
Minecraft on the network is an invalid session. Error entry "Invalid session. Try to restart the game »What to do. Download and enter the game

What is in the minecraft entry error: an invalid session, restart the launcher and the game? The popular computer game Minecraft, unfortunately, has many problems with the launch and stability of work.

Many users face unexpected mistakes, despite the fact that until this point the game worked fine. One of the most common problems is the inability to connect to the game server, followed by the message: "Invalid session". In this article, consider the basic ways to restore the performance of the game client.

Why does the entry error occur?

The main reasons leading to this error in versions 1.12.2 and 1.13.2:

  • lack of or temporary loss of communication with the network;
  • using the unlicensed version of the game;
  • malicious software on a computer;
  • blocking from firewall or antivirus;
  • an attempt to connect to the official server using a pirated version;
  • missing the game version and installed modifications to server requirements.

Often, the reason for the connection loss becomes the update of the game or installing new mods. In this case, returning to the previous version and turning off the modifications will return the game to a working condition. If no change in the game client has been made from the moment of the last successful launch, then the reason should be signed in the other.

How to correct an error?

The easiest way is to restart the game. After closing the client, you should open the "Task Manager" (ALT + CTRL + DEL for Windows users) and close all the processes associated with Minecraft. And even better to completely restart the computer.

Since the error can be in the Internet connection, you should restart the router. For this you just need to turn it off from meals for 5 to 10 minutes. Reloading the router is especially useful for those who use a connection with a dynamic IP address.

If the listed methods did not help, then the registry should be cleaned with the CCleaner program and while starting Minecraft to close all other applications. Especially those that require an active Internet connection.

Reinstalling the game can also correct the problem. You should carefully check the matching version of all the connection participants. If unofficial mods are used, then it is better to turn off.

When using the licensed version of the problem with the performance of the game arise much less often. But the owners of pirated versions have the opportunity to play online with their friends or on informal servers. Most often for this use the Hamachi program, which allows you to bypass the blocking from the developers.

To do this, download and install the Hamachi program. Disable everything that can block the connection (firewall, antivirus and similar defenders). After that, you need to create a network to which all participants in the game must join.

After that, in Minecraft, you need to create a new world in the settings of which the option "Open for the network" must be enabled. Next, you need to enter an IP address and port. It is important that all the players connecting to the server were similar versions of the playing client. Otherwise, the game will not work.

In the game folder, you can turn off the protection, built-in developers. To do this, you need to find the Server.Properties file and open it using any text editor.

Having found the Online-Mode \u003d True string, replace the value "true" to "false", without quotes. After that, you need to save the changes made and restart the operating system.

When using Hamachi, the server address and port is assigned to the game, which means it will be necessary to transfer to everyone who wants to join the gaming session. For players using the same local network, you can find the address in the playing client itself by using the ipconfig command.

In order to find out your IP address, there are many ways on the Internet. One of the fastest and most convenient use of the site 2IP.ru, where you can immediately find out the address of your computer.

So, if you play minecraft, the entry error "Invalid session, restart the launcher and the game" is solved next to the steps below. If it happened, share experiences in the comments.

Minecraft. Most often, this happens to those who use hacked copies, but sometimes at the owners of paid software. When choosing a "world" and try to download it, a window appears with a message about failure. Contrary to the advice contained in the text of the error notification, the restart of the game does not change anything. Read further what can be done in this case.

Correction of the Minecraft game startup error.

Because of what the error occurs

By and large, the error of the entrance with the explanation "an invalid session, try to reboot the game" is provoked by the developers themselves who wished to protect their commercial rights from encroachment hackers and strengthened verification of the rights of authorized users. It was easy, because, the game involves connecting to the Internet and using the common server. Sometimes there are other circumstances for the problem:

  • the game is not updated on time;
  • distribution does not contain the necessary elements (if you downloaded it from a dubious source);
  • the launcher cannot correctly display the contents of the game.

Of course, you simplify your task if you try to go to the paid version, because, with any problem, it gives you the right to get help from the support service and do not break your head over the decision. But if you do not have such an opportunity, read further.

What to do with the error "Invalid session"

First of all, try to level your account check. For this:

  1. Remember where you downloaded the server and open the root folder.
  2. Open it and find the Server.Properties component to be copied.
  3. Now open "Notepad" and press Ctrl + V.
  4. In the text you will see the word "true" belonging to online-mode - erase it and write "false".

With the recommended server developers, this focus is not always possible. Also, in case of an error marked "an unacceptable session, try to restart the game," you can try to create a personal server and invite comrades for the game. For this:

  1. Download any ready-made server file (only enlighten with the positive reviews of other gamers, so as not to get to write and read the requirements for the PC and the game version).
  2. Save it to the folder and remember its name and location.
  3. Open the folder and transfer the contents of the Properties file in "Notepad".
  4. Set the following settings:
    • allow-Nether - You can leave as it is (True or False) - selecting the value, you allow or prohibit the portal in "hell";
    • lEVEL-NAME - enter the name of the "world" you created;
    • allow-Flight - Select True or False to control the possibility of flight;
    • server-Port - specify the port through which the server is available (5 digits);
    • lEVEL-TYPE - select the appearance of your "world" (default - standard, Flat is flattened, Largebiomes - extended "natural zones" in the game);
    • enable-RCon - Select, Allow or not access to your server for other players (True, False - No);
    • lEVEL-SEED - Enter the symbol-digital value for the generation of "World". If you do not install it, it will be created randomly;
    • server-IP - Write an IP of your device;
    • max-Build-Height - specify to what extent will the height of objects in your "world" (limit - 272) will reach (limit - 272);
    • sPAWN-NPCS - select whether you want to see random characters (true - yes, false - no);
    • white-List - Disconnect this parameter using FALSE so as not to experience difficulties when adding players;
    • sPAWN-ANIMALS - Specify whether you want to see in your "world" animals (true - yes, False - no;
    • texture-Pack - specify additional textures if you want;
    • online-mode - this parameter is already familiar to us, and it is better to disable it so that it does not find it that your game does not have a license;
    • pVP - specify whether you want your characters to suit the battles with the characters of other gamers (True - yes, False- No);
    • difficulty - select the level of complexity (from 0 to 3, the more digit, the more difficult game);
    • gameMode - Choose than you want to do in the game (0 - survive; 1 - create, build, creating; 2 - search adventures);
    • max-Players - specify the maximum number of people for a one-time joint game (up to thousands);
    • spawn-Monsters - Specify whether you want to see in my monsters in the game (True - Yes, False - no);
    • generate-Structures - Indicate whether you want to keep the opportunity to build construction (true-yes, False-no);
    • view-Distance - specify how the horizon will be extensive (up to 10);
    • mOTD - Write the name of your server.

And remember that to add a player, you need to give it an IP address of your device. If you yourself initiate add, the player must be online.

Exploring the cubic expanses of the Mininfesta, you can hugging a few unpleasant errors. This is mainly happening when the player tries to connect to any server. In this case, it is often possible to meet in Minecraft entry error "Invalid session". Let's figure out everything in order and try to find a solution to this problem.

To begin with, we will tell about how to connect to the server using a unlicensed launcher. And after that, we gradually submit to the problem of how to fix the error of an invalid session.

Download and enter the game

You can get a link to download the "Minecraft" client, you can almost on any thematic forum, and you just just choose the version that suits your operating system. Often you can find customers used for both licensed use and pirate. In order to play on licensed servers, you need to purchase a paid subscription.

Now let's look at the entrance to the pirated version of the game, as often errors arise in it. Come up with yourself a login and create a new account. Then select any server you like (they can also be found on the forums) and check its version that stands immediately after the address. The same version you need to find in the launcher itself, and then select the installation. After the download is completed, the game window will pop up automatically.

Go to the server

After starting the game, click on the Multiplayer button. Then select "Add Server" and fill in the following fields:

  1. Count "Server name" can be left empty. It is used to follow the desired server.
  2. In the column "Server Address" insert the IP address of your selected server.

Ready? Then click "Join the Server".

Error login "Invalid session" in Minecraft - what to do?

It often happens that when connected instead of server, the player sees only a window with an error. Each error requires its approach and decisions, but today we will analyze one of the most frequent - the input error "an invalid session" in Minecraft. Often the problem may hide in:

1. Problems with Internet connection to a computer. It is worth checking the connection.

2. Firemakers, antiviruses and firewalls. Try to turn them off for a while.

3. Incorrectly selected version of the game. Be careful when choosing.

4. Attempts to connect to the licensed server through a pirate launcher.

We hope that our small guide helped you understand the entry error "an unacceptable session" in Minecraft. If you encounter other problems, then try to seek advice in the Internet Community.

With regular update output, Minecraft developers make important and not very updates, which often cause error users. Some problems solve quite simply, and above others will have to thoroughly break your head. If you have a window with a message: "Input error: an invalid session (restart the launcher and play)," what to do and how to solve the problem? Take this and talk in the article.

Causes of input errors

Most often a window with this message see players using software without a license. Thus, the owners of minecraft complicate the life of the owners of pirates, making the game impossible. It should be noted that the protection mechanism often leads to the emergence of an error and owners of official content. In particular, problems with the entrance are traced at versions of 1.12.2, 1.17.10 and higher. Of course, playing on official servers with a pirated game has been almost unrealistic.

Among possible reasons:

  • problems with mods and their incompatibility;
  • errors in the game - banal bugs;
  • maltacks in the connection are knocked down network settings.

What to do with the error "invalid session"?

It is worth starting with what is advised in the window: restart the launcher and the game - possible failure and really united. If it did not help, but there were no problems before, it is necessary to restart the PC - it can matter in some kind of transaction or network. Not excessive will be a standard set of actions, namely:

Of course, it helps in isolated cases, but certainly will not be superfluous.

The most simple ways

More complex options

If previous solutions differed simplicity and efficiency, the following methods in the correction of the "invalid session" are more complex:

  • You have the opportunity to disconnect the scan on the downloaded server. To do this, find the file with the name "server.properties" in his folder, and opening it with a notebook, change the "Online-mode" string, value from "True" to "false".
  • The appearance of the message when you try to play on the local network indicates an incorrect configuration. In particular, the port or IP address may be incorrect.
  • For a remote game on a local network, Hamachi app often uses. It is worth peeling the settings again, try to restart / re-create LAN. Anyway, it is desirable to use this software for a remote game on LAN. Important moment: Recommended in the settings of the home router to set the IP machines manually. This solution may be very useful when setting up.
  • Another interesting solution is the use of the ELY.BY service. This resource is an alternative authorization service that allows, roughly speaking, make a licensed version from your pirate. For playing in the locator of this more than enough. How to do it, look in the video below.

Let's summarize

As you can see, in Minecraft, the entry error "Invalid session, restart the launcher and the game" is solved in many ways, and these are only the most effective solutions. Of course, with each date of updates, the number of ways to bypass will be reduced, but new solutions will be available.

In this article we will try to figure out why this error appears and what needs to be done to solve it.

If when you try to connect to the server, an error "unacceptable session. Try to restart the game "or" Input error: an invalid session, "then the first thing is worth trying to perform the actions specified in the text of the error, that is, restart the game. Perhaps, during the connection there was some kind of failure, which prevents the game to run, and after its restart, the problem will be eliminated by itself. At first glance, this decision may not seem effective, but in some cases it can help solve the problem.


If the restart of the game did not help and the error everything also appears on the screen, it does not always mean that the problem is with the game. Perhaps the application for the network game has difficulty.

Try to restart Hamachi, after which, most likely, it will be possible to create a session and connect to it.

If it did not help and everything also appears a mistake with the text "an unacceptable session. Try to restart the game, "you can try to restart the game, while not closing Hamachi. Sometimes such a solution can help connect to a network game.

Also worth trying to completely remove Hamachi and re-set. Next to pass the authorization process and resume an attempt to connect to Minecraft. The same actions should make your friend, whose session you are trying to join. These actions very often solve the problem with the occurrence of an error.

Removing the game

The next possible solution to the problem is to remove the game with the subsequent reinstall. Given the fact that Minecraft is an extremely unstable game, then this method has the right to life. After re-installing the game, you log in and try to create a game session again or join the existing one.

Also, it is worth noting that this kind of problems can occur on computers with outdated glands. What is the reason for this, no one knows, because Minecraft itself does not have serious system requirements, but reinstalling the game very often helps to get rid of errors.


The reason for the errors of various kinds may be a computer infection by some kind of virus or viruses. It is no secret that viruses are capable not only to disturb the performance of applications, but also cause serious data.

To save the computer from malicious programs, run the antivirus and spend a thorough check of all partitions of the hard disk. If any dubious elements are found - try to cure them with antivirus. Before all these actions, it is worth removing the Minecraft client in advance, and install the new after the treatment of detected files. After installing a new client, try to connect to the game session again. If the reason exactly in the viruses is this option, undoubtedly will help you get rid of the error "an unacceptable session. Try to restart the game. "

Game version

Also, the very important point is the name of the game itself, that is, when using different versions, players cannot connect to each other. Even, it is worth noting that the latest versions may have a sufficient number of bugs, due to which the problem may arise in connection to the session. Thus, if your friend and your friend, with whom you want to play, different versions of Minecraft, then an error may occur "an unacceptable session. Try to restart the game. " Ideally, you need to use the same versions to solve this problem.

Pirate version

In addition to the above, the reason for the appearance of an error "an unacceptable session. Try to restart the game. "There may be a pirated version of the client. The fact is that in version 1.7.5, the authorization system has changed, which is why the local network cannot be played without a license. Want to play with a friend, but on pirate? There is a way out!

Find the "Server.properties" file in the game folder using the search, there will be a line "Online-mode \u003d TRUE". In it you need a word TRUE fix on False. These manipulations disable the verification of the license agreement, which is not in pirate versions. Thus, you can get rid of the error "an unacceptable session. Try to reboot the game "and play with a friend on pirates.

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