
Lazy Banaca. Banitsa from the pita with cottage cheese and cheese. How to make a Bulgarian traditional banner

1. To baking the lazy cartage from the pita, it is better to take homemade cottage cheese - it is more fat, an excellent filling will come out of it. If you do not have access to homemade cottage cheese, you can dilute the store with creamy oil. To do this, get the oil from the refrigerator in advance so that it softened, then add to cottage cheese and stir. Well, if you have a household cottage cheese, just lay it out in a bowl and disarming well for a fork.

2. Add two eggs to the curd. Of course, for baking, it is also better to use home - from them the filling of the Banitsa will turn out to be more delicious and bright.

3. In a bowl with a filling, put and sour cream. This ingredient will add fillings of tenderness and pleasant aroma.

4. Sung wash cottage cheese and well stir all the ingredients by combining them into a homogeneous mass.

5. Dill in the stuffing can not be added, but this ingredient will make a dish of truly exquisite! So it's better to finish dill, put it in a bowl and stirred with the rest of the products.

6. Spread two pita leaf ahead. Each of them divide into two parts. At the same time, the filling in the bowl divide into four parts so that the mono was filled with each of the pieces of the pita.

7. Each bottoms for baking parchment. To one part of the lava, lay out the fourth part of the filling and evenly distribute it.

8. Wrap a footwear and put this roll on the parchment. Make the same way with the rest of the pita. Twist the rolls and put them on the next to the form for baking.

9. The remaining one egg will break down and stir up for a fork to a homogeneous state. Then take a whine or brush and apply an egg mixture on top of the rolls.

10. Generously covering the rolls by an egg, the remains of this mixture you can simply pour into the gaps between the rolls. Put the shape into the oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake the bathhouse with cottage cheese for 20 minutes.

Lazy Banque with cottage cheese from Lavash is ready! Lavash has twisted, and the stuffing perfectly baked! Bon Appetit!

Step by step photo Cooking recipe for a lava banner.

lavash thin - 3 pcs.,

cottage cheese - 1 kg.,

chicken Egg - 8 pcs.,

butter - 100 gr.,

sour cream - 500 ml.,

Bannet - Delicious Bulgarian dish. This is a prescription of a fresh dough cake with cottage cheese (cheese). To prepare the test you need a certain time, so we bring to your attention the recipe banners from Lavasha.

Fast cooking option with cottage cheese. It turns out no less delicious than the real Bulgarian banner.

The banner is a traditional dish and mandatory practically on all Bulgarian holidays.

A banner from the pita is very easy to cook and she will not take much time with you. Many of her call is a lazy banade.

Cooking a lava banner.

To cook a banner from the pita, you need to break one egg in cottage cheese, salute a little and get well.

Lavash put on the table lubricate with butter.

Top posting cottage cheese. Cottage cheese over the entire surface of the pita.

Then twist the pita in the roll.

We do the same and with two other pitches of the pita.

Finished rolls put in a form for baking, pre-lubricated with vegetable oil. Rolls can be cut into parts.

Next in a separate bowl of 7 eggs.

Add sour cream and mix well to homogeneous mass.

Pour the resulting mass into the form so that a completely egg-sour cream coated rolls.

Give a little soak about 10-15 minutes.

Then put baked into the oven preheated to 180 0, approximately 30-40 minutes before the formation of a ruddy crust. The baked bank is slightly risen, so you need to take a high form for baking.

I love such recipes and they arrived at me for a long time.

3 thin Armenian lavas
1 of the Mg. (or part of cottage cheese, cheese or cheese),
3 eggs,
bunch of greenery (optional),
Butter for lubrication Lavash,

Pouring for lazy books:
3 eggs,
200 g sour cream

Let's start with the filling, it can be done completely from cottage cheese, and it is possible to partially replace cheese (traditionally the Bulgarian bracket is made with cheese that resembles cheese). Cottage cheese is warm up for a fork or hands, and cheese (cheese) rubs on a large grater. All the filling is mixed with eggs (they can be slightly whipped as for the scrambled eggs) and salt (the salt is not added to the cheese stuffing, it is so enough).

Who loves greens in unsweetened casseroles, please can be selected, it will be very tasty!
Lavash sheets are slightly lubricated with butter, if the finished puff pastry is used, it is very thinly rolled.

On each Lavash is distributed in a thin layer of the filling, and then the leaf turns into a roll for a bathroom on a wide end.

Deep shape (metal, porcelain, glass heat-resistant, silicone), in which we will prepare a banana from the pita, lubricate the creamy oil. In her spirals (in the form of a snail), starting from the middle,

We lay out the rolls and pour filling from whipped eggs and a glass of sour cream. Try to fill it all empty places between the pita lava (or test).

Cooking puff pastry cake in the oven will take about 40 minutes at a temperature of 170-180 degrees. On top of it should be well shred up

Banitsa is a very tasty and original Bulgarian dish, which is preparing quickly, but does not inferior in terms of the qualities to many culinary research, which you need to spend the mass of precious time.

The most difficult and long-term stage in the preparation of a classic cartage is a test of the test, so in the Internet, there are a lot of variants of the simplified method of preparation - using the thin Armenian lava.

To prepare the filling, you need to take meat, clean the 1 big bulb and twist on the meat grinder using fine mesh. For piquancy, I also added 100 g of solid Russian cheese into the mince, but you can do without it. Farm must be salted to taste and add favorite seasonings, I used the ziru and black pepper. If the meat is not very fat, I recommend adding a small piece of Sala and 1 tbsp. l. Manki, so that the filling turned out to be more juicy.

Now we take ready-made pita and evenly lubricate it with a cooked filling over the entire surface.

In turn, smear both lavas (in the package they usually go 2 pcs) and twist the roll.

We take a shape for baking, spread it with parchment paper, you can put some small pieces of butter on the bottom.

Now lay out the rolls from the pita, wrapping them with each other. This time I got green Lavash with spinach, but it is more dense and not so flexible, so the roll with folding broke into pieces. But it is absolutely not scary, as everything is aligned with the fill and is distributed evenly during baking.

For the preparation of the fill, we whip with a blender or a mixer (at a thin end of a wedge) 2 eggs, 150 ml of sour cream and 100 ml of milk by adding salt to taste.

The fill is pretty liquid, since it is necessary that Lavash managed to soften well during baking.

Fill the pita in the form so that it is completely covered with the fill:

Prepared Banitsa We send in the oven for 35-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Baking time depends on the density and consistency of the minced meat, as it is raw, so you follow the dish, it is good with a golden crust, but did not have time to dry on top or burn.

Get ready for a bathroom before serving from the oven and put it on a beautiful dish. Optionally, you can decorate greens. Since the banya is very pretty in the context, you can feed, cutting into portion pieces, or just cut on the table in the presence of tastors.

Banitsa with meat can be served with ketchup, sour cream, mayonnaise or behamel sauce. I am sure that in such an interpretation, this traditional Bulgarian dish will enjoy your loved ones and will be one of your favorite in your family.
Bon Appetit!

Time for preparing: PT01H00m 1 h.

For a long time, the same question lives in the head: who comes up with recipes and how is it so skillful, it turns out to be combined incomprehensible?

Someone came to the head of the lava, the recipe for which every third knows, and if you are not familiar with him - quickly correct this mistake! We enter into the course of the case: the banner is the famous pie in Bulgaria, which bakes from a freshly puff dough without the use of yeast.

Lavash Banita: Quick Recipe


  • Armenian Lavash - 3 pieces + -
  • + -
  • - 500 ml + -
  • - 1 kg + -
  • - 8 pieces + -
  • - 100 g + -

How to cook a banana from the pita

  1. Cottage cheese shift into a deep bowl, salt.
  2. Rubbing cottage cheese with one egg, divide into 3 equal parts.
  3. Establish our Lavash.
  4. I smear the oil on the pitaash.
  5. Lay out all over the area of \u200b\u200bcakes 1 part of the curd mass.
  6. Twist in the roll.
  7. We do the same with the rest of the pita.
  8. Lubricate the shape in which a lavash baked baked baked.
  9. We put rolls into it.
  10. Separately whipping the remaining eggs.
  11. We mix sour cream with eggs to obtain a single consistency.
  12. Plive a mixture of rolls. They must fully hide under the fill.
  13. We allocate for the impregnation of 15 minutes.
  14. Install the temperature of 180 degrees on the oven. Warming up.
  15. We lay a lazy banana from the pita half an hour. If during this time the blush did not have time to appear on the cake, then the time we extend for another 10 minutes.

Melin or a banner with cottage cheese is ready, you can call guests for tea. Bon Appetit!

Traditional banner: recipe with cheese

We learned the recipe from the lava with cottage cheese and digested, it's time to take care of the preparation of a real traditional banner!


  • Egg - 4 pieces;
  • Flour - 3 glasses;
  • Water purified - 300 ml;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Vinegar wine - 1 tbsp;
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Yogurt - 100 g;
  • Brynza - 350

How to make a Bulgarian traditional banner

  1. In a clean ass, we snatch flour, add 1 egg, salt. Mix.
  2. We pour water, vinegar, butter. We wash the dough with your hands.
  3. From the finished test, we roll small balls and cover them with a clean x / b to the towel. While we are doing filling, they will relax.
  4. We mix separately the remaining 3 eggs, cheese, yogurt. By the way, the yoghurt can replace sour cream, kefir and even prostrock. Any fermented product that is at hand.
  5. From rested, we roll thin squares or rectangles.
  6. Uniformly smearing the stuffing on the sheet.
  7. The sheet with filling roll and slightly spin in curl.
  8. Baking shape with oil, and overtakes up to 200 degrees.
  9. We put the workpiece as you want.

We ship to be baked before the formation of a ruddy crust. Then we cover the top of the foil, we reduce the temperature to 180 and bake for another 20 minutes.

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