
Chocolate crack cookies

Practically in each of us lives a connoisseur of sweet pastry baking. We all love to eat delicious sweets or waffles, but there is something more interesting. Cookies - Laccus delicacy for every sweet tooth. Just imagine how after a difficult day you come home, and on the table you will find chocolate cookies with cracks.

Such a dessert will raise the mood, warm his soul and revitalizes a friendly conversation. This chocolate baking attracts both children and adults, and all thanks to the unusual texture of delicacy. Dessert is not only delicious, but also nutritious. Failing a small piece, you will feel airiness and pleasant fragrance. Only from one type of chocolate biscuits you will play appetite. Below you will learn how quickly and easily prepare this dressing gathering baking. By the way, on this recipe you can bake not only cookies, but also other desserts.

Recipe chocolate cookie "cracks"

In order to prepare cracked chocolate cookies, you will need a minimum list of ingredients, which will not be much labor. During baking chocolate biscuits, you should know a few tricks that we will tell about in this article.

Before cooking, do not forget to choose a good tile of selected chocolate. Your homemade chocolate cookies will get rich and fragrant if you use no cocoa powder, but melted chocolate.


For the preparation of chocolate cookies, you will need the following ingredients:

  • dark chocolate tile 100 g;
  • wheat flour - 100 g;
  • creamy oil - 80 g;
  • one egg;
  • powdered sugar 100 g;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • dough dough one teaspoon;
  • cocoa - four tablespoons;
  • sugar 110 g

Important moment! Buy a dark chocolate tile from proven manufacturers, such as "Babaevsky" or "DOVE". Do not regret money, because the pleasure of the surrounding will be invaluable!

Your crawled chocolate cookie will not leave a single guest indifferent behind your table.

Chocolate Cookie Cookie Video Cooking

Chocolate Cookie Cooking Technology

Prepare a pre-needed inventory, because everything is better to take care in advance. Chocolate cracks on cookies look unusual and very original. Next, we will tell you how quickly and easily prepare chocolate cookies. There is nothing complicated in the recipe for a cracked cookie.

  1. Take a dark chocolate tile and break it on small pieces (it is only necessary for your convenience). Then melt it. Pour the saucepan of water and bring it to a boil. Now put a bowl with chocolate on top and cover the lid. This is the most proven and reliable way.
  2. Watch that the bottom of the bowl with chocolate does not concern water. When chocolate is liquid, add a small piece of butter.
  3. Now, break one chicken egg in a bowl, add sugar powder and start mixing everything thoroughly. You can use a wedge or blender, the main thing is that the mass acquires a gentle-beige color and has increased in volume.
  4. After the chocolate and oil became one of the whole, remove the bowl of the water bath and cool it to room temperature. Please note that in no case should you add a hot mass in the eggs, as the yolks are welded and the future chocolate dessert will spoil.
  5. Take another bowl, mix dry ingredients in it. Pour one teaspoon of cocoa, slight salt and baking powder, add 100 grams of flour. With the help of a whisk, thoroughly stir the consistency to a homogeneous mass.
  6. Add the resulting egg-sugar and chocolate mixture. Mix thoroughly, it is important to achieve a homogeneous mass. Always strive for a high result, so that there are no unnecessary lumps in the consistency. It is better to spend more time and cook saturated and tasty cookies. Perform each stage of cooking carefully and efficiently.
  7. Do not worry if the dough is not thick enough. It is easy to fix. We put the dough in the refrigerator for two hours, let it harder, as it will be easier and more pleasant to work with it.
  8. After two hours have passed, keep cooking chocolate cookies. Get the dough and start sculpting small balls, then cut them in the sugar powder.
  9. Little Tip: To get beautiful oval dough balls, use the spoon. Balls should be similar to small nuts. Remember, the bundle helps to increase balls in size.

We send a dish in the oven

Put the obtained balls for a special form. Do not forget to sash the parchment, otherwise the chocolate cookies stick. A special rubber rug is suitable. In order to give the future flat form dessert, use the usual glass. Slightly push on top and give the desired appearance at your discretion. By completing these actions, go to the next steps.

  1. Preheat oven to 165 degrees and bake chocolate products for 25 minutes. In the process of cooking, you will see how the cookie cracks.
  2. Carefully look at the finished chocolate product, is there a brilliant crust on top? Ideally, the dessert should turn out bulk.
  3. For cookies quickly cooled, put it on the grille. The bottom of chocolate cookies will not remain wet and dry uniformly.

That's all, a simple and delicious recipe turned out. Ready chocolate cookies will be fragrant and air. The cooked dish will perfectly be combined with hot tea or coffee. Drag and please friends with an exquisite dessert!

Secrets and Tricks Recipe

All cooks know that each dish needs to be prepared with love and care. Cake, chocolate dessert, casserole, pies, or any other dessert require a lot of attention in the cooking process. Always come to the cooking process with creativity, because the most exquisite dishes are unexpected. Never be afraid to experiment, come up with your highlight and apply it during cooking and everything will work out!

Often during baking chocolate cookies melts powder. To avoid this, choose the smallest grinding powder. If there is a desire and time, then prepare a powder at home, you can add a small spoon of starch to it, and it will not give way to the shopping option.

Almost all powered producers are added inside starch. Many hide it, so it remains only to guess what composition really. But for us it is suitable, starch during the cooking of chocolate cookies is necessary. Nevertheless, the home product is always more pleasant to shop.

For this recipe you will get an appetizing and amazing cracked chocolate cookies. Aftercinging a piece, you will feel a very tender porous crust, and the soft chocolate crumb is waiting inside you, which will not leave you indifferent. The main thing is not to abate the sweet baking in the oven, otherwise it will turn out to be tough. We recommend warming up the oven in advance, so you will save time and you will not be distracted during the preparation of chocolate cookies. Prepare only at one temperature, do not add and do not reduce it during the cooking process.

During cooking, try to stick to the classic recipe option. Do not be afraid to experiment and invent something new. Use the advice and recommendations of the best cooks, study tricks and apply them in practice.

Bon Appetit!

Hello you, my dear friends! Probably, in my absence during the month you guessed that something happens. Even the lack of events is an event when it is out. About how shrewd!

Spinned - spinning.

For several years I thought about the move of my brainchild in the "New Home". For this there were many reasons, and at the end of last year I decided: New Year - new beginnings. And this is not only symbolic. January - Ideal for this time: While you, I am sure, enjoyed holidays, pleasant meetings and delicious food, I dived into the Debres of a stranger to me peace and worked on creating a new site. Believe that you love it!

With sincere culinary dish

and sincerely delicious wishes

Galina Artemenko

Source https://vku.life/zhizn-vkusnaja/

Hi Hi! I continue my series of pre-New Year selection, and today in line ... snacks! Again! You just don't have a lot of them ...

So, today we are preparing the cute mini-muffins with cheese, a snack cupcake with olives, onions and nuts, as well as a hepatic cake in the exquisite feed.

How to cook a lot of snacks to the festive table and do not diminish? Snacking oils! This is one of my most favorite drinking topics, and today we cook for whole six types!

Hi Hi! There is a crazy time when I want to do everything at the same time and you will be able to relax. In December, as never relevant the topic of the search for the balance: that I want to have time to do, but not at any cost, but what is better to leave (or then, or at the last year).

In the end, the new year will come! So I offer you two recipes in order to complement the snack table. Fish snacks are always the topic, right?

My unequivocal top of what I always leave (for later or in the past year - here as the mood will be) - this is general cleaning. Honestly, I never make general cleaning! Traditional top time for this "joy" - either before the new year or before Easter. The risk, as they say, the maximum! But I didn't see in vain in quotation the word "joy", as you do not like to dedicate for some long time to restore order, even if everything is necessary to do little for some time. So the "Hostess" (one, by the way, from my unloved words!) From me so-so, and I try to maintain usable routine cleaning. But at something rare at this time of year, I still decide. For example, this year I have played curtains.

You can condemn me for such an approach to the management of the economy or not to condemn - in this case, as in food, everything can be expressed in just one word: taste. Someone loves sparkling purity and is ready to bring it out, dedicating to this time throughout the week. Someone is polarly ready to live in the complete chaos. Someone wants to do everything yourself, but for someone better to trust the care of the cleanliness of a professional. The main thing, on my subjective look, is sanitary events, calm and satisfied in the result necessary for normal life. I believe that if the plaffones are not washed, and the brain does not let it go, you need to make a givenness and calm down, or so on the plaffones. About the Plafones an example is not random - I just plan to take them as they are.

Cleaning cleaning, and the new year will come, as already spoke at the very beginning. Two recipes that share today is from my book (these recipes are presented there in a step-by-step).

Home sprat

I'll start with them. This recipe was Akhov for me: when I prepared them, could not believe that washing, from which they were preparing in this case, can really be exactly the same to taste like sprats from the bank! And you can call springs by the past century, "you need to move forward, not back," but in my head a sandwich from black bread with sprats and pickled cucumber is something awesome!

800 g of fresh-frozen washing
2 tbsp. l. black tea (it is better suitable for medium or finely
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
2 tbsp. l. Soy Sauce.
1 tsp. Natural liquid smoke
1 tsp. Grains mustard
1 tsp. Sololi.
0.5 h. L. Sahara
5 black pepper peppers
3 pepper peas
2 Buthon Carnations
1 laurel sheet

Fish defrost, remove heads and insides.

Welding 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes, then strain. Next, the process I will describe for a slow cooker, but all the same can be done and just on the stove, but in the oven! So ...

In the Multivarka bowl, pour the welding, add salt into it, sugar, soy sauce, liquid smoke, vegetable oil and all the remaining spices. Lay in the resulting marinade washing the backs up, trying to arrange the fish tightly to each other.

Select the operation of the "quenching" operation, time is 1 hour. Upon completion of the program, switch the multicooker to the "Tomorrow" mode, if such is in your model, and prepare for another hour. If there is no such mode, select the heating mode for 1 hour. Upon completion of the multicooker, turn it off and leave the wash under the closed lid to the complete cooling, and only then the fish can be shifted into a convenient container.

For cooking on the stove Just wear the washing on the very minimum fire from possible for 2 hours and leave to cool under the lid.

For cooking in the oven Send a container with fish and prepare at 150 ° for 1 hour under the lid or foil, and then turn off the oven and leave it in it to cool.

Riyet from Mackerel

It is a beautiful and very easy to cook snack! Try to replace it the standard weakly salting or smoked mackerel on the festive table - so much more interesting.

1 Fresh-frozen mackerel
1 Lukovitsa
150 g of white dry wine
80 g smoked fish (I salile)
2 tbsp. l. fish sauce (if not, replace soy)
1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
2 laurel sheets
6 Green Luke Feather
salt, pepper - to taste

Discharge to the scumbers and cut your head, clean carefully and rinse the carcass. Onions cut into rings and together with a laurel sheet, send to the Multivarka bowl. Lay on top of the skombus. Season salt and pepper. Pour the wine, close the multicooker cover and prepare in the "Baking" mode for 15 minutes.

Separate the carcass of the fish with a fork on small pieces of fiber, removing the ridge and bones. Add smoked fish, chopped with small cubes to the mackerel. Cut the green onions and mix with the fish basis. Seasoned with salt, pepper, pour vegetable oil and add fish sauce. Mix carefully.

Serve such a pate is good on pieces of twisted bread.

Let me remind you about your book with recipes for a slow cooker - this is a whole hundred of a wide variety of recipes, among which you will find simple and fast recipes for every day, as well as recipes for special occasions. All, ranging from soups and ending with baking and drinks. You can buy it

Ahead on February 23 and I have a great recipe for a delicious chocolate cookie! Despite the stereotype that the biggest lovers of chocolate are ladies, in my life real chocolate fans and all sorts of products from it are precisely representatives of strong sex. Starting from the dad, which in one tea party can smell a kilogram of chocolate chocolates; The husband flying to the chocolate handles (in the kitchen cabinet, we always lies a bag with chocolate on a couple of kg) and ending with familiar, which measures in chocolate and sweets do not know at all. In addition to the wonderful taste, this cookie has an interesting appearance! In fact, it reminiscent of gingerbreads, both to taste and on the texture. And one more advantage is that in a closed container or package, it can perfectly hold out 2-3 weeks.

Cookies are pretty simple, but requires some time for resting the dough in the refrigerator.

About 50 pcs:

  • 120 gr cocoa powder
  • 400 grams Sahara
  • 120 ml of vegetable oil
  • 4 eggs
  • 250 grams of flour
  • 2 tsp Vanilla extract or vanilla sugar
  • 2 tsp Basin
  • 1 tsp. Sololi.
  • approximately 1/2 cup of sugar powder (it is better to have a little more about the supply)

Mix in a bowl of cocoa, sugar and oil.

Add eggs and vanilla sugar (or extract), beat a little to a homogeneous state.

In a separate bowl or other capacity, mix flour, baking powder and salt.

Add a flour mixture into chocolate.

Stir a spoon or spatula to a homogeneous state. Cover the dough with the food film and remove at least 4 hours in the refrigerator, and better at night.

Get the dough from the refrigerator. Prepare parchment sheets and two tablespoons. In a separate bowl or plate, pour sugar powder.

With the help of tablespoons, scoop the dough about the walnut and lay it out in a bowl with sugar powder.

Handles to cut it in powder to get a ball. We did the balls with a diameter of 3-4 cm.

Share cookies on parchment leaf at a short distance from each other. Note that during baking cookies will increase in size. And be careful, shifting a leaf with a biscuit on a baking sheet, and some balls can escape. And they are a little settled while waiting for the previous party to be prepared.

Bake cookies in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, 10-12 minutes. If your cookie is a little more than mine, then baking time will increase to 12-14 minutes. Before removing the ready-made cookie with paper, let him cool about 5. What is more abundant you are cutting cookies in the sugar powder, the more beautiful it will be after baking.

For the first time I prepared these chocolate cracks on New Year's corporate.

And in fact, of course, they are suitable for any time of the year, any event or just a family tea party.

This cookie is perfectly stored in a closed package, container or box. Therefore, you can prepare it in advance. Or comes to them all week, not trying to eat everything in one day.

The last two photos reflect the love of my husband to chocolate and all the products from it. Well, what chocolate cookies without a cup of coffee?

We need:

chocolate, crushed 170 gr.
Oil softened 58 gr. (60 g)
Sugar 95 gr. (100 g)
2 eggs
1 tsp of vanilla extract (took vanilla sugar to taste)
1.5 cups of flour (195 gr.) (200 g)
2 tbsp. l cocoa
3/4 h bustle (1 pack.)
1/4 h salt salts
Sugar powder for sprinkling cookies

My daughter also has a recipe for these cookies, a little different in composition. The daughter says that her recipe is tastier, so I give her composition. The principle of cooking in both options is the same

100 g of chocolate (50% cocoa)
50 g of oil
1 egg
1 yolk
60 g Sakhara
100 g of flour
2 tbsp. cocoa
0.5 ppm Basin
0.5 ppm Corn
1 scrap. Sololi.


Melt chocolate with butter, postpone. Beat eggs with sugar, add vanillin and chocolate-oil mixture, all connect to homogeneity. To sift the flour from cocoa, salt and tearful and add to chocolate mass, mix. Place the dough into the refrigerator approximately 2 hours until it hardens for convenient molding of balls.
So it looks like working - a consistency like plasticine

Heat the oven to 160 gr. Shot the balls from the dough, wear them well in the sugar powder (very dense layer, slightly pressing on the ball),

Put on the baking sheet, covered with paper and bake about 12 minutes while cookies are not ready. Let cool on the grid.

Cookie's readiness will see by its lifting and the appearance of characteristic cracks. Similarly, you can also prepare an option with nuts, having embraced the balls in ground pistachios. It turns out interesting and beautiful too.

Bon Appetit!!!

Cookies "Chocolate cracks", cooked on this recipe, it turns out soft, fragrant and delicious. All lovers of chocolate baking, for sure, will like the taste of this delicacy. Cinnamon gives the liver a special taste notch, with something reminiscent of the taste of gingerbread. Exterior will like not only adults, but also deigns due attention to the kids.


To prepare cookies "Chocolate cracks" we need:
2 cups of flour;
1 cup of sugar;
1 cup of sugar powder;
100 g of butter;

50 g of chocolate;
3 eggs;
5 tbsp. l. cocoa;
10 g of the baking powder;
10 g of vanilla sugar;
chipping cinnamon.

Stages of preparation

After the expiration of time, we get the dough for the future chocolate cookies and form 35 balls. Each ball is carefully chopped in the sugar powder. We lay out on a baking sheet, covered with parchment paper, for a large distance from each other.

We bake our chocolate crack cookies in a heated oven at a temperature of 180 degrees 10-15 minutes. Baking is soft, fragrant and tasty.

Bon Appetit!

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