
Attempt by Ulyanov to Alexander 3. Alexander Ulyanov - Life and execution. For an attempt to attempt on Alexander III in the Shlisselburg Fortress, Alexander Ulyanov and his comrades

Inspectorate of national schools of the Symbirian province with the director I. N. Ulyanov. 1881 year

The history of the life of this person is more than interesting. Alexander, like Volodya, were the sons of the "valid Stat Counselor" - a major state official Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov, who was in service from Emperor Alexander III. (* Here it is in the photo, centered). After his death, children automatically received the prestigious status of an offacarious nobility, which meant a comfortable existence. And when their father suddenly died from hemorrhage into the brain at the 55th year of life, the right to the hereditary nobility for them was fixed by the decree of Emperor Alexander III. It is curious that on November 25, 1917, Volodya Ulyanov - the son of a valid Stat adviser, his own way to abolish this rank "Decree on the destruction of classes and civilian ranks".

Interestingly, he moved by the eldest son Alexander Ulyanov, when it was already a year after the death of his father, he attempts to attempt to Emperor Alexander III. In his life there was no material needs. Smart, talented, with a gold medal about the end of the gymnasium, enthusiastic with natural sciences, with large scientific abilities, which gives high hopes, in a step from a degree scientist ... What happened to a person literally for the year, which made him enter into a terrorist cell and actually become its leader ?

"Unknown Ulyanov" - as the older brother of Lenin became a terrorist

Family of Ulyanov. From left to right: stand - Olga, Alexander, Anna; Sit - Maria Alexandrovna with the youngest daughter Maria, Dmitry, Ilya Nikolaevich, Vladimir. Symbirsk. 1879 year. Granted M. Zolotarev

The first version. Revenge

Inness Armand, Vladimir Ilyich's beloved, handed over his familiar secret, reported by someone from Ulyanov. The version was not confirmed by any documents, it was perceived only as a literary work, and not as an actual story. As followed from the story, Maria Aleksandrovna, the mother of Lenin, in his youth was taken to the court, but stayed there for a long time, compromising himself with a novel with someone from the great princes, for which she was sent to his father in Kokushkino and quickly issued for Ulyanov, providing him Regular increase in service.

After the death of the Father, in 1886, the eldest son Alexander, viewing the papers of the deceased, came across the document concerning his stay under the imperial courtyard of the Mary Blanc (his mother), - whether the suggestion of a material nature on a newborn, or a letter revealing the secret. Alexander shared the discovery with the sister Anna, and both swore revenge. The version was developed.

According to other sources, Lenin's mother turned out to be a Freillina Empress, Alexander Third Wives.

The writer Larisa Vasilyeva led in his book "Kremlin wives" heard legend about Mother Lenin.

"In the spring of 1991, in one company heard a legend: as if Lenin's mother, Maria Blank, to marriage was for some time under the royal court almost Freillan, started a novel with someone from the great princes, almost with the future Alexander II or III, got pregnant and was sent to the parents, where it was urgently issued married to the modest teacher Ilya Ulyanov, who promising him to increase the service that he regularly received throughout his life. Mary gave birth to his first child, Alexander's son, then many more children, already from her husband, and after years, Alexander Ulyanov learned the secret of the mother and swore to take revenge on the king for her valid honor. Having become a student, he contacted terrorists and was ready to take over the life of the king, his genuine father. The legend caused doubts. "

In the 90s of the last century, in one of the St. Petersburg newspapers ("New Petersburg") was published interview with journalist Alexander Pavlovich Kitenyev about the extramarital children of King Alexander III:

- Alexander Pavlovich, can you not tell you more about the extramarital children of Alexander III?

Alexander III, indeed, there were a lot of extramarital children, since he was a man with rampant and passionate. Among children were historical celebrities. In particular, Alexander Ulyanov, Senior Brother Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. The fact is that Maria Alexandrovna, Lenin's mother, was Freillan at the court of Alexander II. When Alexander III was just a great prince, he had an affair with Maria Alexandrovna, she had his son Alexander's son in Maiden. The story knows a lot of such examples: in Russia they treated Humanno to the bastards - they gave the princely title, attributed to the Guards Regiment. It is known that Lomonosov was the son of Peter I, Prince Bobrinsky - the son of Potemkin and Catherine II, Razumovsky - Elizabeth's extramarital son. All of them, as you know, made an excellent career, and never felt ourselves. The same fate was also prepared by Alexander, Brother Lenin.

But Maria Alexandrovna spoiled everything: after Alexander, she had even given birth to a child - a girl, and to Alexander III, this girl had no relation to anything. To keep the Freillan with two children in the court, it was indecent. To lean the scandal, we decided to transfer the work of the guard. Security found in St. Petersburg an unfortunate man - Gomosexual Ilya Ulyanova. As a person with not traditional sexual orientation, he was on the hook at the guards. He was given to the naughty title, a breadth place in the province, and the newlyweds went to Simbirsk.

And all this prehistory jammed, if it were not for passionate temple of Mary Alexandrovna. She did not differ in Simbirsk with strict behavior, and although her sexual life with Ilya Nikolayevich could not work out in any way, she gave birth to four more children, is unknown from which fathers.

You can imagine what was the children of Ulyanovy in the gymnasium. In a small town, everything immediately becomes a famous, and the boys teased their peers of Ulyanov: came up with mommy, and king, and Ilya Nikolaevich. Ultimately, all this has adversely affected Alexander: he rose very embittered with the desire by anything to slap the daddy. With these plans, he left for St. Petersburg to study. The rest all organized the guard. She helped Alexander Ulyanov to enter the People's Revolutionary Organization and take part in the attempt on the king.

As soon as Maria Alexandrovna learned that the Son was arrested for the attempt on the king, she immediately went to St. Petersburg immediately and appeared to Alexander III. Amazing business: No source is affected by the fact that no one who does not know the poor symbirsk noblewoman without any deal at the reception to the king! And Alexander III accepted his old passion immediately, and they visited Sasha together in the fortress. The king forgave "Tsarubitza", promising to give him the princely title, write down in the guard. But Sasha was with character, he said everything he thinks about both his parents. And he promised them that as soon as he was on freedom, he would betray the publicity all their shameless history and would definitely move the bomb in the daddy! Therefore, Alexander Ulyanov's freedom was not released, but sent to a mental hospital, where he died by his death in 1901. Historians do not agree on the ways of execution, but there was no execution.

- And where did you get such asking information?

This is also a special and interesting story. Her origins stands Marietta Shaginyan. In the 70s, this writer wrote a book about Lenin and gained access to archives. Apparently, the keepers of the archives themselves did not know what was hidden in papers for seven seals. When Marietta Shaginyan familiarized himself with the papers, she was shocked and wrote a memo to Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev personally. Brezhnev introduced his circle with this information. Suslov was lying three days with pressure and demanded to shoot Shaginyan for slander. But Brezhnev came differently: he called Shaginyan to himself and in exchange for silence offered her a prize for a book about Lenin, an apartment, etc. etc.

- And Chaginyan really received some kind of prize for the book about Lenin?

Yes, she received the Lenin Prize for the book "Four lessons from Lenin". And the note was classified, and she lay in the archive of the Central Committee of the Party. When I read this note in the archive, I wanted to see the archival materials themselves. And I requested copies. That's exactly how it was ...

Second version. Lover terrorist

The writer Larisa Vasilyeva mentioned above, not quite confident in the version given to her that the son of Maria Blanc - Alexander - was illegitimate from Cesarevich Alexander III, led another version of the birth of the son of Mary, in her opinion more reliable. She writes:

"Alexander Ulyanov was born in 1866 from the famous terrorist Dmitry Karakozov, a former student of Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov in the Penza gymnasium. Dmitry Karakozov was born in 1840 (he was 5 years old by Maria Blanc-Ulyanovoy) Karakozov in 1866 shot in Emperor Alexander II.

St. Petersburg newspaper Northern Mail of May 11, 1866, telling detail about the personality of a person who has concerned about Alexander III, reported that Dmitry Karakozov graduated from the course in Penza Gymnasium (Ulyanov, then lived in Penza, and Ilya Nikolaevich taught in the gymnasium), entered In Kazan University, then switched to Moscow.

"Roman Karakozov with Maria Alexandrovna was not a secret for all familiar with the family of Ulyanov at that time," says a resident of St. Petersburg Natalia Nikolaevna Matveyeva. She learned this information from the stories of his grandfather, the revolutionary Vasily Ivanovich Pavlinov, who knew Ulyanov well.

Alexander Ulyanov planned to kill Tsar Alexander III on the day of the attempted Dmitry Karakozov at Alexander II - April 4. In memory of the father. The attempt was broken.

Alexander Ulyanov became a student of the St. Petersburg University. He studied the ringed worms and was not going to change them to the revolution. His father died in January 1886. Alexander did not go to the funeral - according to the memories of the sister Anna, the mother did not want to traverse him (?) And did not advise you to come, but Anna Ilinichna herself came to the funeral of the Father. (Why could it be injured?)

Summer of the same year, Alexander Ulyanov spent with his mother in the estate Alakaevka (the estate of the mother - Kokushkino, the farm Alakaevka bought only in 1889 - from Avt.). That summer, after the death of Ilya Nikolayevich, steep and for many completely unexplained changes were taken with Alexander. Anna Ulyanova writes in his memoirs,

"That from a calm young man, her brother suddenly turned into a real neurasthenica running out of angle. Returning from the holidays to Petersburg, he, an exemplary student, who was interested in only science, threw and began to prepare an attempt on the king. "

The secret of his birth is the children of Ulyanovy, as the writer Larisa Vasilyeva assumes, they could find out immediately after the death of Ilya Nikolayevich. "Most likely, she writes," from the mother. There is also the assumption that Sasha stumbled upon at home for some documents, parsing on the father's desk. Showed their sister Anne. Of these, children became clear what. Mary Alexandrovna, who was present at the last date, with his son Alexander, the young prosecutor of Knyazev recorded the words of Alexander:

"Imagine my mother, two stand against each other in a duel. One has already shot his opponent, there is no other yet, and the one who has already shot, turns to the enemy with a request not to use weapons. No, I can't do this. "

These words in the context of new knowledge about the family of Ulyanov are acquired by a new meaning: Alexander undoubtedly considers his act not attempting, but a duel in which he has nothing to apologize to the enemy. And the Son, and Mother, apparently, both understand the subtext of the whole situation: the son of Mastit for his father, the son of the killed the son of the killer. "

L. Vasilyeva even found the external similarities between Karakozov and Alexander Ulyanov in photographs. But the documents do not confirm.

The literary processing of some facts is made by the writer attractive and sensationally, so this version has acquired such popularity. He was talking about her in the sidelines, some accepted it unconditionally. Yet it is literature, and there is no complaints about the writer. But this version has nothing to do with the history.

In the version of Larisa Vasilyeva there is a lot of "controversial issues". One of them is very curious: Alexander, Son Mary, was born in 1866, it means that Vasilyeva Maria and Dmitry Karakozov were to meet in 1865, when Ulyanovs lived in Nizhny Novgorod, and at the same time Dmitry, who was younger than Mary For 5 years, just a student who is under the supervision of the police, somehow had to attract Mary, wife of a surviving adviser, a complained by the Order of St. Anne, the third degree, the mother of a one-year-old daughter and a Jewishman who was brought up in strict rules of Galach's laws, who sacred were observed.

Attempts l, Vasilyeva justify their version of the reasoning that Maria called his fourth son Dmitry, in honor of his beloved Dmitry, the lack of Alexander at the funeral of Ilya Nikolayevich, an unexpected change in the character of Alexander and his targeted preparation to take revenge after the death of his father, could not be accepted by historians . All these cases could manifest themselves or occur for many other reasons. And the ambiguity of their origin for history is determining. But the literature can take such reasoning.

The reasons that influenced Alexander, who decided to take part in a terrorist organization should be sought in another.

From the "frog rubber" in terrorists

Back in the gymnasium Alexander, showing an increased interest in natural science, received a nickname in the nickname "Ripper Frogs". But the real passion was chemistry. At the age of 16, he independently in the kitchen had a chemical laboratory, where he often remained for the night. In 1883, after graduating from a classic gymnasium with a gold medal, Alexander, together with his sister Anna, went to St. Petersburg, where he entered the natural department of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the Imperial Saint Petersburg University. Three years earlier, Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin, the future Prime Minister of Russia was adopted for this faculty. Anna wrote in his memoirs:

"A brother came to St. Petersburg with serious scientific training, with a strongly developed ability to independently, and it was passionately pounced on science."

Among the students of those years there are three separate on the property situation of the group. The first were called "Belopodclamps", children of Sanovnikov, Generals, Higher Society were treated here. They wore jackets with white silk lining in the last fashion. This studentism differed extremely right, monarchical convictions. Each of them knew that he was waiting for a brilliant career in the senior government agencies, General Chin in young years, and in mature - deception.

"White lining" opposed the "radicals" - irreconcilable opponents of the system. They put on the Malorosiysk shoes, boots, the modest plaid was thrown and had blue glasses. Of them, populists, terrorists, Marxists were published.

The third group was represented by "cultures", located between the above two, were located most of all to science. Of this cohort, there are many people who glorified Russian science.

By the end of the second year, Alexander, in determining specialization, stopped at the zoology of invertebrates. They were sent to the University's Council several essays for the competition. The jury of the competition decided on February 3, 1886: "The essay of the student VI semester Alexander Ulyanov on the topic:" On the bodies of segmental and sex freshwater Annulata "to award the Gold Medal's awards." No one doubted that a talented student would be left at a university for scientific and teaching activities.

But in January 1886, the news came to St. Petersburg about the sustainable death of the Father. Alexandra went exams, he could not go to the funeral. I managed to go to Simbirsk Anna.

On November 17, 1886, Alexander took part in the march in St. Petersburg on the 25th anniversary of the death of the writer of the revolutionary views of Dobrolyubov. A more than one and a half thousand people gathered for the procession. The urban authorities took such a cluster of the people for a dangerous, and the procession was stopped. For overclocking demonstrators, the troops attracted the troops. The next day, Alexander distributed the agitational political leaflet composed by him, in which he expressed his indignation by the existing orders ... His revolutionary views and sentiment were noticed by the faction of the "People's Will", which was invited to the gathering. Also were also invited to Sister Alexander - Anna, who in every way supported a hot beloved brother. Alexander, showing leadership qualities without difficulty compiled a further program of actions and requirements: "To ensure the political and economic independence of the people and its free development"

Such transformations in the country could be started only after changing the regime, the stronghold of which was the imperial family. To fight power, as young revolutionaries believed, it is possible only to terrorist methods, and first of all, all the actions of the organization should be aimed at eliminating the self-container.

At the conclusion of the program, Alexander pointed out the path and methods of actions that should lead to success:

"In the fight against revolutionaries, the government enjoys extremely aggregate measures, therefore the intelligentsia was forced to resort to the form of the struggle specified by the government, that is, terror. The terror is thus the collision of the government and the intelligentsia, which takes the possibility of a peaceful cultural impact on social life. The terror must act systematically and, disorganizing the government, will have a huge psychological impact: he will raise the revolutionary spirit of the people ... The faction stands for the decentralization of the terrorist struggle: let the wave of red terror sprinkle widely and throughout the province, where the deterrence system is even more needed as a protest against the administrative oppression " .

After the debate, it was recognized that the bomb is the most effective means for reprisals with the emperor.

Police from the letters of one of the members of the faction opened by them, managed to learn about the preparing conspiracy. On March 1, the Minister of Internal Affairs Count D. Tolstoy Donons King: "Yesterday, the head of the St. Petersburg Secret Department was obtained by Agentsnuyu, the Circle of Malfactors intends to produce a terrorist act in the near future and that for this, these persons there are throwing projectiles brought to St. Petersburg Ready "visiting" from Kharkov. "

On March 1, 1887, three executive students, Osipanov, Andreyushkin and generals were captured with bombs in Nevsky Prospect. The frank testimony of the arrested allowed the gendarmes to quickly identify the participants of the terrorist organization and their leaders.

From the testimony of a member of the circle, E. I. Yakovenko, at interrogation: "Shevyrev was the initiator, inspirer and collector a mug. Ulyanov - its iron fasten and cement. Without Shevyrev, there would be no organization, without Ulyanov would not have events on March 1, the organization would have broken down, the case would not have been brought to the end. "

In total, it was arrested on the first days of March 25 people, and later another 49 people. The court was betrayed by 15 people, and in relation to the rest of the affairs were permitted administratively. The arrest of terrorists in the Police Department immediately amounted to a report and signed by Count D.A. Tolstoy sent to the king.

"To avoid exaggerated sense," Count D.A. Tolstoy asked the sovereign permission to print a special notice. On the report, the king wrote his resolution: "It is absolutely approved and generally it is desirable not to give too much importance to these arrests. In my opinion, it would be better to find out everything that is possible not to give them a court, but simply, without any noise, send to the Shlisselburg fortress - this is the strongest and unpleasant punishment. Alexander".

But when the king was presented to the "program of the terrorist faction of the Party of People's Will", written by Alexander Ulyanov, the king responded to it indignantly: "This note is not even crazy, but pure idiot."

The Ulyanov family was shocked, having learned about the complicated misfortune, but hoped for the mercy of the emperor. Maria Alexandrovna hurriedly went to the capital and was submitted on March 27, 1887. The petition for pardon in the name of the sovereign, Alexander III.

Shlisselburg, St. Petersburg province,

On April 15-19, 1887, a court was held on which Ulyanov, Shevyrev, Andreyushkin, Generals and Osipanov were sentenced to death, and the rest - including Bronislav Pilsudsky (the elder brother of Yuzf Pilsudsky), which in Vilna prepared an explosive for Alexander Ulyanov Attempts on the king - to various categories of cortics and further link. Alexander's mother, Maria Alexandrovna, wrote a petition of Alexander III about pardon and received permission to date with her son. Alexander Ulyanov himself was invited to ask the emperor about pardon. According to the prosecutor of Knyazeva, who was present at the last date of his mother with his son, Alexander on this date this offer rejected, saying the following: "Imagine my mother, two stand against each other on a duel. One has already shot his opponent, the other is not yet, and the one who has already shot, turns to the enemy with a request not to use weapons. No, I can't do this. " I am quite aware that the nature and properties of the act performed by me and my attitude to it do not give me neither the right nor the moral foundation to apply to your majesty with a request to condesceve in the types of alleviating my fate. But I have a mother whose health has been strongly shaken in recent days and the fulfillment of the death sentence will be subjected to her life of the most serious danger. In the name of my mother and young brothers and sisters, who, not having a father, find their only support in it, I decide to ask your majesty about replacing me the death penalty in any other punishment. This condescens will return the strength and health of my mother and will return her family for which her life is so precious, and I will save me from the painful consciousness that I will cause my mother's death and misfortune to my whole family. Alexander Ulyanov. 8 (20) May 1887, Alexander Ulyanov and his comrades were hanged in the Shlisselburg Fortress. Alexander Ulyanov was buried in the brotherly grave behind the wall of the Fortress of Nut, on the shore of Ladoga Lake (Leningrad Region). April 22 - the birthday of Vladimir Lenin. Only 30 years old are divided by two most important events in the life of this person: the execution in 1887 his older brother Alexander Ulyanov, convicted of the "second first forentoms" process, and October 1917. It is stupid to reduce the Russian revolution to the banal "he avenged for his brother." But it would be stupid and deny that without Alexander Ulyanov would not have been Vladimir Lenin. Is Alexander who is guilty of today's point of view? Still would! The group has prepared three shells: 2 kg of self-made dynamite, almost 3 kg and 1.2 kg. Two bombs made Ulyanov and the "Chemist of the Organization" Lukashevich, one - the Ulyanov himself. Shrapnel was inserted into explosives - slices of lead, coated with "strong strikhnin solid". Well, how many would they stand with the king of the people! Moreover! Before the appearance of the leader of the organization, Shevyrev unexpectedly left in Yalta (whether she was lying, or the Chakhotka really aggravated). Ulyanov headed the whole thing. After arrest, he did not unlock, outlined the tough and logical substantiation of his position. I took someone else's guilt and made many of them from the loop (the same Lukashevich). I refused to ask for a pardon, and when in the end I asked - then, asking for only a concentration of Mother's grief (but it was already too late). That is - the execution deserved? But with all that the attempt did not take place. In fact, judged only for the intention. Fully proven. Punished. Only - what punishment? Hang? For what? Not a drop of blood spilled! Today, the royal justice is often reproached in softness: they say, punish the revolutionaries in real and ... Well, sometimes softness took place. And sometimes - on the contrary. Six years ago, the king was already killed in Russia - the support and symbol of the Great Power. Now the judges decided not to almond. And yet, knowing today the consequences, one thought involuntarily becomes in mind. When the "second first forentoms" grabbed, Alexander III, Harry, initially ordered: time not to spend, without trial, throw conspirators to Shlisselburg - and forget this story. Then they judged - how without trial and the investigation! It is necessary according to the law. Only sometimes you think: maybe if they did according to the first order of the king, then everything would be better? Well, I would be Ulyanov alone. After a couple of years, he would have dialed books. Then write. He would believed that the moral debt was executed. Before care, the policy was indeed a brilliant young biologist. In the chamber there is nothing to do, it would take again with science. In 1905 amnesty. I would have come out on the will that was not a fake terrorist, but an indublined scientist (as the famous N. Morozov's famous N. Morozov). Maybe even - sincerely religious (Ulyanov, because the only one of all those sentenced before the execution kissed the cross). And "ashes of clasa" would not knock on the heart of Brother Volodya. And - who knows! - Perhaps a lot in our history would be otherwise. "The Second First Armenians" the informal name of the underground organization, officially referred to as the "The Terrorist Fraction of the People's Volia Party party. They considered themselves the heirs of the "First Armenian" - People's People who killed March 1, 1881 Tsar Alexander II. After six years, "second first postartovtsy" was preparing to throw bombs in his son - Alexander III, but the guard managed to reach their track before. On March 1, 1887, militants took on Nevsky Prospect during the next hunt for the king. The leaders of the organization - P. Shevyrev and A. Ulyanov. "Signals" (should have noted about the entrance of the royal carriage) - S. Volokhov, M. Kangcher, P. Gorkun. "Metaliers" (those who have planned will throw bombs) - P. Andreyushkin, V. General, V. Osipanov. A total of 15 people took place in the case, five (P. Shevyrev, A. Ulyanov, P. Andreyushkin, V. Generals, V. Osipanov) were hanged.

Alexander and Vladimir Ulyanov. Reproduction of the paintings by Oleg Vishnyakov "Brothers". © / S. Cogan / RIA Novosti

We rarely attach the importance to the names of the streets, for which we go daily, by which we pass. Even less often, we are interested in their history. Such frivolism and negligence, the lack of interest in history is characteristic of modern society.

There is one street in St. Petersburg - "ul. Alexander Ulyanova. " Very tiny. What you can not say about the history of its origin, the history of life and the death of a person, in honor of whom she is named. She is in the Krasnogvardeysky district. Its length is only 350 meters. Like all the streets, even the most tiny and not long, this has its own story, a special story.

Officially, the street has existed since 1828. Originally was called Dudin Street, according to the name of several families of the Dudinians, who owned land on this street. From 1828, the street was called Trunnova, by the name of the owner of the Trojnova's workshop, and on October 31, 1922, the street was named "Ulyaanova Street" in memory of Alexander Ilyce Ulyanov - revolutionary, the creator of the "terrorist faction" of the Party "People's Volia", the eldest brother Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin).

Inspectorate of national schools of the Symbirian province with the director I. N. Ulyanov. 1881 year.

The history of the life of this person is more than interesting. Alexander, like Volodya, were the sons of the "valid Stat Counselor" - a major state official Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov, who was in service from Emperor Alexander III. (* Here it is in the photo, centered). After his death, children automatically received the prestigious status of an offacarious nobility, which meant a comfortable existence. And when their father suddenly died from hemorrhage into the brain at the 55th year of life, the right to the hereditary nobility for them was fixed by the decree of Emperor Alexander III. curiousThat on November 25, 1917, Volodya Ulyanov is the son of a valid Stat adviser, his own way to abolish this rank "Decree of the destruction of classes and civilians."

Interestingly, he moved by the eldest son Alexander Ulyanov, when it was already a year after the death of his father, he attempts to attempt to Emperor Alexander III. In his life there was no material needs. Smart, talented, with a gold medal about the end of the gymnasium, enthusiastic with natural sciences, with large scientific abilities, which gives high hopes, in a step from a degree scientist ... What happened to a person literally for the year, which made him enter into a terrorist cell and actually become its leader ?

"Unknown Ulyanov" - as the elder brother of Lenin became a terrorist.

Family of Ulyanov. From left to right: stand - Olga, Alexander, Anna; Sit - Maria Alexandrovna with the youngest daughter Maria, Dmitry, Ilya Nikolaevich, Vladimir. Symbirsk. 1879 year. Granted M. Zolotarev

The first version. Revenge.

Inness Armand, Vladimir Ilyich's beloved, handed over his familiar secret, reported by someone from Ulyanov. The version was not confirmed by any documents, it was perceived only as a literary work, and not as an actual story. As followed from the story, Maria Aleksandrovna, the mother of Lenin, in his youth was taken to the court, but stayed there for a long time, compromising himself with a novel with someone from the great princes, for which she was sent to his father in Kokushkino and quickly issued for Ulyanov, providing him Regular increase in service.

After the death of the Father, in 1886, the eldest son Alexander, viewing the papers of the deceased, came across the document concerning his stay under the imperial courtyard of the Mary Blanc (his mother), - whether the suggestion of a material nature on a newborn, or a letter revealing the secret. Alexander shared the discovery with the sister Anna, and both swore revenge. The version was developed.

According to other sources, Lenin's mother turned out to be a Freillina Empress, Alexander Third Wives.

The writer Larisa Vasilyeva led in his book "Kremlin wives" heard legend about Mother Lenin. "In the spring of 1991, in one company heard a legend: as if Lenin's mother, Maria Blank, to marriage was for some time under the royal court almost Freillan, started a novel with someone from the great princes, almost with the future Alexander II or III, got pregnant and was sent to the parents, where it was urgently issued married to the modest teacher Ilya Ulyanov, who promising him to increase the service that he regularly received throughout his life. Mary gave birth to his first child, Alexander's son, then many more children, already from her husband, and after years, Alexander Ulyanov learned the secret of the mother and swore to take revenge on the king for her valid honor. Having become a student, he contacted terrorists and was ready to take over the life of the king, his genuine father. The legend caused doubts. "

In the 90s of the last century, in one of the St. Petersburg newspapers ("New Petersburg") was published interview with journalist Alexander Pavlovich Kitenyev about the extramarital children of King Alexander III:

NP: Alexander Pavlovich, can you not tell you more about the extramarital children of Alexander III?

APK: Alexander III, indeed, there were a lot of extramarital children, since he was a man with rampant and passionate. Among children were historical celebrities. In particular, Alexander Ulyanov, Senior Brother Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. The fact is that Maria Alexandrovna, Lenin's mother, was Freillan at the court of Alexander II. When Alexander III was just a great prince, he had an affair with Maria Alexandrovna, she had his son Alexander's son in Maiden. The story knows a lot of such examples: in Russia they treated Humanno to the bastards - they gave the princely title, attributed to the Guards Regiment. It is known that Lomonosov was the son of Peter I, Prince Bobrinsky - the son of Potemkin and Catherine II, Razumovsky - Elizabeth's extramarital son. All of them, as you know, made an excellent career, and never felt ourselves. The same fate was also prepared by Alexander, Brother Lenin.

But Maria Alexandrovna spoiled everything: after Alexander, she had even given birth to a child - a girl, and to Alexander III, this girl had no relation to anything. To keep the Freillan with two children in the court, it was indecent. To lean the scandal, we decided to transfer the work of the guard. Security found in St. Petersburg an unfortunate man - Gomosexual Ilya Ulyanova. As a person with not traditional sexual orientation, he was on the hook at the guards. He was given to the naughty title, a breadth place in the province, and the newlyweds went to Simbirsk.

And all this prehistory jammed, if it were not for passionate temple of Mary Alexandrovna. She did not differ in Simbirsk with strict behavior, and although her sexual life with Ilya Nikolayevich could not work out in any way, she gave birth to four more children, is unknown from which fathers.

You can imagine what was the children of Ulyanovy in the gymnasium. In a small town, everything immediately becomes a famous, and the boys teased their peers of Ulyanov: came up with mommy, and king, and Ilya Nikolaevich. Ultimately, all this has adversely affected Alexander: he rose very embittered with the desire by anything to slap the daddy. With these plans, he left for St. Petersburg to study. The rest all organized the guard. She helped Alexander Ulyanov to enter the People's Revolutionary Organization and take part in the attempt on the king.

As soon as Maria Alexandrovna learned that the Son was arrested for the attempt on the king, she immediately went to St. Petersburg immediately and appeared to Alexander III. Amazing business: No source is affected by the fact that no one who does not know the poor symbirsk noblewoman without any deal at the reception to the king! And Alexander III accepted his old passion immediately, and they visited Sasha together in the fortress. The king forgave "Tsarubitza", promising to give him the princely title, write down in the guard. But Sasha was with character, he said everything he thinks about both his parents. And he promised them that as soon as he was on freedom, he would betray the publicity all their shameless history and would definitely move the bomb in the daddy! Therefore, Alexander Ulyanov's freedom was not released, but sent to a mental hospital, where he died by his death in 1901. Historians do not agree on the ways of execution, but there was no execution.

NP: And where did you get such asking information?

AK: This is also a special and interesting story. Her origins stands Marietta Shaginyan. In the 70s, this writer wrote a book about Lenin and gained access to archives. Apparently, the keepers of the archives themselves did not know what was hidden in papers for seven seals. When Marietta Shaginyan familiarized himself with the papers, she was shocked and wrote a memo to Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev personally. Brezhnev introduced his circle with this information. Suslov was lying three days with pressure and demanded to shoot Shaginyan for slander. But Brezhnev came differently: he called Shaginyan to himself and in exchange for silence offered her a prize for a book about Lenin, an apartment, etc. etc.

NP: And Chaginyan really received some kind of prize for the book about Lenin?

AK: Yes, she received the Lenin Prize for the book "Four lessons from Lenin". And the note was classified, and she lay in the archive of the Central Committee of the Party. When I read this note in the archive, I wanted to see the archival materials themselves. And I requested copies. That's exactly how it was ...

* From the editorial office: This version is successfully suitable as a scenario for the Hollywood film, but there is nothing in common with the story in it. Start in detail on its exposure we will not become. The author of the book successfully proved that Maria Alexandrovna Blank - Lenin's mother was never Freillan. This falsification was published for the sake of rating. Press in the 90s very often did it ... at the end of the article we will give a link to the source in which there is allthe pity of this exposure.

Second version. Lover terrorist.

The writer Larisa Vasilyeva mentioned above, not quite confident in the version given to her that the son of Maria Blanc - Alexander - was illegitimate from Cesarevich Alexander III, led another version of the birth of the son of Mary, in her opinion more reliable. She writes:

Dmitry Karakozov. Photo: Kommersant.ru.

"Alexander Ulyanov was born in 1866 from the famous terrorist Dmitry Karakozov, former student of Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov in the Penza gymnasium. Dmitry Karazozov was born in 1840 (he was 5 years old by Maria Blanc-Ulyanovoy) Karakozov in 1866 in Emperor Alexander II.

St. Petersburg newspaper Northern Mail of May 11, 1866, telling detail about the personality of a person who has concerned about Alexander III, reported that Dmitry Karakozov graduated from the course in Penza Gymnasium (Ulyanov, then lived in Penza, and Ilya Nikolaevich taught in the gymnasium), entered In Kazan University, then switched to Moscow.

"Roman Karakozov with Maria Alexandrovna was not a secret for all familiar with the family of Ulyanov at that time," says a resident of St. Petersburg Natalia Nikolaevna Matveyeva. She learned this information from the stories of his grandfather, the revolutionary Vasily Ivanovich Pavlinov, who knew Ulyanov well.

Alexander Ulyanov planned to kill Tsar Alexander III on the day of the attempted Dmitry Karakozov at Alexander II - April 4. In memory of the father. The attempt was broken.

Alexander Ulyanov became a student of the St. Petersburg University. He studied the ringed worms and was not going to change them to the revolution. His father died in January 1886. Alexander did not go to the funeral - according to the memories of the sister Anna, the mother did not want to traverse him (?) And did not advise you to come, but Anna Ilinichna herself came to the funeral of the Father. (Why could it be injured?)

Summer of the same year, Alexander Ulyanov spent with his mother in the estate Alakaevka (the estate of the mother - Kokushkino, the farm Alakaevka bought only in 1889 - from Avt.). That summer, after the death of Ilya Nikolayevich, steep and for many completely unexplained changes were taken with Alexander. Anna Ulyanova writes in his memoirs,

"That from a calm young man, her brother suddenly turned into a real neurasthenica running out of angle. Returning from the holidays to Petersburg, he, an exemplary student, who was interested in only science, threw and began to prepare an attempt on the king. "

The secret of his birth is the children of Ulyanovy, as the writer Larisa Vasilyeva assumes, they could find out immediately after the death of Ilya Nikolayevich. "Most likely, she writes," from the mother. There is also the assumption that Sasha stumbled upon at home for some documents, parsing on the father's desk. Showed their sister Anne. Of these, children became clear what. Mary Alexandrovna, who was present at the last date, with his son Alexander, the young prosecutor of Knyazev recorded the words of Alexander:

"Imagine my mother, two stand against each other in a duel. One has already shot his opponent, there is no other yet, and the one who has already shot, turns to the enemy with a request not to use weapons. No, I can't do this. "

Alexander Ulyanov

These words in the context of new knowledge about the family of Ulyanov are acquired by a new meaning: Alexander undoubtedly considers his act not attempting, but a duel in which he has nothing to apologize to the enemy. And the Son, and Mother, apparently, both understand the overtext of the whole situation: the son of Mastit for his father, the son of the killed the son of the killer. "

L. Vasilyeva even found the external similarities between Karakozov and Alexander Ulyanov in photographs. But the documents do not confirm.

The literary processing of some facts is made by the writer attractive and sensationally, so this version has acquired such popularity. He was talking about her in the sidelines, some accepted it unconditionally. Yet it is literature, and there is no complaints about the writer. But this version has nothing to do with the history.

In the version of Larisa Vasilyeva there is a lot of "controversial issues". One of them is very curious: Alexander, Son Mary, was born in 1866, it means that Vasilyeva Maria and Dmitry Karakozov were to meet in 1865, when Ulyanovs lived in Nizhny Novgorod, and at the same time Dmitry, who was younger than Mary For 5 years, just a student who is under the supervision of the police, somehow had to attract Mary, wife of a surviving adviser, a complained by the Order of St. Anne, the third degree, the mother of a one-year-old daughter and a Jewishman who was brought up in strict rules of Galach's laws, who sacred were observed.

Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov (1831-1886) and Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova (1835-1916)

Attempts l, Vasilyeva justify their version of the reasoning that Maria called his fourth son Dmitry, in honor of his beloved Dmitry, the lack of Alexander at the funeral of Ilya Nikolayevich, an unexpected change in the character of Alexander and his targeted preparation to take revenge after the death of his father, could not be accepted by historians . All these cases could manifest themselves or occur for many other reasons. And the ambiguity of their origin for history is determining. But the literature can take such reasoning.

The reasons that influenced Alexander, who decided to take part in a terrorist organization should be sought in another.

From the "frog rubber" in terrorists

Back in the gymnasium Alexander, showing an increased interest in natural science, received a nickname in the nickname "Ripper Frogs". But the real passion was chemistry. At the age of 16, he independently in the kitchen had a chemical laboratory, where he often remained for the night. In 1883, after graduating from a classic gymnasium with a gold medal, Alexander, together with his sister Anna, went to St. Petersburg, where he entered the natural department of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the Imperial Saint Petersburg University. Three years earlier, Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin, the future Prime Minister of Russia was adopted for this faculty. Anna wrote in his memoirs:

"A brother came to St. Petersburg with serious scientific training, with a strongly developed ability to independently, and it was passionately pounced on science."

Among the students of those years there are three separate on the property situation of the group. The first were called "Belopodclamps", children of Sanovnikov, Generals, Higher Society were treated here. They wore jackets with white silk lining in the last fashion. This studentism differed extremely right, monarchical convictions. Each of them knew that he was waiting for a brilliant career in the senior government agencies, General Chin in young years, and in mature - deception.

"White lining" opposed the "radicals" - irreconcilable opponents of the system. They put on the Malorosiysk shoes, boots, the modest plaid was thrown and had blue glasses. Of them, populists, terrorists, Marxists were published.

The third group was represented by "cultures", located between the above two, were located most of all to science. Of this cohort, there are many people who glorified Russian science.

By the end of the second year, Alexander, in determining specialization, stopped at the zoology of invertebrates. They were sent to the University's Council several essays for the competition. The jury of the competition decided on February 3, 1886: "The essay of the student VI semester Alexander Ulyanov on the topic:" On the bodies of segmental and sex freshwater Annulata "to award the Gold Medal's awards." No one doubted that a talented student would be left at a university for scientific and teaching activities.

But in January 1886, the news came to St. Petersburg about the sustainable death of the Father. Alexandra went exams, he could not go to the funeral. I managed to go to Simbirsk Anna.

On November 17, 1886, Alexander took part in the march in St. Petersburg on the 25th anniversary of the death of the writer of the revolutionary views of Dobrolyubov. A more than one and a half thousand people gathered for the procession. The urban authorities took such a cluster of the people for a dangerous, and the procession was stopped. For overclocking demonstrators, the troops attracted the troops. The next day, Alexander distributed the agitational political leaflet composed by him, in which he expressed his indignation by the existing orders ... His revolutionary views and sentiment were noticed by the faction of the "People's Will", which was invited to the gathering. Also were also invited to Sister Alexander - Anna, who in every way supported a hot beloved brother. Alexander, showing leadership qualities without difficulty compiled a further program of actions and requirements: "To ensure the political and economic independence of the people and its free development"

Such transformations in the country could be started only after changing the regime, the stronghold of which was the imperial family. To fight power, as young revolutionaries believed, it is possible only to terrorist methods, and first of all, all the actions of the organization should be aimed at eliminating the self-container.

At the conclusion of the program, Alexander pointed out the path and methods of actions that should lead to success:

"In the fight against revolutionaries, the government enjoys extremely aggregate measures, therefore the intelligentsia was forced to resort to the form of the struggle specified by the government, that is, terror. The terror is thus the collision of the government and the intelligentsia, which takes the possibility of a peaceful cultural impact on social life. The terror must act systematically and, disorganizing the government, will have a huge psychological impact: he will raise the revolutionary spirit of the people ... The faction stands for the decentralization of the terrorist struggle: let the wave of red terror sprinkle widely and throughout the province, where the deterrence system is even more needed as a protest against the administrative oppression " .

After the debate, it was recognized that the bomb is the most effective means for reprisals with the emperor.

Police from the letters of one of the members of the faction opened by them, managed to learn about the preparing conspiracy. On March 1, the Minister of Internal Affairs Count D. Tolstoy Donons King: "Yesterday, the head of the St. Petersburg Secret Department was obtained by Agentsnuyu, the Circle of Malfactors intends to produce a terrorist act in the near future and that for this, these persons there are throwing projectiles brought to St. Petersburg Ready "visiting" from Kharkov. "

On March 1, 1887, three executive students, Osipanov, Andreyushkin and generals were captured with bombs in Nevsky Prospect. The frank testimony of the arrested allowed the gendarmes to quickly identify the participants of the terrorist organization and their leaders.

From the testimony of a member of a mug, E. I. Yakovenko, at the interrogation: "Shevyrev was the initiator, inspirer and collector a mug. Ulyanov - its iron fasten and cement. Without Shevyrev, there would be no organization, without Ulyanov would not have events on March 1, the organization would have broken down, the case would not have been brought to the end. "

In total, it was arrested on the first days of March 25 people, and later another 49 people. The court was betrayed by 15 people, and in relation to the rest of the affairs were permitted administratively. The arrest of terrorists in the Police Department immediately amounted to a report and signed by Count D.A. Tolstoy sent to the king.

Emperor and autocrats All-Russian Alexander III Aleksandrovich Romanov

"To avoid exaggerated sense," Count D.A. Tolstoy asked the sovereign permission to print a special notice. On the report, the king wrote his resolution: "It is absolutely approved and generally it is desirable not to give too much importance to these arrests. In my opinion, it would be better to find out everything that is possible not to give them a court, but simply, without any noise, send to the Shlisselburg fortress - this is the strongest and unpleasant punishment. Alexander".

But when the king was presented to the "program of the terrorist faction of the Party of People's Will", written by Alexander Ulyanov, the king responded to it indignantly: "This note is not even crazy, but pure idiot."

The Ulyanov family was shocked, having learned about the complicated misfortune, but hoped for the mercy of the emperor. Maria Alexandrovna hurriedly went to the capital and was submitted on March 27, 1887. The petition for pardon in the name of the sovereign, Alexander III.

"The grief and despair of the mother give me courage to resort to your majesty, as the only protection and help.

Grace, sovereign, please! Mercy and mercy for my children.

Senior Son, Alexander, who graduated from a gymnasium with a gold medal, received a gold medal and at the university. My daughter, Anna, successfully studied at the St. Petersburg higher female courses. And so, when it remained only about two months before the end of the course of the exercise, I suddenly did not become the eldest son and daughter ...

There is no tears to grow grief. There is no words to describe the whole horror of my position.

I saw my daughter, spoke with her. I know my children too well and from my personal dates with my daughter was convinced of its full innocence. Yes, finally, the director of the Police Department of March 16 declared me that my daughter was not compromised, so that at the same time it was assumed the full liberation of it.

But then I was announced that for a more complete consequence, my daughter could not be released and was given to me on the lips, as I asked about the extremely weak health and the deadly influence of the detention of a physical and moral attitude.

I don't know anything about my son. I was announced that it was found in the fortress, refused a date with him and said that I should consider it quite dead for myself. He was always deeply devoted to the interests of the family and often wrote to me. About a year ago, my husband died, the former director of popular schools of the Sybirsk province. There are six people of children on my hands, including four juvenile.

This misfortune, completely unexpectedly embraced my gray head, could finally combine me if it would not be the moral support that I found in the older son who promised me all the assistance and understood the critical position of the family without support from his part.

It was passionate about the science to such an extent that the sake of cabinets neglected all kinds of entertainment. At the university, he was at the best account. The Golden Medal opened him the road to the professorship department, and the current school year he worked hard at the University's Zoological Cabinet, preparing a master's thesis to quickly go to an independent path and be supporting the family.

Oh, sovereign! I beg - Jump my children! There is no strength to move this grief, and no in the light of burning of such a barking and cruel like my grief! Build over my unhappy old age! Return me my children!

If my son accidentally disadvantaged the mind and feeling if criminal ideas were filmed in his soul, the sovereign, I would fix it: I resurrect in the soul of His best human feelings and impulses that he had so recently lived!

I feel sacred because of the maternal love and sons of his devotion and not a minute, I have no doubt that I am able to make the son of a honest member of the Russian family from my minor.

Mercy, sovereign, I ask for mercy! ..

Maria Ulyanova.

Maria Ulyanova, 1931. Photo: ITAR-TASS
On March 30, the sovereign imposed the following resolution: "It seems to me desirable to give her a date with his son so that she will be convinced that this is a person - her cute son, and show her the testimony of her son to see what he is convictions."

On the same day, the Minister of Internal Affairs Graph D.A. Tolstoy sent a disposal to the director of the Police Department of the Durovovo: "You need to try to take advantage of the authorized sovereign by Ulyanovoy meeting with her son, so that she persuades him to give a frank testification, especially those who, in addition to students, arranged all this matter. It seems to me that it might be able to act a look at the mother. "

Anna in his memoirs, based on the thirty years ago, presented her date with Alexander in prison in this way:

"When the mother came to him on his first date, he cried and hugged her knees, asking her to forgive him for the grief caused to him. He told her that he had a debt not only before his family, and, drawing her an abuse, crushed the position of the Motherland, indicated that the duty of every honest person to fight for the liberation of her.

"Yes, but these funds are so terrible"

"What to do, if there are no others, mom," he answered .- "We must reconcile, mom". "

Maria Alexandrovna contracted the Son to write a petition for pardon, she was still hoping for the mercy of the sovereign. And he wrote him, but in this past there was no line about repentance. All the meaning was as follows:

"I think I did what I did what I wanted you, the sovereign, kill, but I ask you to leave me a life for my mom, my family."

The process of "case March 1, 1887" was held at closed doors. Close and native defendants were not allowed not only in the litigation, but also on a date with them during the trial and after.

Vadim Ganshin in the role of Alexander Ulyanov in the film "executed at dawn"

15 people were attracted to the court including Alexander and Anna Ulyanov. Of the 15 accused 12 people were students. All the defendants were sentenced to death, but the special presence of the Senate was requested for eight defendants on the replacement of the death penalty by other punishments. Alexander III approved the death sentence for five convicts. They were also included by Alexander Ulyanov. The remaining participants of the "underground" were sharpened to the Shlisselburg fortress, exiled to the north, on Sakhalin. Some of the participants were sent to hard work. Anna Ulyanova received the royal condescension - she was extended for 5 years to East Siberia.

The execution through the hanging of terrorists of the FRACTION "Folk Volya" faction took place on May 8, 1887 in the Shlisselburg Fortress. In the sentence of the word "Hang" It is written from the hand opposite five surnames, among them Alexander Ilyich Ulyanov. His mother, nee Maria Blank, after these events became absolutely gray.

30 years after this execution, Romanovs have ceased to rule Russia. On the night of July 16, July 17, 1918, Nicholas II, his wife Alexander Fedorovna, their children, Doctor and servants were killed in the house of Ipatiev in Yekaterinburg. About Tom, led Vladimir Lenin personally, a decision on the execution of the royal family, is unknown so far.

Shlisselburg Fortress, photo: gorodovoy.spb.ru

If you summarize, then no cool changes in the behavior of Alexander, as follows from the documents, it did not occur, he, like many students from the "cultural group", under the actions of events developed in Russia, consciously moved to the group of radicals. In the case of March 1, 1887, 45 people were attracted, who united the idea of \u200b\u200b"liberation of Russia from the oppression of self-adjustment". They understood that in the event of a failure, they face a death sentence, but they did not refuse their goal, and prepared an attempt. In this was, in their opinion, their civil debt.

Alexandra's execution decided the fate of his younger brother - Vladimir and in general the Family of Ulyanov: They simply became outcasts in Provincial Simbirsk, they were afraid to communicate with them.

Krupskaya and Lenin, photo: obozrevatel.com

In his "memories of Lenin" N. Krupskaya mentions about this time with sympathy:

"When we got close to know, Vladimir Ilyich told me once, as the" society "reacted to the arrest of his older brother. All familiar rejuvenated from the Ulyanov family, even an old teacher has ceased to be, who came to constantly play in chess in the evenings. Then there was no railway from Simbirsk, Mother Vladimir Ilyich had to go horses to Syzran to get to Peter, where Son sat. Vladimir Ilyich sent to look for a fellow traveler - no one wanted to go with his mother arrested. This universal "cowardice" produced, according to Vladimir Ilyich, then it was then a very strong impression. "

The strong impression, according to the historian Yaroslav Leaf, turned into a decisive:

"On Vladimir, this produced, let's say, a decisive impression. The fact is that he was only 17 years old, a person just enters into life, and an example, when this tragedy comes in his own family, because she is a tragedy twice. The first tragedy is that your family member committed or tried to make some kind of atrocity, which attracts the attention of the whole society, and, in fact, all members of the family become neurophumat. On the other hand, this is a personal tragedy - the loss of a person with whom he lived with whom communicated.

Lenin just made a conclusion from this, he then uttered his famous phrase: "We will go to another", - about creating a revolutionary party and about the overthrow of the system. Not individual personalities, but changing the system. That is, Lenin came to the conclusion that individual terror is useless and meaningless.

And we see that indeed from this historical period, the entire individual terror of the Russian Empire comes on. That is, the period when it seemed that let's kill the emperor, and everything will be fine, disappear. "

In Soviet times, the posthumous gift of Lenin was expressed to his executed brother in the renamed name of a modest street in his honor, which to this day wears his name and surname. And it is unlikely that any of the officials raised the question of the feasibility of returning the street of her historical name, having nothing to do with terrorism, revolution, assassinations ...

The article uses the materials of the book: "True and not true about the family of Ulyanovy." Read the book you can

Ulyanov Alexander Ilyich (1866-1887) - Senior Brother Ulyanova Vladimir Ilyich (Lenin), one of the leaders of the terrorist faction Folk will. He was hanged on May 8 (all the dates are given by the old style) of 1887 in the Shlisselburg Fortress together with another 4-revolutionary terrorists. The reason for the execution was an attempt at the Emperor Alexander III. The law enforcement authorities were detained, arrested and devoted to the court. A total of 15 people judged, of which 5 were sentenced to the death penalty.

The information is not very pleasant, but as a young 20-year-old man got into such a fright and was sentenced to the most severely punishment? Alexander Ulyanov was born in quite a decent and respected family. His father Ilya Nikolayevich (1831-1886) had a civilian chin of a valid Stat adviser. He corresponded to the military rank of Major General and gave the right to the offacarious nobility. The "Your Excellency" appealed to the person who had such a rank.

Since 1869, Ilya Nikolaevich has served as an inspector of popular schools of the Symbirian province. In 1874 he became the director of popular schools of the Symbirian province. This man was highly educated and performed for equal to all education, regardless of estimation and nationality. He was born in the family of Meshan (city inhabitants), but, thanks to work and diligence, I achieved a lot in my life.

At the age of 32, he married 28-year-old Maria Alexandrovna Blank (1835-1916). That in the family of a physiotherapist's doctor was born and received a brilliant home education. I confirmed his passing exams for the right to teach a home teacher. In marriage Maria Alexandrovna gave birth to 8 children - 4 sons and 4 daughters. One boy and one girl died in childhood.

Alexander was the second child. He was born after the older sister Olga (1864-1935). In 1883 he graduated from a symbirsk classical gymnasium. At that time, its director was Fedor Mikhailovich Kerensky - the Father of the Future Chairman of the Interim Government Alexander Kerensky. They characterized him as a smart person and an extremely capable teacher.

Studying in the gymnasium, Alexander funched chemistry. I even made a small home laboratory, where I put chemical experiments. He graduated from an educational institution with a gold medal and in the same 1883 entered the University of St. Petersburg at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty.

In the higher educational institution he studied extremely well. In 1886, he made scientific work on the zoology of invertebrates. All the material assembled independently and received a gold medal for this work. Engaged in a biological circle, which students themselves created. He became a member of the economic circle and took an active part in the scientific and literary society, who was led by the well-known professor of the history of Russian literature Orest Fedorovich Miller.

That is, we see a very intelligent and inquisitive young man, drawn to fundamental knowledge. He was waiting for a brilliant future with an interesting job and rainbow prospects, but, as they say, damaging.

The end of the XIX century is the time of fermentation of the minds. In this period, a revolutionary movement has already been fully formed in the Russian Empire, which took the work of Marx, Engels, Plekhanov. In 1879, the revolutionary populist organization People's Volia arose. One of the main methods of combating the existing regime, it put terror. Members of the Organization believed that if you kill the king, this will stir society and lead to fundamental political changes.

In 1884, after a number of terrorist acts and the murder of Emperor Alexander II, the party completely exhausted, as the majority of their members lost as a result of arrests. And in December 1886, a new pesting group arose on the fragments of the terrorist organization. They created it Alexander Ulyanov and Peter Shevyrev. The main goal of it set the murder of Emperor Alexander III.

Emperor Alexander III meets with the people. It was at him that Alexander Ulyanov and his comrades were preparing

Members of the terrorist group were mainly university students. But the old participants of the folk will were not alone. That is, the faction originated on the initiative of Ulyanov and Shevyrov without any intervention from the part. The program wrote Ulyanov, members of the organization accepted it and began to prepare for the appearance of the emperor.

To start bombs explosives, needed money. Alexander Ulyanov sold his gold medal, and the terrorists acquired explosives for the revennated money. Making a bomb, outlined attempt at the end of February. But no clear plan for members of the terrorist faction was not. In addition, they led themselves extremely carelessly and even told their familiar who did not consist in the faction, about the preparing attempt.

A few days before the promotion of Peter Shevyrev was frightened. He told the comrades that the tuberculosis aggravated him, and hastily went to the Crimea. After that, all the leadership took upon himself Ulyanov. Attempt he was scheduled to spend directly on Nevsky Prospect, according to which the emperor traveled regularly.

And on February 26, 1887, a group of young people hung up with bombs appeared near the Admiralty. They began to walk there and here, waiting for the appearance of the sovereign. But that in this ill-fated day never appeared. He did not appear on 27, and February 28. However, all these incomprehensible festivities caused a gloom of interest to the police. It should be said here that some members of the faction were taking into account as unrealized. The authorities knew them perfectly well, and the regular appearance near the Admiralty was brought to certain conclusions.

And when on March 1, the same young people again appeared on the Nevsky Prospect, they were immediately detained. They brought to the department, searched and found bombs. After that, the entire group in the quantity of 15 people was arrested. Alexander Ulyanova and other members of the faction were planted to the Petropavlovsk fortress and an endless series of interrogation began. Someone from the arrested named Shevyrov, and he was arrested in Yalta on March 7.

The court passed quickly. He began on April 15, and already on April 19, a sentence was read. On it, 5 conspirators were sentenced to the death penalty. Another 8 people sentenced to Katorga. Among the suicide bombers were Alexander Ulyanov (21 years old), Peter Shevyrev (23 years old), Pakhomiy Andreyushkin (21 years), Vasily General (20 years old) and Vasily Osipanov (26 years).

After making a sentence of suicide branches, they were placed in the Shlisselburg fortress, where the execution was supposed to take place. Mother came to Alexander. She was allowed to meet with her son after she wrote a petition for the emperor. And his father did not live to a shame, filled with his family. He died on January 12, 1886 from hemorrhage to the brain.

Maria Alexandrovna at meetings with his son begged him to submit for pardon. However, the young man at first categorically refused to do it. Then, however, he succumbed to mother's persuasion, agreed and asked the emperor to replace the death penalty with a different punishment. But the petition was rejected.

Casniili terrorists on May 8, 1887 in the territory of the Shlisselburg Fortress. Hangitz was only 3, so Andreyushkin, Generalova and Osipanova, were at first, and after them I was the turn of Ulyanov and Shevyreva. I buried the conspirators in one grave near the fortress wall. So finished his life path Alexander Ulyanov. He died stupid, trading his talent and an interesting life on some kind of mythical and absolutely unviable idea. But the objectivity of the sake of sake should be said that at the time such as it was a lot.

Shlisselburg, St. Petersburg province,

On April 15-19, 1887, a court was held on which Ulyanov, Shevyrev, Andreyushkin, Generals and Osipanov were sentenced to death, and the rest - including Bronislav Pilsudsky (the elder brother of Yuzf Pilsudsky), which in Vilna prepared an explosive for Alexander Ulyanov Attempts on the king - to various categories of cortics and further link. Alexander's mother, Maria Alexandrovna, wrote a petition of Alexander III about pardon and received permission to date with her son. Alexander Ulyanov himself was invited to ask the emperor about pardon. According to the prosecutor of Knyazeva, who was present at the last date of his mother with his son, Alexander on this date this offer rejected, saying the following: "Imagine my mother, two stand against each other on a duel. One has already shot his opponent, the other is not yet, and the one who has already shot, turns to the enemy with a request not to use weapons. No, I can't do this. " I am quite aware that the nature and properties of the act performed by me and my attitude to it do not give me neither the right nor the moral foundation to apply to your majesty with a request to condesceve in the types of alleviating my fate. But I have a mother whose health has been strongly shaken in recent days and the fulfillment of the death sentence will be subjected to her life of the most serious danger. In the name of my mother and young brothers and sisters, who, not having a father, find their only support in it, I decide to ask your majesty about replacing me the death penalty in any other punishment. This condescens will return the strength and health of my mother and will return her family for which her life is so precious, and I will save me from the painful consciousness that I will cause my mother's death and misfortune to my whole family. Alexander Ulyanov. 8 (20) May 1887, Alexander Ulyanov and his comrades were hanged in the Shlisselburg Fortress. Alexander Ulyanov was buried in the brotherly grave behind the wall of the Fortress of Nut, on the shore of Ladoga Lake (Leningrad Region). April 22 - the birthday of Vladimir Lenin. Only 30 years old are divided by two most important events in the life of this person: the execution in 1887 his older brother Alexander Ulyanov, convicted of the "second first forentoms" process, and October 1917. It is stupid to reduce the Russian revolution to the banal "he avenged for his brother." But it would be stupid and deny that without Alexander Ulyanov would not have been Vladimir Lenin. Is Alexander who is guilty of today's point of view? Still would! The group has prepared three shells: 2 kg of self-made dynamite, almost 3 kg and 1.2 kg. Two bombs made Ulyanov and the "Chemist of the Organization" Lukashevich, one - the Ulyanov himself. Shrapnel was inserted into explosives - slices of lead, coated with "strong strikhnin solid". Well, how many would they stand with the king of the people! Moreover! Before the appearance of the leader of the organization, Shevyrev unexpectedly left in Yalta (whether she was lying, or the Chakhotka really aggravated). Ulyanov headed the whole thing. After arrest, he did not unlock, outlined the tough and logical substantiation of his position. I took someone else's guilt and made many of them from the loop (the same Lukashevich). I refused to ask for a pardon, and when in the end I asked - then, asking for only a concentration of Mother's grief (but it was already too late). That is - the execution deserved? But with all that the attempt did not take place. In fact, judged only for the intention. Fully proven. Punished. Only - what punishment? Hang? For what? Not a drop of blood spilled! Today, the royal justice is often reproached in softness: they say, punish the revolutionaries in real and ... Well, sometimes softness took place. And sometimes - on the contrary. Six years ago, the king was already killed in Russia - the support and symbol of the Great Power. Now the judges decided not to almond. And yet, knowing today the consequences, one thought involuntarily becomes in mind. When the "second first forentoms" grabbed, Alexander III, Harry, initially ordered: time not to spend, without trial, throw conspirators to Shlisselburg - and forget this story. Then they judged - how without trial and the investigation! It is necessary according to the law. Only sometimes you think: maybe if they did according to the first order of the king, then everything would be better? Well, I would be Ulyanov alone. After a couple of years, he would have dialed books. Then write. He would believed that the moral debt was executed. Before care, the policy was indeed a brilliant young biologist. In the chamber there is nothing to do, it would take again with science. In 1905 amnesty. I would have come out on the will that was not a fake terrorist, but an indublined scientist (as the famous N. Morozov's famous N. Morozov). Maybe even - sincerely religious (Ulyanov, because the only one of all those sentenced before the execution kissed the cross). And "ashes of clasa" would not knock on the heart of Brother Volodya. And - who knows! - Perhaps a lot in our history would be otherwise. "The Second First Armenians" the informal name of the underground organization, officially referred to as the "The Terrorist Fraction of the People's Volia Party party. They considered themselves the heirs of the "First Armenian" - People's People who killed March 1, 1881 Tsar Alexander II. After six years, "second first postartovtsy" was preparing to throw bombs in his son - Alexander III, but the guard managed to reach their track before. On March 1, 1887, militants took on Nevsky Prospect during the next hunt for the king. The leaders of the organization - P. Shevyrev and A. Ulyanov. "Signals" (should have noted about the entrance of the royal carriage) - S. Volokhov, M. Kangcher, P. Gorkun. "Metaliers" (those who have planned will throw bombs) - P. Andreyushkin, V. General, V. Osipanov. A total of 15 people took place in the case, five (P. Shevyrev, A. Ulyanov, P. Andreyushkin, V. Generals, V. Osipanov) were hanged.

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