
What should be done for prevention. Effective prevention of colds in children and adults. Special preparations for improving immunity

Overweight is the cause of not only a non-psychic appearance, but also serious consequences for human health. Many are wondering: "What makes overweight?" The answer is disappointing - weighing weight can provoke the development of hypertension, diseases of the joints, spine, diabetes, high levels of cholesterol.

Experts in the beauty industry operate with many technologies of recovery and loss of body weight: from diet therapy to hardware manipulations. It is important among this manifold to choose its effective method of combating overweight, while not damage to health.

In order to start a weight reduction program with the achievement of maximum results, it is necessary:

  • First of all, the motivation is your desire to return grace and health.
  • Evaluation of the real body weight will turn out the fight against overweight into harmless and coherent process.
    To begin, calculate the body mass index. Divide the body weight on growth in a square. If the resulting digit is included in the interval of 18 - 25 units - you are in excellent form. The indicator below 18 indicates the missing weight, more - about the excessive mass of the body. It is necessary to discuss the obtained indicators with a specialist and establish the body mass index that you need to achieve and maintain. For a more accurate assessment, you can contact our clinic and go through the procedure of bioimmedia. This procedure allows you to determine the content of unnecessary adipose tissue in the body and calculate the exact weight you can reach, losing weight without harm to your health.
  • Calculation of daily calorie diet.

Individually selected by our program specialists, changing lifestyle and adjusting food habits is guaranteed to lead to a gradual reduction in weight, restoration of physical activity, harmony and improving self-esteem.

The main causes of the emergence of overweight and obesity of a person

The main cause of excess weight in women and men is the slowdown in metabolism, as a result of which calories entering the body, are not burned, but form unnecessary accumulations of adipose tissue.

The causes of a set of overweight, which is accompanied by a slow metabolism, may be:

  • irregular diet and insufficient physical tone;
  • excessive use of fatty, acute products;
  • alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • constant lack of sleep, long sleep;
  • excessive use of carbonated beverages and calorie foods;
  • reception of hormonal medical staff;
  • heredity;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • reception of antidepressants, corticosteroids;
  • age changes;
  • regular stress;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

Learn more about our weight loss programs:

Symptoms of overweight

The main signs of excess weight is the second chin, folds, borehore bougores on the body, cellulite. But other symptoms can also develop other symptoms.

  • dyspnea;
  • an increase in appetite;
  • edema of the limbs;
  • fatigue;
  • thirst and night hunger;
  • impairment of the menstrual cycle;
  • girsutism;
  • reduction potency;
  • the presence of stretch marks (neck, hips, belly);
  • skin hyperpigmentation.

These symptoms are manifested before overpowering begins to cause discomfort in humans, but many people do not consider their body weight excess. Although in the case of several, not all, the symptoms are very important to pay attention to them and examine. The earlier start treatment, the greater the chances for a quick and successful result.

Treatment of excess weight

It is important to perform an excess weight correction comprehensively, try to reduce weight with physical exercise, nutrition adjustments, physiotherapy and medicines.
The system of systemic treatment consists of a decrease in body weight (from 3 to 6 months) and maintaining body weight (about half a year). At the same time, nutrition specialists teach the correct diet, controlling health and nutritional features.

The fight against extra kilograms is the most important component of concern for beauty and health, which is a key to a comfortable, long life.

Of course, to get rid of excess weight by own forces, without any help, is pretty difficult. Appeal to the specialist will be the right solution. First, the experience of many years of work is always easier to predict the result and achieve its offensive. Secondly, weight loss, especially cardinal, as well as a set, is stress for the body, and specially developed techniques are based on a gentle influence, and therefore safe for health.

Output with overweight

Proper nutrition while reducing excess weight is to fulfill such recommendations:

  • 1. Pay attention to the caloric content of products. The norm for women about 2000 kcal, with overweight of the body - 1300 kcal.;
  • 2. Take food gradually 4-5 times a day. Last time in 2 hours before bedtime;
  • 3. Use less fat and well-based fats;
  • 4. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. They are low-calorie, have a high fiber content, antioxidants and trace elements;
  • 5. Reduce the use of carbohydrates (sugar, honey, candy).

Prevention of excess weight

People prone to overweight are recommended to balance the level of physical activity and the amount of food used. It is necessary to understand which factors provoked an increase in weight - a decrease in physical exertion, or a power change. Only then can you choose the appropriate decision that you are suitable.

Another essential component of the prevention, which many forget about is to pass tests and systematic surveys. Such events will help identify and solve the problem of overweight at the initial stages of its appearance.

The absence of stress for the body, control of specialists, harmony of the body and soul, the pronounced effect of weight loss and stable preservation of the results achieved is the guarantee of success. And, of course, you need to believe in your strength, the support of loved ones will not prevent.

The prevention of diseases is one of the most important tasks of modern health care, it is laid in a number of state programs and the OMS system. In addition, even familiar hygienic skills and the correct lifestyle are able to have a preventive effect.

Man from early age can be subject to various diseases. They affect the lifespan and its quality, reduce the ability to work and even become the cause of disability and socio-household helplessness. Some diseases are characterized by high mortality, others increase the risk of birth of offspring with various deviations, the third makes a sick person dangerous to others and can lead to epidemics. In many cases, preventive measures are able to prevent the development of diseases or make their forecast more favorable.

What is prevention

Prevention of diseases is a complex of medical and non-medical measures of a preventative and recreational nature. Its main tasks are:

1. Preventing the emergence of various pathological conditions;

2. Minimizing the action of various risk factors;

3. Reducing the risk of developing complications of emerging diseases;

4. Reducing the rate of progression of diseases;

5. Prevention of chronization of pathological processes and the development of secondary diseases;

6. Reducing the severity of the negative consequences of the suffering diseases;

7. General health promotion.

Competent and complex prevention as a whole makes it possible to reduce the incidence and risk of different epidemics, reduce the duration of diseases of the disease and faster to restore ability to work.

Prevention is not just some special medical events appointed by the doctor. Daily hygiene, a healthy lifestyle, the correct organization of the workplace and compliance with certain rules during epidemic periods also allow you to prevent the development of many diseases. Even environmental concern and relates to preventive measures.

In addition to individual prevention of diseases, preventive and wellness activities can be carried out at the level of the state, regions, municipalities. Some of them are provided by the employer or system of medical and preventive institutions.

What kind of prevention is

According to WHO definitions, several types of prophylaxis are distinguished. Primary is a variety of measures aimed at eliminating risk factors for the entire population and early detection of diseases in certain groups. It includes various preventive inspections, vaccination, hygienic education and sanitary and educational work. It also includes the improvement of working conditions on production and enterprises, improving the overall environmental situation and housing microclimate.

The secondary prevention of diseases is necessary for the detection and treatment of diseases in the early stages in the presence of risk factors. At the same time, targeted preventive inspections, dispensarization, prophylactic treatment and improvement of certain social or labor groups are used. Also, in secondary prophylaxis, training and sanitary and hygienic education of patients, their relatives and persons from risk groups are carried out. This creates specialized information and training programs (schools) focused on people with certain diseases. It may be diabetes mellitus, dementia (dementia), hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases, multiple sclerosis and many other pathologies with a potentially difficult course.

Tertiary prevention is carried out after confirming the main diagnosis. It improves the forecast and facilitates the course of the disease. The activities carried out at the same time are aimed at the maximum possible restoration of the working capacity and the preservation of the socio-household activity of a person. Medico-psychological adaptation of the victims of their changed needs and opportunities is necessary.

In general, all types of disease prevention can still be divided into personal interventions, medical and public. At the same time, it is important to adhere to a comprehensive approach, paying particular attention to maintaining your health and strengthen the protective forces of the body.

The main measures of individual prevention

Prevention should be started before the first signs of health deterioration, without waiting for specialized recommendations of the doctor. And at the same time, it is primarily possible or at least minimize the action of the main risk factors. The overall prevention of diseases may include:

1. Compliance with personal hygiene rules;

2. Failure to smoking and receiving strong alcoholic beverages;

3. Increase of general motor activity, regular physical education or gymnastics;

4. Cleansing its own dust from dust, potential allergens and toxins, regular ventilation and humidification of air in apartments;

5. Transition to a balanced full nutrition, while it is important to take into account the composition of food, its caloric content and the type of heat treatment used;

6. Use the appropriate season and weather;

7. Regular passage of complex preventive inspections, including a visit to the doctor, laboratory and instrumental surveys;

8. Conducting planned preventive vaccination according to the national vaccination calendar, as well as additional vaccination to threatening epidemics or traveling to Asian countries and Africa;

9. Competent organization of the workplace;

10. Compliance with the regime and recreation, as well as natural biological cycles Sleep-wake;

11. Avoiding personal-significant stressful situations, timely appeal to a specialist for solving domestic psychological conflicts;

12. The use of natural factors for hardening, strengthening local protective barriers to the skin and mucous membranes.

In childhood, preventive events organize and control parents or replacing them adults. And binding components are the upbringing of the right hygienic habits, planned inspections and vaccination, taking into account the health of the child, compliance with the day of the day. It is also important to control the correctness of the landing of children at the table during classes, to ensure harmonious physical and psycho-emotional development.

What is it desirable to do everyone?

In general, basic preventive measures are stacked by the concept of a healthy lifestyle and compliance with the main sanitary and hygienic rules. At the same time, physical education, a visit to the pool, daily walking have a training action on the cardiovascular system. It also supports the functional activity of all sections of the musculoskeletal system, which, together with the strengthening of the muscular corset, warns the early wear of intervertebral discs and large joints. Proper nutrition is the prevention of diseases of the digestive tract, hypovitaminosis, obesity and metabolic disorders. And the refusal of smoking makes it possible to significantly reduce the risk of developing lung cancer, esophagus and stomach, diseases of the bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular systems.

To prevent infection during the ORVI season, doctors recommend to avoid clusters of people, regularly rinse the nose and rinse the throat with weakly massacre solutions, often wash their hands. It is desirable when visiting public places to use personal protective equipment by changing them every 1.5-2 hours. It is also desirable to often carry out wet cleaning and ventilating residential premises.

If a person belongs to a risk group on the development of a certain disease, it may be necessary for additional preventive measures. It may be the reception of drugs, spa treatment, compliance with a special diet. Such prevention of diseases is carried out for the prescription of the doctor and is usually complemented by clinical surveys with regular targeted surveys.

Of course, certain preventive measures are guaranteed by the state and the OMS system. Nevertheless, many diseases can be prevented, with young age holding the right way of life, caring for hardening and observing the rules of personal hygiene.

The article prepared the doctor Alina Obukhov

Wash your hands thoroughly

Most cold viruses apply to direct contact. He who has a cold, sneezes or cough, and then touches the phone, keyboard, cups, surface of furniture. Medicine carriers can live for several hours before a healthy person touches the infected surface. Easy hand washing is the only most important means to prevent the spread of viral and bacterial infections. Nevertheless, research shows that many people using public toilets do not wash their hands.

People also forget to wash their hands before cooking. If you want to prevent colds, just stop - and wash your hands. If the water is not available, the napkins on an alcohol basis will be an excellent disinfectant tool.

Cover your mouth when coughing or sneeze

Since microbes and viruses remain on hand with coughing and sneezing, it often leads to infection of other people through contact with their hands. When you feel that now begin to sneeze or cough, use one-time handkerchiefs, which then need to immediately throw away.

If you do not have a napkin or a nasal handkerchief, cover your mouth with your hand, and then be sure to wash your hands.

Do not touch the face with dirty hands

Warves causing cold and flu are in the body through the eyes, nose or mouth. Touching with dirty hands to the face - the main way to prevent the cold.

Do breathing exercises

Aerobic (respiratory) exercises allow the heart to pump more blood, makes you breathe faster, help the transfer of oxygen from the lungs into the blood and makes you sweat as soon as your body is heated. These exercises help to increase the immune system to activate and destroy pathogenic viruses and bacteria that cause cold.

Use products containing vitamins

Do not smoke

Medical statistics show that avid smokers are more hardly tolerated cold and more often sick it.

Even if a person does not smoke, but is near smoking, he causes great harm to his immune system. Smoke dries your nasal moves and paralyzes cilia - thin hairs that linse the mucous membrane and lungs. Their wave-like movements pushed cold and flu viruses from nasal moves. Experts argue that one cigarette can paralyze the cilia for quite a long time - from 30 to 40 minutes. Therefore, the likelihood and duration of the incidence of cold or influenza increases.

Stop drinking alcohol

Alcohol abuse suppresses the immune system. Heavy drinking people are more inclined to penetrate infections, as well as secondary complications after a cold.

Alcohol also dehydrates the body - it causes more loss of fluid than necessary for a person

More rest

If you can teach yourself to relax, you can increase the power and speed of the reaction of your immune system. Once you learn to relax and relax more, get enough sleep, the number of interleukins in the blood increases (these are the leaders of the immune system in the fight against enemy agents). Teach yourself in moments of concern or anxiety, as well as before bedtime, imagine pleasant or soothing paintings. Do it 30 minutes a day for several months.

Keep in mind, relaxation can be learned - this is a skill that greatly helps become healthier and successful. But you need to relax sincerely - people who are trying to relax, but do not actually do this, changes in chemicals in blood doctors do not detect.

Alternative Medicines in Cold Prevention


Echinacea is a dietary herbal additive that some people are used to treat colds and for its prevention. Scientists conducted research on how Echinacea works in the treatment and prevention of colds, but the results turned out to be ambiguous. Some researchers found that herbs can help in treating colds, if they take them at an early stage of the disease, but other scientists believe that Echinacea can help at later.],

Vitamin C

Many people are convinced that the adoption of a large amount of vitamin C prevents colds or can alleviate its symptoms. To test this theory, the researchers made several large controlled studies with the participation of children and adults. So far, the data did not convincingly show that large doses of vitamin C are well helped in the prevention of colds.

Vitamin C can reduce the severity and duration of symptoms, but so far there is no clear evidence of this effect. In addition, the reception of vitamin C for a long time in large quantities can be dangerous. Too much vitamin C can cause a heavy diarrhea, which represents a special danger for older people and young children.


Some people use honey to treat cough and to calm the pain in the throat. During the study conducted at the Pennsylvania Medical University, scientists compared the effectiveness of buckwheat honey before bed with treatment with cough and non-receptible cold medications.

The results of this study suggest that honey can be very useful to relieve cough, but about other symptoms of a cold, scientists need to make additional research. But scientists found out that honey is very useful for the prevention of colds - it is able to increase immunity. But know that in no case you should not give honey to children under 1 due to the risk of children's botulism, as well as other serious diseases.


Pastalki and lollipops, which are bought in a pharmacy without a recipe, are also good as a prevention of a cold. Nevertheless, the evidence of their effectiveness was ambiguous.

A recent review of the analysis of a number of clinical studies shows that zinc can slightly reduce the symptoms and the duration of the cold in healthy people, but the use of a large amount of zinc has been associated with an increased risk of developing side effects, such as nausea.

The cold is sick not only children, but also adults. On average, up to 10 times a year, the kids are runny nose, cough, the temperature rises; In mature people, this figure is less (3-4 times a year), but they also should not relax. And with the beginning of the school year, when the rainy season begins on the street, and then frosts, the human body suffers from the lack of vitamins, and therefore at this time it is especially starting to hurt. What do you need to do in this case? The answer is obvious - the prevention of colds will become an excellent output from the current situation. Therefore, today we consider effective ways with which you can reduce the above indicators from eight times a year to three.

Warning methods for illness

Prevention of colds in both children and adults consists in a whole complex of executable events. Among the possible ways to prevent the occurrence of the disease, the following are distinguished:

  • vaccination;
  • reception of vitamins, as well as medical drugs;
  • quenching;
  • proper lifestyle (walks, sleep, meals, adherence to personal hygiene, cleanliness in the house);
  • nasal cleansing;
  • home prevention methods;
  • aromatherapy.

As can be seen, there are a lot of ways to protect the child and an adult from the attack of viruses and microbes. Now let's stop at each of the items.


Prevention of colds in children can begin with vaccination. The vaccination is able to protect the children's body from certain types of microorganisms. Vaccination is offered only when the strain of the influenza virus is known in advance. And, by the way, the full defense of the children's and adult organism comes only after 14 days after vaccination. During this period, the necessary antibodies are produced in the human body. However, in relation to the child, make a decision about vaccination should be a parent together with the doctor.

Taking vitamins

The use of fresh fruits and vegetables for children and adults is the best prevention of colds. However, it is not worth forceing the child kilograms to eat apples, bananas and other products, as an excess will also not go to the crumb to use, but on the contrary, can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, in everything you need to know the measure, even in the reception of natural vitamins. In addition to fruits and vegetables, the source of the elixir of life is rye bread, milk, cereals (especially oatmeal and buckwheat), legumes, oils. Therefore, it is not necessary to neglect these products, since they also have a sufficient amount of useful components.

Special preparations for improving immunity

Among the huge number of existing medications capable of preventing the penetration of viruses, the following drugs are distinguished by efficiency: Drops "Amizon", "Aflubin", "Anaferon", "Immunoflazide" syrup, Tablets "Influocid". These preparations for the prevention of colds have deserved the right to exist, since they are really effective, cope with their task. And for adults, people are good tools "Arbidol", "Cycloferon", "Supradin".


To date, this is the most reliable way to protect not only children, but also adults from attacks of various viruses. Holding babies to start standing since the summer, because at this time the possibility of perching the body decreases. The best option will be a trip to the sea, to the village, to the cottage. If there is no opportunity to go beyond the line of the city, then parents must write the baby to classes in the pool.

If the child is inclined to colds, then it is necessary to carry out prophylactic procedures. First you need to break the handles and legs with a cooled towel, the next step will be a gradual decrease in the water temperature in the bathroom. After the children's body becomes accompanied by such procedures, you can move to poultry, contrasting soul. These events will help strengthen the immune system. And parents either should also miss this opportunity.

However, the hardening is not limited to water procedures only, the following items include such a method of prevention:

  • private ventilation of rooms;
  • walking barefoot in the room, as well as in the summer outside, and in any weather;
  • do not be afraid of drafts, because in kindergartens, kids are sleeping and even engaged with open windows;
  • the teaching of the child to cool drink (for example, the juice from the refrigerator, milk, rippy).

The main rule of hardening - in all procedures it is necessary to increase the load in all the procedures, and then the child will not catch up, his body will become stronger.

Strengthening immunity

The prevention of influenza and colds should begin with basic concepts, and these are walks, sleep, food, cleanliness in the house. The following items must fulfill each parent, if he wants his child to grow healthy, strong and happy:

Nose washing

In order to strengthen the protective abilities of the nasal cavity, the doctors advise it to rinse it. For this, the cook or sea salt is perfectly suitable: on 1 liter of water, 0.5 teaspoon of this white powder will be required. The washing of the nose in the morning leads to the elimination of viruses, bacteria, and during the epidemic period the number of clearing procedures increase to 3 per day.

Folk remedies

Prevention and treatment of colds with home methods can be made relative to adults. However, for young children it is not recommended to use folk recipes without prior consultation of the doctor. In fact, there are a lot of different ways to prevent disease and prevent its occurrence. The most popular are techniques for the prevention and treatment of colds at home:

1. Homemade drops in the nose that are done like this:

  • it is necessary to grasp fresh carrots on fine grain, squeeze it and add olive oil into formed juice (1: 1 ratio), as well as 2 drops of fresh garlic drink. Purge the nose with such a domestic medicine 3 times a day 2 drops;
  • cut into small onions (take the average for the size of a vegetable), pour it with a glass of warm boiled water, add 20 g of the honey, cover with a lid and let it stand for half an hour. In such a solution to bury the nose in the same way as the first option;
  • connect in one mug in an equal number of honey and beet juice. Entering this fluid into the nose of 3 drops in both nostrils three times a day.

2. Home therapeutic tea for which such ingredients will be needed: Rosehip fruits, nettle leaves and vague. All components need to be taken equal to the quantity. Rosehip fruits should be thickened with a coffee grinder, and then combine all the ingredients and pour them with two glasses of cold water. Determine the suduch on the gas, bring to a boil and peck for 3 minutes. Then let it brew for an hour and then you can already drink with honey in the form of a warm tea for 100 ml twice a day after meals.

3. Irrigation of the throat of chamomile, soda, furacilin.

4. In order for the children's body to confront the cold, you need to give a baby every day on 1 teaspoon of honey.

5. Useful vitamin mixture for which ingredients will be required: raisins, figs, dried, prunes, nuts - all these components need 200 grams. Also need honey (200 ml) and 1 lemon. All components need to be chopped with a meat grinder, and chitrus fruit finely cut together with the skin. Stir and define in a glass jar that needs to be stored in the refrigerator. You can eat the finished mixture and adults and children three times a day in pure form. The daily dose for older people is 1 tablespoon, and for kids - tea.

Prevention measures for schoolchildren

Pupils, especially younger classes, often go with wet legs, so parents must be particularly attentive to their younger kids and make sure that their children do not go to school in wet shoes. And if it happened, the prevention of colds in schoolchildren in this case will be the following - warming baths for legs. To do this, it will be necessary in hot water (5 l) to dissolve the mustard powder (60 g) and soda (60 g). After the bath you need to wipe your legs dry and wear warm socks. This procedure will be useful not only for children, but also for adults.


Prevention of colds in children in this way will help to avoid them, especially in the autumn-winter period. Also, essential oils will be by the way with the symptoms of the disease, in comprehensive treatment they are very effective. You can use aromalamps (sold in Feng Shui stores), aromacon. Also a good option will be inhalation with essential oils. With a cold, you can use lavender, eucalyptus, fir, sage, carnation. To do this, only 2 drops of the desired plant are added to the water, and the person breathes his pair. However, with aromatherapy, you need to be careful about the kids up to three years, because essential oils can cause severe allergies.

Today, the most effective measures for the prevention of colds, such as the right lifestyle, reception of vitamins, hardening, vaccination and some others were considered. Only applying all these methods in the complex, a person can protect himself and his baby from diseases.

Arthrosis is a disease of the joints, which is characterized by degenerative-dystrophic changes in cartilage, causes changes in the joint capsule, muscles, bundles and tendons. The main reason for the development of the alend is the disturbed exchange process. For this disease, the prevention of arthrosis is very important to minimize the risk.


Features of treatment

For osteoarthrosis, any joints of the human body are characterized by stage of exacerbation and remission. Preventive measures will help extend remission, and stop the development of dystrophic changes already at the initial stages of the diagnosed disease.

In order for the prevention of arthrosis to be effective and targeted, patients are recommended to strictly follow the following instructions:

  1. Right power mode.
  2. Take a complex of necessary vitamins. Of course, you can get all vitamins from vegetables and fruits, but pharmacy means also have positive feedback and recommendations of specialists.
  3. It is mandatory to conduct classes with therapeutic physical culture or gymnastics.
  4. The complex is compiled individually for each patient, taking into account its age, gender, concomitant diseases, the stage of development of arthrosis and physical capabilities of the body.
  5. Going a course of massage treatment. Masseurs, with the help of techniques will increase blood flow to the inflamed joint, that is, they will increase the receipt of useful components, and exchange processes will increase and accelerate. Also, massage is possible to develop a joint.
  6. It is necessary to conduct procedures for hardening the body.
  7. Important treatment in specialized institutions: recreation bases, sanatoriums, resorts.

Proper diet - Health Pledge

Compliance with the diet and the correct nutritional mode will help reduce the chances of the development of arthrosis, will extend periods of remission and reduce the weight of the patient. The last indicator is very important, because with an excessive weight there is a large load on the joints, and this negatively affects them.

Dietary nutrition in osteoarthritis must comply with the following principles:

  • Power should be purposefully on the decline in the patient's weight. Especially, it concerns complete people with affected knee or hip joints.
  • It is always worth being careful - the diet should not bring harm to the body, only the benefit.
  • Need carefully and balanced to pick up food, cleaning and hunger strike.
  • Special attention should be treated with such diet people after the 50th age.
  • Different diets are able to flush calcium and potassium from the body. Calcium is required for the bone system, and potassium - ensures the normal functionality of the heart muscle.
  • The power mode must always be specified with the attending physician. The patient is worth fulfilling all the recommendations of the doctor, and adhere to his advice.

Healthy foods

For the proper operation of the joints, the person should use products that are rich in various vitamins and minerals. Thus, the bone operation of the bone system is ensured, the risk of destruction of cartilage tissue and progression of the disease is reduced, health status is improved.

Consider a list of useful products and their role for the body:

What does the body harm?

Similarly, as useful, there are also harmful products for the body. They are:

  • Salt. It can accumulate in the joints and exacerbate the situation.
  • Sugar, cakes, pastries and all sweets. They are characterized by the ability to influence the weight gain of a person, which is negatively displayed on the joints.
  • Alcoholic beverages, smoking and narcotic substances. They completely kill the body, slowing all the physiological processes, because of them they do not absorb vitamins, and almost all human bodies suffer.
  • Fast - Fud, mayonnaise, sausages, fatty products, mineral and carbonated drinks, semi-finished products, fatty dairy products, pickles, too sharp, pepped and salt dishes. All this should be avoided in order not to harm the body, and do not contribute to the development of arthritis.

Required complex LFK

Therapeutic physical culture with arthrosis is simply the necessary event. It affects the development of the disease, capable of restoring the work of the joint and fights with its changes. Consider a set of exercises from therapeutic gymnastics for the prevention of arthrosis.

In the lying position

  1. Lying on the back, legs and hands are smooth. The surface must be solid. Bend the right leg in the knee, delay it in the air for 5-7 seconds, while the foot does not touch the floor. Then the same with the left foot. 5-7 times for each leg.
  2. Also bend your leg and tear it from the floor, only now we attract the leg bent to the stomach and delay for 5 seconds. Repeat 10-15 times.
  3. Feet straight, hands behind head. We tear one foot by 25-30 centimeters from the floor and delay for 5 seconds, put it back. I carry the same thing. Each leg is 25-30 times.
  4. The initial position is lying on the stomach, on a solid surface. Hands and legs straight. Bend one leg back, you need to get the heel to the buttock. Hips do not tear off from the floor, do not help your hands. On each leg 35-50 times.
  5. Raise alternately legs at an angle of 90 degrees, and detain for a couple of seconds. Each leg is 25-30 times.

In the sitting position

  1. Spin smooth, hands straight. We carry out bending and extension of the legs, while observing some amplitude of movements.
  2. Raise the leg at the angle of 45 degrees, and fix it for 3-5 seconds. At the same time, the back and leg should be smooth, the leg muscles are in voltage.
  3. Source position - sitting on a chair with a back. Fully lean on the back with a smooth back, legs on the knees. We raise the legs alternately, bending the knee, delay for 3-5 seconds. For each leg for 20-30 times.

Video "Prevention and treatment of arthrosis"

What does the disease characterizes how to treat him and protect themselves from recurrences, look at the video.

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