
Grennie Smith's apples are their benefits and harm characteristics, as well as a fruit photo. Apples "Grennie Smith": Huge benefit for the body Apples Grennie Smith Description

Grennie Smith - Apples that have gained great popularity since the appearance of this variety. All over the world, it is considered one of the most useful for health due to the large content of the pulp of various vitamins and trace elements.

Description of varieties

This autumn-winter grade has been derived in 1868 in Australia using a home apple tree crossing with wild, brought from France. A few decades later, gardeners of many European countries learned about him. Until now, the Grennie Smith festival is held at the Motherland in Australia every year.

Apples are large, round shape, have a very beautiful light green color and weigh about 300 g. The tight flesh is very juicy and sour taste, since it contains quite a bit sugar.

The side of the apple, located on the sunny side, can have a yellow and even reddish color. The fruits ripen in mid-September, but it is better to use them after collecting them. They are perfectly saved until the spring.

Grennie Smith is widely used during unloading days. They clean the organism well and prevent the laying of fat cells. Regular use of apples of this variety will help to clean blood, reduce cholesterol levels, will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Especially the benefits of these apples for children, older and weakened people; patients suffering from diseases of vessels, leather. People engaged in mental activity, it is recommended to eat at least 3 apples per day.

Grennie Smith in Cooking

This variety of apples is most popular in cooking compared to all others. The neutral taste of these fruits and the lack of fragrance allows them to add them to any dishes - sweet, salty, salads and side dishes. Kulinary attracts not only the taste of these apples, but also their peculiarity is not dark after cutting.

Appearing in America, these apples immediately found their use as a filling for a cake. Of course, this dish was known for a very long time. But it was after the appearance of this variety an apple pie began to be considered a national pride of America.

Grennie Smith - apples that are widely used for desserts - jam, jam, compote, etc. And the boiling juice is used for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages.

Of course, adherents of a healthy lifestyle are heard about all sorts of apples. Both in the store, and on the market, the eyes are scattered from the variety of multicolored fruits. One of the leading places among juicy fruits is the apple "Grennie Smith".

Features of varieties

Grennie Smith is beautiful, neat apples that have an attractive bright green color, the correct round or slightly elongated shape. They are very juicy, possess the sour-sweet taste. If the apple tree has grown on the sun plot, it will leave the imprint on its fruits: reddish glaves come on green peel.

The flesh of apples "Grenni" solid, crispy, has a greenish-white color. The average weight of the fetus is about 300 grams. A variety feature is resistance to oxidation, that is, the pulp on the apple cut for a long time can remain light. The skin of this variety is dense, resistant to mechanical exposure. Surprisingly, the apples "Grennie Smith" practically do not smell.

Giving the characteristics of this popular class, it should be noted that the crop of the apple tree "Grennie Smith" is collected autumn, closer to October. Because of the fact that the apples are stored for a long time, and over time, even sweeter, they are best to eat in November. You can also indulge yourself with beautiful fruits in winter.

Additional description of famous juicy apples can be mentioned about the unusualness of the name of the variety. Grennie Smith in translation means "grandmother Smith", which is a tribute to breeder from Australia, once received a new grade by vaccinating the dick. Since then, such low-spirited apple trees grow worldwide.

Numerous customer reviews indicate a high apple score "Grenni". They are appreciated and for taste, and for a juiciness, and for aesthetically attractive appearance. Often, these apples are used in cooking not only for the preparation of pies, but also for decorating dishes.


Green apples are extremely useful for health, they are very valued by nutritionists. Calorie variety "Grennie Smith" is small. It is about 48 kcal per 100 g of the product. In addition, by about 83%, the pulp of fruit consists of water. Therefore, you should not neglect apple to those who take care of their figure. Due to the low fat content, fruits are shown to reduce weight, use to "unloading" days in any quantity. Apples are indispensable for constipation. Their regular use of food will help to cope with this delicate problem, because, as is known, the fiber is "best friend" of digestion. Attention should be paid to this variety of apples and pregnant women. These fruits contain foliaic acid necessary for normal development. Also the pulp of apples "Grenni" is rich in iron, which will definitely benefit the baby in the womb and mother itself. It is worth paying attention to this fact and those who suffer from anemia.

People at the age of heart problems should be included in the diet of green apples, because they contain potassium, maintaining the main muscle in the tone, and vitamin A, positively affecting the work of the vessels. Fruit promotes blood purification. By diversifying its nutrition with juicy apples, slags and toxins can also be derived from the body.

In season, the cold this fruit will help strengthen the body, because Grenni's apples are rich in ascorbic acid capable of supporting immunity. In addition, the use of apples several times a week will be beneficial to be beneficial at the state of the skin, it will help to overcome the ecase, improve the quality of the hair, filling them with force. It is also important that the fact that those who like to hurt apples are improving the mood and general psychological state.

Harm and contraindications

Given all the above, it is difficult to believe that such a wonderful fruit can be contraindicated. However, still they are. Apples "Grennie Smith" can harm people with a stomach ulcer, gastritis, colits, if there are them in large quantities. It should be remembered that excessive use of fruits can negatively affect the state of dental enamel.

Eating more than 5 seeds of apples per day is dangerous - poisoning can occur. People prone to food allergies should also pay attention to their condition after eating apples, because individual intolerance can manifest itself unpleasant consequences.

What country are most often brought to Russia?

Surprisingly, apples of the Grennie Smith grade are grown around the world. The most suitable habitat in Russia for these apples is the regions with a non-fit climate. This is explained by the fact that yields are reduced from the heat, and the fruit is poorly gaining juice. In unnecessarily cold years, apples are also poorly ripen, yellowing, change the shape. The Central Black Earth and Volga-Vyatka regions are quite suitable for the cultivation of this fruit. The center and south of Russia are also suitable.

It would seem to choose an apple very simple.

However, there are some nuances about which it is worth knowing.

  • First of all, choosing an apple, you need to pay attention to its appearance. Skin must be smooth, without wrinkles, cracks, other damage. To the touch "Grenni" should be strong, solid. Close more - good fruit has the right form. By weight, good apples are pretty heavy. It is not a bad sign of the absence of smell - this is an absolute norm for this variety.
  • The choice is largely dependent on the purpose: for culinary sizes, apples are more suitable, since they are more stringent, crispy, slightly more sour. Fresh fruits are suitable for use in fresh form.
  • In order not to guess with taste, you need to see where apples were brought from. If a well-known manufacturer is specified on the box, it is a guarantee that the growing and transportation of fruits carefully followed, as well as the quality and timing of the harvest. Such apples can be bolder.


Those who prefer to grow their own apples, and not buy them in the store, it is worth studying the features of planting and reproduction of this variety. In the middle lane of Russia, whose climate is favorable for "Grennie Smith", the seedling period is the time from the end of March to early April or from late September to October. Thus, the tree will be calmly before the start of the heat (either, on the contrary, before frosts, if you put it in the fall), it will have time to strengthen your root system and adapt in the environment.

To make a sapling well, it is necessary to comply with the right landing technology.It is necessary to prepare a landing pit, adding fertilizer, humus in advance. Fertile mixture by the time of the tree disembarking should compact.

Do not forget that the root system cannot be bent, it should be located in a hole freely. Root neck sure to remain over the surface of the soil. Then the seedlock is strengthened, attaching it to the support, and provide abundant irrigation.

So that in the future apple tree pleased with the gardener with high yield, you need to follow unacceptable agrotechnical techniques.

  • Watering. In the first year after disembarking, the tree should be watered often, maintaining the soil in a wet state. Particularly impossible to forget about irrigation into arid periods. Adult fruiting tree, on the contrary, do not watered too abundantly during the ripening of fruits to prevent the peel cracking.
  • Prevention of diseases. The caring owner will not allow the culture to become infected using small-flowing agrotechnical preparations for the prevention. However, if pests or diseases still defeated the tree, it is necessary to use "Fundizole" or "Bayleton".
  • Podrel. Perepened manure, mineral fertilizers, compost are used as feeding.
  • Apple tree care includes soil mulch, weeding, loosening.
  • At winter, apple trees need insulation. Young trunks are tied. The soil is mulched.

For reproduction of fruit trees use an most sexy vaccination path. Professional agronomists grow apple trees, which are combined from two vegetable fabric species: stock and escape. In stock - this is the bottom of the tree to the knob with the root system. It also defines the final height of the tree. Escape affects the upper part of the apple tree and, importantly, determines the quality of the fetus. Thus, to obtain apples with high taste and increasing yields, it is necessary to carefully select inhibition and escape.

Collection and storage

From the correctness of the harvest, it depends on its "bleeding" and transportation resistance. Hinding apples "Grenni" is dense, but it is easy to damage it. The damaged fruit quickly rotates. To avoid this, the apple should be scrolled smoothly around the axis. Fruit leaves, if the fruits need to be saved for a long time. It is not recommended to use fruit.

Suitable storage places are cellar, basement or any other dry room.Optimum storage temperature - from 0 ° C to + 2 ° C. It is necessary to have apples on the shelves in one layer. From the substrate you can refuse, it is recommended to use cardboard partitions between the fruits.

It is worth considering that the storage should not have extraneous smells. The presence in the cellar or basement of other vegetables and the pickles is undesirable.

You can find out more about Apples "Grennie Smith" you can from the video below.

Users will have to help Granny catch the thieves, who shamelessly rob her garden. The pursuit will continue for more than 35 levels, and accompanied by collecting coins, bonuses and issuing "Nagonayev" by Vorishka.

Plot games

When you first start, users find out the prehistory of further adventures. We will learn about the grandmother that grows apple garden and protects every tree and the fruit as a zenitsa of an eye.

Enjoying the well-deserved retirement and doing a favorite thing, an elderly woman comes to indignation when she detects a shameless theft of her crop. But our grandmother is not from a timid and is not going to hope for the help of law enforcement agencies and rushes independently.

Game process

The gameplay is focused on a dynamic chase over the robber.

Granny on the rollers will perform incredible pyruetes using their canes. The chase will continue at 36 levels, and accompanied by collecting coins and other bonuses.

Graphics and management

Visual design in Arcade is simple, but bright, stylized, with smooth animation. Users will not handle some unrealistic characters in the context of what is happening.

Management in the game is implemented by two keys. It is simple and understandable: the button in the lower left corner activates the cane, the button in the right corner is responsible for the jump.

On our site you can download the full version of the game Granny Smith (Grennie Smith), as well as hacked for money for android for free!

Sort name: Grande Sort Smith

Synonyms: Grennie Smith, grandmother Smith

Parents: Presumably Possibly FRENCH CRAB X Rome Beauty

Motherland Sorta: Eastwood, New South Wales, Australia (now Sydney suburb) 1860

Ripening time: Late, eat in October, exposure to consumption of about 3 months

General description and facts from history.

Granny Smith One of the most famous green color apples in the world. This variety has a funny and successful story in a commercial plan. The first tree was selected from the seedlings, which rose on the trash can. The name of the folk breeder is preserved - Mary Ann Smith. This lady also called an apple, which is still the most popular in its homeland in Australia, Grane Smith, that is, grandmother Smith. Australians have this phrase has become synonymous with the word "apple". Until now, the Ganny Smith Apple Festival is held at home in honor of Mary Smith, which ensured the prosperity of fruit growing in those places until today.

These fruits are primarily due to their strength during transportation and storage, became the first variety for sale in the first network stores. It was on the Granni Smith that the first receptions were worked out on apple sales technology in large shopping complexes and promotion of a variety of as a special, recognizable (march) product. Thanks to its unique ability, well kept and special appearance, soon it began to export it to the sea to America and Europe, where he became the brand of Australian fruit companies.

picture from the Pomorical Catalog http://www.orangepippin.com. , USA

Tree size:middle-grade

Best location:
sunny, free

DISTRICT: Any, better than the slaughter

Soil: Dry, unpopular
Flowering time:
middle time

Fruit Type:
on twigs


Fetal color:
Fruits are large (up to 150 g), rounded, dark green, sometimes with a delicate cream tint, with a large number of large whims of subcutaneous points.
If the fruits ripen in a soft climate when the days are warm, and the nights are cold, on these apples a red blush awakes

Form form and size: Fruits are large (up to 150 gr.), Rounded. Skin dense.

Foot taste:the flesh is greenish, very dense, sour pleasant refreshing taste. The apple is well stored before the new crop. In the process of storage, acidity decreases and the sweet taste is becoming more pronounced.


Damage to diseases and pests: Miscellaneous to monilliosis, passion, rust, mildew

Formation: Required regular trimming

Winter hardiness: average

Drought resistance:average

Assignment of a variety:- for long storage

Growing well, soil before landing should be well prepared, freed from weeds, especially perennial, rich in nutritional elements (black mill or any healthy gumshed dark meadow / garden soil). It is recommended for improving the physicochemical composition of the soil. Pumply with green manure or addition of compost. Pits should be about 60 cm in diameter and depth from 30cm size dictates size of a seedling. We translate the plant from the temporary container, without destroying the earthen com (if the plant is with a bare root system, then on the bottom of the holes in bulk the earthlings and distribute the moistened roots down). I fall asleep fertile land slightly plug. No need to buy special substrates.

The more fertile layer, the less you have to make mines. Fertilizers. We make a roller with a roller, for the natural collection of rainwater and pour into several parishes abundantly. All varieties of apple trees of our online store are manufactured in Ukraine, frost resistant and do not require any shelter for the winter, except for the mandatory protection of the bark from the hares to the height of 120cm. Ukraine is traditionally the largest producer of fruit trees in Eastern Europe, therefore, by 95%, it is confident that the seedling bought in Ukraine is guaranteed by frostons.

Our garden center does not sell imported fruit. If you have acquired imported varieties of fruit trees, brought from Europe (6-9 zone), then before the onset of the first frosts they need to be protected. A small burger of soil or mulch is poured around the root neck, which in the spring will need to be revealed, but in winter it will protect the neck and the place of vaccination from the frozen.

Apple seedlings are better to buy in a plastic container with fertilizers, so the plant is not exposed to digging with the inevitable damage to the root system and after the landing is guaranteed. Great plants with goalsm Korene (Early spring or late autumn without leaves).

Watering: It is necessary to regularly pour the Granny Smith apple tree regularly, not allowing the heat drying - about 5 times per season in dry periods of 3-5pcs (10l) buckets on a tree. The lack of moisture will affect the growth of shoots, respectively, and on the future crop. Since the end of July, watering stops so that the apple tree is preparing for winter. Norms by the number of buckets for fruiting trees are the same, but watering should be made at the following stages: during flowering, in front of the June formation of obscenities, 2 or 3 weeks before the ripening of apples. With the close ground of groundwater, the irrigation norms are adjusted.

Pruning:the next year after planting, before the beginning of the vegetation, it is necessary to perform the forming trimming (too thick krone and the branches of the winter require regular and timely thinning), but when trimming, expect caution to not remove branches with fruit formations. Otherwise, the volume of the future harvest will be significantly reduced. The tree without branches cut into 20 cm above the planned branch. At the branched trees, the conductor is shortened, and the branches located too low - we remove the whole.

Diseases: Resistance to mildew and the passage at the Grennie Smith variety is lower than the average. Apples when storing can be amazed to pass the pulp and peel.

Fertilizer / Care:Lached trees should immediately feed the mineral fertilizers. The first portion of nitrogen is made in the first year in mid-May. Second - in mid-June. Due to this, the powerful growths necessary for the formation of the crown are formed before autumn. If the growth of seedlings in the first year is too intense, the next year nitrogen fertilizer is limited, leaving only May introduction, but at the beginning of the month. To provoke fruiting, the third and fourth year fertilizer with nitrogen minimize. A good development of trees and shrubs, especially on light soils, contributes to mulching by humus or compost.

Protection: without chemical protection, high-quality growth of plants in the first years of life is almost impossible. In the renal dissolving phase (green cone "Bear Cears") for protection against apple-blossoms, renal weevils, the raised stage of pathogens of such diseases such as a passion, mildew and fruit rotting, apply tank mixtures of actara preparations + chorus. The following spraying is carried out with a mixture of the drugs of Enegio + Horus in the piping phase of the buds - pink bud. This processing protects trees from the apple color, leaflerting, winter, tool, medalers and against a complex of pathogens of diseases: pasta, mildew, alternariosis, fruit rot. In Ukraine, Tiovit Jet is added to the steppe zone in Ukraine to combat fruit ticks in the tank mixtures.

In the phase of flowing petals - after flowering for the simultaneous anti-tree pylter, leaflights (in particular, apple-tree fruzing), lardments of the streets of California shields, aphid, meal, moles, with diseases (for example, a crash, powdery, alternariasis) apply the tank mixtures of the Aktar drugs or ENZHIO® + Match® or Problem® and add Sorrow. During long rain periods and with abundant dears, the drug Horus is added. The estimated timeline of the fight against the first generation of apple-tree frozing is the beginning of white acacia flowering or after the end of the bloom of the late varieties of apple trees. Spraying against the caterpillars of the following generations of apple-tree fruzens falls on the 30-35th day after the previous one. Assorted, sensitive to the damage to mildew, spray with a mixture of Aktara® + Problem® preparations and topaz, and if there is a threat to the development of pasta, another chorus is added.

Ground pests: To date, there is no more dangerous soil pest in Ukraine than Khrushch (Rus. - May Beetle). From mid-April, seeing the first flying beetle, I urgently process the crown by the actar or any of the numerous drugs based on imidacloprid, for example, prestige (Bayer), antichruption, and the part of the solution must necessarily hit the barrel (10 cm above the soil) and the root neck and not shed to the side. Similar processing We repeat every 40-50 days of the season of vegetation. Singing into the ground according to the instructions, the actor is also effective (active substance - 240 g / l thiametoxama; 250 g / kg thiamethoxama).

Processing on crown and filling along the root cervix in the ground from the end of April to September 1 time in 40-60 days. It is better to carry out prophylactic treatments 1 time per month, how to treat when the pest is multiplied and "feeding" the plant. An example is the war of the gardeners of Ukrainians with Colorado beetles, which, like their human "wadded" namesakes - "Colorates" are very dangerous and increments. And the first and second must be quickly destroyed.

Weed protection: In the period before or after flowering, Herbicide Hurricane Forte, Roundap is used to destroy annual and perennial weeds. The drug is brought under the condition of protection of culture. The best period of administration for wide weeds - from phase 2 of the present sheet to the flowering phase, annual cereals - phase 2-3 sheets, perennial cereals - with a height of 10-12 cm.

All these drugs are mixed without restrictions and without risk reduction in efficiency. The rate of consumption of the working solution: a young tree - 1 l, middle-aged tree - 2 l, a tree with a large crown - more than 3 liters. All materials used for the convenience of the user of one company - Syngenta

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