
Villem Barents and the geographical discoveries of the Dutch in the Russian Arctic. Villem Barents and the geographical discoveries of the Dutch in the Russian Arctic Barents died on June 20, 1597

Today we decided to recall people, in honor of whom were named sea in the Arctic Ocean and their surroundings, and also to deal with what else they were famous.

Villem Barents.

Dutch navigator and researcher.

By his name, the Barents Sea, one of the islands and the city on the archipelago of Spitsbergen, as well as the Barents Islands at the west coast of the New Earth.

The name of the Villem Barents named Barents Sea

Three times (1594, 1595, 1596-1597), Barents went on a journey in search of the northeast pass from Europe to Asia. During the first two expeditions reached the new land archipelago. In the course of the third, I discovered Svalbard and reinforced the northern tip of the new land; The ship was clouded in ice. After the Arctic wintering, the team sailed to the mainland, immersed in two boats.

Barents ship, soon crushed ice, in 1596

During his travels, Barents made such significant geographical discoveries and amounted to such accurate cards that it remains one of the largest Arctic researchers. Meteorological data collected by him still take into account when studying and predicting the Arctic climate.

Vitus Bering

The name of Bering is the island, Bering Strait ( strait between the Northern Arctic and Pacific Oceans) And Bering Sea ( in the north of the Pacific Ocean), as well as the Commander Islands. In archeology, the northeastern part of Siberia, Chukotka and Alaska (which is now considered to be connected before the sushi strip) are often called a common term boring.

Postage stamp released by the USSR Post in 1981 in honor of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Vitus Bering.

The name of Vitus Bering is called the Strait and the Sea, as well as the Commander Islands

Less from Denmark. Born on August 12, 1681 in the city of Horsens in the family of the customs officer. Together with his cousin, Sven and his comrade Sivere went to East India on the Dutch ship.

Peter I included Bering in the number of commanders who had to lead the first ships under the Russian flag around Europe from the ports of the Azov Sea to the Baltic, and then approved his commander of the largest in Russia of a martial vessel - a 90-cannon Lyncard "Forest".

In 1725, on behalf of the Emperor, Bering was headed by the 1st Kamchatka Expedition, aimed at the Pacific Ocean in search of a landfastband between Asia and America. The expedition passed on land through Siberia to Okhotsk. In Nizhnekamchatsk, the ship "Holy Gabriel" was built, in which Bering bypassed the shores of Kamchatka and Chukotka, opened the island of St. Lawrence and the Strait ( now Bering Strait).

In 1730, Bering returned to St. Petersburg, where he was awarded the title of Captain-Commander. In 1733, he was instructed by the leadership of the 2nd Kamchatka, or the Great Northern, an expedition, the purpose of which was to describe the Northern and Eastern Coast of Asia and familiarize themselves with the coast of North America and Japan. Having left St. Petersburg in 1733, Bering reached Okhotsk in 1737 and only in 1741 on the ships built there "Holy Peter" and "Saint Paul" went to the sea. During the storm, the ships diverged. Bering reached Alaska, examined and had an emerge on the map of her shore, several Aleutian islands, a number of Kuril. On the way back, he met a group of unknown islands ( now the Commander Islands). On one of them (now the island of Bering), the team of the ship Zasya. Here, many, including Bering himself, died from Qingi.

Of the 38 years, which Bering lived in Russia, he headed Kamchatka expeditions for 16 years. In addition to the strait and islands, the name of the Bering is worn by the sea, the cape on the coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk and others.

Dmitry and Khariton Laptev

Given the harsh natural conditions of the Laptev Sea, it is not difficult to assume that the process of studying its water travelers was not simple and safe. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that work began in the XVIII century - during the time when the development of many sciences, including seaflings, was at the stage of formation and the level of geographical knowledge was also not very high.

Brothers Hariton and Dmitry, in honor of whom the Sea of \u200b\u200bLaptev, began service on the fleet in 1718, where they were enrolled in the young age by Midshipmen. By 1721, young people were already produced in Michman. Fate ordered so that for some time, the life paths of the brothers were separated. But Dmitry and Khariton were always true to the sea, the Russian fleet, giving the best years of their life.

Laptev Sea was named after the Hyriton brothers and Dmitry Laptev

Since 1738, the brothers begin to serve one general case again. On the recommendation of the cousin Laptev Hariton Prokofievich was appointed captain of the Yakutsk vessel instead of the Knorkishev died in the expedition. In the summer of 1739, an expedition began, which was its goal of not only the survey of marine northern expanses, but also inventory of coastal territories. Therefore, in its composition, detachments, followed by land. Having a competently developed action plan, a brave loyal team on Earth and at sea, Dmitry Yakovlevich Laptev by 1741 on the Irkutsk ship was able to overcome the distance from the mouth of Lena to Kolyma. Carefully process the received information, it returned to St. Petersburg in the fall of 1742.

Khariton Prokofievich was to explore the coast and the sea to the west of the mouth of Lena. Huge difficulties and deprivation had to experience the detachments that Laptev supervised. The researcher and his satellites did not stop even when they lost the vessel, which was destroyed by ice. The expedition was continued on foot. Its result was the description of the territories from the mouth of the Lena River to the Taimyr Peninsula.

The life of such people as the Brothers Hariton Prokofievich and Dmitry Yakovlevich, in honor of whom the sea of \u200b\u200bLaptev, can rightly be called a feat. A striking perseverance, purposefulness and love of Russia helped these people to overcome, it would seem insurmountable.

Sir Francis Beaufort.

In honor of Beaufort, the sea is named in the North Arctic Ocean off the coast of Canada and Alaska, as well as the island in Antarctica.

Beaufort also developed a twelve film in 1805 to estimate the wind speed in its action on ground items and the waters of the sea. In 1838, the Beaufort scale was adopted at the British fleet, and then sailors around the world.

Sir Francis Beaufort was elected a member of the Irish Royal Academy

From 1829 to 1855, he led the Great Britain's hydrographic service. In 1831 he became one of the initiators of creating the future of the Royal Unified Institute of Defense Research.

Sea Lincoln.

The sea was named by the polar researcher by Adolfus Washington Grill, during his expedition of 1881-1884. Lincoln's name is not connected with the 16th US president by Abraham Lincoln, and with his son, the US military minister Robert Todd Lincoln.

Robert Todd Lincoln (left) and Adolfus Washington Grill (Right)

Lincoln Sea was called Son Abraham Lincoln

Adolf Washington Grill was an American scientist and traveler, as well as a polar explorer. Since 1868, he was in the service of the Government Signal Bureau. In 1881, he was at the head of the expedition to Greenland sent by the US government for the device of one of the 13 perceivers for meteorological observations according to plan developed at the Hamburg International Congress of 1879. On the way back in 1883, part of his team died from hunger, one was shot on the orders of Grills. Half-dried survivors with the grills themselves were saved by the military ship sent to search for an expedition. Grills are the author of many works on meteorology and isothermal cards.

William Buffin

English navigator, found in 1616 the sea, bearing his name, and the island of Buffhin Earth.

Portrait of William Buffin Hendrik Wang Bridh

Nothing is known about his youth, except that he is probably born in London. For the first time, he is mentioned in 1612 in connection with the expedition to search for the North-Western way to India, as the first assistant Captain James Hall. The captain was killed in battle with aborigines on the West Bank of Greenland. The next two years, Buffin was engaged in whaling fishery.

In 1615, he was instructed by a repeated expedition to search for the North-Western way to India. On the ship "Discovery", Buffin explored the hackons of the Strait. The accuracy of astronomical observations of Buffin in this journey was confirmed by Sir Eduard Paris for two centuries later, in 1821.

After the expedition of 1615, when he visited the Hudson Gulf, he assured that the North-West Passage could run only through the shedout of Davis (between the Baphin Earth named for the navigator). With this strait, he proceeded during his fifth expedition (1616) and due to the favorable state of the ice, he managed to penetrate the buffins called him by his name until the Smith strait. The definition of longitude in the sea at the light of the moon, as many people think, was the first experiment in their way. Buffin accurately sang the entire shores of the "his" bay, but the opening of the expedition in England was filled with fantastics and later removed from the cards. Such injustice lasted until 1818, when John Ross reopened Buffins Buffins.

Villem Barents.

(OK.1550 G. - 1597)

Let the fools, mockerels and slanderers ... recognize a fruitless one attempt that only in the end gives a useful result. After all, if the famous and glorious navigators Columbus, Cortez, Magellan and many others who opened the farthest countries and kingdoms left their intentions after the first, second and third unsuccessful trip, they would never subsequently achieve the results of their works ...

Gerrit de Wear. "Marine Diary (Barents Sailing)."

The Dutch navigator who led the three expeditions along the Arctic Ocean in search of the northeast passage from the Atlantic Ocean in a quiet. He opened the Mesh Bear and Spitsbergen, studied the coast of the new land. His name carries the sea between Scandinavia, New Earth, Svalbard and the Earth of Franz Joseph, as well as the island at the Eastern Coast of Spitsberena.

The famous Dutch navigator and researcher of the northern polar regions Villem Bentczon (son of the Barten) was born on the island of Ter-Shilling, located north of the Nerland, about 1550. He did not have any discrimination, and the world became known for adopted by the Dutch by the abbreviated patrony of Barents ( or, in another transcription, barntes). Where the future navigator studied, it is unknown, as is unknown both when he fell into Amsterdam, whose citizen was nursed by the beginning of the first expedition to the north.

He having heard about the voyages of the British, who were looking for a northeast passage from the Atlantic Ocean in Quiet, the Dutch quickly realized what benefits could bring this discovery, and their own searches began. In one of the first expeditions, Villem Barents participated as a captain.

The general states allocated two ships for the expedition under the start of Brandt Tetgals and Cornelius Naya. A little later, the city of Amsterdam provided the ship "Mercury" and Schoon, the command of which was entrusted to the Barents.

On June 6, 1594, the flotilla, which had the goal "to penetrate the North Sea, to open Katei's kingdoms and Hin, lying north of Norway and Muscovy and next to Tatari," came out of Texel (Holland). After 18 days, the ships reached the island of Kildin, located near the Kola Bay. Near the mouth of the coland of the flotilla was divided: two ships went to the east, and the ship of Barents and Shhun went to the northeast, along the western coast of the new land. On the way, traces of Russian Pomor's stay were often met. At the end of July, Barents reached the northern tip of the new land - Ice Cape (Sovr. Cape Carlson), and on July 31, Orange Islands opened. Here the team began to demand a return, and Barents, although she sought to go further, was forced to send ships to Vaigach Island to meet with the rest of the ships, which, as it turned out, came through the Ugra ball and the shed between Vaigash and the mainland to the Kara Sea.

Based on his own observations and stories of Pomorro, the Dutch decided that they almost reached the mythical Cape Tabin - "the extreme tip of the Tatarya, from where they turn to achieve the kingdom of Chinese." With joyful news, suspecting that between the coast of the Kara Sea and the extreme eastern point of the mainland lie thousands of kilometers, the sailors hurried to their homeland.

In the Holland, their messages were taken with delight. In 1595, indigued by the results of the journey, the Netherlands general states equipped the second expedition. This time the Dutch was so confident that the ships will get to China, which, in addition to the opening of the passage, travelers had to establish "sales of some products and goods", which were specially taken for this purpose. Flilla increased to seven ships. Her main navigator was appointed Barents.

On June 18, the trial came out of Amsterdam and in the fall were in mind Vaigach Islands. It entered the Kara Sea, but they could not move further because of the accumulation of ice and a strong oncoming wind. The reluctance of the Admiral of Flotilla, Cornelius Nay, was played with a big role, to expose themselves with dangers and deprivation. Despite the promises of Russian pomps that the ice environment should soon improve, Nai collected officers and suggested signing a document of such a content: "We, the following, declare before God and in front of the world that we did everything that depended on us to penetrate the North Sea To China and Japan, as we are ordered in our instructions. Finally, we saw that God was not pleased that we continue our way, and that it was necessary to abandon the enterprise. Therefore, we decided to return to Holland as soon as possible. " All signed a document. Only Barents refused. He suggested going on and, if necessary, stay on the wintering. But he did not listen. The expedition returned back without completing any of the tasks.

After that, general states refused to further attempt to conduct research in northern latitudes. However, the government announced a premium for the detection of the passage, and the Amsterdam Senate equipped two ships. At one of them, where the captain was appointed Jacob Gemuskerk, in his last expedition, only her navigator was Willem Barents. Apparently, the fact that Cornelius Naga was trying in every way to blame him, remembering the delicate situation in which he put it. Nai characterized the Barents as a reckless captain, ready to subjected to the team unreasonable risk. However, the sailors knew the navigator better and trusted him. Ship teams were collected from volunteers who did not frighten the hazardous swimming.

The new expedition began on May 10. Travelers hoped that this time was most favorable for swimming. It was decided to change not only time, but also the course. It was assumed to go west than before. Due to this, it was possible to open the island of the Bear, named because it was killed on a polar bear.

From the island floated to the north, taking slightly to the east, and on June 19, discovered Svalbard, called them so because of the many pointed vertices seen by the navigators. Surveying a significant part of the coast of West Spitsberegin, due to the accumulation of floating ice, ships were forced to return to a bearish.

Here the flotilla was divided. One of the ships went to the north, and Gemuskerk with the Barents went to the east. July 17, they reached a new land and turned north. In the northeast corner of the island, in the ice harbor, their ship was lured with ice and pushed out of the water on the ice.

Marineners had to be caught in the harbor. Of course, deciding on it, the Dutch did not imagine the horrors of the polar wintering. But there was no other way out: staying on the ship was becoming more dangerous.

They took off the supplies, sails, powder and other necessary items from the vessel. According to the Plan, they built a hut from the trees found on the shore, brought from somewhere. This undoubtedly saved the lives with most members of the expedition. Zimovka Barents was the first of the famous and detailed wintering. And the Dutch, taking into account their inexperience, coped with it quite successfully.

In the snow-lined hut was warm. On the advice of the doctor, even washed in a big barrel brought from the ship, which by that time had long been lying at the bottom of the bay. In order not to lose the physical form, they played golf. Often hunted by bears. Around the housing raised traps on small game, even learned to sew fur coats from the skins. So continued until December.

When a strong cold came, the winter workers were forced to abandon the fire, since, because of the frost, the smoke stopped going through the pipe. Travelers began to suffer from zingi. Once killed a polar bear. Not knowing that due to the high content of vitamin and its liver should not be eaten, the sailors eaten it and seriously sick. Troy even began to blind leather with legs and heads.

Having lost one of the sailors, the Dutch somehow lived to spring. Barents decided to go on the road not before May, and in the meantime, completely sick and, apparently, confident that he himself would not return home, wrote a journey report, which then hid in a rifle case and hung on a pipe. Anxiety about the fate of satellites did not leave him. The commander was afraid that he would not live to spring, and they would remain without a reliable leader. This Barents also reflected in the report. Later, one of the participants in the expedition of Gerrit de Wear reported: "He wrote about how we needed to be put into the sea at two open boats and take amazing and dangerous swimming."

On June 13, 1597, the Dutch moved into the path of the clouded boats and after six days of swimming in the stormy sea were reinforced with ice cape. On June 20, Barenta said that one of the sailors dies. "It seems to me that my life will not turn out for a long time," the commander replied. The team did not give this meaning: after all, he tried all the time to keep cheerfully, and at that moment he took part in the discussion of the card. However, soon Barents postponed the paper and asked for water. And after a few minutes of an outstanding navigator, whose will and experience in the continuation of the whole way sent an expedition, did not. He was buried in an ice harbor.

The remaining travelers with great difficulty on September 2 got to Cola. The information obtained by the Expedition of the Barents - it was he who was the soul and engine of all three, are very high. They formed the basis of the map of the Western and Northern coast of the New Earth. The islands of Svalbard and Bear were opened. The first scientific differences about the Kara Sea are produced. The expedition led the measurements of depth, soil, air temperature, wind directions, etc. This data is still used to characterize the natural conditions of the region.

In 274, after the death of the Barents, the Norwegian industrialist E. Karlsen was visited in the Ice Harbor and accidentally discovered the house where the expedition was wintering. And in 1875, the Englishman Gardiner in the smoke hole found a report of the navigator and other items that are now stored in the Maritime Museum in the Hague. A small copy of the wintering is built here.

But the search for the relics of the expedition was not over. In 1980-1981 The Soviet Expedition was visited by the Harbor, which was able to detect burial (possibly, the Barents), as well as various items, including part of the compass belonging to the famous navigator. Probably, future researchers will be able to find many more interesting things that will complement the picture of the famous expedition and the first famous in the history of polar wintering. Perhaps archival searches will be complemented by the biography of Villem Barenta - the famous navigator, his tragic fate who discovered a martyrologist researchers of polar regions.

A report on all three expeditions wrote a member of Swabs Gerrit DE-WER, who, no doubt, enjoyed the manuscript of the Barents. In Russian translation, the report came out under the name "Barents swimming" in 1936

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The law of 1597 in the stated image of the case is not everything clearly and accurately. It turns out first of all, as if the same act was also established by the same act, and the land attachment of the peasants was established, and serfdom. But these are two states of different nature and origin, in many

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Decree of 1597 in such a position found the Barboron Channel Decree declared by the Hall Order on April 25, 1597. The goal of it was to streamline the hiloping, establish a durable order of its strengthening. In the legal structure of the boarding fortress, he did not make anything new, only


Folk masses in 1596-1597 These two years, perhaps, were the most severe in the XVI century, which was generally for English peasants, artisans and working people with one of the most cruel. Contemporaries primarily write about hunger and extraordinary high costs. Need, stealth,

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Willlem Mons, Jester Balakirev and others from Peter the Great as a dutter-guard served as a "General As-Adjutant" Willem Mons, subsequently by His wife Catherine and took her courtyard as a camera-junker. Under Catherine, the brother of the former Cubus mistress

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§ 2. The second (1593-1597) and the third (1597-1598) periods of war. The consequences of the Imchinsky war attempting to conduct peace negotiations with Japan began at the initiative of China in the 9th month of 1592 in Pyongyang. The Korean government did not feed illusions regarding their effectiveness, realizing that the words

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1597 there. Pp. 123-124.

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Willlem Yanszon makes the first step in 1602. The Dutch was broken by the Portuguese fleet in the sea battle at Bantama (Java) and finally approved in Indonesia. Founded in the same year, the Dutch East India Company received the exclusive right of commerce in the southern seas and

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1597 a Sea of \u200b\u200bBitterness, 1999.

Karavella Villem Barents (our days)

On September 28, 2012, an expedition to the archipelago of the New Earth started from Arkhangelsk, in order to search for the remains of the ship, at which in 1596, Villem Barents tried to pass from Europe to India. Studies were planned to be held in the fall of 2011, but due to a number of reasons, the event was transferred.

People who can devote all their lives of one goal, admire. The Barents Sonya was - by all means finding the northeast marine passage from Europe to China and India. For this, he organized three Arctic expeditions. Sigor tests, mockery of skeptics, the failures of the first two attempts did not stop the Barents. The Dutch Government refused to sponsor a new sea trip, and he infected his faith of merchants and managed to find comrades. In May 1596, a third expedition was organized on the means of citizens. The first of Europeans Barents and his team reached a new land, but not the opening of new islands was the goal of the Dutchman, it was necessary to move in Indochina.

Karavella got into ice captivity at the northern tip of the new land in the bay, which Barents called the Ice Harbor. Seamarians had to build on the shore of the winter and spend 10 long months in it. When the team decided to return home Barents, he was seriously ill and the remaining Dutch returned home without their navigator, which was for them and the leader, and the soul of the expedition.

Isn't it surprising that a person whose dream was uncomfortable, after four centuries, no one considers a loser. He is called "Braveish from the Dutch" and his name is not only the Barents Sea, but also the city on the Svalbard archipelago's open archipelago and the West Coast of the New Earth. So pay history for devotion to the dream.

In 2012, we set ourselves the goal of searching for the keel part of the ship. It is this element that will determine which there was a set of vessel hull. It is known that he was made from oak, and the oak does not deteriorate in the water. Presumably the ship gradually sank (in the same place, where it was left by the Barents and his team), and its remains of more than 400 years are buried under the soil layer. We are the world community - we know how Karavel looked, but do not know how it was built! The rise of the parts of the ship from the bottom of the sea will allow scientists to reconstruct Karavella, in the practice of European civilization such an opportunity is provided for the first time.

In the proposed place of the death of the ship, the devices of increased sensitivity were repeatedly used, which recorded the accumulation of non-ferrous and ferrous metals. Compiled a map indicating anomalies. Analysis of the results obtained gives scientist grounds to assume that the bottom of the Karazhell Barents and sunken guns, rigging and other equipment were found.

As in the past year, the expedition supports the Foundation for the Promotion of the Northern and Arctic territories "North - our!". The President of the Foundation Yuri Neylaov attracts great importance to this project and believes that "the work of these enthusiastic people will increase the knowledge of the history of geographical discoveries on the Arctic territories of Russia, and their research will be unique to the entire world community. And the success of this project can lead to world-class discoveries. "

You can tell for a long time why it was not possible to complete the started last year, "says the project manager, Dmitry Fedorovich Kravchenko, - immediately the aggregate of factors, this is the financial component, and time, and weather conditions that are of great importance in the Arctic. We received invaluable experience that we value! Now the expedition is well prepared, I am confident in my abilities, and in the teams. Our task is to find the remains of Karavella, determine their condition, develop a methodology for lifting and preservation. To work out technology (safe for the monument) clearing from the apparent soil and raise artifacts confirming that we are dealing with the caravel XVI century. "

Program for the search for the remains of Karavella Villema Barentsov was developed in conjunction with the Polar Commission of the GOO at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences and approved at the Presidium of the Geographical Society. Search works on the site of the death of the vessel were conducted in 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1991, 1992, 1995, 2006, 2008 and 2009.

Expedition leader: Dmitry Fedorovich Kravchenko

William Barents was not at all some kind of "obsessed" idea. He was a practical person. And his native Netherlands was simply needed by the Northern Sea Path for the Rogue, as they were blocked by Britain, also applying for a "monopoly" on the water global expanses!

it was practical, of course, and all-things and inspired desire to find the sea path for trade. And to carry out astronomical observations, take soil samples, no one forced his depth either? So there was a desire to explore, find out, open.

about the results of the expedition I can not find something ...

The scientific expedition of the Russian Geographical Society (RGO) continues, the purpose of which is to search for the famous Karavella Villem Barents. The start of the expedition was given on September 29 from Arkhangelsk. Place of searching - New Earth archipelago, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe reef zone of the Ice Harbor. Today, October 5, at 16.00 (MSK), the research vessel "Aldan" has thrown anchor at the destination. The expedition has begun work. The initiator and ideological inspirer of the expedition is Dmitry Kravchenko, a historian, a long-range navigator, Vice-President of the Traveler Association.
The expedition will be the final stage of the team of Kravchenko in the ice harbor - places where in 1596 the Dutch expedition under the leadership of Skiper Villem Barents held the most difficult wintering in an attempt to pass the Northern Seaway from Europe to India.
The uniqueness of the archaeological find is that the rise from the bottom of the Kara Sea parts of the sunken ship will allow Russian scientists for the first time to reconstruct Karavella - the ship of the Age of the Great Geographical Discovers. According to numerous engravings, it is known how the ships of the XV-XVI centuries looked, but accurate information about the design features of the buildings and technology of the construction of ships, which allowed humanity to know the whole globe, modern historical science almost does not possess.
The head of the expedition chose NIS "Aldan", which was for the needs of scientists transformed CJSC Belfracht from the fishing vessel in a real scientific laboratory. The administration of the National Park "Russian Arctic", on the territory of which, off the coast of Cape dispute challenge (O. Asenger, New Earth), presumably and are located the remains of the ship of the Dutch residents assist in conducting research.
For a week of work in the reef zone of the Ice Harbor, scientists plan to detect the remains of caravels using high-precision equipment, clear them from the apparent soil, conduct measurements and fixation of the bottom of the body, determine the degree of its safety and methods of lifting and preservation. Perhaps they will be able to raise parts of ship gear - guns, anchors, shipping markets, ensuring their safety. All the artifact found will be transferred to the museums of the country.
As part of the expedition of high-class professionals - geophysics, archaeologists. The technical part of the work on the recovery of the remains of the vessel of the Barent took on a diving team from Severodvinsk, specializing in the underwater and diving works of any degree of complexity. All research and work will be recorded a photo-video group. Correspondent TV channel Region-Tyumen Igor Emelyanov already conveys its reports to colleagues through a satellite system of a messenger, providing uninterrupted communication with the Kravchenko team.

The expedition finances the Foundation for the Promotion of the Northern and Arctic Territories "North - our!". The President of the Foundation Yuri Neylaov attracts great importance to this project and believes that "the work of these enthusiastic people will increase the knowledge of the history of geographical discoveries on the Arctic territories of Russia, and their research will be unique to the entire world community. And the success of this project can lead to world-class discoveries. "

New Year's Eve to Dmitry Kravchenko

Friends! There was a lot of time after our work on the new land. And although the study of the samples and the compilation of gradient cards is not yet completed, now much can be "decomposed on the shelves."

Every year, for more than fifty years, I participate in expeditions on the study of historical monuments in the Arctic. Based on accumulated experience, I can say that the 2012 Expedition for several factors is significantly different from previous works:

First of all, we have never had such a reliable "rear". Aigul Bakiyev, Masha Smolyaninova and Volodya Klimko still in the preparatory period independently solved a lot of issues on finding investors, the acquisition and rental of the necessary devices, materials, tools, products, equipment, everything - without which work is unthinkable in the Arctic. Later they provided reliable, such a necessary, daily exchange of information between working on new land and continent. Thanks to their persistent efforts, it was possible to extend the freight time of the vessel and the work of the expedition for another 7 days.

For the first time, work took place in such a comfortable for participants. Basically, it is the merit of the Vice President of the Russian Geographical Geographical Society Arthur Nikolaevich Chelangarov, who supported the expedition to the most critical moments and the "Northern North" OUR
basic vessel

For the first time, research was carried out at such difficult weather conditions. When planning the timing of work, I usually expect that for one day good weather (in which it is possible to conduct research in the sea) accounts for 2-3 days of storm. We encountered even more "hard" schedule. On the day of work in normal conditions, it accounted for 5 days of storms.

For the first time, I watched such a coherent and intense work of the entire expedition team. But many of us first turned out to be in the high latitudes of the Arctic. If you resort to "school" estimates, then everything, without exception, is justified can be set 5+. All worked almost at the limit of opportunities. By the way, it was largely possible due to a clear and reliable operation of the NP "Russian Arctic" inspectors who protect against the attack of polar bears.

It is also justified, I consider it necessary to note the work of the director-operator Veronik Solovyva. A fragile woman, with a camera in his hands, could be seen everywhere where the work was going. It sometimes seemed that she simultaneously removes in different places and in the most responsible moments. For all the hours of work, I did not hear a single complaint from her. All loads that and experienced men took up with tension, it simply suffered and imperceptibly. Among the mass of photos on the work of the expedition, it is easy to highlight the Veronica made by hand. They are talented and professional.

Now you need to talk about the results ...

A short time of freight of the base vessel and extremely unfavorable weather conditions were still unable to prevent us from, to fulfill most of the planned research. We managed to scan the intended place of the death of Karavellas of the Dutch Expedition of 1596-97, the area of \u200b\u200bthe water area between the first and second reefs. The most interesting results are the last day of the expedition. At the cutting of water, the base of the first reef found 6 fragments of the ship body. Of these, 3 fragments of the splits, which had a negative buoyancy and faster belonged to the bottom of the case set. The place where they were discovered were repeatedly checked, including when mapping the coastline, but there were no parts of the hull before. Probably, they were thrown by waves on the eve, during the storm, when the wind speed from NE reached 25-30 m / s.

It should be noted that among the numerous fragments of the ship corps found from 1978 to 2009, all elements belonged to the surface part of the body and had a positive buoyancy. Such fragments could be listed on the very remote sections of the coast. Parts of the housing with negative buoyancy can be thrown ashore, as a rule, close to the location of the sunken ship.
It is intense, in spite of any weather conditions, work on the restoration of "BEHOUDEN HUYS" - wintering of the Dutch expedition, the unique architectural monument of the Hyi century.

When an assessment is given, any work, it is necessary to talk both about its results and the mistakes allowed. Without such an approach, the "results" look doubtful ...
Unfortunately, due to the breakdown of the magnetometer, 4 out of 7 points remained enough, in which in 2009 high indicators of the magnetic field strength were recorded. It is advisable to duplicate the main devices, in this case the breakage of one of them does not lead to a breakdown of research.

Research practices in 2012 showed that the use of a side view hydroletor in the reef territory is ineffective. The apparent soil "covers" is not large, heavy objects (guns, anchors, ship equipment ..) that for the hydroleter they become not distinguishable. Under these conditions, it is more appropriate for the use of a hydrocatorial profile, which can "show", which is hidden under the nanos.

In navigator practice, especially in the sea, there is such an unshakable rule: consider ourselves always closer to the danger. Count on "luck"
Not cautious. Work deadlines should be considered with a significant stock "strength". For our work, they should be increased by 2-3 times.
The 2012 Expedition is completed. We are waiting for work in 2013.

Happy New Year dear friends "fellow soldiers"! I wish you health, success and good luck!

Sincere your Dmitry Kravchenko.

On June 10, 1596, the Dutch navigators by Willem Barents and Jacob van Chemskerk (during the Third Expedition of the Barents), the island of Bear was opened. This land plot is located in the western part of the Barents Sea, south of the island of West Svalbard. Currently, Norway belongs, but, like the entire Spitsbergen Archipelago, whose southern part is the island of Bear, has a special status inside the kingdom.

The third Expedition of the Barents on the search for the northern way to Asia started on May 16, 1596. Two ship participated in it. For the Barents itself, this polar campaign became the last, from his third expedition, the great Dutch polar star was not returned.

The opening of the Island of the Bear on June 10 in the Spitsbergen Archipelago has perhaps, perhaps the only achievement of the expedition. The island turned out to be located halfway between the southern tip of Western Spitsberen and Cape Nordkap, its area was about 180 km². The island received its name due to the fact that the discovers saw the floating polar bear at his shores, who tried to climb on the ship. Before that, the Dutch women were unfamiliar.

After that, the opening of the Expedition of the Barents, having encouraged the new land, reached the Kara Sea. Fearing death among the ice, the expedition landed ashore and arranged wintering on the new land near the Ice Harbor. Initially, the wintering was done more or less successfully, mainly due to the continued authority of the Barents himself, who managed to organize the survival of the team in the harsh conditions of the Polar region.

However, in the winter of 1597, the Barents himself fell ill with a quantity from which he never recovered. And in January 1597, the wintering of the Dutch fell in snow along the pipe, because of which they almost froze and did not suffocate smoke.

Although by the beginning of June 1597, the Kara Sea was freed from ice, the bay, where the ship was standing, was still in ice. The winter workers did not wait for the ship's liberation - the North Summer is too short - and on June 14, 1597 made a desperate attempt to get to the Kola Peninsula on 2 boats. Although the expedition reached the peninsula, Barents himself died during this journey on June 20, 1597 and was buried on the new land.

However, the very opening of the Barents quickly had practical consequences - from 1614 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Island of the Bear, the Dutch Northern Greenland company began to conduct whaling fishing. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. Ekach is the island was actively used as an intermediate base for the Scandinavian and Russian combators. The geographical, economic and military value of the island subsequently made it the object of territorial disputes.

It seemed that they had an end, when on February 16, 1924, the Plenipotentiary Representative of the USSR in Norway in the note of Norway Foreign Minister Misha said that the USSR recognizes the sovereignty of Norway over the island of bearish.

However, in 20 years, on November 12, 1944, at the negotiations between the USSR addresses, Molotov and the Norwegian Foreign Minister, the Soviet side demanded to establish a condominium over Svalbard, and the Island of the Bear to convey to the sovereignty of the USSR.

Norway on April 9, 1945 proposed a compromise: to conclude an agreement on the joint responsibility of Norway and the USSR for Spyzberena defense. The Soviet leadership on the proposal did not respond, and the further negotiations on this issue were not conducted.

Villem Barents was born about 1550 (there is no accurate data) on the Frisian island Tershelling. No information about the family and childhood of the Barents has not been preserved.

It is only known that he has moved into Amsterdam with a rather mature man in Amsterdam, where he acted as a student in the naval-cartographic workshop of the plant, and then, together with the mentor, he made swimming in Spain and Italy, during which they accounted for the Atlas of the Mediterranean Sea. After this campaign, Villem received a nipure of the navigator, which today can be seen in the Sea Museum of Amsterdam.

The fame of the Villem of the Barents, brave from the Dutch and the Skiper Epoch, as they often respond about him in their homeland, do not correspond to the meager setting of information that are about him. He studied cartography and the marine case, served as a skipper, was fearless and stubborn until stubbornness.

In 1594, his teacher of the Planns equipped the "Expedition of his dream" to find the Great Northeast Passage to China. According to the project author, three ships were to go on the sea, now known as Kara, in different directions, looking for free from ice

Willem Barentsz, Portret. 16E / 17e Eeuws, Dus Vrij Van Auteursrechten / Portrait Engraving Of Willem Barents, A Dutch Explorer.

The period from the XIII century. By the XVII century. In the history of mankind is known as the era of great geographical discoveries. It was then that the Portuguese, Spaniards, Italians and the British were famous: they became the most outstanding navigators and travelers. Venetian Marco Polo traveled through Central Asia to China and passed the sea around South Asia, Vasco da Gama paved the sea route to India, Fernando Magellan became the first round traveler, and Christopher Columbus was officially recognized as a pioneer in America. But all these and other discoveries were made in southern, tropical latitudes, and the Arctic, the edge of white silence, polar night and cold remained. What happened in the era of geographical discoveries in the north of the planet, the card of which was aburchased by many more white spots, and all here was waiting for their discoverers?

Some of the discovers in the Arctic were the Dutch. It was in the 1590s that opened the Western part of the Russian Arctic for the entire civilized world, made three sea expeditions on the water area of \u200b\u200bthe modern Barents Sea from the extreme point of Europe to the new land, went around the archipelago from the north, conducted the first wintering in the Arctic. Thanks to the dedication of the Dutch navigators, the Svalbard Island and the island of Bear (although they were known to the Russian Poms, but the Dutch was brought to the map for the first time), the Map of the Western Coast of the New Earth was drawn up for maritime maps of the European mainland coast east of Cola and nearby Him island.

And the background of these discoveries is as follows. Freed in the second half of the XVI century from Spanish dominion, the Netherlands became independent and gradually occupied one of the first places among the leading marine powers. As with European states, the young Dutch republic tried to establish reliable trading connections with Southeast Asia, China and India, famous for their spices, silks, tea, incense, goods of local artisans, ivory, gold, precious stones. But you could not get here by sea through the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans: all the sea routes were here in the hands of the British, Portuguese and Spaniards. And then the Dutch merchants and rulers decided to look for another way to China and India, bypass, through the north of Europe and Asia, at the ice-bearing seas. By the beginning of the 1590s, several attempts were already known to pass from Europe to the east of the modern northern seas, but they all ended in failure.

By 1594, the Netherlands and Dutch merchants allocated sufficient amounts and equipped the 1st expedition to find ways to China through the modern Arctic Ocean. This expedition consisted of four ships: Zwaan ("Swan") from Zelenda, Mercurius ("Mercury") from Enkhaysen and Boot ("Messenger") with a small yacht from Amsterdam? And he was headed by a triumvirate from the commander of the ships: Branto Eisbranger, the Villem of the Barents and the Admiral of the Fleet Cornellius. In the fifth of June 1594, the courts from Enkhaysen and Zelanda moved from the berths on the island of Texel and already 20 numbers arrived in Vardo. Their swimming from the Netherlands around the Scandinavian Peninsula has passed without complications, which favored the beautiful weather and a calm sea. On June 22, two Amsterdam ships joined the island of Kildine. The Dutch was familiar with the population of Kolya and the Murmansk coast - Russian and nomad vocabies. On June 29, the expedition was divided into two groups. Courts from Amsterdam went to the north of the new land, and Enkhayzensky and the Zealand ships went along the coast to the Ugra ball.

This first Dutch expedition was rich in discoveries. So, on July 4, the panorama of the northern part of the new land opened before the courts driven by the Barents. On this day, they were on a latitude of about 76 degrees: they opened the island, called him the island of Wilhelm and found on the banks of the remains of the Russian vessel, the lives. And in a week, July 9, their first meeting with a white bear occurred. Previously, they have never seen such a miracle: after all, at that time a brown bear was still included in Europe. And here, the same bear, but - white. And they decided to catch him and bring home: to show the prince of Orange, and all residents of Holland. But the first hunt of Europeans on the polar bear in the Arctic almost ended tragically. Let us turn to the records of Gerrita de Fera and Jan Gwygen Van Linshhoten, the main chroniclers of the Dutch expeditions of the late XVI century to the Arctic. The beast wanted to catch the loop (!), But a predator with a length of almost three meters turned out to be prompt. Europeans immediately sat down in the boat, followed the bear and fired into it. However, the bear showed an amazing force, "Unprecedented by a lion, neither at another wild beast: a rustled bullet, he still got up and, having jumped into the water, swam; sailors, rowing in oars, pursued him, threw him on her neck and drag him Back to the ship. They never saw such a bear and expected to drag it to the ship alive to show in Holland; but the bear was so strong that they found happiness to escape from him and pleasant his skin. He published such a loud roar and showed such a huge The power that it is hardly a story. By giving a bear a little to stay a little and let go of the rope, which he was tied, they began to slowly drag him, wanting to tire. At the same time, the Villem Barents hit his stick from time to time. But the bear swallowed to the boat On her paw. Then Villem said: "He wants to relax a little." But the bear meant another. He suddenly hired onto a boat that he had half walked into her. This led to the horror of sailors; they moved to The front of the boat and almost despaired in their salvation. Delivered them from the danger of an amazing case: the loop or the rope, pounded on the neck of the bear, stuck on the steering blade, so the beast could not move on, and was detained. When he was confused, one of the sailors, having gathered with the Spirit, moved from the front of the boat and pushed the bear half the pole, so the beast rolled into the water. Then they began to row back to the ship and dragged the bear until he had completely lost his strength. Here it is hammered and removed from him the skin, which was taken to Amsterdam. "

from the book "Arctic swimming Villem Barents 1594-1597"

The next day, on a small island at the entrance to modern lip, Arkhangelsk (South Cross), the Dutch found traces of Russian stay - two crosses. On July 13, the Court of Barents rose to the breadth of 77O30-. Here the sea was completely shaped with ice. But somewhere else it was possible to find a small divorce, and the Dutch slowly floated to the east. The Cape speaking in the sea they took over the extreme northern tip of the archipelago and called the Big Ice Call (IJSHOEK). On July 31, the ships of the Barents approached the group of small islands and became anchored here. These islands they called Orange (Oranje Eilanden) in honor of the then ruler of the Netherlands Prince Moritz Orange. A new miracle appeared on the newly open islands, the marine monsters with two fangs rode the sand under the rays of the modest Arctic sun. Little familiar with so mysterious beasts Gerrit de Fer, did not find anything better, how to compare them with ordinary bulls, which the European peasants used in their work in the fields. That's what he wrote: "These marine monsters are much more bulls, live in the sea, the skin is like seals, with short hair, the mouth is like lionina; they keep them mostly on ice, have four paws and are deprived of the ears; kill them can be with Learning, only a strike on the temples; they produce one or two young. If the industrialists will accidentally find them on ice blocks with young, then the walkers throw their water, then jump into the water themselves, pick up the young legs, and, then diving, then pop-up, elude . And if they want to resist, then throwing the cubs, with a great power sail to the boat, how many times we experienced, being in a considerable danger. It was a walrus almost stunned his teeth in the stern of the boat, seeking to pull her to him, but our cries And he retired in fright, picked up his young again. " The walror seems to be so plunged into the horror of Europeans, that they dreamed of hunging them not otherwise from the guns.

But the Dutch has already embraced the hunting dust, and, finding a huge polar bear here, they tried to kill him from the Musket. But the bullets used by them in Mushkees, apparently, were little effective for the Arctic safari, and the wounded bear simply escaped, jumping into the water. Throwing him after him, the sailors tried to catch up with a beetle bear on a boat. Working with all forces in orals, they still overtaken and bear a bear. Europeans pulled out her prey on the ice and tied firmly to a pile, with the force of stuck in the ice. Trophy They wanted to take into Europe.

Orange islands were the most northernmost point of the 1st diving of the Dutch in the Arctic. Further sailors refused to sail. From here, the vessels moved along the Western, Barentsomorsky, the coast of the archipelago to the south. The last bay of the southern island of the archipelago, which was visited by Europeans this year, was named columns (Meelhaven); On modern maps is black. And here the European navigators first discovered traces of the presence of people. True, at the sight of strangers, the latter ran away, but the Dutch found a cross on a small black rock, and under a bunch of six chambers of flour bags. So appeared on the map of the caustiary. A little further stood the cross and three huts. It was a fishing becoming. Inspecting its surroundings, the sailors found six burials: stones filled with skeletons with skeletons, and 44 feet were also destroyed by Russian Sad.

From the book "Arctic swimming Villem Barents 1594-1597"

While two vessels under the command of the Barentsi korozdili sea from the new land, two other expedition ships traveled along the mainland coast. Mercurius and Zwaan sailed from Kildine on July 2. The 8th of the Kolguyev, they met the first icebergs. The appearance of these Ice mountains struck the Dutch: after all, they reached the tops of the main mast to the height. The wind drove the icebergs together, and now they have already overtaken ships with a dense ring. Only after a day of the ice capture released the court. On the way to the east, the Dutch first met one Russian catch, and then three more. Russians were sent to the east, to the mouth of the Pechora. They warned Europeans about insidious ice in the straits, monster whales that attackers on boats, and other possible hazards of swimming in Arctic latitudes. The Dutch was skeptical to all warnings, believing that they were deliberately scared. They boldly went to the east, to Vaigach, where they were waiting for new adventures and discoveries.

On July 14, the crews and these vessels were lucky to make one of the discoveries in the Arctic. The south-west coast of Vaigach, they discovered China. The animal was relatively small, only 34 feet. And, therefore, not so terrible as they painted Russian merchants from Pechoras. Knowing from them, as the Russians hunt for whales and how they are then used their prey, the Dutch arranged a hunt. They drove whale on the shallow water of the bay and scored him with harpunas. According to the example of Russian, Europeans natopili from China 20 barrels fat. From this Yang Guygen Van Linshoten concluded that the fishery of whales in the Arctic is quite possible and can bring good profits.

Portion of 1599 Map of Arctic Exploration by Willem Barentsz. SPITSBERGEN, HERE MAPPED FOR THE FIRST TIME, IS INDICATED AS "HET NIEUWE LAND"), CENTER-LEFT. University Library of Tromsø) Author Willem Barentsz.

On the banks of Vaigach, the Dutch saw several eight-pointed crosses, and in the bay Lamin met Samoyed, a little spoke in Russian. They tried to understand his muttering, but it was too fast for their perception. Vaigach seemed to be a flat island with a lot of lakes and swamps, pleasantly smelling colors and with segments of grass, and with shores littered with fin. According to the description of Jan Guygen Van Linshoten Island all was covered with peat. On land, the Dutch met only two deer, there were many nesting chas on the rocks. On June 22, having passed the Ugra ball from the north to south, the Dutch landed on the mainland. Here, their gaze appeared a flat wetland shore, on which there were old fires. And the Europeans concluded that the Russians often visit this territory. Floating along the shore to the east, they did not meet any settlement, but they constantly observed fires in the depths of sushi. That were Samoyed nomads. On the way back through the strait on Cape Musheron (modern cape, they found several Russian crosses.

On July 27, drifting ice stopped the promotion of ships, and the Dutch appeared another excellent opportunity to examine the island. This was done one of the main discoveries that did not lose value so far. At one of the capes, which the Europeans warned two days earlier, more than 400 pagan statues were discovered. It was mostly wooden idols, but among them they noticed the stone sculptures. The Dutch, following the example of other European travelers, the era of great geographical discoveries, called this geographical point of Cape idols, or statues, AFGODENHOEK (on modern maps Cape Dyakonov). The importance of this discovery was determined by the fact that it was the first mention of the existence of an ancient sanctuary on Vaigache, the island, which the Nenets still consider the sacred land, where their main gods lived and from the tundra the children of the gods, children gods. Stories are unknown when it was formed by the Nentes open by the Dutch Sanctuary. But it is known that it existed until the beginning of the 1820s, until the Orthodox Russian missionaries led by Archimandrite Veniamin appeared here. It was they who began the baptism of Samoymen and the fight against paganism among the northern foreigners, destroying invaluable monuments, which were the Nenets sanctors.

While the Dutch inspired the sanctuary with interest, Samoyed had arrived at NARTA. But he frightened Europeans, shouted. Then, a man of thirty came from the tundra to his profile on narts. They surrounded sailors; The Dutch decided to temporarily retreat and returned to the ship. The Russian translator was sent to the shore, and the Dutch was able to talk through Tolmach with Samoyedi. Europeans carefully considered strangers: later they described their appearance, clothing, occupation.

On August 1, the Dutch took advantage of good weather and through ice fields and fog went to the Kara Sea. On August 3, they reached a small island with a good anchor parking. It was the island of states, Staten Eiland (local island on modern maps). On the island of Europeans found a lot of deer and walrus bones, transparent crystals, similar to diamonds (apparently, it was either a mountain crystal, or quartz), two idols, one of which Jan Gwygen Van Linshoten decided to take in Holland. After the inspection of this island, the Dutch sailed on and on August 10, they reached the shore. After making sure that the passage to the Ob River and then in Asia was free from the ice, the admiral ordered the courts to return back: the main part of the expedition was completed, and the further path was decided to continue the next year.

On the way back to the Kolguev, the Dutch found three islands, which also gave their names: Mauritius (about. Matveyev), Oranje (Holot) and Nieuw Walcheren (about. Long). U o Matveyeva of the courts and the Barents met and returned to Holland together. At the homeland, the success of the navigators was rated high, although Barents did not achieve what was planned, but Van Linshhoten believed that they found the way to the open Northern Ocean.

Map of Barents "Voyages (1601) Author Jan Huyghens Van Linschoten

The second swimming was organized in the next 1595. It was distinguished by a big difference, as the expedition consisted of seven courts. The whole flotilla moved in July to the shores of the New Earth and Vaigach. But this time, from the very beginning, something was not challenged at the Dutch, good luck turned away from them. First, on the way along the northern shore of Scandinavia, the Court of Barents and Van Linskhoten were faced with four sailors drowned, and on August 17, Vaigach and New Earth, the European Flotilla met the first ice floes. On August 19, in the Ugra Ball, these ice were already solid and impassable. The path to the East was closed.

The command of the expedition decided to stop and continue the examination of the land open in 1594. For contacts with self-seeds, armed sailors were sent to the shore. They examined the shore and found several shipping skins, utensils and other property of NART, refreshment of walrus carcasses. Although the admiral of her and forbade to take something from the shore, some sailors secretly carried on board the skins. Theft was discovered, and they were cruelly punished: one sailor was buried ashore and was thrown, and the other died when he was dragged under the keel of the vessel. In the Gulf of Traybaai (Modern Bay of Varek), the Dutch met the Russian Poms from Arkhangelsk. They told the Dutch women that the last winter was very cold and this year to go to Siberia and on Ob through the straits would not succeed.

Tabula Terrae Nouae Zemblae in Qua Fretum Sinusq Waigats Item Ord Littorialis Tartariae ATQ RUSSIAE, AD URGEM USQ KILDEINAM ....AUTHORE GERHARDO DE VEER

It was on August 26, and the Dutch remained still on Vaigache, in the Bay of Varek. In general, this swimming was much more tragic first. It was here that by an unknown reason, part of the team died (perhaps from the stench of two thrown ashore and decaying whales). Their bodies were betrayed by land, but immediately, in front of the living, the graves ruined the white bears and ate the corpses. On the banks of Vaigach, the Dutch met a group of almost 60 Samoyeds with the leader and stayed together together until September 1. Together with Samoyedi, the Europeans traveled in Narts, showed each other their weapons in action. In exchange for walrus fangs, Samoyed tried to get flour, meat and fabric from the Dutch. But they were drove the goods to China and, considering the price overestimated, refused.

On September 2, at the insistence of the Court's Barents, they still moved east and reached the Kara Sea. But from there again crawled the icebergs, the commanders, fearing that the ice would give the ships, put the flotilla anchor at the island of states (about. Local). The teams went ashore to search for crystals and hunt for hares. But on September 6, the sailors were brutally attacked polar bears. On September 11, the last attempt was made to open water. The ice stretched over the horizon, the snow went, and the sails were frozen, becoming like boards. Flotilla turned back and on September 15 began the return swimming.

Barents Villa ship in Kara Sea, new land, August 1596. Illustration from the first edition of the "Marine Diary" Gerrita de Fera, 1598.
Signature under the image: "The Dutch ship is freed from the ice captivity, but soon it will take it in the ice harbor" (new land, the Pomeranian name of the harbor disputes the pillow).

The expedition of 1595 was clearly disappointed by the Dutch merchants, and the government who put a lot on the con and calculated the success of the navigation. Many Dutch merchants refused to maintain the following swimming with money. Only Amsterdamians believed, but they could not take on all financing. The city council only offered a reward of 25 thousand florines in the event of the success of the expedition. Therefore, only two vessels were equipped for the third, latter, swimming. One of the courts, where the navigator sailed Villem Barents, commanded Captain Jacob Wang Gemuskerk, and the other - Jan Cornelius Raip. The crew of the first vessel consisted of 17 people. It was these people who subsequently entered the history of the Arctic as the first wintering officers.

The expedition began on May 18, 1596, and on June 5, icebergs had already met on the way of ships. On June 10, the Dutch was near the small island lying almost in the middle between the modern Spyzbard and the Northern Taste of Europe. Here, European navigators were attacked by a polar bear, and in honor of this event, the island was decided to name Bereneiland, bearish. On the bear, the Dutch discovered the birds on the rocks and the nesting on the smooth land. June 19, the trial approached the western shore of Spitsberegin. They did not know that they opened a new archipelago and accepted the sushi sushi for Greenland. Here, differences arose between the captains, as a result of which Barents went to the new land, and the rap, following the instructions of the Dutch geographer of Placius, the mentor of this expedition, decided to continue the examination of Svalboren.

Barents "Third Voyage (1611)

On July 16, the ship, driven by the captain by Gemuskerk and the navigator of the bar, entered drifting ice; On one of the ice floes, the polar bear was noticed. It became clear that the navigators were not far from the new land. The next day, the Dutch was at the shores of Lomsbaai Bay (Modern Machine Bay). The ice furnishings worsened, and the time from July 19 to August 5, the Europeans spent from the island of Northern Crusad, KruiseiLand; Here they collected stones for ballast. On August 19, the Dutch ship reached the cape of desire, Kaap Begeerte, but the cohesive ice did not allow them to go to the Kara Sea. Then Villem Barents decided to return along the eastern shore of the new land to Vaigach. On August 26, the ship entered the ice, and, as it turned out in the future, remained forever in Ice Captivity. On September 11, the navigators went ashore and decided to zazimize the archipelago on land. On the shore of the Gulf of Ice Harbor from the fin and shipboards they began to build a house. There was little construction material, and in search of the fin I had to go a few kilometers from the place of the alleged wintering. On the sleigh pushed by six sailors, the brica was published to the future house. For the roof and the entrance to the house used boards from the deck: they were taken off and delivered on ice to land. The wintering house was built in six weeks. They called him Behoudes Huys. The house had a kind of log hut, which Barents saw before in the Black Bay. For greater maintenance of heat in the house on top of a wooden roof, a sail was put, which gave stones to not demolished the wind. Inside there were five beds, each on three people; In the center burned outdoor focus. Firewood for heating was stored outside.

How did the Dutch navigaters survived the first in the history of mankind documented wintering? A few months on the shore of the Bay of Ice Harbor were full of adventure and tragedy.

Already at the very beginning of the forced wintering, they suffered the first loss: September 23, a carpenter died. He was buried on the shore of the Ice Harbor. After 4 months, apparently, another sailor died from supercooling and associated with him.

There were three main worries on the shore of the ice harbor of the Dutch: food, maintaining heat and protection against the attacks of polar bears.

European navigators had no warm clothes: they found themselves in the Arctic in the European dress (!). Interestingly, in the excavations of the Zimovaya Barents, on the new land, the Wooden shoes, which were worn in Europe in Europe at the time were found. This is just one of the strokes characterizing ammunition in the first Arctic wintering workers. On November 4, the Expedition doctor built a kind of bath warming. In the side of the vertically, the side of the barrel was cut off the rectangular window, where hot water was flooded, and a man climbed. The Dutch had no blankets. Then on November 18, the captain risked to encroacitate the goods that are in the holds, taken under his personal responsibility and intended for sale in China - on the bales of thick woolen matter. At his order, each received a piece of wrestling.

But the Arctic frost made his way everywhere and dismissed the winter and second in the house, and on the street. At the end of November, a song hunt began, the Dutch from the dried skuffs began to sew their caps. With them, they did not part up to Amsterdam himself, and they were and appeared on November 1, 1597 on the report to the Palace to Prince Moritz Orange. By December 11, the frost became so strong that the wide leather sea boots did not help with a sheepskin nose, which, according to the Dutch, were intended to work in cold water; It was necessary to wear 3-4 socks for walking, but it did not save it. It began to apply such a true way as applying hot stones to the legs and sides and the day, and at night. But it did not help. The Dutch was trying without special needs not to leave the house, only hunters and guards, if necessary, worked on the frost. Some of the tried to make warm shoes from the sandsian skins. On December 31, Frost was so strong that people sitting inside the house, basking at the hearth, stretched to the fire legs and did not notice that the soles on the shoes were roasted faster than the body was warmed. Does not save and exercise: playing ball, golf, jumping, running and other. Dutch and stone coal were among the Dutch; But, apparently, its reserves were so small that it was used in the most exceptional cases.

The other concern of wintering workers was food. Although there were barrels with bread, equaline, wine, biscuits, cheese and other provisions on board, yet European navigators calculated that they would be in southern latitudes, where it would be possible to diversify and replenish their reserves. But in fact it turned out otherwise: they were stuck in the ice of the Arctic. The amount of the province gradually dried up, although meals and was limited to two times a day. Wine was regularly issued, first about 150 g per day, and then one small charm in two days. They also were constantly taped and biscuits. But the reserves of energy valuable products were limited, and their meger melted in front of her eyes. The meat of sands was served as a constant replenishment of the diet, which the Dutch was successfully caught near their home. They tried even the taste of Meduszhatin, but by negligence, apparently, used his liver, got the strongest hypervitaminosis, got sick and refused her in the future. In addition, their plans were not included to spend the rest of the life on the shore of the new land, and they were going home in the spring. Therefore, part of the provisions always kept about the reserve, on the way back. There was a significant day on May 1, when the navigators welded the latest meat brought with them.

Plates of Willem Barents 3RD Voyage (1597) Author Gerrit De Veer

The constant problem for European navigators was the protection against almost daily attacks of polar bears. These polar predators were greatly poisoned by life: the beasts arranged ambushes, pursued people going to the ship and returned from there, climbed to the vessel and penetrated the trim in search of edible, climbed the roof of the house, they climbed the door, attacked single sailors, and groups. Such attacks were and afternoon and at night. Therefore, the winters constantly put the guard from the "observers' watchdogs" and shot bears at the lowest opportunity, although the hunting methods used by them are: axes, peaks, muskets, small lead bullets, - was suitable for a boar or deer. They had to spend a lot of bullets before the next "enemy" could be soldered. Even the barber participated in bearish hunting. With the killed animals, the Dutch took the skins.

Gerrita de Fera Diary (1596)

At the end of wintering, when the short polar summer came and it already seemed that many deprivations were already behind and soon return home, the most experienced from the navigators, the soul and the leader of the expedition to Villem Barents became ill. In May, winter drivers started building two boats; After all, it was necessary to return to Europe. On May 29, they began to prepare for sailing to Holland, and on June 14, everything was ready: both boats, and a minimum of things, and provisions. 13 barrels with bread, 1 with cheese, 2 with olive oil, 6 with wine, 2 were taken from the provincial, 1 with wine, 2 with vinegar and "half of the pig." Touched on the road.

In general, their almost 2-milk rims on small emeted boats among the Arctic ice, storms and in complete deserted from the icy harbor in Kola - the feat of the human equal to which is still not in the history of navigation. But this path was overshadowed by several tragic events. Having reopening the cape of desire, the Dutch lost their commander of the Villem Barents; On June 20, he died simultaneously with his servant. Later they lost and part of provisions. Pickup to floating ice and unloading all his provisions on it, they did not notice how the ice was cracked and two barrels with bread were gone under the water, one with butter, one with wine, several cheese circles. Fortunately, the colonies of nesting seabirds began to come across the south, and the Dutch climbed into the sheer cliffs to collect eggs, shoot birds. On July 11, the last reserves of wine were distributed, each three glasses; It remained only one liter. They a little later celebrated the most real resurrection from non-existence, from ice captivity.

Barents "S Ship Among The Arctic Ice. (1598) Gerard de Veer

On July 26, both boats reached the Costin Ball Strait, where, about a miracle, they met the most Russian fishers-Pomorov, with whom they met during the first expedition in 1594 in the Strait of the Ugra Ball. Russian beasts provided their bread and gave smoked geese. With them the same Europeans cut and the last liter of wine. Oh, as it was, by the way, and how turned out to be delicious. From here, from the Western shores of the Southern Island of the New Earth, the path to Europe was already simpler. By August 2, 1597, Europeans had nothing left, except for bread and a small amount of cheese. On August 4, the Dutch was off the coast of the mouth of Pechors, and after 8 days they were able to buy a little fish with a swimming past, It saved them life, because In the past two or three weeks, Europeans did not eat anything. On September 18, the Dutch navigators were already in Kole, where they took them on board Yang Cornelius Rip, the former companion on the third expedition, who refused to swim to the east and in 1596 it remained to explore Svalbard. In memory of his journey, the Dutch left residents of the Northern Russian city in the north - the population of Kolya - one of its boats; Later, she still stood here in the living room. The Dutch's other boat was brought to their homeland, where she was kept in the museum until now.

Het Behouden Huys

On November 1, 1597, residents of Amsterdam observed a strange procession. According to the steps of the Palace of Prince Morita Orange, the then ruler of the Netherlands, 12 people rose in the wear wintful winter clothes and caps of white sand skins. It was returned from the last, third, travel around Europe and Siberia to China Dutch sailors. They were heading to the hall, where Burgomaster, members of the city council, Chancellor and Ambassador of His Majesty King Denmark, Norway, ready and Vandalov, were looking forward to them. These and other officials were invited to the palace for a solemn lunch and a story about the unusual adventures of Dutch navigators. Like the two previous attempts, the third, organized for the merchants' money, ended to no avail: Europeans did not fall through the Arctic Ocean. But they discovered for Europe and the entire civilized world, previously unknown land and the sea - the Arctic. It was the Dutch, driven by an outstanding navigator by Willem Barenz, for the first time told Europeans about unusual and mysterious animals, inhabable seas and land of the Arctic, - White bears, Laszha, Spring, Faceless Films of Birds on Rockies Northern Coast

Het Behouden Huys

Interesting the fate of the Ice Harbor bay in the summer of 1597 at the same time. For all documentary sources, he was the first in the history of mankind with a winter camping. The ice furnishings of the east of the cape of desire were almost always unfavorable for swimming houses here, wooden vessels, on which industrialists behind the maritime beast, fish and bird. And therefore only units were lucky so far in the north. It is curious that standing on the shore, at an altitude of 45 m above sea level, the house did not notice neither Sava Hoshkin, the first in the history of the New Earth, about 1760, which had rebuilt the archipelago around the cape of desire, nor Norwegian Edward Johannes, who passed 110 years after a hipper Around the northern tip of the archipelago to the Kara Sea and along the entire Eastern shore of the new land. Until 1871, no one was in it! For the first time, he noticed only the captain of another Norwegian fishing vessel of Elling Karlsen. He was found abandoned almost 300 years ago the Dutch house. According to his memories, the house was in such a great condition, as if the Dutch was recently left him. Taking the door and entering the inside, the Norwegians found all the items of the participants of the Dutch expedition standing in their places, i.e. So, as they portrayed their unknown artist, drawing on the memories of Gemuskerka, Gerrita de Fera and other navigaters engravings to illustrate books about their travels to the Arctic. Apparently, the door tightly closed in 1597 created a specific microclimate, in which the entire decor was preserved from the time of wintering in it of the Barents. There was no windows in the house, and from the outside the heat did not penetrate either a tightly closed door, nor through the chimney. But after 4 years, in 1875, the Gardiner came here on Schoon, the Gardiner found a completely broken house. What happened in 4 years? Apparently, in 1871, when the Norwegians became inside the house, they broke the thermal insulation, and through a loosely covered door began to flow warm air. All wooden structures were destroyed and quickly turned into a duch. Both expeditions made unique finds on the site of the Dutch's winter base: in the chimney the British, the Barents manuscript, which mentioned Gerrit de Fer, books, including the "Chinese history", maps, a lot of utensils, the remains of the Dutch flag, circus, press, weapons and etc. All invaluable Barents relics have been preserved until now and are the exhibits of the Museums of Holland. In 1879, the Dutch sailing schooner "Villem Barents" was held on the route of Villem Barents and his comrades for a new land. On its board, two memorial plates were delivered here. One of them, in memory of the opening of the 1st Dutch Expedition of the Orange Islands on August 1, 1594, was established on one of these islands. This historical monument was known for a long time. But about the second memorial plate, which was dedicated to the discovery of Cape Nassau, it became known quite recently. In 1999, the Arctic Expedition of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation found it on a small island in the Barents Islands Group, from the West Bank of the North Island of the Archipelago. Something in 1933 was found on the place of the wintering of the Barents and Russian geologists from the detachment of the Arctic Institute, which was headed by B.V. Miloradovich. They brought their finds to the Arctic Museum and Antarctic in St. Petersburg.

Behouden Huys In 1881 during the Dutch Expedition in this area during the first international polar year.

Sketch of Barents "Wintering (1917)

But all this concerned the house of the Barents and his comrades. But where is the expedition vessel, lured in ice in the fall of 1895 and an abandoned crew? After all, all the wintering it was in sight of them, and the Dutch was left with a new land when the ship was still kiss. Perhaps it was crushed with ice or nailed to the shore. But in any case, it died somewhere near the place of wintering. This assumption found a confirmation in the 1980s in 1980s, when scientists visited several times the coast of Ice Harbor - archaeologists, historians and environmentalists from Russia and Holland. It was them that they managed to find a fragment of the trimming of the Dutch ship. Several longitudinal boards fastened by crossings were discovered by half-plated coastal pebbles. This unique find is kept in the Museum Department of the Heritage Institute in Moscow. Conducted careful examination showed that the age of the wood found fragment of the vessel corresponds to the time of stay here of the Barents and his comrades. The texture of the material is also converged, from which the trimming of ships was built - oak. Perhaps the crushed wooden vessel case was then separated by waves, flow and ice. There were also guns on the ship. Where are they? They probably sank and rest at the bottom of the Bay of Ice Harbor, or nearby. Need further search.

Also without a trace, as the ship disappeared, the body of the Barents Villem and his servant of Clase Andris Gauteik, who died on June 20, 1597, disappeared, on June 20, 1597, on the way back from the new land to Europe. At this time, two boats of the Dutch have already reinforced the cape of desire and were south-west of modern Orange Islands. Gerrit de Ferr in his book published on his returning to his homeland wrote that Villem Barents and his servant were buried in the "Ice Tomb." What does it mean? Until now, scientists of different professions break over this mystery. In 1995 and 1998, Russian and Dutch scientists, among whom were the author of this article, tried to find graves or burials of the Grand Commander and his servants. We climbed all the coast, several tens of kilometers away from foreigners to Cape desire, but did not find any traces of possible burials.

Last document written by Barents and Heemskerk

Alsoe (WY) Van Borgemeestern Van AM (Ster) Dam Waren (?)
Ghesonden ... An ... 1 (59) ... om by (n) OERDEN Naer
De Landen Van Chijna Te Var (EN) ... SOE EST D (AT)
Wij Naer Groete Moeyte Ende Geen (Cleenen) Perijckel ...
GheComen Sijn Om de West Van Nov (a) (Zembla) Meenende
Noch Alsoe Bij de Cost Van Tartrie (N) ... Ig ... ES TE
Seylen Naer Voerschreven Landen ... La ... Ntlijck
Ghecommen Op Deze Plaet (s) ... Op Den ... DE 26
Augus ... Boven Gen ... Waer Ons
Den ... Ende ... NS SOE (?)
Dapperlick ... GECOM ... INE ... IJS ...
Besetten ... Ende Wij ... Desen NOE (T)
Gedwongen Sijn Geweest Een H (UY) S (TE) Bouwen OM
ONS Lijff de Wynter Over Daeri (NN) E (Te) Salveren Indien
Tmogelijck Waer Van Coude (?) ... int HUYS GHE-
Woent Van Den - 12 - October Anno - 1596 -
Den Heelen Wynter Over Totten - 13 ...
Des Naestvolgenden Jaers Anno - 97 -...
Doen Ons Schip Noch Al Vast In (T "IJS) Besloten
Lach Met Ons Schuyt Ende Boet Van Hier GE (Zeilt)
Om Weder Thuys Te Mogen Coemen, Onse Godt
GesonTheyt in Ons Vaderlant Brengen, Amen.
Nota, Dezen Hoeck Daer Wij Waren ...
Laeg ... Op Den 76 grad d ...
Breeden ...
Veerlijk ...
Nova Zen ... B.a ... Suydel

JA ... Heemskerck.

(Transcriptie UIT L "Honoré Naber, S. P. (1917) Reizen Van Willem Barents, Jacob Van Heemskerck, Jan Cornelisz. Rijp en Anderen Naar Het Noorden 1594-1597. Deel II. Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff)
Date 13 June 1597 (1597-06-13)
Source Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Author Willem Barendz
Jacob Van Heemskerck

This may be several reasons. The climate at the time of Barents swimming in the northeastern part of the Barents Sea was much colder than modern. Almost all the land of the North Island of the New Earth (or most of it) was occupied by the covering glaciers, whose languages \u200b\u200bwere descended to the sea and spread over its surface for hundreds and thousands of meters from the coast. It is possible that the Dutch people returning after the multi-month wintering in the ice harbor were simply unable to examine the surrounding winds of the ice and could not distinguish the land covered with a glacier, from a floating solder. In this case, they dug graves for their dead comrades either in ice falling, either in the end of the Gletcher, which gathered from the sushi to the surface of the sea, where they found perpetual rest. After all, the Dutch of the Glacier's Big Ice Cape was taken, "floating" on the surface of the sea and escape from the shore into the sea a few kilometers. Now from the Dutch "Greater Ice Cape" there is no trace: the glacier has decreased in size, his language, as it were, "drawn up" into the land and retreated the islands into several hundred meters. A large icy cape on modern maps is already called the usual sushi ledge. Or did European navigators do not get to the sushi, since there were ice floes around their boats, staring at each other and threatening with the slightest advances to crush fragile boats? Apparently, the place where the Barents and his servant were buried and will remain one of the numerous riddles of the Arctic.

Monument to Willem Barents, Vardø, Norway.

Bust Willlem Barents. Warde, Norway

Barents Fate (not without the help of De Fera) voted the great posthumous glory of the sea primacy, in 1853 he received his name; as well as secondary (after Russian Arctic seating) opening Svalbard. Twice the navigator became a record holder to the north into the water of the Barents Sea (1594) and the Arctic Bass. (1596); The first fell almost the entire strongly rugged Western (approx. 1500 km) and the northern coastal line of the new land, as well as the short sections of Eastern (100 km) and the South (50 km) coast.

This made it possible for the first time to establish a length (approx. 1000 km) and the northeastern strike of the archipelago. In the "asset" of the navigator - the first historically proven wintering of Western Europeans in high latitudes of the Arctic. The daily records of the weather on the weather, especially the direction of the winds, were the first meteorological observations carried out in Russia. For several centuries, they remained the only material characterizing the climate of the northern part of the new land.

Water construction in Moscow at the end of the XVII century
Part 6 -
Part 7 -

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