
Doubling the cervix. Doubling the uterus and vagina. Pregnancy and doubling of the uterus

Approximately 5% of women has two uterus and two cervix. This pathology is congenital, and occurs during embryonic development.

Despite the fact that this anomaly is concerned about the women's audience, it does not prevent them from experience the joy of motherhood.

  • The presence of two modules does not affect the process of conception, women, in the absence of concomitant pathologies can endure and give birth to healthy children;
  • Such anomaly is laid during the period of embryonic development under the influence of internal or external factors;
  • In the absence of unpleasant symptoms and discomfort, pathology does not need treatment;
  • If a patient with a pair body decides to become a mother, it needs to be constantly under the supervision of the gynecologist;
  • In the presence of complications, patients are surgical treatment.

Anatomical doubling options

The abnormal development of the reproductive system organs is a consequence of improper formation of the embryo. As the main cause of pathology, scientists celebrate the wrong way of life of the future mother.

Despite the fact that the presence of destructive addictions can cause enormous harm to the emerging fetus, there are a number of factors capable provoking such an anomaly.

Anomaly in the uterus is formed during the first trimester of pregnancy. Most often, women who did not plan to become mothers are faced with this problem and accidentally learned about their interesting position. This explains their rampant lifestyle, smoking, drug use and alcohole-containing drinks.

Also with such a problem, women are faced, which, not knowing about possible pregnancy, actively accepted drugs.

Despite the fact that the most frequent cause of the anomaly is the wrong behavior by future mothers, even planning pregnancy women can get into the risk group.


Scientists hold the following classification of pathology:

  1. Full doubling of the vagina and the uterus.
  2. Doubling cervical and body.
  3. Full doubling of the uterus (body).

The reasons

Provice in the period of embryonic development, the occurrence of pathology can such factors:

  • consumption of alcohole-containing beverages of mother, as well as smoking, narcotic dependence;
  • bad heredity;
  • inflammatory, viral, infectious processes in a small pelvic organs in a woman;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • improper filixation of the placenta;
  • reception of pregnant in certain types of drugs;
  • heavy form of toxicosis, etc.


To suspect the presence of pathology in characteristic symptoms:

  1. In the bottom of the peritoneum often there are painful sensations.
  2. Blood or purulent discharge appear from the vagina.
  3. Problems with conception.
  4. Broken menstrual cycle.
  5. Lack of menstruation.
  6. Spontaneous abortion.

As statistics show, in most women in the absence of diseases in the urinary system, the presence of two modules is detected during a survey on other issues. Symptoms appear during the progression of concomitant pathologies.


If the patient does not cause any discomfort for the patient and, against the background of the anomaly, there are no pathological conditions, then no therapy is carried out in such a situation. In severe cases, doctors decide on surgical treatment:

  • disrupted the process of outputting menstrual secretions;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • pregnancy in Rog.

If an operation is performed, then the patient is removed by a pair of pathological organ. After a woman remains one uterus for her, there will be less risks in the process of conception. But it will necessarily require consultation and constant control of the gynecologist.


On a planned examination, a specialist may not determine the presence of anomalies in the structure of the reproductive system. If the patient complains about the presence of unpleasant symptoms characteristic of two modules, it is sent to a comprehensive hardware examination:

  1. Colposcopy.
  2. Diagnostic laparoscopy, hysteroscopy.
  3. CT scan.

Experts can prescribe vaginoscopy to patients, thanks to which it will be possible to reveal the protrusion in the region of the lateral wall.


In the presence of two mockeys, pregnancy may occur naturally without any special difficulty. But the process of navigating the fetus for such a category of patients is associated with great difficulties:

  • strongest toxicosis;
  • complications for childbirth;
  • sudden spontaneous interruption of pregnancy.

Possible complications

Many women with such pathology have the following complications:

  • deterioration of health;
  • violation of the functionality of other organs of the genitourinary system;
  • psychological disorders;
  • hindered outflow of menstrual discharge;
  • painful sensations at the bottom of the peritoneum;
  • the emergence of a fistula in the vagina;
  • infection;
  • purulent discharges, etc.

Can I get pregnant

Having two uterus, women can conceive and endure a child. But at the same time, the process of pregnancy can pass with various complications, because of which the patients must be constantly under observation. The list of the most common deviations should be replenished:

  • spontaneous abortion;
  • lichiometry;
  • premature childbirth, discoordination;
  • irregular position of the fetus;
  • intense postpartum bleeding;
  • weak generic activities.

In the case when the embryo was fixed in Rudimentary Rog, the pregnancy doctors are considered as an ectopic. For a woman, there is a danger of rod rupture with subsequent abundant bleeding. As the peritoneum is filling, the risk of death of the patient increases.

Prevent unpleasant consequences will allow careful pregnancy planning and controlling by specialists of each process, from conception, before delivery.

The doubling of the uterus is a congenital anomaly of the development, in which various variants of the division of the main reproductive body of a woman into 2 parts arise. Pathology is one of the reasons for infertility and disruption of the menstrual function.

The causes of the abnormal development of the uterus are most often harmful factors acting on a pregnant woman when entering the fetus of a female. The primary identification of the disease is possible with ultrasound scanning, but for better visualization of the defect should be made MRI of the small pelvis. This is especially important against the background of the usual unbearable pregnancy, with infertility and preparation for surgical intervention.

Types of doubling of the uterus

Doubling the uterus and other malformations of female urinary organs are found no more than 1% of women (0.3-0.9%). The reproductive and urinary system is formed by intrauterine from one embryonic sprout, which can cause the formation of several variants of defects (the double uterus is often combined with the doubling of the kidney or other types of congenital urinary system pathology). Anomalous intrauterine development of urinary bodies in the girl occurs against the background of the following causal factors:

  • genetic disorders;
  • complicated pregnancy in mom (threat of miscarriage, prestal, defective nutrition, intrauterine infection);
  • long-term reception of toxic drugs during pregnancy;
  • professional harm in a pregnant woman;
  • heavy domestic diseases in the future mother.

Often it is impossible to accurately identify the main reason, which led to the emergence of intrauterine pathology in the girl. Therefore, in all cases, when a girl or women has found congenital anomalies in a childbearing system, it is necessary to carry out a full survey to identify the defects of the development of neighboring organs. It is optimal for this to use the MRI method, with which you can obtain a maximum of useful information about all urinary organs.

Options for doubling the uterus

The viliation of the uterus is almost always combined with the pathology of the neck and vagina. Several options for congenital uterine anomalies are possible.

Elimination of malformation Description
Full doubling 2 uterus and 2 vagina are completely separated and isolated from each other
Incomplete doubling 2 Isolated parts of reproductive organs (uterus and vagina) on a certain area are combined with fibrous muscular partition
Full doubling at one vagina 2 uterus, 2 cervix and 1 vagina
Double organ at one neck and vagina 2 uterus, but the neck and vagina are presented in 1 version
Doubling the uterus with rudimentary horn One half of the organ looks normally, and the second is underdeveloped and is represented by the defective cavity
Curry The uterine cavity is deformed in the upper part, partially separating the organ for 2 halves
Sadlovoid The bottom of the uterus is moderately deformed without separation of the organ into 2 parts
Inner partition Thin fibrous partition inside the uterus shares the organ fully or partially

Not always, a young woman has typical symptoms and manifestations, so congenital vice in the childbearing system is found randomly at the stage of pregraving preparation or during a survey about infertility. Especially often asymptomatic leakage of the disease happens with erased and unbearable versions of doubling (twin, saddot). It is much worse if the anomaly of the genital organs is combined with a delay in the outflow of menstrual blood: in this case, typical symptoms will become the basis of the accurate diagnosis.

Symptoms of congenital pathology

The manifestations of congenital pathology depend on the form of doubling the uterus. There are 2 groups of defects:

1. without delayed menstrual blood in the uterine cavity

The overwhelming majority of options for congenital anomalies of the uterus are represented, in which a woman comes normal periods. With a regular cycle, women who have no intimacy will not have any symptoms or unpleasant manifestations of congenital pathology. With the beginning of sexual life, problems associated with the act of love can occur, which happens with a double vagina against the background of full doubling. The main symptoms arise in women who want to give birth to the baby. With anomalies of the uterus without menstrual problems, the following manifestations are possible:

  • threat of miscarriage on any gestation;
  • spontaneous abortion in early time;
  • miscarriages in late terms;
  • habitual unbearable;
  • premature childbirth;
  • infertility.

In all cases of misunderstanding the fetus or in the absence of desired pregnancy, it is necessary to make a full examination, starting with safe and highly informative methods of examination (ultrasound and MRI).

Doubling of the uterus - an unpleasant vice of organ development

2. Vices with a delay of blood outflow

The lack of a message of one of the parts of the uterus with a neck and vagina is the reason for the latency of the menstrual blood and the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • abdominal pain associated with critical days;
  • detection of gradually increasing in the sizes of tumor formation at the bottom of the abdomen.

Usually, such symptoms occurs when doubling the uterus with a functioning rudimentary horn. If the underdeveloped section of the double body has a message with a cervix, then the following problems are possible:

  • bloomzanya before and after menstruation;
  • abundant monthly;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

Any varieties of vices can lead to the formation of genital endometriosis with typical symptoms.

Doubling of uterus and pregnancy

Doubling of uterus and pregnancy

The desired conception against the background of the full doubling of the childbearing organ is quite possible. Pregnancy comes from the other side where eggs came out of the ovary. The beginning of the embryo tool may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. menstrual-like reaction during pregnancy (a woman in the days of the expected monthly periods appear scarce bleeding);
  2. brown highlights in the first months of pregnancy (endometrial rejection from the part of the uterus where there is no fetal egg);
  3. pulling abdominal pain.

All these manifestations are similar to typical symptoms of the threat of miscarriage, so the doctor will prescribe a preserving treatment or to go to the hospital. If at the first stages of the development of the fetus, no serious problems arose, then a woman against the background of constant surveillance and treatment moves the fruit and gives birth to a healthy baby.

In difficult cases, in infertility associated with the doubling of the uterus, Eco is conducted. After a full examination, including MRI, fertilized "in the test tube", the egg cell is sitting in that part of the future fruit of fruit, where the most optimal conditions for nulling the fetus are the most optimal.

The development of the fetus in the incomplete doubling of the uterus

Diagnosis of doubling of the uterus

The main methods of identifying various types of abnormal structure of the childbearing system are the following studies:

  1. transvaginal ultrasound;
  2. hysteroscopy;
  3. laparoscopy.

At the first stage of the survey, preference is given to non-massive methods - ultrasound and MRI. The saddot and twin uterus, the doctor will easily find with ultrasound scanning. Endoscopic techniques are optimal with a combination of diagnosis and treatment.

Visual inspection of the inner surface of the uterus (hysteroscopy) allows you to detect the partition and immediately remove the anomaly of the development. The outer inspection of the uterus at laparoscopy is combined with the operation to remove the non-functional part of the organ in the presence of a rudimentary horns.

What will show tomography when doubling the uterus?

MRI when doubling the uterus

Uterine separation - incomplete removal

Treatment of doubling of the uterus

In the absence of problems with the outflow of menstrual blood, the doubling of the uterus does not require compulsory surgical intervention. The saddot and counya form of pathology extremely rarely leads to serious consequences, being an unpleasant feature of the main reproductive organ.

With emerging difficulties during intimate life, in infertility and pathology with a latency of menstrual blood, an operation will be required.

Surgical treatment is shown in the following cases:

  • full doubling of the uterus, in which a woman has an abnormal structure of the vagina;
  • the presence of a closed rudimentary horns of the uterus;
  • open and underdeveloped part of the double uterus in which ectopic pregnancy may occur;
  • the usual miscarriages associated with the doubling of the uterine cavity;
  • partition in the uterus;
  • the combination of the vice of the uterus and gynecological diseases (endometriosis, mioma, ovarian cysts).

The choice of technique of operation is individual and depends on the desire of a woman to endure and give birth to a child. In most cases, it is quite realistic to preserve the woman a childbody function and ensure the lack of problems in an intimate life.

Full doubling of the uterus is a rare anomaly for the development of a reproductive system of a woman characterized by the formation of two modules with separate cerkeys. In some cases, the formation of two vagina is possible, but this pathology is extremely rare.

Pregnancy at doubling

The presence of two mockery in a woman may not be discovered up to the beginning of childbirth. In the history of medicine, there are cases of simultaneous development of a child in two masks, but most often the fruit is in one of them.

Possible complications of pregnancy when doubling:

  • improper location of the fetus;
  • discordination or weakness of labor;
  • postpartum bleeding (especially when the vaginal partition break);
  • premature childbirth;
  • unbending fetal.

However, the development of two modules in a woman is more often determined by the gynecological examination or treatment of infertility. The absence of the possibility of conception and tooling the baby is a non-separation of the organ doubling. It is characteristic of 50-60% of cases of atypical development.

Two uterus in a woman can be absolutely full, in a number of other cases, one of them turns out to be underdeveloped. With the full doubling of the body, pregnancy is possible in any of them. In the case of the presence of one developed, and the second rudimentable pregnancy occurs in a full-fledged uterus. The development of the fetus in Rudiment is considered ectopic pregnancy and becomes a threat to the health of a woman. There is a gap of an infallible organ and fruit in the abdominal cavity.

Factors of development of anomaly

Two uterus in a woman is formed at the stage of intrauterine development. The reason for the absence of a fusion of two initially developing uterine cavities is becoming. The proper formation failure causes the adverse factors presented below.

  • The lack of a healthy lifestyle culture at the parents (especially in the mother). First of all, it concerns habits and conditions of residence leading to chronic intoxication of the body. Addiction to alcohol, nicotine or energy drinks also entails constant intoxication leading to negative consequences.
  • Sexual infections transferred during pregnancy or immediately before conception. It is imperative to comply with the recommendations of specialists when planning pregnancy, since after treatment of some infections, a long recovery period is required. At this time, the conception is not recommended.
  • Situations contributing to the release of stress hormones (cortisol, adrenaline, prolactin). They extremely negatively affect the internal processes in the body. The best method of combating this factor is a good mood and optimistic looks for life. During pregnancy, it is especially important to keep track of your emotional background.
  • Hormonal failures. Hormones regulate the normal functioning of all organs and human systems, including the processes of formation of the future kid. Violation in the work of the endocrine system provoke development pathology, among them and doubling the uterus. Hormonal failure can cause the following pathologies: diabetes mellitus, diseases of the thyroid gland, ovaries and adrenal glands.
  • Power failure. Deletion of diet with vitamins or minerals leads to various shears in the body, including the development of a number of anomalies.

Listed factors do not have specificity. In addition to the development of two modules with two cervices and (rarely) two vagina, they can cause any pathology of the formation of the fetus or provoke a woman's disease.

Important! The correct lifestyle and elimination of harmful factors affecting health is the best basis for the development and birth of a full-fledged baby.

Symptoms of doubling

A woman with two uteros can never feel the pathology. Situations when such a structure does not cause negative sensations and does not interfere with the birth of a healthy child, are considered the norm. Menstruation runs simultaneously in both uteros. However, various manifestations are possible:

  • 3 months after the onset of the first menstruation, a pronounced feeling of cutting at thenime of the abdomen arises.
  • It is possible to appear the separating seals of a brown or blood nature in the middle of the cycle. The symptom occurs with the presence of a fistula between the two uteros. This hole is located in a partition separating two vagina.
  • The penetration of infection into the uterine cavity through a fistulous move may manifest itself with the release of blood with a pus, acquiring a permanent character.
  • The manifestation of the presence of a double uterus during labor is characterized by a decrease or discoordination of generic activity. Abundant postpartum bleeding are also possible.
  • Infertility.
  • Impossibility to endure a child, premature childbirth or miscarriage.
  • Disturbance of cycle, abundant or scant menstrual discharge.
  • Periodically emerging grapple-like pain at the bottom of the abdomen.

The listed symptoms are not always indicated directly on the split of the organ, but only indicate a deviation in the health of the reproductive system. Considering the rarity of pathology (about one case for four million women), doctors detect this feature only after a thorough study.

Development of 2 modules with 2 cervical cervicals can not always have manifestations. About 50% of women do not feel the feature of the structure and learn about the anomalies with ultrasound examination of the small pelvis organs. However, even ultrasound does not always determine the pathology. In the absence of symptoms, doubling is considered the norm and does not require treatment.


The diagnosis of doubling the main childbearing authority is raised on the basis of a complete gynecological examination in the following:

  • collect complaints and inspection;
  • Ultrasound of a small pelvis;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • colposcopy;
  • ultrasonic renal research.

An experienced gynecologist can identify or suspect the development anomaly (if there are two cakes of the uterus) during a planned gynecological inspection.


With the normal functioning of the reproductive system, treatment is not required. In the process of pregnancy, control over the state of the uterus and the development of the fetus is enhanced.

However, in disruption of the menstrual cycle, the occurrence of pain syndrome or the development of infertility requires surgical intervention. The type of operation is selected taking into account the structure of the organs, the development of both half the uterus and the general health of the woman.

In disruption of the outflow of menstrual discharge, a pronounced pain syndrome (algodismenorrhea) is observed. This complication occurs in adolescence after the start of menstruation and requires the operation. The surgeon rejects the partition between the uks, forms a single cavity and signs the vagina. This type of intervention is called metroplasty (the formation of one uterine cavity from two available). The postoperative period requires the appointment of hormonal therapy (drugs with a high content of estrogen) in order to exclude the formation of synechs (adhesions).

In the absence of serious disorders, when only the menstrual cycle fails, hormonal therapy is applied. Operation is not required.

Important! The doubling of the uterus affects the functioning of the small pelvis organs. The treatment of doubling the organ must be carried out under the supervision of the nephrologist and the urologist.

The doubling of the sexual apparatus is detected by a woman during and gynecological inspection. Many of women do not even know about their own characteristics - live a full sexual life and plan to give birth to children.

Doctor that with me

Upon learning of the problem, patients often experience shock. In their eyes, a woman with two utensils and vagina - like a mutant, doomed on. It is not: doubling the genital organs. An ordinary mistake of nature, and sometimes such a structure does not even prevent the child and give birth to a child.

The following types of doubling of the sex apparatus are found:

  • full - The woman has two uterus, with one ovary on each, and two vagina. One full-fledged vagina, and the second is underdeveloped and narrow. There are ladies with two full-fledged vagina, looking like one separated by the partition. With this pathology, women complain about painful periods related to the difficulty of blood outflow through an infallible vagina.
  • one vagina and two uterus with two cervices. This anomaly does not interfere with sexual life, but makes it difficult to pregnancy if the second uterus is defective;
  • one vagina, cervical and two uterus - In this case, the embryo can gain a foothold on the left, right-wing uterus or even in both of both, especially with artificial ovulation stimulation. One uterus can even "get pregnant" for a day or two later. Such women frequent miscarriages, but the born children do not differ from other newborns.
  • double uterus separated by partition, with two cavities (horns) connecting in the lower department. One horn can be underdeveloped, and then they talk about a one-tailed uterus. The saddot shape occurs when the uterine bottom "indulged" inside.

How pregnancy occurs when doubling the uterus

When implantation of the embryo in one half, a deducer shell also appears in the second, but on the period of 4-5 months, the growth of the "non-empty" half stops. Rhodewords are carried out with the help of cesarean section due to the weakness of generic activity, but if the fight is full, the woman gives birth.

With a cougium uterus, one half of the body is full, and the second underdevelopment (rudimentary) and the pregnancy in it rarely comes. If this happens, the embryo is removed. When implantation of the embryo in a normally developed robe, miscarriages are registered several times more often, but with properly conducting pregnancy there is a chance to convey the baby.

Saddle-like uterus - a frequent cause of the usual unbearable. Pregnancy often ends with miscarriage and premature childbirth.

The problems with the birth of the child arise in the presence of a partition in the vagina, but if it moves to the side, everything goes well. Otherwise, the partition is cut and the vagina plastic is carried out.

A single uterus delivers many problems, because its size is small, and the second ovary in a woman will underdesert. However, such patients also have a chance to give birth to children.


Some women after diagnosis are afraid that "extra" bodies will have to delete, but it is not. If the features of the anatomy do not interfere with sex life and tooling children, the operation is not required.

With infertility, rudimentary organs are removed, but it does not always give a positive result. Sometimes it is better to spend Eco to give birth to without surgery. Sometimes pregnancy occurs only after plastics.

Operational intervention has to be resorted by obstruction of the vagina or neck. Inside the underdeveloped blood accumulates blood and the hematometer occurs. Doctors create an outflow for blood, but if it is impossible, an additional uterus is removed.

When pathology is found, you should not panic. Before the invention, ultrasound, many women did not know about their own characteristics that they did not prevent them from having a full offspring. So the full or partial doubling of the internal genital organs is not a sentence. If still there are doubts, whether everything is in order, you need to go through ultrasound.

About doctors

Sign up for a reception to the obstetrician-gynecologists of the highest category - and today. We will do everything to take you as quickly as possible. The Rainbow Clinic is located in the Vyborg district of St. Petersburg, just a few minutes walk from Ozerki Metro Stations, Enlightenment Avenue and Parnass. See.

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