
Why the Communist Party is not a communist party. The Communist Party is not a communist party. Communist Party banner - red

The attitude of the Communist Party to the national question

For a truly communist party, the principle of proletarian internationalism is at the forefront of all its activities, and this is expressed even in the main slogan of the communists of the whole world -

"Workers of all countries, unite!"

Why is this the main slogan of the communists?

Because only by uniting the proletariat of different countries and peoples can the world bourgeoisie be defeated!

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation, on the other hand, views the national question in a completely different way. On the one hand, it seems to declare the friendship of peoples:

"The party is fighting ... for the re-establishment of the fraternal Union of Soviet peoples ..." [see. Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation], and on the other hand, declares in the same place in his Program that "the tasks of solving the Russian question and the struggle for socialism are essentially the same."

Such are the words of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and its actions are even more odious - the movement "Russian Lad", initiated by the Communist Party, unites in its ranks not workers and rural workers, but 130 bourgeois-patriotic, nationalist and Orthodox structures, such as "Holy Russia", the Cossack Fund "For the Fatherland" and the International Slavic Academy! Those. double monarchists, nationalists and religious leaders, whose task is to contribute in every possible way to the prosperity of the ruling class in Russia today - the bourgeoisie, and, consequently, to the unrestrained oppression and exploitation of the working masses of our country!

Arguing in its Program about the fraternal Union of Soviet Peoples, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation at the same time hates these peoples with fierce hatred, demanding legislative restrictions on the entry of migrants from Central Asia into Russia, who, generally speaking, are representatives of those very Soviet peoples who lived in the conditions of Soviet socialism. amicably. Why are these peoples so not pleased with the Communist Party today? The fact that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation fulfills the will of the national bourgeoisie of Russia and the Central Asian republics, which are simply engaged in dividing the market among themselves, including the labor market, without which profit and appropriation of other people's labor is impossible.

Which class benefits from the ardent nationalism of the Communist Party? Again, only and exclusively for the bourgeoisie !!!

The classics of Marxism-Leninism proved with all irrefutability that the transition from capitalism to socialism is IMPOSSIBLE otherwise than through a socialist revolution. History has repeatedly confirmed their conclusion.

As for the Communist Party, Zyuganov's most famous phrase is probably the notorious "... Our country has exhausted the limit on revolutions and other upheavals ...", which says only one thing, that the leader of the Communist Party is not only an outspoken lackey of the bourgeois class, but also not a very smart person.

Revolutions cannot be prohibited. A revolution is a change in the socio-economic system, cardinal changes in all areas of society, during which the ruling class in society is changing. Revolutions are demanded by life itself, the very development of the productive forces, human society, science, technology. Revolutions arise regardless of the wishes of any particular person; they are the result of the action of the objective laws of the development of human society. And since the old ruling class never leaves voluntarily, in an amicable way, these changes are usually made by revolutionary uprisings. Such were, for example, all bourgeois revolutions, when the bourgeois class that had grown up in the bowels of feudal society overthrew the class of feudal lords. The same were all socialist revolutions, when the oppressed proletarian class overthrew its oppressors, the bourgeois class.

But the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and its leader Zyuganov categorically disagree with the laws of social development. They completely deny the socialist revolution, inviting the working people to go to socialism through political struggle in the bourgeois parliament. The fact that this path is completely unrealistic and unpromising does not bother them. Quite the contrary, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is very happy with this - after all, this party lives very well, receiving huge money from the Russian bourgeois government for its alleged protection of the interests of the working people.

Would the bourgeoisie pay a lot of money to those who really want to overthrow it? Never! This means that the activity of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the form in which it is carried out is beneficial to the bourgeoisie!
What does the Communist Party of the Russian Federation think about the dictatorship of the proletariat?

If the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is afraid of revolutions like fire, then the mere mention of the dictatorship of the proletariat, on the principles of which every true Communist Party should stand, will be enough at once. We look at the Program, listen to the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Zyuganov and see that we were not mistaken - this is the way it is.

In the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, in Zyuganov's speeches and in official party documents, there is not even a mention of the dictatorship of the proletariat!

But VI Lenin directly pointed out that anyone who denies the dictatorship of the proletariat is an enemy of the working class and an enemy of socialism, because without the dictatorship of the proletariat it is impossible to build a socialist society!

In a class society where two main social classes, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, participate in material production, only either the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie or the dictatorship of the proletariat is possible. There can be no other state, about which the Communist Party constantly speaks, without indicating its class essence and calling it "the state of workers"!

The Communist Party invites Russian workers to go not to the scientific socialism of Marx and Lenin, but to a certain “socialism of the 21st century”, “new socialism” (“neo-socialism”), in which labor and capital will somehow coexist peacefully with each other. But can a wolf and a sheep, a man and a tick feeding on his blood live peacefully together? This is completely out of the question! One of them must yield to the other. And historical practice shows that whenever there is talk about the "peaceful coexistence of labor and capital," in fact, it turns out that this only means the complete subordination of labor to capital. This is exactly what the Communist Party of the Russian Federation does.

Let's see what the Communist Party of Russia "socialism of the XXI century" consists of and what are its main features.

The Communist Party sees its main task as:

"The establishment of the democratic power of the working people, broad popular-patriotic forces headed by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation." [Cm. Communist Party Program].

This party is going to:

"To actively revive and develop direct democracy ..." [See. Communist Party Program].

And what is "power by the people"?

This is what can never be, and what the bourgeoisie always shouts about, covering up its interest with talk about the people in general.

Why is there no democracy?

But because it makes no sense for the people to rule over themselves. Always reign OVER SOMEONE else! Over who needs to be forced to do your will. In a class society, it is not the people who always rule, but a part of the people - the class. In a classless society, i.e. under full communism, it is not required to rule over anyone at all - people will become so conscious and educated that a communist society will function on the basis of self-government, high self-awareness of all citizens, who will not need any coercion.

Communists openly say that under socialism the proletariat will rule. Who will he rule over? Over the bourgeoisie and bourgeois elements, its fragments, so that they cannot become oppressors and exploiters again. Under socialism, the overwhelming majority of the people rule over an insignificant minority.

And only the bourgeoisie, always making up a deliberately small part of the country's people, covers up its rule over the majority with words about the power of the entire people. And this is not at all accidental, the bourgeoisie needs this deception, because otherwise the majority will simply not obey it! This is the true meaning of the "rule of the people", which the Communist Party calls for!

What will happen in the end? And the same thing that exists now - everything under the Communist Party of the Russian Federation "renewed socialism" will be decided by the bourgeoisie. And it is she who, while talking about "real democracy", will again be the ruling class! This directly implies that the "neo-socialism" of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is typical capitalism, exactly the same as we have today!

It may be objected that the CPRF Program says a lot about concrete measures to improve the social situation of the working people and even raises the question of nationalization.

Yes, there are such provisions in the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

But what do they really mean in reality in conditions when everything is ruled by the bourgeoisie, when private ownership of the means of social production is permitted in the country?

And the fact that any social benefits for the working people will be temporary, it is difficult to knock them out of the bourgeoisie, but it very easily and quickly takes them back. How much we have said during perestroika about "Swedish socialism", about the states of "Welfer State"! And where are they now? Not at all! European workers lived relatively well as long as the USSR was alive. Then the European bourgeoisie needed to smooth out the social contradictions in its society so that the proletarian masses, looking at the USSR, would not strive for socialism. But after the destruction of Soviet socialism, the European bourgeoisie no longer had any need to spend enormous material resources on a "decent" life for its employees. Social guarantees for employees in Europe began to rapidly curtail. And today only "horns and legs" are left of them.

The situation is similar with nationalization, which Zyuganov often talks about and which is very popular with the majority of fans of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Nationalization of nationalization - strife.

What is nationalization?

This is the transfer of the means of production from private ownership to state ownership. And here the key point is the state, which becomes the new owner of the means of production, its essence.

If this state is socialist, i.e. dictatorship of the proletariat, then nationalization, of course, is a progressive and necessary measure, capable in the most fundamental way to improve the social and economic position of all the working masses in the country.

But if we are talking about a bourgeois state, such as our Russia, for example, then the position of the working people from the transfer of the means of production from private hands to the ownership of such a state will not change at all!

Because the bourgeois state (the state of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie) is a kind of committee for managing the affairs of the entire bourgeois class in the country, something like hired managers. In fact, the means of production both belonged to the bourgeoisie (to a specific individual or several persons), so they will belong to individuals, only a slightly larger number of them, but still a negligible part of the country's population. And just as private individuals (big capital) received all the profits from these means of production, so they will receive them, only now this profit will be divided not into units, but into tens or hundreds of people who belong to the bourgeois class and have access to the state feeding trough. ...

Understanding the essence of the bourgeois state lies at the root of the issue of corruption in our country, about which Zyuganov talks a lot, cursing and stigmatizing it. As long as capitalism exists in Russia, corruption will flourish in it. And all for the same reason - the state funds that come to the treasury of the Russian state from our taxes and payments, the bourgeois class (the big bourgeoisie) perceives its own personal means!

The treasury of Russia is the general treasury of the bourgeois class. This money is for them, not for you and me, not for the common people, not for the working masses.

That is why spending on social guarantees for the population is constantly being reduced in Russia, new fines and payments are being introduced, tariffs are increasing, prices are rising, everything and everyone is being privatized, etc. Our Russian capital wants to grow fat even more! And it simply cannot do otherwise - otherwise it will not be able to withstand competition with foreign capital and it will simply gobble it up.

What is the conclusion from all this?

As you can see, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation does not meet any of the main criteria of a true communist party !!!

The Communist Party is NOT a communist party.

The CPRF is a purely bourgeois party. It reflects the interests of the middle and petty bourgeois class in Russia.

The aim of the Communist Party is not socialism, but the preservation of capitalism.

The CPRF's method is to fool the working masses with beautiful words about "democracy" and "new socialism".

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is the main support of the bourgeois regime existing in the country, because it fetters the revolutionary energy of the masses, directing their legitimate and just protest against the existing system on the path where it is IMPOSSIBLE to defeat the bourgeoisie and capitalism! And

The political party "" (hereinafter referred to as the Communist Party of the Russian Federation or the Communist Party of the Russian Federation) was created on a voluntary basis by citizens of the Russian Federation, united on the basis of a community of interests to implement its program and statutory goals.

Formed on the initiative of the communists, the primary organizations of the Communist Party of the RSFSR and the CPSU, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation continues the cause of the RSDLP - RSDLP (b) - RCP (b) - VKP (b) - CPSU and the Communist Party of the RSFSR, being their ideological successor. IN AND. Lenin dated the emergence of the Communist Party, Bolshevism "as a trend of political thought and as a political party" from 1903, i.e. from the II Congress of the RSDLP.

The leaders, general (first) secretaries, chairmen of the party for the 110-year period were: V. I. Lenin (until 1924), J.V. Stalin (until 1953), N.S. Khrushchev (1953-1964), L.I.Brezhnev (1964-1982), Yu.V. Andropov (1982-1983), K.U. Chernenko (1983-1984), M.S. Gorbachev (1984-1991), as well as in the Communist Party of the RSFSR - I.K.Polozkov (1990-1991), V. A. Kuptsov (1991), G.A. Zyuganov (from February 1993 - from the moment of the re-establishment of the Communist Party of the RSFSR - the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and up to the present).

The party operated underground and semi-legally from 1903 to February 1917. Legally - from March 1917. As the ruling party RSDLP (b) - RCP (b) - VKP (b) - CPSU and KP of the RSFSR operated from November 7 (October 25 to Art.) 1917 to August 23, 1991. Exercised executive power as part of a coalition government from November 1917 to July 1918 (coalition with the Party of Left SRs), as well as from September 1998 to May 1999. (coalition government of Primakov-Maslyukov).

Based on the Decrees of President Boris Yeltsin in 1991-1992 and after the execution of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR in 1993 year activities of the Communist Party in the Russian Federation was banned (suspended).

At the end of 1992, after the decision of the Constitutional Court of the RSFSR, which recognized unconstitutional the provisions of the Decrees of President Boris Yeltsin on the dissolution of the organizational structures of the primary party organizations formed on a territorial basis, the party resumed its activities.

One more an attempt to ban the Communist Party and arrest the leaders of the Communist Party and the Communist deputies of the State Duma was undertaken in March 1996 after the State Duma denounced the Belovezhskaya agreements on the dissolution of the USSR.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is the party that continues the cause RSDLP - RSDLP (b) - RCP (b) - VKP (b) - KPSS and KP RSFSRregistered with the authorities of the current Russian Federation since the II Extraordinary Congress of Communists of Russia (February 13-14, 1993) as the restored Communist Party of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.


Communist Party of the Russian Federation - the party of patriots, internationalists, the party of friendship of peoples, protection of Russian, Russian civilization... The Communist Party of the Russian Federation, defending communist ideals, defends the interests of the working class, peasantry, intelligentsia, and all working people. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation builds its work on the basis of the Program and the Charter.

On January 1, 2016 in the structure of the Communist Party are functioning 85 regional organizations, 2350 local and 14151 primary branches... Since the previous congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, more than 60 thousand of our like-minded people have joined the ranks of the communists Hthe population of the party is 162,173 people.

More than half of Russian communists are people of working age and active age. The social composition of the party: 14% - workers, 13% - office workers, about 7% - unemployed, 6.6% - agrarians, 4.3% - students, 4.2% - engineers and technicians, 4% - representatives of the creative intelligentsia , 3% - entrepreneurs, 1.2% - business leaders.

The average age of members of the Communist Party is 55.6 years.

If you are an adult citizen of the Russian Federation, you are not a member of another party, you share the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and recognize its Charter, you are not indifferent to the fate of our Motherland and consider capitalism an unjust organization of society, if you want to fight for communist ideals, you can become a communist! More about how to join the Communist Party You can find out in relevant section... If you share the ideas of the Communist Party, are not indifferent to what is happening in Russia today and are ready to provide the CPRF with all possible assistance, then You can become a supporter of the Communist Party.

ABOUT governing body structure party you can find information in the section Structure of governing bodies.

If you would like to familiarize yourself with the official documents of the Communist Party, materials about meetings of the Presidium, Plenums, Congresses, etc., you can find all this in the section Official documents of the Central Committee of the Communist Party.

To get contact information or leave a donation to the party fund, then you can find everything you need in the section of the same name. Contact Information .

The Communist Party's banner is red.

The anthem of the Communist Party is “Internationale”.

The symbol of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a symbol of the union of workers of the city, village, science and culture - a hammer, a sickle and a book.

The motto of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is "Russia, labor, democracy, socialism!"

Original taken from itsitizen in XY is "comrade" Zyuganov and your party?

If you read the inscription "buffalo" on an elephant's cage, do not believe your eyes.
Kozma Prutkov

Many times in polemics with my "left", "right" and "center" opponents, I never tire of repeating - pay attention to the CONTENT of people's actions, see the ESSENCE of things. Do not reflect, like monkeys, on the form, relying only on external phenomena. Form is deceiving. The phenomenon, without understanding the cause-and-effect relationships (essence), causing this phenomenon, is simply an unintelligible fact.
We saw red flags with the symbols of the USSR and people with red scarves carrying them, heard communist rhetoric, and, like a trained chimpanzee bonobo, a reaction - ABOUT! Communists!
Although there are only symbols from the communists. But in the essence of things - the purest and most vile bourgeoisie, mimicking the Communists.

I came across wonderful material, a qualitative analysis, exactly on this matter. I share.


Why the Communist Party is not a communist party

Watching the disputes on the Internet between supporters and opponents of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, one often wonders how far the supporters of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation are from understanding communism and the essence of the communist idea. Briefly, their position can probably be described as follows - "we are for all good and against all bad." What a communist party should be and what it should be doing, they can't even imagine! They are quite satisfied that the name of their party contains the word "communist", which in their understanding is quite enough to reflect the true essence of political organization. They are not aware of the difference between form and content and do not want to be aware of it. Sad but true!

And unfortunately, the roots of this phenomenon lie in the post-Stalinist USSR, when faith in the Communist Party was simply limitless, which was actually used by those who wanted to return capitalism. But this blind faith in the infallibility of the CPSU did not allow the Soviet communists to organize the masses of Soviet workers in the struggle against the advancing counter-revolution, while the Soviet people did not at all strive for capitalism.

I remember the well-known A. Yakovlev, “the gray cardinal of perestroika,” after the destruction of the USSR and the destruction of Soviet socialism, admitted that the enemies of socialism did this using the power of the party itself. But even such a confession of an outspoken enemy did not at all alert the Soviet party inhabitants (there was in the USSR such a variety of Soviet people, to a large extent responsible for everything that happened to our country at the end of the 20th century), did not make them think about what is political party and what are its goals and objectives and analyze in the most serious way all the activities of the CPSU and the essence of the newly-minted Communist Party.

Talking about the Communist Party, we often have to point out that the main pillar of the existing capitalist system in Russia is not the party of power "United Russia", as many think, but the Communist Party of the Russian Federation... Some comrades are very surprised by this. But it really is.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is indeed the heir to the late CPSU, which actively helped to destroy socialism in our country, and now continues its policy, fettering the revolutionary energy of the party masses and a significant part of non-party workers who are extremely dissatisfied with capitalism. Accustomed to not thinking, not taking on any responsibility and meekly obeying all the instructions of the party bosses, a significant part of the former members of the CPSU, which is now in the ranks of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, actually turned out to be completely neutralized from any kind of active political activity. Instead of real politics, they were offered the illusion of politics and they, without going into the essence of the matter, grabbed it with their hands and feet, since such an activity was completely safe for them and fully corresponded to their philistine understanding. After all, to be a real revolutionary, as the Bolsheviks were, to risk oneself and make sacrifices was no longer required - Zyuganov "abolished" the class struggle and revolutions, what else is needed? Slowly, they say, if we try and vote correctly in the elections, we will come to socialism through a peaceful parliamentary way.

Explaining why the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is not a communist party, we will not analyze each of the numerous statements of its leader G.A. Zyuganov, to bring footcloths of quotes from the Communist Party program - this has been done more than once, and there is no point in repeating it. We will look deep into the problem, embracing it in general, and show the very essence of this party, comparing it with a truly communist one. And let the reader decide for himself whether to agree with our arguments or not, whether they are false or true.

First, about the criteria with which we will approach the Communist Party, i.e. About, what is a political party, and what is a real communist party.

The article exceeds the volume that allows you to insert LJ. Therefore, I have to give a LINK to the full text. I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the full text, where it is shown in detail, methodically, point by point, why exactly what is presented in the conclusions below (taken from the same place) takes place.


The Communist Party is NOT a communist party.

The CPRF is a purely bourgeois party. It reflects the interests of the middle and petty bourgeois class in Russia.

The aim of the Communist Party is not socialism, but the preservation of capitalism.

The CPRF's method is to fool the working masses with beautiful words about "people's rule" and "new socialism."

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is the main support of the bourgeois regime existing in the country, because it fetters the revolutionary energy of the masses, directing their legitimate and just protest against the existing system on a path where it is IMPOSSIBLE to defeat the bourgeoisie and capitalism!

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The matter is moving towards elections. It is quite obvious that, looking at objective reality with its wild capitalism and the relentless chatter of the ruling comprador oligarchs and their loyal public poodles about "caring for the aspirations of the people", communist sentiments are growing in society. A lot of lies have poured out over the years on the Bolsheviks, the Soviet system, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, the USSR, socialism, communism and continues to pour. They beat and will beat Lenin on Marx, then Lenin on Stalin, then Stalin on Lenin and Marx, inventing all sorts of fables. Such is the need for bourgeois propaganda to hang noodles on the ears of people, to turn them away from communism. To do this, all sorts of "leavened patriots" Kolya Starikovs, Fursovs and others are launched into the infospace, carrying blatant lies and posing as "historians-publicists" who travel around the country with "lectures", "meetings with readers", releasing videos on the Internet in industrial scale, etc.
But while those who happened to to live let in late Soviet socialism, when in essence, there were already remnants of it, which the newly emerging bourgeoisie did not manage to finish off from the Stalinist backlog, but even with all this, there is something to compare with.
The current steady deterioration of the standard of living of the overwhelming majority of the population and the shifting of the entire "social sphere" to the already meager budget of the working people, FORCES people to direct their gaze to the recent past and to compare.
It is clear that under this process, right there and then, the "ardent Zyuganovites" began to sharply gain momentum in propaganda, trying to catch the "mainstream" and straddle it. 450 sput salary and the same quarter bonus from the bourgeois anti-people government in the warm seats of the State Duma and at the expense of the same workers, you must agree, "there is something to fight for."
Well, communist rhetoric is just a TOOL.

Be carefull. Of the "Orthodox communists" who "cannot find the differences between the Moral Code of the builders of communism and the Sermon on the Mount," advocating an economy with "various forms of ownership," are the same communists, like Tsiskaridze from me ...

The saga with the election of the governor of Primorye is remarkable not only in terms of the behavior of the CEC and the candidate from the ruling party, Andrei Tarasenko, but also the actions of his main opponent, Andrei Ishchenko, and the entire Communist Party of the Russian Federation. First, Ishchenko went on a hunger strike, but interrupted it less than a day later, after Gennady Zyuganov began sending urgent signals to the Kremlin in Moscow, ranging from requests to threats to hold a protest rally. The Primorsky candidate liked the "notes of interaction" he heard in the words of Ella Pamfilova, but when the elections were eventually canceled altogether, Ishchenko announced his intention to go to court and challenge this decision. He did not even hide his sincere conviction that it was enough to recognize his victory - and the falsified votes can simply be ignored.

The current position of the Communist Party - taking into account all the events of the last year - is best described by the word "piquant". On the one hand, protests against the pension reform and the disgusting behavior of the authorities in the elections only play into the hands of the left: you can actually "take power" or, at least, declare your ambitions. On the other hand, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is in no hurry to do this: the potential risks of a direct conflict with both United Russia and the Kremlin somewhat cool the revolutionary sentiments in the minds of party members. True, from the outside it inevitably creates the impression that the party is resting its feet on the ground in front of an armored car, which is pushing it by circumstances, but the communists themselves are sure that they are doing everything right: it is much more convenient to wait for their victory in the legal field than to fight, fight and fight again without a guaranteed result.

Waiting for a revolutionary situation

A great psychological advantage for the communists in their political struggle was given by the authorities themselves, which "crossed the line with the pension reform," says the former candidate for mayor of Moscow from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Vadim Kumin. “The Communist Party of the Russian Federation has taken a consistent position: we do not support the reform and do not support the initiatives of the liberal government at all,” he told Novaya. - In my opinion, the only way out of the authorities now is to create a coalition government. People are already expressing distrust [of the current government] by organizing a protest vote. "

At the same time, Kumin believes that it is by no means possible to accuse the Communist Party of the Russian Federation of inaction: it was the communists who wanted to initiate a referendum on pension reform, they also took people out to the square in Moscow with posters “All power to the workers” and “Down with the capitalist ministers” ( in July 12 thousand people came under the banner of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, in early September - 9 thousand.V.P.). “The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is advancing, fighting,” declares the Moscow communist.

The authorities, however, suppress these attempts to "attack" quite easily: the topic of the referendum was eventually "chewed", and the rallies in Moscow were coordinated, so they did not initially anticipate any problems. It seems that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation does not commit more daring actions such as the mass withdrawal of supporters to the square without the consent of the authorities and simply does not go into an open conflict in the regions with appointees of the authorities (the same Ishchenko at the very beginning of the election scandal stated that he supported Putin's policy, although dissociated himself from the "United Russia"). Cobblestones, of course, have long been "not our method", but the same Communist Party of the Russian Federation could unite with Navalny as a sudden feint: he offered to take part in the protests related to Primorye. But the Communist Party of the Russian Federation has once again resolutely dissociated itself from any services of the opposition: Navalny "wants to enter paradise on someone else's hump," said Vasily Kashin, deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Communists prefer to work in the legal field, since any of their going beyond it is convenient for the authorities: you can uncover the truncheons, - said the former presidential candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Pavel Grudinin. On the territory of the law, the communists have important victories: the same Gennady Zyuganov did not ask, but "demanded" that Putin, as the guarantor of the Constitution, deal with the falsifications - and this eventually happened. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation continues to be the main legal opposition association and, in fact, alone opposes the ruling party. The communists are the only ones who have an ideology (which, according to Grudinin, neither the Liberal Democratic Party, nor the "SR", or even Navalny has), and it is easy to go into battle with it, since “the foundations of the state have been destroyed, the authorities have neither honor nor conscience ", Says the former presidential candidate. After all, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation also has ambitions to become the main political force in the country.

But again: in order to change the state ideology, a “revolutionary situation” must develop - as in the same Armenia, where people took to the square, and the government changed, because the police and the army took the side of the people.

Russia is also close to a “revolutionary situation”, since “negative selection” has been going on in the government for many years. But as in Armenia, it will definitely not be.

“If you take riot police from Chechnya and send them to disperse protests in Vladivostok, then the police will probably not side with the population. A civil war will simply start, ”states Grudinin. But this does not mean that the struggle is pointless: the task of taking power by legal means has not gone anywhere, but no one said that it would be easy.

Photo: RIA Novosti

Sit well

The strength and motives of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation should not be overestimated, since it is quite comfortable in the role of the main opposition party in the current system of government. “The CPRF maintains good relations with the Kremlin, sometimes quite sincerely - as in foreign policy issues - agreeing with it. At the same time, the communists have greater autonomy compared to the Liberal Democratic Party and the “SR”, and the party understands that the Kremlin will not make special efforts to support its life, ”says political analyst Grigory Golosov. “Therefore, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation uses“ diversified strategies ”in order, on the one hand, not to irritate the Kremlin, and, on the other, to strengthen its electoral base.” The pension reform has just become a testing ground for testing such strategies: the Communists will propagandize people who are dissatisfied with the increase in the retirement age to join the party, but they will not take to the streets once again, so that the inhabitants of the Kremlin towers are not very nervous.

The new electoral potential that the Communist Party has formed as a result of the pension reform and the September 9 elections, it makes sense to transform not into a momentary conflict with the Kremlin, but into an element of bargaining on some sensitive issues for the party, suggests the logic of the communists, political scientist Rostislav Turovsky. Even if the party's strength in the regions of Russia has not increased so much that one can speak of its total domination, this is enough to solve local problems.

“In the current political system, the Communist Party is building its strategy with an eye to the next Duma elections,” says Turovsky. - Bargaining with the federal authorities over each position is inevitable: although there are more opportunities, the room for maneuver is still limited. This is a positional game: for example, this year it was important for the Communist Party to secure Klychkov in the Oryol region, and a consensus on him with the Kremlin and with the support of United Russia was reached. But in Primorye there is simply no need for the Communist Party to go broke, because an open conflict may be fraught with consequences in other regions. " The Communist Party of the Russian Federation has no physical ability to overcome the party of power on a national scale, so it remains to negotiate. “Sometimes losing elections with a good result is even more profitable for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation than winning, because the“ red governors ”can always come into conflict with the center, and this will turn out to be the party’s side,” states Turovsky.

And the party simply turned out to be conceptually unprepared for the voter who came to it as a result of all the mistakes of the authorities. “This is an undeserved voter: he came, but the Communist Party of the Russian Federation does not know what to do with him,” says political strategist Vitaly Shklyarov. “The party is used to receiving its interest in the Duma and is not ready to change anything - which is a pity.” Everything can still change, since the Communist Party of the Russian Federation sooner or later awaits a renewal in the leadership (the current strategy of the party is a direct consequence of Gennady Zyuganov's position, Shklyarov believes), and then strengthening the party for the Communists who replaced their leader is very beneficial: they may have ambitions more serious than the current ones.

However, not everything depends only on the Communist Party. “The fact that the presidential administration has no plans to strengthen the parliamentary opposition is a fact. The presence of legal force to absorb a protest vote is considered dangerous, from their point of view, ”Shklyarov is sure. Communists who have extensive experience of interaction with the Kremlin also understand this in 1996, when they made the first big compromise; and in 2004, when the Kremlin nearly split the Communist Party of the Russian Federation by showing the party members their place. Therefore, if the current protest potential, which has come into the hands of the Communist Party, is “drained” by the party itself, it will cause disappointment, but certainly not surprise. It's more familiar and safer - how can you blame for this?

The "Communists of Russia", using the example of the CPRF congress, which preceded their plenum, decided to show the difference between the camps of the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks (the CPKR members refer to Zyuganov's party members to the latter). “Every five minutes limousines with big-bellied persons will drive up to the luxurious building of the Zyuganov congress, and discreetly dressed, lean party members will walk briskly from the nearest metro station to the modest building of the budgetary“ Cosmos ”(we are talking about a hotel on Prospekt Mira) ... The building of the Izmailovo Concert Hall, in which the leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation gathered on Saturday, can hardly be called luxurious, and it was not possible to find limousines in the nearest radius.

Positioning themselves as Bolsheviks "Communists of Russia", however, were right about something else: "not a word against the clergy" was not heard at the congress. The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation has long made no secret of the fact that he follows Orthodox traditions (for example, in 2011 he visited the temple to venerate the Virgin's belt), and his fellow party member in the fall headed the committee for public associations and religious organizations. In front of the entrance to the Izmailovo KZ, the communists were greeted by a tent with “tasty pies from the monastery,” as the inscription read. A couple of hours after the start of the event, they were gone.

Some kind of mongrels

During his speech at the congress, Gennady Zyuganov put a hairpin on the rival communists only once and then in passing: speaking about the results of the Duma elections, he mentioned a certain spoiler party that was pulling off the votes of his wards. So he called the party more than once. The Communist Party even tried to force the "Communists of Russia" to change its name through the courts, insisting on the excessive similarity of the name and symbols. The arbitration court refused to consider the claim.

Suraikin is sure that the "Communists of Russia" and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation have little in common: his party lives on self-financing, as the Bolsheviks should, while the parliamentary communists are chic. The Communist Party, in addition, spoils the life of the "Communists of Russia", "telling all kinds of things" about competitors to foreign colleagues. Political strategists working for Zyuganov are making the spoiler for Communists of Russia, Suraikin said. In this regard, he urged members of the same party to be more careful in choosing allies. "Some microscopic organizations, having received registration from the hands of the authorities, are simply mongrels in the hands of the Zyuganov Mensheviks," Suraikin put it figuratively. However, he did not rule out that in extreme cases it is possible to cooperate with rank-and-file members of the Communist Party, who justified their trust, and such, he is sure, among the followers of Gennady Zyuganov, "there are thousands."

Photo: Vladimir Astapkovich / RIA Novosti

Zyuganov, speaking at his party's Saturday convention, focused on his usual opponents. “Do not hide the faces of the party of oligarchs and officials. and could not refuse the role of an appendage of the party in power. It performs the same function from the other side, ”he listed. The communist did not make any sensations, speaking about the "orange" revolutionaries, who, in his opinion, "use anti-corruption rhetoric to return the country to the times of Yeltsin and Gaidar."

The enemy of my enemy

In the assessments of the liberals, the leaders of the conflicting communists agreed. According to Maksim Suraykin, “the liberal right-wing alternative personified by Kudrin and Navalny” is more dangerous than the current government. The party in power - United Russia - is full of claims on both sides. Against the backdrop of the centenary of the October Revolution, they are especially outraged by the behavior of the former Crimean prosecutor, a State Duma deputy, who initiated the inspection of the film Matilda. "There was no such lawlessness before and could not have been," said Sergei Malinkovich, deputy chairman of the "Communists of Russia", christening Poklonskaya "a fanatical monarchist." Gennady Zyuganov was indignant at the words of Poklonskaya that Lenin could be put on a par with Hitler. True, if the Communist Party saw in the actions of Poklonskaya a flaw of "United Russia", then the "Communists of Russia" considered it an action of the House of Romanov.

An equally violent reaction from the communists of both parties is the approval of the leader of the White movement during the Civil War, Kolchak. Participants of the March plenum of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation applauded stories about a PR action with a rubber doll-Kolchak, and in the ranks of the "Communists of Russia" due to misunderstanding, it almost came to assault. "I do not understand, what are you, for Kolchak?" one of the participants in the meeting of the "Communists of Russia" shouted menacingly, interrupting the speech of the party leadership. However, the conflict between the delegates was quickly settled.

There were points of contact in the statements of the leaders of the two communist parties on socio-economic policy. Gennady Zyuganov used figures on the reduction of the living wage, Maxim Suraikin - on the increased wage arrears in the regions of Russia. Another common thought ran through their words: protests are needed, but within the legal framework.

Youth policy

Young people should be involved in protests in the best traditions of the proletariat, said the 71-year-old leader of the parliamentary communists. “The blockade of information about the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is one of the factors that pushes young people into the arms of the“ orange ”leaders,” Zyuganov said, clearly alluding to the anti-corruption rallies held in March. How to attract young people to the side of the communists? None of the communist leaders can give a clear answer to this question. Zyuganov complains that the schoolchildren do not know anything about the leaders of the revolution, but at the same time he is sure: if you tell them how everything happened, they will come first to the Komsomol, and then to the party. However, Gennady Zyuganov does not hide his distrust of modern youth, who “have no experience of life in the USSR”: “Often they have a vague idea of \u200b\u200bthis victorious time. Bourgeois and petty-bourgeois psychology is characterized by intrigue, careerism, and readiness to compromise with the authorities. This requires attention in admission to the party, in personnel work in general. "

The competing parties will probably have to compete for young personnel. The "Communists of Russia" plans are not so ambitious, but the goals are outlined for the very near future: Maxim Suraykin urged fellow party members to attract as many new cadres as possible to the World Festival of Youth and Students, so that they, in turn, conduct propaganda among their peers who are not imbued with the ideals of communism ... The Communist Party of the Russian Federation has large-scale plans for renewal, as evidenced by even personnel changes: in place of the deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the party, he replaced, who for a long time was in charge of youth policy.

Elections are not a childish affair

Both the members of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the "Communists of Russia", their leaders urged to focus on the upcoming elections. Zyuganov advised to follow the same party members who have achieved leading positions in the regions, in particular, the mayor of Novosibirsk and the governor of the Irkutsk region. Maxim Suraykin advised his colleagues to participate in municipal elections whenever possible. Already now, the CPKR has achieved tremendous success, Suraykin is sure: "The party has strengthened its position as the fifth political force in the country" - after United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democrats and Spravorossi.

For the time being, both parties speak about the 2018 presidential campaign in general terms. Once again answering the question about the readiness to go to the polls, Gennady Zyuganov said: "I am the leader of the largest party, if I am not ready, then there is nothing to do here." At the same time, he stressed that the candidate will be selected only after consultations with all interested parties. The only thing you can be sure of is that there will be no women on this list. “I have a very good attitude towards women, but in conditions of war, sanctions, a severe systemic crisis, I would still feel sorry for women, because this post requires work seven days a week, at least 15 hours a day,” Zyuganov said, explaining the refusal nominate a woman for president. Despite the best intentions, the leader of the parliamentary party was subsequently attacked by women deputies as well.

Maxim Suraykin would gladly offer a woman for the first post in the country, he assured in an interview with Lenta.ru, but there are no candidates with sufficient political experience and level of recognition in his party yet. And among men, besides Suraykin himself, no one is particularly ready to go to the presidential elections. “There are no other candidates yet,” he admitted. - And I am ready to carry out any order of the party ”. A preliminary decision at the plenum on his candidacy was made, and the final verdict was made by both the "Communists of Russia" and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in December.

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