
Na electrons. Electronic atom configurations. Electronic structure of an oxygen atom

Electronic configuration Atom is a numerical representation of its electronic orbitals. Electronic orbitals are areas of different shapes located around the atomic nucleus in which the electron is mathematically likely. The electronic configuration helps to quickly and easily say to the reader, how many electronic orbitals have at the atom, as well as determine the number of electrons located on each orbital. After reading this article, you master the method of compiling electronic configurations.


The distribution of electrons with the help of the periodic system D. I. Mendeleev

    Find the atomic number of your atom. Each atom has a certain number of electrons associated with it. Find a symbol of your atom in the Mendeleev table. Atomic number is an integer positive number, starting from 1 (in hydrogen) and increasingly increasingly at each subsequent atom. Atomic number is the number of protons in the atom, and, therefore, it is also the number of electrons of an atom with a zero charge.

    Determine the atom charge. Neutral atoms will have as many electrons as shown in the Mendeleev table. However, the charged atoms will have a greater or smaller number of electrons - depending on the size of their charge. If you are working with a charged atom, add or subtract the electrons as follows: add one electron to each negative charge and subtract one to each positive.

    • For example, a sodium atom with charge -1 will have an additional electron in addition To its base atomic number 11. In other words, in the amount of the atom there will be 12 electrons.
    • If we are talking about the sodium atom with charge +1, from the base atomic number 11 you need to take one electron. Thus, at the atom will be 10 electrons.
  1. Remember the basic list of orbital. As the atom increases the number of electrons, they fill various sublayers of an atom electronic shell according to a certain sequence. Each sublayer of the electronic shell, being filled, contains an even number of electrons. There are the following suggested:

    Observe the e-configuration record. Electronic configurations are recorded in order to clearly reflect the amount of electrons on each orbital. The orbitals are recorded in series, and the number of atoms in each orbital is written as the upper index to the right of the orbital name. Completed electronic configuration has a form of a sequence of reference and upper indexes.

    • For example, the simplest electronic configuration: 1S 2 2S 2 2P 6. This configuration shows that there are two electrons, two electron - on 2s and six electrons on the 2P 2p. 2 + 2 + 6 \u003d 10 electrons in sum. This is an electronic configuration of a neutral neon atom (Nuclear Nuclear Number - 10).
  2. Remember the order of orbitals. Keep in mind that electronic orbitals are numbered in ascending order of the electronic shell number, but are located ascending energy. For example, the filled orbital 4S 2 has a lower energy (or less mobile) than partially filled or filled 3D 10, so the orbital 4S orbital is written. As soon as you know the order of orbitals, you can easily fill them in accordance with the number of electrons in the atom. The order of filling orbitals is as follows: 1S, 2S, 2P, 3S, 3P, 4S, 3D, 4P, 5S, 4D, 5P, 6S, 4F, 5D, 6P, 7S, 5F, 6D, 7P.

    • The electronic configuration of the atom in which all orbitals are filled, will have the following type: 1S 2 2S 2 2P 6 3S 2 3P 6 4S 2 3D 10 4P 6 5S 2 4D 10 5P 6 6S 2 4F 14 5D 10 6P 6 7S 2 5F 14 6D 10 7p 6.
    • Please note that the above recording when all orbitals are filled with the electronic configuration of the UUO element (shift) 118, the atom of the periodic system with the largest number. Therefore, this electronic configuration contains all the electronic references of a neutrally charged atom known in our time.
  3. Fill orbital according to the number of electrons in your atom. For example, if we want to record the electronic configuration of the neutral calcium atom, we must start with the search for its atomic number in the Mendeleev table. Its atomic number is 20, so we will write the configuration of an atom with 20 electrons according to the above order.

    • Fill the orbital according to the above order until you reach the twentieth electron. On the first 1s orbitals there will be two electrons, 2s orbitals are also two, 2p - six, on 3S - two, 3p - 6, and 4S - 2 (2 + 2 + 6 +2 +6 + 2 \u003d 20 .) In other words, the electronic calcium configuration is: 1S 2 2S 2 2P 6 3S 2 3P 6 4S 2.
    • Please note: orbitals are located in an increase in energy. For example, when you are ready to go to the 4th energy level, you first write 4s orbital, and then 3D. After the fourth energy level, you go to the fifth, on which the same order is repeated. This happens only after the third energy level.
  4. Use the Mendeleev table as a visual tip. You probably have already noticed that the form of the periodic system corresponds to the order of electronic sublevels in electronic configurations. For example, atoms in the second column on the left always end on "S 2", and atoms on the right edge of the fine middle part ends on "D 10", etc. Use the periodic system as a visual guide to writing configurations - as an order, according to which you add to orbitals, matches your position in the table. See below:

    • In particular, the two most left columns contain atoms whose electronic configurations ends with S-orbital, in the right block of the table presents atoms, whose configurations are submitted by p-orbital, and at the bottom of the atoms end with F-orbitals.
    • For example, when you record the electronic chlorine configuration, reflect on the following way: "This atom is located in the third row (or" period ") of the Mendeleev table. It is also located in the fifth group of the orbital block P of the periodic system. Therefore, its electronic configuration will end on. ..3p 5.
    • Please note: elements in the orbital area D and F table are characterized by energy levels that do not correspond to the period in which they are located. For example, the first row of elements with D-orbital elements corresponds to 3D orbital, although it is located in 4 period, and the first row of elements with F-orbitals corresponds to the orbital 4F, despite the fact that it is in the 6th period.
  5. Learn to reduce the writing of long electronic configurations. Atoms on the right edge of the periodic system are called noble gases. These elements are chemically very stable. To reduce the process of writing long electronic configurations, simply write in square brackets with a chemical symbol of the nearest noble gas with a smaller compared to your atom number of electrons, and then continue to write an electronic configuration of subsequent orbital levels. See below:

    • To understand this concept, it will be useful to write an example of a configuration. Let's write zinc configuration (atomic number 30) using a reduction including noble gas. Full zinc configuration looks like this: 1S 2 2S 2 2P 6 3S 2 3P 6 4S 2 3D 10. However, we see that 1S 2 2S 2 2P 6 3S 2 3P 6 is an electronic configuration of argon, noble gas. Just replace part of the recording of the electronic zinc configuration with a chemical argon symbol in square brackets (.)
    • So, the zinc electronic configuration recorded in abbreviated form has the form: 4S 2 3D 10.
    • Consider if you write the electronic configuration of noble gas, say, Argon, it is impossible to write! It is necessary to use a reduction in the noble gas facing this element; For Argon it will be neon ().

    Using the Periodic Table Adomah

    1. Lighten the Peromah periodic table. This method of recording an electronic configuration does not require memorization, however requires the presence of a converted periodic table, since in the traditional table of Mendeleev, starting at the fourth period, the period number does not correspond to the electronic shell. Find the Adomah periodic table - a special type of periodic table developed by scientist Valery Zimmerman. It is easy to find by a short search on the Internet.

      • In the periodic table Adomah, horizontal rows represent groups of elements, such as halogens, inert gases, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, etc. The vertical columns correspond to electronic levels, and the so-called "cascades" (diagonal lines connecting blocks S, P, D and F) correspond to the periods.
      • Helium moved to hydrogen, since both of these elements are characterized by a 1s orbital. The blocks of periods (S, P, D and F) are shown on the right side, and the level numbers are given at the base. Elements are represented in rectangles numbered from 1 to 120. These numbers are conventional atomic numbers that represent the total number of electrons in the neutral atom.
    2. Find your atom in the Adomah table. To record the electronic configuration of the item, find it symbol in the Adomah periodic table and cross all the items with a large atomic number. For example, if you need to record the ERBIA electronic configuration (68), cross all the elements from 69 to 120.

      • Pay attention to the numbers from 1 to 8 at the base of the table. These are electronic levels, or speaker numbers. Ignore the speakers that contain only crossed elements. For Erbia, there are columns with numbers 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.
    3. Consider orbital sublevels to your item. Looking at the blocks of the blocks, the on the right of the table (S, P, D, and F), and on the number of the speakers shown at the base, ignore the diagonal lines between the blocks and disperse the columns on the column blocks, listing them in the bottom of the bottom up. And again ignore the blocks in which all the elements are crossed out. Write down the column blocks, ranging from the number of the column, followed by the block symbol, thus: 1S 2S 2P 3S 3P 3D 4S 4P 4D 4D 4F 5S 5P 6S (for Erbia).

      • Please note: the ER electronic configuration above is recorded in ascending order of the electronic sublayer. It can also be written in the order of filling orbital. To do this, follow the cascades from the bottom up, and not by the speakers when you record the blocks columns: 1S 2 2S 2 2P 6 3S 2 3P 6 4S 2 3D 10 4P 6 5S 2 4D 10 5P 6 6S 2 4F 12.
    4. Consider electrons for each electronic sublevel. Calculate the items in each block-column that were not deleted by attaching one electron from each item, and write their number next to the block symbol for each block-column in this way: 1S 2 2S 2 2P 6 3S 2 3P 6 3D 10 4S 2 4P 6 4D 10 4F 12 5S 2 5P 6 6S 2. In our example, this is an electronic configuration of Erbia.

    5. Consider incorrect electronic configurations. There are eighteen typical exceptions related to the electronic configurations of atoms in a state with the lowest energy, also called the main energy state. They do not obey the overall rule only by the last two-three positions occupied by electrons. In this case, the actual electronic configuration assumes the location of the electrons in a state with lower energy in comparison with the standard atom configuration. Atom-exceptions include:

      • CR(..., 3D5, 4S1); Cu.(..., 3D10, 4S1); NB.(..., 4d4, 5s1); Mo.(..., 4d5, 5s1); Ru(..., 4d7, 5s1); Rh.(..., 4d8, 5s1); Pd.(..., 4d10, 5s0); AG(..., 4d10, 5s1); LA(..., 5d1, 6s2); CE(..., 4F1, 5D1, 6S2); GD.(..., 4F7, 5D1, 6S2); AU.(..., 5d10, 6s1); AC(..., 6d1, 7s2); TH.(..., 6d2, 7s2); PA(..., 5F2, 6D1, 7S2); U.(..., 5f3, 6d1, 7s2); NP.(..., 5f4, 6d1, 7s2) and Cm.(..., 5f7, 6d1, 7s2).
    • To find the atomic number of an atom when it is recorded in the form of an electronic configuration, simply fold all the numbers that go beyond the letters (S, P, D, and F). It works only for neutral atoms, if you are dealing with an ion, then nothing will happen - you will have to add or subtract the number of additional or lost electrons.
    • The number going beyond the letter is the top index, do not make an error in the control.
    • "Stability semi-filled" sublevel does not exist. This simplification. Any stability, which relates to "half filled" sublevels, is due to the fact that each orbital is occupied by one electron, therefore the repulsion between electrons is minimized.
    • Each atom is committed to a stable state, and the most stable configurations have filled with sud and p (S2 and P6). There are such configuration for noble gases, so they rarely react and in the Mendeleev table are located on the right. Therefore, if the configuration ends with 3p 4, then it requires two electrons to achieve a stable state (in order to lose six, including the electrons of the S-sub-lineage, will need more energy, so it is easier to lose it easier). And if the configuration ends on 4D 3, then it is necessary to lose three electrons to achieve a stable state. In addition, semi-filled suits (S1, P3, D5 ..) are more stable than, for example, P4 or P2; However, S2 and P6 will be even more stable.
    • When you deal with the ion, it means that the number of protons is not equal to the number of electrons. Atom charge in this case will be depicted on top to the right (usually) from the chemical symbol. Therefore, the antimony atom with charge is +2 has an electronic configuration 1S 2 2S 2 2P 6 3S 2 3P 6 4S 2 3D 10 4P 6 5S 2 4D 10 5P 1. Please note that 5p 3 has changed to 5p 1. Be careful when the configuration of the neutral atom ends on the slips other than S and p. When you take electrons, you can pick them up only with valence orbital (S and P orbitals). Therefore, if the configuration ends with 4S 2 3D 7 and the atom receives +2 charges, the configuration will end 4S 0 3D 7. Note that 3D 7 not Changes, instead, S-orbital electrons are lost.
    • There are conditions when the electron is forced to "go to a higher energy level". When the sublayer lacks one electron to half or full of completion, take one electron from the nearest s or p- sublayer and move it to that sublayer to which an electron is necessary.
    • There are two e-configuration recording options. They can be recorded in order of increasing the number of energy levels or in order to fill electronic orbitals, as shown above for Erbia.
    • You can also record the electronic configuration of the element by writing only the valence configuration, which is the last S and P sublayer. Thus, the valence configuration of antimony will have a view of 5s 2 5p 3.
    • Ions are not the same. It is much more difficult with them. Skip the two levels and act by the same scheme depending on where you started, and on how large the number of electrons.

6.6. Features of the electronic structure of chromium, copper atoms and some other elements

If you carefully looked at Appendix 4, then, probably, we noticed that at the atoms of some elements, the sequence of filling electrons of orbitals is broken. Sometimes these violations are called "exceptions", but it is not so - no exceptions from the laws of nature does not happen!

The first element with such a disorder is chrome. Consider more of its electronic structure (Fig. 6.16 but). At the chromium atom on 4 s.-Provers are not two, as it should be expected, but only one electron. But on 3. d.-provine five electrons, but this sublevel is filled after 4 s.-Production (see Fig. 6.4). To understand why this happens, let's see what the electronic clouds 3 are represented d.-Production of this atom.

Each of five 3 d.- Poland in this case is formed by one electron. As you already know from § 4 of this chapter, the general electronic cloud of such five electrons has a spherical shape, or, as they say, spherically symmetrically. By the nature of the distribution of electron density in different directions, it looks like 1 s.-Eho. The energy of a suite, the electrons of which form such a cloud, turns out to be less than in the case of a less symmetric cloud. In this case, the energy of the orbitals 3 d.-Production equal to energy 4 s.-Ibed. In case of symmetry violation, for example, when the sixth electron appears, the energy of the orbital d.-Production again becomes more than energy 4 s.-Ibed. Therefore, at the manganese atom, the second electron appears again on 4 s.-Ao.
Sphoric symmetry has a common cloud of any subproduction filled with electrons both half and completely. A decrease in energy in these cases is common and does not depend on whether by half or completely filled with electrons of any kind. And if so, the next violation we should look for at the atom, in the electronic shell of which the last "comes" the ninth d.-electron. And indeed, at the copper atom on 3 d.-provine 10 electrons, and on 4 s.-Provers only one (Fig. 6.16 b.).
Reducing the energy of the orbitals is fully or half the filled sublevel is the cause of a number of important chemical phenomena, with some of which you will also get acquainted.

6.7. External and valence electrons, orbitals and sublevels

In the chemistry, the properties of isolated atoms, as a rule, are not studied, since almost all atoms, entering the composition of various substances, form chemical bonds. Chemical bonds are formed in the interaction of electronic shells of atoms. All atoms (except hydrogen) are not at the formation of chemical ties, not all electrons take part: Bora is three electrons out of five, carbon is four out of six, and, for example, barium is two out of fifty six. These "active" electrons are called valence electrons.

Sometimes valence electrons are confused with externalelectrons, and this is not the same thing.

Electronic clouds of external electrons have a maximum radius (and the maximum value of the main quantum number).

It is the external electrons that take part in the formation of communication in the first place, if only because, with rapprochement of atoms, electronic clouds formed by these electrons come into contact above all. But together with them, part of electrons can also participate in education antichenous(penultimate) layer, but only if they have an energy that does not differ from the energy of external electrons. And those and other electrons of the atom are valence. (Lantanoids and actinides are even some "bridal" electrons)
The energy of valence electrons is much larger than the energy of other electrons of the atom, and each other valence electrons by energy differ significantly less.
External electrons are always valence only if the atom can form chemical bonds in general. Thus, both electrons of the helium atom are external, but it is impossible to name their valence, since the helium atom does not form any chemical bonds.
Valented electrons occupy valental orbitalswhich in turn form valenny Slovennel.

As an example, consider an iron atom, the electronic configuration of which is shown in Fig. 6.17. From the electrons of the iron atom, the maximum main quantum number ( n.\u003d 4) have only two 4 s.-Electron. Consequently, they are the external electrons of this atom. Outer orbitals of iron atom - all orbitals with n. \u003d 4, and external sublocks - all the sublevels formed by these orbital, i.e. 4 s.-, 4p.-, 4d.- and 4. f.-Pep.
External electrons - always valence, therefore 4 s.-Electrons atom of iron - valence electrons. And if so, then 3 d.-Electrons having a little big energy will also be valence. At the external level of the iron atom except completed 4 s.-Ao there are still free 4 p.-, 4d.- and 4. f.-Ao. All of them external, but valence among them only 4 r-Ao, since the energy of the remaining orbitals is much larger, and the appearance of electrons on these orbitals for an iron atom is not profitable.

So, at the iron atom
External electronic level - fourth,
External Sloves - 4 s.-, 4p.-, 4d.- and 4. f.-EPU,
External orbitals - 4 s.-, 4p.-, 4d.- and 4. f.-Ao
External electrons - two 4 s.-Electron (4. s. 2),
External electronic layer - fourth,
External electronic cloud - 4 s.-EEO
Valentines Sloves - 4 s.-, 4p.-, and 3 d.-EPU,
Valental orbitals - 4 s.-, 4p.-, and 3 d.-Ao
Valence electrons - two 4 s.-Electron (4. s. 2) and six 3 d.-Electrons (3. d. 6).

Valence ties can be filled with electrons partially or completely, and can and remain free. With an increase in the charge of the kernel, the energy values \u200b\u200bof all supremes are reduced, but due to the interaction of electrons among themselves, the energy of different sublevels decreases with different "speed". Energy completely filled d.- I. f.-proving is reduced so much that they cease to be valence.

As an example, consider the titanium and arsenic atoms (Fig. 6.18).

In the case of a titanium atom 3 d.-Epople is filled with electrons only partially, and its energy is greater than energy 4 s.-EPU, and 3 d.- Electrons are valence. Arsenic atom has 3 d.-EPU completely filled with electrons, and its energy is significantly less than energy 4 s.-EPU, and, therefore, 3 d.-Electrons are not valence.
In the examples, we analyzed valenny electronic configurationtitanium and arsenic atoms.

The valence electronic atom configuration is depicted as valence electronic formulaor in the form of energy chart of valence pins.

Valence electrons, external electrons, valence eppa, valence AO, valence electronic configuration of an atom, valence electronic formula, valence diagram of iron.

1. The energy diagrams compiled by you and in full electronic formulas of Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, S, Cl, AR atoms include external and valence electrons. Make the valence electronic formulas of these atoms. On energy diagrams, highlight parts corresponding to the energy diagrams of valence pins.
2. What is common between the electronic configurations of atoms a) Li and Na, B and Al, O and S, NE and Ar; b) zn and mg, sc and al, cr and s, ti and si; c) H and HE, Li and O, K and KR, SC and GA. What are their differences
3. How much valenny sublevels in the electronic shell of the atom of each of the elements: a) hydrogen, helium and lithium, b) nitrogen, sodium and sulfur, c) potassium, cobalt and germanium
4. How many valence orbitals are completely filled with atom a) boron, b) fluorine, c) sodium?
5. How much orbitals with an unpaired electron at an atom a) boron, b) fluorine, c) iron
6. How much free external orbital at the manganese atom? And how many free valenny?
7. For the next session, prepare a strip of paper 20 mm wide, divide it on cells (20? 20 mm), and apply a natural row of elements to this strip (from hydrogen to a pointener).
8. In each cell, place the symbol of the element, its sequence number and the valence electronic formula, as shown in Fig. 6.19 (Use Appendix 4).

6.8. Systematization of atoms on the structure of their electronic shells

The systematization of chemical elements is based on a natural range of elements. and principle of similarity of electronic shellstheir atoms.
With a natural number of chemical elements you are already familiar. Now let's get acquainted with the principle of similarity of electronic shells.
Considering the valence electronic formulas of atoms in ERE, it is easy to detect that in some atoms they differ only with the values \u200b\u200bof the main quantum number. For example, 1. s. 1 at hydrogen, 2 s. 1 in lithium, 3 s. 1 at sodium, etc. or 2 s. 2 2p. 5 at Fluoro, 3 s. 2 3p. 5 Chlorine, 4 s. 2 4p. 5 in bromine, etc. This means that the outer areas of the clouds of valence electrons of such atoms are very similar and differ only in size (and, of course, electron density). And if so, the electronic clouds of such atoms and the corresponding valet configurations can be called similar. For atoms of different elements with similar electronic configurations, we can record general valence electronic formulas: nS. 1 in the first case and nS. 2 nP. 5 in the second. Moving along the natural row of elements, you can find other groups of atoms with similar valet configurations.
In this way, in the natural row of elements, atoms with similar valence electronic configurations are regularly found.. This is the principle of similarity of electronic shells.
Let's try to identify the view of this regularity. To do this, we use the natural number of items made by you.

Ere begins with hydrogen, whose valence electronic formula 1 s. one . In search of such valet configurations we will cut the natural range of elements in front of elements with a total valence electronic formula nS. 1 (i.e., before lithium, before sodium, etc.). We got the so-called "periods" of the elements. Moving the resulting "periods" so that they become strings of the table (see Fig. 6.20). As a result, such electronic configurations will be only at the atoms of the first two columns of the table.

Let's try to achieve the similarity of valence electronic configurations and in other columns of the table. To do this, cut out from the 6th and 7th periods of elements with numbers 58 - 71 and 90-103 (they are filling 4 f.- and 5. f.-proving) and put them under the table. The characters of the remaining elements slide horizontally as shown in the figure. After that, atoms of elements facing one table of the table, such valence configurations will be obtained, which can be expressed by common valence electronic formulas: nS. 1 , nS. 2 , nS. 2 (n.–1)d. 1 , nS. 2 (n.–1)d. 2 and so on to nS. 2 nP. 6. All deviations from the total valence formulas are explained by the same reasons as in the case of chromium and copper (see paragraph 6.6).

As you can see, using ERE and applying the principle of similarity of electronic shells, we managed to systematize chemical elements. Such a system of chemical elements is called naturalSince it is based solely on the laws of nature. The table we obtained (Fig. 6.21) is one of the ways of graphic image of a natural system of elements and is called long-range table of chemical elements.

The principle of the similarity of electronic shells, the natural system of chemical elements ("periodic" system), a table of chemical elements.

6.9. Long-range table of chemical elements

We will get acquainted with the structure of the long-range table of chemical elements.
Lines of this table, as you already know, are called "periods" of elements. Periods are numbered by Arabic numbers from 1 to 7. In the first period there are only two elements. The second and third periods containing eight elements are called shortperiods. The fourth and fifth periods containing 18 elements are called longperiods. The sixth and seventh periods containing 32 elements are called overlongs Periods.
Columns of this table are called groupselements. Group numbers are indicated by Roman numbers with Latin letters A or V.
Elements of some groups have their general (group) names: elements of the IA group (Li, Na, K, RB, CS, FR) - alkaline elements(or elements of alkali metal); IIA elements of the group (CA, SR, BA and RA) - alkaline earth elements(or elements of alkaline earth metals) (The name "Alkali metals" and alkaline earth metals "belong to the simple substances formed by the corresponding elements and should not be used as the names of the groups of elements); elements of the group VIA (O, S, SE, TE, PO) - hallcohele, elements of the group VIIA (F, CL, BR, I, AT) - halogens, elements of the group VIIIA (HE, NE, AR, KR, XE, RN) - elements of noble gases. (The traditional name "noble gases" also belongs to simple substances)
Usually submitted to the bottom of the table items with sequence numbers 58 - 71 (CE - LU) are called lantanoids ("Next Lantane"), and elements with sequence numbers 90 - 103 (Th - LR) - aktinoids ("Next Activity"). There is a variant of a long-range table, in which lanthanoids and actinoids are not cut from Ere, but remain in their places in super long periods. Such a table is sometimes called supersensnoiodine.
The long-range table is divided into four blok(or sections).
s-block Includes IA elements and IIA groups with shared valence electronic formulas nS. 1 I. nS. 2 (s-elements).
r-block Includes elements with IIIa viiia group with common valence electronic formulas from nS. 2 nP. 1 BE nS. 2 nP. 6 (p-Elements).
d-block Includes elements with IIIB via IIB Group with common valence electronic formulas from nS. 2 (n.–1)d. 1 BE nS. 2 (n.–1)d. 10 (d-elements).
f-block Includes lanthanoids and actinoids ( f-elements).

Elements s.- I. p.-blocks form a-groups, and elements d. -block - B-groups of system of chemical elements. Everything f.- elements formally included in the IIIB group.
Elements of the first period - hydrogen and helium - are s.- elements and can be placed in IA and IIA groups. But helium is more likely placed in the group as an element that the period ends, which fully corresponds to its properties (helium, as well as all other substances formed by the elements of this group - noble gas). Hydrogen is often placed in the VIIA group, since in its properties it is essentially closer to halogens than alkaline elements.
Each of the period periods begins with an element having a valence configuration of atoms nS. 1, since it is precisely from these atoms that the formation of the next electronic layer begins, and ends with an element with valence configuration of atoms nS. 2 nP. 6 (except for the first period). This makes it easy to distinguish on the energy diagram of a group of sublevels filled with electrons at the atoms of each period (Fig. 6.22). Do this work with all the supremes depicted on the copies of Figure 6.4. Highlighted in Figure 6.22 of the subframe (except fully filled d.- I. f.-proving) are valence for atoms of all elements of this period.
Appearance in periods s.-, p.-, d.- or f.-Elements fully corresponds to the fill sequence s.-, p.-, d.- or f.-provine electrons. This feature of the system of elements allows, knowing the period and the group in which this element includes, immediately record its valence electronic formula.

Long-range table of chemical elements, blocks, periods, groups, alkaline elements, alkaline earth elements, chalcogen, halogens, elements of noble gases, Lantanoids, actinoids.
Write down the general valence electronic formulas of elements a) IVA and IVB groups, b) IIIA and VIIB groups?
2. What is common between the electronic configurations of the atoms of elements A and in groups? What do they differ?
3. How many groups of elements are included in a) s.-Block, b) r-block, c) d.-block?
4. Conduct Figure 30 in the direction of increasing the energy of the supreme and highlight the groups of sublevels filled with electrons in the 4th, 5th and 6th periods.
5. Transfer valence lint atoms a) calcium, b) phosphorus, c) titanium, d) chlorine, d) sodium. 6. Formulate how the S-, P- and D-elements differ from each other.
7. Equally, why the atom belongs to any element is determined by the number of protons in the nucleus, and not the mass of this atom.
8. For lithium, aluminum atoms, strontium, selenium, iron and lead, make up valence, complete and abbreviated electronic formulas and depict energy diagrams of valence pins. 9. What elements of the elements correspond to the following valence electronic formulas: 3 s. 1 , 4s. 1 3d. 1, 2s 2 2 p. 6 , 5s. 2 5p. 2 , 5s. 2 4d. 2 ?

6.10. Types of electronic formulas atom. Algorithm for their compilation

For different purposes, we need to know either complete or valence atom configuration. Each of these electronic configurations can be depicted as a formula and energy diagram. I.e, full electronic atom configurationexpress full electronic formula, or full energy diagram atom. In its turn, valence Electronic Atom Configurationexpress valentine(or, as it is often called, " brief) electronic formula atom, or diagram of valence sublayer atom(Fig. 6.23).

Previously, we accounted for electronic formulas atoms using the sequence numbers of the elements. At the same time, we determined the sequence of filling with sublayer electrons by energy diagram: 1 s., 2s., 2p., 3s., 3p., 4s., 3d., 4p., 5s., 4d., 5p., 6s., 4f., 5d., 6p., 7s. and so on. And only writing the complete electronic formula, we could record the valence formula.
The valence electronic formula of the atom, which is most often used, more convenient to record, based on the position of the element in the system of chemical elements, along the coordinates of the period - group.
Consider in detail how it is done for items. s.-, p.- I. d.-blocks.
For elements s.-block The valence electronic formula of the atom consists of three characters. In general, it can be written as:

In the first place (at the site of a large cell) the number of the period is set (equal to the main quantum number of these s.-Electrons), and on the third (in the upper index) - the group number (equal to the number of valence electrons). Taking as an example atom of magnesium (3rd period, IIA group), we get:

For elements p.-block The valence electronic formula of the atom consists of six characters:

Here at the site of large cells is also raised by the number of the period (equal to the main quantum number of these s.- I. p.-Electrons), and the number of the group (equal to the number of valence electrons) turns out to be equal to the sum of the upper indices. For an oxygen atom (2nd period, VIA group) we get:

2s. 2 2p. 4 .

Valence electronic formula of most elements d.-Block can be written like this:

As in the previous cases, the number of the period is installed instead of the first cell (equal to the main quantum number of these s.-Electrons). The number in the second cell turns out to be less, since one is less than the main quantum number of these d.-Electrons. The group number here is also equal to the amount of indexes. Example - Valence electronic Titan formula (4th period, IVB Group): 4 s. 2 3d. 2 .

The group number is equal to the amount of indexes and for the VIB elements of the group, but they are like you remember on the valence s.-Provers only one electron, and general valence electronic formula nS. 1 (n.–1)d. five . Therefore, the valence electronic formula, for example, molybdenum (5th period) - 5 s. 1 4d. 5 .
It is also easy to make a valence electronic formula of any element IB group, for example, gold (6th period)\u003e -\u003e 6 s. 1 5d. 10, but in this case you need to remember that d.- electrons at the atoms of the elements of this group still remain valence, and some of them can participate in the formation of chemical bonds.
General valence electronic formula of atoms of elements of group IIB - nS. 2 (n. – 1)d. ten . Therefore, a valence electronic formula, for example, zinc atom - 4 s. 2 3d. 10 .
The overall rules are subject to valence electronic formulas of the elements of the first triad (Fe, CO and Ni). Iron, element VIIIB group, valence electronic formula 4 s. 2 3d. 6. At the cobalt atom - one d.-Electron more (4 s. 2 3d. 7), and at the nickel atom - for two (4 s. 2 3d. 8).
Using only by these rules for writing valence electronic formulas, it is impossible to compile electronic formulas of atoms of some d.-Elements (NB, RU, RH, PD, IR, PT), as they have due to the desire for highly-sensitive electronic shells filling with electron blasting sublevels have some additional features.
Knowing the valence electronic formula, and the complete electronic formula of the atom can be recorded (see below).
Often, instead of bulky complete electronic formulas write down abbreviated electronic formulasatoms. To compile them, in the electron formula, all electrons of an atom other than valence are placed in the square brackets and part of the electronic formula corresponding to the electronic formula of the atom of the last element of the preceding period (the element forming the noble gas) is replaced by the symbol of this atom.

Examples of electronic formulas of different types are shown in Table 14.

Table 14. Examples of electronic formulas of atoms

Electronic formulas



1s. 2 2s. 2 2p. 3

2s. 2 2p. 3

2s. 2 2p. 3

1s. 2 2s. 2 2p. 6 3s. 2 3p. 5

3s. 2 3p. 5

3s. 2 3p. 5

1s. 2 2s. 2 2p. 6 3s. 2 3p. 6 4s. 2 3d. 5

4s. 2 3d. 5

4s. 2 3d. 5

1s. 2 2s. 2 2p. 6 3s. 2 3p. 6 3d. 10 4s. 2 4p. 3

4s. 2 4p. 3

4s. 2 4p. 3

1s. 2 2s. 2 2p. 6 3s. 2 3p. 6 3d. 10 4s. 2 4p. 6

4s. 2 4p. 6

4s. 2 4p. 6

Algorithm for the preparation of electronic formulas of atoms (on the example of an iodine atom)




Determine the coordinates of the atom in the table of elements.

Period 5th, group VIIA

Make a valence electronic formula.

5s. 2 5p. 5

Please add the characters of the internal electrons in the sequence of filling them as prying.

1s. 2 2s. 2 2p. 6 3s. 2 3p. 6 4s. 2 3d. 10 4p. 6 5s. 2 4d. 10 5p. 5

Considering the reduction of energy fully filled d.- I. f.-proving, write a complete electronic formula.

Mark valence electrons.

1s. 2 2s. 2 2p. 6 3s. 2 3p. 6 3d. 10 4s. 2 4p. 6 4d. 10 5s. 2 5p. 5

Select the electronic configuration of the preceding noble gas atom.

Write down the abbreviated electronic formula, combining in square brackets invalued electrons.

5s. 2 5p. 5

1. For the elements of the 2nd and 3rd periods, the third operation (without the fourth) immediately leads to a complete electronic formula.
2. (n. – 1)d. 10 -electrons remain valented at the atoms of elements of the IB group.

Full electronic formula, valence electronic formula, abbreviated electronic formula, algorithm for compiling electronic formulas atoms.
1. Suggest the valence electronic formula of an element a) of the second period of the third A group, b) of the third period of the second A group, c) of the fourth period of the fourth A group.
2. Suggest the abbreviated electronic formulas of magnesium atoms, phosphorus, potassium, iron, bromine and argon.

6.11. Short-product chemical element table

For 100 years since the opening of the natural system of elements, several hundreds of a wide variety of tables that graphically reflect this system were proposed. Of these, except for the long-range table, the so-called short-range table of elements D. I. Mendeleev has the highest distribution. A short-range table is obtained from a long-period, if the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th periods are cut to the elements of the IB group, push the resulting rows to be folded as before we have folded periods. The result is shown in Figure 6.24.

Lantanoids and actinoids here are also placed under the main table.

AT groupsthis table collected elements, at the atoms of which same number of valence electronsregardless of which orbitals these electrons are located. So, chlorine elements (typical element forming nonmetall; 3 s. 2 3p. 5) and manganese (element forming a metal; 4 s. 2 3d. 5), not possessing the selection of electronic shells, go here in the same seventh group. The need to distinguish such elements makes it allocate in groups subgroups: main- Analogs of A-groups of a long-range table and side - Analogues of B-groups. In Figure 34, the characters of the elements of the main subgroups are shifted to the left, and elements of side subgroups - to the right.
True, this arrangement of elements in the table has its advantages, because it is precisely the number of valence electrons first of all, the valence possibilities of the atom are determined.
The long-range table reflects the patterns of the electronic structure of atoms, the similarity and patterns of changing the properties of simple substances and compounds by groups of elements, a natural change in a number of physical quantities characterizing atoms, simple substances and connections throughout the element system and much more. A short-range table in this regard is less convenient.

Short-period table, main subgroups, side subgroups.
1. We convert a long-range table in the short-period element constructed from a natural range. Swipe the conversion.
2. Can it make a total valence electronic formula of atoms of elements of one group of short-period table? Why?

6.12. Atomic dimensions. Orbital radii


There are no clear boundaries at the atom. What is considered the size of an isolated atom? The atom core is surrounded by an electronic shell, and the shell consists of electronic clouds. EO size is characterized by a radius r. EO. All clouds of the outer layer have about the same radius. Consequently, the size of the atom can be characterized by this radius. It is called orbital radius atom(r. 0).

The values \u200b\u200bof the orbital radii atoms are shown in Appendix 5.
The radius of the EO depends on the charge of the core and on which orbital is an electron is located forming this cloud. Consequently, the orbital radius of the atom depends on the same characteristics.
Consider electronic shells of hydrogen and helium atoms. And in the hydrogen atom, and in the Helium atom electrons are located on 1 s.-Ao, and their clouds would have the same dimensions if the charges of the nuclei of these atoms were the same. But the charge of the kernel of the helium atom is twice as much as the charge of the nucleus of the hydrogen atom. According to the law of the Cool, the force of attraction, acting on each of the electrons of the helium atom, is twice as the force of attraction of an electron to the kernel of the hydrogen atom. Consequently, the radius of the helium atom should be much less than the radius of the hydrogen atom. And there is: r. 0 (He) / r. 0 (H) \u003d 0.291 E / 0.529 E 0.55.
At the lithium atom, the external electron is located on 2 s.-Ao, that is, forms a cloud of the second layer. Naturally, its radius should be more. Really: r. 0 (Li) \u003d 1,586 E.
At the atoms of the remaining elements of the second period external electrons (and 2 s., and 2 p.) Are accommodated in the same second electron layer, and the charge of the nucleus in these atoms with an increase in the sequence number increases. Electrons are stronger to the kernel, and naturally, the radii of atoms are reduced. We could repeat these reasoning and for atoms of the elements of the remaining periods, but with one refinement: the orbital radius is monotonously decreased when it is filling out each of the sublevels.
But if you distract from particularities, then the overall nature of the change in the size of atoms in the system of elements is as follows: with an increase in the ordinal number in the period orbital atoms decrease, and in the group - increase. The largest atom is the cesium atom, and the smallest atom of helium, but from the atoms of the elements forming chemical compounds (helium and neon they do not form), the smallest is the fluorine atom.
In the majority of atoms of elements in a natural row after lanthanides, orbital radii is somewhat less than expected, relying on common patterns. This is due to the fact that 14 lanthanides are located between lanthania and hafnium in the system of elements, and, therefore, the charge of the hafnium atom at 14 e. More than Lantana. Therefore, the external electrons of these atoms are attracted to the kernel more than they would be attracted in the absence of lanthanides (this effect is often called "lantanoid compression").
Note that when moving from atoms of elements VIIIA groups to atoms of elements IA groups, the orbital radius increases jumps like. Consequently, our selection of the first elements of each period (see § 7) turned out to be correct.

Orbital radius of an atom, its change in the system of elements.
1. From the data given in Appendix 5, build a graph of the orbital radius of an atom from the sequence number of the element for elements with Z. From 1 to 40. The length of the horizontal axis 200 mm, the length of the vertical axis is 100 mm.
2. How can I characterize the view of the resulting broken line?

6.13. Atomic ionization energy

If you inform the electron in an additional energy atom (as it can be done, you will learn from the course of physics), then the electron can go to another JSC, that is, the atom will be in excited state. This state is unstable, and the electron will almost immediately return to its initial state, and excessive energy is released. But if the energy reported by an electron is sufficiently large, the electron can completely break away from the atom, at the same time ionized, that is, turns into a positively charged ion ( cation). The energy required for this is called atom ionization energy(E. and).

Tear the electron from the only atom and measure the energy necessary for this is quite difficult, therefore practically determined and use molar energy ionization(E and M).

The molar energy of ionization shows what the smallest energy that is necessary for the separation of 1 mole of electrons from 1 praying atoms (one electron from each atom). This value is usually measured in kilodzhoules on mole. The molar energy of the ionization of the first electron for most elements is given in Appendix 6.
How does the atomic ionization energy depend on the position of the element in the system of elements, that is, how does it change in the group and period?
In physical meaning, the ionization energy is equal to the work that needs to be spent on overcoming the force of attraction of an electron to the atom when the electron is moved from an atom to an infinite distance from it.

where q. - Electron charge, Q. - the charge of the cation remaining after removing the electron, and r. O is an orbital atom radius.

AND q., I. Q. - permanent values, and we can conclude that, work on the separation of an electron BUT, and with it and the energy of ionization E. And, inversely proportional to the orbital radius of the atom.
After analyzing the values \u200b\u200bof the orbital radii atoms of various elements and the corresponding ionization energy values \u200b\u200bgiven in Appendices 5 and 6, you can make sure that the relationship between these values \u200b\u200bis close to proportional, but is different from it. The reason that our conclusion is not very good with the experimental data is that we used a very rough model that does not take into account many essential factors. But even this rough model allowed us to make the right conclusion that with an increase in the orbital radius, the atomic ionization energy decreases and, on the contrary, with a decrease in the radius - increases.
Since in the period with an increase in the orders of the orbital radius of atoms decreases, then the ionization energy is increasing. In the group, with an increase in the ordinal number, the orbital atoms radius, as a rule, increases, and ionization energy decreases. The greatest molar energy of ionization is the smallest atoms, helium atoms (2372 kJ / mol), and from atoms capable of forming chemical bonds - at the fluorine atoms (1681 kJ / mol). The smallest - in the largest atoms, cesium atoms (376 kJ / mol). In the system of elements, the direction of increasing ionization energy can be schedically represented:

In chemistry, it is important that the ionization energy characterizes the tendency of the atom to the return of "its" electrons: the greater the energy of the ionization, the less inclined the atom to give electrons, and vice versa.

Excited state, ionization, cation, ionization energy, ionization energy, changing ionization energy in the system of elements.
1. Using the data given in Appendix 6, determine which energy should be expeked to tear one electron from all sodium atoms with a total weight of 1 g.
2. Using the data given in Appendix 6, determine how many times more energy should be spent for separation by one electron from all sodium atoms weighing 3 g than from all potassium atoms of the same mass. Why is this attitude different from the relationship of the molar energies of the ionization of these same atoms?
3. According to the data given in Appendix 6, build a graph of the dependence of the molar energy of ionization from the sequence number for items with Z. From 1 to 40. The dimensions of the graph are the same as in the task to the previous paragraph. Make sure this schedule complies with the choice of "periods" of the element system.

6.14. Electron affinity energy


The second most important energy characteristics of the atom - electron affinity energy(E. with).

In practice, as in the case of ionization energy, a corresponding molar value is usually used - molar Energy Energy().

The molar energy of the gear affinity shows what the energy released when the electrons is connected to one pole of neutral atoms (one electron to each atom). Like the molar energy of ionization, this value is also measured in kilodzhoules on mole.
At first glance, it may seem that the energy should not be released, because the atom is a neutral particle, and there are no electrostatic forces between a neutral atom and a negatively charged electron. On the contrary, approaching the atom, the electron, it would seem, should be repelled from the same negatively charged electrons forming the electronic shell. In fact this is not true. Remember whether you ever deal with atomic chlorine. Of course not. After all, it exists only at very high temperatures. Almost does not occur in nature even more stable molecular chlorine - if necessary, it has to be obtained using chemical reactions. And with sodium chloride (cooking salt) you have to deal constantly. After all, the cook salt every day is consumed by a person with food. And in nature it is found quite often. But after all, the composition of the table salt includes chloride ions, that is, chlorine atoms, which attached one "excess" electron. One of the reasons for this such prevalence of chloride ions is that chlorine atoms have a tendency to connect electrons, that is, the formation of chloride ions from chlorine atoms and electrons is distinguished by energy.
One of the reasons for the release of energy is already known to you - it is associated with an increase in the symmetry of the electronic sheath of the chlorine atom when switching to one-contact anionu. At the same time, how do you remember, energy 3 p.-Production decreases. There are other more complex reasons.
Due to the fact that several factors affect the value of the energy of the germination of an electron, the nature of changes in this value in the system of elements is much more complex than the nature of the change in ionization energy. In this you can verify, after analyzing the table shown in Appendix 7. But since the value of this value is determined, first of all, by the same electrostatic interaction as the value of the ionization energy, the change in it in the system of elements (at least in Groups) in general terms with a change in the energy of ionization, that is, the energy of affinity to the electron in the group is reduced, and in the period - increases. It is maximum at the fluorine atoms (328 kJ / mol) and chlorine (349 kJ / mol). The nature of the change in the energy of an electron affinity in the system of elements resembles the nature of the change of ionization energy, that is, the direction of increasing energy of the electron affinity can be schematically replicated like this:

2. In the same scale on the horizontal axis as in previous tasks, build a graph of the dependence of the molar energy of the gear affinity from the sequence number for the atoms of elements with Z. From 1 to 40 using Appendix 7.
3. How does physical meaning have negative energy of an electron affinity?
4.What of all atoms of the elements of the 2nd period, the negative values \u200b\u200bof the molar energy of the gear affinity have only beryllium, nitrogen and neon?

6.15. The inclination of atoms to the return and addition of electrons

You already know that the tendency of the atom to give his own and attach other electrons depends on its energy characteristics (the energy of the ionization and energy of the germination of the electron). What atoms are more inclined to give their electrons, and what - to accept other people?
To answer this question, we will bring in table 15 all that we know about changing these inconsistencies in the system of elements.

Table 15. Changes in the tendency of atoms to the return of their and attaching other people's electrons

Now consider how many electrons an atom can give.
First, in chemical reactions, the atom can give only valence electrons, as it is extremely unprofitable to give the rest. Secondly, the atom "easily" gives (if inclined) only the first electron, the second electron it gives much more difficult (by 2-3 times), and the third is even more difficult (4-5 times). In this way, atom can give one, two and, much less often, three electrons.
And how many electrons at an atom can take?
First, in chemical reactions, an atom can take electrons only on valence tips. Secondly, the release of energy occurs only when the first electron is attached (and then not always). The connection of the second electron is always energy unprofitable, and the third is all the more. However, atom can attach one, two and (extremely rare) three electronsAs a rule, as much as he does not have enough to fill his valence sublevels.
The energy costs for the ionization of atoms and to attach the second or third electron to them are compensated due to the energy that is released during the formation of chemical bonds. 4. How does an electronic shell change in potassium atoms, calcium and scandium at the returns of their electrons? Give the return equations by electrons atoms and abbreviated electronic formulas of atoms and ions.
5. How does an electron shell change in chlorine atoms, sulfur and phosphorus when they attach other electrons? Bring the equations of electrons connections and abbreviated electronic formulas of atoms and ions.
6. Used Appendix 7, determine which energy is separated when electrons connected to all sodium atoms with a total weight of 1 g.
7. The use of Appendix 7, determine which energy it is necessary to cost for the separation of "unnecessary" electrons in 0.1 praying BR- ions?

The distribution of electrons by various AO is called electronic configuration atom. The electronic configuration with the smallest energy corresponds basic state Atom, the remaining configurations relate to excited states.

The electronic configuration of the atom is depicted in two ways - as electronic formulas and electronic diagrams. When writing electronic formulas, the main and orbital quantum numbers are used. The sublayer is denoted by the main quantum number (digit) and the orbital quantum number (corresponding to the letter). The number of electrons on the suite characterizes the upper index. For example, for the main state of the hydrogen atom, the electronic formula: 1 s. 1 .

More complete the structure of electronic levels can be described using electronic diagrams, where the distribution of subcoisers are represented as quantum cells. Orbital In this case, it is customary to portray the square, near which the referee is affixed. Subjects at each level should be slightly shifted in height, since their energy varies somewhat. The electrons are depicted by arrows or ↓ depending on the sign of the spin quantum number. Electronic diagram of hydrogen atom:

The principle of constructing electronic configurations of multi-electronic atoms is to add protons and electrons to the hydrogen atom. The distribution of electrons by energy levels and sublayers are subject to the previously discussed rules: the principle of lowest energy, the principle of Pauli and the rule of Hund.

Taking into account the structure of electronic configurations of atoms, all known elements in accordance with the value of the orbital quantum number of the last filled sublayer can be divided into four groups: s.- elements, p.- elements, d.- elements, f.- elements.

In the helium atom, not (z \u003d 2) the second electron takes 1 s.-Orbital, its electronic formula: 1 s. 2. Electronic diagram:

Helium ends the first shortest period of the periodic system of elements. The electronic helium configuration is indicated.

The second period opens lithium Li (Z \u003d 3), its electronic formula:
Electronic diagram:

The following are simplified electron diagrams of elements atoms, orbital one energy level of which are located at one height. Internal, fully completed sublevels, not shown.

After lithium it follows beryllium ve (z \u003d 4), in which an additional electron populates 2 s.-orbital. Electronic formula Ve: 2 s. 2

In the main state, the following electron boron in (z \u003d 5) takes 2 r- Sorbital, in: 1 s. 2 2s. 2 2p. one ; His electronic diagram:

The following five elements have electronic configurations:

C (Z \u003d 6): 2 s. 2 2p. 2 n (z \u003d 7): 2 s. 2 2p. 3

O (z \u003d 8): 2 s. 2 2p. 4 F (z \u003d 9): 2 s. 2 2p. 5

NE (z \u003d 10): 2 s. 2 2p. 6

The above electronic configurations are determined by the Rule of Hund.

The first and second energy levels of neon are completely filled. Denote its electronic configuration and will be used in the future for brief recording of electronic formulas of the elements atoms.

Sodium Na (z \u003d 11) and Mg (z \u003d 12) open the third period. External electrons occupy 3 s.-orbital:

Na (z \u003d 11): 3 s. 1

Mg (z \u003d 12): 3 s. 2

Then, starting with aluminum (z \u003d 13), Filled 3 r-prob. The third period ends with argon Ar (z \u003d 18):

Al (z \u003d 13): 3 s. 2 3p. 1

Ar (z \u003d 18): 3 s. 2 3p. 6

The elements of the third period differ from the elements of the second the fact that they have free 3 d.-Evubitals that can participate in the formation of a chemical bond. This explains the valented states exhibited by elements.

In the fourth period, in accordance with the rule ( n.+l.), in potassium k (z \u003d 19) and calcium sa (z \u003d 20) electrons occupy 4 s.-prob, and not 3 d.. Starting with scandium SC (Z \u003d 21) and ending with zinc Zn (z \u003d 30), it takes place 3 d.-Production:

Electronic formulas d.-Elements can be represented in ion form: the subclows are listed in the order of increasing the main quantum number, and with constant n. - in the order of increasing the orbital quantum number. For example, for Zn such a record will look like this:
Both of these entries are equivalent, but the previously given zinc formula correctly reflects the order of filling the sublevel.

In row 3. d.-Elements in chromium CR (Z \u003d 24) there is a deviation from the rule ( n.+l.). In accordance with this rule, the CR configuration should look like this:
It has been established that its real configuration -
Sometimes this effect is called an electron "failure". Such effects are explained by high resistance to half ( p. 3 , d. 5 , f. 7) and completely ( p. 6 , d. 10 , f. 14) filled with sublevels.

Deviations from the rule ( n.+l.) Other elements are observed (Table 2). This is due to the fact that with an increase in the main quantum number of differences between the energy of sublevels decrease.

Next occurs 4 p.-Production (GA - Kr). The fourth period contains only 18 elements. Similarly, filling 5 s.-, 4d.- and 5. p.- sublevels in the 18 elements of the fifth period. Note that energy is 5 s.- and 4. d.-probes are very close, and electron from 5 s.-Production can easily go to 4 d.-prob. On 5. s.-Products NB, Mo, TC, RU, RH, AG is only one electron. In main state 5 s.- PD printing is not filled. There is a "failure" of two electrons.

table 2

Exceptions from ( n.+l.) - Rules for the first 86 elements

Electronic configuration

by rule ( n.+l.)


4s. 2 3d. 4

4s. 2 3d. 9

5s. 2 4d. 3

5s. 2 4d. 4

5s. 2 4d. 5

5s. 2 4d. 6

5s. 2 4d. 7

5s. 2 4d. 8

5s. 2 4d. 9

6s. 2 4f. 1 5d. 0

6s. 2 4f. 2 5d. 0

6s. 2 4f. 8 5d. 0

6s. 2 4f. 14 5d. 7

6s. 2 4f. 14 5d. 8

6s. 2 4f. 14 5d. 9

4s. 1 3d. 5

4s. 1 3d. 10

5s. 1 4d. 4

5s. 1 4d. 5

5s. 1 4d. 6

5s. 1 4d. 7

5s. 1 4d. 8

5s. 0 4d. 10

5s. 1 4d. 10

6s. 2 4f. 0 5d. 1

6s. 2 4f. 1 5d. 1

6s. 2 4f. 7 5d. 1

6s. 0 4f. 14 5d. 9

6s. 1 4f. 14 5d. 9

6s. 1 4f. 14 5d. 10

In the sixth period after filling 6 s.- Cessia CS (Z \u003d 55) and barium Ba (z \u003d 56) is the next electron, according to the rule ( n.+l.), should take 4 f.-prob. However, Lanthan La (Z \u003d 57) an electron comes to 5 d.-prob. Half-filled (4 f. 7) 4f.-Product has increased resistance, therefore, Gadolinium Gd (z \u003d 64), following Europe, EU (Z \u003d 63), by 4 f.-Productory preserves the former number of electrons (7), and the new electron comes to 5 d.-probula, breaking the rule ( n.+l.). Terbium TB (Z \u003d 65), another electro takes 4 f.-probel and an electron transition occurs from 5 d.-Production (configuration 4 f. 9 6s. 2). Filling 4. f.-Products ends in Intrbia YB (z \u003d 70). The next electron of the LUTE system LU takes 5 d.-prob. Its electronic configuration differs from the configuration of the Lantane atom only fully filled 4 f.- Commerce.

Currently in the periodic system of elements D.I. Mendeleev under Scandia SC and yttrium y there are sometimes lutets (and not Lantant) as the first d.-Element, and all 14 elements in front of him, including Lantan, putting in a special group lantanoids Outside the periodic system of elements.

The chemical properties of the elements are determined mainly by the structure of external electronic levels. Changing the number of electrons on the third outside 4 f.-Promovine is poorly reflected in the chemical properties of the elements. Therefore, all 4. f.- elements are similar in their properties. Then in the sixth period, filling 5 d.-Production (HF - HG) and 6 p.-Production (TL - RN).

In the seventh period 7 s.-Product is filled with FRANCE FR (Z \u003d 87) and radium Ra (Z \u003d 88). Actinia has a deviation from the rule ( n.+l.), and another electron settles 6 d.-prob, not 5 f.. Next follows a group of elements (TH - NO) with filling 5 f.-Goods that form a family aktinoid. Note that 6 d.- and 5. f.- the sublevels have so close energies that the electronic configuration of actinide atoms is often not obeyed by the rule ( n.+l.). But in this case, the value of the exact configuration 5 f. t. 5d. m. not so important because it is quite poorly affecting the chemical properties of the element.

Loorensitia LR (Z \u003d 103) has a new electron enters 6 d.-prob. This element is sometimes placed in the periodic system under lutecium. The seventh period is not completed. Elements 104 - 109 unstable and their properties are little known. Thus, with an increase in the charge of the kernel, similar electronic structures of external levels are repeated periodically. In this regard, one should expect a periodic change in various properties of elements.

Periodic change in the properties of atoms of chemical elements

The chemical properties of the atoms of the elements are manifested in their interaction. Types of configurations of external energy levels of atoms determine the main features of their chemical behavior.

The characteristics of the atom of each element that determine its behavior in chemical reactions are the energy of ionization, an electrone affinity, electronegativity.

Ionization energy is the energy required for the separation and removal of the electron from the atom. The lower the ionization energy, the higher the reducing capacity of the atom. Therefore, ionization energy is a measure of the restorative capacity of the atom.

The ionization energy required for the separation of the first electron is called the first ionization energy I 1. The energy required for the separation of the second electron is called the second Ionization Energy I 2, etc .. In this case, the following inequality takes place

I 1.< I 2 < I 3 .

The separation and removal of the electron from the neutral atom occurs easier than from the charged ion.

The maximum value of ionization energy corresponds to noble gases. The minimum value of ionization energy has alkali metals.

Within one period, the energy of ionization changes nemonotonic. Initially, it decreases when moving from S-elements to the first P-elements. Then the subsequent p-elements it rises.

Within one group with an increase in the sequence number of the element, the ionization energy decreases, which is due to an increase in distance between the outer level and the core.

The affinity for the electron is energy (denoted by e), which is allocated when the electron is connected to the atom. Taking an electron, the atom turns into a negatively charged ion. The gear affinity in the period increases, and in the group, as a rule, decreases.

Halogens have the highest affinity for the electron. Attaching the missing sheath to complete the shell, they acquire the completed configuration of the noble gas atom.

Electricity is the sum of the energy of ionization and electrical affinity

Electricity is growing in the period and decrease in the subgroup.

Atoms and ions do not have strictly defined boundaries due to the electron wave nature. Therefore, the radii of atoms and ions is determined conditionally.

The greatest increase in the radius of atoms is observed in the elements of small periods, which occurs only an external energy level, which is characteristic of S- and P-elements. For D- and F-elements, a smoother increase in radius with increasing kernel charge is observed.

Within the subgroup, the radius of atoms increases, as the number of energy levels is growing.


Oxygen - The eighth element of the periodic table. Refers to nonmetallam. Located in the second period VI group A subgroups.

The sequence number is 8. The kernel charge is +8. Atomic weight - 15,997A.. In nature there are three oxygen isotop: 16 O, 17 O and 18 O, of which 16 o (99.762%) is the most common.

Electronic structure of an oxygen atom

Oxygen atom has two shells, as well as all elements located in the second period. The number of group -Vi (chalcogens) - indicates that 6 valence electrons are at the external electron level of the nitrogen atom. It has a high oxidative (above only fluorine).

Fig. 1. A schematic representation of the structure of the oxygen atom.

The electronic configuration of the main state is written as follows:

1S 2 2S 2 2P 4.

Oxygen - element of the P-family. The energy diagram for valence electrons in an unexcited state is as follows:

Oxygen has 2 pairs of paired electrons and two unpaired electrons. In all its compounds, oxygen exhibits valence II.

Fig. 2. Spatial image of the structure of an oxygen atom.

Examples of solving problems

Example 1.

Lewis symbol: electronic diagram: the only electron of hydrogen atom can take part in the formation of only one chemical bond with other atoms: Number of covalent ties that forms an atom in this connection characterizes it valence . In all compounds, the hydrogen atom is monovalent. Helium Helium, like hydrogen, is an element of the first period. In its only quantum layer, he has one s.-Orbital, on which there are two electrons with anti-parallel spins (meaning electronically). Lewis symbol: Not:. Electronic configuration 1. s.2, its graphic image: There are no unpaired electrons in the helium atom, there are no free orbital. Its energy level is completed. Atoms with a completed quantum layer cannot form chemical bonds with other atoms. They're called noble or inert gases. Helium is their first representative. Second period Lithium Atoms of all elements second Periods have twoenergy levels. The internal quantum layer is the completed energy level of the helium atom. As shown above, its configuration looks like 1 s.2, but abbreviated entry can also be used for its image :. In some literary sources, it is designated [K] (according to the name of the first electronic shell). The second quantum layer of lithium contains four orbital (22 \u003d 4): one s.and three r. Electronic configuration of a lithium atom: 1 s.22s.1 or 2 s.1. Using the last entry, only electrons of the outer quantum layer (valence electrons) are allocated. Lewis symbol for lithium - LI. Graphic image of electronic configuration:
Beryllium Electronic configuration - 2S2. Electronic diagram of an external quantum layer:
Boron Electronic configuration - 2S22R1. Atom boron can go to an excited state. Electronic diagram of an external quantum layer:

In an excited state, the boron atom has three unpaired electrons and can form three chemical bonds: BF3, B2O3. At the same time, the boron atom remains a free orbital, which can participate in the formation of communication on the donor-acceptor mechanism. Carbon Electronic configuration - 2S22P2. Electronic diagrams of the outer quantum layer of carbon atom mainly and excited states:

An unexcited carbon atom may form two covalent bonds due to the pairing of electrons and one - according to the donor-acceptor mechanism. An example of such a compound is carbon (II) oxide, which has a formula CO and is called carbon monoxide. More The structure will be considered in section 2.1.2. The excited carbon atom is unique: all orbitals of its external quantum layer are filled with unpaired electrons, i.e. The number of valence orbitals and valence electrons is equally. An ideal partner for him is a hydrogen atom, which has one electron at the only orbital. This explains their ability to form hydrocarbons. Having four unpaired electrons, carbon atom forms four chemical connections: CH4, CF4, CO2. In molecules of organic compounds, carbon atom is always in an excited state:
Nitrogen atom can not be excited, because In its external quantum layer there is no free orbit. It forms three covalent bonds due to the pairing of electrons:
Having two unpaired electrons in the external layer, the oxygen atom forms two covalent bonds:
Neon Electronic configuration - 2S22R6. Lewis symbol: electronic chart of an external quantum layer:

Neon atom has a completed external energy level and does not form chemical bonds with any atoms. This is the second noble gas. Third period Atoms of all elements of the third period have three quantum layers. The electronic configuration of two internal energy levels can be depicted as. The outer electronic layer contains nine orbitals, which are populated by electrons, obeying general laws. So, for the sodium atom, the electronic configuration is: 3S1, for calcium - 3S2 (in an excited state - 3S13R1), for aluminum - 3S23R1 (in an excited state - 3S13P2). In contrast to the elements of the second period, the atoms of the elements V - VII of the third period groups can exist both basically and in excited states. Phosphorus Phosphorus is an element of the fifth group. Its electronic configuration is 3S23P3. Like nitrogen, it has three unpaired electrons at an external energy level and forms three covalent bonds. An example is phosphine having a pH formula (compare with ammonia). But phosphorus, in contrast to nitrogen, in the outer quantum layer contains free D-orbital and can go to an excited state - 3s13p3d1:

This gives it the opportunity to form five covalent bonds in such, for example, compounds as P2O5 and H3ro4.

Sulfur The electronic configuration of the main state is 3S23P4. Electronic diagram:
However, he may be excited by translating the electron at the beginning with r- on the d.-Orbital (first excited state) and then with s.- on the d.-Orbital (second excited state):

In the first excited state, the sulfur atom forms four chemical bonds in such compounds as SO2 and H2SO3. The second excited state of the sulfur atom can be depicted using an electronic diagram:

Such a sulfur atom forms six chemical bonds in SO3 and H2SO4 compounds.

1.3.3. Electronic configurations of atoms of large elements periods THE FOURTH PERIOD

A period from potassium begins (19K) Electronic configuration: 1S22S22P63S23P64S1 or 4S1 and calcium (20CA): 1S22S22P63S23P64S2 or 4S2. Thus, in accordance with the Rule of Clekkovsky, after P-orbitals AR is filled with an external 4S-liner, which has less energy, because 4S orbital penetrates closer to the kernel; 3D sublayer remains blank (3D0). Starting from Scandium, 10 elements occur in the settlement of the 3D orbitals. They're called d-elements.

In accordance with the principle of consistently filling orbital, at the chromium atom, the electronic configuration must be 4S23D4, but it has a "deposit" of an electron, which consists in the transition of the 4S-electron to the 3D-orbital near energy (Fig. 11).

It was experimentally established that the states of the atom, in which P-, D-, F-orbitals are filled with half (P3, D5, F7), completely (P6, D10, F14) or free (P0, D0, F0), have increased resistance. Therefore, if atoms up to half-conversion or completion of the sublayer lacking one electron, it is observed with its "spock" from the previously filled orbital (in this case - 4S).

With the exception of CR and CU, all elements from Ca to Zn have the same number of electrons at the external level - two. This explains a relatively small change in properties in a number of transitional metals. However, for the listed elements of valentines are both 4S-electrons of external and 3D-electrons of the antisomerous subcoine (with the exception of the zinc atom, which has a third energy level completely completed).

31Ga. 4S23D104P1 32GE 4S23D104P2. 33as. 4S23D104P3

34se 4S23D104P4. 35Br. 4S23D104P5 36Kr. 4S23D104P6.

4D and 4F orbitals were free, although the fourth period was completed.

Fifth period

The sequence of filling orbitals is the same as in the previous period: the 5S orbital filled first ( 37RB. 5s1), then 4d and 5p ( 54xe. 5S24D105P6). The 5S and 4D orbitals are even closer in energy, therefore most of the 4D elements (Mo, Tc, RU, RH, PD, AG) have an electron transition from 5s to a 4D sublayer.

Sixth and seventh periods

In contrast, the previous sixth period includes 32 elements. Cesium and barium are 6S elements. The following energy favorable states are 6P, 4F and 5D. Contrary to the rule of Clekkovsky, Lanthan is not filled with 4F and 5D orbital ( 57LA 6S25D1), however, the following elements are filling 4f-suicide ( 58CE 6S24F2), on which fourteen possible electronic states. Atoms from cerium (CE) to Lutection (LU) are called Lantanoids - these are F-elements. In a series of lanthanides, sometimes the "spock" of the electron occurs, as well as in a row of D-elements. When the 4f-sublevel turns out to be completed, the 5D-sublevel (nine elements) continues to be filled and completed the sixth period, as well as any other, except for the first, six p-elements.

The first two s-elements in the seventh period are French and radium, followed by one 6D element - actinium ( 89AC. 7s26d1). For acting, fourteen 5f elements are actinoids. For actinoids, nine 6D elements should follow and the period should be completed six p-elements. The seventh period is unfinished.

The considered regularity of the formation of periods of the system by elements and filling atomic orbitals by electrons shows the periodic dependence of the electronic structures of atoms from the charge of the kernel.

Period - This is a combination of elements located in the order of increasing charges of atomic nuclei and characterized by the same value of the main quantum number of external electrons. At the beginning of the period are filled nS. -, and at the end - nP. -Evubitals (except for the first period). These elements form eight main (a) subgroups of the periodic system D.I. Mendeleeva.

Main subgroup - This is a combination of chemical elements located vertically and having the same number of electrons in the external energy level.

Within a period with an increase in the charge of the kernel and the increasing force of attraction to it of external electrons, the radii of atoms are reduced to the left of the direction, which in turn causes the weakening of metallic and increasing non-metallic properties. Behind atomic radius Take the theoretically calculated distance from the nucleus to the maximum of the electron density of the outer quantum layer. In groups from top to bottom, the number of energy levels increases, and, consequently, the atomic radius. In this case, metal properties are enhanced. The important properties of atoms that change periodically depending on the charges of atomic nuclei, the energy of ionization and an electrofinity to the electron will be considered in Section 2.2.

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