
What could be the character? What should be the guys? What should your boyfriend be? Weak and proletarium as type

Oh, these men! And they attract, and repel, and annoy, and inspire unearthly love, and they scare their unpredictability, they seem to be understandable and predictable. How to determine the type of man? Go, understand this attempt representatives of the strong floor, which of them are reliable, and who only fools your head! That's the downhill that something nerazently mumbles himself under the nose at the meeting, - what is he waiting for us? And this yurt and skilled man with fireworks wit and intelligence - what should he? What are men's answers blurry. Who, in the future, can become a reliable husband, and with whom and short-term relationship are unacceptable, because, in the end, it causes only unbearable pain? Questions, questions, questions ...

In principle, the weak sex like different types of men. They say women, most of them, choose a man themselves and behave themselves hunting with all sorts of female stuffing. Maybe, however, even the most famous young ladies, too, often get into a prepared man trapped. Indeed, among the representatives of the strong sex, there are many people from which young girls fly and lose their heads and experienced already in the relationship of the ladies. These skillful seductants have a stunning ability to paralyze the will of a woman, turning it into their victim and using the unfortunate until she bother. The most unpleasant in such a situation is not even what we, in the end, are thrown, but the fact that we ourselves willingly climb into an arranged trap. And, most strange, often realize that it is a trap, but we convince you that we are exclusive and with us this room will not pass. And in vain. Because the number will pass. Even if we manage to keep such a seducer for quite a long time, sooner or later his nature will turn over. And we will get our portion of tears in full.

We need these tears or not, each decides on its own. In the meantime, consider some types of men and determine which of them represent potential danger to women.

Types of men - seductors

Gallant fan

This type of men's character is based on the principle of worship before any woman, whether it is mother, sister, wife, mistress or just a neighbor on the staircase. He is excellent in the state of the ladies and has the ability to understand their understanding and consolation. The manners of the gallant fan are striking with his sophistication, and from them can go crazy any, even the most sophisticated in these matters, the lady. However, losing his head from the gallant fan, it should be remembered that he behaves so much with all women. Therefore, it may well happen that the heart of the seducer, in reality, already belongs to someone, and in the passport it is already standing for a marriage stamp. And be careful if he - she turned his head, - this fact is quite likely to bring serious suffering. If we are looking for only male participation, warmth or beautiful life, it is possible to succumb to the temptation, without building a grand planned plans for the future, you can. Such types of male character help to overcome depression, but for long-term relationships are practically not suitable.

Don Juan

This is a man Macho, next to which a woman, without believing his own happiness, from delight loses the gift of speech. He is unrelated, - high height, excellent figure, courageous face! Flutes of sexuality emanate from macho, in the ocean of which everyone approaching it, a strong floor representative. Of course, to become the choices of this type of man, the dream of any young lady, the self-assessment of which, while communicating with it significantly rises. In addition, he is a great lover, and is able to give his partner unforgettable moments of bliss. And when she wants only an intima, it's better to find a macho. Then when a woman is looking for a spiritual contact ... Alas, alas. Because with such a type of behavior, men are usually not capable of sincere conversations. They are simply uninteresting them, since the life goal of Macho, - to hit by their appearance and pass into the bed as much as possible representatives of the weak gender, and to spend time on some conversations he just once.

Seeker of adventures

These types of men in the nature of romantic tramps, which are very accounted for by freedom-loving women. Usually they have a very attractive courageous appearance and quickly conquer the ladies seeking to give the abuse of irreparably romance and soul, and the body. And in vain. Because at the head of the corner, this type of men is not a family at all, but the friends with whom he solves world-scale issues.

How to define a type of man - tramp? Pretty simple, - according to his dismissive attitude towards everyday amenities. He can be one and the same sweater for months and does not pay attention to the fact that he is served at dinner. Women who fell to get a similar man to their hands, it is necessary to beware of investing too much forces in the arrangement of a homely hearth, - Romantics will be boring very quickly, and he rushes away, to new adventure. As for the ladies, who themselves do not mind forever to dangle in the light, - Well, it is quite possible that a romantic will become good party for them! If not lost on the road without a trace!


These types of men are experiencing perfectly to own the art of speech communication. They possess a rich vocabulary and a great power to convince anywhere. Zlatoust can very easily express any of his feelings - love and hatred, disappointment and delight. If this mushroom needs some kind of woman, he will not tell her without tired of telling her that he finally met his halves, and his life turned into a whole fireworks of endless joy and happiness. Try to resist such a speaker, because he is always ready to discuss all her problems with his girlfriend and open his secrets before it. All this, of course, bribes the lady in incredibly ... But she should always remember if this govar will want to part, he is also very talented and will do it thinly. Zlatoust will call a variety of reasons for parting. At the same time, he artfully began to pretend that he was extremely bitterly and hurt, but "the situation so happened that the separation is inevitable, and nothing can be done here. Life is life". In a word, Zlatoust is unreliable, as a spouse, however, as a counsel and comforter, he will quite fit.

However, in the satellites of life, these types of behavior of men someone may well be, and they will be suitable, but Zlatoust's wife always need to be ready for the husband, in order to improve their oratory, will throw out new listeners. And in no case do not take on faith all that he, in this case, will speak in his justification, as it would be plausible, it did not sound.

It should be noted that all the above-described classifications of male seductors are quite conditional. In its pure form, they are quite rare. After all, if you judge in these types of behavior of men with a woman, almost every one can be attributed to the category of loving. So now, in general, not to trust and marry not going out?! Of course not! But, if the quality of character we considered in a male representative prevail, before deciding to connect life with him, it is worth thinking well. Do we need unpleasant surprises, the probability of which in marriage with a similar man is pretty great, and can we bring them out? Perhaps, in the spouses it is better to choose someone's preference? And how to determine who is reliable, and who is not?

We must admit that it is not easy to determine it. But still try to find some guidelines according to which we can do a more or less true conclusion about the strength of marriage with this man. So…

What types of men are the most suitable for marriage

The Conqueror

These types of men in the nature of the most important thing is to achieve the love of a woman. The male conqueror has a bright distinctive feature, - in a conversation he very often uses the pronoun "I" and quite rarely pronoun "we". The conqueror is too concerned about the demonstration of its physical and intellectual advantages over others. Usually, representatives of this type of men are witty, erudite and have good connections in society, as they do not slow down to inform the woman in the first hours of dating her. Actually, a male conqueror is a good version of her husband, if a woman makes him constantly seek her favor. It is impossible to relax with it, - he will lose interest in the conquered object and go to search for other victories. So that this does not happen, a woman should be continuously improved in all respects and often to give to his chosen one, which is a lot of broken hearts. In addition, even if she sincerely and deeply loves the "conqueror", you need to try to hide it, pretending that he is almost indifferent to her.

Keeper traditions

This type of men is a conservative preferring stability in everything. He talks a lot about what order was respected in the house of his parents, which dishes were preparing his mom, which rates of upbringing were practiced in the family and so on. Seriously interested in such a man only who are beautiful mistresses of the young lady. In addition, they should be economical capable of creating in the house of the comfort and ready in the name of this to abandon any, even the most prestigious, work and from regular meetings with girlfriends outside the house. Otherwise, a successful marriage with a man-keeper can be not dreaming. It only seems that it is not inclined to conflict. If it comes to violations of the principles of this strong sex, it can roll a grand scandal and even insisted on a divorce.


These types of men in nature, - workaholics for which the family is the continuation of professional activities. Work for them is the light in the window, and they always tell about it, as stressful, but, at the same time, a pleasant daily work. The comanter is looking for a helper wife, whose achievements at a professional level, at the same time, will not exceed his own. Therefore, if the lady intends to become his wife, but, at the same time, it has such achievements, she will have to praise about them. The wife of the male associate, to avoid conflicts in the family, will have to abandon their own ambitions and devote themselves to the case that the husband is so passionate about. In this case, a happy alliance with a man of this type, even if there is adversity, is provided.

Free Bird

This type of men is struggling to show its independence and Mightwall the Ploshlet addresses some pricky comments. At first glance, he, - Netactic Grubian, but it is only at first glance. Because in reality, they just love personal freedom very much and try to stop any attempts to restrict it in root. Similar types of men are even ready to give up a good career if she is threatened with this very freedom. A woman, intending to become his companion of life, will have to control their emotions and constantly give to understand the "free bird" that she is ready to let him go at any time on all four sides. Otherwise, he will not make any attempts of restrictions on his actions and will instantly resist further from the most comfortable sockets. However, in marriage with him there is a significant plus, "free birds" almost never seek to the left, because they are well aware of how such relationships can threaten.

In general, a good and durable union can be created with anyone studied by us, the type of men. In fact, as we have already said, what are the men there are no accurate answers. And which man is more suitable for a particular woman, solves only she herself. There are many people in the world. And different types of men do not read. We tried to describe only the most common. Each of these types in something is good, and in something, is not very. And each of them can change in one direction or another. And with which it is better to tell only the heart. After all, love, - she is merciless, and maybe suddenly to anyone. And here you can not do anything ...

Discussion 1.

Related Materials

Every girl dreams of seeing the perfect man who is able to protect, take care, beautifully care, maintain and find a way out of difficult situations. Any girl determines for itself on their own as the qualities of a man would like to see in their partner, because the future of relationship depends on the initial set of qualities - how problems will be solved in relationships, conflicts, how will be free time or what is waiting for a couple in family life. In this review you will find the main characteristics inherent in this man.

Qualities of this man

Male qualities are an internal component of men in which it is possible to determine its nature, the inner world, the level of its development and intelligence:

Own self-development - Personal, spiritual and moral. A real man will not show all his appearance that he is dismantled without any help, even if it is not always true. A real man will really learn to read books, listen to lectures and so on. People involved in self-development differ sharply from those who do not do at all.

Understanding the meaning of life "When dealing with spiritual self-development, with time a man comprehends the deep meaning of man's life.

Generosity to others "This does not mean that the man of the Transzhir is scattered with money. A generous man spends them with the mind, while Bully Wife, children, providing a family and making donations. Also, generosity is manifested in emotional support, when you need to listen to someone and support. Sometimes such support is more important than material.

Elevated life goals - A man without concrete goals is only a person in male guise. Ideally, a person should have a goal for the benefit of society, family and others. In addition to the goals set, you need to have patience and courage in order to achieve them, and the real representative of a strong sex will go to them through obstacles to the path and emerging obstacles.

What is the main thing in a man

The strong floor should not only have the following qualities, but also constantly work on them:

What qualities are women in men

The girl always knows what guy wants to see next to go with him in life. What qualities should a man in her concept:

  • Confidence - Women admire with confident guys, love them, only next to them they feel comfortable and safe. The main thing is not to confuse confidence with subraity, arrogance. It is necessary to be decisive, you should not take a look when communicating with a girl, do not be shy, do not blush.
  • The sense of humor is that the girl does not miss, it is desirable to have some fun jokes, funny jokes.
  • Masculinity - a woman wishes to see a strong man and feel with him weak, protected.
  • Good manners - not swear in the presence of representatives of the weaker sex, serve a hand with a hand when leaving the transport, respecting older people, etc.
  • Responsibility - for their actions, for their relatives, your future. On an irresponsible guy it is difficult to rely on and especially to trust him. And if there is no trust, then a serious mutual relationship will not work.
  • Appearance - Most girls immediately pay close attention to the appearance and style of the opposite sex style. Before the meeting with the girl, it is not necessary to wear a rigorous suit, just need to look elegant and carefully: to turn out things, get shoes, put your hair, because the sludge always pushes. And despite the fun, erudition and readiness, it is difficult to like the lady, without observing the elementary rules of hygiene.
  • Dominacy - for the girl it is important that her young man knew how to stand out from the crowd with character or appearance.
  • The ability to like or enjoy in demand - you need to give to understand the woman that you like other representatives of the opposite sex, but it remains the only one for you. It is impossible to perceive it in a literal sense, going to the view of other women, otherwise you can suffer Fiasco in front of your lady.
  • It is always interesting to be interesting in communication - interesting people always attract to themselves. You need to try to prevent stupid, ridiculous pauses that can put in an awkward position as you and your woman. It should not be incredible nonsense, you need to start self-developing and manifest themselves creatively.
  • Generosity - not a single girl likes the greed of her companion. Of course, no one requires a wasting guy and indulge in every whim of a girl, just sometimes you need to give her flowers, not very expensive gifts, pay for the lady in a club or cafe, etc.
  • Kindness - if the companion sees the good actions of a man in relation to others, it will understand that in relation to it his appeal will be the same flawless. To resist the kindness almost impossible to anyone.
  • But if some personal qualities are not sufficiently developed, then you can take a pick-up courses, which will help to increase the internal potential.

Men's advantages

Planning a meeting or dating for marriage, a woman always reflects on what male votes are endowed with her chosen, attractive and invaluable in living together. And such advantages I would like to see her in her chosen one:

  • Reliability is one of the main men's advantages. The weak floor is often frustrated by trifles, it is upset because of minor trifles, fear of small obstacles. The man is the point of equilibrium in the family. Smoothes the mood swings, emotional outbreaks, does not allow to start because of the simple nonsense, directs thoughts into the right direction. A reliable satellite is always there, when he is needed and even during a quarrel, despite his resentment towards the girlfriend will always come to the rescue. From the first date, such a person takes the initiative to his own hands, but in such things, as a choice between a campaign in a museum or cinema, a cafe or restaurant, allows its companion to make a choice. Leaving on a business trip, warns about departure in advance, the request gives a clear answer - a positive or negative and all promises performs on time.
  • The sense of duty is the concept of though old-fashioned, but still works. Currently, they say that the love of neighbor makes the power of the Great Acts. This is true if the husband loves his wife, he cares about her in any situation. But he is entitled not to love his father-in-law or mother-in-law and has the right not to worry about them, but does it out of a sense of debt before his wife. It can take into his home of her sick parents, take them products and even with a divorce from the sense of the debt inherent, will take care of the well-being of a former woman.
  • Genhams - generous people patronize weak and defenseless. Sometimes it is conflicted with the above it by rank, social status, proving their own strength and won its place, but will never allow such things in relation to weak. Gnuffed men can treat an old grandmother with a cup of tea, translate a person aged across the road, never hit the defenseless animal, a child or a woman.
  • The courage - first of all courageous guys defend their families and never put anyone under the blow. The first to be included in the unlited entrance, in the elevator, and other dangerous places, do not provoke conflicts, but do not surprise from dangers.
  • Love and desire - if a woman does not cause a desire in a man, he will not be able to love her. The stronger his attachment, the stronger the desire to do with his beloved sex, as physical caresses speak of his love.

Qualities of the perfect man

The qualities of the real perfect man are discussed by millennia. Today, the ideal representative of the strong sex is associated with a pumped, high and tanned guy, but the appearance is not important, the internal and spiritual qualities of a person are important.

Each woman has its own list of qualities, which should have an ideal man, but still you can try to create a middle image, the features of which will satisfy the requests of many girls and women:

  • Inner rod - volitional male qualities Women appreciate first. No one of them needs a weak, insecure, misinterpreting satellite. All women wish near a man to feel weak and fragile, not a mom taking care of adult son.
  • Security - the ability to provide both yourself and the family. This quality is always appreciated, just they say less about him, since women are currently earning no worse than men. But the idea that the strong floor should earn more weak sex has not changed.
  • Care - the ladies are valued high, sometimes above the previous qualities.
  • Mind - Women appreciate smart and clever satellites. They need them to be pleasant interlocutors, good storytellers. If the guys do not meet these requirements, it becomes uninteresting with them, and the girlfriend begins to look for a more interesting satellite. There is a type of men with whom it is interesting to be near and without unnecessary words, but it is quite rare.
  • Greywhere - a modern perfect man should have a sense of humor, as it is quite difficult to communicate with a constantly serious companion.
  • Attractiveness is a beautiful smile that pays attention to the first communication or acquaintance, an athletically folded figure, muscle relief, etc.. But if a woman really loves a man, she will not notice his external drawbacks, its internal qualities will be important.

Character character traits

Character features are formed in childhood and the boy from the childhood needs to vaccinate the peculiarities of behavior, thinking, to educate responsibility, masculinity and understanding. They should see on the example of their father that a man is a getter and defender, because children often imitate their parents, not always aware of it. A similar example will play not a small role in the formation of the character of the Son.

Each man has its own character trait that a woman can like. There are also those who possess all the features of the real man. They are immediately noticeable, they love them and want to be with them. If the guy dreams of becoming an ideal man for a woman, then it must match the following features:

  • Be courageous - the girl must be confident in its protected and security.
  • A confident - an indecisive man is difficult to get acquainted and create a family.
  • Active - if the guy can be the soul of the company's gathered, then for the companion he will be the best.
  • Persistent - to be able to all begun to bring to the end.
  • Calm - in any situations it is necessary to be a weathered, calm, not to fall into the panic state and not shouting on a woman.

To become just like this and change something in your life, it is necessary to change yourself, despite the fact that it is hard. You can argue about the qualities of the ideal man before infinity. Only a woman herself can decide how he should be in her representation. The people speak - a loved one and dear person is always an ideal and even admire the flaws that ladies will be extruded and they will die. And in the unloved, even if it is endowed with all the articles listed in the articles of this man, you can find a lot of flaws and inconsistencies. There are practically no ideal and perfect representatives of strong sex. The main quality of the perfect man is the love of his woman.

How many people on earth, so much there are characters. Each person in his own way is unique and unique and necessarily at least something, but will differ from other people. For this reason, it is so difficult to create a simple unified typology of characters, which would help to answer the question of which character in humans may be.

What could be the character?

Character is a set of diverse psychological traits that result from human, living conditions and education. In order to determine the character, it is necessary to describe a person according to such parameters:

  • human attitude towards himself (egoism, self, low self-esteem);
  • human attitude to other (generosity, altruism, sympathy);
  • human attitude to activities (laziness, pedantry, workolism);
  • the presence and power of volitional qualities (volitional man, persistent, weak);
  • attitude to life (optimism, pessimism).

What is the character of men?

To understand male character, consider it according to the above criteria:

  1. Attitude towards me. Men may more often have a high and high self-esteem than women who, by virtue of the historical and social development of society, more often was given a secondary role.
  2. Attitude to others. Men are worse than women understand other people, more often show worn and demanding.
  3. Attitude to activity. Often, men become fanatics of their work or a hobby, in which they express themselves and implement.
  4. Village qualities. Unlike women, men often have a stronger character, so they are better to put goals and achieve them.
  5. Attitude to life. But this parameter is purely individual and does not depend on the floor. Although it can be said that women are more likely to fall into, the cause of which is an unstable hormonal background.

At the moment, the situation in the modern world has developed a situation of acute deficit when observing the different kind of subcultur, the question is asked: a male character - what? And not only women are tormented by them, but also men. There is a crisis of self-identification of the male population. Thus, answering a certain question, we decided to consider different options for the ideal of a man. After all, no matter how cool, and the question of a truly male character takes a thinking person towards the ideal image of a strong sex. So that the article was not too boring, we decided to mix in a steep cocktail of kinheroev, and ordinary people.

Determination of character and its formation

Academic definitions of character are boring and unimproved by an unprepared reader, so we will try to answer the question of the character in their own way and the most simply as possible.

Confucius said: "We sing a thought - I'll get an action, lay the action - you will get a habit, lay the habit - get enough character, lay in character - get enough fate."

Thus, the character is the system of internal identity qualities, which determines the attitude of a person to himself, peace and other people.

As he is formed, psychology, of course, knows, but all this, rather, it seems to be hypotheses. Why this is a person, not the other, is still a mystery. But general contour psychologists can still read. There are two main factors: upbringing and physiological individual features. Based on this, it can be said that a male character is a balanced ratio of favorable external conditions and internal qualities. Example: Parents instill a child habit to set us tasks and achieve goals. It happens on the contrary: a person develops an inner rod to avoid the harmful influence of relatives and escape from under their exposure. In short, it happens in different ways, but when you are more than twenty-five, then it's still a shame on your parents. If there was no one to this age by anyone, then it is a purely problem. This concerns the "Definition of Character" theme.


There are still on earth Russian those who do not trade cellular phones, insurance, sausages, and so on. You can also shorter: there are still those who do not trade. Such men gradually die out, as their habitat disappears. We are talking, of course, about people working specialties. Take for an example of a person who worked at the factory.

The reader will say: is it an ideal, and where is the male character? Dear reader, have patience and imagine the life of a simple worker. He gets up every day, except the weekend, at 6:30 and so for 30 or 60 years (usually come to the plant quite early). Certain courage here is needed in order to live so day after day.

Weak and proletarium as type

The secular lionesses and other girls with a claim are difficult to believe that such a type of man can attract. And nevertheless it is. You can even say that this is strong.

Advantages. In this case, the man conquers women with its simplicity, lack of delights. If the proletarian has no serious personal flaws, it may even refer to the middle class.

The trouble is that a person in any case depresses the routine in the work and the lack of the highest meaning in it.

If the proletarian is a person who is not inclined to bad habits, he will work for the benefit of the family and children. True, for this it is necessary for the woman to be sensitive and understand.

Disadvantages. It should be said here that the severity of physical work implies certain types of recreation that does not promise a person practicing them, nothing good. For example, you can remember the model of life of a colleague on the laundry of such a literary hero as Martin Eden.

Manager - Hero of Our Time

It is difficult to say whether a collective image manager is a male character. But considering that now managers are almost everything, it is probably there. Imagine that the head of the store came to him the original cleaner, and then, thanks to the chain chance, became the director.

Although, probably, in Russian realities it is difficult to imagine such a scenario. By the way, the plot of the film "The Secret of My Success" with Michael Jay Fox is built on the chain of well-organized accidents.

Manager - Envious Bridegroom?

Advantages. If we imagine that there is still such a person in Russia (although it is implausible), then his undoubted strong parties will be that he rose from the lowest and knows the price of money. He all achieved himself. About the imaginary hero of our time can definitely be said that he has a strong character. Almost any life achievement is on the strength of the Spirit. In such cases, people say that a person has a rod.

Negative qualities. It is difficult to say, the manager does not imply any specific professional deformations. It all depends on the person. Rising further on the social staircase.

Middle hand businessman

For example, the owner of a construction company in a provincial city is not necessarily small. In general, in fact, the firm can be any, at least for the production of downathers. The main thing is not that. This type determines the relatively high income and sense of their own significance. He is not used to restrictions on his own desires. If someone asks: Male character is about him? Of course, to organize its own business in Russia, it is necessary to have not only the strength of the Spirit, but also courage.

Does the profession strongly affect the businessman in family life?

It is difficult to say, everything is individually. It all depends on the moral content of each individual personality. The difficulty is that business can be rooted in personality, and maybe just work that a person does well. Therefore, variations are possible. When family is focused, he will be an exemplary husband. If a family is not very interested in him and he entered into an union for the sake of domestic amenities, then such a man will treat his wife as an interior subject. Children in this case will be perceived as something that "should be", but they are usually - widening widespread.

Do not think that this is hell. Some women not only lay down with a similar position of things, but also passionately crave it. They are ready to exchange their freedom not even on household comfort, but for some guarantees social and existential, not knowing that they really are not. No one can promise anything for everything.


Finally, we got to the icon of most modern women. And the disadvantages even look for somehow uncomfortable. Because a millionaire, from the point of view of most women, "Woven from some solid advantages", as the hero of the famous film E. Ryazanov. But our task is analytics, therefore, we distract from these conventions and boldly be thrown into search of shortcomings of rich.

Of course, according to women, he is a strong man. Proof of his power serve just those means that he was able to earn.

In times, when a lot is estimated in money, people are ready to worship the one who was able to tame them.

Millionaire flaws as type

Awkward, but still you have to split this light image.

First, the wife of a millionaire is a thing and a tool, not a man.

Secondly, the woman who came out for a rich man does not belong to himself. It is not free.

Thirdly, complete non-governmental security may not be too pleasant to turn into full collapse and perfect poverty. Millionaires have good lawyers, and therefore thoughtful marriage contracts.

Such is the reverse side of the image called "Strong Man" - model Millionaire.

Superheroes - is it ideal?

Why does Batman or Spiderman cause such delight in women? It is easy to explain. Superheroes are an embodied female dream. On the one hand, Bruce Wayne is a millionaire, and on the other hand, he is not alien to the sense of justice. He is a fighter with crime and Dark Knight Gotam. In a word, a handsome man. By the way, B. Wayne also because he is a dream that he is one of the few humane, philantropic rich people. Even somehow awkward asking: Does he have a character of a man? Sure! Still would! Testosterone just shook.

"Spider" is a much more modest character. He is just a telecom photographer. Not so cool, like Bruce Wayne, but still he is cute.

In both characters, the main thing is that they are heroes. Every woman lives a little girl, and she dreams of a prince. Batman In this sense, a stylish option than the classic son of the king, and the horse is not in fashion now, another thing is Batmobile.

Married to the superhero. Is it possible to present it?

I remember the old anecdote: "The perfect husband is a blind-buggy captain of long-range swimming." True, a fighter with evil is not much different from such a sailor. Therefore, the characters comics have only girlfriends, but there is no wives. And then they would fuse and come out of the form, and would have to retire, and who needs it?

No, the heroes should remain alone. This adds their image of romanticism. In addition, they are always young, sexually active and gentlemen. If "Spider" or Batman is not a gentleman, then he is already a villain. This is so sad with superheroes life - only in goodness always and everywhere. By the way, it does not matter, an evil or kind person (or a hero), but the character of a man does not suffer from this. Guys can be anyhow.

Real and Imaginary Writers

These writers are usually boring and write all the time, in fact, from here and their name. Therefore, they are not interested in talking about them. We will talk better about those writers who are familiar with readers and viewers: about the master from the main novel M. A. Bulgakov and about the writer Buntar Hanke Moody.

The master is the dream of all romantic girls. He is smart, beautiful, talented. This is his best quality character. True, at the same time, he does not have a punchy force, wounded, painful. In other words, the Master is such a generalized ideal is not a man, but a creative person at all. The master in a sense is very feminine image. But girls who are not interested in money, but you want clean and big love, he is very suitable.

It is noteworthy that the master and Margarita could not be together on Earth, but only alone (we were deliberately did not say "in heaven," because it is not entirely clear where the couple is in the final of the novel). And it is quite right. If you continue this love line on Earth, then at best, Margarita and Master would have been all his life with lovers, and in the worst Master would miss the crazy house, and she committed suicide.

If you mentally cut off a couple of couples with wave, then it is as a result. Everything ended well. Everybody died. And those who did not die, they went crazy.

It is known that Hank's prototype was Charles Bukovski. It must be said that Hank is softened and "strongly combed" the image of the "dirty realism". What to do, Hollywood sins weakness to beautiful pictures. In fact, if Bukovski offered a radical choice between alcohol and women, he would stay with the first. The benefit of the reality of this choice did not offer, and he interfered with two substances among themselves in unlimited quantities.

If someone from those who read this will say that there is no, the Hank does not attract us at all, they are deceiving either by us or themselves, because the series ratings do not lie. And it is definitely watching not only men.

Hank Like for women, because the writer offered by the viewer is a brutal image (the character of it, I must say, so so) of the real boy-bad. We will be honest, the bastards always liked women more than good guys. S. Dovlatov wrote in "compromise": "So I'm good, and who I need?" The classic question of all wonderful guys.

Hank hypnotizes women, because it is pure testosterone (even more than Batman). He embodies the long-standing dream of every girl about a bad, but charming romance.

By the way, and if you carry out the parallel between the two imaginary images of writers, then the following will be: if the master was born in our time, he could well turn into Hank. Here is the 21st century worse than the 20th.

Great father as an ideal family man. "A woman can be careless, man - never"

It is clear that all previous film heroes and literary characters would be bad husbands, but not the Gods Father - Don of course, provided that we will dismissed from his professional activities and related specifics.

Michael's father, in some way, the ideal of the head of the family.

  1. Smart Soloman.
  2. Always protects your family.
  3. Not fond of women, alcohol and gambling. In other words, without bad habits.
  4. Despite its leading role in the family, the mother of their children loves her wife.
  5. Very loves (maybe even overly) of their children.

Even on this surface analysis of the image of Don Korleon, it can be seen that positive male character traits prevail. And the phrase from the second part of the movie stogs, when Vito comes with a friend in the theater, where he plays a friend of the latter, and he asks for the future of the godfather: "Vito, however, is she beautiful?" "You may have only my wife and children for you for you."

Whatever woman dreamed of hearing such words in their address? One misfortune: not everyone puts up with the moral appearance of Don Vito. The character and identity of the head of the mafia would be simply smart if he had not drowned his hands in the blood.

Parade ideals

The image created jointly by Marlon Brando, Francis Ford Coppil and crowds our article. The result of her is a bit sad, namely: we came to the fact that we have representatives of certain social groups (proletarian, manager, businessman, millionaire), who only at misunderstanding are considered ideals, for "each of their disadvantages", and kinheroi, only One of which is suitable for marriage.

If we ask ourselves, what qualities a modern man should have, the answer will be ambiguous. The representative of the male floor today is endowed with such features:

  1. Operational.
  2. Beautiful.
  3. Wellkered.
  4. Doing decently.
  5. Loves women.
  6. She strives for solid relationships.
  7. Collectivist according to corporate ethics and individualist in spirit. Ideally, these qualities should somehow merge, forming harmonious unity.
  8. Do not drink much (for a country that consumes 15 liters of alcohol per capita, this is an important parameter).

In principle, any of the types presented here (only real "samples" are meant) can strive for the ideal of a modern man who embodies the best male qualities. Male character, accordingly, from the point of view of current views should be such.

We are all - blacksmiths of their own image

It is clear that a real man can be only with the right, suitable woman nearby. If the girl meets his boyfriend every evening by the stream of endless claims, it is unlikely that it can be expecting that he will be the ideal of the male. Although, perhaps, some such appeal motivates. In other words, in reality, character is different, everyone has his own. But we all forces to become a little better.

The main thing is to understand: anyone is not hopeless (except, perhaps, the addict and the last alcoholic), a skillful master can create a work of art even from a bad material.

So the woman should not wait for her the ideal of a modern man in his hands, but she can always create it from what was, for the princes (as well as perfection), and they lack them all.

The appearance of a man who fell into her hands can be changed, it can be motivated to mining money. Of course, not a frying pan, but an exceptionally caress and good attitude. When a piece of stone falls to the sculptor, he primarily estimates the quality of the material, its prospects. So the woman, looking at the man, should see not what it is, but what he can become. We will not hide the ability of the twist of the true human essence - this is great art, and he needs to learn more than one year.

If we summarize, we wanted not only to tell about the best male qualities, but also to edit and entertain the reader. We do not know whether success has achieved in this matter, but we want to believe that yes. In any case, our classification of character did not have scientific, but nevertheless there were distinctive features of some types of men. And this should be useful to the reader.

Men with green eyes are great owners and jeys, but on the other hand, very hardworking and ambitious. Blue-eyed guys often change occupations, but they are able to roll the mountains for her beloved person. Seruralous representatives of heavy sex pragmatic, they are looking for benefits, including in close relations. Karglase are frivolous and windy, but over time, faithful partners are obtained.

Holders of thick broad eyebrows are usually generous, do not store on gifts. Eyebrows converging on the nose issue a man who really appreciates their mother. Therefore, for harmonious relationships with him, you will need to find a common language and with his parent.

If the eyebrows are narrow, their owner is most likely mild. Do not expect a decisive action from him.

Straight nose usually have leaders and strong personality. Hitra's eagle nose owners and even cruel. These are men, but fairly difficult partners. Cleanner guys - Nature emotional, vane and changeable. A sharp and thin nose is often romantic men. Such a guy will fill your relationship with tenderness, but it will not be easy for him to cope with problems if they arise. Men with the nose of potatoes - merry, soul of the company, frivolous and windy.

Sneakers on the cheeks talk about goodness, with such a man you will not be boring. Too lips give careful, dogmatic, sometimes pessimists and whiters. Too plump lips usually come from soft, infantile personalities for which a woman should be a mother. Lips with well-pronounced corners, medium, indicate strong, volitional men who achieve intended goals.

A well-pronounced chin speaks about the power of will. Men with a square chin are decisive and inconsistent. Pecoming the chin often belongs to cunning and smart people, sharp in the tongue. Inexpressive, beveled chin points to a wicked guy.

Pay attention to gifts. If you are already familiar for two or three months, and your man gives something standard, like candy, champagne or soft toys, it should alert. During this time, the attentive partner must explore the tastes and the habit of the girl. So this man or scattered, or simply relates to you.

If the envelope with money was passed instead of a gift, it could mean a large man's employment or the same great laziness. In any case, he still wanted you pleasure.

Find out what your chosen one struck. Different men often choose certain car brands. Holders of a large car want to seem more significant. Such men strive for the best in life. They always seek to be leaders, in any situation, not only on the road.

Owners of long car - personality, they love to pay attention to themselves. Such a guy should often praise and encourage, in this case you will become an indispensable companion for him.

The owner of a small car subconsciously wants to hide away from people. This man can have numerous hidden complexes. If you also do not really like to attract attention, your pair can be quite harmonious.

POLYESTER.RU - Magazine for girls and women