
The spelling of the roots and the prefixes Sleep Oblomov. "Sleep Oblomov". The causes of the moral death of I.I. Blomov. Other retelling and reviews for reader diary

Sleep Oblomov consists of several parts, in which it is told about his past, childhood, when he was seven years old.

First part.

In a dream, Oblomov sees his native village in which he was born - a crushing. This village is very quiet, almost no different from others. Residents spend a quiet life repeating every day. The Oblomov family is represented as cute and kind people, but, unfortunately, do not love to work and do not understand why work is needed. That is why they are always having fun, and on their face rarely can notice sadness. They have no concerns - they do not notice that you need to adjust the porch or patch the roof.

Second part.

Next, the bugs sees themselves in seven years. When Ilya was small, he was inherent in the following qualities: cheerful, curious and inquisitive. He wanted to learn a lot, look at the world, but the nurse and mother did not give it to him. Parents were lazy and did not work, sat by the window and drank tea. At lunch was a dream, which lasted about three hours. At this time, no one can smorit for Ilyusha, so he is trying to explore the terrain behind the fence, and when someone begins to wake up - returns to the house. If the nurse sees that the little Ilyusha came out for the fence or goes on the way to the ravine - they begin shouts and oh, everyone runs to save the poor boy.

Part of the third.

In this part of the breakdown for about thirteen years.

He is studying in the guesthouse along with a different gallery, the boy is inquisitive, but often does not go to school, because his mother does not allow him - it is not enough to catch a cold and get sick. Frequent holidays also interfere with school visits. Therefore, the bugs often did not come to school. A faithful friend helps him with homework, teaches some rules.
At fourteen years, the boy did not lose his doing to learn a lot, but again the banners of the parents lie to this idea, so after all the desire of Oblomov develops further. All relatives on the first call come to the rescue to Ilya, Zakhar - servant in the house - often delivered Ilyusha himself, which then leads to Oblomov to the formation of a subassemary person.

This dream teaches the fact that the influence of parents is very important for the child. They are an example for imitation and all their habits, the rules are transferred to the younger generation. Oblomov's parents taught the boy always carefully, not to go beyond the gate of the house, do not respect the work and to be lazy, so after a few years the bugs grew up the same as his parents - did not want anything to do anything, did not want anything. Their uneducation was also handed over to his son, in childhood he would at least strive to know some sciences, but after began to imitate Mama and his father - just drink tea and look out the window.

Sleep teaches the fact that without difficulty, the life of a person loses any meaning. A person becomes a burden and not ready for real life. He does not notice the problems, launches not only himself, but also its estate, his home. After it transmits a launched estate to his children who differ little from them themselves.

The village of Oblomovka is a vivid example of how people live without difficulty. All this leads to spiritual death.

Picture or Figure Sleep Oblomov (9 Chapter)

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Bugs from the same name Roman I.A. Goncharov - the personification of the Meshchansky life. This is a young man, a landowner, a leading "contemplative" lifestyle, which implies perfect inaction. The hero is in such a state of affairs, but he is not capable of fighting with himself. In the first part of the novel, in the 9th chapter, the author talks about the formation of the worldview of Oblomov, about his life ideals. The chapter is called "Sleep Oblomov", a brief content of it is: Ilya Ilyich fell asleep, and in a dream he was given the episodes of distant childhood: native estate, the village of Oblomovka. The village was located in the wilderness, there were about twenty miles to the nearest city, and therefore all sorts of progress trees were alien to the Obloments, people lived a patriarchal system, seriously believed in the signs and fairy tales. Life flowed sleepily, as a guy, the peasants lived carelessly, as children, who do not seek anything, and did not know and did not want another life.

The owner of the estate, elder broils, did not differ from his fortress, was lazy and sluggish. His daily classes are walking or sitting at the window. All the interests of the family - it is tasty to eat and sleep tightly, in the interruptions leisurely doing household chores. Parents prohibited Ilya to engage in any cases to himself, which subsequently formed in it that indestructible trait of the character, with which the bugs would not be able to continue - laziness. In the parent house did not give any importance to the upbringing and education of the heir, it was reluctant to school, homework helped him to make his closest friend - Andrei Stolz, the Son of the Teacher.

"Sleep Oblomov", the summary of which is given above, is an ironic description of "paradise on earth". In this chapter, the author mercilessly rines a smooth, inactive lifestyle of the majority of landowners of that time.

At the same time, Goncharov portrayed his hero by no means a negative character. The author's attitude towards him, of course, is sharp, however, at the same time foul. In the broom, there were all the deposits for the development of an active and educated personality. In the chapter "Sleep Oblomov", a summary of this says, it is mentioned that Ilya Ilyich was a very inquisitive child in childhood, with a poetic mindset, but parent education it ruined in it all the data of the nature of the talents and left the opportunity to observe the vitality of life events from a comfortable sofa. The actual life of the hero can be described by the same words from the head of Sleep Oblomov. The text, the summary of which is given above, is fully characterized by the lifestyle of the mature Ilyushi, only a place of action has changed. He more than once made attempts to change his character, overcome the apathy, to engage in self-education, but all of his intentions remained. The ordered books were lying on the shelves, never open, the cleanliness of the room was completely dependent on the servant of Zakhar, the visit to his native broom was postponed indefinitely.

Sleep Oblomov, a summary of which gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe surrounding a small boy atmosphere, many critics consider novel's overture, as the entire future life of the main character is briefly described in this chapter, it's impossible to even imagine his fate. Unlike sleep, the death of Oblomov is described in the scoop novel, probably because the worst in his life has already happened. It was not even death, but only the end of the existence, "as if one day I forgot to start time."

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"Sleep Oblomov". The origins of one personality and the whole country. By the end of the first part of the brooms are ready to change the former life. The hero forced external circumstances (the need to move, reducing the yield of estates). However, internal motivations are more important. But before we see the results of Ilya Ilyich's efforts to rise from the sofa, Goncharov introduces a particularly entitled Novel about the childhood of the hero - "Sleep Oblomov". The author seeks to find an answer to the Torzing Oblomov Question why "Heavy Stone is thrown on<…> trail of its existence "who" stole<…> Brought to him as a gift by the world and the life of the treasure. "

Literary characters often see dreams ... Sleep helps us understand the character of the character, to predict further fate or reveal the philosophical meditation of the author. So the bugs do not just sleep. Sleep draws us ideal Hero. But the ideal is not abstract: he was once embodied in the parent house, in a crushing. Therefore, there is a dream at the same time memory Happy childhood, it seems through the prism of agitated lunizing (especially the image of the late Mother). However, this ideal, and this memory is more realistic for Oblomov than the present. He suffered a sad sleep, "disturbing" with life concerns in someone else's for him Petersburg, Ilya Ilyich woke up with a seven-year-old boy - "It's easy, fun." Hero Goncharova is physically present in the capital, but his soul is folded here, dead. Spiritually character still lives in native crushing.

In the crushing, as in the rivers, people live with patriarchal consciousness. "The life rate was ready to be pretended to them by their parents, and they accepted her, too, ready, from grandfather, and grandfather from the great-grandfather ... what was happening with the fathers and the grandfather, it was done at the father of Ilya Ilyich, so maybe more Now in the crushing. " That is why every manifestation of personal will and interests, even the most innocent, like letters, fills the horror of the soul of Oblomov.

Even the time is different in the crushing. "They carried the bill on holidays, at the time of year<...>, I never clarify never for months or numbers. Maybe it happened because<…> All confused and names of months, and the order of numbers. " The linear flow of events - from the number to the number, from the event to the event - they preferred circular, or cyclic, time for the season of the year, according to repeating church holidays. And this is the key to universal stability.

Nature itself seems to support them: "Neither terrible storms, no destruction to hear in that edge,"<…> There are no poisonous reptiles there, the locust will not fly there; There are no lions growing neither tigers roaring ... "A relatively mild climate makes overwhelming nature, the willingness to reflect her attacks, (as we say," cataclysms "). Nature helps to live alone, "at Avos": "As one hut fell on the breakdown of the ravine, it hangs there from time immemorial time, standing with one foot in the air and reflecting the three jerseys. Three or four generations quietly and happily lived in it. It seems that the chicken was scary to enter her, and there lives with his wife Onyim Suslov, a solid man who does not stare in his entire growth in his home. " But maybe the peasant Onysima is simply no money to fix his dwelling? The author introduces a pair episode: the same thing happens in the Barskoy courtyard, where the dilapidated gallery "suddenly collapsed and buried under the ruins with his own chickens ...". "Everyone was given a diva, that the gallery collapsed, and on the eve they were divided as it was so long holding!" And here this psychology "Avosya" manifests itself: "Old man< …> It will take care of the thought of the amendment: will call a carpenter ", so that it will end.

The historical sources of the "Oblomeness" of Goncharov also include fairy tales, epics, terrible stories about dead men, rhobs, etc. The writer sees in Russian folklore not just "dedication of antiquity of deep". This is evidence of a certain stage of the development of human society: "It was terrible and incorrect was the life of the then person; It was dangerous to go beyond the threshold of the house: His wait would stop the beast, will dance the robber, he takes all the evil Tatar, or a man will disappear without any traces. " Before a person there was a paramount task: survive physically, soaked. Because the cult is reigning in the crushing Food, the ideal of the full, full of child - "It is worth just to look at which pink and sweaty Cupids are worn and water the local mothers." Of paramount importance for people are not acquired by individual events (love, career), but those that contribute to the continuation of the family - birth, funeral, weddings. It meant not the personal happiness of the newlyweds, and the possibility through the eternal ritual to confirm the eternity of the genus: "They ( oblomovtsy) The hearts, ceremony, and later, were waiting for his heart<...> Groom<...> man, forgotten the person himself and his fate ... "

The misunderstanding of the laws of the world leads to the flourishing of fantasy: "Ours poor ancestors lived with a touch; They did not paint and did not restrain their will, and then naive were naive or horrified by inconvenience, evil and interrogated the reasons for silent, unclear hieroglyphs of nature. " By intimidating themselves with valid and imaginary hazards themselves, people perceived the distant world as initially hostile, and tried in every way to hide him in their home. Goncharov was confident that all countries of the world passed the "Oblomovsky" period. Signs of the Oblomovskaya Cramplifting Writer discovered on the Japanese Islands. But how did the crushing preserved the previous way through the eyelids and decades? In his own way, she also was located on the distant islands - "Peasants<...> Having grown bread on the nearest pier to the Volga, which was their colchida and Hercules pillars<…> And no longer had anyone with anyone. " "Sleep Oblomov" talks about the impenetrable Russian wilderness. Just two centuries ago Volga, the Warren lands were the last outpost of civilization (almost like a frontier in America). Next, there are already spaces inhabited by semi-dog-in-laws - Kazakhs, Kirgiz.

Unwillingness to look out for the redistribution of the broken, there was a kind of commandment: "Happy people lived, thinking that otherwise should not and could not be confident that<…> live otherwise - sin. " But the rucks not only did not want, they did not experience the need to go beyond the face of self-sufficient Mirka. "They knew that in eighty versts from them was the" province ", that is, the provincial city<…>, then they knew that far away, there, Saratov or Nizhny; heard that there is Moscow and Peter, what the French or Germans live behind Peter, and then he began<…> The dark world, unknown countries inhabited by monsters ... "Hostile can be someone else, unfamiliar, and everybody born within the small world of crushing is provided with love and caress. There are no internal conflicts and tragedies. Even death, surrounded by many vintage rituals, appears as a sad, but not a dramatic episode in an infinite course of generations. Here the features of the earthly paradise are preserved, tale in reality. According to the laws of the fairy tale, all important philosophical questions about the meaning of being or not put, or solved satisfactory fathers and grandfathers (the indisputable cult of the house, family, peace reigns in the crushing). But all ordinary items and phenomena acquire truly fabulous, grand sizes: "Unperturbed calm", gigantic meals, a boys in a dream, terrible theft ("Once suddenly two piglets and chicken disappeared). And so what is interesting: another modern researcher V.A. Nedzvetsky suggested that the idea to describe the life and morals of the patriarchal people of Hobbits came Tolkien after reading the book of the Russian Writer. While it is a hypothesis and, therefore, does not claim absolute accuracy. But also to discount the fact that everyone's foreign writers took lessons from Russian literature, it is also impossible.

By the time Goncharov wrote these lines, the crushing far had disappeared from the map of Russia. The flesh disappeared, and the Spirit remained. The rules of being of the boldness are too much adapted to the Ukrainian life, the worldview of the Russian man. Druzhinin believed that "Sleep Oblomov"<…> The thousand invisible cracks tied it with the heart of every Russian reader. " The old world was the keeper of eternal values, carefully separating the good of evil. Love reigns here, here everyone is provided warm and caress. In addition, the "Oblomovsky" world is an inexhaustible source of poetry, from which Goncharov generously scream paint throughout the creative path. The writer often resorts to fabulous comparisons, opposition, formulas (to enter the hut to Onysima, must be asked become back to the forest, but to him before; Frightened Ilyusha " nor alive rushing "to the nanyushka; When the gallery collapsed "began to reproach each other in how it did not come to mind: one - remind, to another - Take it to fix it, the third - to fix"). Researcher Y. Loshoshts called the creative method of writer with fairy-tale realism.

One thing is disturbing the Russian writer in this original moral embodiment. This is a disgust, the organic rejection of all kinds of labor; All that requires little effort. "They demolished the work as a punishment imposed on our forefathers, but could not love, and where there was a case, always got rid of it, finding it possible and due." It may seem that the writer meant Barskaya Russia. Indeed, if the old men can focus on concerns about thinking and takeover dinner, the peasants have to work, and the Pakhacar "is goming on Black Niva, pouring down later." But the ideal of happiness as a laziness and nonesthelnia - they have a common one. This is evidenced by the symbolic images of threatening housing, universal sleep or "giant" festive cake. The cake was absorbed by everything as evidence of the beliefs of the Barskoy. That is why all the inhabitants of the fairy tale about the heroes like Emeyle, who managed to achieve everything, do not work, are still popular with all residents.

Among this "blessed" rest is growing a small person. Mother's trouble, "Business" Father's conversations with a palace, the daily routine of the Barsky home, weekdays and holidays, summer and winter - everything as the film's frames sweeps before the eyes of the child. Household episodes are interspersed with remarks: "And the child listened," "the child sees ...", "And the child I watched and watched." Again, as in "Ordinary History", Goncharov appears in the case of a teacher. He comes to the bold for its time with the conclusion. The education of the child begins not with a focused effort, but from the early, almost unconscious assimilation of the impressions of the surrounding. Goncharov draws his hero with a lively, rolling child, seeking to explore the gallery, ravine, a grove, who deserved the nickname "Yula" from the nurse. But the influence of terrible fairy tales, the loving despotism of the parents led to the fact that the life forces of the boy "Nicli, fading." In the light of such a sad withdrawal episodes of chopped plumbing, Ilyushi sounds literally "laugh through tears": "There are already desperate at home, considering it dead;<…> The joy of parents was incosparable<…>. We drank him with mint, there elasts, in the evening there are still Malino<…>And one could be useful to him: play snowballs again. " And, of course, do not forget about the famous stockings, which are tightened by the junior to the nanny, then Zakhar. Again, the elders inspire him the norm of idleness; As soon as the boy rushes before doing something he himself, a parent resembling voice is heard: "And Vanka, and Vaska, and Zakharka for what?"

In the category of hated labor, learning, which also requires mental effort and restrictions. Which modern schoolchild is not clear, such as lines: "As soon as he ( Ilyusha) Will wakes up on Monday, the longing will attack him. He hears a sharp voice of Vaska, who shouts from the porch:

Antipath! Layout Pegoy: Barchonka to the German to carry!

The heart thrown out by him.<…> And not how the mother will look in the morning on Monday, it is closely on him, let him say:

Something your eyes are not fresh today. Are you healthy? - And shifts his head.

Buddly boys Healthyonek, but silent.

Sit - you are this week at home, "she will say," and there - that God will give.

Since the time of Mitrofanushki, the enlightenment made a step forward: "The old men understood the benefit of the enlightenment, but only his external benefits ..." The need to work at least in order to make a career, stumbled on a truly fabulous dream to achieve everything "at a prominent courage." Coming "Oblomovskoe" solution to try deftly bypassing the established rules, "Stones and obstacles scattered along the path and obstacle, not working to jump through them<…>. Learn slightly<…>so that only comply with the prescribed form and get somehow certificate in which it would be said that Ilyusha all sciences and art passed" In a fabulous crushing, even this dream came true. "Son of Stolz ( teacher) Balked Oblomov, then suggesting him the lessons, then making translations for him. " The German boy has not passed the charm of the crushing, captured the "clean, bright and good beginning" of the character of Ilya. What else to wish? But such relationships give advantages and Andrei. It is "the role of strong", which gallez occupied at the broom, "and in physical and in moral terms". Barity and slavery, by observing Dobrolyubov, two sides of the same medal. Do not know how to work, you have to give your independence on the will of another (as later Zahar). Halfstone himself, the famous wording will bring a harsh summary of the educational methods of crushing: "It began to wear stockings in the inability, but ended in the inability to live."

Sleep Oblomov
Where are we? What blessing corner of the earth moved us a dream of Oblomov? What a wonderful edge! No, however, there are sea, there are no high mountains, rocks and the abuse, nor dense forests - there is nothing grand, wild and sullen. And why is it, is it wild and grandi? Sea, for example? God bless him! It brings only sadness per person: looking at him, I want to cry. The heart is confused by timidity in front of the unbarrous watering of water, and nothing to relax the view, exhausted monotony of an endless painting. The roar of the shafts and mad rolls are not gentle of weak hearing; They all say their own, from the beginning of the world, the same song of gloomy and incomprehensible content; And everyone hears in it the same moan, the same complaints of the monster's doomed on the flour and someone's piercing, sinister voices. Birds are not twitched around; Only silent seagulls, as convicted, sadly worn at the coastal and spin over the water. The roar of the beast in front of these screams of nature, insignificant and the voice of man, and the person himself is so small, weak, so imperceptibly disappears in small details of a wide painting! From this, it may be hard to look at the sea. No, God with him, with the sea! The most silence and immobility of him do not give rise to a pleasant feeling in the shower: in the barely noticeable fluctuations of the water mass, the person sees the same immense, although the sleeping force that sometimes so poisonously mocks his proud will, and so deeply hesitate his brave ideas, all his troubles and works. Mountains and abyss are also not created for human suffering. They are terrible, scary, as the claws and the teeth of the wild beast on it; They too vividly remind us of the Brenno Staff and keep in fear and longing for life. And the sky there, above the rocks and the prepastes, it seems so far and inaccessible as if it retreated from people. This is not a peaceful corner, where our hero suddenly wondered. The sky is there, it seems, on the contrary, closer picks up to the ground, but it is not for how to throw the stronger the boom, but only to hug her stronger, with love: it spread so low above the head, as a parent reliable roof, to save, it seems , chosen corner from any adversity. The sun is bright and hot there shines around half a year and then it is removed from there not suddenly, accurately reluctantly, as if he turns back to look again or two for his favorite place and give him in the fall, among the bad weather, a clear, warm day. Mountains there as if only models of those terrible somewhere erected mountains, which terrify the imagination. This is a number of sloping hills, with which it is nice to ride, frolish, on the back or, sitting on them, look in thought on the setting sun. River runs fun, shal and playing; She will be broken into a wide pond, then striving to quick thread, or will be submitted, as if thinking, and a little bit crawling around the pebbles, releasing the fatty streams of themselves, under the murmur of which is sweetly dreamed. The whole corner of the miles to fifteen or twenty around represented a number of picturesque etudes, funny, smiling landscapes. The sandy and detached shores of light rivers, selected from the hill to the water, a small shrub, twisted the rag with a stream on the bottom and the birch grove - everything was as if there was no one and the masterfully dictated. Exhausted by unrest or at all unfamiliar with them, the heart asks to hide into this forgotten by all the corner and live in unknown happiness. Everything is promulit the late, long-term life before the yellowness of the hair and the invisible, sleep like death. Right and calmly performed there an annual circle. At the direction of the calendar, the Spring will come in March, the dirty streams will run from the hills, fills the Earth and will shoot himself with a warm steam; Thorning the peasant of the fur coat, will come out in one shirt on the air and, sticking his eyes with hand, admires the sun for a long time, with pleasure shaking shoulders; Then he pulls the round the bottom of the cart, so for one, then for another fire or examine and wakes up the foot idle under a hack, preparing for ordinary works. Sudden blizzards in spring are not returned, do not fall asleep the fields and do not break trees with snow. Winter, as an impregnable, cold beauty, withstands its character right up to legalized pores; Does not tease with unexpected thaws and does not blow into three arcs with unheard of frosts; Everything is coming by the usual, prescribed by the general order. In November, snow and frost begins, which is intensifying to the baptism before the peasant, coming for a minute from the hut, will certainly be brought to the beard; And in February, a sensitive nose feels soft mild trees in the air. But summer, summer is especially extremely in that edge. There it is necessary to look for fresh dry air, fixed - not lemon and not a laurel, but just the smell of wormwood, pine and cherry; There is looking for clear days, slightly burning, but not the scorching rays of the sun and almost for three months the cloudless sky. How clear days will go, then the last three-four weeks; And the evening warmly there, and the night of a smoothie. The stars are so friendly, so friendly flashes from heaven. Rain Lee will go - what a beneficial summer rain! Boyko rushes, abundantly, merry merry, exactly large and hot tears of a suddenly delighted man; But only stops - the sun is already with a clear smile of love inspecting and dries the fields and hillocks: And the whole country is again smiling with happiness in response to the sun. Rain happily greets the peasant: "The rains will extinate, dried away the sun!" - He says, substituting with pleasure under the warm shower face, shoulders and back. Thunderstorms are not terrible, but only beneficial there: they are constantly at the same time, not forgetting almost never Ilyin of the day, as if to support the famous legend in the people. And the number and strength of the strikes seems to be the same one and the same, just as if from the treasury was released for a year on the very edge of the famous electricity measure. Neither terrible storms or destruction do not hear in that edge. In the newspapers, it never happened to anyone to read something similar about this blessed by God. And I would never have been printed, and would not have heard about this edge if Marina Kulkov's peasant widow, twenty-eight years, did not give birth to four babies, which could not be silent. Did not punish the Lord of that side either by Egyptian nor simple ulcers. None of the residents did not see and remember any terrible celestial signs, nor flames of fiery, no sudden darkness; There are no poisonous reptiles there; locust does not fly there; There are neither levies of roaring, nor tigers roaring, nor even bears and wolves, because there are no forests. In the fields and the village roam only in the abundance of cows, sheep bleach and chickens of kuccakes. God knows whether the poet would be sought or a dreamer of the nature of a peaceful corner. These gentlemen, as you know, love to be seen on the moon and listen to the cracker Solovyov. They love the moon-coquetku, which would fit into the pallets and sinks mysteriously through the branches of the trees or sheep the sheaves of silver rays into the eyes of their fans. And in this edge no one knew that for the moon, everyone called her month. She somehow good-naturedly, looked at the villages and the field and very much like a copper sulfilled pomp. In vain, the poet would begin to look enthusiastic eyes at her: she would also simply looked at the poet as a chief rustic beauty looks in response to passionate and eloquent views of urban rolling. Solovyov, too, do not hear in that edge, maybe because there were no shady shelters and roses there; But but what is the abundance of quails! In the summer, when harvesting bread, the boys catch their hands. But you will not think, one, so that the quail was the subject of gastronomic luxury there - no, such corruption did not penetrate the morals of the inhabitants of that edge: the quail - a bird, not shown by the charter in food. She is delighted there with human hearing singing: because of almost every home under the roofs in the filament cage hangs quail. The poet and the dreamer would not be satisfied with even the common type of this modest and uncomfortable area. It would not be possible to see them there any evening in the Swiss or Scottish taste, when all the nature is both the forest, and water, and the walls of huts, and the sandy hills - everything burns exactly by the bugger glow; when along this crimson background, traveling along the sandy winding road of the cavalcade of men, accompanying some lady in walks to the sullen ruins and hurried to a strong castle, where they are awaiting the episode about the war of two roses, told grandfather, wild goat for dinner yes pending young Miss under the sounds of lute ballad - paintings that are so richly in our imagination of Pen Walter Scott. No, nothing was in our region. How quietly, everything is sleepy in three or four villages that make up this corner! They lay close to each other and were as if accidentally thrown by a giant hand and crumbled in different directions, yes so since then and remained. As one hut came to break the ravine, it hangs there from time immemorial, standing one half in the air and reflecting the three jerseys. Three or four generations quietly and happily lived in it. It seems that the chicken would be scary to enter it, and there lives with his wife Onyim Suslov, a solid man who does not stare in his entire growth in his home. Not everyone will be able to enter the hut to Onyism; unless the visitor emines her become back to the forest, but to him before. The porch hung over the ravine, and to get on the porch foot, it was necessary to grab one hand for the grass, the other behind the roof of the hut and then step right on the porch. The other hollow rushed to the hillock, like a swallow nest; There three found themselves by chance nearby, and two stand at the very bottom of the ravine. Quiet and sleepily everything in the village: silent huts are dismissed; There is no soul; Some flies fly with clouds and buzz in a stuff. Entering the hut, you wish to click loudly: dead silence will be answered; In a rare hollow, he will respond with a painful stamp or a deaf cough of the old woman who lives his own age on the furnace, or will appear because of the partition Bosoy's long-haired three-year-old child, in one shirt, silently, closely looks at the included and timidly hid again. The same deep silence and the world lie on the fields; Only in some way, as an ant, he comes up on black Niva, the steamer, which goes on the dust, and pouring down later. Silence and calm calm reign and in the nras of people in the very edge. Not robberies, no murders, no terrible accidents were there; Neither strong passions nor courageous enterprises worry them. And whatever passions and enterprises can worry them? Everyone knew himself. The inhabitants of this edge lived far from other people. The nearest villages and the county city were versts of twenty-five and thirty. The peasants at the famous time were taken by bread on the nearest pier to the Volga, which was their colchida and Hercules pillars, and some of the fair went to the fair, and no one had any other relations. Their interests were focused on them themselves, did not crossed out and did not come into contact with anyone. They knew that in eighty versts from them was "province", that is, the provincial city, but rare rushed there; Then they knew that far away, there, Saratov or Nizhny; I heard that there is Moscow and Peter that the French or Germans live behind Peter, and then it began for them, as for the ancients, the dark world, unknown countries inhabited by monsters, people about two heads, giants; The darkness followed there - and finally everything ended with that fish that he keeps the earth. And as the corner there were almost neurodes, it was nowhere to hand with the latest news about what was being done on white light: only twenty vestments lived with wooden dishes and knew no more of them. Not even to merge them to live - to be: whether they live well, there is no; Whether they are rich, are poor; Can there be something else to wish that there are others. Happy people lived, thinking that otherwise and should not and could not be, confident that all others live in the same way and that live otherwise - sin. They would not believe if they told them that others would somehow pate, sow, zaughty, sell. What passions and excitement could have them? They, like all people, there were concerns, and weakness, fee of grant or long-term, laziness and sleep; But all this got them cheap, without blood excitement. In the past five years, no one from several hundred souls died, not the fact that violently, even natural death. And if someone from old age or from any old sickness and soil the eternal sleep, then there for a long time they could not put such an unusual occasion. Meanwhile, they didn't seem surprising at all, as it, for example, the Blacksmith Taras was almost handed over to death in the dugout, before it was necessary to cast it with water. From the crimes one, it is: theft of peas, carrots and turnips along the grocers, - was in a big go, and once two piglets and chicken were disappeared - the incident, outraged all the sideways and ascribed to the unanimously passed on the eve of the Wooden dishes on the fair. And then at all the chance of all kinds were very rare. Once, however, I was still found behind the Occolic, in the ditch, at the bridge, it can be seen, who retained the artel man who passed into the city. The boys first noticed him and designed him with horror in the village with the news about some terrible snake or a root, which lies in the ditch, adding that he chased behind them and almost ate Kuzka. Guys, desilee, armed with a pitchfork and axes and gruba went to the ditch. - Where can you be? - Emptied old men. - Al neck is strong? What do you need? Do not care: you do not drive. But the men went and seeded in fifty to the place began to circumvent the monster with different voices: there was no answer; They stopped; Then they moved again. In Danae lay a man, leaning his head in the hillock; A bag and a stick was lying around him, on which two pairs of lapes were inspired. The men did not decide to approach close, to touch. - Hey! You, brother! - They shouted in turn, scratching who headed, who's back. - How are you there? Hey, you! What do you need here? Passerspit made a movement to lift the head, but could not: he, apparently, was unhealthy or very tired. One decided to touch him for a waist. - Do not waist! Do not wise! - Many shouted. - How much to know what he: IS, does not bother anything; Maybe some such ... do not ask him guys! "Let's go," some said, "the right-word will go: what is he, uncle, or what?" Only troubles with him! And everyone went back to the village, told the old men, that there is an ultimate, nothing is Baiet, and God knows him that he is there. - Study, do not care! - spoke old men sitting on Zavaling and putting elbows on the knees. - Let him yourself! And walking for something to you! That was the corner where suddenly moved in a dream of bugs. Of the three or four scattered, the villages there were one sinth, another Vavilovka, in one verst from each other. Sosnovka and Vavilovka were the hereditary ending of the kind of broken and because they were known under the general name of the broom. In Sosnovka there was a gentlemen estate and a residence. The versts in five from Sosnovka lay Selo treasurely, who also belonged to the once name of the broken and long ago, which had long passed into other hands, and a few more signed by the same village. The village belonged to a rich landowner, who never shown in his estate: they were headed by the manager of the Germans. That's the whole geography of this corner. Ilya Ilyich woke up in the morning in his little lunch. He is only seven years old. He is easy, fun. What is his pretty, red, full! The cheeks are such round, that another shalun is inflated on purpose, and there will be no such. Nanny is waiting for him awakening. She starts pulling his stockings; He is not given, Shalit, chatting his feet; Nanny catches it, and both of them laugh. Finally managed to lift it on his feet; She washes him, combing the head and leads to the mother. Oblomov, seeing a long-dead mother, and in a dream he fired from joy, from the hot love for her: he, at the sleepy, slowly floated from under the eyelashes and became still two warm tears. Mother trembled by his passionate kisses, then he looked at him with greedy, careless eyes, whether the eyes were mutted, asked if something did something, asked the nanny, could he sleep, did not wake up at night, did not happen in a dream, there was no Does he have a heat? Then he took him by the hand and led him to the image. There, becoming kneeling and hugging him with one hand, suggested her words of prayer. The boy scattered repeated them, looking out the window, which was flowing into the room of the coolness and smell of lilac. - We, Mama, let's go for a walk today? He suddenly asked among the prayer. "Let's go," her dumb, "she said hastily, not having disappeared from the eye icon and hurry to finish the holy words. The boy sluggishly repeated them, but the mother vagina in them all his soul. Then they went to the father, then to tea. About the teasprooms of Oblomov saw the elderly aunt who lives with them, eighty years, who had completely grunted on his girl, who, shaking from her head, served her, standing behind her chair. There are three older girls, the far relatives of his father, and a little distinguished the girl's mothers, and the landowner of the seven souls, Chekmenov, which celebrated them, and some more old women and old people. All this state and retinue houses were picked up Ilya Ilyich and began to sink him with caresses and praises; He barely managed to wip the traces of the unborn kisses. After that, it began to feed it with buns, crackers, creamy. Then the mother, having stuck him, went to walk to the garden, in the yard, on the meadow, with a strict confirmation of Nyanka not to leave a child one, not allowing horses to dogs, to the goat, not to leave far from home, and most importantly, not to let him In the ravine, as the worst place in the window, which has been a bad reputation. There was once a dog, recognized by madden because she rushed from people away when she was gathered with a pitchfork and axes, disappeared somewhere behind the mountain; In the ravine, Padal was reduced; Robbers and wolves were assumed in the ravine, and different other creatures, which or in the very edge, or not at all in the world. The child did not wait for the Mother's warnings: he has long been in the yard. He with joyful amazement, as if for the first time, he looked around and huddled the parental house with a circle, with a shot of a shot, with a nursed in the middle of a wooden roof, on which a gentle green moss was growing, with a staggering porch, various extensions and superstructures and a launched garden. He wants a passion to run away to the hanging gallery enveloped all the house, to see from there to the river: But the owner gallery, a little bit, and it is allowed to walk only "people", and the gentlemen do not go. He did not listen to the prohibitions of the mother and had already headed for the seductive steps, but a nanny appeared on the porch and caught him. He rushed to the haul, with the intention to climb there on a steep staircase, and barely slept to walk to the Senoval, as it was already necessary to hurry to destroy his ideas to get into the pigeon, to penetrate the accumulation yard and what God would save! - in the ravine. - Oh, you, Lord, what a child, for Yula for this! Did you sit smartly, sir? Shame! - Nannik said. And the whole day and all the days and nights of the nanny were filled with a turmoil, running: then torture, then lively joy for a child, then fear that he will fall and pour into the nose, then with his immovable children's caress or vague longing for his distant future. Only the heart beat her, these unrest was heated by the blood of the old woman, and was supported by some kind of sleepy life, which, without it, could have fed a long time ago. Not all the resulting, one but a child: he sometimes suddenly sees, sitting beside the nanny, and looks at everything so intently. Children's mind is observing all the phenomena committed before him; They are deeply in the soul of him, then grow and ripen with him. Morning magnificent; in the air cool; The sun is not high yet. From the house, from the trees, and from the pigeon, and from the gallery - from all over the long shadows ran away. In the garden and on the courtyard there were cool corners, mounted to thoughtfulness and sleep. Only left the field with rye exactly burning with fire Yes, the river so glitters and sparkles in the sun, that the eyes hurt. - Why is it, nanny, here it is dark, and there is light, and will there already be light there? - asked the child. - Because the father, that the sun goes to meet the month and does not see him, and frowns; And so much curls frightened and hesitate. The child thinks and everything looks around: he sees how the antipa went for water, and on the ground, next to him, there was another antipa, though more than the real, and the barrel seemed to be a magnitude of the house, and the shadow of the horse covered the whole meadow, the shadow shaded only Two times in the meadow and suddenly moved around the mountain, and the antipa also did not have time from the courtyard. The child also stepped out two times, another step - and he will leave the mountain. He would like to grief, see where the horse is doing. He is to the goal, but the voice of the mother heard from the window: - Nanny! You do not see that the child ran out on the sun! Cheat him in chill; He will lead him the head - it will be sick, nothing will be done, it will not eat. He is so much in your ravine! - U! Balcherie! - Nyanka grumbling quietly, pulling it on the porch. Looking at the child and watches a sharp and re-view, how and what they do adults what they are dedicated to the morning. No trifle nor a single feature eludes the child's inquisitive attention; Independumously cut into the soul picture of homemade life; A soft mind is drinking alive examples and unconsciously draws the program of his life in life, his surrounding. It is impossible to say that morning disappeared in the house of broom. The knock of knives, chopped cutlets and greens in the kitchen, even reach the village. From the human, the hiss of spindle was heard, yes quiet, a thin voice of women: it was difficult to recognize whether it crying or improvises a guy song without words .. On the courtyard, as soon as the antipa has grown up with a barrel, from different angles crawled to her with buckets, troughs and jugs of women, Kucher. And there the old woman swears from the barn to the kitchen a cup with flour and a bunch of eggs; There, the cook suddenly sprawls water from the window and deselects arapist, which is a whole morning, not taking the eye, looks out the window, gently wagging the tail and licking. Oblomov himself - the old man is also not without classes. He sits in a whole morning at the window and strictly watches everything that is being done in the yard. - Hey, Ignashka? What do you carry, fool? - He will ask the man walking around the courtyard. "We carry the knives to sharpen in human," he answers, without looking at the Barin. - Well, carry, carry; Yes Pretty, look, Natoo! Then he will stop the Babo: - Hey, Baba! Woman! Where did you go? "In the cellar, a father," she said, stopping, and, bias his eyes with his hand, looked at the window, "to get milk to the table. - Well, go, go! - Barin's answered. - Yes, look, do not breach milk. - And you, Zakharka, postmen, where you run again? - And then shouted. - So I will give you to run! I see that you run this for the third time. Went back to the hallway! And Zakharka walked again to dorm in the hallway. Whether cows from the field will come, the old man will take care, so that they are drunk; Whether he envied from the window that the polarion pursues a chicken, immediately take strict measures against the riots. And his wife is heavily busy: she is watching three hours with Averka, a tailor, like from a man's sweatshirt, to alter the jacket, herself paints with chalk and watches, that Averka did not steal the cloth; Then go to the maiden, will ask every girl how much to weave the day of lace; Then I will call with me Nastasya Ivanovna, or Stepanida Agapovna, or another of his suite to take a walk in the garden with a practical purpose: to see how the apple poured, did not fall yesterday, which was so ripe; There to instill, cut there, etc. But the first to care was the kitchen and lunch. The dinner was consulted by a whole home; And the elderly aunt was invited to the Council. Everyone offered his dish: who soup with guts, who is noodles or stomach, who scars, who are red, who is white gravy to sauce. Any advice was taken into consideration, it was discussed in detail and then accepted or rejected at the final sentence of the hostess. The Nastasya Petrovna was sent to the kitchen, then Stepanida Ivanovna recall that add it or cancel something, to attribute to sugar, honey, wine for the Kushan and see whether the cook will be released. Caring for food was the first and home life concern in the crushing. What calves were covered there for annual holidays! What a bird was brought up! How many subtle considerations, how many classes and care for man! Turkey and chickens, appointed to the names and other solemn days, refused nuts; Gusey was deprived of the municipality, forced to hang in a bag stationary a few days before the holiday, so that they were poured fat. What stocks there were jams, pickles, cookies! What kind of honey, what kids were cooked, which pies were baked in a crushing! And so until noon, everything fussed and cared, everything lived with a full, ant, anticipation, a marked life. On Sunday and on holidays, these hardworking ants were also not thrown: then the knock knives in the kitchen was frequent and stronger; Baba made a break from the barn to the kitchen with a double flour and eggs; There were more moans and bloodshed on the bird yard. Baked the Goligan Pie, which the Lord themselves ate another day; On the third and fourth day, the remains went to the maiden; The cake lived to Friday, so that one completely worn end, without any filling, got, in the form of a special grace, antipa, which, crossing, with a crackle, faintly destroyed this curious fossil, enjoying more consciousness that this is the Pie, than the most cake, As an archaeologist, with pleasure drinking stupid wine from a shard, some thousand-year dishes. And the child watched everything and watched everything with his childhood, who did not miss anything. He saw, as it is useful and the troubled morning, the midday and lunch came. Noon sultry; the sky is clear. The sun stands motionless above his head and burn grass. The air stopped ripping and hangs without movement. Neither a tree nor water will be peeling; Above the village and the field is unmatched silence - everything seemed to extinct. Walking and far away is a human voice in emptiness. In twenty seats, heard how to fly and discovered the beetle, yes in the thick grass, someone snores everything, as if someone fell there and sleeps sweet sleep. And dead silence reigned in the house. There was an hour of universal afternoon sleep. The child sees that both the Father, and the mother, and the old aunt, and the retinue - all scattered in their corners; And who did not have it, he walked onto the Senov, the other in the garden, the third was looking for coolness in the Seine, and other, bothering his face with a handkerchief from Muh, fell asleep where I smored his heat and threw a bulky lunch. And the gardener stretched out under a bush in the garden, beside his walk, and Kucher slept on the stable. Ilya Ilyich looked into Human: everything was afraid in Human, on the legs, by the floor and in the Seine, providing the children themselves; The kids crawl around the yard and drove in the sand. And the dogs flew far away to the coneers, good to whom it was barking. It was possible to go throughout the house through and not to meet a soul; It was easy to beat everything around and be brought from the courtyard on the bass: no one would prevent, if there was only a thieves in that edge. It was some kind of all-consuming, uncompaired sleep, the true semblance of death. Everything is dead, only from all angles is a variety of snatching for all tones and frets. Occasionally, someone suddenly raise his head, looks meaningless, with surprise on both sides and will turn over to the other side or, without opening the eye, sprawling asking and, clutching lips or turning something under his nose, will fall again. And the other quickly, without any preliminary preparations, will jump with both legs from his bed, as if afraid to lose the precious minutes, grab the mug with kvass and, the mapping on the flies of flies there, so that they took them to another edge, why flies, until then Still, very beginning to move, in the hope of improving your position, wet her throat and then falls again on the bed as a confined. And the child was observed and watched. He with a nanny after dinner again went to the air. But nanny, despite all the rigor of Baryni's mugs and his own will, could not oppose the charm of sleep. She also became infected with this prevailing in a crushing to the pivot disease. At first, she looked cheerfully behind the child, did not go far away from herself, strictly grumbled for the supelness, then, feeling the symptoms of the approaching contagion, began to evoke not to go for the gate, not touched the goat, do not climb the dull or gallery. She herself sat somewhere in a chill: on the porch, on the threshold of the cellar or just on the grass, apparently, to knit stockings and look after the child. But soon she lured him lazily, nodding her head. "Wlipe, ah, that and looked, this yula will fit on the gallery," she thought almost through the sleep, - or more ... as if in the ravine ... " Here the head of the old woman kneading to the knees, the stocking fell out of her hands; She lost sight of the child and, opening a little mouth, emitted a slight snatching. And he looked forward to this moment, with whom his independent life began. He was as if one in the whole world; He flew on tiptoe from nanny; examined everyone who is sleeping; will stop and inspecting intently as someone finds, plot and flushes something in a dream; Then, with a dying heart, buried on the gallery, ran along the creaky boards around, climbed into the dovel, climbed in the wilderness of the garden, he listened to how the beetle was buzzing, and his eyes fleeing his flight; Listening like someone all shifting in the grass, I was looking for and caught the violators of this silence; I will catch a dragonfly, torn her wings and looks that it will be, or the straw and watches it and follows how it flies with this adding; With pleasure, fearing to die, watches spider as he sucks the blood caught flies, as a poor victim beats and buzzes in his paws. The child will end in that he will kill both the victim and the tormentor. Then he will take it into the ditch, it rushes, I find out some kind of roots, cleanses from the bark and eats outstand, preferring to apples and jam, which Mama gives. He will run out for the gate: he would like to be in the birch; He seems so close to him that he would get to him in five minutes, not around, on the road, and directly, through a ditch, plentores and pits; But he is afraid: there, they say, both the debt, and robbers, and terrible beasts. I want to run in the ravine: it all seats fifty from the garden; The child has already resorted to the edge, climbed his eyes, wanted to look like a volcanic crater ... But suddenly, all the senses and legends about this ravine were rebelled: His horror was unaware, and he, nor alive, rushes back and trembling Fear, rushed to the nurse and woke up the old woman. She poured out of sleep, corrected the handkerchief on his head, picked up the shafts of gray hair under him and, pretending that she didn't sleep at all, suspiciously glances for Ilyusha, then on the Barski windows and begins to poke one to another knitting knitting fingers lying on her on the knees. Meanwhile, the heat began to fall asleep; In nature, everything was agreed; The sun has already moved to the forest. And the silence was broken in a little in the house: in one corner, the door creaked somewhere; heard in the yard of someone's steps; On the haymaker someone sneezed. Soon of the kitchen hurriedly carry a man, bending away from gravity, a huge samovar. Started to gather to tea: who has a face of the expansion and eyes swim by tears; He put his red spot on his cheek and temples; The third speaks from sleeping not by his voice. All this sniffs, whips, yawns, scratches his head and warm up, barely coming to himself. Lunch and sleep gave birth to an uncomfortable thirst. Thirst palette throat; Cups drinks on twelve tea, but it does not help: Ohnetary, Szyanne hears; They resort to lingonberries, to pear water, to kvass, and other and to the medical manual, so that only pour drought in the throat. Everyone was looking for liberation from thirst, as from some punishment of the Lord; Everyone is moving, all languishing, exactly the traveler caravan in the Arabian steppe, which is not popular anywhere. The child here, beside Mama: He peers into strange people around him, listens to their sleepy and sluggish conversation. It's fun to look at them, it seems to him all sorts of nonsense. After tea, everyone will deal with something: who will go to the river and quietly wanders along the shore, pushing the pebbles into the water; The other will sit down to the window and catches every fleeting phenomenon: whether the cat runs in the yard, whether the daw will fly, the observer and the one and the other pursues the view and the tip of his nose, turning his head to the right, then to the left. So sometimes dogs love to sit for all days on the window, putting the head under the sun and carefully looking around all the passerby. Mother will take the head of the Ilyushi, puts his knees to his knees and slowly combs his hair, admiring them softly and forcing him to admire and Nastasya Ivanovna and Stepanut Tikhonovna, and talks to them about the future of Ilyushi, puts him by the hero of any brilliant epic. Those the golden mountains promise him. But it begins to try out. Fire cracks again in the kitchen, a fractional knife knock is heard: a dinner is preparing. The courtyard gathered at the gate: Balalaika, laughter hears there. People play burners. And the sun was descended for the forest; It threw a few slightly warm rays, which dispersed the fiery stripe through the entire forest, brightly dining the top of the top of the pine. Then Raychi Gasli one by one; The last beam remained long; He, as a thin needle, stuck in the branches; But that ground. Items lost their form; Everything merged first in gray, then into the dark mass. The singing of birds gradually weakened; Soon they are completely silent, except for one stubborn, which is alternating everything, among the total silence one monotonously tweet with intervals, but less and less often, and she finally whistled weakly, unituck, for the last time, it was growing up, slightly pesting the leaves Around yourself ... and fell asleep. All smalcot. Some grasshoppers are stronger in bulk. White couples rose from the ground and disseminated in the meadow and on the river. River also reconsidered; Some of the weather and in her suddenly someone splashed for another last time, and she became stationary. Smelled damp. It became even darker and darker. Trees were grouped into some monsters; It became scary in the forest: there someone suddenly creaks, exactly one of the monsters moves from his place to another, and the dry knuckle seems to crust under his foot. In the sky brightly flashed like a living eye, the first asterisk, and the lights were blocked in the windows of the house. Minutes of the universal, solemn silence of nature, those minutes, when the creative mind works harder, hotter boils the poetic Duma when the passion is fastened in the heart, and the tusca roses in the brutal soul, and the grain of criminal thought, and when ... In the crushing, everyone is so tight and deceased. "Let's go, Mom, walk," says Ilyusha. - What are you, God with you! Now walk, "she answers," the raw, the legs are waving; And scary: in the forest, the Leshel goes now, he takes young children. - Where does he carry? What happens? Where does it live? - asks the child. And the mother gave the will of his unbridled fantasy. The child listened to her, opening and closing his eyes, until, finally, sleep did not smalle him at all. Nannik came and, taking him with her knees, carried a sleepy, with her head her shoulder, in bed. - This is the day and passed, and thank God! - said Oblomovtsy, licking in bed, groachty and autumn himself with a congestion. - lived safely; Give God and tomorrow! Glory to you, Lord! Glory to you, Lord! Then, the Oblomov had a different time: he robbed to Nian to the infinite winter evening, and she whispering him about some unknown side, where there are no nights, no cold, where everyone is committed by miracles, where the honey and milk rivers flow, where nobody It doesn't do it all year round, and the day-day just know that all the good men are walking, such as Ilya Ilyich, yes beautiful, that in a fairy tale, not to describe in a fairy tale. There is also a good wizard, which is sometimes in the form of a pike, which will choose some pet, quiet, harmless - in other words, some lazy, whom everyone is offended, - and he ships him with any different Good, and he knows himself, he dresses into a ready-made dress, and then marries some unheard of beauty, Militis Kirtubaevna. The child, in the ears and eyes, passionately dug in the story. Nannik or legend so skillfully avoided in the story of everything that there is in fact that the imagination and the mind, penetrating the fiction, remained in his slave to old age. Nannika with good nature narrated the fairy tale about Emeyle-fool, this evil and insidious satir on our great-grandfather, and maybe also on us. Adult Ilya Ilyich Although after and learns that there are no honey and dairy rivers, there is no good wizard, although he is joking with a smile over the tales of nanny, but this smile is not sincere, she is accompanied by a secret sigh: a fairy tale blended up with life, and it is unconsciously It is sometimes sad, why is a fairy tale not life, and life is not a fairy tale. He unwittingly dreams of Militis Kirtubaevna; His everything pulls in the one way, where only they know that they walk where there is no worries and peasants; He is forever the location of him to lie down on the furnace, be in the ready, unrequited dress and eat at the expense of a good wizard. And the old man of brookoms and grandfather listened as a child the same fairy tales who were held in the stereotypical edition of the antiquity, in the mouth of nannies and unede, through the centuries and generations. Nanny Meanwhile already draws another picture of the imagination of the child. She tells him about the exploits of our Achilles and Ulov, about delete Ilya Muromsz, Dobryni Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, about Polkano-Bogatyr, about the church passing, About how they wandered in Russia, immersible hordes of bass, as they competed in the one of the spirit will drink the tea of \u200b\u200bgreen wine and does not crack; Then he spoke about evil robber, about sleeping princesses, petrified cities and people; Finally passed to our demonology, to the dead, to the monsters and to the shorten. She with simplicity and good-natured Homer, with the burning of the details of the details and the relief of paintings vague in children's memory and imagination of the oriad of Russian life, created by our homerides of those foggy times, when a person has not yet been laid with the dangers and secrets of nature and life when he trembled and Before weers, and in front of Leshem, and Alyosha Popovich was looking for protection from the troubles around him, when both in the air, and in the water, and in the forest, and in the field they reigned wonders. Terrible and incorrect was the life of the then man; It was dangerous to go beyond the threshold of the house: His, of the time looking, stops the beast, will cut the robber, he takes all the evil Tatar, or a man will miss, without any traces. And then suddenly they are the signs of heaven, fiery pillars and balls; And there, over fresh graves, light flares, or in the forest, someone walks, as if with a lantern, and it is terribly laughing and sparkles in the dark. And with the person himself, so much incomprehensible: Lives, lives a man for a long time and good - nothing, let it suddenly speaks such a non-empty, or go on to scream not with his voice, or wander sleepy at night; The other will begin to be blocked and beat it from anyone. And before you become this, just that the chicken shouted the rooster and raven skyral over the roof. A weak man lost, looking around in life with horror, and was looking for a key to the sacraments of him surrounding him and his own nature. Or maybe a dream, the eternal silence of the sluggish life and the lack of movement and all sorts of valid fears, adventures and dangers forced the person to create another other, non-absenteeism among the natural world, and in it, to find rampant and fun in the idle imagination or rays of ordinary clutches of the circumstances and the causes of the phenomenon outside phenomena. Slap lived the poor ancestors ours; They did not get off and did not restrain their will, and then naive were naive or horrified by inconvenience, evil and interrogated causes of silent, unclear hieroglyphs of nature. The death of them had happened from the head made before the home of the dead man, and not legs from the gate; Fire - from the fact that the dog has taken out three nights under the window; And they worked, so that the dead man was taken out of the gate, and the same was all the same, they were as much as she slept on bare grass; The spelling dog was beaten or drone from the courtyard, and the sparks from the lady still dumped into the crack of the rotten gender. And today, the Russian man among his surrounding strict, deprived of the fiction of act loves to believe the seductive legends of the antiquity, and for a long time, maybe not yet to renounce him from this faith. Listening to nanny fairy tales about our golden Rune - Fire-Bird, about obstacles and caches of the magic castle, the boy was cheerful, imagining herself with the hero of the feat, - and goosebumps ran his back, he suffered for the failures of the brave. The story ruled by the story. The nanny narrowed with the fervor, picturesque, with passion, in places inspired, because herself herself believed to the stories. Eyes old women sparkled fire; The head was trembling from excitement; The voice risled to unusual notes. The child, embraced by unknown horror, strangled with tears in his eyes. Whether it was about the dead, rising at midnight from the graves, or about the victims, languishing in the captivity of the monster, or a bear with a wooden leg, which goes on the villages and the villages to find a natural foot from him, - the child's hair was cracking on the head of horror ; Children's imagination was frozen, he was boiling; He experienced a painful, sweet painful process; Nerves strained like strings. When the nurse gloomily repeated the words of the bear: "Corpipi, cruff, a leg of a lipovaya; I walked around the villages, it was walking around the village, all the women were sleeping, one woman is not sleeping, it sits on my skin, my meat is cooking, my wool is hiding ", etc.; When the bear finally entered the hut and was preparing to grab the kidnapper of his leg, the child could not stand: he with a thrill and squeak rushed to the nurse; He splashes the tears of fright, and he laughs together with the joy that he is not in the claws at the beast, but on the lay, beside the nanny. The boy's imagination was settled by strange ghosts; Fear and melancholy sat down for a long time, maybe forever, in the soul. He sadly looks around and everything sees harm in his life, trouble, everything dreams about that magic side, where there is no evil, hassle, seals, where Militrisa Kirtubaevna lives, where it is so good and dressed in a gift ... The fairy tale is not over the children in the crushing, but also for adults until the end of the life retains its power. Everything in the house and in the village, ranging from Barin, his wife and to the downtown of the Blacksmith Taras, - all the tremble of something in a dark evening: every tree turns into a giant, every bush - in the tips of the robbers. Stunches and wind fracturing in the pipe made pale and men, women, and children. No one in baptism will be released after ten o'clock in the evening one goal; Every night at Easter will be afraid to go to the stable, fearing to catch the house there. In the Oblomovka believed everything: both the restants and dead men. Whether they will tell them that the Sayna Pokna fell into the field, - they do not think and believe; Does anyone miss a rumor that this is not a ram, and something else, or that such a marfa or stepadide is a witch, they will be afraid of the ram and Martha: they will not come to mind to ask, why Baran has become not Baran, and Marfa became a witch, and they will also throw on someone who thought to doubt it, "So strong faith in a wonderful in a crushing! Ilya Ilyich will see after that the world is simply arranged that they do not get up dead from the graves, that giants, as soon as they start, immediately put in Balagan, and the robbers are imprisoned; But if the most faith in ghosts disappears, then there is some kind of fear of fear and varying longing. Ilya Ilyich found out that there are no troubles from monsters, and which there are - barely knows, and at every step everything is waiting for something terrible and afraid. And now, while remaining in a dark room or seeing the dead man, he trembles from ominous, as a child donated in the soul of longing; Laughing fear of her in the morning, he again pale in the evening. Next, Ilya Ilyich suddenly saw himself a boy of thirteen or fourteen. He studied in the village of Verkёva, the versts in five from the crushing, at the local manager, German gallets, who started a small board for children of surrounding nobles. He had his own son, Andrei, almost one years with a broom, and he also gave him one boy who almost never studied, and more suffered from gold, all his childhood was constantly tied with blindfolded eyes or ears yes we cried all the secret things about what lives Not a grandmother, but in someone else's house, among villains, that it is no one who cares about him and nobody will bore him. In addition to these children, others still have not been in the guesthouse. There is nothing to do, father and mother planted Balovnik Ilyusha for the book. It was worth tears, screams, whims. Finally took. The German was a good man and strict, like almost all the Germans. Maybe he has Ilyusha and manage to learn something pretty, if the broom was the versets in five hundred from the top. And how to learn? The charm of the Oblomovskaya atmosphere, the lifestyle and habits extended to tremblely; After all, it was also once a broom; There, except for the house of the gallery, all breathing the same primitive laziness, simplicity of morals, silence and immobility. The mind and heart of the child were fulfilled by all paintings, scenes and morals of this life before, rather than he saw the first book. And who knows how early the development of mental grain in the children's brain begins? How to keep track of the birth in the infant soul of the first concepts and impressions? Maybe when the child also barely spoken the words, and maybe he didn't yet speak at all, did not even go, but only looked at all the stronger silent children's glance, which adults are called stupid, it has already seen and guess the meaning and connection of the phenomena of it spheres, but just did not confess any or another. Maybe Ilyusha notice a long time ago and understands what they say and do under it: as a father, in plentic pantals, in a brown cloth jacket, day-day, only knows what walks out of the corner in the corner, having laid his hands back, sniffs tobacco and blowing his nozzle, and Mother goes from coffee to tea, from tea to dinner; What is a parent and does not think to never believe how much shock is bevelined or compressed, and to recover for omission, and I don't have a handkerchief soon, he will scribble about the riots and put the bottom home. Maybe his child's mind has long decided that so, and not otherwise you should live, as adults live near him. And how else would you order to solve him? And how did adults live in the crushing? Whether they did their question: why is life given? God is news. And how were they answered? Probably in no way: it seemed very simple and clear to them. They did not hear about the so-called man-ended life, about people who wear a wool care in the chest, which for some reason, from the angle into the corner of the Earth or giving the life of the eternal, endless work. Poorly believed broom and mental alarms; did not take for the life of the circulation of eternal aspirations somewhere, for something; They were afraid of fire, passion passions; And as in another place, the body of people quickly burned out of the volcanic work of the inner, spiritual fire, so the soul of the ruble peacefully, was drowning in a soft body without interference. It did not mark their lives as others, nor premature wrinkles, nor moral devastating blows and ailments. Good people understood her not otherwise, as the ideal of peace and inaction, violated at the time of different unpleasant accuracy, somehow: diseases, losses, quarrels and between other labor. They demolished the work as a punishment imposed on our forefathers, but could not love, and where there was a case, always got rid of it, finding it possible and due. They never embarrassed themselves with any foggy mental or moral issues; therefore always and bloomed health and fun, because there lived there for a long time; Men in forty years were like young men; The old people did not fight with a difficult, painful death, and, having survived to the impossibility, dying as if the furtively, quietly frozen and imperceptibly the emitting of the last sigh. Because they say that the people were stronger. Yes, in fact, stronger: I have not hurried to explain to the child the meanings of life and prepare it to her, as something wisdom and serious; They did not tear it over the books that born in the head of the darkness of questions, and the questions are given by the mind and heart and reduce life. The norm of life was ready and taught to them by their parents, and they accepted her, too, ready, from grandfather, and grandfather from the great-grandfather, with the covenant of the obstacles of its integrity and inviolability, like Fire Vesta. What was done at the grandfather and fathers, it was done at the father of Ilya Ilyich, so maybe it is still done and now in the crushing. What did they think and what to worry about what to find out what purpose to seek? Nothing needs: Life, like the late river, flowed past them; It remained only to sit on the shore of this river and observe the inevitable phenomena, which in turn, without call, appeared before each of them. And so the imagination of the sleeping Ilya Ilyich began the same in turn, like live paintings, first the three main acts of life, played as in his family, so relatives and acquaintances: homeland, wedding, funeral. Then the motley procession of fun and sad units was stretched: Captain, name day, family holidays, spending, talking, noisy dinners, related congresses, greetings, greetings, official tears and smiles. Everything went with such accuracy, so important and solemnly. He was even presented with familiar faces and mines of them at different rites, their caring and bustle. Give them what you want a delicate matchmaking, what kind of a solemn wedding or name day - will cope with all the rules, without the slightest omission. Whom where to land, what and how to file, to whom to go to the ceremony, will accept observe - in all this no one has ever done the slightest mistakes in the crushing. Doesn't you go out there? It is worth just to look, which pink and passionist Cupids are worn and water the mother's local. They are on that, so that the children were plump, white and healthy. They will retreat from spring, they will not want to know her if her lark is not baked at the beginning. How do they not know and do not fulfill it? Here our whole life and science, here all their grief and joy: because they are chasing any other concern and sorrow and do not know other joys; Their life of their eases exclusively by these indigenous and inevitable events, which asked endless food to their mind and heart. They were having a rite, a female, a ceremony, and then, the gossival, the march or a borony of a man, forgotten the person and his fate and immersed in ordinary apathy, from which he withdrew their new same case - named, wedding, etc. P. As soon as the child was born, the first concern of parents was as accurate as possible, without the slightest omissions, to sing over it all the required decency of rites, that is, set after the Picture christening; Then the caring cavity began. The mother asked himself a task: to go a healthy child, take it from a cold, from the eye and other hostile circumstances. Diligently worried that the child was always fun and eating a lot. Only put on the legs of a great thing, that is, when the nurse will become not needed, as in the heart of the mother, there is already a secret desire to make a girlfriend to him - also more thanks, referring to him. Again the era of rituals, peters, finally the wedding; On this and focused all the pathos of life .. Then the repetition began: the birth of children, rites, feuds, while the funeral will not change the scenery; But for a while: some people are inferior to others, children become young people and, together with those grooms, marry, produce like themselves - and so life for this program stretches the continuously with a cloth, imperceptibly breaking at the grave. They were imposed on them, however, sometimes other concerns, but the Oblomovtsy met them for the most part with the standing immobility, and concerns, bothering them over their heads, rushed by, like birds that fly to a smooth wall and, not finding the township, they hurt in vain Near solid stones and fly further. For example, one day, part of the gallery on one side of the house suddenly collapsed and buried under the ruins with their chickens; Aksinier would get, the wife of Antipa, who sat down under the gallery with the Donets, and on the time, fortunately, went beyond the urine. In the house there was a guvot: everyone came running, from Mala to Velik, and were horrified, imagining that instead of the pins with chickens, a lady with Ilya Ilyich could be shot here. Everyone was abuned and began to reproach each other in the way it did not come to mind: one - to remind you, to the other - we can fix it, the third is to fix it. Everyone was given a diva, that the gallery collapsed, and on the eve they were divided as it was holding it for so long! There were care and more concerns, how to fix the case; I regretted the chickens and slowly separated in our places, but forbing Ilya Ilyich to put the setting to the gallery. Then, three weeks later, it was ordered to Andryushka, Parsushka, Vaska, the collapsed boards and the railing drag off to the sheds, so that they did not lie on the road. They were lying through spring. The old man of bugs every time he will see them from the window, it will be concerned about the thought about the amendment: will call a carpenter, it will begin to consult how it is better to do - whether to build or break the remnants to the gallery. Then he will release him home, saying: "Pour yourself, and I'll think about it." It lasted until the Vaska or Motka convey Barina, which is de, when he, Motka, in the morning I climbed to the remnants of the gallery, so the corners are completely behind the walls and, that's time, they collapsed. Then there was a carpenter at the final meeting, as a result of which it was decided to stop the remaining part of the surviving gallery as old wreckage, which was made by the end of the same month. - e! Yes Gallery will go again again! - said the old man to his wife. - Look, as Fedot beautifully broke the logs, exactly the columns from the leader in the house! Now and good: again for a long time! Someone reminded him that, in the way, I would like to fix the gate and reproducing the porch, and then, they say, through the steps not only cats - and the pigs are inhauling in the basement. "Yes, yes, I don't," Ilya Ivanovich thoughtfully answered and walked immediately to inspect the porch. "In fact, you see because, it's completely loosened," he said, swing the porch, like a cradle. "Yes, it was rushed, as they did," someone said. - So what rose? - answered broils. - Yes, I did not fall apart, nothing that sixteen years is worthless. It was nice then onion! .. That was a carpenter, so carpenter ... Died - the kingdom of heaven! Today they were spoiled: they will not do so. And he addressed his eyes to the other side, and the porch, they say, staggers and still and still did not fall apart. It can be seen, in fact, the glorious was a carpenter this bow. It is necessary, however, to give the owners justice: sometimes they are very concerned in trouble or inconvenience, they even get excited and get angry. How, they say, you can run or leave something? We must now take action. And they say only about how to repair the bridge, or a garden, through a ditch or to upset in one place, so that the cattle does not spoil the trees, because the part of the whites in one place was completely lying on the ground. Ilya Ivanovich shifty his caring even before the fact that one day, walking around the garden, handed it over, grinding and oath, the woven and ordered the gardener to put two troops as soon as possible, thanks to this manager, Oblomov stood so all summer, and only in winter it fell on him again. Finally, it even reached the point that three new boards were challenged on the bridge, as soon as the antipa fell away from him, with a horse and with a barrel, in a ditch. He still did not have time to recover from the bruise, and the bridge was finished again. The cows and goats took a little later after the new drop in the gardens in the garden: they ate only the currant bushes yes began to rip off the tenth lipa, and they did not reach the apple tree, as the order was followed by a break of a wicker as it should and even rolling the groove. I got two cows and goats caught in fact: the sides were sward! Even Ilya Ilyich is a big dark living room in the parental house, with ash-old anticrafts, ever-covered covers, with a huge, clumsy and rigid sofa, upholstered blue barkan in spots, and one big leather chair. There is a long winter evening. Mother sits on the sofa, pursing his legs under him, and lazily knit the children's stocking, yawning and scratching at the time the needle. Nastasya Ivanovna and Pelageya Ignatievna sits near her and, koking the noses to work, diligently sew something to the holiday for Ilyosha, or for his father, or for themselves. Father, having laid his arms back, walks around the room back and forth, in perfect pleasure, or he comes in the chair and, sit down a little, starts to walk again, listen carefully to the sound of his own steps. Then she sniffs tobacco, unimportants and sniff out again. One silent candle burns in the room, and that was only allowed in winter and autumn evenings. In the summer months, everyone tried to go to bed and get up without candles, in daylight. This part was done in the habit, part of the economy. For any item, which was not at home, but was acquired by the purchase, the broomsticks were to the extremes of the stingy. They with a welcome cham an excellent turkey or a dozen chickens to the arrival of the guest, but there is no extra raisins in the kushanye and pale, as the same guest will try to pour himself in a wine glass. However, such a debauchery there almost did not happen: this will make a fortune of some kind of man who died in general opinion; This guest and will not be allowed into the yard. No, not such morals were there: the guest there before the three-time sweetened and does not touch anything. He knows very well that a single Potchevana more often concludes a request to abandon the offered dish or wine, rather than try it. Not for everyone will be lit and two candles: the candle was bought in the city for money and burned as all purchased things, under the key itself. Sparks were carefully considered and hid. In general, there did not love money there, and no matter how much it was necessary, but the money for her was always issued with great condolences, and if the cost was insignificant. Significant spending was accompanied by moans, screams and courage. Oblomovtsy agreed to better endure all kinds of inconvenience, even got used to not consider them inconvenience than spending money. From this and the sofa in the living room long ago all in the stains, from this and the leather chair Ilya Ivanych is only called the leather, and in fact it is not the urinary, not the rope: the skin remains only on the back one block, And the rest of the five years as collapsed in pieces and tears; Because, maybe the gate all the curves and the porch rushes. But to pay for something, even though the deigning, suddenly two hundred, three hundred, five hundred rubles seemed to be almost suicide. Hearing .. that one of the surrounding young landowners traveled to Moscow and paid there for a dozen shirts three hundred rubles, twenty-five rubles for boots and forty rubles for the vest to the wedding, the old man broke off and said with the expression of horror, the patter, that "such a well done is needed To put in Ostrog. " In general, they were deaf to political and economic truths about the need for fast and live capital circulation, on reinforced productivity and mea products. They in the simplicity of the soul understood and put into perform the only use of capital - keep them in the chest. In the chairs in the living room, in different positions, the inhabitants or ordinary visitors are sitting and snotted. Between the interlocutors, for the most part, deep silence reigns: everyone is seen daily with each other; Mental treasures are mutually exhausted and drawn, and the news from the outside it turns out a little. Quiet; Only the steps of heavy, homework boots Ilya Ivanovich are heard, still a wall clock in the case is deaf tangled by a pendulum and torn from time to time or teeth thread in Pelagei Ignatievna or Nastasya Ivanovna violates deep silence. So sometimes it will take half an hour, is it anyone yawn out loud and cross the mouth, having satisfied: "Mr. Merry!" For him, the neighbor yaws, then the next, slowly, as if on the team, turns his mouth, and so on, the infectious game of air in the lungs will bypass everyone, and the tear will disappear. Or Ilya Ivanovich will go to the window, looks there in says with some surprise: "Another five hours only, and how dark in the yard!" - Yes, "somebody will answer," this time is always dark; Long evenings come. And in the spring will be surprised and will be posed that long days are coming. And ask, why they need these long days, so they themselves do not know. And again will be silent. And there anybody will take off the candle and suddenly extinguish - everyone will be destroyed: "An unfamiliar guest!" - Someone will say certainly. Sometimes there will be a conversation on it. - Who would be a guest? - The mistress will say. - Isn't Nastasya Li Faddeevna? Oh, God forbid! Well no; She will not be closer than the holiday. That would be joy! That would have embraced yes, they appreciated with her together! And to the Sautren and to dinner, together ... Yes, where to me for her! I am nothing younger, and not to stand me so much! - And when, do you mean, she left us? - Ilya Ivanovich asked. - It seems after Ilyin of the day? - What are you, Ilya Ivanych! Always confuse! She and the seven did not wait, "the wife corrected. "She seems to be in Petrovka here," Ilya Ivanovich objects. - You're always like that! - Wife will say with reprocess. - You argue, just crash ... - Well, how was not in Petrokes? Even then, all pies with mushrooms Pekley: she loves ... "So it's Marya Onysimovna: she loves pies with mushrooms - as they do not remember! Yes, and Marya Onysimovna is not to Ilyina, and to Prokhor and Nicano Gonded. They carried the bill on holidays, at the time of the year, in different family and home cases, not clarifying never for months or numbers. Maybe it took place part and because, except for the Oblom himself, others were confused and the names of the months and the order of numbers. Silently defeated Ilya Ivanovich, and again, the whole society will plunge into a nap. Ilyusha, clinging to the back of the mother, too sleep, and sometimes it is completely sleeping. - Yes, - will later say some of the guests with a deep sigh, - here's a husband Mary Mary Mysimovna, the dead of Vasily Fomich, what a god with him, healthy, and died! And sixty years did not live - there would be a hundred years old to live! - Everything will die, whom when - the will of God! "Onsites Pelageya Ignatievna with a sigh. "Who is dying, but the slammers do not sleep so much: they say, Anna Andreevna gave birth again - this is the sixth. - Li Anna Andreevna! - said the mistress. - That's how the brother is married to get it and children will go - so much is still hassle! And smaller grow up, they also look in the groom; There, daughters get married, and where is the groom here? Today, you see, because everyone wants dowry, yes all money ... - What are you saying? - Ilya Ivanovich asked, coming to the opposing. - Yes, we say that ... And he repeat the story. - Here is human life! - Ilya Ibanovich said instructively. - One dies, another will be born, the third marries, and we are all age: it's not that year for a year, day for a day does not have! Why is it like that? Whether it would be if it would be every day like yesterday, yesterday, like tomorrow! .. Sad, how do you think ... - Old old old, and young grows! - Someone said a sleepy voice from the corner. - It is necessary for God to pray more and not think about anything! - strictly noticed the hostess. "True, the truth is the cowardly, the patter responded to Ilya Ivanovich, who decided to post them, and went back and forth again. Long silent again; Sri the needle of threads just fought back and forth. Sometimes the mistress breaks down silence. "Yes, dark on the yard," she says. "That's, God will give, like a shock wait, will come to swim their own, it will be more fun, and it is not visible how the evenings will be held. Now if Malania Petrovna arrived, there would be april here! What she does not start! And tin pouring, and wax to drown, and run behind the gate; I will betray all the way. Spent the games are different ... Such, right! - Yes, the secular lady! - noticed one of the interlocutors. - In the third year, she and in the mountains invented to ride, that's how else Luka Savich eyebrow ... Suddenly everyone was fixed, looked at Luka Savich and broke out with laughter. - How are you, Luka Savich? Well, well, tell me! - Says Ilya Ivanovich and snaps with laughter. And everyone continues to laugh, and Ilyusha woke up, and he laughs. - Well, what to tell! - says embarrassed Luka Savich. - This is all Von Alexei Naimech invented: nothing was completely. - e! - Choir picked up everything. - Yes, how was nothing? Whether we died? .. and the forehead, the forehead, and so far the scar is visible ... And they walked. - What are you laughing? - Trying to say in the intervals of laughter Luka Savich. - I would ... and not ... Yes, all Vaska, a robber ... Salazki older slipped ... They were drove under me ... I and Togo ... The overall laughter covered his voice. In vain, he was risen to take the story of his fall: the laughter broke throughout the society, penetrated to the front and to the maiden, embraced the whole house, everyone remembered a funny case, everyone laughs long, together alpassedlike the Olympic gods. Only start silent, someone will pick up again - and went to write. Finally, somehow calmed down. - And what, today you will ride, Luka Savich? - asked, silent, Ilya Ivanovich. Again, the overall explosion of laughter that lasted ten minutes. - Does not be told by an antipka post to make a mountain? - Suddenly again says the bugs. - Luka Savich, they say, the hunter is big, does not wait for him ... The laughter of the whole company did not give him. - Yes, are those ... Salazki? - As soon as the laughter said one of the interlocutors. Again laugh. Long laughed everything, finally became little of picking up: other wiped tears, the other was soaring the root, the third coughing was frantically and spoiled, causing hardly: - Ah you, Lord! I strangled the sputum at all ... I embarked then, by God! Such a sin! How it's back, then, and the floors of the cafetan apart ... Here I finally followed the last, the most prolonged launch of laughter, and then all the smallex. One sighed, another yawned out loud, with a sentence, and everything plunged into silence. It was still heard only the pendulum swing, the knock boot of Oblomov and a light crackle of the bought thread. Suddenly, Ilya Ivanovich stopped in the middle of the room with an alarmed view, holding the tip of the nose. - What is this trouble? Watch! He said. - To be the dead man: I have a tip of the nose all itchs ... - Ah you, Lord! - splashing his hands, the wife said. - What is the dead man, if the tip itch? The dead man - when the shifted is itches. Well, Ilya Ivanovich, what kind of god you are with you, Umonamy! Now I will tell you in people someday or at the guest and will be ashamed. - And what does that mean, the tip itching? - asked confused Ilya Ivanovich. - Look in a glass. And how it can be: dead man! - I confuse! - said Ilya Ivanovich. - Where are you mentioning here: then the soup nose itches, then from the end, then your eyebrows ... - on the side, - Polagei Ivanovna picked up, - means to lead; eyebrows itching - tears; forehead - bow: on the right side itches - a man, with the left - woman; Ears will begin - it means to rain, lips - kissing, mustache - there are living rooms, elbow - in a new place to sleep, soles - the road ... - Well, Pelagia Ivanovna, Well done! - said Ilya Ivanovich. - And then when the oil will be cheap, so the head, or what itchies ... The ladies began to laugh and whisper; Some of the men smiled; Preparing again the explosion of laughter, but at that moment the room was heard at one time as if the dog was grumbled and the cat hiss when they were going to rush on each other. It looked around the clock. - e! Yes, nine hours! - Ilya Ivanovich said with joyful amazement. - Look, perhaps, not to see how time passed. Hey, Vaska! Vanka, Motka! Three stayed physiognomy appeared. - What are you not covered on the table? - with surprise and annoyance asked for bugs. - No, to think about the gentlemen? Well, what are you standing? Extremely vodka! - That's why the tip of the nose was screamed! - Vividly said Pelagia Ivanovna. - You will drink vodka and look at a glass. After dinner, having having fun and cross each other, everyone diverges in their beds, and the sleep agrees over careless heads. She sees Ilya Ilyich in a dream, not one, not two such evenings, but all weeks, months and years of day and even days and evenings. Nothing violated the monotony of this life, and the Oblomovs themselves did not have it, because they did not imagine another life - to be; And if they were able to imagine, then with horror they would have turned away from him. Another life and did not want and did not love them. It would be a pity, if the circumstances have made changes to their life, whatever. They are bold to the longing, if tomorrow it will not be like today, and the day after tomorrow. Why do they need a variety, change, chance, for which others suggest? Let others be broken up with this bowl, and they, Oblomovtsam, have no business. Let others live as they want. After all, randomness, at least some benefits are restless: they require trouble, worries, running, do not sit in place, trade or write - in a word, turn, whether the joke is! They continued entire dozens of snakes, sleep and yawning or poured a good-natured laugh from the village humor, or, gathering in a circle, they said that who saw at night in a dream. If the dream was terrible - everyone was thinking, they were afraid without joking; If the prophetic one - all unrefinedly rejoiced or sad, depending on that, sore or comforting dreamed in a dream. Did the dream of compliance with any signs, immediately adopted active measures for this. Not this, so they play fools, in their trumps, and on holidays with guests in Boston, or laid Granpasyanse, are guessing on the Chervonny king, yes on the trephy lady, predicting marketing. Sometimes some Natalia Faddeevna will come to a week, two. First, the old women will open all the sobs, who lives who do what; They will penetrate not only in the family life, in a backstage life, but in the innermost thoughts and intentions of everyone, they will fit into the soul, it will make, they will discuss unworthy, all more wrongful husbands, then recalculate different cases: Name Day, Captain, Motherland, who as treated, whom There is no calling. Tired of this will begin to show new clothes, dresses, salts, even skirts and stockings. The hostess boasts with some canvas, threads, homemade lace. But it will be depleted. Then you are injured with coffee shops, teas, jams. Then already pass to silence. Sit for a long time, looking at each other, at the time of the times he sighs about something. Sometimes that is something and pay. - What are you, my mother? - The other will ask the alarm. - Oh, sad, Golubushka! - answers with a serious sigh of guest. - We predicted the Lord God, the dropped. Do not be good. - Ah, do not scare, do not rust, native! - Interrupts the mistress. "Yes, yes," she continues. - Recent days came: It will rise in the tongue, the kingdom to the kingdom ... light-handing will come! - Finally, Natalia Faddeevna, finally, and both cry bitterly. There was no reason for this conclusion on the part of Natalia Paddeevna, no one rebelled to anyone, even the comet that year was not, but the old women sometimes there are dark premonitions. Occasionally, this time of time will violated with some unknown case, when, for example, everyone will eat the whole house, from Mala to Velik. Other diseases almost and did not hear in the house and village; Does anyone be spoiled onto any count in the dark, or will turn from the hatchel, or the board will fall from the roof, and it will hit the head. But all this was rarely happening, and consuming home test funds were used against such inaccuations: the bruised place will be helped with a bodian or zero, they will give a drink to the holy water or will be seized - and everything will pass. But the avgar happened often. Then everyone is lying in beds in bed; Hears the fucking, moans; One will put the head with cucumbers and will be told by a towel, the other will put the cranberries in the ears and sniffs the horse, the third in one shirt will go to the cold, the fourth is simply lying without feelings on the floor. It happened periodically once or twice a month, because the heat was not loved by a gift to the pipe in the pipe and closed the furnaces when they were running on more lights as in Robert Devil. None of the layer, nor to one stove could not make hands: Togo and look, jumbles the bubble. Once only the monotony of their life was impaired with a truly unexpected case. When, having rested after hard dinner, everyone gathered to tea, suddenly came from the city of Oblomovsky man, and he got it, took from the sinus, finally raped the crumpled letter addressed to Ilya Ivanovich Oblomov. All overlap; The hostess even changed a bit in his face; The eyes of everyone rushed and the noses stretched toward the letter. - What kind of queen! Who is it from? - Finally, the lady finally said. Oblomov took the letter and stealing him in his hands in his hands, not knowing what to do with him. - Yes, where did you take? He asked a man. - Who gave you? "And in the yard, where I prayed in the city, I heard you," the man answered, "you came from the vents twice asking whether there are no breakdown men: I hear the letter to hear the Barina. "Well, I first snapped: the soldier and left the letter." Yes, the Verkholevsky decesed see me, he said. I came in order. As they came to inadequate, swear began to swear and gave a letter, they took another five. I asked what, they say, do me with him, where to do it? So we ordered your grace to give. "And you would not take," the lady noticed angrily. - I did not take it. To which, they say, we are not a letter - we do not need. We, they say, did not punish letters to take - I do not dare: Will you, with a letter! Yes, it went hurried to swear soldier: I wanted to complain to the authorities; I took. - Fool! - said the lady. - From whom would it be? - thoughtfully spoke of brooms, considering the address. - Hand as if familiar, right! And the letter went walking out of hand to hand. Excusted and guesses began: from whom and what could it be about? All finally became a deadlock. Ilya Ivanovich ordered his glasses: they were surrounded by an hour and a half. He put on them and was already thinking to open the letter. - Full, do not print, Ilya Ivanych, "his wife installed with fear, - who knows it, what is it there, the letter? Maybe still scary, some kind of trouble. You mite because the people now it became! Tomorrow or the day you have time - it will not leave you. And the letter with glasses was hidden under the castle. Everyone took up tea. It would have broken there, if it were not too extraordinary phenomenon and did not excite the minds of Oblomov. For tea and the other day, all and the conversation was that a letter. Finally, they did not suffer on the fourth day, gathering the crowd, with embarrassed printed. Bakes looked at the signature. "Radishchev", "he read. - e! Yes it is from Philip Matveich! - A! Oh! Here from whom! - rose from all sides. - How is it still alive alive? Pour you, not yet died! Well, thank God! What is he writing? Oblomov began to read out loud. It turned out that Philip Matveyevich asks him to send him a beer recipe, which was especially well cooked in the crushing. - Send, send him! - all started talking. - We must write a letter. So two weeks have passed. - We must, you need to write! - Ilya Iwanovich Zhenov. - Where is the recipe? - Where is he? - answered his wife. - still need to find. Yes, wait, what to rush? Here, God will give, wait for the holiday, begiving, then you will write; It will not leave ... "In fact, I'll write better about the holiday," said Ilya Ivanovich. At the festival, I went about writing again. Ilya Ivanovich gathered to write at all. He retired to the office, put on glasses and sat down to the table. In the house reigned deep silence; People were not ordinous to stump and noise. "Barin writes!" - They said all such a timidly respectful voice, how they say when there is a dead one in the house. He only laid: "The gracious sovereign", slowly, crookedly, trembling hand and with weight, as if she did some dangerous thing, as his wife appeared to him. - I was looking for, I was looking for - no recipe, "she said. - We still need to look in the bedroom in the closet. Yes How to send a letter? - With the mail it is necessary, "Ilya Ivanovich answered. - What is worth it? Bakes got old calendar. "Forty kopecks," he said. - Here, forty kokes on trifles throw! She noticed. - It will be better to wait, whether there will be no from the city of Okay. You guessed to the men. "And in fact, in principal, it is better," Ilya Iwanovich answered, and, by handing a pen on the table, stuck in the inkwell and took off his glasses. "Right, better," he concluded, "I will not leave: I have been able to send." It is not known whether Philipp Matveyevich recipes waited. Ilya Ivanovich will sometimes take the book in his hands - he doesn't care anyway. He did not suspect in reading a significant need, and he considered his luxury, such a thing, without which it is easy and can do, so exactly how you can have a picture on the wall, you can not have, you can go stroll, you can not go: from this he does not care whatever the book; He looked at her, as a thing appointed for entertainment, from boredom and nothing to do. - I have not read books for a long time, "he will say or sometimes change the phrase:" Let me read the book, "says or simply passing, accidentally see the books of books that went to him after his brother and turn out, without choosing that he will come. Golikov will fall to him Newest Lie Dream book, Heraskova Russian Or the tragedy of Sumarokov, or, finally, the third-party statements - he reads everything with an equal pleasure, saying in time: - You see that I am invented! Ecoo robber! Ah, so that you were empty! These exclamations were treated to the authors - the title, which in his eyes did not use any respect; He even learned himself and then half proprietary to the writers who had the age of old time for them. He, like many then, read the writer is not otherwise as a merry, a walk, drunkard and fun, like a dancer. Sometimes he reveals from the third newspapers and loud, for everyone, or the news informs them. "They write from Gaga," he says, "that His Majesty Korol learned to safely return from short-term travel to the palace," and at the same time will look through glasses on all listeners. Or: - In Vienna, such a messenger presented his credit diplomas. "And here they write," he read more, "that the compositions of Mrs. Zelens translated into Russian." "It's all, tea, for translating," notes one of the listeners, the small landowner, - so that our brother, nobleman, the money to lure. And poor Ilyusha rides and goes to learn to the gallery. As soon as he wakes up on Monday, he attacks the longing. He hears a sharp voice of Vaska, who shouts from the porch: - antipath! Layout Pegoy: Barchonka to the German to carry! The heart thrown out by him. He is sad comes to the mother. She knows why, and begins to gnaw to the pill, in secretly sighing itself about separation with him for a whole week. They do not know what to feed him in the morning, he will be punched by buns and strokes, they will let go of pickles, cookies, jams, polls and other all sorts of dry and wet delicacies and even edible supplies. All this was released in those types that Germans are not firmly fed. - There are no longer eating there, - said Oblomovtsy, - dinner will give a soup, yes roast, and potato, to the tea of \u200b\u200boil, and the dinner is Morgen Free - stem. However, Ilya Ilyich will star down more than Mondays, when he does not hear the voices of the Vaska, who orders to lay the Pegaschka, and when the mother meets him for tea with a smile and with pleasant news: - today you will not go; On Thursday, a big holiday: Is it worth riding back and forth for three days? Or sometimes suddenly declares him: "Today, the parent week is not before the teaching: there will be a stove pancakes." And not the way the mother will look closely on Monday on Monday, and say: - Something you have a little eyes today. Are you healthy? - And shifts his head. Buddly boys Healthyonek, but silent. "Sight you are this week at home," she will say, "and there - that God will give." And everyone in the house was imbued with the conviction that learning and parent Saturday should not coincide together, or that the holiday on Thursday is an irresistible barrier to the study for the entire week. Is it only sometimes a servant or a girl who will get for a barchonka will grumble: - U, darling! Will you fall back to your German? Another time, suddenly, the Antippet will appear on the German Pegashka, among or early or early, Ilya Ilyich. - I arrived, they say, Marya Savishna or Natalia Faddeevna Sail or Body with their children, so please home! And the weeks are three Ilyusha at home, and there, you look, to a passionate week, it's not far, and there is a holiday, and there someone in the family in the family will decide that the week is not learn on a fomine; Until the summer, two weeks remain - do not ride, and in the summer and the German itself rests, so it is better to postpone until the autumn. Look, Ilya Ilyich and go down in half a year, and how he will grow at this time! How to make up! How sleeps nice! They do not push him in the house, noticing, on the contrary, that, returning on Saturday from the German, the child is thin and pale. - How long does sin? - Father and mother said. - leaving will not leave, and not buy health; Health is most expensive in life. Hang, he is from the teaching how from the hospital grows: the alone disappears all, the fluid is so ... and Shalun: Everyone would run! Yes, - will notice the father, - the study is not his brother: at least someone in the bars rolling! And gentle parents continued to bring the prepositions to keep the son of the house. Behind the pretends, and except for the holidays, it did not work. In winter, it seemed to them coldly, in the summer in the heat, too, is not suitable for riding, and sometimes it will rain, it stops sludge in the fall. Sometimes the anti-pin of something dubious seems: the drunk is not drunk, and somehow it looks like: there would be no troubles, it would be bone or break somewhere. Oblomov tried, however, to give as legality as possible by these pretexts in their own eyes and especially in the eyes of the gallez, who did not gently in the eyes and donnervetters For such a pellery. The times of space and cattle were passed for a long time. Proverb learning light, and unaccustomed Darkness wandered along the villages and villages along with books, delivered bukinists. The old men understood the benefit of the enlightenment, but only his external benefits. They saw that everyone began to go out into people, that is, to acquire ranks, crosses and money is not otherwise, as soon as by teaching; That the old attainers, started in the service of the Deltsi, who were in the long-standing habits, quotes and hooks, had to be bad. The sinister rumors began to be worn about the need not only the knowledge of the diplomas, but also others, until the sciences unheard of the life. Between the titular adviser and the college astronor, the abyss was expressed, the bridge through which some kind of diploma served. Olders, Chad Habits and Pets bribes, began to disappear. Many who did not have time to die were kicked out for unreliability, others were given to the court; The happiest were those who, waving a hand from a new order of things, were removed by the foster and to a post-acquired corners. Oblomov was cut it and understood the benefits of education, but only this obvious benefit. On the internal need of teachings, they had another vague and remote concept, and because they wanted to catch some brilliant advantages for her Ilyusha. They dreamed of a shitty uniform for him, imagined his adviser in the ward, and the mother even and the governor; But all this I would like to achieve somehow cheaper, with different tricks, to bypass the stones and obstacles scattered along the path of enlightenment and honests, not working through them, that is, for example, to learn slightly, not until the soul and body is not Before the loss of a blessed, in childhood acquired fullness, and so that only to comply with the prescribed form and get somehow certificate in which it would be said that Ilyusha all sciences and art passed. All this kindergarten system has met a strong opposition in the gallery system. The struggle was breathing on both sides. Stolz straight, openly and persistently struggled rivals, and they shied away from the blows of the above and other tricks. Victory was not solved in any way; Perhaps the German perseverance and overcoming the stubbornness and the checkers of the Oblomovtsy, but the German met difficulties on his own side, and the victory was not destined to decide on any other way. The fact is that the son of the gallery was bald Oblomov, then suggesting his lessons, then making translations for him. Ilya Ilyich is clearly seen and homemade life and live in Stolz. He just wakes up at home, as the bed is already standing by Zakhar, afterwards the famous Campner of his Zakhar Trofimich. Zakhar, as happening a nanny, pulls the stockings to him, puts on shoes, and Ilyusha, already a fourteen-year-old boy, only he knows that he susts him alone, then another leg; And a little bit, he does not seem like this, he will give up the Zakhar foot in his nose. If the dissatisfied Zakharku swallows complain, he will also receive from the older beater. Then Zakharka scaret heads, pulls the jacket, carefully selling the hands of Ilya Ilyich in the sleeve, so as not to disturb him too much, and reminds Ilya Ilyich that it is necessary to do something, other: in the morning, wash it, etc. Whether Ilya Ilyich will want, he should only blink - three-four servants are thrown to fulfill his desire; Did he lose anything, whether he needs a thing, but will not get, to bring that if you run away for what: he sometimes, like a young boy, and I want to rush and remake all myself, and here suddenly father and mother yes three aunts in five votes and shout: - Why? Where? And Vaska, and Vanka, and Zakharka for what? Hey! Vaska! Vanka! Zakhar! What do you look, riot? Here I am! .. And I will not be able to do something for myself. After he found that it was even restful, and he himself learned to shove out: "Hey, Vaska! Vanka! Fend something, give another! I do not want to want it! Run, bring! " Sometimes the gentle caring of the parents and bored him. Whether he runs from the staircase or in the yard, suddenly, after he heard at ten desperate votes: "Ah, ah! Support, stop! Falls, breaks down ... stand, stand! " Will he think to jump out in winter in the summer or hand over the window - again screams: "Ah, where? How can I? Do not run, do not go, do not answer: you will kill, catchy ... " And Ilyusha with sadness stayed at home, cherished as an exotic flower in a greenhouse, and just like the last under glass, he grew slowly and sluggish. The seekers of the manifestations of force turned inside and Nicli, fading. And sometimes he wakes up so cheerful, fresh, cheerful; He feels: it plays something, boils, exactly settled the banena of someone who tends to get it on the roof, then sit on Savrask yes jump into the meadow, where the hay kit, or sit on the fence riding, or sample rustic dogs; Or suddenly it will want to go on the village running around, then in the field, on Buuras, in Bereznyak, yes in three jumps to rush on the bottom of the ravine, or to get rid of the boys to play snowballs, try your hand. Babeen is so climbing him: he is fastened, attached, finally will not suffer and suddenly, without a traffic point, in winter, jump from the porch to the courtyard, from there for the gate, captured in both hands for whom the snow and rushes to a pile of boys. The fresh wind cuts his face, behind the ears, the frost, in his mouth and the throat smelled cold, and his chest was joying - he rushes, from where his legs took, himself and squealing and laughs. Here and the boys: He's a Baz in the snow - passing: there is no skill; Only I wanted to seize the snowball, as the whole face shoved him a whole block of snow: he fell; And it hurts him with unaccustomed, and he has fun, and he laughs, and he has tears in his eyes ... And in the house of the guvot: Ilyushi is not! Creek, noise. Zakharka jumped into the yard, behind him Vaska, Mitka, Vanka - all run, confused, in court. They rushed behind them, grabbing them for heels, two dogs, which, as you know, cannot indifferently see the running person. People with shouts, with screams, dogs with barks rushing around the village. Finally they came to the boys and began to replace justice: whom for the hair, whom for the ears, other Poddensers; threatened and their fathers. Then they already mastered the barchonk, they wrapped it into captured Tulup, then to the father's fur coat, then two blankets and solemnly brought home in their hands. At home, we desperate already see him, counting the dead; But at the sight of his living and unavoidable, the joy of parents was indescribable. I thanked the Lord God, then we drank him mint, there Elderly, in the evening there were raspberries and held three days in bed, and he would one might be useful: again play snowballs ...

Bugs from the same name Roman I.A. Goncharov - the personification of the Meshchansky life. This is a young man, a landowner, a leading "contemplative" lifestyle, which implies perfect inaction. The hero is in such a state of affairs, however

he is not capable of himself. In the first part of the novel, in the 9th chapter, the author talks about the formation of the worldview of Oblomov, about his life ideals. The chapter is called a summary of her: Ilya Ilyich fell asleep, and in a dream he was given the episodes of distant childhood: native estate, the village of Oblomovka. The village was located in the wilderness, there were about twenty miles to the nearest city, and therefore all sorts of progress trees were alien to the Obloments, people lived a patriarchal system, seriously believed in the signs and fairy tales. Life flowed sleepily, as a guy, the peasants lived carelessly, as children, who do not seek anything, and did not know and did not want another life.

The owner of the estate, elder broils, did not differ from his fortress, was lazy and sluggish. His daily classes are walking or sitting at the window. All the interests of the family -

it is tasty to eat and sleep tightly, in the interruptions leisurely doing household chores. Parents prohibited Ilya to engage in any cases to himself, which subsequently formed in it that indestructible trait of the character, with which the bugs would not be able to continue - laziness. In the parent house did not give any importance to the upbringing and education of the heir, it was reluctant to school, homework helped him to make his closest friend - Andrei Stolz, the Son of the Teacher.

"The sleep of which is given above is the ironic description of" Paradise on Earth ". In this chapter, the author mercilessly rises a smug, inactive lifestyle of most landowners of that time.

At the same time, Goncharov portrayed his hero by no means a negative character. The author's attitude towards him, of course, is sharp, however, at the same time foul. In the broom, there were all the deposits for the development of an active and educated personality. In the chapter "Sleep Oblomov", a summary of this says, it is mentioned that Ilya Ilyich was a very inquisitive child in childhood, with a poetic mindset, but parent education

it ruined in it all the data of the nature of the talents and left the opportunity to observe the vitality of life events from a comfortable sofa. The actual life of the hero can be described by the same words from the head of Sleep Oblomov. The text, the summary of which is given above, is fully characterized by the lifestyle of the mature Ilyushi, only a place of action has changed. He more than once made attempts to change his character, overcome the apathy, to engage in self-education, but all of his intentions remained. The ordered books were lying on the shelves, never open, the cleanliness of the room was completely dependent on the servant of Zakhar, the visit to his native broom was postponed indefinitely.

Sleep Oblomov, a summary of which gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe surrounding a small boy atmosphere, many critics consider novel's overture, as the entire future life of the main character is briefly described in this chapter, it's impossible to even imagine his fate. Unlike Oblomov is described in the novel of Skupor, probably because the worst in his life has already happened. It was not even death, but only the end of the existence, "as if one day I forgot to start time."

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