
Lobio from white beans is the classic of Georgian cuisine. Recipes of Lobio from white beans with vegetables, mushrooms, chicken. Lobio with chicken and red beans: Classic Georgian cuisine dishes with beans and chicken

Do you sit on a diet, or on the contrary you like to eat deliciously - "dietary green Lobio with chicken" will have to your taste. This dish wisely combines such concepts as useful, and tasty! By the way, to those who do not need to follow - you can replace with mayonnaise, if you can not.


Boil the chicken in salted water (chicken meat is brewed for 40 minutes) and how to weld retain the pot of cooling.

While the chicken is boiled, we can do the preparation of other products for Lobio:

  • passion beans and boil in salted water. Green bean cooking time is 5 minutes of fresh, - two or three minutes frozen. If you decide to boil the beans on the steamer, then cook longer - ten minutes
  • immediately after cooking, drain boiling water and cool the beans with cold water, so it will save its bright green
  • onions Clean, cut into cubes and fry in a creamy butter in a frying pan until golden color
  • norbuita Kinse and Parsley
  • nuts charge into the crumb
  • clear garlic

Cutted chicken meat separated from the bones and turn finely.

Mix together beans, meat, roasted onions, walnut ground nuts, cilantroine and parsley, sour cream, mustard, garlic, spice and season with spices. All mix and let it stand around half an hour.

Decorate our almost ready-made dish with greens and serve on the table.

Georgian dishes are distinguished by a rich taste and a pleasant aroma, which is difficult to confuse with something. Lobio soup is a traditional dish of Georgia, which is present in the menu of many restaurants dedicated to the kitchen of this beautiful country. It is not necessary to go somewhere to try Lobio with a chicken in Georgian, you can cook it at home. The cooking process will be significantly facilitated by a multicooker.


The classic Lobio recipe with beans is rarely used, each cook wishes to bring something new to it to improve taste. Sometimes really interesting findings are obtained. We will prepare bevel soup from the following components:

  • chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • red beans (can be used color) - 350 g;
  • tomatoes - 250 g;
  • onions - 150 g;
  • carrot - 150 g;
  • ketchup - 50 g;
  • sage dried - floor of a teaspoon;
  • sugar - 6 g;
  • vegetable oil - 35 ml;
  • salt, kinza, red pepper, vinegar 9% - to taste.

Some ingredients can be replaced if they are not available, parsley is often used instead of cinse.

The rich taste of the traditional soup with the beans in Georgian is achieved with spices and seasonings. You can add hops-sunnels, paprika, a special piquancy will be given walnuts. Such ways to diversify the dish will not spoil the recipe, but will make Lobio more suitable to your taste. Although it is soup, but the treatments from beans refers to second dishes, so it should have a thick consistency.

Cooking method

Prepare Lobio from beans with chicken in a slow cooker. To begin with, rinse the beans and soak it for a couple of hours, then drain the water. The "beans" mode is installed in the slow cooker. Next, you need to fall asleep the beans in the bowl, after which leave to boil this mass exactly an hour.

At this stage, it is not necessary to add salt, otherwise it will increase cooking time.

The decoction can after that pour out, and pour out the beans on the colander. The bowl of the multicooker after boiling the beans should be washed. Now it is necessary to install the "Baking" mode, heat the oil, and then put in advance the chicken fillets in advance with cubes. Next steps are performed:

  1. add finely chopped onions when meat burns;
  2. after 3 minutes, add medium carrot cubes;
  3. after 5 minutes of frying, mugs of tomatoes are added, which have seeds and liquid removed;
  4. when tomatoes soften, sage, red pepper, salt, ketchup and sugar are put in the bowl;
  5. all this is mixed, it's time to put in the cup chief ingredient - beans;
  6. hot water is added, its amount is slightly higher than the total mass level;
  7. cooking Lobio for an hour in the "quenching" mode.

Feed to the table

The simplicity of Lobio recipe with beans and chicken says that everyone can enjoy the wonderful taste of this bean soup. Get a real pleasure from dishes, if you correctly file it. In this regard, you can give the following tips:

  • put in Lobio finely chopped parsley or kinza;
  • sprinkle a bit of vinegar;
  • give Lobio to breed a few minutes so that greens and vinegar give their taste.

The feature of Lobio is the possibility of cooking on any occasion. It can be a plain lunch or festive celebration. Guests will definitely appreciate the taste of the original bean dishes. Lobio will like people who decided to sit on the diet, or who had to do this on the recommendation of the doctors. The beans is a dietary product, so that in the soup is not so much extra calories. If you decide to carefully learn the Georgian cuisine, it is necessary to try Lobio, it is one dish that is associated with Georgia and glorifies it with its taste.

This is a recipe for cooking Lobio with chicken. I often cook this dish, as it does not require much effort and is truly tasty.

This recipe for the cooking of Lobio with chicken involves the use of the podolon bean, unlike the classic recipe.

Number of portions: 3-4

A simple Lobio recipe with a chicken of Georgian cuisine step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home for 1 h. It contains only 176 kilocalories. Author's recipe for Georgian cuisine.

  • Preparation time: 14 minutes
  • Time for preparing: 1 C.
  • Number of calories: 176 Cylolarii
  • Number of portions: 6 servings
  • Raise: For lunch
  • Complexity: Simple recipe
  • National cuisine: Georgian cuisine
  • Dish type: Hot dishes, Lobio

Ingredients for three portions

  • Beans - 500 grams
  • Bow Red - 1 piece
  • Sharp green pepper - 1 piece
  • Salt to taste
  • Vegetable oil - to taste
  • Chicken fillet - 200 grams
  • Greens - to taste

Step-by-step cooking

  1. Green grinding. Onions and garlic clean, mine, fry before discoloration.
  2. Acute pepper cut into small pieces.
  3. Red bow, too, cut.
  4. My beans, cut and cook in a saucepan with water about 15 minutes. My fillet and cook in another saucepan for 25 minutes. Then we cut small pieces.
  5. It remains only to add fillet, onions, garlic to a saucepan with beans. Cook for about five minutes, after which we add greens, and pepper and serve a perfectly mixing to the table.

Lobio is a traditional dish of Georgian cuisine, which is the basis of which is taken by the podlock or any dry beans. There is no one dozen options for this delicious dish, each of which deserves a separate article. Prepare Lobio is not so difficult, but the result will exceed all your expectations! Lobio is a lean dish that even comes up with vegetarians. About, read on our. And improve your health. However, if diet is not for you, you can safely add some meat or birds to Lobio - from this dish will become even referring.

Number of portions: 4
Calorie: Medium-calorie
Calories in one portion: 165 kcal

To prepare Lobio from the beans with chicken, you will need:

Red bean - 500 g
Onion - 1 pc.
Chicken fillet - 100 g
Kinza - 1 beam
Tarkhun (Estragon) - 1 beam
Basil - 1 beam
garlic - 2 teeth
Leek Spend - 50 g
Salt to taste

How to prepare Lobio from beans with chicken.

1. We rinse the pre-clumsy beans, fill with fresh water and cook for 20 minutes. Then we drain the water and the pastry for another 20 minutes.
2. Pour beans with broth or water and cook for 20 minutes. Add chopped onions 15 minutes to readiness.
3. Herbs and garlic shred and put in a dish for 7-10 minutes until readiness.
4. The larger in Lobio (5 minutes before the readiness), chicken is sent - it is pre-cut into narrow strips.

Video recipe Lobio from beans with chicken

Our forehead and chicken beans are ready! Enjoy your meal!

Calorie: Not specified
Time for preparing: 100 min.

For a long time, I was going to buy a baking pot, it looks very appetizing in them cooked food. And here, the pot is bought, but what exactly to cook them? On the Council of the sister, a Georgian dish - Lobio from beans became the first dish in pots.
The traditional recipe is very different from our improvisation, since we added chicken meat and at hand did not turn out to be a variety of greenery necessary for Lobio.
However, the dish in the pots still turned out to be delicious and very satisfying.

For the preparation of Lobio from beans and chicken, we will need:
- Red beans (closed at night in water),
- chicken breast,
- onion,
- carrot,
- Red Bulgarian pepper,
- tomato paste,
- Herbs and spices on your taste,
- fat cream (not necessary),
- Little olive oil for roaster.

Recipe with photo step by step:

First, cut or three small straw carrots and cut onions. Fry them in a frying pan with a drip of the oil until half-ready.

Sweet pepper cut into small pieces.

Chicken breasts we clean from the films and cut into small cubes.

Preparing refueling sauce. Tomato paste wept water to a more liquid state. Solim, Perchym and add all suitable herbs and spices.

Now you can proceed to the formation of the layers in the pots. We lay out onto the bottom of each pot of squeezok from onions and carrots. I spread the bean layer. It was pre-closed in water at night, which will significantly reduce the cooking time.

On the beans lay out the chopped Bulgarian pen.

Chicken pieces.

The last layer is a joine and carrot again. Pour the pot of tomato sauce. Sauce should not be too much, should be completed about a third, since the other products in the cooking process will also highlight juice.

The last touch - on a teaspoon of cream in every pot. This will add fat, and on taste it will not be reflected significantly, so if the calorie content of the dish is worried, then you can skip this ingredient with a calm conscience.

We send our pot into the oven for about an hour at 200 degrees. Readiness I defined by samples of beans, it is its softness to wait, everything else will be ready after half an hour.

When the beans becomes soft, time to remove the pot. Slightly cool them and serve. You can eat directly from the pot, and you can lay out the fragrant Lobio to the plate.
The taste turned out to be amazing. We can say that the first experience with the pots managed.
But you can cook not only in pots. So if you do not have them - this is not a reason for disorder.
Bon Appetit!

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