
Benefit from post from a medical point of view. Orthodox post, benefit and harmful food for health, the right attitude to the post. Why post for all ages

The main goal of compliance with the post is spiritual and physical cleansing in order to concombate with its desires. A modern man must be in the post gently, try to fast only during the first and last weeks The post, refusing the rest of the time at least from milk and meat, by virtue of both the active rhythm of life and high energy consumption. After all, the post is not a diet at all; Fall from the point of view of a believer man is needed primarily for the soul.

"Lachy" diet

Meals during the post involves the exclusion of meat and meat products (bass, sausages, sausages), milk and dairy products (kefir, yogurt, ryazhenki, butter), baking, birds, game, eggs, as well as all dishes including these products.

The list of products that can be consumed during the post includes any fruits and vegetables, mushrooms and greens, all flour products with the exception of jerking, corn and cereals, nuts and seeds, bean, almonds, vegetable oil, fish and caviar, spices and spices, seafood. Of the sweet, it is allowed to eat honey and black chocolate.

From the point of view of medicine, a temporary limitation in some products carry some benefits:

1. In general, the temporary and reasonable limitation in some foods contributes to the general "update" of the human body by transitioning it to the so-called endogenous food. It represents the implementation of the main processes of vital activity not due to substances coming from outside, but by consumption and burning reserves accumulated by him, as well as slag of exchange origin. In medicine, this is founded by one of the basic principles of treatment - therapeutic starvation, which is prescribed only by the doctor.

2. Antioxidants contained in a significant amount in planting food prevent the organism in the cell level.

3. The post carries undoubted benefits with such diseases of gastro intestinal tract, as:

  • an irritable bowel syndrome is a disease, the exact cause of which is not established, but the predisposing factors include not only stress, but also a power system with an insufficient amount of fiber and excess of oily, spicy food;
  • chronic constipation - fiber has a "relaxing" effect, improves the evacuator - motor function of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating the peristaltics;
  • dyskinesia of the biliary tract - the drainage function of the gallbladder improves and the bile outflow is normalized;
  • the peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenal intestine - a healing diet has been developed by the Russian scholarster in half a century, which includes twelve healing tables. Table number 1 - diet intended for the treatment of ulcers. It implies a limitation of products that annoy the surface of the ulcers and do not give it to overgrow. A classic example is an exception of oily, acute food. A bright example is a negligible case of 12 - Pans and stomach and stomach registered in the blockade Leningrad;
  • pancreatitis is the classical treatment of pancreatitis involves the observance of the 3rd of the basic principles: cold, hunger and peace. That is, in these cases, post elements will only benefit.

4. Undoubted benefit has a post and urinary system: the products of "utilization" of animals of urea proteins and urinary acid in large quantities are derived from the body. This, in turn, favorably affects the work of the joints and the spine. After all, the restriction of the intake of animal protein into the body is the main principle on which the diet is based when goug.

5. Of course, great and psychological benefits of fasting. With its proper observance, the person concentrates on the spiritual side and purification, and does not put the diet at the head of the corner. Positive emotions arising from this normalize and improve sleep, are peculiar prevention of diseases.

However, there are certain groups of people, the post is absolutely contraindicated. These include:

1. Children

Fight children are extremely contraindicated.

The period of intensive development, both mental and physical, requires continuous admission to the body full list Vitamins and microelements, and this is impossible without full nutrition. An indispensable amino acids contained in meat, which cannot be obtained from other products, - lysine, tryptophan, isoleucine, arginine and histidine, are necessary for a full mental work not only a child, but also an adult.

Especially contraindicated to fast adolescent girls. Their body is simply necessary for the constant flow of vitamins of the group B, C, trace elements, the most important of which is iron. And, as you know, a sufficient amount of iron is contained only in meat, in particular, in beef; None of the products of plant origin is not a complete replacement.

In addition, according to statistics, when receiving to pregnancy, the girl of vitamins B2 and folic acid, the risk of defects nervous system Reduced by 2 times.

2. Pregnant women and nursing mothers

To date, medicine has been proven by the fact that pregnant women should not limit themselves in carbohydrates, nor in proteins, nor in fats, since the fruit suffers in such a nutrition.

The church, in turn, also provides for reliances in a diet, not only for fish and dairy products, but also on meat. And all the same vitamins and trace elements are the main active ingredients of enzymes that are necessary for a growing fruit primarily during the first trimester of pregnancy, when the bookmark of the main organs and systems is formed.

3. People with chronic diseases in the stages of aggravation

Incompute nutrition with a decrease in the amount of essential amino acids by more than 40 percent leads to a serious weakening of immunity and even greater aggravation of the stage of exacerbation.

Here can be attributed to the category of people, for a long time and often ill: compliance with the post can lead to a more severe course of banal influenza, colds, pneumonia and other infectious diseases.

4. Those with diseases cardiovascular - vascular system (Hypertension, IBS)

It is not necessary to get involved in this case, since the defective post feeding with an insufficient number of essential amino acids can lead to the development of protein dystrophy, dysbacteriosis, aggravate the course of atherosclerosis, which "beats" to the heart.

It seems to be the opposite: due to restricting the entry into the body of the main sources of cholesterol - meat and fat, we reduce the amount of harmful lipoproteins in the blood. However, not everything is so simple - when restricting cholesterol, the body synthesizes it himself, and the synthesis of "aggressive" cholesterol is.

  • persons of heavy physical labor;
  • persons with nervously - mental disorders;
  • faces with pulmonary tuberculosis in the acute stage;
  • persons with a base disease in a pronounced form (with an increase in the thyroid gland, a sharp increase in metabolism, pulse, pucheglasilation);
  • people with malignant tumors;
  • people with malignant blood diseases;
  • faces with cirrhosis of the liver and / or kidney;
  • persons in the stage of deep depletion.

If we talk about the elderly, then they are not contraindicated. The only relaxation for them is the inclusion in the diet of dairy products. They are rich in calcium, which is useful in preventing the development of osteoporosis.

As for the exit from the post, it should be said that the body is very difficult to rebuilt overnight, so the transition to the usual food regime should be very smooth.

Temporary abstinence from food is practiced in many religions of the world and in each of them there are certain rules about this. In Orthodoxy, the great post begins immediately after the passenger week and is characterized by special severity. In the times of state struggle with religion, scientific propaganda called the post of harmful atavism of the past, which can cause serious harm to health. However, believers continue to count the post useful not only for the Spirit, but also for the body. We found out how the requirements of the post meet the rules of modern scientific dietology.

Lean diet.

It has long been known that the diet that can be called healthy should include many vegetables and complex carbohydrates. The Great Post falls on the spring, so the main products of this post - malty and cooking from vegetables and fruits, as well as carrots, onions, cabbage, beets, canned green peas and other beans, apples, oranges, dried fruits and nuts. There are many different dishes that can be prepared using these and other products.

Medical starvation.

Modern nutritionists argue that short-term unloading periods are simply necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive and excretory system. This allows toxins from the body, which accumulate there during uncontrolled food consumption. The principles of the post fully comply with this aspect of proper nutrition - it has days in which the food is prohibited at all. From the point of view of medicine, such a shake will go to the body for benefit anyway.

Psychological installation.

The religious post in any religion of the world puts first of all the spiritual cleansing. From the point of view of modern psychology, such an installation can bring much more benefits than exact following rules. This means that the rejection of abundant nutrition can significantly change the human life due to the deep revision of food habits.

The need and necessity.

And the vegetable and animal food simultaneously contains a set of different substances in which we experience the need. The post requires from the caught failure of the "rapid" products: meat, fish and oils. However, the post does not prohibit eating their analogues - beans, vegetables and fruits. The only not too useful nuance of strict adherence to the post is the failure of believers from oil. Thus, the body is deprived of the necessary energy and fatty acids For the normal functioning of the body. Lastly alternative to oils are nuts containing a large amount of fatty acids.

Protein post.

Today, many modify a little traditional post, refusing only meat. In this case, the fish can help the fish of various varieties, as well as seafood and sea cabbage. In the spring post, such a diet will be especially useful, due to the elevated content of calcium, protein, minerals and vitamins. If you stop by all the rules, you should pay attention to beans, beans, nuts, seeds, soy and peas.

/ February 3 '11 Andrei Eldarovich Tsoriev, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant Department of Radiation Diagnostics of the Ural State Medical Academy, Altarist Church of St. Innocent Moscow Great Post

"But the very stay in paradise is the image of the post, not by the fact that the person who leads life is equal to the same way, in the likeness of the angels succeeded by the fact that he was satisfied with small, but for the fact that he had no thought that lived in Paradise invented by human talent; There was neither the use of wine nor the mortgage of animals, nor anything that makes a muddy human mind. "

SVT. Vasily Great
"On post. Conversation 1st

The great post comes. On the one hand, each Orthodox believer is waiting for a post as the time of cleansing the body and soul, repentance, reconciliation with relatives and loved ones, the time of beautiful, penetrating worship, the time of preparation for the greatest holiday of Easter. On the other hand, there are a lot of questions and, as it is customary to speak in church medium, temptations. A rare parish priest does not face the situation when believers ask to give a blessing to the light of the post. As a rule, priests are guided by medical recommendations given by a specific parishioner: "If the doctor forbade fasting, it means that you cannot fast!" However, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe influence of the post on the body of a healthy and sick person, about food in the post and in the parishioners, and the clergymen, and that the sin to tate, the doctors are far from scientific and substantiated specific data and observations, that is, rather mythical Than real.

When the abbot of the Holy Innokentievsky parish asked me to speak in front of parishioners as a doctor and tell them about the post, I thought about what to say. After all, the subject of the post is so widely covered in the church of tradition, pastoral literature, sermons, which is hardly a doctor can add something to this treasury. However, soon the idea came to help sort out and to himself, and people in how the restriction of animal food is affected on the body. Those. Try to take out the brackets as far as possible, the spiritual side of the post and discuss his body aspect.

Modern "enlightened", as he likes to call himself, the world really relies on science. Even speaking of church things, preachers and missionaries widely use data modern science: Stories, if we are talking about the biblical narration, physics, if it comes to the wonders and their probable mechanisms, astronomy, when the events of the Old and New Testaments are discussed and so on. Modern man believes science and scientist. Therefore, it is sinner not to take advantage of medical science and, in particular, nutrition and epidemiology, to clarify some facts associated with the features of food in the post.

After all, what is the Orthodox post from a scientific point of view, as not strictly vegetarianism, or, as it is also called, "Veganness"? That is meals exclusively vegetable food. The publicly available database of Medline medical publishing, located on the server of the American National Medical Library at http://www.pubmed.gov/ on request "Vegetarianism" issues 2232 sources dated from 1890-2008! At the same time, 294 sources are detailed scientific reviews based on multiple clinical and retrospective studies.

Vegetarianism is a fairly common type of diet among the population of the Earth. Even among the ancient people, whole nations in certain regions used mainly vegetable food, and some were real vegetarians! This made it possible to find out the analysis of the content of carbon isotopes and nitrogen in the hair of the remains of ancient people, for the content of heavier isotopes above with greater content in the diet of animals products.

Thanks to the study of the remains of a person from the Fielder Alps, located on the territory of modern Austria, it became known that vegetarians lived there. According to various data from 4 to 5% of US and Canada residents, as well as Western Europe - Vegetarian. In addition, the use of exclusively vegetable food is characterized by adepts of some world religions and sects: Krishnaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, as well as some non-vetant communities (for example, Seventh-day Adventists) - they all prescribe food exclusively or predominantly vegetable food.

Research results

It would be extremely interesting to know what effect is on the body use only, or mainly vegetable food over a long period. There is a lot of studies on this topic, the first of which were held back in the 1930s. So, the main findings of them are as follows:

The life expectancy of people holding diet with rare meat eating (moderate vegetarians) is higher than on average in the population.

Risk sudden death From cardiovascular diseases in people who eating mainly vegetable food are less than that of people with ordinary food.

The longer the person holds a predominantly plant diet, the more significantly the risk of sudden death is reduced, and the more increases the life expectancy.

The incidence of cardiovascular diseases and mortality from them in vegetarians below.

Mortality from diseases of the digestive and respiration organs is less than two more than once in vegetarians, in comparison with a population with ordinary food.

Mortality OT malignant tumors In the Vegetarian group, approximately 50% less in men and approximately 25% - in women, and not only a decrease in the number of malignant tumors of the digestive system (thick and rectum, pancreas, stomach), but also a tendency to reduce tumors of other systems (endocrine organs, liver, brain).

The mass of the body in vegetarians is on average less than that of not vegetarians, while the increased weight of the body is reliably related to the development arterial hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerotic damage to vessels.

The incidence and mortality of strict and moderate vegetarians are different: so, in strict mortality from diseases, the average above is 24%, which makes it possible to conclude more benefits for the organism of moderate (without the complete exception of animal products from the diet) of vegetarianism.

The use of predominantly vegetable food reduces the risk of 2-type diabetes mellitus and improves its course and forecast.

Vegetarianism - strict and not very

As for non-strict vegetarianism, in which milk and eggs are used, the conclusions of scientists are so unambiguous that the issue of benefits or the dangers of such food has long been removed. Conclusions, for example, the American Dietological Association sound like this: "A properly planned vegetarian diet is healthy, adequate in terms of admission to the body of the necessary nutrients And has many advantages, as it makes it possible to prevent and treat certain diseases. " Among these diseases are cardiovascular, such as atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, ischemic disease Hearts and vascular diseases of the brain, obesity, diabetes, urolithiasis, and also quite likely (scientific facts accumulation occurs in this direction), - Parkinson's disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

By the way, the Orthodox believer, which commence the church establishments for nutrition, including restrictions on the environment and Friday, as well as four calendar posts - the Great, Petrovsky, Assumption and Christmas - can easily be referred to the group of non-strategic vegetarians. That thus makes the Orthodox calendar almost perfect as in terms of medical preventionand for the treatment of mass of diseases. This will especially be so taking into account adopted in Orthodox church The disapproval of the abuse of food, both in terms of quantity and quality (overeating or curmony, delicacy or gasland are sins), negative attitude towards alcohol abuse and preferences of the use of wine in the absence of complete abstinence from alcohol use.

Strict vegetarianism, in which animal products are fully excluded (such a charter is used by the monks of the Valaam Monastery, the monasteries of the Holy Mountain of Athos in Greece), too, has long been under the closer attention of medical science. Independent communities are especially studied, due to the fact that the British presence in India, as well as the associated resettlement of Indians in the UK has been continuing for more than 200 years. There are certain problems associated with compliance with the strict plant diet. This, first, vitamin B12 deficiency, secondly, the lack of calcium and, thirdly, the lack of protein in food. It is with these deficiencies that it is believed to be the thinness of Indians, a smaller duration of pregnancy in Indian mothers and lower body mass and newborns.

However, scientists were also shown that, subject to compensating for the lack of these elements in nutrition, the difference in health a state of strict and non-strategic vegetarians is leveled and the problems are permitted.

Thus, the additional administration of vitamin B 12 prevents the development of anemia, adding into the ration of grain and legumes, in particular, soybeans compensates for the lack of protein. This is achieved by the use of coarse grinder and a wide range of products containing soy.

Study of the health of the seventh day Adventist communities, which are used from animal products only dairy and eggs, showed that along with a decrease in body weight, a decrease in the frequency of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, excessive use of dairy products and, possibly, soybeans may be connected With more high risk The emergence of ovarian cancer in women, as well as prostate cancer in men.

Scientists associate it with the presence of phytoestrogens, substances similar in structure with female sex hormones. The negative effect of excessive amounts of milk and its products, although it is traced statistically, however, is confirmed by all researchers and does not have a satisfactory theoretical explanation, which requires further surveys.

But the lessons learned from research related to Adventist communities deserve attention. Vegetarian diet, being balanced, useful for health, but it must be balanced!

"Batyushka, I have diabetes, bless not to fast!"

One of the most common misconceptions is the opinion that the observance of the post is contraindicated in diabetes. However, scientific data demonstrate the perfect opposite. On the contrary, there is a sufficient number of evidence confirming the prophylactic, anti-infamotic nature of the plant diet.

That is, the use of predominantly vegetable food reduces the risk of diabetes disease. This applies mainly to the 2nd type diabetes, which occurs mainly in adulthood and with high body weight, and occurs more often than type 1 diabetes. In addition, with a diabetes already, the advantages of a vegetarian diet are indisputable, and the mass of evidence.

In general, it can be said that the use of whole cereals, croup and legumes is associated with a decrease in blood sugar content in diabetics. Long-term studies unequivocally showed a decrease in the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases in nutrition with non-bellged cereals. The use of nuts rich in vegetable food fibers, such as Oats and barley, as well as soybeans, has a significant positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels and prevents the development of vascular complications of diabetes, reducing the content of cholesterol and fats in the blood.

In addition, the replacement of animal proteins (meat, birds, dairy products) to plant helps to reduce excessive renal filtering, stopping the selection of protein with the urine and the formation of stones in the urinary tract, thereby preventing the kidney defeat during diabetes. That is, a vegetarian diet contains a whole range of measures that contribute to the normalization of carbohydrate and fat exchange in diabetes and can be successfully used to prevent it, treatment, as well as reducing the risk of its complications.

You see, we used to think so, and the realities are completely opposite! We sincerely hope that the number of dialogues: "Batyushka, I have diabetes, bless not to fast! - Of course, what a post in diabetes may be bless! " Significantly decreases, and believers who are sick of diabetes will receive the opportunity and help to improve, and increase spiritually.

Post with pancreatitis: harm or benefit?

Another doubt, quite common in the events of believers on the eve of the post - this is the impossibility of abiding the post in the pancreas diseases. Some parishioners say that it is worth starting to fast, as it starts to "hurt the panma" ...

However, firstly, in order to conclude that it is really a "pancreas", you must consult with your doctor, because abdominal pain may not be associated with this organ, and secondly, the main way to reduce pain in acute and exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis is to limit the volume of food, up to its full cancellation, for a period of 3 to 7 days, and, above all, Reducing the number of fats and fiber in food.

That is, the post (the initial meaning of this word is precisely non-consumption of food) - one of the main ways to treat pancreatitis. As for the use of animal pancreatitis, either plant products, then outside the exacerbation of pancreatitis, if it is not combined with diabetes mellitus, some specific diet, in all cases allowing preventing aggravation, does not exist.

The main condition is to prevent overeating, a decrease in the reception of substances that contribute to an increase in the discharge of the pancreatic juice (fried, sharp, sour) and the use of pancreatic enzymes, which successfully prevents exacerbations of about 80% of patients. And what can better prevent overeating, how is it not a conscious restriction of yourself in food required by post?

And finally, ending with the topic of pancreatitis, it should be said that any health disorders related to meals are a reason to appeal to the doctor. A healthy person cannot react to change food with animal on plant! The appearance of pain with the beginning of the post is evidence of the presence of a gastrointestinal tract and the post, most likely, nothing to do with it. Just as the appearance of pain in the heart when accelerating the walk does not mean that you from now on you just need to go slower. It is necessary, first of all, consult with a cardiologist, and not to force yourself to be crawled. Fast walking - not the cause of pain in the heart, but provoking their factor, but the reason is the disease of the arteries of the heart or something else.

Similarly, post is not the cause of pain, but provoking factor, therefore, it is necessary to be examined and find out the cause of pain. In this regard, it will be interesting to bring the words of my friend who does not consider himself believers. The friend is the hardest form of pancreatitis associated with the transferred opisthorchosis, so it is forced to carefully ensure that it eats and in what quantities. So, on my question, maybe a person with chronic pancreatitis Observe the post, he replied: "Of course! Moreover, I myself observed the post (from interest and add us, maybe from solidarity with believers?). The only difficulty is that it is more difficult to come up with how and how to eat. However, with a reasonable approach and sincere desire, the post can be observed and the patient pancreatitis, and if you enter fish into the food - then the problem completely disappears completely.

And the most interesting thing that he said the following is: "If you have pancreatitis, and you are hard to observe the post, then you are determined with what is more important for you: God's commandment or personal comfort. If the first is no obstacles, in addition to the need to work a little bit and think about it. Well, if the second, then you think about whether you really believes. "

Are you still afraid of anemia?

Another one of the manifestations of food deficiency in vegetarianism is the so-called anemia, or, as they spoke in ancient, anemia. Anemia with a purely vegetable diet occurs, as mentioned above, due to the lack of vitamin B12. Basic food source This vitamin is beef by-products: liver, heart, kidney, in smaller quantities it is contained in fish, cheese, eggs, chicken, in the smallest - in milk. Therefore, strict vegetarians are recommended to take this vitamin additionally. It is absorbed in the intestines and can be accepted through the mouth, and only those who have absorbing this vitamin (intestinal disease or congenital disadvantage of a special substance in the intestinal wall, which contributes to the absorption of this vitamin), it is necessary to use the injections of this drug.

But the most pleasant Christian for Orthodox Christians is that Vitamin B 12 accumulates in the liver about the reserve, and only 2-3 years of strict vegetarianism can lead to development in 12-state anemia! We observing the church charter, such a complication, which means definitely not threatened.

In folk conversations, and in medical literature there were guidance on the presence of communication between vegetarianism and violations menstrual cycle among women. However, with a balanced vegetable diet, such violations are not noted, it has made it possible to conclude about the impact of protein deficiency on the occurrence of these states, and not actually vegetable food, which once again testifies in favor of the need for sufficient content of the necessary substances in a plant diet, in this case - proteins .

Post for pregnant women and children

Another burning question is the question of meeting the post with pregnant and nursing women. In general, a pregnant woman is a healthy person, pregnancy is a physiological state, and everything that the child and the mother itself is also contained in lented food.

Numerous observations of pregnant vegetarians revealed only a minor reduction in the mass of the fetus and, in strict vegetarians, an earlier occurrence of childbirth, in the absence of serious abnormalities of both the mother and the child. Moderate vegetarians (and, as we have already emphasized, they can be considered observing the posts of Orthodox) to wear and give birth to children at all, and sometimes better than women will not stand up. And better - because it is much easier for a woman and safer for a child if his weight is less, especially since the pregnancy is a large fruit at all is considered pathological and demands close attention from the obstetrician.

And finally, it should be stopped on the impact of a plant diet on the growing body of the child. We are specifically talking only about the dietary side of the case, although we understand that the post is a free choice of man and impose it by force - for nothing. However, nevertheless, observing, let not completely (although in some families - and completely), the post, a child from an early age is penetrated by this pious tradition and he will not have problems understanding why he used to drink kefir and ate cottword, but Then suddenly it became unpleasant to him.

Scientific observations suggest that subject to certain conditions, even a permanent vegetarian diet has no harmful effect on children. What we have already told about the deficit of protein, calcium, vitamins, food balance - concerns the children. In addition, attention should be paid to the use of vegetable oils with a reduced content of linol and linolenic acids (for example, soy and rapeseed oil), since their excess can lead to violations of violations. However, we will repeat again that all this concerns families where children are constantly on a vegetarian diet, but it is significant that in this case the harmful effects of such food can be avoided.

Summing up, you can only rejoice that in our time there are problems with the acquisition of laundry products, including inexpensive, no. And anyone for whom God's commandment is more expensive than their own tastes, and who does not want to lose the great spiritual and bodily benefit of the post - can fast, fast the post is pleasant, and not be afraid of the mythical harm of this graceful time!

For doubters we found it expedient to bring the list used in the process of preparing the material of literature, which is all scientific and published in serious medical journals. Our personal experience with the wife allows absolutely responsible to declare that the cost of food to the post not only does not increase, but decrease by 20-25%. In addition, having putting and give birth to three healthy children, my spouse with full right now suggests that the post and pregnancy are absolutely compatible things, and it remains only to bring the words of our ruling bishop to support the mother of my children: "The post is not intended for that To harm your health. The post is a source of bodily health, provided, of course, corresponding to the relationship to it. And the post of a pregnant woman is a guarantee of health and its future child. "

Dear brothers and sisters! We want from the bottom of our hearts that the time spent by us to search and bring Yes of your information all this information was not wasted. We are always ready for communication and issues, the most tavern, which may arise from reading this material. If they occur - the mercy, we ask for us to the temple of St. Innokentia of the Moscow, located at the address of Yekaterinburg, the street is the main prospectus (now Lenin) 11a, or call the phone (author's telephone) 8-902-87-11-660.

Approximate weekly launch menu
Without use of animal products, but not by strict monastic statute

Breakfast - Porridge on the water (any - oatmeal, millet, rice, etc.). You can add honey, jam, jam, sugar to the plate. Coffee, tea, compote, oatmeal cookies, fruits, bread.
Dinner - Soup - borsch without meat, lean mayonnaise to taste. Mushroom salad (boiled potatoes, pickled mushrooms (their own or purchased in the store), onion, fragrant sunflower oil), bread. Tea with sugar, honey, fruit.
Dinner - Dumplings with cherries, cabbage, potatoes (their own or purchased in the store). Salad of red cabbage, carrots and (optional) Sweet pepper with vegetable oil. Tea, marmalade.

Breakfast - porridge. Tea or coffee, oatmeal cookies.
Dinner - Soup - borsch without meat, lean mayonnaise to taste. Radish and potato salad with vegetable oil. Tea with honey or jam, fruit, bread.
Dinner - Pasta with sauce (ketchup, or tomato sauce of own preparation). Vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, greens, leaf salad, radish, fragrant vegetable oil), tea (compote, juice), bread.

Breakfast - Muesli or flakes with juice. Tea or coffee, cookies, fruit.
Dinner - Buckwheat porridge with roasted onions, stew mushrooms (champignons or any dried, and frozen), soy sauce. Vegetables: Largely cut tomatoes, sweet pepper, cucumbers, radishes, etc. Tea (compote, juice), bread.

Breakfast - Sandwiches with zabachkoe or eggplant caviar. Tea (coffee), fruit.
Dinner - Pea soup without meat with croutons. The vinaigrette. Bread, tea.
Dinner - Rice with vegetables (boiled rice and roasted carrots, onions, tomatoes, sweet peppers are connected to the pan, and then stew 2-3 minutes). Green pea canned. Tea or compote.

Breakfast - Muesli or flakes with juice. Tea or coffee. Cookies, fruit.
Dinner - Mushroom soup (from frozen, dried or fresh (champignons) of mushrooms), lean mayonnaise to taste.
Dinner - boiled potatoes with greens, garlic and sunflower oil, stew cauliflower (fresh or frozen). Tea, compote, bread.

Breakfast - Porridge on water any. Tea or coffee. Cookies, bread.
Dinner - Mushroom soup, lean mayonnaise to taste. Salad of sea cabbage with sunflower oil. Tea, compote, bread.
Dinner - Vegetable stew (potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets and small vermicells - stew with the addition of sunflower refined oil). You can add a lean analogue of butter, such as Pokrovskoye in the finished dish. Tea, compote, bread.

Breakfast - Porridge on water any. Tea, coffee or juice. Fruits, bread.
Dinner Long-carry soup, to taste - lean mayonnaise. Potato cutlets with mushrooms (you can buy semi-finished products, they are carrot, beet, cabbage). Tea, juice, bread.
Dinner - Pies with cabbage, potatoes (the dough can be done by himself, can be purchased
ready - yeast, or frozen puffwindless). Pies with apples, cherries, any other fruits and berries. Tea or compote ...

In other rooms:

Great post

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Many of our compatriots in March comply with the Great Post. What brings with me a 40-day strict restriction in nutrition? Is it useful or harmful to the body? Opinions on this subject exist very different. However, as always, the truth is somewhere in the middle

The most dangerous observance of a strict post for people who during the year do not adhere to the overall schedule of posts and restrictions of existing believers. People who comply with these restrictions, are practically not experiencing such problems, as the great post for them is not the only one, but only the most important and most strict in regular abstinence.

In most cases, these people refrain from the use of animal food still on Wednesday and Friday throughout the year. Therefore, their body is more adapted to such tests. In addition, a week before the post, the believers are no longer eating meat, and the exit from the post is by no means increasing, as some think, and the use of small portions of certain unisable products.

By the way, it is at Easter who accounts for a surge of various diseases associated with the overeating food. During a long post, the body is rebuilt on another type of metabolism, ceases to produce enzymes needed to split fats and proteins. And here one day the powerful "food blow" fell apart. Pancreas in shock, stomach in shock ... What is the health benefit here!

Well, for people, they still dare to comply with the post, perhaps for the first time in life, let me bring a number of recommendations in order for the post to benefit, and not harm.

Remember that spring is a period of general weakening of the body, or as doctors say - asthenization. One of the leading causes of such violations in the body is a serious avitamin stress. And the exception from the diet of animal products - leads to an even deeper deficiency of vitamins.

Therefore, during the post, it is necessary to organize food so as to maximize the body with vitamins and microelements. For this, first of all, the share of vegetables and fruits of the past crop should be reduced in the diet. They not only practically do not contain vitamins, but some of them can be harmful to the body. They should be replaced by fruit and vegetables of the new crop. Now they are imported in sufficient quantities from southern countries. It is advisable to increase the use of solid croup, nuts, add bran to all dishes. Thus, the shortage of vitamins of group V. will be eliminated

To raise the total tone, it is possible to introduce products to the diet, especially rich in magnesium, vitamins and microelements (asparagus, spinach, beans) and magnesium mineral waters.

The basic principle of cooking during this period is minimal heat treatment. Those products that can be used in raw form are better eating raw. So we will keep the maximum of vitamins.

And, after all, even when proper nutrition, It will not be superfluous to receive multivitamins. Any drugs are suitable, which includes basic vitamins and trace elements.

As a nutritionist, often come across that many people are calculated during the posting period to reset extra kilograms. So, I want to say: the great post, as well, and any other post is not a diet, and it is intended for another. For deep believers, it is, first of all, a period of repentance, the cleansing of the soul. And extra kilograms are a nutritionist.

And by the way, especially to lose weight in the post, most likely it will not work. Excluding from the diet of food of animal origin, people tend to lie for carbohydrates. And 100 grams of excess carbohydrates are usually about 10 grams of pending fat. In addition, the fate of extra kilograms depends not only on the composition, but also on the number of food. And you can abuse and lean food. Here is just one example of the proposed diet during the post taken from real life.

About post from a medical point of view told weight Correction Specialist, Doctor Medicine (MD, MBA) Drayzer Boris Zalmanovich.

"AIF": - Is it possible to call a carbohydrate diet?

Where to get vitamins?

"AIF": - What substances do we lose in the post?

B. D.: - any - and vegetable, and animal - food contains simultaneously proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements. If the power is diverse, rich not only with vitamins, but also proteins, fats, carbohydrates, then no shortage will arise. For example, a vitamin B12 needed by a person is contained not only in beef and calf liver, but also in fermented milk products, greenery, sprouted wheat, as well as in seafood. Iron is not only in meat and fish, but in fruit, vegetables and croups.

"AIF": - Can these substances be filled with vitamins or additives?

B. D.: - If you stop and understand that these elements are still not enough for you, of course, you can fill with vitamins and additives, but better with the help of natural products.

You can not all

"AIF": - who should not be fast from a medical point of view?

B. D:: - If you decide to exclude only meat, it can be easily replaced by fish, especially greasy varieties of ocean fish. Fish is an almost complete replacement, only contains slightly less iron, but it is enough calcium, protein, minerals and vitamins. The diet will need to be supplemented with seafood: seaweed, squid, shrimp - and dairy products: cottage cheese, milk, kefir.

If they decided to fast on the full program and, then a good protein substitutes are beans, beans, nuts, seeds, sunflower seeds and pumpkins, soy and peas. A little inferior in the number of protein cereals: buckwheat, oats, wheat. These products need to be in more quantities, since they are relatively less in them.

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