
How to fry a pork schnitzel without breading. Schnitzel from pork, recipe with photos. Schnitzel video from pan

If you suddenly find yourself in any cafe, bistro or restaurant in Germany, Austria or in the north of Italy, be sure there are almost certainly a schnitzel in the local menu. A thinly blunting piece of meat, grilled in a triple breading - a kushane satisfying and simple, but it also managed to promote rituals for centuries. For example, the schnitzel is necessarily served with lemon and parsley, and the Vienna Schnitel can be prepared exclusively from veal.

Schnitzel from pork in this plan - the dish is simpler. He is especially loved in Germany, where pork is in principle in great honor, and considering that it is often the most qualitative meat from the available meat, there is not a single reason not to love schnitzel from pork and in Russia. And although the cooking of the Schnitzel is not Binin Newton, it also has its subtleties. In general, on the aggregate of factors, I decided to write a recipe for a schnitzel from pork and paint all the nuances would not be completely superfluous.

Pork Schnitzel Recipe

Schnitzel from pork - Kushanye satisfying and simple, but it also managed to miss rituals for centuries: for example, the schnitzel is necessarily served with lemon and parsley. Schnitzel cooking also has its subtleties, which are described in detail in this Recipe.
Alexey Onegin

Take a piece of unless pork cores, cut the fat and remove the films, then cut it into two medallions of the same thickness. Squeeze the medallion on the cutting board, cover the food film and gently, not in a hurry, take it off with a flat side of the hammer for meat (instead of the hammer you can use a pestle or rolling pin). Rightly shot down Schnitzel should remain integer, but noticeably increase in the area and have an equal thickness of about 0.5 centimeters. Do the same with the second medallion and season both schnitzels from salt pork and freshly ground pepper.

It's time to do triple breading, for which you need three plates - two flat and one deep. In the first flat plate, ask for flour, pour breadcrumbs in the second smooth layer (best of all - not purchased, and home made from deserving bread trust). Wrap a chicken egg with two spoons of milk and pour this mixture, which is called the span, into a deep plate.

Cut the washed and dried with napkins pork so that the pieces are wide and not very thin. We rub each piece of salt and pepper. You can use any combinations as spices, but salt and pepper is still a classic, so we use them. Also, meat schnitzels are a little bit, so that the meat is turned out to be a smoother flat form. The scuffed meat will become a little softer and faster plug.

Each Schnitzel is collapsed in flour on both sides, and extra sharpening. From the flour start panicing our meat. Thanks to breading, we will keep the juice and softness of pork.

We shake the chicken egg and dip the schnitzel. Egg clarity is not strong with meat, as the flour will delay it.

At the very end, we complete breadcrumbs with breadcrumbs, cutting the pork on both sides. It turned out excellent "fur coat" - Panning for meat and schnitzels will be very tasty.

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Heat the vegetable refined oil in a pan (about 30-40 grams) and lay out the schnitzels there. We begin to fry on the one hand, it is important that the meat bent and hiped in oil, but at the same time we do the middle.

When one side is fried, turn the meat and dear from the opposite side to the ruddy crust. On average, the schnitzels are fried 20-25 minutes. Meat has time to prepare and it turns out juicy and tasty. If necessary, plunge the oil so that the meat gets a ruddy crust.

Ready! Tasty pork schnitzel immediately feeds to the table together with greens, vegetables or any garnish. Enjoy your meal!

There is a lot of dishes that every hostess would like to prepare, and a schnitzel from pork is one of them.

A juicy meat in a golden, crispy crust is a dream of any "meat", so ahead - to new culinary achievements with simple recipes of Schnitzel from pork in a pan!

Pork Schnitzel in a pan - General principles of cooking

In many institutions, a schnitzel from pork is served, forming it from twisted or small stuffing. This is fundamentally not true. Schnitsel - with him. Yaz. "Cutting", i.e. In essence, this is a blunt piece of pork pulp without fatty, roasted in breading in a large amount of oil.

For the preparation of a delicious schnitzel, a thin pork layer is slightly blank, after pan. For breading, you can only use crackers, and you can make a little more complicate the process and make a triple breading: whipped eggs, flour, croutons. If you wish, you can add dried garlic, spices: curry, oregano, herbs, pepper, paprika. But the sheds of the Schnitzel are recommended in the ready-made form - it is believed that so the meat turns out to be juicy.

For roasting, a deep cast-iron frying pan or a fryer is used, in which they first split the oil without smell, and after after the prepared Schnitzel is laid. Fry pork from two sides to a golden, crispy crust.

Typically, pork schnitzel is served without a side dish, except that you can decorate the dish beautifully sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables and fresh greens. Delicious Schnitzel with various sauces: sour cream, mayonnaise, cheese, sharply tomato.

1. Schnitzel from pork in a pan


650 grams of pork cores;


80 grams of wheat flour;

Vegetable oil;

Black ground pepper, hammer paprika, salt, lemon.

Cooking method:

1. Initially prepared meat. Pork is cut in large formations of a width of no more than 1.5 centimeters and beamped with a hammer.

2. Then flour is mixed with salt, paprika, pepper.

3. Be whipped eggs. For the tenderness of the schnitzel, the eggs are mixed with milk or ordinary water.

4. Panning crackers add to a flat plate.

5. Then the schnitzel is processed as follows: a mixture of flour with pepper, salt, whipped eggs, breadcrumbs.

6. The meat is roasting in a frying pan on a vegetable oil for about 2-3 minutes before the appearance of a ruddy crust, after it is perfectly finished on a slow fire for 3 minutes.

7. Schnitzel is served with a slice of fresh lemon.

2. Schnitzel from pork in a pan with the addition of cheese


600 grams of pork clipping;

120 grams of wheat flour;

Two eggs;

150 grams of solid or semi-solid cheese;

50 grams of the drain and growing oils;

Mixture of peppers with ground, large salt;


Cooking method:

1. The meat is cut across its fibers into pieces in the form of steaks of 1,4-1.8 centimeters width and beat a bit. Each piece is rubbed with a mixture of peppers and salt, after which they are removed on the side of 9-11 minutes for impregnation.

2. Now you can do breading. Flour is poured into the appropriate capacity, croutons separately. In the third rubbing cheese, the eggs are whipped in the 4th.

3. After marinovka, the pork is a mixture of oils are split in a frying pan. Schnitzeli collapsed in the first plate with flour, whipped eggs, rubbed cheese, breadcrumbs. Frozen in a frying pan before getting a ruddy crust.

4. Stip a flat plate with paper towels, on top lay out the finished schnitzel. Consider a couple of minutes in order to flow oil. Delicious meat is ready.

3. Schnitzel from pork in a pan of chopped meat


700 grams of meat meat;

160 grams of Panir-throat;

100 grams of sunflower oil;

Dried garlic;

Spices for meat and salt.

Cooking method:

1. First handle meat. Fillet washes, dry with paper napkins, towels. From pork remove all films, veins. Then the meat cut into pieces of small sizes and fold into a deep bowl.

2. One egg, spices, garlic, salt add to pork. All ingredients are carefully mixed for the formation of oblong sholes. If a sharp taste is undesirable, it is allowed to limit the black ground pepper.

3. Two eggs are whipped. In a separate dish, bought purchased or home binding crackers.

4. Vegetable oil is carefully warmed in a pan carefully.

5. Pork is loose in flour and roll in breadcrumbs, carefully shifted in the pan. For roasting chopped shtitsy, it takes a little longer, and the exact duration of the procedure is determined by the thickness of a separate piece of meat. Approximate time for each side - 3.5-7 minutes.

4. Schnitzel from pork in a pan in a omelet


Olive oil for meat frying;

A mixture of peppers;


50 grams of fatty milk 3.5;

Wheat flour;

One chicken egg;

Pork for four steaks.

Cooking method:

1. Prepared steaks are solid and pepper on both sides.

2. Meat carefully blank the hammer. Then it is wrapped in polyethylene.

3. Egg and milk whipped like an omelet.

4. Olive oil is heated in a deep frying pan. Each steak is calcined in a sifted flour, a mistletal mixture, breadcrumbs.

5. The meat is roasted on each side in vegetable oil to ruddy color. For successful cooking, the schnitzels should not touch the walls and each other. Fry on medium heat about 4-5 minutes. To form classic folds, it is recommended to gently swing a frying pan.

6. The finished schnitzel is dipped with a paper towel, removing the extra quantity of vegetable oil.

7. Fix with fresh or canned vegetables.

5. Pork Schnitzel in a pan with greens and mustard


Pork fillet on 6 shtitsy;

1 - 2 tablespoons of mustard;

Clove of garlic;

Salt and pepper to taste;

A pair of tablespoons of sunflower oil and breadcrumbs;

Solid cheese;

Dill and parsley.

Cooking method:

1. The meat of pork is washed and dry with a paper towel, blanch, salted and pepper.

2. Cheese Truth on the grater. Greens and garlic finely chopped. Sukrain, mustard, salt, pepper are added. Everyone is thoroughly mixed.

3. On each piece of chopped pork lay out the resulting mass.

4. Pork is folded into a roll of small sizes or folded in half, fastening the toothpick.

5. Schnitzels are roasted on a frying pan using vegetable oil for about 10-15 minutes on each side first on a strong heat up to his crust, after moderate - until readiness.

6. Additional stage - baking with shtitsy in the oven for 15 minutes. Before installing the schooles in the oven, you can additionally sprinkle with grated cheese.

6. Schnitzel from pork in a pan with the addition of brandy


Kilogram of pork slaughter;

100 milliliters brandy;

200 grams of wheat flour;

200 milliliters of water;

100 milliliters of vegetable oil;

4 chicken eggs;

Lumber to taste;

Salt, pepper, seasoning for meat.

Cooking method:

1. The meat is cut on the steaks, beat off.

2. Mix salt, pepper, spices with brandy, lubricate the schnitzels. The prepared pork is cleaned into the fridge for marination.

3. Clar is prepared on the basis of all other ingredients (eggs, crushed greens, water, flour). Products are carefully whipped with a wedge.

4. Chops are laid out in Clar and leave for an hour.

5. Gently remove the schnitzels directly with the klyar and lay out on a carefully warm oil.

6. Fry on both sides.

7. Pork Schnitzel in a frying pan with a cheese crust


480 grams of pork core;

380 grams of cheese;

Spices to taste.

Cooking method:

1. The meat takes and cut off the fat storms, keeping them.

2. Pork wrapped in the film and beat off.

3. The dug meat sprinkles salt, pepper and seasonings.

4. The next step is to prepare a pan. To do this, use one egg and 80 grams of cheese on one schnitzel. Cheese is a clutch on a grater and mixed with eggs. The proportions are observed, otherwise the Schnitzel will not work.

5. Now the meat is fried on vegetable oil in a frying pan on a small fire: put breading on one side, lay out this side.

6. The meat is roasted for about 3 minutes on a big fire.

7. Panning residues are laid out on top, carefully turn over, and again roast the pork. As a result, the meat is drawn from two sides.

8. Now the Schnitzel is prepared in the oven heated to 180 degrees. This will require about 5 minutes.

9. Served with greens.

Pork Schnitzel in a pan - tricks and useful tips

So that the Schnitzel turns out to be beautiful, cut the meat better than a good sharp knife.

In order for the pork, it was not spilled by pieces, defeating the crude schnitzel is preferably not a hammer tooths, but its back.

Reduce noise, chopping meat, you can, putting under the smell of a wet towel.

So that the pieces of meat are not spilled in the kitchen when chopping, simply cover the pork by the food film.

So that the meat is suitable juicy and does not dry, be sure to preheat the oil and quickly fry the pork on both sides on a strong fire. Only after the schnitzel covers his crust, you can make a flame moderate.

In no case do not fry frozen or not completely frozen meat - you will have fried pork, not a schnitzel. It is better to get meat from the freezer in advance.

If you do not have a lean clipping, but a bold piece of pork, is not trouble. Gently cut over the excess fat and soda the meat with a dry mustard powder for the neutralization of fats. In addition, Schnitzel will acquire an interesting spicy flavor.

Under the shino, the reservoir of meat is born and roasted on the oil. We will tell how to prepare a delicious schnitzel from pork. We will fry it in a frying pan, it turns out very juicy. You only need to choose a suitable formulation and act.

№1. Pork Schnitzel in the pan - Classic

  • korean - 1.3 kg.
  • cheese of hard grades - 0.2 kg.
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • flour (sift) - 0.1 kg.
  • pickpit is a smallest black

So how to fry a pork schnitzel with many different ways, we propose to make it in a pan according to the traditional option.

1. Rinse meat, then get rid of moisture. Put the plates, suck the pepper and salt.

2. Take on breading. Wipe cheese, take it with eggs. In perfectly dry container, pour flour.

3. Alternately, dip the meat plates first in the flour, then in cheese, then - again in flour.

4. Roll the oil in a frying pan so that it is sought. How much fry schnitzel? If it is from pork, when cooking in a pan on one side will leave 5 to 7 minutes.

№2. Pork Schnitzel in a beer

  • flour - 80 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • dark beer - 70 ml.
  • pork clipping - 0.6 kg.
  • seasoning

How to cook a classic pork schnitzel, we told. However, it is possible to fry it in a frying pan in a chicken.

1. Meat rinse and blot with napkins. Displays with plates that do not exceed 10 mm in thickness. Remove, salt.

2. Connect the beer with the egg, carefully whisk and pour a pair of salt chopping. Enter spices and flour.

3. In a dry cup, pour the crumb of crackers. Turn on the robe on medium heating, split the oil in the frying pan.

4. Get on the horror of the shinitals. First immerse them into the pungent, then sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Lay out onto a frying pan, cook before being shred.

5. To receive an appetizing crust on one side goes on average 6 minutes. Next, the workpiece can be turned over.

Schnitzel Pig is served with onion rings and vegetable slicing. Let's look at how to prepare it in other ways in a pan.

No. 3. Schnitzel from pork without breading

  • pork - 1 kg.
  • flour - 80 gr.
  • high fatty kefir - 120 ml.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • black Pickpit (freshly hammer)

Pork Schnitzel, roasted in a pan without breading, is not less tasty.

1. Displays the washed meat across the fibers with extractive medallions (thickness - 1.5 cm.), Take away through the cellophane package. Sprinkle the pepper, salt.

2. In a dry cup, seek flour. In the second tank, take a heated to 35 degrees a sour milk drink and eggs.

3. How to prepare a delicious schnitzel from pork: Lower it in flour, then in Clar, then - again in the flour. Fry in a frying pan for 2 minutes at maximum power.

№4. Schnitzel Pork in Crispy Bread

  • onions - 0.5 pcs.
  • flour - 60 gr.
  • bread Sukhari - by fact
  • garlic teeth - 2 pcs.
  • korean - 0.3 kg.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • seasoning

Schnitzel from pork for this recipe is prepared in a pan in breading from superstars.

1. Koreka Put the across the fibers of the layers in the thickness of 1.5 cm. Blipet with polyethylene, take off and sprinkle with spices. Space.

2. Wipe onions on a grater or scroll into the meat grinder. Mix with garlic casket. Lubricate the resulting pieces of meat.

3. Take on breading. Eggs Couple with seasonings and score to your taste, beat. Flour and crushing to pour into separate cups.

4. Slices of pork immerse the first in the flour, then in the eggs, then - in the crackers. Lay out in the hissing oil, prepare on the middle plate for 5 minutes.

№5. Chinned pork schnitzel

  • sukhari breading - 60 gr.
  • pork flesh - 0.6 kg.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • flour - 40 gr.
  • spice

How to cook an ordinary schnitzel, we know. This time the dish will be from chopped pork. Preparation occurs in a frying pan.

1. Cut the flesh with slices, then bars. Their width should be approximately 5 mm. Put the workpiece with a cube.

2. Wrap the pork film and take a little. Put into the cellophane package and pour flour, spices. Shake the content.

3. Enter to the egg meat. Form a challenged form from the finished mince. Pour bread from all sides.

4. Send Schnitzel to the hot oil. Pay each side for 5 minutes, achieve a bronze crust. Remove excess fat with a napkin.

Now you know how to prepare a chopped schnitzel from pork. The dish in the frying pan is fried quickly enough.

№6. Pork schnitzel fried with cheese

  • cheese of hard grades - 0.1 kg.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • meat - 0.4 kg.
  • flour - 50 gr.
  • seasoning

Solving how to fry a fragrant schnitzel, make it from pork with cheese in a frying pan.

1. Touch the meat slides. Remove a bit through the package and soda seasoning. Put flour.

2. Lower the Schnitzel in a whipped egg. The impregnated piece of meat reproduce the flour from all sides.

3. Send Schnitzel to boiling oil. Fry on the one hand to bronze crust. Turn over and sprinkle with grated cheese. Cover the dish with a lid and protubet another 5 minutes.

№7. Pork Vienna Schnitzel

  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • sukhari breading - 80 gr.
  • pork flesh - 0.8 kg.
  • flour - 60 gr.
  • spice

Consider how to prepare an unusual pork schnitzel in Vinsky. To fry meat in a frying pan.

1. Touch the flesh with pieces and take away 1 cm thick. Curteage with spices.

2. Pour flour, send to the cup with whipped eggs. Observe in breading.

3. Leave the processed layers for a few minutes. After that, send to the hissing oil.

4. Fry to crisp crust. Put on the napkins to absorb excess fat.

Solving how to cook the delicious pork schnitzel, use the prescriptions described above. With their help, the dish in a frying pan comes delicious. Make another family dinner unforgettable.

Pork Schnitzel is one of the options for a classic Austrian dish. As an idea of \u200b\u200bthe author, the schnitzel was originally cooked from veal, but the version of the pork-based dish was very popular. A classic recipe, in order to avoid confusion, began to call the "Vienna Schnitzel", and the version of the dish prepared on the basis of pork chinet is a schnitzel from pork.

Pork Schnitzel is essentially a chicken pork chop, bought in an air, golden breading from bread crumbs. A simple and incredibly tasty dish that is easy to prepare at home. Very fast and easy to prepare, complemented by a side dish or light salad, pork schnitzel will become a full-fledged dinner or dinner, which will have to taste everything without exception connoisseurs of delicious food! Try!

Prepare the ingredients on the list.

Cut the meat to the portion pieces thick 1-1.5 cm. Place the meat between two pieces of the food film and take away no more than 0.5 centimeters to the thickness.

Optionally, make a light marinade for meat: Sut the onions and garlic on the grater. Mix the resulting Cashitz. As a marinade, you can also use kefir or dry mustard.

Plug the pieces of meat with a pinch of ground black pepper and lubricate the bulk-garlic mixture. Leave meat for a while to absorb juices and flavors. I usually marina thus meat from 15 minutes to 2 hours.

If you plan to marine meat an hour and longer - it can be satisfied immediately, otherwise it is better to put a ready-made schnitzel or add salt to breadcrumbs.

Meanwhile, prepare ingredients for breading: Wear a chicken egg from 1 tbsp. Water, prepare a container with wheat flour and breadcrumbs. In flour, please add a few pinch of spices.

If possible, use breadcrumbs from large bread crumbs to panic a schnitzel. Such a texture at home is obtained from.

Slope the pieces of meat into the flour, then in the egg and breadcrumbs.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and lay out the prepared chops. The oil should be very hot, then a crust is almost immediately formed on the surface of the schnitzel, which seals inside all the juices, and the schnitzel will be very gentle.

Carefully fry the schnitzel from two sides to the formation of a ruddy crust, dark golden color. As a rule, the process takes about 6-8 minutes - 3-4 minutes on each side. Lay out the finished Schnitzel for a few seconds on a paper towel, so that the surplus of oil is absorbed.

Optional, at the end of the preparation, drain the vegetable oil and add a piece of cream to the pan.

Clean the schnitzel in the melted butter for a few more seconds, and then serve to the table with a slice of lemon, fresh greens and a garnish to taste.

Fragrant and juicy schnitzel from pork ready! Enjoy your meal!

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