
What causes death in the cradle. Syndrome of the sudden death of babies. The concept of sudden child death syndrome


Sudden child death syndrome, or "death in a crib", in foreign medicine - SIDS) - an unexpected caustic death of a child aged from the week to a year. The origin of the syndrome is not fully studied, but most of the physicians consider it the result of apnea (respiratory stop) and heart rate disorders. The boys are most simplified (about 60%) under the age of seven months ("Peak" falls for 2-4 months). Most often, sudden death comes at night or in the morning, in the cold season.
According to statistics, the indicator of the SVSM in developed countries 0.2 to 1.5 cases range 1000 newborns (for example, in 1999: in Germany - 0.78, USA - 0.77, Russia (data in St. Petersburg) - 0.43, Sweden - 0.45). After the information campaign to reduce the risk of SVSM in England and Sweden, the indicators fell by 70% and 33%, respectively.
According to the World Health Organization, the SVSM enters the top three the main causes of death of children in the first year of life (along with congenital anomalies and perinatal states) - on his share in different countries accounts for up to 30% in the structure of infant mortality.


The doctors talk about the sudden death syndrome only after a thorough investigation of all the circumstances of the child's death, during which any possible pathologies are consistently excluded. When not a posthumous examination, nor a careful analysis of the history of the child's development explains the reasons for his sudden death, the diagnosis of "SVSM" is made. Special statistical studies are held by all circumstances concomitant of the CCMM, risk factors are revealed.

Causes of occurrence:

According to statistics, among the main risk factors: overheating and poor ventilating room, smoking in the child's room, too tight swab, sleep on the stomach, too soft pillow and mattress. According to some pediatricians, the reason for increasing the number of CCM cases - in the "Anomic" position - actually lies precisely in a soft pillow or mattress. They simply "challenge" the nose of the child, overlapping his breathing. Therefore, in a children's bed, there should be a hard smooth mattress, and it is better to refuse from the pillow at all. But, one way or another, statistical data clearly indicate that the sleep on the stomach significantly increases the risk of SBSM: in countries where traditionally, or as a conducted information campaign, children are laid down to sleep on the back, the lowest percentage of cases of sudden death of kids are recorded.
Risk factors also include: presence and low weight of the child at birth; The young age of the mother (up to 17 years); complicated, long or; abortions; Multiple childbirth, especially with small time intervals.
Experts believe that most often it is the result of the immaturity of the neurohumoral infant system. During this period, the children are often awake - temporary breathing delays; And if they are fixed more often than once an hour and continue for longer than 10-15 seconds, it is necessary to report this to the pediatrician without delay.

Another version of the SVSM is a violation of the heart activity of a baby: a different kind, right-hand; They can even meet with healthy children. Regarding any such case, it is also necessary to immediately consult with a children's doctor.

The increase in the number of sudden babies deaths in the autumn-winter period is traced. Perhaps this is due to the increase in the number of respiratory viral infections, or with a decrease in immunity and the need for reinforced voltage of adaptation reserves of the children's body.

According to one of the hypotheses, the death of a baby may occur as a result of chronic psycho-emotional stress.
Does the joint dream increase the risk of SVSM?
There is no unambiguous opinion on this. Some doctors tend to believe that a joint sleep can increase the risk of SVSM - if the result is disturbed by a comfortable sleep of the kid. However, most pediatricians consider joint sleep, on the contrary, the factor in the prevention of the CCM. After all, the child's body is so sensitive that it synchronizes their own breath and heartbeat with the breath and heartbeat. In addition, the immediate proximity of the mother allows it to react as quickly as possible, for example, to stop the breath of the child.


If the baby suddenly stopped his breath, he should be with an energetic movement with his fingers from the bottom up along the spinal column, take it on his hands, make it up, massaging his handles, feet, the ush. As a rule, these measures are enough for the child's breath recovered. If this did not happen, it is necessary to urgently call the "ambulance", and before the doctors arrive, the doctors resort to emergency measures: to make a massage of the chest, artificial respiration.

It is necessary to know how to give first aid upon suffocation - after all, the respiratory stop can also come due to foreign objects into the respiratory pathways.

Death in the cradle most often happens during the sleep of the child. Scientists cannot say why this happens, because studies show that children dying in a dream are absolutely healthy.

SVSM - syndrome of sudden death of babies

It is believed that most often dying without visible reasons for premature babies, that is, babies with low body weight. In order to give birth to a healthy kid on time, Mama must more often attend women's advice, during pregnancy not to change the climatic zone, do not lead sex lifenot loaded physically and mentally.

SVSM - the syndrome of the sudden death of babies more often occurs when the child sleeps on the stomach. The back position allows you to wake up and scream. In the bed should not be soft pillows And blankets that can close your mouth or nose to a child. The optimal pose for a child's sleep is lying on the back and with the head turned the side.

When a child starts to roll over and keep his head, he will choose the most comfortable posture for sleep.

The child can not overheat. The crib must be enough air. The baby should be covered with a thin blanket or diaper that achieve only the middle of the body. Large danger in oneself, cribs are nests that have high soft sides that do not transmit oxygen.

What can be done to prevent sudden child death? First, you need to properly organize a bed of crumbs. The mattress should be dense and smooth, it is necessary to provide a large amount of air in the crib and remove from it superfluous. Secondly, indoors where the child is located, should be fresh air. It is often necessary to air the room and do not smoke in any way.

If the room is cold, it is better to wear a winter set of clothes on a child, and not to cover it with the blankets that he can paint on his face.

Syndrome of sudden death of babies age

If the child died a week after birth, then it means that there were some problems during the hatching. Most often it occurs in smoking mothers who do not refuse themselves and in the reception of alcoholic beverages. In the risk group there are children who weigh less than two kilograms. Women should know that between birth needs to withstand at least fourteen months. The syndrome of the sudden death of babies age from birth to six months. Peak falls for three months. Boys die more often girls.

The child dies as a result of a stop of a heart or breathing. This happens because of the immaturity of the vegetative and central nerve systems. The cerebellum is responsible for arterial pressure And breathing, the bad work of this brain department leads to the death of a child.

Syndrome of the sudden death of babies: Causes

There are no scientifically based causes of UNMD. No family is insured from it. Even if parents do not smoke, strictly observe the prescriptions of pediatricians, properly organized a sleeping place to the child - to provide absolute security to their child they still can not. However, it is especially vigilant to be in the first six months, then the risk of the appearance of SVDS is reduced.

The sudden death syndrome of infants has not yet been established. Even after the opening, it is not possible to understand for what reason the respiratory stop occurred. There are a number of factors that may affect the respiratory stop, if we take precautions, you can avoid a terrible tragedy, but no one will give absolute guarantee.

Sudden Death Syndrome Infant: Risk Factors

Sometimes babies die in a dream without visible reasons. Experts are trying in vain to understand the reason for this phenomenon, but they have little. In his impotence, doctors give recommendations to mothers who rather reassure themselves than really help children.

Sudden death syndrome Infants Risk factors: stuffy room, abundance in a crib of soft materials, smoking parents, age up to six months.

If the child stopped breathing, you need to take yourself in my hands and do not panic. The life of the child depends on the speed of the adult. First of all, it is necessary to make artificial respiration, then call an ambulance. If someone is nearby, then one person makes cardiovascular resuscitation, and the second - causes a doctor. Even if it seems that the child is already dead, it is impossible to stop, it is necessary to continue resuscitation, because the baby can breathe at any time.

Fully preventing the emergence of SVSM is impossible, but certain preventive measures You can do.

Sunday syndrome babies prevention. Before conception, you need to quit smoking and drinking. It is impossible to resolve others to smoke beside, because passive smoking May be adversely affected by the development of crumbs.

Woman should be recorded in women's consultation on early timing. In order to avoid the development of pathologies, it is necessary to strictly observe the prescriptions of the doctor.

The best thing that mother can give to her child is breast milk. It is advisable to feed the child to one and a half years, if there is no such possibility (little milk or need to go to work), then at least under six months. Breastfeeding not only strengthens immunity, but also provides a strong emotional connection between mother and child.

Children are happiness. Without them, life seems dim and meaningless, even if it is saturated with events. However, the birth of a child is a responsible thing. Children not only give joy, but also worries. Parents have to constantly think about their nutrition, clothes, hygiene, make sure that the child does not have a pain and develop correctly. Cases when women do not wear out without any problems and give birth to children in a natural way, so rare that they can be counted on the fingers. Basically, the hatching and birth of children is impossible without the help of physicians. Some can not be conceived. To date, the level of development of medicine is so high that you should not be afraid to give birth and raise children. The main thing is that experts are nearby. Those who in former times have been doomed to death or childlessness, today give birth along two-three children and live a happy full-fledged life.

Sudden child death syndrome is an inexplicable reason for the death of children from birth to up to 1 year, he sounds like a ridiculous sentence. It turns out that the risk of "death in the cradle" can be reduced, preventing dangerous factors.

Sudden childhood syndrome (SVDS) or "death in the cradle" called nothing explained the cause of death absolutely healthy child. The baby was not bothered, he was healthy and cheerful before going to bed.

And after a few hours, the children's heart stopped forever - the baby will never wake up, he will not smile, he will not pay and will not become a new toy. When the shocked, killed by the grief, parents are trying to find out the reason for the tragedy, it turns out that the pathological examination cannot explain why a child died. Then CVDS becomes the only diagnosis. Posthumous.

Causes of sudden child death syndrome

SVDS has not been studied in full. Scientists are only bred by their hands when the next tragedy happens to a healthy child from a prosperous family. Therefore, the exact causes of the sudden death of infants have not yet been determined. You can only talk about the most likely reasons, including:

  • apnea sleep
  • violation of heart rhythm
  • congenital pathology of the arteries supplying blood brain
  • a combination of minor deterioration of well-being and nervous shock
  • infectious processes in the body
  • pressing the vertebral artery

In addition to the reasons, SVDS should be noted by some factors that can lead to tragedy:

  • during pregnancy, the mother smoked, took drugs, consumed alcohol
  • premature baby
  • there was a place of intrauterine delay in the development of the fetus
  • baby Sleep on Side or Stomach
  • soft bed, use pillow for sleep
  • presence in the crib toys, nipples, bottles
  • increased air temperature in the bedroom
  • smoking parents

Smoking during pregnancy can cause SVDS

Important: If you eliminate the reasons that do not depend on the circumstances and the quality of the child's life, it is not possible to exclude most of the risk factors to protect the baby from SVDS, for each parent.

Statistics of syndrome of sudden child death. Studies on Sudden Child Death Syndrome

Based medical research Recent years have appeared statistics of SVDS:

  • white race children die 2 times more often dark-skinned children
  • sudden death happens in 3 children out of 1000
  • 65% of the dead children - male babies
  • 90% of CVDS cases fall at age 2 - 4 months
  • the most dangerous age of the baby is 13 weeks
  • 6 out of 10 cases of SVDS occur due to the fault of parents
  • in 40% of children on the eve of death, signs of ARVI appeared on the eve of death (runny nose, light curves, a slight increase in body temperature)
  • the lowest indicators of SVDS in Holland and Israel (0.1 per 1000), the highest - in Italy and Australia
  • most sudden children's deaths fall at the cold season (October - March)

Important: Even if the child is in the risk zone of SVDS, do not worry much. You need to make a maximum effort to create for the baby of favorable safe living conditions and simply wait for a dangerous period.

Many babies have a slight increase in temperature on the eve of death.

How old is the syndrome of sudden children's death are possible?

SVDS is considered to cause the death of children from newborn to one year. But actually the risk of syndrome is significantly reduced with the advent of the child's abilities independently turn over, sit down, get up in the crib, that is, after half a year.

When a child learn to turn on their own, sit and crawl, the risk of SVDS will sharply reduce

Sudden children's syndrome: True and myths

The secret of SVDS is still not disclosed, perhaps, so she overtook all sorts of terrible stories and terrible stories, which in most cases are very far from the truth.

Joint Son.. A common myth of a joint dream of a mother and a child convinces that the mother can crush the baby in a dream. Therefore, it is not recommended to sleep to the baby together with my parents.

Video: Joint sleep with a child

In fact, a joint dream with his mother is able to warn SVDS. The baby synchronizes his breath with breathing mom and breathes with it over the sleep period. In addition, the mother's moms sleep very sensitive. If the child is near, the mother can instantly recognize even the slightest deviations in breathing or behavior of his baby.

Joint sleep with parents can cause SVDS in exceptional cases

Important: In cases where the mother smokes and uses alcohol, a joint sleep, on the contrary, greatly increases the risk of SVDS.

Warding. There is an opinion that children who are not waving in a dream. Is it possible to protect the baby from the SVDS swinging? I guess, yes. After all, if the baby's movements are not limited in any way, he may accidentally turn over or sketch up a blanket.

Important: It is impossible to swaddle a child too tight - it limits the breath of the child and increases the risk of SVDS.

Tug swabs can cause SVDS

SVDS and Nipple-Dummy. Many mothers refuse to use pacifiers, because nothing good from the piece of rubber, in their opinion, should not be expected. However, the most ordinary dummy is able to reduce the risk of SVDS. Pacipple will help the air to go to the respiratory authorities, even if the baby accidentally turned over his stomach or covered with a blanket.

IMPORTANT: It is best to start tearing a child to a pacifier when breast-feeding It will be completely established. However, if the child refuses to take a nipple, you do not need to insist.

Sudden children's syndrome and vaccinations

The period of the beginning of vaccination coincides with the peak of infant mortality due to SVDS. This fact began to cause suspicion of mom-anti-recreaks. Still would. If some consider children's vaccination with a source of all troubles and health problems, why, by ignorance, do not blame her and in the death of babies?

But statistics and research results are convinced in the opposite: the grafted children die in a dream less often their non-vaccinated peers. In addition, the risk to die from stopping the heart or breathing in a dream during the period infectious disease Do not graft children are much higher.

SVDS is not connected with the scheduled vaccination

When does child death syndrome turn out to be murder?

Many children's deaths have quite explained causes. In most cases, the death of infants leads intentional or inadvertent careless behavior of their parents. When the autopsy and the expert commission detects violent factors, the diagnosis: SVDS is changing: "Murder".

Intended suffocation. There are cases when the baby turned out to be deliberately strangled by one of his own parents. Having angry with a long loud crying, an adult covered the helpless baby with a heavy pillow, overlapping oxygen access.

The death due to shaking. At the moments when adults are shaking a child by the shoulders, trying to calm him in this way, they don't even imagine that their baby is in the hairs of death. The neck of small children is still so weak that even a few sudden strong head oscillations can lead to serious brain damage. The consequences of such climbs often the loss of consciousness, coma and death.

Stroke in a dream. It happens inadvertently, during a shared dream of a mother and a child. Women who take sleeping preparations are prone to deep sleep or use alcohol can not be laid a child next to them. In the people about such cases they say: "Fucked the child."

Prevention of sudden child death syndrome

The prevention of SVDS does not give 100% guarantees that the baby will be fine, because it is impossible to predict the tragedy. But providing the child the most favorable conditions, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of random death.

  • The child should sleep only on his back. The baby's sleep on the tummy is several times the possibility of accidental suffocation. Baby may have a short time to play, lying on the stomach, but only in the presence of adults
  • Baby can not overheat. The optimal temperature in the room for sleep should not exceed 22 ° C
  • You can not strengthen the baby with a blanket, it is better to use a children's sleeping bag
  • It should be excluded tight swearing, as it squeezes the chest and prevents normal breathing
  • It is unacceptable that strong smells of tobacco, spirits or alcohol proceed from parents
  • You can not put the child in my bed, if the parents are very tired, accepted alcohol or sleeping pills, can hardly sleep
  • So that the child does not choose the pussy masses, you need to hold it before bedtime, giving the opportunity to jump
  • In a Manege, you should not use flights and cavities - all these fashionable and beautiful accessories prevent air flow into the crib
  • You can not leave toys, rattles and pacifiers in the crib
  • Baby bed should not be too soft. The best option For sleep baby is a hard mattress
  • When a child falls asleep, you need to offer him a pacifier. Nipples-pacifiers significantly reduce the risk of SVDS
  • At least half a year, the child should sleep in the same room with parents

Proper baby sleep postage - lying on the back

What to do when stopping the breath in a child?

If parents noticed that the baby's breath stopped, you need to act immediately. It is necessary to immediately take a child to the hands and one quick movement to spend your fingers on his spine towards the bottom up, try to wake, slightly harshing.

Then it follows intense, but at the same time with soft movements to massate the uches, fingers on the handles and legs of the child. After such actions, breathing should be returned. After such a case, parents should refer to the pediatrician as soon as possible.

IMPORTANT: Unless you manage to return the child to your child, you need to urgently call an ambulance and proceed to resuscitation actions: artificial respiration and heart massage.

How to avoid syndrome of sudden children's death: Tips and reviews

Tip number 1. To monitor the status of infants in the risk area or suffering from frequent long-term apnea cases, special sensors apply. They act according to the Radionan principle, only react to long-term stopping of the baby's breathing and reject cardiac rhythm. Also for the prevention of SVDS uses clamps that do not give the child to turn over the stomach during sleep.

Tip number 2. Avoid SVDS can be avoided by the child special attention in such situations:

  • any disease with increasing body temperature, deterioration or difficulty breathing
  • sluggish condition, malicious fatigue, rejection of food and drink
  • deep sleep after a strong long crying
  • sleep in a new crib, with unusual conditions
  • child age 2 - 4 months

Irina, Mom Ruslana (1 year): I believe that the first prevention of SVDS is breastfeeding. And the baby should sleep with the mother. Of course, first time will have to remove all the pillows and blankets, which will deliver certain inconvenience. But the child will feel safe, hearing mom's breath, and will be able to "tune" to one rhythm with her.

Elena, Mom Yasminina (5 months): I am very afraid of SVDS, so it took all possible measures to prevent it: the daughter sleeps in our room in a separate bed, the mattress is hard, they constantly ventilate the room. In addition, my husband and I behave a healthy lifestyle - do not drink and do not smoke. Therefore, I believe that our baby does not threaten anything.

Vika, Mom Angelina (7 months): The daughter was born deeply premature. In the first months of her life, she often had a breath delay in a dream. I was very afraid of losing a child, so in the literal sense duty at the baby bed at night, listening to her breathing. When it seemed to me that she did not breathe, I picked her in my arms and walked. My girl was angry and cried, but I calmed down. Now the apnea attacks stopped, the daughter strengthened and grown. I'm not so afraid for her.

Parents who have familiarized themselves with the causes and factors contributing to the development of sudden child death syndrome should try to reduce the likelihood of its occurrence. If the mother and dad baffle comply with all the rules for child care, it is safe to talk about the minimum risks of the onset of SVDS.

Video: "Death in the cradle" syndrome of sudden children's death

The smaller we know about a strange, inexplicable phenomenon, the worst it seems to us. So about the syndrome of the sudden death of babies, which is the main cause of the death of kids aged from the month to the year in many countries, is known extremely few. Despite the decades of research, doctors still cannot bear a clear verdict why an externally, a completely healthy baby suddenly, without any of the visible reasons, quietly freezes in his crib and no longer wakes up ...

The very idea that the baby can, without a visible reason, simply stop breathing in a dream and will never wake up anymore, he inspires a tremendous horror in the most courageous, loving and caring parent hearts. However, fear is not a reason to rotate back to a potential threat. This is a reason to ensure that your informed parental behavior does not allow death even behind the mile to get closer to the cradle. And believe me - if the danger is not known, it does not mean that it is impossible to reduce the risks!

Syndrome of the sudden death of babies: diagnosis without a diagnosis?

The syndrome of the sudden death of infants, abbreviated with CSM, (international name Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, SIDS) is still still alas, to the category of medical mysteries. The only thing is transparent here - statistics. And she is ominous: in America alone (the country, where to study the syndrome of the sudden death of infants, the greatest attention is paid) annually dies about 4,000 kids completely unfortunately.

In other words, these children do not find any mechanical, toxic or any other deviations from norms or injuries, not to mention any obvious diseases. 82% of these kids die right in a dream - they simply stop breathing, their heart stops "stroke".

What unites these babes and on what grounds they attribute the cause of death - sudden death syndrome? In medicine, there is such a concept as "an exception diagnosis" - it is assigned in a situation where no other explanation can be applied. So the diagnosis of "sudden death syndrome" is a classic example of a diagnosis of exception. It is put as the main and only cause of the death of infants aged from 1 to 12 months, which no diseases were observed, proper care and care was carried out, and with which no accidents did not occur.

The processes that lead from the death of babies are a sudden inexplicable stop of cardiac and respiratory activities.

If you are easier for you, you can clothe a deaf medical concept of unreasonable infant death in any "human" phrases: these children simply leave; Hardly time to be born, for an incomprehensible reason, they are "hurry" to go back ... And there is no intelligible explanation for today this phenomenon.

To officially make a diagnosis of Sudden Death Syndrome, the doctor is obliged to study in detail the child's medical card, the history of his birth and the conditions of detention, as well as to take an autopsy. And only in the absence of any other explanations of the death of a baby, the Medic has a reason to put in the Count "Cause of Death" - SVSM.

In the States whose statistics we have already mentioned, and in many other countries with different levels of development of medical science (and in particular - diagnostics), sudden death syndrome in kids up to a year is the leading cause of infant mortality. This is somewhat shocking, isn't it? It would be difficult to "sin" infections, congenital diseases or even accidents - no, in favorites, oddly enough, it is SVSM.

Sudden death syndrome: what kids in the risk area

Despite the fact that the concept of the syndrome of the sudden death of infants is still a mystery to husbands from science, some many years of research have been given. For example, scientists doctors outlined a kind of risk zone, the "inhabitants" of which have more chances to die, without surviving up to the year. So who is in the risk area:

  • Babies older than 2 months, but under 4. Doctors, not the first decade literally "the preparing" theme of the syndrome of the sudden death of infants noticed that the most critical age of death of babies is 2-4 months. Obviously, this is due to the fact that at this age the child is already able to turn on their own in a dream to face down, while the survival instincts are not yet developed. In other words, if the baby is missing oxygen, he will not take any maneuver (will not turn, will not pay, will not boast his head) to save himself. Children under 2 months are not able to turn over, while children over 4 months are gradually developing instinct of self-preservation.
  • Children with reduced immunity. The fact is that the "Fortress" and the cozyness (according to age) of the child's immune system directly affects cardiac activity and breathing. Strong immunity - more stable heartbeat and breathing. In the same category (it is "thanks to" weakened immunity) fall, for example, the premature children, children of parents-smokers and alcoholics, children from multiple pregnancy.
  • Boys. According to statistics on 1 girl aged from 1 to 12 months, the died with a diagnosis of "sudden death syndrome" accounts for 2 boys. In part, such a relation can be explained by the fact that immunity in infant age is somewhat higher in future ladies than the cavaliers.
  • Children experiencing overheating or supercooling. Both the external environment forces the breath of the baby to deviate from the normal rhythm of work. And overheating in this situation is terrible hypothermia - when the baby is cold, its breathing and cardiac activity slow down, fading gradually. But if he is hot and especially - stuffy! Breathing and heart can just stop.
  • Children who sleep on the stomach. According to statistics, about 82% of the dead kids diagnosed with a "sudden death syndrome" died in a dream, 70% of them - lying on the stomach face down or aside.

Do those who did not have enough happiness?

The only reason for the occurrence of sudden child death syndrome, having a more or less plausible medical rationale, is connected directly with the production of an organism .... Serotonin then you mean.

Studies on the syndrome of the sudden death of infants who have been accumulating the US Department of Health and Human Services for several years, show that in the body of the kids who died with SVSM, the level was significantly reduced (if more correct with The wording is in the brain of infants hormone serotonin was produced in critical small quantities).

Since serotonin - in everyday life, it is not different as a hormone of happiness - directly involved in many vital physiological processes, including heart and respiratory activities, the conclusions themselves "asked" in the inquisitive heads of physicians: the lack of serotonin, possibly, is a physiological reason for spending Breathing and heartbeat processes. And in this case, the position on the belly or the scented climate in the room is already rather a catalyst for the future tragedy than its basis.

Researchers hope to develop a test that will measure the level of serotonin in the child's blood, and, depending on this, plan activities that potentially reduce the risk of sudden death syndrome.

Death hollow at the cradle ... What to do?

It would seem how to treat inexplicable? How to prevent the fact that no one can intelligible to describe? How to deal with what is unpredictable? In fact, some security measures against the syndrome of children's sudden death can be taken. And you need!

All these measures naturally have developed from the descriptive statistics accumulated by the details of the death of infants who received a posthumously diagnosis of CSM. In other words, excluding risk factors, we can significantly increase the chances of a baby against a sudden death syndrome. So, the prevention measures of sudden child death syndrome can be attributed to:

The kid to the year must occupy the pose on his back or side. This insignificant at first glance the detail plays a huge value!

In Western European countries, statistics on the syndrome of the sudden death of infants have been conducted since the early 1980s. In the mid-1990s, European pediatricians conducted an active "libez" among young mothers about the benefits of infant sleep on the back in terms of the prevention of CSM. And in the late 1990s, terrible statistics in Europe decreased by 2.5 times!

There are a few weighty arguments that advocate poses on the back during sleep:

  • 1 When the baby sleeps on the stomach face down, he involuntarily squeezes his lower jaw (joints and ligaments are not yet developed so much to keep it without the slightest offset) - Thus, the upper respiratory tract is narrowed and breathing finds it difficult.
  • 2 Sleeping on the stomach increases the risk of the so-called "return respiratory" - when the circulation of oxygen is difficult, and the baby begins to inhale the same air that he exhaled before. Catastrophically inconsistent oxygen, his heart gradually slows down and stops.
  • 3 Breathing of a child who lies face down, can overlap the dummy or a piece of fabric (sheets, diapers, etc.), which the baby is capable of reflexively sucking in a dream instead of her mother's chest or pacifier. And if the baby lies on his back, he is physically able to do this. Moreover, the dummy, when he falls asleep, simply falls on the side, in no way overlapping the access of the air either in the nose, nor in the mouth of the baby.

How exactly these circumstances can affect different children - no one forces to predict. The body of some kids can easily overcome all the "obstacles" with breathing and perfectly surrounds in the pose "on the stomach". While the organism of others, by virtue of the unknown causes, suddenly refuses life in similar conditions. So why risk? Just lay your hot beloved baby to sleep in the back position (and if on the side - then with the lock in the abdomen, which will not allow the baby to roll over in a dream face down) - in order to minimize the risks as possible.

To protect the baby from the occurrence of sudden death syndrome, you have to do everything possible so that the baby is always (and especially during sleep!) It had the opportunity to breathe unhindered.

The climate in the nursery should be cool, with a sufficient percentage of humidity. We have already given good arguments in favor of cool and wet air. Now another important argument has been added to these arguments - the infant overheating can cause him to stop breathing and heartbeat. Therefore, come up with the way to withstand in the room where the baby is sleeping (sleeping on the back!) "Healthy" climate: humidity about 50-60%, temperature 19-21 degrees. And do not ride the child - you can overheat the baby not only outside, but also "from the inside."

In the crib should not have anything but baby. Watch that in the cradle, cradle, a crib or stroller in which the baby sleeps, there were no extraneous things. Believe me, even the nasal handkerchief, which will accidentally break up the toddler's spout during night sleep, can provoke the occurrence of return respiration.

If your baby's head, who sleeps in the crib (and especially - if he lies face down) surround the pillow, toy, cat parsley or anything else - you potentially create a child threatening sudden stop breathing and heartbeat.

Smokers - disorder. All the same Americans scientists, which along and across "perepaked" the topic of the syndrome of the sudden death of babies, were calculated that if the kid also faces tobacco products anyway (smoke from the kitchen, nicotine in Mother's milk, resollers on her lips and t. p.), It significantly weakens its immune system and stabilizes the respiratory function.

Support breastfeeding. About benefit breastfeeding Thousands of fiery speeches are pronounced daily. His "5 kopecks" added and doctors studying the phenomenon of the SVSM: the fact is that the mother's breast milk naturally normalizes the process of producing hormones in the infant - including SEROTONIN hormone.

Of that very serotonin - hormone of happiness, which, according to some scientists, often saves people from death. All people without exception: both big and small.

Sudden Childhood Syndrome (SIDS, "Death in the Cradle") is the death of a child under the age of 1, in the absence of signs of the disease and without singularizing. This phenomenon is one of the most mysterious and tragic medicine, there are many myths and legends around it.

To avoid unnecessary fears for a child, as well as implement the prevention of SVDS, it is necessary to know a scientific point of view on this issue.

What is Sudden Child Death Syndrome?

The term SVDS introduced in the late 60s of the last century, although cases of the sudden death of babies were described and earlier, there are such facts in the literature everywhere. Only in the 80-90s after studying the risk factors, pediatricians began to conduct active campaigns to prevent this syndrome.

SVDS is a diagnosis of exception. Despite the high adaptive opportunities, breast children often die from external and internal reasons. Most often, these are defective malformations, infectious diseases, injuries (including intentional) and tumors. Usually, the cause of death can be found on the history of the disease and the results of autopsy. But sometimes no research give answers to questions. Healthy, normally developing child falls asleep, and after some time, parents find it in a bed dead. It is such a sudden and unfortunate death called SVDS.

Why does CVDS occur?

The risk of sudden death in the crib is maximum in children at the age of 2-4 months, gradually decreases by 6 months and seeks to zero after 9 months. Scientists have found out how long the syndrome of sudden child death is dangerous, but could not establish the cause. A number of features are identified characteristic of all SVDS victims. So, at the opening in children, underdeveloped parts of the brain were found (arcuate core, for example), which are responsible for synchronization of cardiovascular and respiratory activities.

Hypothesis of the elongated interval Q-T

The time from the beginning of the reduction of the ventricles of the heart to their relaxation is indicated on the cardiogram Q-T interval. According to different estimates, the elongation of this moment up to 440-450 ms is called the elongated Qt. The connection of this feature with a sudden coronary death of adults has been proven for a long time. Now it turned out that 30-35% of children who died from SVDS were recorded such increased intervals under which the electrical instability of the heart muscle occurs. And often this feature is absolutely physiological, reaches a peak for 2 months and disappears by half, which coincides with the age risks of sudden death.

Hypothesian apnea

Many healthy children have a phenomenon of periodic respiration, when deep breaths are intervals from 3 to 20 seconds. But in some cases, the pauses between the respiratory movements increase significantly. Most often it happens to. Such an apnea (cessation of breathing) duration of more than 20 disappears after achieving premature babies of age, corresponding to 37 weeks of pregnancy.

Although in rare cases, long pauses are preserved in the docking children. Scientists revealed some dependence between such apnea and SVDS, so premature babies with large breathing delays recommend installing special breathing recorders.

The shortage of serotonin receptors

The lack of serotonin cells, which are located in certain parts of the brain - a frequent find at the opening of SVDS victims. This deficit is focused precisely in the brain area that is responsible for cardiovascular synchronicity, that is, for the connection of respiratory and heart rate. There is a hypothesis, according to which the defects of serotonin receptors cause a respiratory stop in a dream in children.

Hypothesis of unfinished thermoregulation

It is believed that life centers in the oblong brain ripen in children until they reach the achievement of three months. With immature brain cells responsible for thermoregulation, the average body temperature in kids is below normal. Approximately 3 months of living arises temperature consistency (when measuring in the rectum). Shortly before the ripening of these cells, fluctuations of numbers on a thermometer and an inadequate temperature response can be occurred. That is, when changing the bedroom microclimate, the baby can simply overheat, which will affect the respiratory and cardiac activity and will lead to sudden death.

There are still many hypotheses (genetic, infectious, hypothesis of the relief of the vertebral artery), but none of them explains absolutely all cases of SVDS.

Mechanism of sudden death

For the emergence of SVDS, a combination of genetic factors, critical age and adverse external conditions is necessary. Usually, children laid on the stomach into a soft bed are instantly wake up with a lack of oxygen and change the pose. But some kids do not work this protective mechanism. They can bond in the period, the oxygen content falls in the blood and the level of carbon dioxide will increase, but the reflex waken does not happen. The child will again and again inhale the exhaust air until the oxygen level is critical and will not lead to death. Such an additional factor, like smoking parents, also causes a violation of this protective reflex.

Risk factors SVDS

Despite the unsuccessful searches for the exact cause of sudden child death, scientists have established several risk factors. The elimination of these factors allows to reduce the number of sudden deaths at times, although many predisposing features cannot be eliminated.

Pregnancy and childbirth factors

  • drug addiction and tobacoccoing mothers during pregnancy
  • intrauterine hypoxia and developmental delay
  • prematurity

Features of the child

  • male floor, age 2-4 months
  • resuscitation events in the past (the more the child's life there were episodes requiring emergency care, the higher the risks)
  • the brother or sister of the child died from SVDS (this concerns the death from any non-infectious disease, and not just from SVDS)
  • frequent and long-lasting apnea episodes, high awakening threshold

Conditions of sleep child

  • sleep in the position on the stomach and on the side
  • smoking parents after the birth of a child
  • soft bed, parina, pillow
  • overheating, cold season
  • accommodation baby at large altitudes above sea level

The main factors for the emergence of the sudden unfortunate death of the kid - a dream on the stomach, the conditions in the crib and smoking of the parents.

Sleep in position lying on the stomach

Perennial studies have proven that the child sleeping on the belly is exposed to a greater risk of sudden death. It is especially dangerous to put children on the stomach in a dream after a long break or for the first time, that is, to create the so-called "unusual position on the stomach". Most often it occurs during daytime sleep outside the house.

It used to be believed that the position on the side does not carry threats. But now it is known that the risk of such poses is no less, since children often turn out of her belly. Therefore, the sole safe can be considered the position on the back. The exceptions are the states in which to sleep on the back is contraindicated (underdevelopment of the lower jaw, a pronounced gastroesophageal reflux). Such children often jump out and can inhale vomit. The vast majority of kids are calmly sleeping on the back without risk to choke.

Conditions for sleep

An important element of the kid security is the situation in its bedroom and specifically in the crib. Potentially lead to sudden death can:

  • Warm quilted blankets
  • Volumetric soft pillows
  • Soft perins and mattresses
  • Increased room temperature
  • Joint sleep with parents

Smoking parents

Nicotine addiction Mom and Pope harm not only their own health, but also adversely affects the child. There are several versions why passive inhalation tobacco smoke leads to a sudden death in a dream. The most common is to reduce the number of catecholamines responsible for sensitivity to oxygen starvation under the influence of nicotine.

Since smoking mothers most often smoked during pregnancy, then for their children, the late development of all brain departments, including centers of cardiac and respiratory regulation, are characterized by their children. The combination of these factors leads to such a tragic consequence as SVDS.

What can be hidden under the mask of ADVS?

Most of the deaths of breast childhood are caused. Sometimes in order to find these causal factors, a thorough investigation is carried out and an autopsy by experts. And only occasionally death remains a mystery, receiving the name of SVDS.

The consequences of ill-treatment

The child's death can be a consequence of the outbreak of a parent's wrath, or occur due to chronic beatings and bullying. Unfortunately, this happens more often than I would like. And if serious injuries and fractures arrived at the place of the tragedy doctors find immediately, then some consequences of violence see immediately.

These include intentional strokes and a shaking syndrome of a baby. The latter is damage to the thin vessels of the brain as a result of the shaking of the baby. The fucking neck and a relatively big head of the child of the first year of life predispose to severe brain damage until the loss of consciousness, coma and death.

The re-case of SVDS in the family pursues the idea of \u200b\u200bpossible violence against children. If the third child dies as suddenly, the judicial physicians do not doubt the abuse of parents.

Unintentional suffocation

Sleepless nights, hormonal changes and breastfeeding on demand are tiring every mom. So her night sleep can be very strong despite increased sensitivity To the cries of the baby. If the child sleeps in the same bed with her mother, that is, some risk of his unintentional suffocation. In several times, this risk increases when taking the mother of alcohol or drugs from insomnia.

One of the most famous literary and historical facts of SVDS was the parable of Solomon Court from the Old Testament. Two mothers came to Solomon, one of which found her child dead in bed ("hesitated" him) and put the caller to the second mother's bed.

She called her son's living baby. Solomon wisely reasoned the dispute of women, giving a child a real mother, who did not agree to chop him into two parts. Since then, the habit of putting a kid into the bed of parents appeared and disappeared from different nations.

In the 18-19th centuries there were even strict prohibitions for joint sleep, and the "sprinkling" of the child was equated to a deliberate murder. Currently, most mothers try to put babies in a separate bed, although cases of their sudden death are still found.

Viral and bacterial infections

In childhood children, many infectious diseases occur atypically. With severe damage, the organs sometimes do not have bright symptoms. Especially this concerns the old premature babies. Therefore, before making a diagnosis of SVDS, the pathologist will definitely eliminate pneumonia, meningitis and other terrible complications of infections.

Prevention of SVDS

The sudden death of babies can not be predicted and prevented with one hundred percent probability. But it is possible to ensure the baby safe Wednesday and exclude many risk factors.

Domestic monitoring of breathing

IN last years A lot of home appliances appeared, allowing to keep track of breathing, child pulse and even saturation of its blood oxygen. Such devices operate on the Radionan principle, submitting to parents a beep with long pauses in the breath of the baby and the heart rhythm violation. But, unfortunately, research has not proven at least some preventive benefit of such devices. Home monitoring practically does not reduce the frequency of SVDS. Use sensors is permissible only in children high groups Risk:

  • Infants who had episodes of loss of consciousness, the formation, requiring emergency care (cardiovary and pulmonary resuscitation)
  • Premature babies children with frequent episodes apnea
  • Children with proven respiratory diseases, leading to breath stop

Useless commercial innovations include wedges, as well as all sorts of positioners for sleep. These fixtures record the child, not letting it turn on the belly. From the point of view of statistics, the risks of sudden death in such children do not diminish.

SVDS and vaccination

Activists of antifying campaigns are happy to use SVDS phenomenon to intimidate parents by the "horrors of vaccination". Indeed, the first kid vaccinations often coincide in time with the peak of the frequency of sudden death. But numerous extensive studies have proven that the coincidence of episodes of vaccination and sudden death is completely random. Moreover, the grafted children die in the cradle much less frequently unknown. The lack of vaccination will not only save from SVDS, but will add risks to die from stopping the breath with cough, for example.

When should I pay special attention to the child?

In some circumstances, it is necessary to show a little more attention to the health of the kid to avoid tragic outcome.

  • High temperature in a child, especially during sleep
  • Failure to eat, reduced motor activity
  • All respiratory diseases (pharyngitis, bronchitis, even ordinary runny nose)
  • Sleep kid after a long hysterical and crying
  • Sleep in unusual conditions (visiting, not in his crib)

Help parents who survived the sudden death of a child

The bitterness of such an unexpected and severe loss is incomparable with anything. But it is necessary to remember that SVDS is impossible to foresee and prevent, and there is no guilt of parents in the death of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to seek help to a psychologist, start classes in support groups and continue to live on. Most families manage to maintain unity, give birth to children and avoid repeating tragedy.

The main conclusions about SVDS

  • The sudden death of a healthy child is tragic, but an extremely rare phenomenon
  • It is impossible to predict the development of SVDS
  • A posthumous diagnosis of SVDS is placed only in the absence of signs of illness or violence
  • The main measures of the prevention of sudden children's death: sleep on the back, a cot with a rigid mattress, without a pillow and a light blanket / sleeping bag, as well as the refusal of parents from smoking
  • Home appliances for respiratory control and heartbeat are needed only to children from risk groups.
  • The presence of such a phenomenon in medicine as SVDS is not a reason for the development of anxiety in mom and dad. Create a child safe conditions and enjoy parent!

POLYESTER.RU - Magazine for girls and women