
Adjectives with Chive. Exceptions: In the words of Zainka and Painka, as well as in the word Binky, writes in the suffix letter and. Spelling of adjective suffixes

Adjective suffixes

The adjectives are replenishing the vocabulary of the Russian language as actively as the names of the nouns, due to the various methods of morphological education: from the foundations of nouns ( kind, plastic, bear) adjectives ( red-brown, sour-sweet), verbs ( wicked, deceptive, griming). The most productive way of education is suffixing. In this case, the suffixes are usually used depending on the caterinary basis. So, the adjectives are formed from the Sufifixes -One-, -nong-, -an - (- Jan-), -M-, -y-, - (- Ev-), - and etc.; from verbal - -the, -n, -th-, -im-, and etc.

The spelling of suffixes in the shameless and ungalled adjectives is governed by special rules

Sufifixes of adjectives formed from the names of nouns and adjectives

1. Sufifix is \u200b\u200bwritten by adjectives under stress, suffix

- - - without emphasis : playful, beautiful, plaxy, courteous, but: aluminum, mountainous, guest, mud, dolly, yeast, potassium, doodle, adhesive, pole, steering, soy, rod.

Exceptions: gracious, yurody.

2. Suffixes -the-, write only with vowels and (In the Russian language of suffixes "-v-", "-chev-" no): bizarre, sleepy, conscientious, reckless.

In adjectives gutta reader, emaley suffix -Ev-, And the consonants h, l are included in the root (Guttapercha, Enamel).

3.Suffix -I (version of suffix -J-) it is written in adjectives formed from noun with suffixes -ik-, -, -, -, while alternating with h : verified (cab), hunting (hunter), carpenter (a carpenter), colonel (Colonel), overlook (landowner). In indirect cases, these adjectives are written the letter b ( landlord, landlord etc.).

In adjective type lyaguschy and frogsychy In an unstressed position, only E is written: indyuschy - turkey, old woman, balishery, feline (Writing koshechy outdated).

4. Suffixes -On-, it is possible, they are written after solid consonants (except C); -Ev-, it is, it is written after soft consonants, after hissing and c : whitish, business, angular, house, speech, nostril, reddish, glossy, scarved.

5. Suffix -oning after rear-speaking g, k, g; After other consonants, suffix is \u200b\u200bwritten -: high, lingerie, dry; Cinema, cheap, rubbish (from trashy), warm.

6. In adjectives in front of the suffix -sk-ultimate consonants of the noun, on which the adjective is formed, in some cases are stored unchanged, and in others - alternate or disappear :

1) consistent d, t, s, s: abbat-SK-Ii, Adjutant, Abkhaz, Vegessky, Volgograd, Dutch, Giant, Dieletanatsky, Decadent, Canadian, Kronstadt, Kurdish, Occupantsky, Post Office, Positivist, Polessky.

If the basis of the noun ends onto the C (or CCC), which is preceded by a vowel, then the adjective uses suffix -k-: cherepovets (Cherepovets), Nitzsky (Nice), German;

2) consonants to and h Basics of nouns alternate with C, while in adjectives are written - to-: Batrans-K-Xi (Brake), Burlats (Burlak), Gornyatsky (Minor), Kabatsky (Kabak), Kalmytsky (Kalmyk), Permytsky (Permyak), Rybatsky (Fisherman), Slovak (Slovak), Weavky (Weat).

In some adjectives, the ultimate consonant base does not change and writes suffix -Sh. -: uzbek-SK-IY (Uzbek), Tajik (Tajik), Uglich (Uglich);

3) If the basis of the noun ends on the C, which is preceded by the consonant, then the ultimate basic noun disappears: reim-Sky (Reims), Wales (Wales), Odessa (Odessa), Cherkasy (Cherkasy).

An exception: Helsingfors-sky (Helsingfors), Daugavpils (Daugavpils), Tamemeferors (Tammerfors).

In adjectives abosky (Abo - Swedish name of the Finnish city of Turku), bordeaux (Bordeaux), tartusky (Tartu) is written alone with (suffix -sk-);

4) In the adjectives formed from Russian geographical items ending on the SC, one C is written, as suffixing suffix -sk- on the base of the base: amur (Amursk), omsky (Omsk), volga (Volga). The foreign language names of this type are raised by the final K, so the SS is written in adjectives: damas-sky (Damascus), san Francisky (San Francisco), etruscan (Etruscan).

An exception: Basque (Basque), osksky (OKS).

7. In adjectives in front of the suffix, it is not written the letter b If the basis of the noun ends on ny or py: amgun-sky (Amgun), Kuban (Kuban), Ryazan (Ryazan), Hsenther (Huntsman), Skarsky (Zakharist), Monastic (Monastery), Pisarian (clerk).

Exceptions: a) adjectives formed from the names of months: June, September, October, November, December (but: January), as well as a day-day combination; b) adjectives formed from foreignate names: Sichuan, Taiwanese, Tien Shansky.

8. Diffuses writing consonants to suffixes - aT-, - in adjective type board, bruly: she is written in cases where the sounds indicated by it belong to the same morpheme (meaning part of the word): pot-aT.-oh - Board-A (I alternate with the SC within the same morpheme - root), village-an.- Wax.

9. Before suffix - Ultimate C Basics of Entrances Alternate with T: chuck-chat (Crupitsa), ciliated (eyelash), tiled (Tile).

10. Adjectives ends on -insky:

1) If they are formed from nouns on -a, s (s): yelninsky (Yeland), oktinate (Ohta), mytishchinsky (Mytishchi), taborinsky (Tabor);

2) if from the relevant nouns it is possible to form attracted adjectives on the in: elizavetsky (Elizabeth - Elizabetin), mariinsky (Maria - Mariin), olginsky (Olga - Olgin), sister (sister - sister);

3) if the adjective is formed from the noun to the in: military (warrior), hellenic (Hellene).

In other cases, adjectives ends on -Ensky: groznensky (Grozny), zarechensky (District), kerchensky (Kerch), cemetery (cemetery), nishchensky (beggar).

Adjectives kolomna (Kolomna), krapivsky (Krapivna), Lebanese (livne) and some, the like, are formed from the nouns with the help of suffix -Sh-, And the vowel E (denoting the runaway) is part of the root.

Adjectives inzensky, laustansky, penza, presnensky They are written with e according to tradition (although Inza, Bane, Penza, Presnya).

13. In adjectives formed on the basis of K, C, h, in front of the suffix - (although it can pronounce [sh]): mustard (mustard), operman (pepper), kulachnaya (fist), squorter n.ha (starvation), lactic (milk), bakery (Bulka), boring (boredom).

In adjectives formed from the bases on x, in front of the suffix is \u200b\u200bsh : buckwheat (buckwheat), fun (fun), cute (turmoil).

Writing options subscription and budnic Equally admissible, although the first is preferable.

Sufifixes of adjectives formed from verbs

1. Suffix -, - The exclusive adjectives are written only with vowels and regardless of whether they are under the stress or without emphasis. flattering, medoiding, envious, talkative, hardy.

2. Suffix - -, - Used in the formation of adjectives with the prefix, and without it from non-transcendible verbs, as well as from transient verbs of the perfect species: - - is no emphasis, - - - under the stress: indescribable, indisputable, waterproof, unscathed, inhabited, irrefutable, invincible, negienic.

3. Suffix. - history Writing only with vowels and: slip, sparkling, merry, through, rassed. Cf. Also in adjectives formed from noun: clayey, shoulder, glib.

End of adjectives

Adjectives are characterized by the fact that they do not have independent morphological signs of the genus, numbers and case. These signs are determined by the name of the noun, with which the adjective is combined, i.e. is in connection with the approval. In other words, the values \u200b\u200bof the genus, the number and case of the adjective express syntactically.

1. Adjectives are written with the endings similar to the endings of an interviewal word which is set on behalf of the noun: with merry s (as them?) Character, about cheerful oh. (as oh.?) Character etc.

It should be distinguished:

a) at the adjective male and medium kind of the only number of completion - (-I) in the apparel case ( wind as them ? fresh them, abroad as them ? fALS them ) and ending -You (s) in the proposed case ( about wind as oh. ? fresh eatabout abroad as oh. ? fALS eat );

b) at the adjective female genus the only number of graduation - I (-Yu) in the vinegenic case ( road as yu ? rove yu, Zara as yu ? spring yuu. ) and ending -Ohu (-yu) in the apparel case ( doro as ooo ? rove ooo, zareu as ooo ? spring hy. ).

2. In the Parental case of the only number of adjective male and medium kind in the end -Oh(-his) written by tradition g. , though pronounced in , For example: good, good, big, blue.

3. Hardening adjectives on -y, -ye, -ye, -ye (Hare, Hare, Sladychye, Hare) In all cases, except for the nominative and similar to him, the vinitive case of a male genus the sole number is written with b: bearish, bearish, bearish, bear, about bearish; Bear, bearish, bearish, bearish, bearish, misleads.

Such adjectives are formed from the names of nouns with the help of suffix -J- (iot), so before the ending is written, as the indicator of this suffix.

4. Adjective country, long-distance, suburban change over a solid deposit variety and are written with endings

, -ay, ,y,, / e; adjectives of nonresident, endlessly changed on a soft variety of declination and are written with endings -y, -Ya, -one, (forms non-resident and beless - Outdated). Adjective long-distance has option intercity.

5. Adjectives ending on -ynyhave in the nominative case of the only number of male soda brief form on -En: sultious - znown, calm - calm, slender is stored. An exception: decent - one.

  • § 7. Not at the beginning of the root after vowels (in the words of foreign-speaking origin) they are written both the letter e, and e. Their choice depends on the preceding vowel.
  • § 8. Not at the beginning of the root after the consonant letter e is written for the transfer of vowel e and at the same time to indicate the hardness of the preceding consonant in the following cases.
  • § 9. In other cases, not at the beginning of the root after the consonants are written the letter E.
  • § 10. In the following cases, the letter E is written to transmit a combination J followed by vowel e:
  • § 11. Letter and writes:
  • § 12. The letter is used to transmit the vowel and at the same time to indicate the hardness of the preceding consonant:
  • § 14. After g, sh, h, the letter is written and (and do not write), for example: fat, redhead, inter-fee, tell me, sew, roasted, clean, rays, shield, look.
  • § 15. After c, the letter and or s.
  • § 17. After f, sh, h, the letter E, for the transfer of the impact vowel, eg, swing, rustle, ginseng, twitter, and (name of the letter), on the bump, about the candle, soul, purest; Zhenya, Jack, Shannon.
  • § 18. After f, h, sh, Sh, to transfer the shock vowel about the letter O or E.
  • § 19. In all other cases, to transfer the shock vowel about after w, h, sh, the letter is written, namely:
  • § 25. The letter e is written after letters w, h, sh, c only in the following special cases.
  • § 27. The separation Kommersant is written after consonants before the letters I, YU, E, E, transmitting combinations [J] with vowels, in the following cases.
  • § 29. The letter b is written to designate the softness of the pair consultation at the end of words, eg: dove, leave, notebook, dirt, sorry, seven, horse, kitchens, apple trees, mound, beast, paint, drink, shipyard.
  • § 30. In order to designate the softness of the pair of consonants before the consonants, the letter b is written in the following cases.
  • § 31. The letter b is written (regardless of pronunciation) in the following grammatical forms:
  • § 32. After f, sh, h, the letter b is written by tradition in the following grammatical forms:
  • § 33. General rule. Writing letters on the site of unstressed vowels is set by checking in other words and forms where in that
  • § 35. There are roots in which the writing of the letters on the site of unstressed vowels does not correspond to the general rule, but is subject to tradition. These include the following roots with alternating vowels.
  • § 43. Sufifixes with uncomparable unstressed vowels.
  • § 46. -Ev-, -Iv-, - by-, - (in adjectives). It is necessary to distinguish adjectives with suffixes -, on the one hand, and -v-, - by, by other.
  • § 51. -Ink-, -Enk-, -Anc- (-ynk-). It should be distinguished by nouns on -in and on-otka (with unstressed vowels in front of H).
  • § 55. -insk-, -ensk-. The suffixes of adjectives -insk- and -ensk- (with letters and and e at the site of the unstressed vowel) should be distinguished.
  • § 58. - - (-bent-), - (-SH). In the suffixes of the actual communities of the present, the same vowels are written as in the forms of the 3rd face MN. Ch. The same verbs (see § 74):
  • § 64. Unmatched fluid vowels are transmitted to letters E, O or and in the following rules (below after each example in brackets are given a form or word where there is no fluent vowel).
  • § 66. Instead of connecting vowels O and E in some discharges of complex words, vowels are written, coinciding with the case and other endings of words, the foundations of which are contained in the preceding part of the word:
  • § 69. The following endings contain vowels that are not checked by a shock position.
  • § 70. Nouns with some suffixes have features in writing unstressed endings.
  • § 71. Conductal forms of nouns on -y, -I, -i.
  • § 76. Writing the letters on the site of unstressed vowels in front of the suffix-believe infinitive is determined by the following rule.
  • § 78. There are special designs with particles not and nor.
  • § 86. The alphabetic combinations of PM, HTH (including STH used, ZDC) are written at the joints of significant parts of the word if the previous part of the word ends onto T or D, and the subsequent starts at h, for example:
  • § 88. The letter combinations of the SC, ZCH, LCS, Sch are written at the joints of significant parts of the word, if the previous part of the word ends on C, s or f, sh, and the subsequent starts at h, eg:
  • § 89. Consumer combinations of SS, SZH, ZS, ZZH are written at the joints of significant parts of the word, if the previous part ends on the consonant with or s, and the subsequent starts on W or F, for example:
  • § 95. Double H and double C are written at the junction of the producing base and suffix, if the base ends, and the suffix begins the same consonant n or from:
  • § 103. Brief forms of complex adjectives, the second parts of which coincide with the parties are written, written with H or NN, depending on the value. Adjectives expressing signs
  • § 106. Double consonants are written in the roots of Russian (non-borrowed) words in the following cases.
  • § 46. -Ev-, -Iv-, - by-, - (in adjectives). It is necessary to distinguish adjectives with suffixes -, on the one hand, and -v-, - by, by other.

    Words are on-one - eg, soy, queens, flannel, match, suede, - contain suffix -Ev- (spelling variety of suffix -On-), tested under the stress in such words as daszu? These adjectives are relative, they have no brief forms.

    Words on-one are qualitative adjectives (having brief forms) with suffixes -Iv-: merciful; -the-: Thoughtful, envious, restless, quaint; - -: forgetful, resourceful, changeable; cf. Sufifixes - and-and-under the stress: lazy, funny, whimsical.

    Note. Sufifix is \u200b\u200balso available in the Word of the Yurody, formed from Outdated Yurod.

    § 47. -Ink-, -onk- (in nouns). In nouns with a suffix -Enk- (-onk-), the initial vowel suffix, always unstressed, is transmitted in the letter letters e (after paired soft consonants and hissing, as well as after vowels) and o (after paired solid consonants): Patenka, daughter, Scale, dumb, Peten, Varenka, Sergeie, Masha, Zoenka; Berozonka, Slander, Kisa, Seanuk, Veronya.

    Exceptions: In the words of Zainka and Painka, as well as in the word Binky, writes in the suffix letter and.

    Note 1. Writers XIX century. We are widely encountered writing our own names of the Martinka, Polynka, Fedinaka (with the letter and), as well as Lisanka, Lisanka (with the letter A; the latter - in folk texts). Such writing, although deviate from the modern spelling rate, are stored in reprints of the corresponding texts.

    Note 2. In texts oriented on the folklore tradition, the writing of this suffix with the letter s after a solid consonant, for example, is heard: the cry of the neighboring bands, / Baba, is heard - kyosynki, / need a child! (Necr.); For Nada-Bride in the closet lies dowry (born); So rolls-roll - everything, I think, my death came! (Shuksh.). Writing -Yenk- at the end of the basics (not under the stress) normally for the words formed with the help of suffix -k (a) from nouns on -Yu: Milms - Milos, Baryna - Barynka.

    § 48. -Exc-, - shop. In nouns with a suffix - (- Occ-), the initial unstressed vowel suffix is \u200b\u200btransmitted to letters about (after paired solid consonants) and E (in other cases): light bulb (from the lamp), bath, vase, blouse, mommy, ninochka, alcohol , Percentern; Aunt, Vanechka, Olga, Runchka; Time (on time), have it (from the name), seed, morning. Emphasis on the suffix - in the only word place.

    The same spellotographic view has nouns with a diminutive-laquating suffix -k-, formed from noun on-way, - Well, - Oh: Baby (from babe), ribbed, Pacific, fence, Sanochka (from Sanki); Trochka, Lechka, Window (from the window), etc. ((in them, the letters about and e are transmitted by a quick vowel, see § 64).

    Note. Deviates from the modern language of writing type aunt, Wolcome, Rauche (like traditional in modern texts, stylized writing of the bull of Erofeyev). Writing-Writing- At the end of the foundations (not under the stress) normally for words formed with the help of a suffix -k- from nouns with the basis of -thic-, -ik-, for example: staircase - ladder, mill - mill, butt box - button , scissors - scissors, factory - factory, Edik - EDICH.

    § 49. - Oh (-Hychy), -Echochy,, however. It should be distinguished by the adjectives with the impact suffix (-sychychy) type of koking? Chii, frog? Chii, turkey? Chii, duck? Chii, pig? Chii and adjectives on-tech with a suffix - where the letter E is transmitted unstressed fluidized vowel ( See § 64), for example: Malchi? Shechy (from the boy), the old man? Shechy (old woman), Cube? Shechy (cuckoo), lyg? Shechy, Indu? Shechy.

    In the words Be? Thick, not? Zhikichi and parrot? The scratchless vowel at the beginning of the suffix is, a person is transmitted to the letter and.

    § 50. -k, -K. The diminutive-laxed suffixes of nouns of the nouns of the nouns of the nouns of the nouns are (in an unstressed position) and -ik, the -rch (always unstressed). In the suffix, a vowel (checked under the stress in the words of the type of Penos, cottage cheese) is a quick, and in the suffixes -ik and -chik, the vowel is preserved at the decline. Thus, a fluidized vowel is transmitted here by the letter E (see § 64), and a unheemless - the letter and, for example: Overactions - a rack, a piece - a piece, knife - a knife, lamb - lamb, but a table - a table, Kalachik - Kalachik, Cup cookbook.

    On the same rule, they are written characteristic of colloquial speech and the surprise of education on -ik with a unnemptote vowel suffix and the truncated basis of the production word Great (bicycle), tellyk (TV), Vidic (VCR), sewing (schizophrenic), as well as truncated decreasing personal Names like Alik, Vladik.


    Literacy is an urgent need for many people. In our country, a total dictation is carried out annually. Important officials and people of other professions in dozens of cities diligently reflect on how to write this or that word, where to put the comma, dash, etc. It is not necessary to think about it, because Russian is not such a simple language. And unmistakably write on it without knowledge of the rules is impossible.

    Ash is the question of spelling primarily for schoolchildren. After all, dictations for them are not held once a year. They write verification works almost weekly in different subjects. Therefore, they should know not only the rules given in this article, but also others. For example, be able to write correctly English adjective suffixes. Or know when he was born and died some famous figure ...

    Sufifixes - I, -EV, -We, -Ev. Swords - exceptions

    They say, you need to climb into the water to learn how to swim, and to learn how to write without mistakes - you need to train, produce the skill of the competent letter.

    The choice of vowels in this morpheme depends on several reasons: the emphasis, hardness or softness of the preceding sound, values. And even the origin of the emphasis and competent letter are connected with each other because only the shock vowels are clearly audible in the stream of our speech, it's more difficult with unstressed letters. And you do not know the rules - errors will appear.

    Remember! If you doubt what kind of suffixes are adjective to write, put stress: - - if the shock, and - - if e unwelked (playful, fake, but key); -, - are derived from -IvSo they are written in them and (intensive, shouting). Exception: Outer, gracious.

    Now check yourself: zero ... howl, care ... left, games ... howl, male ... no, bo ... howl, arrogant ... left, etc. (Answers: E, and, and, and, E, and, and).

    Suffixes -On ,Ohn and -Ev, -Evat

    Anton Pavlovich Chekhov did not like ugly intact sounds and avoided the use of hissing and whistling. Our spelling cannot do without them.

    Over the spelling of suffixes - OV -, - - After unloved classics, w, sh, s thought often. They are confused by the sounds of the same letters about and it. And everything is simple: about - shock, and without emphasis - e. (kumachovy, penny, plush).

    And if the emphasis falls on the root or console? In this case, the adjectives suffix become dangerous for an illiterate person. Here you need to remember the rules! Last letter Basics should write suffixes -On-, item-, (rude). And if the soft consonant, hissing or c, then -Ev-, -Evat, -Evit- (key, glossy, apple-bodied, swept).

    And now I will check the knowledge gained: the gift ... WITY, REQUIREMENT ... CHAIR, WATER OIT, ... howl, floor ... howl, synth ... batted, canvas ... the new, younted ... hawired. (Answers: Oh, O, E, E, E, O, E).

    Suffixes -onk and-idea

    It is impossible not to be surprised by the possibilities of the Russian language. To make the word change, it is enough to replace the suffix in it. And now the thick turns into a plump, and thin in the slender. It is quite another attitude towards the subject of speech. Shades of sympathy, lapiness, irony, neglect, as well as a real decrease, give the words of adjectives -onk- and-idea. Only possess the ability to use these forms.

    Adjectives with a diminutive value are formed by suffix -In and - Onty (cinema, plump).

    After letters r, k, x are possible and -Look and -Ek. (Lyongy and Light).

    Check yourself! Poor ... cue, round ... cue, beautiful ... cue, good ... cue (oh, e, e, e).

    Show the attitude towards what they say help help -Omokh, -Ehonk, - Singing, -Yenk (Smirkony, tiny, tonny).

    Sufifixes -Ensk, -insk. Exceptions

    Adjectives are formed not only from the nominal, but also from their own names of nouns and geographical names. Morphemes -Insk- and - Yensk- Used to form such words. Unstressed adjective suffixes sound. There are such speech situations when necessary and write, and use the word in oral speech. Incorrectly formed form cuts ear. Do not want to make a mistake - remember the rule.

    Suffix -insk It serves to form nouns with finite-, -I, - and. (Yalta - Yalta, Mytishchi - Mytishchinsky, Catherine - Ekaterininsky). In other cases, underfix is \u200b\u200bused -Ensk- (Grozny - Grozny, Grodno - Grodno).

    Russian is beautiful. And he does not tolerate discrepancies, therefore exceptions appear from the rules that should be learned. This is Presnensky (from Presnya), Penza (from Penza), Kolomensky (from Kolomna), etc.

    Remember exceptions from all the rules is impossible, and it is not necessary. In the case of difficulties, contact dictionaries and reference books.

    The spelling of adjectives formed from the nouns on-in, the words "wind" and "oil"

    Nouns with finite -Shp (Frog, cat) form adjectives, about the spelling of which you need to know the following: Writing and "frogschy", and "frog", koshechy - cat. Both writing are true. Only ache is different.

    The spelling of some adjectives is associated with their lexical value. From the word "wind" and "oil" you can formulates that have different adjective suffixes. Examples of such words: a windmaker - chickenpox, oil - oil. There are no errors here.

    It is worth remembering! 1. Windy (with the value "Wind" in the direct and figurative value. Wind on the street (straight.) And the wind in the head (overrud.) 2. Windmage (with the value "leads the strength of the wind"). 3. Windshield ( From the conversational word "windmill"). 4. Oil (consists of any oil). 5. Oil (lubricated, saturated, blurred by oil). 6. Oil eyes (figurative meaning). 7. Maslenitsa - Oil Week.

    Sufifixes -Sh and -K. Exceptions

    "It is not ashamed not to know, not a shame to learn," the folk wisdom says. And to replenish the knowledge is constantly. Often the spelling of adjective suffixes causes difficulty. In the words "sharp" and "sailor" the end of the word sounds the same. How to choose a true writing option? We argue like that. Once the adjectives are formed on the basis of the noun, we allocate this basis and look at what the letter is the last (weaving - weaving). If a k, h, c - boldly substitute the suffix -to. An alternation may occur. This is a normal phenomenon. Such letters no? Dream from form. Happened? Then feel free to write suffix -to.

    At the end of the base is not k, h, c (giant - giant), and a brief form of forming it is impossible - I feel free to write suffix -Sh..

    Remember: B before -sk- Writing only after land also in words: day-day, names of months, but "January" we write without a soft sign.

    Adjectives on -An: suffixes -pat, -

    Mikhail Sholokhov said that the language of the people of millennia accumulates the treasures of thoughts and experience. Educated from nouns with a suffix - shatter- Words as if from the depths of the centuries brought mystery and charm (transfused, log, patterned). Denote the presence of a large number of what is expressed by the basis (framed).

    The spelling of adjectives suffix depends on the standing letters. There is an alternation, the composition of the morpheme changes from this, sound.

    An error may appear when writing.

    Pink-Ath (from SC / Sh / Shch).

    Smoke chat (from smoke).

    Bar Chat-K-A (from timber).

    Tile-chat (tiles-a c / t).

    Adjectives with such suffixes are widely used in professional and terminological vocabulary.

    not educated from verbs

    "The old abandoned garden was perfect in his picture launch," we read at the classic. But to distinguish between literacy at dictation, it is necessary to remember the rule, how to choose the suffixes of adjectives and communities. The difficulty is that it is impossible to determine "H" or "NN" choose.

    Remember the rule! If you forgot, look at the directory. Further analyze how this word was formed (pictures - the basis of on-one, and the suffix was added -n - Here is a double "H").

    "NN" It is written and then when the adjective appeared using a suffix -On-, -nn- (excursion-on-b, craft-enny).

    The letter "H" in the suffixes of adjectives is written if in the word -In-, -an-, - (Os-in-born, leather-ac-b).


    1) glass, tin, wooden;

    2) Young, green, pork, spicy, drunk, windy, crimped.

    Spelling "N", "NN" In the suffixes of adjectives, makes breaking his head, if you do not know the rules. Therefore, they are worth a trick.

    The spelling "H" and "NN" in nouns and adverbs on -o, formed from non-aggal adjectives. Words whose spelling should be remembered

    The vocabulary wealth of our tongue is growing constantly. One of the methods of replenishment is the formation of new items of items and phenomena from the impression names. "N", "NN" In subfixes, the number of letters in the formed nouns is attached. Examples: Living room - hotel, related - relative, woodwoman - woodwoman, horseman - cavalry.

    At adjectives can be formed and adverbs with the final -about. Interestingly, the suffixes of adventures and adjectives are the same. The number of "H" also coincides. Check writing "H", "NN" in adverbs, one can, with a complete adjective, from which adverb is formed. Write so many of these letters as in the initial adjective. Examples: courageous - courageous, great - great, excitedly - agitated.

    Remember the spelling of the following words: desired, intelligent, unborn guest, named brother, unprecedented, unheard and others.

    Theoretical part

    1. Subfixes of adjectives - and - and -.

    In the adjectives, the suffix is \u200b\u200bunder the stress, and -Ev- - without emphasis:

    beautiful, truthful, edges oh, stored oh, gallowed.

    Exceptions: Almighty, Yurodiv.

    2. Supports of adjectives - which - -the.

    The suffixes are, they are written only with the vowels and (in the Russian language of the suffix -Ul- and -helev, no):

    persistent, caring, touching, calcined.

    But: enamel, diagonals, gutta-read (consonants of h and l belong to the root).

    3. Sufifix adjectives -chat-.

    In the suffix, the letter A: stepped, is confused.

    In front of the suffix, the final C basher of the noun alternates with T: Breakfast (Crupitsa), Crapsing (Eyelash), tiled (tile).

    4. Sufifix adjectives -ist-.

    The suffix of the adjective is - written only with vowels and:

    zalivistiy, threshing, rolling, clay, shoulderish.

    5. Sufifixes of adjectives -onk- (-NEK-).

    In the adjectives after the consonants, K, X writes suffix -onk-, after other consonants - PNEK-:

    jew, heavy, dry, dry.

    Possible Writing Options: Lyongyk Ii, Lygsenki.

    Suffix is \u200b\u200bnot written in adjectives.

    6. Sufifixes of verbs -ov- (-ezhen-) ,-Iv- (-Yu-)

    In an indefinite form and in the past time, the verbs are written underfix -OV (-Ev-), if in the form of a 1st person of the only number of this or future simple time this suffix alternates with one (s):

    conversations about V.l, conversations about V.t - talk

    flech e V.l, sleeve e V.h - fun

    In an indefinite form and in the past time, the verbs are written underfix - "(-Wiva), if in the form of the 1st person of the only number of this or future simple time, this suffix persists:

    discarding v.l, vanity v.t - Visses yvayu

    pollog and V.l, Potok. and V.t - Doc. willowyu.

    Note. The verbs with the root - who have the shape of the 1st face of the face (s) - are written with a suffix -OV, in an indefinite form and in the form of the past time:

    confessional is confessional to L, preaching - preaching l, culminated - cenomis l (since confessing, preaching, head),

    but: reconnaissance - reconnaissance l, westing - molding l, spent - Conduct l, entitled - hovering, derived - removing L (as the suffix is \u200b\u200bpreserved).

    The verbs with the suffix - it is, it is not necessary to be confused with the verbs, which have a shock suffix - is combined with the preceding root vowel and I. Such a root vowel, unlike the suffixal, persists in an indefinite form in the verbs without suffix - Va-:

    Varnish - to crush, bay - pour, overcome - to overcome.

    In the verbs of the jam, eclipsed, they intend, the proven, the suffix is \u200b\u200bwrithe-levels.

    Proper writing suffixes in adjectives depends on many factors. For greater convenience, three main rules were allocated, which are described in detail in this article. Here you will learn how errors are most often allowed, from which category of adjective depends on the writing of consonants in suffixes, in what cases is written - and -n.

    In Russian, the spelling of adjective suffixes depends on the grammatical features of the word, the method of its formation and value. Conditionally rules for spelling suffixes of adjectives adopted to three categories:

    • Writing in the suffixes of adjectives of vowels;
    • Writing in the suffixes of adjective consonants;
    • Writing in adjective suffixes -"And" -n».

    Spelling vowels in adjective suffixes

    Most often mistakes are allowed when writing vowels in the following adjective suffixes:

    • -, - - always written with -and- (Examples: Troubleshide, Radiant).
    • - written in adjectives under the stress (negligent, beautiful), - in an unstressed position (root, stylist).
    • -On- (-Owt-, -Onit-) written if the basis of the adjective ends on a solid consonant (business, rustic), -Ev- (-Evat-) - After soft, hissing consonants and c. (speech, reddish).
    • - It is used if the basis of the adjective ends on g, K, X (Mahon, Sukhland), - - after any other finite letters of the foundation (Light, Dormant).
    • -Ensk- Used in adjectives formed from geographic names (Kerch, Frunzensky), -insk It is used in cases when adjective is formed from the geographical name on -And (s), -I (s) (Yalta, Khimkinsky).
    • - " written in adjectives formed from nouns on -Not (cat, boy).
    • -y. used in adjectives formed from nouns on -Ik, -r., -nik (gardening, preserver).
    • -an-, - Used in type words bruschable, alloy (It is possible to alternate the final root of the word - board - Boarding).
    • - Used in adjectives formed from nouns with the basis on C (grappled - grappled, tile - tiled).
    • -insk- (-y-) + -sk- used in adjectives formed on the basis of -In (Maternal - Maternal, Elizabetin - Elizabetan).
    • -them- Written as stress (wounded, soluble), -eat- Without emphasis (incomplete, hit).
    • Spelling agreeing in adjective suffixes

      Writing consonants in the subfixes of adjectives in some cases depends on their lexico-grammatical category:

      • -sk- consumed in relative adjectives (Canadian, giant).
        • If the basis of the word ends on -from- with preceding vowels, then the ultimate foundation disappears (Odessa - Odessa, Worms - Wormian, but Belorus - Belorussky, Daugavpils - Daugavpils).
        • In adjectives formed from Russian geographical names on -sk- Always written alone c (Volga - Volga, Amursk - Amursky), in foreign language - two c (Damascus - Damasky, Etrusk - Etruscan). Exceptions: basque - Basque, Oski - Osksky.
        • When making adjectives from nouns with the basis for a soft sign (as well as -Rell, -n.) in adjectives it does not write (Hugert - Hsenthers, Kuban - Kubansky, January - January). Exceptions - names of months (November, Oktyabrsky, June), combination day-dayadjectives from foreign language names ( tien Shansky, Taiwan)adjective with mild (rural, april).
      • -to- Used:
        • In high-quality adjectives (high, wide);
        • - Cherepovets - Cherepovets, German - German);
        • In relative adjectives formed from nouns on k, C. With alternation on c (Burlak - Burlack, weaving - weaving).

      Spelling n and nn in adjective suffixes

      One N. written in adjectives:. Total ratings received: 223.

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