
Board of Justinian in the Byzantine Empire. Justinian I - Biography, Information, Personal Life Biography of Justinian 1 Summary

Justinian I Great (Lat. Flavius \u200b\u200bPetrus Sabbatius Justinianus) Rules of Byzantium from 527 to 565. With Justinian, the Great Territory of Byzantium increased almost twice. Historians believe that Justinian was one of the greatest monarchs of the late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages.
Justinian was born about 483 g. in the peasant family of a gravy settlement in the mountain Macedonia, near Skupup . For a long time, the view was about the fact that he was Slavic origin and wore originally manager name, This legend was very common among the Slavs of the Balkan Peninsula.

Justinian was distinguished by strict Orthodoxy was a reformer and military strategist who made the transition from antiquity to Middle Ages. The leaving of the dark mass of the provincial peasantry of Justinian managed firmly and firmly assimilate himself two grand ideas: the Roman idea of \u200b\u200bthe world monarchy and the Christian idea of \u200b\u200bthe Kingdom of God. Association of both ideas and their implementation with the help of power in a secular state that took these two ideas as political doctrine of the Byzantine Empire.

Under the Emperor, Justinian, the Byzantine Empire reached his dawn, after a long period of decline, the monarch tried to restore the empire and returned her former greatness. It is believed that Justinian has fallen under the influence of a strong nature of his Wives Theodora, which he solemnly crowned in 527

Historians believe that the main goal of the Foreign Policy of Justinian was the revival of the Roman Empire in its previous borders, the empire was to turn into a single Christian state. As a result, all the wars conducted by the emperor were aimed at expanding their territories, especially to the West, on the territory of the fallen Western Roman Empire.

The main commander of Justinian, dreaming about the revival of the Roman Empire, was the Veliary, stepped by a commander at 30 years old.

In 533. Justinian sent the army of Veliaria to North Africa on conquesting the kingdom of vandals. War with Vandals was successful for Byzantium and already in 534, the commander of Justinian won a decisive victory. As in the African campaign, the commander keeper kept in the Byzantine army a lot of mercenaries - wild barbarians.

Even sworn enemies could help the Byzantine Empire - it was enough to pay them. So, gunns accounted for a significant part of the army Gasizaria that for 500 ships set off from Constantinople to North Africa.Cavalry Gunnov who served the mercenaries in the Byzantine Army of the Delivery, played a decisive role in the war against Wandow Kingdom in North Africa. During the general battle, the opponents fled from the wild horde of the Huns and disappeared in the numidian desert. Then the commander Gaizary took Carthage.

After the joining of North Africa in the Byzantine Constantinople, they turned out the eyes to Italy, in the territory of which existed kingdom of sharp. Emperor Justinian Great decided to declare war german kingdoms who were among themselves permanent wars and were weakened on the eve of the invasion of the Byzantium army.

War with the outputs went successfully and the king of the sharp was to seek help to Persia. Justinian secured himself in the east of the blow from the rear, making peace with the Persion and turned the campaign to invade Western Europe.

First thing communion Gasizaria took Sicily, where he did not meet special resistance. Italian cities also surrendered one after another until the Byzantines approached Naples.

Belisarius (505-565), Byzantine General Under Justinian I, 540 (1830). Belasarius refusing the crown of their kingdom in italy offered to HIM by The Goths in 540. Belisarius Was a Brilliant General Who Defeated A Range of Enemies of the Byzantine Empire, Virtually Doubling Its Territory in the Process. Photo by Ann Ronan Pictures / Print Collector / Getty Images)

After the fall of Naples, Pope Silveries suggested Gazesia to enter the sacred city. Goths left Rome And soon the Gasienary took Rome to the capital of the Empire. Byzantine warlord Veliari, however, understood that the enemy was only going with the forces, so immediately began to strengthen the walls of Rome. Followed by osada Rome Gotami lasts one year and nine days (537 - 538). The Byzantine Army, who defeated Rome, not only withstand the attack was ready, but also continued their offensive deep into the Apennine Peninsula.

Victory Delicaria allowed the Byzantine Empire to establish control over the northeastern part of Italy. Already after the death of Delicaria was created exarchate (province) with the capital in Ravenna . Although Rome was later lost for Byzantium, as Rome actually fell under the control of Pope Byzantium retained possession in Italy until the middle of the 7th century.

Under Justinian, the territory of the Byzantine Empire reached its most huge sizes for the entire existence of the empire. Justinianan managed to almost completely restore the former boundaries of the Roman Empire.

Byzantine Emperor Justinian captured the entire Italy and almost the entire coast of North Africa, and the southeast part of Spain. Thus, the territory of Byzantium increases twice, but does not reach the former boundaries of the Roman Empire.

Already in 540, Novoperside the kingdom of Sassanids was peaceful peaceful the contract with Byzantium and was actively preparing for war. Justinian was in a difficult position, because Byzantium could not withstand wars on two fronts.

The internal policy of Justinian Great

In addition to active foreign policy, Justinian also kept a reasonable domestic policy. With it, the Roman State Management System, which was replaced by New - Byzantine, was canceled. Justinian actively engaged in strengthening the state apparatus, and also tried improve taxation . With the emperor were connected civil and military posts Attempts were made reduce corruption by raising the fee of officials.

The people of Justinian called the "sleepless emperor," since he worked and day and night over the reform of the state.

Historians believe that the military successes of Justinian were his main merit, but domestic politics, especially in the second half of his rule, devastated the state treasury.

Emperor Justinian Great left behind the famous architectural monument that exists today - Saint Sophie Cathedral . This building is considered the symbol of the "Golden Age" in the Byzantine Empire. This Cathedral is the second largest christian temple in the world and is inferior only to the Cathedral of St. Paul in the Vatican . The construction of the Saint Sophia Cathedral Emperor Justinian has achieved the location of the Pope and the whole Christian world.

During the Board of Justinian, the first pandemic of the plague broke out, which covered the entire Byzantine Empire. The greatest number of victims were recorded in the capital of the Empire of Constantinople, 40% of the total population died here. For calculations of historians, the total number of victims of the plague reached about 30 million people, and possibly more.

Achievements of the Byzantine Empire at Justinian

The greatest achievement of Justinian Great is the active foreign policy, which expanded the territories of Byzantium twice, almost returning all the lost lands after the fall of Rome in 476.

Due to numerous wars, the state of the state was depleted, and this led to folk riots and uprisings. However, the uprising prompted Justinian to publish new laws for citizens of the whole empire. The emperor abolished Roman law, canceled outdated Roman laws and introduced new laws. The arch of these laws was called "Court of Civil Law".

The reign of Justinian Great was really called the "golden age", he said: "Never before the time of our reign, God did not give the Romans of such victories ... Turn the sky, the inhabitants of all over the world: the great deal was carried out, whom God recognized unworthy of the whole of the ancient world." Propination of the greatness of Christianity was built Saint Sophia Cathedral in Constantinople.

A huge breakthrough occurred in military business. Justinian managed to create the largest professional hired army of that period. The Byzantine Army, under the leadership of Veliari, brought many victories to the Byzantine emperor and expanded the boundaries of the Byzantine Empire. However, the content of a huge hired army and endless warriors have exhausted the state treasury Byzantine Empire.

The first half of the board of Emperor Justinian is called the "golden age of Byzantium", the second one caused only discontent from the people. The outskirts of the empire covered muvrov's uprisings and ready. BUT in 548. During the second Italian campaign, Justinian Great could no longer respond to the requests of the Delivery to send money for the army and for payment by mercenaries.

The last time the commander Gaizerary was headed by troops In 559, when a tribe of Kotrigurov invaded the tribe. The commander won the battle and could completely destroy the attackers, but Justinian decided to pay off restless neighbors at the last moment. However, the most awesome was the fact that the Creator of the Byzantine Victory did not even call for festive celebrations. After that, the episode of the commander Delicaria finally fell into disfavor and stopped playing a prominent role at the court.

In 562, several noble inhabitants of Constantinople accused the famous commander of the Gasizaria in the preparation of a conspiracy against Emperor Justinian. For several months, Delicarius was deprived of his property and position. Soon, Justinian was convinced of the innocence of the accused and came up with him. Gasienary died alone and solitude in 565, AD. In the same year, the spirit of Emperor Justinian Great was empected.

The last conflict between the emperor and the commander served as a source legends about the poor, weak and blind warlord of Veliaria, I asked alms at the walls of the temple. So - in disfavor - it depicts On his famous picture French artist Jacques Louis David.

The worldwide state created by the will of the autocratic sovereign was such a dream that the emperor of Justinian was cherished from the very beginning of the reign. He immediately returned the lost old Roman territory, then gave them a general civil law, providing the welfare of the inhabitants, finally - He argued a single Christian faith, designed to combine all nations in worshiping the Unified True Christian God. Such are the three unshakable foundations on which Justinian built the power of his empire. Justinian Veliky believed that "There is nothing higher and the Holy of Imperial Majesty"; "The creators themselves said that The will of the monarch has the power of the law«; « he is alone able to spend days and nights in labor and wakefulness to think the Duma about the good of the people«.

Justinian Great argued that the grace of the Emperor's power, as the "Anoincle of God", standing on the state and above the Church, was obtained directly from God. The emperor is "equal to the apostles" (Greek. Ίσαπόστολος), God helps him to defeat enemies, make fair laws. Wars of Justinian received the nature of the crusades - everywhere, where the Byzantine emperor will be Mr., early Orthodox faith. His piety turned into religious intolerance and was embodied in brutal persecution for evading the faith recognized by him.Any legislative act of Justinian puts "For the patronage of the Holy Trinity."

"One state, one religion, one law," this particular principle of Justinian considered the fundamental. Representatives of all denominations, except Christianity, in the Empire of Justinian lived. As usual, Jews suffered most. They were forbidden to occupy official positions, but the taxes of Jews were to pay to the fullest. Many synagogues were destroyed, in the remaining it was allowed to read the Old Testament only in Greek or Latin. In addition, Jews did not have the right to testify against the Orthodox.

Such a radical policy of Justinian did not even welcomed the many of his contemporaries-Christians. "In the Christian faith, he seemed to be firm, but it turned out to be wrapped up for sacrifices. In fact, he allowed the clergymen to oppress their neighbors with impunity, and when they captured the land adjacent to their possessions, he shared their joy, believing that in a similar way he manifests his piety. And the creation of the court on such matters, he believed that he had a good thing if someone, hiding behind the shrines, was removed, assigning what he did not belong, "said the Byzantine writer Prokoki Kesaesky.

Justinian and Feodora

The spouse, which Justinian chose, did not correspond to his image of the Orthodox sovereign. Theodore was a daughter of the cirk minister in Constantinople, herself herself from the youngsters to animals, and then, according to the stories of the same proof of Caesarian, became the actress and hetera: "" But as soon as she grew and ripened, she was attached at the scene and immediately became a hetera from those that in antiquity called "infantry". For she was neither a flutstic nor the harvest, she didn't even learn a dance, but only sold her young beauty, serving his craft with all parts of his body. "In general, led is extremely unworthy for future empress Lifestyle.

However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the proofer, configured against Justinian, could intentionally discredit a monarch's spouse, somewhat exaggerating her "achievements." There were no confirmations or denial of the theses of the Byzantine writer, but even in the lives of Theodore - after death, she was recognized as Holy, like her husband - it was said that the Empress was a repentable sinner.

It is not known, under what circumstances a dating of Justinian and Feodora took place, but the emperor was so interested in charming special, which even made adjustments to the law prohibiting noble people to marry actresses and their daughters. From now on, this rule could be circumvented, if the woman said goodbye to an unworthy craft. That was what Feodor was received.

Contemporaries noted that Theodore was not just his wife of the emperor, but also his right hand. She met with ambassadors, led a diplomatic correspondence, could easily influence the decisions of Justinian.

Arch of Justinian

During the rule of the emperor, in 529 - 534, the so-called "Corpus Iuris Civilis" was created - "Justinian Code" (another name - "Justinian Codification"). The Roman law was based on the basis, but it was somewhat recycled: in the old legal concepts and institutions, the compilers of the arch attended to breathe a new life.

Initially, the arch consisted of three parts, the most important of which is called "Justinian Code" - directly the legislative part. This code has had a significant impact on the development of legal systems both the West and the East, and the name of the Byzantine emperor is forever entered into textbooks on the history of law.

Saint Sophie Cathedral

The name of Justinian entered the history of architecture. According to his class, the Cathedral of St. Sophia in Constantinople, destroyed by fire, was completely rebuilt. The emperor conceived to exceed all the famous religious buildings, including the famous Jerusalem temple. Justiniana did it happen - the legendary cathedral still remains the parable in the towns, at least for so many hundreds of years he was repeatedly rebuilt.

However, to make the cathedral so luxurious, as far as the imperial soul was required, still failed. Astrologers told him that "in the late centuries, very poor kings will come, who, in order to capture all the wealth of the temple, will leave it to the ground." To avoid him, Justinian decided to decorate the cathedral a little more modestly than he thought initially.

Josephus Peter Savvaty Justinian (.. Lat Flavius \u200b\u200bPetrus Sabbatius Iustinianus, Greek Φλάβιος Πέτρος Σαββάτιος Ιουστινιανός), more commonly known as Justinian I (Gk Ιουστινιανός Α.) Or Justinian Great (Greek Μέγας Ιουστινιανός; 483, Tavresy, Upper Macedonia - 14 November 565. , Constantinople). Byzantine emperor from August 1, 527 until his death in 565. Justinian himself referred to himself by Caesar Flaviem Justinian Alamansky, Gothic, Frankish, German, Antian, Alansky, Vandali, African.

Justinian, commander and reformer, is one of the most prominent monarchs of late Antiquity. His rule marks an important step of the transition from antiquity to Middle Ages and, accordingly, the transition from Roman traditions to the Byzantine style of the Board. Justinian was full of ambitions, but he failed to make a "restoration of the empire" (Lat. Renovatio Imperii). In the West, he managed to take possession of a large part of the lands of the Western Roman Empire, having broken down after the great resettlement of peoples, including the Apennine Peninsula, the southeastern part of the Pyrenean Peninsula and part of North Africa. Another important event is the instruction of Justinian on the processing of Roman law, the result of which has become a new set of laws - the arch of Justinian (Lat. Corpus Iuris Civilis). By the decree of the emperor, who wanted to surpass Solomon and the legendary Jerusalem Temple, was completely rebuilt by the burned cathedral of St. Sophia in Constantinople, striking his beauty and magnificence and remained for thousands of years the most grandiose church of the Christian world.

In 529, Justinian closed the Platonic Academy in Athens, in 542 the emperor abolished the position of the consul, perhaps for financial reasons. An increasing worship of the ruler as the Holy finally destroyed the illusion of the principal that the emperor is the first among equal (lat. Primus Inter Pares). During the board of Justinian, the first pandemic of the plague in Byzantium and the largest riot in the history of Byzantium and Constantinople - Nika revolving, provoked by the tax negle and the church politics of the emperor.

Regarding the origin of Justinian and his family, there are various versions and theories. Most sources, mainly Greek and Eastern (Syrian, Arab, Armenian), as well as Slavic (entirely based on Greek), are called Justinian by the Thracian; Some Greek sources and the Latin Chronicle of Viktor Tonnennesis call him Illyrian; Finally, the procopies of Caesarian claims that the birthplace of Justinian and Justina was a donance. In all these three definitions there is no contradiction among themselves. At the beginning of the 6th century, the Civilian administration of the Balkan Peninsula was divided between two prefectures. Praefectura Praetorio Per Illyricum, smaller, included two diostez - Dakia and Macedonia. Thus, when sources write that Justin was an Illyrian, they mean that he and his family were residents of the Illyrian prefecture. In turn, the province of Daria was part of Dakia's Daisseason. The confirmation of the Thracian theory of Origin of Justinian can also serve as the fact that the name of Sabbatius is likely to be likelying on behalf of the ancient Thracian deity Sabazius.

Until the end of the XIX century, the theory of the Slavic origin of Justinian, based on Niccolo Alamanni, was popular, based on the theophile abbot (Bogumila) called IUSTINIANI VITA. It is introduced for Justinian and its relatives with special names that have Slavic sound.

So, the father of Justinian, called the Byzantine sources of Savvatimi, was named Bogomil Istokus, and the name of Justinian himself sounded like Upravda. Although the origin of the book published by the book was doubted, the theories based on it were developing intensively until in 1883 James Bryce made the original manuscript research in the library of Barberini Palace. In the article published in 1887, he argued the point of view that this document does not represent historical value, and Bog himself hardly existed. Currently, IUSTINIANI VITA is considered as one of the legends connecting Slavs with the great leaders of the past, such as Alexander Macedonian and Justinian.

Regarding the place of birth of Justinian Prokopii expresses quite definitely, putting it in place called Tavresi (Lat. Tauresium), near the Fort of the Bedroom (Lat. Bederiana). About this place is the proofer further says that the city of Justinian Prima was subsequently founded next to him, whose ruins are now in the south-east of Serbia. Prokopii also reports that Justinian has significantly strengthened and produced numerous improvements in the city of Ulpiana, renaming it to Justinian-Secund. Nearby he erected another city, calling him Justinopolis, in honor of his uncle.

Most of Darudania cities were destroyed in the reign of Anastasia with a powerful earthquake of 518. Near the destroyed capital of the province of Zupupi, Justopolis was built, a powerful wall with four tower was built around Tavresia, which the proof was called tetrapyrgy.

The names of "Bewan" and "Tavresi" reached our time in the form of the name of the villages of the Bader and Taories near Skopje. Both of these places were investigated in 1885 by the English archaeologist Arthur Evans, who found rich numismatic material there, confirming the importance of the settlements located here after the V century. Evans came to the conclusion that the district of Skopje is the birthplace of Justinian, confirming the identification of old settlements with modern villages.

The name of Mother of Justinian, the sisters of Justina - Biglenica is given in Iustiniani Vita, the inaccuracy of which is said above. Since there is no other information on this score, we can assume that its name is unknown. The fact that the mother of Justinian was the sister of Justina, confirm numerous sources.

For the father of Justinian, there are more reliable news. In the "Secret History" of the procopy leads the following story: "They say that his mother [Justinian] said to someone from loved ones that he was born not from her husband to Savvatia and not from any person. Before she became pregnant to them, a demon visited her, invisible, but she left her impression that he was with her and had a dream with her, as a man with a woman, and then disappeared as in a dream ".

Hence, we learn the name of the Father of Justinian - Savvathi. Another source where this name is mentioned is the so-called "acts about Callopodia" included in the Chronicle of Feofan and the Easter Chronicle and related to events directly by the preceding Nick's uprising. There are Prasins, during a conversation with the emperor representative, the phrase is pronounced "It would be better not born in Savvathi, he would not give rise to the son-killer".

Savvatia and his wife had two children, Peter Savvathius (Lat. Petrus Sabbatius) and Wigilantia (Lat. Vigilantia). Written sources nowhere mention the real name of Justinian, and only on consular diptych 521 we see the lat's inscription. FL. Petr. Sabbat. Justinian. v. i., Com. Mag. EQQ. et p. Praes., et c. OD., meaning a lat. Flavius \u200b\u200bPetrus Sabbatius Justinianus, Vir Illustris, Comes, Magister Equitum Et Peditum Praesenalium et Consul Ordinarius.

The marriage of Justinian and Feodora was noodles, nevertheless he had six nephews and niecers, of which Justin II became the heir.

Uncle Justiniana - Justin, among other Illyrian peasants, fleeing from extreme need, came from her festival in Byzantine and hired military service. Arriving at the end of the reign of Lev I in Constantinople and entered the service in the Imperial Guard, Justin rapidly grew through the service, and already in the reign of Anastasia participated in the wars with the Persion as a commander. Further, Justin distinguished himself when the uprising of Vitalyan is suppressed. Thus, Justin won the location of Emperor Anastasia and was appointed head of the Palace Guard in the rank of Komit and Senator.

The time of arrival of Justinian to the capital is definitely not known. It is assumed that this happened at about twenty-five years, then for some time, Justinian studied theology and Roman law, after which he was awarded the title of Lat. Candidati, that is, the personal bodyguard of the emperor. Somewhere at this time there was adoption and changing the name of the future emperor.

At the death of Anastasia in 518, Justina managed relatively easily to seize power, despite the fact that there was a large number of richest and influential candidates. According to the proof, this was the will of the Higher Forces interested in the ultimate elevation of Justinian. The election procedure is described by Peter Patricium. Among the reasons provided to the election of Justine and the elevation of Justinian is the support of Patriarch John II, which was certified in the fact that the new dynasty will be faithful to the decisions of the Chalkidon Cathedral, unlike the pro-Monophimita configured Anastasia. Probably, the Bologosovsky educated by Justinian played an important role. Immediately after the election of Justin Emperor, he appointed a lat's nephew. Comes DomesticORum Head of the Special Corps of Palace Guard, which is known from the letter of the Pope Hormizda dated to the beginning of 519.

In 521, as mentioned above, Justinian receives the consular title, which he uses to increase its popularity, arranging the magnificent spectacles in the circus, which grew so much that the Senate turned to the elderly Emperor with a request to appoint Justinian with his co-program. According to the testimony of Chronista John Zonara, Justin answered this sentence with refusal. The Senate, however, continued to insist on the elevation of Justinian, asking him to assign him the title of Lat. Nobilissimus, which happened until 525, when he was assigned the highest title of Caesar. Despite the fact that such a brilliant career could not have no real influence, reliable information about the role of Justinian in the management of the empire during this period there is no.

Over time, the health of the emperor worsened, the disease was intensified caused by the old wound in the leg. Feeling the approach of death, Justin responded to the next petition of the Senate on the appointment of Justinian co-guide. The ceremony that came to us in the description of Peter Patricia in the Treatise of Lat. De Ceremoniis Constantine Bagryanorovnoe, occurred at Easter, April 4, 527 - Justinian and his spouse Theodore was crowned as August and August.

Justinian finally received full power after the death of Emperor Justina I August 1, 527.

Descriptions of the appearance of Justinian preserved a little. Justinian was depicted on one of the largest (36 solids or ½-pounds) of famous medallions stolen in 1831 from the Paris Cabinet of Medals. The medallion was integrated, but its images and blind were preserved, allowing you to make copies from it.

A copy of the statue of Justinian from Egyptian marble is kept in the Roman-German Museum of Cologne. A certain idea of \u200b\u200bthe appearance of the emperor gives the preserved drawings of the column of Justinian built in 542. Discovered in Kerch in 1891 and the silver missories stored in the Hermitage in the Hermitage were originally considered the image of Justinian. Perhaps Justinian is also depicted on the famous Diptyjhe Barberini stored in the Louvre.

On the board of Justinian, a large number of coins were issued. Known-donal coins of 36 and 4.5 solid, a solid with a full-picture image of the emperor in the consular closure, as well as an exceptionally rare aureus weighing 5.43 g, chased in the old-faith foot. The front side of all these coins occupies either three-fourth, or the profile bust of the emperor, in the helmet or without it.

A bright image of an early career of the future empress is given with numerous details in "Secret History"; John Efesse simply notes that "she came from a brothel." Despite the opinion of individual researchers that all these statements are unreliable and exaggerated, the generally accepted point of view as a whole agrees with the description of the events of the early career of the Feodora, this proof.

The first meeting of Justinian with Feodoroy occurred in approximately 522 in Constantinople. Then Theodore left the capital, spent some time in Alexandria. How did their second meeting occurred, it is not reliably known. It is known that wanting to marry Theodore Justinian asked his uncle to appreciate her rank patricia, but this caused a strong opposition to Empress Euphimia, and before death in 523 or 524, the marriage was impossible.

Probably, with the desire of Justinian, the adoption of the law of the law "On Marriage" (LAT. DE NUPTIIS), which abolished the law of Emperor Konstantin I, prohibiting the person who had reached the senatorial title, marry the Bludnice.

After the marriage of the feodorah completely broke with his stormy past and was a faithful wife.

In foreign policy, the name of Justinian is connected primarily with the idea "Restoration of the Roman Empire" or "West Reconquists". Currently, there are two theories regarding the question when this goal was set. According to one of them, currently more common, the idea of \u200b\u200breturning the West existed in Byzantium from the end of the V century. This point of view comes from the thesis that after the emergence of the barbaric kingdoms professing Arianism, public elements were to be preserved, which did not recognize the loss of the Rome of the Great City status and the capital of the civilized world and did not agree with the dominant position of Arian in the religious sphere.

An alternative point of view that does not deny the general desire to return the West to the Lono of Civilization and Orthodox Religion, refers the emergence of a program of concrete actions after success in the war with vandals. In favor of this, various indirect signs say, for example, the disappearance of the legislation and state documentation of the first third of the 6th century words and expressions, one way or another of those mentioned Africa, Italy and Spain, as well as the loss of the interest of Byzantine to the first capital of the Empire.

Perceiving himself as the heir to Roman Caesarians, Justinian considered his duty to recreate the Roman Empire, wanting to be one law and one faith in the state. Based on the principle of absolute power, he believed that in the well-established state everything was supposed to be subject to imperial attention. Understanding the importance of the church for public administration, he made all their efforts to fulfill his will. He is a discussion question about the primaryness of the state or religious interests of Justinian. It is known at least that the emperor was the author of numerous letters on religious topics addressed to dads and patriarchs, as well as treatises and church chants.

This is what the contemporary of the emperor, Prokopii Caesarian, wrote about the attitude towards the Church and the Christian faith: "In the Christian faith, he seemed to be solid, but it turned out to be wrapped up by their subjects. In fact, he allowed the clergymen to oppress their neighbors with impunity, and when they captured the land adjacent to their possessions, he shared their joy, believing that in a similar way he manifests his piety. And the Casual Court for such matters, he believed that he had a good cause, if anyone, hiding behind the shrines, was removed, assigning what he did not belong. " (Prokokii Caesarian "Secret History" Ch. Xiii, Part 4,5).

In accordance with his desire, Justinian considered it with his right not only to solve issues related to the leadership of the Church and its property, but also to establish a certain dogma among its subjects. What religious direction adhered to the emperor, the same directions were to adhere to his subjects. Justinian regulated the life of the clergy, at his own discretion of the highest hierarchical positions, performed as an intermediary and a judge in a clearing. He patronized the church in the face of her servants, contributed to the construction of temples, monasteries, multiplying their privileges; Finally, the emperor established a religious unity among all the subjects of the Empire, gave the last rule of faithful teachings, participated in dogmatic disputes and gave a final decision on controversial dogmatic issues.

A similar policy of the secular prevalence in religious and church affairs, up to the poses of the religious beliefs of a person, especially the vividly shown by Justinian, received the name of CaesaParapism in history, and this emperor is considered one of the most typical representatives of such a direction.

Justinian has taken steps for the final eradication of paganism. In 529, he closed the famous philosophical school in Athens. It had predominantly symbolic meaning, since by the time the event this school lost the leading position among the educational institutions of the Empire after it was founded in the V century at Feodosia II Constantinople University. After the closure of the school, at Justinian, the Athenian professors were exposed to expulsion, some of them moved to Persia, where the Plato West Persons met in the face of Josrova; The property of the school was confiscated. John Efesse wrote: "In the same year, in which St. Benedict destroyed the last pagan national sanctuary in Italy, namely the temple of Apollo in the Sacred Grove on Monte Cassino, the stronghold of the ancient paganism in Greece was also destroyed. " Since then, Athens has lost their own importance of the cultural center and turned into a deaf provincial city. The full eradication of the paganism of Justinian did not reach; It continued to be hidden in some impact localities. Prokopii Kaesariy writes that the persecution of pagans was carried out not so much of the desire to approve Christianity, how many of the tastling of pagan temples to take the hands of the gold.

In the "Divine Comedy", posting Justinian to Paradise, trusts him to make a historical review of the Roman Empire (Divine Comedy, Paradise, Song 6). According to Dante, the main merits of Justinian before the story were the reform of the right, the renunciation of the monophimitis and campaigns of the Veliar.

lat. Flavius \u200b\u200bPetrus Sabbatius Iustinianus, Greek. Φλάβιος πέτρος σαββάτιος ιουστινιανός; More famous as Justinian I. (Greek. ιουστινιανός α ") or Justinian Great (Greek. μέγας ιουστινιανός)

byzantine emperor

Flavius \u200b\u200bJustinian

short biography

Justinian I Great, whose full name sounds like Justinian Flavius \u200b\u200bPeter Savvathi, is the Byzantine emperor (ie, the ruler of the Eastern Roman Empire), one of the largest emperors of late antiquity, in which this era began to replace the medieval, and the Roman style of the Board gave way to Byzantine. Store in history as a major reformer.

Born around 482, was a native of Macedonia, the peasant son. A crucial role in the biography of Justinian played his uncle, who became the emperor Justine I. A childless monarch, who loved the nephew, brought him closer to him, contributed to education, promotion in society. Researchers suggest that Rome Justinian could arrive at the age of 25, he studied the right and theology in the capital and began his ascent to the top of the political Olympus with the title of personal imperial bodyguard, the head of the guardian corps.

In 521, Justinian reached the consul and became a very popular person, not least due to the organization of luxurious circus ideas. Senate has repeatedly offered Justin to make a nephew with a co-program, but the emperor went to this step only in April 527, when his well-being deteriorated significantly. On August 1 of the same year, after the death of Uncle, Justinian became a full-fledged ruler.

The newly-made emperor, dodging ambitious ideas, immediately took up the strengthening of the power of the country. In domestic policy, this manifested itself, in particular, in conducting legal reform. The 12 books of the "Code of Justinian" and 50 - Digesta preserved relevance throughout the Millennium. The laws of Justinian contributed to the centralization, the expansion of the authority of the monarch, strengthening the state apparatus and the army, strengthen control in individual areas, in particular, in trade.

The coming to power was marked by the onset of a period of large-scale construction. The Konstantinople Church of St. Sofia was rebuilt in such a way that among the Christian churches many centuries did not have equal.

Justinian I Great conducted a fairly aggressive foreign policy aimed at conquering new territories. His military leaders (the emperor himself did not have customary to participate in hostilities) managed to conquer part of North Africa, the Pyrenean Peninsula, a significant part of the territory of the Western Roman Empire.

The board of this emperor was marked by a number of rebounds, incl. The largest in the Byzantine history is Nick's uprising: so the population reacted to the rigidity of the measures taken. In 529, the Academy of Plato was closed by Justinian, in 542 - the consular position was canceled. He had more and more honors, likening the saint. Justinian himself closer to the end of life, gradually lost interest in state concerns, giving preference to theology, dialogues with philosophers and clergy. He died in Constantinople in the fall of 565

Biography from Wikipedia

Flavius \u200b\u200bPeter Savvatiy Justinian (Lat. Flavius \u200b\u200bPetrus Sabbatius Iustinianus, Greek. φλάάιςάάέέέςςςςάάάςςςςςσΣτιιςςςός), more known as Justinian I. (Greek. ιουστινιανός α ") or Justinian Great (Greek. μέγας ιουστινιανός; 483, Tavresius, Upper Macedonia - November 14, 565, Constantinople) - Byzantine Emperor from August 1, 527 until his death in 565. Justinian himself referred to himself by Caesar Flaviem Justinian Alamansky, Gothic, Frankish, German, Antian, Alansky, Vandali, African.

Justinian, commander and reformer, is one of the most prominent monarchs of late Antiquity. His rule marks an important step of the transition from antiquity to Middle Ages and, accordingly, the transition from Roman traditions to the Byzantine style of the Board. Justinian was full of ambitions, but he failed to make a "restoration of the empire" (Lat. Renovatio Imperii). In the West, he managed to take possession of a large part of the lands of the Western Roman Empire, having broken down after the great resettlement of peoples, including the Apennine Peninsula, the southeastern part of the Pyrenean Peninsula and part of North Africa. Another important event is the instruction of Justinian on the processing of Roman law, the result of which has become a new set of laws - the arch of Justinian (Lat. Corpus Iuris Civilis). By the decree of the emperor, who wanted to surpass Solomon and the legendary Jerusalem Temple, was completely rebuilt by the burned cathedral of St. Sophia in Constantinople, striking his beauty and magnificence and remained for thousands of years the most grandiose church of the Christian world.

In 529, Justinian closed the Platonic Academy in Athens, in 542 the emperor abolished the position of the consul, perhaps for financial reasons. During the board of Justinian, the first pandemic of the plague in Byzantium and the largest riot in the history of Byzantium and Constantinople - Nika revolving, provoked by the tax negle and the church politics of the emperor.

State sources

The most important source of the times of Justinian are the works of the proofer of Caesarian, containing both apologetics and the hard criticism of his rule. From the youth of the proofitioners consisted of an adviser at the commander of Veliaria, accompanying him in all wars, which were carried out in this reign. Written in the middle of the VI century History of Wars It is the main source of the events and foreign policy of Byzantium during wars with percia, vandals and goths. Written at the end of the board of Justinian Peelectric About buildings Contains valuable information about the construction activity of this emperor. Pamphlet Secret History Schits light on the backstage life of the rulers of the Empire, although the accuracy of information reported in this work is controversial and in each case is the subject of individual research. After the position of the small lawyer Agaphi Miriniysky spoke by the successor of the works of the proof and after the death of Justinian wrote an essay in five books. Distributing young in 582, Agaphi managed to only state the events of 552-558. Unlike the proofer, who wrote on the board of Justinian and forced to hide his attitude towards what is happening, Agafius is probably sincere in his positive assessment of the foreign policy of this emperor. At the same time, Agaphines adversely evaluates the domestic policy of Justinian, especially at the end of the reign. From the historical notes of Menander Protector, covered the period from 558 to 582, only passages in the compilation of Constantine Bagrynogenic were preserved. Due to the same Academic Emperor of the IX century, excerpts of the works of the Justinian Peter Patricia, who included the treatise were preserved About ceremonies. In summary of the Patriarch, Fethya, the book of another diplomat of Justinian, Nonnoza preserved. Chronicle of Isychia Miletsky, dedicated to the reign of Justin I and the first years of the reign of Justinian, was almost completely completely preserved, although, perhaps, the introduction of the chronicle of the historian of the second half of the VI century Faofan Byzantine contains borrowing from it. The early period of the reign of Justinian seizes the chronicle of Syrian John Malal in abbreviated presentation, telling in detail about the generosity of the emperor in relation to the cities of Malaya Asia, as well as other events important for the inhabitants of his region. The "Church History" of the Antioch lawyer Evagria Scholasticism is partially based on the works of proof and Malala also reports important information on the history of Syria to the Board of Justinian. From later sources in Greek, the chronicle of John Antioch (VII century) remains fragmentary (VII). Another source of the VII century Easter chronicle It sets out the world history from the creation of the world to 629, before the reign of Emperor Mauritius (585-602) events set out very briefly. Latest sources, such as the chronicles of Feofan confessor (IX century), George Kedrina (beginning of the XII century) and John the Zonar (XII century) were used to describe the events of the VI century, including those not survived to our time sources and therefore also contain valuable details.

An important source of information about religious movements in the Epoch of Justinian is the living literature. The largest agiograph of that time is Cyril Skifopolsky (525-558), whose biography of Savva Savda (439-532) is important for the reconstruction of the conflict in the Jerusalem Patriarchate in 529-530. The source of information about the life of monks and ascetov is Limonar John Mosha. Known biographies of Constantinople Patriarchs Mina (536-552) and Evuty (552-565, 577-582). From the point of view of Eastern Miaphizites, events are described in Church history John Efesse. The data on the church policy of the Justinian is also contained in the correspondence of the emperor with dads. Geographic information is contained in the treatise Syncing (535) Hierokla geographer and in Christian topography Purpet and pilgrim Cosma Indicoplov. For the military history of the reign, the value of military treatises, some of which are dated to the VI century. An important work on the administrative history of the reign of Justinian is the work of an official VI century John Lida De Magistratibus REIPUBLICAE ROMANAE.

Latin sources are significantly less numerous and devoted mainly to the problems of the western part of the Empire. Chronicle of Illyrian Marcellin Comitus covers the period from the entry into the throne of the Emperor Feodosia I (379-395) to 534 years. Maccellin has reached the board of Justinian senatorial title and lived for a long time in Constantinople and there was eyewitnesses of the riots in the capital, including the uprising Nick. The chronicle reflects the opinion of loyal proactive circles; An unknown successor was brought to 548. Chronicle of African Bishop Viktor Tunnunsky, Opponent of Justinian in a dispute about three chapters covers events from 444 to 567 years. Close on time to the period in question, the chronicle of the Spanish bishop of John Biclarsky, whose childhood passed in Constantinople. Spanish events of the VI century are reflected in Stories ready Isidore Seville. The relationship of Byzantium with francs affects the Chronicle of Maria Avanshsky, which comes from 445 to 581, as well as History of Frankov Grigory Turovsky. Historical works of the Gothic historian Jordan ( Gheetika and DE ORIGINE ACTIBUSQUE ROMANORUM) Brought to 551 years. Compiled in the first half of the VI century Collection of papal biography Liber Pontificalis Contains important, although not always reliable, information about the relationship of Justinian with Roman pontiffs.

From the end of the XIX century, a variety of sources in the eastern languages \u200b\u200bare introduced into scientific turnover, primarily Syrian. The anonymous chronicle of the continuer of Zechariah Ritor was brought to 569, probably this year she was drawn up. As well as John Efesse mentioned earlier, this author reflected the position of Syrian miaphizites. An important source for the study of this direction in Christianity in the VI century is the collection of biographies of Saints John Efesse. The VI century is the "Edess Chronicle", covering the period from 131 to 540. By the end of the VII century, the chronicle of the Egyptian historian John Nikiusky was brought, preserved only in translating to Ethiopian language. The Arab historian of the IX century AT-Tabari was used by the lost Persian sources.

In addition to historical chronicles, there are a large number of other sources. Extremely extensive legal heritage of the Justinian era - Corpus Iuris Civilis (up to 534) and the later new novels, as well as various monuments of church law. A separate category of sources are the works of Justinian's own - his letters and religious treatises. Finally, from this time, a variety of literature has been preserved, helping to better understand the worldview of the people of the Justinian era, for example, the political treatise of the "teaching" of Agapping, the poems of Koripppa, epigraphic and architectural monuments.

Origin and Youth


Regarding the origin of Justinian and his family, there are various versions and theories. Most sources, mainly Greek and Eastern (Syrian, Arab, Armenian), as well as Slavic (entirely based on Greek), are called Justinian by the Thracian; Some Greek sources and the Latin Chronicle of Victor Tunnunsky are called His Illrine; Finally, the procopies of Caesarian claims that the birthplace of Justinian and Justina was the province of Daris. According to the opinion of the famous Byzantinist A. A. Vasilyeva, in all these three definitions there is no contradiction among themselves. At the beginning of the 6th century, the Civilian administration of the Balkan Peninsula was divided between two prefectures. Pretorian Illyry Prefecture, a smaller of them included two diostez - Dakia and Macedonia. Thus, when sources write that Justin was an Illyrian, they mean that he and his family were residents of the Illyrian prefecture. In ethnically, according to Vasilyev, they were Thracians. Confirmation of the Thracian theory of the origin of Justinian can also serve as the fact that the name Sabbatius. with high probability comes on behalf of the ancient Thracian deity Sabaza. The German researcher of the Justinian I B. Rubin also recognizes that the referee refined in the sources of the Thracian or Illyan origin of the Justinian dynasty is more geographical than the ethnic meaning and in general the question is not allowed. On the basis of his own statement of Justinian, it is known that his native language was Latin, but he owned them not very good.

Until the end of the XIX century, the theory of Slavic origin of Justinian I was popular, based on published by Niccolo Alamanni by the work of a certain Abbot Teofila (Bogumila) called Iustiniani Vita.. It is introduced for Justinian and its relatives with special names that have Slavic sound. So, the father of Justinian, referred to in Byzantine Sources in Savvatimi, was called Bogomil IStokus., and the name of Justinian himself sounded like Upravda.. Although the origin of the book published by the book was doubted, the theories based on it were developing intensively until in 1883 James Bryce made the original manuscript research in the library of Barberini Palace. In the article published in 1887, he substantiated the point of view that this document does not represent historical values, and Bog himself hardly existed. Currently Iustiniani Vita. It is considered as one of the legends connecting Slavs with the great leaders of the past, such as Alexander Macedonian and Justinian. From modern researchers of this theory, the Bulgarian historian of the city of Sotirov adheres to, whose book "Kill for Justinianovat Self-Defense" (1974) was subjected to a sharp criticism.

The date of birth of Justinian around 482 is established on the basis of the zonar message. The main source of information about the place of birth of Justina and Justinian are the works of their contemporary proofer of Caesarian. Regarding the place of birth of Justinian Prokoki in the paneling "On the buildings" (the middle of the 6th century) speaks quite definitely, putting it in place called Tavresia (Lat. Tauresium), next to the Fort of the Bedroom (Lat. Bederiana). In the "Secret History" of the same author of the Holean is called the Birthplace of Justin, the same opinion adheres to John Antioch. About Tabresia Prokoki reports that the city of Justinian Prima was subsequently founded next to him, the ruins of which are now in the south-east of Serbia. Also, the proof reports that Justinian has significantly strengthened and produced numerous improvements in the city of Ulpiana, renaming it to Justinian Secund. Nearby he erected another city, calling him Justinopolis, in honor of his uncle. Most of Darudania cities were destroyed in the reign of Emperor Anastasia I with a powerful earthquake of 518 years. Near the destroyed capital of the province of the stake was built by Justopolis, a powerful wall with four tower was built around Tavresia, which the proof was called tetrapyrgy.

The names of "Bewan" and "Tavresia" were in 1858 by an Austrian traveler Johann Khan as modern villages Bader and Taories near Skopje. Both of these places were investigated in 1885 by the English archaeologist Arthur Evans, who found rich numismatic material there, confirming the importance of the settlements located here after the V century. Evans came to the conclusion that the district of Skopje is the birthplace of Justinian, confirming the identification of old settlements with modern villages. This theory was supported in 1931 by the Croatian specialist in the onomastics Petar Skok, and later A. Vasilyev. At present, it is believed that Justinian Prima was located in the Serbian Niche area and is identified with the archaeological monument to Serb. Tsarichin Grad, Caričin Grad.

Justinian family

The name of the mother of Justinian, the sisters of Justina - Biglenica Located in Iustiniani Vita., whose unreliability is said above. This name, however, could be a Slavic form named after Wigilantia - it is known that the sister of Justinian, his heir to Justine II, was well known. Czech historian Konstantin Irechek made doubt that the name Biglenica Maybe Slavic. Since there is no other information on this score, it is believed that her name is unknown. The fact that the mother of Justinian was the sister of Justina, reports the procopies of Caesarian in Secret story, as well as a number of Syrian and Arab sources.

For the father of Justinian, there are more reliable news. IN Secret story Prokoki leads the following story:

Transfer that his mother [Justinian] used to say to someone from loved ones that he was born not from her husband's sovereign and not from any person. Before she became pregnant, the demon visited her, invisible, but she left her impression that he was with her and had a dream with her, as a man with a woman, and then disappeared as in a dream.

"Secret History", XII, 18-19

Hence, we learn the name of the Father of Justinian - Savvathi. Another source where this name is mentioned is the so-called "acts about Callopodia" included in the Chronicle of Feofan and the Easter Chronicle and related to events directly by the preceding Nick's uprising. There are Prasans, during the conversation with the representative of the emperor, they say the phrase "it would be better not born in Savvathi, he would not give rise to the son-killer."

Savvatiya and his wife had two children, Peter Savvathius (Lat. Petrus Sabbatius) and Wigilantia (Lat. Vigilantia). Written sources nowhere mention the real name of Justinian, only on consular diptych. Two consular diptych of Justinian, one of which is kept in the National Library of France, the other in the Metropolitan Museum. In Diptych 521, lat is applied. FL. Petr. Sabbat. Justinian. v. i., Com. Mag. EQQ. et p. Praes., et c. OD., Meaning lat. Flavius \u200b\u200bPetrus Sabbatius Justinianus, Vir Illustris, Comes, Magister Equitum Et Peditum Praesenalium et Consul Ordinarius. From these names in the future, Justinian used only the first and last. Name Flavii, the usual in the military environment since the II century, it was intended to emphasize the continuity with Emperor Anastasiya I (591-518), also named herself Flaviem..

The scandalous information about the turbulent youth of the future wife of the emperor Feodora (approx. 497-548) reports Caesarian proof Secret storyHowever, modern researchers prefer not to interpret them literally. John Efesse notes that "she came from a brothel", but the term used by him for the designation of the institution in which the farodore served in no way indicates her profession. Perhaps she was an actress or dancer, although the author of a modern study about her Robert Browning makes it possible that she was really a prostitute. The first meeting of Justinian with Feodoroy occurred in approximately 522 in Constantinople. Then Theodore left the capital, spent some time in Alexandria. How did their second meeting occurred, it is not reliably known. It is known that wanting to marry Theodore Justinian asked his uncle to appreciate her rank patricia, but this caused a strong opposition to Empress Euphimia, and before death in 523 or 524, the marriage was impossible. Probably, with the desire of Justinian, the adoption of the law of the law "On Marriage" (LAT. DE NUPTIIS), which abolished the law of Emperor Konstantin I, prohibiting the person who had reached the senatorial title, marry the Bludnice.

In 525, Justinian married Feodore. After the marriage of the feodorah completely broke with his stormy past and was a faithful wife. This marriage was childless, nevertheless, Justinian had six nephews and niecers, from which Justin II was chosen by the heir.

Early years and the reign of Justina

Nothing is known about childhood, youth and education of Justinian. Probably, at some point, his uncle Justin was concerned about the fate of his relatives left at the homeland, and caused a nephew to the capital. Justin himself was born in 450 or 452 years and at a young age, fleeing his need, came from the parents to Constantinople and hired for military service. At the end of his reign, the emperor Lion I (457-474) organized a new detachment of the Palace Guard. Excisculators, in which soldiers from different parts of the empire, and had good physical data Justin was accepted into it. About the career of Justin in the reign of Zenon (474-491), nothing is known, but at Anastasia, he participated in the rank of Duks in the Isavi War (492-497) under the command of John Gorbatoy. Then Justin took part in the wars with a Persion as a military man holder, and at the end of the reign of Anastasia distinguished himself when the Vitalyan uprising is suppressed. Thus, Justin conquered the location of the emperor and was appointed head of the palace guard in the rank of Komit and Senator. The time of arrival of Justinian to the capital is definitely not known. It is assumed that this happened at about twenty-five years, then for some time, Justinian studied theology and Roman law, after which he was awarded the title of Lat. Candidati, that is, the personal bodyguard of the emperor. At about this time, adoption and change of the name of the future emperor.

In the death of Anastasia in early July 518, Justin managed to relatively easily seize power, despite the fact that there was a large number of richest and influential candidates. According to the proof, the will of the Higher Forces interested in the ultimate elevation of Justinian manifested. The election procedure is described by Peter Patricium. The elevation of Justina was completely unexpected for contemporaries. An important role in the election was played by the active support of the new emperor in the parties of the hippodrome. Immediately after the election of Justin, an almost complete replacement of the highest military leadership was made, command posts of opponents Anastasia were returned. According to E. P. Glushanin, Justin sought to thus enlist the support of the army disgraced from the elections. At the same time, the military posts received the relatives of Justina: the other his nephew Herman was appointed Master of Thrace, and Justinian became the head of Domestic (Lat. Comes Domesticorum), a special building of the Palace Guard, which is known from the letter of the Pope Hormizda dated to the beginning of 519. On the Board of Justin, Justinian, one or twice performed consular duties. It is considered reliable that for the first time he became a consul in 521. In fact, this happened at the first opportunity - according to the tradition, in the first year, after its election, the consul was elected Justin, the next year, this title received them with Justinian political opponent Vitalyan. The story of Maccelline Comita on the luxurious celebration of the first consulate of Justinian in January 521 is not confirmed by the data of other sources, but the doubts of historians do not cause. The consular rankings made it possible not only to gain popularity with their generosity, but also opened the way to the honorary rank of Patricia. According to Marcellin, 288 thousand solid was spent, at the same time 20 lions and 30 leopards were released in the amphitheater. Probably, these expenses were not excessive and, although twice the usual consular expenses of that time, were repeatedly inferior to the spent Octavian Augustus. In the times of Justinian, consular expenses consisted of two parts, less of which were their own funds of the consul - they were to spend money on the improvement of the city. At the expense of public funds, spectacles were paid. Thus, additional government spending on this event was at a completely normal level and therefore did not attract the attention of other historians. After the Consulate of 521, Justinian was appointed Magister Militum in Praseni. - the position that Vitalyan performed before. Justinian's popularity at this time, as John the Zonar reports, grew so much that the Senate appealed to the elderly Emperor with a request to appoint Justinian with his co-program, but Justin responded to this sentence. Senate, however, continued to insist on the elevation of Justinian, asking him to assign him the title of Nobilissimus, which happened until 525, when he was assigned the highest title of Caesar.

Justinian distinguished himself as a commander in 525, heading the Byzantine fleet in 70 vessels (part Potted on the road) and volunteers \\ mercenaries from Byzantium, who went to a kind of "crusade" against the influential and rich Jewish state, Himyar (in place where is located Modern Yemen), which controlled trade in the south of Arabia and in the Red Sea. The campaign was caused by both economic reasons (the desire of Byzantium take control of the spices and the mythical wealth of the region) and religious contradictions: the fanatical king of Zu Nuwas Yusuf Asar Yasar from Chemiara killed there transit Byzantine merchants and blocked the Aksum trading with Byzantium (perhaps in response For the murder of Jewish traders with Ethiopses and for burning the synagogues in Byzantium), in 518-523 led the struggle with Ethiopses from Aksum, destroyed the church and threatened the death of Christians to move to Judaism. Although the alexum's troops captured most of Chemicals and left powerful garrisons in the cities, but by 523 the king of Pu Nuwas managed to capture several cities with successful raids and spent the indicative execution of Christians. In response, Byzantium sent a powerful fleet to the brotherly Christian state of Aksum to help the Powerful Fleet and a limited contingent headed by influential Justinian in 525. Having landed in two places Aksum troops and the Byzantine volunteers defeated the troops of Chemiara, Nuwas's troops were killed while trying to prevent landing. The captured territories of Chemicals were forcibly addressed to Christianity, they were either killed in their faith of Judea, or were forced to run. This victorious overseas operation has become not only the most difficult to remote theater of hostilities, important in a religious sense, but also very profitable for Byzantium. Obviously, that war had his influence on the attitude of Justinian to Jews and Judaism, which was influenced by his further policy in this area (see below).

Despite the fact that such a brilliant career could not have no real influence, reliable information about the role of Justinian in the management of the empire during this period there is no. According to the general opinion of sources and historians, Justin was uneducated, old and sick, and was not able to cope with government affairs. According to B. Rubin, the competence of Justinian was foreign policy and public administration. In the first time, the church policy was run by the commander of Vitalyan. After the murder of Vitalyan, in which the proof is accused personally of Justinian, the sources celebrate the influence of Justinian in state affairs. Over time, the health of the emperor worsened, the disease was intensified caused by the old wound in the leg. Feeling the approach of death, Justin responded to the next petition of the Senate on the appointment of Justinian co-guide. The ceremony occurred at Easter, on April 4, 527 - Justinian and his spouse Theodore were crowned as August and August. Justinian finally received full power after the death of Emperor Justina I August 1, 527.

Foreign Policy and War

By the beginning of the board of Justinian, the neighbors of the empire in the West were the so-called "barbaric kingdoms" of Germanians, formed in the V century in the territory of the Western Roman Empire. In all these kingdoms, the conquerors constituted a small minority, and the descendants of the inhabitants of the Empire could achieve a high social situation inherited the Roman culture. At the beginning of the 6th century, these states flourished on the board of their outstanding rulers - francs in North Gaul at Chlodvig, Burgundy in the Loire Valley with Gund Bada, Isgths in Italy in Theodorich Great, Westges in South Galia and Spain at Alarich II and Vandals in Africa during TRSAMUDE. However, in 527, when Justinian entered the throne, the kingdoms were in a difficult situation. In 508, Westges were expelled from most of Gaul Franks, whose kingdom was divided with the sons of Glodight. In the first half of the 530s, Burgundy was defeated from the francs. With the death of theodorich in 526, the crisis began in the kingdom, although even during the lifetime of this ruler, the conflict escalates between the parties of supporters and opponents of rapprochement with the Byzantine Empire. A similar situation has developed in the early 530s in the kingdom of vandals.

In the East, the only opponent of Byzantium was the Persian state of the Sasanidov, with which the empire with a small break of war from the beginning of the III century. By the beginning of the 6th century, it was a prosperous and developed state, approximately equal in the area of \u200b\u200bByzantium, stretching from Indus to Mesopotamia in the West. The main challenges that the Sasanidov State opposed at the beginning of the Board of Justinian was the continued threat of invasions of the Gunnov-Ephalites, first appeared at the borders in the second half of the V century, and the internal instability and struggle for the Shahi throne. At about this time, the People's Mazdaki movement appeared against the aristocracy and Zoroastrian clergy. At the beginning of his reign, Shah Hosras i Anushirvan (531-579) supported this movement, but by the end of his rule it began to pose a threat to the state. With Justin, I have no significant military events related to the Persia. From diplomatic events, the Initiative of Shaha Kavada, who offered Justin in the mid-520s, to adopt Hoshrov's son in the middle of the 520s and make him the heir to the Roman Empire. This proposal was rejected.

In foreign policy, the name of Justinian is primarily connected with the idea of \u200b\u200b"restoring the Roman Empire" or "West Reconquisters". The first step in this direction was the conquest of Africa and the conquest of the Kingdom of Vandals in 533, which arose on the territories conquered at the beginning of the V century territories of Roman North Africa. Denotamicing the goals of this enterprise in its code, the emperor considers it necessary to "remove the offense and insults", caused by Ariana-vandals of the orthodox church, and "the liberation of peoples of such a large province from the Yarma of Slavery." The result of this liberation was to be the possibility of the population to live "in our lucky board". Currently, there are two theories regarding the question when this goal was set. According to one of them, currently more common, the idea of \u200b\u200breturning the West existed in Byzantium from the end of the V century. This point of view comes from the thesis that after the emergence of the barbaric kingdoms professing Arianism, public elements were to be preserved, which did not recognize the loss of the Rome of the Great City status and the capital of the civilized world and did not agree with the dominant position of Arian in the religious sphere. An alternative point of view that does not deny the general desire to return the West to the Lono of Civilization and Orthodox Religion, refers the emergence of a program of concrete actions after success in the war with vandals. In favor of this, various indirect signs say, for example, the disappearance of the legislation and state documentation of the first third of the VI century of words and expressions, one way or another, and the loss of Africa, Italy and Spain, as well as the loss of the interest of Byzantines to the first capital of the Empire. In the religious views of Justinian, the famous Byzantinist G. A. Ostrogorsky saw the origin of his foreign policy. In his opinion, as Christian Vladyka, Justinian believed the Roman Empire with the concept of identical to the Christian world, and the victory of the Christian religion was such a sacred task for him as the restoration of Roman power.

Domestic politics

Structure of state power

The internal organization of the Empire in the era of Justinian was basically laid by Diocletian transformations, whose activities were continued at Feodosia I. The results of this work are presented in the famous monument Notitia Dignitatumrelating to the beginning of the V century. This document is a detailed list of all the officials and posts of the Civil and Military Office of the Empire. He gives a clear understanding of the mechanism created by Christian monarchs, which can be characterized as bureaucracy.

The military division of the empire was not the coincidence of civilians everywhere. The highest power was distributed among some warlords, Magistri Militum. In the Eastern Empire, according to Notitia Dignitatumthere were five of them: two at the courtyard ( magistri Militum Praesentales.) and three in the provinces of Frakia, Illyria and East (respectively, magistri Militum Per Thracias, Per Illyricum, Per Orienm). Duffs stood in the military hierarchy ( duces.) and comedians ( comites Rei Militares.) equivalent to vicarius of civil authority and having rank spectabilis, However, controlling districts by diostezam in size.

The contemporary of Justinian, the procopies of Caesaresky, the following words describes how the appointments took place during his board: "For throughout the Roman powers, Justinian did the following. Having revealed our birthday people, he gave them for a big money for damage. For a person decent or at least not deprived of a sensible reason, there is no point in giving his own money in order to rob in no obey people. Having received this gold from those who came to agree with him, he gave them the opportunity to do everything that would be pleased with them. Thus, they were destined to ruin all the lands [these were removed under their control] along with their population, so that in the future to be rich in the future. " (Prokokii Caesarian "Secret History" Ch. XXI, Part 9-12).

It is very interesting to the conclusion that the proofer makes the appointees of Justinian: "For it reached the fact that the very name of the killer and the robber began to denote by the enterprising person." ("Secret History" Ch. XXI, Part 14).


The basis of the government of Justinian was the ministers, all who worned title preslavny, under the beginning of which was the whole empire. Among them was the most powerful prefect Pretoria East, Rule of the largest of the regions of the Empire, also determined the situation in finance, legislation, public administration, proceedings. The second most important was prefect of the city - driving the capital; then head of Services - managing the imperial house and office; quester of the Sacred Bath- Minister of Justice, comit of sacred generous- imperial treasurer, comit private property and comit Patrimoniyev - managed by the property of the emperor; Finally three present- The head of the city police, who obeyed the garrison of the capital. The following were senators - whose influence in Justinian has increasingly reduced and comites of sacred consistory - members of the Imperial Council.


Among the ministers of Justinian first should be called quester Sacred Bath Tribony, chapter by the Imperial Office. With his name is inextricably linked by the case of the legislative reforms of Justinian. He came from Pamphila and began the service in the lower ranks of the office and thanks to his hardworking and acute mind quickly achieved the place of the head of the office of the Office. From that moment, it is attracted to legal reforms and uses the exceptional arrangement of the emperor. In 529, he is appointed to the post of Palace Querator. The tribony is assigned to the chairmanship of the commission of editing Digestes, Codex and Institutions. Prokoki admiring his mind and softness of appeal, nevertheless accuse him of greed and bribery. The uprising is largely caused by the abuse of tribony. But even in the most difficult moment, the emperor did not leave his pet. Although the tribony was taken away by the quest, but they gave him the position of head of services, and in 535 he was again appointed Quest. Tribony retained the position of the quest right to death in 544 or 545.

Another culprit of the uprising was the prefect of Pretoria John Cappadocian. Being more thanxicated origin, he advanced at Justinian, thanks to natural insight and success in financial enterprises, he managed to win the favor of the king and get the position of the imperial treasurer. Soon he was erected in dignity illustris And he received the position of the provincial prefect. Possessing unlimited power, he stained himself with unheard of cruelty atrocities in the entrusted of the subjects of the empire. His agents were allowed torture and murders to achieve the goal of increasing the treasury of John himself. Having achieved unprecedented power, he was a court party and tried to claim the throne. This led him to an open collision with Feodoroy. During the uprising Nick, he was replaced by the Foral Prefect. However, in 534, John returned the prefecture in 538, he became a consul then Patricia. Only the hatred of the feodorah and unusually increased ambition led him to fall in 541

Among other important ministers of the first period of the Board of Justinian, the Hermogene-Gunna should be called by origin, the head of the services (530-535); His successor of Vasilida (536-539) of the questor in 532, in addition, Konstantin's sacred generous comes (528-533) and strategy (535-537); Also, the commit private property of Flora (531-536).

John Cappadoksky inherited in 543 Peter Barsimes. He began as a silver trader, quickly rich, thanks to merchant dexterity and trade fraud. Entering the Office, he managed to win the arrangement of the Empress. Theodore began to promote favorite in service with such an energy that it gave rise to the gossip. At the post of the prefect, he continued the practice of John illegal entries and financial abuse. Specs of bread in 546 led to hunger in the capital and popular wiping. The emperor was forced to shift Peter, despite the protection of the Feodor. However, he soon received the place of the imperial treasurer. Even after the death of the patroness, he retained influence and in 555 he returned to the prefects of Pretoria and kept this position until 559 uniting it with the Treasury.

Other Peter over the years once performed the responsibilities of the services chief and was one of the most influential Ministers of Justinian. He came from the Fessalonik and was originally a lawyer in Constantinople, where he became famous for his eloquence and legal knowledge. In 535, Justinian instructed Peter to negotiate with the king of sharpening the cell. Although Peter led negotiations with exceptional skill, he was imprisoned in Ravenna and returned home only in 539, the returned ambassador was placed by awards and received a high post of service chief. Such attention to the diplomat gave rise to gossip about his involvement in the murder of Amalasund. In 552, he received a questura, continuing to remain the head of the services. Peter held his position until death in 565. The position inherited his son Feodor.

Among the highest military leaders, many combined military debt with state and courtesty. The commander Sitt consistently held the consul's places, Patricia and finally achieved a high position magister Militum Praesenalis.. Belisarius, except for military posts, was another commit of sacred stables, then by the comite of the bodyguards and remained in this position to death. Naruses performed a number of posts in the inner launches of the king, was Cubiculary, we burst, the chief head of the chambers-winning the exceptional confidence of the emperor was one of the most important custodians of the secrets.


First of all, it is necessary to include Markell - the Comita of the emperor's bodyguards. A person is fair, highly honest, in devotion to the emperor reached by selflessness. Influence on the emperor he had almost limitless; Justinian wrote that Markell never leaves his royal personally and is surprising his commitment to justice.

Also, a significant favorite of Justinian was the eunuch and commander Nursa, which repeatedly proven his loyalty to the emperor and never fell under his suspicion. Even the procopies of Cessarian has never responded to Nazas badly, calling him too energetic and bold for eunuch. Being a flexible diplomat, Nursa led negotiations with Persians, as well as during an uprising Nick managed to bribe and recruit many senators, after which he received the position of the preposite of the Holy Over, a kind of first adviser to the emperor. A little later, the emperor entrusted it to the conquest of Italy from the ready. Naruses managed to defeat ready and destroy their kingdom, after which he was appointed for the post of Exarch Italy.

Another special, which is impossible to forget, is the wife of Belisarius, Antonina - Ober-Hofmeister and Girlfriend Theodora. Prokoki about her writes almost also bad, as well as about the tsarice itself. It was the youth of her violent and shameful, but also, being married to Belisarius, was repeatedly in the center of the courtesy gossip because of his scandalous baudders. Universal surprise causes the passion of Belisarius to her, which was attributed to witchcraft, and condescension with which he forgiven all the adventures of Antonina. Because of his wife, the commander was repeatedly involved in the shameful, often criminal cases that the empress peak through their favorite.

Construction activities

Destruction, which took place during an uprising Nick, allowed Justinianan to rebuild and transform Constantinople. The emperor left his name in history, building the masterpiece of the Byzantine architecture - the Cathedral of St. Sophia.

Contemporanik Justinian, Prokokii Caesarian, describes the activity of the emperor in the field of construction: "Seeing that the water pipeline of the city came into disrepair and delivers only a small part of the water to the city, they [the deposits of Justinian] neglected this and did not want to allocate something on him, Despite the fact that huge crowds were constantly given from the sources, and all the baths were closed. Meanwhile, on maritime construction and other misfortunes, they threw a lot of money without a single word, something was erected everywhere in the suburbs, as if they were not enough palaces, in which Vasileces reigning previously had previously lived. Not for the considerations of leaning, but for the death of human, they decided to neglect the construction of the water pipeline, since no one else was ready to assign money to themselves with smaller ways and immediately to spend their money. " (Prokokii Caesarian "Secret History" Ch. XXVI, Part 23-24).

Conspiracies and uprisings


The party scheme in Constantinople laid even before Justinian's top. "Green" - often supporters of monophimitis - favor Anastasia, "Blue" - more often supporters of Chalkidon religion - intensified with Justin, as despite their sympathy for monophysites patronized new Empress Feodor, because at one time they saved her family. Energetic actions of Justinian, with an absolute arbitrariness of officials, constantly growing taxes were heated by the dissatisfaction of the people, displeasure a religious conflict. On January 13, 532, the speeches of Green, which began with ordinary complaints to the Emperor on oppression from officials, turned into a violent rebellion with the requirement to dismiss John Cappadocyan and Tribonian. After an unsuccessful attempt to the emperor, the negotiations and dismissal of the Tribonian and the other two ministers, the inside of the rebellion was sent to him. The rowers tried to overthrow Justinian directly and put in the head of the state of Senator Gipathia, who was a nephew of supported green and monophysites of the late emperor Anastasia I. The rebels joined the displeased ambulance of the Arian mercenaries of the emperor and high taxes "blue". The slogan of the uprising was the cry of "Nick!" ("Defend!") What circus wrestlers have come. Despite the continuation of the uprising and the beginning of the riots on the streets of the city, Justinian remained in Constantinople at the request of the wife of Theodore:

The one who has appeared on the light can not die, but someone who once reigned, be a fugitive unbearably

Prokokii Caesarian, "War with Persians"

Based on the racetrack, where they were going to crown gypathy, the rowers seemed invincible and actually besieged by Justinian in the palace. Only by the joint efforts of the united troops of Belisarius and Munda, who remained devoted to the emperor, managed to knock up the rebels from the support points. Prokoki says that the hippodrome was killed up to 30,000 unarmed citizens. At the insistence of Feodora, Justinian executed the nephew Anastasia.

Conspiracy Artabana

During the uprising in Africa, Prai - the niece of the emperor, the wife of the deceased governor, was captured to the rebels. When, it seemed to get rid no longer, the Savior was represented by the young Armenian officer of Artabana, who broke Gontaris and liberated the princess. On the way home, a novel arose between the officer and the projection, and she promised his hand to him. Upon returning to Constantinople, Artabah was graciously adopted by the emperor and mowed awards, appointed by the governor of Libya and the commander of the federals - magister Militum in Praeseni Comes Foederatorum. In the midst of the preparation for the wedding, all the hopes of Artabana collapsed: his first wife appeared in the capital, which he had long forgotten, and who did not think about returning to her husband while he was stupid. She appeared to the Empress and prompted her to break the engagement of Artabana and Praeks and demand reunification of spouses. In addition, Theodore insisted at the immediate marriage princess with John, son of Pompey and the grandson of gipia. Artabah was deeply vulnerable and even regretted the Romans service.

In 548, shortly after the death of Theodore, all of her opponents were perceived by the Spirit. John Cappadocian returned to the capital, and the yard covered intrigue. Artaban immediately divorced his wife. At the same time, Arsak, the relative of Artabana and the prince of the genus of Arsakid, was evident in intercourse with Persians and on the orders of the king was carved. This prompted Arsaka to decline Artabana to the goat against the emperor.

« And you, "he said, - Being a relative, I don't have anything to sympathize with me, who has undergone a terrible humiliation; I, my dear, I am very sorry about your destiny with these two wives, of which you are not deserved one, but with the other for coercion should live. Therefore, no one, of course, who has a drop of mind, should not refuse to participate in the murder of Justinian under the pretext of cowardice or any fear: after all, he is constantly without any protection sitting until late at night, intense with the asked elders from the clergy, turning over with all the zeal Books of Christian teaching. And besides, he continued, "none of the relatives of Justinian will not be against you. The most powerful of them - Herman, as I think, will very willingly take part in this case along with you, as well as his children; They are still young men, and the body and soul are ready to attack him and burn against him anger. I feed the hope that they themselves are grabbing for this matter. They feel offended by him as none of us or from other Armenians».

Germanos, the nephew of Justinian, recently buried Bratan's brother, who had the only daughter. When the inheritance of Justinian insisted, so that most of the inheritance remains behind the girl, which did not like Germanos. On him and pinned the hopes of the conspirators. With the help of the young Armenian Hanaranga, they turned to Justin (the son of Germanosa) with a request to involve the Father in the conspiracy. However, Justin refused and handed over to Germanos. He turned to Markell, the Chief of Guard, for the Council - whether everything should be issued to the king. Markell advised to wait and with the help of Justina and Leonty, the Nedian Athanasius, the plans of conspirators belonged - to kill the emperor after the Gasienary comes back, who left Italy in Byzantium. Then he reported all the king. Justinian accused German and Justin in concealment. But Markell stood up for them, saying that it was his advice - wait and reveal the plans of conspirators. Artaban and other rebels were captured and imprisoned. However, Artaban returned the mercy of the emperor and was appointed in 550 magister Militum Thracie. And instead of Libya, sent to the capture of Sicily.

Conspiracy of Argiprats

In the autumn of 562, a certain Avlabiy (killer) was hired by the Arginian Markell and Sergius, a curator's nephew of one of the imperial palaces of Etheria in order to kill the emperor. Avlabii was supposed to kill Justinian in triclines, where Justinian was before going out. Avlabiy, not finding the way to penetrate the triclinium to trigger Ipparch Essiew and Logohet John. Eusevius warned the emperor about the attempt and delayed the conspirators to find swords from them. Markell committed suicide to his sword. Sergius disappeared in the Velvernskaya church and there was grasp. After his arrest, he was convinced of testimony against Belisarius and Banker John, that they sympathized with a conspiracy, like Banker Wit and Curator Belisarius - Paul. Both surviving conspirators were issued to the prefect of the capital to the proof and were subjected to interrogation, during which was shown against Belisarius. On December 5, the Emperor ordered the secret council in the presence of the Patriarch of Evtichia and the very Belisariya Patriarch, after which the Belisarius was deprived of posts and was planted for home arrest. Opal Belisarius lasted more than six months, only after the proof was shifted, the perception of conspirators and Belisarius was forbidden.

Position of provinces

IN Notitia Dignitatum Civil power is separated from the military, each of them constitutes a separate department. This reform refers to the time of Constantine Great. In civil relations, the entire empire was divided into four areas (prefectures), at the head of which were prefectures of Pretoria. Prefectors were divided into diceses controlled by substituents of the prefect ( vicarii Praefectorum.). Diocenes, in turn, shared on the province.

Sitting on the throne of Konstantin, Justinian found the empire very in the cropped form: the disintegration of the empire began after the death of Feodosia only gained momentum. The western part of the empire was divided by the barbaric kingdoms, in Europe, the Byzantium held only the Balkans and then without Dalmatia. In Asia she belonged to all small Asia, Armenian Highlands, Syria to Euphrates, North Arabia, Palestine. In Africa managed to hold only Egypt and Kerenaica. In general, the empire was divided into 64 provinces combined into two prefectures: East (51 province) and Illirin (13 provinces). The provincial position was extremely difficult: Egypt and Syria showed a tendency to the department. Alexandria was a stronghold of monophysites. Palestine shook the disputes of supporters and opponents of orgenism. Armenia was constantly threatened by the Sassanid's war, the Balkans were disturbed by the isgotes and strengthening Slavic peoples. Justinianan was to have a huge job, even if he was engaged only to the preservation of borders.



Armenia, divided between Byzantium and Persion and the being the islet of the struggle between the two powers, was of great strategic importance for the Empire.

From the point of view of military administration, Armenia was in a special position, visible from the fact that in the period under review in the Pontic Diocese with its eleven provinces there was only one Duks, dUX Armeniae.whose power extended to three provinces, in Armenia I and II and Polemeonian Ponte. In the Armenian Duks, there were: 2 shelves of horse archers, 3 legions, 11 tank detachments of 600 people, 10 cogat infantry for 600 people. Of these, cavalry, two legions and 4 cohorts stood directly in Armenia. At the beginning of the reign of Justinian in the inner Armenia, the movement against the imperial authorities was increased, which resulted in an open uprising, the main reason for which, according to the testimony of the prisoner, was the burdensome taxes - the ruler of Armenia Akaka made illegal defeats and postponed the country with unprecedented tax up to four Kentinarians. To correct the position, the Imperial Decree was adopted on the reorganization of military administration in Armenia and the appointment as a military leader of the region of the region with the empower of four legions. Arriving, Sita promised to climb the emperor about the cancellation of the new taxation, however, as a result of the actions of the displaced local satrapses, was forced to enter the battle with the rebels and died. After the death of Sita, the emperor sent a university against Armenians, who, acting vigorously, forced them to seek defending to the Persian king Josrov Great.

During the entire reign of Justinian, intensive military construction was conducted in Armenia. Of the four books of the treatise "On the buildings", one is completely devoted to Armenia.

The reform of state administration, conducted by the Board of Justinian, significantly affected the situation in Armenia. Spring 535 released 8th Novel abolished the practice of buying posts for money, the so-called suffragia (Lat. Suffragium). According to the annex to this novel, the rulers of Armenia of the second and Armenia have great paid for their positions on the first to date, and Armenia is the first - on the second. Next followed reforms aimed at the nomanization of Armenia. The 31st Novel "about the establishment of four ruler Armenia" refers to 536. Novella established a new administrative division of Armenia as part of four areas (internal, second, third and fourth Armenia), each of which has its own way of management. Comit Third Armenia in the rank Justinian Komita Combined civil and military leadership by its province. Among other things, the novel fastened the inclusion of the provinces previously considered formally independent regions.

In the development of the reform, several decrees were issued aimed at reducing the role of traditional local aristocracy. Edict " On the order of inheritance from Armenians"Canceled the tradition, according to which only men could inherit. Novel 21 " About the Armenians in all followed by Roman laws"Repeats the provisions of the Edicta specifying that the legal norms of Armenia should not differ from the imperial.

Relations with Jews and Samaritans

Questions dedicated to the status and legal characteristics of the situation of Jews in the Empire are devoted to a significant number of laws issued in the preceding rule. One of the most significant pre-Justinian collections of laws, Codex Feodosia, created in the rule of emperors Feodosia II and Valentinian III, contained 42 laws specially dedicated to the Jews. Legislation, although he limited the possibilities of the propaganda of Judaism, provided the rights to Jewish communities in cities.

From the first years of his reign, Justinian, guided by the principle of "one state, one religion, one law", limited the rights of representatives of other denominations. Novel 131 established that the church law according to its status is equal to the law of the state. NOVEL 537 has established that Jews should be addressed by full municipal taxes, but they could not occupy official positions. The synagogues were destroyed; In the remaining synagogues, it was forbidden to read the books of the Old Testament on the ancient Jewish text, which was to be replaced by the Greek or Latin translation. This caused a split in the Wednesday of Jewish priesthood, conservative priests imposed Herge on reformers. Judaism, according to the Code of Justinian, was not considered as a heresy and belonged to the number of lats. Religio Licitis, however, the Samaritans were included in the same category that pagans and heretics. The code forbade heretics and Jews to testify against Orthodox Christians.

All these oppressions were summoned at the beginning of the reign of Justinian, the uprising in Palestine Jews and their closest Samaritans under the leadership of Julian Ben Sabara. With the help of Arabs-Hassanids, the uprising was brutally suppressed in 531. During the suppression of the uprising, over 100 thousand Samaritans were killed and turned into slavery, the people of which as a result almost disappeared. According to John Malal, who survived 50 thousand people fled to Iran for help to Shah Kavada.

At the end of his reign, Justinian again turned to the Jewish issue, and released in 553 to the novel 146. The creation of Novella was caused by the incessant conflict of Jewish traditionalists and reformers about the language of worship. Justinian, guided by the opinion of the fathers of the church that the Jews distorted the text of the Old Testament, banned the Talmud, as well as his comments (hemara and Midrash). It was allowed to use only Greek texts, punished for dissidents was strengthened.

Religious policy

Religious views

Perceiving himself as the heir to Roman Caesarians, Justinian considered his duty to recreate the Roman Empire, wanting to be one law and one faith in the state. Based on the principle of absolute power, he believed that in the well-established state everything was supposed to be subject to imperial attention. Understanding the importance of the church for public administration, he made all their efforts to fulfill his will. He is a discussion question about the primaryness of the state or religious interests of Justinian. It is known at least that the emperor was the author of numerous letters on religious topics addressed to dads and patriarchs, as well as treatises and church chants.

This is what the contemporary of the emperor, Prokopii Caesarian, wrote about the attitude towards the Church and the Christian faith: "In the Christian faith, he seemed to be solid, but it turned out to be wrapped up by their subjects. In fact, he allowed the clergymen to oppress their neighbors with impunity, and when they captured the land adjacent to their possessions, he shared their joy, believing that in a similar way he manifests his piety. And the Casual Court for such matters, he believed that he had a good cause, if anyone, hiding behind the shrines, was removed, assigning what he did not belong. " (Prokokiy Caesarian "Secret History" Ch. XIII, Part 4,5).

In accordance with his desire, Justinian considered it with his right not only to solve issues related to the leadership of the Church and its property, but also to establish a certain dogma among its subjects. What religious direction adhered to the emperor, the same directions were to adhere to his subjects. Justinian regulated the life of the clergy, at his own discretion of the highest hierarchical positions, performed as an intermediary and a judge in a clearing. He patronized the church in the face of her servants, contributed to the construction of temples, monasteries, multiplying their privileges; Finally, the emperor established a religious unity among all the subjects of the Empire, gave the last rule of faithful teachings, participated in dogmatic disputes and gave a final decision on controversial dogmatic issues.

A similar policy of the secular prevalence in religious and church affairs, up to the poses of the religious beliefs of a person, especially the vividly shown by Justinian, received the name of CaesaParapism in history, and this emperor is considered one of the most typical representatives of such a direction.

Modern researchers allocate the following fundamental principles of religious views of Justinian:

  • Loyalty to Oros of the Chalkidon Cathedral;
  • The fidelity of the idea of \u200b\u200bOrthodoxy St. Kirill Alexandrinsky to convince His supporters to return to the Lono of the dominant church;
  • "Nekhalochidonism", "Justinianism" - the creative synthesis of Christology of the Khalkidon Cathedral and the teachings of St. Kirill Alexandrian - Justinian and his previously supported the democratists were recognized by even the Ephesian Cathedral of "12 Anathematisms" Kirill Alexandrian, and the discrepancies of Christology Kirill and Khalkidon were explained by the terminological inaccuracies of Cyril due to the invertation of terminology in his time. It was approved that in fact Kirill allegedly was a supporter of Chalkidon Coriators (the symbol of faith, for example, the Armenian Apostolic Church in Armenian, due to the peculiarities of the Armenian language, it is indeed to interpret exactly that - but used by the Kirillic formula of the Apollinarian of Laodicean in ancient Greek, the Fifth Ecumenical Cathedral unconditionally condemned).

Relationship with Rome

Relations with monophysitis

In religious relations, the reign of Justinian was the confrontation diophysites or Orthodox, if recognizing their dominant confession, and monophysites. Although the emperor was committed to Orthodoxy, he was above these disagreements, wanting to find a compromise and establish religious unity. On the other hand, his wife sympathized with monophysites.

In the period under review, monophimitis, influential in the eastern provinces - in Syria and Egypt, was not one. There were at least two large groups - non-compromises akeafals and those who accepted the "EnoCon" Zenon.

Monophizite was declared heresy at the Khalkidon Cathedral of 451 years. The Byzantine Emperors of the V and VI centuries of the Visantine Emperors of the V and VI centuries of Flavius \u200b\u200bZenon and Anastasii I were positively related to monophimitism, which only strained the religious relations between Constantinople and Roman bishops. Justin I turned back this tendency and confirmed the Chalkidon Doctrine, openly condemning monophimitis. Justinian, who continued his religious policy of his uncle Justina, tried to impose an absolute religious unity with his subjects, forcing them to accept compromises, in his opinion, satisfying all parties - and Miafizites, and Diophysites of Rome, the Church of the East, Syria and Palestine. He borrowed from the Syrian Church of Nestorian and the Church of the East, the cult of the Virgin Mary, whose apologist was Ephraim Sirin, and the cult remained since then in the Roman Church. But by the end of his life, Justinian began to treat diophysitis hard, especially when they manifest themselves in the manifestation, but he died before he had time to publish legislation that increases the importance of these dogm.

The defeat of Originism

Around the teachings of Origen, Alexandrian spear broke from the III century. On the one hand, his work has met favorably attention from such great fathers as John Zlatoust, Grigory Nissky, on the other hand, such major theologians like Peter Alexandrian, Epiphany Cyprus, Blessed Jerome, having grumbled Origenists, accusing them in paganism. The confusion in the disputes around the teachings of Origen made the fact that he began to attribute the ideas of some of his followers, which took advantage of Gnosticism - the main charges made against Origenists were that they allegedly preached the resettlement of souls and apocatastasis. Nevertheless, the number of supporters of Origen grew, among them there were such great theologians as Martyr Pamphil (writing the Origen's Apology) and Essian Caesarian, who had an Orien Archive at its disposal.

In the V century, passion around the Originalism fell fade, but at the beginning of the 6th century the Bogoslovskaya Storm broke out in Palestine. Syrian Stefan Bar-Sudail writes "The Book of St. Ierofey", mixing together Origenism, Gnosticism and Kabbalah and attributing the authorship of St. Jerophage student of SV Dionysia Areopagitis. The theological confusion begins in Palestinian monasteries. In just a few years, the riots embraced almost all Palestine, and moreover, the Originists appeared in the Great Lavra. In 531, a 92-year-old PrP. Savva consecrated rides to Constantinople asking Justinian help to restore Palestine after the Samaritan War, and between the case asks to find a way to pacify the confusion of Origenists who have learned the unrest in a new laurel. Justinian broke out an angry message to Patriarch Mine demanding to condemn origenism.

The case with the defeat of Originalism was delayed for the whole 10 years. The future Pope Pelagii, who visited Palestine at the end of the 530s, driving through Constantinople, told Justinian that heres from Origen he did not find, but in the Great Lavra, it was necessary to clean up. After the death of Saint Sava, Saints Kiriak, John Isijhast and Warsconufy spoke by the defenders of the purity of the purity of monastics. Novolavar Originists very quickly found influential supporters. In 541, under the leadership of Nonna and Bishop, Leonthia attacked the Great Lavra and beat her statements. Some of them fled to the Antioch Patriarch Efremu, who at the Cathedral of 542 for the first time condemned the Originists.

With the support of the Bishops of Leonthia, Domitian Ankir and Theodore of Caesarian Nonn demanded from the Jerusalem Patriarch Peter to strike out the name of the Antioch Patriarch Ephraim. This requirement caused a huge excitement in the Orthodox world. Fearing the influential patrons of the orgerists and realizing the impossibility of implementing their demand, the Jerusalem Patriarch Peter secretly called on the archimandritis of the Great Lavra and the monastery of St. Feodosia Gelasia and Sofronia and commanded them to compose an essay against the originating, to which the preservation of the Anti-Choir Patriarch Ephraim would be made in the diphythias. This essay of the Patriarch sent the emperor to Justinianan himself, putting his personal message to him, in which he described in detail all the wings and lawlessness of the orgerists. Konstantinople Patriarch Mina, and especially the representative of the Roman Pope Pelagii hotly supported the appeal of the statements of the Lavra Saint Sava. On this occasion, in 543, the Cathedral was held in Constantinople, on which Domitian Ankir, Theodore Askid and Heres of Originalism were condemned.

Fifth Ecumenical Cathedral

The conciliation policy of Justinian in relation to Monophysitites caused dissatisfaction with Rome, and Pope arrived in Constantinople in 535, which, together with the Orthodox Akimitov Party, expressed a sharp rejection of the politician of the Patriarch of Anfima, and Justinian was forced to give way. Anfim was displaced, and a convinced Orthodox Presbyter Mina was appointed in his place.

Making a concession on the question about Patriarch, Justinian did not refuse further attempts to reconcile with monophysites. For this, the emperor raised a well-known question about "three chapters", that is, about the three church writers of the V century, Theodore Mopstesti, Feodorit Kirirsky and Iva Edes, regarding which monophysites put in reproach to the Khalkidonsky Cathedral that the above-mentioned writers, despite their non-monitoring image of thoughts have not been convicted on it. Justinian acknowledged that in this case monophysites of the right and that the Orthodox should make a concession.

This desire of the emperor caused the perturbation of Western hierarchs, as they saw this encroachment on the authority of the Chalkidon Cathedral, after which a similar revision of the decisions of the Nicene Cathedral could follow. Also, a question arose whether it is possible to anathematize the dead, because all three writers died back in the previous century. Finally, some of the representatives of the West kept the opinion that the emperor would make violence against the conscience of the members of the Church by his decree. The latter doubt almost did not exist in the Eastern Church, where the intervention of the imperial authorities in solving dogmatic disputes was enshrined in long-term practice. As a result, the Decree of Justinian Ovecomed Value did not receive.

In order to influence a positive decision of the issue, Justinian caused the then dad of Vigil to Constantinople, where he lived for more than seven years. The initial position of the Pope, which on arrival openly rebelled against the Decree of Justinian and took away from the Church of the Konstantinople Patriarch Ma, changed and in 548 he issued a conviction of three chapters, the so-called ludicatum.And thus attached his voice to the vote of the four eastern patriarchs. However, the Western Church did not approve the concessions of Vigil. Under the influence of the Western Church, Dad began to fluctuate in his decision and took back ludicatum.. In such circumstances, Justinian decided to resort to the convening of the Universal Cathedral, which was gathered in Constantinople in 553.

The results of the cathedral were, in general, corresponding to the will of the emperor.

Relationships with pagans

Justinian has taken steps for the final eradication of paganism. Even at the beginning of his reign, Edict was published, prescribing mandatory baptism for all pagans and their households. Throughout his rule, political processes against the pagans did not want to change their faith were held in the empire. With it, the last spent pagan temples were destroyed. In 529, he closed the famous philosophical school in Athens. It had predominantly symbolic meaning, since by the time the event this school lost the leading position among the educational institutions of the Empire after it was founded in the V century at Feodosia II Constantinople University. After the closure of the school, at Justinian, the Athenian professors were exposed to expulsion, some of them moved to Persia, where the Plato West Persons met in the face of Josrova; The property of the school was confiscated. In the same year, in which St. Benedict destroyed the last pagan national sanctuary in Italy, namely the Apollo temple in the sacred grove on Monte Cassino, the stronghold of the ancient paganism in Greece was also destroyed. From these, Athens has lost its former importance of the cultural center and turned into a deaf provincial city. The full eradication of the paganism of Justinian did not reach; It continued to be hidden in some of the low-cost local areas. Projects of Caesaresky writes that the persecution of pagans was carried out not so much of the desire to approve Christianity, how many of the teacher's property


Political views

Justinian without disputes was inherited by the throne, sowing in advance to skillfully eliminate all prominent rivals and acquire the location of influential groups of society; Churches (even Roman dads) he liked his strict Orthodoxy; Senatorian aristocracy, he brought a promise to support all its privileges and joining a respectful caress; The luxury of the festivals and generosity of the distribution he won the attachment of the capital. The opinions of contemporaries about Justinian were very different. Even in the assessment of the proofer who serves as the main source for the history of the emperor, there are contradictions: in some writings ("wars" and "buildings"), he praises the excellent successes of wide and bold conquering enterprises of Justinian and bowing to his artistic genius, and in others ("secret History ") Abruptly ink his memory, calling the emperor" evil fool "(μωροκακοήθης). All this greatly makes it difficult to reliably restore the spiritual image of the king. Undoubtedly, mental and moral contrasts intersectively intertwined in the identity of Justinian. He faced the extensive plans to increase and strengthen the state, but did not have sufficient creative forces in order to be solicitably and fully built; He claimed the role of the reformer, and could only absorb not well-developed ideas. It was simple, accessible and resistant to his habits - and at the same time, as a result of the self-conceived, surrounded from success, surrounded himself a pompous etiquette and an unprecedented luxury. Directness and well-known kindness distorted him little to the cunning and falsehood of the ruler, forced to constantly defend the successfully captured power from all kinds of dangers and attempted. The benevolence of people he showed often, spoiled by frequent revenge enemies. Generosity in relation to the poor classes was combined in it with greed and inadvertising in money mining to ensure a representative office appropriate to its concepts about their own dignity. The desire to justice, which he was constantly said, was suppressed by the exorbitant thirst for the domination and the arrogance growing on such soil. He declared his claims to unlimited authority, and his will had a frequently weak and indecisive at a dangerous moment; He fell under the influence of not only the strong character of his feodor's wife, but sometimes even insignificant people, discovering even cowardice. All these virtues and malforms, little, were united near those who spent on the fore, a pronounced tendency to despotism. Under its influence, His piety turned into religious intolerance and was embodied in brutal persecution for evading the faith recognized by him. All this led to the results of very mixed dignity, and they are hard to explain why Justinian is accompanied by the category of "great", and his reign has acquired such a major importance. The fact is that, in addition to the specified properties, Justinian has a wonderful perseverance in conducting adopted and positively phenomenal ability to work. He wanted every smallest order regarding the political and administrative, religious and mental life of the Empire, emanated from him personally and any controversial question in the same areas was returned to him. Best of all interprets the historical figure of the king The fact that this leaving of the dark mass of the provincial peasantry managed to firmly and firmly assimilate two grand ideas, bequeathed to him by the tradition of the Great World past: Roman (the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world monarchy) and the Christian (the idea of \u200b\u200bGod's kingdom). The combination of both in one theory and the latter through the media is the originality of the concept, which was made by the essence of the political doctrine of the Byzantine Empire; The case of Justinian is the first attempt to formulate the system and its planting in life. The worldwide state created by the will of the autocratic sovereign was such a dream, which the king cherished from the very beginning of the reign. Weapon intended to return the lost old Roman territories, then give a general law that would be ensured by the welfare of the inhabitants, finally - to approve the faith that will connect all the peoples in worshiping the Unified True God. These are the three grounds that Justinian expect to build its power. He was unshakable to believe in him: "There is nothing higher and the holy of the Imperial Majesty"; "The creators themselves said that the will of the monarch has the power of the law"; "Who can interpret the secrets and riddles of the law, as not the one who can create it?"; "He is one able to spend days and nights in labor and wakefulness to think the Duma about the good of the people." There was no person among the honeymore emperors, which would be more than Justinian to have a sense of imperial dignity and worship before the Roman tradition. All its decrees and letters are filled with memories of great Rome in the history of which he scream inspiration

Justinian first clearly opposed the People's Will "The Most of God", as the source of the supreme power. Since his time, the theory of the Emperor is born as "equal to the apostles" (ίσαπόστολος), which receives grace directly from God and standing over the state and above the church. God helps him to defeat enemies, make fair laws. The wars of Justinian receive the nature of the crusades (everywhere, where the emperor will be Mr., Ears of the right faith). He puts his act with his act "under the patronage of St. Trinity. " Justinian - as if the preservation of the long chain of the long chain of the "Anointed Ladies" in history. Such a construction of power (Roman-Christian) breathed in the activities of Justinian a broad initiative, made His will of the attractive center and the point of application of many other energies, thanks to which the reign of it has reached really significant results. He himself said: "Never before the time of our rule God did not give the Romans of such victories ... Turn the sky, the inhabitants of all over the world: the great deal was carried out, whom God recognized the entire ancient world unworthy." A lot of Zhstinian evils left not cured, many new disasters gave rise to his politics, but nevertheless his greatness glorified almost the people's legend in various fields. All countries that subsequently exercised by its legislation, alleged his glory.

State reforms

Simultaneously with the military successes, Justinian began to strengthen the state apparatus and improved taxation. These reforms were so unpopular, which led to the uprising "Nika", which almost cost him the throne.

Administrative reforms were produced:

  • A combination of civil and military posts.
  • prohibition of payment for posts, increasing the salary officials indicate its desire to limit arbitrariness and corruption.
  • The official was forbidden to buy land where he served.

For the fact that he often worked at night, he was called a "sleepless sovereign" (Greek. Βασιλεύς άκοιμητος).

Legal reforms

One of the first projects of Justinian was a little more initiated by them than six months after the importance of a large-scale legal reform.

Using the talent of his minister of Tribonian, in 528, Justinian ordered to completely revise the Roman law, putting it to make it the same unsurpassed in the formal legal plan, which it was three centuries before. The three main components of the Roman law - Digesites, the Code of Justinian and Institutions - were completed in 534.

Pragmatic decision of 554, Justinian introduced the use of his laws in Italy. It was then that copies of his codification of Roman law fell to Italy. Although they did not immediately influence, one handwritten copy of the digest (it was found later in Pisa, and then he was kept in Florence) was used at the end of the XI century to revive research of Roman law in Bologna.

Economic reforms

Results of the Board

The outcome of the reign of uncle was trying to characterize the emperor Justin Second:

"We found a treasury ruined by debts and brought to extreme poverty, and the army is upset to such an extent that the state is provided by the continuous invasions and raids of the barbarians"

In the era of the enlightenment, a negative look was dominated by the results of the board of Justinian, one of the first to expressed montescience in his "Reflections on the greatness and fall of the Romans" (1734)

But the bad rule of Justinian is his wastefulness, harassment, extortion, frantic desire for construction, changes, transformations, - a cruel and weak and weak government, which has become even more painful due to its long-term old age, was a real disaster mixed with useless successes and fumes.

GL XX, per. N. Sarkitova

According to Dilya, the second part of the rule of the emperor is marked by a serious weakening of his attention to state affairs. The turning stages in the life of the king were the disease of the Chuma, which Justinian suffered in 542, and the death of Fedor in 548 Godnako there is a positive look at the results of the rule of the emperor.


Appearance and lifted images

Descriptions of the appearance of Justinian preserved a little. In Ov Secret story Prokokiy describes Justinian as follows:

It was not great and not too small, but medium height, not thin, but slightly complete; He had a rounded face and not devoid of beauty, for and after a two-day post on him played a blush. In order for a few words to give an idea of \u200b\u200bhis appearance, I will say that he was very similar to Domitsiana, Son Vespasian, whom the Romans were fed to such an extent that, even having broke it into pieces, did not quench her anger against him, but was made Senate's decision so that in the inscriptions, it was not mentioned his name and so that there was not a single image of his image.

"Secret History", VIII, 12-13

John Malala complements that Justinian was low growth, wide, with a beautiful nose, the face of the face was light, the hair curly with a noticeable spanish, the head and mustache began to be seen early. From the lifetime images, the mosaic of the Church of San Vitaly and the Santp Apollinarian Church, both in Ravenna, are preserved. The first refers to 547, the second later about ten years. In Apside, San Vitaly, the emperor is depicted with an elongated face, curly hair, noticeable mustache, powerful look. On a mosaic in the Sant Apollinar temple, the emperor was aged, a somewhat complete without a mustache, with a noticeable second chin.

Justinian was depicted on one of the largest (36 solids or ½-pounds) of famous medallions stolen in 1831 from the Paris Cabinet of Medals. The medallion was integrated, but its images and blind were preserved, allowing you to make copies from it.

A copy of the statue of Justinian from Egyptian marble is kept in the Roman-German Museum of Cologne. A certain idea of \u200b\u200bthe appearance of the emperor gives the preserved drawings of the column of Justinian built in 542. Discovered in Kerch in 1891 and the silver missories stored in the Hermitage in the Hermitage were originally considered the image of Justinian. Perhaps Justinian is also depicted on the famous Diptyjhe Barberini stored in the Louvre.

On the board of Justinian, a large number of coins were issued. Known-donal coins of 36 and 4.5 solid, a solid with a full-picture image of the emperor in the consular closure, as well as an exceptionally rare aureus weighing 5.43 g, chased in the old-faith foot. The front side of all these coins occupies either three-fourth or profile emperor bust, in the helmet or without it. In the old literature is often referred to Justinian Great. The Orthodox Church is considered to be holy, also revered by some Protestant churches.

Image in the literature

Before our time, literary works were reached, written during the Life of Justinian, in which either his Board was glorified or individual achievements. Usually they include: "The exhortatory chapters to Emperor Justinian" Dyakon Agaitaita, "On the buildings" by the proof of Caesarian, "Ekphrasis of St. Sophia" Pavel Silence, "On Earthquakes and Fires", the novel of Sladkopevts and an anonymous "Dialogue on Political Science".

After the death of the Emperor of Justinian Prokoki Kesaesky, the contemporary of Vasilev, dramatically changed his judgment about him to the opposite, as evidenced by the description of his in the book "The Secret History". So proofs describes the deceased emperor: "So, this Vasilev is filled with tricks, cunning, distinguished by insincerity, possessed the ability to hide his anger, was two-way, dangerous, was an excellent actor, when it was necessary to hide his thoughts, and he knew the sheds of tears not from joy or grief , but artificially causing them at the right time as needed ... An incorrect friend, an inexorable enemy, passionately thirsty of murders and robbery, inclined to straighten, a large fan of innovations and coups, easily supported by evil, no advice inclined to good, fast on the idea and Execution of the bad, about the good even listen to honoring for an unpleasant lesson. " Prokokiy Caesarian "Secret History" Ch. 8 h. 24-26

And a little further there: "How can I convey to the words of Justinian? With these and many other larger disadvantages, he possessed in a degree, not relevant to human nature. But it seems that nature, gathering the rest of the people all the bad in them, put the collected in the soul of this person ... And if someone would like, measuring everything that fell to the share of Romans from the earliest times, it commeasure this with the current troubles, he I would find that more people were killed by this person than for all the previous time. " Ibid, h. 27-30.

Popular biographies

The burnt Cathedral of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, striking his beauty and magnificence and the most grand church of the Christian world for a thousand years, was completely rebuilt.

Place of Birth

Regarding the place of birth of Justinian Prokokii expresses quite definitely, putting it in place called Tavress (Lat. Tauresium.), Next to the Fort of the Bewan (Lat. Bederiana.). About this place is the proofer further says that the city of Justinian Prima was subsequently founded next to him, whose ruins are now in the south-east of Serbia. Also, the proof reports that Justinian has significantly strengthened and produced numerous improvements in the city of Ulpian, renaming it to Justinian-Secund. Nearby he erected another city, calling him Justinopolis, in honor of his uncle.

Most of Darudania cities were destroyed in the reign of Anastasia with a powerful earthquake of 518. Near the destroyed capital of the province of Zupupi, Justopolis was built, a powerful wall with four tower was built around Tavresia, which the proof was called tetrapyrgy.

The names of "Bewan" and "Tavresi" reached our time in the form of the name of the villages of the Bader and Taories near Skopje. Both of these places were investigated in 1885 by the English archaeologist Arthur Evans, who found rich numismatic material there, confirming the importance of the settlements located here after the V century. Evans came to the conclusion that the district of Skopje is the birthplace of Justinian, confirming the identification of old settlements with modern villages.

Justinian family

Name of Mother of Justiniana, Sisters of Justina, Biglenica Located in Iustiniani Vita., whose unreliability is said above. Since there is no other information on this score, we can assume that its name is unknown. The fact that the mother of Justinian was the sister of Justina, confirm numerous sources.

For the father of Justinian, there are more reliable news. In the "Secret History" of the procopy leads the following story:

Hence, we learn the name of the Father of Justinian - Savvathi. Another source where this name is mentioned is the so-called "acts about Callopodia" included in the Chronicle of Feofan and the Easter Chronicle and related to events directly by the preceding Nick's uprising. There are Prasans, during the conversation with the representative of the emperor, they say the phrase "it would be better not born in Savvathi, he would not give rise to a son-killer."

Savvatia and his wife had two children, Peter Savvathi (Lat. Petrus Sabbatius.) And Wigilantia (Lat. Vigilantia.). Written sources nowhere mention the real name of Justinian, and only on consular diptych 521 we see the lat's inscription. FL. Petr. Sabbat. Justinian. v. i., Com. Mag. EQQ. et p. Praes., et c. OD. Meaning lat. Flavius \u200b\u200bPetrus Sabbatius Justinianus, Vir Illustris, Comes, Magister Equitum Et Peditum Praesenalium et Consul Ordinarius.

The marriage of Justinian and Feodora was noodles, nevertheless he had six nephews and niecers, of which Justin II became the heir.

Early years and the reign of Justina

Uncle Justiniana - Justin, among other Illyrian peasants, fleeing from extreme need, came from her festival in Byzantine and hired military service. Arriving at the end of the reign of Lev I in Constantinople and entered the service in the Imperial Guard, Justin rapidly grew through the service, and already in the reign of Anastasia participated in the wars with the Persion as a commander. Further, Justin distinguished himself when the uprising of Vitalyan is suppressed. Thus, Justin won the location of Emperor Anastasia and was appointed head of the Palace Guard in the rank of Komit and Senator.

The time of arrival of Justinian to the capital is definitely not known. It is assumed that this happened at about twenty-five years, then for some time, Justinian studied theology and Roman law, after which he was awarded the title of Lat. candidati., that is, the personal bodyguard of the emperor. Somewhere at this time there was adoption and changing the name of the future emperor.

In 521, as mentioned above, Justinian receives the consular title, which he uses to increase its popularity, arranging the magnificent spectacles in the circus, which grew so much that the Senate turned to the elderly Emperor with a request to appoint Justinian with his co-program. According to the testimony of Chronista John Zonara, Justin answered this sentence with refusal. The Senate, however, continued to insist on the elevation of Justinian, asking him to assign him the title of Lat. nobilissimus.What happened until 525, when he was assigned the highest title of Caesar. Despite the fact that such a brilliant career could not have no real influence, reliable information about the role of Justinian in the management of the empire during this period there is no.

Over time, the health of the emperor worsened, the disease was intensified caused by the old wound in the leg. Feeling the approach of death, Justin responded to the next petition of the Senate on the appointment of Justinian co-guide. The ceremony that came to us in the description of Peter Patricia in the Treatise of Lat. De Ceremoniis. Konstantin Bagryanorogennoe, occurred at Easter, April 4, 527 - Justinian and his spouse Theodore was crowned as August and August.

Justinian finally received full power after the death of Emperor Justina I August 1, 527.

Appearance and lifted images

Descriptions of the appearance of Justinian preserved a little. In his "secret history", proofs describes Justinian as follows:

It was not great and not too small, but medium height, not thin, but slightly complete; He had a rounded face and not devoid of beauty, for and after a two-day post on him played a blush. In order for a few words to give an idea of \u200b\u200bhis appearance, I will say that he was very similar to Domitsiana, Son Vespasian, whom the Romans were fed to such an extent that, even having broke it into pieces, did not quench her anger against him, but was made Senate's decision so that in the inscriptions, it was not mentioned his name and so that there was not a single image of his image.

"Secret History", VIII, 12-13

On the board of Justinian, a large number of coins were issued. Known-donal coins of 36 and 4.5 solid, a solid with a full-picture image of the emperor in the consular closure, as well as an exceptionally rare aureus weighing 5.43 g, chased in the old-faith foot. The front side of all these coins occupies either three-fourth, or the profile bust of the emperor, in the helmet or without it.

Justinian and Feodora

A bright image of an early career of the future empress is given with numerous details in "Secret History"; John Efesse simply notes that "she came from a brothel." Despite the opinion of individual researchers that all these statements are unreliable and exaggerated, the generally accepted point of view as a whole agrees with the description of the events of the early career of the Feodora, this proof. The first meeting of Justinian with Feodoroy occurred in approximately 522 in Constantinople. Then Theodore left the capital, spent some time in Alexandria. How did their second meeting occurred, it is not reliably known. It is known that wanting to marry Theodore Justinian asked his uncle to appreciate her rank patricia, however, it caused a strong opposition to the empress, and to death last in 523 or 524, the marriage was impossible.

Probably, with the desire of Justinian, adoption of Justin Law "On Marriage" (LAT. De nuptiis), abolished the law of Emperor Konstantin I, prohibiting a person who has reached the senatorial title, marry the Bludnice.

After the marriage of the feodorah completely broke with his stormy past and was a faithful wife.

Foreign policy

Directions of diplomacy

Main article: Byzantine diplomacy

In foreign policy, the name of Justinian is connected, above all, with the idea of \u200b\u200b"restoring the Roman Empire" or "West Reconquisters". Currently, there are two theories regarding the question when this goal was set. According to one of them, currently more common, the idea of \u200b\u200breturning the West existed in Byzantium from the end of the V century. This point of view comes from the thesis that after the emergence of the barbaric kingdoms professing Arianism, public elements were to be preserved, which did not recognize the loss of the Rome of the Great City status and the capital of the civilized world and did not agree with the dominant position of Arian in the religious sphere.

An alternative point of view that does not deny the general desire to return the West to the Lono of Civilization and Orthodox Religion, refers the emergence of a program of concrete actions after success in the war with vandals. In favor of this, various indirect signs say, for example, the disappearance of the legislation and state documentation of the first third of the 6th century words and expressions, one way or another of those mentioned Africa, Italy and Spain, as well as the loss of the interest of Byzantine to the first capital of the Empire.

Wars of Justinian

Domestic politics

Structure of state power

The internal organization of the empire in the era of Justinian was basically laid by Diocletian transformations, whose activities were continued at Feodosia I. The results of this work are presented in the famous monument. Notitia Dignitatumrelating to the beginning of the V century. This document is a detailed list of all the officials and posts of the Civil and Military Office of the Empire. He gives a clear understanding of the mechanism created by Christian monarchs, which can be characterized as bureaucracy.

The military division of the empire was not the coincidence of civilians everywhere. The highest power was distributed among some warlords, Magistri Militum. In the Eastern Empire, according to Notitia Dignitatumthere were five of them: two at the courtyard ( magistri Militum Praesentales.) and three in the provinces of Frakia, Illyria and East (respectively, magistri Militum Per Thracias, Per Illyricum, Per Orienm). Duffs stood in the military hierarchy ( duces.) and comedians ( comites Rei Militares.) equivalent to vicarius of civil authority and having rank spectabilis, However, controlling districts by diostezam in size.


The basis of the government of Justinian was the ministers, all who worned title preslavny, under the beginning of which was the whole empire. Among them was the most powerful prefect Pretoria East, Rule of the largest of the regions of the Empire, also determined the situation in finance, legislation, public administration, proceedings. The second most important was prefect of the city - driving the capital; then head of Services - managing the imperial house and office; quester of the Sacred Bath- Minister of Justice, comit of sacred generous- imperial treasurer, comit private property and comit Patrimoniyev - managed by the property of the emperor; Finally three present- The head of the city police in the superiors of which was a city garrison. The following were senators - whose influence in Justinian has increasingly reduced and comites of sacred consistory - members of the Imperial Council.


Among the ministers of Justinian first should be called quester Sacred BathStabonia-Minister of Justice and Head of Chancellery. With his name is inextricably linked by the case of the legislative reforms of Justinian. He came from Pamphila and began the service in the lower ranks of the office and thanks to his hardworking and acute mind quickly achieved the place of the head of the office of the Office. From that moment, it is attracted to legal reforms and uses the exceptional arrangement of the emperor. In 529, he is appointed to the post of Palace Querator. The tribony is assigned to the chairmanship of the commission of editing Digestes, Codex and Institutions. Prokoki admiring his mind and softness of appeal, nevertheless accuse him of greed and bribery. The uprising is largely caused by the abuse of tribony. But even in the most difficult moment, the emperor did not leave his pet. Although the tribony was taken away by the quest, but they gave him the position of head of services, and in 535 he was again appointed Quest. Tribony retained the position of the quest right to death in 544 or 545.

Another culprit of the uprising was the prefect of Pretoria John Cappadocian. Being more thanxicated origin, he advanced at Justinian, thanks to natural insight and success in financial enterprises, he managed to win the favor of the king and get the position of the imperial treasurer. Soon he was erected in dignity illustris And he received the position of the provincial prefect. Possessing unlimited power, he stained himself with unheard of cruelty atrocities in the entrusted of the subjects of the empire. His agents were allowed torture and murders to achieve the goal of increasing the treasury of John himself. Having achieved unprecedented power, he was a court party and tried to claim the throne. This led him to an open collision with Feodoroy. During the uprising Nick, he was replaced by the Foral Prefect. However, in 534, John returned the prefecture in 538, he became a consul then Patricia. Only the hatred of the feodorah and unusually increased ambition led him to fall in 541

Among other important ministers of the first period of the Board of Justinian, the Hermogene-Gunna should be called by origin, the head of the services (530-535); His successor of Vasilida (536-539) of the questor in 532, in addition, Konstantin's sacred generous comes (528-533) and strategy (535-537); Also, the commit private property of Flora (531-536).

John Cappadoksky inherited in 543 Peter Barsimes. He began as a silver trader, quickly rich, thanks to merchant dexterity and trade fraud. Entering the Office, he managed to win the arrangement of the Empress. Theodore began to promote favorite in service with such an energy that it gave rise to the gossip. At the post of the prefect, he continued the practice of John illegal entries and financial abuse. Specs of bread in 546 led to hunger in the capital and popular wiping. The emperor was forced to shift Peter, despite the protection of the Feodor. However, he soon received the place of the imperial treasurer. Even after the death of the patroness, he retained influence and in 555 he returned to the prefects of Pretoria and kept this position until 559 uniting it with the Treasury.

Other Peter over the years once performed the responsibilities of the services chief and was one of the most influential Ministers of Justinian. He came from the Fessalonik and was originally a lawyer in Constantinople, where he became famous for his eloquence and legal knowledge. In 535, Justinian instructed Peter to negotiate with the king of sharpening the identity. Although Peter led negotiations with exceptional skill, he was imprisoned in Ravenna and returned home only in 539, the returned ambassador was placed by awards and received a high post of service chief. Such attention to the diplomat gave rise to gossip about his involvement in the murder of Amalasund. In 552, he received a questura, continuing to remain the head of the services. Peter held his position until death in 565. The position inherited his son Feodor.

Among the highest military leaders, many combined military debt with state and courtesty. The commander Sitt consistently held the consul's places, Patricia and finally achieved a high position magister Militum Praesenalis.. Belisarius, except for military posts, was another commit of sacred stables, then by the comite of the bodyguards and remained in this position to death. Naruses performed a number of posts in the inner launches of the king, was Cubiculary, we burst, the chief head of the chambers-winning the exceptional confidence of the emperor was one of the most important custodians of the secrets.


First of all, it is primarily necessary to include Markell - the Committee of the emperor's bodyguards from 541. A fair, highly honest, in devotion to the emperor reached by selflessness. Influence on the emperor he had almost limitless; Justinian wrote that Markell never leaves his royal personally and is surprising his commitment to justice.

Also, a significant favorite of Justinian was the eunuch and commander Nursa, which repeatedly proven his loyalty to the emperor and never fell under his suspicion. Even the procopies of Cessarian has never responded to Nazas badly, calling him a man's black man with energetic and bold for Eunuch. Being a flexible diplomat, Nursa led negotiations with Persians, as well as during an uprising Nick managed to bribe and recruit many senators, after which he received the position of the preposite of the Holy Over, a kind of first adviser to the emperor. A little later, the emperor entrusted it to the conquest of Italy from the ready. Naruses managed to defeat ready and destroy their kingdom, after which he was appointed for the post of Exarch Italy.

Another special, which is impossible to forget, is the wife of Belisarius, Antonina - Ober-Hofmeister and Girlfriend Theodora. Prokoki about her writes almost also bad, as well as about the tsarice itself. It was the youth of her violent and shameful, but also, being married to Belisarius, was repeatedly in the center of the courtesy gossip because of his scandalous baudders. Universal surprise causes the passion of Belisarius to her, which was attributed to witchcraft, and condescension with which he forgiven all the adventures of Antonina. Because of his wife, the commander was repeatedly involved in the shameful, often criminal cases that the empress peak through their favorite.

Construction activities

Destruction, which took place during an uprising Nick, allowed Justinianan to rebuild and transform Constantinople. The emperor left his name in history, building the masterpiece of the Byzantine architecture - the Cathedral of St. Sophia.

Conspiracies and uprisings


The party scheme in Constantinople laid even before Justinian's top. "Green" is the factors of the monophimitism of Anastasia, "Blue" -lormen, Khalkidonian religion, intensified with Justin, they were also patronized by the new Empress-Feodor. The energetic actions of the Justinian, with the absolute arbitrariness of the officials, constantly growing taxes were heated by the displeasure of the people by breaking the religious conflict. On January 13, 532, the speeches of Green, which began with ordinary complaints to the Emperor on oppression from officials, turned into a violent rebellion with the requirement to dismiss John Cappadocyan and Tribonian. After an unsuccessful attempt to the emperor, the negotiations and dismissal of the Tribonian and the other two ministers, the inside of the rebellion was sent to him. The riskers tried to overthrow Justinian and put in the head of State of the Senator Gipathia, who was the nephew of the late emperor Anastasia I. "Blue" joined the rebels. The slogan of the uprising was the cry of "Nick!" ("Defend!") What circus wrestlers have come. Despite the continuation of the uprising and the beginning of the riots on the streets of the city, Justinian at the request of his wife Feodora remained in Constantinople:

Based on the racetrack, the rowers seemed invincible and actually besieged by Justinian in the palace. Only by the joint efforts of the united troops of Belisarius and Munda, who remained devoted to the emperor, managed to knock up the rebels from the support points. Prokoki says that the hippodrome was killed up to 30,000 unarmed citizens. At the insistence of Feodora, Justinian executed the nephew Anastasia.

Conspiracy Artabana

During the uprising in Africa, Prai - the niece of the emperor, the wife of the deceased governor, was captured to the rebels. When, it seemed to get rid no longer, the Savior was represented by the young Armenian officer of Artabana, who broke Gontaris and liberated the princess. On the way home, a novel arose between the officer and the projection, and she promised his hand to him. Upon returning to Constantinople, Artabah was graciously adopted by the emperor and mowed awards, appointed by the governor of Libya and the commander of the federals - magister Militum in Praeseni Comes Foederatorum. In the midst of the preparation for the wedding, all the hopes of Artabana collapsed: his first wife appeared in the capital, which he had long forgotten, and who did not think about returning to her husband while he was stupid. She appeared to the Empress and prompted her to break the engagement of Artabana and Praeks and demand reunification of spouses. In addition, Theodore insisted at the immediate marriage princess with John, son of Pompey and the grandson of gipia. Artabah was deeply vulnerable and even regretted the Romans service.

Conspiracy of Argiprats

Main article: Conspiracy of Argiprats

Position of provinces

IN Notitia Dignatotum Civil power is separated from the military, each of them constitutes a separate department. This reform refers to the time of Constantine Great. In civil relations, the entire empire was divided into four areas (prefectures), at the head of which were prefectures of Pretoria. Prefectors were divided into diceses controlled by substituents of the prefect ( vicarii Praefectorum.). Diocenes, in turn, shared on the province.

Sitting on the throne of Konstantin, Justinian found the empire very in the cropped video disintegration of the Empire, which began after the death of Feodosia, was only gaining momentum. The western part of the empire was divided by the barbaric kingdoms, in Europe, the Byzantium held only the Balkans and then without Dalmatia. In Asia, she belonged to all small Asia, Armenian Highlands, Syria to Efrata, North Arabia, Palestine. In Africa managed to hold only Egypt and Kerenaica. In general, the empire was divided into 64 provinces combined into two prefectures - East (51 province1) and Illirin (13 provinces). The provincial position was extremely serious Egypt and Syria showed a tendency to the department. Alexandria was a stronghold of monophysites. Palestine shook the disputes of supporters and opponents of orgenism. Armenia was constantly threatened by the Sassanid's war, the Balkans were disturbed by the isgotes and strengthening Slavic peoples. Justinianan was to have a huge job, even if he was engaged only to the preservation of borders.



Main article: Armenia as part of Byzantium

Armenia, divided between Byzantium and Persion and the being the islet of the struggle between the two powers, was of great strategic importance for the Empire.

From the point of view of military administration, Armenia was in a special position, visible from the fact that in the period under review in the Pontic Diocese with its eleven provinces there was only one Duks, dUX Armeniae.whose power extended to three provinces, in Armenia I and II and Polemeonian Ponte. In the Armenian Duks, there were: 2 shelves of horse archers, 3 legions, 11 tank detachments of 600 people, 10 cogat infantry for 600 people. Of these, cavalry, two legions and 4 cohorts stood directly in Armenia. At the beginning of the reign of Justinian in the inner Armenia, the movement against the imperial authorities was increased, which resulted in an open uprising, the main reason for which, according to the testimony of the prisoner, was the burdensome taxes - the ruler of Armenia Akaka made illegal defeats and postponed the country with unprecedented tax up to four Kentinarians. To correct the position, the Imperial Decree was adopted on the reorganization of military administration in Armenia and the appointment as a military leader of the region of the region with the empower of four legions. Arriving, Sita promised to climb the emperor about the cancellation of the new taxation, however, as a result of the actions of the displaced local satrapses, was forced to enter the battle with the rebels and died. After the death of Sita, the emperor sent a university against Armenians, who, acting vigorously, forced them to seek defending to the Persian king Josrov Great.

During the entire reign of Justinian, intensive military construction was conducted in Armenia. Of the four books of the treatise "On the buildings", one is completely devoted to Armenia.

In the development of the reform, several decrees were issued aimed at reducing the role of traditional local aristocracy. Edict " On the order of inheritance from Armenians"Canceled the tradition, according to which only men could inherit. Novel 21 " About the Armenians in all followed by Roman laws"Repeats the provisions of the Edicta specifying that the legal norms of Armenia should not differ from the imperial.

African provinces



Relations with Jews and Samaritans

Questions dedicated to the status and legal characteristics of the situation of Jews in the Empire are devoted to a significant number of laws issued in the preceding rule. One of the most significant pre-Justinian collections of laws, Codex Feodosia, created in the rule of emperors Feodosia II and Valentinian III, contained 42 laws specially dedicated to the Jews. Legislation, although he limited the possibilities of the propaganda of Judaism, provided the rights to Jewish communities in cities.

From the first years of his reign, Justinian, guided by the principle of "one state, one religion, one law", limited the rights of representatives of other denominations. Novel 131 established that the church law according to its status is equal to the law of the state. NOVEL 537 has established that Jews should be addressed by full municipal taxes, but they could not occupy official positions. The synagogues were destroyed; In the remaining synagogues, it was forbidden to read the books of the Old Testament on the ancient Jewish text, which was to be replaced by the Greek or Latin translation. This caused a split in the Wednesday of Jewish priesthood, conservative priests imposed Herge on reformers. Judaism, according to the Code of Justinian, was not considered as a heresy and belonged to the number of lats. religio LicitisHowever, the Samaritans were included in the tight category that pagans and heretics. The code forbade heretics and Jews to testify against Orthodox Christians.

All these oppressions were summoned at the beginning of the reign of Justinian, the uprising in Palestine Jews and their closest Samaritans under the leadership of Julian Ben Sabara. With the help of Arabs-Hassanids, the uprising was brutally suppressed in 531. During the suppression of the uprising, over 100 thousand Samaritans were killed and turned into slavery, the people of which as a result almost disappeared. According to John Malal, who survived 50,000 people fled to Iran for help to Shah Kavada.

At the end of his reign, Justinian again turned to the Jewish issue, and released in 553 to the novel 146. The creation of Novella was caused by the incessant conflict of Jewish traditionalists and reformers about the language of worship. Justinian, guided by the opinion of the fathers of the church that the Jews distorted the text of the Old Testament, banned the Talmud, as well as his comments (hemara and Midrash). It was allowed to use only Greek texts, punished for dissidents was strengthened.

Religious policy

Religious views

Perceiving himself as the heir to Roman Caesarians, Justinian considered his duty to recreate the Roman Empire, wanting to be one law and one faith in the state. Based on the principle of absolute power, he believed that in the well-established state everything was supposed to be subject to imperial attention. Understanding the importance of the church for public administration, he made all their efforts to fulfill his will. He is a discussion question about the primaryness of the state or religious interests of Justinian. It is known at least that the emperor was the author of numerous letters on religious topics addressed to dads and patriarchs, as well as treatises and church chants.

In accordance with his desire, Justinian considered it with his right not only to solve issues related to the leadership of the Church and its property, but also to establish a certain dogma among its subjects. What religious direction adhered to the emperor, the same directions were to adhere to his subjects. Justinian regulated the life of the clergy, at his own discretion of the highest hierarchical positions, performed as an intermediary and a judge in a clearing. He patronized the church in the face of her servants, contributed to the construction of temples, monasteries, multiplying their privileges; Finally, the emperor established a religious unity among all the subjects of the Empire, gave the last rule of faithful teachings, participated in dogmatic disputes and gave a final decision on controversial dogmatic issues.

A similar policy of the secular prevalence in religious and church affairs, up to the poses of the religious beliefs of a person, especially the vividly shown by Justinian, received the name of CaesaParapism in history, and this emperor is considered one of the most typical representatives of such a direction.

Modern researchers allocate the following fundamental principles of religious views of Justinian:

Relationship with Rome

Relations with monophysitis

In religious relations, the reign of Justinian was the confrontation diffisites or Orthodox, if recognizing their dominant confession, and monophysites. Although the emperor was committed to Orthodoxy, he was above these disagreements, wanting to find a compromise and establish religious unity. On the other hand, his wife sympathized with monophysites.

In the period under review, monophimitis, influential in the eastern provinces - in Syria and Egypt was not one. There were at least two large groups - non-compromises akeafals and those who accepted the "EnoCon" Zenon.

Monophizite was declared heresy at the Khalkidon Cathedral of 451 years. The Byzantine emperors and the 6th centuries of the Vizantine emperors and the 6th centuries of Flavy Zenon and Anastasi I have a positive effect on monophizite, which only strained the religious relations between Constantinople and Roman bishops. Justin I turned back this tendency and confirmed the Chalkidon Doctrine, openly condemning monophimitis. Justinian, who continued his religious policy of his uncle Justina, tried to impose the absolute religious unity of his subjects, forcing them to accept compromises that satisfy all sides. By the end of the life, Justinian became hard to treat monophysites, especially in the event of manifestation of theft, but he died before he managed to endure legislation that increases the importance of his dogm.

The defeat of Originism

Around the teachings of Origen, Alexandrian spear broke from the III century. On the one hand, his work has met favorably attention from such great fathers as John Zlatoust, Grigory Nissky, on the other hand, such major theologians like Peter Alexandrian, Epiphany Cyprus, Blessed Jerome, having grumbled Origenists, accusing them in paganism. The confusion in the disputes around the teachings of Origen made the fact that he began to attribute the ideas of some of his followers, which took advantage of Gnosticism - the main charges made against Origenists were that they allegedly preached the resettlement of souls and apocatastasis. Nevertheless, the number of supporters of Origen grew, among them there were such great theologians as Martyr Pamphil (writing the Origen's Apology) and Essian Caesarian, who had an Orien Archive at its disposal.

The case with the defeat of Originalism was delayed for the whole 10 years. The future Pope Pelagii, who visited Palestine at the end of the 530s, driving through Constantinople, told Justinian that heres from Origen he did not find, but in the Great Lavra, it was necessary to clean up. After the death of Saint Sava, Saints Kiriak, John Isijhast and Warsconufy spoke by the defenders of the purity of the purity of monastics. Novolavar Originists very quickly found influential supporters. In 541, under the leadership of Nonna and Bishop, Leonthia attacked the Great Lavra and beat her statements. Some of them fled to the Antioch Patriarch Efremu, who at the Cathedral of 542 for the first time condemned the Originists.

With the support of the Bishops of Leonthia, Domitian Ankir and Theodore of Caesarian Nonn demanded from the Jerusalem Patriarch Peter to strike out the name of the Antioch Patriarch Ephraim. This requirement caused a huge excitement in the Orthodox world. Fearing the influential patrons of the orgerists and realizing the impossibility of implementing their demand, the Jerusalem Patriarch Peter secretly called on the archimandritis of the Great Lavra and the monastery of St. Feodosia Gelasia and Sofronia and commanded them to compose an essay against the originating, to which the preservation of the Anti-Choir Patriarch Ephraim would be made in the diphythias. This essay of the Patriarch sent the emperor to Justinianan himself, putting his personal message to him, in which he described in detail all the wings and lawlessness of the orgerists. Konstantinople Patriarch Mina, and especially the representative of the Roman Pope Pelagii hotly supported the appeal of the statements of the Lavra Saint Sava. On this occasion, in 543, the Cathedral was held in Constantinople, on which Domitian Ankir, Theodore Askid and Herie Origenisism were condemned. .

Fifth Ecumenical Cathedral

The conciliation policy of Justinian in relation to Monophysites caused dissatisfaction with Rome and Pope Agapit I arrived in Constantinople in 535, which, together with the Orthodox Akimitov Party, expressed a sharp rejection of the Patriarch of Anfima, and Justinian was forced to give way. Anfim was displaced, and a convinced Orthodox Presbyter Mina was appointed in his place.

Making a concession on the question about Patriarch, Justinian did not refuse further attempts to reconcile with monophysites. For this, the emperor raised a well-known question about "three chapters", that is, about the three church writers of the V century, Theodore Mopstesti, Feodorit Kirirsky and Iva Edes, regarding which monophysites put in reproach to the Khalkidonsky Cathedral that the above-mentioned writers, despite their non-monitoring image of thoughts have not been convicted on it. Justinian acknowledged that in this case monophysites of the right and that the Orthodox should make a concession.

This desire of the emperor caused the perturbation of Western hierarchs, as they saw this encroachment on the authority of the Chalkidon Cathedral, after which a similar revision of the decisions of the Nicene Cathedral could follow. Also, a question arose whether it is possible to anathematize the dead, because all three writers died back in the previous century. Finally, some of the representatives of the West kept the opinion that the emperor would make violence against the conscience of the members of the Church by his decree. The latter doubt almost did not exist in the Eastern Church, where the intervention of the imperial authorities in solving dogmatic disputes was enshrined in long-term practice. As a result, the Decree of Justinian Ovecomed Value did not receive.

In order to influence a positive decision of the issue, Justinian caused the then dad of Vigil to Constantinople, where he lived for more than seven years. The initial position of the Pope, which on arrival openly rebelled against the Decree of Justinian and took away from the Church of the Konstantinople Patriarch Ma, changed and in 548 he issued a conviction of three chapters, the so-called ludicatum.And thus attached his voice to the vote of the four eastern patriarchs. However, the Western Church did not approve the concessions of Vigil. Under the influence of the Western Church, Dad began to fluctuate in his decision and took back ludicatum.. In such circumstances, Justinian decided to resort to the convening of the Universal Cathedral, which was gathered in Constantinople in 553.

The results of the cathedral were, in general, corresponding to the will of the emperor.

Relationships with pagans

Justinian has taken steps for the final eradication of paganism. In 529, he closed the famous philosophical school in Athens. It had predominantly symbolic meaning, since by the time the event this school lost the leading position among the educational institutions of the Empire after it was founded in the V century at Feodosia II Constantinople University. After the closure of the school, at Justinian, the Athenian professors were exposed to expulsion, some of them moved to Persia, where the Plato West Persons met in the face of Josrova; The property of the school was confiscated. John Efesse wrote: "In the same year, in which St. Benedict destroyed the last pagan national sanctuary in Italy, namely the temple of Apollo in the Sacred Grove on Monte Cassino, the stronghold of the ancient paganism in Greece was also destroyed. " Since then, Athens has lost their own importance of the cultural center and turned into a deaf provincial city. The full eradication of the paganism of Justinian did not reach; It continued to be hidden in some impact localities. Prokokii Caesarian writes that the persecution of pagans was carried out not so much of the desire to approve Christianity, how many of the thirst for the gold of pagan temples


Political views

Justinian without disputes was inherited by the throne, sowing in advance to skillfully eliminate all prominent rivals and acquire the location of influential groups of society; Churches (even Roman dads) he liked his strict Orthodoxy; Senatorian aristocracy, he brought a promise to support all its privileges and joining a respectful caress; The luxury of the festivals and generosity of the distribution he won the attachment of the capital. The opinions of contemporaries about Justinian were very different. Even in the assessment of the proofer who serves as the main source for the history of the emperor, there are contradictions: in some writings ("wars" and "buildings"), he praises the excellent successes of wide and bold conquering enterprises of Justinian and bowing to his artistic genius, and in others ("secret History ") Abruptly ink his memory, calling the emperor" evil fool "(μωροκακοήθης). All this greatly makes it difficult to reliably restore the spiritual image of the king. Undoubtedly, mental and moral contrasts intersectively intertwined in the identity of Justinian. He faced the extensive plans to increase and strengthen the state, but did not have sufficient creative forces in order to be solicitably and fully built; He claimed the role of the reformer, and could only absorb not well-developed ideas. It was simple, accessible and resistant to his habits - and at the same time, as a result of the self-conceived, surrounded from success, surrounded himself a pompous etiquette and an unprecedented luxury. Directness and well-known kindness distorted him little to the cunning and falsehood of the ruler, forced to constantly defend the successfully captured power from all kinds of dangers and attempted. The benevolence of people he showed often, spoiled by frequent revenge enemies. Generosity in relation to the poor classes was combined in it with greed and inadvertising in money mining to ensure a representative office appropriate to its concepts about their own dignity. The desire to justice, which he was constantly said, was suppressed by the exorbitant thirst for the domination and the arrogance growing on such soil. He declared his claims to unlimited authority, and his will had a frequently weak and indecisive at a dangerous moment; He fell under the influence of not only the strong character of his feodor's wife, but sometimes even insignificant people, discovering even cowardice. All these virtues and malforms, little, were united near those who spent on the fore, a pronounced tendency to despotism. Under its influence, His piety turned into religious intolerance and was embodied in brutal persecution for evading the faith recognized by him. All this led to the results of very mixed dignity, and they are hard to explain why Justinian is accompanied by the category of "great", and his reign has acquired such a major importance. The fact is that, in addition to the specified properties, Justinian has a wonderful perseverance in conducting adopted and positively phenomenal ability to work. He wanted every smallest order regarding the political and administrative, religious and mental life of the Empire, emanated from him personally and any controversial question in the same areas was returned to him. Best of all interprets the historical figure of the king The fact that this leaving of the dark mass of the provincial peasantry managed to firmly and firmly assimilate two grand ideas, bequeathed to him by the tradition of the Great World past: Roman (the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world monarchy) and the Christian (the idea of \u200b\u200bGod's kingdom). The combination of both in one theory and the latter through the media is the originality of the concept, which was made by the essence of the political doctrine of the Byzantine Empire; The case of Justinian is the first attempt to formulate the system and its planting in life. The worldwide state created by the will of the autocratic sovereign was such a dream, which the king cherished from the very beginning of the reign. Weapon intended to return the lost old Roman territories, then give a general law that would be ensured by the welfare of the inhabitants, finally - to approve the faith that will connect all the peoples in worshiping the Unified True God. These are the three bases where Justinian expect to build its power. He was unshakable to believe in him: "There is nothing higher and the holy of the Imperial Majesty"; "The creators themselves said that the will of the monarch has the power of the law"; "Who can interpret the secrets and riddles of the law, as not the one who can create it?"; "He is alone able to spend days and nights in labor and wakefulness to think the Duma about the good of the people." Even among the hollow -genic emperors there was no man who would be more degree than Justinian would have a sense of imperial dignity and a worship of the Roman tradition. All its decrees and letters are filled with memories of great Rome in the history of which he scream inspiration

Justinian first clearly opposed the People's Will "The Most of God", as the source of the supreme power. Since his time, the theory of the Emperor is born as "equal to the apostles" (ίσαπόστολος), which receives grace directly from God and standing over the state and above the church. God helps him to defeat enemies, make fair laws. The wars of Justinian receive the nature of the crusades (everywhere, where the emperor will be Mr., Ears of the right faith). He puts his act with his act "under the patronage of St. Trinity. " Justinian - as if the preservation of the long chain of the long chain of the "Anointed Ladies" in history. Such a construction of power (Roman-Christian) breathed in the activities of Justinian a broad initiative, made His will of the attractive center and the point of application of many other energies, thanks to which the reign of it has reached really significant results. He himself said: "Never before the time of our rule God did not give the Romans of such victories ... Turn the sky, the inhabitants of all over the world: the great deal was carried out, whom God recognized the entire ancient world unworthy." A lot of Zhstinian evils left not cured, many new disasters gave rise to his politics, but nevertheless his greatness glorified almost the people's legend in various fields. All countries that subsequently exercised by its legislation, alleged his glory.

State reforms

Simultaneously with the military successes, Justinian began to strengthen the state apparatus and improved taxation. These reforms were so unpopular, which led to the uprising "Nika", which almost cost him the throne.

Administrative reforms were produced:

  • A combination of civil and military posts.
  • prohibition of payment for posts, increasing the salary officials indicate its desire to limit arbitrariness and corruption.
  • The official was forbidden to buy land where he served.

For the fact that he often worked at night, he was called a "sleepless sovereign" (Greek. βασιλεύς άκοιμητος ).

Legal reforms

One of the first projects of Justinian was a little more initiated by them than six months after the importance of a large-scale legal reform.

Using the talent of his minister of Tribonian, in the city of Justinian ordered to completely revise the Roman law, putting it to make it the same unsurpassed in a formal legal plan, which it was three centuries before. The three main components of the Roman law - Digesites, the Code of Justinian and Institutions - were completed in

Economic reforms


In the old literature is often referred to as [ by whom?] Justinian Great. The Orthodox Church is considered to be holy, it is also revered by some [ who?] Protestant churches.

Results of the Board

The outcome of the reign of uncle was trying to characterize the emperor Justin Second

"We found a treasury ruined by debts and brought to extreme poverty, and the army is upset to such an extent that the state is provided by the continuous invasions and raids of the barbarians"

According to Dilya, the second part of the rule of the emperor is marked by a serious weakening of his attention to state affairs. The Rotary Stages in the life of the king were the disease of the Chuma, which Justinian suffered in 542, and death Fedor in 548. However, there is a positive look at the results of the emperor's rule.

Image in the literature


Before our time, literary works were reached, written during the Life of Justinian, in which either his Board was glorified or individual achievements. Usually they include: "The exhortatory chapters to Emperor Justinian" Dyakon Agaitaita, "On the buildings" by the proof of Caesarian, "Ekphrasis of St. Sophia" Pavel Silence, "On Earthquakes and Fires", the novel of Sladkopevts and an anonymous "Dialogue on Political Science".

In the "Divine Comedy"


  • Nikolai Gumilev. "Poisoned Tunic". Play.
  • HAROLD LAMB. "Theodora and the Emperor". Novel.
  • Kassia nun (T. A. Senina). "Justinian and Feodor". Story.
  • Mikhail Kazov "Topot Bronze Kony", Historical Roman (2008)
  • Kay, Guy Havriel, the Dilogy "Sararantian Mosaic" - Emperor Valery II.
  • V. D. Ivanov. "Rus is the original." Novel. Activity of this novel - film

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