
Homemade potato chips. How to make chips at home: in the oven and microwave recipe chips from potatoes

Potato chips - "Food garbage", which tightly entered the life of adults and children. They are snacking, taken in parallel with alcohol, used as an additive in salads. This is one of the best-selling goods in the world and the least useful product on the nutritional value. But there are no benefits only in store chips. Therefore, it is important to know how to make chips at home.

If you cook their homes, you can get almost harmless delicacy. The main thing is to choose a good recipe with a small amount of harmful components. The second rule is to choose the way to prepare.

In chips that are purchased in the store, there is practically no benefit, but it is enough for harm. The fact is that the potato contains a large number of starch. It turns into glucose, which causes the organism's saturation. And glucose is capable of turning into acrylamide - a component dangerous to the body.

If you use it regularly, it can start developing cancer. The most vulnerable to this disease is 30-45 years old, since they have tumors in the field of uterus and ovaries.

Other reasons due to which potato chips are considered harmful, such.

  1. For cooking use the same oil when it needs to be changed after each batch of potatoes. Because of what the amount of cholesterol increases in the blood.
  2. Chemicals add to the product. Most often it is flavors, dyes, taste amplifiers. According to regulations, some proportion of these components is really permitted, but often manufacturers exceed this rate. This is reflected in the overall human well-being, fraught with a disorder of metabolism, the occurrence of allergic reactions, the destruction of the enamel of the teeth.
  3. The presence of an excessive amount of fats. This leads to obesity and impaired digestion. The appetite worsens, immunity is reduced.
  4. As part of a lot of salt. It interferes with the normal growth of hair, nails and bones, destroying vitamin C. Excessive use of such chips can result in heart problems.

But potato chips are not only harmful to human health. They also have some useful properties, among which are the satisfaction of hunger, improving the mood (especially when this product really wants to eat, i.e. comes emotional, psychological hunger).

How to prepare potato chips at home?

Potato chips at home is an excellent delicacy that can be used as a snack. To taste, they are completely different from the purchased product, regardless of the preparation method. And the most important thing - when cooking it is possible to adjust and control the amount of salt and seasonings, pour them out at will.

To prepare useful and delicious potato chips at home, it is necessary to correctly pick up raw materials. For this product, potatoes are needed with a large dry mass content (from 20%). If it is too watery, then crispy chips will not come out. Potato varieties are perfectly suitable:

  • Lady Rosette;
  • Bullfinch;
  • Fantasy;
  • Pushkin;
  • Story;
  • Saturn.

They are derived by selectors specifically to create this delicacy. In most cases, tubers have the same dimensions, therefore the chips will be appropriate.

To prepare useful chips on this recipe, you will need such ingredients:

  • 500 g potatoes;
  • 2-2.5 Art. l. vegetable oil;
  • butter;
  • salt and pepper (added to taste).

First, the potatoes are clean and wash under cold water. Lay out on the towel so that it dries a bit (somewhere for 20-30 minutes, no more).

After that, the oil is poured in large quantities. They give it enough to warm up and parallel the potatoes are cut with small circles (2-3 mm in thickness). You can use a special vegetable cutter, but it is quite possible to cope with the help of an ordinary kitchen knife.

Potatoes are laid out in a frying pan with preheated oil. Separate slices should not come into contact with each other, otherwise it turns out an ordinary fried potato.

When the chips become golden, they are removed from the frying pan, salted and sprinkled with spices. Lay out on a napkin or paper towels to remove excess oil. Chips are ready to eat!

In the oven

At first, you also need to clean the potatoes, thinly cut. But besides this component, you need greens (dill is best fit) and garlic. Therefore, after potatoes, garlic and dill are clean and finely.

Garlic needs to cut, because when using the press, garlic puree is obtained, which will not allow crispy chips.

On the stove put a small container where the oil is poured in a small amount. Inside throw chopped garlic and greens. Potatoes are laying inside the tank and shake slightly so that each slice is impregnated with spices with spices. Damfit for 30-40 minutes.

Take a baking sheet and flow the paper. Potatoes are laid, but only one next. The oven is pre-warmed up to 200 ° C, where chips are sent for 15-20 minutes. After that, they are checked for readiness. If you wish, you can put in the oven for another 15 minutes to get more crunchy.

When the chips prepare, they are allowed to cool 30-40 minutes, no less. Serve is recommended with sour cream.

To prepare chips in this way, you only need 3 components - 25 ml of oil, 300 g of potatoes and spices. Such a portion is enough for 1 adult.

The sequence of actions is as follows.

  1. Potatoes are clean, wash and cut into small slices. Leave in cold water for 15-20 minutes to get out starch.
  2. Slices dried with paper towels and sprinkled with selected spices (sometimes enough add just salt and pepper).
  3. Take a flat container and decompose on it slices of potatoes in 1 row.

The cooking time of chips in 4-5 minutes. Provided that the maximum preparation temperature is exhibited. 2 minutes from the beginning of cooking chips need to be turned over.

Chips are considered ready if the golden brown shade appears on them. Then they should be taken from the microwave and give cool, otherwise they will just burn.

In fryernice

The number of components depends on the type and size of the fryer. Usually grabs 1 kg of potatoes and 1-2 liters of oil. As spices take your favorite spices - Khmeli-Sunnels, salt, pepper, paprika, red pepper, etc.

With potatoes do the same as in previous recipes. When it is sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin circles, the fryer fill with oil. The device includes the necessary program activate. A special signal will notice when potatoes can be immersed inside the art and when it can already be removed.

Finished chips are laid out on paper to glass extra oil. Only after that they sprinkled with spices. Serve better with homemade sauces (cheese, barbecue, ketchup, etc.).

When I want something delicious, you can cook home chips. Excellent version of the snack for both children and adults. Do not require multiple components (usually need 2-4 ingredients). For children, fruit and vegetable are suitable for children, for girls on proper nutrition - from the pita, for men - potato.

Some young moms or girls who are followed by health, do not want to eat fatty and calorie potato chips, and think about how to make chips without harm to the body. Then you can cook useful and delicious treats from fruits and vegetables.

Kiwi, apple, mango, pumpkin, Sicilian and ordinary oranges, grapefruits, zucchini and other foods are used for ecoctipes. Sometimes they take even leaf lavash. And such a snack can be cristed even in the evening without harm to health and figures!

From apple

They are better to do in the oven or a special drying machine. Cooking time takes about 2 hours, of which 15-30 minutes goes to the preparation of components and 1.5 hours for cooking.

For apple chips need:

  • 5 small apples with a dense pulp;
  • 80-90 g of sugar;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 0.5 h. Spoons of citric acid.

First stage - cooking syrup. For it, sugar and citric acid are taken, which are poured with warm water. The container with these components put on fire and bring to a boil. When sugar is completely dissolved, the syrup is removed from the fire and give to cool.

The second stage is the blank of apples. They are cut with thin circles (1-2 mm) and remove the core. Slices are placed in syrup and leave it to be for 15 minutes.

You can immerse in the tank with syrup not all apple mugs. Often it makes stages. The quality of ready-made chips from this will not suffer!

Turning out apple mugs from syrup, they are put on paper towels to remove excess moisture. 5-10 minutes enough.

The third stage is the placement of slices on parchment paper. Put in 1 row a little distance from each other.

The fourth stage is the installation of the oven in the oven. It is pre-warmed up to 60 ° C.

It is better to put a baking sheet for the middle level. So apple chips will be impregnated evenly and quickly.

The fact that slices prepared are evidenced by their wavy edges.

Take 2-3 young zucchini, which cut rings or long slices. Put in a bowl of 100 g of flour and stirred.

In order for each slice to be covered on top of flour, it is better not to take a container, but a package. It can be treated, with the result that all pieces will be evenly sorrodied.

The following stages.

  1. Parchment paper lubricate with oil. To lay out pieces of zucchini in 1 row.
  2. Little tray to put in the oven for 200 ° C. On average for cooking you need 15-20 minutes, but there is no accurate time. The main landmark is a roasted crust from above.
  3. At the request of snacks sprinkled with solid cheese. After that, they are sent to the oven for 10 minutes. When a golden crust appears, removed and allow to cool.

From Banana

Often banana chips are made using lemon. You need 2-3 banana and 1-2 lemon.

Bananas are cleaned from the peel and cut along either in the cross. Initially, the oven is heated to 85-90 ° C. After that, the banana rings laid on a baking sheet on parchment paper. From lemons squeeze juice, which splashes future chips.

Such chips often make girls who adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. This is an excellent snack when you want something salty, but not harmful.

For the preparation of such home chips, 100 ml of vegetable oil, 2 thin pellets-pita and spices to taste are needed. Cooking time - 20 minutes.

While the oven is heated, Lavash is cut into squares, triangles, other figures. Place in the container where we are wetted and dip in spices. After that, lay out on the tray and leave for 15 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 220 ° C.

You can spread the pita in several rows.

From cheese with breast

Excellent snack for beer or wine. In comparison with the shopping chips less calories.

Supports such ingredients:

  • 200 g cheese;
  • 70-80 g chicken breast;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 g of dill or other greenery.

Initially, the cheese rubs on a large grater, and chicken breasts are cut by thin slices. Add grated garlic and chopped dill. Mixed and small portions lay out on the baking sheet. In the oven at a temperature of 220 ° C left for 15 minutes.

Fruit and vegetable chips are best prepared in the oven. So fruits and vegetables will not lose beneficial properties and vitamins. Their use will not affect the figure or work of various organs.

Keep such chips better in fabric bags, glass jars, paper bags. The suitability period is usually equal to 3-6 months, after which the chips lose their beneficial properties and gradually deteriorate.

After cooking, the delicacy must be left to cool for 15-20 minutes. It is necessary so that the chips are really crispy.


Chips are an excellent snack, but often the store product is not particularly utility. If a person is a lover of such harmful snacks, it is better to do snacks at home. As the main ingredients take zucchini, potatoes, apples, pumpkins, cheese and breast, etc. The main principle is less spices and oils.

Chips are salted, fragrant and very tasty delicacy, which is made from potatoes, sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin slices. They are considered bad enough, especially for children. However, the kids do not explain it - they gladly absorb roasted slices, constantly asking them to buy them.

So that the delicacy did not harm the children, it was made of natural potatoes or cheese, you can cook chips at home. It will take potatoes or cheese to choose from, salt, greens, for some recipes at home still need vegetable oil, spices.

Options, how to make home chips, there are many. You can prepare them in a pan, in the oven, microwave, make a potato, cheese. At home, they will turn out much more tastier, natural and more useful than purchased.

Secrets of cooking chips at home

  • Potatoes are better to take the average size, smooth, without oars and dents, so as not to cut them with a knife
  • Cheese better to take solid varieties, melted not suitable
  • It is absolutely necessary to know how chips do at the factory. Homemade methods of cooking is much safer and more useful, and the taste is not worse than those of the same "Leis"
  • To reduce the content of starch, sliced \u200b\u200bslices of potatoes need to rinse with water, dry

  • So that the slices do not stick to the babysitter, the plate, you need to put parchment, bakery paper, sprinkle the surface of flour
  • What spices to add, depends only on desires. At home, it is possible to use garlic, onions, paprika, dill, a mixture of fragrant herbs

How to make chips from potatoes in a pan?


  • kilogram of smooth potatoes, it is about 6-7 small tubers
  • liter bottle of oil, can be a little less
  • small salt
  • any seasonings optional: pepper, dill, dried herbs

From the dishes need a deep pan or pan, a colander, a paper towel, a wide flat plate.


  • Potatoes must be flushed, clean from the peel, cut into flat circles. Then slices should be pouring cold water
  • It is best to make homemade chips in the fryer, but they are not bad at home and in a frying pan. The main thing is that the boards were high, and the bottom - Tolstoy. Pour half oil to the bottom of a pan or pan, waiting for boiling, we reduce gas
  • We take out potato slices from the water, we fold on the colander, shake the droplets, gently throw them into boiling oil. Chips in a pan is preparing quickly, it is necessary to remove them as soon as they become golden
  • Finished pieces lay out on the towel, waiting for an excess oil glass
  • We declare them on a plate in one layer so that they do not touch each other. Sprinkle salt, spices
  • Take the oil, prepare the remaining potato slices

How to make chips from potatoes in the oven?


  • 5 small smooth clubs
  • 1-2 spoons of vegetable oil, you can take olive
  • spices to taste


  • Potatoes need to be cleaned, rinse, cut into slices with a special knife or a kitchen combine nozzle
  • Now you need these thin smooth slices sprinkle with olive or vegetable oil, mix your hands. You don't need a lot of oil
  • The baking sheet must be closed with parchment or bakery paper, lubricate oil from above. One layer must decompose the potato slice, put it in the oven until readiness
  • The temperature in the oven must be 190 degrees
  • Ready slices shift on a plate, sprinkle salt, pepper and herbs

Such chips made at home are obtained by golden, crispy, not too fat.

How to make chips from potatoes in the microwave?


  • 5 small potatoes
  • 2-3 spoons of oil


  • Clean potatoes, cut the kitchen combine to thin slices
  • We take wipe paper, cutting it along the contour of a plate for a microwave oven
  • Lay out round or oval slices on paper, trying to move them away from each other to be intervals
  • Lubricate the top of vegetable oil, it is more convenient to do it with a special tassel.
  • We put in the microwave for 3 minutes to a big power. Take out, Solim

How to make chips from solid cheese in the oven?

At home, you can make delicious chips even from cheese. They are spicy, crispy, salinist.

  • a piece of cheese weighing about 300 grams
  • spices at will
  • greens


  • Take a small grater, rub on it the whole piece of cheese
  • We drag the baking sheet with the washed paper, lay the grated cheese with small slides at a distance of each other. We are adjusted by their hand, making flat cakes, sprinkle with pepper, greens
  • Install the temperature of 180 degrees in the oven, we bake 3 minutes
  • Give a baking sheet, cool the chips from cheese, lay the metal blade to the plate

Chips from cheese or potatoes made at home, differ in gentle taste, aroma, made of natural products. You can eat at least every day, they do not even bring to children.

aslan. Wrote in December 9th, 2011

The topic of today's report is a PepsiCo plant for the production of potato chips Lay "S, recently opened in the city of Azov, Rostov region. In addition, the plant produces crackers KharTeam. We will pass consistently along the entire production line and consider it in detail.

It is believed that chips appeared more than 150 years ago in the United States. The legend says that in one of the elite American restaurants, the client (railway magnate Vanderbilt) did not like the branded dish of the restaurant "Potato Friend" and he returned it to the kitchen, with a claim that potatoes are too thick. The chef of the restaurant decided to make fun over the client and cut potatoes on the finest slices and roasting in the oil filed to the table. Surprisingly, the client did the dish especially liked, and since the restaurant's menu has appeared a new dish - chips.

Lay chips are produced since 1938. Today, Frito Lay is one of the leading manufacturers of salt snacks both in the world and in Russia. The supply of Lay chips "S to Russia began in the mid-90s, and in 2002 it was The first Frito Lay plant in Kashira near Moscow is open.

Unloading, washing and temporary storage of potatoes

2. Nine 20 ton trucks with potatoes are unloaded here. Potatoes on the ribbon conveyor enters the washing machine, where recycling water is used for cleaning it. In total, there are three such automatic sinks in the world. The process of washing is physically impossible to remove, everything happens in a closed container. After washing, the potatoes go to temporary storage in Bins - special containers, from where it is necessary to produce.

Cleaning, sorting and cutting potatoes

3. Before the potato tubers fall into a special car for cutting, the inspector visually inspect the tuber-running tape and, if you need to remove visible defects.

4. By the way: no potato is suitable for chips production. There are so-called chipseed varieties of potatoes, which are distinguished by increased starch content.

5. All workers periodically pass a medical examination and have medical records, this is done so that the sick person does not get into production. In addition, before entering the workshop, everything is necessarily washed.

6. Potato cleaning occurs in abrasive drums of periodic action. First, the required amount of potatoes in the weight bunker is loaded, then unloading to the drum occurs.

7. Directly cutting occurs mechanically by rotating the cone-shaped bottom of the drum. Inside the cutting machine, eight pairs of acute blades that cut the tuber on thin slices. The thickness of each slice is less than two millimeters.


8. After cutting, potato slices come to the very "heart" of the chips production lines - a frying bath for roasting slices and obtain basic chips. This equipment that has no analogues was created specifically for the Pepsico plant and it is impossible to show it.

9. Thin chopped potato slices come into the bath with oil, in which they are roasted for three minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius. High-quality oil, as well as high-quality potatoes - the basis of the taste of chips.

10. The plant has improved the formulation, using a special mixture of vegetable oils, including highly fat sunflower oil oil, due to which a 25% reduced the content of saturated fats in the final product.

11. Daily at the factory is checked product quality. Check as basic chips, only out of the furnace, and completely packaged packages.

Adding spices

12. At this stage, special aromatic and flavor supplements are added to fried potato chips, the basis of which is salt.

13. At the same time, the production of three flavors can go on line.


14. By the way: the plant is designed to produce 50 thousand tons of finished products per year. Some kind of fantastic figure, in my opinion.

15. For three conveyors, ready-made chips come on packaging. First, the distribution and weighing occurs.

16. By the way: Please note that there are very few workers on the entire length of the line. It uses modern equipment that works in fully automated mode. In addition, it is important that as few people can come into contact with the finished product.

17. Weighing machines are weighing at the same time several servings and calculate the best weight combination, which has the most accurate weight in order to match the standard and specified on the packaging weight.

18. If we consider that the net weight of one pack is 28 grams, you can present the accuracy of the equipment setting.

19. Weighted portion is unloaded on the packaging line.

20. The portion is controlled by the presence of extraneous impurities (metal detector) and falls into the package, which by this time is prepared by the packaging machine from packaging materials (foil). Food nitrogen is supplied to the package of seam to the package, which allows you to provide the necessary product storage period. Weight and packaging equipment works synchronously at speeds up to 80 packets per minute.

21. Packaged package with chips enters operators that manually fold packages in cardboard boxes.

22. Boxes with chips add up for pallets and transported to the warehouse.

In parallel there is a line by Production of Sukharikov

24. A mixture of flour with water is supplied to the extruder, heats up and thoroughly mixed. From the extruder, the crackers are in the form of harness, which are cut in size with rotating knives.

25. The next stage of crunches is dried in the furnace and fall on the decay site.

26. The packaging line is identical to the one on which chips produce.

28. Weighing occurs in a similar weight machine that generates several portions and selects the best combination for sealing into the package.

29. Ready crackers.

30. The performance of one line is 12 tons of finished products per day.

31. Employees are forbidden to wear clocks and decorations, manicure and false nails are prohibited, the hair must be closed with a grid so that nothing fell on the conveyor.

32. In addition to the taste and visual compliance of slices adopted standards, the quality of the package checks here. The seam must be even and the pack must be opened by one movement exactly along the seam, without breaks.

34. Collective of the plant. By the way, the production line works around the clock in three shifts.

36. Appearance of the plant.

37. Enjoy your appetite!

Potato chips - originally products from very thinly sliced \u200b\u200btubers. Later they began to do them from mashed potatoes, add various seasonings and amplifiers of taste, flour and starch.

For the first time products from potatoes, similar to modern chips, appeared in the mid-nineteenth century. Initially, it was quite an expensive Kushan, served only in restaurants. However, with the development of the technology of mass production of food, they began to enter free sale, quite quickly won well-deserved love.

Thanks to the achievements of the chemical industry, modern chips have the most diverse tastes and a very long storage period. However, not all consumers suits such a state of affairs. After all, they have quite a lot of flaws:

  • Too much flavoring and aromatic additives and salts;
  • Too high price;
  • The presence of other products for "volume" - flour, starch, melange.

If you remove all negative moments, then potato chips are a delicious, original and even dietary product. Buy such in the store is almost unreal, but you can make them yourself. We give only some recipes for their cooking at home.

Simple recipes of delicious potato chips at home

Fry in a frying pan

The easiest way is home to prepare chips in a pan or in a deep saucepan. In addition, for frying potato circles, you can use a fryer.

How and what to do:

  1. Moose potatoes thoroughly if the skin is thin and without visible damage, it is permissible not to clean it;
  2. Now we need to very thinly cut the tubers on the circles a very sharp knife or with a batch;
  3. Lower the chopped potatoes into cold water. This is necessary in order to wash off the extra starch, then the finished chips will be very crispy;
  4. Pour the oil into a deep saucepan and warm it up well;
  5. Lower the potato circles into the boiling oil in small batches, do not allow cunning pieces;
  6. Thin pieces are roasted very quickly, literally a few seconds. Carefully get them noise and lay a new batch;
  7. To remove excess fat, put a paper towel on a plate;
  8. While the chips are hot, sprinkle their sea salt, optionally you can add pepper, paprika, dried dill and other seasonings.

Do not solit potatoes before cooking, nor during frying. This will lead to the fact that it will lose moisture and will not fry to the crunch.

Spicy and spicy sauces will be very good for this dish. And if you salute more, you will get a great snack to beer.

Bake in the oven

If chips fried in a pan seem too fat, then you can cook dietary in the oven. When baking, the minimum amount of oil is used, and, if desired, it is possible to do without it.

To prepare chips at home in the oven, you will need:

  • Potatoes of a neat oval shape;
  • Refined vegetable oil or baking paper;
  • Large (preferably sea) salt;
  • Paprika;
  • Hammer mixture of peppers.

Preparing delicious and useful potato chips in the oven:

This dish can be served as a snack and as a garnish. Even if you are an adherent of a healthy lifestyle, do not refuse yourself in this tasty and useful delicacy.

And now we propose to unite these two recipes and prepare chips at home first in the pan, and then in the oven. As in the video plot below:

Cooking in microwave

Many use this kitchen aggregate only to warm meals. But in most models you can successfully prepare almost any dish. For example, delicious and crispy potato chips.

It will take:

  • Potatoes large oblong shape - 1-2 pieces;
  • Refined vegetable oil - 1 tsp.
  • Sea salt of large grinding - 3 g;
  • Optionally, red ground pepper and paprika to taste;
  • In addition, you will need a package or hose for baking.

We proceed to the preparation of chips in the microwave:

  1. Wash, clean and thin the potatoes;
  2. Fold pieces of root in the package for baking, pour salt into it if you use - seasoning, and pour the spoonful of vegetable oil;
  3. Tightly clamp a package and shake it well, be careful - thin mugs of potatoes will easily break;
  4. Now cut the package so that it opens up, carefully cut the protruding edges so that they do not interfere with the circle of the plate;
  5. The cooking time of chips in the microwave depends on its power, usually - from five to ten minutes.

In this recipe, potatoes are better salted at once, as the microwaves contribute to a rather fast evaporation of the liquid from the product, the salt will be slightly delayed.

In the process of cooking, you can turn over and move pieces from the edge to the center and vice versa.

Do not immediately do many chips in the microwave. When layering on each other, the mugs of potatoes are tightly sticking and do not spare. It is better to split cooking on the steps.

The method of cooking potato products in the microwave in 5 minutes later, see the video:

Recipe for delicious garlic chips from potato mashed potatoes

If you have a little mashed potatoes from lunch, it is possible to prepare very tasty chips on its basis.

Also, you will need Waffelnica.

A large plus of such a dish - you can fantasize with tastes as you like.

Any spices, seasonings, additional products are added in the puree.

Attention: if you have a ready-made mashed potature, then the stage with its preparation is missing and immediately go to the process of preparation for bakeing chips, starting with the addition of eggs.

So, we prepare garlic snacks chips from potato mashed potatoes, and you will need for them:

  • Potatoes of starchy grade - 0.5 kg;
  • Strong beef broth - 250 ml;
  • One chicken egg;
  • Wheat flour - 80-120 g;
  • Salt;
  • Garlic cloves - 2-3 pcs;
  • Refined vegetable oil for wapeel lubrication.

After work, come home and instead of rest become a stove? Of course, the stomach requires food from time to time and this process does not stop. We offer a couple of evenings to relax from cooking and buy pita. Just wrap in them the filling and dinner is ready! . It's easy, quickly and, too believe me, satisfying!

Bake potatoes in a rustic in the oven maybe everyone! It's so easy! Especially if you read go to our site more often, we have a lot of interesting things and tasty!

Culinary methods of cooking chicken stomachs read even if you have a time-tested recipe with these offal, you will find a lot of useful things for yourself.

Getting cooking:

  1. Washed and purified potatoes welded until complete readiness in salted water;
  2. From the finished potato, drain the decoction and thoroughly. You can use a blender, but at the lowest speed, otherwise the puree will acquire a unpleasant consistency of the Cleaster;
  3. Now pour hot broth and stir well;
  4. Egg sweat in a separate dish, optionally "to peaks", it is enough just to mix protein and yolk;
  5. Enter the egg in the puree;
  6. Clean the garlic, skip through the press and interface into the crushed potatoes;
  7. Square to flour and add it to the other ingredients, it may be needed a little more or less. The mass for baking should be quite thick, but it is easy to spread on the surface;
  8. If necessary - discharge;
  9. Lubricate the wafflell with oil, prepare chips in it on the same principle as thin waffles;
  10. Serve a ready-made snack with tomato sauce.

We offer to watch a video about how to make chips at home from puree with seasonings:

Preparation of crisp strips of solid cheese in the oven

Potatoes is not the only source for the preparation of chips. Delicious thin and crispy strips are obtained from cheese.

They can be prepared in several ways:

  • In a frying pan;
  • In the oven;
  • In the microwave;

This time we use the oven.

To prepare cheese chips in the oven, you will need:

  • Solid cheese (parmesan) - 80-100 g;
  • Sweet paprika - to taste.

Now about how to prepare cheese chips at home, detail:

  1. Parmesan Stita on the largest grater;
  2. Mix grated cheese with a sweet paprika, you can add a little dried dill for color and flavor;
  3. Baking shape But a baking paper or foil paper;
  4. Pour cheese with a thin layer, leaving free places, the dish should look like an open-air knitting;
  5. Dry in the oven with weak heating to the complete melting of cheese, approximately 3-7 minutes;
  6. Cool the cheese chips on the contrary, then carefully remove and break on the portion pieces.

Chips can be prepared from almost any vegetables and fruits.

For example, beet, carrot, apple and even cauliflower.

This is a good way to teach the cherished children to a healthy food.

In all cases, except for baking in the microwave, salt potatoes are ready, but hot.

With this method, it turns out and crisp, and in the measure of salted. The same applies to the supplies and spices.

Be sure to wash or rinse potato chips before hot. It will remove the extra starch from them.

You can make home chips not only round shape.

Clean the potatoes and remove thin strips from it with the help of vegetate. Fry them in a hot oil or in the oven.

It turns out beautiful chips-spirals. Do not be afraid to experiment!

We offer right now to prepare useful, delicious and crispy vegetable chips for snack between meals.

On how to make such products at home, watch a video clip:

It is no secret that adults and children love chips from potatoes, although they know about their harm. If you really can not refuse to yourself in this delicacy, then you will certainly need to learn how to cook home chips. It's simple, not so harmful, and very cheap. Just imagine how much you need to spend money to buy, and then feed your chips of everyone in your family. Moreover, store chips are more harmful than homemade. Prepare and remember moderation.

From this recipe you will learn how to make home chips. To taste they are simply great. Crunchy and give the joy to everyone. Natural spices can be used as aromatic and taste additives. This is a simple salt, peppers, paprika, curry, dry herbs, and others. There is no limit here for our fantasy. We add what you like. So, want to know how to make home chips?

Recipe information

Cooking method: Fryer.

Total cooking time: 20 minutes.

Number of portions: 2 .


  • major potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • spices, salt - to taste
  • vegetable oil - 1-2 Art.

Cooking method

Did you know?

  • Chips from potatoes were first prepared by the late XIX century, when one cook randomly left to fried thin potato slices for a long time.
  • In the USSR produced "crisp potatoes" in bags, which enjoyed great popularity.

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