
What a gun looks like in minecraft. How to make a gun in minecraft: help on creating. Improve a simple gun or how to make a gun from TNT in minecraft

The guns in minecraft are used to throw various items for long distances, for example, dynamite. The appearance of the cannons is significantly different from the usual form of this siege.

The functions of the guns include the following: Earl from solid blocks on the ground, are intolerable. In addition, the cannons can be built on the ship, as well as use the so-called "pocket".

How in minecraft make a simple gun without mods

The simplest and most primitive tool is intended to shoot dynamite. For construction, the following items will be required:

Solid blocks;

Red dust;

Repeators - 4 pcs.;

A bucket of water;

Button intended to activate guns.

Initially, look for the most optimal place for the location of the gun, as it will be intolerable. Then build the basis in the form of a T-shaped foundation from obsidian or other solid blocks. In the center of the foundation there should be a cavity in which water should be pouring.

From the rear end of the building, put several limit blocks that will help not overlap the water source when you add dynamite. Install repeat and connect them with red dust. The button will help your cannon successfully detonate.

In the cavity of the guns, place dynamite checkers, as well as a projectile.

How to build an improved gun in minecraft

Successfully created a simple gun is enough to improve in order to create a more powerful gun. You will need:

Red dust.

Add a small amount of sand and pistons to the design, which should be combined with red dust.

How to build a dynamite gun in minecraft

You will need:


Dynamin checkers;

Redstone torch.

The process of creating a dynamite cannon is quite simple and is to make a 5-10 blocks and thickness of 1 block from obsidian. On the column of obsidians, create a platform on which 8 dynamite checkers and a Redstone-torch should be placed. This operation should be performed in the form of a square, in the center of which will be a torch.

The principle of operation of this gun is as follows: 4 checkers are in contact with a torch, then detonated and start at different distances the remaining 4 dynamines.

In the game, minecraft guns are tools, throwing a variety of things, for example, dynamite. According to its principle, the guns from the game is very much similar to real analogues, but the external differences are cardinal. Most of the guns are stationary, that is, they cannot be moved - they are static attached to the place where they are installed.

ARCHIMEDES SHIPS modification allows you to install guns on ships, so information on how to make a gun in minecraft on the ship will also be not superfluous.

Simple gun

The ordinary cannon shoots dynamite, and for its creation you will need to collect red dust, water bucket, solid blocks (perfectly suitable obsidian) and repeaters that will be paused before explosion TNT. Repeators you will need 4 units.

This gun is created without mods, and is stationary, that is, it can not be moved. From this it follows that it is necessary to correctly choose a place for its installation. By choosing a plot, build the foundation from blocks in the form of the letter "T", which inside should be hollow. After that, we take a bucket of water, and pour it off, and the back of the foundation is overlapping a pair of blocks so that the water does not cease to do at the time of installation TNT.

After that, repeaters are installed connecting with red dust. The final barcode in creating a simple cannon without mods - fastening the button that runs the entire mechanism. You can only put TNT into the hole, and one dynamite block is put as a projectile, chargeing the gun.

Advanced gun

If the creation of an ordinary cannon of difficulties has not caused you, and you want something more powerful, it's time to enhance the instrument. The resources will need sand, pistons, as well as red dust for their connection. For the most clear understanding of the process, we recommend watching a video in which everything is well shown.

Alternative to a dynamite cannon

This model is built from Obsidian, Redstone Torch, and of course, the dynamite itself.

From blocks, a post is built on 5-10 blocks height and only 1 width, after which the 5x5 platform (can be larger, but not less). On the platform lay out TNT in the amount of 8 pieces in the form of a square 3x3. Made? In the middle put the torch and everything, the gun is ready! The principle of operation is simple: 4 TNT in contact with the torch is detonated, and as a result, the remaining 4 takes off into the air.

Portable gun

Creating a portable gun in the game is impossible without mods, in particular, you need a modification of Balkon's Weapon. If the mod is installed, you can check if you have everything you need to create a portable gun. You must have 4 iron bars, a stone for creating cores, wood and lighter. Have all the resources? We have them on the workbench, correctly alternating, and voila - a portable gun ready! The ammunition of such an instrument is 4 cores, but in order to successfully shoot, you still need gunpowder.

Nice bonus - machine gun

The machine gun is the most expensive type of small arms in terms of resources, and it is not even a gun, but the trunk is still very interesting. To create it, you need to have a lever, distributor, seven Redstones, four torches, and as many solid blocks. The arrows or bullets are used as cartridges.

Creation begins with the installation of two blocks - this is a stand for the future machine gun. At her, face to the future target, a distributor is established. Next, we go to the back of the pedestal, we make two steps back and install all the remaining blocks.

After that, they are attached to the torches, in front and behind one by one. The next stage is the most complex - installation of redstone blocks. From how correctly you will position them, the rapidity of the gun depends, so it is worth watching a video. Last barcode - setting the lever at the end of the machine gun in the off state. The lever is a trigger that can safely descend right away as soon as you load the ammunition into the hole of the distributor.

This instruction comes to an end. If you have any questions - write in the comments.

In Micrafte, there are devices that can play the role of guns, that is, artillery. They are completely immobilized, and the angle of their review is insignificant.

An experienced player will be able to make the device as efficiently as possible, and the best masters - make devices that make it easier to work with these guns.

Cannon in minecraft

Cannons are designed for shooting by different shells. Most often it is TNT, which can be launched using physical strength. Often, the explosion of other TNTs is also used to start.

The greatest spectrum of guns are found in the confrontations in the network mode of the game, however, they are also useful in other situations. Consider how to make a TNT-gun in minecraft.

Making guns

The greatest benefit of the guns are brought in sieges or defensive actions.

The design of the gun consists of two main components - charge and shell. The charge is what the shell pushes. Often, several TNT blocks are used for this purpose, which with the help of red dust are simultaneously exploded.

You need to be careful with the shells, they should be activated after charge, but before launching and explosion.

I deciding how to make a gun in Minecraft, take care of the reserve of some materials. To do this, use various solid blocks - grass, earth, cobblestone, boards - and any metal.

It is recommended that the materials be as exploding as much as possible - this will affect the durability of the gun operation. As practice shows, the most durable and simultaneously affordable material is a stone.

The dimensions and features of the structure of the gun are determined by the number of charges. Usually use awareness, but no more than eight.

Depending on the number of charges and their location, as well as the design of the shooting guns can be carried out in various ways. In some cases, the shot will affect the large area, in other shells they will go on a hinged trajectory, and in other explosives will fly to a long distance.

Based on the situation, players can upgrade the gun as follows:

  1. Install automatic recharging system.
  2. Provide adjustment.
  3. Provide the possibility of launching another type of shells.
  4. Establish fortification.

In pursuit of aesthetics, the cannon may lose operational characteristics. This should not be forgotten during construction.


We looked at a way to create a gun in Milen, which will shoot TNT charges. This useful device will allow fun time.

Video: how to make a TNT gun in minecraft.

If you have discovered this article, then you want to know how to make a gun in minecraft without mods. And why do you need it? The gun without mods can really be built, but this cumbersome unit does not carry any practical benefit. It cannot be transferred, it is necessary to build from durable materials, and for each shot to spend the precious dynamite, which in the survival mode and so in the afternoon with fire you will not find. Want to build an incumbent gun, which will not kill anyone guaranteed, but each shot of which will cost you in the annual budget of the Philippines? Do you want that?

The minecraft gun is a simple mechanism running on dynamite thanks to red dust. What is the catapult at all?

Red dust
Solid blocks
Bucket with water

Build from blocks in the form of the letter "P" length in 7 blocks. You can and the other length. Build a central line on one side to 6 blocks. The hollow part needs to be pouring water so that it flows from the letter "P" outward. From above over the water source, build blocks. Close the design so that the water does not flow. Now you need to install repeaters along the gun. It is necessary that the explosion does not happen immediately, but after launch. Set the button. It is needed for detonation. Now, with the help of red dust, close the circle. That is, spend dust from the button along the hollow with water through repeaters and close on the other side of the button. Set the long-end end of the design on the very valve, thanks to which the water does not flow, dynamite. This TNT will be projectile. And the wellness itself with water also make dynamite. This one will appear as a porch. In total, you should be placed 5 dynamite blocks. The more blocks will be, the further flying a shell. So the range can be adjusted by setting a smaller amount of dynamite. The gun is ready.

You can celebrate it, click the button and sending a projectile to distant edges. Congratulations! You spent a lot of time, red dust and dynamite to destroy several blocks near you! Was it so necessary? Think about it!

In fact, the gun in survival mode is an absolutely useless thing. Players quickly understood this and hurried to correct such injustice, building a whole Pleiad of mods, mechanics, which were built exclusively on the guns. For example, sea battles or capture of forts. But, usually, the guns are already installed there, so there is no need to build them from scratch. But knowing the technology, you can try to reprieve them in cases of accident. So, knowledge can be valuable.

Do you know how to make a gun in minecraft? No, then sit down comfortably and listen. In some kingdom, in some state ... Stop is not that! So here. In fact, create a gun in the game is not so difficult, it is enough just to avail this and take some efforts.

Items for creating a combat gun:

To create a classic cannon, we need the following ingredients /:
  • button;

  • red dust;

  • a couple of water buckets;

  • stone plate;

  • stone or other p. Material;

  • repeaters;

  • well, dynamite - where without the most basic!
How much is needed - depends on the duration of the trunk! At the same time, consider that the longer the gun, the more, it shoots, everything is like in real life.

So, first it is necessary to make the base of the gun - to do this, lay out the so-called. Barrel (from stones or clay) of the following sizes:

  • width: 3 blocks;
  • height: 2 blocks;
  • length: 10 blocks.

Adjusting guns:

Insert the semi-block in the available hole (from the very edge, right as shown in the picture).

Now you should remove one block in front and behind the gun - right and left, respectively. It is necessary to be able to shoot a burning explosive. In the created funnel, pour water.

It's time to create a special wiring - of course, from red dust. It is necessary to start on the right side of the cannon, gradually bringing to the removed (as demonstrated on the screenshots).

Oh yeah, do not forget to put on the lines of the valve - they were needed for this. Check the delay at the mark - 4.

It remains only to spend the second line, but already at a height of two blocks - along the perimeter of the gun, ending in the penultimate before the dynamite block. Well, to the switch to the line, naturally, it is necessary to spend - without it in any way.

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