
What the intangible world consists of. Evolution of the psyche. What is the intangible world, then from which our world consists

  1. 1. Yakov Feldman Man Theory 1. Filosophy1. 1. What is the world from? September -2011 Russia
  2. 2. Ontology ontology answers questions - how our world works or - from which our world is since we are inside the section "Philosophy", then our answer to this question will be formulated by the most common of all informative ways, but first look at the history
  3. 3. Ontology Falez to Popper
  4. 4. Falez Miretsky (dr. Greek. Θαλῆσ ὁὁιΛήςήςοΣ, 640 / 624-548 / 545 BC) The founder of the EuropeanNavoy and philosophy believed that "the whole world consists of water"
  5. 5. Pythair Samossky (dr. Greek. Πυθαγόρασ ὁ πυθαγόρασ ὁ Σάμιοσ, lat. Pythagoras; 570-490 yd n. Er) - an ancient Greemic philosopher and mathematician, the creator of religiously- believed that the "all there is a number" of the Pythagoreans founded - contemporary mathematics and - modern music theory
  6. 6. Parmenide from Elea (Greek. Παρμενίδης; approx. 540 or 520 BC. E. - believed that "being there is, AOK. 450 BC. E.) There is no non-existence" - this most common one of possible ontological formulations is Rather, not a logical, but value approval. His meaning: It is necessary to study only eternal, it makes no sense to study "flowing things"
  7. 7. Empedocl from Akraganta (dr. Greek ἐμπεδοκλῆσ) (approx. 490 BC. E., Agrigento -OV. 430 BC. E.) -Deregreic philosopher, a doctor, the state believed that the world consists of a four-wayman, priest. Started - Earth - Water - Air - Fire and two forces - Friendship and - Enough
  8. 8. Democritis Abdersky in the world There are only atoms (Δημόκριτοσ; approx. 460 BC - approx. 370 BC) - and the empty-speaking-renegreic philosopher, one of the atoms are the most Provinophysics of various forms and sizes atoms move in all areas with Some different speeds. From this movement everything happens that we are seeing in the world
  9. 9. Plato, in the spirit of Parmenide, claims Plato (etc. Greek. Πλάτων) that it is necessary to learn only "eternal, (428 or 427 BC, standing for things", then we will understand the phosphin - 348 or 347 BC. er., And the things themselves. ibid) - an ancient Greek philosopher is an eternal standing for things, he calls "ideas." Things are "Implementation of ideas in space" ideas are hierarchically ordered. Among them there is one highest idea - the idea of \u200b\u200bgood. Later, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe good of Christians was identified with God the soul of a person consists of three starts - reasonable, violent and passionate, which roughly complies with our concepts "Intellect", "Will" and "Emotions"
  10. 10. Plato in the VI book "States" divides all the existing halves of the genus: a felt and thoughtful one is again divided into two kinds - the items themselves like the first acquaintances relate to the perception from nature, according to the image. Taken together, ethereals make up perception. Sometimes it is also divided into two kinds - these are ideas of things and their imaginary modeling modes - eternal and unchanged entities to work with ideas. There is reasonable to the second kind of mathematical symbols. The mind and reason together make up thinking.
  11. 11. Aristotle believed that consideration of "ideas" (OR. Greek. Ἀριςτοτζλησ; 384 BC, Stagir - only interferes with the knowledge of things. Things ", thereby ancient Greek philosophy. Pupil Plato putting the beginning of the "analysis of factors". For each thing, each thing he found four - material (from which) - the formal (for what structure) - the current (from which energy) - the target (for which) believed that the soul is the function of the body, like a sharpness there is a knife function
  12. 12. Nominalism and Realism Two positions in medieval philosophy Nominalism: General concepts - names of things or names of things Realism: General concepts - Independent essences in Scholastic philosophy The reason for the dispute of realists was served by the book of Porphyria "On five glaces" in 1092, the Susson Cathedral condemned nominalism as a false teaching
  13. 13. Nominalism and Realism Continuinenenimantists Realists Bernigar Tour Gairik Osservs Roszelin Remigi Sherrich Heinrich Gentsky Anselm Canterbury Seales Wilhelm Champo Peter Spanish Walter de Martan Buridan John Salisbury Okam Nikolay from Belurora ----------------- ------ Nikolai Ore Pierre Abelian occupied a compromise position
  14. 14. René Descartes (Fr. René Descartes postulatescartes; Lat. Renatus The existence of two independentCartesius - Cartesies; Substances1596 -1650) - - Extensions1596 -1650) - - Extensions and French - ThoringMathematics, philosopher, conformity between the nimiphysicist and physiologist guarantees God the person has thinking and, therefore, soul. In animals there are no souls, they are not distinguishable from the mechanisms of a man's soul mates with his body in his brain
  15. 15. Charles Sandersperse Pierce (English Charles Sanderspeirce; 1839 - 1914) American philosopher, logic, mathematician called for a special study of symbolic systems and invented the term "semiotics"
  16. 16. Bertrand Arthur Williamrassel (English. Bertrand Arthurwilliam Russell, 3rd Earlrussell; 1872 - 1970) - author Analytical Mathematics, philosopher and philosophy factory Author (together with Whitehead) translation of the whole mathematics on a modern formal logical language
  17. 17. Bertrand Russell (1924) The world consists of a certain number, perhaps the ultimate, possibly infinite, entities that have different relationships to each other and, perhaps, from various qualities. Each of these entities can be called an event. Each event is related to a certain number of others that can be called compressed. From the point of view of physics, the entire set of compressed events occupies a small area of \u200b\u200bspace-time. One example of a set of compressed events can be what will be called the content of the consciousness of a person at a certain time, that is, all its sensations, images, memories, thoughts, etc., which can exist at one time. We will define many compressed events as the minimum area. We will find that the minimum areas form a four-dimensional manifold and, through small logical manipulations, we can construct from them the variety of space that requires physics.
  18. 18. Bertran Russell Continued We also find that some areas of space-time have completely special properties. It is said that these areas are occupied by matter. Such areas may be combined through the laws of physics in the trajectory or path, much more extended in one dimension of space-time than in other three. Such a path forms the history of the part of matter. All types of matter to some extent, and certain types (nervous fabric) are primarily capable of forming habits, that is, to change its structure in this environment in such a way that when they subsequently turn out to be in a similar environment, they react with a new way, but If a similar environment occurs often, the reaction ultimately becomes more uniform, although at first the distinction in reactions occurs. Consciousness is the trajectory of many compressed events in the space-time area, where there is matter, the features of which are due to the formation of familiar features. The greater the lability, the more complex and organized the consciousness becomes. Thus, consciousness and brain are really inseparable.
  19. 19. Ludwig Josef Johann Early Wittgensteinvitgentine (Him. Ludwig Josef Johann - The world consists of facts, howlittgenstein; 1889, Vienna - not from objects 1951, Cambridge) -Avstro-English philosopher - language reflects the world. Late Wittgenstein - language is a set of contexts and symbolic games
  20. 20. Indicated the link between the subject of Culture Kakle Semenovich Vygotsky symbol and development (Lion Simhovich Profitable; individual psyche1896 - 1934) - Sovereign psychologist, the subject of culture, however, culturally symbol for consciousness of the historical school in the Sycology and - tool \u003d tool when learning \u003d understanding the external world - to the instrument of development of an individual consciousness actually, since the learned and newly open ways of understanding the world enrich this consciousness
  21. 21. George Herbert Mide in parallel with Vybotsky (English George Herbert Mead) and independently of him (1863-1931) - an American philosopher and a sociologist (apparently they didn't know anyone about each other) in Chicago University, put forward two key Ideedo did not publish any (underestimated so far) the books did not have any titles. Thinking is born of attacking it was published by a dialogue with others, and the sweeceposle of his death turns into a dialogue with himself, which, actually there is thinking signs are born as tools for communication, and then gradually turn into thinking tools
  22. 22. Delil our world for three worlds - the world of objective knowledge (M-3) - the world of subjective knowledge or Karl Raimund Popper The World of Mental States (M-2) (it. Karl Raimund Popper; - Material Facts (M-1) 1902 - 1994) - believed that M-3 Austrian and the British philosopher and sociologist interacts with M-1 not directly, and through M-2 Popper believes that we do not open the mathematical systems, but invent, - although we will automatically receive in a gift (from whom?) Mandatory properties of this system that we still have to open
  23. 23. In the work "The role of labor in the process of transforming a monkey in a person" (1876) showed a modern nite in the fight against the world of nature (it. Friedrich Engels; man1820 - 1895) - Thus, the appearance of Natureauetsky philosopher formulated the opposite of "nature - culture" to Engels (and Marx) This opposite understood as the transition from the "human man" to the "man spoiled by civilization" (Jean -Zhak Rousseau)
  24. Gumilev Nikolayevich Gumilyov analyzes (1912-1992) - interaction of historical ethnologist, human vessels of historical igovography (ethnos) with its natural habitat (biogeocenosis) and shows that ethnic groups arise in nature where a steady economic method of developing nature is produced
  25. 25. About mathematichekakakova Nature of mathematical objects? Three answers are possible on this question. Mathematical facilities exist in the world - - they are the essence of this world (Pythagoras) - they are a special kind of ideas (Plato) - if you carefully watch, then they can be clearly seen (Descartes) 2. There are no mathematical objects in the world, but we can come up with them (as we came up with the wheel) - Such is the point of view of K.Popper (see above) - this is the point of view of N.Lobachevsky, who called his book "Imaginary Geometry" 3. Mathematical objects make up a special world. We can learn this world. Sometimes we can use parts of this second world to describe what is happening in the first - material world - this point of view has penetrated into mathematics at the turn of the 19-20th century. - The first one who made it clearly formulated was Friege (1883)
  26. 26. About mathematichekakova Nature of mathematical objects? Three answers are possible on this question. Mathematical objects There are some properties of the physical world selected and recorded by a person - mathematics: Gauss - Non-Namatics: Ulyanov-Lenin2. There are no mathematical objects in the world, but we can come up with them (as we came up with the wheel) - Mathematics: Lobachevsky - NonMaths: Karl Popper3. Mathematical objects make up a special world. We can learn this world. Sometimes we can use parts of this second world to describe what is happening in the first - material world - this point of view has penetrated into mathematics at the end of the 19th century. - The first one who made it clearly formulated was Friege (1883)
  27. 27. "The mathematician can create things by their will whine Nephridrich Ludwig Gotloba more than it can make a geographer; The mathematician is just as well (Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob opens up that already exists, it gives this name "(1883) 1848 -1925) - German logic, mathematician and philosopher meaning and meaning of concept (sign) are not identical. (1892) According to Friege - the value is an object to which indicates this sign (many objects). - the meaning is the procedure, with the help of which this set of objects was built
  28. 28. Friege, Plato and I am some authors (for example, R.Collyz) identify the views of Frega on mathematical objects with the views of Plato and believe that the falsity of this position is proved by this. Recognizing that Plato was under the strong influence of Pythagoreans and, accordingly, under the impression of the results obtained by modern mathematicians, I think that. Frega is essentially right. Freg, unlike Plato, did not believed that - our knowledge is a memory. The soul recalls the world of ideas in which she dwells before the interior into the body - ideas are behind things. Moreover, ideas are embodied in things3. From myself I want to add that we should not identify mathematical systems with symbolic 4. Symbolic systems are part of the culture. They are born and dying together with culture. Mathematical objects, like many physical (natural), lie outside the culture5. Symbolic systems also display mathematical objects as they display physical objects.
  29. 29. The history of mathematics of the 19th century relative to the nature of mathematical objects is 1826. Lobachevsky publishes its report "The compressed statement began geometry." In 1840, Lobachevsky publishes "geometry" in German and two instances sends Gauss. In a letter, Schumacher (1846) Gauss admits that the same ideas came to his head, but he did not publish them. However, Gauss expressed his sympathy for the ideas of Lobachevsky indirectly: he recommended that Lobachevsky is a foreign member of the correspondent of Gottingen Royal Scientific Society 1831. Frame-senior sends Gauss to the work of his son. Gauss replies "These ideas have already come to my mind." In 1830-1840, mathematics are actively discussing "Objects cannot be used in mathematical arguments that cannot be observed in the physical world, for example, negative numbers and even zero" 1843. Hamilton opens quaternions. (They certainly can not be observed) 1854. In the presence of Gauss, Roman reads the historical report "On hypotheses lying on the basis of geometry". The Commission report does not approve. The report was published only in 1868 in 1879, Kantor publishes "transfinite numbers". This work meets a sharp back of the Koncheker - for the study of that "what does not happen" in 1879. Frega publishes its "calculation of concepts." EVERYTHING.
  30. 30. About Soviet philosophy Soviet philosophy (from 1930 to 1989) existed in special conditions - the threat of personal and collective repression. Therefore, new authors - who entered the circle of researchers after 1930 - hid their ideas in the shadow of great permitted names (Marx, Engels, Lenin) - the orientation on the world philosophical classics remained, and at the same time a limited acquaintance with the global philosophy of the twentieth century - knowledge of languages \u200b\u200bwas lost, Translations were little - limited personal contacts with foreign colleagues. The limitations of publications abroad all led to the fact that new ideas were "pulled in books" in the clothes of the "old long-known classics of Marxism." In this form, they did not attract the attention of global philosophy and were not learned. The synthesis of the results of the Soviet philosophy and the philosophy of the rest of the world is one of my tasks.
  32. 32. The first dichotomy our world disintegrates into two parallel world. Nothing existing in these two worlds immediately. Nothing existing outside these two worlds. Nothing existing from the world into the world. These two worlds could be called - MMF - the world of material (physical) facts and - MIC - the world of ideal (mathematical) structures these worlds are equally real and equally primary from each of these worlds - its own setting metric and your asked topology
  33. 33. The first dichotomy (continued) Any existing ones can be attributed to one of the two worlds according to the following rule - all that "here and now" or "there and then" lies in MMF - the fact that "everywhere and always" lies with the first dichotomy can be called Dichotomy Descartes
  34. 34. First Dichotomy Mathematical Objects Dichotomy Descartes Physical Facts
  35. 35. The second dichotomy humanity lies in MMF and everything that has been done (or assigned) by humanity is in MMF. Listed can be called "the world of man" everything lies in MMF, but does not lie in the "Peace World", you can call the "world of nature" this dichotomy I would call the Dichotomy Engels-Gumileva
  36. 36. Second Dichotomy Mathematical Objects Dichotomy Descarteangels-Gumileva War of Human Dichotomy World of Nature Physical Facts
  37. 37. The third dichotomy of the world of a person is divided into the fact that - "in the head" (psyche) and the fact that "outside the head" (culture) is that "in the head" coincides with the "world of mental states" or M-2 Popper that "outside the head" coincides with M-3 Popper, this dichotomy would be called a popper dichotomy.
  38. 38. Third Dichotomy Mathematical Objects Dichotomy Descartes Dichotomy Popperegeles-Gumileva Psychic Dichotomy Culture Nature Physical Facts
  39. 39. The fourth dichotomy culture is divided into - "Objects themselves" (material culture) and - "objects as symbols" (spiritual culture) This dichotomy would be called Dichotomy Vygotsky - Mid comment. Obviously, Popper Negotie, I didn't know anything about Mide
  40. 40. Fourth Dichotomy Mathematical ObjectsComotomyMagotomy - Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dichotomy Descartes Dichotomy Popper Engels-Gumileva Psyche Symbols Dichotomy Culture Objects Nature Physical Facts
  41. 41. Discussion Clarification Constable Those mental experiments
  42. 42. Paradoxes Einstein-Gedel can not justify any theory, while remaining inside this theory, every fairly rich theory contains problems that it is impossible to decide, while remaining inside this theory, no rich theory cannot be deeply understood without going beyond this theory of the comment. Now I will have to go beyond the limits of ontology and even beyond philosophy. The inevitability of such a "disturbance" and tried to justify above
  43. 43. Equivalence for mathematicians "Equivalence" is every ratio with three properties - reflexivity - transitivity and - symmetry for all steel: "A and B are equivalent" means "for us in a sense A and b - the same" as soon as "Universum" (the set of all the "entities under consideration") recorded a certain "equivalence", so immediately fixed the division of the "Universum" to the equivalence classes. Right and reverse: Any partitioning of the universum in classes is set by some equivalence of the essence - all that the language we use is standing behind "noun"
  44. 44. Does the observer are equivalent to the data A and B? The answer to this question depends on the position of the observer. And the position of the observer is determined by two things - the community into which the observer includes the tasks that the observer decides both of these circumstances relate to "Gnosheology". In the head of "Gnoseology" we will consider them in detail. And now suppose that these two circumstances are fixed on time and therefore at the moment we know exactly two of any entity equivalent whether they
  45. 45. Do we need enthusiastic entities inside ontology? First, the "material facts" or simply "facts" and - "ideal designs" secondly, "cultural objects" and - "mental states" are third - "objects of material culture" or "objects" and - "Objects of spiritual culture" or "symbols" there are still "natural objects" of which are "facts" and - "mathematical objects" of which consist of "ideal designs"
  46. 46. \u200b\u200bSymbols My interpretation symbol is such an essence that is manufactured or assigned to humanity and is not important in itself, but for what she "indicates" to specify a symbol can on any other entities listed above, including other characters The first mandatory condition - the symbol itself acts as a representative of the equivalent character class. The second condition indicates immediately to the entity class. - But this class can consist of one element
  47. 47. Symbols (continued) The word "sunrise" can be printed by any font, it can be written by hand or uttered out loud. All these "material facts" will make the same symbol. This symbol indicates the class of equivalent facts - the "sunrise". The "Sun" is a natural object, this object is included in the fact "sunrise" as its element. In addition to the Sun, this fact includes more objects, for example, the "horizon line" and "Sky"
  48. 48. Meaning and meaning The word "sunrise" indicates (although not so explicitly) to other characters, for example, on the "Sunset" symbol, on the symbol of the sky and even (for some observers) on the symbol "Space ship" Sunrise "" In addition, for a specific observer, this word may indicate his personal experience - - on those actual sunrises that he himself and - on those mental states, in which he in these situations hit the totality of everything, which indicates a symbol called it "meaning" . The meaning is called "subjective", if the person's personal experience is taken into account, otherwise objective. The value is usually called the only one in this context, the object to which the character indicates. Therefore, the "meaning" is part of the meaning, its temporary "center" such an understanding of "meaning" is wider than Fregeh - for more detailed ontology ("context")
  49. 49. Symbolic systems If specifying these characters on each other are very important, they talk about "symbolic systems" in the particular case of symbolic systems taken as a whole, indicate ideal structures (mathematical systems) at the same time specifying symbols for material facts, mental states and other essences can persist or rub
  50. 50. Psychic mental states can reflect 1. Material facts (directly from personal experience) 2. Ideal designs (as of personal experience) 3. Symbolic structures (which in turn can reflect all the above entities) Wealth of the psyche for each of the three Points (taken in the statics - as experience - and in dynamics - as gifted) relatively independent. Accordingly, the gifts manifests itself as 1. impressionability 2. Mathematical abilities 3. Trainability (and as a result - Education and culture) Artistic abilities are impressionability supported by some sufficient level of education
  51. 51. On the realism and nominalism Nominalists of the right realists of the right relative to the symbolic systems of mathematical objects General concepts as general concepts as elements of symbolic ideal designs of systems are realistic. Real. At the same time, they are at the same time they are not names are names of any things.
  52. 52. Continuation of the following opinion Shlieve me at [Email Protected] Jacob Feldman

Why do you need to know how this world works?

The first question, which probably arises when moving to this article, is a question: "Why do you even know what everything is about, and what do I care about how this world is arranged?" To resolve how soon I draw a question, let's talk about the water, because you went to read about her?

So, if you enter the water, then you need to know a few simple things: you can swim on the water, it is impossible to breathe under water, therefore, if you do not know how to swim, then you can not go too far. Everyone who enters the water knows about these basic rules, because it makes it possible to interact with water without unpleasant consequences.

Now we move closer to the topic. Deal with this world can only then when it is clear how it workshow it is arranged and everything consists of. Stop a person, ask him how this world works, and it will hang from your question. We have no idea how everything is arranged here and what to do with all this. Therefore, many of us remain unhappy and live in complete uncertainty. Let's change it!

What everything consists of

It is known that the world is material, we are able to perceive the senses, and the intangible, which can not be powered by any sense organ. But in fact, this separation is conditionally, because everything on the planet is one holistic mechanism. Ideally fits an example with a medal, which both parties are its components.

"Intangible" is that?

Let's figure out from what everything consists in an intangible world. Science gives an unequivocal answer that intangible is energy. The thought or sense of a person is emitted to the outside world of oscillations, and this has long been measured (for example, anger gives oscillations about 1.4 Hz, - 45 Hz). If something vibrates, it means that this is something releases energy. Human mind, in essence, it is a powerful wave oscillation generator.

When the street lamppost falls on the car, then its significance and influence in this world immediately become clear, because the car literally becomes under its weight. If some thought comes to our head, we can hardly realize her significance, because, and how? There is no such organ of feelings that allow you to catch the potential of the energy that our mind continuously creates.

Hence, this is a fun collective opinion on the fact that matter is practically all of our world, and intangible too insignificant, it does not affect anything and therefore it does not deserve attention. For this reason, we all so much so important to have some status, expressed by the material benefits of the type of money, family, houses and the rest.

Features of the device of our world

Now we may be broken your brain, but this so-called "material" the world is empty by about 99.9999%. Fun, isn't it? And we considered it so real, although in fact he is almost nothing material.

To understand why he is so empty, you need to know from what everything is in it. The basis of matter is atoms, and an atom in terms of its structure is actually not filled with anything (due to the gigantic distance between the kernel and orbits of electrons).

Well, okay, this space is not completely empty, in essence it is energy information field. In general, our entire world is one of the huge energy field of information that all connects here. But we are now interested in that insignificant percentage of truly material (namely, particles of which consists of an atom, type of protons and electrons).

Particle or wave?

Considering the particles of the atom close enough, it can be noted that they are not in a state of matter constantly. Particles are dissipated and disappeared in the energy field, they appear again from nothing and are already something material.

Now it turns out that intangible and material are connected by the most direct way, because in our world there is constantly moving from one state to another and back. The electron is equally and material particle and intangible energy wave (like any other particle).

Observer effect

But the whole joke is that, peering into a certain place atom and expecting to see there, for example, an electron, he really appears there, and wherever you look, there is a mythically an electron.

In quantum physics, this is called the "Observer Effect". We talked about this effect when they enlightened on the topic that, but still explain for you in a nutshell. The essence of this effect is as follows: only the presence of an observer can change the properties of the observed object.

In fact, you are not looking for a material subject, and the material subject responds to your concentrated attention and appears in focus.

Superposition principle

In all, the most common universal field is guilty. In him in parallel there are all possibilitiesThat we only can imagine, the question is only about what kind of possibilities we pay attention and invest our energy. Our electron is located in all places at the same time, so by moving the glance, we simply pay attention to another position.

This is not an easy to understand the concept, but it is enough for us to accept that everything we can think about everything in the world. But if you are interested in these ideas, we propose to read, it is described in detail about how you can use these features of the world for their own purposes.

That it all gives us

Here you just do not understand why we got a whole layer of a very difficult info and should be lost in guessing on the topic, and what did we try to say?! We were going to tell you how this world was arranged, and it was arranged in such a way that we can see him, so it will be. Otherwise, who, in your opinion, makes 99% empty world real for all hundred?

Opportunity to create

The man in nature is the Creator and is able to create anything, using his mind. It is important here to realize that the world does not determine our thinking (in which some very much I would like to believe), and thinking determines how the world will be.

Material in itself is slightly slightly, significantly, because of which the material becomes such, namely energy. And we, by the way, can I manage it perfectly. It turns out all that we may need, already in us, just need to be able to use the mind and consciously take the world not as it seems, but what we need.

The borders of scientific knowledge and predictions are impossible to foresee.
D. I. Mendeleev

5.1. Structural structure of the material world

In the area around us, the matter's space exists in the form of a substance and field. The substance in nature is in the form of various structures that determine the structure and properties of the material world around us. The word "structure" in this case reflects the staircase of objects, qualitatively different or characterized by the degree of complexity.
The world around us. Modern science divides into three areas: microworld, macromir and megamir (Fig. 5.1). This became possible as a result of a centuries-old nature study by man. The microworld is a region of nature, an affordable person through the media (microscopes, x-rayanalysis, etc.). The patterns here are incomprehensible for us, and we will extrapolize our concepts here. Macromir is a region of nature, accessible to us, i.e. the area of \u200b\u200bour patterns. MegaMir is difficult for us; This is an area of \u200b\u200blarge objects, large sizes and distances between them. These patterns we study indirectly. These areas have the following hierarchy of objects: a microworld is a vacuum, elementary particles, kernels, atoms, molecules, cells; Macromiro is a macrotela (solid body, liquid, gases, plasma), individual, view, population, community, biosphere; Megamir is planets, stars, galaxies, metagalaxy, universe.

5.2. Briefcharacteristicmicroworld

In cases, it is those scientists who make everything to come across.
K. Timiryazev

Vacuum. According to the ideas of modern science, Vacuum is not an emptiness or "no presence". Vacuum is a physical object in which the birth and destruction of virtual particles continuously occurs (materialized energy portions). Vacuum is a dynamic system with some kind of energy, which is redistributed between virtual (imagined) particles all the time. However, we cannot use the energy of the vacuum, since it is the lowest energy condition of the fields. In the presence of an external energy source, you can realize the excited states of the fields - then the usual (non-virtual) particles will be observed. Vacuum is able to generate not only particles, but also the worlds. Spontaneous vacuum fluctuations give birth to universes with different sets

fundamental constants. In one of these areas, apparently accidentally, a set, suitable for the appearance of reasonable beings. In it we live. We still do not know anything about other universes and can only guess their existence.
Elementary particles.According to modern ideas, all elementary particles are the smallest "bricks", which created the world around. However, this does not mean that their properties are simple. To describe the behavior of elementary particles, the most complex physical theories are used representing the synthesis of the theory of relativity and quantum theory.
All known elementary particles are divided into two groups: hadron and leptons. It is assumed that the hadrons have an integrated structure: consist of true elementary particles quarks. And and the existence of six types of quarks is allowed.
Stable, i.e., lively in a free state, the proton, electron, photon and, apparently, the neutrino of all types are the particles. The lifetime of the proton is 1031 years old. The most short-lived formations are resonances - their lifetime of about 10-23 s. In the very nature, short-lived elementary formations can play a role with the most extreme conditions of the existence of a substance and fields, for example: in the "initial" stages of the evolution of the Universe, in the formation of such astrophysical objects as "black holes", in the formation of the core of neutron stars.
The unification of relativistic and quantum ideas made to a large extent in the 30s, led to one of the most outstanding predictions in physics - the opening of the world of antiparticles. The particle and the corresponding antiparticle have the same time of life, the same masses, their electric charges are equal, but are opposed to the sign. The most characteristic property of a pair of an antiparticle is the ability to annigulate (self-sustained) when meeting with the transformation into a particle of another kind. Anticascies

can be collected in antimatter. Despite the microscopic symmetry between particles and antiparticles, the universe did not discovered the areas with any noticeable content of antimatter. The particles and their anti-patches interact equally with the field of gravity, which indicates the absence of "anti-gravity".
Kernel.Atomic nuclei are related protons and neutron systems. The masses of the nuclei are always somewhat less than the sum of the mass of free protons and neutrons constituting the kernel. This is a relativistic effect that determines the core communication energy. The kernels are known from one proton charge to 109 proton charges and with the number of protons and neutrons (i.e. nucleons) from 1 to about 260. Especially stable nuclei, i.e. with the highest binding energy, are kernels with numbers Protons and neutrons 2,8,20,28,50,82,126, called magical. The density of the number of particles in the multi-diagonal nuclei of about 1044 nucleons / m3, and the density of mass 1017 kg / m3. The "radius" cores vary from 2x10-15m (helium core) to 7 x 10-15 m (uranium core). The kernels have the shape of an elongated or flattened ellipsoid (or even more complicated).
The kernel as a quantum system can be in various discrete excited states. The main state of the nucleus may be stable (resistant) and unstable (radioactive). The time, for which half of the macroscopic number of unstable nuclei decays half, is called a half-life. The periods of the half-life of the elements known to us vary within about 1018 years to 10-10 s.
Atoms.They consist of a dense nucleus and electronic orbits. The nuclei have a positive electrical charge and are surrounded by the roam of negatively charged electrons. In general, an atom electrophelane. The atom is the smallest structural unit of chemical elements. In contrast to the "dense packaging" nuclear particles, atomic electrons form very loose and openwork shells. There are tight rules of "population" electrons orbit around the kernel. Electrons found

atomic atomic houses are determined by the reaction capacity of atoms, i.e., their ability to connect to other atoms. Here we enter the area of \u200b\u200bchemistry, and the conventionality of the boundaries of the section between physics and chemistry in this case is obvious. In most elements, atoms are chemically unstable. The atom is stable if its outer shell is filled with a certain number of electrons (2.8 and others). Atoms with unfilled external shells enter into chemical reactions, forming bonds with other atoms.
Molecules. Not all atoms are capable of connecting with each other. Communication is possible if the joint orbit is fully filled with electrons. This formation is called a molecule. The molecule is the smallest structural unit of a complex chemical compound. The number of possible combinations of atoms that determine the number of chemical compounds is millions. A qualitatively molecule is a certain substance consisting of one or more chemical elements whose atoms are combined into particles due to the exchange chemical interaction. Since electrons in molecules are common, atoms lose their individuality. During the cost of certain energy, a stable molecule can be decomposed on atoms.
Some atoms (for example, carbon and hydrogen) are capable of forming complex molecular chains, which are the basis for the formation of even more complex structures (macromolecules), which exhibit already biological properties, i.e. the properties of the living (Fig. 5.2).
Cell.For 3 billion years of existence on our planet, the living age has developed several million species, but they are all from bacteria to higher animals - consist of cells. The cell is an organized part of the living matter: it absorbs food, can exist and grow, can be divided into two, each of which contains a genetic material identical to the source cell. Cells serve as elementary structures at the ontogenetic level of organization of life. The cell consists of kernel and cytoplasm (Fig. 5.3). From surrounding

The medium of the cell is separated by the plasma membrane, which regulates the exchange between the inner and the external environment and serves as the cell boundary. Each cell contains genetic material in the form of DNA regulating life and self-reproduction. The sizes of cells are measured in micrometers (MKM) - millions of meters and nanometers (NM) - billion dollars. For example, a somatic animal cell of medium-sized cells has 10-20 μm in diameter, vegetable - 30-50 microns; The length of the chloroplast of the flower plant is 5-10 μm, bacteria - 2 microns. Cells exist as independent organisms (simple bacteria) or included in multicellular organisms. Sex cells serve for breeding, somatic (from Greek. soma.- "body") cells differ in structure and functions (nervous, muscle, bone). Cells are distinguished by their dimensions. In cells there are organelles that perform their features set.

5.3. Briefcharacteristicmacromir

Obviousthis is something that never
you don't see anyone
will not formulate it enough
Valil Gibran

Macrothela (substance). Under certain conditions, the same type atoms and molecules can be assembled into huge sets - macroscopic bodies (substance). Substance - type of matter; What is the whole world around. Substances consist of the smallest particles - atoms, molecules, ions, elementary particles having a mass and constant motion and interaction. There are a huge set of substances, various composition and properties. Each day, chemist scientists carry out synthesis of new compounds, and by now more than 10 million different substances are registered, among which the substances obtained artificially obtained are a large proportion. Substances are divided into simple, complex, clean, inorganic and organic. Properties

substances can be explained and predicted on the basis of their composition and structure.
The substance is simple consist of particles (atoms or molecules) formed by atoms of one chemical element. For example, 02 (oxygen), 03 (ozone), s (sulfur), NE (neon) are simple substances.
The substance is complex consists of particles formed by atoms of various chemical elements. For example, H2S04 (sulfuric acid); FES (iron sulphide); CH4 (methane) - complex substances.
The substance is pure - a substance consisting of identical particles (molecules, atoms, ions), which has certain specific properties. For purification of substances from impurities, various methods are used: recrystallization, distillation, filtration.
Inorganic substances are chemical compounds formed by all chemical elements (except carbon compounds related to organic substances). Inorganic substances are formed on Earth and in space under the influence of natural physicochemical factors. About 300 thousand inorganic compounds are known. They form almost the entire lithosphere, the hydrosphere and the atmosphere of the Earth. Their composition may include atoms of all chemical elements currently known in various combinations and quantitative relations. In addition, a huge amount of inorganic substances are obtained in scientific laboratories and in chemical enterprises artificially. All inorganic substances are divided into groups with similar properties (inorganic compound classes). Now it is known for more than a hundred chemical elements. Of these, more than ten million chemical compounds or substances were formed. Of all substances, 96% are organic compounds formed from 6-18 elements. The remaining 95-99 chemical elements formed 300 thousand inorganic compounds.
The basis of living substances is only six elements: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, total

soviet share of which in organisms is 97.4%. The remaining 12 elements are physiologically important components of biosystems: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, aluminum, silicon, chlorine, copper, zinc, cobalt, whose weight share is 1.6%.
Organic substances are carbon compounds with some other elements: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, gray. From carbon compounds, carbon oxides, coal acid and its salts, which are inorganic connections do not include organic compounds. The name "Organic" these compounds were obtained due to the fact that the first representatives of this group of substances were allocated from the tissues of organisms. For a long time it was believed that such compounds cannot be synthesized in a test tube outside the living organism. However, in the first half of the XIX century. Scientists managed to obtain artificially substances that were previously removed from only the tissues of animals and plants or their products of their livelihoods: urea, fat and sugar stuff. This served as evidence of the possibility of artificially obtaining organic matter and the beginning of the new sciences - organic chemistry and biochemistry. Organic substances have a number of properties that distinguish them from inorganic substances: they are unstable to the action of high temperatures; Reactions with their participation proceed slowly and require special conditions. Organic compounds include nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, hormones, vitamins and many other substances that play the main role in the construction and livelihoods of plant and animal organisms. Food, fuel, many medicines, clothes - all this consists of organic substances. Currently, more than 10 million organic compounds that have natural origin, and in addition, literally daily in the world artificial synthesis of organic substances is produced, for many of which the area of \u200b\u200bpractical application has not yet been found.
Structural levels of matter are shown in Table. 5.1.
Individual.Life is always presented in the form of discrete individuals. This is equally inherent in microorganisms,

Table 5.1
Structural levels of matter

plants, mushrooms and animals, although in these kingdoms, individuals have different morphological content. So, unicellites consist of kernel, cytoplasm, sets of organ-nonline and membranes, macromolecules, etc. The complexity of the individual in multicellular many times higher, since it is formed from millions and billion cells. But unicellular and multicellular individuals have a systemic organization and regulation and act as a single integer. Individual (individual, individual) is an elementary indivisible unit of life on Earth. It is impossible to divide the individual on the part without loss of "individuality". Of course, in some cases, the question of determining the boundaries of the individual, the individual is not so simple and self-evident. From an evolutionary point of view, the individual should consider all morphophysiological units derived from one zygota, gametes, disputes, kidneys and individually subject to the action of elementary factors. At the ontogenetic level, the unity of life serves as an individual from the moment of its occurrence to death. Through the assessment of the individual in the process of natural selection, the viability of this genotype is checked. Individuals in nature are not absolutely isolated from each other, and combined with a higher rank of biological organization in the population-view level. View. The essence of the biological concept of the species is to recognize that species are real, consist of populations, and

all species of the species have a common genetic program that originated during the previous evolution. Types are defined not so much by differences as dispensing. From the biological concept of the species flow criteria to distinguish between one appearance from the other: 1. The morphological criterion of the species is the characteristic of the characteristics of the structure, the totality of its signs. 2. The genetic criterion argues that each species has a chromosomic characteristic of it, characterized by a certain number of chromosomes, their structure and differential color. 3. The ecological and geographical view criterion includes both the habitat and the direct habitat of the species is its ecological niche. 4. The most important characteristic of the form breeding the sexual means includes reproductive isolation. It is the result of the evolution of the entire genetic system of this species and protects it from the penetration of genetic information from the outside. So, each criterion is separately insufficient to determine the species, only together, they allow you to accurately find out the species affiliation of a living organism. The most significant characteristic of the species is that it is a genetically unified system.
Thus, the type is a set of geographically and environmentally friendly populations capable of crossing out among themselves, having a single genetic foundation with common morphophysiological signs, biologically isolated from populations of other species.
Population.The combination of individuals of one species, long-inhabiting a certain space that breed through free crossing and in one degree or another of isolated from each other is called the population. In the genetic sense, the population is a space-time group of cross-interchangeable individuals of one species. The population is an elementary biological structure capable of evolutionary changes. The populations are elementary units, and species - qualitative stages of the process of evolution. The combination of genotypes of all individuals of the population of

severate the gene pool. Populations and types, despite the fact that consist of a variety of individuals are intertwined. The integrity of populations and species is associated with the interaction of individuals in populations and is supported by the exchange of genetic material in the process of sexual reproduction. The populations and species always exist in a certain medium, including both biotic and abiotic components. The specific environment of the process of evolution that goes in separate populations is a community, biocenosis.
Community.The populations of different types are always forming complex communities in the Biosphere - biocenoses. Biocenosis- a set of plants, animals, mushrooms and prokaryotes, inhabiting the sushi or reservoir site and are in certain relations among themselves. Together with specific sections of the earth's surface occupied by biocenoses, and the atmosphere community is an ecosystem. Ecosystem- Interconnected complex of living and bone components related to the exchange of substances and energies. Biogeocenosis- This is such an ecosystem inside which does not pass biogenetic, microclimatic, soil and hydrological boundaries. Biogeocenosis is one of the most complex natural systems. Externally notable borders of biogeocenoses most often coincide with the boundaries of plant communities. All ecosystem groups are a product of the joint historical development of species differing in systematic position. The primary basis for the addition of biogeocenoses is plants and prokaryotes - production of organic matter (autotrophy). In the course of evolution, there could not be a speech about the settlement of his animals with plants and microorganisms of a certain space of the biosphere. Plants and prokaryotes represent the life environment for animal heterotrophs. Biogeocenoses - Wednesday for the evolution of populations of them. The population of different types in biogeocenoses interacts on each other on the principle of direct and feedback. In general, the life of biogerocenosis is regulated mainly by the forces acting within the system itself, i.e., we can talk about the self-regulation of biogeocenosis. Autonomy and self-regulation of biogeocenosis op-

its key position in the biosphere of our planet as an elementary unit on the biogeocetic level is determined.
Biosphere.The relationship of different communities, the exchange between them substance and energy makes it possible to consider all living organisms of the Earth and their habitat as one very extended and diverse ecosystem - the biosphere. Biosphere - those parts of the earth's shells (lito, hydro and atmosphere), which during geological history have been influenced by living organisms and carry their traces of their livelihoods. Biogeocenoses, forming together the biosphere of our planet, are interconnected by a cycle of substances and energy. In this cycle, life on earth acts as a leading component of the biosphere. Biogeocenosis is an impaired system that has energy "inputs" and "outputs" binding neighboring biogeocenoses. The metabolism between adjacent biogeocenoses can be carried out in gaseous, liquid and solid phases, as well as in the form of a living matter (animal migration). In addition to the living agent in the biosphere, there is a bone (non-living) substance, as well as elegant biocosna bodies. They include both living organisms and a modified non-living substance. Bio-pool bodies include soils, ils, natural waters.

5.4. Briefcharacteristicmegamira

In the immense universe, immensely long time will arise for us, one by one, new unresolved questions; Thus, in front of a person lies in infinity the path of scientific labor ...
Academician F. A. Bredikhin

Planets.The initial step in the hierarchy of megamir objects is the planets (translated from Greek - "wandering"). The planets are heavenly bodies that usually appeal around the stars reflecting their light and have no own

visible radiation. In size and masses, they are significantly less than stars. Land less than the sun in size 109 times, and by weight 333,000 times. Many planets have satellites that appeal around them. One of the planets is the Earth. The satellite of the earth is the moon. The land is part of the planets of the solar system. In the solar system 9 of the large planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth with Moon, Mars with Phobos and Demos, Jupiter with 16 satellites, Saturn with 17 satellites, Uranium with 16 satellites, Neptune with 10 satellites, Pluto with Charon1. There are more than 5,000 small planets between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. The solar system also belongs to comets and meteoric bodies. It is not currently unknown if there are planets in the solar system, even more distant from the Sun than Pluto; One can only argue that if there are such planets, they are relatively small.
Astrophysics believe that the planetary systems have 10% of all stars. In the nearest stars, they were significantly discovered. For example, one of the stars close to Earth is the "flying" barnard - has three planets with the masses of approximately equal to the mass of Jupiter. It is believed if the speed of rotation of the stars is less (several km / s), which usually happens from the stars (several dozen km / s), they have a planetary system.
Stars. The most common objects of the environment of the material world are stars. The part of the surrounding space we studied is filled with a huge number of stars - the biggest celestial bodies like our Sun, the substance of which is in plasma state. They have their own visible radiation and are characterized by various sizes, masses, luminosities and lifestyles. Size has stars more than the sun 1000 times and constituting 0.003 Sun size lolis. By mass there are stars of massive sun up to 80 times, and there are components up to 0.05 share of the mass of the Sun. On the surface of the Sun, the temperature is 6000 K. Some stars have a temperature on the surface of 50,000 K, while the other than 3000 K. Age of stars
On August 1, 2006, the 26th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union decided to translate Pluto into the category of dwarf planets. He as an ordinary asteroid was assigned the number 134 340.

puts from 10 million to 100 billion years. The central regions of the stars and the sun are characterized by a temperature of more than 107 to and pressure - 1011 atm. In this case, thermonuclear reactions become possible, the result of which is the fusion of hydrogen nuclei and turn them into the kernel of helium. This nuclear reaction serves as the source of the energy of the stars.
Stars are removed from each other for huge distances, and thereby practically isolated. In the vicinity of the Sun, the average distance between the stars is about 10 million times more than the average diameter of stars. Even the closest star to us - the proxima Centauro - removed from us on such a long distance, which, compared to it, the interplanetary distances within the solar system seem to be meager.
Galaxy.Stars are scattered in space unevenly, they form a system related to the forces called galaxies. The number of stars in galaxies of about 1011-1012. Galaxies have most ellipsoidal, spiral or fightened shape. Distance from one edge of the galaxy to another dozen and hundreds of thousands of light years, i.e. 104-105 light years. The distances between individual galaxies are even more - they are ten times greater than the dimensions of the galaxies themselves. The number of stars in each galaxy is huge - from hundreds of millions to hundreds of billion stars. From the land of the galaxy is visible as weak foggy stains, and therefore they were previously called extragalactic nebula. Only in close to us galaxies and only in the photographs received by the largest telescopes, one can consider individual stars in them. Inside, the galaxies of the star are also unevenly distributed, concentrating to their centers and forming various clusters. The space between the stars in galaxies and the space between the galaxies is filled with matter in the form of gas, dust, elementary particles, electromagnetic radiation and gravitational fields. The density of the substance of the interstellar and intergalactic medium is very low. The sun, most stars and star clusters observed in the sky form the system that we call our galaxy. Huge

the number of weak stars included in it seems to be a non-equipped eye by a blesse strip passing through all the sky and called the Milky Path. Systematic studies of the distribution of galaxies in space began to be carried out only in the first half of the XX century. These studies have shown that the galaxies are approximately uniformly distributed. It turned out that at the same time galaxies, like the stars, form groups and clusters. So, our galaxy, Andromeda Nebula, Triangle Galaxy, Large and Small Magellan Clouds and a few more starry systems of smaller sizes form a local group of 35 galaxies, the dimensions of which reach hundreds of thousands of parse. The galaxies of the local group are associated with a general burden and move around the common center of mass. On average, the diameters of the clusters of galaxies are close to 8 MPK. Observation of the painting of the distribution of galaxies across the sky shows that it has a mesh structure. Galaxies tend to be located on the boundaries of the giant cells, inside which they are practically absent.
Metagalaxy and universe.Apparently, the mesh structure of the distribution of galaxies is the largest structure of the metagalaxy - visible part of the universe. The most distant metagalaxy objects that are currently being observed are quasars. From the most remote quasars, the light comes to us more than 10 billion years.
Under the universe, the unknown world that surrounds us and the unknown world is understood, that is, all things. The well-known part of the universe, called the metagalaxy, is the volume filled with stars, galaxies and having a diameter of ~ 1028cm. The metagalaxy radius is estimated at about 5 billion light years, and this figure can still be increased. It is possible that the metagalaxy has a disc shape and rotates around its axis for the period of 1011-1012 years. But all these figures are conditional in nature, as there is too little observation data. It is also clear that the entire universe is not exhausted by the metagalaxy, and there are countless other systems of various structural organizations within its limits. Number

opened extragalactic nebulae grows every year. Modern means of astronomical studies are available with a colossal area of \u200b\u200bspace with a diameter of about 10 billion light years.
To determine the distances to such galaxies, this example can be given. Light Light began his movement from these worlds, when primary tectonic processes occurred on Earth, but there was no live. When the light remains to go to the ground, one two thousandth of its path, the first human creatures appeared on Earth. During this time, 40,000 generations of people changed on Earth, while telescopes and photoflaxes were finally created, able to perceive the message from these unusually remote worlds. But those distances that light can go only for billions of years, scientific theory covers for immeasurably shorter periods of time.
According to some data, our galaxy is located from the center of metagalaxy at a distance of several tens of millions of light years and moves around the center at a speed of about 1000 km / s. The border of the metagalaxy is called the horizon of the knowledge of the universe.
In the universe everything is in motion. Planets and their satellites, comets and meteoric bodies are moving; The sun and the stars in galaxies are moving, the galaxies are moving relative to each other. As there is no space without matter, so there is no matter without movement.


  1. Modern science around us the world structurally divides on micro, macro and megamira. As the size increases, the microworld has the following structure: vacuum, elementary particles, kernels, atoms, molecules, cells. Macromir has the following structure: substance, individual, view, population, community, biosphere. Megair includes: planets, stars, galaxies, metagalaxy, universe.
  2. In modern science, the idea of \u200b\u200ba complex microstructure of a vacuum is increasingly clearly reflected. Application quantum

Theories to the electromagnetic field and fields describing the particles in vacuo, led Dirac to predict the existence of antiparticles and the formation of a new look at the void.

  1. The nuclei is the bound systems of protons and neutrons, i.e. elementary particles. The atom is the smallest structural unit of the chemical element. With the development of science, it was found that the atom has a "planetary" structure of the structure, i.e. consists of a kernel and e-orbits around it. The doctrine of the atomistic structure of matter associated with the divisibility of substances originated in antiquity. The molecule is the smallest structural unit of a complex chemical compound - substance.
  2. Under certain conditions, the same type atoms and molecules can be assembled into huge sets - macroscopic bodies (substance). A simple substance is atomic, complex molecular.
  3. The species is a group of broaching organisms among themselves, which cannot be interpreted with representatives of other groups. On Earth there are 500 thousand species of plants and 1.5 million species of animals, including vertebrates - 70 thousand, birds - 16 thousand, mammals - 12,540 species.
  4. The population is a group of organisms relating to one or close species, which occupies a certain area called habitat. Community, or biocenosis, is called the totality of plants and animals inhabiting the area of \u200b\u200bhabitat. The combination of the community and medium is called the environmental system, or biogerocenosis. The biosphere can be defined as a system of biogeocenoses or living communities, i.e., the set of living organisms, limited in space and in time, living on the surface of the Earth, as well as the interaction of living systems with their habitat.

7. The next step in the hierarchy of nature objects
Astronomic scale is the planet.
The most common objects around us ma
The terrial world are stars - celestial bodies like
Our Sun and Plasma Area. The sun,

stars and star clusters observed in the sky form the system that we call our galaxy. At the beginning of the XX century. It was proved that some foggy spots visible to the telescope in different parts of the sky are located outside our galaxy and are other galaxies. Galaxies tend to be located on the borders of gigantic cells. The mesh structure of the distribution of galaxies is the largest structure of the metagalaxy - visible part of the universe. The system of galaxies and their clusters are called metagalaxy. Under the Universe, the entire surrounding us known to us and an unknown world, which we can know.

Questions for knowledge control

  1. What is the structural structure of the micromyr, macromir and megamir?
  2. What is Vacuum for modern scientific concepts?
  3. Elementary particles of what are the atom and molecule?
  4. Tell that such a quark.
  5. How classifies modern science Elementary particles?
  6. What aggregate states of matter are known to you?
  7. What patterns are detected in the structure, motion and properties of the solar system?
  8. What are the basic parameters defining the properties of stars?
  9. How are the galaxies in the universe?

10. What is the difference between the concepts of metagalaxy and the universe?

what is the world in the opinion of the ancient Greek scientist democritus?

Alternative descriptions

Mal, yes delete (energy)

The smallest particle of matter

The smallest particle of the chemical element

The smallest electronic, chemically indivisible particle

On the planet Neptune on one ... Helium accounts for 20 of him such siblings of hydrogen

Something small, with the "Delece" of which mankind has come for a big trouble

When losing or connecting electrons turns into an ion

The most energetic particle

Soviet molecules

The owner of protons and neutrons

What is isobar

Electron acceptor

Nucleon + electron

Divided "indivisible"

. "Mirny" culprit of the Chernobyl catastrophe

Name of Canadian film director Egyang

Cruppers of the Universe

The film Igor Gerson "Laundered ..."

This concept was introduced by ancient Greek scientist Levkipp to denote the smallest units of being

Letter "A" in nuclear power plants

What is isotope?

Although he and "indivisible", but it can be divided into a kernel and an electronic shell

Invisible portion of matter

Mal, yes delete (Energy.)

The smallest electrophetral particle

. "Mirny" Chernobyl

Molecular brick

Culprit of the Chernobyl catastrophe

Even ON. is split

Mirny, "indivisible"

Molecule component

. "indivisible"

Part of the molecule

Particle of matter

. "Brick of the Universe"


. "Peaceful" particle

Baby with electrons

Particle of substance

The smallest particle

. "Indivisible" microparticle

He is a smaller molecule

Isotope as it is

Core + electrons

Mirny, until they split

Energetic particle


Particle of substance

. "And now our peaceful ..."

Molecule component

The basis of the world of democritus

. "Pedschinka" molecules

Inside what is the protons?

Girl's film "Laundered ..."

. "Detail" for which nuclear power plant build

It is split at nuclear power plants

You just won't see him

Greek "indivisible"

Detail for the "assembly" of the molecule

. "Weekly" Detail of the Molecule

The smallest particle of Chem. Element

. "Brick" molecules

The film "Laundered ..."

Ions are spinning around it

Nuclear source of energy

Divisible "indivisibility" of the molecule

Split particle

. "Mirny" killing all living things

. "Building Bricks" Molecules

It splits the nadger

. "Kid", for which nuclear power plant build

The basis of "A" in nuclear power plants

Splits the nuclear maker


The simplest case of formula

Nuclear source of big problems

His model created a boron

Point with nonzero measure

Robot from the movie "Live Steel"

Mirny to splitting

Particle of element (chemical.)

The smallest particle of the chemical element consisting of kernel and electrons

Atomic Energy

. "Detail" molecules

. "Detail" for which NPP build

. "Mal, yes delete" (Energy.)

. "Kid", for which NPP build

. "Mirny" killing all living things

. "Indivisible" detail of the molecule

. "Indivisible"

. "Pepping" molecules

. "Building Brick" Molecules

. "And now our peaceful ..."

. "Brick of the Universe"

. "Brick" molecules

. "Mirny" culprit of the Chernobyl catastrophe

. "Mirny" Chernobyl

. "Peaceful" particle

. "Indivisible" microparticle

Anagram to the word "Tom"

Letter "A" in nuclear power plants

Inside what is protons

Greek "indivisible"

Divisible "indivisibility" of the molecule

Detail for "Assembling" Molecules

What is the world in the opinion of an ancient Greek scientist democritus

M. Grech. indivisible; The substance is in the extreme limits of its divisibility, the invisible dust, from which all the bodies are composed, any substance, as if from the grain. Unnecessary, infinitely small dusting, an insignificant amount. Chemists The word atom takes the value of the affinity of the bodies: one oxygen atom absorbs one, two, three iron atoms, which means that these substances are connected in such a fold. Atomism m. Atomistic, atomic teaching, in physics, which takes place for the basis that any substance consists of indivisible atoms; atomistic science, knowledge is; Atom, the scientist who keeps this belief. He is opposed to speaker, dynamic school, rejecting the substance divisibility and recognizing him for the expression, manifestation of forces in our world

Meszanina from the word "Tom"

Mirny, "indivisible"

Something small, with the "decet" of which humanity has come for a big trouble

The basis of "A" in nuclear power plants

Divided "indivisible"

Robot from the movie "Living Steel"

The film "Laundered ..."

Girl's film "Laundered ..."

Film Igor Gerson "Laundered ..."

Although he and "indivisible", but it can be divided into a kernel and an electronic shell

What is isotope

Core + electrons

What is the world about?

Even in the early prehistoric epochs of the history of mankind, which we know very little, there were mental images that go beyond the limits of items and processes that a person could observe in his world around him and familiar to him. First of all it was simple tEMEMISTIC IDEASconcerning the situation of the kind in relation to the world of plants and animals, as well as to other human births. A totem is called a creature (plant or animal), which is in a certain connection with a person or his native; For example, a totem may be the mythical founder of the genus. J. Barnal says that these myths reflect in their first formulations the level of practical activity and forms of a public organization. At a later stage, religious views arise and, in particular, the myths about creating a world with one or more gods. At the same time, an inanimate world was considered as a single complex; Minerals, metals, etc. There were parts of the Earth, inseparably connected with her in the process of its occurrence.

As the priority life needs of humanity and progress are satisfied with the public development, people appeared, who sought to fill in logical gaps in myths and religious views, so that a slender system of ideas about the world and the phenomena occurring in it. This system, or rather science, was called cosmology (the teachings about the world). Especially high levels of it was achieved by ancient Greek philosophers engaged in the study of nature more than the wisers of other countries. In the center of their teachings were not the issues of the creation of the world, but questions about the phenomena of nature and their explanation. With such a formulation, they inevitably had to come to the problem of substances, differences and communities between different substances. Although the works of most of these first philosophers are known to us only in passages, and with biographies, we are mostly doubtful and often predensive descriptions, nevertheless, their ideas still cause admiration and transfer us a living picture of that era and society in which they lived .

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