
How much to fry the baths in a skillet. Susks Grill in the oven - Step-by-step recipe delicious sausages for grill

Today we will prepare a awesome delicious recipe for sausages grilled in the oven. Sausages are pretty simple, even "bachelor" dish, few people think about how to diversify it. However, with the help of a spicy sauce and a fragrant garnish - from sausages using an ordinary grill in the oven, you can create a real masterpiece!

Sausages Grill in the oven - Cooking recipe


  • sausages;
  • red onion;
  • egg;
  • cornishons;
  • garlic;
  • spicy sauce;
  • pepper;
  • mayonnaise - 150 gr;
  • tomato ketchup;
  • potato;
  • bacon;
  • salt;
  • cottage cheese;
  • dill.

How to cook sausages grilled in the oven with sauce and potatoes:

Sausages themselves, simple and pretty "uninteresting" dish. However, the delicious sauce will help to pay the taste. The first thing we need is the sauce in which we will make sausages. In addition, there will be original potatoes on the side dish, and we will get a hearty and delicious dinner!

Preparing sauce to sausages:

  1. Red onions, if necessary, can be replaced by the repressed, however, it is the red grade that will emphasize the taste of sauce to sausages. Onions very finely cut and scream with boiling water so that he does not care.
  2. Swim the egg is screwed and chopped as finely. Cornishons to dry from marinade and cut into cubes, they will cheer our sauce. Clothes of garlic Clean the need and grind garbaged.
  3. We mix the prepared and crushed ingredients, add a couple of drops of acute sauce, fresh-grinding pepper, mayonnaise and several tablespoons of ketchup. We shift the mass in a blender, carefully whipped. In the process, you should try to salt and sharpness, the roots give enough salt, but if you have little - you can overlook. Ready sauce is desirable to strengthen about an hour.

Preparing potatoes on the side dish:

  1. While the sauce insisters the side dish. Potatoes are welded in uniforms, clean and cut with circles with a thickness of no more than 1 cm. It is very little to save and peep to taste.
  2. For each circle, we spread on a teaspoon of soft curd cheese on a teaspoon, sprinkle with dill (optional) and wrap the chearable strip of bacon.
  3. Share potatoes on the grill at 170 degrees, fry 5-7 minutes. During this time, bacon, facing, "pulls" potatoes into the castle.
  4. You can simplify the task, cook potatoes until half-welded, wrap another 2-3 bacon slices. So cooking will take less time.

We are preparing sausages on the grill in the oven:

  1. Chosens for the grill choose the most delicious and without filling in the form of cheese. It is necessary to remove the upper film and make small cuts along the entire length of the sausage.
  2. We will prepare sausages on the grill in the oven at 170 degrees with indirect roasting. Sausages are preparing literally a few minutes, it all depends on the variety you chosen. The deeper the cuts on sausages, the more evenly they get along the grill in the oven.

Finished grilled sausages with potatoes in bacon can be added with a tasty fresh salad. The spring salad made of fresh cucumbers, radishes and tomatoes Cherry will be suitable for this combination. Redish and cucumbers cut into identical slices, Cherry cut in half. Salad mix in a bowl, fill the prepared sauce, add salts and pepper.

We are finished on the grill of sausages lay on the plate, near the garnish from potatoes in Bacon, and serve along with a salad. In a separate container, we put on a hundred sauce, it will fit both to the sausages on the grill, and to potatoes.

Video with a recipe for making sausages on the grill

In the western world, the sareels, which are fried on fire or grill, are called the harsh German word "terrestrs." Similar tastes are prepared from the minced meat of various consistency, various recipes. Regional factor is very traced. The only similarity is that they certainly are made of pork, which is wrapped in a natural shell. Now spring, which means, the time of the grill comes closely, and therefore we collected the most interesting recipes of "Bathrows" for your stomach. As a basis, they took ordinary purchased pork sausages.

1. Beer

A simple recipe that takes its origin in the German festivals.


– 4 ;
- 1 big bulb (adjusting cubes);
- 10 sacks;
- 2 teaspoons of red pepper;
- 1 teaspoon of garlic powder;
- 0.5 teaspoons of black pepper.


1. Heat the grill to the middle-strength temperature. Lubricate with oil with oil immediately, how to feel a strong heat.
2. Pour beer in the pan, add the onions there and bring to a boil.
3. Immerse the sausages in beer and suck all our spices in the pan. We reduce the fire to the middle and cook so about 10-12 minutes. Then we remove the sausages, and we leave beer on fire (only you need to reduce the temperature to a minimum).
4. The sausages themselves are frying on the open grill about 5-10 minutes. Turn over only once!
5. We apply beer sausages together with the beer mixture.

2. Sharp with bacon

American style - they are without bacon and get out of the house can not. But it turns damn delicious! In addition, this recipe for those who have an oven, but no grill.


- 4 sausages;
- 3 cans of light beer;
- 5 tablespoons of brown sugar;
- 2-3 teaspoons of Cayenne pepper;
- 6 bacon slices (they cut in half).


1. Sanctuate the sa from a fork and omit in a saucepan with beer. I bring to a boil on a strong heat, and then we reduce to the middle and cook about 15 minutes. I pull out sausages and give them to cool.
2. Heat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius. We put down a leaf for baking, and on top of the lattice, on which we will fry the sausages.
3. Stir sugar and Cayenne pepper in a big bowl. The sausages in the meantime we divide into three equal parts. Each piece wrap half the bacon strips and fasten the toothpick. Mix the sausages in the sugar-pep mixture and put them on the baking sheet.
4. We bake for 25-30 minutes. Bacon must become brown and crispy.

3. Slow Wisconsince

Recipe for very very patient gourmets. However, the ingredients are simple to disgrace, and the result is worth it.


- 8 suckers;
- 2 beer banks;
- 1 big onions;
- 3/4 cups of ketchup.


1. Salads, beer, onions and ketchup fall into a saucepan. We establish a low temperature and cook it all for 4 hours. You can watch a couple of films, you do not need to follow the Verev.
2. Heat the grill on a strong heat and slightly lubricate the grille.
3. Put the sausages on the grille and fry until they are twisted. Usually it takes 5 minutes.

1. Grill grill is not at all whims. However, if you enjoy it the first time, let it burn well. And only then lubricate it with oil.

2. There is a secret commandment of the grill, which says: "turn the products only once!"

3. Time for grill is a very conditional concept, as external forces, such as weather, wood quality, heat, and so on act on fire.

Sausages are universal sausages. With their help, you can quickly and just cook delicious, rolling dishes.

Budget dishes from appetizing sausages will help on weekdays. All that is needed for this is to purchase sausages and use the following recipes. You can cook sausages in various ways: boil, bake or fry. This semi-finished product allows you to prepare more complex dishes - casserole or stew. Consider uncomplicated ways of cooking sausages that will delight your household and guests.

How to cook sausages

Due to the time deficit, the hosters sometimes there is a need to quickly and satisfy the family. A simple, universal sausage boiling scheme will be helped:
- Clean the sausages from the existing cellophane film. If the sausages are packed in a natural shell, you can not clean them.

We pour into the container as many clean cold water as needed to cover the sausages by approximately 1-2 cm.

We put the container on fire.

After water boiling, we immerse the purified sausages in the pan and reduce gas.

Cook 3-5 minutes after water boiling.

Cooking time is indicated on sausage packaging. You can check their readiness yourself, pushing the sausage fork. Finished and properly welded sausages should be soft. Solit sausages is not necessary, in this sausage semi-finished product included taste additives and salt, including. So that the sausages during cooking do not burst, it is recommended to pierce their fork several times.

Recipes of sausages in the oven

There are many recipes baked in the oven sausages. How easy and quickly prepare them, with which it is possible to combine and under what sauce can you serve? Consider some uncomplicated recipes.

It is popular a simple recipe for cooking in the oven sausages in the test. We take ready yeast dough. Roll over and cut into small stripes. We form "sausages in yeast dough", lubricate with a yolk, sprinkle sesame. Bake in the oven to ruddy color.

Sausages in the test. Cook at home!

Sausages with potatoes in the oven - the hearty and appetizing dish that even beginner can prepare. If there is no time to stand for a long time at the stove, you can cook potatoes with sausages in the oven at home:

1. Wash and clean the potatoes. Cut pieces and lay out in a deep bowl. Salt and sprinkle with vegetable oil. If you wish, you can add a little mayonnaise or sour cream. Lubricate the pan with oil, lay out potatoes. 2. Clear sausages and cut around the edges. You can make cuts on the surface of the sausage.

3. Retail to put on the bottom shelf in the oven, to install the grille on top, on which the sausages must be put. Sprinkle with vegetable oil.

4. After 15 minutes to reach sausages, as they will be ready before. Potatoes mix and bring readiness.

Recipes fried sausages

Any sausages can be simply fired in a pan, there are several drops of vegetable oil in it. With frying, they need to periodically turn over.

A fairly widespread dish among beginner culinary - scrambled eggs. For its preparation, it is necessary to put the sausages on a heated frying pan, lubricated with sunflower oil. After a few minutes, flip and drive the eggs. Next, cover the frying pan and fry a dish about 10 minutes.

There is a unique recipe for fried sausages "chamomile", which you will surprise your home, despite the simplicity of cooking. 1. Susks cut into two halves along and make deep transverse cuts.

2. Collapse the sausage in the ring, connecting the edges and fasten the toothpick.

3. Lubricate with vegetable oil to the frying pan (you can add a little creamy), heat and fry the sausages slightly.

4. In the center of each "flower" knock one egg, salt to taste.

5. When the egg is roasted, carefully remove the shovel "Flower" and lay it on the plate, you can on a piece of bread.

To make the dishes from Dopop to make appetizing "daisies" cuttings and grass, and the leaves can be cut out of cucumber. Especially like the dish of children who will gladly try.

Sausages in Multivarka

Unlike boiling sausages in a saucepan, preparing them in a slow cooker it is not necessary to control the cooking process. If sausages have a cellophane film, it is necessary to remove it. Natural removal shell does not require. We lay out sausages in a bar - a double boiler or in a slow cooker. Pour water into the container and close the lid. In the program menu, select the "Crop-toile" mode, and exhibit 10-15 minutes of cooking time. Counting time since the water boiling. Get ready sausages from a slow cooker, we feed with vegetables or side dish.

Elegant sausages in a multicooker-pressure cooker Redmond

Choose any of the ways of cooking and delight members of your family. The main thing, do not eat sausages raw. Despite the fact that they are considered a finished product, better sausages and delicious sausages.

The editorial board hopes that our article will help you quickly prepare an unusual dish from ordinary sausages.
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Sausages are the most favorite food of children and many adults. Cooking them on the grill will take a little time. Someone will seem that there is nothing easier than to prepare the sausage. However, special recipes will prove to everyone that the spicy aroma and the taste of the finished delicacy of the grill is worth it.

There are several ways to cook such a dish, thanks to which the picnic menu will always be diverse and appetizing. In addition, the grill and barbecue are also equipped with food cooking.

Grilled cheese sausages recipe

For this dish you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of sausages;
  • 200 g cheese (it is better to take the cheese of solid varieties);
  • lemon;
  • 50 g of green onions;
  • 50 g of dill.

First you need to prepare a stuffing: grate cheese using a small grater. Then it is necessary to cut the sausage along (incision to the middle). In the cut "pocket" should be accurately folded cheese. After stuffing, it is necessary to cut the edges of the meat delicacy to the toothpicks, to pour the marinade from the juice of lemon and water from above (1 tsp. Juice and 3 l. Waters). Then grilled sausages to fry to a golden crust.

To feed, rinse onions and greens, clean the extra moisture with a napkin, then chop finely. Finished sausages lay out on the dish, sprinkle with greens on top.

Recipe spicy sausages on the grill

Meat sausages with a sharp taste like many. It is such an effect that can provide garlic. So, the following ingredients will be needed for the preparation of garlic sausages:

  • 0.5 kg of suckers;
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise or sour cream (dietary option);
  • garlic (6 medium-sized cloves).

First you need to prepare a filling. Garlic should cut thin plates. Then clean the sausages, make oblique transverse cuts in them not to the end, put garlic in them. On top of sausages lubricate mayonnaise. Heat the grill well, then send prepared sausages on the grille. When the crust appears from above - the dish is ready.

Traditional barbecue sausages recipe

A classic recipe like many, suitable for a company of people with different tastes. It will appreciate even children who are difficult to please. So, in this embodiment, you must prepare the following products: 0.5 Sardelka, 3 tbsp. l. Sour cream, green onions, greens (parsley, dill).

The sausages must be cleaned, on top to smear sour cream, then send to a well-heated barbecue grid. When a crust appears, they can be removed. Serve with a finely chopped onion and greens.

What kind of preparation recipe choose - spicy or classic, solve you. Any of the proposed options does not require professional culinary skills and a lot of time, as it prepares on average in 15 minutes. Therefore, such an express dish can replace the most delicious snacks on your picnic.

Grilled sausages - a delicious picnic dish, which is always diverted in a few minutes from the plate. Steaming, fragrant sausages with transverse stripes have long become a favorite meat fast food for many of us. They can be supplemented with an oblong bun, sauces and get a delicious hot dog. You can wrap in Lavash with vegetable components, ketchup and mayonnaise, receiving a popular shawarma. Options for creating dishes with grill sausages are a great set, so let's consider their option of roasting on a press grill that will allow you to create a delicious dish not only in the fresh air, but at home.


  • 400 g of dairy sausages
  • sauces and greens for filing
  • 10 ml of vegetable oil


1. Preheat a press grill to the required temperature, setting the required mode on the board. Lubricate its surface with vegetable oil, as soon as they become hot. Put the dairy sausages on one of them and press the other side. Fry about 5-7 minutes. Do not confuse milk sausages with sausages or grilled sausages - those sausages are sold raw and before roasting them, they need to be slightly boiled for 5-7 minutes in boiling water.

2. After the specified time, check the sausages, if they have plin enough, move them with a special spatula from the surface of the grill on the dish. Turn off the grill and let it cool before washing.

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