
How much beer should you drink. High risk groups

Beer lovers are ready to consume it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And many are convinced that it is as harmless as kvass or lemonade. Is it really?

The record for the number of drunk beer was set by the Frenchman A. Mafsfi, who managed to consume 16 liters of foam in 50 minutes. Another achievement is attributed to Andre the Giant, who took 6 hours to pour 119 half-liter mugs of beer, for which he got into the Guinness Book of Records. True, he was later excluded from it due to the fact that the record is dangerous to health.

What health consequences the champions faced is unknown. But the World Health Organization has calculated how many liters of beer you can drink:

  • the average dosage of a strong drink is 10 grams of pure alcohol, or 250 grams of beer;
  • a safe dose of alcohol for men is 4 medium servings per day (1 liter of beer);
  • the female dose is slightly lower - the fair sex can afford 3 servings or 750 grams of beer per day;
  • beer should be consumed no more than 5 days a week;
  • the annual safe beer norm, according to WHO estimates, is 800 average doses;
  • men can consume no more than 6 servings per day, women - 4 medium servings.

The indicated doses are considered safe for health if the beer is of good quality. The circle of persons for whom beer is contraindicated is small: pregnant and lactating mothers, children, persons suffering from diseases of the excretory or nervous system.

Before you start calculating how much beer you can drink at the upcoming party, focusing on the average statistics, adequately assess your health and weight category. Although a dose of 1 g of pure alcohol per 1 kg of body weight is considered safe, it is better not to reach the norm a little than to suffer from intoxication the next day.

How often can a person drink beer without harm? Recently, beer has become a very popular drink. Very often you can see how not only older people start drinking, but adolescents 15-16 years old. But what kind of drink can actually be harmful to health, and what substances are included in it that can damage normal life? How often can you drink without worrying about what will affect a person and lead to disastrous consequences?

A bit of history about beer

This hissing miracle can rightfully be called one of the most ancient, which appeared a long time ago. According to history, cooking took place for the first time about 8000 years ago. It is noteworthy that at this time women were engaged in manufacturing. They cooked mainly at home. Only after they started selling it, men began to get involved in the production business.

It is now believed that brewing is a purely masculine occupation, although as history has shown, initially it was not so. Most of this liquid was produced in the Middle Ages, and was famous for its excellent taste in countries such as England, Czech Republic and Germany. That is why, at present, these countries have not lost their title and continue to make a delicious drink from hops.

It was popular in Russia as well, but it began to gain fame much later than in other countries. As practice has shown, people who knew how to cook were held in high esteem. A variety of components were chosen for the manufacture, so the taste itself was different.

Modern beer

Since when you go to any liquor store, you can see a huge selection, you need to understand what types are, and how they differ.

The benefits of foam

Few people know that beer is actually beneficial. Naturally, this happens in the case of a normal amount of use, and not when 2-3 liters "leave" per day. Moreover, you can use it not only inside. It can often be included in different formulations of masks and creams. So, the benefits include:


It is worthwhile to understand in advance that all the positive properties from the use of an effervescent drink will be achieved only if its dosage is strictly observed. But if you increase the volume, then you can get significant deviations in the work of the body. What is worth knowing about negative reactions?

In general, we can conclude that beer, like any other drinks, food or drugs, can bring both benefits and harm. Everything will depend on the method of application, volume, concentration, correct approach to this issue.

How often is it permissible to drink beer without harm to the body?

The best option is considered to be such a volume, which is calculated from 10 grams of ethyl per drink. For beer, this is no more than 1 liter per day. Here we must remember that this volume is the maximum, you should not drink so much every day. If we talk about drinking every day without fear for your health, then it is worth talking about 0.5 liters of beer drink per day, taking into account the fact that there will be fasting days twice a week when alcohol is not worth drinking.

The permissible rate for men is 1 liter, for women - 750 ml, subject to good health.

Although, as practice shows, it is difficult to stop at such a small volume, so it is easier to choose just a couple of days of the week when this drink will be consumed inside. Its external use during cosmetic procedures is not limited.

All materials on our site are intended for those who care about their health. But we do not recommend self-medication - each person is unique, and without consulting a doctor, you cannot use certain means and methods. Be healthy!

It is mistakenly believed that beer is an absolutely safe drink, and its consumption in large volumes cannot lead to alcohol dependence and serious health problems. This is a misconception, beer does a lot of harm, it is not good for all people and only in very small doses. Lovers of this popular drink should know how often you can drink beer, in what volumes and when its use is strictly contraindicated.

What harm does beer bring

Drinking beer in large quantities is very harmful and even life-threatening. Although it contains a little alcohol, it is combined with harmful components, since alcohol is not completely purified during its preparation. Constant uncontrolled drinking of beer can lead to serious consequences for the body, such as:

  • Liver damage;
  • Gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • Kidney disease;
  • Childbearing dysfunctions in women;
  • Decreased sex drive and impotence in men;
  • The death of brain cells;
  • Heart attack, stroke and coronary heart disease.

Due to the constant intake of beer alcohol in the body, inflammation of the liver begins, which can lead to a very serious disease - cirrhosis. At the same time, the kidneys are subjected to a huge load, removing harmful substances and excess water. Unfortunately, people often choose to quench their thirst with beer, believing that they can replace water. This makes the kidneys work hard, which can result in their chronic diseases.

Few men know that the drink contains a specific component of phytoestrogen, which enters it from their hops. Once in the human body, it goes into another form, accumulates and turns into the female sex hormone estradiol, which suppresses testosterone. The most detrimental consequence of this process is a decrease in sexual desire in men, which can even lead to impotence. Estradiol also negatively affects a woman's body. If she drinks beer often, the sex glands enlarge, the sex drive increases, but the hormone negatively affects the reproductive function.

Beer can destroy the digestive system, it is badly affected by unrefined alcohol, hop resins and carcinogens. The stomach lining becomes irritated, leading to bloating and heartburn. The consequences of this are known - gastritis and stomach ulcers. The heart from the excess calories contained in beer becomes overgrown with fat, while the load on it also increases. The production of thiamine decreases, which leads to memory impairment, impaired coordination of movements, and unsteady gait. Brain cells begin to die off, and this can result in the most severe form of the disease - complete dementia. It should also be noted that beer alcohol addiction is one of the most dangerous and difficult.

Acceptable Doses and Frequency of Drinking Beer

The permissible dose of this alcoholic drink depends primarily on its quality and the state of human health. If you use it more than normal for a long time, your health will worsen significantly, and the consequences for the body can be the most unpleasant.

Unfiltered beer contains much less harmful impurities and hazardous substances, so the dose of the drink may be higher than that of filtered beer. Even non-alcoholic beer is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. The health of the unborn child and beer are not compatible things; drinking it even in small quantities in the first and second trimester of pregnancy increases the risk of various types of deformities and intrauterine growth retardation. It is also not recommended to drink it at a young age. Of course, it is unacceptable to drink alcoholic beverages and then get behind the wheel of a car. The healthy norm of high-quality beer is:

  • 0.2-0.5 liters per day for men, but no more than 3-5 times a week
  • 0.2-0.3 liters per day for women, but not more often 2-3 times a week

For both young girls and older women, the permissible portion of this low-alcohol drink is less than that for men. A woman's body is very sensitive to the effects of harmful substances and unrefined alcohol, it reacts faster to the intake of unwanted hormones. Girls are not recommended to drink more than 0.33 liters of beer per day, and if the amount drunk increases to 0.5 liters, the frequency of intake should be reduced to 1-2 times a week.

Lovers of the drink of either sex are best not to drink it on an empty stomach. Eating food slows down the process of intoxication and reduces the negative effects of exposure to substances undesirable for the body. It is also important to monitor the frequency of consumption. Large daily doses of beer lead to the development of a severe form of alcoholism, when it becomes more difficult to control the amount drunk. If you decide to drink several bottles or cans at a time, which experts do not recommend, try to reduce the negative impact by using a significant amount of food. Drink water or soft drinks afterwards to help the body cope with the drying effects of alcohol.

The benefits of natural beer and its valuable properties

Beer also has properties useful for humans, but they only apply to small doses of the drink. Its infrequent and very limited use makes our skeletal system stronger, since it contains such a valuable trace element as silicon. Kidneys will be healthy if you drink beer in reasonable doses, it helps to remove heavy metals and their salts from the body. A patient with acute respiratory infections can drink a little warm beer, this will improve the state of health and help to recover faster.

The valuable properties of beer are known in the composition of shampoos and hair masks, with it they become voluminous and strong. Masks are also made from this drink to smooth out wrinkles, improve complexion and skin condition.

It has been proven that drinking small amounts of beer has a positive effect on the human body. However, valuable properties are often lost due to violation of production technology, unfortunately, many well-known brands cannot boast of quality and the benefits of such products are questionable. According to scientists, beer reduces the risk of cardiovascular anomalies and high blood pressure, but only in the elderly and middle-aged people - in women over 45 and men over 35. Moderate use reduces the risk of developing such a common disease as diabetes, while excessive use increases. In postmenopausal women, small doses of this drink may reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Many of us love and occasionally drink a foamy alcoholic beverage called beer. Unfortunately, we have no idea how much beer can be drunk without harm to health, so we will help you figure it out.

It is known that the foamy drink contains useful substances:

  • b vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • chromium;
  • zinc.

Regardless of them, it is impossible to say unequivocally how much beer is useful per day. Much depends on the quality of the beer and the individual characteristics of the organism.

Safe Dose of Beer for Men

For most adult men, a bottle of beer is like a glass of water. We must not forget that scientists consider the safest dose of alcohol to be 1 gram per kilogram of mass. Having recalculated into the amount of the foamy drink, it turns out that a man weighing 80 kg will not be harmed by 2 liters of foam.

In theory, everything converges, but in reality, everything is more complicated. If you drink liters of beer every day, you will gradually develop dangerous beer alcoholism. It is extremely difficult to recover from it. The fact is that addiction develops much faster to beer and other low-alcohol drinks, in comparison with spirits.

What do the doctor's say?

Different doctors and scientists have different answers to the question of how much beer to drink without harm to the body. Someone is allowed to use up to two liters per day, while someone recommends limiting yourself to 1-2 bottles up to twice a week. Do not forget that with the constant consumption of beer, the production of testosterone in the body will stop and the concentration of estrogen (female sex hormone) will increase. Against this background, the appearance of a man will begin to change, acquiring feminine outlines. Lack of testosterone and the intake of estrogen in the body negatively affects erection, and this, in advanced cases, leads to impotence.

Taking into account all of the above, we will give rough recommendations on how many liters of beer you can drink. If you drink the drink only on big holidays, then even two liters will not harm, but with regular use of foam (up to two or three times a week), it is better to limit yourself to a bottle.

How much beer can women drink?

Regardless of the fact that the female hormone estrogen is present in the beer, the drink is harmful even for the fair sex. In adulthood, estrogen improves the condition of the skin, but it should not be taken internally, but externally, in order to avoid negative consequences.

How much beer a week without harm to health for young girls is a particularly difficult question. The fact is that in adolescence, the use of a foamy drink is comparable to hormonal therapy. When a natural hormone replacement is constantly entering the body from the outside, its own hormone will cease to be produced. This leads to dangerous consequences, therefore, in order to avoid problems, young girls should not be interested in how much beer can be drunk per week, but simply stop drinking it.

To figure out how much beer a woman is allowed to drink, you should first consider the negative point. A bottle of beer is about 300 calories, and then add chips, nuts or crackers to them. Additionally, beer enhances appetite, that is, a woman, with constant consumption of a foamy drink, begins to gradually recover. And, of course, we must not forget about estrogen, the entry of which into the body can harm. Thus, women are allowed to consume up to 1 bottle (500 ml) per week without harm to their health, but it is better to refuse the drink.

Beer is a low-alcohol foaming drink obtained from the fermentation of certain cereals. In European countries, barley is used for its production, in Asian countries - rice. Some countries use corn, sorghum, millet or wheat to make beer.

The benefits and harms of a foamy drink

As with any food product, beer can bring both benefits and harm to a person. Natural beer contains large amounts of potassium, iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus and magnesium. This foamy product is also rich in vitamins: ascorbic, folic, citric acids and B vitamins. In moderate quantities, beer stimulates the heart, improves blood flow in the liver, kidneys and lungs, and the hops included in its recipe has a calming effect on the body.

But when drinking a foamy drink in large quantities, the load on the heart increases significantly, which affects its normal functioning. For men, beer in large quantities is doubly dangerous: it suppresses the production of the male hormone testosterone by the body and produces the production of female hormones estrogen. Because of this, feminine figures can often be seen among passionate male beer lovers: an enlarged pelvis, enlarged breasts, etc.

Acceptable consumption rates

In medicine, there is such a concept - a standard portion of alcohol, which is equal to 10 g of pure alcohol. According to the generalized data of the WHO, for men the daily norm, which does not bring any particular harm to the body (we are not talking about the benefits of alcohol), is 4 standard servings, for women - 3. But there is another WHO recommendation: any drinks containing alcohol, incl. and beer, you can drink no more than 5 days a week, and this figure should not exceed 800 doses per year.

If we translate the indicators of pure alcohol into the alcohol contained in beer, then, observing two "sober" days, the remaining five days can be drunk: for men - about 1 liter of an invigorating foamy drink, for women - no more than 750 mg. Whether this amount will be drunk at a time or in small portions throughout the day does not matter. And based on the WHO recommended annual dose of alcohol, the average weekly consumption of beer should be about 4 liters.

For fortified beers (over 9%) this figure will be even lower. The daily norm of such a drink is: for men - 300 ml, for women - 150 ml, while it can be consumed no more than 1-2 times a week.

Beer drinking culture

In addition to the amount of foamy drink drunk, the culture of its use is also important for human health. For example: beer itself contains even fewer calories than milk, fruit juices or soda, but lovers of this foamy drink with many years of experience often have problems with being overweight. The traditional companions of beer are to blame for this: salted fish or nuts, chips and all kinds of smoked meats.

It is not recommended for teenagers under 18 to consume beer even in small quantities. This is especially true for boys, for whom a close acquaintance at a young age with a foamy drink in the future may turn into impotence.

Pregnant women need to know that a drunk glass of beer is completely excreted from the body in about 2.5 hours. And throughout this time, the fetus in the womb is poisoned by alcohol.

For former alcoholics, the use of even small doses of low alcohol drinks, incl. and beer can cause a breakdown, so it is better for them to refrain from temptation.

The given indicators of safe beer consumption are average statistical. It is necessary to establish the consumption rate for each person individually, based on his age, sex, complexion, general health and other important factors. For people over 65, even with excellent health, it is better to reduce the above norms by half.

The beer, although weak, is still an alcoholic drink. Drinking it regularly in large quantities can develop into beer alcoholism, which is more persistent than alcohol dependence and more difficult to treat.

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