
Autumn Sagra Italy. Autumn gastronomic festivals Italy Autumn holidays Italy

September is a month of harvesting in Italy, at this time a large number of gastronomic festivals are carried out in the country, in particular, wine. In addition to tastings of Italian wines and delicacies, September in Italy can offer tourists excellent opportunities for beach and excursion recreation. Travelers planning a trip to this country in the fall, the guidebook in Italy is useful.

So, one of the most prestigious innocents in the world - Douja d'Or ("Golden Jug"), Wine Oscar - annually held in September in the city of Asti, at the homeland of the famous champagne. This year, the prestigious contest of Italian winemakers, suitable here for more than forty years in a row, will be held on September 8-17. The best winery companies of the country will take part in the festival, which will submit to the court of experts and visitors a few hundred varieties of vintage wines of the highest category Doc and DOCG.

The playground for tastings will be the area of \u200b\u200bCampo del Palio, where special pavilions will be installed. Also, guests can enjoy snacks - traditional dishes from different regions of Italy, which will prepare the best chefs of Asta restaurants. Purchase natural products and delicacies Visitors will be able at Festival Delle Sagre Fair. The main event of the cultural program will be the colorful parade of farm wagons. You can get from Milan to Asta by traveling for 2.5 hours.

The famous Wine Festival "Chianti Classico Expo" will begin in the village of Greve-In Chianti (Tuscany) already tomorrow, September 7, and will last until September 10. The holiday is devoted to the guilt of Chianti Classico - the very first generally accepted wine mark made from Sanjovese grapes. Local wine, whose brand sign is a black rooster, is considered the "gold standard" technology and quality for all other varieties of Italian Chianti.

Einofestival events will be held on the main market square, where the fair town will be arranged. Visitors will get acquainted with the wine of the new harvest represented by winemakers in the Chianti Classico region. Tastings will be accompanied by performances of musical groups. Entrance to the festival costs 15 euros, the ticket includes 8 wine glasses. You can get to Grev from Florence on a flight bus in about an hour.

Wine festival "Vino Al Vino" in Panzano will be held September 14-17, he will introduce guests with Tuscany wines and in particular the Chianti Classico region. At the city square of Piazza Buchiarelli, it will be possible to taste the products of all wine farms of the new crop, cheeses, olives, oil and other local delicacies. Visitors will also be able to see the performances of jazz teams. You can get here from Florence by bus per hour, the entrance ticket costs 12 euros (includes one glass of wine).

The festival "Wine and ..." (Neive Vino E ...) in the village of Neuwe is dedicated to the guilt and kitchen of Piedmont, it will be held from September 16 to September 19. In the program of the holiday - tasting local varieties of wine (Red Barber D "Alba, Barolo, Barbaresko, Dolchetto d `Alba and sparkling Moskato d'Asta) and local cuisine dishes - with black truffles, as well as other Piedmont delicacies. Tourists should be remembered that Neuva, located among the picturesque Alpine Hills, is included in the list of the most beautiful Italian villages. You can get here by travel from Turin, with a bus to Asta for three hours.

Gourmet in September is also encouraged to visit the Alba International Before Tartufo Bianco D'Alba International Fair (Fiera Internazionale del Tartufo Bianco D'Alba), which takes place from September 7 to November 26, the largest in Italy. The Hero of the Holiday is a white truffle - one of the most rare and expensive delicacies in the world, a tube-shaped mushroom growing in Piedmont, and in particular in the vicinity of Alba. The price of white truffle at auctions reaches 300 euros per kilogram.

The fair takes place here since 1928, it is accompanied by folk festivities, tastings of dishes from truffles and local wines. Visitors can also purchase a new crop mushrooms, see a bright medieval costume parade of the baroque-babies on donkeh, performances of street musicians. From Milan, you can get to Alby by train in three hours.

March 19, 2018.

Good wine - "Sun in a bottle", it is in itself capable of creating a festive mood every day ...

However, the winemakers and authorities in the traditional wine-growing regions of different countries of this are not enough, they are interested in the influx of tourists, and therefore the holidays and festivals of wine annually arrange annually. We will tell here about the most interesting of them, which take place annually in the places of wine production of the most famous brands.

It is believed that the best wine is made in France, and the most famous French wine - Bordeaux. Which is produced in Bordeaux in the south-west of the country. In a huge amount - 700 million bottles per year!

The festival of wine in the city of Bordeaux, the administrative center of the Commune is held during the years in June, in 2018 the beginning is scheduled for June 14. The main part of festival events passes on the Naberezhnye River Garonna. Here on a plot of about two kilometers long runs the "Wine Way" - about two dozen large pavilions and platforms for tasting representing the main Bordeaux brands, famous in the world - Cabernet Sauvignon, Medoc, Merlot, Cabernet Fran and others. Having bought a "tasting" ticket for 20 euros, connoisseurs and considering themselves such can get "for a sample" 14 glasses of the famous wine!

Since 2018, the feast of young wine "Beaujolais Nouveau" received a national status and is celebrated throughout France. And they began to celebrate it in the "wine-making" province of Burgundy in 1951, since then it is celebrated annually on the third Thursday of November.

The traditional center of festive events is a small town of Bogjo in the south of the country. Late autumn is chosen for the "Beaujolais Nouveau" not by chance - at this time the young wine of the new crop matures. The holiday in God is preceded by an evening flare procession, and even at midnight, winemakers solemnly open their bodies with wine installed on the main square.

The small town of Jerez de la Frontera in the south of Spain is known throughout the world with its famous fortified wine.

"HERES HOLIDAY", which here spends each autumn (the exact date is appointed for each year separately) is not only a feast of wine. It is equestrian competitions (in the town there is a royal school of female art), and contests of fiery dance flamenco, and many other cultural events. Although wine, of course, remains the main hero of the holiday, tourists can even suppress grape clusters with their feet, as was done in the production of wine in Spain for thousands of years.

Chianti is the most famous Italian wine. Motherland Chianti is considered to be the province of Tuscany, although today Chianti is produced in other regions of the country.

The Chianti festival is held annually April or May in Montespertoli, a small town near Florence. The festival symbol is a big puzzled "branded" Chianti bottle. The indispensable part of the holiday is a festive procession of local residents dressed in traditional costumes of the Tuscan peasants of the beginning of the twentieth century. Interestingly, Chianti has another festival, "Chianti Classic" it is held in autumn in another Tuscan town, Greve-in-Chianti, and collects connoisseurs of the classic version of the famous brand.

Wine in the Valley of the River Moselle has been produced more than 2,000 years. Every year at the end of August, a festival of Moselle wine is held in the town of Bernkastel-Kuouse, lasting five days.

Celebrations are held in the city center, next to the wine tavern. Tourists, tired by rich wine tastings, as well as an extensive concert program, the organizers offer to take a stroll on the boat on the Mosel River and admire its picturesque shores with the most, as it is considered steep slopes in Europe.

Although Madera has long been widely known throughout the world, including in Russia, the name of this wine in Russian is often uttering wrong - "Madeira". In fact, Madeira is a major island belonging to Portugal in the Atlantic Ocean. From the XV century, the Portuguese makes unique wine here - the grape juice is withstanding not in the basements, but under the hot tropical sun.

Festival Maders is held in the suburbs of the capital of the island, the city of Funchila, in late August - early September and is timed to the completion of the harvest of grapes. In addition to maders, there are also tasting dishes of unique island cuisine.

The "White Wine Festival" in the Israeli city of Herzliya is devoted not only to white, but also pink and sparkling wines. It is held since 2008 at the end of May, on the eve of the Jewish religious holiday Shavotu. The best manufacturers and exporters of Israeli wines are represented by the best manufacturers and exporters of Israeli.

The event is focused on large wholesale buyers, and tourists always have a chance to get in the pavilions of a glass-other solar drink for free, in the order of tasting, testing and studying demand.

The best samples of Cypriot wine from all over the island are demonstrated at the festival in the second largest city of the island state - Limassol. The festival is held at the end of August, the venue is picturesque city gardens.

The nail of the program and the culmination of the entire holiday is the fusion of grapes in traditional technology. Like many centuries ago, grapes are put on barefoot in large wooden or clay chains. Tourists may be allowed to this process for a reasonable fee.

Wine in Georgia is more than just a drink, it is a matter of reverence and worship. The feast of the Wine "Rtels" is celebrated in Georgia from prechristian times. It does not have a certain date, usually the holiday begins after grapeting harvesting, the timing of which can vary greatly in different regions of the country.

Traditionally, Rvels - a family holiday, however, in recent years, travel agencies offer autumn wine tours to Georgia, dedicated to the Rtels.

The National Day of Wine in Moldova is an official holiday, he is established by a special government decree in 2002 and is celebrated on the second Sunday of October. The importance of this holiday for Moldan is so great that for two weeks (week before the holiday and a week after) for foreigners there is a preferential visa mode of entry into the country!

Guests of the festival can not only try the famous Moldovan wines, but also make a tour of one of the wine enterprises within the Wine Way program. And completes the two-day holiday of Moldovan wine. Mass execution of the dance "Horo" and a grandiose firework.

At the end of October - early November, all Italy from the north to the south honors it, and all festivals and holidays are devoted to him: young guilt - "Novello" (Novello).

One of the first gifts of Vakha, it is a red wine with an intense color and a strong aroma - the first wine of the new harvest, which appears on our tables in the first days of November.

At the Appenninsky semidrow, the manufacturement of Novello is carried out practically throughout Italy, including island territories, from any variety of grapes (preferably red). However, preference is given to the varieties of Alianico (Aglianico), Cannonau (Cannonau), Barber (Barbera), Merlot, Nero d'Avola (Nero d'Avola), Corvin (Corvina), Refosco (Refosco), Cabernet (Cabernet) , Sovignon (Sovignon) and Sangiovese.

Its main characteristic is the process of vinification, called "carbonate maceration", that is, the fermentation of whole berries of grapes. The law is prescribed to use at least 30% of the wine obtained using this method.
A clearly regulated process involves accommodation in steel containers of whole grape closes, just collected from the vine. Carbon dioxide is added to the berries and the mixture is heated until the temperature exceeds 35 °.
Grapes leave to wander for a period of 5 to 20 days. During this period, sugar turns into alcohol, with the separation of glycerol. Then grapes are powered and subjected to traditional fermentation for about 5-6 days. The resulting wine should have a minimum fortress of 11 °.

The resulting wine should have a minimum fortress of 11 °. When the wort turns into wine, the novello bottles and appears on sale.

It is because of the content of alcohol and polyphenols that this wine should be drinking young. His tendency to ripening and freshness of fragrance limit its life cycle one year. Thus, it is better not to give it too much and used optimally in the first 6-12 months after production. Therefore, the deadline for bottling this wine is December 31 of that year, when the harvest used grapes was collected.

There is also a blended young wine: mixtures "Novello" with other, longer wines at the moment of bottling. Such a blender can be consumed until August month, while one hundred percent novels should be cut faster.
Currently, protected and promoted by the Institute of Italian Young Wine -Onello (Istituto Vino Novello Italiano), established in 2000, Novello, in comparison with its French ancestor of Beaujolais, is characterized by a large content of carbon dioxide, has a bright red shade; This is a dynamic, attractive wine, with a well-distinguishable velvety-mild taste, thanks to some sugar residues.
Another characteristic of this wine is that, thanks to the law, it can go on sale solely after midnight on November 6 of the same year, when the harvest was assembled. It is also envisaged that only within the framework of special events, young wines can be tasting, starting on November 5th. It is "unlocking" exactly at midnight makes even more exciting expectation of the "exit" of this wine. And indeed, since the first week of November, events and events dedicated exclusively guilt "Novello" are organized throughout Italy. Sometimes the holiday takes only one evening, sometimes lasts a whole day, and sometimes the real enogastronomic routes are organized to evaluate not only the local treat, but also the gifts of nearby lands.
Since ancient times, a religious holiday is the day of St. Martin (San Martino) - it is of particular importance for the winemakers calendar: this is the main date in the production cycle. Indeed, the peasant saying reads: "On St. Martin, all the wedge becomes wine." And it is in order to celebrate the birth of young wine, the new crop wines, in November, many wine cellars across Italy opens for enotourists and offers a special wine tasting and seasonal products.

Helpful information
List of essential events in Italy related to the holiday of young wine
Throughout Italy: On the day of St. Martin, the cellab swing their doors
(In Tutta Italia, Cantine Aperte Per San Martino)
Every year there is a day of "St. Martin in a wine cellar" - an enogastronomic event promoted by the movement for wine tourism (Movimento Turismo Del Vino) and timed to the Day of St. Martin (November 11). On this day, in almost all regions of Italy, about two hundred wine cellars open their doors to share with lovers of wine joy on the occasion of the birth of Novello, which is proposed to taste in combination with a variety of local products.

Viganhello: "New Holiday and Young Olive Oil"
(A Vignanello "Festa Del Vino E Dell" Olio Novello "
On the territory of the ancient mains, among medieval castles and appetizing dishes, the "holiday of Novello and the Young Olive Oil" becomes an event that makes it possible to appreciate the advantage of Tuscan Enogastronomy, as well as to witness interesting historical reconstructions. In the first weeks of November, the town of Vignanhello takes tourists in medieval decorations, delighting music, spectacles, performances of comedians, juggler, fire swallows, as well as tastings of traditional dishes, young wine and oil, baked chestnuts and mulled wine.

Doztsz: "Grapeters in Enotek and tasting in the shops"
(A dozza, "Vignaioli in Enoteca E Banchi Di Assaggio")
Enoteca Regionale Dell "Enoteca Regionale Dell" Emilia Romagna) offers a starting point to start weekend under the sign of the tasting of local products and discover for yourself, together with winemakers and sommelier, characteristic features of Emilia-Romagna. Every Saturday from late October to the beginning of December You are taken away by various winemakers, which will be offered to try wines and tell about their history. And on Sundays, wine tastings are held with a comparison of different years of harvest, different terrors or vinification methods.

Lombardy: "Steam locomotive novello"
Clusane's trip to open Lombardia (Lombardia) outside urban walls. Within the framework of the program "Train Tsyusa, in November, we recommend going towards Franciata (Franciacorta) on the historic train; This composition was built in the 20s. He leaves from the Milano Lambrat (Milano Lambrate) station to get acquainted with the expanses of Lombardy - nature, art, enogastronomical festivals. Take a trip by train to the Lake of Isao (ISEO), then cross the ship towards the Clusan and have a typical local dishes with young wine.

Bardolino: Holiday of young wine
(Bardolino, La Festa Del Novello)
Piazza del Porto (Piazza Del Porto) marks the celebration of the first wine of the new harvest. Bardolino Novello (Bardolino Novello) was the first young wine to which in 1987 was assigned a DOC certificate (Denomiazione Di Origine Controllata - "Name controlled by origin"). And from this day in the first week of November, at the port area - Piazza-del-Porto - a holiday is celebrated. And this year, too, the city will give a tribute to the memory of this guilt: the Alpine arrows will sing, and enteronomic products will be offered on the stands.

Apulia, Levelo: Three day festivals in honor of Novello
(Puglia, Leverano, Tre Giorni Di Festa Per Il Novello)
In November, Leverano, in the province of Lecce (Lecce), every year there is a NOVELO Festival ("Novello in Festa"). On this occasion, as always, the historic center of the city turns into one huge enogastronomic stand. Indeed, each street has kiosks, where you can taste typical products of the Salento area, and the main hero of the day becomes young wine made in Levoran during harvest, which can try everything.

Orsago (Vicenza): "Novello on Square"
(A ORSAGO, (Vicenza) "Novello in Piazza")
In late October - early November, there is a enogastronomical event dedicated to the traditions and products of the edge of Veneto, "Novello on Square". First of all, it is devoted to Novello, but provides for the exhibition of craft products, entertainment shows for adults and children. Spectators were prepared many music and spectacles, as well as the grape crust, as in the older times. Coming the kiosks on the square, you can try roast on giant spit and novello.
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With empty vineyards, autumn meet sweeter. Pouring Beaujolais, Novello and Federwiser generates a map of relevant travel destinations: after all, that the product does not lose the taste and aroma, drink it immediately. Holidays of young wine begin in Europe since September, because it is time to collect a suitcase and memorize what cheese will suit (spoiler: Camembert or Bree).

Autumn since ancient times was for winemakers an hour of X. Thanks to the glass of barely known wine, the owners of plantations decided whether to cooperate with the manufacturer next year. The main wine date in the calendar and today - November 11, St. Martin's Day, who became Dionysus of Christian filling. Then, for dinner with the mandatory baked Gusen and fresh drink, they say a kind of birthday of the first in the year. And in each country it received a special name: Federweiser in Germany, storming - from Austrians, and in the Czech Republic - Burchak. The tradition of the celebration is so old and durable that he had a heal in the European folklore - from the Italian proverb "On St. Martin, open a barrel and trusted wine" to the "Saint Martin, to be widespread in Croatia" Saint Martin, printed barrels! ". Today, the collection of grapes and festivals festivals begin with September, and by the end of the autumn of the cerebrals of the entire continent willingly open the doors so that satisfied tastors crawled the ravis on the eyebrows.

What is young wine?

Differences begin with grape varieties: as a rule, for young wine without a branch of conscience, perishable berries are used. Such a story, for example, from the most famous of them, Baug's dry wine. A significant difference is concentrated in technology: for fresh wine fruits are not pressured, but for a short time they leave to roam hermetically closed in a large amount of carbon. Voila! Maximum taste and colors in the minimum time. True, because of alcohol and polyphenols, it will have to drink it throughout the year.

Young wine is considered almost panacea. The connoisseurs willingly believe that it cleans the vessels from cholesterol, removes toxins, increases appetite and takes on the prevention of colds. And it may except for allergies or owners of liver problems.

How to drink?

The young wine is not stored for a long time. It is necessary to protect it from aging in the first 6-12 months after the manufacture. Pay attention to the dates: the deadline is considered to be on December 31, when the grape harvest is assembled. This drink appreciates not so much of its quality or a bouquet as the ritual himself. Tasting chilled to 13 ° C. Additional priesthood of cheese or meat cutting.

France: Holidays Beaujolais Nouveau

The third Thursday of November in France is the day of Beaujolais Nouveau, La Fete de Beaujolais Nouveau. At first, the holiday was a commercial trick (from that day the wine was massively on sale), but it was going on so well that he soon became a tradition. Shortly before the holiday in cities, posters appear: "Le Beaujolais Nouveau Est Arrive?!" ("Beaujolais nouveau arrived?!"). The celebration itself begins at midnight: among the fairs the salute rumbles, and fresh wine is poured in advance on the squares of the barrels. The most stormy acts pass in Burgundy, because there, on the plantations north, the Red Grapes are grown for Beaujolais.

Beaujolais flies quickly, but this is not his problem, but yours. French winemakers Jules Shaw and Georges Dubef, so that it is possible to buy a drink, formulated his concept like this: "The wine is not stored since the wine, it needs to drink immediately!"

Beaujolais will flock quickly, but this is not his problem, but yours: since the wine is not stored, he needs to immediately drink!

Only in the Bezolai region in the fall, 120 holidays of young wine passes in the fall. France does not slip on the celebrations and in other provinces: no less than fun guarantee on the shores of the Loire and Rhone, in the Turkish, Guyak, Côte du-Ron or Languedoc. The most colorful holiday - Le Sarmantel (Les Sarmenlevles - "Vine shoots") in the city of God. Bezolai Nuoovo tourists and lovers are waiting for a solemn procession with music and torches from vineyards to the central square. Azart wakes up at the visitor to the morning. The winner of the competition, which will drink most of the Borrow, is promised so much wines as he weighs himself or she herself. Even if you refrain from contests, immersion in the atmosphere will provide fireworks, free tasting and joyful screams: "Bezolai Nouveau arrived!" ("Le Beaujolais Nouveau Est Arrive"!)

The holiday has gained such popularity that he moved to the next continent, as the French vine moved there once there. About half a century, Beaujolais Nuoova is celebrated annually in the United States (in Los Angeles, Newstone, Charlotte), tasting and California young wine, and imported Beaujolais Nouveau straight from the old world.

Italy: Namello holidays

At the end of October and in early November, from the north to the south, everyone has a novelty, local young wine. Unlike French, his shade is bright red due to a large amount of carbon dioxide. And if Bezolai is faithful to the only variety of grapes, Games, eyes are running on Italian vineyards: together with the popular Merlot, Cabernet and Sovignon in production there are a dozen other grape variations. The only condition is a berry should be red.

By the date that opens the season, Novello is ahead of the Beaujolais for two weeks due to the softer climate of the Apennine. But the chart of the celebration is the same: festivals with music, dancing, competitions, festivities and tastings of the "newborn" wines cover an impressive territory. By the beginning of November, enoturists (that is, wine tourists) with hunting waiting for winery in, Piedmont, Veneto, Mark and Sicily and Sardinia.

The celebration of the collection of grape harvest, with masquerades and traditional races on the donkeh, in Italy, were blooming in the XVII century. The time version of the celebration received the beginning of only half a century ago. Now the wine season is still opens on St. Martin's Day, but not 11, but on November 6th. Tasting Pleiad Begins National Salon Novello (SALONE NAZIONAL EDEL VINO NOUVELLO) in Vicenza: the first day - for professionals, and then Novello can try everyone. Previously, than in other regions, Novello on Square is celebrated in Vicenza (Novello in Piazza) where grapes can even be suppressed. And on the fair rows, between the shops of artisans and street artists, it will be possible to find anything that novello, but even roast on the giant spit.

In late October, from the north to the south of Italy, everyone has a novelty, local young wine.

Under the patronage of movement for wine tourism (Movimento Turismo Del Vino) Italy annually celebrates St. Martin's Day in a wine cellar. For the sake of this Winnogastronomy event in different regions of the country, 200 wine cellars are invited to tasting Novello, with local products collected in the new season.

In addition to large wagons, celebrating fresh wine, there are a dozen colorful local events. In the Tuscan city of Vignanhello, a similar holiday grows up to the scale of a medieval fair. Festival Novello and Young Olive Oil (Festa Del Vino E Dell "Olio Novello) It will not leave without bread and spectacles: historical reconstruction and entertainment in the spirit of juggler or fire swallows are attached to traditional dishes and actual drink. In the Emilia-Romagna region from the end of October and before the winter of winter, every Saturday, winemakers receive guests, treat them and told wine stories. And on Sundays, within the framework of the same event, "grapeters in enotek and tasting in the shops" (Vignaioli in Enoteca E Banchi Di Assaggio) , There are wines, comparing different years of harvest and manufacturing methods.

In the first week of November, at the port area in Bardolino, their own festival of young wine La Festa Del Novello is arranged: an important wine event in these latitudes, because it is "Bardolino Novello" Bardolino Novello) The first of the young drinks received the DOC certificate (DENOMIAZIONE DI ORIGINE CONTROLLATA - "Name controlled by origin") . Its atmosphere in Apulia, where in November, three-day festivals in honor of the first wine of the new crop - the Novalllo festival occur (Novello in Festa) . Where to the card either look, in the fall, Italy becomes a solid enotek.

Spain: Wedenia and Holidays Wine Nuevo

Wine Nuevo (Vino Nuevo), young wine, in Spain does not make so much excitement as in neighboring countries. With greater joy, local squeeze mature wines, good-weathered in oak barrels. But the fashion for young wine did not pass the party, and the demand gave rise to suggestions: from the late 90s of the last century, Spain was drawn into the race of wine weapons.

From the late 90s of the last century, Spain was drawn into the race of wine weapons.

Vintage holidays, vendimia, begin in September. And special attention is deserved in, where the fresh wine is called "Mosto". In the calendar of Venndimia in Montille and B, and wore all the royal vendimion in Palma del Condado.

When the young wine is ready to spill on the glasses, the Spaniards do not suit the magnificent walkings, with what Goreola or Novello meet. Locals prefer to wine nuevo quiet sitting with a piece of just roasted on the fire of ham. If you want to see how this happens, in November, go to Malaga or Kolmenar at the Mosto fair and Chasins - young wine and blood sausage. Tasting only in the authentic tandem!

Germany: Holidays Federvier

There are still something worthwhile in Germany in Germany, except beer. Local vineyards will survive expectations and painting, and harvest. Riine or, for example, at the River AR, the tradition of winemaking is so firmly in German everyday life, which turned into a lifestyle.

Young wine in Germany is called Federvier (Federweißer) , Translated - "With white rugs", which resembles a whitic precipitate of yeast particles. Technically, this substance is grape wort, which began to roam, but the finished drink has not yet become. Trying Federvier can only be in autumn, in September or October, depending on the region. Let the mermaid liquid do not confuse the tastor: everything is controlled, because it is fresh wine. Nuances will find in color scheme: In addition to the red berries, the Germans are put on white and white.

In the fall in many cities of Germany, stalls and roadside restaurants are put on the sale of young guilt. In addition to the prosaic tasting of the purchased Federwiser, it is possible to drink on the Vinogradar holidays in honor of the new yield season. For major extravagancies to go to the German Vintage Holiday in Neustadt-en der Weinstras Neustadt An Der Weinstraße) Or for the autumn holiday in Rüdesheimer Herbstschluss in Raineau. The latter is included in the UNESCO cultural heritage list, because the atmosphere in the wine celebration there promises to be special. For refined local originality - in the Maiscess winery village (Mayschoß) In the valley of the river AR. Her population barely translates for a thousand people, but the local wine festival, which takes up all the October weekend, is famous for no worse than others. Federwiser's colorful holiday arrange and grapes of Saxony. All the delights of rural wine production can be fought, for example, in the village of Dysbar Zoislice (Diesbar-Seußlitz) Not far from Elba.

Austria: Holidays Junker Osterrayher, Hojeriger

It is time to wear a hunting hat with a pen and go to tasting! In Austria, most of the wines are produced in Styria, and local young wines from 1995 sold under the general brand name Junker Osterrayher Junger Osterreicher) . Every year in early November, Junger Osterrayher's holiday is held in, in the Austrian Museum of Contemporary Art, at the exhibition of young artists. This opening day from November 11 picks up Hyuriger HEURIGER) So differently it is called Austrian young wine at the place where manufacturers are present to the public. By tradition, the owner of Hoirger could sell a drink from grapes only its plantations, and no more than 300 days a year.

Like Federvier, Austrian young wine can be red, and white, and pink. White local is called "assault." For a note novice sommelier: Unlike Beaujolais Nouveau or Novello, neither the assault, nor Federvaser are actually owned by wines, rather, it has gained wort.

Czech Republic: Burchak

Slavic winery Rave tightens the innofilas of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Croatia and Czech cities. In, Karlovy Vary and in from September, the collection of vintage and in parallel - its celebration, staffed by all types of folk entertainment. Trying products that have made on small family vinexulas Mikulov, Znochmo, Melnik, Moravia, or, for example, Cheikovitsky burgles of the Templars. With the onset of the yield season, the tadner in the Czech Republic will definitely be defeated by local cheeses, sausages and baked goose with cabbage.

With the onset of the yield season, the tadner in the Czech Republic will definitely be defeated by local cheeses, sausages and baked goose with cabbage.

Burchak is the wine that needs to "catch" in the first days of fermentation, as long as the ratio of sugar and alcohol in it remains equal. You need to have time to stop the process in time, and Bottles with Burchak - keep open all day, so that more air fell to the drink. The wine-making tradition in the Czech Republic is developing, as in Italy, from about the XVII century. Therefore, in the centuries, the ideal festive plan was developed on the autumn: the country celebrates the country of grape harvest: 13, 20-21 and September 27-28 - in Prague; 3-5, 12-13 and September 11-14 - in South Moravia. And a little the weather, at the Svyagnorytinsky celebrations, it's time to smoke Czech Beaujolas.

Photo by Peter Bender

Once a year, in November, the small Tuscan city of San Miniato turns into the most popular place in all of Europe. Such is Italy. Feast of wine or game of historical football, racing on chariots or hunting behind the White Truffle - Each city in Tuscany attracts the attention of tourists with a variety of events at least once a year.

Italian white truffle is considered the most sophisticated delicacy, more delicate and fragrant than French black. Italian wine and white truffle from San Miniato is what needs to try at least once in life. For this here and go gourmets and just inquisitive residents of the Earth. For Tuscan wine and white truffle. By the way, a quarter of all white Italian truffles gather here.

Behind the White Truffle Real Hunting

For the search for these earthy delicacies use special breed dogs - Lagotto. White truffles kilograms cost a whole condition. Nevertheless, three times on the weekend in November here, in San Miniato, which is at halfway between Piza and Florence on the festival of white truffles, many connoisseurs of luxury delicacy arrives. The price of mushrooms during this period is lower than, wherever it is. You can personally hunt for truffles in the vicinity of the town under the supervision of experts - Trifilau.

If you dream of Italy, the holiday of wine and hunting for truffles, come to San Miniato in November. Welcome Tuscany and Guide on Florence Slavomir Lazarov, which will provide you with plenty of impressions and pleasant and adventures.

The festival is not accidental in November. Just ending the collection of grapes, young wine appears on the market, and the white truffle is ready to get into the hands of experienced and patient.

In San Miniato you are waiting for:

  • tasting wine and truffles;
  • seminars and master classes on the collection and cooking of white delicacy;
  • festivals of films and exhibitions;
  • excursions, theater shows, music;
  • hunting for truffle

The program is specified up to the very beginning of the festival. It is necessary to immediately get a list of restaurants with a truffle festival menu. This gentle mushroom is not stored for a long time. So what you have, from the strength a few days to taste it in the town of San Miniato. Here, tourists can buy wine, including rare wines of local varieties. It is known that Tuscany is famous for the whole country with his wines.

The festival always opens a costume parade. The whole city, all his streets and square turn into a place for ideas, exhibitions and festive festivities. Places in restaurants can be busy. If you appeal to the guide, it will order a table in advance for you in the best restaurant with a truffle menu. In November, a fair is also held in the city where you can buy various local products, wines, snails, cheeses, olive oil, all sorts of truffle delicacies.

White truffle is what Italy is proud of. Holiday Wines, Music Festivals, Historical Reconstruction, Fashion Exhibitions - All this can be seen, to evaluate, feel, having visited this country at any other month. But if you want to try a real white truffle - do it only in November in Italy.

Your Tuscany Guide,
Slavomir Lazarov

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