
Julina cakes. A pancake cake: classic option. Bake Cake with Biscuit Source

Greeting you my readers. My family loves thin pancakes with fresh sour cream or with condensed milk. Especially with heat from the heat, their daughter flies. And probably this delicacy will never get bored. Moreover, so many dough recipes, choose, I do not want !! For example, I like to bake the "sun" or. And you??

But of course, on the eve of Carnival, I want something special, not simple pancakes. Of course, you can prepare a dish, having puffed in different fillings, and you can, and even need to make a pancake cake. After all, it is very fast, simple and insanely tasty !!

The varieties of cakes from pancakes are a large set, but they all divide into two types of sweet and savory, so-called snack cakes. I want to consider both options for cooking so that you have from something to choose.

In fact, you can always choose to your liking. If you do a sweet cake, choose condensed milk or boiled condensed milk for cream, berry jams and syrups, curd, custard, fruits and nuts. For the diner option, the Royal View protrude fillings from red fish and caviar, and you can also do from meat, mushrooms, vegetables.

And remember that the main thing is to start the dough without lumps, have a good skill baking pancakes, and always cook with excellent mood and soul !!

Well, it's time to proceed to the most interesting and very tasty. And the first view is a sweet dessert with banana and condensed milk, plus dark chocolate. Do you imagine what will you do in the end? !! Yes, simply a real culinary masterpiece, no one will leave an indifferent piece of melting into the mouth.

Choose any dough for pancakes: on milk, in kefir or on water, with eggs and without boiling water.


For dough:

  • Milk - 350 ml;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Flour - 180 gr.;
  • Sugar - 40 gr.;
  • Vanilla - to taste;
  • Soda - 5 gr.;
  • Sunflower oil - 50 ml.

For cream:

  • Banana - 1 pc.;
  • Oil - 150 gr.;
  • Condensed milk - 150 gr ..

To make up the top:

  • Chocolate chips.

Cooking method:

1. First mix all the dry foods for the dough, take the eggs, stir. Then gradually pour milk by continuously stirring the mass so that it turned out without lumps. At the end, add 2 tablespoons of oil.

2. Now heales the pan, lubricate with vegetable oil. I pour the dough throughout the circumference and bake on both sides. Thus you need to bake all pancakes.

The more pancakes you will have, the higher and more beautiful will be the cake. Minimum amount of 15 pancakes.

3. After you contact all layers, let them cool a little.

4. And at this time, do the cooking cream. To do this, we take a deep container, put the chopped ripe banana, butter and pour a condensed milk. Everything is well whipped with a mixer.

Cream is advisable to do thick.

5. Now stack pancakes on each other. Not forgetting to lubricate each with the resulting cream.

6. At the end, everything is good in front of the cream and sprinkle with chocolate chips. From one pancake, you can cut strips and twist the roses from them, it will turn out a kind of decoration. Be sure to ship an hour in the refrigerator, then cut and apply to the table.

Recipe for a pancake with condensed milk

Here is another festive option, but already with boiled condensed milk and nuts. Please note that everything is done in one scheme: Corgents, make a stuffing, collect the cake, let it be and soaked.

This delicacy is very tasty to drink with hot tea in chilled.


For dough:

  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp.;
  • Vanillin - 1 tsp;
  • Milk - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • Water - 1 tbsp.;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp ..

For cream:

  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • Condensed milk (boiled) - 250 gr.;
  • Sour cream - 250 ml;
  • Nuts - 100 gr ..

Cooking method:

1. Eggs sweat with milk, vanilla and sugar. Next, add water and gradually pour flour.

It is best to mix first all dry foods, and then add liquid.

2. Move everything carefully with a blender, add vegetable oil.

3. Now join pancakes.

Use a small frying pan, so the pancakes will contact more, and the cake will be much higher.

4. Take a thick sour cream and take it with sugar.

5. Now collect a treat: one pancake lubricate the sour cream, the second condensed milk and so alternate until the latter. True top layer Cover condensed milk and sprinkle with nuts from above.

Cake from pancakes with cottage cheese cream

Of course, you should not forget that pancakes are very well combined with cottage cheese filling. Therefore, the next recipe includes the manufacture of cream from cottage cheese.

By the way, you can add a little cocoa to the dough, and then your base for the cake will be chocolate.


For pancakes:

  • Milk - 0.5 liters;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Flour - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • Salt is a pinch.

For cream:

  • Cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • Strawberry - 150 gr.;
  • Sour cream - 100-150 gr.;
  • Sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. First, we will start the dough for pancakes: eggs with salt and sugar whisk, add vegetable oil and warm milk. Next, gradually enter the sifted flour, mix to the consistency without lumps. The frying pan is warm and join laying.

2. Now prepare cottage cheese filling. Connect cottage cheese with sugar and sour cream, add strawberries.

3. Take all the blender until homogeneous mass.

4. Take a wide plate and place damn. Lubricate it with curd cream.

5. So lubricate and fold on each other all the workpieces.

6. We water strawberry syrup on top and decorate berries. We put in the refrigerator for impregnation.

Step-by-step recipe for a pancake cake with custard

This option is a little more comprehensive and will require a little more time for cooking. But the result will be envious to all. With such a treat, it is not ashamed to go to visit and celebrate the National Maslenitsa.


For dough:

  • Ryazhenka - 500 ml;
  • Wheat flour - 150 gr.;
  • Sugar powder - 3 tbsp.;
  • Salt - pinch;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Soda - 0.5 hl.;
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tbsp ..

For custard:

  • Milk - 500 ml;
  • Wheat flour - 4 tbsp.;
  • Vanillin - 1 gr.;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • Creamy oil - 200 gr ..

Cooking method:

1. First of all, bake pancakes for your favorite recipe. In this case, the dough is used on the ripper.

2. Now prepare cream. Pour 1 cup of milk, pour eggs, add sugar, vanillin and flour. Carefully take a whisk.

3. Put this consistency to a small fire. Start continuously stirring and bring to a boil. Pour the left milk with a thin jet and interfere again until the cream does not begin thick. Approximate cooking time is 15-20 minutes. Next, it will cool it, not forgetting periodically mixing.

4. In a separate cup, we sweat the softened butter. Having cooled cream spoons add to this oil and carefully sweep.

5. Lubricate alternately each layout, laying on each other.

6. Top layer Sprinkle with biscuit crumbs or chocolate chips. Be sure to remove to the impregnation in the refrigerator on the other another. Before feeding, you can decorate your favorite fresh berries.

Video on how to bake a pancake cake with cottage cheese

And now I propose to admire the amazing recipe of our delicacy. Supplement it will be raspberry jelly. If you have another, you can easily replace, since all the berries are tasty and will not be superfluous in our treat.

Cake from pancakes with salmon and cottage cheese

We go to the snacks and begin with the preparation of a noble dish. We will make our snack with salmon. Or you can use trout, salmon.

This species will not leave anyone indifferent, even an avid gourmet, as the combination of delicate pancakes with cottage cheese fishes is something indescribable. It must be trying !!


For dough:

  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • Salt - pinch;
  • Soda - 1/2 C.L.;
  • Citric acid - 1/2 C.L.;
  • Milk - 300 ml;
  • Flour - 300 gr.;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp ..

For filling:

  • Garlic - 2 teeth;
  • Dill - 100 gr.;
  • Salted salmon - 200 gr.;
  • Cottage cheese - 300 gr.;
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp.;
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Eggs need to be whipped with a mixer in a lush foam, add salt, sugar and soda. Then pour half milk, vegetable oil and mix everything thoroughly.

2. Now you need to gradually pour out sifted flour, knead the dough without lumps and continuing to interfere, pour the remaining milk.

3. At the end, add diluted citric acid in 1 tablespoon of boiling water, mix. And immediately proceed to the baking of our so-called cortiers.

4. Cooking the filling. Clean and miss the garlic through the press. Drop Wheat, dry and finely lie. Fish fillet remove the bones, if any and cut into cubes.

5. Take cottage cheese (it can be replaced with curd cheese), Mix it with garlic, greens and sour cream. Add salmon and mix all.

6. Put the pancake on a flat dish, roll over it filling, put the next on top, lubricate again, etc.

7. The resulting cake is removed in the refrigerator for about 1 hour so that it is soaked well. From above can be decorated with red fish and caviar, greens.

Recipe cake from pancakes with red fish

Well, since I am a big fish fan, then another type of cooking cake using red fish. The dish is absolutely simple in preparation.

I also advise you to add any greens. It will make and more beautiful snack, and give brightness and mood.


  • Ready pancakes - 15-20 pcs.;
  • Red fish - 350 gr.;
  • Pasta Igor - 2 banks;
  • Cottage cheese - 2 tbsp.;
  • Mayonnaise - optional.

Cooking method:

1. First, follow pancakes. Test recipe take the one you like. For example, we bake and.

2. While our laymeckens are cooled, we make a stuffing. Cut the fish into small pieces.

3. To obtain a cream, mix cottage cheese with caviar and mayonnaise.

4. Now lay out our cake:

  • put one pancake, lubricate it with cream;

  • next, pieces of fish and the next pancake;

  • we repeat again the sequence - damn, cream, fish, damn.

5. At the end, the top decorate fish pieces and grated cheese.

Preparing a pancake cake with chicken and mushrooms

Well, in the completion of the meat option. It turns out a real satisfying pie that will allow you to quench the hunger and enjoy the taste.

Have you ever tried such a cake from pancakes?! Not yet!! Then it's time !! Guys, believe me, time you spend a little more than the usual baking pancakes, but as you surprise all the close. I recommend to all!!


For dough:

  • Milk - 0.5 l;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • Salt is a pinch.

For filling:

  • Chicken meat - 0.5 kg;
  • Egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Solid cheese - 150 gr.;
  • Green bow - 100 gr.;
  • Garlic - 2 teeth;
  • Mushrooms - 100 gr.;
  • Dill and parsley - to taste;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste;
  • Onions - 1 pc ..

In the stuffing you can add 2 ripe tomatoes !!

Cooking method:

1. Let's start with the preparation of the test. Eggs need to be broken, add sugar and salt, beat everything. Then pour the milk and add flour, butter. Mix everything thoroughly. We leave the dough for 15 minutes.

3. Starts cooking filling. The meat must be boiled, cool, cut into pieces and fry with onions. Do not forget to salute and pepper. Mushrooms cut into slices and also fry on vegetable oil until ready.

4. Eggs need to boil twisting, cool and clean. Cut into small pieces.

5. Cheese three on a small grater, and greens and garlic shred with a knife. If you add tomatoes, then cut them with circles or cubes.

6. Next, you need to collect our cake. We drag the shape under Pie pancakes. Products for filling, except cheese, pour mayonnaise and mix. We lay out the first layer of cheese, then our meat mushroom mixture, then put it more damn, stuffing and so to the last cake. At the end we collect pancakes the top and decorate at will.

7. We remove in the refrigerator for 2 hours, and before feeding, we put in a preheated oven for 7 minutes to melt grated cheese.

Friends if you have any questions, write, always glad to discuss. In general, if you have already decided that you will cook a pancake cake, here you have some more photos of the design options:

  • Curd cream with chocolate icing

  • Chocolate with blackberry

  • With protein cream

  • "Monastery Izba"

  • Chocolate with boiled condensed milk

  • Fruit with yoghurt filling

  • Chocolate glaze with nuts

  • With whipped cream

  • With red fish and caviar

Here you see what beauty can work out from ordinary pancakes !! Very spectacular, right?! I wish you all a great mood and pleasant appetite !! See you!!

Publication Date: 11/18/18

A pancake cake is a simple universal dish. As a cortex, ordinary thin pancakes are used, which can be prepared in an absolutely any recipe.

Such cakes suggest a wide selection of sweet and savory stuffs, grounds and creams, i.e. The dish can act as a snack or dessert. In the snacks of pancake cakes, you can put the liver, meat, cheese, greens, mushrooms, fish, caviar and other products. Sweet cakes from pancakes are prepared with cottage cheese, condensed milk, sour cream, chocolate, fruit, berries, jelly, custard, jam and other ingredients.

Depending on the intended filling, the corresponding recipe for pancakes is selected: yeast, fresh, on milk, on kefir, egg, custard, sweet, salted, etc.
There are also many options for designing pancake cakes. They can be made of traditional round shape, in the form of spirally rolled pancake rolls with filling, in the form of a slide, linen or roof.

Sweet decoration can serve as a grated chocolate, a multicolored coconut chips, fresh berries, whipped cream or proteins, fruit cutting, multicolored dragee, nuts and more. The snack version can be decorated with curly sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables, red or black caviar, shrimps, a patterned mesh of mayonnaise, grenade grains, greens, rosas from a striped of red fish or in any other way.

A pancake cake can be prepared on any occasion. More simple variants with traditional stuffing are served on weekdays. But delicacious fillings are used for festive cakes. Especially popular like baking on the carnival.

In 2019, Maslenitsa begins on March 4. And forgiveness Sunday is considered the last day of Maslenitsa - March 10.

Paken Cake Step from Photo

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Quantity: 15 portions


  • milk: 350 ml,
  • eggs: 1-2 pieces,
  • flour: 180 g,
  • sugar: 40 g,
  • vanilla sugar:taste,
  • soda: 5 g,
  • salt: 5 g,
  • oil: 50 ml
  • banana: 1 pc.,
  • butter:150 g
  • condensed milk: 150 g
  • chocolate chips:

Preparation instructions

How to cook a pancake cake at home

This is a very simple but delicious pancake cake. Pudding is used as a layer, and on top everything is poured strawberry jelly.


  • 250 gr. Wheat flour;
  • 5 tbsp. lean oil;
  • 3 fresh eggs;
  • 1.1 l of milk (including 450 ml for cream);
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 250 gr. sugar (including 100 gr. for jelly);
  • 37 gr. vanilla pudding in powder;
  • 150 ml of boiled water;
  • 0.8 kg of fresh strawberries;
  • 2 tbsp. Instant gelatin.


  1. Milk, lean oil, eggs and flour knead the pancake dough. Top add salt and sugar. In the traditional way we bake thin pancakes.
  2. For a layer, we divorce sugar and powder pudding in cold milk. All thoroughly stirred, put on the stove. As soon as the cream boils and thickens, we assume aside, cool.
  3. The bottom of the form with removable sides cover the bakery paper. Alternately put the pancakes with a pile, missing each layer of 1.5 tbsp. Pudding. We send the workpiece into the cold.
  4. Meanwhile, we make strawberry jelly. Machine gelatin in water for 5-25 minutes depending on the properties of a particular product (the method of cooking gelatin read on the package).
  5. My fresh strawberry, we have been drying, we remove the cups, pouring the immersion blender. Instead of fresh berries, you can use frozen. The wake-up gelatin is heated, but do not boil.
  6. We add sugar and gelatin in a berry puree, mix everything to uniformity.
  7. Pour the cake in the shape of strawberry jelly, we return it to the refrigerator until the jelly coating is completely frozen.
  8. Before serving, we remove the onboard form, decorate a pancake cake as desired and feed, cutting it into portion pieces.

Recipe with condensed milk

Very gentle and sweet cake from pancakes with cream based on sweet condensed milk and sour cream. If the dessert is desserted exclusively for adults, then a little brandy brand in cream.


  • 1 tbsp. Spring water;
  • 3 tbsp. sugar sand;
  • 2 fresh eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. milk;
  • 2 tbsp. Last Maslitsa;
  • 2 tbsp. white flour;
  • 0.5 ppm salty salt;
  • 350 gr. condensed milk (boiled);
  • 0.5 l. home sour cream;
  • 2 tbsp. Cognac (optional).


  1. In a deep bowl we connect water, milk, the eggs of room temperature, we have sugar and salt, interrupt everything until uniformity. Parts add flour, emitting every time to break all the lumps. At the end of the knead, we introduce lean oil, we leave the dough for half an hour, bonded a bowl.
  2. We bake rosy pancakes on a dry hot frying pan.
  3. For cream whipping home sour cream to a lush stable mass. We mix the boiled condensed milk in small portions, each time, having thoroughly stirring the wedge. At the end of cooking, please add some brandy.
  4. We put the first pancake on the dish, generously lubricate it with a cream, cover the next and so collect the entire design.
  5. To the shape of the cake fixed, and the pancakes are soaked, put a confectionery on the shelf of the refrigerator for half an hour.
  6. Before serving a cake from pancakes, we decorate fresh berries and twigs of mint.

Delicious cake with custard

This dessert is preparing on the principle of the Monastery Hole cake, only instead of a sandy dough tubes are used homemade slim pancakes. This option is less labor-intensive than the original.

So lovers of pancakes and cottage cheese-cherry stuffs must be adopted by this recipe.


  • 50 gr. butter;
  • 160 gr. White flour + 2 tbsp. for cream;
  • 700 ml of milk (including 400 ml for cream);
  • 4 chicken eggs (including 2 pcs. For cream);
  • 150 gr. sugar (including 100 gr. for cream);
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 250 gr. frozen cherry without seeds;
  • 0.5 kg of curved mass;
  • 170 gr. Philadelphia cheese.


  1. To prepare a cream, heating milk to a hot state, but do not boil.
  2. In the bowl we beat 2 eggs with sugar and flour to puff. Then the trickle pour hot milk, all the time, whipping the wedge.
  3. A bowl with the contents put on a weak fire, intensely mix and bring the mass to thickening. Create the cream to the side, let it cool. We add philadelphia in the warm mass, mix to homogeneous consistency.
  4. For the preparation of pancakes on a protein dough first separate proteins from yolks. Squirrels whip into a cool foam by adding a pinch of salt. In the Misk we connect the loose oil, 1 egg yolk, sugar, milk and salt. In a thoroughly embroidered mass, we plucked the sifted flour, and at the end of the kneading we introduce a protein foam. From the protein dough, we begin without delay the furnace pancakes on a slightly oiled chipped frying pan. From this portion there are 12-15 pancakes.
  5. Now we start collecting our cake. Deploy one pancake, lubricate with cream. Having retreated from the edge of 1-2 cm, lay out a row frostily cherry without bones. We turn the tight tube with cherries inside. So do it with all pancakes. We fold the tube on the serving dish with a slide, gradually narrowing to the top so that the shape of the roof is. Each layer of tubes additionally wrap the warm cream. The whole design is fractive with cream, decorate grated chocolate.
  6. So that it was tasty and juicy, let him be soaked in the refrigerator at least two hours. During this time, the cream layer thickens, and the pieces when cutting will keep the form.

Sourled Pannaya Cake - Easy Recipe

The simplest and tasty treat will be a pancake cake with sour cream. For its preparation, milk pancakes are perfectly suitable, which quickly impregnate and benefit from the taste of sour cream.


  • 400 ml of milk;
  • 200 gr. white flour;
  • 2 tbsp. lean oil;
  • 3 tbsp. sugar (including 2 tbsp. for cream);
  • 0.5 ppm salts;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 400 gr. sour cream;
  • 20 gr. vanilla sugar.
  • 2-3 tbsp. Coconut shavings.


  1. For a pancake dough, we whip out fresh eggs with sugar sand and adding salt. After taking half of the milk, we fall asleep the sown flour. All are well stirred by a wedge. At the end, we pour the rest of the milk and lean oil, wash the mass, leave alone by a quarter of an hour. On a hot dry pan with a furnace of 15 thin pancakes.
  2. While the pancakes are cooled, we are prepared by the cream cream. It is preparing very simple. We combine fatty well cooled sour cream with sugar sand and vanilla. Carefully interrupt to obtain a lush resistant mass.
  3. For the formation of the cake, each pancakes wersing the layer of cream and fold a stacker on the dish. The top of a pancake cake generously lubricates cream, coated with coke chips (you can use color).
  4. Before serving, we cool the cake in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours.

Cottage cheese cake from pancakes

A gentle chocolate cake will become an excellent addition to tea drinking in a warm family circle.


  • 1.5 tbsp. Wheat flour;
  • 3 tbsp. sugar sand;
  • 20 ml of a launched olive;
  • 350 ml of fresh milk;
  • 2 tbsp. vanilla sugar (including 1 tbsp. for cream);
  • 2 fresh eggs;
  • 1 tsp. dough breakdler;
  • 0.5 ppm salts;
  • 150 gr. peach jam;
  • 5 tbsp. cocoa powder;
  • 150 gr. cream cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. sugar powder;
  • 100 gr. purified hazelnut;
  • 1 pack of cream fixer;
  • 350 gr. Fat sour cream.


  1. From eggs, milk, flour, sugar, vanillin and baking powder Make a pancake dough. At the end of the kneading, we pour a lean maslice, Solim. On a dry hot frying pan bake pancakes.
  2. We whip the cooled sour cream, cheese and cocoa powder. In the process, we have a fixer, sweet powder and vanilla sugar. Separate a small part into separate dishes to decorate the dessert. In the rest of the cream add half of the crushed hazelnut.
  3. Now proceed to assembling the cake. We put the first cooled pancake on the dish, lubricate it with a cream. Covered the second - we wrap it with a peach jam. Alternating, therefore, layers, collect a stack of pancakes.
  4. The upper pancake richly lubricate the cream, the cake side is sprinkled with a crushed hazelnut. From the confectionery syringe in a circle figure, we sit down the remaining cream.
  5. Finished chocolate cake from pancakes send for 2-3 hours in the cold. After that, we apply to tea or coffee.

Capture secrets

  • The basis of a delicious pancake cake, of course, is delicious pancakes. It is their baking that takes most of the time. To facilitate and speed up this process for baking, it is better to use special pancake frying pan. With them, pancakes are easily removed and shrink almost without oil.
  • To grasp cakes from pancakes, it can be placed for several minutes in a preheated oven. But if there are jelly or curd interlayers in the composition, then such a dessert is better to hold a few hours in the refrigerator.

How to prepare green pancakes recipe for cake - a complete description of cooking so that the dish is very tasty and original.

A snacks of a pancake cake - different recipes from green and chocolate pancakes, with mascarpone and unsweetened options

Pancakes like both adults and children. So why not divert so popular treats and do not cook a snack cake? This dish kills one shot of two Zaitsev: and household pancakes pampel, and feed the cake. Recipes cakes-pancakes at home are extremely varied, treats counts countless all sorts of fillings. So a sweet pancake cake (a recipe with a photo, painted step by step, will allow it to prepare it as quickly and easily) can be baked with a custard, or with condensed milk (and can with boiled condensed milk), or with sour cream and with cottage cheese. Talented hostesses prefer to prepare a cake from sweet pancakes with cream mascarpone. For a festive table, a chocolate pancake cake is perfect, the recipe with a photo will greatly facilitate the cooking process.
Separate attention deserves the original recipe for cake from green pancakes, the finished dish is so unusual that no one will leave indifferent! And in the recipes of a dismarine cake from pancakes harmoniously filling with meat, with crab chopsticks, with mushrooms and chicken. Each cook is entitled to make its adjustments.

From this article you will learn:

Pancake Cake: Recipes

The main idea of \u200b\u200ba pancake cake is that instead of familiar cakes are used pancakes. A snack cake made of pancakes may consist of 10-30 pancake cakes, since they are very thin.

The recipe for pancakes for a pancake cake is chosen at the discretion of the hostess. Pancakes are prepared in the usual way: the finished liquid dough should be pulled out on a hot frying pan and fry from two sides to a golden color. Then the cake is turned out step by step: damn + filling + pancake, etc. Then you can decorate the dish as the soul wishes, or take the idea with the photo on the Internet. After the cake from pancakes is fully prepared, you need to give it to breed a few hours, and ideally it is better to give a dish to soak all night.

So, some recipes cakes-pancakes at home are presented below.

Pannaya Cake: Classic Option

For instant cooking, you can use the following verified pancake recipe for a pancake cake.

Photo: Classic pancake Cake
  1. Prepare everything you need to create delicious pancakes on milk.
  2. In a deep bowl, drip the egg, pour salt and sugar, armed with a wedge or a mixer and beat all these components.
  3. Then, continuing to work with a whisk, pour the required amount of milk into the mixture.
  4. To sift the flour and, not stopping to interfere with almost the finished dough, pour it into a bowl, add the oil, smash the flour lumps, pretty kneading.
  5. The dough should turn out liquid, uniform.

To prepare a simple cake recipe from pancakes and pancakes on water or kefir. It all depends on the level of mastery of the hostess.

Failure cake from pancakes with crab chopsticks

You can also consider the recipes of a unaware cake from pancakes. For example, with crab chopsticks. This, perhaps the simplest recipe for a cake of pancakes.

Photo: Pancake Cake with Crab Sticks

Ingredients for filling:

  • Melted cheese - 2 pcs.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Crab sticks - 100 gr.
  • Garlic - 2 teeth.
  • Greens at discretion - a small beam (better to take dill).
  • Mayonnaise desired fatty - 1 tube (if mayonnaise is too calorie, you can cook a filling with sour cream).

Cooking pancake cake:

Establish the desired kitchen inventory on the work surface. Bake pancakes, then proceed to cooking the filling. To do this, boil eggs. Then grab the melted raws, crab sticks, boiled eggs, shifting recycled foods in a bowl, add crushed greens, garlic and mayonnaise, mixed it thoroughly and rented each pancake thoroughly. This is how step by step will get an incredibly tasty and inexpensive snack cake from pancakes.

The unsweetened pancake cake is also prepared with chicken and mushrooms, with meat and minced meat, with cheese and greens, with red fish ... Ideas Massa!

Cake from chocolate pancakes: recipe with photos

And on dessert, you can give a delightful tasty and nutritious sweet cake from pancakes, the recipe with a photo will allow not to miss the slightest nuances. It may be a cake with condensed milk or with sour cream and with cottage cheese, these products will have in the kitchen every good mistress.

Become a corona dish of any feast has the full right cake from pancakes chocolate. Children will fly it for both cheeks, chairs with adults.

Photo: Pancake chocolate cake pancakes

Ingredients for pancakes and filling:

  • Wheat flour - 175 gr.
  • Cocoa - Powder - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 0.5 Art. l.
  • Basin - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1/4 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vanillin - 1 bag.
  • Milk - 350 ml.
  • Cream - 30 ml (it is better to take an elder).
  • Sugar powder - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Black chocolate - 100 gr.
  • Fruits to taste (strawberry, cherry, raspberry, currant) will be perfectly fit.
  1. Get all the products, dishes so that everything you need is at hand.
  2. To begin with, you should cook the cooking of sweets from sweets: mix flour, cocoa, baking powder, vanillin, sugar and salt, mix.
  3. To the dry mix, slowly pour milk, butter, mix manually or mixer. Dough for pancakes is ready, you can proceed to baking on a hot frying pan.
  4. When the pancakes are baked, you should give it to cool, and in the meantime to make cooking the filling: beat the sugar powder with cream.
  5. Now you can move with sweet whipped creams, it is necessary to put the selected fruits on the top pancake, then melt the chocolate and a pour chocolate pancake cake on a water bath.
  6. You can pour what is called, from the soul, so that and on the sides of the cake fell. Although the cream for a cake from pancakes, the recipe of which is presented above, has the right to be different.
  7. So a chocolate pancake cake can be prepared with custard or with mascarpone cream. It all depends on taste preferences.

Recipe for cake from green pancakes

This recipe is impressed even sophisticated culinary gourmets!

Photo: Cake from green pancakes

Ingredients for cake from sweet pancakes:

  • Wheat flour - 125 gr.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Tea Green match - 10 gr. (Additionally need a little tea for decoration).
  • Creamy oil - 35 gr.
  • Sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Fat cream - 50 gr.
  • Sugar powder - 1 tsp.
  1. Put on the table everything you need for cooking cake.
  2. First of all, you should cook pancakes.
  3. To do this, sift the flour and move it into a deep bowl.
  4. Then, constantly stirring, add a match, eggs, milk powder to flour, eggs, milk, sugar and melted butter, pretty kneading the dough and bake pancakes on a well-hot frying pan from two sides until readiness.
  5. While ready-made pancakes cool, you can beat the cream with sugar powder, then rented with whipped cream each pancake, sprinkle with a matcha powder and sugar powder.
  6. That's all, a cake recipe from green pancakes is pretty simple.

Cake with chocolate: video recipe

Probably everyone loves pancakes in combination with chocolate. This cake option is a great option for children and adults! Recipe for cooking simple and fascinating.

A pancake cake for losing weight in Dukanu: video

This pancake cake can please those that sits on a dukan diet. The main thing to comply with all product proportions and calorie counting during eating. This dessert will not affect your shape and will not leave you indifferent.

Cake from pancakes with condensed milk

This is the easiest recipe for a cake from pancakes on an ambulance hand, you can use home condensed milk and purchased.

A pancake cake with cottage cheese cream: video

Well, very tasty delicacy! This recipe in the video roller will help to make a surprisingly delicious and beautiful pancake cake for the holiday.

Prepare, surprise, fantasize!

Snacking Pinnings Cakes - 14 recipes

Pancakes I bake the simplest. Beat 1 egg with a pinch of salt and 0.5 h. Sukhah of sugar and 3 st. Supplements of vegetable oil. Pour cold milk. Mix. If I use the poch, sour milk, then I add 2-3 century starch in flour. And then in a bowl with a sifted flour, we pour a little liquid part. I do not give the recipe. Pancakes can be baked to their taste. The main thing is that they were thin.

And the stuffing can be chosen any, what kind of likes it. I will give only examples of the simplest. Variations set.

1. Boiled meat Skip through a meat grinder + roasted onions in oil + greenery smashed. Heat in a frying pan in oil (better than plant), mix well.
2. Fry Mushrooms with onions in Rasta. Masle + dill + sour cream \u003d put out
3. Boiled or smoked fish cut into pieces + sweened onions + parsley.

At the same time, you can add different vegetables to these basics (leek, carrots, paprika sweet, eggplants, zucchini ..) and even fruits. I love to add sour apples to vegetables or meat. Beef loves prunes, and pork - apples and oranges.

You can choose a couple of different stuffs. I chose for my cake as a basic - ready sprothet pate from the can (can be replaced by canned food, sprinkling the pulp without bones in oil from under the fish), added fried onions. A couple of layers smeared vegetable filling from fried vegetables (leeks and carrots).

I must say that usually assembled cake is riveted with sour cream or mayonnaise (and also add them to the filling) and put it for 10-15 minutes in the oven. I did not do this, just gathered a cake from pancakes and filling and put it in the fridge. The next day, to the arrival of guests, there was an unusual snack on the table.

I recommend to experiment in advance with the fillings, let's learn more thin pancakes. While they are still fuel, lay the cake. Some layers can be simply missed by sour cream (mayonnaise for lovers) or just melted oil (which I did). Then pick up a cake with a heavy flat dish and clean it in the refrigerator. Decorating better products that were used when cooking stuffed.

We will need such ingredients:

Eggs - 2 pcs. Sugar - 2 tbsp. l. Salt -1/2 h. L. Flour - 2 Milk champignons -800-1000 g bow - 2 pcs. Cheese-200 g mayonnaise -100 g vegetable oil is fry

Cooking method:
We break two eggs into a bowl, add sugar and beat until the foam starts to appear. Gradually add flour sizzy through a sieve. It should turn out thick dough. A slightly warm glass of milk and a thin flower pour into the dough, constantly stirring. There should be dough on consistency as a liquid sour cream. The frying pan is warm, slightly lubricate vegetable oil. To dial the dough, gradually pour it into the pan, tilting it with circular movements while the dough does not fill the entire surface. Bake pancakes from two sides to a golden color. About 8 pancakes should turn out of this amount of the test. Fold them on the plate and make cooking the fillings. Onions Clean, cut into small cubes and fry in a small amount of vegetable oil to golden color. Rinse mushrooms, cut-small pieces, put on a dry frying pan. After 5-10 minutes, they will empty a lot of juice. Cover the frying pan with a lid and drain juice. Now add some vegetable oil and fry about 20-30 minutes. Salt to taste. Mix mushrooms with onions, cool, skip through the meat grinder, add mayonnaise and mix well - the filling is ready. Cheese soda on a coarse grater. Start collecting a cake: put pancake on a baking sheet, lubricate it with stuffing and sprinkle with cheese. From above - still damn and filling. And so on until the pancakes end. Upper - lubricate mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese. Put the cake into the oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake 10-15 minutes so cheese melted. Wait until it cool down, cut and serve to the table!

A pancake cake with chicken and turkey

Baken cake with liver A SOURCE

Snacking pancake cake with cottage cheese and garlic, chicken and tomatoes A SOURCE

Cake with salmon and soft cheese

Very magnificent cupcake with strace

Stuffed peppers vegetables with bacon

Chocolate cupcake with zucchi or zucchini.

Sweet Pie with Ricotta. Curd pie with plums and berries.

Curd dessert without baking. Curd jelly.

Niccocks in tomato sauce

  • Simple squid salad

    Rainbow pancake cake is the most colorful cake for the children's holiday and not only.

    An easy-to-cook cake made of pancakes will delight the kids with his kind and taste. And even a newcomer in culinary art will be able to cook it.
    Hello, dear readers of my blog and audience of the Youtube channel.
    I am pleased to present you a recipe for a beautiful cake of the Rainbow. Making multicolored pancakes will become colorful meditation.
    Cream for this cake can be any: whipped cream, custard, cottage cheese, sour cream or condensed milk, on your choice. For my taste, whipped cream is the best option for cream for cake from pancakes rainbow.
    From above Cake from pancakes I covered a strawberry jam from my billets for the winter. You can cover the cake from pancakes with any jam or jam to your liking.

    To prepare a cake from pancakes, you must bake thirty multicolored pancakes of rainbow colors. We remember how we remembered the colors of the rainbow as a child: every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits. Only we will have no seven, but six colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Although options are possible.

    Ingredients for the preparation of cake from pancakes Rainbow

    • 4 eggs
    • 3 tbsp. l. Sugar (40 gr.)
    • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (30 ml)
    • 50 gr. butter
    • 2 cups of milk (adjust the amount according to the density of the test) (500 ml)
    • 2 cups of flour (250g.)
    • 2 cups of whipped cream (500 ml)
    • ¼ cup sugar (50 gr.)
    • Vanilla extract 1 teaspoon (5 ml) or vanilla sugar

    Cooking cake from pancakes rainbow. Step 1.

    The dough for pancakes is very convenient to do in a blender or a mixer, but it can also be a whisk. For the preparation of the dough for pancakes mix eggs, sugar, vegetable and butter, milk and flour.
    The finished dough should stand on the table 15 - 20 minutes to the flour of Nabult. If the dough it turned out thick, add some milk.

    Cooking cake from pancakes rainbow. Step 2.

    Prepared dough for pancakes in six glasses in equal amounts. In each glass, add the desired dye and mix. We get multicolored dough for pancakes.

    Dough for pancakes White dough for pancakes color

    Cooking cake from pancakes rainbow. Step 3.

    The frying pan with a non-stick coating is slightly lubricated with vegetable oil. We bake thin pancakes.

    Red Pancakes Yellow Pancakes Orange Pancakes
    Blue Pancakes Green Pancakes 30 Multicolored pancakes

    Cooking cake from pancakes rainbow. Step 4.

    For cream whipping cream to be bippy at least 33%, adding sugar and vanilla.

    Cooking cake from pancakes rainbow. Step 5.

    We collect cake from pancakes, starting with purple and finishing in red. Every pancake with cream.

    We put the cake from pancakes in the refrigerator for two hours for impregnation.

    Cooking cake from pancakes rainbow. Step 6.

    Cooked and impregnated with cream cake from pancakes lubricate from above the favorite jam or jam.

    Lubricate the cake by jam cut the cake treat a cake from pancakes

    Do not forget to leave a piece of this beautiful and delicious cake from the pancake rainbow.

    • Pancakes stuffed
    • Sour pancakes on pic
    • Mago sticky rice
    • Festive snack. New feed of beloved lettuce.

    Fried shrimp with garlic hot chudeweshes

    5 Comments ON "Cake from Pannings"

    What a beautiful cake and do it easy. You need to cook granddaughs. Great idea!

    Very simple and beautiful. Children will be delighted. Good luck to you.

    This is the master! How many multi-colored pancakes jailed! And beautiful how, just a holiday. Soon carnival, so necessarily such apt!

    Maslenitsa with multicolored pancakes - masterpiece!

    The recipe for a pancake cake with 5 types of fillings and secrets of the right dish!

    Pancakes are considered an original Russian dish, so it is not wonderful that our mistresses are trying to actively experiment with them. The desire to cook even better and is even more tastier and a pancake cake, which represents a multi-layered "design" from pancakes with the addition of various stuffs.

    Fresh or yeast pancakes are used for cooking. The amount of them depends on your desire to make a cake higher, but on average there are enough 20 pieces for it. The filling can be different, and not necessarily limited to sweet options. Using a salt filling, you can make a snack on a banner or festive table.

    Right recipe for a pancake cake: 5 secrets

    • Pancakes should be as thin as possible, then the product is well soaked with cream.
    • The cream for a pancake cake must be thick and drove, otherwise it will flow.
    • Sweet version (with cottage cheese or condensed milk) It is advisable to cook in advance and give it time to soak.
    • Salted cake (for example, with salmon or mushrooms) is also prepared a few hours before use, wrapped in foil and put it in the refrigerator. And before the arrival of guests, it can be heated in the microwave or in the oven.
    • If you want the appearance to be more attractive, put it for a few minutes in the preheated oven to twist.

    Dough for a pancake cake

    Prepare the right dough - it means to make a good half of the case. After all, it depends on it whether the dish is dry or tough. Prepare it is not more difficult than fast dough for pies.

    • milk - 750 ml;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.,
    • flour - 320 or 2 glasses;
    • sugar - 2 tablespoons (no matter, sweet or salty will be your cake);
    • vanilla sugar - 1 bag, if you cook a sweet dish;
    • salt.
    1. In a slightly heated milk, sugar, vanillin, salt, mix well. Add eggs, stir again.
    2. Gradually introduce flour, sieving through a sieve. When the consistency of Kefir is reached, add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and start frying.
    3. Press pancakes, cover them with a cover and a towel, so that the edges remain soft.
    When the workpieces are ready, you can proceed to the question how to cook a pancake cake. And for this there are many solutions. Here are the most popular options for a pancake cake and recipes with a photo!

    Recipe for a pancake cake with custard

    • ready pancakes - 20 pcs.;
    • yolks - 4 pcs.;
    • sugar - 180 or 1 cup;
    • vanilla sugar - 1 bag;
    • milk - 50 ml;
    • flour - 50 g
    1. Yolks are scattered with sugar, add flour, dress up to a homogeneous mass.
    2. Boil milk and enter in yolks, quickly stirring.
    3. Put the mass on fire, stirring constantly, bring to thickening.
    4. Cool down and wake every pancake, laying on each other.
    5. Panked cake with custard Leave for 3 hours to soak.

    Pannaya cake with cottage cheese cream

    • ready pancakes - 20 pcs.;
    • cottage cheese - 500 g;
    • sugar - 80 g;
    • sugar powder - 150 g;
    • cream - 200 ml;
    • malina - 200 g (fresh or frozen).
    1. Distribute cottage cheese with powdered sugar.
    2. While the cream to the thick state (so that the pattern on their surface is held at least 10 seconds).
    3. Slowly connect cottage cheese with cream, mix.
    4. Put the raspberry with sugar, leave for 20 minutes, and then beat the blender in the puree.
    5. Each pancake wake the raspberry mashed potatoes, and from above abundantly apply cottage cheese cream.
    6. After laying the last pancake, decorate its top and sides with cream, raspberry berries.

    Pancake cake with condensedum

    • ready pancakes - 20 pcs.;
    • boiled condensed milk ("Iriska") - 500 ml;
    • creamy oil - 200 g;
    • lime - 1 pc.;
    • walnuts purified - 50 g.
    1. Condensed milk and butter mix, add Lyme juice, until you take a lush mass.
    2. Nuts dry in a frying pan. After cooling, slightly grind them with a rolling pin (not in the crumb).
    3. Add nuts into cream, mix.
    4. Load every pancake filling and decorate with whole nuts.

    Pinnake cake recipe with sour cream

    • ready pancakes - 20 pcs.;
    • sour cream of high fatty - 1 kg;
    • sugar - 250 g;
    • vanillin - 1 bag.
    1. Mix the sour cream, vanilla and sugar, take care to the state of the bulk cream.
    2. Place pancakes on a plate and lubricate with cream.
    3. Top decorate with flower or waves from a cream using a confectionery sleeve.
    4. Put the dish in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

    Chocolate pancake cake

    • ready pancakes - 20 pcs.;
    • chocolate (milk or bitter) - 200 g;
    • fat cream - 350 ml;
    • creamy oil - 20 g
    1. Cream whipped by manually by a wedge.
    2. Chocolate grind and melt on a water bath, then add a softened butter, mix. Cool and stirring, combine with cream.
    3. Pancakes melt cream, top decorate with cream and chocolate chips.

    It is only a few recipes for a delicious pancake cake. We are confident that after cooking a couple of them, you will have our own recipes for this universal dish!

    Videos recipes of a pancake cake

    Paken Cake with Green Match Tea - Step-by-Step Recipe

    • Confectionary flour: 125 grams
    • Green tea match: 10 grams, (+ additional quantity, for sprinkling)
    • Chicken eggs: 4 pieces
    • Milk: 250 grams
    • Sugar. 65 grams
    • Creamy butter: 35 grams
    • Cream 35%: 50 grams
    • sugar Powder: 10 grams
    • Ingredients.
    • Preparing the dough. In a bowl, we sift the flour and matcha powder. Add egg and mix well.
    • We add milk to the mixture and mix well. Then add sugar and mix well again.
    • Clean the butter and add to the dough. Mix well.
    • Heat the frying pan and add some cream oil. Pour the dough bucket in the pan. Evenly distribute the dough over the entire surface of the frying pan. Fry from two sides to golden color. Thus, we prepare all pancakes.
    • Lay out pancakes on a plate and cover the top with another plate (we use it as a template). Cut the pattern.
    • Whip cream with powder to hard peaks.
    • Collect the cake.
    • Sprinkle with sugar powder and match powder.
    • Dessert is ready for feed.
  • Pancakes are considered an original Russian dish, so it is not wonderful that our mistresses are trying to actively experiment with them. The desire to cook even better and is even more tastier and a pancake cake, which represents a multi-layered "design" from pancakes with the addition of various stuffs.

    Features of dishes

    Fresh or yeast pancakes are used for cooking. The amount of them depends on your desire to make a cake higher, but on average there are enough 20 pieces for it. The filling can be different, and not necessarily limited to sweet options. Using a salt filling, you can make a snack on a banner or festive table.

    Right recipe for a pancake cake: 5 secrets

    A pancake pie at home is not difficult to bake, the main thing is to get an amazingly delicious and fragrant dish to do everything step by step by specified scheme:

    • Pancakes should be as thin as possible, then the product is well soaked with cream.
    • The cream for a pancake cake must be thick and drove, otherwise it will flow.
    • Sweet version (with cottage cheese or condensed milk) It is advisable to cook in advance and give it time to soak.
    • Salted cake (for example, with salmon or mushrooms) is also prepared a few hours before use, wrapped in foil and put it in the refrigerator. And before the arrival of guests, it can be heated in the microwave or in the oven.
    • If you want the appearance to be more attractive, put it for a few minutes in the preheated oven to twist.

    Dough for a pancake cake

    Prepare the right dough - it means to make a good half of the case. After all, it depends on it whether the dish is dry or tough. Prepare it is not more difficult than fast dough for pies.

    You will need:

    • milk - 750 ml;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.,
    • flour - 320 or 2 glasses;
    • sugar - 2 tablespoons (no matter, sweet or salty will be your cake);
    • vanilla sugar - 1 bag, if you cook a sweet dish;
    • salt.


    1. In a slightly heated milk, sugar, vanillin, salt, mix well. Add eggs, stir again.
    2. Gradually introduce flour, sieving through a sieve. When the consistency of Kefir is reached, add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and start frying.
    3. Press pancakes, cover them with a cover and a towel, so that the edges remain soft.

    Recipes Still

    When the workpieces are ready, you can proceed to the question how to cook a pancake cake. And for this there are many solutions. Here are the most popular options for a pancake cake and recipes with a photo!

    Recipe for a pancake cake with custard

    You will need:

    • ready pancakes - 20 pcs.;
    • yolks - 4 pcs.;
    • sugar - 180 or 1 cup;
    • vanilla sugar - 1 bag;
    • milk - 50 ml;
    • flour - 50 g


    1. Yolks are scattered with sugar, add flour, dress up to a homogeneous mass.
    2. Boil milk and enter in yolks, quickly stirring.
    3. Put the mass on fire, stirring constantly, bring to thickening.
    4. Cool down and wake every pancake, laying on each other.
    5. Panked cake with custard Leave for 3 hours to soak.

    Pannaya cake with cottage cheese cream

    You will need:

    • ready pancakes - 20 pcs.;
    • cottage cheese - 500 g;
    • sugar - 80 g;
    • sugar powder - 150 g;
    • cream - 200 ml;
    • malina - 200 g (fresh or frozen).


    1. Distribute cottage cheese with powdered sugar.
    2. While the cream to the thick state (so that the pattern on their surface is held at least 10 seconds).
    3. Slowly connect cottage cheese with cream, mix.
    4. Put the raspberry with sugar, leave for 20 minutes, and then beat the blender in the puree.
    5. Each pancake wake the raspberry mashed potatoes, and from above abundantly apply cottage cheese cream.
    6. After laying the last pancake, decorate its top and sides with cream, raspberry berries.

    A pancake cake with condensed milk. Step-by-step recipe

    You will need:

    • ready pancakes - 20 pcs.;
    • boiled condensed milk ("Iriska") - 500 ml;
    • creamy oil - 200 g;
    • lime - 1 pc.;
    • walnuts purified - 50 g.


    1. Condensed milk and butter mix, add Lyme juice, until you take a lush mass.
    2. Nuts dry in a frying pan. After cooling, slightly grind them with a rolling pin (not in the crumb).
    3. Add nuts into cream, mix.
    4. Load every pancake filling and decorate with whole nuts.

    Pinnake cake recipe with sour cream

    You will need:

    • ready pancakes - 20 pcs.;
    • sour cream of high fatty - 1 kg;
    • sugar - 250 g;
    • vanillin - 1 bag.


    1. Mix the sour cream, vanilla and sugar, take care to the state of the bulk cream.
    2. Place pancakes on a plate and lubricate with cream.
    3. Top decorate with flower or waves from a cream using a confectionery sleeve.
    4. Put the dish in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

    Chocolate pancake cake

    You will need:

    • ready pancakes - 20 pcs.;
    • chocolate (milk or bitter) - 200 g;
    • fat cream - 350 ml;
    • creamy oil - 20 g


    1. Cream whipped by manually by a wedge.
    2. Chocolate grind and melt on a water bath, then add a softened butter, mix. Cool and stirring, combine with cream.
    3. Pancakes melt cream, top decorate with cream and chocolate chips.

    It is only a few recipes for a delicious pancake cake. We are confident that after cooking a couple of them, you will have our own recipes for this universal dish!

    Videos recipes of a pancake cake

    Prepare a real homely pancake cake with sweet or satisfying filling. Our step-by-step recipes with photos will help you easily cope with this task!

    The dish is absolutely simple in cooking.

    This species will not leave anyone indifferent, even an avid gourmet, as the combination of delicate pancakes with cottage cheese fishes is something indescribable. It must be trying !!

    I also advise you to add any greens. It will make and more beautiful snack, and give brightness and mood.

    For dough:

    • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • Sugar - 1 tbsp.;
    • Salt - pinch;
    • Soda - ½ tsp;
    • Citric acid - ½ bl.;
    • Milk - 300 ml;
    • Flour - 300 gr.;
    • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp ...

    For filling:

    • Garlic - 2 teeth;
    • Dill - 100 gr.;
    • Salted salmon - 200 gr.;
    • Cottage cheese - 300 gr.;
    • Sour cream - 2 tbsp.;
    • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

    Eggs need to beaten by a mixer in a lush foam, add salt, sugar and soda. Then pour half milk, vegetable oil and mix everything thoroughly.

    Now you need to gradually pour out sifted flour, knead the dough without lumps and continuing to interfere, pour the remaining milk.

    At the end, add diluted citric acid in 1 tablespoon of boiling water, mix. And immediately proceed to the baking of our so-called cortiers.

    Cooking the filling. Clean and miss the garlic through the press. Drop Wheat, dry and finely lie. Fish fillet remove the bones, if any and cut into cubes.

    Take cottage cheese (it can be replaced with curd cheese), mix it with garlic, greens and sour cream. Add salmon and mix all.

    Put a pancake on a flat dish, spread it on it, put the next one on top, we lubricate again, etc.

    The resulting cake is removed in the refrigerator for about 1 hour so that it is so impregnated. From above can be decorated with red fish and caviar, greens.

    Recipe 2: Sweet pancake Cake at home

    Today we will prepare a delicious cake from pancakes with sour cream and fruit. This recipe for a pancake cake will be an excellent solution for the carnival. He also perfectly cope with the role of the main cake on any other holiday.

    Cake made from pancakes, no less delicious than any other. As the basis of the cake - the cortex in it is used thin pancakes on milk, the recipe of which you will find by reference. This cake recipe with gentle cream cream and fresh winter fruits has become a favorite dessert on the carnival. True, do not eat it a lot, because the cake is obtained very calorie and nutritious. Well, in a large family, the cake is eaten the day. And I hope that this heart dessert on the eve of the Great Post will have to do with you. Let's rather start!

    For pancakes:

    • 200 g. Flour;
    • 100 g. Creamy oil;
    • 700 ml. milk;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 2 yolks;
    • 0.5 h. L. salts;
    • small slice of sala for lubrication frying pan.

    For filling:

    • 1 l in fat homemade sour cream;
    • 350 g of powdered sugar;
    • 1 banana;
    • 1 large orange or 2 small;
    • 1 kiwi.

    For the preparation of the dough for pancakes, we sift through the sieve flour. We enter two eggs and two yolks in the sifted flour, from the remaining protein we can prepare, for example, homemade mering or marshmallow. Add salt. Clean the butter and together with milk we pour it into flour. Mix all the mixer to completely dissolve lumps. To flour flour - start mixing it off with a mixer, and when the flour does moisture - turn it on and continue to interfere with medium speed. Dough for thin pancakes is ready.

    Heat a special frying pan for pancakes or a cast-iron frying pan. The better it will be a free-rate, the more small holes on the pancakes. When the frying pan was well warmed up, lubricate it with lard on the fork. Using a small half, we pour the dough and evenly distribute it all over the surface, turning the pan clockwise. Fry our first pancake to rosy on one side. Gently turn the spatula with a pancake, or throw it if you can do it. Fry our pancake on the other side. From this volume of the test, approximately 16 pancakes will be released (this time it happened 18). We fold them with a stack as you cook.

    First we prepare fruit. Oranges are suitable as sweet and sour. Excellent sourness in this recipe will not hurt, but will be very by the way.

    One big orange or 2 small and wipe. We rub on a shallow grater of the orange zest. It will give a small bitterness and awesome fragrance to our pancake cake. I do not regret the zest, we rub the entire top layer of the peel of the orange, but do not reach white fibers.

    We divide the orange on the slices and cut every slices on small pieces.

    For the filling it will be thin, and for decoration - plump pieces.

    Also cut to the decoration and for the Kiwi filling.

    And we remain cut into the same banana method: for filling and decorations.

    To fae the cake and lubrication layers, we will use the following sour cream recipe. The sour cream cream turns out to be a sweet. But the amount of sugar is adjustable to your liking, it will not affect the quality of the whipped cream.

    For cream in a deep bowl mix fatty sour cream and sugar powder. Mix the mixer to be turned off so that the powder is not spilled in the kitchen. After it mixes, turn on the mixer and begin to beat. The main thing is not to rearrange, and the oil will turn out instead of the cream.

    We start forming a sweet pancake cake. We put on the plate or stand for the cake first pancake and put it on it a tablespoon with a slide cream. We distribute a thin layer of a pancake cream. We repeat 2 more times, laying out pancakes on each other and missing them with cream.

    Approximately for each 3rd pancake laying up fruits or a grated zest of orange. The first will go finely chopped orange.

    I put 3 pancakes again, each lubricating cream. From above the 3rd pancake sprinkled with orange zest.

    And again 3 pancakes, and on top of sour cream laying finely chopped kiwi.

    We again lay out 3 layers of pancakes with sour cream and layer of orange.

    The latter will be a banana. And behind it lay out the remaining pancakes.

    Approximately such a cake should turn out.

    And the remaining cream we create a cake form, having failed it from above and around the edges.

    Using the cream, which remained, decorate the cake from above.

    We still have to decorate the cake with pieces of fruit and a sister orange completing the composition.

    Our delicious pancake cake with sour cream and fruit is ready. Before serving, it should be held for about 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Bon Appetit!

    Recipe 3: Home Pancake Cake with Chocolate

    Blinnot cakes are collected from thin pancakes, glorifying them with cream. We offer you a recipe for a pancake cake from very thin and delicious pancakes with a gentle cream with white chocolate.

    Dough for pancakes

    • Eggs - 2 pieces
    • Flour - 280 grams
    • Milk - 650 milliliters
    • Bustyer - 1 teaspoon
    • Salt - 0.5 teaspo
    • Sugar - 1 teaspoon
    • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
    • Chocolate white - 400 grams
    • Cream, fatness of at least 30% - 600 milliliters

    White chocolate glaze

    • White chocolate - 250 grams
    • Cream - 150 milliliters

    Prepare a blank for a butter cream with white chocolate. In a bowl grinding 400 grams of white chocolate. I bring to a boil of 600 milliliters of cream, fatness of at least 30%. Hot cream pour into prepared chocolate.

    Mix to obtain a homogeneous mass. Cover the food film and put in the refrigerator, at least 5 hours.

    Prepare pancakes. In the bowl of the mixer, we divide two eggs, add half a teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of sugar, 350 milliliters of milk, mix.

    Add 280 grams of flour and 1 teaspoon of the baking powder, mix. Remove from the walls of the bowl of the dough. Gradually adding 300 milliliters of milk, we knead the liquid dough. We assign to the side for 20 minutes for flour swelling. After 20 minutes, we remove the dough from the walls of the bowl and additionally mix the mixer for two or three minutes.

    The finished dough is filtering, add two tablespoons of vegetable oil and proceed to baking pancakes.

    We put a pan for pancakes on fire. If necessary, lubricate the frying pan with fat and bake thin pancakes.

    We pour 40-50 milliliters of the prepared test to the pan. Tilt the pan in different directions, so that the dough spread over the entire surface of the frying pan.

    We bake pancakes on medium heat, on both sides. About 20 pancakes with a diameter of 24-25 centimeters should be obtained from this amount of the dough.

    We take a mixture of cream with a chocolate from a refrigerator and whipping a mixer at high speed to getting a lush, smooth and delicious cream.

    We proceed to assembling a pancake cake. A deep bowl, a diameter of 20 centimeters weaver with pancakes, lubricate pancakes with a thin layer of cream.

    We post another layer of pancakes, lubricate with cream and so on until the bowl fill in completely, and in the middle there will remain a deepening.

    In order to fill the recess inside the bowl, we lubricate the pancakes with cream, fold the triangle or envelope and fill them completely completely. Some cream leave to deceive the surface of the cake.

    The edges of the pancakes bend inside the bowl, cover 2-3 pancakes, turn over to the board, slightly press and send to the refrigerator, at least 4 hours.

    A pancake cake can be covered with residues of cream and decorate your taste. We will cover the pancake cake with a white chocolate.

    Cook the glaze. Grinding in a bowl of 250 grams of white chocolate. 150 milliliters of the cream are brought to a boil, pour them the crushed chocolate and mix until the homogeneous mass is obtained. If, for any reason, all chocolate did not melm, do not worry, you can warm it a little on a water bath or in a microwave oven.

    Take out a pancake cake from the refrigerator. Cut the surplus of pancakes and cream. I turn over, cut through the edge of the bowl, we turn over to the board again and raise a bowl.

    Having failed the entire cake with a thin layer of cream, thoroughly spread, aligning all the irregularities.

    The glaze during this time cooled to room temperature, but did not thicken. We put the cake on the lattice and evenly pour it with icing. Excess glazes that can be collected from the cake from the cake, strain, slightly warm and cover the cake again.

    We rearrange the cake on the dish, on which we will serve it, and send it to the refrigerator for a few more hours.

    Decorate the cake at your own wishes. We do from the remaining border cream at the foot of the cake. Several straws are fed into the melted white chocolate and put on the top of the cake.

    Cut and apply a very tasty beautiful pancake cake to tea or coffee. Pancakes are very well combined with creamy chocolate cream, both with black and white.

    Recipe 4: how to cook a pancake cake (step-by-step photos)

    Recipes of pancake cakes that can be prepared at home, for sure, hundreds, or even thousands. Each host prepares them in its own way, uses his own, the most delicious cream for a pancake cake and decorates how fantasy will allow.

    The pancake cake cake takes its name from the French word Crèpe, which means pancake translated. In other words, a dessert is obtained consisting of a large number of thin pancakes, which are glorified by stuffing. As a rule, as a layer, many cooks use custard, whipped cream, fruit berries, chocolate, nuts ... and not to list everything!

    For pancakes:

    • milk - 600 ml
    • wheat flour - 300 gr
    • chicken Eggs - 3 pcs
    • sugar - 2 tbsp.
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
    • salt - 1 pinch

    For filling:

    • cream - 700 ml
    • strawberry jam - 500 gr
    • sugar powder - 2 tbsp.


    • strawberry - 200 gr
    • gorky chocolate - 60 gr
    • cream - 30 ml

    For the preparation of a pancake cake firmware We will need the following products: Milk of any fat (I used 3.5%), wheat flour of top grade, fatty cream (fattity of at least 30-33%), strawberry jam and fresh selected strawberries, medium chicken eggs (45-50 grams each), refined vegetable (I have sunflower) oil, sugar and sugar powder, bitter chocolate (can be replaced with dairy, if you like) and some salt for taste. All products for the pancake dough must be room temperature, so get them in advance from the refrigerator.

    Cooking the dough for pancakes can be in any deep dishes. We divide chicken eggs into the container 3, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt. If you want, you can aromatize pancake dough with vaniline or vanilla sugar.

    Again whipping all the mixer so that it turned out completely uniform dough without lumps. If you add all the milk at once, the pancake dough can be with lumps, and we have nothing to do with it.

    We leave the dough for pancakes on the table for 10-15 minutes so that gluten flour flour. After rest, the pancake dough is pretty liquid, but much thicker is just milk. If the dough is densely (it depends on the humidity of wheat flour), dilute it with milk or water to the desired consistency.

    Now heat the frying pan, lubricate it for the first pancake with oil and pour the dough. Fast movement evenly distribute the dough over the entire surface and the stuff pancake until the bottom side is shrouded on medium heat.

    Thus, we prepare all the pancakes on milk. I got quite a lot (how much, I did not count), with a diameter of 20 centimeters. You may have more or less depending on the size of the frying pan and the desired thickness of pancakes. We leave the pancakes to cool, as whipped creams do not like hot and drown.

    When the pancakes are cooled (they can be decomposed on a large cutting board or just a working surface, so that the process go faster), you need to beat fat cream. They must be chilled! I added some vanilla sugar (just shredded homemade vanilla sugar in a coffee grinder), but you can not sweeten cream, as the jam and so sweet. We whip the fatty cream mixer on medium turns. You can beat them with a whisk - so even reliable. Do not pass, otherwise, as a result, get the oil and the poch.

    We start collecting a pancake cake. On a flat plate or serving dish put one pancake and scroll through it with a thin layer of strawberry jam. If the jam is too thick, it can be slightly warm in a microwave oven, after which it is necessary to cool.

    On top of the jam smear a uniform layer of whipped cream. Try to calculate in such a way that the fillings are enough for all pancakes.

    We cover it from above with one pancake, which I do not miss the stuffing (it is Poland with chocolate icing). The remains of whipped cream are applied on the sides of the cake and gently align them with a shovel, a spatula or confectionery pale. We put the cake of the cake in the fridge for half an hour or minutes by 10-15 in the freezer, so that the cream has seal.

    While the cake is frozen, you can cook chocolate glaze. In a small bowl or pile, we pour 30 milliliters of cream (any fat content) and put 60 grams of chocolate there. You can not use bitter, but milk chocolate, but then the cake will be even sweeter. These two ingredients need to be carefully heated, and it does not bring to boil. It is most convenient to do this in the microwave oven in warm-up mode, checking the contents of the dishes every 7-10 seconds. In contact with hot cream, chocolate slices instantly melted. But remember that the temperature is quite high, so you need to constantly interfere so that the chocolate will not curl.

    Just a minute, it turns out completely homogeneous, smooth and brilliant chocolate glaze. Consistency Glazers can be easily adjusted by adding an additional amount of hot milk or cream - just keep them at hand.

    If you like these chocolate leaks, you can decorate them cake. To do this, shift the hot icing in the package, cut off the corner. Fast movements pass on the sides of the cake, squeezing the glaze. Then we apply the rest of the glaze in the center and distribute it all over the surface with the help of a blade. Again, put the cake in the fridge so that the glaze froze.

    There is still a little more: prepare a strawberry for decoration. The most beautiful berries (preferably of one size) is under cold running water and thoroughly dry on a napkin or towel. After that, cut along in half so that there are such appetizing slices. Pickles can leave - with them more beautiful and take them more convenient with a piece of cake.

    We decorate strawberries on chocolate glaze, which in the cold has already managed to grab, but it will remain soft enough. The finished pancake cake is a firmware that weighs about 2 kilograms of 600 grams, you do not need to store for a long time in the refrigerator. It is served immediately after cooking, as over time, the filling begins to be absorbed into the pancakes.

    Before serving, I decorated the cake with sugar sprinkling and stuck the candle to the center.

    Bon Appetit!

    Recipe 5: how to cook a pancake cake at home

    A very tasty pancake cake without baking can be done at home on the carnival or a festive table as a satiety dessert. Even the most spoiled connoisseurs of traditional sweet desserts will be delighted with a harmonious combination of products and positively appreciate this dish. Also a classic pancake cake can be prepared for the birthday of children, making a highlight to a completely ordinary diet of the feast.

    Pancakes dough:

    • Chicken yolks - 5 pieces.
    • Milk (2.5%) - 200 milliliters.
    • Filtered water - 200 milliliters.
    • Salt - 1/3 tablespoon.
    • Sugar - 2 tablespoons with a slide.
    • Flour of the highest grade - 200 grams.
    • Vegetable oil in the dough - 50 milliliters.
    • Vegetable oil - for lubricating the baking sheet.
    • Bananas - 550 grams.

    Protein cream:

    • Proteins - 5 pieces.
    • Sugar - 200 gr.
    • Vanillin - 5 gr.
    • Lemonic acid - 1 gram (1 pinch).
    • Water - 50 ml.
    • Syrup from raspberry jam - 1 tablespoon.
    • Chocolate - 40 gr.

    Preparing a simple homemade pancake dough. Pre-washed eggs are broken into the tar. Egg yolks add separately, see, on step-by-step photo. And the proteins leave onto the protein cream, then put them in the refrigerator on some time. In yolks, we smell the salt, sugar along the above norm, then with the help of a metal beating mix them to form a foam mass.

    To yolks pour milk room temperature, warm water and vegetable oil. Be whipped in the same way to the lush foam mass.

    Pour wheat flour of room temperature, beat the dough with rapid movements for 5 minutes. This action is done to ensure that there are many air bubbles in the test thanks to this baked pancakes are obtained thin, porous with small holes.

    The dry pan is lubricated with vegetable oil and put on the enclosed burner. When in a skillet, the oil splits, pour the dough, distributing over the entire surface. We bake from two sides to a golden ruddy crust.

    The base on the pancake cake will be based on bananas. Remove the peel from the bananas, after divide the fruit into three parts and cut the slices.

    Take pancake, start it with bananas and wrap in the tube. With the rest of the pancakes we do the same way.

    Prepared tubes fold the first layer on a flat porcelain plate. After that, we cut them into three parts, see, on step-by-step photo.

    The remaining tubes also fold on the plate and cut. Castled pancake rolls for home cake set aside for a while.

    We now turn to the preparation of a protein cream. In the pan, we pour 50 milliliters of filtered water, pour sugar, add raspberry syrup.

    After occasionally stirring, bring to a boil, after we reduce the installed hardware of the burner and cook to small air bubbles for 5 minutes. Boiling sugar syrup is removed from the burning burner, close the glass cover so that it does not cool.

    We get the chilled eggs of eggs from the refrigerator whipping 15 minutes and in the process pour acid citric acid. We add directly so that the whipped mass is thick consistency.

    When the proteins find a sufficiently dense consistency, pour a thin jet boiled sugar syrup during whipping. We beat 10 minutes and the cream protein is ready, it must have the corresponding gentle pink color from the raspberry jam.

    To richly decorate the cake, we rub the bitter or dairy chocolate.

    The main components are prepared, now they must be connected. The first layer of pancakes is abundantly lubricating the cream protein and lay out the other tubes.

    Lubricate the cake with the remaining cream, equal to the edges and surface. Decorate with chocolate sprinkle, if there are fruit at hand, they cut them on figurily and put it beautifully. The finished big delicious pancake cake is divided on a portion and serve for a festive table.

    Recipe 6: Home Pancake Cake with Chicken and Mushrooms

    • egg chicken - 2 pcs.,
    • milk cow - 1 cup (200 ml),
    • drinking water - 1 cup (200 ml),
    • wheat flour - 6-7 tbsp. spoons
    • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
    • basin - 1 h. spoon,
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
    • salt - 1 teaspoon without a slide,
    • vanilla - to taste
    • champignons - 150 gr.,
    • onion onion - 1-2 pieces. (depending on the size)
    • smoked chicken hammer - 1 pc. (500 gr)
    • solid cheese - 100 gr.,
    • sour cream - 150 gr.,
    • spices - to taste
    • greens, vegetables for decorating cake - to taste.

    For the preparation of the dough for pancakes, take two eggs. Add sugar, salt, baking powder. Take all to lush foam. If you are more like your option to prepare a dough for pancakes, you can use it. I will describe my own.

    Pour milk and cold water. Stir. Now ask for flour and knead the dough. It will not be too thick.

    In the dough, add some vegetable oil. It will be enough for 2 tablespoons. Beat again, so that the oil went into the test. If you dip in the dough spoon and pull out, then the dough remains on a thin layer spoon. The dough lies smoothly on a spoon, evenly.

    Very well warp the pan. On a hot frying pan, pour some vegetable oil. Type the dough for the first pancake and pour into the pan. Rotate the frying pan with the dough so that it rolls over in a smooth pancake. Fry pancakes before the end of the test.

    While the pancakes are roasting, prepare one of the types of filling. Shampignons wash and cut into small pieces. I prefer to cut mushrooms on thin plates so that they have saved their shape slightly. It's a matter of taste. There is no special value of cutting.

    Clean the onions and cut off by semirings.

    In a frying pan, with the addition of vegetable oil, fry mushrooms. When the water is popping, add chopped onions to the mushrooms. Stir. Touch together until readiness. It can be somewhat salted and across taste.

    Meanwhile, I deed pancakes. From this number of test I had 11 pancakes. Pancakes cool down.

    We will collect a pancake cake. To do this, put one pancake on a flat dish. Lubricate it sour cream. Distribute sour cream across the pancake. Put another pancake from above and lubricate it again.

    With smoked ham, remove the meat. I did not use the skin. Meat cut into small pieces. The total amount of meat is divided into
    two parts. Lay on top of the damn one of them. It will be the first layer of the filling.

    Cut the green onions and sprinkle the poultry meat. Onions will give piquancy, and the cake will not be fresh.

    Cover the meat with a new pancake. Lubricate the pancake sour cream and scatter.

    Mushroom stuffing put on damn and distribute over the entire surface.

    Cover the mushroom filling with a new pancake, lubricate the sour cream and lay a layer of chicken smoked meat.

    Cover the meat with a new pancake. Lubricate it sour cream and scatter. Cover the new pancake again and lubricate the sour cream. The upper and lower cake of a pancake cake I consciously twice sealing pancakes. When cutting the cake will not be spread, and the filling to climb. The cake will be perfectly held. I will show a cake in the context. Everything will be clear. On a large grater, soda is solid cheese. Put the cheese on the final damn and scatter. This is the final layer. Try to distribute everything evenly and evenly.

    From greenery and fresh vegetables make a decoration for cake. You can decorate a cake to your taste. For decoration can be used chopped greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, olives or olives and all you can imagine. A pancake cake can be immediately served to the table. Hearing and impregnation The pan-made cake does not require.

    Here is a tasty and beautiful pancake cake with cheese, mushrooms and chicken. It is not only delicious, but also beautiful, useful and looks festive. Try to cook it in your kitchen. I think you and your guests will be satisfied with the result.

    Recipe 7: a pancake cake with condensed milk (step by step)

    A pancake cake is an unusual dessert that will be able to make cooks very quickly with the experience of making pancakes. This delicacy can have a sweet or salt layer, as the cream can be made from condensed milk, butter and sour cream, generously arched by a large portion of sugar. For gourmets, a recipe for a pancake cake, perverted by hepatic pate or kabachkoy caviar, is perfect. Options for the preparation of the original dessert or nontrivial snacks are so much that this is a universal dish, for sure, will be frequent on your tables during festive and everyday trapez.

    Ingredients for cooking korzh:

    • milk 3.2% fat - 0.5 l;
    • chicken Egg - 1 pc.;
    • sugar sand - 30 g;
    • salt - pinch;
    • vegetable oil - 30 g;
    • wheat flour - 600 g

    Ingredients for the preparation of a cream for a pancake cake:

    • walnuts - 100 g;
    • shortbread cookies - 100 g;
    • boiled condensed milk - 200 g.

    Pour warm milk into the bowl. A homely pancake cake can be made of cores created on the basis of kefira or water.

    Add a chicken egg.

    Pass the desired amount of sugar sand and stir the ingredients well.

    Save the dairy base pancakes.

    Pour the desired measure of sunflower oil.

    Patch 250 grams sifted through wheat flour sieve. Stir the dough until the moment of complete dissolution of flour in milk. Add the remaining part of the flour and mix well again.

    Wake up the dough with a mixer in order to quickly turn ingredients into a homogeneous mass without lumps.

    On a well-hot frying pan, lubricated with a small amount of vegetable oil or a slice of a sala, fry pancakes. Of this number of test, at least 20 pieces of thin pancakes should be.

    Finger walnuts on slow fire.

    With the help of a roller, blender or meat grinder Grind cookies before the form of crumbs.

    Put the root for a stand for a pancake cake with condensed milk.

    Print the crude crumbling from cookies.

    Clear nuts.

    Cover the pancake cookie layer, again lubricate it with condensed milk and trigger with chopped nuts.

    Decorate a pancake cake at home by walnuts, cherries, strawberries or any other delicious decorations.

    Damnable cakes with condensed milk must be so good, so put the dessert in the fridge for 2 hours. Enjoy the taste of a nontrivially cooked cake.

    Recipe 8: a pancake cake with sour cream (with a photo)

    Cake preparation often takes a lot of time and effort. First you need to bake a biscuit or sandy cakes in the oven. Then cook cream for a long time. But the preparation of the sour cream pancake cake does not take you much time and labor costs. You just need to bake thin pancakes in a frying pan.

    Pancakes cooked in kefir are obtained by gentle and air, which will become an excellent basis for our cake. A cake with sour cream can be an excellent decoration of a festive table or a family tea party.

    For thin pancakes:

    • kefir - 2 glasses (500 ml);
    • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
    • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.;
    • wheat flour - 1 cup (250 ml);
    • food soda - 0.5 ch. l.;
    • salt - 0.5 ch. l.;
    • sugar - 2 tsp.

    For cream:

    • sour cream - 400 gr.;
    • sugar is 1 cup.

    First we bake thin pancakes. To do this, you need to beat the eggs slightly, add kefir, vegetable oil, sugar, salt.

    Gradually pour out sifted flour. After that, gently mix the dough until the lumps remain.

    Dissolve soda in 1/3 glasses of water and pour into the dough.

    Preheat the frying pan, lubricate it with a small amount of vegetable oil. Thin layer distribute 1 bars in a frying pan in the form of a smooth circle. Bake on medium heat on each side for 1-2 minutes.

    To make the cake to be smooth and beautiful try all the pancakes to be the same size.

    Sour cream must be taken with sugar for 10-15 minutes until the mass becomes air.

    Cooked pancake lubricate with sour cream. Top posting the next pancake. Continue spread pancakes with a stack, lubricating each cream.

    Carefully deceive the finished cake with cream from all sides.

    Cake can be decorated at your discretion: chocolate, berries, sprinkle cocoa ...

    Below is one of the ways of lung and original decoration of the cake.

    Flipped chocolate or chocolate "drawing" to apply thin lines in the form of a spiral of the cake on top of the cake.

    With the help of toothpicks, spend a line from the edge of the cake to the center, to spend the next line from the center to the edge, etc.

    It turns out a beautiful pattern that looks like a flower.

    Give the cake to be soaked at least 2 hours.

    The recipe for a pancake cake with sour cream is very simple. And the result will delight any sweet tooth.

    Bon Appetit!

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