leads to the development of gynecomastics in men (or an increase in men's chest), is also partly true. The famous fact that the human body itself produces testosterone, but as soon as additional quantities of this hormone begin to introduce into it, it also launches the level of estrogen in order for the excess testosterone to him in harm. Nevertheless, there are cases when unused estrogen accumulates in the tissues of a male breast, stimulating the growth of proteins that cause gynecomastia.

Myth: Testosterone causes prostate cancer.

A wider distribution has a rumor couple that testosterone is associated with prostate cancer. The first one appeared in the 1940s, when the men with a diagnosis of prostate cancer, an improvement in the course of the disease was noted after they were castrated. Another ear aroused in connection with the use of luproon, the drug used to treat metastatic prostate cancer. This drug causes a decrease in testosterone levels, influencing the signal paths by which the brain communication is communicated with the testicles, and, interestingly, also leads to a decrease in the existing tumors.

Myth: Testosterone causes hoarseness and changing voice.

The most common causes of hoarseness are allergies, the appearance of polyps on the voice ligaments, chemical laryngitis, reflux esophagitis, slopes of the mucous membrane and the use of antibiotics. This is a common problem that almost everyone faces. There is no scientific evidence that testosterone is also capable of causing hoarseness, no, as there is no such physiological mechanism that would make it possible. It is known about several single messages, according to which there is a certain connection between Danazole (testosterone) and a change in voice. However, they were recognized as unreliable when during the experiment, in which 24 adults participated, 600 mg of Danazole who took 600 mg daily for 3-6 months, no voice problems were revealed.

Myth: Testosterone is harmful to the heart.

On the contrary, the hormone testosterone is considered extremely important for the health of the heart. It is known that it has a positive impact on metabolism, a bad mass of body and lipidogram, both in men and women. In some cases, doctors use testosterone for treating and preventing diabetes and other cardiovascular complications. This hormone stimulates blood circulation, expanding blood vessels, and strengthens the immune system.

Myth: Testosterone is a male hormone.

Most women believe that testosterone is related only to men. Yes, Testosterone is a male hormone, but it is also produced by a female organism. This hormone plays an important role in the process of puberty and helps to form secondary sexual signs. Testosterone production in women occurs in ovaries, adrenal tissues and adrenal glands. As agrees, the ability of a female body to produce testosterone decreases, which leads to various physical and behavioral changes. In fact, after the occurrence of testosterone menopause in the body of a woman is produced by almost 50% less than before it entry into the menopausal period.

Myth: Testosterone makes a person more aggressive and fierce.

It is common that people who have a high level of testosterone are prone to aggression and fierce. This is nothing but a myth. There is no data that testify that testosterone causes outbreaks of rage or is the cause of cruel and unpredictable behavior. On the contrary, people with low testosterone levels often suffer from drops of mood and irritability, which can be raised with the help of appropriate additives. In fact, it was noted that people whose testosterone level is within the normal range, usually differ in rationality.

Myth: Reducing testosterone levels in aging men is normal.

It is indeed true that as a person agitates, the level of testosterone in its body is naturally reduced, but doctors believe that young people have hypogonadism (also known as a reduced level of testosterone) is one of the main reasons for the lack of testosterone. Hypogonadism causes a weakening of sexual attraction, irritability, fatigue and energy loss, and the frequent appearance of such symptoms is a reason for a visit to the doctor.

So, testosterone is not as dangerous for the body, as it is believed, and now that medicine began to confirm that it is able to cause positive effects, it's time to stop paying attention to myths and see the face of reality.

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