
Blackberry jam with whole five-minute berries. Essed five-minute jam for the winter - recipes with whole berries. With plums and cloves

Blackberry - 1 kilogram
Oranges - 2 pieces
Sugar - 1 kilogram
Lemon - 1 piece

How to cook jam from blackberry with oranges
1. Oranges to wash and clean from the zest, make the zest to cut noodles.
2. Squeeze orange juice in a saucepan for cooking jam, meals not to use for jam.
3. To the orange juice add a zest, sugar, mix well and put on a quiet fire.
4. Bring the boil jam and cool at room temperature.
5. Blackberry to go through, wash, lay out in cold syrup, leave for 2 hours.
6. Put jam on fire, cook for half an hour on a quiet fire, stirring.
7. 5 minutes before the end of the cooking, pour out squeezed lemon juice, then the jam cool and pour into banks.


- Blackberry is rich in a whole set of vitamins: Vitamin A contributes to improving vision, C and E strengthen the immunity, RR - is responsible for the work of the heart and blood circulation, adjusts the cholesterol content in the blood. Blackberry contains all group vitamins that play a large role in the metabolism of the body. In addition to vitamins, blackberry contains a number of useful minerals: potassium, iron, phosphorus, copper, manganese, magnesium. For such a rich composition, the berry is considered therapeutic. Blackberry will help to quickly cope with an acute respiratory disease, reduce the heat. It is recommended to regularly use the prevention of cancer and vascular diseases. Fresh blackberry juice will help with insomnia.

The blackberry is recommended to normalize the intestinal work. Berries contain organic acids - lemon, apple, salicylovaya, which stimulate the juice in the gastrointestinal tract and improve digestion. But it is worth knowing that ripe berries can slightly slit a chair, but unripe - fix.

Blackberry can be included in the diet of diet food, since it has low calorie content - 36 kcal / 100 grams. Due to the large number of pectin substances - good sorbents, blackberry derives from the body of salts, heavy metals and radionuclides.

Black-based jam can be welded without bones. To do this, you must first hold the berries in hot water at a temperature of 80-90 degrees, not boiling, 3 minutes. The softening berries wipe through the metal sieve - bones will remain in the sieve, and the blackberry puree to cook together with sugar.

In order for cooking jam from blackberry, the berries remained whole, you should not wash them in front of cooking, and while cooking jam to interfere with it neatly a large villional spoon. Even better - cook jam in a wide bowl and instead of stirring a spoon to swing a bowl in a circle.

In order for the jam to be thicker and most, at the beginning of the cooking, you can add juice into it and a crushing zest of lemon or orange.

Blackberry is a very interesting ingredient, opening in front of cooking the widest field for fantasy. It has a bright taste in which sweet notes prevail, but at the same time there is a spicy light sourness, which also balances the taste bouquet. Therefore, it is not surprising that the jam from blackberries is very fragrant and I want to eat it yet. The kids really like to smear it on a hunk of fresh bread or simply flying for both cheeks, drinking hot tea.

About the benefits of the product

Before cooking jam from blackberries, we suggest to consider that it will bring us it use:

  • this berry contains a huge number of vitamins and each of them carries a certain load - vitamin A is responsible for excellent vision, vitamins C and E strengthen the immune system, vitamin RR normalizes the work of the heart muscle and regulates the level of cholesterol, group vitamins in improving metabolic processes. ;
  • mineral substances, and this is magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, copper and phosphorus, help prevent the development of cancer, as well as vessel disease, they lead to the norm of the nervous system and contribute to the speedy cure on sharp respiratory diseases;
  • the intestinal work will be established with the blackberry, as it contains valuable organic acids, including apple, lemon, wine, salicyl. Thanks to these substances, the digestion process is significantly limited to the digestion.

Important! However, it should be remembered that overripe berries will somewhat slit stools, and unplanned, on the contrary, fix.

Subtleties of preparation


So, we go to the main - recipes for billets from blackberry for the winter.


Prepare Ingredients:

  • 900 g of blackberries;
  • 900 g of sugar;
  • half-liter water.

Cooking process.

  1. Berries separate from fruits, clean and dry carefully.
  2. In the container pour water and heat it to a temperature of 90 ° C.
  3. Put blackberry in hot water and leave for 3 minutes.

    Important! The gas supply in this should be minimal so that the mass does not boil!

  4. Liquid merge, berries shift into sieve and grind.
  5. The resulting mashed potatoes folded into a container with a non-stick coating, add sugar and, constantly interfering with a wooden spoon dessert, respect to density.
  6. Pour ready jam in prepared banks and roll.

Classic recipe

For the preparation of jam from blackberry on a classic recipe, it is necessary to prepare only two ingredients: blackberry and sugar, which are taken in an equal ratio.

Cooking process.

  1. Berries must be carefully overlooked, remove the pitched and crumpled, rinse and leak on the colander.
  2. After shifting a blackberry in a saucepan or a bowl for cooking and fall asleep sugar.
  3. The berry-sugar mixture should stand about half an hour - it is necessary so that the blackberry will be laid juice.
  4. Further, we install the container on the stove and slowly heat the contents, constantly stirring it.
  5. Wegan up for 30 minutes, overflow into sterilized banks and tightly closed.

Jam-five minutes

Jam from blackberry for the winter five minutes got its name due to a very rapid preparation process.
Prepare Ingredients:

  • 900 g of blackberries;
  • 900 g of sugar sand;
  • 3 g of citric acid.

Cooking process.

  1. Berries neatly go through, rinse and give a drain of water.
  2. In a wide bowl, lay the fruits with layers, speaking each sugar, leave for 5-6 hours.
  3. After the specified time, we set the pelvis on fire and bring the mass to boiling.
  4. After 5 minutes, add citric acid, after another minute turn off the gas supply.

With oranges

Blackberry can be prepared for the winter by connecting it with citrus, as in the next recipe.

Prepare Ingredients:

  • 900 g of fresh berries;
  • 2 orange;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 kg of sugar sand.

Cooking process.

  1. Berries go through, separate the flower makers, rinse and dry on the towel.
  2. Oranges thoroughly wash, cut off the zest and nourish it as small as possible.
  3. From oranges to squeeze the juice and pour it into the container in which the jam will be prepared.
  4. Add sugar, zest and bring the mixture to a boil on low fire, constantly stirring it.
  5. Syrup cool, put in it berries and leave for 2 hours.
  6. After the specified time, install a saucepan on a small fire and prepare jam for 30 minutes.
  7. 5 minutes before readiness to add lemon juice.

With apples

Prepare Ingredients:

  • 900 g of berries;
  • 900 g of apples, preferably acidic varieties;
  • one and a half kg of sugar;
  • lemon;
  • tablespoon of cream oil;
  • cardamom;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • 100 g of liqueur.
Cooking process.
  1. Apples rinse well, divide into four parts, remove the core and chopping with thin slides.
  2. Stop apples in a saucepan, pour water and blanch about 10 minutes until they become soft.
  3. From Lemon, squeeze juice and add to apples.
  4. Put the blackberry and cook the mixture for 10 minutes, constantly stirring and removing the foam.
  5. Add a liqueur and 3 g of cardamom, slaughter for another 3 minutes.
  6. Pan with a saucepan from the stove, put the oil, mix the contents, remove the film, cool the jam.
  7. In prepared banks, pour the dessert, on the neck of each to put a sheet of parchment and close with polyethylene covers.

With bananas

Prepare Ingredients:

  • 900 g of fresh berries;
  • 1 kg of bananas;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

Cooking process.

  1. Berries should be rinsed and cleaned from the fruits.
  2. Lay out the fruit on a paper towel to the glasses of an excess liquid.
  3. Shoot the prepared blackberry in a saucepan or pelvis, shield with sugar sand and leave for the night.
  4. Clear bananas from the peel, cut into small cubes.
  5. The misty mass of the story to boil and peck for 30 minutes.
  6. Add bananas and cook about 5-6 minutes.
  7. Pour ready-made dessert on sterilized banks and send to storage in cold.

Blackberry jam has a lot of advantages to which impeccable taste, huge benefits, attractive fragrance and appearance of the delicacy itself. This dessert is preparing relatively long, which allows you to preserve the valuables in full. Compared to traditional and strawberries, the black-related occurs much less often, but for its benefit it is not inferior to them. Prepare a few jars of this fragrant dessert for the winter and be healthy!

Cooking time: 30 minutes + 2-3 hours on exposure with sugar and breaks between cooking

Exit -1.3 kg

Calorie - 204 kcal

There are various ways to prepare a black-free jam. Traditionally boil jam from blackberry with bones and without bones. There are upgraded recipes. So, modern hostesses are boiled ,, But if you are preparing jam for the winter and want it to get a "berry to berry", it is preferable to choose a classic option - thick jam from blackberry with whole berries. It is called thick because it is brewed without adding water and has a checked property when cooled.

Below is the recipe for a dense blackboy jam with whole berries with photo step by step. In the cold winter days, the jam from the blackberry prepared by you will remind you of anyone who tries it.

How to cook dense jam from blackberry with whole berries at home

If you pay attention not only to taste, but also want to get the most useful product, it is preferable to use non-garden, but forest berries, despite the fact that they are smaller and less juicy. When cooking berry jam from bone blackberries, it is important to maintain the integrity of the berries. At the same time, numerous bones in blackberry berries do not spoil his taste. Jam from garden berries Blackberry with bones is cooked as from forest berries. Jam from forest berries blackberry with bones is more fragrant and more thick. The best jam is obtained from freshly placed berries.

If you buy berries, keep in mind: so that the berries remain safe and the jam turned out to be delicious, the source product should consist of ripe and intact berries. Berries should be dry. If the wet berries means, among them there are a lot of damaged. Such a blackberry scores very quickly and loses its nutritional value.

First of all, you need to move the berries in order to remove all unnecessary - by chance that the leaves, branches, tails, damaged berries. Then the blackberry need to rinse and give a track of water. From the marked berries of blackberries, you can prepare a delicious compote, or roll them with sugar.

For cooking jam from blackberries, nickel-plated or enameled dishes without chipping and damage - a pelvis or a wide pan.

By shifting the prepared berries in the dishes, in which the jam will be boiled, they must be filled with sugar sand and leave for 1-2 hours so that the berries will let juice.

When sugar sand takes a pinkish-purple shade, dishes with future black-based jam must be put on a weak fire until sugar dissolved. At the same time it is necessary to monitor so that sugar sand at the bottom of the dishes is burned. To do this, it is necessary to periodically slightly shake the dishes with a mixture of blackberry and sugar. If you want a blackberry jam to be not very thick, then before putting the dishes with a mixture on fire, you can add 50g (a quarter of a cup) of water there. This whole process will take about 10 minutes.

After the sugar sand is completely dissolved in the black-based juice, dishwash the dishes and give it to cool. It can take no more than an hour. But if you are busy, you can proceed to the further cooking of the black-based jam and a little later.

Next, the workpiece of jam from blackberry must be put on a strong fire for 15-20 minutes. This allows you to get a black-based jam with a bright, rich color. But it is important to ensure that it is not burnt and blackberry berries remained and did not fall apart. For this, jam must be periodically easy to stir, so that the berries are evenly distributed in the dishes. Understandable foam in the process of cooking can not be removed. By the end of the cooking, its number will greatly decrease. In case of easy shaking, the dishes with jam, the remaining foam will gather on the surface of the jam in the middle, then it can be easily removed by noise.

It is possible to determine the readiness of jam from blackberry with whole berries in the following way: you need to drop the syrup on the plate and wait for the cooling of the drop. If the jam is ready, the drop on the plate does not spread.


If at a light slope, the drop dish spreads, then the jam is not yet ready.

How to sterilize jam storage jars from blackberry

While the jam is boiled, or pre-prepare banks for storage. The easiest way to sterilize can be carried out using a conventional kitchen kettle. The inner part of well-washed cans carefully process the hot steam, coming out of the nose of a boiling kettle. Covers for closing cans pour boiling water and keep on fire for 10 minutes. After sterilizing the cans and covers upside down lay on a dry towel.

The finished jam is spilled in prepared, sterilized warm jars hot. Banks with jam quickly and tightly closed with a lid.

As cool, the jam should thicken. To enhance the tightness of the lid, which is important when storing the jam until winter, the jars on the edge of the lid can be additionally wrapped, the ribbon of the usual stationery tape. After cooled, the blackboy jam put in a cool place.

The thick blackboy jam with whole berries is ready for storage for the winter, pleasant appetite!

What are the ways to prepare a thick jam from blackberries

Blackberry jam with whole berries with spikes

In the pan sequentially, the prepared blackberry berries and sugar, mixed with the contents of one pack of shorebox (1: 1), cover the lid and give to stand until the berries are allowed. On strong fire, the mixture is brought to a boil and boiled 3-5 minutes, after which it is hot spilled in banks.

Blackberry jam with whole berries with lemon

In order for jam from the blackberry, it caught and had a light citrus fragrance, at the final stage of his cooking in jam, you can add squeezed meat to half of the lemon.

Blackberry jam with whole berries with spices

If you like the taste and aroma of the pounded cardamom, it can be added to the blackboy jam with whole berries at the last stage of its preparation.

Step-by-step recipes of delicious homemade jam from blackberry for the winter

2018-07-28 Liana Rimanova





In 100 grams of finished dishes

0 gr.

0 gr.


50 gr.

200 kcal.

Option 1. Classic jam recipe from blackberry for winter

The annual jam is very useful, moreover, has a delightful taste, indescribable aroma and appetizing appetizer. It is preparing easily and quickly, and if the recipe is clearly followed, it is always excellent. In a classic recipe, only fresh blackberry and sugar are used.


  • blackberry - 2.5 kg;
  • sugar - 2,200 kg.

Step-by-step recipe for jam from blackberry for the winter

Running the berries, lay in a deep saucepan and, falling asleep with sugar, leave for 30 minutes to get juice.

We include a small flame of fire and put a container with berries and sugar, waiting for boils, cook 30 minutes.

Unlock hot jam into sterilized jars, close the lids.

In the inverted form, the jam with jams are cooling under a dense cloth and send to the basement until winter.

During cooking, the jam is better not to stir hard, just a slightly shake the container, so the berries will remain whole, and the ready-made delicacy will look appetable.

Option 2. Quick recipe for jam from blackberry for the winter

Delicious, fragrant jam from blackberry can be welded faster according to the next recipe. Here it is necessary to stand in advance with a jet of sugar several hours and pecking for five minutes. It turns out thick and delicious. And additionally added citric acid gives dessert an interesting taste of light sourness.


  • 1,600 kg of fresh blackberries;
  • sugar sand - 1,600;
  • 8 g of citric acid.

How to cook jam from blackberry for the winter

Washing blackberry withstand in the colander 10 minutes to glass moisture.

Falling asleep with a sugar, we retain on the sidelines for 5 hours, covered with a towel.

We put a saucepan with a berry on the middle burner, waiting for boiling, weganize 5 minutes.

Suck citric acid, we welcome for another five minutes.

Decaying jam on sterile jars and closed with plastic lids, cool under the plaid and stored in a cool room.

Lemonic acid is permissible to replace freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Option 3. Blackberry jam for winter with orange and lemon

Excellent combination of blackberry and citrus fruits. Oranges and lemons add a jam refined taste and a memorable light and refreshing spicy aroma.


  • oranges - 3 pcs.;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1,200 kg of sugar;
  • blackberry - 1,300 kg.

Step-by-step recipe

Blackberry is swore, free from dry fruits, rinse in colander.

Oranges and lemon of mine.

Shaped on the slices and the oranges liberated from the squeeze squeeze through the juicer, the squeezes are throwing out, and the juice drain into the container.

Orange zest three on a gravity with small holes.

In a container with orange juice, sugar, zesto and bring to a boil on a small burner.

Having cooled the orange syrup, immerse the blackberry in it and set aside for 2 hours.

We put the container on the small burner and cook from the moment of boiling 30 minutes.

After 20 minutes of cooking, we pour lemon juice.

Arriving a hot jam into clean jars, close with plastic lids.

Enjoy and store in the cellar to winter.

This jam can be prepared a bit differently, changing oranges and lemons in some places, that is, blackberry drink and cope in lemon syrup, and orange juice is added at the end of the cooking. It will also work tasty, with a slight note of freshness sweet delicacy.

Option 4. Blackberry jam for winter with apples

Apples have long combined with a variety of berries, fruits and boiled wonderful fragrant jam. So with the blackberry, it turns out a truly gentle, delicious delicacy, with an expressive soft taste. A new ingredient is a liqueur - gives jam light sharpness.


  • blackberry - 2.5 kg;
  • 8 of any apples;
  • sugar sand - 2.5 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • refined maslice - 15 ml;
  • any liquor - 135 ml;
  • hot water - 420 ml.

How to cook

My apple is mine, cutting on halves and removing the middle with seeds, cut thin plates.

We fold the apples into a large metal dishes and blanch 12 minutes, the burnt of hot water to the full coating.

Freding the lemon from the zest, press the juice from the pulp and pour to the apples, at the same time we sleep washed the blackberry, we welcome 15 minutes on low heat, mixing often and removing the foam.

We pour the liqueur, sugar sugar, boil another 5 minutes.

Turn off the fire, we pour into the jam to the maslice, all thoroughly mix and remove the accumulated foam.

Fully coercive the jam in a saucepan, we break over sterile banks, cover with a piece of parchment and close the plastic lid.

For even greater tenderness of the apple can be twisted through the meat grinder, in which case they do not need to blanch.

Option 5. Jam from frozen blackberry for the winter

And if you have a poor blackberry harvest in the garden, and so I want to enjoy fragrant jam in winter, buy a frozen berry in any supermarket and boil this sweet dessert from it. According to taste and contained vitamins, it will almost not differ from what is welded from fresh berries.


  • 600 g of frozen blackberry;
  • sugar - 1,100 kg;
  • lemons - 1 thing.

Step-by-step recipe

Frozen blackberries put in a metal container, sprinkled with sugar, we leave for 2 hours.

Lemon purify, press juice from it and pour into the blackberry, mixing well, placing on a small flame of fire, after boiling, weganize 6 minutes.

Removing the container from the plate, we cool the jam and spread it into a clean dry container, close with ordinary lids and remove into a cool place until winter.

Capacity for cooking such a jam will necessarily choose high, as the berry with sugar when heating is much risen and can pour out. Also in this recipe frozen blackberry can be mixed with other berries, such as strawberries.

Option 6. Jam from the blackberry woven for the winter

Some people do not like, when small bones come across the blackberry jam. For such a case, there is an excellent option of delicious delicacy from the ripe berry. While wiping the bones remain on the sieve, and the berry turns into a puree, which is then boiled with sugar. It turns out thick, especially gentle dessert.


  • blackberry - 3 kg;
  • 3 kg of sugar;
  • 570 ml of water.

How to cook

Wash and move blackberry on a clean towel.

Water poured into a clean saucepan, heating to boiling water, pour her berries, withstand several minutes.

Blackberry exempt from the cooled water, we carry through the sieve.

Mixed puree mixed with sugar and cook on a slow flame of fire with a frequent mixing of 10-12 minutes.

Locked in glass jars jam closed with plastic lids, sting and store in the cellar.

Relieve the jam necessarily on slow heat so that it does not boil and not foam.

Option 7. Jam from blackberry for the winter with bananas

Another recipe for a gentle and delicious black jam. Particular to the bananas give a good an excellent fragrance and an unusual light blue shade.


  • 9 blackberry glasses;
  • bananas - 8 pcs.;
  • 9 Sugar glasses.

Step-by-step recipe

Wash the berry sprinkle sugar, let it stand 12 hours to stir up.

The bananas exempted from the peel are cut by medium pieces.

Capacity with blackberry in the Sahara put on a small fire and cook half an hour, while often shaking the container, armed with patches.

Introduce the sliced \u200b\u200bbananas in the jam, tapping another 7 minutes, turn off the fire and
remove the container from the plate.

Preparing according to sterile dry glass plates, jam cool in dense warm fabric and descend to the basement for storage.

For faster preparation, blackberry and banana pieces can be filled with sugar, and then peak, just the boards time to increase to 35-40 minutes.

Blackberry is considered one of the most amazing berries. It uses many confectioners and cooks around the world for the preparation of sweets. On their shape, blackberry resembles raspberries, but differs from her color and brightness of taste. A brightly pronounced taste is balancing a small test of sourness, and therefore there is nothing surprising that the capacity from this product is so tasty.

In particular, the blackboy jam likes young children, because it can be used with any porridge, smear on bread, put in tea or just eat a spoon. It is especially pleasant and useful to enjoy such a delicacy in winter when there is a shortage of vitamins.

Blackboy jam is often used in restaurants for cooking cupcakes, cheesecakes or soufflies. At home, this delicacy is served to the caress or muffin.

Blackberry has not only a wonderful taste, but also a mass of useful properties, from which you can allocate:

  • strengthening the walls of the vessels;
  • reduced temperature at ARZ;
  • immunity;
  • assistance in the fight against colds;
  • treatment of cystitis and renal illness;
  • facilitate the state with inflammatory processes or pneumonia.

8 recipes from blackberry

For many dozens of years, there has been a huge number of recipes for the preparation of the Black Original Jam at home. Many of them different with the composition of the ingredientsobtaining a unique taste or preservation of useful properties. Among the whole diversity allocate:

Classic blackberry jam

For the preparation of classic jam From blackberries use such ingredients as:

  • 1100 g of blackberry;
  • 1100 g of sugar.

Before starting to cook jam, you need to pre-cook the berry. First, spoiled blackberry is sorted, and the remaining berry is washed under cold water. Next you need to give time to excess water glass and only then place the product in the pelvis or a saucepan with a wide and flat bottom. In such a state of blackberry is cooked for one hour, with constant addition of sugar. As a result, you can see how the juice begins to stand out. Doing blackberry required several times, neatly stirring, not to damage the berries. At the end of cooking, the jam in the hot form is distributed over clean and dry banks and is well blocked by lids.

Recipe "Five minutes"

Blackberry is moved by removing spoiled berries, remove branches and fruits. To glasses water after washing use simple paper. As soon as the berries get angry, they are placed in the pelvis, but unlike the classic recipe, then the berries are stacked with sugar layers. In such a state, berries should be within 5-6 hours in order to begin to stand out. As a result, you can get a product that is enough peel 5 minutes for complete readiness.

A few minutes before the end of the cooking in the jam, several grams of citric acid are stirred and added. Lay out the resulting sweetness in clean and dry glass jars, but it is impossible to close jam caps. Instead of covers, a plastic bag is used, and the jam itself is stored in the cold.


  • 1 kg blackberry;
  • 820 g of sugar;
  • 3-4 g of citric acid.

Jam with Blackberry and Malina


  • blackberry 1 kg;
  • raspberries 1 kg;
  • sugar 2 kg.

To begin with, raspberries and blackberries are moved, they remove the frozen and distribute into different containers. At the first stage, the berries are boiled separately. The approximate ratio of the mass of sugar and berries is equal to 1 to 1. During cooking, the liquid is stirred, but so as not to damage the product itself. After boiling, raspberries and blackberries are placed in a cool place for 11-13 hours In order to settle juice. Further, juice is drained into a separate pan and boil, constantly adding sugar, and stir. Berries fall asleep half an hour before cooking. The exercise is boiled for about 6 minutes, after which they give it to completely cool, again heated to a boil for 5 minutes and in hot form are distributed over glass cans.

Blackberry jam with apples


The first thing is moved and washed with apples and berries. Apples are cleaned from the peel, remove the core and cut into small pieces. Further cut pieces of apples are poured with water and bring to a boil for 10 minutes. Fruits should ultimately soften and only then poured pre-squeezed lemon juice. The mixture should stand in a few minutes, and then cool.

After a few hours, the jam again brought to a boil, berries and sugar fall asleep. When heated, it is necessary to ensure that the surface does not form a foam. As soon as the foam stops appearing on the surface, the cardamom and liqueur pour into the pan. In such a state, the jam is negotiated for 3-4 minutes, and then it is distributed to banks. One of the subtleties of this recipe is that there are parchment paper between the lid and the jar.

Cooking blackberries with lemon, bananas or oranges

In fact, cooking jam with lemons, oranges or bananas - these are three different recipes. The cooking process itself does not change, but the various ingredients are used. For example, such ingredients can be used as:

  • 1 kg blackberry;
  • 980 g of sugar;
  • 140 g of lemon, 400 g orange or 1 kg of bananas.

You can use only one ingredients of three, as their totality can kill blackberry taste.

Berries are pre-triggered and smiled. Lemon is washed and rubbed yellow zest. After that, berries are added to the pan, lemon zest and stirred during the heating of the ingredients to highlight the juice. After boiling in the pan evenly begin add sugar and lemon juice. Vesvo is important constantly mixingly mix so as not to damage the berries. At the last stage, a thick liquid should be obtained, which can be placed in banks. For sterilization, banks are placed in boiling water for several minutes.

Together, the lemon can use orange or banana, in the above proportions. In some cases, a small amount of lemon juice is added together with the orange.

Recipe for black-friendly bone jam


  • 1050 g of sugar;
  • 1050 g of blackberry berries;
  • 500 ml of water.

In fact, the procedure itself is similar to a classic recipe. The peculiarity of this recipe is that berries are pumped after their cooking And thereby remove all bones. The minus of this method of preparation is that there is no whole berry in the jam, and the product itself is as a result resembles a puree, but the taste itself does not change.

In the preparation of jam from blackberry there is nothing difficult. Even the newcomer cooking is to cope with this work, especially when there are step-by-step recipes. True, during cooking must be needed follow some nuancesthat will help not only get delicious sweetness, but also save all the beneficial properties of berries.


Definished taste, unique wellness properties, beautiful view, these are all the qualities that the blackberry possesses. It turns out of it very rich and pleasant Not only for adults, but also for children. You can prepare this sweetness at home, even without the initial skills. The main thing is to follow the step-by-step prescription instructions and comply with the necessary recommendations.

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