
Zabachk caviar recipe as shop 3 kg. Kabachk caviar as in the store according to GOST. Zabachk caviar with mayonnaise and tomato paste for winter

Last year, we have already considered. And now, it's time to collect a fresh zabachkov harvest of 2018, which means we will prepare awesome delicious caviar in a new recipe. And this time, we will make priority to simplicity so that you save time, and the result turned out - real jam!

By the way! Be sure to scroll through last year's article, which began so ...

Remember the taste of this Soviet kabachkoy caviar, welded according to GOST? Or maybe you yourself prepared and keep cooking? Personally, I liked the caviar in the dining room. He loved from Kabachkoy caviar to smear her on bread.

The older generation remembers the taste of Kabachkoy caviar from childhood. In the 90s of the last century, except for her on the shelves there was practically nothing. Zucchini ripen at the beginning of autumn, so it's time to make vegetable canned food for the winter.

Pupil cucumbers, sugar tomatoes, juicy peppers and fragrant zucchini - everything will go into business.

Vegetable is truly prolific, and putting several bushes, you get the mountain of the collected zucchini. And it's great! After all, you can prepare a variety of dishes, ranging from vegetable stew, and stuffing zucchini, and of course ... Hold your beloved to all zucchini caviar.

There are a lot of recipes for this dish, each of them is good in its own way. Today we will consider the most delicious and simple of them. So, reserve ripe zucchi, we start ...

This recipe caviar is one of the simplest and lungs. The consistency turns out the gentle, creamy. Such a blank is different to taste from the classic recipe through the meat grinder. The secret is that all vegetables we will extinguish in a sliced \u200b\u200bform, and only then you take a lot of blender. This is delicious! Try and make sure!


  • half a kilogram of zucchini, in purified form;
  • 3 carrots (with a total weight of about 1.5 kilograms);
  • 4 bulbs (total weight of about 1.3 kilograms);
  • 50 grams of sugar sand;
  • garlic head;
  • salt to your taste;
  • flap of vegetable oil;
  • half of a teaspoon of ground pepper;
  • 150 grams of good quality tomato paste;
  • 30 grams 9% vinegar.

1. Feluk small one. Garlic first suppress a wide face of a knife, and then thoroughly crushed. Carrot Skip through the grater. In the roaster with a thick bottom to fry these vegetables on the lean oil.

2. After 7-10 minutes, add a zucchini sliced \u200b\u200bcubes.

Zucchini before cooking must be cleaned from the peel, seeds and a soft core. If you use young zucchini, you can simply remove the skin.

Extend vegetables for another 30 minutes.

3. Add Sugar Sand, Salt and pepper. To intervene a tomato paste to a homogeneous color.

4. After adding paste to put out another 10 minutes, then pour vinegar. Save on the stove for another 3 minutes and turn off the fire.

If you plan to eat caviar at once, and not to store it for the winter, you can not use vinegar.

5. Highely beat with a submersible blender to the state of a delicate cream.

6. Now the dishes with caviar should be placed on the stove again. Be sure to cover with a lid, because such a lot is very violently "shoots" when boiling. After the first "shots" to hold no more than 3 minutes on slow fire.

7. Now Icra is ready. It remains to place it on jars. Banks, in turn, must be clean and sterile. Covers need to be boiled too. So, in the prepared glass container decompose the entire volume of hot mass and roll. Turn over to the lids and hide warm matter. In this form, they should have to breathe about 12 hours.

Banks with tender cabachk caviar must be stored in a cool room.

Kabachk caviar, as in the store (very tasty)

We offer connoisseurs of modern technologies to cook cabbage from zucchini in a slow cooker. This wonder-electrical appliance simplifies cooking at times, fencing you from washing unnecessary dishes. In addition, the correct selection of modes and the necessary matching of temperatures, makes the dish even more delicious. Let's try to cook caviar together.


  • 120 grams of purified carrots;
  • 100 grams of the onion bows;
  • 2 kilograms of zucchini suspended without seeds and peel;
  • 200 grams of tomato paste;
  • a little less than half of the glass of sunflower oil;
  • 20 grams of sugar sand;
  • 30 grams of salt;
  • half of the black pepper teaspoon;
  • 90 grams of vinegar 9%.

1. Cut to cut into cubes. To do this, you can use vegetable cutter or just a knife.

2. The lug is finely chop, and rub the carrot to grater. Establish in a multicooker mode "frying" for 5 minutes. Pour some oil. As soon as it is "wound", add onions and carrots there. Fry until the end of the regime.

3. After that, remove vegetable roaster from the multicooker bowl into a spacious bowl. Pour some more oil and fry there the zucchini in the "frying" mode, 20 minutes.

4. Zucchini shift to carrot mass and beat a blender to a homogeneous consistency.

5. The resulting mass is shifted again into the slow cooker and set the "quenching" mode for 40 minutes. At the same time, on top you need to install a grid from a double boiler, as the zucchinic puree is very much boil and shoots.

6. After 40 minutes, add all other ingredients, except vinegar. Mix well so that the tomato paste is uniformly painted the mass. Continue quenching for another 20 minutes. About the 17th minute of cooking, pour vinegar and mix.

7. So far, the mass is still hot, it is immediately necessary to put it on sterile jars. After cooling, they need to be stored in the cellar, basement or other cool and dry place.

Delicious zucchki caviar for the winter (recipe from grandmother)

We all remember that the Babushkin Caviar, which she treated us in childhood. Then it seemed that only she could prepare. Now we will try to repeat the very zucchinic cauccus, according to the recipe of my grandmother.


  • 1 kilogram of carrots;
  • 2 kilograms of purified zucchini;
  • 1 kilogram of the onions of the branch;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 150 grams of thick tomato paste;
  • 2 full salt tablespoons;
  • lightly not a complete glass of vegetable oil;
  • teaspoon of acetic acid (70%);
  • glass of water.

1. Smoke cut into cubes. Stay in the roasting, add water, sugar and salt.

2. Stew the carrot for 10 minutes on slow mode. In the meantime, you need to cut the zucchini and onions into cubes. Then they need to be added too.

3. Extinguish half an hour in this form, often stirring. Then you need to add a tomato paste, butter and stir carefully. Stew another 15-20 minutes.

4. Try vegetable mass on the salt. If it seems to you that there is not enough salt, pepper or something else, add. After the taste is brought to perfection, you need to pour vinegar and turn out another 3-5 minutes.

5. Vegetables, right in a saucepan, stop the beater. So did our grandmothers. If you prefer modern technologies, you can use the blender. Such a mixture is boiled under the lid at a minimum power of 5-7 minutes.

6. Now Icra is ready for moving to sterilized jars and storage until winter.

Recipe of delicious cabbage caviar in a slow cooker

Such caviar in the slow cooker we will prepare using sweet peppers. Its combination with the main ingredients gives an unsurpassed taste and aroma. And this billet is preparing very quickly.


  • 5 medium zucchini;
  • 1 onion onion;
  • 5 small carrots;
  • 4 sweet peppers without seeds and tail;
  • 2 laurels;
  • 5 tomatoes;
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 3 tablespoons of vinegar;
  • 4 pepper peas;
  • a little dill (at your discretion);
  • 2 tablespoons of salt.

1.Luk cut into half rings or small pieces. Carrots chop the middle bars. Send these two ingredients into a bowl for mulitevarka with butter. Put the "frying" mode for 15 minutes.

2. Without losing time, while vegetables are prepared, you need to cut a zucchini on cubes. As soon as the technique encounters about the completion of work, add zucchini and mix. Add about 1 cup of water and cover with a lid. Establish again "quenching" for 1 hour.

3. Cooking zucchini occupies about half an hour. Just, after 30 minutes, add peppers into the cook, sliced \u200b\u200bstraw and salt.

4. From tomato to make a tomato puree using a blender or meat grinder. As soon as the multicooker signal informs you about the readiness of the dish, vegetable caviar must also be chopped by a blender. Now it is necessary to combine these two masses - tomato and vegetable.

5. The resulting puree is installed on the stove and cook 15-20 minutes after boiling. Be careful, such a lot is very actively burly and it can be burning! You can boil it in a slow cooker in the "Cook" mode for the same time. A couple of minutes before readiness to add vinegar, the maximum crushed dill, laurel and pea pepper.

6. Decistent a lot of banks and roll them. Immediately flip over the warm matter and hide overnight.

Store snack in the cold room. After opening to keep in the refrigerator.

Simple and tasty cabbage from mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is very often added to the caviar from the zucchini. It gives the dish special tenderness and taste. For this, it is necessary to choose a high quality product. You can even cook it yourself. But the store options are also suitable.


  • 3 kilograms of purified zucchini (remove soft core and peel);
  • 250 grams of mayonnaise;
  • 100 grams of sugar sand;
  • 100 grams of vegetable oil;
  • 250 grams of tomato paste or sauce;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • 5 pieces of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar.

1. Cooked zucchini cut into small pieces. If you use young zucchini, which still do not have solid seeds and rigid peel, then you can recycle them in a crude form.

2. Zucchini Skip through a small nozzle of the meat grinder. This mass add all other ingredients except vinegar. Garlic needs to crush the press to the pushing state.

3. Mix all diligently to get a homogeneous mixture, pale pink color. Put on the stove and tomorrow at a minimum power of 1 hour after boiling. Shortly before readiness, about 3-4 minutes, you need to interoperate in the contents of pancro in the contents.

4. Hot caviar immediately pour on prepared banks. Roll with covers and leave warm overnight.

Outlou Caviar will be ready to transfer to a permanent storage location.

Irase from zucchini not for the winter - your fingers lick

Not only in the winter we love to eat vegetable caviar. In the summer, I am also very often prepared for it to do it very simple - chop vegetables, bake, beat into a homogeneous mass and ready! This option of dishes is even suitable for those who hold diet in the name of a beautiful figure. Easy, satisfying, appetizing and very tasty!


  • couple of young zucchini;
  • 2 small carrots;
  • 2 sweet tomatoes;
  • 1 meaty bell pepper;
  • 2 bulbs;
  • pepper and salt for your taste;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of lean oil.

1. Cut into medium pieces. The exact size and form do not matter. Add all other ingredients to them and mix evenly.

2. Place the seasoned vegetables in the sleeve for baking and send 50-60 minutes in the oven, with a temperature of about 170 degrees.

3. Gently shifting the contents of the package into a bowl and beat the immersion blender to a state of homogeneous casher.

5. Shoot the cavik into banks and store in the refrigerator. Already after cooling, you can start tasting. It turns out very tasty - your fingers are license!

Normal recipe for very tasty cabachery caviar

Such caviar is preparing quickly, and it is even faster. Everything is very simple - we will skip all the vegetables through a meat grinder and claim with the addition of tomato sauce. Thus, with minimal time and money costs, we will get a very tasty and beautiful caviar.


  • 7-8 kilograms of young zucchini (if you use more adult vegetables, they need to be cleaned of internally and peel);
  • 1 kilogram of carrots;
  • 1 kilogram of the reptile bow;
  • 1 kilogram of sweet tomatoes;
  • glass of vegetable oil;
  • 4 tablespoons of salt;
  • a glass of tomato sauce;
  • polskina vinegar 9%.

1. All vegetables wash and, if necessary, clean. Cut into pieces of this size so that it is more convenient to put them in a meat grinder. Thus, to turn into a single mass all vegetables using a meat grinder.

2. Add to twisted mass All other ingredients (except vinegar). Cook in this form you need on slow fire after boiling 1 hour. Without waiting for five minutes before readiness, pour vinegar and finish cooking.

3. Ichkok pour over jars and close the lids. Such a snack is stored all winter at cool temperature and normal humidity.

Homemade Cabin Caviar with Tomato Paste

We often use such caviar in winter, as an addition to macaronam or rice. And in other combinations, it is also very tasty. Even just to eat it with bread - your fingers lick!


  • 2 large zucchini;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 bulbs;
  • 200 grams of tomato paste;
  • a little less than half of the glass of vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste;
  • 4 tablespoons of vinegar 9%;
  • black pen.

1. Basket clean the skin and free from the soft core. Grate it on the grater, along with carrots.

2. On the oil to fry finely outdoor. Then add zucchini and carrots to it. Stew 40 minutes.

3. Then you need to intervene in vegetables tomato paste, evenly distributing it. Salt and sprinkle with pepper.

4. Swipe the contents of the brazier in this form about about 20 minutes. Shortly before removal from the stove add vinegar and stir.

5. It is anchora to decompose on jars and remove storage. It turns out just perfectly beautiful and tasty.

Zucchini - very simple in the cooking of a vegetable! Prepare it is a pleasure. And what tasty blanks for the winter are obtained from it ...

    Both variants do not require sterilization of blanks. Hot caviar lay out in sterilized banks and ride. Store in a dark place at room temperature.

    The main composition of the snack pleases budget vegetables - zucchini, carrots, onions. Easy to buy, low price and absolutely understandable taste. An ideal choice for processing a rich harvest, with a nostalgic note of happy childhood. After all, we also remember the sandwich and potatoes accompanied by caustic caviar.

    For both billets. Use any sterilization method: oven, steam, microwave. Covers just pour boiling water.

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    Caucasus caviar with tomato paste

    A simple and fast recipe for the winter. The case when at home without sterilization is a snack, which playing competes with the sample as in the store. At the same time you are completely confident in the composition. No dubious stabilizers and mysterious e-neck.

    Cooking time - up to 1 hour

    We need:

    All vegetables weighed in purified.

  • Zucchini - 2-2.5 kg
  • Carrot - 4-5 pcs. (0.9-1 kg)
  • Onion onion - 2-3 pcs. (0.9-1 kg)
  • Tomato paste - 100-120 g (4-5 tbsp. Spoors)
  • Sunflower oil (odorless) - 140 ml (9-10 tbsp. Spoons)
  • Black pepper (ground) - 2 pinch
  • Salt (coarse grinding, clean) - up to 1.5-2 hours. Spoons (to taste)
  • Sugar - 1-2 Art. spoons (optional)
  • Vinegar (table, 9%) - 1 tbsp. Spoon (optional)

Important details:

  • Of this quantity, there are 4 jars in 500 ml. We advise you to roll up a maximum of 700 ml of tank.
  • To be confident in the exit, take more ingredients from the list. In the extreme case, you will have a little caviar - to dinner. It is tasty even in warm form.
  • If you need a shock batch of jars (6, 8 ...), multiply the components respectively - by 3, 4, etc.
  • Tomato paste choose domestic, high-quality, thick.

How to cook.

We use any zucchini: mine and clean from the skins. Young leave with seeds, out of the old, slightly perishadled removing the core with seeds.

Three vegetables are large. Your choice: a large plain grater, a vegetable nozzle on a meat grinder or a kitchen processor.

Moto carrots, clean and rub it too - similar to the zucchini. Onions clean and cut a small cube.

We fold all the prepared vegetables in the dishes, where we will extinguish the caviar, and add all the oil. Use a convenient way to you - a saucepan on a stove or a multicooker. Caviar from the zucchini on this recipe always gets "Holding your fingers!".

It is usually different only the time of thermal processing so that all the vegetables have become soft.

  • With moderate heating on the stove - 40-60 minutes, periodically mixing the movements from the bottom upwards.
  • In a slow cooker, the "quenching" or "baking" mode is from 35 to 45 minutes.

With warm-up, grind vegetables to the desired consistency. We love to work by a blender, suitable the usual submersible. Uniform texture or small pieces - your choice.

We add a tomato paste to the mass and mix well. Can be salted - 1 pinch, be sure to remove the trial After each. If the tomato paste is acidic, it may be needed sugar. Add and black pepper, better freshly ground, but carefully: he is the most spicy.

At this stage, focus on your taste. Try, bringing to the subjective ideal - the privilege of artists!

Having finished with additives, we return an almost ready-made zucchini caviar in the dishes for heating and boil on weak boiling for another 10-15 minutes. Attention! Consider from the beginning of smaller.

Note: Favorable accents.

  • By the end of the cooking, you can add 2-3 cloves of garlic (skip through the press). Or a pair of tablespoons of chopped greenery without a slide (dill, parsley).
  • It will be logical and adding vinegar 5-10 minutes before removal from the fire - up to 1 tbsp. Spoon on the specified ingredients. This will increase the shelf life of the finished caviar and, most likely, will require mandatory adjustment for sweets. Throw a pinch of sugar, stir, trying. So bring to taste.

Finished hot caviar decomposition by such sterilized banks (2 pcs. 500 ml) - under the very top. We close with the familiar lids (self-closing or simple under the utility key). I turn banks and wrap for slow cooling. After 24 hours we remove for storage in a dark closet.

Caviar from roasted zucchini with tomatoes and bell pepper

Another sample from the "Must Have" collection among elementary blanks, wonderful to taste and price. It will come in handy a little patience. Vegetables we will pre- fry separately. In addition, we will need tomatoes and Bulgarian peppers.

All hassle is not in vain! This zucchki caviar is obtained precisely such that it will not cost without licking the fingers and life-affirming combustion when tasting in a family circle. Missed delight is the best hostess.
Let's cook!

Time - 1 hour 20 minutes

On 1 liter of caviar we need:

  • Vegetables weigh in purified
  • Zucchini - 1 kg
  • Tomatoes - 300 g
  • Bulgarian pepper - 300 g
  • Carrot - 200 g
  • Onion - 100-150 g
  • Garlic - 3-4 teeth
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Salt - 2 h. Spoons
  • Lemon Acid - ¼ h. Spoons (dilute in 1 tbsp. Water spoon)
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Black pepper (ground) - to taste

Important details:

  • Better roll in 2 jars in 500 ml. Need more? In proportion to the components.
  • Tomatoes and Bulgarian Peppers Choose juicy and not the cheapest. The latter should be red, orange or yellow, necessarily with thick wallsso that it is easier to clean it.

Preparation of vegetables.

With zucchini, everything, as usual: young just clean, and older still cut the seeds. We cut the main character with small cubes, fry so quickly.

Tomatoes need to be cleaned. A couple of sweeps the cross will take place with a knife and blow the tomatoes with boiling water, leaving them in hot water for 1-2 minutes. Then in cold water and easily remove the skin, upering it with a knife. And again we cut a cube.

Pepper (sweet and thick-walled!) Clear more difficult, but it is desirable to do it. After we remove the seeds and white membranes and apply the pepper with a small cube.

Without fanaticism!

If you mess too lazy, Bulgarian pepper you can not clean. But then in the penultimate stage, Purirate Caviar until completely homogeneous texture Without the slightest pieces. It will take a blender from 600 revolutions.

For patient three ways to clean the Bulgarian pepper from the skin.

  1. The first is to clean the pepper very sharp vegetative, with minimal gripping pulp.
  2. The second - load the peppers into the oven preheated to 180 degrees, keep there for 20-30 minutes. Then we pull out and put it in a tightly closing pan or plastic bag. The pepper will cool, and at the same time a thin skin will be departed. It is easy to pose and remove it.
  3. The third method is for the owners of gas stoves: put the pepper on the burner and burn on open fire from all sides. Do not be afraid, they are approached to black. Well pepper in a package for 10 minutes (tie!) And get a vegetable in "wrinkles" and black bubble scales on site Podpalin. This is the skin that is easy to scrape with a knife.

Garlic finely ruby. Onions and carrots remained, the preparation of which is obvious: clean and grind cubes. We always cut out the Terk Berner.

For roasting it is best to make cuts of all vegetables in about the same size. But you can save time and grazing carrots, and the garlic is treated through the press.

Roasting vegetables for caviar.

The beauty of this zabachkaya story is that we fry the vegetables separately. There is better reveal their taste accents, and the finished snack is more saturated.

Pour some oil into a deep comfortable pan and fry 3-5 minutes each ingredient. Onions and garlic can be combined.

You can work immediately in several pans. Or putting vegetables in one pan with each other, in small portions of pouring oil. We need moderate fire and permanent stirring. Alas, but the taste of burnt vegetables will be felt in the finished dish.

Masters, Puriów, Relieve and close in banks.

Passing vegetables together in one casserole and refuel all seasoning - Salt, pepper, sugar and citric acid dissolved in water. Quantities in the recipe are conditional. In the next step, you will try the pureened mass and you can add any of the seasonings.

For sunset, fastened vegetables on a weak fire under the lid - 1 hour . We regularly mix so as not to burn. For caviar, which we cook for the table, enough and 40 minutes of languor.

Ready vegetables need magnify. Blender - Great Assistant! We shift into the bowl, scroll into the mashed potatoes in small, and then at high speed and try. Here it is! Another moment up to taste - For personal preferences. In the course you can put everything that love, including greens.

To remove excess moisture puree from the blender return to Satheck And it is for another 5 minutes on weak boiling. We definitely try, and, if necessary, we again add on the whisper of sugar / salt / acid.

Icra is ready! It is waiting for sterilized banks. We will manage again without sterilization. Uploaded hot caviar to banks, twisted the lid (tfist-off or with a typewriter) and put upside down under warming for 1 day.

Leave a slight snack on the sample. An important nuance: the taste is maximally disclosed after insisting in the refrigerator - 1 day, in a tightly closed jar. So you will see for yourself that the recipe of cabs from the zucchini for the winter with a frying of the components will give some stores. It's hard to keep in order not to lick your fingers, tasting your favorite snack!

We will be happy to know the best secrets that you apply.

Thank you for the article (2)

Some people do not like homequake catering caviar, but respect only shopping. My family refers to this category of people.

Therefore, I had to learn how to make a workpiece so that the taste and consistency of the Zucchik Ikra as the store was obtained. All the subtleties and secrets of preparation of such a workpiece described in detail in its proven home recipe with step-by-step photos showing cooking.

TO aK Prepare a zucchini caviar for the winter as in the store

To make one portion of the workpiece we will need 3 kilograms of zucchini. At the same time, the net weight is taken into account - without skins and seeds. For cleaning the peel we use vegetables, and seeds, from the cut along the zucchini, are easily removed by a tablespoon. We cut the zucchini cubes and put them in a saucepan.

Pour 200 grams of water in a saucepan, close tightly with a lid, and set it on a slow fire. My container turned out to be filled to the very top, but it is not scary, because during cooking the zucchini is messenger and fall. At this time, they will be comfortably mixed. Cooking zucchini need, approximately 40-50 minutes before softness.

While the zucchini stew, we will go onion and carrots. Onions (500 grams) cut a cube, and carrots (1 kilogram) are larger through a large grater. In a large frying pan, we pour 100 grams of vegetable oil and fry vegetables. This procedure will take, approximately 50 minutes.

Well, the zucchini welded, and the onions and carrots became soft - proceed to their grinding by a blender. It is convenient for this to use a separate small container, which will be folded with small portions of the zucchini along with the roaster.

Grinding in small portions is better poured vegetable mass. It is more homogeneous with this method. Each portion merges into a large pot, in which the zucchini caviar will be boiled as in the store to the final readiness.

So, the basis for the kabachkoy caviar is ready. Add 200 grams of tomato paste, 2 tablespoons of salts and 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

We close the lid and put on the smallest fire. Mix the caviar every 5 minutes for 50 minutes. During this time, she should be a good thickening. Ikra will "puff" and splash - be careful!

By this time, we prepare flour. It is she who gives the Ires of the store taste and a gentle consistency. Fry the 3 tablespoons of flour on a dry frying pan.

With continuous stirring, we achieve the gently butter color of flour and bright flavor.

We add a fried flour and 3 chopping of black ground pepper into the workpiece. Mix and shop all together for another 5-7 minutes. We break off the zucchini caviar in pure banks, sterilize them in a water bath of 15 minutes and then spinning.

Delicious zucchki caviar from the store is a great way to bunch of zucchini during the summer for the winter.

Now, you know that such a simple and delicious workpiece can be done at home. Jars are stored with such caviar at any cool place all winter. Bon Appetit!

Vegetable caviar - Delicious snack, which is served to various garnishes. In one famous Soviet film, it was called overseas, rarity, deficit.

What? And on the table it looks beautiful, and for the stomach, and satisfying. And it is inexpensive, which is important!

But we now have other times with you, which means a lot is quite possible to make it yourself. Including this dish.

Kabachk caviar with their own hands

So, if you are interested in how to make caviar from zucchini as a shop, follow the simple and correctly follow the proportions:

We will come in handy:

  • Zucchini - 3 kg
  • Carrots - 1 kg
  • Onions - 1 kg
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. Spoons
  • Sugar sand - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp. Spoons
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • Lemon acid - art. the spoon

Stages of preparation

Zucchini. Clear from the skins, chopping with narrow circles, fry. Grate the carrot on the grater, grind onions, put on a preheated frying pan and pass in oil. Roasted vegetables grind in a blender.

Mass put in a skeleton or a saucepan. She must boil.

Salt, put a tomato paste, sand sugar and citric acid. Mix. Stew products 25 minutes. The resulting hot mass is shifted into sterilized banks and hermetically sunk.

Having made the caviar on this recipe and trying it in winter, you will certainly be satisfied with her taste and you will know how to cook the zucchini caviar as in the store.

Kabachk caviar with mayonnaise

Sandwiches with Cauccian caviar - a simple and tasty dish. So that the caviar is well applied to bread, it was thick and appetizing, mayonnaise add to it. Therefore, the recipe for kabachkoy caviar with mayonnaise is in the collection of dishes of each good mistress.


  • Pepper- 0.5 kg
  • Zucchini - 3.5 kg
  • Onion - 2-3 pieces
  • Carrots - 2 pieces
  • Tomato paste 2 tbsp. Spoons
  • Mayonnaise - 250 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 60 ml
  • Salt 1.5 tbsp. Spoons

Stages of work

Prepare vegetables, clean the zucchini, onions and carrots from the peel, cut from the pepper core. Swift zucchini, pepper and carrots. Onions chopping, fry.

Cooled vegetables and onions grind in a blender. The resulting fragrant mass to extinguish in the saucepan of half an hour, then put the mayonnaise and two large spoons of pasta paste. Give the calamity to remove under the lid on the minimum fire for another 20 minutes. If the caviar turned out to be liquid, it means that the excess moisture evaporates poorly.

Remove the lid and give an extinguish on the stove for another 20 minutes to the caviar thicken. The resulting hot mixture is riveted in banks, pre-sterilized.

If you do not want to leave a snack for the winter, but you wish to pamper yourself with a kabachkoy caviar with mayonnaise now, then simply put the mass into the container with the lid. Stored such caviar Maybe in the refrigerator, but not more than five days.

Zabachk caviar for the winter

Kabachkov caviar caviar - a wonderful appetizer for a festive table. To prepare it in the future, you will need fresh vegetables and quite a bit of free time. This recipe will tell you how to cook homemade catering caviar for the winter.


  • Zucchini - 1.5 kg
  • Onions - 2 pieces
  • Morot medium - 2 pieces
  • Garlic - 1 teeth
  • GREEN (bundle of kinse, dill and parsley)
  • Salt and pepper black
  • Tomato paste (tomato sauce) - 4 tbsp. Spoons
  • Tomatoes - 2 pieces

Stages of cooking

    1. Remove from zucchini peel, cut into cubes. Stew on a small window for 20 minutes.
    2. Carrots, onions and tomatoes cut, put out on a minimum heat for 20 minutes.
    3. Put tomato paste (sauce), spices, salt, greens. Prepare 10 minutes.
    4. Put zucchini, give them to remove with the rest of the vegetables under the lid about 7 minutes.
    5. The resulting mass is laying out in a blender or a food processor. Carefully grind.
    6. The resulting caviar is shifted in a skeleton or a saucepan and put on fire for 5 minutes.
    7. We declare a boiling mass on banks. They must be sterilized. Sealed with metal covers.

During the time of the USSR, the stores could not boast a wide range of a variety of sauces to the garniram. Kuccachk caviar was the most popular additive to the macaronam, rice and potatoes.

Kabachk caviar as in the store is always very tasty, and many hostesses are trying to cook shop caviar from zucchini for the winter. I am also no exception: such caviar in my family love, so I also wanted to cook it on my own.

I tried different recipes several times, I added and cleaned the spices, until finally, did not achieve the taste of homemade cabachor caviar as in the store. And now every year it is preparing it. Guests often ask me the recipe of this workpiece, so I think, and you will be interested. I will not argue that this is a recipe for Kabachkaya caviar as in the store according to GOST, but what taste and appearance of the finished caviar is very close to the store - fact.


  • 1 kg of zucchini;
  • 350 g of a splash;
  • 250 g of carrots;
  • 100 ml of refined vegetable oil;
  • 3 tablespoons of tomato sauce;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt;
  • 0.5 teaspoon paprika;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of acute red pepper;
  • 4 garlic teeth;
  • 1/3 teaspoon of black hammer pepper;
  • 2 teaspoons of 9% of table vinegar.

* The weight of purified vegetables is indicated.

How to cook Cabacco caviar as in the store:

Zucchini choose young, with underdeveloped seeds. If you have mature zucchini, with large seeds, cutting the inner part. Vegetables clean from the peel, rinse. Zucchini cut into small pieces, arbitrary shape. In a pot with a thick bottom, we pour a bit of water - only to cover the bottom. Pour to the pot of zucchini, cover with a lid and put on fire.

I bring to a boil on a big fire, then the fire is reduced to the minimum and carcass, periodically stirring, before the softness of the zucchini, 10-20 minutes (the extinguishing time depends on the thickness of the zucchini layer - the thicker layer, the longer the zucchini is steal).

Onions cut half or quarters - rings. Carrots we rub on a large grater.

In the pan heating vegetable oil and lay onions with carrots. Masters until soft, 10-15 minutes (time also depends on the thickness of the layer of vegetables in a pan).

For zucchini caviar as in the zucchini and onions store with carrots, we skip through a meat grinder or larch a blender. Since there are many vegetables, it will take more time to peat them with a blender. It is better to use the meat grinder by setting a small grid. If the mass is not completely homogeneous, we skip again through the meat grinder.

Steady vegetables are placed in a saucepan with a thick bottom of stainless steel (in the enameled saucepan of caviar will be burned). The saucepan is covering the lid and cook a lot of about 20 minutes, mixing several times.

Add salt, black and red ground pepper in the zucchinque mass, wig, sugar. Mix and cook, without covering the lid, 15 to 20 minutes. Periodically mix so that our zucchini caviar is not burned as in the store.

On a dry frying pan, stirring, fry flour to cream color (2-3 minutes).

In the zucchini mass we add tomato paste, flour and garlic, missed through the press. Pour vinegar and mix.

Cooking caviar for another 5 minutes on the smallest fire, stirring.

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