
Vysotsky his fate and life brief biography. Vladimir Vysotsky - biography, information, personal life. Last years of life and death

Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich, (1938-1980) Russian poet and actor

Born on January 25, 1938 in Moscow in the family of military service. In 1947-1949 He lived with his father and his second wife in the city of Eberswalde Finn (Germany), then returned to Moscow.

During study at School, Vysotsky was engaged in the drama and wanted to enter the theater institute, but at the insistence of parents passed the exams in the Moscow Construction Institute named after V. V. Kuibyshev, where he left soon. In the summer of 1956, he entered the school studio named after V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko at Mkate.

At the end of the Studio (1960), he worked at the Moscow Drama Theater named after A. S. Pushkin and in the Moscow Theater Miniature. Then he began to act in the movies.

In 1964 he was adopted in the Moscow Theater of Drama and Comedy on Taganka, where he worked until the end of his life. The artist played on the stage of Taganka more than 20 roles, of which the most famous role of Hamlet from the Shakespeare tragedy of Shakespeare is the most famous.

In 1960-1961 The first songs of Vysotsky appeared. For his life, he created them about a thousand. Formally not recognized, bypassing radio, television, printing, thanks to the tape recorders of Vysotsky's songs became known to everyone.

Many songs and ballads meant for movies. In 1966, Vysotsky starred in the picture "Vertical" and wrote five songs for her. In total, he played 30 art films. The last years of Vysotsky's life were dramatic. With nationwide popularity, he could not achieve the publication of his poems, the output of the plates; Heavyly worried about betraying, unleashed in the press. From overvoltage sick, in 1979, a clinical death was transferred.

He died on July 25, 1980 in Moscow, buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery. Only after death was published the first collection of his poems "nerve" (1981).

In 1987, for the role of Captain Moore Gleb Zheglov in the five-sister television tape of the director S. S. Govorukhin "The meeting point cannot be changed." He was posthumously awarded the State Prize of the USSR.

Vladimir Vysotsky was born on January 25, 1938 in Moscow in the hospital at the 3rd Meshchanskaya Street. 61/2. His father, Semyon Vladimirovich 1915-1997, was a colonel of the Soviet army, originally from Kiev, and the mother of Nina Maksimovna, nee Sergey, 1912-2003. And worked as a German translator. The Vysotsky family lived in the Moscow communal apartment in difficult conditions, and had serious financial difficulties when Vladimir was 10 months old, his mother had to go to work to help her husband earn a living.

Vladimir's theatrical inclinations became obvious at an early age, and their grandmother on the father's line of Dora Bronstein, the theater fan, which the boy read poems, standing on the chair and "folding his hair back, like a real poet," often using the expression in his public speeches, which he could hardly hear at home

When the Second World War, Semen Vysotsky, a military reserve officer, was called up to the Soviet Army and went to fight with the Nazis. Nina and Vladimir were evacuated to the village of Vorontsovka of the Orenburg region, where the boy spent six days a week in kindergarten, and his mother worked for twelve hours a day on Himzavoda in 1943, they returned to their Moscow apartment on the 1st Meshchanskaya st., 126. On September 1, 1945, Vladimir went to the 1st grade of the 273rd Moscow School.

In December 1946, Vysotsky's parents divorced and in 1947-1949 Vladimir lived with Semen Vladimirovich and his Armenian wife, Evgenia Stepanova Licholatovaya, which the boy called "Aunt Zhenya", at the military base in Eberswald in East Germany. "We decided that our son would stay with me Vladimir came to stay with me in January 1947, and my second wife, Eugene, became the second mother of Vladimir for many years ahead, they had a lot in common and they loved each other that Made me truly happy, "recalled later Semen Vysotsky. In 1949, Vladimir returns to Moscow and enters the 5th grade of the Moscow 128th school and settled in Great Kareny, 15. In 1953, Vladimir Vysotsky, enters the theater courses. In 1955, he gives his first guitar for his birthday, and Bard and the future famous Soviet pop Lirig Kohanovsky shows him the first chords. In the same year, Volodya moves to the mother to the 1st Meshchansky, 76, and also finishes school


In 1955, Vladimir entered the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute, but in June 1956 threw his studies after just one semester to continue the acting career. He enters the MHAT Studio School and after graduation in 1960 he was taken to the Moscow Drama Theater named after A. s. Pushkin under the guidance of Boris Ravenskiy, where he worked with the gusts of three years.

In 1961, he recorded his first song "Tattoo", and already in 1963, on the Film studio named after Gorky, he records the watch cassette of his own songs. The copies quickly spread across the country and the name of the author became known, although many of these songs were often mentioned as "street" or "anonymous" just a few months later in Riga Grandmaster Mikhail Tal, praised the author of "Greater Kareny", and Anna Akhmatova in conversation with Joseph Brodsky quoted the excerpt "I was a soul of a bad company." In October 1964, Vysotsky recorded 48 own songs, which even more increased its popularity as a new star of the Moscow National Andgend

In 1964, the director Yuriy Lyubimov invited Vysotsky to join the "Taganka Theater" and already. September 19, 1964. Vysotsky made his debut in the play on the play of Brecht "Good Man from Selyan" premiere of "Galilee's life" took place on May 17, 1966 and was transformed by loved in a powerful allegory of moral and intellectual dilemies of the Soviet intelligentsia.

In 1967, Vysotsky is removed in the film Stanislav Govorukhin and Boris Durov, "Vertical", this role brings him all-union glory. A plate with songs from the film comes to the company "Melody".

On December 1, 1970, he marries Marina Vlad, and the newlyweds go to the honeymoon in Georgia.

In 1971, the alcoholic nervous breakdown led Vysotsky to the Kashchenko psychiatric clinic, by this time he suffered from alcoholism. Partially recovered with the help of Marina, Vysotsky goes to a concert tour in Ukraine and records new songs.

November 29, 1971 Premiere of Hamlet on Taganka, Novatovskaya Radimov's statement with Vysotsky in the lead role of a lonely intellectual rebellion, staging on the fight against a brutal state machine

In April 1973, Vysotsky visited Poland and France predictable problems related to the official resolution were quickly permitted after the leader of the French Communist Party of Georges Marche called Leonid Brezhnev, who, according to the memoirs of Marina Vlad, pretty sympathized with Star Pare.

In 1974, the "melody" released a record on which four songs were represented about the war. In September of the same year, Vysotsky received his first state award - the honorary diploma of the Uzbek SSR on the results of the tour with other actors from the theater on Taganka in Uzbekistan.

In 1975, Vysotsky made his third trip to France, where he was quite risky visited his former tutor, and now the famous dissident of the emigrant Andrei Sinyavsky.

In September 1976, Vysotsky with Taganka makes a tour of Yugoslavia, where Hamlet won the first prize of the annual Bitef festival.

In 1977, Vladimir Semenovich's health deteriorated to such an extent that in April he was in the resuscitation center of the Moscow clinic in a state of physical and mental collapse.

1978 began with a series of concerts in Moscow and Ukraine, and in May Vysotsky began a new major film process: "The meeting place cannot be changed."

In January 1979, Vysotsky again visited America with a very successful series of concerts.

In early 1980, Vysotsky asked Lyubimov about annual vacation. On January 22, 1980, Vysotsky came to the Ostankinsky television center to record his one and the only studio concert for Soviet television.


Although several theories about the ultimate cause of the death of the singer are still preserved to this day, including several rather sinister, given what is now known about cardiovascular diseases, it seems likely that by the time of his death, Vysotsky had a progressive coronary state caused by tobacco, Alcohol and addiction, as well as its exhausting schedule of work and stress. Vysotsky suffered from alcoholism most of his life, and somewhere since 1977, he began using amphetamines and other drug recipe only in an attempt to resist the exhausting hangover and ultimately get rid of alcohol addiction. July 25, 1979 Exactly a year before death, he suffered a clinical death during a concert tour of Uzbekistan

Fully realizing the danger of his condition, Vysotsky took several attempts to cure herself from dependence. He passed the experimental blood purification procedure proposed by the leading specialist in drug rehabilitation in Moscow.

Relations with Marina Worse worsened, he burst out between his devotion to her and love for the mistress of Oksana Afanasyeva.

On July 3, 1980, Vysotsky gave a performance in the Concert Hall near Moscow, one of the scenic managers remembers that he looked clearly unhealthy.

July 23, Vysotsky survived the next collapse. The next day suffered a heart attack. He died in the morning of July 25, 1980.

The official announcement of the death of the actor was not done, only in the newspaper "Evening Moscow" appeared a brief obituary, but tens of thousands of fans of his talent came to say goodbye to his beloved artist. Vysotsky was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Vysotsky is one of the representatives of the "street" theater, and therefore it is easy, with some reckless freedom walks on the stage. Truly, he only needs a rug. Or a microphone, if it is invented by modern appliances. And guitar, of course. But it is possible without it - he will read poems, depict Kerensky, Hitler or anyone else. All this he does artistically, famously, with the perfect feeling of pop shape, the beginning and end of the room, with the bliss of loneliness on the stage, which like God's gift is given by the grade artists. But the best of Vysotsky, of course, his songs. Someone said about him that the floor goes under it when he appears on stage. It's right. The special level of the temperament is the essence of its charm. But when he takes a guitar in his hands, when his arms and legs calm down, become concentrated by the eyes turned to viewers - when the actor remains himself, "the most interesting thing begins here.

I will not take the retelling of his songs, although the best of them are a kind of little drama. Followable one after another, then funny, then sad, then genre pictures, the monologues, uttering on behalf of a pronounced personality, then thinking of the author himself about life and time, they, all together give an unexpectedly bright picture of this time and man in it. The rude "street" manner of execution, almost spoken and at the same time musical, combined with the unexpected philosophy of content - it gives a special effect. According to style, this is the Brecht prodes transferred to our Russian soil.

The executive talent of Vysotsky is very Russian, the folk warehouse, but this, the charming team itself is obeying the intellect, the ability to think independently and disintegrate occasionally. In Lyubovsky performances, the intellectual beginning is always more active, it is endured directly to the public, turns to her mind. Vysotsky also sings - offekly, turning not somewhere over his heads, in general, in the hall, and straight looking into the eyes of those who in front of him, winning these eyes, without letting them, subjoy and convincing them. The arbitration essence of the theater, which he represents, affects it.

Vysotsky is courageous not only by appearance, but also in the warehouse of thought and character. Fortunately, there are no self-confident intonations in his songs, he thinks more about life and is looking for solutions than anything claims what is confident. But he thinks, discarding all the possibility of compromise and mental quiet. Thinks as today they think and looking for the best of his generation. Weanlessly, not embarrassed, he makes a result of his search for the viewer, hoping that he would understand him.

Vysotsky - Child of the elements, I have not seen the second same for endurance. He is tireless as a mountain river as a Siberian blizzard, and this is not a metaphor, alas! - He is also merciless to himself in his work, as well as the mentioned phenomena of nature. Only it is more expensive to him - life and health. Element, hobby, intrigue plan, love make it yourself. Kaznaya Roution, everyday vanity change its appearance. It would seek a different person - nonsense and awkward, are unrecognizable in anything ... But here it strongly called for passion, idea, dream, song, friendship, role. Before you - Vladimir Vysotsky. He will open the whole in front of people, he risks burning, melt at every step ... He wrinks the song that tomorrow will be loved. He will go to the mountains, passionately by mountaineering, and his poems about friendship and courage, the mountains and war will bring a film success. A perfectly playing an officer in the film "served two comrants," he refused to Dubler's uncoupled - he himself, he himself, sadly, fell from his horse ... Child the elements ... "

1. Brief biography

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War with Mother, Nina Maximovna, evacuated to the Orenburg region. In the summer of 1943, they return to Moscow.

On September 1, 1945, he went to the first class of the 273rd Moscow School. Two years later, in 1947 he went with his father and a stepmother to Germany - the city of Eberswald. Having stayed there for two years, in October 1949 returned to Moscow. Settled in Great Kareny, 15. He studied in the 186th men's school and graduated from 10 classes in 1955. In the same year, he entered the Moscow engineering and construction institute named after Skuibyshev, but after a few months, in early 1956 he left the institute.

In the summer of 1956 he entered the MCAT Studio School. Nemirovich-Danchenko on the acting department at the rate of B.I. Masalsky and A.M.Komissarov. In May 1958, he married a student of the Studio Studio Mkhat Isolde Zhukova. In June 1960 he graduated from the MCAT Studio School. Settled in the Moscow Drama Theater. A.S. Pushkin, then to the theater miniature.

In 1961, the first song was written - "Tattoo".

In the autumn of 1961, in Leningrad, he met the film actress Lyudmila Abramova, the future second wife. In November 1962, Vysotsky and L. Abramova, the first son was born - Arkady.

According to some sources, there is information that at this time Vladimir Vysotsky began to abuse alcoholic beverages, and in May 1964, he first goes to the hospital at the insistence of her parents, he was treated from alcoholism. In August 1964 he had a second son - Nikita.

Since September 1964, the creative life of Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky is connected with the theater of drama and comedy on the Taganka, where he was enrolled in the state of actors. In 1965, the first solo concerts are held in Moscow. By that time, they are already written about hundreds of songs.

In June 1966, in the theater at the Taganka Premiere - "Life of Galilea". In the lead role - Vladimir Vysotsky.

In the summer of 1966, he starred in two films: "Vertical" and "Short Meetings". The light saw the first flexible plate with the songs of Vysotsky from the film "Vertical". In 1967, he starred in films: "Two comrades served" and "Interventions". (The last film during his life did not come out on the screens).

In July 1967, in Moscow, he met the French film actress de Praekoff Marina-Katrine, more famous for us, like Marina Vlad.

In March 1968, Vysotsky dismissed from the theater on the Tagank, then adopted with many reservations.

August 1968 - poems are written in Siberia for "Hunting for Wolves" and "Balca".

In July 1969, the first clinical death.

In the summer of 1973, for the first time goes to the West - to France. In the same year, the first two giant disks with the songs of Vysotsky took place in the USA

In the spring of 1975, Vysotsky and Vlad received a separate three-room apartment on the Small Georgian, 28.

On May 10, 1978 there was the first shooting day of the film "The meeting place is impossible". Shooting ended in February 1979.

1979 - starred in his last film - "Little tragedies".

On July 20, 1980, the last poem is written: "And the ice is from below, and on top - I make a lot between ..."

He was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

2. on the scene of the theater

They were played by more than 20 roles on the stage of the theater, 8 - in radio performances, Vysotsky - the author of songs and text of songs to many film patinas. Removed in films:

- "Popper" (Petya)

- "Career Dima Gorina" (Sofron)

- "Sinny" (correspondent)

- "713 asks landing" (American sailor)

- "Dismissal ashore" (Peter)

- "Live and dead" (cheerful soldiers)

- "Punch Punch" (Alexander Nikulin)

- "Our house" (mechanic)

- "For tomorrow's street" (Peter Markin)

- "Stryakuha" (Andrey Bee)

- "I come from childhood" (Volodya)

- Vertical (Volodya)

- "Short meetings" (Maxim)

- "Two comrades served" (Brusnuts)

- "Master of Taiga" ("Ryaby")

- "Dangerous tour" (Nikolai Kovalenko)

- "White Blast" (Politruk)

- "Echo of distant snow" ("gray")

- "Fourth" (he)

1973 - "Bad Good Man" (Background Corren)

- "The only way" (malt)

- "Mr. Mac-Kinley's flight" (Bill Segger)

- "The only one" (Boris Ilyich)

- "How the king Peter Arape married" (Ibrahim Hannibal)

The meeting place is impossible to change "(Gleb Zheglov)

- "Little tragedies"

3. Creative heritage

The creative heritage of Vysotsky pays a lot of riddles. Serious studies began not so long ago, there are still many disputes, discoveries, various versions.

If you try to determine the place of Vysotsky in the history of our culture in one word, then the most accurate, will be: anathered conscience of the people. Therefore, the loves of the people, therefore, the massive pilgrimage to his grave on Vagankovsky is already how many years old, therefore, and the neglected sea of \u200b\u200bflowers at its monument, therefore, there are any reminders of him - books, booklets, cassettes, records. During his lifetime, he did not become nor folk or deserved nor a laureate. Official awards and ranks were not awarded. But truly popular became. His talent, his work and there was the very powerful monument.

He reigned the defects of our demoralized society without moraling, without a patronage notion. He was alien to the prose. The sense was the struggle for the return of absolute: honor, conscience, dignity.

Vladimir Vysotsky was implemented as a poet in the genre of the author's song. The early works of Vladimir belong to the 60s of the last century. At first they were performed by Vysotsky in a circle of close comrades, it was later spread with tape recordings. Vysotsky's songs were on various topics: street, yard, military, camp, etc.

Childhood, youth, training.

Vladimir was born in 1938 in Moscow in a military family. The early years of childhood of the little Vysotsky passed in the grinding of a communal apartment. In 1941, his father was called up for military service, and with the arrival of war, the mother and son were evacuated in the Orenburg region, from where they came back to Moscow after 2 years. At that time, the marriage of Father and Mother Vysotsky was under a big question. Parting of parents affected the creative activity of Vladimir. His feelings were reflected in the work of the "Ballad of Childhood".

In 1945, the boy Volodya went to school. Next year, he began to live at the father and the new spouse Seeds Vysotsky.

A year later, Vladimir, together with the new family, he moved to Germany, where he began to engage in music. One of his teachers believed that the boy had absolute hearing.

In 1949, the poet arrives in Moscow.

In 1953, Vladimir gets acquainted with actor Sabinin, thanks to which it becomes a participant in the theater mug. Soon they are written by the first poetic work "My oath".

After graduating from school in 1955, Vysotsky begins training at the Engineering and Construction Institute. However, after some time, it throws training in Him in the hope of getting to theatrical. The following year, the poet becomes students of the acting Studio MCAT.

Actor and musician.

After studying in the acting school, Vladimir begins creative activities in the theater. Pushkin. A little later he writes the song "Tattoo". In 1964, becomes an actor in the theater on Taganka. Here Vysotsky plays in many performances, such as "Life Galilea" and "Pugachev".

In addition, he becomes a movie actor and writes songs to the movies.

Last years.

In 1978, Vladimir Vysotsky gets the highest category of pop soloist. However, during this period, the poet comes to drugs and begins to drink a lot. In 1980, Vladimir Vysotsky dies. The cause of death was heart failure.

While Vladimir Vysotsky was alive, his songworks did not receive official recognition. On the contrary, they were pursued with tough criticism. Until 1981, no edition released the book of the poet's texts. Censorship was removed only after his death, and then partially. The beginning of the legalization of his work falls only for 1986. Since then, the issue of writings of Vysotsky began. Some researchers of his creativity estimate Vysotsky as an important figure in the formation of the views of Russian society.

Option 2.

Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky was born on January 25, 1938 in Moscow. His father was a serviceman, and his mother worked as a referential translator. During the war, Vladimir and Mother had forced to move to the Urals for two years, and then after evacuation, they returned to the capital again. But in Moscow, Vysotsky spent a little time. Having lived five years in marriage, parents divorced. Father married again and moved along with her son to occupied Germany, where Vysotsky began to study the game on the piano, and the mother soon married. Vladimir continued to communicate with both parents, but with a stepfather of the future musician, the relationship did not make up, therefore, having left Germany in 1949, the young man settled in Moscow with his father's family. In the capital, he became close to the companies that sang in the courtyards of the song under the guitar, and carried away the game on this tool.

Already in school years, Vysotsky began to show interest in the theater. He visited a dramatic circle for a while, but then he still did not know that the acting field would become part of his life. After graduating from school, Vladimir Semenovich entered the Engineering and Construction Institute, but then realized that his destination was the actor profession, and decided to submit documents to the MCAT Studio School. At the end of it, Vysotsky changed several Moscow theaters and even tried to get to the theater "Contemporary". The flourishing of his acting career came to work in the theater on Taganka. His Vysotsky dedicated 16 years old: since 1964 to the last days of life. In the theater on Taganka, his talent was embodied in the images of Hamlet, Pugachev, Galilee, Svidrigaylov.

Vladimir Semenovich wrote poems from an early age, and in 1961, inspired by an example of the Bulat Okudzhava, whom he considered his teacher, imposed them to music. So the first song of Vysotsky appeared. The heritage of the musician is about 1000 songs. Among them are those that Vysotsky wrote for movies. Vladimir Semenovich received roles in thirty artistic films. Despite the talent, the love of the people and active creative activity Vysotsky did not receive official recognition. His songs were distributed only on tape recorders, the poems were not published, and the concerts were prohibited. The spouse of the poet - Marina Vlady had supported him in organizing a concert tour of the United States, and also introduced Vladimir Semenovich with the most famous actors in Europe and musicians.

Throughout life, Vysotsky was passionately passionate about cars. Marina Vlady often gave him the cars, including the first foreign car actor - Mercedes. Vysotsky loved to ride at high speed and often broke his cars.

For many years, Vysotsky suffered dependence on alcohol and smoked no less tutu cigarettes per day. This was the reason for the musician and kidney problems from the musician. The fact that doctors were used to treat Vysotsky narcotic substances, which he subsequently began to use regularly.

On July 25, 1980, Vladimir Vysotsky was found in his apartment dead. The reason for his death is not known, since the close poet did not give consent to the opening. According to one of the versions, Vysotsky died due to asphyxia, according to another - from myocardial infarction.

Detailed biography

In winter, January 25, 1939, the future great - the poet, actor and artist, written by him - Vladimir Vysotsky, was born in Moscow. It takes 2nd place in the list of "Russian idols of the 20th century", making an assignment to Yuri Gagarin.


Little Vova lived in a communal apartment with his father and mother: Semen Vladimirovich and Nina Maximovna. At the beginning of the Patriotic War, the boy was only 4 years old, during this period, his parents decided to divorce. Five years later, despite all the vital difficulties, Volodya is interested and regularly engaged in music. A year later, suddenly fond of theater, as a result, it starts to walk on theatrical circle.

After school, the young man goes to the Moscow Institute of Construction, but she graduates after some time, since there was no tenderness to this activity. The thrust for the theater takes the top, and Vysotsky enters MCAT. After the first exit to the scene, all his remaining life is connected with the theater.

Creativity Vysotsky

Poetry Vladimir was also interested in school age, but it began to create thoroughly in this area in the 60s. However, despite the attraction of people, he had a frivolous attitude towards his songs. Every day, Vladimir Vysotsky gained popularity, performed at various concerts, received many awards, with all this, the time to arrange a personal life. But he was in conflict with the Government of the USSR. The power did everything so that the songs of the artist did not apply.

As a result of large moral loads, Vysotsky began to drink, which caused another issue of problems. But Vladimir coped well with all the difficulties, without ceasing to engage in favorite hobbies. He wrote almost 600 songs and about 200 poems. In 1978, he was assigned the highest category of vocalist and pop soloist. Contrary to health issues, in recent years of life, Vysotsky did not cease to give concerts before the public, in parallel speaking in the theater.

The death of Vladimir Vysotsky

With health, Vysotsky was not all right. The use of drugs and alcoholic beverages did not take place without a trace. In 1969, the first attack with serious consequences happened in his life. A year later, he found a steady dependence on drugs. And later it turned out that he could not without this day.

July 25, 1980, Vladimir Vysotsky died, he was 42 years old. He predicted this by saying his relatives. The reason for his death is not clarified, as the autopsy decided not to exercise, but the mother was sure that Vladimir was killed by narcotic substances.

Vladimir Semenovich died many years ago, but the memory of him still remains in our hearts.

Date biography and interesting facts. The most important thing.

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Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky - Poet, the author of the songs (25.1.1938 Moscow - 25.7.1980 there). Father is a colonel-communicant, mother - translator of technical literature (from German). Vladimir Semenovich lived in 1947-49. With his parents in Eberswalde under Berlin, from 1956 to 1960. He studied at the MHAT Studio School, and then, after her end, played on the scenes of Moscow theaters.

Since 1964, he became the leading actor of the most avant-garde Moscow scene - theater on Taganka under the leadership of Y. Lyubimov. The roles played here, including Hamlet, and in 26 movies, where Vysotsky performed songs under the guitar, soon brought it extraordinary popularity. Vladimir Semenovich spoke with the songs publicly, as well as at home, but the texts of his songs were not published. They spread to the USSR on millions of tape recorders and cassettes. Some of them appeared on the 25 pages of the unnecessary almanac of "Metropol".

Vladimir Vysotsky was married to the French actress of Russian origin Marina Vladimirovna Polyakova (artistic name - Marina Vlad). He could, with her help, periodically receive visas for trips to France, and in 1979 he made a concert tour of the United States.

His early death did not receive any official resonance, but responded to folk sorrows, a spontaneous night demonstration in front of the theater on the Taganka, in which several tens of thousands of people took part in all segments of the population (unique, almost unimaginable event for decades of Soviet power). Vladimir Semenovich's grave at the Vagankovsky cemetery from year to year thousands of poet admirers come from year. After his death in the USSR, it was allowed to publish a collection " Nerve"(1981), containing 130 poems selected by Robert Christmas. Some famous songs are generally absent here, others (for example," Ballad about wolf death"And" Black eyes") Reduced half. Edition in 3 volumes " Songs and verses"(1981-83), published in New York, contains about 600 songs, a bit of prose, the statements of Vladimir Vysotsky about his work and literature about him. Since 1986, the restructuring has opened him the official path to the reader in the USSR.

Vysotsky as a bard is close to B. Okudzhava and A. Galich. He became a cumier for millions of Soviet people. By this, he owes the talent of deeply personal perception of the lives of his compatriots and contemporaries; Their joy and grief, fears and hopes with full truthfulness are reflected in his songs who performed with such self-dedication, which one can be called dedication. The spiritual emotion of Vysotsky without a residue is transmitted to his Russian listeners. At the same time, it is capable of the incarnation of tragedies and fate, not experienced by himself, - this applies primarily the horrors of war and camp tortures. Its main position is religiousness, pacifism, willingness to help; His expressive means are diverse: characteristics, accusation, humor, sharpness, irony, spell. In his manner of execution, in singing there was a coarseness and hoarseness, there was a pathos and differences - and always in full accordance with the text. "It has found a note of urban okrain, yards of hastily asphalted Russia" (A. Voznesensky, in the magazine "New World", 1982, No. 11, p. 116). He sang, "creating a synthesis of poetry and garbage of everyday life, music and the vulgarity of the Soviet life, the theater and the popular street votes" (A. Round).

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