
Where and what small can be fill the tattoo. Tattoo for the girl, where and what to fill. Tattoo on the top of the shoulder

For many years, fashion for tattoos increases and most often such a decoration gives preference to the girl.
When choosing a tattoo, you must be guided by certain principles and rules. Based on this, the girl can apply a constant tattoo, and can take advantage of no less popular temporary tattoos or make a tattoo-drawing using colored crystal pebbles and a variety of rhinestones.

In the event that the girl seeks to meet the latest fashion trends, the so-called solution can be an excellent solution. White tattoo. This tattoo is applied using a white pigment, which, in turn, is bright and attractively highlighted on tanned skin, which is very relevant in the summer.

Another rule when choosing a tattoo is to determine the right place to apply it.

Ideally, the tattoo should be located in such a place where it can be hidden if necessary. After all, one thing when the tattoo demonstrates on the beach or on the disco, and completely differently - at work or on a business dinner.

One of the most popular bodies for applying tattoos is the neck. But before making a tattoo on this site of the body, it is necessary to take into account that this process is very painful.

Not bad tattoo Place - Interior Wrist. If necessary, it can be easily covered with a clock or bracelet. A huge number of stars and models chose this place for its tattoo, for example, the well-known model and

Among adolescents are very popular tattoo made on the ear and on handThe latter is basically applied by names or inscriptions. In addition, the tattoo on the hand is applied by religious considerations, in order to demonstrate a reconcitation or make a deep statement.

For bold and daring personalities, it is best for chest tattoo. This tattoo is ideally suited to those girls who, through the unique body art, want to express themselves.

The embodiment of female charm is tattoo located on ankle Or around it. But since this part of the body is very blessing and there are many nerve endings on it, for applying a tattoo, great courage is required.

Feminine and attractive place for tattoo is the bottom of the back. This is explained by the fact that this part of the body is rarely demonstrated, but if you brought a glimpse, you can see the tattoo. And, secondly, the back - as a place to apply tattoos is so popular that even got the name "place of the stamp". Therefore, if a girl decided to make a tattoo, because it is considered fashionable and it is on his back (lower back, a sacrum) is not the best idea, as there is a risk of getting into the ranks not originals.

Evaliable when solving making a tattoo is the choice of drawing.

Before choosing a suitable image, be sure to consult a master that will apply the tattoo, read the values \u200b\u200bof the attached pattern.

Currently, Eastern topics are very common among the tattoo drawings (these are ornaments, hieroglyphs, dragons). No less interesting vegetable and animal motifs: images of flowers, butterflies, cats, dolphins and others.

External influence - the desire to gain significance and weight in society. Internally influence - the development of hidden abilities and opportunities. The danger is that the discovery of these abilities is in no way controlled by a person. This is a spontaneous emission.

External influence is a demonstration that a person is endowed with something that is not available to others. He considers himself a carrier of hidden and important for him. Internally influence - internally stress, inability and inability to cope with what happens in his life.

Left hand (for right):
External influence is a clear description of your aspirations and interests from the people around him and processes. As if the motto "I want or I like this." Internally influence - one-sidedness and small number of options when making decisions or committing actions. Stereotype and climbing in schemes.

Hand rights (for right):
External influence is an active desire for self-expression. The desire to get more and often something concrete from the world. Internally influence - hardness and determination, conjugate with excessive persistence and lack of flexibility.

External influence - challenge the surrounding, the reluctance to follow public norms, and the desire to establish their orders. Internally influence - conflict in worldview between its vision and public standards. As a result - closedness and dislike.

External influence - concretization of interests and material aspirations in life. What a person in communication is guided by his desire. Internally influence - limited contacts. The inability and inability to communicate in a wider sense of the word. Some of the acquaintances will be dropped.

External influence is a demonstration of dominance and the presence of internal protection against the environment. Internally influence - the constant desire to express their capabilities, to demonstrate your potential to the surrounding people.

The external influence is the originality of communication and approaches associated with contacts with the opposite sex. Internal influence - doubt and unrealizations in the existing partner. The desire to make and get more from life existing.

External influence - the desire to get maximum recognition and interest from others in all aspects. Internally influence - difficulty with self-esteem, inability to determine their real opportunities and its place in life.

Fit organs:
External influence - discontent (dissatisfaction) by partners, their behavior and attitude.
Internally influence - the desire to gain sexual harmony, compliance between reality and dreams.

Left leg :
The external influence is the allocation of the main basis capabilities of a person, for which he would, by nature, wanted to pay attention. Internally influence - self-digging and searching for hidden reserves. Dissatisfaction with existing and fully taking place.

Right leg :
External influence - direction of movement and striving of man. Internally influence - restriction or support in the specified direction

Left feet:
External influence - search for a partner, support in life. Internally influence - insufficient support from relatives and loved ones

Right feet:
External influence - selfishness and desire to live under their whims of desire. Internally influence - dissatisfaction with communication, relationships with loved ones.

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I will give examples of basic characters and their magic meanings so that you can understand what exactly the tattoo in your life will bring:
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Cross in a circle:
Before you, the variety of pattern, symbolizing the sun or the so-called life circle. A person who chooses a similar symbol, namely the circle and its variations, strives for activity in all its forms.
The disadvantage of such a tattoo may be that passivity in many cases, important and necessary, will be difficult to achieve.

Ornament, framing hand or leg:
The ornament, framing hand or leg, causes energy to concentrate in the specified area. Encourages a person to active actions, precisely in that place, and the aspect of
It should also be said that such a tattoo will encourage a person to do what he took up, in the maximum voltage of strength. And to the end.

Flowers and their weaving:
Flowers and their weaves encourage a person more mildly, to realize their inner world.
Of the minuses of such a symbol, in particular for women, we can say that a woman currently needs to be different. But the carrier of such a symbol will not be easy to show any other character traits other than those underlined.

For a man, this symbol gives a certain extent to a certain psychological charm, encouraging and acting non-standard and unusual.
From negative, if you can say that, this is a conflict between the flexibility of the influence and straightness of a male character.

Religious symbol:
This is not only a cross, but also other characters. First of all, the conversation is about attracting protection and patronage in your life, support. From negative manifestations that a person with such a symbol becomes more adventurous, more daring in his actions.

Hands crossed in prayer:
In this case, the religious symbol is also demonstrated, the value of which is practically the same as in the previously studied. The only difference is that the internal person with such a symbol hopes more than believes that he softens the previous formulations.

In this case, you also see the ornament that frams the eye.
The eye - looks and sees, as well as the environment of a person who left the imprint when choosing this symbol. The permanent sense of publicity causes a person to always be alert.

Stars :
The symbol of the eight-pointed star, which formed the basis of this tattoo, speaks of a striving for harmonious existence. In general, each of the following symbols carries its load and affects the distribution of forces in the tattoo.

The triangle is an active desire to achieve the goal.
Square - striving for stability and confidence.
Rhombus - emotionality and sensuality.
Pentagram is a desire for active self-expression, leadership qualities.
Geescam is a balance between the inner world and the environment of a person.
Seven-pointed star is the desire for creation and real creative implementations.
Eight-pointed star - As we have already spoken, the desire for harmonious material existence.

Face or face talk about the need for their lives to focus on themselves, their requests and their capabilities. Engage in self-realization and individual development.

Butterfly, like everything connected with the animal world and insects, with its interpretation proposes to rely on the essence, the main characteristics of what happens in the symbol and correlate it with a person.
The butterfly is a symbol of rebirth when their caterpillars turns into a beautiful insect, which has other possibilities.

Panther - activity, grace, swiftness, power, and cruelty, instinctivity.

Turtle - wisdom, security, and - badness and slowness.

Snake - activity, flexibility, sophistication, and - causes rejection and makes keep out of it.

Tattoos with cats are symbols of freedom and desire. Homemade caresses symbolize tenderness and love. Also, tattoos with cats are a symbol of deception and tricks. Those often cause thick cats, black cats - their meaning often depends on the idea of \u200b\u200ba particular person who makes him a tattoo. The tattoo with cats symbolize the appeal of love.

Lotus - a symbol of creative strength, is associated with the female principle, Lono, like a place of the birth of life, fertility, prosperity, offspring, longevity, health, life completeness, glory, immortality, purity, spirituality. Flower structure Lotus symbolizes the interaction of female and male start. In India, the lotus symbol, correlated with the female childbody, Yoni, personifies the goddess-mother, source of special sacred power. Also acts as an independent symbol of creative power. Red lotus - emblem of modern India. China Lotus personifies purity and chastity, fertility, productive power. Traces of lotus symbols.

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Tattoo birds are quite popular in our time, and there are a huge variety of them.
Tattoos in the form of birds are symbols of heaven, air, height, flight, speed. Another tattoo birds can mean freedom and excitement.

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Pigeon tattoo - value
The image of this bird is considered a positive and pleasant symbol. The image of the pigeon in the tattoo is interpreted as a mascot that protects his carrier from all sorts of evil forces and actions is also considered to consider a pigeon symbol of loyalty and devotion, and the desired freedom.

Raven Tattoo - Meaning
Voronov tattoo is quite symbolic in culture pattern on the body, they usually symbolize
Mysteriousness and mystery. Such tattoo carry some mysterious mystical essence, as if the duality of nature of their carrier. Crows can also symbolize some supernatural abilities, but in this case it is not always real.

Wood-bird tattoo - value
The value of such a tattoo is very similar to the value of the phenix tattoo. Firebird since ancient times known as a symbol of good luck and wealth. In the images on the body, it is often interpreted as a symbol of great grace, wisdom and kindness.

Hummingbird tattoo - value
Tattoo this truly paradise carries positive in itself and filled with optimism. It is often depicted to emphasize the openness and sincerity of a person, attacks the same brightness and love for exotic. Most often such tattoos make themselves ladies. In addition to all the above-listed tattoo, Hummingbird denotes the world, care for neighbor and happiness.

Tattoo Swallow - meaning
Swallow is a fairly famous mascot, and it is believed that it attracts good luck.
This bird can be familiar to close changes for the better, symbol of good luck and hope. Since ancient times, it is believed that the swallow brings spring on its wings, and with her and warm and hope, and happiness.

Tattoo Eagle - meaning
The eagle is considered in many beliefs of the king of birds, and is a beautiful and majestic bird. In various beliefs, the image of this bird means the divine beginning, spirituality and foresight. In the art of Tattoo, this bird symbolizes pride, courage, power, immortality, victory.

Tattoo Peacock and Peacock Feather - Meaning
Peacock in many cults is recognized as a symbol of the sun. This is a very beautiful bird, and it is almost always identified with beauty and grace. Tattoos with a picture of peacock can mean beauty, royality, romance. Also as a symbol of the Sun, this bird symbolizes immortality, glory, greatness and happiness.
Tattoos depicting pen have approximately the same meaning, but besides this, the pen symbolizes the strength of the spirit and compassion.

Pen Tattoo - Meaning
Feather birds are a rather interesting and meaningful subject. And such a tattoo is very and very popular. They can be a symbol of mysteriousness, wisdom and patience. A feather tattoo says that her identity carrier is pretty brave and bright.
The feather is also a symbol of pleasure and cheerful people.

Tattoo owl - meaning
This bird in the culture of the tattoo is not particularly popular, as it has a rather complicated meaning. And not everyone is decided on such a tattoo.
In ancient times, the image of the owls could only pump themselves to themselves powerful and influential. This symbol was considered not only a sign of the primary class, but also a sign of the mind. Owl, as you know, in our time there is also a symbol of wisdom.

Tattoo phoenix - meaning
Tattoo with this fantastic bird means strength, long-suffering and strength. This bird is the sign of the Human Spirit, which is all the time in a state of fighting the life difficulties and obstacles. Phoenix symbolizes still cleansing fire.

Tattoo value wings - Tattoo on the back

Have wings not everyone. Not all people can make such a tattoo, and not everyone is worth it. The meaning of this tattoo first needs to understand and realize, towering the shadows of doubts and prejudice.

The tattoo value of the wings is very deep, symbolic and diverse. Basically, it depends on what color and the shape are depicted and on which part of the body. After all, today the tattoo of the wings is one of the most popular, so there are a lot of different ways and styles in the image of such a tushkin.

Sometimes there is an image of wings of curved, or saturated fire, they are called wings of vain, wings of Satan or fallen angels. Black wings, or wings of volatile mice, often applied by goths, are always associated with evil and danger. The value of the tattoo wings on the back has found its symbolic essence and in places of imprisonment, there this tattoo means flight of the soul and the desire for lost freedom.

And the tattoo of the butterfly wings can represent the human soul who wants ascension to heaven. Such a tattoo will not rarely mean the symbolic protection of a person.

The tattoo value of the wings on the back for a person means excellence over the world, with its problems and a fuss, or an irrepressible desire will be likely to be at least outwardly to the Messengers of Heaven - winged angels. Angelic wings are usually large and wide, they mean innocence and children's simplicity, high spiritual power and impurity. For girls, such a tattoo can become a symbol of the Divine beauty, inviolability and purity of the female image. And for a man - the method of isolation from the crowd and the sign of kindness spiritual.

The value of the tattoo of wings, coated with scales, embody the top of the dragon strength and its inconsistency. And the ancient Egyptian artists and creators of applied art used wings as a symbol of the power and grandeur of Pharaoh.

If the image of the wings and the heart is found - it means the union of two inseparable and eternal feelings: love and trust, because love without trusting evil and dangerous, and confidence without love is brutally and inconstant.

The tattoo of the wings can become a symbolic tribute for revered once, or even today, winged gods or deities. In addition to the angels and the incarnation of the Holy Spirit, the Greek Messenger of the Gods is falling into this list - Hermes, the god of night sleep and his son - Hynos and the Morphy, the Goddess of Nemesis, Garpii, Griffon, and, of course, Naughty Fortune, and many others. If you depict the wings with feathers flying away from them - this indicates that the tattoo carrier person is incredibly tired, he has been vague by worldly problems and injustice of time.

As you know, the most popular zone for the tattoo of the wings is the zone of blades and back, but the wings look very nicely and on other parts of the body: the loin, neck, shoulders (for girls). Therefore, pick up the suitable size, color and form you can determine your personal value for the tattoo of the wings.

The value of the tattoo "moon"

Ancient mythology states that the invented version of the symbolism of the moon is definitely not predicted by anyone, so you can be sure that if you apply a tattoo on certain parts of the body, it will not entail any consequences. Thus, it is not necessary to be afraid of the symbolism applied with a tattoo, besides beauty, no value bears for itself.

The entire world community in their traditions is spiritualized by the symbolism of the Moon and honors it as a divine symbol. In itself, the influence of the Moon, humanity can only feel during dreams, and in earthly life it protects the peace and well-being of people, and all civilization by covering the night o'clock. Poted often mythical confrontations of worldviews communicate the moon and its display with negative random remnants, but actually applying a symbol, except mysteriousness, does not bring frustration. Therefore, the crescent can be boldly to draw in the form of a tattoo on any prominent places of the human body and attract this symbol of beauty and charm surrounding. It is not by chance a fictional picture of the human mind attracts an unusual mysteriousness of sanity.

The cultural credo of some countries is spiritualized by the meaning of the Tattoo "Moon" in its divine magnitude. The entire territory of the Muslim Faith personifies the greatness of the moon symbol - as crescent, which manifests itself during the new moon. This form and value of the Tattoo "Moon" they have the main attribute in life, both at birth and in the care of another world. In some states, the attributes on the background of the moon is displayed by female symbols. This was manifested in the culture of Greek and Roman peoples against the background of the goddess of Artemis, glorifying it with the construction of temples and holy places. The Maja was also considered the goddess of the Moon, so she was recognized as a patroness of women in an interesting position, and also the intercessors of Orthodox.
Moon tattoo value

The culture of Chinese peoples in the face of the lunar month embodied the female face covered with the cold energy of dark otherworldly civilizations. The interaction of the moon with nature was considered to be considered, as a hugely affecting the procession without natural anomalies. Even the solar system exhibits weakness towards the moon, as it closes the sun with its lunar eclipses. All natural anomalies were somehow connected with the moon and manifested in the human mind as a punishment or God Kara. The mythical impact of the moon is reflected and at present, since the lunar calendars with horoscopes are compiled and the day of the Great Easter is counted from the location of the Moon and always falls for the new moon, because it was considered that Besy whims were carried out on the full moon.

If the moon is displayed on the tattoo shining in the shade of clouds, then superstitions prompt the mystical image of the impact on the person of other people, such as Lunatic. Or on a tattoo manifests itself on the background of the moon Hunting of wild animals, such as owl, bat, panther or wolf, can even be a cat, because she was considered the chief attribute of witches, no wonder her eyes glow at night, as if they were reflected in them to reflect the moon . On the astrological language, the value of Tattoo Moon symbolizes maternal love filled with warmth and light, love and care. The choice of tattoo always remains mystery for others, only spiritual emotions are embodied in pictures, which will always resemble a symbol of that time against the background of the moon tattoo.

Tattoo is a major decision, the consequences of which will remain for life. That is why it is important to choose not only a sketch of future work, but also the optimal places of drawing tattoos.

How to choose a place for a tattoo?

So, for example, the most susceptible places for women - knees, elbows, neck and chest area. It is worth noting that women perceive point pain are much lighter than men, so the process of applying a tattoo will cause only a small discomfort.

Most of all the pain man will experience if the tattoo seat is: head, neck, elbows and knees, feet, brushes, groove zone, chest and the inner side of the hip.

In any case, the arrangement of the tattoo will depend on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe master and wishes of the client. That is why the study of the "pain card" will be a warning for people who poorly carry long-term painful sensations.


Tattoo on hand is the most common and spectacular option. The choice of this part of the body has a number of significant advantages:

  • hands - symmetrical part of the body, so you can fill the drawings that complement each other;
  • tattoo on the shoulder is easy to hide under clothing;
  • with a slight change in weight, the drawing will not "break out";
  • But do not forget about possible shortcomings:
  • applicated images do not like sunlight. They will have to regularly apply sunscreen;
  • severe deformation is subject to tattoos on elbows, palms and fingers;
  • brushes and elbows are one of the most painful places.

Any tattoo looks beautiful on the hands, regardless of the subject, style and the exact zone of drawing.


The advantages of images applied to feet include:

  • aesthetic and not too causing appearance;
  • tatoo is easy to hide from other people.

Often, the legs prefer the weak floor, stinging a large and bright drawing on the thigh.

Before a session, the master can remind the difficulties that the client may face:

  • to beat the tattoo in the feet, knees or the inside of the hip - it means to feel a strong pain.
  • with a frequent skin contact with sunbeams, it is necessary to remember additional care in the form of a sunscreen;
  • images in the footsteps and ankles quickly lose their initial look and require frequent updates;
  • when set or losing weight on the hips may appear stretch marks, because of which the drawing is deformed;
  • also, men should remember whether they are ready to shave the legs on which the drawing is visible. Otherwise, the risk of losing a picture under the cover of thick hair appears.


Belly is a good place for tattoo girls. The drawing on it looks beautiful and elegant. However, there are several unpleasant moments that should be remembered:

  • tattoo "blossoms" during pregnancy or with a sharp weight set;
  • during the recovery period, contraindicated sports and wearing dense adjacent clothes;
  • belly is one of the most sensitive places on the body.

The drawing in the presented zone will suit men and women who have already started children and do not plan a future pregnancy. In addition, it is a great way to overlap any scars.


The breast is excellent on the body of those people who want the tattoo not seineral people. After applying work, it is not recommended to play sports and sleep on the chest. For a couple of weeks, for a couple of weeks, it is necessary to forget about the bra - it is necessary for a full healing of the skin. One of the risks when applying a tattoo in women is the deformation of the tattoo due to the age of the chest.


Tattoos on the neck are painful in applying. In addition, ready-made work will attract enough attention, which is why problems with employment may arise. Therefore, this option is suitable for people who prefers closed clothes or those who "work on themselves".


The advantages of the selected surface include:

  • the possibility of performing large tattoos;
  • the image does not fall under the view of other people. Exception can be visited by the beach or pool;
  • the drawing will not change even after a long time.

Spin is the perfect canvas for applying masterpieces. Preferences are given by large-scale work or small drawings on shoulders and cocks.

One of the main minuses is soreness, especially if the final deposit is the blades or spine. In addition, the client will need assistance in caring for a tattoo, as it is practically impossible to handle the back.

Head and face

It is worth paying attention to the advantages of the selected area:

  • attracts the attention of the people around;
  • the image can be harmoniously combined with other tattoos on the body.

You won't call these places unnoticed if only the tattooker is very small or hidden hair.

However, there are much more minuses:

  • painful sensations when applied. The face and head is the most painful zones.
  • possible problems with employment. Most employers do not perceive people with tattoo on his face seriously.

Not so causing will be a small tattoo behind the ear. Beautiful and unnoticed for others - the perfect option for office workers and people who are not ready to attract excessive attention to their body.

In what places you can not do a tattoo?

Newcomers are well suited such areas like: hips, shoulders and hands. These are beautiful places on which pain will not be felt so acute.

It is best to abandon the tattoo on the body in places like:

  • elbows, feet and palm: drawings in these zones will last long;
  • face, head, brushes: For those who have a strict dress code at work;
  • back, Neck: From these places, you should refuse to people with a low pain threshold.

The most invisible places for the tattoo

Many are asked about what zone to choose that the tattoo is not visible. In this case, you need to pay attention to:

  • the back is the most imperceptible place that is easy to hide under clothing;
  • shoulders;
  • chest, belly;
  • lower neck;
  • hips;
  • intimate zone.

Intimate tattoo the most painful, in addition, during the recovery period, it is necessary to abandon the fitting linen.

Places for applying small tattoo

Little images can be applied literally anywhere. However, it is recommended to remember that they are most effectively looking at:

  • knuckles of fingers;
  • forearm;
  • on the face and over the ears;
  • on the clavicle;
  • under the breast.

It is important to remember that the place of applying the tattoo should not touch the clothes during the healing period.

Where is it better to fill the tattoo girl?

Women's tattoo must emphasize the tenderness and sexuality of their owner. Therefore, the most piquant places are often selected.

The best places of tattoos for girls:

  • hip. Attractive drawing on hips looks very sexy;
  • buttocks;
  • small of the back. Girls prefer to make tattoo in the form of butterflies or uncomplicated patterns;
  • chest and stomach. Tender figures are able to emphasize the female charming;
  • hands and neck. It is important to note that extremely the back of the neck is popular with popularity.

Before resolving the question of where to fill the tattoo, it is necessary to choose a suitable picture. This is exactly what will help make the final choice.

Where better to make tato inscription?

The place for the inscription tattoo should be suitable. Worst of all inscriptions look at the legs, neck, back and stomach. With due attention to the details, the tattoo is capable of becoming a real work of art. That is why before going to the master, it is necessary to refer to their physiological capabilities, as well as choose the style of tattoo and its location.

It is worth noting by such places as forearm and clavicle. In rare cases, the inscriptions are stuffed under the breast. The inscription can go into a small drawing, then the application zone becomes more extensive.

Helpful information

So, when choosing a place for a tattoo, you must remember the most important points:

  1. every place requires individual care. The master can give a booklet with the recommendations in which all the necessary information will be indicated;
  2. with frequent weight change, it is recommended to choose zones on which the figure will be subject to the smallest deformation: the neck, the lower part of the legs and the forearm;
  3. if you want to hide your drawing, you must give preference to the most imperceptible places;
  4. the short-lived tattoo, made on the elbows, knees, feet and palms;
  5. with a long session or low pain, you can ask for an anesthetic masters.

In the modern world, people are increasingly tattooed. At the same time, each person carries a different goal: for some is a way of self-expression, for others - the opportunity to express their thoughts with the help of "art on the body", and for some it is at all a challenge to society.

After all, even now we can see the social disapproval of such a phenomenon as a tattoo. Why does not society approve of tattoos? For this, there are various prerequisites, and has repeatedly told about it.

Our current goal is to answer important questions, give a clear plan-guide to organizing the first tattooing, and help in choosing the design of the first tattoo.

The first tattoo - decision making

Almost every person seeks to bet for itself and seek them. However, life always teaches humanity to the fact that only the arrangement of the right goals is the right path to success.

In the case of a tattoo, it is important to understand that this is a serious decision, and everyone must be aware of all the responsibility of this step. In addition, hasty decisions may lead to the fact that the client will be dissatisfied with its choice of tattoos, and it is done for life.

Therefore, it is best to track when an incorrect decision, to make the first tattoo, can lead to disappointment.

Situation 1. Sasha meets with a beautiful girl light. On the day, when their relationship was fulfilled month, Sasha decided to make the light excellent, in his opinion a gift. He considered that the tattoo on the wrist named His beloved in the heart will be an excellent foundation for successful relationships, and the light will probably like it.

The most banal situation that is often found. After all, we will never know what will happen next, and the mistake of Sasha is that relations can stop at any time, and the tattoo will remain.

This applies not only to the relationship, but also other aspects of our lives. Many people love to capture what could be fleeting and will soon lose its value. Various comic book characters, TV shows, films can be lost at any time.

Situation 2. Catherine considers himself a very mysterious girl. To emphasize its mystery, she decides to make a phrase tattoo on a language unknown. Whatever choose?

Kate liked Chinese more. Without informing that these incomprehensible hieroglyphs can mean, she decided to make a tattoo. Soon, her friends learned the translation of this phrase and had greatly surprised her.

And the point is again not only that the phrase on the language unclear to us may be sharing, rough or stupid and meaningless. Often, people apply drawings, pictures, meaning in which they do not understand. It is important.

There are a lot of such situations. It is important to remember: it's not worth a hurry anywhere. It is better to take time for thinking and weighing everything for and against. Responsibility - above all!

Danger and consequences of tattoos

One decision making is not enough. To apply tattoos, it is necessary to approach with all caution and responsibility. Unfortunately, a frivolous approach to such a difficult event, like tattoos, can cause infections, allergies, HIV, etc.

Therefore, it is very important to remember, health is the most expensive thing that is, and I will not buy it anywhere.

By law, it is impossible without the consent of the parents to make tattoo to persons under 18. In addition, children often do not know what they want, there is another risk that, with the age of a teenager, a little more grow up and the tattoo is deformed.

It is important to approach the organization as much as possible. Do not save and enjoy cheap services. Contact the able specialists who have extensive experience, conditions, high-quality machine, the best paints and authority in their own business.

How to choose a tattoo?

As already mentioned, hasty decisions in this matter can cause frustration. Therefore, when choosing an image on the body, you must answer the questions: why do you need a tattoo? What you need to show it? What images come to mind?

Here, as they say, you can give will to your imagination. A good, experienced tattoo master will be able to perform work with a half pass. The main thing is to keep a clear image in my head.

It is very important to know the value of tattoos, so it is necessary to find out the meaning and history of images. It is impossible to just take a drawing with or mummy and put it simply because he liked and became a source of inspiration.

What part of the body to fill a tattoo?

The most basic places that are stuffed with tattoos are back, chest, belly, arms and legs. To choose a place for tattoos, you must clearly decide on the image. It is impossible to fill the rhino tattoo on the wrist, if, of course, your goal is not to make it look like a cartoon rhino Otto.

It is also important to remember that the areas of the body in men and women are different, and each person has a different pain. So, applying a tattoo on breasts to women is much painful than men.

When choosing a place for a tattoo, remember that over time some parts of the body are changing more than others, and the drawing will be deformed.

This is especially true for girls who have children in the plans. During pregnancy, the skin can stretch not only on the stomach, because during this period many are gaining weight, then they are very losing. As a result, a beautiful tattoo may lose the original appearance and it will have to hide or output.

If you want to decorate intimate places, you should remember that this is a more painful procedure. The main advantage of such tattoo is their secrecy from prying eyes.

The best tattoos from the standpoint of aesthetics and beauty of the body are tattoo hiding scars. It is only important to remember that it is possible to fill a tattoo on top of the scar after a long time after its appearance. Preferably at least a year.

But not only scars do not give us peace. Sometimes large moles and birthplace stains look not in the best way. In such cases, they come up with a tattoo, which are enveloped by the contours of the mole, making it part of the drawing. Although in such pictures there may be risk, because large moles and birthmarks can be reborn into malignant tumors.

Choosing a tattoo masters

Master is of great importance. The best option would be a familiar, a proven person who worked with your friends and has positive feedback on the work done.

If your acquaintances cannot recommend a proven master, look at the best tattoo - salons. On the Internet, a lot of information dedicated to tattooes, just in no hurry to entrust yourself in the hands of the master, reading a couple of enthusiastic reviews.

Any organization, private entrepreneur, artist and master tattoo, can quietly order positive feedback.

There are special sites where Tattoo Master will find a lot of people who wish for a modest remuneration to smoke the most laudatory reviews. Therefore, do not hurry with the choice.

In the cabin or other place where the tattoo master works, it is important to discuss all the details and consult with him. If the master is experienced, he will definitely give reasonable advice, will help to decide and understand from a half-clow.

Before proceeding with the process of applying Tattoo, check out the entire sequence. It is important that at all stages everything is pure, sterile and dickened!

Tattoo is made.

Now the courtship stage begins for her. From now on, the tattoo is part of the body, and it is important for it to follow. A good tattoo master will give all the recommendations for the first time that the drawing merges with your skin as quickly as possible and accurately, without any deformations and loss.

Tattoo will completely heal for two weeks. After that, it is necessary to carefully inspect the drawing. Perhaps in some places, paint for one or another disappeared. In this case, you will have to visit the wizard to adjust the drawing that the master does free.

Over time, it is likely that the adjustment will be required again, because everything changes - our body and drawing.

Today, everything, and the tattoo is considered one of the bright signs of individuality. Only in fact it is a very dubious way to emphasize your own uniqueness, because any tattoo can be repeated in other people.

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