
What the Belgian waffles differ from Viennese. How to cook the waffles of Belgian in the electrovaplane? Belgian frozen dough waffles

I had my plans to Brussels: see the flower carpet, disappointed in the pissing boy and his colleague - a pissing girl, find out what the taste of these real Belgian waffles and become happier.

All this and not only was unquestioned. And about what I saw in this part of Benilyux, I will tell you in this post.

Flower carpet on Grand-Place.

There is one attraction in Brussels on which half a hundred. But, it exists only a couple of days a year and not every year.

In August, to the holiday of success once every 2 years at even years, the Grand-Place area (Grand Place) turns into a floral carpet. Crowds of tourists are going around him, and come closer to the fence, enclosing this magnificence, you have to work hard. But the spectacle is worth it.

Floral patterns, "wounded" on the main square are never repeated. And in order to make the stunning photographs worth climbing the balcony of the City Town Hall, which is open only during the holidays. In the evening, the square turns into something enchanting: the carpet is illuminated by spotlights and comes the evening charm.

More than 700,000 thousand colors are used to create this luxury. In the day and night, leading florists, landscape designers and voluntary volunteers work. The main flower is Begonia, which withstands any whims of nature. Over time, such carpets began to appear in both B, London and even. Previously, it caused a boor of emotions, but now the carpet will not surprise anyone. It is flashed. But, in spite of the violent blossom of world capitals, people still hurry to capture short-lived beauty.

The countless number of photographs of the flower carpet will fly throughout the light. This is the shortest, but the brightest business card of Brussels.

And when the carpet does not resist the area of \u200b\u200bthe Grand Place or Grothertarcht on Flemish, then you can safely see each house. They are all unusual here and everyone has their name. The thing is that there was no numbering in the Middle Ages, and that the confusion did not arise, a special house sign was placed on the house.

As if all the most beautiful houses of Belgium took and placed in one place. They seem to compete in their magnificence and degrees of defense. Behind the Old Town Square follows the Royal Palace, then Fox House, House of Wolf, Horn, Bag, Trolley, King of Spain, King's House, Amman Room, Pigeon, Golden Boat, Angel, Deer, Magistrate of Brabant Duke, Rose, Golden Tree, Star. And in the house of Swan Carl Marx wrote his "capital".

Brussels - Paradise for sweet tooths.

I confess, I arrived in Brussels not for the sake of carpet, even though he is insanely handsome, my gluttony always gets out of the first plans. And I simply could not resist Belgian waffles and Brussels chocolate.

Chocolate here is the most different, with incredible fillings, with saffron, cardamomon, pistachios, mango and violet. In the form of candies, tiles and even in liquid form. And the shops themselves look like a museum and so appetizing.

There is just a cult of chocolate, on one street only 10 chocolate stores with their mini factories. Usually such institutions are called not the store here - and a chocolate studio, since the delicacy masterfully creates a specially trained couturier. The name Pierre Marcolini knows everything here. This is the God of Chocolate, the best of the best. So he became after he won the competition in France, so now his chocolate is supplied to the most noble houses throughout Europe and not only.

Belgian waffles are sold at every turn, in each shop, shop, cafe and restaurant. Cost cheaply, delicious insane. After Brussels, I was looking for such a taste of waffles everywhere, but alas. Brussels waffles are not compared with. No France (God of Cooking), Italy (especially), could not repeat the refined, delicate taste of ordinary Belgian waffles, picked up on the street shop.

Belgian waffles and Belgian chocolate needs to be wicked by the Belgian beer. The benefit for this there is just thousands of varieties for every taste and color. My favorite was Lifmance Frutes - light beer with a cherry tint.

Do you know that Belgian beer is recognized as an intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO? That's the same it is delicious, soft and velvety ... I don't like it so much ..

The debt of every Belgian in the evening to come to the pub, regardless of the day of the week. Even in a heavy Monday, in a solid costume, the Belgian can spend the whole evening in a beer pub. Many pubs of Brussels ancient, they have been over 150 years old, and even more. Here mostly drink Cider, El and beer. Each self-respecting bar has a just wild amount of beer varieties: Maidle, Bitter, Stout, Lagger, Biger El, Brown El. Not enough and all life to try everything. Here, only one menu can be flipped endlessly. In addition to the classics, Belgians love drinking fruit foam drinks: tasteful pear, cherries, chocolate and ginger. There is even a loyal attitude to drunk behind the wheel. You can skip a couple of three glasses and on the road.

Brussels - the capital of the capitals.

Brussels is not only one of the capitals of the European Union, but also the capital of all of Europe. Here is the headquarters of the NATO Apartment and the Parliament is sitting here. Brussels is the city of officials and important persons. This is a whole capital of bureaucrats, where the fate of the whole world is peaked, where the euro trillions flock every day.

This city became the birthplace of Brussels cabbage, Frey's potatoes, the most famous Zassanta. Brussels is a whole treasury of eccentric things.

Brussels is a little strange city, even despite the fact that this is the capital of the capitals. It was noticed that as in any metropolitan city of Western Europe, the taste is bad. People walk, what fell on, that at home, that to work, all in the same thing. You can certainly write off that people are free from prejudice and thus feel free. They have no need to take themselves with diamonds and expensive clothes from Couture, everyone knows that they can do it, but do not want.

People figured out. But, architecture! Old ugly little houses are crowded with no less ugly skyscrapers and everywhere. On the streets go to know, politicians, businessmen, and they meet the crowd of the poor. It can be refugees, immigrants and even prostitutes, because the most ancient profession is legal here.

Walls of houses are painted with drawings. People try to somehow embellish their native streets. Favorite cartoons who came out of the comic took a good half of the houses of the Old Town. Comics are a whole art that is also valued here as painting and music. Comics, magazines, on any topic, taste, color and budget are sold everywhere.

But the most famous landmark is not comics, not waffles, not chocolate and not even a carpet - but a pissing boy, the main disappointment of the city. Around him, even in the afternoon, at least at night, a bunch of tourists is always collected. He is so popular that he has repeatedly stolen, and enterprising Brussels on holidays put on his children's clothes. Here it is - the famous Dressman)

And, of course, his colleague on the workshop. Pissing girl there is also there.

Another disappointment became an atomium. This is the construction of an iron atom that increased in many times. Inside there is an observation deck, a restaurant and even a room where you can stay for the night. The height of this thing is 102 meters. Usually everything is impressed by this giant Mahina, but he did not make a proper effect on me (11 euro entrance).

Delicious Belgian walks!

To surprise close to some kind of dessert, it is not necessary to invent something too sophisticated and possess special skills. A great occasion to gather on tea will be Belgian waffles. The birthplace of this delicacy becomes clear from the name - this is Belgium.

They appeared for a long time ago, but here became popular only in the middle of the last century Due to the fact that they were presented at the World Exhibition in Brussels.

Waffles are divided into two types: the first - Brussels (according to the recipe they should be light, air and soft), the second - Lieges (they become crispy and hard at the expense of the caramelization of sugar inside, which gives charm).

Despite the fact that the same ingredients are used, waffles are absolutely different, due to the variability of the cooking process.

What is significantly easy to prepare such a dessert, exist special Wafelnia. All you need to do is knead the dough, put the wafelnitsa to the right mode and wait. In this article, you will find a recipe for the preparation of Belgian waffles in the electrovnelnice.

Traditional way to cook Belgian waffles


  • Flour - Two glasses (200 grams)
  • Milk - 200 milliliters
  • Chicken Egg - 2 pieces
  • Sugar - 80 grams
  • Salt to taste
  • Creamy butter - 70 grams
  • Vanillin - on the tip of the knife
  • Bustyer - 10 grams

How to cook:

How to bake delicious crispy waffles?

In a different way, they are called Liege. Their feature is that inside there are caramel sugar pearls. They are also prepared just like the previous ones.

You need one hundred milliliters of milk heat onto the stove or in the microwave, add yeast and sugar there (tea spoon / 150 grams). Give them to rise 10 minutes. After that, add two eggs and salt.

Stir and sift flour there. In a water bath, warm butter oil (70 grams) and enter into the dough. Leave in a warm place for 30 minutes, it will rise a little. You also need granulated sugar (sometimes it is sugar for Liege Wafenel). Rock dough into the bowl and cut into sugar. Stay out in a preheated wafflell and bake to rosy.

Video recipe for Belgian waffles at home

Preparing appetizing homemade waffles on yeast

As in the previous recipe, fresh and dry yeast are used. But the waffles can be both soft and crunchy (at your discretion). Just intelligence yeast in warm milk (or water) and let them stand. Also add sugar, flour, eggs, salt and oil.

Belgian waffles in kefir - what products are needed?

An even more simplified version of the wafel - in kefir. All you need is:

  • Wheat flour - 340 grams
  • Kefir (or Prostokvasha) - 200 milliliters
  • Sugar - tablespoon
  • Water - 120 milliliters
  • Oil or margarine for baking - 100 grams
  • Salt to taste
  • Dry fresh yeast - 7 grams

How to cook: slightly warm the kefir in a saucepan. Water boil up to 60 degrees. In a bowl, mix the yeast with warm water and sugar. Leave rise, about fifteen minutes.

You can add a spoonful flour for the layers. How yeast began to act, enter in them warm kefir, butter (can also be heated) and salt. We gradually ask for flour, kneading the dough medium density.

Leave again to rise, but already for 40 minutes. Bake about 5 minutes in the electrovaplanel.

To make the waffles are soft, use the Brussels Wafer variant. The dough must be lush, air and medium density. Do not keep them too long in the wafelnice and preferably serve hot. Ingredients use the same as before.

Simple recipe for delicious Belgian waffles

What sauces are suitable for our dish?

It can be served with various jams, pastes, chocolate, fruit or condensed milk. Also tasty with maple or berry syrup. Especially tasty soft waffles are combined with Cream Vanilla Sauce.

It is not difficult to cook it: beat sugar, yolks and a little starch, add salt. Heat the milk and introduce yolks in it, warm on slow heat before thickening. Sauce should not boil. Remove from the fire, add vanilla extract and remove a couple of hours to the fridge.

Chocolate sauce: Milk with butter warm up on a slow fire, not giving boiling. Chocolate (desirable to use bitter, with 70% cocoa) grate and introduce into milk. Bring to a boil (do not boil!) And remove from the fire, cool a little and serve.
Tips for cooking:

  • Waffles bake only in preheated waphelnice (2-3 minutes).
  • Bake the waffles for no more than 3-4 minutes (thin half minutes).
  • If there is a lot of oil in the dough, Do not lubricate Wafelnitsa additionally.
  • If you want very thin, crispy waffles, literally translucent - just press the top of the electrotrovnica is more accurate using the tack.

Pleasant appetite and all the best to you and your family.

In Soviet times, our grandmothers and moms baked waffles, without even suspecting how they are correctly called. The recipe for dry cookies is invented for a long time, even in the thirteenth century, but has been preserved almost unchanged. How tasty cook pastries, observing the rules, should know any clever.

Preparation of Belgian Waffel

For the first time, this kind of dry cookie appeared in Germany (XII century). However, Belgian waffles have a separate story: the dough recipe is different, because the dessert is obtained dense, almost jerked. How to cook Belgian waffles? Two main options for dishes are known: Liege and Brussels. You can begin with the first - it is a solid round-shaped cookie, in the structure of which corks of caramelized sugar were hidden.

Waffulannitsa for Belgian Waffle

A little to know the recipe for a suitable test. It is equally important to properly bake the product so that it does not lose form. Solving what should be the wafflery for thick waffles, consider the following criteria:

  1. Power. Pick the models from 700 to 1000 W. Such an apparatus will provide fast cooking, and you will be sure that the product is sucked.
  2. Non-stick coating. So you can not use oil, but the waffles do not stick.
  3. Temperature regulator. Various levels of heating will provide the ability to culinary to regulate the structure: there will be crispy waffles or soft.

Form for Belgian Waffle

If the acquisition of professional electric poles you do not afford (in modern conditions, household appliances costs expensive), it is possible to replace the electric device with special forms for baking, which resemble lattices. The hostess choose a shape for the Belgian waffles also because it occupies very little space in the kitchen. However, you should not ignore the devices left from grandmothers from Soviet times.

Dough for Belgian Waffle

Liege and Brussels cookies in their composition are similar in the ingredients, but this taste and structure are different. The first look should include pieces of caramelized sugar and be solid. The dough for Belgian waffles in the electro-telephone should be prepared air, lush, so that the cookies themselves were very soft, gentle. It is necessary to eat them immediately, and Liege can be stored for several weeks. If you want to know how to cook a delicacy, start with the simplest recipe.

Recipe of Belgian waffle with photos

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of portions: 5 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 2500 kcal.
  • Purpose: For breakfast, snack, dessert.
  • Cuisine: Belgian.

The peculiarity of this baking is thick cakes of cookies. The classic recipe for thick waffles without any additives allows you to use any fillings: whipped cream, condensed milk, ice cream, fruit, berries, jam. This recipe with photos can be found in any culinary log. For playback, electric or Soviet metal wafflets on the stove are suitable for playback, but you can bake a delicacy in the oven.


  • butter - 270 g;
  • egg chicken - 4 pcs;
  • salt - 0.5 h.;
  • wheat flour - 1.75 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 h;
  • sugar white - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt the creamy oil, wait until it cools.
  2. Eggs sweat with salt, sugar before the formation of a dense foam. Quantity sugar adjust to taste.
  3. Pour into the whipped egg mixture oil, mix.
  4. Wheat flour seek, pour into the egg-oil mass.
  5. Mix the shovel.
  6. Bake on an electric or metal waffelnica for the stove.

Brussels waffles

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of portions: 6 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 3400 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Belgian.
  • The complexity of cooking: average.

There is an interesting recipe of Belgian waffles for wafflets using light beer. They are not appropriate, they can be spoiled by their favorite sweet stuffing, traditionally it is whipped cream, jam, strawberry and banana or any jam. These are cookies in the form of a rectangle, soft, lush. You need to prepare them in an electric wafelnice, so they will quickly succeed.


  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • light beer - 1 tbsp.;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon zest - 2 h.;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 0.5 h.;
  • egg chicken - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 1 pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix dry components: a glass of flour, vanilla sugar, salt.
  2. Treat the lemon on the grater, receiving the desired number of lemon zest and juice. Cedra Purchase to the flour, and the juice is slate in a bowl.
  3. Beer, oil, egg, lemon juice Mix, connect everything with a dry mixture and knead the dough using two mixer nozzles.
  4. Leave the dough to rest for two hours, then bake every portion for three minutes.

Liege waffles

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 45 min.
  • Number of portions: 4 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 3800 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, dessert, snack.
  • Cuisine: Belgian.
  • The complexity of cooking: average.

Prepare delicious loyal waffles in the Wafelnitz is very simple. Portions from the specified ingredients will not be too much, but a calorie dish, so it is not worth coming. The dough is preparing simply, because in the end you should get a solid cookie, covered with sugar crispy crust. To do this, before baking you need to cut products in the sand or powder, and it is recommended to use reed brown sugar.


  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • yeast (dry) - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 170 g;
  • vanilla sugar or vanillin - 1 tsp;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 170 ml;
  • salt - on the tip of the knife;
  • creamy butter - 200 g.

Cooking method:

  1. 85 ml of milk warm, dissolve yeast in it (enough tea spoon), leave in a warm place for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Eggs, salt, milk residue
  3. Add flour to oil. Distribute carefully.
  4. Add the yeast to the resulting mixture, pour the egg mass and beat the whisk of a wrench or manually (fork, spoon).
  5. The finished dough must be soft, sticking to the hands. Cover the towel and leave for 30 minutes in a warm place, then divide into 12 pieces. Obrace each in sugar and bake.

Belgian waffles in the oven

  • Cooking time: 45 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 3 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 1700 kcal.
  • Purpose: For breakfast, dessert.
  • Cuisine: Belgian.
  • The complexity of cooking: low.

The recipe for Belgian waffles in the oven is convenient for those who are accustomed to a satisfying breakfast, but who does not have an electrovaphlete. Cooking options are a set, mineral water, beer, brandy, but they will get the most gentle on milk. Using brown sugar (not so sweet) or white sugar sand, you do not risk - the waffles will be done necessarily appetizing. You can split proteins and yolks, whipping to a dense foam, but the simplest recipe with photos from confectionery books will be even a beginner hostess.


  • flour - 8 tbsp. l.;
  • butter creamy (margarine) - 100 g;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • bustyer - 2 h.;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Wear chicken eggs, sugar, salt.
  2. Pour milk, melted butter in room temperature.
  3. Flour asking with a baking powder. Mix with an egg mass of a mixer on low rollers by a wrench.
  4. In silicone shapes, run the dough portion. The oven must be heated to 200 degrees. Bake in forms of 8 minutes, then remove out of the oven and lay out for shutting the cookies on the contrary. Bake another 5 minutes.

Waffles Viennese and Belgian - distinction

Soviets how to cook delicious dry cookies, a lot. A recipe with a photo from the magazine looks beautiful, but to reproduce it and win the sympathy of guests-gourmets, you need to know exactly what the Viennese waffles differ from Belgian:

  1. The form. Belgian is a round, oval, rectangular shape, and Viennese bakes in the form of flat sheets.
  2. Thickness of the product. Viennese crispy sheets are thin, and other Belgian fat.
  3. Purpose. The Vienna version is thin, it is better to use it for pies with filling or nibble as cookies, and the second is served as a separate dish with powdered sugar, orange, watering chocolate melted in a water bath.

Video: Thick waffles in the Wafelnitz

Do you know that Belgian waffles are two basic species?
"Rulyate" Liege and Brussels!
Both varieties of waffles look like, but completely different tastes.

In this article I will tell you what the Brussels and Liege waffers differ, as well as how to bake home Brussels waffles. You are waiting for two recipes with photos and a story from childhood :)

If you want to immediately go to the recipe - please scroll down. Preface here is long 🙂

Once upon a time, when the trees were large and high, and my native Kiev in these trees is the most green city in the world, on the streets of Kiev, closer to the center, sold amazingly delicious waffles with the unusual name "corrugations". Soft, melting in the mouth, with large square cells and a delightful layer of whipped cream - that were these waffles! I still have a bright memoil from childhood: how we went to the theater with my grandmother, and after the play I bought waffles.

Now, having arrived in Kiev with your children, I gladly discovered in the city center of the city of selling Belgian waffles! Full in underground transitions, near the subway. Hooray! So he, the taste of childhood, I thought. We bought a waffle for a sample ... But upon closer, it was not the wrong taste. It was not the most gentle, soft "corrugation" from childhood, but crispy, hard, like a corger, wafer. Also tasty, but not that. And instead of the cream, the waffles were offered to pour to the topping - chocolate or syrup.

Since then, more than a year has passed, but the desire to find "those very" the Belgian waffles did not leave me. And recently, firing in search of waffle recipes for you, dear readers, I found out that Belgian waffles are Brussels and Lieges.

Liege waffles - solid and crunchy. They can also arise in the future and store for several days. That they caught us in new times. And leads its beginning the recipe since the 18th century, from the city of Liege. One day, he think that he would like to be tasty to tea, the prince of Liegesky ordered his cook "something new, but certainly doubtful"! The confectioner thought-thought - and covered in the dough more sugar ... Sugar when baking caramelized, and the waffles turned out with sugar grains inside. The prince really liked! And Liege waffles are popular. To obtain sugar crusts, they are collapsed in a large "pearl sugar". But the recipe for the Liege waffles we will master later, and now we have ...

Brussels waffles!
Soft, lush, air - these are they, waffles from childhood! They need to eat immediately with heat with heat, freshly baked! Warm waffles are served with whipped cream (yes, that's exactly what they are!), With powdered sugar or melted chocolate, with berries - a classic option - with strawberries and bananas.

I have long been looking for a real recipe for Brussels waffles, on the Internet options - many, and until you try, you can't guess which one is that. At first I chose the prescription of Brussels waffles from yeast dough, which met most often.

I will say right away, the first recipe was not the one I was looking for. The finished waffles, which we look forward to try, turned out to be taste like ... on yeast pancakes! Very beautiful pancakes, in squares, which are very convenient to impose berries, jam and sour cream. I liked the children, but I remembered that the "corrugations" were different for the taste! Not yeast, but soon biscuit. And the recipe still found! But about everything in order, first I will first tell the recipe waffle on the yeast. Suddenly any of you such "waffle pancakes" will like?

Dough for Brussels waffles on yeast:

For 12-15 pieces:

  • 2.5 cups of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g of butter;
  • 2-2.5 glasses of milk;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • vanilla sugar at will;
  • ¼ teaspoon salts;
  • 15 g of fresh yeast or 5 g dry.

To baking Belgian waffles, you need an electrovapulin with deep square cells.

How to bake Brussels waffles on yeast:

Yeast rubbing with sugar and weaving half a warm milk. Sift in a bowl with a dough flour.

Separate proteins from yolks and, mixing the dough, add yolks and the rest of the milk.

Squirs are whipped with a mixer with salt into a lush thick foam. So that the proteins be hit quickly and efficiently, they must be room temperature, and you need to beat first at low speed, gradually moving to a higher.

We add whipped proteins into the dough and slowly, gently mix the bottom up. Finally, add warm oil (not hot) melted oil, gradually pouring it with a cup of bowl and stirring.

If you use dry yeast, then simply mix them with flour, and add sugar, warm milk, yolks, whipped proteins in flour, we add to the flour.

The finished dough is left for 2 hours. I laid out the dough in two bowls, because from one it would accurately run away. Dough raises twice! Carefully make it a spoon - and you can burn the waffle.

Click on the picture to consider cooking yeast waffles in detail :)

Slightly lining the waffle plates with a rag, slightly moistened in sunflower oil (if you are baked in it for the first time), hem the wafelnitsa and hill the dough. The amount is set to experimental. If the clutter is not enough, the dough will not fill all the excavations, and the waffles will turn out on one side flat.

Here about so much dough need to pour

If you pour insufficient test, waffles here are

And so correctly :)

If you have a lot of clutter, the dough will "run away" along the edges of the wafflelnia.

The optimal amount turned out to be 3.5 tablespoons of the test, for different waphelnitz variations are possible. Also, baking time varies from 2-3 to 5-6 minutes.

When the waffles become golden, they are ready!

Gently remove them with a non-metallic object (silicone blade) and shift on the grid - so as not to be removed, as when cooled on a plate.

Although it should not be waited until the waffles are cooled - it is more tastling to eat them fresh!

The trial party Wafer "scattered" in the evening, and in the morning I continued to search for a recipe for real Brussels waffles. Because I did not like yeast in the first version.

And I decided to seek on ... Belgian sites! There must be authentic recipes waffles from Brussels! But, since the Google-translator Flemish has not yet plague, then, thinking, decided to transfer the request to French. And - cheers! - We used a site, full recipes, among which were three options for Brussels waffles !!! Gaufres de Bruxelles - so sounded their name in French. The foreign name of the ingredients also sounded unusual and magically, like music, and guess that there is something turned out to be a very exciting activity: de Farine, De Beurre, de lait! ... guess where flour, where oil, and where milk? And de Sucre and De Sel - it is immediately clear!

I chose a recipe without yeast, half a portion to try. So, if you want more - double the number of products. Although the waffles are better to eat warm, and better let down a new portion!

Ingredients for Brussels Waffle:

For 5-6 pieces:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 95 g of flour (this is an incomplete glass, about 1.5 cm below the top);
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • Pollia vanilla sugar;
  • 75 g of butter;
  • 1.5 tablespoon of milk;
  • 2 pinching salts.

How to cook Brussels waffles:

Mix butter, let him cool down a little.

Yolksa neatly separated from proteins.

Mustle flour in a bowl with sugar, pinch of salt, and make a "well."

In the "well" we put yolks, the fused oil, milk and mix to a smooth, homogeneous test.

In a separate bowl, you swallow egg proteins with a second pinch of salt to thick, strong foam.

We will add whipped proteins into the dough (more convenient to add 2 receptions) and gently, but thoroughly mix. You can proceed to baking waffles!

Pour 3 full spoons of the dough on the surface of the preheated waffle, close and wait ...

Caution, from under the lid on the sides it turns out hot couples! A couple of minutes you can open the wafflell and look at: golden? Ready!

We lay out the wafers on the grid for cooling.

A couple of minutes - and rather try soft, warm, lush Brussels waffles!

And here these waffles on the second recipe turned out to be much more like the "corrugations" that I remembered! They were tasted as biscuit, without the taste of yeast, and be baked much faster and easier. With honey, jam, cream - very tasty!

Who is looking for, he will find 🙂 and not only the recipe of Brussels waffles! 😀

P.S. After a fairly long time after the publication of this recipe, another recipe of Brussels Wafer - the third one appeared! Thanks to the reader of the site Valentina, who sent a link to the comment. According to the article on the website europeancuisines.com (European cuisines), the dough for Brussels waffles is done on the yeast, but with the addition of whipped proteins. The joint action of yeast and lush protein foam is an authentic "chip" of soft Belgian waffles. I decided to try and this option :)

Studied such recipes on several English-speaking sites; The recipes met some differences - the presence or absence of dry milk, the use of only proteins or proteins and yolks; dough on water or on milk; Minor difference in the amount of ingredients. As a result, he picked up the optimal option, combining two recipes. It was fascinating: to translate not only from English to Ukrainian, but also oz in grams and milliliters, and even in recipes appeared mysterious "shiny water" (Sparkling Water). I never defined what it is and what is its analogue. Therefore, it added in the dough the usual warm water. Maybe you know?
Update: Thanks to the readers now it is known that this is carbonated water! Many thanks to everyone who enlightened this topic :)

In the original recipe, it was stated that the ingredients were given in half portion. As a result, we had a huge amount of Wafer: a dozen three, I did not have time to calculate, since the hot waffles were immediately eaten :) And the remaining we were decorated, like on street trays in Belgium, for every taste: melted chocolate and condensedum, berries and sugar Pooh (and you can still whipped cream or ice cream!) - And we got a waffle party!

Want to know and this recipe? Now I will tell.

30 g of fresh yeast to be confused with 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, pour warm milk (300 ml), stirring, sifted one and a half cups of flour (200 g), stirred and leave for 15 minutes. (Or 8.5 g of dry active yeast mixed with milk, slightly sugar and flour, let it rise for 15 minutes. AFST yeast is fast - we immediately mix with flour).

When the layout fit, add 3 yolk room temperature, stir, then, alternating, - warm water (350 ml) and the rest of the flour (another 300 g, i.e. 2 cups 200 ml with a slide), and salt (1 teaspoon), Vanillin (on the tip of a teaspoon) and dry milk (125 g). You can replace dry milk flour. Leave the dough to approach for 20-25 minutes, meanwhile to melt 200 g of butter. Beat the egg whites in a thick white foam - in the process of 3-4 minutes, moving with low speed to the maximum.

In the dough, interfer warm, non-regulating melted oil. Then carefully, for 3-4 receptions, intervene the protein foam. Grease wafelnitsa with vegetable oil, warm well and bake the waffles, 2 tablespoons of the dough per piece. Such wafels first crispy on top and soft inside, and laying, become completely soft.

Although this is no longer a novelty, but not everyone knows how to do this delightful delicacy. Therefore, we will now consider a few of the most interesting recipes of Belgian waffles for electric poles.

This dough is not for thin waffles. For the preparation you will need a deep electrovapuel.


  • Flour - 0.5 kg;
  • Butter creamy - 0.1 kg;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Mineral water - 500 ml;
  • Milk - 350 ml;
  • Yeast (dry) - 6 g;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • Salt - 1 small pinch.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Creamy oil to put in a metal container and warm, to full interference. Immediately after that, remove the oil from the fire, it should not boil.
  2. In a separate dish, heavily heat the milk and pour it into oil.
  3. In the same container you need to pour mineral water and put the liquid into a small fire.
  4. Salt with eggs must be mixed up to a homogeneous consistency. Pour everything to the main ingredients. Mix very thoroughly. Remove the mass immediately from the fire.
  5. In small portions, add flour and immediately interfere with everything. There should be no lumps. Continue this action until all the flour is involved.
  6. Throw all the yeast and a spoonful of sugar. Mix thoroughly.
  7. Leave the mixture half an hour. During this time, it should rise.
  8. Turn on the electrovapulnitsa, it must be very hot. Lubricate the surface of the oil.
  9. The dough will be very liquid. Therefore, for convenience, use a ladle or a large spoon. With the help of these accessories, the dough is convenient to take and lay out forms. For one portion, you need one bedroom.
  10. Finished waffles can be used with many fillings. The dough is unsweetened, so let the will of fantasy. For example, you can pour them with chocolate or cream or vice versa, put meat on them with vegetables or sausage.

Bon Appetit!

Belgian Wafers - Classic Recipe for Electrovalethelnia


  • Flour - 0.2 kg;
  • Yeast (fresh) - 10 g;
  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • Butter creamy - 600 g;
  • Milk - 0.25 l;
  • Basin for the test - half of the teaspoon;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • Salt - on the tip of the knife.

Preparation steps:

  1. Take a big bowl. Pour milk into it, pour sugar - mix. Add yeast, they must completely dissolve.
  2. In a separate dish, melt the oil. Add it to the milk with yeast. Mix all the wedge or use the mixer.
  3. Pour salt into the tank, and then flour. The main thing is that there were no lumps. Mass should be liquid, resembles a consistency with a mixture on pancakes.
  4. Toughware with dough hide into a package or drag the food film. Send a bowl into the refrigerator for several hours (not less than 5, but better - 8 or more).
  5. Remove the dough from the refrigerator. During your stay in the refrigerator, our mass should be climbed.
  6. Pour a baking powder into the dough. Stir all for a fork or a wedge. At this stage, you must act very carefully. After all, the bundle must evenly distribute the test.
  7. Turn on the wafflells. After it is heated, lubricate the honeycomb oil and pour the dough. You can apply oil with a tassel or cloth. The most effective is the method with a pulverizer. Just type the oil into the bottle and sprinkle with liquid several times. The oil will be uniformly distributed, and you do not get dirty. In addition, oil consumption is thus minimal.
  8. Close the device. Adjust the degree of readiness themselves, because each different power of the electrovapile. In addition, everyone prefer different degrees of wafel trees. For example, some lovers love and crunchy, and others are very soft.
  9. Use dessert in warm form. Immediately after reaching them from the instrument - pour honey or sprinkle with powdered sugar. You can still decorate them with cherries or berries.

Brussels waffles


  • Flour - 2.5 glasses;
  • Butter creamy - 0.1 kg;
  • Milk - 2 glasses;
  • Egg - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • Yeast (dry) - 5 g;
  • Vanilla sugar is half a bag or one;
  • Salt - ¼ teaspoon.


  1. Perelete sugar with yeast. Pour only 1 cup of milk, all sweep the mixer. It is most convenient to do this in a deep bowl.
  2. Sketch the flour and add it to the dough. Mix all.
  3. Yolks must be separated from proteins.
  4. We introduce in the dough yolk and the second glass of milk. Take the dough until homogeneous mass.
  5. In a separate container, take the proteins, add salt to them. It must be done until a lush foam appears. To speed up the process, pull the eggs from the refrigerator in advance, because the room temperature product is high quality. At the very beginning, launch the mixer at the minimum speed and increase it gradually. Finish whipping at maximum speed.
  6. Slowly introduce proteins in the bulk of mass. It must be done smoothly, constantly stirring the dough.
  7. In a small bowl or pan melt oil. Slightly cool it. In the dough you need to lay warm, and not hot oil.
  8. Leave the dough at room temperature for 2 hours. But keep in mind, it will increase greatly in size (almost twice). Therefore, if you do not have a big bowl or pans - divide the mass into several parts and distribute the containers.
  9. After time, we need to mix a little.
  10. Turn on the electrovapole in the outlet. When it gets warm, lubricate the surface with vegetable oil. But if you use the device for a long time, then the surface can not be moisturized.
  11. Fill the dough. It should fill all the pits. Close the electrotrovinice.
  12. The cooking process depends on the technical characteristics of your device. Finished waffles must have a golden shade.
  13. It is necessary to remove the delicacy with a wooden or silicone spatula.
  14. Serve them in warm form. Sprinkle the wafers with a powder or favorite jam.

Belgian waffles on kefir


  • Warm water - ½ cup;
  • Yeast (dry) - 7 grams;
  • Kefir - 0.5 l;
  • Creamy butter - 125 grams, as a last resort - it can be replaced by margarine, in the same proportions;
  • Flour - 0.5 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • Salt - 2 chips.
  • Vanilla sugar - to taste.


  1. Melt the oil in a small container. Give it cool.
  2. Pour the floor of a glass of water in a saucepan, a little warm it. Remove the container from the fire, add yeast and sugar, mix everything.
  3. Slight a little kefir. Pour melted oil and salt to it. Add everything to the bulk
  4. Gradually, enter the flour. The dough should be homogeneous, without lumps.
  5. Take the saucepan of the food film and leave the dough to make up all night. It must be at room temperature. Leave it on the kitchen table or hide into the closet. If there is no place at all - put the dough into the oven.
  6. In the morning, get the saucepan and add a vanilla extract to the dough, mix everything. Try the dough, perhaps you caught too acidic kefir, then add more sugar or flour if the mass is too liquid.
  7. Pour the dough into the electrovnelnitsa and wait a few minutes.
  8. Fly waffles in warm form, decorate them with fruit or chocolate.

If you didn't eat everything at once - just hide the dessert into the refrigerator. Waffles, therefore, can be stored for several days.

What is the difference between Belgian waffles from Viennese?

Belgian waffles have a large percentage of proteins in their composition, the yeast is added to the dough. They are high air as cakes. Traditionally, they are sprinkled with sugar powder or watered with syrup. Also, they are eating with fruit or lay ice ice cream on a hot wafer.

Viennese waffles are made of large sizes. They have a gentle and soft structure inside, and outside are crispy and solid. In the process of preparation, in the middle of the waffle can be put on the filling, it will be much more tastier.

But in each country there will be their amendments, depending on the taste preferences of the population. For example, in Japan, it is customary to make waffles in the form of fish, stuffing there from beans or chocolate.

So we looked at a few interesting and simple recipes of cooking waffles, we hope they like them. Try to cook them, you will definitely find something new for yourself. After all, this dish is very easy in cooking - takes a little strength and time. Pay attention to the thickness of the waffle and at the time of their preparation.

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