
Nut filling. Sand Pie with Chocolate and Walnut Filling Pie with Nut Filling Recipe

For all homemade baking amateurs, the question is - what exactly to put as a filling in their products. Walnut-based fillings are universal because they like absolutely everyone, very easy to manufacture and, with the right approach, absolutely not the road.

Why we say "based on", and we do not mean walnut, as an independent ingredient for filling? First, walnut is expensive, if, of course, it does not grow under your windows. Secondly, some bitterness that the core is attached to the kernel of the husk shell will oblige you to externally in the kitchen - roasting and peeling the nucleus, in order to remove this very bitterness. Well, thirdly the walnut itself, as a filling, will be somewhat dry, especially in combination with sandy or yeast dough.

The best way to cook the filling will be a combination of walnut and dried fruits. Grind the nut to the state you need, Kuragu, prunes, detects in small cubes - a wonderful stuff for baking is ready. But, the form of the cost of dried fruits The price of such a filling will be considerable, and the output on the contrary will leave much to be desired.

You can always find a way to find - a completely beautiful filling will work out if you replace expensive tropical fruits with a compotation bank of your own preparation.

Get fruit from the can, beat them on the sieve, let them flow from the naked liquid.

Nuts twist on a meat grinder, do not need to delete the husk before that.

Such fruits from a compote, like apples, pears, plums, strawberries - grind the knife or disarm fork. Berries of currant, yoshta, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries remain as a whole. With cherries and cherries, remove the bones if the sweet cherry can be cutting it in half.

Connect the ground nut with fruit mass. Add sugar to taste, the filling should be sweet - fruit from a compote almost tasteless. Further, depending on the volume of fruits, add in a filling from one to three tablespoons of potato starch and mix well the whole mass. It should turn out to be thick and not spread. Such a lot of things are beautiful for the taste - juicy, convenient for use, with the original nut aftertaste. And, most importantly, she is incredibly cheaver, while the taste of the finished product will pleasantly surprise you and your households. Use it in sweet pancakes - turn the converter, pour with sugar syrup or honey and warm in the oven, so that the starch thickened the stuffing - you will have a very original dessert for stern birds!

According to the second method of cooking nut filling, you will need a nut to not twist on the meat grinder, and grind to the state of small fragments - just ride it with a rolling pin for the test, pre-lay the kernel into a dense package or paper from paper. Fruits from a compote. Prepare a few different ways - kick them sick with sugar as you would cooked a thick jam of fresh fruit, but at the end of the cooking be sure to add starch and give fruit to cool well.

The filling with which we introduced you today will allow you to prepare baking any complexity. With these fillings you will have perfect with stuffing, the brassing cakes from yeast dough, sweet pancakes - everything will work out perfectly on the joy you, guests and loved ones.

Bon Appetit!

Lush, tasty, golden nut pie, - what is needed in a cool day to a cup of hot tea!

This tart with nut filling, undoubtedly refers to the baking of the autumn-winter season: And because it is satisfying, and because in the fall, just a time to collect nuts and invent different goodies with them.

Magnificent dough, contemporary - stupid of nuts with cinnamon, juicy thanks to the oil crumb, sweeten with sugar, and from above - a delicious rosy nut-sugar crust!

In the summer, we are baked very similar pies with fresh fruit: apricots, plums, cherries, well, and in the cold season, we use, like squirrels, tasty nuts of nuts and a chic kitty for home tea drinking! I liked the fact that the products in the dough are easily replaceable: for example, if there is no creamy oil, and the road to the store was covered or simply do not want to go in a frosty night (day, evening) - you can take in half the sump and vegetable oil, or completely replace Creamy oil vegetable. I got sour cream in half with sour milk. I warn you that thanks to the oil and grinding nuts, the cake is pretty fat. Therefore, you can make the dough on another recipe, where instead of oil milk, for example, as in a pear cake, and put the filling of nuts. Fantasize, will be delicious.


For dough:

  • 100 g of butter (or 50 g of creamy and 3 tablespoons of refined sunflower);
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 100 g sour cream (or 50 g of sour cream and other sour milk product - kefir, prostrochashi);
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • Vanillin on the tip of a teaspoon;
  • 250 g of flour;
  • Milk - in the original recipe, but I took 50 ml, as oils turned out less.

For filling and sprinkle:

  • 170 g of purified walnuts;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 50 g of butter.

How to bake:

First, turn more launches and carefully clean them from shell. This is the longest stage of work, but if accompanying the production of nuts of nuts with spiritual conversations, the time will fly imperceptibly - and here you already have a bowl of peeled nuts! Now grind them in a convenient way: I roll the rolling pin on the board before getting a gentle, small nut crumb; It is possible to grind in a blender, if it is "on the teeth"; And if you love large pieces, then just chop the knife. But we do not like when nuts are stuck in the teeth, so I prefer to grind.

Mix the nut crumb with cinnamon and sugar.

Pack 50 g of oil to put in the freezer, and the other, the one that for the crude, on the contrary, get out of the refrigerator to soften.

Whip soft oil with sugar. We add 1 egg and each time again we are whipped with a mixer - to a homogeneous lush mass.

In the sour cream, we embarrass the teaspoon without the top of the food soda, we thoroughly mix and leave for 3-5 minutes.

Sour cream will become magnificent - this soda entered a reaction with a dairy product.

Add this mixture into a whipped mass and mix.

Now we sift the flour with a bundle in the dough (but it can be a teaspoon with top), add vanillin and salt.

Lightly mixing the dough, we pour vegetable oil and milk. Mix to uniformity.

Turn on the oven, let it warm up to 180s. We prepare the form by checking it with the bottom of the parchment and slightly groaning the bottom and sides with sunflower oil. Lay out half the test in the form, distribute along the bottom.

In the walnut mass we rub the oil from the freezer on a large grater.

And we carry your hands into the crumb.

Evenly scatter half a half or a little more nut crumb, trying that the filling does not get to the very edge of the cake: when contacting the edges of the form, the sugar will begin to melt, and the filling can burn.

On top of nuts distribute the second half of the test. We lay out in small portions, the rotor, and then carefully spoon moistened in water or silicone spatula.

The top of the cake is evenly sprinkled with the second part of nut-oil-sugar-cinnamon crumbs.

We put in the oven and bake about 30-35 minutes, to the dry wooden skewer when the attachment is attached to the root at the highest place.

Giving the finished pie to cool in the form of 10-15 minutes, carefully reveal it and move the pie for the dish.

This is what the handsome man turned out!

But how interesting cake with a nut filling in the context.

Products (for 8 - 10 servings):
200 g of flour
4 g (0.5 st. L) yeast
110 ml of milk (warm)
50 g sugar
40 g butter (melt and give a little cool)
1 egg
120 g cashew (unsolved)
120 g of sugar
120 g of butter (softened)
15 g (1 tbsp. L) flour
1 egg
1 yolk

Mix yeast, 75 g (5 tbsp. L.) Flour, 20 g (1 Art. L.) Sugar. Pour warm milk and mix. Put in a warm place for 30 minutes.
To the approached opar add ½ eggs (leave another half to lubricate the cake), the oil remaining sugar and flour. To knead the non-dough. Cover the towel or napkin and leave in warm place for an hour.

During this time, make a nuttop. I used cashew, they possess a rather neutral taste, which I wanted to achieve. You can take other nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, walnut, pecan, peanuts, pistachios, Brazilian walnut). You can try different options and every time the cake will be completely new taste. This nutty filling can also be used in other recipes (as a filling for pies from other types of test or also from yeast dough, but cooked through another recipe, buns, it can be missed the cakes of the cake, cakes, rolls ...). But use filling without heat treatment (for cakes, cakes, rolls), only if you are sure as the eggs you use.
Nuts crush. I do it with the help of a rolling pin (I put nuts into the cellophane package, tie, rolling the rolling pin, thereby growing nuts). Nuts mix with flour.
Beat the oil with sugar, add an egg, yolk, beat again. Add a nut mix mix to uniformity.

It came up to knead the dough. In appearance it is sticky, but due to the presence of oil in the test (i.e., its fat) does not stick to the hands and the table.
Most of the test lay out in the form (this dough is not rolled, I distributed it in shape with hands; I used the form 22 cm in diameter), make fires, put filling.

The remaining part of the test stretches with your hands and cover it with a stuffing. Well copold the edges. You can leave a little dough and make decorations from it. Leave the cake for 10 minutes in a warm place (for proofing).
Then lubricate the left ½ egg. Bake 35 minutes at 180 degrees.

I got a tart with a height of 3.5 cm.

It turns out a delicious cake with a thick layer of a sweet walnut filling. The dough is soft, juicy, but no elasticity characteristic of yeast dough.

Bon Appetit! :)

Many hostesses indulge their family and close to homemade dough domestic pastry - crumbly cookies, cakes, cakes, cakes with a variety of stuffing. Even a beginner hostess will be able to prepare a sandy dough. I share with you a recipe for a delicious sandy cake, which perfectly combines the crumbling sandbreaker with a saturated chocolate and nut filling.

First prepare products on the list.

I whip the mixer to the lush mass butter of room temperature and sugar.

I add an egg, milk, lemon zest, again whipped a little mixer.

In a bowl to the oil mass, I sifted flour with a bustle. We mix the dough.

Delicate shape with a diameter of 24 cm lubricating butter. Dough I share on 2 parts - one part should be a little more different. Most of the dough roll a little, lay out in the form, forming flights.

Then I cook filling. Eggs whipped with sugar.

I add melted chocolate and ground walnuts to the egg mixture. I mix the ingredients well.

I pour out the stuffing on the sandy dough.

Rolling the remaining shortbread dough into a circle is approximately equal to the inner diameter of the form. Gently lay out the circle of the test to the filling.

Baking the cake in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 30 minutes (baking time depends on the diameter of the shape and features of the oven). I bake to the light golden color of the test.

Sprinkle with sugar powder.

Sand pie with chocolate-nut stage ready!

Enjoy your meal!

The other day the girlfriend asked me a question like me with such quantities of consumed sweet, manage to be so thin. I am surprised myself, "I replied. And in the meantime, he wondered ... After all, it will not continue forever. Sooner or later, the body will rise and refuse to digest so much sweet. And let I absorb the pies and cakes in minor quantities, but this happens every day and with enviable constancy, I will be tasting, so to speak.

And here, as a result of the scarpural analysis of what was happening, such an interesting solution was born: I'll get a charity. Although, as our unforgettable grandfather, Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy said, and I can't disagree with him: if good is committed for some reason or with some kind of purpose, it is no longer good (outlined in his own words). But it doesn't matter how to call it, it is important that the decision is made and not subject to discussion. All the sweets prepared by me in the context of this site will be thrown by thirsty :-) We decided on the family council to start with relatives, and when they get tired, we will expand the borders. But, of course, not without pretty tasting. It is necessary: \u200b\u200b1) From somewhere to draw inspiration, 2) to protect any suspects of people from the possible negative consequences of some failed experiment (kidding :-)).

So, the first step to charity: pie with nut filling,and if you have accurate, nut tart. I am sure you don't have to blush for him. Fragrant miracle! Surprisingly quickly and just getting ready. Well, about my serene love for nuts, I think there is no washed to remind. And here also tart with nuts. In fact, I believe that the taste of Tarta is much more refined and refined than the taste of the cake with a huge layer of cream or, especially, mastic. Yes, at such cakes it is pleasant to be attended, but in my opinion, they do not cause the slightest desire to eat them. Well, okay, we will not deepen. Surely, I have a lot of opponents in this matter, so it will be better to go to the case. Please love and respect: walnut Pie.


For sand dough:

  • flour - 250 gr.
  • creamy oil - 100 gr.
  • sugar - 100 gr.
  • eggs - 1 whole + 1 yolk
  • a pinch of salt
  • ½ st.L. Brandy (optional)

For filling:

  • walnuts - 150 gr.
  • creamy oil - 50 gr.
  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 150 gr.
  • cream low-fat 15% - 200 ml
  • sugar powder - for decoration


We start with the preparation of sand dough.

In a large bowl, we sift the flour and put the cold butter, sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes. Rubbing your hands before the formation of shallow crumbs.

We add sugar, egg, yolk, chipping salt and brandy. Everything is carefully, but not long, wash your hands (otherwise the oil will begin to melt). We form a ball from the test, turn it on with a food film and put it in a refrigerator for 30 minutes.

While the dough is resting, turning on the oven by 180 °, and in the meantime we prepare a nuttop.

First we melt the creamy oil. And we leave it aside to cool. When we mix it with the rest of the ingredients, it should already be cooled.

Separate protein from yolk.

Grind walnuts. Not very large, but not in powder, so that small pieces come across. Pour nuts in a bowl and add yolks. And whipped proteins in a persistent foam.

Then, in a bowl with nuts, add sugar, melted butter and cream. All thoroughly mix. Then gently interfere with whipped proteins. (We have already learned this from recipes and).

Lubricate a form for tarts with a diameter of 28 cm.

Give the dough from the refrigerator and roll it off. To make it easier to shift the rolled bed into the form, you can pre-fastened the working surface of the food film, and then shifting the dough into a film form. We press the dough to the bottom and sides of the form and only after that remove the film. Cut the surplus dough from the edges of the form. It is convenient to do, walking on the edge of the form. Piercing the dough for a fork and put a stuffing in it.

Bake 40 minutes to golden color.

Finished cake with nut filling remove from the oven and cool. Then sprinkle with powdered sugar and apply on the table.

Do not forget to remember me with a kind of quiet word.

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